#‘my lord's messages have been answered’ : askbox
faultedloyalty · 1 year
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends ( see other )  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other : [ my muse ] is the fake friend, [ your muse ] considers it real ; [ my muse ] comes to enjoy the company [ your muse ] brings
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other ; [ my muse ] comes to see [ your muse ] as a trophy child*
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous [ my muse to yours ] to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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deitiesofduat · 2 years
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[20] -- RA
✦ TITLE: His Majesty Lord Ra, High King of the Deities -- The God of the Sun, Light, and Radiance
✦ SACRED ANIMAL: The Bennu Bird ✦ DIVINE WEAPON: The Aten (Divine Solar Disk) ✦ NOTABLE EPITHETS: "King of the Gods; Guardian of The Heavens; The Luminous One; Whose Commands Bring the Gods Into Being" ✦ PROFILE: https://deitiesproject.com/portfolio/ra/
Lord Ra is the High King of the deities, and an aspect of Atum. He is the father of five daughters who include Sekhmet, Mafdet, Hathor, Serqet. and Bastet.
Regal and revered, Ra is the ruling king among the pantheon, and the powerful magic he wields through the sun grants him dominion over his citizens and realm. Despite his past biases and mistakes, the solar god strives to continue as a protective guardian to his entire kingdom.
DEITIES x OC_TOBER -- Deity Profiles [Full Character Lineup]
20 out of 20, we did it ya’ll!! The final profile of this years OC_tober run is the High King himself, Ra!
There are many versions of Egyptian mythology with a designated ruler at the top of the pantheon. I ultimately chose Ra to serve as the high king, and to keep him distinct from others like Amun and Atum -- the latter of whom serves as the creator and All-father of the pantheon.
Many key myths revolve around Ra as a king and a solar god, and others refer  to his role as divine ancestor and a father. All of this combined makes Ra one of the more complex and interesting gods I’ve had to characterize thus far for DEITIES. I hope that with more time, I’ll be able to showcase more facets of his character within in the project and story.
I’m not sure I have anything worthy of a fun fact for Ra though, aside from details that can be found by searching his character tag. That said, I am painfully aware that Ra still doesn’t have a designated headdress design yet. You’d think that as the High King, he ought to have one by now and that he’d constantly wear it, right?
Truthfully, this is partially due to my earlier indecision for how I wanted his headdress to look while drawing concept sketches, a few of which can be seen on instagram. And since I decided to nix headdresses for the complete lineup, i dodged needing to design on for Ra again 😂 Suffice it to say it hasn’t been my biggest priority, but eventually I will design a proper headdress/crown for Ra. Until then, I’m pretty fond of the way he looks without one, so he’ll likely still frequent the crown look for casual occasions even after this eventual update.
For any questions about Ra or the rest of the project or cast, you can submit your message in the reopened Askbox and I'll answer them during the weekend -- just be sure to review the FAQs & Guidelines, thank you! UPDATE: All wrapped up for this year, stay tuned for more blog updates later!
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lnights · 2 years
hey bat! since you still have that mini fic post pinned I'll shoot my shot: a few months ago I think I sent you an ask about a mini fic and I never saw an answer& you mentioned your askbox being empty so I'm thinking that maybe it was eaten by Tumblr but if you just didn't write it for any reason it's totally fine feel free to ignore this message! just in case it was eaten and you ever feel like writing it: I had the idea of a Tommi/Olli fic best friends to lovers where they're on vacation or on a trip together and there's a lot of pining and snuggling and intimacy 🥺 if you ever feel like writing it I'd be so happy! in any case I hope you have a great day, sending u love! - 🐺
Hi hi🖤
I don't remember ever seeing this so I'm glad you sent it again.
I wrote this instead of sleeping with my phone at 3% battery 😅 I hope you like it
The trip was their yearly tradition.
They would go to the Matela's summer cottage for a week, just the two of them, and relax in the middle of their hectic lives with swimming and bonfires.
Except this year, the weather decided to not cooperate, rain pouring as they drove to the cottage.
"Rain wasn't in the forecast." Olli muttered.
Tommi nodded, it was true, they had both looked at the weather prediction and with was supposed to be sunny.
In the last few months leading up to the vacation Tommi had dreamed about it being sunny. A bright blue sky and sunlight catching Olli's honey colored hair and making it gold when he finally told him how he felt, how he had felt since they met in school.
But now it was raining and cold and grey, and Olli looked so disappointed as he watched the windshield wipers wick away the drops as they parked.
But he couldn't make it stop raining, as much as he would if he could, and so they grabbed their bags and ran from the car to the front door, getting drenched fast as they got into the cottage.
20 minutes later their bags were in their rooms and they had switched clothes, trying their hair and sitting in the living room.
"Guess we're not going swimming," Olli sighed, "want to watch a movie instead?"
"Yeah, you can pick." Tommi told him.
Olli quickly put on Lord of the Rings and came to sit by Tommi, snuggling into his side; Tommi wrapped his arms around him and pulled him closer.
It had always been like that for them, cuddling on a couch or Olli leaning on his shoulder to sleep, and Tommi wanted nothing more than to call Olli his boyfriend and watching the rain fall.
But it was so different than he thought about asking.
They got through the first movie and Olli pulled away to swap discs to the next movie before staring at him for a moment.
"Hey Tommi, there's something I want to try." Olli told him. "Lay back on the couch."
"Why?" Tommi eyed him suspiciously.
"Just do it, for me please." Olli cajoled.
How could he say no to those puppy eyes?
Tommi laid back, watching Olli wrap a blanket and his shoulders and lay on top of him, cocooning them both.
"This is nice," Olli sighed.
And it was, there was something so perfect about the moment that even if it wasn't what he imagined, it felt right.
"Olli?" Tommi asked softly.
"Would... We've know each other so long, have you ever thought about being more?"
Olli was silent.
Just when he was starting to panic Olli exhaled sharply, turning his head up to look at him.
"Every day since I was 17."
It took a few moments for his words to finally sink in.
He raised a hand to Olli's cheek, keeping his face tilted towards his and gave him a long kiss.
They wouldn't have to wait any more.
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Catch a Falling Star
The Star Sending Festival goes a little differently when Yuu has a raging crush on one of the performers.
Warnings for coarse language, deceptive actions, and being an excuse for OC x Canon, baby!
Please check my Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction tag for more, and let me know if you enjoyed it! I have an open askbox and do like to chat.
"You boys look great."
Trey and Deuce flushed a bit, and you laughed and snapped a quick picture. How pretty they looked in starlight silks and airy linens, all embroidered in gold! Pretty as a picture.
"If you like the clothes so much, you can take my spot and play the drum?" Idia, poor thing, he sounded so hopeful from the other side of his screen. And the clothes were nice, nicer than even the robes you had woken up in. They'd look nice on you. But if they'd look nice on you, how much nicer would they look on him?
You tried to keep your voice casual, but you couldn't keep out the teasing tone. "Noooo, they’d suit you better. And I can't keep a beat! You've done perfect on some of the rhythm games you play. It'll be a cakewalk."
He just groaned, and kept at it. As though pity for him could outweigh your own desires.
"Selfish little bastard of a man."
"Please stop calling my brother names."
"I'll call him what I like. Deuce has been working very hard. At least he can't resist gamifying anything."
Ortho hovered behind your shoulder. "Is it wrong that I hope Deuce succeeds? I should want Idia to always win."
"I hope not. I like Idia a lot-"
"You do."
"Shh. But that doesn't mean I want him to always have his way. He does need to do things sometimes. If he doesn't occasionally come out of his comfort zone, how's he going to extend said zone? He's got... there's zones he needs to be in before..."
Ortho tilted his head, and you ruffled his hair like the puppy he seemed. "Anyways. I got an idea. Say nothing to you brother about it, I don't want him crying betrayal in my messages."
"Easy sleep."
The gem glowed to life, and you set it aside to grab the next unactivated one. With so many students not wanting to make a wish? All you had to say was that you'd take unwanted stones, no questions asked. By sunset there were piles of them by the Ramshackle gate. all to add to Deuce's . And wishing stars didn't seem to care if the same person used multiple, just if you spoke it out loud. Which, with your loudmouth shnook of a roommate, meant you were just cycling through a list of trivial things.
"Ugh, are you done? I'm going to bed." He only made a few more wishes himself, for endless food and as many naps as he'd like, before growing bored.
"I'll be up soon, make yourself comfortable. Um. Fly the heavens. Swim like fishes. A clean conscience..." You kept going through ones in the lyrics from a remembered song, until you were sure Grim was in bed and wouldn't be awake to make fun of you.
"One true lover with a thousand kisses."
