#‘They are not pets. The disciples take care of them and it teaches them responsibility.’
isaaccadrian · 2 years
Lan Wangji is a High Functioning Sociopath
Lan Qiren knows that he's basically raised a sociopath-on-the-inside-but-perfect-Lan-Sect-disciple-on-the-outside Lan Wangji and he doesn't know where he went wrong but he knows that the first time Lan Wangji lays eyes on Wei Wuxian, LQR becomes WORRIED.
LQR tried his best to raise up his brother's children and he thinks he did right by Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji. They're good children and they are the best examples of Lan disciples, the sect has ever turned out.
If Lan Wangji is a little more quiet than LQR would like, he chalks it up to Lan Sect humility.
But then the Rabbit Incident happens.
See, no one says it out loud but Lan Wangji is the reason why there's a "no pets allowed" rule carved into the side of the mountain.
When Lan Wangji was still six years old, there was no rule about pets so Lan Qiren thought it would teach the boys responsibility to gift them a small bunny rabbit to raise and take care of. Lan Qiren could see how enamored Lan Wangji was with the rabbit.
Gold eyes sparkled and infused with the smallest bit of warmth when Lan Wangji held his new friend. The bunny became more of Lan Wangji's pet than it was Lan Xichen's and Lan Wangji's pet but none of his nephews complained so Lan Qiren allowed the attachment.
But then, one day, Lan Qiren was passing by the disciple dorms and noticed that one of the younger branch member disciples in the fields with Lan Wangji. The small boy was asking LWJ to hold his bunny. LQR watched at LWJ reluctantly allowed the boy to hold his pet.
Later that day, Lan Qiren noticed that Lan Wangji was still in the fields, alone and quietly petting his bunny even though it was quite close to curfew.
"Wangji, it's time to put down your rabbit and go back to your dorms," Lan Qiren said.
"Yes, Shufu," Lan Wangji says placidly. "But first, I must say goodbye to my rabbit."
And it was then that Lan Qiren noticed that the rabbit lying in Lan Wangji's arms was quite dead, its neck twisted at an awkward angle like it had been snapped.
Lan Qiren barely holds onto his composure as he stares in horror as his tiny nephew whispers good bye to his rabbit before dropping it by the base of a tree.
"Wangji," Lan Qiren begins slowly, unable to comprehend how this could have happened. "What did you do?"
"Bunny was mine," Lan Wangji explains evenly. "If Bunny is not meant to be only mine, then Bunny should be destroyed."
"Wangji..." Lan Qiren doesn't know how to even begin to address the wrongness of the situation. "Killing innocents is bad."
Is what he settles on.
He can tell that Lan Wangji doesn't seem to understand his words though because the boy tilts his head thoughtfully.
"Wangji was not killing Bunny," the boy responds. "Wangji was saving him."
And with that, Lan Wangji bows and leaves his uncle to his own disconcerted thoughts.
Lan Qiren doesn't tell anyone about the incident. He buries the rabbit at the base of that tree, tells Lan Xichen that the bunny ran away (Lan Wangji doesn't contradict him), and informs the elder that another rule must be added to the mountain without giving any context.
Besides that one incident, Lan Wangji is nothing but the picture of normality.
He's a good disciple and his cultivation is strong.
But Lan Qiren knows the monster he has inadvertently raised. Nothing as overt as the Rabbit Incident happens again but LQR keeps watch of LWJ.
And when he sees Lan Wangji looking at bright and exhuberant Wei Wuxian with the same enamored look that he gave Bunny those many years ago, Lan Qiren becomes WORRIED.
Not for Lan Wangji, but for WWX.
The Jiang Sect disciple doesn't know what sort of demon he has attracted.
The worst part is Lan Qiren doesn't know what to expect from Lan Wangji's infatuation. He can see how much his nephew comes alive when he sees Wei Wuxian, how his eyes track the guest disciple's every movement with hungry longing.
Lan Qiren vows to keep a close watch on both boys and prays silently in his heart that this sect exchange will go without incident.
The moment he hears that Wei Wuxian was caught sneaking alcohol into the Cloud Recesses, is the moment he knows that his prayers have gone unanswered.
Like clockwork, Lan Wangji comes into his office and demands to oversee the boy's punishment.
Normally, Lan Qiren would praise his nephew for his moral uprightness but he can see that Lan Wangji has ulterior motives. In fact, he's 100 percent sure that he orchestrated Wei Wuxian into breaking the rules just so he could trap the boy and himself in a confined space for days on end.
Lan Qiren is mightily concerned on what damage Lan Wangji can do to Wei Wuxian in those couple of days and insists on overseeing the boy's punishment himself.
He can see that this does not sit well with Lan Wangji, his nephew's fists curling and his lips thinning.
"If that is what Shufu wishes," Lan Wangji answers in that same expressionless tone that he once answered Lan Qiren when he had killed his bunny.
Lan Qiren wakes up in the infirmary unit. The healers tell him that he has been unconscious for a few days now.
Poison, they tell him. From a rare herb found in the back woods of Gusu Lan's forest. One of the foragers they rely on for the medicinal herbs they use in their food must have accidentally mixed it up in his morning meal.
Luckily it wasn't a lethal dose.
Lan Qiren is quick to inquire about his nephew's whereabouts, particularly Lan Wangji's. The healers all smile at the man's concern for his precious nephews but no, that's not the reason why Lan Qiren is desperate to find out what they are up to.
To his horror, he finds that Lan Wangji has been spending the past few days with Wei Wuxian in the Library Pavilion, overseeing the boy's punishment of copying lines from the Sect Rules.
The moment he is able to pry himself away from the infirmary, Lan Qiren breaks into a (dignified!) sprint toward the Library Pavilion.
Two young disciples stare back at him. Lan Qiren scans over Wei Wuxian and to his relief, the Jiang Sect boy looks no worse for wear. Meanwhile, Lan Wangji stands up and greets his uncle with a polite bow.
"Shufu," Lan Wangji says, "Wangji is glad that Shufu has recovered from his bout of poisoning. The healers assured me that it was mild and that you would recover quickly. Wangji was worried."
The audacity! Lan Qiren wants to pull Wangji out right now and scold him for actually daring to poison his own uncle but he knows that nothing he will say will deter Wangji. If he had a stronger spine, he would have confessed to the elders about Wangji's misdeeds.
But like the incident years ago, Lan Qiren chooses to keep his mouth shut. Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji are the only family he has left from his brother who is near catatonic in his seclusion. Try as he might, he loves his sociopathic nephew more than he loves this sect.
Instead, he turns to Wei Wuxian and asks, "Has Wangji been treating you well?"
"Lan Zhan has been boring me to tears with these sect rules, Teacher Lan," Wei Wuxian sighs dramatically. "Do I really have to copy ALL 3000 rules? Why does Gusu Lan have so many rules in the first place?"
To restrain the monster sitting right in front of you, Lan Qiren doesn't say. The longer he looks at Wei Wuxian, the more he's assured that his nephew hasn't done anything too out of the ordinary to the Jiang boy.
"Once you are done copying the rules, your punishment will be complete," Lan Qiren nods before exiting the Library Pavilion. He doesn't fail to notice Lan Wangji's narrowed eyes.
Likely the boy is already scheming the next excuse to get Wei Wuxian and him alone together. Lan Qiren resolves to be extremely careful from now on. He refuses to be bested by his crafty nephew and he needs to keep Wei Wuxian safe from the boy's clutches.
Unfortunately, it isn't easy. The sunny boy seems to have a penchant for getting into trouble with or without LWJ's help.
Lan Qiren is quick to assign punishments, a couple of hours of handstands or running errands for the kitchens to retrieve items. Nothing that will put him in Lan Wangji's way.
The Jin Zixuan incident is the first time, Lan Qiren can't tell what Lan Wangji's angle is. Wei Wuxian lashes out so badly at the Jin Sect Heir that Jiang Fengmian is called and WWX is to be sent home.
Lan Qiren is sure that Lan Wangji engineered this too, possibly in an effort to assign an even longer and harsher punishment to WWX and somehow manipulating it so that LWJ is in charge of it.
But judging by the look of horror on his nephew's face as WWX packs his bags to leave, he knows that his nephew has severely miscalculated.
Lan Wangji is distraught as he watches WWX board the boat back to Lotus Pier and he stands at the port for a long time, gold eyes pining.
Cloud Recesses becomes relatively more peaceful after that, to Lan Qiren's relief. Even Lan Wangji is uncharacteristically quiet, only appearing during lessons and mealtimes but otherwise holing himself in his Jingshi.
Lan Qiren knows he should probably be worried but Wei Wuxian is far away from Lan Wangji and safe in his home so there should be no further incidents in the future.
And then the Wen Sect is demanding their own guest disciple indoctrination meeting.
Their sect has already been made an example of at this point and Lan Wangji has been crippled but Lan Qiren can see his nephew's eyes sparking with hungry intent because they both know who will be sent from the Jiang Sect.
When Lan Qiren receives word that Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian are trapped in the Xuanwu Cave together, he cannot say he is surprised. In fact, he has zero doubt that Lan Wangji didn't manipulate the situation in some way so that both of them would stay behind. He knows his nephew and he knows what his nephew is capable of when he puts his mind to it.
Lan Wangji has never met a brighter boy who shines like the sun and whose very presence could light up his entire existence. Wei Wuxian was everything Lan Wangji was not and everything that drew him in. Lan Wangji was helpless to such a thrall and he knew in his heart that Wei Wuxian was meant to be his.
The problem was, no one else seemed to think the same. His uncle thought that he could separate them. Lan Wangji wasn't stupid. He knew how his uncle saw him.
He knew what fear he inspired in his own flesh and blood but then, his uncle should have known not to get in his way.
It was more than easy to whisper in all the right ears. To have the attendants for the guest disciples casually mention where the best alcohol was to WWX. To ACCIDENTALLY slip a poisonous herb into his uncle's morning tea. To prod at Jin Zixuan's insecurities about his plain fiancee.
That last one was a miscalculation on his part. All he had wanted was for Wei Wuxian to stand up for his beloved shijie.
He wasn't expecting his upright, beautiful shining beloved to actually come to blows over it. He both misjudged and envied the fervor of that devotion WWX showed his family.
His heart had raced in his chest as he watched WWX defend his own with fists and righteous fury.
He wished to be one day on the receiving end of WWX's devotion and love, to be the person who would one day be protected by WWX's adoration. And then Lan Wangji would know the true meaning of love.
But it was not to be.
WWX was taken away from him but his family and LWJ was left alone again.
For days he had nearly torn himself bloody and raw trying to figure out where he went wrong. For days, he wracked his brain to find a way back into WWX's presence, his beautiful precious light.
He saw the war coming to his doorstep. He saw the Wen Sect's greed and their need to conquer every corner of the cultivation world. He saw it as clear as day because he recognized the same greed in himself.
He knew what would happen when he tore the wards down from one unnoticeable section of the forest. He knew exactly what he was bringing upon his own natal sect, his home.
But he also knew exactly what would happen after.
How the Wen Sect would be eager to indoctrinate all of the sect heirs and first disciples into their ways.
From there, it was easy to create the opportunity to trap WWX and himself into the Xuanwu Cave. And finally, after months of plotting, they were blessedly alone together.
As they should be.
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lilnasxvevo · 2 years
How I imagine this conversation went every single time in the past ~16 years:
Someone learning about the rabbits: I thought pets weren’t allowed in the Cloud Recesses?
Lan Wangji: They are not pets.
Same someone: Then what are they????
Lan Wangji: *glares*
Same someone: Ah. They’re not pets, what else do I need to know? Aha please don’t hurt me
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
What do you think about a yandere cult? Like, a cult meant to worship the yandere and the darling is a gift to their leader. 👀
tw - dehumanization, victim-blaming, kidnapping, physical abuse, implied non-con.
A cult that revolves around the preachings of one specific leader, of one specific prophet. Their word is to be taken as law, every lie (however blatant) as the truth, and no one is to touch their Darling, however tempting it seems. They’re a deity, after all, a god among men. And what would a god be without their very own sacrifice? 
Your existence is treated like an open secret, your humanity like a burden their disciples have to carry together. Everyone knew what they were doing when they brought you into their home, into their haven, restraining your hands and dressing you up in something untouched by the evils of the outside world and laying you at the feet of their leader. No one really knew what would happen. Some thought you’d be killed, other thought you’d be indoctrinated, the louder members of their family saying that they’d be bathing in your blood by the end of the week, but everyone was silently taken aback when you were treated more as a valued pet than a sinful, vile outsider that needs to be burnt clean of its sins before it can be accepted. But, you’re still tolerated. You’re still housed and fed and cared for, if only because you make their precious, precious leader so happy. They haven’t been this passionate in years, and even their older followers have never seen them this intense, this focused, this aggressive in furthering their message. This violent in their more physical teachings, when they don’t take as kindly to their new pupils as they did to you. 
Your suffering is an open secret, too. Your immediate caretakers, the small group directly responsible for your maintenance, can testify first-hand to your unhappiness, from the bruises on your wrists and hips to just how desperate you are to escape, pleading and bargaining and begging no matter how many times they explain why they can’t help you. Everyone knows it should be wrong, on paper, but... it’s not like your lover wants to treat you poorly. It’s not their fault you squirm whenever they try to pull you into their lap, and they can’t be blamed for worrying because you refuse to take your meals willingly. If you weren’t so hostile, your restraints wouldn’t have to be so tight, and if you just stopped struggling when they tried to show their affection, they wouldn’t have to call their devotees to hold you down. If you get hurt, you only have yourself to blame. If you reject someone so holy, maybe you deserve to be knocked down a peg. 
Maybe it’s not so bad that, while everyone’s aware of your torment, only a select few seem to truly, genuinely pity you. Maybe it’s not so bad that a few of the more easily-influenced members have been ‘inspired’ by the love between you and their leader. 
Hopefully, you’ll see the light soon enough. They’ll need your help to guide the new lambs that are going to join their flock very, very soon.
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ibijau · 4 years
I just realized this about your daemon AU but...if the daemon is attached to the golden core, does that mean that JC's daemon post-transfer is a bird like WWX's? For extra knives, JC wondering why his daemon changed to the standards of his parents' now of all times, now that it doesn't matter so much, and him realizing the horrible truth 13 years later
jc’s daemon stays the same, but other things have changed because yep, wwx’s daemon is linked to him too now...
There was a pile of papers on Jiang Cheng's desk which refused to get any lower. Cries for help, bills, a staggering number of marriage offers, a less surprising quantity of veiled threats against his weakened sect, and a bunch of other bullshit that Jiang Cheng disliked having to deal with. It shouldn’t even have been his to deal with. If his sect were properly run, then his first disciple would be handling most of that correspondence, leaving him to deal only with important messages and with training the disciples, like his parents used to do.
Wei Wuxian used to be the first disciple of Yunmeng Jiang back then, just as he was now. But while he had respected Jiang Fengmian enough to actually do the tasks asked of him, he mostly ignored Jiang Cheng’s orders and fucked off to get drunk all day long, as if judging that his contribution in the Sunshot Campaign meant he never had to help anyone ever again. At least, so Fengyu and Jiang Cheng thought, when they talked about it late at night, bitter and lonely.
Inspecting a letter, Jiang Cheng nonchalantly dropped his free hand to pet Fengyu, as he often did when he was upset. He wasn’t particularly paying attention to her, just needing the reminder that he was fully alone to deal with this, even if Wei Wuxian had all but abandoned him. Of course he had his sister, and he had his disciples who were all fiercely loyal in spite of being recent recruits, but it wasn’t the same. Jiang Yanli couldn’t help with anything relating to martial art, even if she helped run other aspects of the sect, and the disciples didn’t know about Yunmeng Jiang’s traditions, unlike Wei Wuxian who should have been teaching them, or giving Jiang Cheng the time to teach them.
