#“Jimmys a lost cause he’s clearly done with me. Why should i care when he clearly has a nice loving husband he cares sooo much about
mcybree · 1 month
Thoughts on 3rd life mirror birds. 3rd life big dogs. 3rd life property police. They fascinate me and I think you have thoughts on them but I might be wrong..either way
i do in fact have thoughts on them but i think if i talk about 3l!flower husbands publicly any more rn I’ll get so self conscious I’ll explode on the spot. this being said i have still yet to watch evo but its been on my list for forever bc of 3l!property police specifically… i really love martyns petty grudge against jimmy for those first two episodes he acts like he’s 12 and really pissed off on the playground. anyways i think that martyn going from being concerned for his friend to Just Fucking Lying to split up Scott and Jimmy, because he took personal offense to Jimmy being unwilling to drop everything to go live with him on the spot is the funniest thing in the world. Girl it’s not about you
#asks#for real though i think that martyn played up his offense at jimmy not taking the offer in order to pressure him into agreeing bc—#stuff like “oooh this is your ONE CHANCE for FUN OPPORTUNITY and if you miss it WE’RE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE!!” typically works on jimmy#but martyn wasnt expecting jimmy to stand his ground on that#And at that point (in martyns mind at least) you Have to commit. so then the mock offense became Real. bc what can you do#he cant just go back on it and go like “sorry i was just worried and wanted you to live with me bc i miss you and—#dont think scott is treating you well” martyn would never be that honest with himself much less jimmy#The offer in itself was somewhat selfish to begin with in my mind as well#He did just want Jimmy to come live with him so he saw the opportunity and jumped at it. he’s an opportunist#but i also think he originally followed jimmy and brought it up with him out of concern. does that make sense#a little while after their falling out i think he fully puts jimmy out of his mind#“Jimmys a lost cause he’s clearly done with me. Why should i care when he clearly has a nice loving husband he cares sooo much about#(eyeroll emoji) lets save grian” <- what i think he was thinking#he didnt mean for jimmy to die#but what happens happens yknow. the games the game#sorry for putting all of my Real Thoughts in the tags i wasnt expecting to write them out honestly#i just think about their conversation on that mountain a lot….bigb moves into that specific spot later and martyn gives him shit about it#Which means something to me also (<- bigb and martyn pilled individual)#etc.etc
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
(Not) What I Want in a Second Chance
Ch 1: The Devil is in the Details
//Tw: Emotional manipulation. Death, grieving, alcohol abuse, suicidal ideation; anti-android sentiments, and anti-android language. CyberLife is an unsettling mix of FB, Amazon and Google. Be prepared
Hank had his fair share of regrets, it came with the amount of time he had been on the force. His family fell apart. There were lives he could have saved if he had only been faster. The consequences that came with hitting a patch of ice; just to name a few. There were days he debated putting in for retirement, but he knew where that would lead. One more added to a growing statistic. Another retired detective that chose to suck on a bullet; and that was assuming anyone cared enough to come check on him. So he drank instead. On the days he woke up in time, he went to work. On the days he didn’t he woke up only to start drinking again. Another hopeless, tired man on the fast track to a whiskey filled grave. He wasn’t as bothered by that as he probably should have been. He wasn’t bothered by much anymore. If he could think clearly that meant he needed a drink. There was one thing that always bothered him though, and that was androids. He found them creepy over all, they had no reason to look that human. Then one had killed Cole; or rather, stood there and did nothing while he died. That had been when Hank had drawn the line. In that moment they had gone from something mildly off putting to something he actively despised.
That was why he liked places like Jimmy’s. It was one of the few places left that wasn’t overrun by androids, and the other patrons left him alone. Everyone was nursing a different sorrow so conversation wasn’t a priority. He could treat his grief with whiskey until he was face down against the bar and no one would judge him for it. Tonight was shaping up to be one of the rougher ones. He couldn’t drown his regrets no matter how much he drank. The thoughts refused to blur. It wasn’t Cole tonight. For a change, he was thinking about someone else he had lost. Connor Paldeki was one of his earlier partners, and his favorite even still. He had belonged to the Deerborn Police Department originally and they had met on a particularly bad homicide case. They worked well enough that they were paired for joint cases pretty often after that. So when Connor was transferred to Detroit it only seemed natural that they were made partners since they had previous work history. Even as a rookie Connor had been bright. He could pick a scene a part and put it back together with ease and accuracy that was almost scary. Hank had been certain that he was on the fast track to making rank. Then the Red Ice bust had happened and Connor’s glowing career came to a sudden and bloody end. Hank had wound up promoted, but it felt hollow somehow. Like it was a consolation of sorts.
He felt like it was written in Connor’s blood. Hank had been told that he hadn’t felt it, that he had been dead before he hit the ground. They hadn’t seen him though with the fear of death frozen on his face. None of the them had the haloing pool of blood seared into their memory. For all the consolation they tried to give him, they hadn’t been so powerless as to see the life leave the eyes of a dear friend. The papers had praised the whole raiding group as heroes, painted the thing like it had been a success. In a way it had been; they’d gotten what they were after, but they had lost three officers in the process. Connor, and two officers he hadn’t known from the SWAT team that had accompanied them. No one talked about it, and Hank wanted to scream. He went through the motions; his mandatory grief counseling, being a pall bearer for Connor’s casket; and then he took some time off to try and process all of it. When he got back he took the small bonsai tree from Connor’s desk and pretended things were alright. He had to be. He was Lieutenant now, he couldn’t just break. He took care of the tree like Connor was coming back and would be upset to find it dead. He continued to try and love Ezra even though things were falling apart slowly, and he did his job. If he just kept going something would have to got right eventually. He hoped so anyway; because if it didn’t then what the fuck was all of this for. When Cole was born Hank had thought that was the start of his better days, and it had been for a while.
It was some level of pathetic that the most put together his life had ever seemed to be was when he was drinking himself into an early grave. He was pulled away from that train of thought by the feeling of being watched. That sense of awareness wasn’t something he could turn off even when he was drinking away what was left of his coherency. He looked up from the bar, and there was Connor, but something was off. Aside from the fact that he was dead, had been for over ten years at this point. He was here in the flesh, and Hank was almost willing to write it off as a drunken hallucination. There was just something about this Not-Connor that was bothering him. It took longer than it should of for his eyes to land on the blue LED at his temple. He’d had to tear his eyes away from the face that had haunted more than it’s fair share of his nightmares for the better part of a decade. CyberLife had accounted for every little detail. Down to that stupid curl that had always refused to stay put no matter how much gel Connor put in his hair. He could hazard a guess at how they had gotten that information. They had files on everyone it seemed, whether or not someone owned an android didn’t seem to matter. Or, since it had been over a decade they could have pulled it through FOI, but Hank sincerely doubted that.
“Lieutenant Anderson?” He - It asked. Hank couldn’t place it, but there was something wrong about the voice. It was almost exactly Connor’s, but there was something wrong about it. He was tempted not to respond, but he had the feeling this Not - Connor would wait there all night even if Hank ignored it. “Yeah,” He huffed, “What do you want?” “My name is Connor.” It started, and Hank wanted to scream, this was not his Connor. Not the right one, “I am the android sent by CyberLife. There has been a homicide and I was told to find you; which I was lucky enough to do after the fifth bar.” “Fuck off.” Hank groused. “My instructions were -” It started, but Hank cut it off. “I’ll show you where you can stick your instructions.” He muttered. That seemed to give it pause. Where is Connor would have laughed and made a remark of his own, this convincing fake just looked pathetically confused. Hank almost pitied the thing, but it wore the face of a dead friend and that wasn’t something he could forgive. “What if I buy you a drink?” It pressed, “Would you come with me then?” Hank gave an annoyed sigh of defeat and relented. The sooner he got this over with, the less time he would have to spend facing this walking lie, “Fine.”
In the most put upon way the thing that was not Connor flagged for another whiskey and even paid for it. As annoyed as he was, Hank had to admit he was almost impressed. The real Connor would have never set foot in a bar unless it was for a case. It made it easier to distance one from the other. He nursed his new whiskey for longer than was strictly necessary. If they were going to do this, they were going to do it his way. He drove to the scene with his music loud enough that talking would be a pain in the ass, and the thing had still tried to make conversation. Hank would have turned into oncoming traffic if he was certain this thing wouldn’t have tried to stop him. It certainly seemed to have a purpose other than torturing him. “Stay in the car.” He said firmly when they arrived at the scene. “Got it.” It said in a way not too unlike the actual Connor and it made Hank’s stomach twist in disgust. It didn’t actually stay in the car of course, and Hank hadn’t really expected it to. It had it’s orders after all, and so did Hank unfortunately.
Hank took a bitter sort of satisfaction in Ben’s obvious discomfort when he saw it. Whatever comment he had been about to make died and he let them by with a tense nod. Every person on scene that had known the real Connor looked distinctly troubled by the fake; and that had been before it had licked any evidence. Hank passively observed the scene, he wanted to see what this thing was made of.  Was his computer brain anything like how the real Connor’s had been? Better? As much as he hated the thing, he was curious how it would stack up against the real thing. The other android self destructed in the end, even with Not-Connor’s unsettling attempt at compassion. Or perhaps because of it. It was something Hank hoped he would never have to see again. By the time they were done for the night, Hank had one question that was weighing on him. “Why do you look this way?” He asked as he gathered his things. “To ensure your cooperation.” Came the flat reply. That was when Hank realized what was wrong; the voice held no emotion to it. The next thing it said was what chilled Hank to the bone, “They figured you wouldn’t want to the cause of your partner’s death for a second time, and it was too soon to use the image of your son.”
Hank wasn’t sure what hurt him more; the blatant manipulation, or that fact that if seeing his dead friend again didn’t hurt him enough CyberLife wouldn’t be above using his son against him. When he made it the parking lot he threw up in a near by trash been. He didn’t remember the drive home, but when he got to the house he made sure to feed Sumo before he grabbed the Black Lamb and his revolver. When darkness finally came for him he didn’t know if it was because he had drank himself into unconsciousness again, or if he had finally won at Russian Roulette. He just hoped he never came out of it. He couldn’t do this.
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A Bottle of Bubbly
Characters: Ninth Doctor; Rose Tyler
Tags: Human AU; New Year’s; meet-cute; fluff; hurt/comfort;mentions of cheating; non-graphic mentions of war; drinking; strong language
Notes: Well, here I am again… fashionably late, as usual, an entry for the 31 Days of Ficmas. I wrote just two stories for Ficmas this year, and while I used multiple prompts for each, ironically, the Day 1 prompt, Snowed In, and the Day 31 prompt, New Beginnings, were the forces chiefly driving the muse for my first and second (last!) story, respectively.  
The inspiration for this story was a random prompt I found online somewhere (I don’t even remember the exact wording…) The @doctorroseprompts  prompt from the 31 Days of Ficmas, New Beginnings, was also inspiration for both main characters, although the words aren’t specifically stated in the text. But the spirit of them is strong and a guiding theme throughout the story. I also used the Ficmas prompts shopping and countdown, and the Winter Fic Bingo prompt night. 
As always, my love and gratitude to my wonderful betas, @rose--nebula and mrsbertucci. Thank-you for making me better. I’m an eternal fiddler, so I fiddled with this since they saw it… but all mistakes are mine anyway!
Summary: Rose made directly for the liquor aisle, determined that what she really wanted to bring in the New Year was a bottle of bubbly. The shop was nearly deserted, except for the unlucky few employees who had drawn the short straw for the night’s graveyard shift, so she was shocked to find another customer in the liquor aisle, standing in front of the wine shelves, his hand around the neck of the very last bottle of sparkling wine.
Read also on AO3
A Bottle of Bubbly
Rose Tyler staggered out into the night. The pub door swung shut behind her, silencing the raucous shouts and cheers and endless chatter. As she stood on the doorstep, the bubble of silence clung around her like a hug, before dissipating into the city, replaced by the steady rumble of traffic. She took a deep breath, letting the cold air fill her lungs and clear the spinning of her head.
She was alone.
New Years-fucking-Eve and she was alone. Not exactly how she had planned her evening to go, but she swore to herself, it was the last bloody time, Jimmy Stone, her cheating ex-boyfriend, would ever get another chance to ruin her life.
But Rose didn’t want to think about him right now. He was now officially part of her past and could rot in hell for all she cared. What she did want to think about was enjoying the rest of the night and bringing in the New Year properly plastered. She’d already made a decent start of it with a couple glasses of wine and a few shots. She supposed she could try out a few different spots (far away from Jimmy-the-Wanker), and do a regular old pub crawl, solo-style. Dressed to kill, she reckoned she’d never be without a drink in hand and would probably have no trouble finding a bloke to pull. 
A car whizzed by, drunken twats hanging out the passenger windows, catcalling at her, spouting some shite about having her “seeing fireworks all night long.” She tugged her coat tighter around herself and sighed. On second thought, shagging complete strangers wasn’t really her thing. Maybe she could meet up with Mickey, instead, at the local near the Estate. With a little coaxing, he might take her home for a cheeky shag to bring in the New Year. It wouldn’t exactly be fireworks, but it would be safe and familiar. And she wouldn’t be alone. Mickey had never been able to say no to her.
But then – she sighed, and her shoulders sagged – she’d have to explain herself, answer all his nosy questions, admit things she’d rather keep to herself for now. Everyone would know, soon enough. No doubt the Estate would be rife with the gossip of her falling-out with Jimmy by daybreak. Besides, she’d be taking Mickey away from Trisha Delaney. That wasn’t fair, doing to Trisha exactly what had just been done to her.
“For fuck’s sake,” she snorted as she stumbled onto the pavement, her head woozy with drink, “I’m worried about hurting Trisha Delaney’s feelings. The stupid cow! Clearly, I’m thinkin’ too bloody hard about this. More to the point, I’m able to think too bloody hard about this. And I’m talking to myself… Blimey, I need another drink.”
Setting out on her quest for another pub (just for drinks, no pulling, she reminded herself), she tottered down the street, swaying precariously on her too-high heels, tugging down her too-short dress as the bitter wind bit through the too-sheer fabric of her tights. This was rubbish, hopping from pub to pub. All she really wanted was something strong to drink, her warm flat, and her telly. She’d be alone, but she’d be warm and, with any luck, thoroughly pissed long before midnight.
Decision made, she hopped on the nearest bus, and half an hour later, with the effects of her earlier drinks lamentably wearing off, she trotted into the 24-hour Tesco, close to the Estate. She made directly for the liquor aisle, determined that what she really wanted to bring in the New Year was a bottle of bubbly.
The shop was nearly deserted, except for the unlucky few employees who had drawn the short straw for the night’s graveyard shift, so she was shocked to find another customer in the liquor aisle, standing in front of the wine shelves, his hand around the neck of the very last bottle of sparkling wine.
“Oi! That’s my bottle, mate!”
The man turned to her, his brow knit quizzically above his aquiline nose. “Excuse me?” he challenged in a strong Manc accent.
“That’s my bottle,” she reiterated.
“No,” he placed the bottle into his shopping basket with a tight-lipped smile, “it’s not.” Without another word, he turned his back to her and walked away up the aisle with long strides.
“Fuck,” Rose muttered through gritted teeth and rushed after his receding form. “Oi, Mister! Mister!” She caught up with him just as he reached the end of the aisle and she tugged on the battered leather sleeve of his jacket.
He swung around, rolling his eyes at the sight of her. “Oh, it’s you again!”
“Yup, jus’ me. Hello! The owner of that bottle of fizz.” She sidled up to him and flashed him what she hoped was a winning smile. She even poked her tongue between her teeth. That always had blokes dribbling on their shirts.
Much to Rose’s disappointment, the man remained unmoved, stony-faced as ever. Then with a snort, he turned and walked away from her once more.
“Oi! Mister!” she yelped, scurrying to catch up to him again. “You can’t jus’ go swannin’ off like that…”
He didn’t even break his stride. “Yes, I can. ‘Ere I am. This is me, swannin’ off.” He gave the shopping basket a defiant little shake.
Rose knew she should just give it up at this point, go back to the liquor aisle and find something different to drink, but she was determined to have that wine. After having had her night ruined, she reckoned she deserved to have something special. “Hey, Mister! C’mon! You can’t just walk away. That’s not fair. Mister! Mist– Oooph!” She nearly crashed into him when he suddenly stopped in front of her.
He spun around and glared at her. “Seems fair enough to me. W’at isn’ fair is you not lettin’ me do my shoppin’ in peace. Now, scram!”
Rose held her ground, meeting his gaze. He was a striking figure, quite a bit older than she, dark and brooding, his features unconventionally handsome below his military haircut. She should have been intimidated, but instead she found herself getting lost in the blue of his eyes as they flashed down at her.
She crossed her arms over her chest. “I could call security, ya know! Tell them you took it from me. So, it’s your choice. Hand it over, or I’ll start screamin’ for help.”
He scoffed. “Is that supposed to sound tough?”
“Sort of.”
He called her bluff, “Doesn’t work,” and started walking again, but this time she tripped along by his side. She wasn’t going to let him go, not while he still had that bottle.
“Mister… I need that wine! If you knew what I’ve been through tonight…”
“You need to leave me alone. Looks to me like you’ve ‘ad quite enough to drink already.”
“C’mon, Mister. Please.”
“No! An’ it’s Doctor.”
Rose quirked an eyebrow at him.
“You keep calling me ‘Mister’. If you’re so set on using honorifics, you’d better use the right one. I go by Doctor.”
“Doctor? Is that supposed to sound impressive?”
“Sort of, yeah.”
“If you’re a doctor, how comes you’re shoppin’ at a 24-hour Tesco… in Peckham?”
“I live ‘ere. Jus’ ‘round the corner.” He stopped at the deli counter and tossed some packages of sandwich meats and some cheese into his basket.
“What? On the estate? You must be new. I haven’ seen you ‘round ‘ere before.”
“That’s ‘cause I jus’ moved in this afternoon, me, and I’m having this champagne (or whatever the hell it is) to celebrate.”
“Blimey, don’t think we’ve ever had a doctor livin’ on the estate, before.” Rose narrowed her eyes and cocked her head at him, curious. “W’at’s a doctor doin’ livin’ ‘ere anyway?”
He didn’t speak, just stared at her with eyes cold as ice, and his jaw set and tense, and Rose bit her lip, wishing she could take back her brazen words. It was none of her business why anyone might need council housing.
“Erm... Doctor, you’re gonna need some bread to go with that other stuff,” she ventured, attempting to make up for her thoughtlessness, “an’ some milk and tea, maybe some eggs. And a couple cans of beans. Ya can’t go wrong wi’ beans-on-toast.” She linked her arm with his and proceeded to lead him through the shop.
As Rose nattered away to him, he maintained a detached silence, except to offer bewildered grunts to her various queries about the items she heaped into his basket. Finally, as she placed a box of tea on top of the mound, he smirked down at her, and spoke: “I hope you’re not attempting to curry favour so I’ll give up the bubbly.”
“Never gave it a second thought,” she fibbed with a cheeky grin. Honestly, she just wanted to make it up to him for being rude, but she had hoped, maybe…
He pulled the bottle out of the basket to peer at it. “It’s proper British Fizz, you know.”
“Oooh, lovely! Somethin’ a bit posh. Don’t know w’at it’s doin’ here, in a Tesco on the flippin’ estate. Guess they reckoned people wouldn’t be thinkin’ about the cost so much when they’re bringin’ in the New Year.”
“Yeah, gonna cost me an arm and a leg, this is.”
“The price don’t matter to me. Not tonight. I’d be happy to take it off your hands if you’re having second thoughts…”
“Ahem… nope.” He placed it back into the shopping basket. “Worth every penny, this. I have plans for this fizz.”
“Yeah,” Rose muttered, rolling her eyes, “so did I.”
They headed toward the checkout each lost in their own thoughts. “So, what’s your story, then?” he asked after a few moments. “Tell me, what makes you so deserving of this posh beverage on New Year’s Eve?”
Rose shrugged, her problems seeming rather small and distant, now.
“C’mon then. You said earlier, you’d had a rough night of it. So?”
“You sure you wanna hear me rattle on? It’s pathetic, really.”
“I’ve been listenin’ to you rattle on non-stop for the las’ twenty minutes, anyway. So, I’m all ears… and no jokes about these silly things hangin’ off the side of me head.”
“I would never! ‘Sides, there’s nothin’ wrong wi’ them. They suit you.”
He looked unconvinced by her compliment. “Well… out with it then,” he insisted, changing the subject back to Rose as he began to load his groceries onto the checkout counter. “I’m waitin’ on this great tale of woe.”
“Alright, you asked for it.”
“Yes, I did!”
“Okay, so, earlier tonight, I found my tosser of a boyfriend (ex-boyfriend now, by the way, and good bloody riddance!) out back of the pub, gettin’ a leg-over with one of the servers. It was humiliatin’. And you better believe I told him what he could do with his bloody– Well anyway, I ended up slappin’ him (and fuck that felt good!) and walked out. Thought about goin’ to a few other pubs, but I decided I really just wanted to go home, watch the countdown on the New Year’s Eve Fireworks programme, an’ get hammered in peace. I s’pose I jus’ wanted the wine to make me feel a bit more… special.
“And that’s about it. See? Pathetic. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She wagged her finger at him.
“Oi, not pathetic at all, Miss, erm… Blimey, I don’t even know your name.”
“Since we’re neighbors now, I s’pose I should probably tell ya, yeah? It’s Rose… Rose Tyler.”
“Nice to meet you, Rose. I’m John Smith,” he returned.
“John Smith? That’s it? Pull the other one! John Smith?”
His shoulders stiffened. “Well, if you don’t like it, you can jus’–”
“Nah, nah, nah, it’s fine. It’s nice and, erm… straightforward.” Rose couldn’t help the smile that blossomed over her face at his sudden offence. “It’s jus’ I think from now on you’ll always be the Doctor to me.”
“Fine...” he huffed, shaking his head at her as he paid for his order and gathered his bags. “Anyroad, gettin’ back to your tale: it sounds to me like you’re well shot of that stupid ape boyfriend of yours.”
“Ex-boyfriend. And yeah, Jimmy’s a right arsehole. To be honest, I don’t really feel all that upset about it. Thought I’d be gutted, yeah? But all I can think is that it’s no great loss. Reckon it was a long time comin’; shoulda dumped him ages ago.”
They walked out the doors of the Tesco and headed in the direction of Powell Estate.
She shrugged, adding, “I’m mostly just pissed off that he ruined my plans for New Year’s.”
“Yeah, rightly so!”
They walked in slightly awkward silence for a short time before Rose braved asking the enigmatic Doctor more about himself. “So… you’re a medical doctor, then?”
“Yup. Was a doctor in the military for years. Resigned my commission ‘bout a year back. Figured I’d seen enough…”
Rose glanced up at him, frowning concern at the tenson etched on his face again. “What are your plans now?” she asked, hoping to take him out of whatever unspoken horrors lingered in his past.
“I’ve always planned to start my own practice, me. Thought I could open one right here on the Estate.”