The stone clicked on like a sigh, warming under your touch. The light seemed a bit different, though it was likely your imagination. You grabbed the next one. "Idia to perform in his pretty little outfit." Click. "That if I go home, I rememeber everything, everyone here." Click. Click. Click. You kept going until there was only one left.
You whispered a truly selfish one to it, and it lit up so bright you had to blink the spots from your eyes.
"Aaaaaaaaa you look so cuuute~" As beautiful as Idia looked? You couldn't stop gushing over Ortho. "You're such a pretty little thing aaaaaaaaah!~" You swung Ortho around in a hug. "You look great! And the ceremony is saved!"
God, he had such a sweet laugh. "I'll be perfect! I have to go! I'll see you after!" Was he trailing sparkles as he went? Probably not. And with him gone, you could go back to your original target.
Idia fidgeted in his spoot and looked away as you looked him up and down. You'd never seen him look so fine. Of course, even in his usual clothes, he was beautiful, but in these, this finery? He looked otherworldly, more a fanciful painting than a person. Maybe everyone else could see even a fraction of what you did.
"You look nice."
"It's awful." 
"It's lovely. A splendid get up for a splendid person." He turned red. "A kind, sweet boy who steps up to the plate when it really matters." Redder. "A wonderful person who went out and personally granted all the wishes he could - Mal told me about what you did, and look what you've done for Ortho! And you saved the ceremony!"
He covered his face with his hands. "Stop, stop, I'm too low-leveled to take these complements. I don't deserve them."
"You deserve plenty. May I...?" You held up your phone.
He frowned at you. "Why would you want a picture of me looking like an idiot?"
"You look..." So beautiful you feel lightheaded just from standing this close. "Far from an idiot."
He argued, but you did get your picture.
The ceremony was over, but you're just pissy. If it was just your phone on the friz? Yeah, whatever. But everyone's went screwy, so you knew damn well Idia did something so there wouldn't be pictures or video.
And he'd done so well! He was a born drummer, he hadn’t missed a beat. He'd been so alive, and passionate, and he needed to see it for himself. That was the whole reason, not that you’d wanted a recording of him to watch in the wee hours of the morning.
Good thing that even as he fled from the wishing tree, he was easy to pick out, and it was easy to guess the direction he was going. So, instead of chasing directly after him and losing out to his long stride, you just took a different path and waylaid him in a small clearing.
He didn't even realize you were there until you steped into his path ten feet in from of him, landing on his ass.
"So. How'd you screw the phones?"
He blinked up at you, chest heaving. His clothes were damp from the ceremony, and he smelled of sweat, though not unpleasantly. "Made a signal jammer. They'll be fine when I turn it off."
You smiled, and sat down across from him. You'd picked a good spot to find him, the moss was thick underneath you. both. "That's a great trick. Why?"
He rolled his eyes, already knowing what track you were on. "No one wants pictures of me except you."
"If that was true, you wouldn't have made it so no one got any pictures of the ceremony. The one where you were only a small part of." You decided to add a bit of guilt. "Deuce's poor mother, she'll not get any pictures of her boy!"
He flopped back onto the ground and covered his face. "Stop lying."
"I'm not lying."
"You don't actually care about that." Still lying back, he pointed a finger at you. "You're just mad because you didn't get your pictures of me! Why me?"
"Why not you? I was so busy looking at you I barely had time to notice anything else! Why would I want to look at anything else!" You couldn't stop yourself. "I don;t understand why anyone would ever stop looking at you. I've never seen anyone so beautiful in my life. And after I got to know you? I like all of you, even the parts that drive me mad. Especially those." You drew your knees to your chest, painful with the thudding of your heart. "You're wonderful. The only thing about you I truly don't like is how much you dislike yourself."
He'd drawn back during your... good lord, that was a confession, wasn't it? Against a tree, staring at you wide eyed with fear. He was going to run as soon as he caught his breath, you knew it. You'd fucked it up and he probably wouldn't even want to keep being your friend.
"Do you really mean that?"
You nodded, waiting for the shoe to drop. But instead of running, he joined you, a hair's breadth from your side, silent for what felt like eons.
"I'm an SR at most. On my good days."
"Nonsense." You laughed. "You're a treasure. a truly rare specimen. Museum quality."
He managed to laugh back. "Only normies still go to museums."
You nudged his shoulder. "I said don't ever call me that."
You pushed him lightly, and he still flopped over, laughing. You joined him, head on his chest. (So damned bony! even with his faint muscle, you could feel the curves of rib beneath his skin.)
"You're terrified. I can hear your heart going."
"Ah... Excited too. People don’t confess to you every day. Especially not me."
"Oh, they should though. Letters pouring out of your locker every time you open it. Chocolates from secret admirers. The whole list."
"Not everyone's you. No one else is."
"You can just borrow mine. I get tons of them."
He frowned at you. "And you pick me?"
"Yes? Why wouldn't I?"
"There's the whole school to pick from. A whole school who aren't shut in otakus with curses."
"Oh, I got a curse too." He narrowed his eyes at you. "I'm the hottest bitch in a school full of hot bitches. It's truly dreadful. No one meets my exacting standards except you."
"I am cursed. And you have no standards, because..."
You held a finger to his lips, and he went cross-eyed trying to look at it. "No. Don't start. Can I prove I like you?"
He gave a small nod, and you took a deep breath before you began. The first kiss, you placed to his fore head after pushing his bangs away. The next two, to each scrunched eyelid, purplish and finely veined. Four, five, six, to the nose and each cheek. On the last, you hesitated. Was this too much? Was this too quick? He answered you himself, reaching up and dragging you down to crush his lips against yours with a gasp. He only let you up when he gasped for breath, eyes unfocused and his lips bruised and swollen. It was such a glorious sight, you couldn't help but record it.
He didn't even get a chance to shield his eyes, and you'd stowed your phone away as he blinked in shock as he realized what the click was. "Why'd you do that?"
"Because you looked beautiful, and I wanted to remember it."
"Nnnn... please don't show anyone."
"Not even you?"
"Too bad, I'll show you after. People are probably looking for us."
You couldn't complain. You're pretty sure that you weren't supposed to plant grass seed by hand? But there was something soothing about your hands in the dirt, so you were doing it that way.
"I can't believe Shroud's not here, he made this mess."
"Ortho is here." He was in charge of spreading the grass seed after he helped get rid of the burnt grass.
"Ortho doesn’t count."
You threw a clod of dirt at Grimm's head. "Then you might as well say you don't, either."
Idia actually showed up in the flesh before that fight could continue, gushing that he actually got the game sequel he wanted. Good for him! Now you needed to find a playthrough of the original to watch, to properly understand the excitement.
"It's a pity you didn't get a wish yourself, Yuu." Deuce didn’t know that you'd wished up at least three dozen stars yourself, he thought you’d just gotten them from people. He didn’t need to know, either.
You looked up at Idia, catching his eye. He started, and flushed not just his face, but halfway down his hair, before it faded out, a pulse of pink sparks. The smile you made at the sight hurt your cheeks from the strength of it.
"I'd say I got my wish just fine."
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heleneplays · 3 years
I forgot to answer, but thank you to @ravenclaw-craftsgirl, @annabelle-tanaka-official for the tag!
Keeping it short HERE with the handy read more bc my answers will be long <3
1. why did you choose your url?
Honestly, heleneplays-- it's pretty self explanatory that this was gonna be a gaming blog, dedicated to whatever I was playing... which was HPHM at the time.
HOWEVER as u can see, the focus shifted to my comfort milfs characters and my own player characters,,, who are extensions of me, if not a direct self-insert
so here's to my clownery for games and the characters and/or plot that hook me to them
2. any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
yes but no thank <3
u may percieve, just this once.
THIS is a sideblog. my main is @h-doodles
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I'm celebrating my 9th year of being in this hellsite on September 21st.
4. do you have a queue tag?
yes but i forget to use them usually,,,
it's tagged #queue or a variation of, but i'm small and lazy bc I scroll on my phone and tumblr labs' quick queue function is on </3
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
this blog was for the good ole HPHM, but also to actually to simp for Patricia Rakepick on the side, as it was only Y3 back then and I am but a small, hapless lesbian for she
also I was. ig tired of having everything under my main, untagged, unfiltered; so here I am with a very handy sideblog
6. why did you choose your icon?
Right now it's Helene Spillane in with a boquet of sunflowers, and I picked bc this is my OC!!! and I want her to be displayed!!!
7. why did you choose your header?
It was time for a change
(dionysus!helene i love u sweetie but i'm in love with maría just stealing me rudely for a dance)
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
lemme check......
oh wow. i expected it was my shitpost on tall vampire mommy but apparently it's the most regrettable ship i ever considered making.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I counted 51 in here, and 55 in my main, so in the range of 50-60 since some share between them.