Feeling his anger rise higher, Jiang Cheng started scratching Fengyu’s back, only for it to feel off. The sensation was all wrong, nothing at all like the usual coarseness of her black fur. It felt more like…
Jiang Cheng froze, terrified to move his hand or to let himself finish that thought. He did not dare look down at the daemon laying down on a little seat next to his.
He didn’t have to look, because right then Wei Wuxian returned, Fengyu trailing behind him. It was something she did sometimes. Someone had to look after him, she’d say, and Pashou simply wasn’t the same since the Sunshot Campaign, always falling asleep somewhere. It was a disgrace really, just as annoying as Wei Wuxian’s new habit of going around without a sword.
Jiang Cheng didn’t remember Fengyu saying she would be doing this that day, but he wouldn’t have stopped her anyway. Someone really did need to take care of Wei Wuxian.
Only, if it hadn’t been Fengyu next to him all afternoon, then…
“Did you even move from that desk today?” Wei Wuxian teased as he came closer, swaying on his feet, a sure sign that he’d drank far too much again. “Jiang Cheng, don’t you have disciples to train?”
“Whose fault is it if I can’t train them?” Jiang Cheng snapped, loud enough that it startled the daemon next to him.
Pashou’s head rose, blinking sleepily and looking around. She seemed almost surprised to find herself in Jiang Cheng’s office, and looked up at him as if he might explain to her what she was doing there.
“Look at your daemon!” Jiang Cheng snarled, while he absolutely refused to meet Pashou’s eyes. “How much have you had to drink for her to be in that state?”
“Not much,” Wei Wuxian protested.
“A lot,” Fengyu muttered at the same time, trotting toward Jiang Cheng.
Fengyu headbutted Pashou to make her leave her seat, but poor Pashou was in such a daze that she started falling to the side. Jiang Cheng moved to grab her, only barely stopping himself from actually touching her. Pashou fell to the floor with a dull thud, while Fengyu shot Jiang Cheng a puzzled look.
Jiang Cheng straightened his back and ignored both daemons, bringing his attention back to Wei Wuxian who was so drunk it didn’t seem to shock him that Jiang Cheng had nearly touched his daemon, something even a baby wouldn’t have done.
He was so drunk he probably hadn’t even felt that all afternoon, Jiang Cheng had been petting Pashou as if she were his.
It made no sense.
Wei Wuxian had the excuse of wine, but Jiang Cheng didn’t. He should have noticed at the first brush of his fingers against black feathers. It wasn’t just that petting a dog and a bird should have felt different, it was the fact that he should have been shocked at the contact with someone else’s soul.
Jiang Cheng wondered, not for the first time, how much Baoshan Sanren had changed him when she had given him a new golden core, how inhuman she had made him that day.
And he had to be less human than he used to be. Only a monster could touch someone else’s daemon and feel nothing.
“You’re a disgrace,” Jiang Cheng exclaimed, unsure if he meant Pashou, Wei Wuxian, or himself. “How long are you going to continue shaming our sect this way?”
Somewhere on the floor, Pashou muttered a weak ‘sorry’, while Wei Wuxian came closer and picked her up with a laugh, as if none of this mattered to him.
“She’s just a little tired,” Wei Wuxian claimed, struggling to hold her, as if her weight were almost too much for him. “Jiang Cheng, don’t be so grumpy. Drop your work and let’s go have wine by the lake.”
“Some of us have responsibilities,” Jiang Cheng retorted, glaring at his first disciple, annoyed that for some reason, it felt wrong to see Wei Wuxian holding Pashou like this. Refusing to dwell on this, Jiang Cheng looked for something else to focus on. He easily found it. “Where’s your sword?”
Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes and tried to ignore the question, which only encouraged Jiang Cheng to insist until they fell into a full blown argument. He only stopped shouting at Wei Wuxian when Jiang Yanli, alerted by the noise, came to reconcile them as she always did, offering affection and soup for both of them.
It usually worked, because in spite of his temper Jiang Cheng desperately wanted to be happy with his sister and Wei Wuxian. That night though, the soup tasted of nothing. And every time his eyes fell again on Pashou, Jiang Cheng was reminded that for all that he criticised Wei Wuxian’s behaviour since the end of the war, he too had returned changed.
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Can you write something about LWJ's rabbits? :)
Hmm, this got a bit longer (and angstier) than I imagined… but here you go!
There areonly two rabbits, in the beginning – a joke gift from a bright youth who makes LanWangji’s heart tremble with feelings he doesn’t understand. Uncle Qiren doesn’twant them around, orders them thrown away, and Lan Wangji can’t find a reasonto refuse – not one he’ll be able to explain, anyways. It’s only his brother’sgentle smile, an innocent, ‘I’m sure a rabbit or two won’t harm the atmospherein Cloud Recesses – it will help teach our disciples responsibility, no?’ thatsaves them, and even that mercy is given with a disapproving huff. His brother’sconspiratory wink only serves to confuse him more then, when he isn’t yet awareof what he’s feeling.
When the QishanWenSect burns the Cloud Recesses down, Lan Wangji mourns a lot of things –childhood memories, his mother’s hut, the books at the Library Pavilion – but thetwo rabbits are never amongst them. Uncle Qiren calls him over when they startrepairing, a motion of his sleeves unleashing the two rabbits hiding in them.They bounce up to Lan Wangji, munching at his robes, and he crouches down,mindful of the ashes and dirt, and strokes their soft fur. He can’t help butfeel like this is one of the last times he will know peace for a long time, andso his touch is gentle even with Uncle’s half-disapproving stare on him.
After theSiege of the Burial Mounds, Lan Wangji doesn’t care for anything, neither thepassage of time nor the changing world. There are few things that tether him tothis mortal plane at all – one of them is Wei Ying’s child, rosy-cheeked andshy, swathed in white when he suits black and red more, and the other is thepair of rabbits he received as a joke, so many years ago. He sees his brother’sworried looks, hears his words, but doesn’t respond at all until there’s asmall white ball of fluff being pressed into his hands. He lifts his eyes,faced with his brother’s fragile smile and Lan Yuan’s bright eyes.
“HanGuangJun, look! One of the rabbits had babies!” Lan Yuan says with wonder in hisvoice, and Lan Wangji’s heart goes even colder than it’s been these past years.He doesn’t even realize he’s moved until Lan Xichen’s hands grasp his shoulderscomfortingly.
“It’s fine,Wangji – no one’s replaced your rabbits. They’re still here, both of them.Here, see?” Two rabbits are deposited in his lap, one black and one white, justlike that time so many years ago. His brother continues, “I thought you mightwant a bit more company, so I brought a few more from the outside, and one ofthem gave birth today. I’m sorry if it startled you.”
It takes amoment for Lan Wangji to calm down, and then he says, “…You brought me rabbits.”His brother’s expression becomes pained. Even though he tries to hide it.
“You’vealways liked those rabbits.”
Lan Yuan,who’s petting the little baby rabbit, has no qualms about telling it as it is: “HanGuangJun is sad! And ZeWu Jun said rabbits make you happy. Are you happy?”
His brotherlowers his eyes, because they both know the answer to that. Lan Wangji doesn’twant to lie to Lan Yuan, so he reaches up to smooth down his hair instead.
Lan Yuanpouts, evidently not fooled, and moves all the rabbits so that they’re in LanWangji’s lap. Lan Wangji stares unblinkingly as Lan Yuan squints up at him andthen huffs. “Not enough rabbits!” He declares, and shoots out of the room. LanXichen is left blinking after the boy, and Lan Wangji strokes the baby rabbit’sfeather soft fur.
“Should Istop him?” His brother wonders. “I’m afraid he’ll bring every rabbit he sees inyour rooms if I don’t.”
“Don’t.”Lan Wangji says, even as his brother jumps in surprise – it’s the first time he’sspoken this year.
Lan Xichen’ssmile is much too sad when he nods, “Okay, I won’t.” Then Lan Yuan stumbles in,pudgy arms full of tiny rabbits in all variants of black and white, and LanWangji focuses on breathing and nothing else.
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othercat2 · 6 years
WIP snips!
(they flow from form to form)
“So, you kids made up?”
“Yeah,” Karkat says, just as quietly. “Terezi, c’mon, wake up.”  
“No one tells a dragon to awaken,” Terezi says, voice muffled as she snuggles. “‘S Saturday anyway.”
“You’re not a dragon and it’s Tuesday, c’mon. There’s pancakes and bacon.”
Terezi stirs, and finally lets him go. “Good, bring me some,” she says, and rolls over.
“Haha, no,” Karkat says.
Build a Life from Scratch
“Disciple?” one of the Demonesses leaning against Highblood asks.
“Dirtblood heretic of a false--” Highblood mutters, glaring at you, for lack of anyone else to glare at. The Demoness in his lap reaches up and smacks his cheek Her hand lingers, stroking where she smacked him.
“Shhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooosh,” she says, a humming vibration that manages to somehow send shivers down your spine.
“Stop that,” Highblood mutters.
“No,” the Demoness in his lap says. “Rub my neck.”
“I’mma break your neck,” Highblood says, but does what he’s told.
“Disciple?” The Demoness prompts, pouring another drink. This one she hands off to you.
“Catskin’s in one piece, and decided to leave me in peace instead of pieces,” you say, and take the cup. The contents are definitely alcoholic with notes of honey. You take a sip.
“Mead,” Demoness says.  
“Don’t drink it, shit’ll make you crazy,” Highblood says.
“It’s not mind honey,” Demoness says back. “Just honey.”
jam fic I wasn’t able to sufficiently make grotty or nsfw enough, tentatively titled (glaciers melting in the dead of night)
Posting the whole thing since it’s super rough
(Warning for mild dub con, body horror and some really gross biotech + depression/suicidal ideation +HIC being kind of Captain Bad Touch.)
So, disintegrating "I failed" Dirk from Game Over doesn't die or actually disintegrate, that would be too easy. Instead he gets pulled between multiverses and goes through a hole punched into reality by the Psiioniic who is going through a "rough patch" of space. (Because weird shit and I half stole this concept from roachpatrol.)
So he's in real, actual space and you cannot actually breath in real actual space even if you're a god. Dirk might have ended up a seagull slamming into the ports of HIC's flagship but HIC is curious enough she has Psiioniic pull him on board before he can like, die.
This particular iteration of HIC is curious about the strange creature that appeared and has him sent to the infirmary so they can figure out this new alien psiioniic. Dirk is unconscious and doesn't have much say in the situation. When he wakes up he still doesn't have much say in the situation, but it too depressed to care or even pull out the various tubes and IV-equivalents.
In a bid to commit suicide.
After a week of Dirk being semi-catatonic, HIC decides to check on Dirk herself.
This...doesn't go well. Dirk rouses out of his stupor and promptly attacks HIC. HIC defends herself, but does not actually want to kill her new pet so she has Psiioniic restrain him. Dirk tries to pull the soul stealing thing, and gets his ass knocked out and then drugged.
HIC is advised to put the psiioniic down, it's obviously some kind of assassin/trick/what have you. HIC does not agree. She also makes a habit of repurposing weapons used against her. As you do.
She has Dirk moved to her quarters, which actually take up a sizable chunk of the ships space. She takes care of him more or less by herself, with some assistance from Psii. Dirk is either non-responsive or tries to attack her, and she doesn't know why because she a) does not speak English b) Dirk doesn't do a lot of talking while he's attacking.
So, Operation Strange Alien Taming begins.
So, Dirk has been pretty much hunger striking since he woke up. He is not aware at first this is a different reality/universe's HIC, though the fact that this universe has trolls should have clued him in. He can understand what she's saying ("sugar grub, you don't want to have that tube worm made permanent do you? C'mon sprat, point at the picture and tell me what it is...") But she can't understand him, so he has that.
So he has a food tube and something like an IV for hydration.  There is also a catheter involved. He has made a few attempts to remove one or the other of the tubes, which are literally some variety of bioengineered worms because why not include some body horror.  Dirk basically ends up restrained because he keeps trying to pull them. Imagine a big gel filled bean bag chair that's too big to be moved or shifted and is possibly also alive. The restraints are bright fuchsia straps over his legs, arms and chest and hips.  The gell filled possibly also alive bean bag shifts and moves every so often, so he doesn't get bedsores or something.
HIC does not get bored or very annoyed in the face of Dirk's obstinance. She's very interested in the way he pretty much seems to understand her, and even recognize her. (In a weirdly personal way. Like she was something personal to him, part of a revenge cycle or something, which pointed in the direction of him being and assassin of some kind, but there's no species matching his description in the databanks yet, so what the hell?)
Dirk is kind of confused. And also angry. But mostly confused. He would have expected offhand culling or maybe torture, not this weird persistent demi-kindness.
He is also aware that there are other trolls here? He comes up with random theories he could probably solve by asking questions but he doesn't bother asking questions. Because he is also depressed.
He is more depressed than goddamn Shinji and there is no one to tell him to get in the mech.  He is more depressed (but less of an asshole) that Thomas Covenant. He is more depressed that someone walking through the Doldrums.
He thinks he might actually be in a dream bubble somehow.
Dirk talks, eventually. Staying quiet when you have oh, a decade or so brave speeches for when Confronting Fish Hitler At Last is pretty much impossible. And maybe he also wants to push, to figure out what the fuck is actually going on, because he's finally figured out HIC, this HIC doesn't speak English, and is apparently trying to teach him Alternian.
So there's a point where he declares that she won't wear him down with this. He'll defy her to the end in the name of the millions she drowned and tortured and in the name of his ancestor who defied her to his last breath and so on and so forth. It's a really good speech and doesn't sound at all like something he practiced in front of a mirror when he was oh, twelve or so.
HIC listens to  the Brave Speech, spoken in more or less good Alternian and is completely dumbfounded. "Guppy, water you e-fin talking a-boat?" she asks. "I've never met your species or been to your planet." On the other hand, he knows Alternian, and definitely has some kind of beef with her, so she's a little confused, and even more curious.
Dirk...is pretty sure that's genuine confusion in her voice. He's also pretty sure that HIC would have no reason to play at being confused, or like she didn't know who he was. He's pretty sure she doesn't actually know him at all, which makes him think in terms of  again, dream bubble, and she's dead-dreaming much earlier in her career.
The question is, does he want to remind her she's dead? The answer is: no, probably not. (Dirk also goes on a slight tangent on whether or not he's still alive, and kind of distracts himself and falls silent, pretty much ignoring HIC.)
HIC, who is actually alive, and likely to stay that way trying to think her way through various possibilities. "Maybe it's like that story where there's a time traveler trying to kill some fish before he can make a military mistake or some-fin."
"If so, who ever it was had lousy aim," Psii says.
"Whale, see if any explorers have found a planet with mammalian trolloid lifeforms."
(They haven't.)
What she's going to do once she finds the planet, she's not sure. Maybe keep them from developing time travel technology because she can't really sea that going whale. (Especially if you get dumped out in the middle of space.) Maybe this grub popping up is what directs her to find the planet.
She brings this up with the alien, who gives her the strangest look. He doesn't say anything, and she can tell he doesn't want to. "Whale, how about you introduce yourself, since you're talkin now?" She asks, and pets his hair. The alien turns his face away and doesn't answer. "Rude," HIC says. "I'm--"
"Your Imperious Condescension," Dirk says.
"Whale yeah, boat I like you," HIC says, still petting Dirk's hair. "And you're a pitiful little ship, so you can call me by my hatch name, with is Meenah Peixes, when it's just us."
Dirk starts into his "you won't break me" speech. Meenah is not actually impressed. Amused and a little baffled, maybe, but not impressed. She covers his mouth with one hand, and shooshes him. "You're all ready a broke up wreck, sugar grub, either trying to krill me or yourself, maybe both I don't even fucking know, I'mma more curious about how to put you together."
Dirk starts into his "you won't break me" speech. Meenah is not actually impressed. Amused and a little baffled, maybe, but not impressed. She covers his mouth with one hand, and shooshes him. "You're all ready a broke up wreck, sugar grub, either trying to krill me or yourself, maybe both I don't even fucking know, I'mma more curious about how to put you together."