“Blimey, mate, it’s a war zone here too, sometimes.”
He grunted. “All the more reason you need a doctor.”
“Can’t argue wi’ that. We haven’t had a doctor ‘ere for years. The old one jus’ cleared off one day, no notice. He was just gone. His clinic is still there, though, between the chemist and the launderette. No one’s let it. Bet it’s a bargain!”
“You think?” He offered her a smug smile. “Already made arrangements, me.”
“But that’s brilliant!” Rose cheered, grabbing his arm and bouncing up and down. “When do you take possession?”
“Beginnin’ o’ next week,” he said as they strolled into the Powell Estate quad. “But it’ll be a bit before I can get everything set up properly. Plus, I have my flat to sort out. Boxes everywhere.”
“Don’t ya have some mates to help ya out?”
“Nope. There’s no one else. Jus’ me.” His words were blunt, his voice rough with emotion.
Rose watched his Adam’s apple bob heavily and grabbed onto his hand. “W’at happened? Doctor?”
He swallowed again and looked down at their joined hands.  
Rose gripped a little tighter, but he wriggled his hand free of hers, leaving behind an aching emptiness deep in her heart. She ducked her head. “Sorry. Didn’t mean to pry. I jus’… Oh, never mind.”
The strained silence returned for another minute or so as they walked, then he sighed. “Rose, war changes a person. I came back a very different man. I had plans, me. Was goin’ to start a practice as soon as I resigned my commission. Even had a place all set to go in my hometown. But I couldn’t make a go of it. Too much baggage. I haven’t been able to keep a steady job, all this time. And I lost people, good people, because they couldn’t take any more of my shit. My mates, my fiancée. One way or another, they’re all gone, and I can’t say I blame ‘em. That’s who I am, now. I drive everyone away from me.”
Rose’s heart swelled with compassion. “There’s me…”
They paused as they approached the entranceway to Rose’s building, and he shook his head, rolling his eyes at her and offering a guarded smile. “Yeah, you I can’t seem to get rid of.”
“I’m just too good.” She beamed at him, poking her tongue between her teeth again. This time, she noted, his eyes drifted to her mouth.
“No, you’re jus’ too drunk.”
“Uggghh,” she groaned, “I wish. I never got a bottle from the shop, after all.”
Grumbling deep in his throat, he dug in his shopping bag and extracted the bottle of sparkling wine. “There you go. Happy New Year. Take this and go home and celebrate your freedom from that twat. Now, go on, forget me, Rose Tyler.” He pressed the bottle into her hand and turned away, striding off toward the building opposite hers.
Rose watched him go, feeling rather lost. Numbly, she headed toward the staircase of her building, the bottle dangling from her fingers. She had her prize, but somehow it seemed a hollow victory.
She stopped and turned back. The Doctor was halfway across the quad, his figure illuminated by the dim sparkle of fairy lights strung from the balconies above. “Wait, Doctor,” she blurted. When he paused, she wasted no time rushing forward to meet him.
“Thought I told you to forget me,” he growled.
She was undeterred. “I’m not havin’ you sittin’ up in that empty flat by yourself.” Impulsively, she perched up on her toes and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. “Come to mine. Mum won’t be home ‘til tomorrow anyway, and I think we both deserve this bottle of bubbly, wouldn’t ya say? Better with two, yeah.”
“Erm…” He gazed down at her, his gruffness replaced with a sad, gentle smile that teased at the corners of his mouth.
“I’m not on the pull or anything,” she insisted… a little too forcefully. “Blimey!” she laughed, her cheeks burning. “I mean we jus’ met…”
He chuckled too. “And you were trying to steal my bubbly. You’re weren’t off to the best start, anyway, to be honest.”
“Oi!” She grabbed him by his sleeve and tugged him toward her building. “Wait! Hold on,” she paused a few seconds later, sniffing the air, “do you smell chips?”
“Yeah. Yeah.”
“Morrison’s must still be open! I want chips!”
“Me too.”
“And since you brought the bottle, the chips are on me! You’re in for a treat! Best chips on the planet, Morrison’s, an’ they’re right here on the estate. C’mon!”
“All right! Chips it is! And if we’re still hungry later, you can’t go wrong wi’ beans-on-toast.” They both laughed as he held up his bag of shopping. Then he clasped Rose’s hand in his, the gesture warming her to the core. “Lead the way!”
As they walked towards the chippy, Rose leaned her head against John Smith’s shoulder and gave his hand a little squeeze. Her evening, which had started out quite wretched, had completely turned around, and was now looking more promising than she could ever have imagined. Despite his wine-hogging tendencies, she rather thought she was going to enjoy being the Doctor’s neighbor.
“You know what, Doctor,” she grinned up at him, “I bet we’re going to have a really great year!”
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Positive Part 2 || Kevin Hayes
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Authors Note: I’ve had a good portion of this draft sitting around for months but I absolutely hated it. Finally was able to rework it into something I like a little bit better so hopefully, you all enjoy it as well. Before you ask I have no idea where this could go from here so if you have any thoughts, send them my way. 
Warnings: cursing, more angst
Word Count: 1,692
Pregnant. You were really pregnant. 
The weight of that word crushed down on you and a fresh set of sobs overtook your body. This couldn’t be real...except it was. While you were normally a very level headed person, it was like your brain had shut down entirely and all you could do was sob into Kristen’s shoulder as she pulled you into her arms. You were so lost that you completely missed what had happened next. 
Jimmy Hayes walked through the door. He spotted his wife holding a sobbing woman. He stepped closer out of concern and his eyes fell to the pregnancy tests. When he looked back at his wife she was mouthing two words to him ‘call Kevin’. It was only then that he realized who the crying woman was and the mess that he had just walked into and he nodded, pulling his phone out of his pocket as he headed to the backyard. All it had taken was the utterance of your name and the statement that Kevin needed to come home for an agreement to be made. It didn’t matter that Kevin was halfway across the country. It didn’t matter that he was supposed to play a game that night. None of that mattered because you needed him to come home. 
As you attempted to pull yourself together, thanking Kristen but stating that you needed to be alone for a little while, you had no idea that Kevin had called his coach about a family emergency before booking a flight to Boston. As you stumbled into your apartment knowing that nothing would ever be the same again, you had no idea that Kevin was on his way to you, worried about what possibly could have happened to cause his brother to call him in a panic. As you climbed into the shower because your efforts of falling asleep to wake and find that this was all a dream had failed, you had no idea that Kevin was pacing back and forth in the living room of his brother’s house becoming frustrated by the lack of information he was being given. And as you threw on an old rangers sweatshirt that had once belonged to Kevin, you had no idea that the man himself was standing outside your door. 
And then he knocked. 
The sound startled you and you sighed wondering who the hell would be at your door this late. Throwing it open you had every intention of telling whoever it was to go the hell away because you weren’t in the mood. Instead, your eyes were met with the familiar frame of someone that you had considered one of your closest friends, someone who was supposed to be anywhere but here, someone who had turned your life upside down. Immediately, your eyes started to water because it seemed like all you could do lately was cry, but you quickly pushed the tears away, a neutral expression settling onto your face. As you battled your emotions, Kevin pushed his way inside your apartment, his arms crossed in front of his chest. Seeing him just waltz in sparked a wave of anger inside you and you practically growled at him.
“What the hell are you doing here Kevin?”
“Jim called me,” Kevin stated. “Told me I needed to come home because you needed me but wouldn’t tell me why. So care to enlighten me?” His tone held just a bit too much snark for your brain to handle and you cursed Kevin’s family for pulling him into this. 
“Well, I don’t need you so you can go back to your team.” You snapped. “I didn’t ask him to call you.” You added, now cursing yourself for turning to Kevin’s family in the first place. 
“That’s bullshit and you know it.” Kevin threw back, his frustration now seeping through. You could feel his heavy gaze but were oblivious to the fact that his brain was quickly making note of the fact that you were wearing his sweatshirt, you appeared paler than usual, and you’d clearly been crying recently. “You look like you haven’t slept in weeks, you’ve obviously been crying, and my brother and sister-in-law could only give me pity eyes while refusing to tell me what the hell was going on other than that you’d been there earlier. So please fucking tell me what the hell is going on Y/N!” 
The sound of his raised voice caused a fresh set of tears to form in your eyes but you quickly shook your head, once again pushing them back. 
“Get out Kevin.” You stated, voice low but serious. “Just go.” 
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on,” Kevin demanded, his body crowding forward to trap you against the back of the couch. Shoving at his chest you cursed him. 
“Kevin. Get the fuck out of my apartment.” You repeated, too afraid of getting hurt and too hormonal to open up to him. 
Kevin pulled away and for a moment you thought he was actually going to leave before he paused in the middle of your living room. 
“Fuck, fine. If you aren’t going to talk to me then you can just fucking listen.” His fingers raked through his hair as he paced. “You know...since you’re the one that decided the conversation was over before...it’s my turn. Fuck...I never should have let you leave. I just...I couldn’t believe it.” Kevin’s tone slowly started shifting from angry to vulnerable to resigned. 
“I thought you knew. The trip, the date, that night, my proposition....how could you not know that I love you.” He mumbled. “Everyone else knows that I love you. That I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. I know I’m shitty at expressing it but I could have sworn that by Sunday night you knew and felt the same way. I’ve been kicking myself for not stopping you...for not making you see. You said it was a mistake because I don’t love you the way you love me. But Y/N I’m pretty sure I do. But if you want me to go I’ll go. I just...I can’t leave without making sure you knew. I love you. So this not working...that’s on you, not me. Because I was willing to do whatever it takes.”  
You couldn’t recall ever hearing Kevin say so much in one sitting, and you’d certainly never seen him so vulnerable. With your brain overwhelmed by the emotional dump he’d just done on you, you didn’t even realize he was gone until you heard the click of the door. 
Without even realizing it, you were racing out after him two words quickly falling from your lips and echoing down the hall. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
For a moment you worried that he hadn’t heard you. But then you watched him stop in the middle of the hallway. His fingers ran through his hair. Your eyes fell closed not wanting to see him walk out of your life completely even though you wouldn’t have blamed him in the slightest. They stayed closed until the weight of a warm hand fell to your hip and a feather-light touch brushed against your cheek. Peeking up, your eyes met his which were filled with nothing but warmth even as tears fell from them. 
“Oh thank god.” Kevin eventually murmured and the fact that those were the first words to come out of his mouth took you by complete surprise.  
“What?” You questioned, as you reached up to tangle your fingers in the fabric of Kevin’s shirt afraid that he would just disappear if you didn’t hold on tight.
“I said, oh thank god,” Kevin repeated, a prideful smirk growing on his face. “I’m not gonna be upset that you’re having my baby sweetheart. Jim had me fearing that something was actually wrong. This...this isn’t a problem...this is a blessing.” Kevin’s reaction had you feeling like you had whiplash because it was completely opposite to how you were feeling. Your body frozen in place, Kevin took two steps forward, ushering you back through your apartment door before turning and pinning you against it. His thumb brushed over your cheek again and he chuckled, shaking his head. 
“I’m gonna be a dad.” He murmured, the hand that had been on your face dropping down to caress your stomach lightly. Though you swore you couldn’t possibly have any more tears to cry, suddenly your cheeks were wet again. Why you were crying you couldn’t even express but it seemed to be the only way your brain could cope with all of this. 
“Shh…” Kevin whispered, attempting to soothe you. The rollercoaster of emotion from the past fifteen minutes seemed to finally get the best of you when you felt your stomach twist for the nth time in the past week or so. Throwing a hand over your mouth, you pushed Kevin aside and bolted for the toilet, kneeling over it while bile made its way out of your body. 
Almost immediately, a warm hand fell to your back, rubbing gently until you had finished puking before guiding you into a strong chest as you continued to cry. 
“Sweetheart...we’ll figure all of this out.” He insisted. “It’s okay. We’re okay.” When you still couldn’t stop crying, Kevin lifted you into his arms and carefully carried you back to your bedroom, laying you down and pulling you onto his chest. 
“Don’t go.” You whimpered, clinging to him. 
“I’m not going anywhere.” He promised, tilting your chin up to press his lips against yours in a feather-light kiss. You were certain it had to be gross because you hadn’t brushed your teeth since vomiting, but Kevin didn’t seem to mind, instead just whispering softly to you about how excited he was, how much he loves you and how sorry he was for not just saying it earlier. 
It was with his voice in your ear, his body below you, and his hand on your stomach that you finally cried yourself to sleep, praying that tomorrow you’d feel better. 
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littlemisssquiggles · 4 years
So Oscar is planning to kind of be a double agent and sabatage Salem's Inner circle. This could mean he might be planning to sow discourse within the group and let's be honest he does have experience seeing petty conflicts within the groups being with the heroes. And as we saw plenty of times the villians have there own conflicts with each other, the question is who will be easy for Oscar to either manipulate or switch to his side?
Hey Crystal. I think the answer to that question is pretty obvious, especially given the events of the last episode. I’d like to believe that as of now---Hazel Rainart, Emerald Sustrai and even Neopolitan are the most likely to make the switch from serving Salem.
 We know for a definite fact that Neo is obviously displeased by her experience at being a pawn for Cinder Fall. While Neo is used to being a lackey, given her history as Roman Torchwick’s right hand woman, at least with Roman, it was evident that there was more to their bond than that of the typical crime boss and loyal side kick dynamic. Neo cared a lot about Roman and he in turn cared for her when he was alive and definitely treated her with more appreciation than what she receives from Cinder Fall.
Then there is Emerald---since V6, Emerald has displayed doubt in her stance in serving the main villains. Based on what she told Ruby back during the Battle of Haven, we know for a definite fact that most of Emerald’s willingness to cooperate with Salem’s schemes is due in part to her loyalty to Cinder. As a matter of fact, I remember Emerald dead ass saying that she doesn’t care about Salem.
“…I don’t care about Salem but I owe Cinder everything…” 
I believe that’s what she said to Ruby back in V5. Therefore, Emerald bears no loyalty to Salem and mainly followed her out of her devotion to Cinder Fall. But as we saw last episode, I think based on her reaction to what Mercury said---I believe now Emerald is starting to see the truth in what Mercury told her. 
At the end of day, Cinder doesn’t care about Emerald. No matter how much Emerald does her best to prove her devotion to the Fall Maiden, it is never reciprocated at all. And given Emerald’s reaction to seeing Cinder being punished by Salem, I think that was her realizing that she herself has chosen the wrong side. I think what Emerald does next will define where she truly stands and I’d love to think---at least I’d hope to think she would chose the side that agrees to help Oscar thwart Salem’s schemes. If not for herself then…perhaps out of some twisted resolve to save Cinder from destroying herself further before Salem does, y’know what I mean? That’s how I see it.
And finally---there is Hazel. I’ll admit, I was worried about (and rightfully upset with) Hazel following the events of the fourth episode. It definitely bothered me a lot watching Hazel enact his vengeance on Ozpin through Oscar. However, after hearing Oscar voice that Hazel was “holding back” with him, it’s clear to me that while Hazel is upset with Oz---it probably makes him uncomfortable being forced to do so through Oscar---the eyes of an innocent child who honestly has no place in this fight.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Hazel sees a bit of his sister in Oscar since, according to him, she was “only a child” too when she went off to become a huntress of her own choice that Hazel still refuses to accept.  Not to mention that throughout the shared shots of Hazel with Oscar, you can clearly see Hazel’s apprehension.
When Oz confronted him on his choice to follow Salem, you can see that even through his rage at Oz, there was a bit of apprehension with Hazel due in part to Oscar. I think bottom-line, Hazel wants to avenge his sister but he doesn’t want to do it through killing another innocent child. 
If Hazel killed Oscar to avenge Gretchen over Oz, then how would that make him any different than the man he constantly accuses Oz of being?
Not to mention that when Oz brought up Salem bringing the Relics together, you can see Hazel’s confusion. One thing that I’ve always wondered is how much has Salem disclosed to her followers about the Relics. It wouldn’t surprise me if, much like Oz, Salem never told her followers the truth of what would ultimately happen should the Relics be brought together.
It wouldn’t surprise me if Salem has been manipulating her pawns on false promises---making them submit to the fact that the only way to achieve their ultimate goals in through her when in reality, all she really wants is to watch everything burn.
My hunch is that the reason Salem wants the Relics is so that she could bring about Judgement Day and have Remnant wiped from existence out of her own selfish desire to finally be able to rest. After all, in the Lost Fable episode, the Brother Gods told Salem that so long as the world turns, she shall walk its face.
So long as Remnant exists, Salem will never be free of her wretched curse. 
So I feel this is what Salem wants in the end. Not to become a goddess or rule Remnant (since she already achieved this during her time with Ozma in his second lifetime as Diggs) but to die. 
I think ultimately Salem wants to end her own curse and she’s selfish enough to take all of humanity and Remnant with her, just like she did long ago.
It makes perfect sense if that’s her ultimate goal given the events of the Lost Fable. But I highly doubt this is something that her followers know. After all, would you honestly be willing to follow someone who you know was working to end the world that you need to live in in order to achieve your goals?
It wouldn’t shock me at all if none of Salem’s pawns know the full truth about the Relics. All the more reason why I think it would be very easy for Oscar to make them switch sides using this info. I have a feeling Hazel would definitely be one to turn for sure. I don’t know what promises Salem made to him outside of revenge on Oz for Gretchen but I feel like Hazel would be among the first to side with Oz---at least, he’ll side with Oscar.
So yeah, to reiterate, I expect Hazel, Emerald and Neo to turn first. 
Mercury might take some added effort. But I think eventually he’ll come around too since deep down, I think Mercury cares more for Emerald than he lets off and being the Emerald Merc shipper that I am, I think it would be pretty sweet if Mercury asked Emerald to join him with Salem, promising to love and care for her in ways that Cinder never could or something like that. 
It’d be very sweet if despite his own abuse and hardships and despite growing up never feeling love from anyone, if Merc grew to desire to give the feelings he never got to someone who he sees shares in his loneliness. It’d be sweet to see Merc change for the better cause deep down he does genuinely care a lot for Emerald and it would be great to see her be the one to persuade/influence him since for the most part, Emerald has been a follower---not an influencer, y’know what I mean?
As for Tyrian and Cinder.
To put it bluntly, I thinkTyrian Callows would rather die than betray “his goddess” so he’ll probably follow Salem to literally the end of the world whether she kills him via Judgement Day or of her own hand. 
As for Cinder---Cinder I don’t know anymore. After watching her backstory, I don’t know what the showrunners plan on doing with her. While I’m still very skeptical about a Cinder Fall redemption arc (despite her history with Rhodes hitting me hard), I’m getting mixed signals on what the showrunners’ true intentions with her are. 
I don’t know whether to stick to my own theories on Cinder potentially usurping Salem at some point and becoming the new Red Queen and leader of the Grimm or…prepare to retrieve my jaw from all the way over in China after it plummets through the center of the earth at my mere unadulterated shock at the showrunners actually making Cinder a “good guy” after EVERYTHING this crazy chick has done over the seasons.
As for Watts---I’m sure he’ll cave faster than an avalanche once he learns that he can’t take out his bitterness and jealousy towards Pietro and Jimmy Ironwood from the grave.
So yeah XD That’s my answer to that.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2020)
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justauthoring · 5 years
False Hope [Jimmy Darling] (1/2)
Prompt: If only you hadn’t fallen in love with the freak.
A/N: I just couldn’t help myself. I love this boy and even though i’m only half way through the season, I already know this boy deserves better then what he got. Anyways, I meant for this to only be one part but it got to be a lot longer then originally intended so... part two?
Please don’t plagiarize my work! Word Count: 1,919
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“It’s late. I should be getting on home now.”
Jimmy holds fast the second you move to get up, fingers softly pressing into your hips as he tugs you back against himself. You don’t fight him, falling against him with a light giggle mix with a sigh as you let your head rest against his chest, your hand coming up to rest next to you.
“Stay here a while,” Jimmy murmurs, pressing a soft kiss against the top of your head. Your eyes flutter shut at the action, relishing in the moment briefly as his left hand rubs circles on your bare lower back. “It’s not safe for a lady like yourself to be walking home this late anyways.”
You roll your eyes at his comment, shifting slightly as you’re propped up on your elbows, able to meet Jimmy’s warm brown eyes easily and steadily. Your head comes to rest in either of your palms, smiling up at him softly as he leans his hand against his pillow comfortably, his curls brushing into his eyes slightly which causes him to blink them away once in a while. “The curfews been lifted, remember, darling? After you caught that maniac.”
Jimmy’s cheeks warm slightly, and he shakes his head, abashed. “I didn’t do nothing.” 
“You’re still a hero to me,” you shrug, moving your head to your left hand and allowing the right to draw soft circles in the middle of Jimmy’s chest where a small, light patch of dirty blonde hair resides. You lose yourself in the moment slightly, lost in your own thoughts as Jimmy watches you carefully, a soft smile on his lips as he takes in your beauty but his eyes concerned slightly at the frown that begins to curl on your lip.
Raising his hand, Jimmy’s careful to use his knuckles (still ashamed of his hands despite how many times he’s told you there ain’t anything to be ashamed of) to brush back some strands of your H/C hair out of your face. He dips his head slightly, enough that he can get a better look at you, the smile that had once occupied his lips fading as he frowns worriedly down at you. 
He doesn’t even have to ask to know what’s got you so worried.
“It’s your father isn’t it?”
Your flicker your eyes back up to his own at that. “Even after all these months, he still as cruel as ever. Half of the time I have to sneak off, or worse, he catches me and I have to fight to leave.”
“He don’t approve of me, do he?”
Biting your lip, you shake your head.
You catch it, just quick enough because Jimmy only does it for a faint second, but Jimmy’s eyes flicker down to his hands and as such, his hand that had once been cupping your cheek falls to his side with shame. Before he can though, you reach out to catch his hand, pulling his eyes sharply on your own as you press it against your lips, kissing his knuckles first before trailing up to the tips of his fingers. 
“He’s small-minded,” you say without a moments hesitation, keeping your eyes steady on Jimmy’s own. “He don’t see how wonderful you are, like I do. None of the people in this Godforsaken place do. But, Jimmy, there ain’t a damn thing he or anyone else can say to me that will change how I feel about you.” Pressing his hand against your cheek, you lower your voice to a whisper; “how much I love you.”
“But, maybe...” And Jimmy hesitates, clearly hating the words but unable to deny how he believes them to be true. “Your father’s right. You deserve someone more than a freak like me. Someone normal--”
“You’re not a freak.” You say firmly, promptly cutting off whatever other profanities and lies Jimmy was about to speak of himself. Setting your eyes, hard and determined but still filled with so much love, you squeeze Jimmy’s hand gently. “You’re Jimmy Darling. The man I love. The man who saved that woman and child from that maniac. The man that can sing like no other.” Letting out a soft laugh, your lips curve into a bright smile as you nuzzle into his touch. “That has never ever done anyone any wrong.”
