#‘the hell pits of fire will be extinguished by the corruptible damned’
soyforramen · 2 years
Still can’t believe they didn’t go the Art Bell route for Jughead.
#think about it#call in show for all the weirdness in RD#Cheryl calls in to rag on him endlessly; then casually throws in something about witches before hanging up#dr curdle jr being a regular call in but says nothing out of the norm until Jughead does a best of; turns out Curdle was predicting thinhs#from the twins birth to the diner being an eldritch hellmouth and#Archie calls in to support Jughead; reggie phones in pranks constantly#Veronica buying out half the ad space and being obnoxious about her fabrege eggs (are they haunted by tsars/rinas long past? sure why not)#the cats call in as they cruise the states; they use a pseudonym but everyone in RD knows exactly who they are at jump#things get weird in New Orleans (hoodoo and tourists and riverboats) but they get really gd weird in Iowa cornfields#what his name (not bingo the other one tho the dog calling in would be fun) calls in about govt conspiracies#none of which arent real but give Hiram a lot of ideas#yeah no now the dog is calling in; he’s constantly calling in about the going ons of the animals of RD#toffee puts out a hit on bingo (allegedly); it’s a huge thing#the preppies constantly discount the show and call in to disprove everything (Bret’s death was faked! it’s a huge Bronna conspiracy!)#there’s fanboys that stand outside the station and Jughead becomes a minor celebrity#none of them have heard of his book#Tabitha supports his hobby but not the random maple aliens that keep showing up#surprisingly this has never come up on the show#nana rose calls in with stunningly boring prophesies about the diners appliances but they sound super cool at the time#‘the hell pits of fire will be extinguished by the corruptible damned’#and someone trips a breaker by overloading the outlets with a full pc set op in a booth; the 75 year old stove finally dies because of it#Jughead swears the burgers don’t taste as good ever since (he has a mourning anniversary over the loss of all that built in flavor)#Betty is the embodiment of aliens on the moon; gotta go back meme but with random serial killers/cryptid/ghosts
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redinkpub · 7 years
Hit List (EXCERPT)
"The man you're looking for is wearing a red suit and black tie.." Rae's voice came in through the coms nestled into the drum of my ear, I swear if silk had a sound it'd be her light and rough shrill. I stood against the entrance of the town hall, politicians, police offers, and even a few celebrities stalked the crystal clean floorboard in their newest gucci, prada bullshit. So pretty much no one you should trust. My 20/20 focused into the fitted crowd that swarmed around the center of the gold accented white ballroom, a crystal chandelier dangling over the room while an orchestra sat at each side, narrowing the people in and creating a need of conversation.  
"Are we talking blood red or that soft red." My voice, low yet casual rang to Rae as I began my pace towards the swarm of people. My suit jacket had been placed against the curve of my shoulder, my crisp white button up exposed to the public while i kept my steps sleek without even trying.  
I should probably fill in the biggest blank there is to have about me. My name is Liam and I'm a trained assassin for the UGF. The purpose of my work began a year and a half ago when I woke up with no memory of the life before, the only information I had about my past is that who I belonged to didn't want me and left me stranded. I woke up brittle, sick and weak until I was skilled in combat, shooting and motor skills. But there's more. When I woke up I had these... abilities, And now I hone them in a facility that I now call my home. Rae, my combat trainer and eyes was one of the only people I could trust this was certain. When I'm home, she strengthens me and when I'm on the field she watches over me. Her voice fell to a silent hush while I hurried my eyes across the broad horizon of the crowd around me. With my 6'2 stature most of the swarm stood beneath me while some might have met my eye level but no one measured past me. This helped finding redshirt that much easier. His official name was Fernando Martinez, the governor of Nevada and a national threat. When I am sent out to hunt these people it should be known that they aren't just people. Most supernatural threats are people in power, their ability to influence the public more accessible. And in this case Fernando was in with three major organizations that exposed black magic to the masses in order to gain control. The UGF had been tracking them for months, gaining intel and whereabouts on their main men, red shirt fitting bill number one. He ran with the organization in Washington while also working the one posted in Vegas. They plan on corrupting the three major influential places In America, Washington, Vegas, and New York. With social media at a peak and  politics being top discussion their plan wasn't far from being met. They were rumored to be corrupted by the supernatural beasts you may be unfamiliar with, a demonic enchantress. They can tread the streets as everyday people and even cast spells like witches with the bite of the worst wolf you've ever met. So they sent me to kill them, how nice.  
The color wheel was everywhere in this room, being a blessing and a curse when trying to pin point a specific red shirted politician. The first step to being an assassin was trying to make little to no conversation, no shaking hands, and no eye contact if you can help it. So most the work relied on me if not Rae.  