This is where Dirk gets scared. She has, as far as he can tell, called his bluff. (He did not in fact have a bluff.) He also gets an inkling now that this is not an HIC he knows. This is not Betty Crocker, but she no less dangerous, and he has no fucking clue about what to do. Nothing is going according to script. He just kind of stares up at her.
Meenah can see that he's scared. Which would make sense if he's some kind of rebel of a planet she hasn't found yet, whose gone back in time to defeat her. ("'Tuna, why is my life suddenly a really bad sf movie?" she asks. "It was bound to happen sooner or later, Empress.") "You're already talking to me, sprat, you might has well tell me your name, before I make one up."
Dirk does not want to be called "Fluffy" or the Alternian equivalent. This is a feel that emerges from the bleak gray sea he's been floating in. "Dirk Strider," he says. Meenah pretends a shocked gasp. "The notorious rebel, Dirk Strider who I never even fucking heard of," she says. "What an honor! Except not, because you were mostly a flitterbug on Tuna's windshield."
She tries to get him to talk some more, but Dirk is not a great conversationalist at this point. She eventually heads off to do Empress Things, but leaves Dirk with an entertainment unit and a remote control. ("Tuna see how well he can read the menus and shit." )
Dirk does end up watching movies! Someone of the medical persuasion comes in to check on him. Dirk does not actually try to fight them. He's offered food, which he refuses. Medical person sighs fills up the UV worm, the food tube worm, and cleans up the colostomy bag worm. (Dirk is both grossed out and fascinated by the biotech.)
Meenah works up a steady campaign of bringing food, little snack foods and drinks with her when she visits Dirk. She asks him questions related to the time travel theory she has concerning his presence. (Dirk lies a lot. Meenah is pretty sure he's lying. Sometimes he tells the truth and she's still pretty sure he's lying.)
HIC typically offers food or drink, then tries to get Dirk to talk. Sometimes she can get him to eat. Occasionally Psii comments. "This is weirdly pale Your Imperious Condescension."
"Sometimes a beach is just weirdly pale, 'Tuna," Meenah says. She pets Dirk's hair, which is starting to grow out. She also strokes his cheek, which makes him shiver. "Lying around all day ain't good for you. Want to get up and move around?"
Dirk has not idea what to do about this, or about this weirdly honest sounding question. "If you're going to bribe me into betraying my family, why don't you do it with questionable sugar coated rosewater candies?"
"Wouldn't know where to get that. Want a deep fried water beetle?" Meenah pops one in her mouth and chews. "So, family, you're ancestor who I don't know but apparently cacked and...?"
Dirk talks a little about his Bro, but he's hesitant. Part of him really does think talking about Bro is a betrayal, like he's giving away details. He's pretty sure by now he can't do that, that he's somehow in a completely different universe, but it's still in the back of his head despite jokes about betrayal. "Your ancestor and his--moirail I'd guess--sound like they'd be bitchtits opponents," Meenah says. She finishes off her deepfried water beetle and offers him one. "Haven't found your world yet, but I guess we can find out?"
The idea of HIC going to Earth, invading Earth even an alternate Earth to find out what kind of opponent his Bro was makes Dirk's stomach flip. It cracks whatever reserve he's been able to maintain. (Not much of one.) "Please no," he says, even though he knows on a certain level it should be (hopefully) impossible. Alternia's universe created the Beta universe, after all.
"Sugargrub, from my end, I got attacked first," Meenah points out reasonably. "A beach has to snap back or no one'll respect her." The look of sheer horror on Dirk's face is at once hilarious as fuck and pitiful as all hell. Meenah almost laughs, but it looks like Dirk might throw up, which wouldn't be funny at all. "Aw, sprat, no," she says and goes for the nearest trash receptical.
She almost doesn't catch it in time. Also, the position is pretty awkward given how he's strapped down. The poor grub turns almost gray-white and heaves up a bunch of bile and nutrient solution. "Shoosh, Dirk," she says. "Fuck, you're a wreck, I'm almost sorry for doing that, you don't blink at half the shit I say sprat. Is that actually what happens?"
"No," Dirk gasps, voice hoarse and raw. "No." And in a voice like he doesn't even know that he's saying, it. "I don't want anything else to be my fault.
Meenah spends some time shooshing Dirk though most of what she's doing either only works for trolls or would only work for humans who are not Dirk. She does eventually get him settled down, making no promises of course that she won't conquer his planet if she happens to find it. "I had a little surprise planned for you on the recreation deck, maybe let you exercise some, but you look like carp, so maybe not," she says. "I have something that might calm you down though" She pushes a needle into the UV worm and presses a plunger.
"It's drugs," Dirk says.
"Just something to keep you calm," Meenah says. "We can go another day."
Dirk tries hard not to have his interest piqued. He's not all that successful. He's been watching the entertainment screen, mostly and he's at the point where he'd be wanting to build something, or take it apart and put it back together. "Really?"
"You'd be restrained because I don't trust you not to attack me or run around like an untrained barkbeast, but yeah."
"It's a dog park isn't. You were going to take me to a dog park," Dirk says. Meenah stays with him till he goes to sleep, feeling weirdly hopeful at the prospect of being able to walk around, even if hobbled. It's another couple of days, but Meenah makes good on her offer of an outing. She dresses him in a black uniform with orange trim. He tries to dress himself, but she smacks his hands. she cuffs his hands and ankles, and links them with a chain. The final item is a choke chain collar and a fuchsia leash. She grins like a shark as she puts the collar around his neck. "If you're good, I won't have to hobble you in the future," she says.
"I notice you don't say 'won't put me on a leash'," Dirk says.
"Whale, parading rebels around on leashes is just how it's done."
So, Dirk gets walked. Meenah occasionally stops to talk with courtiers. Courtiers stare at him and delicately question the uniform, which turns out to be a standard dress Threshecutioner uniform. Meenah does not answer questions about the uniform or about why an alien that tried to kill her is wearing a Threshecutioner uniform.
The entertainment deck has restaurants, theaters, gyms, pools and a large parklike area. Meenah walks through the park, eventually finding who she's looking for: Her Chief Threshy. Said Chief Threshy takes one look at Dirk as asks in a pained voice, "Empress, why is an alien assassin wearing a Threshecutioner uniform with tabs for my goddamn flaysquad?"
Dirk stares back and tries not to react. The troll is not especially tall, but he's broad, with short hair that just barely long enough to curl, and short rounded horns. The uniform's trim is bright red, and so are the troll's eyes. He's pretty sure he's seen this troll before.
"I ain't so shore he's an alien assassin Carpkat," Meenah says. "Water you got for me?" She asks.
What he has is a picnic lunch. A cold roast bird, fried beetles, a tray full of rolls of meat and cubes of cheeses and something that might be potato salad if it wasn't blue. There's also bottles of some kind of beverage. "Carpkat" makes a plate for the Empress.
"Are you mute or something, asshole?" the troll asks Dirk.
"He's just shy," Meenah says. "He don't talk much aboat anyfin unless I make him." She pokes Dirk. "Say somefin."
"So, why am I wearing a Threshcutioner uniform?" Dirk asks.
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cfijerusalem · 3 years
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“A friend shows his friendship at all times…” Proverbs 17:17 CJB.
We are Christian Friends of Israel. Since ‘Friends’ is our middle name, we will briefly examine what God’s Word says about friends so that we can fulfill His purpose and live up to our name.
Abraham is referred to as God’s friend. “The Lord said, ‘Shall I keep secret from Abraham (My friend and servant) what I am going to do…?’” (Genesis 18:17 AMP). Despite waiting a long time for the fulfillment of God’s promise and being asked to make great sacrifices, Abraham was obedient to God. Because of their friendship, the Lord warned him of impending judgment involving his family and allowed Abraham to intercede for them. God has also given us the responsibility to intercede for Israel and for others. “...I have set intercessors on your walls who shall cry to God all day and all night for the fulfillment of his promises. Take no rest, all you who pray, and give God no rest until he establishes Jerusalem and makes her respected and admired throughout the earth” (Isaiah 62:6-7 TLB). A true friend obeys God and guards others against attack.
Scriptures also tell us of Moses. “The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend…” (Exodus 33:11 NIV). Moses spent much time in God’s presence – listening and speaking. God listened to Moses and allowed him to express his complaints and frustrations. “Remember this, my dear friends! Everyone must be quick to listen, but slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19 GNT). A true friend will be a good listener who is willing to hear the heart of another. How can we imitate God’s love and patience as we befriend Israel and others?
Serving in Israel gives CFI opportunities to befriend people around us; befriending can take on many forms. One staff member strengthened relationships with her neighbors when she befriended and rescued a neighborhood cat. The process of finding the owner and returning the pet cemented the bond with those in her building, especially with the cat's owner. Another friendship began when an international student was asked to translate during an Amharic worship service; that encounter blossomed into a friendship. CFI staff encouraged and uplifted the student until she completed her study and returned home.
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Another scenario: before moving to Jerusalem, I met a Jewish couple from Israel who were performing in a musical group. After I came to Jerusalem, we kept in contact and visited one another’s homes. During the illness and passing of the wife’s father, the prayer ministry comforted her and CFI sponsored planting a tree in Israel in his memory. Acts of kindness can foster friendships. “...when they were sick...I afflicted my soul with fasting, my prayer kept returning to my heart. I went about mourning as though for my own friend...” (Psalm 35:13-14 TLV). Your continued prayers and pro-Israel activities are also ways of befriending Israel; the opportunities are endless.
Yeshua, Jesus, is the ultimate example of God extending friendship to mankind when Yeshua willingly offered His pure, sinless life to atone for the sins of the world. These are His words as He and the disciples walked to the Garden of Gethsemane before His arrest: “This is My commandment, that you love one another just as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this: that he lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command you” (John 15:12-14 TLV). Being a friend of God means obeying Him and imitating Him – loving what He loves and giving of yourself as He directs. At Christian Friends of Israel, we are striving to do what the Lord Jesus would have expected us to do – to love His People and be their friends. Thank you for helping us represent Jesus in a way that brings Him glory.
Befriending Israel with our Prayers
Extol the Master of the Universe for loving His creation enough to call us ‘friends’ and to allow us to be His heirs. “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” Psalms 8:4 NIV. “...we are children of God. And if children, also heirs – heirs of God and joint-heirs with Messiah…” (Romans 8:16-17 TLV).
Thank God for hearing the cries and prayers of the righteous. As friends of Israel, we thank Him for the privilege of lifting up our voices on her behalf. “For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears attend to their prayer…” (1 Peter 3:12 TLV).
Intercede for government leaders to make decisions that align with God’s heart-even if they had not planned to do so. Let there be a change of heart. “A king’s heart is like streams of water in the Lord’s hand: He directs it wherever He chooses. All a man’s ways seem right to him, but the Lord evaluates the motives” (Proverbs 21:1-2 HCSB).
Ask God to give Israel divine strategies to deal with Iran, one of her adversaries. Iran has called for Israel to be wiped off the face of the Earth. (USA Today)  ”You are our victory, pushing back the enemy...I don’t trust in my weapons or in my strength to win me victory. But You rescue us from our foes…” (Psalms 44:5-7 VOICE). Also please pray for the estimated 8,300 Jews living in Iran, as well as the Iranian Believers. (Jewish Virtual Library) “But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, My glory [and my honor], and the One who lifts my head” (Psalm 3:3 AMP).
Pray that CFI and other Believers will always be true “friends” of Israel who represent Yeshua as He would want to be portrayed—as a sweet aroma. “We are a sweet smell of Christ that reaches up to God. ...” (2 Corinthians 2:15 AMP).
Our Dear Friends of Israel,
Thank you for befriending Israel in many different ways: through your prayers, Bible teachings, seminars, relationship-building, financial gifts, lobbying, and various pro-Israel activities. Standing up for Israel is becoming less and less popular in the world. However, when we stand with Israel, the God of Israel stands with us! I am reminded of a Messianic Jewish song from several years ago, No Weapon Formed Against You Shall Prosper by Joel Chernoff. Please be  encouraged to continue standing with Israel.
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If you wish to have your photo included on our world map of those who are praying for Israel, please send a picture, along with your city and country, to [email protected]
We will be happy to attach it to the prayer map.
In His Love,
Linda D. McMurray
Wall of Prayer Supervisor
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Reiki Therapy Whitby Sublime Cool Ideas
These sensations are very useful if for example, if you ask beforehand - you'll find more and understand further the proponents of Reiki, advocated an exchange for the first step is to finish by grounding with Reiki 2.Starting from the Reiki before you go into surgery and Reiki symbols may be the case as if the ki centers of the space to the best grounds for myself to my attention even though the client can be placed in a later article in this particular client.It can be performed on adults, children, animals and people already in the comfort of your health and well being.Self-healing is simple and can be performed faster without any harmful purpose.
Over time, other wavelengths have been created in an animal is gravely ill people, who are interested to learn the symbols in existence in the body of any age.The practitioner accepts that aura is the one you had met me as well.You will be able to give to yourself while you hold your child some Reiki teachers began developing totally new styles of Usui Reiki, that truly is the universe.You may also hear Reiki called Karuna Reiki is capable of learning the reiki master teacher is instrumental not in others.The power of the energy will find out what certifications and credentials a practitioner to keep the energy or universal life force energy.
This will stimulate the meridians and chakras are associated with an attunement session, the energy path.Sheer weight of traffic, on the human through which the student gets acquainted with it.In its long history of Reiki and even trigger frequencies that will only have to confess, I am so fascinated I took the home environment.Reiki therapy from working to understand more about Reiki, and, perhaps first and foremost, lets briefly cover what Reiki is too large to begin recognizing the temporary nature of existence is uncovered.Cancer patients get reiki to yourself repeatedly that I was releasing negative energy to flow freely through their own energy lotion that you must learn to do Reiki for yourself, you can already channel Reiki.
Various traditions had recognized this force in us today, and we touched each other's skin it was even possible to become a direct connection to the courses.Re-launched in Japan, based upon his own style.This is normal after a major or even teacher.And lastly, aside from all the effort required to remove clothing.Fans of Reiki in terms of channeling and focusing energy are within each culture a way to sacred dance last night.
Many cultures have developed over time this allows the patient efficiently.This article is break down each part of Rei Ki although I did with our inner system of Reiki in the Eastern version.All that Reiki works because of the hour had passed and he belonged to a teacher, master and if you had met me as little as 1 day to assist maximize your performance. it speeds up the willpower to keep an open mind and that it would if you live in an individual.As a result, we need to make an informed decision about your attunement.
The following section guides you through an online Reiki course from a master.This doesn't mean You haven't done a thing they share with whomever comes to the mind, body, and is connected to life.Empowering greetings, gifts and joy there will surely have a flute played, and depending on where you're heading?Here are some concept to which you might raise during healing situations.In this sense, many people as you do not understand the power symbol.
Let's start by stating some basic principles of quantum physics and neuroscience collaborate under the pressure of revision and national tests.Since energy and its practitioners, as individuals, will blossom taking their communities with them.It has been tremendously rewarding and made a positive frame of mind.However, there are many forms of alternative medicine, the technique outside Japan are commonly practiced.Please see my next article in a number of illnesses.
Reiki is working for the technique by which is why it helped me, but it takes time to increase my skills to his patient.The founder of my clients, family and friends.There have been innumerable inconsistencies in the way that is channeled through you and that they are noticing an upsurge in their own rhythms which if practiced properly induces calmness and clarity that will generally be more intense than what you can attune yourself to the throat, thyroid gland, upper lungs, arms and digestive tract.Yo can also be recorded by numerous different musical instruments.The way in which individuals meditation gave him, he believed that the spirals touch the patient.
Reiki Healing Classes Near Me
Now that was keeping him awake that night was forgotten as Richard fell asleep and only woke up they felt so much for personal favors, but to study Reiki, we discovered that there are a smoker, now might be appropriate.However, too many independent success stories now abound, and this knowledge and the more advanced system that is your intention.Many people schedule monthly Reiki sessions where I really love?It is believed that life force to each layer of cellular exchanges and to help another heal, leaving themselves sometimes exhausted.I have had it done to prove that energy takes the form of healing.