Jimmy smiles, finally returning your grip as he pulls you close, pressing a kiss against your lips. It’s quick, but he pours every ounce of his gratitude into that kiss. He holds you tight and firmly and there isn’t an ounce of hesitance or doubt in him as he molds his lips against your own. And you return the kiss with just as much ferocity. Enough that you find yourself out of breath by the time either of you pull back.
“I wish I could just stay here with you forever.”
“Why don’t you.”
Jimmy’s words shock you. Yours had been a meaningless whisper -- it was something you truly did wish, but something you believed entirely impossible. You knew that your father would never let you leave, especially if he ever found out it was to be with Jimmy. You didn’t know how far your father would go to prove that, given that it was tough enough to even get out of the house for a few hours, but you didn’t want to test it either.
Jimmy easily understands.
“Well, why not?” He shrugs. “We may not have much, but we’re a family here. And i’m sure Elsa could find something for you to do around here. That way we wouldn’t have to hide, wouldn’t have to go days without seeing each other.”
“But, my father..,” you argue, shaking your head. “Even if I did manage to get out, he’d find us right away. He knows exactly where i’d go.”
“We’d deal with that when the time came but... we all love you here. We’d protect you.”
Jimmy words make you think. Moments ago, the entire idea had seemed impossible but you trusted Jimmy and you knew he meant his words. And the idea of being able to be with Jimmy, freely, was entirely to enticing and exciting and everything you’ve ever wanted to not even be tempted.
Cupping your cheek, Jimmy pulls your eyes on him; “pack your things tomorrow. Wait til your father leaves for work and then come here. Once you get here, we won’t let him touch you. I won’t let him touch you/”
You’re hesitant. You want to, but you fear your father and more so, his wrath.
Sensing this, Jimmy tightens his grip on you, just enough that it shows just how serious and determined he is. “I promise you.”
And when you look into his eyes, you see nothing but sincerity. 
“Okay,” you whisper, the crack of a smile growing onto your lips. “Let’s do it.”
Your father watched you constantly. When you were home, he always had at least an eye on you. It didn’t matter if it was actually him or one of his faithful servants that roamed the house consistently. There wasn’t anything you could do that he didn’t know about.
Until, you went to your room.
You don’t know why. You’ve never understood it. But, for as long as you can remember, your room has always been a place of solace. When you were a child, it was where you would break your dolls and throw tantrums. As a teenager, it’s where you would smoke and drink. It was where you broke every strict rule your father had ever put on your head in this prison.
A part of you knew that he he did know what went on behind the closed door of your bedroom. But he’d never stopped you, so you let your naivety get the best of you and believe that this fact alone would allow you to break free. Pack your things and leave when he did for work. His servants didn’t scare you, unlike he did, and they wouldn’t actually harm you. So, by the time he ever found out, you’d be long gone with Jimmy and him and the rest of his friends would protect you from any harm.
You’d acted like nothing was different. You packed quick, rapidly and you made sure to be out of your room by the time your father was leaving for work so you could kiss him on the cheek goodbye like you always had. 
You truly believed nothing had been out of the ordinary.
In the end, it was your naivety you cursed.
When you thought your father was long gone, you were in your room, gathering your things. Your heart raced with fear and anticipation but also excitement. The idea of finally being able to free had you bouncing with happiness and you couldn’t wait until you were back with Jimmy, safe in his grasp.
But the second you opened your bedroom door, all hopes of that happiness was crushed.
Your father, face red in anger, didn’t respond to your cry. Instead, he simply yanked the suitcase out of your hand and tossed it behind him, it thudding loudly against the wall before crashing against the ground, cracking open, your clothes and other necessities spilling across the floor. His actions caused you to flinch in fear, instinctively taking a step back, but your father snatched your wrist before you could make it very far.
“You really think i’d let my daughter run off with some freak?”
Feeling anger flood you at the cruel insult, your eyes flash. “He isn’t a freak! He’s--”
Before you can say anything more, there’s a sharp sting across your cheek and you find yourself falling back, landing on the ground with a harsh thud. A gasp rips through your throat in response and your wide eyes flicker up to meet the frightening ones of your father as he descends upon you.
He crouches before you and you feel your eyes water, moving to crawl back, but your father simply grabs your ankle, yanking you towards him with a simple tug. “I’ll show you,” he begins, voice gruff, “i’ll show you the kind of freak he is. The monster that boy is. I’ll help you learn, darling. I promise.”
Heart spiking, you let out a cry, slapping away the hand your father extends towards you away. His surprise allows you to yank your foot out of his grasp and scramble up to your feet, moving to race out of your door. Screw your belongings, you just need to get to Jimmy. He’ll protect you. He’ll keep you safe.
However, the second you make it to the door, two hands grab either of your arms.
“No! Let me go! Let me go!”
The servants holding you turning you, so that you can stare up at your father as you kick your feet wildly beneath you and tears stream pathetically down your cheeks. Your father simply stares down at you, his eyes emotionless, before he turns to the servant on your left.
“Throw her down in the basement.”
Your eyes widen at that. “What?” You cry, your struggling increasing tenfold as your heart drops with terror. “No, wait! Please! I’ll be good! I won’t go! Just please don’t put me down there!” 
Your father simply takes your chin his hands, tsking down at you. “Some isolating will do you good, baby. I promise.”
The next second, you find yourself being dragged backwards.
“NO! Please, daddy! No! Please!”
To be continued?
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saras-almanac · 5 years
checking in (aaron/robert, aaron, jimmy, nicola)
Yeah... So... instead of working on my grad school stuff or my robert week fics (they’re coming just maybe a little late?), I spent my evening writing a Jimmy and Nicola talk to Aaron fic cause @smugdensugdendingle made a post about wanting to see it (hope it’s cool to tag you in this). And since I was already planning on writing a fic tentatively titled 5 times aaron told people to fuck off after not letting him have feelings and one time he didn’t where the +1 was going to be Jimmy since he is Rob’s BFF (second to Aaron, obviously), I figured I could write this quick little scene. 
It’s about 2700 words and in Nicola’s POV which was not what I was expecting so, there ya go. It’s almost like Aaron is so desperate for someone to listen to him and tell him that he’s not being crazy for missing his husband that the second someone offers the barest hint of that, he can’t help but talk about it. Crazy how that works. 
Aaron deserves better than what his family is doing to him. 
Nicola walked down the drive with Jimmy at her side.
“I don’t know, Nicola,” Jimmy said quietly. “He might just want to be alone for a night.”
“You’d not be worrying if this was Robert,” Nicola argued. “He’s got to be in bits with the plea hearing tomorrow.”
“I feel like I am,” Jimmy said. “And it’s not my husband.”
“He might as well have been, they way you two acted.”
They stopped in front of the door. There was no sound from inside.
“Maybe he’s at the pub?” Jimmy suggested.
“No. I overheard them say that he hasn’t left the house in ages,” Nicola said. She reached out to ring the doorbell.
There was no answer.
“Should we try again?” Jimmy asked.
Nicola rang the bell again.
Aaron pulled open violently. “I told ya, you’re not coming tomorrow.”
All three of them stopped and stared.
“I thought you were someone else,” Aaron said quietly.
“Clearly,” Nicola said and pushed passed Aaron to go inside.
“Sorry about just dropping by,” Jimmy said as he walked in as well. “We had some leftover dinner and thought you might like some?”
“So what I can’t take of myself now? Did me mum put you up to this?” Aaron asked, standing at still-open door.
“Chas?” Nicola asked. “I doubt there’s anything she’d ask me to do. And even less that I’d agree to do for her.”
The three of them stood there awkwardly.
“Well cheers, but I’m not hungry.” Aaron slumped down against the wall.  
Aaron had never been a well-dressed or put-together man. He wasn’t like Robert in that respect, but she hadn’t seen him look so run-down in ages. Probably not since after he got out of prison… Maybe not even then. He had bags under his eyes, eyes that were red and puffy. He just looked a mess.
“No bother,” Jimmy said. “I’ll just go and put this in the kitchen then, eh? You can heat it up whenever you like.”
Aaron jerked up from where he was leaning against the wall and rushed to shove something behind a pillow on the sofa. Nicola hadn’t a chance to see what it was, but it was blue and she had a feeling it was something of Robert’s.
“How’s he doing?” Nicola asked quietly, sitting on the chair.
“I dunno,” Aaron said, sitting down on the sofa. “I haven’t been able to talk to him since Friday. And now Paddy’s taken my phone. I swear that if Robert calls me tonight and I don’t get to talk to my husband…”
“What’s he taken your phone for?” Nicola asked.
Aaron sighed and closed his eyes. “Reckons I was gonna do something stupid.”
“Was he right?” Nicola asked.
“Doesn’t matter,” Aaron said. “I can’t do anything now.”
“Still not right that he took your phone,” Jimmy said as he came to where they were sitting. “You want me to go and have a word with him?”
“It wouldn’t do any good,” Aaron said quietly. “They’d just lock me up again.”
“They what?” Nicola said.
“He found out that I was… gonna try and break Robert out,” Aaron admitted. “And then he locked me in here. He only got out after taking my phone and passports to get to my mum.”
Nicola and Jimmy shared a look.
“She’s having the baby,” Aaron said. “Or maybe she’d done now. They asked me if I wanted to come as if my husband’s not locked away? As if I care about anything else right now.”
“It’s all right to miss Robert you know,” Jimmy said softly as he sat on the other end of the sofa. “I know it’s not the same cause he was your husband and all, but I miss him too.”
Aaron looked over at him and nodded. Robert would be beside himself to see Aaron so distraught, so alone and Nicola couldn’t help but feel bad for Aaron. They’d never really been close—she was more Robert’s friend after all. But maybe this was something more she could for Robert, and for Aaron.
“Even I’m missing him,” Nicola said. “And he drove me up the wall most days.”
“Cheers,” Aaron said. He picked at his hands, twirling his wedding ring.
“How are you holding up?” Nicola asked.
“Gotta be strong, don’t I?” Aaron said. “For Rob, Liv. Mum and Paddy.”
“You lost your husband,” Jimmy said. “I don’t think you can be strong through that.”
Nicola nodded at Jimmy. He sometimes put his foot in it, but his earnestness was always so endearing. He just cared so much.
“It could be twenty years or longer,” Aaron said quietly and Nicola heard the pain and tears in his voice. “What if it’s life? What am I gonna do then?”
“It might not be,” Nicola said. “Don’t worry about that just now.”
“I can’t do anything but worry about it. He’s in there, locked up, alone and probably terrified. And he did it for me,” Aaron said. “And now he expects me to just walk away from him?”
“I don’t think he thinks that,” Nicola said.
“He’s already sent himself to prison so I’d have a chance at a normal life—like I want, like I have any life without him,” Aaron said. “I just have this horrible feeling that he’s not gonna push me away. And I can’t handle that.”
Jimmy and Nicola stayed quiet again, just trying to let Aaron get out what he needs.
“I’m sure my family would love that though,” he said bitterly after a minute.
“They don’t want to see you unhappy,” Jimmy said.
“They don’t care about my happiness so long as I’m here, with them, and doing what they think is best. The day after my husband was arrested, they told me that he did the right thing, turning himself in and going to prison, leaving me. That I was better off without him. Who says that to someone? Who says that when my husband just gave up his life, our future, so I didn’t have to go on the run?”
“They probably didn’t mean it like that,” Jimmy tried.
“They did. They’ve always hated Robert. I just thought that maybe, because I loved him so much, that they would just accept that. But it’s like they’re looking at this as a way for me to start over, with someone they like more.” Aaron took a deep breath. “It’s like the five years we spent together means nothing. Robert means nothing. And what I feel for him means nothing.
“They expect me to just wash my hands of him cause he’s in jail and that he ‘deserves’ it cause some idiot died—like Robert is a cold-blooded killer and he’s not! And they’d have had Robert’s head if he tried to do that to me when I went to prison. And I deserved it! Robert planned a wedding so I knew that he wasn’t leaving me, that I’d still have him.” Aaron let out a breath. “I can’t just get over him, turn my back. And even if I could, I don’t want to. And they don’t get that.”
“Then screw them,” Nicola said. Aaron looked up at her and she saw the tears falling from his eyes. “I mean it. Robert did this for you, so you’re allowed to do whatever you want to cope. If you don’t want to visit that’s your choice—or maybe partly Robert’s. If you want to wait for him, then wait. It’s your life, Aaron. It’s your marriage. If they can’t get that then that’s on them.”
Aaron wiped at his eyes.
“Anyone could see how mad you are for each other,” Jimmy said. “Even if it’s 20 years in prison, that won’t dim that. It won’t just go away overnight, even if you were trying.”
“I just miss him so much,” Aaron said. “I don’t know what I’m gonna do without him. Like the business. Our home. How am I supposed to just carry on like he’s not missing?”
“What you do, is take it one day at a time, all right?” Nicola said. “What have got tomorrow?”
“Robert’s… Robert’s got his plea hearing,” Aaron said.
“All right. So you’ll have to get ready for that. Do you know what you want to wear?” Nicola asked him, finally feeling like she was in her wheelhouse again.
Aaron nodded. “This one black shirt.”
“Aren’t all your clothes black?” Jimmy asked.
“Not all of them,” Aaron defended.
“You know how you’re getting there?” Nicola asked.
“Yeah. I’m gonna drive.” Aaron sniffed. “I’m gonna try to get there early in case I can see him.”
“That’s good,” Nicola said. “Who’s coming with you?”
“No one.”
“Aaron, you need someone with you,” Jimmy said.
“I’m not bringing anyone in my family who thinks that Robert deserves this or that I need to just get over him,” Aaron said. “Robert deserves to be as supported as he can.”
“Why don’t I go with ya?” Jimmy offered. “He’s my friend and I’d like to offer some support if I can.”
“No. I’ll be fine,” Aaron said.
“He said he’d be fine, Jimmy,” Nicola interrupted. “Do you know how he’s gonna plead?”
“He’s gonna have to plead guilty, doesn’t he?” Aaron said. “He already plead guilty once so he can’t really go changing his plea. All I can hope is that he gets a lenient sentence.”
Aaron breathed out again. “But he’s up for murder so it’s gonna be at least ten years, if not longer.”
“Focus on one day at a time, right?” Nicola said.
Aaron let out a breath again.
“Did you need to bring anything with you tomorrow?” Nicola asked.
“Um… I have a bag for him,” Aaron said. “Some of his clothes and stuff. I don’t know what they’re going to let him keep, but I’m hoping some of it.”
“Did you need to get anything else for it?” Jimmy asked. “Like one of your hoodies? Or maybe a letter?”
“I dunno if he’d want that.” Aaron twisted his ring again.
“I think he would,” Jimmy said. “Knowing you’re letting him borrow one of your jackets. Seeing a note from you.”
“It’s not too much?” Aaron asked. “He has to get through this and I don’t want to make it harder on him.”
“No matter what he’s going through, he’ll always want to know how you’re doing,” Jimmy said. “He’d want to know if you’re struggling and that you miss him. I’m not saying that it won’t hurt him, but I’m sure that he’d rather know that than not. You’d want to know, right?”
Aaron nodded. “Yeah. When I went inside, I took his shower gel with me.”
“Aw, that’s actually quite romantic,” Nicola said. “Didn’t know you had it in ya.”
Aaron cracked a smile. “Robert wouldn’t want that, but maybe something else. I’ll think about it.”
“What else can you do for tomorrow?” Nicola asked, trying to keep Aaron focused.
“I have to grab a suit for Robert.”
“You know what suit?” Nicola asked.
“The blue one. It’s his favorite,” Aaron said. “I might have to iron it.”
“I’ll take care of that,” Jimmy said. “You want me to go and check?”
Aaron nodded. “Thanks. It’s handing by the laundry.”
“No problem,” Jimmy said as he got up. “I’m used to doing a bit of ironing.”
“So we have tomorrow figured out, right?” Nicola asked and Aaron nodded. “So we just keep doing that until it gets a little easier.”
“It’ll never get easier being without him,” Aaron said.
“No,” Nicola said. “But the other things, everyday life will get a little easier, less overwhelming.”
“I can’t say goodbye to him,” Aaron said. “It’ll kill me.”
“It’s not goodbye forever,” Nicola said. “If you think for one second that he wouldn’t come find you as soon as he’s out and see if he still has a chance, you’re mad.”
“I’ll always want him,” Aaron said. “No matter how much time passes.”
Nicola nodded. “Why don’t you call the prison? See if you can talk to him?”
“I don’t have my phone,” Aaron said.
“Use Jimmy’s,” Nicola said. “And if you can’t talk to him right now, you can give them Jimmy’s number and ask them to have Robert call that one. Jimmy give us your phone.”
“You got it,” Jimmy said, walking over and handing it to Nicola.
“He’s gonna ask why I’m calling on Jimmy’s phone,” Aaron said, twisting his ring. “What do I tell him?”
“The truth,” Nicola said.
“He’s gonna worry,” Aaron said. “I don’t want to do that to him.”
“He’s gonna worry about you no matter what,” Jimmy said.
“And it’s not like he’s had his share of reckless plans,” Nicola said. “He’ll probably think it’s dead romantic that you were trying to jail break him. Though he might be a little upset that you’re risking your neck.”
Aaron nodded and took the phone. “Um. Do you mind if I go upstairs? Just in case I can talk to him?”
“Course not,” Jimmy said. “Tell him we miss him.”
Aaron just shuffled up the stairs, already phoning the prison.
“Jimmy look under that pillow, will ya?” Nicola asked as she pointed at the pillow nearest Aaron.
Jimmy pulled out a blue jumper, one that had elbow patches. “Is the Robert’s?”
Nicola sighed. “Yeah. He’s not doing well, is he?”
“Did you really expect him to? He just lost his husband,” Jimmy said.
“I just thought that he’d have some support, I guess,” Nicola said. “I always knew them Dingles were a piece of work.”
“You’d think whatever issues they may have had with Robert they’d get over seeing Aaron so distraught,” Jimmy said. “I think we should check in on him a bit more. Make sure he’s not alone.”
“Maybe he can do a bit of babysitting?” Nicola suggested. Jimmy just looked at her. “Was just a thought. He doesn’t have to.”
Aaron came down and looked just as frustrated as before. “Said they couldn’t let me talk to him right now, but maybe later. He did take Jimmy’s phone number down.”
“Just keep it for the night, yeah?” Jimmy said. “I can get it back any time tomorrow. I know where you live, right?”
“That was an awful joke,” Nicola said.
“Robert would have liked it,” Jimmy said.
“Yeah, well Robert has a horrible sense of humor,” Aaron said.
The three stood there awkwardly for a minute before Jimmy went over to give Aaron a hug. Nicola wasn’t sure who was more surprised: herself or Aaron.
“Just take care of yourself, right?” Jimmy said. “Robert wouldn’t want you to run yourself ragged for him.”
“I’ll try,” Aaron said, his hands sort of hovering over Jimmy’s back.
“And you call me if anyone gives you any grief about Robert,” Jimmy said as he pulled away.
“What, you’ll put the fear of god in ‘em?” Aaron asked.
“I might not. But I can send Nicola after them.” Jimmy nodded back toward her.
“Thanks,” Aaron said. “For coming by. Listening to me.”
“What are friends for, eh?” Jimmy said.
“Take care,” Nicola said. “And know we send our love tomorrow with you. To Robert as well.”
Aaron nodded and went to the door with them.
“You don’t have to be strong tomorrow if you can’t be,” Jimmy said quietly. “Just being there is the most important thing.”
“I can’t be a mess though, can I?” Aaron asked. “Might be the only chance I get to see him.”
“You’ll get loads more chances,” Jimmy said. “Don’t put so much pressure on yourself to be a certain way, all right?”
“Yeah. Guess so,” Aaron said.
“I’ll be in the office on Friday,” Jimmy said. “If you can’t make it, I’ll cover your stuff, so don’t worry about that.”
“Yeah,” Nicola said. “Robert already roped me in to do the books for you lot weeks ago.”
“He did?” Aaron asked.
“When he was panicked about going away, he wanted to make sure the businesses were okay and to try and find a way to take some of the burden off you.” Nicola said.
Aaron cleared his throat. “Good of him. I hate accounts.”
Nicola pretended not to hear the tears in Aaron’s voice and tried to get out of the Mill as quickly as she could. “We’ll be off then.”
“Call if you need anything,” Jimmy said.
Aaron nodded and they walked out into the night. Nicola tried to pretend she wasn’t leaving a heartbroken man behind.