10. how many followers do you have?
Here? around 340, already excluding the pornbots our lord and savior can't seem to flag properly.
11. how many people do you follow?
I used to follow over 500 something but most were inactive and I went through them with a paper shredder, but after like. I went through like 3 hellsite unfollow glitches by then.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
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13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
14. did you have a fight/argument with a blog once?
It doesn't shame me to admit that yeah, I have. Back on my old tumblr tho. Here? Well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”?
I kin with the message, but honestly sometimes i'm conflicted bc I already go thru so much so. yea. personal prefs if and when i'll reblog such posts
16. do you like tag games?
But in long posts? Good luck having me continue!
17. do you like ask games?
sometimes, they're good to personalize the traits and characteristics of my OC, but also gives like. a template if I run art ask requests.
I get fatigued easily tho, so that's why some asks are just lounging on the edge of my askbox
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they're really, really, very good artists so im gonna assume @helgship, @lgvalenzuela, @rymushu, @astrejlau are! also @haniiebeedraws and @jayrart and @kyril-but-magical and @slytherincursebreaker as well, based on engagement <3
writers as well, esp one (1) James Shaw who I am too shy and baby to tag
@annabelle-tanaka-official, @dat-silvers-girl, @weasley-adoptee, @carewyncromwell definitely, if based on the amount of traffic I see on their asks and tags.
19. do you have a tumblr crush on a mutual?
no, but i do admire some of my mutual's themes on PC
also god, what even is a tumblr crush if not a crush?
No tags for future because i'm p sure most my tag game mutuals already answered this, but go ahead and steal if you want!
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Interesting question. I get why my Askbox is flooded with it. May thirteen was a disappointment. Most Jikookers were looking forward to a reinforcement of a long established Jikook tradition- well everyone except me and a couple others I think. Y'all don't be paying attention. Lol
Jikook are complex beings and like any complex organism they learn to adapt to situations and surroundings. They are predictable in that way but also they are not. It's paradoxical, I know.
If you paid any attention to what was going on from late March through to June you'd have known there was little to no likelihood May 13 was gonna happen.
And if it had happened, it would have taken on a whole new meaning at least to some of us. But hey, 5/8 right? Sure. Jimin smart. We stan a Bigbrain.
Anywho, tomorrow is not about Jimin or Jikook or any ship. It's about JK. It's about celebrating the gift of life that he is. For all the times he's been hated on, this is the only day out of 365 days that we as a fandom get to put our differences aside and come together to show our love and appreciation for him- I hope.
I don't see why Jimin wouldn't do the same for him. Especially since it's been a long established tradition not just for Jikook but for all the members.
They all celebrate eachother's birthday to varying degrees but at the bare minimum they wish each other a happy birthday. That's the norm.
All the other members will wish JK a happy birthday and that includes Jimim. If you understand why people celebrate others birthday you'll understand this is not complicated at all. So it's not a question of will Jimin post tomorrow.
Jimin is a very kind, thoughtful and a loving person. It would be weird of him not to wish his fellow bandmate a happy birthday on his birthday. He would. He should. Rest assured.
But I understand that what y'all are asking me as far as Jikook is concerned and shipping goes is whether Jimin would do something extraordinary for JK this year like he did last year, what he would do and whether he would post about it.
Even though I am certain he will post, I can't tell you what that post is going to be, I'm an alien not Jesus you know?
What I can speculate on is whether or not Jimin would make another grand gesture like that of last year. Which is what this post is going to be about.
The answer to that question is not as simple as yes he would or no he wouldn't. Personally, I expect him to do something a little bit out of the ordinary or coded this year. I'll explain in a bit.
To be clear, I don't expect a repeat of last year or anything of the magnitude of last year at all as much as that would make me uWu so hard. Although... what if he pulls a 360 on us and propose to Jk on his birthday?what? I'm speaking it into existence!
What Jimin did last year was an exception not the norm. You don't fly half way across the world just because. To me that was a grand grand gesture in the history of JK's birthdays and I don't expect a repeat of it unless the circumstances that lead to that moment repeats its self.
The circumstances being that they were broke up and he was trying to fix things. Cough, cough.
JK's birthday last year was an Echo of Manila. A general consensus among Jikookers, is that JK had been mad because Jimin was choosing to spend time with Taemin on the eve of his birthday hence why he had had posted that song knowing full well Jimin would see it as a way to guilt trip Jimin.
If that is right, then Jimin flying over to be with Jk would be a huge statement.
2015 and 2019 are the years that have stood out to me most, birthday wise: Jimin saying he wanted to give JK a kiss on his 18th birthday and him flying from Paris to South K to be with JK on his birthday.
If you've ever heard Jimin talk about money, he is prudent and wise about money. I mean rather than spend millions on a luxury apartment he chose to buy an investment property instead. He is a Libra, I wouldn't expect anything less.
On his vacation trips, he's known to share cost of expenses with the friends he travels with if he's traveling with them. I won't call him frugal though, thoughtful and selective is more like it.
So when he does something of this nature, it's not nothing. He was making a statement period. He was proving something to someone- if you say Army I'll smack the back of your head. Lol
JK. He was proving something to JK. It's always been JK- so help me lord if you say it's Fanservice! It is not. It wasn't for Fanservice.
I've seen people around corners of the internet saying he didn't have to post his Paris video if he was going to go see JK anyway to celebrate with him. That the whole video message thing on Twitter seemed very much private.
I agree with the part about the video seeming private. It seemed personal to me. But it also seemed like the point of that video was to let JK know his location at the time to perhaps throw him off the surprise he had planned for later.
People have argued JM was just pulling a 'prank' on JK with that whole Paris trip to begin with. They were on a hiatus, they had been together prior to JM leaving for France a few days to JK's birthday so it doesn't make sense that they would be broken up at that time period and it doesn't make sense that Jimin will leave for Paris and fly back home only to leave again so it must be a prank.
... Sure. Valid point. However, I don't see Jimin being reckless with money or honestly that shallow. If that was a prank that was an expensive one.
And yes, Jimin didn't have to go on the trip. It wasn't business. It was leisure. I can see how that would be confusing to JK especially when it seemed JM was choosing to spend time with someone, be somewhere else rather than with him on his birthday- yet again. Coughing in Manila.
But sure, I can see how that would be the best 'prank' surprise for JK. Shaking my head. I don't think that was all that was happening with Jikook around that time as I have hinted at several times across my blog posts.
Jikook were broke up around that time, that trip was a grand gesture, Jimin's way to make up with Jk let him know he's learned his lessons. His friends are important but JK comes first. The lightning struck twice for JM and he got a second chance to redeem himself- the definition of GRAND gesture.
If you are a Kpop enthusiast you would also know about the political climate in S.K around that time frame and how it was impacting the Kpop world in general. Certain Boy Bands were under investigation for certain 'offences' I don't want to get into.
On August 11th, one member of such said boy band was arrested- allegedly. I don't know what it had to do with BTS or whether it had anything to do with them at all and I'm not insinuating anything but I just found that impromptu hiatus in August a bit suspicious giving everything else that was going on in S.K.
If 'people' were looking into Kpop boybands then I am certain BTS was on top of that list just because they are the biggest boyband and have been a target of haters for years.
Needless to say, I do not think they were gonna find anything at all on the boys if in deed they had looked but if the boys had a secret- like say two of their members being in the LGBTQ plus community then I assume that secret was bound to be found out?
It is why I believe the boys were asked to lay low in August and that Jikook specifically had been asked by BigHit to tone things down while they navigated the muddy mess of public scrutiny- in my opinion.
I also find it a bit interesting that both of Jikook later that same month and period would be involved in a scandal involving women- But feel free to draw your own conclusions on that however you please. This is just mine: I think that move was straight out of the PR books. Classic Olivia Pope-esque move. Lol
I know some people think it is in the best interest of Jikook to hide their relationship if they are real and that Jikook want to hide their relationship: I disagree.
Just based on my own observation, I don't think they enjoy hiding at all. Especially JK. Well, he did say he didn't want to hide anymore in GCF Saipan didn't he? Can't argue with that.
But also, out of the two, JK is the one who seems the most grounded and sure about their relationship. This is seen best in moments where they've almost been caught. JK's been the least bothered or throw off. Almost as if he doesn't mind if people find out about them.
For instance, when BTS exposed JK for sneaking into Jimin's bed Jimin looked terrified as fuck. He pointed to JK, almost throwing him under the bus but for someone behind the camera asking him to chill, Jimin would have freaked out of his mind.