"Alright, Rae you gotta give me something better than a red shirt, I'm sticking out like a sore thumb in here."My tone lowered to a soft grunt, swaying to the side as incoming women made their way past me, my fingers clenching around the first glass of bubbly that came into my gaze. Busying myself as much as I could.  
"He has his own Posse, Liam. Publicist, guards, assistant, assistants assistant. Look for someone with everyone." The sound of the entire room swelled in my ear drums when lingering my eyes from one side of the room to the other in a single second, the speed of my mind being another perk of my temporary comatose. My sight, sound and hearing amped on the volume and making everything crystal. The chitter chatter of the people urging questions and answers down the throats of governors, congressmen and vices alike rang while others begged to get their point across fogged my ears before hearing  the familiar voice of Martinez from the countless phone calls the UGF had shown Rae and I back at home. Narrowing my feet and eyes to detect the sound was almost as easy as breathing. The large population that swarmed around him like Rae prepared me for stood at his side front and back.  
"Damn it." I couldn't help but brush out of my mouth when narrowing my eyes at his smiling features, his cheeks arched and crow's feet damn near growing wings and flying for the winter. Distractions was the only best idea I had left, causing enough of a stir to occupy everyone else's attention enough to pull Martinez aside to finish my job. My mind immediately went to the current glass of champagne in my hand along with the Becky, Jim and Sandy guarding Martinez like German Shepard's while my steps grew to a high speed, slicking past the people in my crosshairs. My lips filled the rim of the champagne glass with ease, soft gulps working at the sharp bubbles that dissolved down my throat until the glass was empty, My eyes wavered across the full room, a black tie wearing waiter with champagne glasses coming into my laser sharp gaze, my steps halting until he nears me along with the posse surrounding red shirt.  "Excuse me." My voice low when huffing past him, a purposeful accident playing out when the tray collapses under my forceful empty glass. His steps becoming quite collateral, brushing into one of Martinez men while he fell into another,  The dominos were collapsing. My frame slide under their spread legs, panic filling them and freezing their bodies before their epic falls, giving me enough time to usher underneath them and in front of Martinez. His 4'9 stature froze just like his assistant and assistants assistant, making it that much easier to grasp his shoulders but before I could manage, my body, along with the ones I surprised, froze. Glass shattered from the skylights, the entrance being flooded with people and all being led by one single man. His skin, a soft Carmel while his hair contrasted, a rich dark chocolate laced in a man bun that propped at his head. His eyes narrowed in on me as if before he bombarded the building he knew it was me he'd be looking for. And he found me.  The look of anger and disdain that read through his gaze actually caused me fear, which is hard for one to do. "Rae." My voice rang, but only silence rang back. "Riley." I hardly called her by her first name but the urgency that shrilled through my tone gave away that it was of dire need. This is when the abilities I mentioned earlier comes into play, once I woke up it had been brought to my attention that I had something the UGF calls 'pyroconcitc manifestation' which meant I was able to create and control fire into any form I wanted.  Two staffs took shape from blazing veins, though with the heat of fire, it had the power of staffs all the same. Both swirled around my frame the closer this determined stranger stalked my body. His surroundings took his attention as if he was looking for something, or someone. I took my turn at the element of surprise, the broken glass crushing beneath me when I slid against the slick floor underneath his feet, my staff grazing his ankle and causing his tall 6'5 frame to fall. The length of the staffs against the ground applied pressure under my push, propelling me into the air and at my feet. His brown eyes burned into my flesh with concentration evident in his stare. My mind in that moment began to fog, the thought I had only a second ago until all I could do or think was nothing. "What the hell--" "Why can't I make you see anything? What are you?" His voice, a gruff grunt bellowed from the pit of his chest, My vision and mobility came back ounces at a time until his body underneath layers of  glass became my vision. His leg bled and swelled from my fire, that had been extinguished from my lack of thought once he corrupted me.   Men and women, all races and body types stood together in a slow invasion. I knew given the intent on the man I grazed leg that they had it out for me, and that usually doesn't mean they wanna be my best buddy. Before their steps could grow any closer or haunting my arms swung upwards and with it grew a wall of fire, its flames peaking towards the ceiling so unless one of these bastards were fireproof, no one was breaking through. "Rae." I tried one more time, but again nothing. My staffs acted as a boost when leaping up towards the broken skylight to land amidst the rooftop, the view of the man I left in my wake and his army standing below me watching me closely. I had to go to base and quick. What happened?  Where's Rae? And what in the hell was I supposed to do now? 
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