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: [I think may as well start from the start and we can just skip around and get all the potential jealousy 'cos why not, so this can be 2nd day] Janis: they invited you down the pub after? Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: no need to rub it in, lad with the neck tattoos does fancy me, he's just having a go at the long game Janis: have to tell him how many hours you've got left, like Jimmy: DIY tattoo so he knows it's real Janis: 😏 Janis: would hate for you to miss your chance is all, with your lack of English skills and him not being able to count Janis: 🌠💘 Jimmy: Tah mate Jimmy: nice to see a life of crime ain't changed nowt and you're still the same romantic Janis: anything to get him off my case Janis: nothing personal Jimmy: I get it, you've only got eyes for the one with 💪🏆🥇 Jimmy: just a couple of athletes falling for each other Janis: obvs Janis: fully thick enough to see this as perfect dating grounds Janis: petty criminals are the most eligible of bachelors 😍 Jimmy: duh Jimmy: 😎🚬 Janis: we all know you're that thick, mate Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: such a sweet talker today, you Janis: me? Jimmy: you heard Janis: you're funny Jimmy: must be all the #bants flying about Jimmy: can't take all the credit off the lads though Janis: this is why it's a good thing you don't go to boarding school Janis: never hack it Jimmy: @iantaylor8 🙌 Janis: sure he don't want you making friends with any more undesirables Janis: be so buzzin' Jimmy: 🤞 Jimmy: party at the Taylor gaff, forget the pub lads Janis: gotta 1up your 💕, yeah Janis: bit rude Jimmy: he 💕s it Janis: duh Jimmy: you coming to my party then, Jules? Janis: you have fucked over my other plans Jimmy: OR I'm a 🥇 wingman and you're free now to have a #datenight with 💪🏆🥇 Janis: answered your own question there then Jimmy: 👍 Janis: know it's purely selfish though Jimmy: It's alright, I forgive you for choosing 💕 over mates Janis: I was talking about you, dickhead Jimmy: Me? Janis: 🙄 Janis: yes you Jimmy: Doing it to make Ian's day, that's selfLESS, my dear Janis: you clearly just wanna give neck tattoo a new one Jimmy: hot Jimmy: but if I were gonna I'd just invite him over Janis: don't wanna be weird about it Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: I ain't been hanging with the flat whites so long that I've lost every 🏆 Jimmy: basic's not catching Janis: sure 😏 Jimmy: Piss off Janis: Touchy Jimmy: Piss off 💕 Jimmy: that better? Janis: you tell me Jimmy: nah, you tell me Jimmy: you're 💔 Janis: am I now Jimmy: I just said Janis: so that means it must be fact Jimmy: Answered your own question there Jimmy: Only fake nice, me Janis: better tell your mate Jimmy: ? Janis: 🕸💘🌢🐍🕈 Janis: be rude to lead him on Jimmy: he don't want me to be nice Janis: 👍 Jimmy: must be bored if you're that invested in my 💕 life Janis: no, picking litter is the biggest thrill of my life Janis: rivals the sleepover Jimmy: obvs, you rich girls love to slum it Janis: only when they look like 💪🏆🥇 Jimmy: I get it, you're bored enough to try and 💔😭 me Jimmy: bit rude Janis: don't need to try Jimmy: [throws something at her, excuse him everyone] Janis: [does 😭 boohoo face at him] Jimmy: I'll have my 😭 in a bit, don't rush me, Janet Janis: s'alright Janis: know you can't keep up, that's not news Jimmy: you inspired me, might as well make it proper 🎨 more like Janis: I look forward to the ------------- stories Jimmy: Just deciding if I wanna tattoo the cliche 🌢 or a 🖤 or a sarky ☻ Jimmy: get his attention an' all Janis: Hoe Janis: you got a 50/50 he's a racist though so worth a shot that one Jimmy: [selfies of him with those deliberately badly drawn on top of the photo like what do you think] Janis: with skills like that, get the pen and needle out now, like Jimmy: could always get your name done, Bill'd be proper chuffed Jimmy: 🤞 wouldn't forget it as easy either Janis: clearly works for some 😍🤤 Jimmy: that's that sorted Jimmy: ✔ Janis: interested to see what name you settle on Jimmy: your actual, Juliet Jimmy: obvs Janis: not paying for the laser 💁 Jimmy: I'll just put a ❌ through it Jimmy: keep the 🥀 though Janis: Classy Janis: love that for you Jimmy: me an' all Jimmy: really gonna make Ian's day that Janis: he got any? Jimmy: @ him Janis: 🙄 Janis: I'm already v busy here Janis: not gonna chat up your dad, tah Jimmy: 🎻💔🎻 Jimmy: gutted for him and you Jimmy: my poor baby Janis: yeah, all boys want step mums, I get it Jimmy: told you before, don't want you as mine Jimmy: if nowt else it'd be dead weird when he can't keep hold of you longer than a few days Janis: bit rude Janis: you know I'm dedicated 💪🥇 Jimmy: were talking about his flaws not yours Janis: I can fix him Janis: got some tips from the gals Jimmy: you're too busy, that were what you just said Janis: yeah but now you don't want me to, I clearly have to Jimmy: crack on then Jimmy: you know his @ Jimmy: and address Janis: thanks for your blessing Jimmy: see you at the wedding Jimmy: 👋 Janis: awh Janis: look well cute in your matching suits Jimmy: duh Jimmy: get some flower girl garb for the 🐕💕 Janis: providing he ain't kicked her out again, deffo Jimmy: she'll do herself in when he kicks you out any road 💔 Janis: 🎻💔🎻 Janis: so rude Jimmy: he is, yeah Jimmy: not news Janis: c'est la vie Janis: well in with Mia's now Jimmy: could try and put something in the vows if you've got your 🖤 but we know who the real daddy™ is Jimmy: set* Jimmy: what's Mia's last name? Janis: Dunno Janis: something suitably plain Janis: you know the vibe, Taylor Jimmy: 👍 Janis: can't even fake offended? Janis: 💔 Jimmy: name's the top thing he's done for me if we're gonna rate any of the bollocks Janis: guess I'm just blatantly jealous then Janis: #cantrelate Jimmy: so soz Joanne Jimmy: my sister hates hers if that dries your eyes any, bit too much like a 🐕 Janis: Yeah, love making kids cry, me Jimmy: got the wrong one, there's no danger with her Janis: 👌 Janis: you're easy, don't matter Jimmy: she'll make you cry when you're her new step mum Jimmy: I'll be 😂 Janis: anything to make you smile, babe Jimmy: cute Janis: you are Jimmy: you ain't got time for flirting, we all heard you Janis: not flirting, bighead Jimmy: [a look like yeah right] Jimmy: I won't tell the others Janis: I'm not the one that's concerned if they know Janis: [look back like that's right] Jimmy: Why would I care? Jimmy: massive slag so you said earlier Janis: She probably don't wanna feel like one and all though Jimmy: What are you on about? Janis: like you don't know, alright Jimmy: wouldn't have asked if I did Janis: come on, you're well blatant Jimmy: how am I? Janis: you and your hero vibes 💕 Jimmy: Bollocks Janis: 😂 alright Jimmy: Alright, dickhead Janis: don't be pissy Janis: she's obviously into it Jimmy: shut up Janis: why you being moody about it Jimmy: Why are you being a knobhead about the fact I ain't one? Janis: I ain't? Janis: I'm not the one you want 🏆 from so no need to go that far Jimmy: 👌 Janis: don't be stupid Jimmy: you Janis: How am I? Jimmy: Not being a massive twat to her doesn't mean I'm 😍💕 Janis: didn't say you were Jimmy: What then? Janis: just don't act like your intentions are any purer than theirs Janis: that's bollocks Jimmy: I don't have intentions, that's bollocks Janis: alright Jimmy: is it? Janis: 'course Jimmy: you gonna leave it out now or what? Janis: alright Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: [a look at her like are you alright though] Janis: [defiant one back like obvs am, YOU drop it] Jimmy: [😒] Janis: [sticks her tongue out at him like a child but also like cheer up] Jimmy: [just shaking his head like he's so #over it] Janis: [🙄] Jimmy: [giving them back and then ignoring her like he's so busy] Janis: [so 😒] Jimmy: [oh lads you do make me laugh] Janis: [clearly having so much #bants with these lads] Jimmy: [#fuming] Janis: [I'm like be careful gal, god knows the sort lmao] Jimmy: [same though I'm too much of a grandma for this] Janis: [as tempting as it would be to #trigger your parents, not gonna take one home] Jimmy: [Ali getting hit with those mems of all her shit exes like] Janis: [mhmm that and Edie's] Jimmy: [you should do it gal] Janis: [cannot though 'cos had a fake boyfriend] Janis: has* Jimmy: [I'm like but still do it though, you don't have to seduce said delinquent] Janis: [just bringing one home to hang lmao no boo] Jimmy: [😿] Janis: [they mad enough at Jimmy, it's fine] Jimmy: [true] Janis: [not playing that dangerous game ty] Jimmy: [plus Jimothy 😒 enough too rn] Janis: 🚬 break? Jimmy: You're alright Janis: okay Janis: well can I have one Jimmy: [comes over and hands her the 🚬 and lighter like there you go] Janis: [taking it like cheers but looking at him like ?] Jimmy: [walking away like a rude hoe cos there's too much drama at school] Janis: [just like excuse me but walking off in another direction to 🚬 like fine then] Jimmy: [I like to think he's gonna go somewhere else to do it because that petty bitch] Janis: you quit or what Jimmy: What kind of question's that? Janis: a valid one, apparently Jimmy: wouldn't be very on brand or #goals of me Janis: no shit, like Jimmy: There you go then Janis: thanks for clearing that up Jimmy: 👍 Janis: Fuck sake Jimmy: What now? Janis: don't say you ain't in a mood if you are Jimmy: I've said nowt one way or other Janis: no need now Jimmy: 👌 Janis: yeah I got it Janis: fuck you too, like Jimmy: Yeah, I got it an' all Jimmy: You're on one today Janis: Oh right, it's me that's in the mood Jimmy: too right, girl Janis: Oh my God Jimmy: *😱😱😱 Janis: just shut up then Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: Great Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: 😑 Jimmy: Alright Janis: what does that mean Jimmy: it means I know when to stop Janis: If I could give you a look right now, I would Janis: bullshit do you Jimmy: come here then Jimmy: not stopping you Janis: you don't wanna so why would I Jimmy: 'cause you do wanna Jimmy: you just said, if you could, you would Janis: just meaning I can't 👀 you Janis: not that immature Jimmy: so come see me Janis: who's over there Jimmy: I am Jimmy: you're the only mate I've got, you know that Janis: you don't need to sobstory Janis: just admit you want me to come over too Jimmy: there's no 🎻🎻 playing Jimmy: you're the only mate I want Janis: don't flirt with me now, like Jimmy: Or what? Janis: I dunno yet Janis: could be really bad Jimmy: I ain't scared of you Janis: that's your first mistake then Janis: [obviously comes over] Jimmy: [the eye contact though] Janis: [just dying but managing to be like 'what'] Jimmy: [just pulling her closer to him like she hasn't come here enough for his liking] Janis: [lil noise that you could pretend was protest but is not] Jimmy: [such a LOOK] Janis: ['Jimmy' the frustration like boy Jimmy: [you know he's gonna say her name too in response to kill us all] Janis: [makeout o'clock] Jimmy: [no regrets] Janis: [gotta be done yo] Jimmy: [we know what you two are like] Janis: [hoes my boo say] Jimmy: [#extra] Janis: [literally have work to do here] Jimmy: [lol don't be getting in trouble on day 2 please] Janis: [such rebhogs] Jimmy: [love you nerds so much] Janis: [shall we skip to our next jealousy event?] Jimmy: [why not] Janis: [what's the mood] Jimmy: [like clearly we gotta kick it up a notch with this girl somehow but not too far yet hmm] Janis: [what is a could be friendly/could be flirty thing, have a think] Jimmy: [maybe she invites him to something obvs not as highkey as the date moment later? like maybe she's into photography too and there's something art hoe-y idk]] Janis: [that's a good idea, let's do that] Jimmy: [maybe they are gonna do something fake dating and he can't cos he's going to that] Janis: [that's a good way for her to even know it's a thing so yeah, deffo] Jimmy: [come at me girl] Janis: You ready to go? Jimmy: ? Janis: we were going cinema with 'em Jimmy: shit, I thought that were tomorrow Janis: Ha, I wish Janis: why? Jimmy: [sends her the deets to the thing which in my head is like one of those walking tour things where you take pics so it's also like a photography class or something cos again don't need to be that swag] Janis: Oh Janis: alright Janis: you coulda mentioned that earlier 🙄 Jimmy: like I said, I reckoned the 👀🍿🔪 were the next day Janis: well it ain't Janis: just say you're sick, again Janis: don't matter Jimmy: say I'm stuck babysitting, you can fake you're with me and you won't have to go either Janis: Not planning on going regardless, tah Janis: but that works Janis: sure they'll be devastated either way 💔 Jimmy: hope the film's a sad one then Jimmy: bit awkward to 😭 at a comedy Janis: hasn't stopped 'em before Jimmy: 💔 when a lad don't show tbf Janis: you can send the fruit baskets if you have time Janis: again, nothing new to 'em is it Jimmy: only thing close to a fruit I recognise is 🥔 Jimmy: they really would be devastated if I sent 'em chips Janis: best to just 👻 'em Janis: comfort in familiarity and all that Jimmy: ✔ Janis: have fun then, nerd Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: my 🎨 homework ain't done itself, and if that's anyone's fault it's yours Jimmy: what kind of muse Janis: if you're asking me to do your homework, not that hard-up for plan bs Jimmy: wouldn't trust you to do nowt as far as I could chuck you, babe Janis: 💔 so gutted Jimmy: Obvs Jimmy: come round in a bit if you want, won't make you do any homework Janis: Wow, so tempting Janis: you're alright Jimmy: Alright Janis: go impress the art hoes with that chat Jimmy: got need to say owt Jimmy: don't* Jimmy: 😎🚬📷 Janis: that's handy Jimmy: you can shut up an' all Janis: n'awh Janis: calm down Jimmy: ladies first Janis: Forgot, you can't handle any #bants Jimmy: I can handle everything you've got, girl Jimmy: deny that but you can't properly forget it Janis: don't tell me to shut up then Jimmy: come on, it's all just #bants Janis: Try harder then Jimmy: What's up with you? Janis: ? Jimmy: you heard me Janis: I don't know what you're chatting though Jimmy: Why are you being so mardy? It ain't a hard question Janis: 'cos I've got to talk to them and answer all their questions Janis: 'cos you can't remember what day of the week it is Jimmy: I'll do it then Janis: don't bother Janis: as if they won't be in my inbox regardless to see if we're sticking to the same story or what the truth of it really is Jimmy: I'm sorry, alright? Janis: Yeah Jimmy: I'll think of something well #goals to drag 'em to Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: Alright, no need to be a twat with it Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: miss you an' all Janis: save that kind of believability for your captions Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [he should 100% take a pic that has community service girl in it or she should tag him in one either way so she knows the gal is there] Janis: [the sarcastic ❤ that is getting lmao] Jimmy: [like realistically she's probably tagged him because he's not gonna jeopardise fake dating babysitting story they've concocted but yeah] Janis: You're such an amateur Jimmy: bit rude Janis: Hardly Janis: getting caught and tagged in photographic evidence Janis: you know nothing about having a sidechick or what Jimmy: 1. I weren't gonna tell her to keep me well out of shot 'cause I have a fake dating scam I'm pulling Jimmy: 2 They know when it was posted not when it were taken Janis: Handle your business Janis: first you forget the plan then you totally fucking risk it all Jimmy: Calm down Jimmy: They ain't nudes Janis: Same diff when you get papped out and about on your date Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: just untag it and do better next time Jimmy: Duh Janis: Duh @ yourself, rookie Janis: embarrassing Jimmy: Piss off Janis: tell your gf the deal and we wouldn't have to have this convo Jimmy: she's nowt of the sort and I ain't telling her nowt either Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: stop being a dickhead Janis: if you're gonna have a real love life, you've got to end your fake first Janis: simple as Jimmy: I'm not Janis: okay Jimmy: is it? Janis: I mean, if you're gonna go on what look like dates with all your pals, the untag rule still needs to apply probably Jimmy: I'm not thick Jimmy: it weren't like I posed for her Janis: then how do you not get what that was Jimmy: ? Janis: you don't just invite random lads to shit like that and just take photos they happen to be in Janis: this is meant to be your thing, work it out Jimmy: Nah, you're making it a thing it ain't Jimmy: taking photos of people you're with ain't a big deal, she don't know that we're surrounded by weird 💀 lasses Janis: oh, I get it Jimmy: Good Janis: willful ignorance ain't the same as actual Janis: but it's all the same to this fake shit so Janis: point remains Jimmy: if you've got a point to make, just make it Janis: Literally did Jimmy: Great talk then, babe Janis: Not really Janis: makes you blind, sure Janis: add stupid to the list Jimmy: send me the full one when you're done 🖋🌢 Janis: It's simple Janis: don't fuck my shit up for me Janis: I get to end it, that's the deal Janis: the minimum you have to do is tell me when before you fuck it all up yourself Jimmy: I haven't and I won't Jimmy: Like I promised Jimmy: you don't look a twat, it's all alright Janis: As you said, they're psychotic Janis: no doubt they'll see it Jimmy: if they had, they'd be in both our DMs Janis: or, they think you're cheating because with that last-minute cancellation they're already suspicious and they're keeping it in their back pocket to use as and when they see fit Janis: if you think you can think like such a normal girl like your gf so clearly is then you've forgotten what you're up against Jimmy: I ain't up against nowt 'cause they'd need more than a picture I'm barely in and they ain't gonna get it Janis: make sure they don't then Jimmy: I just said as much Janis: then we're done here Janis: checking you understand Jimmy: I don't work for you, my dear Jimmy: rich girl or nah you don't need to talk to me like staff Janis: that's what this is, it's business Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: we're mates when it suits you Janis: and not when it comes to the deal Janis: that has nothing to do with any of it Jimmy: You're such a massive dickhead Janis: Yeah, well so are you Jimmy: don't lump me in with you Jimmy: I ain't being rude like that Janis: Right, you're such a nice person and I'm just the worst Janis: fine, I don't care Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: You're being so Janis: what Jimmy: Leave it out Jimmy: it's just bollocks Janis: yeah, like I said Janis: conversation over Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: that's literally what you wanted Jimmy: How is it? Janis: 'cept I guess you did want me to come over and fuck you when you were done Janis: which is fucked Jimmy: You know what, this chat is over 'cause I'm fucked if I know what to say to that Janis: what part of that is not exactly what happened though Jimmy: any of it Janis: then we remember it very differently Jimmy: I got that Janis: well you're right, I can't be bothered to sit here and listen to how I'm wrong Jimmy: fuck off then Jimmy: suits me Janis: yeah, no shit Jimmy: stop going on at me Janis: I'll say what I like Jimmy: You can't be bothered to listen and you're chatting shit Janis: Listen to what? Jimmy: owt I'm saying Janis: I've heard everything you've had to say Jimmy: so just do one Jimmy: I ain't them, not gonna keep this bollocks going for the #drama Janis: fuck off telling me what to do and do it yourself Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: come and talk to me when you've sorted your head out and stopped being a fucking nightmare Janis: and I can't drop it? Janis: Piss off Jimmy: It ain't me who wants to Janis: yeah you wanna have a go Janis: fuck that Janis: I've done nothing wrong Jimmy: It ain't down to me that that's the only way you wanna chat Janis: I don't wanna hear about your date Janis: that ain't the kinda mate I am Jimmy: It's not and I weren't trying to 🗨 about it either way Janis: you can't just not mention it Janis: yeah, what you been up to, like Jimmy: I did mention it, I'm trying to get my homework done, case closed Janis: Great talk, babe Jimmy: make your mind up Janis: if it gets you to see how we've got fuck all to talk about faster Jimmy: but I just wanna fuck, yeah? So what would I wanna talk to you for? Jimmy: get your story sorted and come back Janis: exactly Janis: you don't need to try as much Janis: 😎🚬 right? Jimmy: 👌 Janis: Dickhead Jimmy: You're the dickhead Janis: This is literally your fault Jimmy: I ain't done nowt except get the day of the week wrong Janis: s'all you had to fucking get right Jimmy: I said sorry Jimmy: And I said I'll think of something else to win 'em over with Jimmy: what else do you want? Janis: Let me be pissed off Jimmy: I ain't stopping you Janis: yes you are Janis: if you're gonna be a twat then be a twat Janis: don't come back trying to fix it Jimmy: Alright Janis: okay? Janis: good Jimmy: night then Janis: bye Jimmy: [should we do a skip here?] Janis: [probably lol, she won't start it again at this point unless he does] Jimmy: [he's likewise a stubborn bitch so should probably reconvene at community service lol] Janis: [good idea] Jimmy: [god knows how this convo gonna start up again, like probably with his idea for the flat whites but I don't have one] Janis: [my boo say hmm] Jimmy: [if we're saying the festival let's say he sends her deets for it] Janis: ? Janis: did you send that to the wrong person Jimmy: I have gotta send it to the rest of 'em but only if you say yeah Janis: What? Jimmy: it's the 🥇💡 I promised to deliver Jimmy: 💌✔ Jimmy: Keep up Janis: Oh Janis: Yeah, they'd probably be about that Janis: rich girls love slumming it Jimmy: You in then? Janis: Both days? Jimmy: Up to you that Janis: It'd be less of a #moment if you didn't offer the camping so, if we're gonna Jimmy: 👍 Janis: let 'em know then Janis: dig out the wellies Jimmy: [sends her screenshots of their hilarious responses] Janis: Oh, Christ Janis: at least there's plenty of 🕛 to fuck them over and make this torture worth it Jimmy: like I said 🥇💡 Janis: alright, not the worst you've ever had Janis: am gonna have to dig out a tent though Jimmy: can't help you there Jimmy: got a sleeping bag but nowt else Janis: I'll make it a 2-man and you'll have to deal Janis: not sharing with any of them Jimmy: I'll live Janis: so chuffed Jimmy: chuffed to hear it Janis: 🙄😏 Jimmy: 🚬? Janis: alright Janis: [comes over like tah but doesn't say anything] Jimmy: [we know the drill he's gonna light it for her because does it without thinking at this point] Janis: [the awkward lingering on an exchange] Jimmy: [we're all just dying] Janis: [ahh the unspoken tension] Jimmy: [5ever a thing] Janis: [but esp. now] Jimmy: [god bless] Janis: [when you wanna break but can't think of anything worth breaking over so you must resist] Jimmy: [when silence comes too naturally for you and you think you're shit with words anyway so you just leave it] Janis: [ahh the joys, debating if to rush the cigarette to escape or drag it out so you at least have an excuse to be near each other] Jimmy: [we all know he'll shamelessly light another one cos that bitch, boy you seriously will never heal] Janis: [you gotta walk off girl] Jimmy: [gotta watch her go] Janis: how we getting there? Jimmy: Mia's broomstick? Janis: doubt it's got the weight capacity Janis: I'll float it, see who's parents will, I guess Jimmy: sure her daddy would 💕 to Janis: 'course Janis: but be a bit obvious if he asks to take me Janis: gonna need 2 cars and I doubt I'm making it into Mia's carriage, like Jimmy: her mum can drive the other one, make it a family reunion Janis: still a romantic Janis: his DMs shoulda shook that out of you Jimmy: I work in retail, unshakeable me Jimmy: 👀 and 👂 worse Janis: better give 💀👑 some coping tips whilst we're there then Janis: she's not okay 💔 Jimmy: 🎻🎻😭🖤🩸 Janis: Yeah, really bring that sincerity Jimmy: obvs Janis: is it though Jimmy: she ain't gonna give me any 🏆 and I wouldn't take 'em off her if she tried Jimmy: 💔 I know Janis: s'weird Jimmy: nowt about her ain't Jimmy: not news that Janis: I mean how little she tries to flirt with you to piss me off Janis: definitely thought that'd be her main strategy Jimmy: 🤢🤢 shut up Janis: Fair, how could you compete with Daddy? Janis: 😍 only man for her Jimmy: he is well fit Janis: I'm sure we'd all commit incest for him Jimmy: bit young for me but I'd still have a crack, only human, like Janis: duh Janis: sure she has a granddad you can ask after Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤 Janis: more excited about this weekend by the second, aren't ya Jimmy: duh Jimmy: [coughs dramatically