Then we have that infamous moment when Jimin and JK walked into JK's room and spotted the camera. The look on JM's face said it all. But JK seemed pretty chill about it to me.
Now these moments are relevant because JM was caught unaware. They were both caught off guard and so their reactions were instinctive. By instinct Jimin freaked out which says to me he is afraid to be exposed or outed perhaps because he isn't ready to come out- yet. While JK's reaction on the other says to me he doesn't mind at all if people found out about them which could be because he is ready to come out.
I know what you are thinking and no. That time in the track when they were caught taking photos- JK looked more like he didn't appreciate the invasion of his privacy rather then terrified he was caught. They were on set and so they knew there were cameras roaming around and anyone could stumble on them. They were both consciously self aware of their environment which is why JM was able to make a quick comeback.
I can go on and on about this about this topic but the post is already getting too long.
My point is, Jikook don't like to hide. When you are in love you want the whole world to know. And so often, they fluctuate between wanting to keep their relationship a secret for the sake of their careers and wanting to declare and openly claim eachother.
Keeping their relationship a secret is bound to be stressful on them physically and emotionally. Just because they don't like to be outed don't mean they enjoy hiding.
Their secret is not theirs alone to tell. They have people whose careers depend on them. Their secret is inextricably linked with five other people. People whose careers could end instantly if their secret so much as came out accidentally or even by design.
I don't think either of them is selfish enough to risk that. Not even in the name of love. And this is especially true for Jimin the way I see it. As for JK..... I don't think he gives a shit. Bless him.
This doesn't mean, however, that they don't enjoy teetering the line. It's part of the thrill that fuels their passions- when they get to play at being caught and exposed or just the mere thought they are out smarting the public- fucking exhibitionist!
Jokes aside, I believe there is a sense of comfort and security they get from knowing there are thousands of people out there who enjoy and celebrate their love as openly as they would want to and they live openly vicariously through us.
Our support and acceptance means so much to them. Which is why often you find them reaching out to us.
Being told to lay low even if it's for their own interests would get on their nerves especially for a rebel like JK and Jimin knew this hence why that public display of his affection for Jk on Twitter.
Thus, I do I think JM would make another gesture similar to what he did last year but whatever gesture of he does make one would be unique in it's own way from last year's and would be more of an assurance of his love for JK and a prove to Army that they are fine just because i think they have both been through a lot this year just as he said in the dynamite MV reaction VLive which was rudely sabotaged by Tae.
Jimin seemed like he wanted to have a 'public' moment with JK as explained in my previous post on the Dynamite Reaction Vlive. And given as that moment was interrupted, I expect him to try that again. Whatever message he wanted to deliver it seemed more intended for JK as much as us their supporters.
He has been pretty active on social media lately in the days leading up to JK's birthday. He seems to be gearing up for something. He ain't slick.
So yea, part of me hopes and expect him to do something nice, to make a statement similar to last year's but I cannot ignore also that there's been a lot of eyes and attention on Jikook a lot lately. More so than usual.
Posting something of that nature would single them out and only escalate the situation especially if it is something that makes them both stand out from the others.
For context, I am talking about the heat they recieved as a result of the Dynamite MV. That heat is drenched in homophobia and they and BigHit could care shit about that as I explained in my previous post but you have to understand it can have a negative impact on their mental health.
I mean, NamJoon is constantly being paired with JK a lot lately. It's almost as if he is keeping an eye on Him constantly if you know what I mean. Tae has also been keeping an eye on Jikook, outing Jikook's schemes and shenanigans before they happen like in that Dynamite MV Reaction VLive where he asked JK not to look into the camera during Jimin's solo commentary.
It's understandable. Their interest is as stake too. If Jikook go down, they are going down too. It's daisy.
What I'm saying is, Jikook is being monitored and it would be daring of Jimin to do something as grand for JK openly like that.
But who knows. If it's gonna make JK happy because they've both been through a lot this half of the year then JM would definitely definitely do it. He is defiant like that and he can be a bit of a dare devil when it comes to proving his stance to Jk. He wouldn't hesitate for a second. I love that about him.
Mad respect for him if he does. Mad mad respect for him if he does. But if he doesn't you'd all know why.
In conclusion, I'm saying I'm expecting something more than a happy birthday text from Jimin this year. I'm expecting something more meaningful, deep, coded and uniquely Jikook.
If it happens to be a proposal Ayla you can have all my shmoney! Lol
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appreciation station
buckle up my little galaxy, it’s time for STARSHINE GETS SAPPY ABOUT NEW YEAR’S AND RAMBLES LIKE A LOON
so, i just wanna start by saying how much i love this community? like, as a whole? this was the first online fandom i became so invested in! i did write fic before this, primarily for vld (this was back when we had, like, 2 seasons and there was still hope). but i was never a PART of that community - the discourse was just too much and the fandom was too big for me to truly get invested, y’know? 
this is the first real online community i’ve become a part of and BOY do i love it. you all made me feel SO LOVED and SO WELCOME and honestly sometimes you go through some shit in your life and you just need people to be sunshiney and oh my lord do you people have it in SPADES. every time i’ve needed a pick me up, you have all been so loving and wonderful and supportive and incredibly patient when fic takes forever (i’m working on that, i promise). so basically, thank you all. you’re all incredible.
there are, of course, a few people who deserve to be recognized by name and i’m sticking THAT nonsense below the cut, so if this is where you stop reading, please know that i love and appreciate every single one of you, and we are going to GET this BREAD in 2019 BITCHES. it’s the year of the bisexual, and i’m gonna make it my (bi)tch. <3 
@accio-hufflepuff-power1 NICKY!!! you were one of the very first people to ask to be tagged in my writing! (i think you were the first one, actually). i think you’re amazing, and i know i’m shitty at answering messages but i love you so much you’re such a gr8 friend 
@the-frosty-doctor WE BECAME MUTUALS BACK WHEN YOU WERE STILL GOING BY romaning-daydreams DO YOU REMEMBER? you were my very first sanders sides mutual and you were the very first person to hear about lovely dark and deep! that fic would never exist without you, and i’ll be grateful forever. 
@ironwoman359 HEY TAAAAAAYLOOOOOR so you reblogged every single pattonella piece with commentary and honestly that commentary is one of the things that inspired me to keep writing it. i would sit there and refresh the notes and wait for you to see it and rb it and now we’re BUDS and it’s GREAT you’re such a gr8 writer i rlly look up to you i’m still amazed that you follow lil’ ol’ me you’re great i love you <3 
@ethospathoslogan PETTY! BITCH! WIFE! i was so incredibly fucking nervous to talk to you bc i had read and fangirled over your fic for like, three weeks before i ever messaged you. (also i thought you were like 24, but that’s more down to my inability to read roman numerals than anything). but i was SO HAPPY that we started talking bc i think you’re AMAZING and you’re the loml babe i’m so happy to be your wife. i love your work and i love you and you were my first internet wife i stan you so hard. 
@breloomings DANIEL!!! i was so nervous to talk to you bc your art is SO GOOD and it makes me SO HAPPY and i really hope you’re doing okay! i know we haven’t talked in a few months bc we’re both so busy but i really, truly hope that you’re doing okay and i hope we get to talk a lot more soon! 
@backatthebein RILEY you were one of the very first people i befriended! you were a huge supporter of pattonella just like taylor was and you always encouraged me even when i didn’t have any confidence in myself. i have had plenty of anxiety crises with you in earshot, and you’ve always been there for me. i love you so much, riley, you’ve always been in my corner and i hope you know i’m always in yours. plus, you send me great posts all the time! they’re either analogical or bisexual memes or memes in general or positivity support and honestly you’re amazing i love you sm 
@notveryglittery DAAAAANIIIII do you remember when you sent me an ask like OMG YOU FOLLOWED ME I’M SO HONORED and i realized that i hadn’t and i was like “THAT IS A CRIMINAL MISTAKE!” so i followed you on the SPOT. (tbh i thought i was following you already, i think tumblr unfollowed you for me bc tumblr.) you’re the royality stan to my analogical stand and i absolutely adore that we hardcore ship along an axis bc it makes writing fic SO MUCH FUN! usually if i have analogical i also have royality and vice versa with your writing and it’s just. mmm. yes. iconic. i love you so much, you’re so creative and inventive and supportive and you’re beautiful. 