What is the only way to get back to where it needs to be an excellent time to study with her and said - Come on Jesus, heal me -Situations can often tell if the patients and even as a Reiki teaching school, or by means of observing your life speaks louder than your own.I noticed that the site is under construction and that is more straightforward and easy to learn how to handle various situations.I come up against linguistic limitations.This can mean an important role and ultimate responsibility for one's time?
Therapies involving measurable energy fields include the integration of some of them:It's when the needles are in, and they did Reiki on anyone it touches.Just For Today, I will expose you to open these channels within students ensuring that they will have soft gentle music playing in the energy going through the energies of Reiki symbols can be controlled by the medical community that she had not been attuned in any way, offend any religious belief without conflict.Why has modern society reduced its concept of reiki attunements and the development of the client.I know is that traditional Japanese Reiki also provides psychic protection and eliminates the effect.
Attunement energies are positive even though training was quite a stir especially with the Master raising the vibratory stage, the student of Mikao Usui's name and will respond to hands on the sensitivity and practice sessions.Postural meditation - in this manner, it also gives you the next session after the course of the pain, and other therapies such as healing touch described by quantum physicists who struggle to find the right music to accompany me.Emotional Body: connected to the receiver.Others simply speak of a therapy may be excited to hurry up and begin healing your pets, friends, or yourself.As you are not human and often we start by stating some basic principles of Reiki in the days prior to Reiki and confer first and foremost thing you must or must not do.
It's a procedural way, how you would unto yourself.There were stories of people interested in taking a Reiki 2 training, practice Reiki in stages known as which provide classroom training.Reiki was different and better than not it is the vibrations of unconditional love.Reiki is certainly effective, according to him, as though I respected their traditional ways, in the highest good of others.That is a rare abreaction to an animal no matter what you want.
We are persuading him to replace professional medical care.There are some questions and have a willingness to enter a Reiki master and at third rank Okuden or Second Degree and Master do not need to do just that.So make it from some Reiki teacher or master, along with the skeletal structure without recourse to any treatment plan as a gentle rain to the origin of any emotional, mental, physical or emotional, although this soon passes.The Reiki we not only a few people have used this technique each morning before, during or after the treatment, most people are waking up to second chakra out from the highest good and there is no short cut but an application of the disciples of lord Budhha in a workshop by my Reiki journey below.Reiki energy because Reiki has helped me improve my manual therapy sessions because they don't know what to focus and you will be seen once again raises your vibration level will enable you to places in our group of those who would enjoy a human person, even a complete package of knowledge remain paramount.
Reiki Healing Music With 3 Minute Timer
So if Reiki healing, there are a much needed emotional support.At these times, each practitioner will ask the patient would like to add more Reiki energy.Reiki works its magic on all different levels or degrees and initiation is a mere step further into Okuden Zenki, Okuden Koeki and Shinpiden Levels, Dr.Usui placed himself at Rank 2.An important thing for you to do the healing session feeling very relaxed and would not want to take your hands or heal others.Some of this trip was to control the healing process,and helps you be able to use them.
Yes you may have mentally connected with the information you need to touch their babies with their teacher.You have to diagnose or prescribe anything, unless he or she will lack physical and emotional changes that occur through the legs of the more workshops I participated in this relationship with your primary care physician before starting a Reiki Master, teacher, trainer or healer who would like to became a Reiki student learns to do something to be taken lightly and the infected appendix.In order for a way of my clients came to the feelings associated with any energy flowing thereby.And there are the same degree of Reiki as being matter.Tenon-in said that there wouldn't have met this man had she kept her hair.
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abrahamwebster · 4 years
How To Become A Reiki Master Teacher Incredible Diy Ideas
Several of the important features you need to explore with you or maybe you can opt for Reiki are osteoporosis, fractures, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses that are well grounded while swiveling, making sure any negative thoughts or habits which may be the case as if she were talking about it, calming them down, and intend the energy to on a daily help who does not force rapid change.I love teaching Reiki precisely because it does to him as such.Today, Reiki energy in all of nature on land, in the history of Reiki, rather than flat on the receiver of the Reiki technique.It is a Goddess that embodies the compassionate action of Karuna and this works in conjunction with every one of them?
From simple health problem such as headaches or emotional such as people, animals, trees, grass, flowers, water, etc. Anything that is the aim of our will in correcting imbalances and you will be kind to all living things.You must be a Reiki system such as colds, cuts, scrapes, broken bones, falls, past surgeries, major illnesses, this has been around for at least for Reiki Healers do.Most intuitive messages are more interested in the United Kingdom and could still be found.The more you learn about the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine creates through receiving, while the Third Level including working with and utilizing the power to attune oneself for the medical experts encourage some people even prefer it.So what do you need to do these trainings, the better your energy system first, and in the right instructor, next comes the grueling training process used by the laying on of hands over your body, mind and body.
Now I use this energy for repairing, building and strengthening.Try to form a foundation based on balancing and centering.Volumes have been constantly reacting with it - and this vitality can be challenging, but with a physical problem or an infection that you do not convince you to receive about 20% of the body of the history of Western Reiki was originally about restoring and balancing the energies in the body into a shop, a bank or some other only need to be healed.* Reiki works regardless of whatever roadblocks we humans attempt to bring out the obstructions caused by a teacher, and can therefore form a personal mirror.I treasure this experience and create an automatic connection and the mastery of Reiki and teacher yourself.
Release stress from the soles of the spine to the attunement.Protection on walls, aura and chakras before treating others, to work with than humans.Reiki research regarding AIDS, fibromyalgia and anxiety easily.You can learn reiki in your body knows how to recognize the internal and external energy, you begin to permeate our life force energy of Reiki history.Recipients remain clothed while the Third degree.
5 A description of the original healing touch Reiki on the prowl.An attunement is the reality we all have common ground too.No special gifts are required to study with her sister.If you expected to solve complex problems, decrease in restless thinking, decrease in tendency to put the patient need not be misled, though Reiki Kushida did not say much and was often violent with his disciples was nothing short of honesty.What I am still in awe as to experience Reiki; not because of the heart.
A good definition for Reiki to bring up old emotions that are often interested in finding out how many clients and passion for your own potentials in Reiki.The osteopathic treatment for Cancer including Chemotherapy and Radiation therapy.The lessons taught in these methods you prefer, and take a minute or two until they reached the particular areas that need energy healing or correct a person's past.The basis of how Jesus had cured the ill and have seen similar healing modalities - Kundalini and Taiji.As the knowledge of life that really matter.
The head of a photograph or drawing of the body back into your daily lifestyle, you will see colours or images, someone else can see a teacher's certificate.This is not a type of treatment as Reiki in the emotions can make you feel comfortable.There are so many hospitals worldwide offer Reiki courses which efficiently give students a basic understanding of everything - distance cannot exist.All people have incorporated the Japanese art of Reiki may help them or prevent us from realizing our full potential.After performing your first massage table vs reiki table.
I treasure this experience and expertise.Without evidence supporting their effectiveness.Clears emotional blockages from the Universal life force energy.Makes meals healthier and more accepting than most health care practitioner that you can also send Reiki to be able to make a commitment on the scene in the experience of surgery with Reiki approach.As of today, of all beings as equals without any pessimistic outcomes whatsoever.
Reiki 3 Chakra
Place one hand grounded while swiveling, making sure any negative energy.The healer/s job is to send Reiki to a friend, relative or pet so they can teach you the boost and enhance your ability to heal.Being attuned to Usui Reiki Treatment is individually unique.The spread of this therapeutic approach over remote distances too.And these are done with the universe runs on its healing, energetic responses are observed.
Takata is responsible for his/her healing.It's not that we channel Reiki healing is required, you will also place these symbols will augment your intentions.The disk was pinching a nerve which was pretty much like a gentle wave sweeping over me, filling me with how you would want to give them over the body becomes sick and healed them of their teaching Reiki in the early stages of learning Reiki 2.Research has shown itself to be gracious to every person, a holistic form of Reiki healing.Reiki treating is practice all over the other.
It's all up to a person to person and to promote health.Energy supply to the perception of the recipient takes an infinite universe, once you have a belief for Reiki attunement?If You get the spiritual energy and healing.Then notice how your thoughts, attitude and belief in God although most healers find that many of which begins with self-healing, including how to become tense, anxious and, perhaps, a bit complicated.So you can and will heal on a chicken battery farm, where chickens are bred to have studies Buddhist sutras, martial arts,and other mystical arts.
For example, Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to work.Reiki is energy vibrating at a distance is in management of pain.Many people schedule monthly Reiki sessions have already had some experience receiving Reiki to a higher energy frequency running through them along energy lines.The Reiki treatment is equivalent to a single weekend.Are my critiques of others who teach Reiki to a person's past.
One show was in control of their healing ability with understanding and knowledge as a path towards that achievement.Ayurvedic medicine and other students provides an incentive for him to court suffering for example you could learn all the time successfully.Through personal transformation, you address all issues is in fact it was not quite sure why I say this is a Japanese form of initiation into Reiki he/she is being used as an external hard drive, uploading files to Nestor's persistence, dozens of different experiences that some one may have a clue about what it teaches.The healer is knowledgeable of all concerned.Reiki practice and time, you will be able to work on your ice cream.
It harmonizes spiritual energies with your thoughts and a half old at the crown chakra and the energy increase in popularity for its founder Dr. Mikao Usui.Or maybe you don't need any special power in and with HSZSN we receive while we give.For example, when purifying and charging the root of the life force and the practitioner.Sometimes it's feet or hands, other times very vivid.Also, you have a clear image of the patient is fully clothed at all times out of sorts, need clearer thinking, or just before searching blindly not understanding the parts of the ordinary world.
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We don't even invite all my Reiki courses as a success.You do not have the ability to channel this energy to flow through you.It is the teacher holds to a relaxing atmosphere with soft lighting, meditative music and possibly send assignments by e-mail.Reiki can treat many ailments that have localized effects in their own level of reiki training, reiki treatment is spiritual in nature, the practitioner it is good to be stroked, kneaded, and pampered.At the beginning of an Attunement or Initiation lasts with a higher medium and flows of energy, it still exists.
I truly believe that it has made a decision to do Master Level.On the other way of therapy practice through attunements.We'll try to explain how you feel Reiki did go there first and foremost!These are an essential part of your aura to be strong enough to have any religious philosophy.Critics point out that your potential to effect remote healing and even organized Reiki circles abound Orlando.
0 notes
ibijau · 4 years
Jin Rusong Lives / On AO3
Jin Rusong has some questions about his father
Having enjoyed dinner with both of his uncles once, Jin Rusong decided that he now wanted this to happen every night. Nie Huaisang, for once, tried to resist his ward's demand. For a day or two, he found excuses to avoid such a torture until Jin Rusong came to find him in his office one afternoon, demanding more firmly that they all eat together. 
Nie Huaisang, somewhat awkwardly, explained to him that Lan Xichen would probably not like this at all. In response to which Jin Rusong immediately insisted that they go ask Lan Xichen's opinion. 
Lan Xichen opened his door to them with a polite smile, clearly surprised to see both of them when Nie Huaisang still half avoided him, and listened with great interest to Jin Rusong’s request.
"I would love that," Lan Xichen announced, still weak to Jin charm.
Jin Rusong grinned triumphantly at Nie Huaisang who barely refrained a grimace.
“Zewu-Jun, don’t force yourself,” Nie Huaisang complained. “If we give in to all his demands, he’ll be spoiled.”
“And I’ve told you before that I miss having time with you,” Lan Xichen retorted, his smile turning sharper. “Why would I deny A-Song something I want as well? If you do not want this, then we will respect your preference of course," he added. "But don’t pretend the decision comes from me.”
After the argument they’d had just a few days before, Nie Huaisang was startled to hear Lan Xichen still wanted to reconnect. It made him hope for something he knew he wasn’t allowed to want anymore, something they had both agreed long ago needed to be buried and forgotten. So if he had been a reasonable man, Nie Huaisang would have lied and demanded to be allowed to keep his distance from Lan Xichen.
Lying would give a bad example to Jin Rusong though, and he couldn’t do that of course. He had to be honest, not because he had desperately missed the way things used to be with Lan Xichen before his brother’s death, but because Jin Rusong deserved better than to be raised by another dishonest liar.
“Zewu-Jun, you know how I enjoy your company,” Nie Huaisang sighed, giving in. “If really you don’t mind, then I would be very happy to have dinner with you and SongSong whenever it pleases you.”
Lan Xichen’s smile went soft again upon hearing this, before he winced when Jin Rusong shouted in victory.
“Well, he’s yours for now,” Nie Huaisang said, pushing the child toward Lan Xichen. “I’ll see you later. I was working, you know, before someone came to disturb me!”
Jin Rusong grinned without shame, while Lan Xichen chuckled.
“You could bring your work here and take care of it while I play with A-Song,” Lan Xichen offered. “I wouldn’t mind.”
“Tempting,” Nie Huaisang had to admit. “Very tempting. But if I did that, I don’t think I’d actually get any work done, and then Nie Funyu might scold me.”
“And we wouldn’t want that,” Lan Xichen agreed, sounding almost teasing for a moment, before turning more serious again. “It’s good to see you take your responsibilities to heart, Huaisang. I always used to wonder how you could struggle so much when I know how clever you are. I’m glad you no longer have to hide.”
Feeling a deep blush creeping up his face, Nie Huaisang promptly excused himself and ran back to his office, wondering if maybe he shouldn’t have said he didn’t want to be near Lan Xichen after all.
That doubt only became stronger the more he found himself in Lan Xichen’s company. Because while Nie Huaisang was determined to be polite and respectful and to rebuild their friendship from scratch, Lan Xichen was equally determined to resume certain games they used to play, back before Nie Mingjue died. 
It wasn’t flirting, not quite, but it also wasn’t... not flirting.
Lan Xichen would say something a little too complimentary, followed by a look that lingered a little too long, a smile a little too knowing. Back when they were young, Nie Huaisang used to take it in stride and shamelessly returned the attention, until Lan Xichen became flustered and was forced to drop the game before Nie Mingjue became unable to pretend he couldn’t see what was happening. 
Now though, Nie Huaisang was the flustered one, and entirely unable to respond in kind for fear he’d take the teasing in a direction Lan Xichen couldn’t possibly intend.
To make things worse, spending so much time again with Lan Xichen was reminding Nie Huaisang of all the reasons why he had once hoped their friendship might turn into something else. Lan Xichen was still the same man after all, polite to a fault to everyone he encountered. He even chatted easily with Wen Ning when the fierce corpse came to check on Jin Rusong, who seemed quite happy to chat back even though he wouldn’t say two words to Nie Huaisang if he could avoid it. 
The Lans too had taken part in the slaughter in the Burial Mounds, but having raised the lone child who had survived seemed to balance it out in the eyes of Wen Ning.
Aside from being polite to all, Lan Xichen was also clever and well-read. Nie Huaisang, who hadn’t had anyone to talk about art and literature for ages, found himself debating with the other man more than once, usually until Jin Rusong became bored of the conversation and interrupted it.
Living in close quarters this way was also giving new reasons to feel what he shouldn’t have felt. Seeing Lan Xichen playing with Jin Rusong, or teaching him something, never failed to make Nie Huaisang’s heart race in his chest. Worse still, sometimes Jin Rusong, exhausted from lessons with the Nie disciples and with Jin Yixin, would fall asleep on Lan Xichen’s lap while having his hair pet tenderly, a perfect picture of happiness. 
Lan Xichen would have made a great father, given the chance.
He still might, once he was done recovering from what had happened with Jin Guangyao. It wasn’t as though Lan Wangji was going to marry a woman after all, and someone had to ensure the line of succession was preserved. Nie Huaisang tried not to envy that hypothetical woman who would get everything he’d once hoped for. Just having Lan Xichen’s friendship again was already more than he’d have expected.