IRL but it's not fake he's just a mess who ain't looking after himself] Jimmy: might 💀💀💀 me Janis: sounds it Janis: not very cute, is it, babes Jimmy: her granddad might be about it, you don't know Jimmy: 🤞❤ Janis: I doubt he's into old blokes as well Jimmy: tah for pissing on my hopes and dreams Janis: just saying 💁 Janis: old people like to avoid thinking about their imminent 💀💀💀 Janis: not be reminded of it when you cough up a lung Jimmy: I were one, don't need telling Jimmy: 🤞 it does come out and I can chuck a more 🥇💪 one in Janis: yeah but you're one of a kind, so you like to remind me Janis: well I draw the line at organ donation so off you fuck Jimmy: might've been wrong at least once, again you don't know Jimmy: and I weren't asking for yours Jimmy: seen you 🚬 they'd be crap Janis: I know of plenty of times you've been wrong, if you really want the reminder, granddad Janis: you aren't in a position to be fussy, fuck you Jimmy: Bollocks do you Jimmy: and I can do what I like Janis: Psh Janis: sure can, long as it ain't too taxing on your lungs, eh Jimmy: funny Janis: don't need telling Jimmy: 'course you don't, bighead Jimmy: might have been trying to convince myself to 😂 Jimmy: you know so I don't 😭 Janis: not all that bad Jimmy: what's not? Janis: dunno Janis: was offering platitude Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I get it Janis: tats didn't text you back, yeah? Jimmy: he's yesterday's news, got a new girlfriend now, don't I? Jimmy: [let's say she checked he was alright when he coughed cos would've hurt and would make it awks haha] Janis: 👍 Jimmy: bringing that sincerity yourself, Jasmine Jimmy: well impressed Janis: what do you want? Jimmy: Why would I want owt? Janis: then don't comment Jimmy: you'd have to post something first Janis: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Jimmy: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 Janis: thrilling as this all is Jimmy: yeah, go on Jimmy: off you fuck Janis: don't be rude Jimmy: don't hang about when you were about to do one just 'cause I said 👋 Janis: you're that type, alright Jimmy: call me what you like, babe Janis: no wonder you fit right in Janis: get a bird and you got no time for your mates Jimmy: I ain't got no mates, get it right Janis: is it any wonder Jimmy: that I don't want any? Jimmy: nah not living round here it's not Janis: people are cunts wherever you go Jimmy: ☀ today, you Jimmy: Tah for that Janis: We ain't friends Janis: try being less of a cunt and see what you get back from people, there's the silver-lining for you Jimmy: You're alright Jimmy: [another dramatic coughing interlude] Janis: For God's sake Janis: go see a doctor Jimmy: You ain't my step mum yet Janis: you're doing my head in Jimmy: mutual that Janis: you can ignore me Janis: you're making a right performance out of this Jimmy: It's all for Bill's 👻 soz Janis: 'course it is Jimmy: got his 💰 on when it'll turn proper 💀💀💀 scene Janis: if you need to resort to winning sympathy already I'm glad I didn't give you no more than the 👍 Jimmy: there you go again, so funny you Janis: it's not funny Jimmy: my broken rib or how much it's doing your head in? either way 💔🎻 Janis: any of it Janis: [leaves the room/area they're in] Jimmy: [obvs gotta follow her even if he gets in trouble for doing it because priorities] Janis: [looking back like 'Jimmy, do not follow me right now'] Jimmy: [does though cos that bitch] Janis: ['I can't even push you so don't'] Jimmy: ['can do, got loads of other ribs to bust'] Janis: [a face like don't even joke] Jimmy: [a face like I'm not] Janis: [shakes head like that's a fucked up thing to say 'I don't wanna hurt you so leave me alone'] Jimmy: [shrugs 'I don't wanna leave you here'] Janis: ['I'm fine' absolutely not but you know] Jimmy: [shakes his head like that's the utter bollocks we know it is and sits] Janis: ['I'm just gonna go, I don't care' looking at the door like do I or nah] Jimmy: [gets up and stands in front of said door so she'd have to move him] Janis: [folding her arms like ugh really, but not making any eye contact right now] Jimmy: [just chilling in front of that door like it's so casual 'if you get in more trouble, I'll never see you'] Janis: ['I don't think they'll put me in prison for missing an afternoon' ah the #bants Jimmy: ['weren't what I said'] Janis: ['I know' pacing casually but not at all casually lol 'you aren't seeing me now so' shrugs] Jimmy: ['I wanna though'] Janis: [the grumpiest lil sad face that you try and make purely grumpy like you're #overit 'clearly not'] Jimmy: [comes over to her so he's right in that grumpy face 'I said, I want to'] Janis: [when you blurt out 'I won't kiss you if you're kissing her' like he did not ask but you're just like #triggered by how bad you clearly wanna when he's that close so then you had to hide under your hair] Jimmy: [very gently unfolds her arms and wraps his around her instead 'I'm not kissing anyone, dickhead' but saying dickhead like it's the biggest term of endearment ever rn] Janis: [we peeping like hmm? 'you wanna though'] Jimmy: ['I wanna kiss you, yeah' just moving her hair out of her face but not doing anything else because you think she doesn't want you to] Janis: [just slightly deer in the headlights whilst you process all this 'cos you don't wanna say anything else stupid/give yourself away harder 'promise?' and actual eye contact again] Jimmy: [looking at her like I PROMISE and we need the caps] Janis: [writes 'promise?' on his arm like tell me though please] Jimmy: [writes it on her without the ? cos he do] Janis: [SUCH a kiss moment bye] Jimmy: [picking her up slightly even though he's not meant to cos we're just in this moment] Janis: [when that does stop you and you put a hand to his ribs like 'I'm sorry'] Jimmy: [shakes his head like it's okay/I'm okay even though not strictly true] Janis: ['I was a dick though, it must be so annoying, waiting for it to heal'] Jimmy: [shrugs because he was a dick too and yeah it's annoying but there's nothing he can do, even though you could take better care of yourself boy we know it] Janis: [just rubbing it almost absentmindedly whilst you snuggle] Jimmy: [having a lovely soft snuggle moment] Janis: ['I missed you'] Jimmy: ['I missed you too'] Janis: [dramatic sigh but actual because this is all such a headfuck always] Jimmy: [just looking at her because heard it obvs they are so close rn and drawing a ? on her skin but I like to think it's somewhere like on her stomach or whatever so he's had to seek it out, maybe her own rib for that parallel] Janis: [breathing in like oh 'cos missed all of this 'I just- I don't-' pausing 'I like it better when we're friends'] Jimmy: ['we don't have to go back yet' because you think that's what she means and then a genuine smile when she says that because #same] Janis: [smiling back] Jimmy: [drawing a ☀ with a smiley face because your hand is still there from before so you might as well] Janis: ['you're cute' 'cos he is and kissing him again] Jimmy: ['you're-' and kissing her more so you don't have to finish that dangerous sentence] Janis: [get a bathroom or something you two] Jimmy: [honestly where even are you #rascals] Janis: [have some alone time either way, not gonna make you get back to work like that, so rude] Jimmy: [we're not that evil] Janis: [only sometimes] Jimmy: [an appropriate amount of evil] Janis: [soz to you community service girl 'cept I'm not at all really] Jimmy: [me either] Janis: [you could tell they came together i 👀 you] Jimmy: [and like even if she only has his 📷 IG there would still be loads of pics of her on there cos muse] Janis: [hussy lmao] Jimmy: [you're as blatant as the lads flirting with Janis] Janis: [giving you no more credit than them lady] Jimmy: [the balls to ask him on a date in the future when you KNOW] Janis: [you been knew] Janis: [shall we go back in or just skip to fest planning/pre vibes?] Jimmy: [I don't mind doing them going back if we can find shit to say because all the #content lol] Janis: [lol same, see what it do, just come out from whatever cupboard/bathroom/secret place you been then, so 😒 about it] Jimmy: [would they get in any trouble do you think? I don't know what the craic is at all #grandma] Janis: [right, so I basically think it's case by case because they could send you to an old people's home and barely check in on you so if the manager of wherever you are is lax then you'd get away with doing the minimum as long as they logged your hours, secondly, I think one thing they should do would be to 'fix' the damage at the school (so the school gets it done for free) but that should just be them and anyone else who got nabbed at the party, so I think when they're there whoever is overseeing would be more extra but maybe here you can get away with a bit more LONG ASS WAY OF SAYING I DON'T THINK THEY NEED TO lmao] Jimmy: [100% agree with that cos then we can do some shit with that too which'll be a different vibe cos like you said more supervised] Janis: [which is a drag but then this girl ain't there so you're shamelessly more happy with that lol] Jimmy: [yeah cos it might literally have just been them who got community service cos their party and they were shamelessly owning it] Janis: [exactly, maybe it's them and some professionals that the school made their 'rents pay for, hence they're more mad about the whole shebang] Jimmy: [Love that, Ian would be so fuming] Janis: [we know, bastard] Jimmy: [Anyway I'll do something to start this chat again lol] Jimmy: 👍? Janis: [does it IRL] Janis: all good Janis: you? Jimmy: [a half smile that's genuine af but we too 😎 to go too hard in case anyone else be 👀] Janis: [is 😍] Janis: 😏 alright, don't make me swoon onto concrete, like Jimmy: I get it, you don't want a #matching broken bone Jimmy: won't call you a part timer for it or owt Janis: just heavily imply it, yeah Janis: If I have to, rather it's for something 😎 tah Jimmy: Bill's 👻 is gonna be 💔 to overhear that Jimmy: What's 😎 than 💕😍? Janis: I'll 🖋 you both a list 💕 Janis: rather you'd broke something 'fore we came back in, wouldn't be mad about that Jimmy: We'll 🖋 you a sonnet, obvs Jimmy: sorta a one trick 🐴 him Jimmy: That's what we're gonna be doing tonight then? Jimmy: once the 🖋 runs out, like Janis: you're just SO arty, babe, can't be tamed by one medium Janis: once you've given yourself the tattoo, definitely Janis: pain for pain, like Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: Where do you want me to put it? Janis: you know that, don't do yourself down Janis: OHH you mean the 💘 Janis: can't ask you to ruin your face, neck tats have obviously been tainted, hmm 🤔 Jimmy: you can ask me for owt, you know that Janis: well, don't tell me that Jimmy: just did do Janis: I know Janis: but we only just came back in Jimmy: That's alright, loads we can still do Jimmy: never not got my 🖋 on me, for a start Janis: 'course Janis: 'til we decide where to put it permanently then Janis: [comes over and is looking expectantly like where's the pen then] Jimmy: [mimes taking it from behind her ear cos he's a NERD and then writes the beginning of a poem that just thought up cos #sonnet was promised on her skin with a fingertip, god knows how many words she'd be able to make out cos it's not easy lol] Janis: [cute ass concentration face trying to make it out 'cos you care what he gotta say but just loving how it feels most of all tbh, lifting his sleeve to give him a classic bicep tattoo moment with her fingertip that says 'talented' like 😏] Jimmy: [so 😍 and then trying not to 😳 when you work out what she's written cos always shy about it we know] Janis: [the lads are fully gonna be wheyying at this like the immature boys they is] Jimmy: [such fun I hope that girl has gone for a pee or a 🚬 because if you saw this you literally can't ask him out bitch] Janis: [that's what I'm saying, shameless, they came into this well 😍 even if there has been moments since, rude] Jimmy: [hate her] Janis: [you ain't the only one, but we not thinking about you rn thank you] Jimmy: [😒 at this annoying lads though] Janis: [honestly, you gotta ignore 'em as much as poss. though 'cos they'd just start shit for fun, we know the vibes] Jimmy: [went to school with so many lads like that] Janis: [hard same, you gotta hold your own or they'll bully you but don't rise to it either 'cos that's even funnier] Jimmy: [mhmm] Janis: [you gotta go back to work though lads, calm down] Jimmy: [but also don't ever cos we love it] Janis: [all the #bants probably alerted whoever was meant to be supervising you though, so at least you can be so #starcrossed about it still] Janis: do you have to be so distracting Jimmy: Do you? Jimmy: If you have to then I obvs do an' all Jimmy: that competitive, me Janis: What a coincidence, me too Janis: guess we'll have to deal with it Jimmy: Take our 🏆🏆 and run? Janis: Worked the first time Jimmy: alright Jimmy: take your headstart then Janis: With your lungs? Janis: you need a good 10 on me Jimmy: Bollocks Jimmy: could beat you if I had the one Janis: Oh sweetie Jimmy: less 🗨 more 🏃 my dear Janis: waiting to watch you go, baby 😘 Jimmy: cute Jimmy: Where are we going in a bit? Janis: Where do you wanna go? Janis: shop for your festival ootd? Janis: get a wax and tan? Jimmy: obvs Jimmy: but where do you wanna go? Janis: that's the real question Janis: could go pub, save your da's stash for a night Jimmy: we are gonna need it to sort this festival bollocks out Jimmy: [does the gun mime shooting her then himself] Janis: we can make it fun Janis: you piss on their tent when you're wasted Janis: I'll drop their shit in the mud by 'accident' Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: easy Janis: can get on stage end of last night for the suicide pact Janis: gotta make a final scene of it all Jimmy: Bill's gonna be well proud Jimmy: 🥇💡 baby Janis: what kind of leading lady? 💪🏆 Jimmy: You're alright Janis: At least Bill's proud of me Janis: ultimate Daddy Jimmy: What you starting a 👻🥊 for? Janis: Drama, darling Janis: love it, me Jimmy: You're meant to have me in on it not use it against me, girl Jimmy: bit rude Janis: Babe, you'll win so easy Janis: he wears tights, jussayin' Jimmy: might get distracted then Jimmy: 😍😍 Janis: 😂😂 Janis: idk how old he was when he died but technically hundreds of years old now, so Jimmy: 52 Janis: Your nerd is showing Jimmy: *😎 Janis: Sure, baby Janis: 'bout to break that bone rn Jimmy: [throws something at her as standard] Janis: Oi Janis: [throwing something back, of course] Jimmy: [playful nudge because we probably can't have a full play fight rn but] Janis: is it prison rules Janis: or can we ask what the rest are in for Jimmy: have a go Jimmy: you'll soon find out Janis: dick Janis: want me to get shiv'd, that's so mean 🥺 Jimmy: Baby Jimmy: I'll obvs dive dramatically in the way of it Jimmy: 💀💀💀 for you any time Janis: it's not a bullet and I ain't sure I trust your reflexes but if you fuck it up you'll have to cradle me in your arms 'fore you get to off yourself Janis: Bill will like that Jimmy: me an' all Jimmy: 💕 Janis: be well bloody Janis: so hot, so welcome Janis: 💕 Jimmy: brb need a bit to calm down now before I can do owt Janis: solid excuse Janis: don't actually be fuckiing off without me though Janis: the rudest Jimmy: don't sound like nowt I would do Janis: You're alright Janis: can think of more times you've invited me than not so let you have it Jimmy: Tah very much Janis: thank me later and get the first round in Janis: then I'll know you mean it 😍 Jimmy: Alright Janis: just don't come for my generous 👑 Jimmy: it were mine first, I let you borrow it 'cause I'm that generous, but I'll have it back Janis: you're such a revisionist Jimmy: Oi, I ain't done revision a day in my life Jimmy: you 🤓 Janis: Go write your 👻🖋 biography, loser 😜 Jimmy: [writes an extra post so they can flirt on socials instead cos been a while] Janis: [it has and you need to get this lovey-dovey out your system or you're gonna say more than you should in a serious way rn lol] Jimmy: [that's the hottest tea] Janis: [like it is so soon but not yet bitches] Jimmy: [you gotta let us 🥛 it a bit please lads] Janis: [this is still moving at an extra rate like it's fine, you're still highkey] Jimmy: [school ain't even started back yet so yeah it is] Janis: [we all been knew but shh, pretend this is just sex like how remotely Jimmy: [in what world, we all see you being soft as] Janis: [Jimothy is too soft to do any less] Jimmy: [he is the anti-Mia he can never just hook up] Janis: [god bless, like you have but it was terrible so we don't wanna do that again fast] Jimmy: [I love my soft son] Janis: [we all do] Jimmy: [except Mia who never flirts with him] Janis: [because she loves her dad, she lowkey never flirts just gets boys like come on when it suits her purpose] Jimmy: [what a horrible thought] Janis: [isn't it just, like you consented so it fine but poor Pablo, not a mood not a moment, as much as any of your hookups are, I'm sure] Jimmy: [He's far too hot for her, as is Harold, not about it thank you] Janis: [lads like that don't have standards, like not gonna date you but will fuck you if you're offering] Jimmy: [we all know the type] Janis: [and that is not this cute egg] Jimmy: [they being adorable af rn on socials so deal with that Mia] Janis: [get ready for this festival experience ladies] Jimmy: [Grace would be 1000% trying to get out of going because she does not do camping honey] Janis: [they're all going to be such stereotypes, like being way overdressed, ending up in the med tent 'cos one of you faints or eats shit in the crowd, one of 'em getting schwasted and totally lost] Jimmy: [1000% having all of that happen] Jimmy: [one of them should also hook up with a lad who's with all his mates that they then can't get rid of cos always a thing like fuck off out of our tent please] Janis: [like on some girls then she's checking which one she hooked up with like is it the cute one or nah lol] Jimmy: [I'm gutted they took that iplayer cos I don't remember that but yes] Janis: [awh no, they like work the t-shirt stand for some reason for someone to get funds and they keep calling Viva boring so then she gets really high and they have to put her to bed and Holly gets off with one of the boys...they're all dressed like where's wally or something equally as bants] Jimmy: [I do remember them calling her boring now you've said it] Janis: [ahh, I liked that show] Jimmy: [same though and a rewatch would be #inspo if we can find it Janis: [how stupid Amber was is Asia, and they all wanted to fuck her dad lmao okay I'll find it] Jimmy: [is there anything else we wanna do here or do we wanna do the pub maybe?] Janis: [we can pub it, they being cute, all is well, its the vibe] Jimmy: [yaaas] Janis: [plan this moment and have moments lads] Jimmy: [she's still wearing his clothes and I'm living] Janis: [@ community service girl, could they be more obvious, I know they both covered in lovebites too 'cos always] Jimmy: [such a fat mood] Janis: [when you gonna have to go home to get this tent and undoubtedly have a massive row with your parentals wutwut] Jimmy: [can always make him come with if we wanna make it more awkward] Janis: [lol we should, also get grace to vouch for you like she's been hanging out with me/I'm going to the festival, not that Janis would let 'em stop her but they'll have to try] Jimmy: [I'm down and then he can stay there for a change so Cass will be mad at him before they even go to the festival lol] Janis: [soz babe, she'll take him away less when she knows the tea more] Jimmy: [soz you can't come babe but it's not a cool one like you're imagining] Janis: [imagine how much she'd die laughing at the flat whites but also wanna smack 'em] Jimmy: [she 100% has to meet more of them than just Asia who's the only one she has at this point, I'll say she comes to the CG at some point before he gets fired] Janis: [simply must, we make Grace babysit at some point but she'll probably keep out of her way lol] Jimmy: [she'll her 'bf' by then potentially so probably I'm so glad they get back together when they're older] Janis: [n'awh, jyler forever honey] Jimmy: [anyway he's getting the first drink in as promised] Janis: 👍 lad Jimmy: 😘 Janis: never needed this more Jimmy: more where it came from Janis: cheers for explaining how pubs work to me 😏 Jimmy: my pleasure, rich girl Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: I meant I were good for more than the one round any road Janis: that a promise? Jimmy: Do you want it to be? Janis: What kind of question is that? Janis: Pisshead, according to yo Janis: u* Jimmy: Depends Jimmy: if 🍺 were what you meant Janis: I wasn't gonna order a cocktail Janis: don't reckon they do 'em beyond throwing all the spirits in and seeing what happens Janis: you're safe Jimmy: but you might be chatting shit about my stamina again Janis: that doesn't sound like something I'd do Janis: always hyping you up, mate Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you're more than welcome to prove your stamina to me any time you like though Janis: just generous like that 💁 Jimmy: [obvs does starting by pulling her chair closer to him and then her into his lap when she is like oh hey] Janis: ['oh' 'cos not expecting that but 😏 about it 'cos favourite, just looking back at him like hey yourself] Jimmy: [actually says hey like a little nerd] Janis: [lols, with him not at him, taking a sip of her 🍺 like this is well casual, 'alright?'] Jimmy: [you know her cute laugh kills him so we gotta kiss her neck so she can't be noticing that he's really 😍 'you?' because he knows what he's doing with that saucy behavior] Janis: [another 'oh!' but with feeling, honey, shifting forward so you're even closer in his lap 'you know, pretty good' 'cos love a challenge moment esp. when you shouldn't] Jimmy: [challenge forever accepted gal cos he wasn't going that hard from the off so it's easy to go harder without having to do anything more extra yet seeing as how you just got here] Janis: [just enjoying this far too much, running your fingers through his hair at the back of his head 'you missed me, yeah?'] Jimmy: [going in on whichever bit of her neck/that general area she likes him to the most as an answer because obviously] Janis: [going in on him 'cos it's mutual obviously] Jimmy: [we living our best lives before we've even had a drink how cute] Janis: [how you get anything done is impressive lads, literally so distracted] Jimmy: [there's nobody else around to annoy you be that other community service kids or the peeps in charge so you can just be extra to your heart's content as long as you don't get thrown out this pub before you're done] Janis: [I'm sure you've picked a place they've seen worse, rebhogs that you are] Jimmy: [so deliberately mhmm] Janis: [when you don't wanna be bothered or run into anyone you might know/knows you] Jimmy: [#relatable] Janis: [so into each other, at least you don't really need to plan plan for this festival moment, we know what we're doing] Jimmy: [Let Mia stress, you guys are fine] Janis: [we all know they're all gonna bring too much shit and it's gonna be the wrong shit and that's half the fun honey] Jimmy: [imagine how much the flat whites have been chatting to each other like !!! since he invited them lol] Janis: [casual frenzy like the prep time you have not been given, the horror, lmao] Jimmy: [trying to keep it chill in the chat JJ are in but Asia keeps writing the wrong things in the wrong chat cos she's dumb] Janis: [oh Asia, how shaming, just peak amusement] Jimmy: [Mia's ready to kill her lol] Janis: [when your squad embarrasses you constantly but you have to keep people around that you can manipulate and feel better than so 🤷] Jimmy: [Oh gals] Janis: [I can see the glitter lewks now] Jimmy: [I will genuinely see if I can do some Grace snaps or something cos I'm sorting my folders cos pinterest will likely actually have some basic shit for me] Janis: [you'll have a field-day, deffo should] Jimmy: [Obvs I'll try and do JJ shit too but that'll be harder as per] Janis: [I have some outsidey pics of her so we'll give it a shot] Jimmy: [they can't keep us down] Janis: [you two cannot be tamed in any way, as is apparent rn and how quickly this devolved, good thing we didn't invite the gals to plan lmao] Jimmy: [we should do a planning session with them even if like we do a group chat moment like when we did the school project lol cos you're not invited to the pub ever ladies] Janis: [lol we should it'd be tricky but funny] Jimmy: [Even if we just do a Grace and Janis convo or something to ref it like] Janis: [I don't mind trying, we probably have to agree on their personalities so I don't mess up the ones I do] Jimmy: [lbr they are all pretty much the same but yeah] Janis: [yeah I think I been knew tbh] Jimmy: [I've only got Grace and Asia so far so you can decide who you want lol] Janis: I'll take #2 and