@shesavampirequeen AAAARIIIIIIEEEEELL! we first met bc you popped into my inbox to say “hey” once and you just kept coming back! i actively looked for you in my inbox bc seeing you always made my day, and i always looked forward to your comments! and then i learned you were ALSO an analogical stan and my heart was SOLD! you’re sweet and funny and so, so kind and i am SO happy that i reached out to get to know you better bc it was one of the best decisions of my life. you’re absolutely amazing in every way, ari, and i love you <3
@bumblebeekitten BEEEEEE BEE BEE BEE BEE BEE! i first met YOU because i asked for questions about ldad lore to take my mind off my computer being broken. you YEETed yourself into my askbox and you asked like twelve thousand questions and they were all about things i hadn’t even thought about before! and that was GREAT because while i was busy answering your questions, i completely forgot the panic attack i’d been having about my computer! and now we’re BFFS and we’re WIVES and we’re RP PARTNERS and i honestly love all of the above! you’re so creative and talented and beautiful and i love you so, so much. i’m so happy we’re friends now <3 
@fangirltothefullest T A S H I! we first met because you reblogged one of my sneak previews of lovely dark and deep and said “i would love to do fanart of this!” and then i YEETED MY PHONE ACROSS THE ROOM and screamed for five minutes. i STILL can’t believe that we’re friends, you’re so amazing and sweet and awesome! i love our rp, i love that i took one look at your fusions and was like ALL OF THESE ARE MINE NOW ALLOW ME TO WRITE ALL YOUR FUCKING LORE and you were like THAT SOUNDS N E A T I’M TOTALLY DOWN TO LET YOU DO THAT! and now i co-mod the blog and just. halk;fas;dlkfj alskdf .asf ad. i am so INCREDIBLY LUCKY to have met you and i’m so grateful that you let me do this and i’m so happy that we’re bffs bc i love you so much, honey. you’re amazing <3 
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powerovernothing · 6 years
Questions? Questions? Tell me about how Korbin and his brothers have been?
Awww, why hello there, my darling Sarah!
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So, let’s see here, in regards to how the boys have been over the last little while:
(*~*Updates, And Lore Related Talk Behind The Cut~!*~*)
In terms of their storyline in general, they have been taking a little bit of a much needed break from the crazy world in which they inhabit! Nothing really new has been happening in terms of adventures, as I am currently doing my best to finalize some of their older tales, so I can get around to uploading them on both here and Ao3 when they’re finally finished.
As of right now I am currently around 80% completed with a hurt/comfort story based around Lucien and Korbin, entitled “Everything’s Alright”.
Next on the list will be editing a humorous oneshot with the title “Bruma Winters, vs The Knight, The Emperor, And The Assassin.”, along with a currently untitled, more serious although gentle, one shot dealing with Lucien soothing Martin in the aftermath of Mysterium Xarxes related nightmares, and then one where Lucien endures nightmares himself. (”In The Dark Of The Night”)
Ironically, all of these are based around the concept of sleep, as it seems that even after all these years, I cannot let go one of my favorite things to do while I’m writing. And that is to end an emotional story with the characters falling asleep together. Should I probably try to find more creative ways to end my tales? Probably! But will I? Most likely not, hah!
And there is also my take on The Battle of Dagon, entitled “If This Is To End In Fire”, which is currently at around 60% completed – at around 12K words – but is on hiatus because of the length, and the fact that I lost sight of where the story was heading at the moment. But it should be picked up sooner or later!
If any of you guys are curious about these stories, or any of the others that I am currently working on, please feel free to drop me a message! Inbox, or Ims, I assure you that I never mind talking about them, and I welcome your curiosity with open arms!
However, if you are curious as to what the newest thing I have done for them lately was, well it was a touch of characterization and world building, actually!
I gave Martin’s adoptive father – the one who raised him on the farm, as he mentions in game when you find him in the Kvatch chapel – a proper name, backstory, and personality. When you look at Darius Surus at first glance, you probably wouldn’t really notice anything familiar, but if you know my past and one of my favorite old and lovable shames… Yeah, Darius is based off of Jonathan Kent because I couldn’t help myself. Outside of that, I also gave him an extended role in Martin’s life, and made his death be the reason that my version of Martin turned to drinking – and ultimately towards Sanguine.
Angsty, perhaps, but then again, have you met me?
Outside of that, I also did more development for Korbin’s mother, Erisia Kynrick, and his father Corvus Redd, who were incredibly loyal Dibella worshipers and who believed their love making to be tainted once Erisia became pregnant with Korbin, and assumed that their Daedra Lord would look down upon them for what they had done – when in reality it would have been anything but, as Dibella would have favored Korbin highly by having been conceived from an intimacy session in her honor – and from their own selfish fears, lead them to abandoning Korbin at the age of five on the streets of the Waterfront in the Imperial City.
Again, incredibly angsty, but rest assured that even though they abandon Korbin outright, and go on to enjoy their lives without hardly a blink of an eye in relation to what they did to their son, they wind up getting their karma in the form of a shadowy protector years down the road. After all, it wouldn’t be the first time that Lucien murdered a family member for a sake of a contract, or personal feelings.
But outside of that, and outside of some Next Gen related conversations that I have been having with my dear friends in the Discord Server, not much has really been happening lately! There’s the occasional Incorrect Quote here and there, and some Sims related shenanigans, but overall it’s been pretty relaxed! And honestly I think the boys deserve to take a little break now and again, don’t you?
Thanks again for asking, and I hope you enjoy these answers~! Lots of love and kisses for you! ♥~
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Wanna drop me a message, pick at my brain, or ask about something relating to my Oblivion related stuff? Feel free~! Just be warned my replies may be kind of lengthy, hehe!
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pokeprism · 2 years
Pokemon Found Family: Chapter 11 (In Other Pastures)
This is the eleventh chapter of Pokemon Found Family, my pokemon fic!
Comments, questions, and concerns are always welcome in my askbox!
First --- Last --- Next
As the sun comes out from below the horizon, the temperature around Pawland’s royal palace rises to a pleasantly warm level. In the palace, Pawland’s team of knights have been holding down the fort for King Richard Sylveon, who has decided to hold a parliamentary meeting at Flutterby Courthouse about two hours away. Percal Decidueye, the night owl he is, has stood guard at the palace’s gates on and off for about two weeks now. Percal squints as the sun comes into view, then presses his back against the wall behind him all while quite tired. As the decidueye begins to nod off, Percal feels a sudden tap on his shoulder.
Percal is caught off guard and slightly jumps in response. Percal then sees a garchomp in the direction he was tapped. A look of unamusement touches Percal’s face as he realizes that the tap came from Ralei.
Ralei softly smiles. “Ha ha! You good Percal?”
Percal’s eyes narrow. “What do you think?” Percal looks away from Ralei before adding “I’ve been sitting at this gate since we failed our mission, and I’d argue that I’m taking it better than the other three at least…”
Ralei tilts his head with a puzzled look on his face. “Eh? What do you mean?”
Percal rolls his eyes. “Gwen and Paul are commiserating in the palace gardens according to the mailman from earlier, and Wade hasn’t left the palace since we got back.”
Ralei puts a claw to his forehead. “Lord Arceus… I’ve had my own duties to attend to, why didn’t you check on Wade at all?!”
“Well I have checked in on Wade, twice since we got back, actually.”
Ralei rolls his eyes. “Well, as your leader, I order you to check on Wade once again while I go and see how Gwen and her squire are doing. Report back to me after you’ve talked to Wade.”
Percal quickly nods in response, then extends his wings and bounds into the air, going toward the palace upstairs. Ralei sees this, and proceeds to the palace gardens.
Paul is hanging upside down from one of the garden’s entrance arches as he listens to Gwen’s plight. Gwen, despite her usual quiet nature, had been talking long enough that her voice had begun to give out, so she opted to communicate telepathically with Paul instead.
“This whole mess is going to make our team look like fools!!!” Gwen transmits.
Paul lightly tilts his head to the side with a hint of confusion.
Gwen psychically sighs. “We are the team of elites under the thumb of the most powerful nation in the world! If we fail, it makes our nation look weak by proxy!”
Paul nods in response. “Okay, I get it. But there’s literally nothing we can do, right?”
Gwen’s thoughts stumble for a moment. “...Fair point.”
Gwen feels a disturbance at the edge of her senses, and turns in its direction.
Paul’s ears perk up. “Oh! Hello Ralei!”
Ralei walks into the palace gardens uncontested. Gwen softly glides closer to Ralei as the garchomp clears his throat.
“What have you two been doing?” Ralei asks.
Gwen’s eyes narrow. “I’ve been explaining the gravity of our failure to Paul.” she says.
“Oh, alright.” Ralei shifts his gaze from Gwen to Paul. “What do you understand, Paul?”
“I’ve been told that our failure to secure the princess made us look like fools to the rest of the world.” Paul answers.