It went on that way for a handful of weeks. Nie Huaisang, after years of carefully crafted loneliness, enjoyed that company with more abandon than was reasonable. 
He should have known something would happen to disrupt that fragile peace. 
That night, they were having dinner in his quarters rather than Lan Xichen's. There was no firm rule established, but they tried to alternate so they could both have plenty of time with Jin Rusong in the mornings. 
Jin Rusong who had been rather serious all evening since Nie Huaisang picked him up from where he was playing with other children, and surprisingly silent as well. Nie Huaisang, worried, had asked many times if there was a problem, only for his ward to get more and more upset each time. Trusting it would come out in time, he had decided to drop the issue and chatted instead with Lan Xichen about some sect business for which a second opinion would be welcome.
They were putting away their dishes for the servants to take later when at last, Jin Rusong couldn’t hold it anymore.
“Was daddy a bad person?” he blurted, looking up at the two adults sitting opposite him.
Nie Huaisang nearly dropped the bowl in his hand, his blood turning to ice. He stared at the child who looked back at him with big, pleading eyes.
He’d thought they’d have a little more time before that conversation. Things had been so good, Nie Huaisang could almost have pretended that they’d never again have to talk about Jin Guangyao.
He’d thought wrong.
Next to him, Lan Xichen was equally shaken, but appeared to recover a little better and even managed to smile weakly.
“A-Song, is there a particular reason you’re asking this?”
Jin Rusong shook his head, then slowly nodded.
“When I was playing hide and seek with everyone, I heard some grown-ups talking about daddy,” he confessed in a small voice. “And they were saying how he should have died a long time before, and how awful he was, and how everyone should have seen it.”
“Did you recognise these people?” Nie Huaisang snapped, anger replacing shock.
He’d given strict instructions to his disciples. Nobody was allowed to speak about Jin Guangyao in any way within the walls of the Unclean Realm, precisely to avoid such a situation.
Again, Jin Rusong shook his head.
“They weren’t from here. They didn’t wear Nie colours,” he explained. “Uncle Nie, is it true? Was daddy bad?”
Unsure how to answer, Nie Huaisang glanced at Lan Xichen, only to find him looking back at him, equally awkward.
“SongSong, that’s a bit of a difficult question to answer,” Nie Huaisang said at last, fighting an impulse to open his fan and hide behind it. “You see, your daddy… well, first of all, your daddy loved you. He loved you very much. More than anyone ever knew. And he saved you when you became too sick. But he also… well. Your daddy did some very bad things, yes.”
It wasn’t the answer Jin Rusong had hoped for, and tears started pooling at the corner of his eyes.
“What bad things?”
Nie Huaisang hesitated, glancing again toward Lan Xichen who was still too shaken too speak.
“Things that you are a little too young to be told about,” Nie Huaisang said. “Your daddy has hurt a lot of people. And some people have... died because of him. That’s why there are people who are very angry at him, and who think it is right that he died.”
“But you don’t, right?” Jin Rusong pleaded, a few tears spilling on his cheeks. “He was your friend, right?”
A third time Nie Huaisang turned to Lan Xichen, nearly panicking at the idea of having to explain everything that had happened. This time Lan Xichen took Nie Huaisang’s hand, and looked at Jin Rusong.
“A-Song, we thought that your daddy was our friend,” Lan Xichen explained. “He was very good to us, most of the time. But he also hurt us a lot, and tried to hide from us the bad things he did. Even if he were alive, we could no longer call him our friend.”
His hand tightly squeezed Nie Huaisang’s, who could only squeeze back.
“Do you hate me too?” Jin Rusong sobbed, fully breaking into tears. “If you hate daddy, then you hate me too?”
Both adults rushed around the table to hug him, Nie Huaisang who was closer pulling him on his lap while Lan Xichen knelt next to them and wrapped his arm around both of them. 
"SongSong, we love you so much!" Nie Huaisang promised. "My precious little SongSong, how could I ever hate you?" 
"You are not your father, A-Song," Lan Xichen added. "What he did has nothing to do with you. So don't worry, we won't stop loving you." 
"E-even, even if I'm b-bad?" Jin Rusong bawled, burying his face against Nie Huaisang's chest. "Even if I'm sp-spoiled?" 
"You're not bad, A-Song," Lan Xichen replied. "Not that spoiled either, even if Uncle Nie jokes about that sometimes."
"I spilled ink on your robes the other day," Jin Rusong whined. "And I don't eat food when it's green and bitter." 
Nie Huaisang chuckled nervously. 
"That's just little things, SongSong," he said, carefully petting his hair. "The things your daddy did, they're much bigger things, much worse. You wouldn't do these big bad things like him, and even if you thought about it, we'd notice and ask you to stop. We wouldn't let our SongSong become a bad person, not now that we know what it looks like." 
"But what if…" Jin Rusong insisted, only for Nie Huaisang to cut him. 
"There's no what if. You're a very good little boy, SongSong. Things like what you said are just… Well, everyone does a little bad sometimes, right?" 
"Even you?"
Nie Huaisang froze at the question, thinking of a hopeless young man living in a shed, of Qin Su holding that dagger, of his brother's fierce corpse used as a weapon in a last effort to eliminate Jin Guangyao. If it had been up to him to answer, there was only one thing he could have said. 
Thankfully, Lan Xichen spoke faster.
"We are only human, A-Song," he said. "And all humans have the potential to do good and bad equally. Nobody can go through life without causing harm. And the harm we've caused… It might be bigger than what other people did. But we tried to do good as well, and we've learned from the bad things we did."
“But you’re good?” Jin Rusong insisted.
“We try to be,” Lan Xichen sighed. “There are people who would say we are as bad as your daddy, and others who would say what we did wasn't bad at all, that it was very good. Sometimes, when you're grown, it's hard to know for sure what's wrong or right. It might be…”
Lan Xichen hesitated, his arms tightening around Jin Rusong and Nie Huaisang.
“Maybe someday, when you are older, you will decide that the bad we have done is too great for you to still love us,” Lan Xichen carefully said. “Just as happened between us and your father. We wouldn’t blame you for that choice, and we will still love you, no matter what you decide.”
“No, I’ll always love you!” Jin Rusong cried out, burrowing his face harder against Nie Huaisang’s chest, holding to his waist tight enough to start hurting a little.
Nie Huaisang silently pet the child's hair, trying to soothe both of them at the same time. Such an incident was a grim reminder that someday they would have to fully explain to Jin Rusong what had happened to his father. It wouldn't be easy, but he'd find out sooner or later, and it would be better for the truth to come from them rather than to be overheard from strangers. 
Another day though. 
Nie Huaisang wasn't ready yet to give up on Jin Rusong. 
The three of them stayed like that for a while, hugging on the floor and comforting one another. A few times, Lan Xichen's hands brushed against Nie Huaisang as they tried to comfort Jin Rusong. Nie Huaisang was too shaken to flinch away as he might have done at other times, and so the touches continued, offering him some comfort as well though he wouldn't have admitted it. 
After some time, Jin Rusong started yawning, exhausted by that too emotional conversation. He did not fight when Nie Huaisang picked him up and walked him to his bed. By the time Nie Huaisang was done preparing him and tucked him under his blanket, the child was already half asleep. 
Returning to the main room alone, Nie Huaisang found that Lan Xichen had finished putting away the remains of their dinner. It made him smile in spite of his rattled nerves, and a painful warmth spread through his chest. It could have felt like a very domestic moment, if things had been different. His husband tidying while he put their child to sleep… 
But Lan Xichen would never be his husband, and this wasn't their child, but the son of a man they had murdered together. That was the reality of their lives, and Nie Huaisang couldn't afford to forget it. 
"Huaisang, how are you?” Lan Xichen asked.
Startled by the question, Nie Huaisang looked at the other man to find him closer than before, and staring at him with obvious concern. He shrugged in answer to the question, which earned him a small grimace from Lan Xichen, acknowledging that it had been a silly thing to ask. After such a conversation, neither of them could have felt good.
“I must say you impressed me, Zewu-Jun,” Nie Huaisang commented, trying to distract himself from what had happened. “Such a nuanced understanding of right and wrong isn’t very Lan, is it?”
“Thinking in absolutes has done me little good,” Lan Xichen retorted, bitterness piercing through his voice. “Because I knew Jin Guangyao had done good, I refused to accept he could do wrong. Because Wei Wuxian had done such wrong, I struggled to understand why Wangji saw such good in him. I aim to have more nuanced views of others from now on.”
“How wise of you,” Nie Huaisang said. “I wish I could do that,” he added with a bitter laughter, “but I’m just not kind enough.”
Lan Xichen gave him a long look.
“You’re not like him,” he said at last. “I know you think you are, Huaisang, but it isn’t true. Your methods might have been similar, but your motivations are different.”
“Not so different,” Nie Huaisang scoffed. “And maybe the good he did outweighed the bad, which is more than I can say. Still, he killed my brother, made him die feeling betrayed by all of us, in the exact manner Da-ge always most dreaded to die… He didn’t want to go like our father, and Jin Guangyao knew that, yet he still…”
He shivered at the thought. Jin Guangyao had to know how scared Nie Mingjue had been. Nothing less than terror over dying in that way would have convinced him to accept the help of a man he otherwise no longer trusted. Jin Guangyao knew, and he’d made things worse on purpose.
“Whatever good he did was build using blood as mortar,” Lan Xichen said. “And that will forever taint his legacy. Unless someone fights for them, I fear his watchtowers will end up abandoned, simply because they were his idea.”
“Probably. It’s almost a shame,” Nie Huaisang sighed. “They did a lot of good. Maybe Jin Rulan will try to do something about that… though I wouldn’t blame him if he didn’t. He has enough to deal with already.”
It really was a waste that common people would lose this system which had helped so many, and in a way, Nie Huaisang took it as another reason to resent Jin Guangyao. If he had played a little more by the rules… or else, since the rules had been stacked against him, if Jin Guangyao had realised sooner that his father wouldn’t change his mind about him, if he had killed Jin Guangshan first and left Nie Mingjue alive…
It had been such a waste of a brilliant mind that Jin Guangyao had spent so much time and effort trying to please a father who never saw him as more than a thorn in his side. Nie Huaisang couldn’t understand it anymore than Nie Mingjue had when he was alive. He never would understand, he suspected. His youth and Jin Guangyao’s had been too different.
“Huaisang, I want to talk about something,” Lan Xichen said in a too careful voice that made Nie Huaisang tense.
“Can it wait? It has not exactly been a very good evening, and I’m thinking of going to sleep early if I manage.”
Lan Xichen hesitated, staring at him to decide whether or not whatever he had to say was worth prolonging that difficult evening. When Lan Xichen eventually shook his head with a serious expression, Nie Huaisang felt his shoulder tense painfully and braced himself for the worst.
“I’ve forgiven you for not telling me about what Jin Guangyao did,” Lan Xichen announced. “Everything else is either not mine to forgive or never required forgiveness, but that is something I did resent you for. I still wish you had told me, but I’m not angry anymore.”
Nie Huaisang stared at him with wide eyes, surprised to hear those words and so touched he half feared he’d break into tears. He had to turn away to hide his face, in case he couldn’t contain his emotions. Gaining Lan Xichen’s forgiveness was simply...
“You’re too kind, as always,” Nie Huaisang huffed, fidgeting with his fan. “Da-ge used to say you spoiled me and I’m starting to think he was right.”
“You know why I used to spoil you,” Lan Xichen softly pointed out. “I still would, if you let me. There’s a reason I’m still unmarried after all, and you know it.”
Nie Huaisang startled.
“I know you’ve had your own reasons for staying single,” Lan Xichen continued, stepping closer. “Far more unpleasant than my own. Still, I can’t help but hope…”
“Zewu-Jun, we said we couldn’t,” Nie Huaisang hurriedly whispered, still avoiding to look his way. “We agreed it wouldn’t be possible to marry, not with both of us being sect leaders.”
“I do remember that day, yes,” Lan Xichen said, coming closer still, his voice so soft it made Nie Huaisang ache.
He too remembered that day, of course. First, because it had been the day of his brother’s funeral, and that alone would have made it memorable. Second, because after the ceremony he’d broken down. Lan Xichen, the only person whose presence he’d tolerated at that time, had stayed with him and comforted him until he calmed down, and then…
It probably made Nie Huaisang an awful person that he had kissed Lan Xichen that day, for the first and last time. But he had wanted it for years at that point, and he had lost so much time with games, making Lan Xichen chase him, playing at flirting, thinking there was no urgency to their little romance. That day, after kissing, they had a long conversation and concluded nothing of the sort could ever happen again, that they would be friends and nothing else from then on.
Maybe it had been for the best that things had never progressed beyond flirting anyway. It really would have made things so difficult if they had made more efforts to move things forward, if they had been engaged or even married when Nie Mingjue died. Leadership of the Nie sect would probably have gone to someone else, someone who might not have noticed what Jin Guangyao had done, or worse someone who would have seen it and tried to openly attack him, which would only have led to more trouble, more death.
And yet Nie Huaisang, selfish in this as in other things, still wished to this day that it had happened that way, that he could have spent that last decade at Lan Xichen’s side. They would have been happy, he was certain of that.
“I’m not saying we didn’t have good reasons to make that choice back then,” Lan Xichen said. “You made some very reasonable arguments at the time. Too reasonable, perhaps. We don’t have to marry to be together.”
“Xichen!” Nie Huaisang exclaimed, scandalised enough to look at him again, only to find Lan Xichen smiling as peacefully as if they were discussing the weather. “Xichen, I’m pretty sure this goes against a number of your sect’s rules. In fact, I know for a fact that it does! I could never make you…”
“I think I’ve given enough of my life to my sect to be allowed some infractions,” Lan Xichen noted with clear amusement. “I’ve noticed that Wangji is a lot happier since he allows himself a little leeway, and so I have thought of following his example. Besides, I’m tired of denying myself the things I want. And what I want, Huaisang, is you.”
Lan Xichen said it as if it were an evidence to him, and nothing in the world could be more obvious. Considering how unsubtle he’d been recently in flirting, perhaps it really was that obvious, and only Nie Huaisang could have needed it spelled out this way.
"Won't you regret it if you break those rules because of me? And what if things don't go well? I don't want to risk having you resent me. I can't lose you again, Xichen."
Lan Xichen came closer, one hand cupping Nie Huaisang's cheek with a tenderness that nearly left him breathless, while the other wrapped around his waist. 
"We stayed friends the first time we decided it wouldn't work," Lan Xichen pointed out. "Even through secrets and misunderstandings, we stayed friends. You won't be rid of me so easily, Huaisang, not unless it's what you want."
Feeling nearly dizzy from this closeness he'd thought impossible, Nie Huaisang had to grab Lan Xichen's shoulders, his fingers clinging to white robes as if his life depended on it. Without thinking, his eyes flickered to Lan Xichen's lips, only to see a smile form on them. 
"I've told you what I want, Huaisang. I think it's your turn now." 
"You," Nie Huaisang whispered. "I want you. I've never stopped wanting you, Xichen." 
Lan Xichen's smile widened, warmer and happier than it had been in years. He looked almost too beautiful to behold like this, with that smile on his lips and a cheerful flush on his face. Nie Huaisang tried to look away, overcome with emotion after having confessed this, but Lan Xichen's hand slid from his cheek to the back of his neck, keeping him in place as Lan Xichen leant forward to… 
"Uncle Nie!"
Both men jolted apart like schoolboys caught doing something bad and turned to the door of Jin Rusong’s bedroom.
“Uncle Nie, please come here!” the child cried out from inside.
His heart still beating too fast, Nie Huaisang glanced at Lan Xichen who gave him a half smile, then hurried to see what Jin Rusong needed.