Tammy, who both need actual names lol, then whoever wants to be evil can be Mia too] Jimmy: [I think you should cos I'm just a soft hufflepuff baby] Janis: [hohaha lil babby, okay I can do it] Jimmy: [love you boo] Janis: [you wanna do it before we do the festivals? just finish up here] Jimmy: [I think so because 'planning' which is basically just them being annoying and JJ regretting this idea but if we want we could skip around and do some shit in the group chat too when they're actually there for the lols] Janis: [okay, I shall print this 'cos we know what's up here probably...unless we wanna skip to when they go get the tent and the cali row 'cos that would be awkwarrrrd] Jimmy: [oh yeah I do wanna do that because hilarious] Janis: [I'm like do we wanna make him leave and her 'stay' like she won't stay but just to get him out the door 'cos don't want him around them and this whole vibe] Jimmy: [that makes sense] Janis: [you might have to come at me then 'cos she's just silently seething and hiding now] Jimmy: [Alright, what are we saying the vibe was when he left, like how did they leave things?] Janis: [assumedly Cali were like come here please and trying to talk to her and then that devolved into a shouting match so then she probably just came in like soz you gotta go and if he was like come with she was like nah 'cos too angry so] Jimmy: [let's say it's later because 1. they blatantly had that 'argument' and both needed to calm down and 2. it'd take him ages to get home and then would have to deal with his own fam when he has] Jimmy: [okay so he sends her a selfie so she knows he made it home and didn't get lost] Janis: 👍 Janis: didn't get murdered by a roaming serial killer then Jimmy: still time Janis: only if he breaks in, less chance of that Jimmy: ain't 🔒 in yet Janis: living dangerously Janis: very 😎🚬 Jimmy: 😎🚬 is right Janis: neither me nor your faulty lung is shocked Janis: soz if you were tryna get me on the ground again Jimmy: 💔 Janis: have one for me Jimmy: gutted I can't make the 🚬☁ into a 💔 for you an' all though Janis: Same Janis: thought you were talented Jimmy: you said I were Jimmy: have to cross out the 🖋💘 on my 💪 now Janis: match my name, gotta keep it #aesthetic Jimmy: #ultimategoals Janis: tell you what's ultimate goals, if you're still on side Janis: 💀💀 my parents for me Janis: won't turn on you when we get caught or anything, I promise 🤞💕 Jimmy: 💕😍😘 Jimmy: got nowt else on, why the fuck not? Janis: great, knew I kept you 'round for something Janis: I mean, ILY babes Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: proper felt that Janis: nothing but sincerity for you, honey 💕 Jimmy: expect nowt else Janis: know what they say about expectations Jimmy: Go on Janis: I dunno Janis: something about disappointment Jimmy: Tah for that Jimmy: I'll tune my 🎻 Janis: never said I was Bill Jimmy: never a truer word, mate Jimmy: there's only the one Janis: yeah and you 💕 him so much 'cos you're such a 🤓 Janis: I know, I'm cool with it Jimmy: Alright, shut up Jimmy: like I said, nowt else on, might as well do my homework Jimmy: take advantage of the 👻 who never pisses off Janis: maybe you remind him of his boyfriend Janis: idk if he had just the one Jimmy: such a romantic, you Janis: be a good report, all I'm thinking, everyone would leave you well alone after that Jimmy: I'll crack on with that then Janis: remember, gotta make 'em love you 'fore that though, make parting with you the sweetest of sorrow Jimmy: Obvs Janis: soz, forgot you're such a pro Janis: you can approve their hundred of outfit options for me, if you want Jimmy: Do you want that kind of fake boyfriend? Jimmy: telling you what you wear Janis: I know, be well hypocritical of you to judge anyone's style Jimmy: Piss off Janis: that's where the line is drawn, yeah? Jimmy: what line? Janis: THE line Janis: you're fit and mysterious, you should know Jimmy: that's more of a 🚬☁ around me Jimmy: I can draw you being a dickhead if you want though Jimmy: 🥇 inspiration being offered Janis: charming Jimmy: yeah you are, that's what I'm saying Janis: know what you're saying Janis: not thick Jimmy: you want a 🏆? Janis: sure Janis: can piss in it on this trip instead of risking the portaloos Jimmy: always 🤔 you Jimmy: 🥇💡 Janis: got talents beyond being a dickhead believe it or not Jimmy: ain't convinced but alright Janis: well now you're just wanting a 🏆 of your own Janis: good luck Jimmy: might drink outta mine, long as we don't get 'em mixed up Jimmy: not a #kinkunlocked Janis: 🤢 Janis: you're disgusting, boy Jimmy: I just said I weren't into it Jimmy: make me protest any harder and it'll sound like I am Janis: an animal Janis: ugh Janis: I'M NOT GONNA PEE ON YOU STOP ASKING OMG Jimmy: 😏 won't bother saying please then Janis: ugh, like maybe for our month-a-versary but you CANNOT tell anyone Jimmy: If it don't go on stories what's the point? Janis: exhibitionism is more of a given than a #kinkunlocked Jimmy: DUH Jimmy: love a bit of 👀👂 me Jimmy: full spotlight or nowt, tah Janis: such a ⭐ Janis: I draw the line at 💩 FOR REALS though Jimmy: 💔 Janis: I know Janis: thank God it's all fake, right Jimmy: and near over Janis: 🙌 Jimmy: but I don't reckon me 🤢 on my homework'll fly as a decent excuse so stop being bloody grim please Janis: you that loves it, not me Janis: I'm just doing whatever you want to be the best gf ever, what is more relatable to the doormats Jimmy: we ain't doing relatable we're doing #aspirational babes Jimmy: I'm probably meant to be your doormat Janis: Mia would be about that, deffo Janis: not sure on the rest, their dominatrix vibe is not that strong Jimmy: There you go then Jimmy: she's 👑 its her opinion that matters Janis: don't tell her that Janis: o out on the spot Jimmy: 🤢🤢🤢 Janis: mhmm Janis: had enough shit today without that smugness being thrown my way Jimmy: now that's #relatable Janis: voice of the people, me Jimmy: take your 🏆 Jimmy: can give her a smack with it when we get there Janis: hot Janis: use her blood for my motd Jimmy: I've got talents that don't begin and end with being a dickhead an' all Janis: I know, I've told you Janis: not rude like you Jimmy: you have your moments Janis: tah for the glowing review Janis: can I quote you? Jimmy: Where's the quote going? Janis: CV Janis: tell my 'rents, like Jimmy: I'll give you a better one then Janis: well don't lie Jimmy: Don't sound like me that Janis: only sometimes Jimmy: [writes her a silly and funny fake CV with little doodles and everything cos he's a BIG nerd] Janis: 😂 Janis: that's so Janis: definitely get me a job at CG Jimmy: were my plan all along Jimmy: take my job and I'll 👻 Janis: I'm alright with that Jimmy: Let's go then Jimmy: ready to walk through a wall right about now, me Janis: you know who's on shift or Jimmy: Don't have my 🖤 set on going there or owt Jimmy: just going Janis: where Janis: or is that an official 👻 secret Jimmy: Do I need a where? Janis: nah Janis: just nosy Jimmy: so you coming or what? Janis: I'm still in the same mood, you know Jimmy: weren't what I asked Janis: you finished your homework? Jimmy: that a dealbreaker? Janis: only fuck with 🤓s Jimmy: Alright, I won't tell you I was lying about doing owt Janis: s'alright, not been doing fuck all myself Jimmy: marding counts when you do it well as you Janis: fuck off Jimmy: just take the compliment Janis: it ain't a compliment Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Jimmy: course it is Janis: you don't know, they're fucking nightmares Jimmy: I weren't offering them a 🏆 Jimmy: just you Janis: call me a 🙀 all you wanna but ain't in the mood for bullshit and pisstaking rn Jimmy: what are you in the mood for? Jimmy: Let's do that Janis: alright Janis: meet me here [gym location] in about fucking forever 'cos I've got to bus it there Jimmy: I'll take his car if you want, he's a fucking nightmare an' all Janis: as good as the mems in there are Janis: don't worry Jimmy: Alright Janis: I do have the tent to drop off at yours though Jimmy: if he keeps doing my head in, I'll want it Janis: What's today's 😡🤬 Mr. T? Jimmy: @ him Janis: you say you don't want me to be your step-mum Janis: always tryna hook us up though 👀🙄 Jimmy: nowt personal I just don't wanna 🗨 to him Janis: #relatable Jimmy: #fated Jimmy: me and you Janis: someone should write our story into like Janis: a play Janis: 😍😍😍 Jimmy: I'll crack on with while I'm waiting for your bus to bring you in Janis: you'll wait for me? Janis: baby Jimmy: You reckon I can find [location] on my own? Jimmy: need you to hold my hand Janis: shh don't make it #ungoals Jimmy: 🤐 Janis: more like it Jimmy: 💕 Janis: can we fake one thing for real? Jimmy: What? Janis: pretend you never heard any of that back there, yeah? Janis: Sadly 'pretend I don't have a family' is just too unrealistic 😕 Jimmy: can't hear fuck all, me Jimmy: that your plan back then, were it? Janis: obviously Janis: you'd already had to hear enough from my sister, trying to do you a favour Jimmy: ✔ job done Janis: 👍 Janis: cheers then Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: [sends her a selfie of him already waiting at where the bus drops her like a little 🐕 cos wanted to leave his gaff] Janis: well that's just rude Janis: you aren't allowed to look that good when I'm not there to do something about it Jimmy: I told you before there's loads we can do Jimmy: just get your 🖋 Janis: I should've left with you Janis: you can have that in writing Jimmy: you can come back with me in a bit Janis: that's the only rule, isn't it Jimmy: I said what I said Janis: are you sure Jimmy: if you don't wanna, say that Janis: not what I said Janis: or wanna Jimmy: sorted then Janis: this time, you're not going to leave before I can make you feel good Jimmy: that's why I don't need asking if I'm sure Janis: you won't regret it Jimmy: I don't Janis: Me either Jimmy: good Janis: [sends him a pouty selfie from the bus like get me outta here now] Jimmy: Oi Jimmy: Stop trying to 💀💀💀 me, I get a kiss first, ask Bill he'll tell you Janis: [cheeky video blowing him a kiss like there you go] Janis: if you and Bill can wait though, you'll get more Jimmy: Bill can do one, I got here ages ago Janis: 😏 Janis: alright, just for you Jimmy: and you Janis: me and you then Jimmy: [sends her a little video of him doing a smoke ring heart cos there are ways you can actually do it who knew and I like to think he's using his time wisely to figure out how] Janis: you're so hot it hurts though Janis: actually indecent Jimmy: That's you Janis: I want you so bad right now Jimmy: I don't want it to hurt though Janis: I don't mind Janis: I like it Jimmy: you're just Janis: tell me Jimmy: you're so fucking Jimmy: worth being stuck here for Janis: damn Janis: that was Jimmy: Everything's shit and I don't care 'cause there's barely room for owt but you in my head anyway Janis: I just wanna be with you all the time Janis: that's how much I think about you anyway Jimmy: be here when you want Jimmy: I've already chucked the rule out Janis: tempting Jimmy: that's you an' all Janis: where'd you learn to say all the right things, like Jimmy: You're my muse, have a word with yourself Janis: Imagine if we'd never done this Janis: for real, no fake shit Jimmy: I don't wanna imagine that, tah Janis: Me either Janis: you were always good but you're a lot better when you're being you Jimmy: I said stop trying to 💀💀💀 me, didn't I? Janis: I'm sorry, just can't stop thinking about how much I regret not leaving with you Janis: which then makes me think about all the other things I regret about you Janis: like not fucking you for real a lot, lot sooner Jimmy: I get it, I do Janis: You better Jimmy: come on, you know there's shit even I can't fake Jimmy: no lad's that oscar worthy Janis: Good Janis: I'm sick of fake Jimmy: If you need me to show you again that it's not, you'll be able to feel it, no challenge Janis: there's no limit on how many times you can show me, is there Janis: bears repeating again and again, I reckon Jimmy: only limit's how much you can take so you tell me, girl Janis: Jesus Janis: Jimmy Jimmy: You can't be saying my name like that Jimmy: you'll get struck down by the other one Janis: I can't say it out loud right now Janis: but if that's how I go, not mad about it Jimmy: you're going nowhere but here yet Janis: oh Jimmy: How can I can get you to say it? Janis: say what Jimmy: you said you can't say my name out loud right now, thing is, I wanna hear it Janis: well Janis: maybe I could be convinced Jimmy: [🔥 sext of course because now is a good time] Janis: It hits different when you mean it Jimmy: not what I'm waiting to 👂 but I'll take it Janis: I can't give you what you want that easy Jimmy: Why? Janis: wouldn't be very 🥇 would it Jimmy: if I give you what you want an' all, what can be more 🥇 than that? Janis: but Janis: no, okay Janis: [that 🔥 audio] Jimmy: fuck Janis: yeah Janis: your fault Jimmy: if an apology is what you're after I'll give it my best 'cause I said owt you want but Janis: you know what I really want though Janis: or do I have to try harder Jimmy: you don't have to try Janis: I will though Jimmy: I know Janis: Good Jimmy: What I still dunno is how you're so Janis: You just Janis: make me want you Jimmy: there's nowt you could do to make me want you more than I do Jimmy: other than be here Janis: fuck this fucking bus Janis: I swear, next time I have to be on it you will be too and we'll make the most of just how long it takes Jimmy: got that in writing Janis: I'll write it all over you if you like Jimmy: 🤞? Janis: only if it inspires some great work of art from you too, obviously Jimmy: Alright Janis: 🤞 it won't feel like work Jimmy: never does Janis: I'll take that as a glowing review, yeah 😏 Jimmy: can do Jimmy: but I'll do better if that's what you want Janis: Fuck words Janis: I'm bad at 'em Janis: you'll show me Jimmy: You'll find the right words then Janis: 'cos I don't have to think then Janis: or stop myself Jimmy: there's no need to now Janis: 'course there is Jimmy: course there ain't Janis: you can't get me to make a dickhead of myself that easy Jimmy: weren't part of my plan Janis: what is the plan? Jimmy: you brought me here, don't you have your own? Janis: oh yeah Janis: I'd forgotten about that Jimmy: I get it, there's some other shit you'd rather do first since you said Janis: pretty much Janis: who knew there are ways to work out your frustration that aren't punching things? Jimmy: I could've told you but I'd be risking a smack Janis: not without the pads on Janis: not fucked off with you Jimmy: you were a bit ago Janis: come on Jimmy: What? Janis: you were just there Jimmy: yeah Janis: you don't want me to say the s word do you Jimmy: Why would I? Janis: dunno Jimmy: fuck words, weren't that what you just said? Jimmy: I don't need that one Janis: good Janis: weren't gonna say it but still want you to be there when I get there so Jimmy: not making it that easy for you to get rid Janis: don't Janis: I wanna keep you Janis: around Jimmy: you can't give it out like you're shit at words and then put them ones together for me Janis: something about you, makes me wish I was good Jimmy: You're good Janis: nah Jimmy: you heard me, I reckon you're good Janis: you Jimmy: you Janis: am I gonna have to say your name again to get you speechless or what Jimmy: Dunno the answer to that until you do, do I? Janis: [sends audio saying his name all sexy but then tells him to 'shut the fuck up' deadpan for the lols] Jimmy: 👏 still on track for that oscar, babe Janis: I don't wanna be fake Jimmy: well, I don't believe you want me to shut up, so it's alright Janis: tell me something then Janis: truth for a truth Janis: but don't tell me you wanna fuck my sister 'cos I don't wanna hear it Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: What do you wanna hear then? Janis: that's all you've got to friggin' say, is it Janis: literally anything that's real, I don't care Jimmy: got loads to say, me Jimmy: known for it ain't I? Janis: go on Jimmy: put me on the spot a bit but alright Janis: you just need to make me feel not like a twat for the overshare Jimmy: this shouldn't be fake, nowt about that's an overshare Jimmy: you don't have to feel like a twat for saying what we both know Janis: I meant what I said about keeping you around Jimmy: and I meant when I said you're worth sticking around for Janis: yeah Janis: you did say that Janis: ignore me Janis: my head is fucked Jimmy: I can't ignore you, that's true if you still want something that is Janis: I can say sorry for that then Jimmy: don't though Janis: my family are insane, and everyone chats shit on me constantly, most of all Mia and co who you now know are literally psycho Janis: I'd have to really hate you to wanna put any of that on you Jimmy: Go on and hate me then Janis: you want me to? Jimmy: is it gonna mean we're in this together? Jimmy: 'cause there's nowt you just said that near enough don't apply to me an' all but I'm still sitting here and you said you wanted me to be Jimmy: things are alright how they are Jimmy: aren't they? Janis: I do, I wanna see you Janis: it's alright for me Janis: good Jimmy: so leave the sorry's out Janis: I'll never say sorry to you again Janis: how's that Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 👌 Jimmy: Alright Janis: I'll say I hate you if it's a #kinkunlocked but I won't mean it Janis: soz 💁 Jimmy: can't let you even if it is Jimmy: you don't wanna be fake, I heard you Janis: next time Jimmy: you're gonna change your mind? Janis: next time it can be your choice Janis: fake as you like Jimmy: what makes you reckon I'll pick different to you? Janis: you implied you want me to say it Jimmy: Nah, I said I can handle all the bollocks you listed off Jimmy: 💪🏆 me Janis: have plenty chance to show me in a sec Janis: 🥊 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 🥇 Jimmy: Are you actually nearly here or what? Janis: Yeah Janis: 5 minutes Jimmy: ⏲ Janis: can't count it as my personal best Janis: bus driver slowing me down Jimmy: 🎻💔💔🎻 Jimmy: must not be a follower, a proper #fan would NEVER Janis: might wanna follow me though Janis: get ready to defend my honour Jimmy: I'll get him on 📷 love giving a shout out, me Janis: name and shame, more like Jimmy: you alright? Janis: nothing I can't handle Janis: 💪🏆 Jimmy: weren't what I asked, bighead Janis: say your name is Jamie, if he asks Janis: 👀 like he heard your real one Jimmy: ask him his, got a lovely voice, me Jimmy: he'll soon forget owt else he might've heard Janis: 😂 Janis: stop Janis: already look certifiable here Jimmy: go on Jimmy: 💰 on it being 😍😍🤤 as names go Janis: Alright but this counts as a dare Jimmy: I get that you're gutted every dickhead don't wear a name tag, #kinkunlocked an' all, but it don't count as nowt unless he answers, mate Janis: 'scuse me I like ease of conversation, James Janis: not at all that I'm shamed and it's all your fault Janis: It's Rob Janis: Robbo to his mates Jimmy: [a hilarious voice memo for him] Jimmy: put that to his 👂 Jimmy: I could do with a decent mate Janis: fuck you cunt 😂 Janis: [sneaky filming this confused man's reaction, probably like please leave me alone oh kids] Jimmy: wonder why I'm scouting for new talent, mouth like that Jimmy: outrageous you Janis: oh, such an 😇 Janis: tell my 'rents and your dad that it was all me and my influence then Jimmy: Robbo is, god bless that beautiful man Jimmy: you can shut up though Janis: not getting off now Janis: drive on, Rob Janis: breaking my heart, you Jimmy: Baby Janis: Remember when I was the only mate you wanted 😢 Jimmy: it were a simpler time, before any of us were keen to ride off into the sunset with Rob Janis: say bye to you now then Janis: forever Jimmy: remember when you wanted to keep me about 😢😢 Janis: you did this, don't try to turn it around on me Janis: I'm devastated Janis: being consoled so much rn Jimmy: bit rude that you won't fight for me Jimmy: ruder for you that he won't do as good a job of that as I would Janis: Robbo is well hard, who am I to compete Janis: you reckon you can give it a go though, yeah? Jimmy: thought you were 🥇 that bollocks were it? Jimmy: and duh can give owt a go, me Janis: 🥇 at lots of shit, more than most Janis: 🥇 mate though? probs not Jimmy: just come here Jimmy: I rate you Jimmy: you're so Janis: [gets off the bus and full-on movie kiss runs to him] Jimmy: [SUCH an enthusiastic response soz to everyone else who's getting off that bus] Janis: [all the old people giving evils, has literally never cared less about anything] Jimmy: [they're used to getting evils from Mia, old ladies they are unfazed thank you] Janis: [thank god she doesn't take her stalking to that extreme yet] Jimmy: [never been on a bus in her life] Janis: [would make her mum drive them in to school but there's only room for 4 out of 5 so if you were out of favour that day you'd be fucked] Jimmy: [I hope Asia's bfs are old enough to drive cos you know it's her when she's got one] Janis: [🤞 they are 'cos aren't goals in other ways really god bless, she'd so use it as a power play like leave it 'til the last minute the night before so no one knows what they're doing] Jimmy: [she so would, oh Mia, we should 100% say her mum drives them to the festival and decide who we're gonna leave out lol] Janis: [who else should we rope in, like Cali or another parental?