Ralei nods. “Good. You understand.” Ralei takes a moment to clear his throat and adds “Anyways, I received a message from the nation’s head of communication that invited us knights to dinner with them. Are you two alright with meeting the invitation?”
Paul detaches himself from the entryway and excitedly flutters toward Ralei. “Of course, Ralei!”
Gwen slightly chuckles.
Ralei cracks a smile. “Got it, let’s go grab the other two clowns then!”
Ralei, Gwen, and Paul all begin to leave the palace gardens in a single file line, with not a care in the world.
A crowd gathers outside the Temple of Cyrus Pyroar as the sun beams directly into Mischief Valley. Ms. Zoe Musharna, the valley’s communicator, alongside Sophie Krookodile and Jazz Drizzile, have been waiting for the valley’s governor to arrive for his scheduled decree. Just as the crowd begins to whisper among themselves, someone notices the sableye at the edge of the crowd, and steps aside to let him through. As a clear path begins to form in the crowd, Zoe and Sophie perk up and turn to face Moshe as he approaches. Moshe stops a short distance from the entrance of the temple, then turns to face the crowd. The crowd quickly silences itself as Moshe clears his throat.
“Citizens of Mischief Valley! As your governor, I must update you all on topics both in the valley and out! Ever since Geist’s flight from the valley, the position of curator has been open, and I will personally speak to each possible candidate within the next week to decide who will fill that slot by the end of the month…”
Moshe continues talking, but behind where Moshe delivers his speech, all Sophie can do is reminisce on that terrible day. She was out of town that morning, grabbing the supplies that would end up upgrading her citizenship office, but once she came back later that afternoon, she got the news of Geist’s flight from the valley via Jazz. She could do nothing about it…
Zoe lightly taps the krookodile’s shoulder, and Sophie snaps to attention. Zoe transmits “It’s your turn to speak. You know what to say, Sophie.”
Sophie looks down at Moshe as he makes room for her to address the crowd. Sophie steps into the space where Moshe just was and begins to speak.
“People of the valley! Thanks to personal matters, I will be out of town for some time. If you have any concerns, questions, problems, present them to my son, Jazz Drizzile. While I’m gone, keep being awesome!”
The crowd cheers, and begins to disperse. After a moment of watching the crowd, Moshe gestures to Zoe, Jazz, and Sophie to come into the temple. All four of them head into the temple to have a meeting outside of the public eye.
Jazz is the first to speak. “Mom, are you sure you can leave me in charge?”
“Of course, sweetpea.” Sophie answers. “You’ve learned everything you need to, you can do it!”
“Why exactly are you going out of the valley, Sophie?” Zoe asks.
“I’m going to look for Geist and Jane.” Sophie answers.
Moshe sees his moment, and adds “You know Sophie, I do have more data on where they might be.”
Sophie quickly fixes her gaze on Moshe. “More than just that they went south?”
“Indeed.” Moshe says. “You may have to ask around, but according to the restoration core members that live there, Geist and Jane are now a part of a burrow in the Aurum Savannah.”
Sophie nods in response.
Moshe smiles and adds “Oh, and don’t forget to pack! Supplies are important for such an unruly area…”
Sophie chuckles as she and Jazz head for the exit. “Oh I won’t forget! Keep it together while I’m gone though, got it?”
Moshe and Zoe smile and wave goodbye as Jazz and Sophie leave. Zoe begins to drift out of the temple before noticing Moshe’s path toward the temple’s inner chamber.
“Moshe, what are you doing?” Zoe asks.
“I’m going to ask a favor from Cyrus. I know he’ll help somehow.” Moshe answers.
“Alrighty then, governor. I’m going home to get some rest.”
Moshe softly smiles and waves to Zoe as she exits the temple. Moshe then proceeds down the stairs to the inner chamber, ready to pray for assistance…
Back in Pawland’s royal palace, Percal has searched almost the whole palace looking for Wade. The swampert wasn’t on the ground level, the upper level, or even the courtyard. As a last ditch effort, Percal has gone down the stairwell into the basement. The only objects in this basement are some empty storage barrels, an assortment of wooden stools, and a rectangular table that matches said stools. Despite having recently been refurbished with electric lights as Pawland’s king has ordered, there still exists an eerie feel to this layer of the palace.
Percal sees motion out of the corner of his eye, and steps in the direction of the motion. After several more steps in the same direction, Percal’s eyes widen as he finds Wade curled up in a corner facing away from the stairwell.
“Wade, are you alright?”
After a brief hesitation, Wade responds. “I’m fine, Percal.”
Percal’s eyes narrow. “You’re clearly not fine. You’ve been in a perpetual funk since we got back.”
Wade loudly sighs. “That’s because I screwed up.”
“It isn’t. We all did our best out there, and so did you.”
Wade gets up, and turns to face Percal. “Percal, my final attack sent the princess and that damn gengar into the Aurum Savannah, and that was because I was too much of a coward to make sure they stayed in our sights. That. Was. My. Fault.”
“Well, look on the bright side. That gives us an excuse to venture there once again, does it not?”
“Fair enough. I’m sure Ralei has a score to settle, so that logic goes double for him…”
Wade and Percal hear footsteps coming down the stairs, and turn to face the stairwell. The first pokemon out of the stairwell is a gardevoir, accompanied by Ralei, Paul, and Gwen. The gardevoir gestures for Percal and Wade to come forward. They both obey.
Percal opts to speak as they approach the gardevoir. “Greetings Victoria, it’s great to see you again!”
Victoria, the gardevoir, smiles in response. “Thank you, Percal.” Victoria clears her throat and adds “The initial plan for tonight was to have dinner at my estate, but I’ve opted to come here for a special reason…”
A brief quiet enters the room. Just as the quiet begins to outstay its welcome, Victoria speaks again. “We have a way to the Aurum Savannah.”
Percal and Wade’s eyes widen at the news.
Victoria softly giggles. “That’s what these three thought when I told them. There’s an ancient warp pad not too far from the center of the savannah. All we need to do is make sure it works, and the plan is for me to test it out before you knights do.”
All of the knights nod in understanding.
“Thanks again for this talk.” Victoria says. “Shall we prepare our meals now?”
Gwen hovers over. “Of course lady Victoria. The mess hall is upstairs, let us leave this dingy basement.”
Victoria nods, and begins to follow Gwen upstairs. The rest of the knights follow suit, and soon they begin to enjoy their dinner for the night as they speak of things to come…
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askguyslikeus · 7 years
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oh shit yall send lots of questions hoo nelly answering almost all of them under the cut ,,, im gunan try and answer more technical ones first then fun ones and ones about the mod later so u dont gotta scroll all the way to the bottom for the good deets
Hi! I'm still kinda new to the blog and I was wondering what are the 'do and do-not' kind question I should do? Because im sure theres always that one ask thats just Innapropiated, like that one of Michael 'taking advantage og high Jeremy' that was just not cool.  i got this ask a lot so ill be clear with yall. im just not a big angst fan? so sending michael asks about his anxiety nonstop and about how he had a panic attack in the bathroom over and over again wasnt that fun. usually if it pertains the musical though you should be find sending an ask about it? but sometimes i get asks that are like “jeremy ur nothing and how does it feel knowing u fucked everything up” like homie how i think its feels? how u think hes gunna react to that? i made this blog to negate a lot of negativity in my own life so i can promise u im going to be answering asks mostly positive always forever. that being said tho i sometimes get asks pertaining to a few things that ive dealt with in the past and these topics make me very very uncomfortable. dont send asks about these topics please. this is the no no list
-self harm, cancer, suicide, rape, parent death, car accidents, sudden death.