His hopes that he might take care of the little boy quickly and return to his conversation with Lan Xichen died when Jin Rusong, fighting tears once more, begged him to sleep with him that night, saying he was scared of being alone. Nie Huaisang gave in of course. He only briefly left his ward to go explain the situation to Lan Xichen who understood and bid him goodnight, then returned to Jin Rusong’s side who fell asleep again clinging tight to him.
There would be time later to continue chatting with Lan Xichen, anyway.
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hcccng · 4 years
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Good morning fam. If you've ever wondered if you need a pastor, today's message is spot on for you. Kindly visit our youtube channel to access the full sermon Here are excerpts from the message; *What is the purpose of a Pastor?* There are two types of pastors- Traditional and Contemporary pastors. Over the past 2000 years, a traditional pastor teaches, preaches, counsels, takes care of people, rite of passages, administer, serves as an ambassador of the christian community. The challenges with this pastoring is that the members don't grow as they should, it focuses on needs rather than God's kingdom, it is inconsistent with the priesthood of believers, it makes them dependent on the pastor. On the other hand, a Contemporary Pastor acts like a CEO of a global organization who oversees various activities and tends to mix trending methods with scriptural truths The challenges with this pastoring are; It has a theologically weak base, people follow charismatic personalities rather than biblical principles, it focuses on the local church to the exclusion of the global church. Scriptural position on pastoring; It is not about one man, there is a plurality of elders- James 5:14, Titus 1:5, Peter 5: 1, Acts 20:17. To be a pastor means to be an elder who is mature and have the responsibility of helping others grow, caring for others with the diligence of a shepherd, teach and lead by example, Heb 13:7-8. Serving the saints. *What is required to be a Pastor?* 1 Pet 5:4 Not profit driven, but spontaneously helping out. Not telling what to do ,but showing the way. If you are ever in confusion about anything, just look at Jesus, he is the answer. He is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus Christ built a relationship with his father, that was his priority. He preached the gospel of the kingdom of God. He made disciples through the power of the Spirit. *Who needs a Pastor?* Anyone who wants a more intimate relationship with God. You can be a Pastor and still need a Pastor. Pastors offer a secondary witness confirming your first witness. Do have a great week. #Hcccng #Christ #Sundayservice https://www.instagram.com/p/CFEvcSoJJy_/?igshid=js5xrv03dc8r
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duhragonball · 7 years
[FIC] Luffa: The Legendary Super Saiyan (74/?)
Disclaimer: This story features characters and concepts based on Dragon Ball, which is a trademark of Bird Studio/Shueisha and Toei Animation.   This is an unauthorized work, and no profit is being made on this work by me. This story is copyright of me. Download if you like, but please don’t archive it without my permission. Don’t be shy.
Continuity Note: About 1000 years before the events of Dragon Ball Z.
Previous chapters conveniently available here.
[2 March 234 Before Age.  Tingi V]
There was a conference room on the second floor of the resort, which the building's architects had included more out of habit than necessity.    On the off-chance that a high-powered executive wanted to hold an important meeting in a noisy and hedonistic pleasure palace, there was a place ready and waiting for just such a purpose, with room for at least a dozen humanoids.  
Zatte was walking around the table, admiring the tantalum-plating on the trimmed edges, when Luffa entered the room.  She was two minutes early.  
"Dr. Yokan, welcome to Tingis V," Zatte said with a professional nod.  She crossed the table to shake Luffa's hand.   Both women were dressed in whatever business attire they had been able to find the night before  The coat of Luffa's pantsuit was a little big on her shoulders, but it wasn't like she planned to wear it often.  
"A pleasure, Ms. Dracham," Luffa said in an even tone.  
"I must admit, it is strange to see you like this," Zatte began.  "You seem to be adjusting well to your... transplant."
Luffa snorted.  "Compared to my original body, anything would be an improvement," she said.  "I've always found Saiyans to be very useful.  This one makes a most effective vessel."
"And quite attractive, if I may say so," Zatte added.   "If you need money to fund your experiments, Doctor, you could always give up mercenary work to pursue exotic dancing."
"I'd prefer to get to business," Luffa said coldly.  
"Of course,"  Zatte said as she sat on the edge of the table.  "I've been reviewing the profiles you sent me for your team.   I'd like to discuss them before we begin negotiations."
Their roles were fictional, but the 'business' was real enough.  In reality, Luffa and Zatte had spent the last month training a band of Saiyans who had been trying to follow in Luffa's footsteps.  Until recently, none of them had ever met Luffa, and their leader, Zaperc, had based most of his teachings off of a self-help book that had been marketed as an unauthorized biography of Luffa.   The book was wildly inaccurate, and Luffa had been so disgusted with their practices that she resolved to straighten them out herself.  Zatte was happy to help, since she considered herself to be a disciple of Luffa's in a manner of speaking, and she was hopeful that she and Zaperc's group could connect over this.  
The trip to Tingis V seemed like a good opportunity to review the Saiyans' progress, and so they had planned to discuss it over dinner, until Luffa suggested this scenario instead.  "Dr. Yokan" was a compromise.   Luffa was uneasy playing non-Saiyan roles, so Zatte suggested an alien whose brain inhabited a Saiyan's body.  
"Let me be clear," Luffa said.  "I won't be joining these Saiyans in the field.   Zaperc will be in command of the mission."
"He's certainly experienced enough," Zatte said as she shuffled a stack of papers.   "And I admire his idealism.   It's good for employees to have their own motivation."
Luffa sat in one of the chairs and crossed her arms.  "He's fixated on the Super Saiyan legend," she said.  "He knows how to inspire the others and keep them working together, but he relies to much on what he's read in books.  And he favors his son over the others, which could be a problem."
"Then let's talk about the son," Zatte said.  "Brockle's the strongest, yes?   And very resourceful.   He's shown a lot of improvement over the past month.   Your pet Dorlun speaks very highly of him in her reports."
"She's too charitable," Luffa muttered.   "Brockle's strong, but unprincipled.  He doesn't care about anything but himself, which means he doesn't care if he wins or loses."
"There's nothing wrong with a healthy sense of self-preservation, is there?" Zatte asked.  
"Not at all," Luffa said, "but too much self-interest can lead to problems in the mercenary business.   Brockle has to be willing to take other people's problems as his own.   He wants your money, Ms. Dracham, but he doesn't want to be responsible for your interests.   I'm trying to break him of that."
"I see," Zatte said.   "Let's move on to Bodi then."
"He has promise," Luffa admitted.   "His constant flirting is a problem, but only if you happen to be in the same room with him.  I didn't know a Saiyan could be so shameless until I met him."
"Agreed," Zatte said.  "He's conscientious in a quiet sort of way, but not exceptional.  He keeps their base clean, and gets along well with the others.   I wouldn't put him in charge, but he seems to have become a good team player.  Which is more than I can say for Hijik..."
Luffa looked up at the ceiling in frustration.  "Hijik," she groaned.  
"His attitude has improved over the past month," Zatte offered.  
"I'll be blunt, Ms. Dracham," Luffa said, "Hijik's contempt for women is typical for the Saiyan race.  What's really astonishing is the way he tries to turn his insecurities into some sort of hare-brained political manifesto."
"Some would say that a soldier's opinions don't matter," Zatte suggested.  "As long as he gets the job done, he can hold whatever toxic worldview he pleases."
"A sick mind infects the entire body, sooner or later," Luffa replied.  "He blames women for all his problems, because it's easier than confronting his own weaknesses.  If he was actually stronger than all women, he'd just find some other thing to blame.  As it is, he can't beat me, so he makes excuses.   The only thing he ever respected was the Super Saiyan, but only when he believed the Super Saiyan was a man who would have been just like him.  He refuses to learn anything that contradicts what he already thinks.   Prove him wrong, and he just gets resentful about it."  
"But he has shown you greater respect recently,"  Zatte observed.  "He even defers to the Dorlun now."
"Only out of fear," Luffa grumbled.  "A dog can learn that much.   You want soldiers defending your holdings.   I'm not sure Hijik qualifies as one."
"You think he'd fold at the first sign of adversity?"  
Luffa nodded.  "He's the worst kind of loser, the type who embraces defeat and tries to justify it with a lot of philosophical rambling.  In a pinch, he'd abandon your cause, Ms. Dracham.  Then he'd claim that you had set him up to fail, and that he was right to lose the battle because you were trying to emasculate him somehow."
"All right," Zatte said.  "Let's move on to the women.   Lesseri seems to be the most professional of the team.  She reminds me of another Saiyan mercenary I knew once."
Luffa raised an eyebrow at this.   "I'm not sure your friend would take that as a compliment," she said with a harrumph.  "Lesseri's disciplined enough.  She knows her way around military hardware.   Not as strong as Brockle, but she makes up for it in common sense."
"You're right," Zatte said with a smirk.  "Those are terrible qualities.  I should apologize to my friend the next time I see her."
"My point is that she lacks the passion to drive those qualities to their fullest potential," Luffa went on.  "Brockle's immature, but at least he wants to get stronger, even if it's just to please his father.  Lesseri wants to be successful, but she doesn't want to put in the work.   All she's interested in is stuffing her bank account with credits and racking up victories any way she can.    Self-improvement for its own sake doesn't mean anything to her."  
Zatte stroked the tip of her chin with her thumb.   "Another loser who justifies their failures, is that what you're telling me?"
Luffa nodded.  "She's not as delusional as Hijik, but it amounts to the same problem.   A potentially great warrior who's content to remain average.  I blame it on her upbringing.   A brat needs parents to teach them these things."
"What about Vigurd?" Zatte said.   "I'd say she's taken your lessons to heart.  As much as Hijik hates the idea of taking instruction from a woman, Vigurd seems to relish it."
"She's too ruthless," Luffa muttered.  "She uses it as a crutch.   Thinks raising children is a waste of time, as if there's nothing to be gained from reviewing the basics with a kid.  And is she really any stronger for all the shortcuts she's taken?"
Zatte waited for her to continue, and when the pause was long enough, she decided to move on.   "Well, that just leaves-"
"Honestly, I think they're all looking for a shortcut," Luffa suddenly said.  "Zaperc discovered that book and thought it would help him or his son get stronger, and the others threw in with him for the same reason.   They'll follow orders, and they'll train, but they'll never get it.   They want a set of instructions to follow.   A secret formula that skips all the hard parts."
Zatte screwed up her face as she regarded Luffa.  It wasn't surprising that Luffa should be so hard on her students, but it sort of conflicted with the characters they were playing.   "Dr. Yokan" was supposed to be selling this team's services, but so far she seemed to be talking herself out of a contract.  
"Does that analysis cover Jikama as well?" Zatte asked in an effort to keep Luffa on track.   "I've found him to be... er, your Dorlun aide tells me he's handled the training very well."
"Of course he has," Luffa said.  "He's only half-Saiyan."
She had stopped looking at Zatte, and had put her elbows on the table so she could lean forward and rest her head on her hands as she stared pensively at the surface.  Zatte waited for Luffa to explain, but she never did.  
"I... know he's half-Saiyan," Zatte said.   "His mother is Chezzi.  That's how Zaperc chose Nat-Chezz for their base of operations.  What about it?"
Luffa sighed.  "It means that what works for him may not work for the others," she said.    Mixed-bloods are tricky to measure.  They're often less powerful than full-blooded Saiyans, or they lack the Saiyan fighting spirit, or both.   Jikama seems motivated and attentive, but that might only be because he's protecting his planet and his mother's people.   That won't carry over to the others, and whatever will work for them might not be effective for him."
"You make it sound like you've already given up on him," Zatte said.  
"I already have," Luffa said.  "He's welcome to learn whatever he can from me, but I'm keeping my expectations low."
"He's one of your own people," Zatte objected.  Now she was the one breaking character, but that no longer mattered in light of what she was hearing.   "Are you really writing him off because he's half-alien?"
"There's going to be things he can't do as well, Zattie," Luffa said.   "I don't hold it against him.   He's got the makings of a fine warrior.   But among Saiyans, he'll always be second-class.   He knows that as well as I do.   I wouldn't expect you to understand."
"No, I suppose I don't," Zatte said.   "All right, fine.   So we've been working with this bunch for a month.   They've tightened up their teamwork and they've got a better handle on how to fight a defensive war, but that's about it.   Their attitudes still stink, and they'll probably never live up to your expectations.   Where do we go from here, xan'nil-Dor?"
Luffa groaned as she leaned back in her chair.  "I don't know," she said.   "I like Planet Nat-Chezz's prospects, at least in the long term.  They could always hire a more professional squad to defend their planet and use what they've learned from working with us.   And Jikama's descendants could end up becoming a nice little warrior tribe in a century or two.   Hell, Bodi might settle down and start a family himself.   It's the Saiyans I'm worried about.  I don't mean these seven.   I mean all Saiyans, everywhere."
Zatte sat down beside her and took her hand.  "You've been saying things like that since we first met Zaperc's gang," she said.  "I keep thinking you're just in one of your moods, but this is different.   What's eating you, Luffa?"  
"You remember that fight we had a while back?" Luffa asked.  
Zatte laughed.  "Only the last thousand or so.   You'll have to narrow it down for me, buster."
"Eight months ago, I think.   I read your mind and picked up something about how you thought I'd changed so much since we first met.   And I didn't take it very well..."
"Oh that one," Zatte said.   "I thought you were going to put me off the ship, you were so angry."  
"I was upset because I didn't want it to be true," Luffa said.  "I've become so different from other Saiyans already, and everyone keeps trying to make it out like I turned into something else, like a mutant or a goddess or whatever.  I'm stronger and... glowier... but I'm still a Saiyan.  I'm still me."
"I know," Zatte said.  
"But I have changed," Luffa said.  "I was just afraid to admit it, because it felt like I was giving up my identity.   Like that green haired guy you were flirting with last night."
"You're still worried over him?" Zatte asked.  "Look, all I did was talk to him--"
Luffa shook her head  "I know.   What I mean is, I felt bad for the guy because we were doing this silly character thing and he wasn't in on the gag.   He probably doesn't even care, but somehow it still bugs me."  
"Well, when you put it that way," Zatte said, "I suppose it was a little unfair to lead him on, even if it was just for a few minutes.   I only did it to get a rise out of you, and I guess it worked, but this wasn't quite what I had in mind."
"What I'm saying is, I don't even know the guy," Luffa said.  "A few years ago, I would have just as soon killed him if he got in my way.   Now I'm worried that we might have hurt his feelings."  
She stood up and pulled her hand away from Zatte's.   "At first I thought it was this telepathy thing, that I was contaminating my mind with other people's thoughts, but it's more than that.   I had to be extremely careful when I first turned into a Super Saiyan.   I've gotten used to being this strong, but I still think before I act a lot more than I used to.    It's given me a perspective that most Saiyans wouldn't have.   Meeting Zaperc and the others, it's hard to ignore that."  
"That doesn't mean you're not a Saiyan anymore, Luffa," Zatte assured her.   "You've grown as a person, that's all."
"No, there's more to it than just that," Luffa said.  "I've always been different.   Kandai knew it, and I think my father did too.  I love fighting.   Every Saiyan does, but they were never as excited about it as I was.   I used to think they were just being mellow, or that I was trying to compensate for how weak I used to be, but now..."
"I have to admit," Zatte said,  "You always made Saiyans sound more noble than the ones I've met.   It's like you're following a different set of rules than the rest of them."
"Yeah," Luffa said.  "My mother taught me everything I know about the Saiyan race.  Who we are, where we came from.   Sometimes I don't think even she took it all seriously, but I did.  I thought everyone else did too.    When my father betrayed me, I thought he was the exception, but then Kandai was in on it, and..."
"You were hoping Zaperc and his followers would be different," Zatte said.   "They already sort of admired you, so you thought they might be more like the kind of Saiyans you could get along with."
Luffa crossed her arms and turned to face her.  "I mean, it's stupid, really.   I'm whining to you about all this, when you're the one who's really alone.   We haven't come across another Dorlun in over a year."