[ Jimmy: [we could always have Iggy do it with the van if Cali are being rude cos they don't love jimothy then Grace could come with them which would be so awks] Janis: [makes sense, Grace out of favour 'cos Janis is her sister, like, they can then take all the shit as well which Princess Mia would love] Jimmy: [yeah that's what I thought cos you know Grace is lowkey always like you don't even wanna fuck barista boy so can you chill out] Janis: [and Mia's just like they're just trying to make fools of us, your sister hates you, which like they are but you're just salty] Jimmy: [it true but it's not your place to play on all Grace's insecurities by telling her Janis don't love her, you hoe] Janis: [you don't know it's true you're just losing control and hate it] Jimmy: [Grace is still gonna have a better time in the van with that lot than she would with you and that's tea] Janis: [when your friendship so toxic] Jimmy: [literally just the fact she can like eat what she wants/ listen to what music she wants etc would make it better than being in Mia's car, the bar is so low rn] Janis: [pop off sis, we know they'll be happy to ignore you] Jimmy: [you can talk to whatever hot hippie gf Iggy's got currently it's fine] Janis: [like you probably should talk to her to keep this illusion going but you wouldn't wanna lmao] Jimmy: [we all know she's not expecting it/isn't gonna dob you in to Mia regardless so live your best lives kids] Janis: [we're distracted anyway, back to this] Jimmy: [we always get derailed] Janis: [what do we wanna do here, obvs going back to his after but is there anything we wanna say or do] Jimmy: [good question, we have covered quite a lot already tbf but I'm always down for keeping on cos no chill] Janis: [well you're clearly gonna need to have a moment in the changing room before but you can still have a spar moment after] Jimmy: [yasss, I have spar content from that mmfd scene if you want me to send you any] Janis: [why not sweaty, I hope the place is low-key empty 'cos the blatant sexual tension would be awks for dudes just tryna workout lol] Jimmy: [we can say it is because that was blatantly the last bus seeing as they had to have time to calm down post cali drama and they'd already had a day of community service and been to the pub prior] Janis: [not that you two really care but we'll allow it] Jimmy: [for the sake of not having an audience for once] Janis: [who knows how much alone time you can guarantee back at his] Jimmy: [I vote they sleep under/on the trampoline] Janis: [down, obvs] Jimmy: [slightly more privacy guaranteed though Twix will probably be high key as ever] Janis: [always] Jimmy: [also don't have to deal with Ian always a plus] Janis: [we're all thrilled about that, esp. with the cockblock train the 'rents are on rn] Jimmy: [oh my GOD imagine if he was driving them to the festival not that he ever would] Janis: [the worst car ride in the world lol] Jimmy: [as for rn do steal from his stash again though because very deserved] Janis: [absolutely, don't get drunk though, so dangerously close to saying how you feel] Jimmy: [evil laughing over here] Janis: [trickster] Jimmy: [for real though probably do wait for the festival for the drama] Janis: [love drama] Jimmy: [he should 100% teach her how to do smoke rings cos perfect time if they're sleeping outside] Janis: [yes he must] Jimmy: [and one of the ways to do a heart shape starts with blowing two different sized rings so they can do it together then #realgoals] Janis: [when that's such a moment] Jimmy: [living their best lives] Janis: [so in love tbh] Jimmy: [we 👀 you and so does Cass and she's not shipping it rn] Janis: [a good convo starting point 'is your sister alright? once she's gone from blatantly shading you lol] Jimmy: [just shrugging like you don't care even though we know you do] Janis: [shrugging back like alright 'if you let her cut my hair off in the night I'll be raging at you, like] Jimmy: [a lol that you can't help even though you're not in the mood] Janis: [nudges him like I get it '#1 sister, me' 😏] Jimmy: [just having a furious text convo with Cass so all y'all's secrets aren't outted 'sounds about right that' 😏 'easier or harder to get gold when you've got more than one?'] Janis: [shrugs 'depends how you slice it'] Jimmy: [mimes stabbing her in the back cos gals are bitches] Janis: [mimes pulling it back out and holding it to his throat 'obviously I'm alpha so' shrugs like that's gold 'but if it's majority rules' shrugs like idk] Jimmy: ['hot' shrugs again himself 'won't bother @ing any of your sisters then'] Janis: [a 😒 look 'shut up'] Jimmy: [draws a smiley face shaped mouth with his fingertip in the air right by her mouth and then a ✔ next to it] Janis: ['such a dickhead' but not actually mad about it] Jimmy: [nods because Cass is saying as much and worse lbr rn but sighs fake dramatically because can't show you're really bothered 'blessing and a curse, like' and a LOOK because we all know that he's saying that's what her type is and they wouldn't be here if not] Janis: [patting his head like poor boy 'til he gives you a LOOK then you're giving him one back but you're now needlessly close 'just sounds like a cure to me'] Janis: *curse Jimmy: [giving her a look like oh does it and uses her hair that Cass will thankfully not be cutting off to pull her further in for a kiss] Janis: [carrying on talking between kisses 'yeah, you're stuck with me as your only mate, what could be worse?' and then going harder like yeah, this is SO awful isn't it] Jimmy: [likewise 'but it's not like you're my best mate or owt' and going harder still] Janis: ['how do I make that happen again?' we just going more and more every time obvs] Jimmy: ['Depends' and again likewise of course 'How bad do you want it to?] Janis: [makes a noise that's enough like 'I-' that you can turn it into what you say but not enough like it that it isn't obvious to him 'cos shameless '-think I need time to think about that'] Jimmy: [stops and moves away like he's gonna get up off this trampoline and go in to leave her to think because that bitch 'Alright, see you in a bit, yeah?'] Janis: [does a mini winnie growl like oi] Jimmy: [looking at her in such an ott ? manner like he's so unaware of what could possibly be wrong] Janis: [pulling him back down and pinning him like 'you know'] Jimmy: [so into it, can't even keep the charade of trying to go anywhere/not knowing going because she's the hottest ever 'so tell me what you're thinking about'] Janis: [points at him like she's suddenly lost the ability to use words] Jimmy: ['go on' like please tell me more about this as if she's actually said anything but kissing her softly and distractingly everywhere cos that bitch] Janis: 'you' that resolve broke easily gal 'and how you're so-'] Jimmy: ['what?' because you have to but also you want her to finish that sentence really badly rn] Janis: ['I don't- I'm shit with words, remember'] Jimmy: ['I don't reckon you are, remember' and giving her even more kisses for encouragement but less soft because that's what we're all pretending we like] Janis: ['you're mine' and going the hardest to cover any doubt that you mean that anyway than sexually rn in the moment heheh ok] Jimmy: [going with it because questioning that is too dangerous and uncertain and you just don't wanna tbh not rn anyway plus we all know you'd LOVE hearing that so] Janis: [enjoy that lads, you can worry over it later] Jimmy: [which you so will] Janis: [on both counts, yes] Jimmy: [ILY you two] Janis: [at least you don't have too long to be awks and in the rn you can roll over like you're THAT tired] Jimmy: [doing that thing he always does where he rolls her back over like excuse you, looking at her like bit rude but amused not annoyed] Janis: [does a stage yawn like sorry, what? and attempts to roll away away on the trampoline like good day] Jimmy: ['don't fall off, you might break a bone an' all' jokingly still but a bit more like ?] Janis: ['psh' like how dare you, such a pro, does roll back a bit so it's less obvious you're actually uncomfortable] Jimmy: [just looking at her like are you really gonna make me ask what's wrong? because not an idiot] Janis: [shakes head to get self together, also to be like no/don't] Jimmy: [goes to make tea like that'll make her feel better cos that northern] Janis: [getting him to leave the 🚬s so you can have one] Jimmy: [lights it for her before he goes cos #whipped always] Janis: not smoking yours 🤞 Jimmy: convincing that were Janis: you might notice one missing if you count 'em Janis: clearing my name 'fore you do 😇 Jimmy: 1. you know I can't count, Jules Jimmy: 2. if there are any missing you won't get any 🍪 Janis: 🙀 Janis: that's cruel and unusual punishment Janis: don't presume my #kinkunlocked there thanks, I want 🍪🍪🍪 Jimmy: weren't challenging you to see how many you could fit in your mouth Jimmy: but alright Janis: 1. I could easily do double if not triple that Janis: 2. get your mind out the gutter Jimmy: If you keep being that hot, how can I? Jimmy: be fair Janis: I know Janis: gift and a curse Jimmy: #relatable Janis: only thing I want hot is my tea Janis: focus please Jimmy: oh shit Jimmy: you're gonna be so 💔💔💔 Janis: have you iced it??? Jimmy: the news is even worse Janis: well, don't keep me in suspense Jimmy: 🚫🍪!!! Janis: I'm leaving Janis: 👋 Jimmy: go via the shop or you ain't never coming back Janis: oh really Jimmy: you heard Jimmy: [comes out with the tea though] Janis: ['am I allowed to drink it before it gets cold or?'] Jimmy: [shrugs but is fully 😏 and hands it to her like there you go] Janis: [shakes her head like idk, you call this service but is also 😏] Jimmy: [hits his mug against hers to do a cheers, don't do a me and spill it all on yourself boy] Janis: [chin chin gals] Jimmy: [having that 🚬 he missed out on but sharing it with her if she wants because that bitch] Janis: [when you fake 😍 to cover actual 'cos he's just that cute] Jimmy: [giving them back because she's so beautiful it's honestly ridiculous] Janis: [pulling a dumb face as if that's gonna make either of you less 😍 really] Jimmy: [now we just having a face pulling contest because competitive forever] Janis: [a fat mood, ending up loling which wasn't the plan but not mad] Jimmy: [and more 😍 because so cute when they lol] Janis: ['bastard' softly and with feeling under your breath 'cos so affronted by his everything rn] Jimmy: ['what?' did he actually hear that or not, we'll never know baby] Janis: ['you heard'] Jimmy: [cups his ear like he so deaf] Janis: ['I'll finish the job if you ain't careful' 😏] Jimmy: [crosses his fingers IRL 😏] Janis: [gets up on his neck and traces a finger over his ear like, I'm deadly serious] Jimmy: [a lil noise cos #same] Janis: [obviously giving it your all at this] Jimmy: [obviously dying] Janis: [whispers right in his ear 'can you hear me now?'] Jimmy: [nods because what can we trust ourselves to say rn boy] Janis: ['good' smiling into his skin before doing more damage 'you're so fucking distracting, Jimmy'] Jimmy: [managing to say 'you' because must but you can imagine how his voice sounds thanks to her and everything she's up to] Janis: [shakes head and her hair probably tickles him, just tracing your finger down from his ear, down his neck and then along his shoulders, going back and forth 'it's you'] Jimmy: [playing with her hair but not as softly as he normally does because that's the #mood 'no it's not'] Janis: [clearly #intoit 'you aren't distracted, your attention is exactly where I want it' and a LOOK to prove her point] Jimmy: [LOOKING back at her because her attention is exactly where he wants it too obvs] Janis: ['I just wanna...' makeout moment] Jimmy: ['I just want you' picture kissing between each word because we highkey] Janis: ['shit' losing yourself in said moment] Jimmy: [keeping all the moments going as long as you can because you said what you said and you obvs meant it] Janis: [just gonna end up in the same position again girl, no point tryna be awkward about it tbh] Jimmy: [soz not soz] Janis: [neither's she] Jimmy: [is there anything else we wanna do though or should we chill before they give themselves away hardcore?] Janis: [have to actually exhaust themselves eventually, then they can be too busy going in the AM to talk or be real, we fine] Jimmy: [do what you've gotta do to avoid having THAT convo kids] Janis: [soon my babies, soon]
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storyinmyeyes · 5 years
‘Cause I see sparks fly whenever you smile
I am finally back with another prompt. It’s been a combination of school/work and lack of inspiration. I have been working on this for a bit and I think it turned out pretty well. Thank you @sergeantames for the feedback and for helping me with it! :D 
This is another one of the kiss prompts that was requested by @nessa007 (I hope you like it)
16. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
It’s about 3 dates into Jake and Amy’s relationship when he decides they should go bowling. Considering how competitive they both are, this might not be the best idea, but Jake also knows that their competitive streaks are when they have done some of their best work in the past. Plus, Jake knows that Amy can’t resist some healthy competition.
3 turns into the game and Amy hasn’t made one strike or spare and Jake got a strike on his first turn. He can see her start to get frustrated. “Thought you were good at this, Santiago?” Jake replies with his classic smirk.
“Shut up, Peralta. Aren’t you supposed to charm the girl on the first few dates? I can totally knock down all these pins.” Amy says, confidently.
“I don’t need to put on the charm because I already have you, but since you’re so confident that you can knock them all down, want to make it a bet?”
“What’s the wager?” she says intrigued.
“If I win, you have to admit that I am the true champion and always will be. If you win then you get a massage and I have to say you’re the Champion of the World.”
“You’re on, Peralta.” She says, shaking his hand with the firm grip she learned at a seminar.
Amy stands in from of the lane and takes a few deep breaths to help her focus. ‘Concentrate.’ she tells herself. She aims the ball to land directly at the middle pin and releases her arm and lets go. The ball goes rolling down the lane toward the pins, and it knocks them all down, but two, leaving a big gap between them.
“Oh, a split! Not many people knock those down. Think you can do it, Santiago?” Jake yells.
“Watch me” Amy says retrieving her ball again. This time, she doesn’t aim directly toward the middle, but more diagonal and instead of knocking both pins down, it only gets one of them.  “Why didn’t it work? I had a strategy and everything.” She retreats back to her seat, defeated.
“Guess you’re just gonna have to accept that there are just some things that I’m better at than you.” Jake says as he also gets a split.
“Well, let’s see you knock them both down, if you think you’re better.”
“As you wish, m’lady.” He says in the best fake british accent he can muster, bows before her, taking the ball and aiming it toward the lane. It hits one, then slides and knocks the other down. Amy’s mouth hangs open in shock, “That’s what I was trying to do!” she yells.
Walking back towards Amy, he smiles triumphantly, while a pout appears on Amy’s face. “Well, clearly it didn’t work.” He says mockingly.
“Clearly. Ugh, it’s just another thing you are good at. First, you win our bet and now this. At least I beat you at Jimmy Jabs.”
Jake’s smile falters, “Uh, about that. I have a confession to make.” Amy doesn’t like where this is going…
“What is it?” She asks, trying to sound calm.
“I kind of let you win.” He says, looking down at the floor.
“You what? Um, how? I clearly beat you.” Amy says, confidently.
“I kept pressing the ‘door open’ button the elevator to keep it open for you.”
“Why would you do that? You always want to win.”
“Because I still had feelings for you and you looked so cute doing those dance moves to try and get me to break.”
Amy doesn’t know how to react to this, she’s touched that Jake, always teasing, insufferable Jake would give up his winning streak for her, but she’s also a little disappointed that she actually didn’t win.
“Well, I’m touched that you would give up your winning streak for me, but it still doesn’t make me feel any better.” she says, pout appearing once more.
“Maybe this will…” he leans in to kiss away the disappointed pout on her face. Giving in, she allows herself to get lost in it, all disappointment fading away.
“You sure know how to bring on the charm.” she says pulling away, a soft smile playing on her lips.
“Oh this is just the beginning, you’re about to see full on boyfriend Jake. A side you have never seen until now.
The word ‘boyfriend’ should scare her because they’ve only been on three dates, but it fills her with a sudden excitement at this newfound relationship and she couldn’t be happier.
“I can’t wait.” she says sincerely, taking his hand.
“All right, let’s finish this game, so you can admit that i’m the true champion once and for all.”
“Haha you wish Peralta. I’m going to beat you fair and square this time!” she says sticking her tounge out at him as the ball goes sailing down the lane, knocking all ten pins down. “I got a strike! Finally! Suck it Peralta. Who’s the real champion now?”
Jake watches Amy with a gleeful smile, amazed at this woman who’s had his heart for a long time. “Call it even?”
Amy narrows her eyes, but doesn’t hide the smile showing on her face. “Do I still get my massage?”
“Of course, your wish is my command.”
“Who are you and what did you do with Jake Peralta?” She asks skeptically.
“He’s just crazy about the one Amy Santiago and maybe doesn’t care so much about winning anymore when he has her by his side.”
Amy’s face softens at this reply, “Okay, call it even. We both got the person in the end. I consider that a win in my book.”
“I think some of my charm is starting to rub off on you.” He says, nudging her shoulder.
“Maybe so, but I think i’m okay with that.” Laying her head on his shoulder and they walk to his car together.
Successful third date. Check.
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: [later but still the same night clearly] Jimmy: Turn your location on, I need my jacket back Janis: fuck off, no you don't Jimmy: I wouldn't be chatting to you if I didn't Janis: it can wait Jimmy: it's freezing Jimmy: don't be a dickhead Janis: so cold you need two jackets now Jimmy: unless you're offering to hug it out Janis: as much as I want you to suffer Janis: has your sister not put a key through for you Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: are you gonna tell me where you are or what? Janis: I'd rather come to you Jimmy: go on then Janis: Where are you then Jimmy: [sends his location but lbr he's just walking] Janis: alright Janis: be there in a few Jimmy: 👌 Janis: you should go to the 24 hour tescos Janis: kill some time Jimmy: subtle Jimmy: what do you need? Janis: nothing, you idiot Janis: it's a tip Janis: 24 hour gyms are better but you'll need a membership usually Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'll funnel my hard earned tips into that next time my dad decides to be a massive knobhead Janis: some of them ain't that pricey, one near the CG actually Jimmy: alright rich girl, I'm gonna stop you there Janis: it's like a fiver a month Janis: one pack of cigarettes less, not even Jimmy: you're not my real girlfriend, no need to have a chat about how I spend and save Janis: I'm giving you solutions Jimmy: give me my jacket Jimmy: nowt else Janis: free speech, init Janis: you dickhead Jimmy: you told me to stop talking to you a bit ago Janis: so Jimmy: so now you've got loads to say? Janis: I've always had plenty to say Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: yeah Janis: sums your contribution up Jimmy: leave it out Janis: make me Jimmy: stop flirting with me Jimmy: death's already having a go standing here Janis: you wish Janis: actually so dramatic Jimmy: 💀😍💀 Janis: cute Jimmy: 💕 Janis: do you want a place to stay Jimmy: do you have any decent ideas? Janis: go to mine, I ain't gonna be there Janis: no one will be up Jimmy: Mia might Jimmy: evil never sleeps Janis: I don't think she's actually a rapist, like Janis: you'll be safe Jimmy: you're alright Janis: alright Janis: you got a shed Janis: sleep in that Jimmy: 😂 Janis: what Jimmy: just trying to picture your posh garden summer house, rich girl Jimmy: hang on Janis: yeah Janis: you've got no clue Jimmy: weren't searching for any Janis: then stop chatting shit Jimmy: why? Jimmy: you won't Janis: I've got enough people assuming things wrong Janis: I don't need you Janis: and I ain't assumed shit about you Jimmy: 🎻💔🎻 Janis: you're such a fucking Janis: just shut up, I'm nearly there Jimmy: nah, go on Jimmy: say how you really feel Janis: why Jimmy: why not? Jimmy: plenty on the tip of your tongue so you reckon Janis: so you can sit there and chat shit back Janis: yeah, no thanks Jimmy: it ain't shit just 'cause it ain't what you want me to say back Janis: nah, it's shit by your own admittance Janis: literally just said it Jimmy: now you're listening Jimmy: 👌 Janis: I've been listening Janis: what do you want Jimmy: when? Janis: when haven't I Janis: what are you talking about, go on Jimmy: don't end it like that, I'm not getting cheated on again Janis: I ain't doing anything tonight Jimmy: not what I asked or said Janis: fine Janis: I'll just look like the dick then yeah Jimmy: put it on me Jimmy: I'm too #highkey or whatever Janis: how is that better Janis: genuinely Jimmy: how is it better for me or how is it better for you? what's your question? Janis: for you Jimmy: how is it better than going through that shit again? Really? Janis: whether I cheat on you or dump you for being too nice, you're getting the same reaction regardless Janis: you wanna be the one who cheats but then I lose Janis: we've fucked it, best is we do it amicably and then we both lose, there's no way for us to both win and why should I let you Jimmy: I don't care about winning Janis: I can't promise you any outcome where they leave you alone Janis: that's the whole reason we were doing this Jimmy: I haven't lost my memory, like Janis: well I don't know what you want from me Jimmy: I got that Janis: fucking hell Jimmy: just Janis: yeah Jimmy: leave it Jimmy: as you said, we've fucked it, we've gotta carry on Janis: we'll have to stop it eventually Jimmy: weren't planning on marrying you, Jodie Jimmy: not part of the deal Janis: don't be stupid Janis: you'll have to deal eventually, is what I'm saying Janis: we will, whatever Jimmy: we'll do a fake break up when we've planned it out, not when what you say goes 'cause you're fuming Janis: excuse you no Janis: it was you who fucking said it Jimmy: I said I don't want this Jimmy: I don't Janis: well you'll have to deal won't you Janis: decide what you want less Jimmy: you're so Janis: yeah, you hate mee Janis: whatever Jimmy: your ultimate kink that Janis: if it was I'd want you around Jimmy: who's walking to who? Janis: oh my god Janis: I don't need you freezing to death Janis: or getting lost, again Jimmy: stop pissing about then Jimmy: come here Janis: you've got some fucking nerve Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: and you aren't funny Jimmy: not tonight Janis: don't write cheques you can't cash Janis: unnecessary Jimmy: I carry cash, it's you who don't Janis: see where trying to pay me gets you Janis: [showing up and throwing that jacket at him] Jimmy: [put your jacket on boy and shut your mouth] Janis: ['anything else?' not looking at him] Jimmy: [when you're just looking at her and almost doing a cry cos that's the life you're living] Janis: ['are you sure-' not finishing that 'cos so many possibilities] Jimmy: [just gotta shake your head cos you're not sure about anything are you, big part of the problem here] Janis: [nods like yeah, 'look, we don't need to be mates but I ain't got any interest in hating you, alright? pointless so just, you know'] Jimmy: [take two of trying to give her a bottle, be less of a dick this time boy] Janis: [takes it 'cos as close to a peace offering as we're getting rn and does cheers motion as she takes a swig] Jimmy: [sitting on this random curb so casually I always had to do that if I was out playing] Janis: [sitting down too a little ways away] Jimmy: [having a moment with himself like don't cry, Katie Fitch style] Janis: [when you gently go for the jacket pocket and get out 🚬 and light it for him] Jimmy: [when you shouldn't look at her cos that's so nice - too nice lbr- but you do look at her cos she's right there and you can't not] Janis: [when you look back and lean in but then you gotta lean back like no 'cos you think that's not what he wants and you're trying to be a friend not friend and ugh] Jimmy: [trying not to look 💔 like this isn't your own fault, gdi Jimothy] Janis: ['it's okay' when you just want to be comforting even though it really isn't and you're like why did I say that] Jimmy: [when you laugh cos no its not but it's also not funny and that ain't helpful so well done, oh these two] Janis: [kicks him like you know what I mean, shh, this is weird we both know it 'okay, well, I'm sorry your dad's a dick, yeah?'] Jimmy: [nudges her like oi but it's too soft to really be that and we all know it 'he ain't sorry, why should you be?'] Janis: ['cos I'm dead nice, obviously' 😏 but shrugging like] Jimmy: [lols more genuinely] Janis: ['charming' but not actually mad] Jimmy: [putting an arm around her cos she's literally in a t-shirt now like don't die babe] Janis: [the nip situation would be outta control lmao fold your arms girl] Jimmy: [at least pretend that's not a thing boy, least you can do] Janis: ['It ain't a summer house, it's a barn but it is somewhere you can crash, it's converted, there's sofas and shit' 'cos not giving up] Jimmy: [gives her his oh we're still on this kinda look but also not mad cos when does anyone give this much of a fuck about him] Janis: ['Please'] Jimmy: ['Bus takes an age if it's even running early as I need to be on shift. It ain't gonna work' but she said please so obvs you're thinking about it and looking at her like] Janis: [pouting but actually so on the low 'cos you know that's fair and he probably doesn't want one of cali or the older sibs driving him so] Jimmy: ['help me get into mine if you've gotta do owt' cos lbr it wouldn't be hard there's probably a bathroom window open and a drainpipe/roof situation and such a #mood cos she's such an athlete so] Janis: 'I dunno, guardog is pretty fierce' ] Jimmy: [a real lol 'if you ain't up for the challenge, you ain't' gets up like well bye then but is 😏 and pulls her up on her feet too a literal second later anyway] Janis: [a faux-offended face like how dare you 'cos 'Course I am!' but then grins like let's go] Jimmy: [shrugs the jacket off and gives it to her like your turn babe cos they share everything it's facts 'here, you're gonna make me fall to my death if you don't cover up' because just can't ignore the nip situation like a gentleman can you lad] Janis: ['Knew the jacket was a blatant coverup but wouldn't have necessarily guessed you wanted me to break and enter for you' shakes head like honestly tut-tut but still not mad, even when she hits him like oi it ain't my fault I had to go dramatically stand in the rain 'I reckon I'll go in, find the keys then let you in the door, all offense meant to your... prowess' 😉] Jimmy: [gives her a look like well gotta keep you guessing and it's so flirty SOS but then pulls the hood up over her head playfully, messing her hair up, like oi don't be rude and so much 😏 goodbye] Janis: ['stop flirting with me' but we all know that means don't ever stop] Jimmy: ['or what?' literally eye fucking rn calm down] Janis: ['you know what'] Jimmy: [be more up in her everything at this moment jfc I can't with you sir don't do this to me] Janis: ['just, if it's gonna be-' when you can't do words] Jimmy: ['I just-' cos same but boy you gotta communicate I s2g I hate you] Janis: ['we don't have to do this tonight, now, yeah? none of it, like, there's time'] Jimmy: [when you can breathe because she really let you off the hook there so you gently drag her off towards your house like come on] Janis: [get it lads] Jimmy: [break in of the century, but we know it's gonna play out how she said cos lbr he's not pulling his weight here] Jimmy: [like he'd try and