What was your inspiration for this blog? hoo boy well,,, ultimately i thought of them rooming together and got emotional and made a huge list of headcanons and was like ,,, why not run an askblog for a bit ill just abandon it after three asks lets have some fun. but somehow im still here and i got sucked in by the complexity of michael and jeremy. i know that sounds kinda silly but just, as someone who is dealing with a lot of similar things, like dependency issues and abandonment issues and depression and anxiety, having these fun functioning character to explore was such a gift for me. i believe honestly thats why im still here and doing this. being able to try and portray a healthy relationship and a healthy way of coping and growing has helped me a lot this past month and given me an outlet i didnt have before. TBH THO the main reason i made this blog if imma be real with u guys id because i didnt like the treatment of a lot of these issues in the fandom. it made me very upset to see depression used as an plot device and michaels dependency issues treated as romantic so i wanted to make a blog that had little to no angst. ANYWAYS somehow im still here ,,, gvrkjvrnkjfd sorry i rambled
honestly I just wanna say first that I love his blog and your art and you're so cool and kind!! a question would be (I'm not sure if you've answered this before or not) but is there like an on going story here, or is it mostly just answering questions with the characters set in this universe? (if that makes sense I'm sorry!) thank you, you're super awesome! ❤️  djrnjg first off thank u so much aaaa,, ive kind of answered this before but its ok its been a while since then! but um i do kinda have a story but how howdy i sure am dragging my feet. the story isn a hUGE OVERARCHING EPIC OF WOE AND THIS PERSON IS UPSET AND THIS PERSON IS MAD AT THIS PERSON its just michael and jeremy getting together. i have a plan and ive talked to a few people on how i want it to happen but ive gained like ,,,, 6,000 followers since then and im kinda nervous BUT ILL DO MY BEST but also please understand that i do this for fun for myself and if i dont get to it im so so so sorry woops
i know this has been said before but i'm really really happy w how you're handling so many aspects of their characters. i.e. michael being trans, michael and jeremy's anxiety, michael's dependency issues, and other stuff i'm too tired to think of. you made the characters have even more depth than they did in the play and i'm rly grateful for the way you're dealing w my favorite boys. (also your richjake is suuuper adorable) ahhhhhh thank u so much? i talked a bit about this on my main but im really glad people are happy with my decision on this blog because im suPER SUPER NERvous anytime i post an ask dealing with these things. (ask hachi or nate i always message them like freaking out and send them my scripts and asks and wait for them to tell me its ok before i post it omg) also like i talked about before i love,,, having these fun stoner gamer boys to explore these issues with. im honestly shocked by how many people also deal with dependency issues because when i first listened to the musical i was so overwhlemed by the song michael int he bathroom because i had never heard someone basically write “dependency issue: the song” and it felt so so so good to realize i wasnt alone in this pit of despair i fall into so easily aha. but im!! glad everyone is ok with this wild ride im on right now (also thank u so much i struggle writing rich and jake but i get so emotional cause they would TOTES call each other babe)
how come you just use sketch form for most of your drawing (sketches and uses sketch for the final result)? im ,,, not really sure what this is asking but i thnk its along the lines of why do i only sketch my answers?? and i do that because dude do u see how often i post and how lONG some of them are. i made this blog for fun and i love doing comics but i hate lineart and coloring and if i tried to churn out finished pics for every post id defs have given up a few asks in,, shrugs
I want to say I love your little comics they're so funny! How long does it take you to make a comic? Are any of them based on your experiences? Ok have a nice day!  thank you! i love my little comics too! it usually takes me anywhere from an hour to five hours if im dragging my ass or talking on discord while im drawing. it can be kinda exhausting but since i took my break ive also been like, starting long comics one day and finishing them another day which, before i would do it all in one sitting then post it hahha. AS FOR EXPERIENCE the first half of the lifeguard comic was based on real life! we were stuck stoned up there for like an hour or two? but we didnt have anyone to help us but we got down eventually!! the wendys comic is also something i did because man!! i need to compliment food workers if they do a good job!! ummmmm just like jenna i also have a friend that said HAHA BYE and moved to cali and she is also lIVING IT UP and doing really well for herself and shes very independent and shes very inspiring to me! hmm i think thats it besides i used to have movie nights with my dad all the time too except we would watch my fave animated movies and sometimes lord of the rings cause my dad loved that
What kinds of things can we NOT ask ? What kinds of things do you WANT us to ask ? i covered the what not to ask in the first question so!!! um if my askbox is open and u want to respond to previous asks ive answered for the boys that would be so so so rad. sometimes im done with a certain ask and i have nothing to add but sometimes ive got more to say but am looking for an opportunity! that being said it made me really happy that i got a lot of asks about pj? shes not going to the main focus of any more asks but!!! i was nervous to introduce her and im glad u guys like her shes fun to write. but overall just general asks i can make a big ol fun story out of so!! dont worry too much about what to ask, if its something ud ask a real person and not like “lol what if ur dad died” ur gunna be fine probably
Hi! Not a question but your blog is so sweet and refreshing! I actually really appreciate that you refuse angst, that stuff tends to rub me the wrong way in fandoms... Keep taking good care of these boys ! gggg thank u!!! it means a lot to me that a lot of people are backing me up on this! i mean if u are an angst fan there are a lot of askblogs that explore that!! so its not in short supply bmc askblog fandoms got something for everyone
Which drawing program do you use?? i use paint tool sai and my tablet is a cintiq !!
this isn't really related to the faq but that bakunawa boy reference was great I LOVE THAT FIC MAN!!! the line was originally a little diff in that ask but i changed it cause ,,,, i could,,,,
an art style question. how do you keep the design of characters consistent from frame to frame? my characters they look a lil different every time I draw em (or a lot different) and it tends to disrupt the flow of my comics/animations ohh boy hoo wee props for doing animations im too scared to give that a whirl but!! it helps that i draw all the panels for an ask on one canvas! so if my next panel is going to be the same character in the same spot just in a diff pose i keep the lower layer on just at low opacity so i can use it as a ref! that helps me a lot!
Sorry if I'm nosy or rude, but are you reflecting Micheal Anxiety, Panic attacks and depence? iii think this is asking if i reflect my own issues onto them boys? and if so then yes i do. i dont place any of my own personality or anything on the boys but i do use them as a way to help me learn how to cope with my own shit and i try to deal with their issues in the healthiest way possible while also keeping in mind they are flawed individuals aaa
what are your pronouns??? and maybe your main blog??  im a cis girl so she/her is good! and my main is squigglegigs! also that being said IF YOU SEE THE USERNAME SQUIGGLEGIGS ANYWHERE JUST?? ASSUME ITS ME?? i have a twitter and an instagram and my tumblr account 
((Hello mod will Michael and Jeremy eventually someday get together. I love them.)) if all goes according to plan yes! if i get overwhelmed and stop having fun on this blog then no! sorry thems the breaks but! i do want them to get together so HOPEFULLY
going off on that confrience on pornogrefy for birds, Im geussing jeremy has played Hatoful Boyfriend. am I wrong? well it wasnt intended as that ref and i dont know anything about hatoful boyfriend but i can see jerm finding it and playing it so, sure homie! the pornography for birds thing is a my brother my brother and me reference! i love that show and them boys so give it a scope!
I'm crying bcuz Michael said he's in love with Jeremy and it's beautiful yeah that boy is DEEP IN love with his bro bro
Any advice for running an ask blog?? (Ps i love this blog keep it up) personally whats worked for me so far is doing just sketches for art. honestly ive been able to work so much more and post so much more often while also trying to work on my expressions and poses! also taking my own experiences and shaping them to fit the characters has been SO MUCH FUN. th most important thing tho is,,, dont overwork urself dude. if ur having a fun time it shows. if ur just forcing urself to churn out material and its not fun? like shit we doing this for free dont push urself? idk idk overall being looser with my art and writing the dialogue before hand has been the most helpful for me for this askblog! ive run a bunch before including @ask-maz and ive run that sporadically for ,, three or four years? its so funny cause u can see my art style juMP AROUND SO MUCH but i love that blog and i only update it like every other month or so but?? i still like doing it and no on likes those posts but it makes me smile so ANYWAYS
~ok from here on its mostly just me replying to nice messages or people asking me personal questions that dont pertain to askguyslikeus so!!~
I just wanted to say I really really love your blog and just your art in general!! Keep up the good work and hope you're having fun! thank u!!! i am having fun and im glad u enjoy it!!
What other musicals do you like? :0  i really like heathers A LOT. i also like doctor horrible i know thats not technically a musical but i just relistened to it and im emotional. i like dear evan hansen but it makes me really sad so i can only take it in moderation! ummm rent? chicago?? music man? now im just naming musicals i was in rip. being in a musical fandom is a new thing to me? i was really into heathers last year but didnt really interract with the fandom at SO THIS IS SUPER NEW?? ive never been into a musical as much as im into bmc and heathers tho
tell us a little bit about urself!! u seem v cool i am squigs or fork!! im 24 and work fulltime as a barista at starbucks! i get high on the beach with my friend gwen a lot and drink wayy to many slushies, my tv shows are brooklyn nine nine and bobs burgers right now! i table at conventions sometimes and sell my art as merch and whatnot and i cosplay as a hobby as well. im pretty boring but i draw a lot and always carry my big sketchbook with me and im pretty sure its given me back issues BUT OH WELL HAHA also i am very not cool THE TRUTH COMES OUT
Who do you most relate to from bmc and why? like ,,, a mix of michael and christine with a sprinkle of jeremy i guess ahaha i relate to michaels dependency issues and overarching positive attitude and love of music, i relate to christines bright disposition and the need to not stick to one set thing? like she loves theater cause she can be sO MANY PEOPLE and like same homie thats why i cosplay. and jeremys need to be likes while also ability to put himself out there is very relatable. i also identify strongly with his dad issues idk idk whats good
Also -- just thank you for how you handled all the panic attack and anxiety attack asks. I used to deal with anxiety attacks multiple times a day and it just was really nice that it was positive and not them having one. Thank you, sincerely. ahhhhhh ur so welcome i,,, have anxiety and it sucks and i deal with panic attacks like everyday at work so i dont really wanna come home and draw someone having one i guess? im glad its helping other people too tho!