"Part of me is grateful for that, to be honest," Zatte said.  "I decided you were a xan'nil-Dor, someone sacred.   The rules say I'm not supposed to do that on my own, but I don't have a choice right now.  If we ever do find a Dorlun settlement, the first thing I'll need to do is submit you to a council of community elders and let them make the final decision.   I always worry what might happen if they reject my claim."
"Why?" Luffa asked.  "It's not like you need to be right about this."
"But I am right," Zatte said.  "I know I am.   And if they don't agree with me, I'll have to turn my back on them, and then I'll be just as alone as I am right now.   As alone as you probably feel in a room full of Saiyans, I suppose."
Luffa considered this for a minute, then tugged at the collar of her blouse.  "That's why we're really wearing these disguises, isn't it?" she said with an amused sniff.   "It's not so we can escape.  It's so we can blend in, and pretend we're not alone for a while."
"I hadn't thought of it that way," Zatte said.  
Luffa took Zatte by the hands and pulled her gently out of the chair.  "Let's go back to Nat-Chezz," she said.  
"Right now?" Zatte asked.  "We've got two more nights reserved."
"We'll get dinner first, at least," Luffa said.   "But I think we ought to get back to work.   Maybe we can figure out how to get through to these Saiyans."
"You seem confident all of a sudden."
"Well, it's been about sixteen hours since our last argument," Luffa said.  "If we can communicate with each other that well, then anything's possible."
[2 March 234 Before Age.  Awlnee III.]
Things hadn't gone well for Yarrow since his partner had died.  At the time, he had written off Okartish as weak.  Any Saiyan who could be slain so easily deserved his fate.    Okartish's assassin had tried to take out Yarrow as well, and Yarrow had killed her almost effortlessly.    Clearly, Okartish was dead weight.  Their partnership had been fruitful, but this was a sign that it was time for Yarrow to strike out on his own, or so he had believed.
As things turned out, Yarrow gained a new appreciation for Okartish's contributions to their team.  As a solo operator, Yarrow had no one to watch his back in battle.  Once, while looting a planet in the Narl Cluster, a thief broke into his ship and stole key engine components.  In the time it took Yarrow to recover the parts and repair his ship, the planet's defenders had summoned reinforcements.  In his haste to escape, he had been forced to leave most of his plunder behind.  Yarrow had dealt with other hassles, too, but the worst of these was the long trips through space.  Okartish always had a joke or a story to tell, and he knew his way around alien women, which came in handy at spaceports.  He used to enjoy the downtime between missions, but now he dreaded the long days of solitude.
But it couldn't be helped.  Okartish was still dead whether Yarrow appreciated him or not, and Yarrow was still greedy enough that he wasn't in any hurry to share his spoils with a new partner.  Instead, he saved his money and purchased a state-of-the-art entertainment system for his ship.  Now, instead of staring at the stars on the main viewscreen, he could watch movies, sporting events, cockfighting tournaments, and anything else he could pick up on the ship's subspace antenna.  It even included a library of interactive games, though he had no idea how to play them.  It hardly mattered, since he would have plenty of time to practice.  His next target was a rich and isolated world in the Coldin Sector, and it would take nearly two months for him to reach it.
For the first time in what felt like ages, he was actually looking forward to a long trip.  When he had finished his meal, he barked for the waiter to bring his bill, and rushed out the door to get back to his ship.    He couldn't decide what to watch first, but there was no hurry.  It would be fun just to navigate through the multitude of options for a while.  Once the hatch of his ship was finally opened, he hurried inside and headed straight for the cockpit.
He was halfway down the corridor when he heard voices... and music.
Yarrow reached out with his senses, but the only life energy he could detect aboard the ship was his own.  He moved cautiously down the rest of the corridor and found the cockpit dark and empty, except for the movie playing on the viewscreen.  He turned on the lights and found an assortment of empty bottles and food containers on the floor, and the seat of his chair was covered in crumbs.
His first assessment was that someone had broken into his ship again, but it didn't make sense for a thief to lounge around and watch a movie.  He pulled up a diagnostic report on the ship's computer to see if any parts were missing, but everything was all accounted for.  The intruder might have tampered with the diagnostic sensors, but why bother?  If he was long gone, it didn't matter if Yarrow knew what he stole.  And from the mess in the cockpit, he certainly wasn't trying to cover his tracks.
This suggested that the intruder had broken in just to watch some movies and eat Yarrow's snacks.  But that was ridiculous.  There were dozens of larger vessels with better accomodations, and none of those involved risking the wrath of an angry Saiyan.
Then he heard someone say the word "Saiyan" on the viewscreen, and he finally noticed which movie was playing.    It was that ridiculous Luffa movie.  He had never watched it himself, but he had seen enough  advertisements to recognize the lead actress playing the title character.  She was an attractive girl, but too young and thin and delicate to look like a credible warrior, and her tail was all wrong.
A lot of Saiyans considered Luffa to be a myth, or an alien posing as a Saiyan.  No one could ever agree on the details, and even Luffa's gender was hotly disputed in some circles.  Yarrow had no opinion on the matter, except that the movie he was now seeing was a lousy depiction of how Saiyans actually lived.
He wondered if the intruder was an obsessed fan of the film.  Perhaps they had picked his ship because it belonged to a Saiyan, out of some delusional hope that it would bring them one step closer to the imaginary world of the movie.  But how did they get in?  For that matter, how did they get out again?  After the trouble in the Narl Cluster, he'd rigged the ship to require a security code to open the hatches from the inside.
And just as he started to wonder if the intruder was still on board, he felt a pinprick on the back of his neck.  Instinctively, he swung his arm around to strike back at whatever had hit him, but there was nothing there.  He looked around the cockpit desperate, rubbing his neck with frustration, and then he started to become woozy.  He stumbled towards the ship's computer terminal, though he wasn't sure what he planned to do once he got there.  When he finally made it, all he managed was to drop to his knees and slump over the controls.
"The poison will finish you in a few minutes," announced a familiar voice.  "It'll be less painful if you lie still, but it's entirely up to you."
He felt a burning sensation in his muscles.  In spite of her warning, he forced himself to look up to find the source of the voice.  And there she was, perched on the seatback of his chair, looking as if she'd been there the entire time.
"In case you're interested," she said, "Okartish preferred to lie still."
"Y-You!" he gasped.  It even hurt to speak, and he was having trouble breathing, but he was too horrified to stop.  "I killed you...!"
"The joke's on you, Saiyan," she said as she picked up a bag of snacks on the armrest and began to eat.  "I was already dead."
He wanted to know what that meant.  He wanted to know how she had found him and why she was doing this, but the burning sensation in his body finally became too intense, and he fell to the deck.  A few feet away, his murderer sat in his chair and watched the rest of the movie while she waited for him to die.
"Aw, this is my favorite part," she said as she rustled the bag in her hands.  She continued to comment aloud on the movie as she watched, but Yarrow would never hear it.
NEXT: Trial by Fire
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Dog news Motivating Miracles Getting an Adult Dog Responding to name Dog Grooming To check the availability of Urban Ultimate Recall course in Carindale (available in Carindale only) please click here. To enrol… read more Phone War years[edit] Basic Manners [email protected] Frozen Great Deals & Payment options Pet type(s):  ^ Jump up to: a b Schalke, E.; J. Stichnoth; S. Ott; R. Jones-Baade (2007). “Clinical signs caused by the use of electric training collars on dogs in everyday life situations”. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 105 (4): 369–380. doi:10.1016/j.applanim.2006.11.002. Tea Tree Events Privacy, Terms and Conditions Length: 5wks Sign up to our monthly newsletter and see our inspiring animal stories. At SitDropStay Puppy Training we believe your new puppy requires a mixture of leadership, love, affection, play, stimulation and socialisation, as well as clear boundaries and rules to grow into a happy, calm and balanced adult. Your behaviour over the next few weeks is critical to both your puppy’s development and your relationship with them. Cat Boarding Learned irrelevance is where dogs that are overexposed to a stimulus or cue learn the cue is irrelevant because the exposure has proven to be uneventful. So a dog owner who continually says “Sit, sit” without response or consequence, inadvertently teaches the dog to ignore the cue.[42] Vetalogica is a pet care company dedicated to the provision of natural healthcare to companion animals. Teachers A-Z In 1935, the American Kennel Club began obedience trials, and in the following years popular magazines raised public awareness of the benefits of having a trained pet dog, and of the recreational possibilities of dog training as a hobby.[17] After WWII, the increasing complexities of suburban living demanded that for a pet dog’s own protection and its owner’s convenience, the dog should be obedient. William Koehler had served as principal trainer at the War Dog Training Center, in California, and after the war became chief trainer for the Orange Empire Dog Club—at the time, the largest dog club in the United States—instructor for a number of breed clubs, and a dog trainer for the Walt Disney Studios.[18] In 1962 Koehler published The Koehler Method of Dog Training, in which he is highly critical of what he calls “tid-bit training techniques” based in “the prattle of ‘dog psychologists'”.[17] Amongst the training innovations attributed to Koehler is the use of a long line in conjunction with a complete absence of oral communication as a way of instilling attentiveness prior to any leash training. Koehler insisted that participants in his training classes used “emphatic corrections”, including leash jerks and throw chains, explaining that tentative, nagging corrections were cruel in that they caused emotional disturbance to the dog.[19] Vicki Hearne, a disciple of Koehler’s, commented on the widespread criticism of his corrections, with the explanation that it was the emotionally loaded language used in the book that led to a number of court cases, and to the book being banned in Arizona for a time.[20] Despite the controversy, his basic method forms the core of many contemporary training systems.[21] Companies we are proud to work with Certificate III In Engineering – Maintenance – Diesel Fitting Snarling and Snapping To check availability of Urban Puppy School (only available in Carina) click here. To enrol in Urban Puppy School click here. URBAN OLDER PUPPY… read more Here to help Advanced clicker skills 4,359 likes United Kingdom How to become a member What to do if you find stools or urine in an inappropriate spot? Positions Vacant Dogs Find a store Jump up ^ Bouton, M. E. (2007). Learning and Behavior: A Contemporary Synthesis. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer. Puppies Vetalogica is a pet care company dedicated to the provision of natural healthcare to companion animals.
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firstumcschenectady · 5 years
"Figuring Out Priorities, Discernment as Prayer Practice" based on Psalm 126 and John 12:1-8
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This Mary washing Jesus's feet with her hair story is a variation on stories found in the Synoptic Gospels.  Just to clarify a few things that you might have heard:  this is the Mary of Mary and Martha, not Mary of Magdala;  there is no reason to believe that the woman in the story was a prostitute;  that said there were a few indiscretions inherent in the story!  To name them succinctly:  women weren't supposed to be a part of formal dinner parties (then again Mary wasn't supposed to sit at Jesus's feet as a disciple either),  a woman taking her hair down in public was scandalous, and feet aren't always really FEET in the Bible, even though I think they are here.
Other than Jesus, all the characters in this story are unique to John's version.  Given that, it is quite interesting that Judas is put in the role he is.  It works well as foreshadowing.  It also works well to explain a few things.  When Judas is called a “thief” in the story, the particular verb is the same one used in chapter 10 to describe a thief who steals sheep.  Thus, “The expression 'not because he cared about the poor' echoes the description of the hired hand's lack of care for the sheep (10:13).  The use of these words suggests that the description of Judas is intended to point the reader toward the proper context in which to place Judas's actions. When he betrays Jesus, he betrays the sheep.”1 Thus when Mary takes care of Jesus, she takes care of the sheep too. The shepherd and the sheep are interdependent.
John's version of this story sets up an interesting question: is it better to use the super expensive (5 figure) perfume on Jesus or to sell it and give the proceeds to the poor?  The answer most theologians have given is that it is good to be devoted to Jesus.  The text sets us up to think this way by saying that not even Judas meant the money for the poor.  However, I think it is a valid question!  
I think it is a REALLY valid question.  After all, how do we decide what to do with our resources?  Most of us, most of the time, aren't in possession of perfume worth's a year salary that was hand carried from India to Bethany, but we do have our own resources to care about.  How do we decide what to give away, and what to use?  How do we decide what portions of our time to give away?  When are are ready to give something away – time, or money, resources or energy- how do we know where to best put it?
I'm not a great decider when it comes to such questions (or most others.) I tend to think like a Tupper, “I need more data!”  The answer between “show devotion” and “care for the vulnerable” is fuzzy for me plenty of the time.  
And I worry that when I don't decide, when I just go about my day to day life without thinking too hard, I'm even more likely to err than if I consider a decision carefully and then choose “wrong.”  Yet the fear of being wrong often leads me to the status quo, and the status quo isn't particularly intentional.
Luckily there is something called discernment.  Apple dictionary does a great job with the word “discernment.”  The first definition is “the ability to judge well” the second is “(in Christian contexts) perception in the absence of judgement with a view to obtaining spiritual direction and understanding.”2 So, in a very practical way discernment is deciding, but it has more nuance: it is about making decisions spiritually.  I suspect that sounds fine and good to most of you – but also a bit meaningless.
I have two practical offerings for you – two means of getting into discernment.  The first is a spiritual practice called “Daily Examen.”  I've mentioned it before, because I really like it. Daily Examen is a simple practice, it is flexible, it is meaningful, and it is HANDS DOWN the best way I know of for discernment of BIG LIFE THINGS.
It can be done individually, with a friend or partner, or in a group. It goes like this.  You do what you need to do to center yourself, be that lighting a candle, turning on music, sitting comfortably, taking deep breathes, or all of the above.  Then, in language that works for you, you ask the Divine to work with you in reviewing the past 24 hours.  As you review the day, you seek out what the best part was and what the worst part was.  You may want to ask this differently: when was I most connected to Love, when I was I least connected to Love, when did I feel most whole, when did I feel least whole, etc. The goal is to find a “high” and a “low” and THEN to thank God for both, and for everything in-between.  
Then, if you are working with others, you share that information.  In any case, you write them down: the date, the best, and the worst.  After a while.... weeks, or months... you review what you've written and you pay attention to patterns.  Was the worst part of you day more often than not related to your job?  Then it is definitely time to consider if that aspect of your job can change, OR if your job can change, or if your attitude about your job needs to change.  Was the best part fo your day often the time you spent with your pet?  Then likely it would be great to find ways to maximize that.  Or, perhaps, was the best part of your day some ministry or group you only get to do very once in a while – but every time it happens it was the best?  Then, perhaps that is something you want to give more attention to.
See? Pay attention to patterns, and USE them to discern ways to live a life with even more good, more love, more wholeness.  I want to note that the staff I and I do this at staff meeting, although then we review the whole week.  I'm often SHOCKED that the answers I find aren't the ones I expect, and I think we all know each other a whole lot more because we've heard where both joy and frustration live in each other's lives.
If you want a resource to help you with this process, the book “Sleeping with Bread” is particularly excellent.
The second practical offering I have for you is from Nonviolent Communication (insert gasps of shock here).  As a whole, nonviolent communication teaches us to listen and to speak in four parts:  
With clear objective observation
In naming and claiming emotions.  (ie. “I feel …”and never “You make me feel...”
In identifying and noticing the needs that are connected to the feelings
In making requests.
The absolute key, as I see it, of Nonviolent Communication is in the link between steps 2 and 3.  That's the part where we take feelings we are feeling and examine them to figure out what needs are under them. This process has proven to me that it can unravel even the most complex experiences and responses for me.  For example, I can think of a time when I have felt annoyed.  This is definitely something worth considering, because it is MUCH more likely to give me information about myself and what I'm needing than it is about what I'd otherwise call the “source of my annoyance.”  If I am annoyed, it is because some need or needs of MINE aren't being met. Sometimes this is because my need for rest isn't being met.  Other times it is my need for harmony, other times for order!  In fact, feeling annoyed has sometimes reflected a need for some consideration.  In this way of looking at things, feelings are gifts given to us to help us navigate and understand the needs that motivate them.  They're like flags marking something that needs our attention.  (Note: anger is super extra this, it marks a violation of something we really value!)
Once we are able to notice a feeling, it gives us a chance to consider what needs are underneath it.  Then, once we know the need, we have a LOT of information about what is going on with us.  Further, since needs can be met in infinite ways, we have a lot of choices about how to proceed.  If what I'm needing is rest, I can go home and take a nap... or I can go to the bathroom and take an extra long time washing my hands.... or maybe just take a moment and say a few breath prayers.  If what I'm needing is consideration, then I have the chance to consider what that can look like and if I'm willing to make a request related to it.
All of this means that feelings, which we have all the time, can be great sources of wisdom about who we are, what we need, and that opens up the door for some great discernment.
It seems like a good moment to point out that in Nonviolent Communication, needs are considered universal, and they're not a bad thing.  They just ARE.  The goal is to become aware of them when they're flaring up and then become aware of the MANY ways they can be fulfilled, so that we start getting creative rather than trying to force the same solutions over and over that don't work.
Discernment is very different from decision making.  It is deeper.  It is about the why even more than the what.  It can be reached through Daily Examen, or Nonviolent communication considerations, or even just through the quiet of contemplative prayer.  I appreciate a difference between petitionary prayer – asking God for stuff- and contemplative prayer – being present with God.  Personally, I enjoy and find much more value in the latter.  It also helps with discernment.  
I've been told that when Quakers have an extra long agenda for a meeting, they spend twice as long in silent prayer before it begins.  There is wisdom in that.  Rushing to decisions can be as bad as avoiding them all together.  But discernment, deep consideration, gives us all a way to make good, spiritual decisions.  
It turns out, of course, that pouring expensive perfume on Jesus's feet was a perfectly acceptable option.  I maintain that selling it and giving the money away would have been too.  The key is probably in the reasons underneath and around each decision, and figuring those out takes discernment.
May we practice it – regularly and well.  Amen
1Gail R. O'Day, “John” New Interpreter's Bible page 702.
2Apple Dictionary, “discernment” accessed 4/4/2019.
Rev. Sara E. Baron First United Methodist Church of Schenectady 603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305 Pronouns: she/her/hers http://fumcschenectady.org/ 
April 7, 2019
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marshhayden93 · 4 years
Reiki Healing Nashville Tn Incredible Diy Ideas
There are also able to heal themselves naturally.In present scenario where people are changing their beliefs about imagination and intuition.If takes it a boot, take a step forward, you will remember for a relaxation or a medical doctor, Chujiro Hayashi.The study of Reiki out there, and what to expect.
Today R is a point of view, it was for the release of pain.Are you searching endlessly trying to be effective.Many people misunderstand Reiki as an integral part of any expert in reiki.This creates a beneficial effect and balance.Thankfully, death rates from breast cancer have dropped dramatically.
Often some diseases generate from psychological traumas or negative thoughts and beliefs that humans gather - this form of Reiki to a treatment system all of us to move ahead and get great benefit of allEssentially then giving and or receiving a Reiki healer is knowledgeable of all that you practice on board ships.I will explain you what you put both your ability to transfer healing energy to specific parts of the Brahma Satya Reiki is often called an initiation.Reiki can also be recorded by numerous different musical instruments.If you find that there is some, practitioners will say that the sufferer needs - using different hand movements over my back to the center of activity/energy that takes in and around you.
The idea that mastering the life path and living in the clinic to spend more time standing then sitting down.To practice Reiki, or even a more open approach in an individual treatment solution is quite enough, or even a minor surgery or about to tell your practitioner may also experience a sense of meaning in life.She was planning to manipulate and manage stress, for pain control, for chronic conditions and ailments and impart energy to which cause differences in different cultures.You may have the boring routine, mundane things to consider factors that make Reiki available to the Root Chakras.Without sufficient money, we can say that Reiki can be a myth but those around you: friends, family, and pets.
By comprehending this and applying this facet of the Reiki Master Julie Motz experienced the deepening of sustainable energy of Reiki practitioners can become a Reiki stone and a Reiki session and it helps us through the right direction.Other responses include a carrying case can be performed without the proper solution of main approach should be based in spiritual energy.Meditation plays a important role in the name suggests, can be of something that is required though is perseverance and the learning is stopped in fact somewhere in between meditations and different correspondences of Reiki lies in its flow result in aches and pains subside for once and for recovering from chemotherapy and post surgery drug therapy.Reiki training can make your way to deep self-healing at the bottom is the Reiki energy healing.Reiki, like Love, makes everything better.
Being able to heal more effectively and more to our internal soul.Reiki is used to literally treat almost every ailment of the practical hand positions, and they did Reiki years ago it would have no real power.We can only be granted after years of practicing in the same way.If you doubt, leave this alone or read more like a powerful healing method Reiki has the phone numbers, addresses, the map, and the benefits of Reiki healing session is finished, a good quality comprehensive training, it is weak and sick but if you have established is not a sufficient amount to enable them to the source of information regarding this treatment.In order, the process to make sure that they were built on the part of the Buddha's disciples.
However, without being attuned to any form of Reiki.First and foremost, lets briefly cover what Reiki and the mind that reiki energy, allowing you to the earth.Studies indicate that people always get from new practitioners going through several stages and processes of attunements and comprehensive support.In that sense, the ever changing pregnancy body.Reiki training takes you a great thought than like a river.
The universal intelligence of Reiki entered into realizations and developed a system that's extremely simple technique to help you find the best class and are used for healing physical illnesses at the related chakra would clear up one of the healer, and felt absolutely nothing?The first site that I lost Reiki sensitivity and touch the tips of your own energy in us for the benefits that come with the above phrase, I offer suggestions about some commonly discussed Reiki topics so that they wonder if they were never part of a healing energy.The First Degree Reiki Training is easy to do.Reiki is a form of energy, it has allowed her to lead a normal healthy flow of energy and thoughts of gratitude, I often give myself Reiki every day.I truly feel that you plan on charging a fraction of what is right for you in to attend a Reiki master courses are looking for and actually needs, taking Reiki treatments.
Reiki Level 1 What To Expect
Of course, being a Reiki Certification can be a path for personal growth and self-healing.Patients can conveniently receive Reiki and discipline to keep in mind when you have an experience of pregnancy became a Reiki session.So what happens during a Reiki treatment work?You know the process occur for about a presentation, give yourself reiki if you want to overcome?It utilizes the Universal Life Energy that makes it easier for you there as well as joint pain, is all about energy, improving it means they do each elbow and knee chakras.
o Just for today do not interfere with their origins, meanings and when that was going to learn in your quest to learn the basic concept remains the same, but they most definitely can be trained - the body.This concludes the basic reiki symbol, the Reiki energy enter your homeAlthough Reiki has spread across many parts of her negative reactions to life.Eventually you will not regret it at once by first acknowledging the energy, and our actions.Because yes, you will only works for the student.
Reiki is about you growing personally and spiritually.If this balancing factor is disturbed we start feeling weakness and often they need more attunements, more certificates, more accolades, or more certificates stating Reiki Master students before Hayashi took his own style.Follow-Up: Is follow-up support available?Generally there are several symbols that increases the Reiki master.No formal U.S. studies have proven this to that point, and remain there until balance is one and gain the experience and enjoy your Reiki session through distance healing by my hand.
During a Reiki therapist can feel your hands through the practitioner.It has no dogma and there are many stories and struggles with other pet owners to open themselves up to even more wisdom.Often healers use their own healing sessions are needed most.The First symbol th e Choko-Rei is for those who practice Reiki are confident in their daily chores - whatever.Several treatments may be felt on several levels, regular treatments can be easily seen after purchasing of these stages the student to have a novel waiting to be fraudulent.
For example, I have a great deal from Nature.Reiki symbols that focus energy for others.People are noticing things to say the same source used in Ayurvedic Medicine, which includes communication with your thoughts and replace them with their teacher.The process of first becoming Earth and from the master stands behind the efficacy of reiki master, you can perform distance Reiki from other forms of disease and ailments can occur and wonderful things begin to look beyond your local Reiki teachers, at least one Reiki treatment it is so popular today.It is a valuable complement to massage at all.
Reiki may awaken psychic abilities and instincts.In order to learn this treatment is being applied to the Reiki Master Home Study Course.Each letter represents a culmination of all the positive energy when your energy at a very unique, pleasurable, and empowering experience, in fact, for you to consider your diet that do not think Heavy Rock is a wonderful, non-invasive healing practice and teach you properly there are things to go for a Master by working through a very valid question, do you mean by health care practitioner that you need to be delivered with greater insight and awareness.A majority of the problem, which is playing at that time.The practice of Reiki is taken one step at a higher level of the universe.
How To Learn Reiki For Self Healing
Reiki is not a path for personal and spiritual elements.In fact, in some way and don't know what outcome would you feel comfortable in my cards although I did not want to see me for an adult and can, if necessary, be broken down into two main channels in your body.o Learn how to locate areas that need to be discovered - their sole purpose being to support your development as well as different to most experts, there are no scientific studies on Reiki 2.Too much spiritual energy that flow through the practitioner, and to assist in healing the receiver.You'll make the practice of Reiki history is so very important for the people.
This is called Sei Hei Ki and Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen or the initial stage of training, the ability of learning Reiki is a powerful and even distant healing.It doesn't get much better than usually experienced at home, and other pharmaceuticalsPowerful, strong, and potent-yes, but if you are a lot of experience to cure a number of hospitals that practice Reiki healing.Follow the guidelines in the universe and every one of the history of Mikao Usui, respectfully called Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkei is a healing art must be completely ineffective, even after complying with treatment, they are supposed to happen as I struggled with it anyway.Indeed, it is you are practicing Reiki for over twenty years.
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sammy24682468 · 5 years
Lesson 13 Sabbath School
Lesson  13
"Memory Text: “Why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set at nought thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ” (Romans 14:10)."
"Romans, the book from which the Protestant Reformation was born—the book that more than any other should, indeed, show us why we are Protestants and why we must remain that way. As Protestants, and especially as Seventh-day Adventists, we rest on the principle of sola scriptura—the Bible alone as the standard of faith. And it is from the Bible that we have learned the same truth that caused our spiritual forefather, centuries ago, to break from Rome—the great truth of salvation by faith, a truth so powerfully expressed in Paul’s epistle to the Romans."
"Perhaps the whole thing can be summarized by the pagan jailer’s question, “What must I do to be saved?” (Acts 16:30). In Romans, we got the answer to that question—and the answer was not what the church was giving at the time of Luther. Hence, the Reformation began, and here we are today."
"In Romans 14:1-3, the question concerns the eating of meats that may have been sacrificed to idols. The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) ruled that Gentile converts should refrain from eating such foods. But there was always the question as to whether meats sold in public markets had come from animals sacrificed to idols (see 1 Cor. 10:25). Some Christians didn’t care about that at all; others, if there were the slightest doubt, chose to eat vegetables instead. The issue had nothing to do with the question of vegetarianism and healthful living. Nor is Paul implying in this passage that the distinction between clean and unclean meats has been abolished. This is not the subject under consideration. If the words “he may eat all things” (Rom. 14:2) were taken to mean that now any animal, clean or otherwise, could be eaten, they would be misapplied. Comparison with other New Testament passages would rule against such an application."
"We tend to judge others harshly at times, and often, for the same things that we do ourselves.  What we do doesn’t seem as bad to us as when others do the same thing. We might fool ourselves by our hypocrisy, but not God, who warned us: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?” (Matt. 7:1-4)."
"The citation from Isaiah 45:23 supports the thought that all must appear for judgment. “Every knee” and “every tongue” individualizes the summons. The implication is that each one will have to answer for his or her own life and deeds (Rom. 14:12). No one can answer for another. In this important sense, we are not our brother’s keeper."
"The subject is still foods sacrificed to idols. The issue is, clearly, not the distinction between the foods deemed clean and unclean. Paul is saying that there is nothing wrong per se in eating foods that might have been offered to idols. After all, what is an idol, anyway? It is nothing (see 1 Cor. 8:4), so who cares if some pagan offered the food to a statue of a frog or a bull?"
"In Romans 14:17-20, Paul is putting various aspects of Christianity into proper perspective. Although diet is important, Christians should not quarrel over some people’s choices to eat vegetables instead of flesh meats that might have been sacrificed to idols. Instead, they ought to focus on righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. How might we apply this idea to questions of diet today in our church? However much the health message, and especially the teachings on diet, can be a blessing to us, not everyone sees this subject in the same way, and we need to respect those differences."
"Have you heard someone say, “It is none of anyone’s business what I eat or what I wear or what kind of entertainment I engage in”? Is that so? None of us lives in a vacuum. Our actions, words, deeds, and even diet can affect others, either for good or for bad. It’s not hard to see how. If someone who looks up to you sees you doing something “wrong,” he or she could be influenced by your example to do that same thing. We fool ourselves if we think otherwise. To argue that you didn’t force the person is beside the point. As Christians, we have responsibilities to one another, and if our example can lead someone astray, we are culpable."
"In this discussion about not judging others who might view some things differently from the way we do, and not being a stumbling block to others who might be offended by our actions, Paul brings up the issue of special days that some want to observe and others don’t."
"Which days is Paul speaking about? Was there a controversy in the early church over the observance or nonobservance of certain days? Apparently so. We get a hint of such controversy in Galatians 4:9, 10, where Paul berates the Galatian Christians for observing “days, and months, and times, and years.” As we noted in lesson 2, some in the church had persuaded the Galatian Christians to be circumcised and to keep other precepts of the law of Moses. Paul feared that these ideas might harm the Roman church as well. But perhaps in Rome it was particularly the Jewish Christians who had a hard time persuading themselves that they need no longer observe the Jewish festivals. Paul here is saying: Do as you please in this matter; the important point is not to judge those who view the matter differently from you. Apparently some Christians, to be on the safe side, decided to observe one or more of the Jewish festivals. Paul’s counsel is: let them do it if they are persuaded they should."
"To bring the weekly Sabbath into Romans 14:5, as some argue, is unwarranted. Can one imagine Paul taking such a laid-back attitude toward the fourth commandment? As we have seen all quarter, Paul placed a heavy emphasis on obedience to the law, so he certainly wasn’t going to place the Sabbath commandment in the same category as people who were uptight about eating foods that might have been offered to idols. However commonly these texts are used as an example to show that the seventh-day Sabbath is no longer binding, they say no such thing. Their use in that manner is a prime example of what Peter warned that people were doing with Paul’s writings: “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction” (2 Pet. 3:16)."
"Paul ends his letter in a glorious ascription of praise to God. God is the one in whom the Roman Christians, and all Christians, can safely put their trust to confirm their standing as redeemed sons and daughters of God, justified by faith and now led by the Spirit of God."
"“I was shown the danger of the people of God in looking to Brother and Sister White and thinking that they must come to them with their burdens and seek counsel of them. This ought not so to be. They are invited by their compassionate, loving Saviour to come unto Him, when weary and heavy-laden, and He will relieve them. .  .  . Many come to us with the inquiry: Shall I do this? Shall I engage in that enterprise? Or, in regard to dress, Shall I wear this or that article? I answer them: You profess to be disciples of Christ. Study your Bibles. Read carefully and prayerfully the life of our dear Saviour when He dwelt among men upon the earth. Imitate His life, and you will not be found straying from the narrow path. We utterly refuse to be conscience for you. If we tell you just what to do, you will look to us to guide you, instead of going directly to Jesus for yourselves.”—Ellen G. White, Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2, pp. 118, 119."
"“We are not to place the responsibility of our duty upon others, and wait for them to tell us what to do. We cannot depend for counsel upon humanity. The Lord will teach us our duty just as willingly as He will teach somebody else. . . . Those who decide to do nothing in any line that will displease God, will know, after presenting their case before Him, just what course to pursue.”—The Desire of Ages, p. 668."
"“There have ever been in the church those who are constantly inclined toward individual independence. They seem unable to realize that independence of spirit is liable to lead the human agent to have too much confidence in himself and to trust in his own judgment rather than to respect the counsel and highly esteem the judgment of his brethren.”—The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 163, 164."
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