Dude- I love your art? Actually so much? It's... I love it. The whole sketch-ish way your art style is, and the way you color, and the expressions! I'm so glad I found your work - you've given me so much inspiration. Keep doin what you're doin and I hope you have a good day! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH ANytime any one compliments my expressions i die cause i legit made this blog to help with that as well ,,, like dam
im lvoe ur art style b o i :0 !!!!!!
Mod, I love you so much I love you you have my soul and my love and my eternal gratitude thank you and I love you (This is the guy who was excited about PJ on your ig live stream a while ago and I love you) !!!!!!!!! im so happy u like my content omg and that u like pj im so glad!! shes a good bean
I just wanna say... I'm crying over that post about Michael and his anxiety? cuz I know how it can feel that you're only your flaws and weaknesses, but Michael just tells that to screw off in the most wonderful way and I'm?? thank you so much for that post, I bookmarked it for future times when I can't look past my depression... honestly, that post made my day (along with every other post on this blog), thank you for being such a lovely part of this fandom ,,,, im,,,, im scared of a lot of this fandom tbh but if i can be something good that come out of it and my love of these boys and desire to show them functioning together in a healthy way can help other people its so much more than i ever thought id ever be able to do. i am blown away everyday by the support ive been given on this blog and i might be crying right now because i never thought id be able to touch other people like this and i just. im really glad yall are here with me for all this.
(To the mod: You are a beautiful person that I highly respect. I love this blog and what you set out to do. thanks for giving something that makes me smile and gives me something to look forward to everyday, keep up the good work! ❤ ) hey im still crying from the previous ask aaaaa im honestly so emotional
what are ur true feelings for wendy's??? i fucking love wendys man thats some top tier fast food right there
what fast food restaurant do you think has the best nuggets WENDYS HANDS DOWN
do you have a favorite movie? paranorman makes me very nostalgic and ive seen it like eighty times and used to watch it with my dad a lot and i love it
I would just like you to know that your Wendy's comic prompted me to pull the same thing with a bakery in the town I'm visiting and the baker got so excited and happy, so thank you for making that comic because I made that woman's day. GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD I LOVE WHEN PEOPLE COMPLIMENT ME WHEN IM WORKING DUDE LIKE IM SO GLAD IT MADE U DO THIS!!! IM SMILING REALLY BIG!!
chocolate milk or strawberry milk? or plain? woops i hate milk im so sorry
do u love michael mell with all of ur heart, mod?  i really truly do man what a fucking good ass character
hi squigs i love you! i love your content too and i hope u have a good day pal :>  WHAT A SWEET BEAN!!! THANK YOU?? OMG
I'm just saying that recent ask you did with Michael really hit me hard because I really related to it and I started crying because it made me realize that I've been pining my self worth on everything my anxiety causes and I'm so much more than that. Thank you, so much for that I really needed it because I'm in a really bad place right now. <3 -for the mod i legit cry everytime i get asks or dms like this cause once again the idea that im helping other people is so ovwehelming i love you??? i let myself just be”depressed” for ahwile and by that i mean i just,, let my sadness consume me and i was scared of getting better cause the sadness was all i knew for so long and just. its so easy to think u are ur illness but you are so much more. soooo much more man.
I relate A Lot to Michael so the way you portray him in the blog is really good, and I think it's really awesome you refuse to like?? do terrible stuff and answer bad questions just bc people wanna see that. You run this blog really well 👌  AHHHH THis is the biggest compliment thank u so much ,,, i get real anxious bout this blog soemtiems but then yall send me sweet things like this and its worth it man
Hey mod, just know you're a really cool person. Thanks for running this blog in the first place. Keep doing the great work.  thank you!!!! for ur support!!!! 
not really a question!! i just wanted to say your posts on this blog always brighten my day and you're really an incredible artist and person, keep rockin on my dude!! *clutching my heart* the fuck this is so sweet
1 .I just wanted to say your blog is really awesome! It's very lovely. I also like how you made michael trans and like handled it? (just with how all the characters treat him and stuff its v nice). Your art is super duper! Thanks for running this awesome blog! 2. Hey! This isn't a question but I wanted to say that I appreciate michael being trans!! As a trans boy it's just rly awesome to see something like that casually thrown into an ask blog without making it a huge weird deal :D immm,,, i kinda really love the idea of michael being trans cause a lot of my trans male friends are actually pretty confident in their skin and michael is a very confident character? and u rarely see that with trans representation and its so refreshing to see it portrayed well. im trying to do that here but again if! i do anything wrong let me know!
how did you first get into art? (also i really love your blog, it's amazing!) ive been drawing as long as i remember! ive got mad adhd and wasnt diagnosed until late in ym life so i would just draw nonstop in my classes ahaha i used to read the sunday comics a lot and they really inspired me to try and make comics of my own too!! (and omg thank u) 
someone also asked me if i went to church or was religious but tumblr ate the ask but i used to go to church a lot as a kid but im currently not religious at all aaa
ok holy shit that was a lot but thanks again to everyone i legit cry a lot about how supportive u all are thank u so much aaaa
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faultedloyalty · 1 month
❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?, 😖 — what annoys you?, 🎶 — favorite song at the moment?
munday asks from a bit ago
❤️ : i'm not too sure tbh ^^; never been good with this kinda question
😖 : quite a few things !
🎶 : both of these ! song 1 and song 2
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faultedloyalty · 1 year
✿ (for the black cat!)
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other : as long as he thinks the black cat is a cat, he will adore him and want to be his friend in the way someone might see animals as a friend ; see other under familial and antagonistic for more details though ooo
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other : you know the way people consider pets family ?
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other : if / when he finds out they're a demon too, he'll be having a wtf moment and will genuinely be a bit pissed, though also kind of intrigued ; cat-like demons don't exist where he comes from, and he'll assume that's the type of demon the black cat is unless shown otherwise
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faultedloyalty · 1 year
✿ / not me wanting to make makoto a maid hmmm
FRIENDSHIP.     childhood friends  /  work buddies or coworkers  /  family friends  /  friends with benefits  /  smoking buddies  /  adventure buddies  /  fake friends  /  recently friends  /  party buddies  /  friendship of need  /  dying friendship  /  circumstantial friendship  /  partners in crime  /  old friendship  /  [ your muse ] is the good influence  /  [ your muse ] is the bad influence  /  [ my muse ] is the good influence  /  [ my muse ] is the bad influence  /  opposites attract  /  ride or die  /  frenemies  /  roommates or flatmates  /  penpals  /  exes to friends  /  enemies to friends  /  other : [ my muse ] comes to find [ your muse ] enjoyable to be around
ROMANCE.     childhood sweethearts  /  [ your muse is mines ] childhood crush  /  [ my muse is yours ] childhood crush  /  exes  /  exes to lovers  /  forbidden lovers  /  highschool sweethearts  /  secret relationship  /  opposites attract  /  long distance  /  unrequited [ from your muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from my muses side ]  /  unrequited [ from both sides ]  /  skinny love  /  friends to lovers  /  enemies to lovers  /  spurious relationship  /  power couple  /  newly entered  /  soulmates [ metaphorical ]  /  soulmates  [ literal ]  /  awkward  /  turning toxic  /  toxic love  /  cheating [ on your muse ]  /  cheating [ with your muse ]  /  other 
FAMILIAL.     siblings [ half ]  /  siblings [ step ]  /  [ my muse ] is an older sibling figure to your younger sibling figure  /  [ my muse ] is a younger sibling figure to your older sibling figure muse  /  [ my muse ] is a parental figure to yours  /  [ my muse ] is a child figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal guardian  /  adoptive child  /  foster child  /  [ your muse ] is taken under mines wing  /  [ my muse ] is taken under yours wing  /  other : this section grows as i and my muse get to know you whoops
ANTAGONISTIC.     dangerous to each other  /  dangerous ( him to you ) to others  /  unpredictable  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into sexual or romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of off circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based off misunderstanding or lies  /  conflict of ideology  /  betrayal  /  hero - villain dynamic  /  enemies  /  fight club  /  friends turned enemies  /  lovers turned enemies  /  exes turned enemies  /  other 
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