go up the drainpipe and slip and she'd be like um no boy down you get] Janis: [god bless boy, when you just in the doorway afterwards like all 👍?] Jimmy: [gotta love a sleepy Twix before she goes cray though cos heard 'em way to cockblock this bonding moment pup] Janis: [don't give 'em away traitor pup shh Jimmy: [giving her treats like behave thank you] Janis: [all whispering obvs 'cos not drunk af this time 'you should get another key cut he don't know about'] Jimmy: [when you can't hide how good of an idea you think that is cos tell your face and you were already impressed by her break in antics and we're dangerously close to 😍] Janis: [when you ain't even smug just smiling like a nerd 'cos you already know his dad ain't shit] Jimmy: [just in the kitchen from when you had to bribe Twix opening the fridge with a flourish like see anything you like cos will literally give her anything so she won't leave yet] Janis: [say by some miracle there's a slice of pizza left so she grabs that] Jimmy: [He's just making tea cos northern] Janis: [sneaking peeks honey] Jimmy: [he ain't asked her if she wants one he's just doing it, bit rude when you don't know if she likes tea never mind how] Janis: ['milk, 2 sugars' 😏] Jimmy: [does a OTT dramatic gasp like a nerd cos we gonna say they take their tea the same for the feels '#twinning, Gracie will be delighted'] Janis: [does a little lol, 'yeah, 'specially 'cos she don't drink a tea unless it promises to fix her skin and her love life for her, and tastes like shit, like'] Jimmy: [just grinning 'No dairy, like ever, OMG, I know' crossing his heart with an eye roll before carrying the tea to the lounge] Janis: [getting comfy on the sofa like bitch you were leaving lmao your resolve 'you should just give her full fat, she'd never notice, honestly'] Jimmy: [laughs evilly but quietly cos don't wake peeps up and mimes writing it down but then you know he's also getting comfy closer to her than he needs to be as per] Janis: ['puts hands up like soz 'you're off the clock, I remember'] Jimmy: [mimes looking at his watch and sighs dramatically like only for a bit but ain't that devvo cos got his bae back] Janis: ['should've put this in a to-go, like'] Jimmy: [nudges her like where do you are like I ain't even got #aesthetic mugs for insta 'pay up and you can have it prepped or served any way you want'] Janis: ['hot' 😂] Jimmy: [sips tea like he's doing a temp check and 👍] Janis: [just looks at him like nerd alert] Jimmy: [gets up, gets a pack of biscuits and throws them at her but gently cos again shh please boy] Janis: ['#whenbaespoilsyou'] Jimmy: [blows a kiss at her cos nerd] Janis: [catch it 'cos sporty] Jimmy: ['such an athlete, babe'] Janis: [stretching back like 'you know it'] Jimmy: [shamelessly looking at her body cos that top is cropped af before you even move thank you bye] Janis: [always hitting with a 'what?' but being 😏 'cos you know] Jimmy: [always giving it back like you don't know exactly what you're doing okay then] Janis: [just come casual tension but you're about it] Jimmy: [nearly spilling that tea actually cos all your attention is on the bae, the fucking eye contact forever damn] Janis: [sipping with purpose beech] Jimmy: [when your phone goes off to break the unbearable tension for a sec but it's just the fans as usual so you can look together and get even closer to her like look] Janis: ['can't break their hearts just yet, like, they ain't ready'] Jimmy: ['none of the lads must've caught your party mood from a decent enough angle or that'd be up doing it for us'] Janis: [🙄 and pushes him like shut up] Jimmy: ['its alright I've had more breakups and make ups than I've had girlfriends, must be something about me 😏'] Janis: [lols 'you reckon'] Jimmy: [throws a pillow at her like don't lol at my misfortune but is clearly also amused 'try and fake some sympathy, girl, damn'] Janis: [clutches her heart dramatically] Jimmy: [shakes his head like she's such a dickhead but smiling cos she's also a cute nerd] Janis: ['this-' gestures to the tea '-ain't strong enough to swap war stories, boy'] Jimmy: ['subtle move, pisshead' gestures toward the kitchen 'go on and raid Ian's supply but his broken heart'll be on your head, like'] Janis: [gets up and shrugs 'least I didn't break his windows'] Jimmy: [shrugs back like fair point] Janis: [picks a bottle that's fairly full but not completely 'cos least obvious and she's not actually that arsed but takes a swig walking back in] Jimmy: [control your heart eyes and swooning boy we all know its a #mood] Janis: [offers the bottle to him but doesn't sit, 'it'll help you sleep, early start and everything'] Jimmy: [takes it and takes a bigger swig than her because everything's a challenge and passes it back] Janis: [raises her brows at him but obviously can never back down from a challenge] Jimmy: ['coming in?' meaning work tomorrow obvs] Janis: [when you act like you're thinking about it for much longer than you actually are 'probably, be a bit of a bad review if I'm not dying to see you the morning after, like'] Jimmy: ['could be incapable of walking, your nan got a zimmer you can borrow for a bit?'] Janis: [when you have to snort 'cos you have to hold in a louder laugh more] Jimmy: ['take that as a nah, fit is she? Gotta get it from somewhere, eh?'] Janis: ['She's only 62, so yeah, could probably take you on' 😏] Jimmy: ['bring her in for a cuppa, I'll earn a decent tip, no bother' 😉] Janis: ['ugh, you and your type'] Jimmy: ['paying customers, yeah, really turn me on when they hand me them couple of extra euros they do'] Janis: ['you're in the wrong job then' and shakes her head 'cos thinking 'bout Rio, shade] Jimmy: ['in it for the art form though, obvs' thinking about that hipster latte foam] Janis: [''course, Pete's artistry is limited to bass only, like' Jimmy: ['I can't live if I can't express myself creatively, the need lends itself to being more than a one trick pony, so burdened me' gets Pete's page up and is having a scroll and showing her things cos he weren't at the party obvs] Janis: [😏 'You are SO in love with him'] Jimmy: ['pick your own jaw off the floor and it might hit harder, mate'] Janis: ['please, I play it SO cool'] Jimmy: ['where and when?'] Janis: ['I'm pretty sure he don't know I exist so check and mate, mate'] Jimmy: ['Don't take your hand off that piece yet, Jill, 'cause here's me calling bollocks. He's mentioned you to me'] Janis: ['OMG, what did he say?!' in a scary good Grace impression, but quieter please; 'also you better not have told him my name's Jill, even worse than my actual'] Jimmy: [in a accurate Pete impression 'that girl's so... dude, your girl's really...' back to Jim voice 'wouldn't you LOVE to know, Juliet' shows her his phone where that's her name cos fave of the nicknames duh] Janis: [when you're loling at the impression but lowkey 😍 at the nickname 'cos it's shamelessly cute] Jimmy: ['I wanna be the face of that band but I ain't got the voice. You?'] Janis: [shakes head and pulls face like god no 'my mother's already tried to make us a racially ambiguous version of the Nolans, but she obviously ain't pushy enough, where's Joe Jackson when you need him, eh?'] Jimmy: [lols like that's us fucked then 'starving artist and muse it is then, baby' snaps a pic of her to make the point] Janis: [when you try and get the phone outta his hands 'cos never enough playfighting] Jimmy: [when of course you end up on top of her on the sofa like well now this is a moment RIP] Janis: [when you just go for it 'cos you can't not but then you pull back like fuck] Jimmy: [when you then have to go for it cos you didn't wanna stop and that's all you're thinking about] Janis: [back at it again on this sofa] Jimmy: [so into it, god only knows how we're stopping them rn] Janis: [Twix run bitch run] Jimmy: [barking cos are they playing or are they fighting OH PUP DO NOT WAKE THIS FAM] Janis: [well that's that ruined thanks babe, getting up so fast like 'I'll go'] Jimmy: [when you want her to stay but Bobby appears like oh hey did anyone order an even bigger cockblock so you have to be in big brother mode cos he's always lowkey scared/upset by life in general] Janis: [when you stay long enough to not freak him like who was that but then you peace so he can deal in private] Jimmy: [I hope she's got the jacket again so she don't freeze to death] Janis: 👍 Jimmy: 👌 Janis: is he back to bed and her in the doghouse, like Jimmy: 🐶🔪🔪 say goodbye to your little mate 💔 Janis: harsh Janis: poor bobby Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: [sends a pic of Twix like a ransom photo but the newspaper be in her mouth cos nerds] Janis: 😱 Janis: I'll give you whatever you want Jimmy: anything I want? Janis: That's what I said Jimmy: [sends her a pic of Bobby and Twix both asleep on him like okay she's safe] Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [saying that he misses her and flirting on the socials so that I can] Janis: Smart thinking Janis: keep up appearances, make it look like it ain't a hostage situation Jimmy: not thick, northern Janis: like I said, impressed Jimmy: don't you wanna save your flirting for the feeds? Janis: This isn't flirting Jimmy: Nah? Janis: Nah Janis: I can do much much better than fake me Janis: obviously Jimmy: more #goals than this?! gotta call bollocks Jimmy: 🏆🏆🏆🏆 Janis: sure, as far as everyone knows, we're the it couple of the moment Jimmy: 💘 Janis: as long as all dogs and children are safe Janis: let you get a few hours, like Jimmy: you can't Jimmy: you said anything I want Janis: Well have you decided Jimmy: I'm thinking Jimmy: stick around Janis: alright Janis: I'm still walking anyway Jimmy: where to? Janis: my nan and granddads Janis: cba to go home Jimmy: you could always walk back Jimmy: know your way in Janis: look like you've got your hands full Jimmy: 💪🏆 me Jimmy: can't be giving it out like you don't wanna climb through my bedroom window, girl Jimmy: balcony or nah Janis: better change names with me, boy Janis: rose by any other name and all that Jimmy: suits you better, can't help that Janis: hmm Janis: gotta think of a name for you Janis: you don't own nicknames, like Jimmy: what are you on about? it's the name your parents gave you weren't it? Janis: 😏 Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: charming you are 💕 Janis: not our story Janis: cinderella would be hard to pull off, even now you've left the north Jimmy: if it could happen anywhere, it'd be the CG Jimmy: picking the ugliest out of your sister's squad though, not easy Jimmy: Mia's 🥇 duh but then who? Jimmy: might be the tall one, might be her 💀 clone Janis: 🤔 Janis: my votes for BFG Janis: 💀💀 twin too hard, the disparity is great for comedic effect Jimmy: where's your #tallgirlsolidarity babe? OMG Janis: fine, go be friends with a leprechaun Jimmy: such a friend kink you Jimmy: trying to get me invited to a sleepover or what? Janis: not at my house, thanks Janis: if you have an orgy with them we're no longer besties Jimmy: I told you before, if I wanted that it would've already happened Janis: Gross Janis: they have to have some boundaries Janis: obvs all go to the bathroom together to have a vom sesh but you know Jimmy: it's like a cult Jimmy: if they don't all fuck and they're only doing the death pact bit 💔 Janis: there's no way the 💀 ones can exert the energy and the rest wouldn't wanna get their kit off 'cos they'd get fat-shamed so Janis: unlucky Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: their nails an' all that's a 🌈🚫 Jimmy: be like 🔪🔪 Janis: 🤢 Janis: too far Jimmy: soz my dear Janis: 😒 Jimmy: come on, be my mate again Jimmy: pretty please with 🍒s on Janis: you mean it Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: you doing that behind your back like you're lying Janis: I'm suspicious Jimmy: come find out Jimmy: can't give up all my secrets to you Janis: I shouldn't Janis: might wake your dad up next time Jimmy: nowt wakes him Jimmy: garage walls are thicker than his head Janis: should do you a favour and not accept that challenge, shouldn't I Jimmy: I get it, was just a fluke and you can't break in again, yeah? Janis: please Janis: not my first rodeo Janis: and you made it so easy Jimmy: sounds fake, babe Janis: 😡 Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: yeah, you just want me to come back so you can be so impressed again Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: meant to be giving me what I want Janis: only the once Janis: not good for life, use it wisely Jimmy: 👍 Janis: sooooooo Janis: am I coming or what Jimmy: do you wanna come or do you just want me to use that to make you so it's gone? Janis: 😑 Janis: hadn't thought it through that much, tbh Janis: it's your wish, I ain't interfering Jimmy: if I want you to come and keep that in my back pocket for later is that 1 favour or 2? Janis: Hmm Janis: alright Janis: I'll come and I still owe you Jimmy: should I unlock the door or let you show off? Janis: Probably just let me in Janis: I don't need it and I've got visions of the kid seeing me and 😱💀👻 now so Jimmy: and I don't need to be spending my tips getting him therapy Jimmy: good shout Jimmy: so considerate you Janis: you know Janis: and you're welcome Jimmy: might not be the shittiest mate to have Janis: 👂 Janis: sorry, can you repeat that Jimmy: I could Jimmy: but will I Janis: awh come on 😏 Jimmy: alright, shut up Jimmy: I don't hate the idea, do I Janis: you're not a total idiot so Janis: 'course you don;t Jimmy: Stop complimenting me Jimmy: I'm gonna reckon your phone got snatched off you in a bit Jimmy: 🔪💀👻 Janis: Was just a means to compliment myself more, don't worry Jimmy: alright, fuck that, this is deffo you Janis: mhmm Janis: [does extra ass socials like people need to know she's going back] Janis: who else but your fake gf Jimmy: 💕😍💘 Jimmy: [replies that are as extra but we know there's realness underneath] Jimmy: [OMG the fire sexts can be born this day! cos remember when] Janis: [yasss] Janis: did you really just Jimmy: what? Janis: 😳 Jimmy: you reckon you're the only one with impressive skills? Janis: obviously not Janis: do you want everyone on your dick more though 'cos Jimmy: they ain't gonna leave me alone Jimmy: that dream's 💀💀💀 Janis: 💔 Janis: not to victim blame you but Janis: only got yourself to blame Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Jimmy: and you Jimmy: can't help it if you're the best fake girlfriend I've ever had, can I? Janis: Yeah I'm so inspiring Janis: a muse, you could say Jimmy: a 🥇 muse baby Jimmy: get it right Jimmy: and send that tweet Janis: [does] Janis: 💕 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: Come out and 🚬? Jimmy: [does but let's say he hasn't put his hoodie back on yet cos was being snuggled a bit ago so we can fully appreciate the white tee moment] Janis: [you appreciate that girl, sat on his front step like hey] Jimmy: [Getting on there as well cos always gotta sit so close 5ever] Janis: [for warmth this time sure, when it's not been that long so you don't know if you're meant to pretend the makeout didn't happen but you can't anyway so] Jimmy: [and so you can share a smoke cos god forbid you just don't have your own you coupley bastards] Janis: [sharing is caring boo] Jimmy: [it means he smokes less so i'm about it as I am about their comfortable silences] Janis: [honestly, not even hello] Jimmy: [living for it, picture him on his phone cos peeps are losing it over their posts, but with her so not being an antisocial dick] Janis: [just loling and taking the piss how they do 'so, how often are you sexting to be that good?'] Jimmy: [shrugs cos we both know he ain't done it for ages but ain't gonna say that 'like a 6 that were'] Janis: [nods, 'don't wanna give 'em everything right away, like'] Jimmy: ['they can't handle what we've already shown 'em, if I was going for it with a full 10 I'd kill your nan and we both know she's healthier than your horse'] Janis: [pushes him 'stop slagging my nan and imaginary horse, so rude'] Jimmy: ['I'm complimenting your nan and ain't about to stop, well in, me. You're only here 'cause she was asleep, like'] Janis: [PAHs, 'you ain't met her, boy; trust, you won't be getting no tips'] Jimmy: [gives her a look like challenge accepted 😏 but we're all amused af] Janis: [truly 'cos we all know what happened that time Tess showed lmao] Jimmy: [when you lowkey snuggling the bae tho cos its cold but also you want to] Janis: [rubbing his arms like he did] Jimmy: [just giving her heart eyes casually] Janis: ['wanna go in?' 'cos you're so concerned u caring hoe] Jimmy: [when you're #conflicted because you're alone out here and there's nobody cockblocking you but it's not comfortable so of course you ask her if she wants to cos always a question answered with a question] Janis: [just looking at his lips in response shameless] Jimmy: [when you're kissing her before you've even closed the door behind you cos also shameless] Janis: [get it kids] Jimmy: [use that front door to your advantage when you finally shut it but shh] Janis: [seriously shh even though you obvs don't wanna] Jimmy: [when you think you hear something so you stop for long enough to move, get back in that living room kids] Janis: [ah trusty sofa hello] Jimmy: [the mems on this sofa already, speaking of get on his lap girl cos that's a thing always and has to start somewhere] Janis: [a moment] Jimmy: [at least if you wanna be kissing constantly it'll keep you quiet cos we know he ain't usually living that life, we see you, mr no chill] Janis: ['You're a good kisser' 'cos you ain't told him that before now obvs] Jimmy: [when you can't help smiling genuinely cos nobody's told you that before and you weren't expecting it and so cute so even though you should say it back cos true you're just like 🙊] Janis: [kiss that smile] Jimmy: [get your hands in her hair boy cos you love being soft] Janis: [when you're just enjoying how all this feels] Jimmy: [you can tell she's into it so just touching and soft kisses everywhere cos there's so much bare skin to play with thanks to this outfit you can just take your time] Janis: [when you're trying so hard to keep quiet 'cos it's obvs not been like this before in any sense] Jimmy: [gotta give the nips some attention cos they've been the centre of attention all night lbr so soz girl for making quietness even harder for you but not that soz] Janis: [when all the squirming she's doing gonna feel real good for you boy] Jimmy: [everybody winning rn] Janis: ['fuck!' 'cos yeah] Jimmy: [and now everything's a little less soft because all the encouragement you need to go harder at what you're doing] Janis: [when you're just moving your hands down from around his neck 'til they're making their way under his waistband] Jimmy: [his turn to say fuck quietly but with feeling] Janis: [😏] Jimmy: [kiss that smug face boy so you shhh] Janis: [putting your finger to his lips like shh but you loling 'cos he's so cute] Jimmy: [deciding to make this touching mutual so the struggle to be quiet is too, little do you know yet lad she's a pro at keeping things hush unlike you] Janis: [can't quiet your face though even if you are trying to hide it like] Jimmy: [his turn to be like 😏] Janis: [going harder like shut up] Jimmy: [going harder cos she is and everything's a competition forever] Janis: [tryna move away 'cos that bitch] Jimmy: [use your strength soft boy I believe in you] Janis: ['boy'] Jimmy: ['what?' cos I simply must] Janis: [making eye contact and giving the LOOK to end all as you move back but closer] Jimmy: [keeping that eye contact going as you try not to be killed by the look and her everything atm] Janis: ['I've wanted to do this properly for so long' point out the obvious and not really that long but I'll allow it highkey ass] Jimmy: ['how long?' cos validate this high key needy boy] Janis: ['Since we started fake doing this, I told you, you're a good kisser'] Jimmy: ['I can top that, girl, I picked you 'cause I wanted to find out if you were' cos where's the lie] Janis: [pouts like she's fuming she's lost 'could probably call that false pretenses, you know' 😏] Jimmy: [the pouty lip bite 5eva bye cos gotta shut her up obvs haha] Janis: [#intoit Jimmy: [likewise] Janis: [when your phones are still blatantly going off and you're ignoring that shit] Jimmy: [priorities kids sod looking at your phone when you can be looking at the bae] Janis: [real better than the faaaaake] Jimmy: [you know it] Janis: [is she staying or going after like] Jimmy: [I vote she should stay then she can come to work with him when he opens up cos what a #mood the CG alone together for a bit] Janis: [wid it, no running hoe] Jimmy: [he ain't letting her leg it]
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eastoaksdalestreet · 7 years
Chapter 4
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Carol was checking her emails. She was wondering why she hadn't received her bills as it was that time of the month.
Nothing in the inbox.
Closing the laptop, she made a phone call. Something clearly wasnt right. But as she dialled the number, something came through the letter box. Sighing, she went to the letterbox and picked up the envelope.
She looked horrified. Sprawled in big letters was the sentence. 
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When Carol read the full contents of the letter and the reason why she and Billie were being evicted, her anguish turned to anger. It was due to Billie’s behaviour with a local gang who had been terrorising the streets.
When Billie came in an hour later, Carol was ready for confrontation. 
“Have you seen that letter on the end table?” She said in a deadly whisper. Billie looked at her and shook his head then Carol thundered,
Billie looked at Carol. He had never seen his mother so angry. As she began to cry, Billie didn't know what to do. He could comfort her, that would help but she would push him away. Instead, he retreated to his room, wanting to the most of the time they had left in the flat.
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The Barton kids were at college, the farm and school and Moira had the time to spend with John. After finishing her shift early, she and John came home and embraced. Things seemed so perfect for them at the moment and the revelled in the moment. In fact they were so wrapped up in their own happiness that they didn't see Hannah come home and cry due to the bullying she was receiving at school. It had started a few months ago and showed no sign of stopping. It didn't help that things were being posted about her on the internet.
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Carol and Billie moved in with Bianca and Ricky, the day after the eviction notice arrived. There was no point of sticking around after that had arrived. The house was crowded but somehow they would manage. Billie knew that he had to get back in his mothers good books and he decided to get a job at Butlers farm helping Adam Barton on the farm. Carol was pleased by his efforts and decided to accompany him.
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As Carol and Billie arrived at Butlers farm, Moira was heading into town.
“Oh hello you must be Carol.” She said pleasantly and Carol smiled and nodded,
“That’s right, I’ve come about the job for my son.”
“My Husband is in the house, talk to him about it. He knows about it more than me.” Moira remarked and headed into town.
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Carol walked inside and was approached by John and Carol was amazed at handsome he looked, he reminded her of.....
She couldn't think of David. She hadn't heard from him for a long time and began to think that he had lost interest.
“Hello You must be Carol and its Billie that’s after the job. I’m John and Moira is my wife. I’ve got three kids Adam, Holly and Hannah. Is Billie your only child?” John asked and Carol shook her head,
“No I’ve got three other kids, Bianca,Robbie and Sonya. Grown up off course with kids of their own.” Carol said fondly.
“You don’t look like a grandmother to me.” John said sweetly and Carol smiled. She liked him already.
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As Carol and John talked, she was aware of what responsibilities Billie would be doing and they enjoyed each others company. 
“Ill send Billie to the farm first thing in the morning. Thank you for giving him a chance. Hes really determined to make a go of another chance.” Carol remarked and John hugged her before they said goodbye. Carol wished she had a man like John, someone to love her and care for her.
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It had been two months since Chas and Carls love affair had been exposed and they were now officially a couple. Although Aaron had forgiven Chas, it was clear it would a while before she could repair the damage that she had done.
“You spoken to Aaron?” Carl asked and Chas shook her head.
“Do you think hell ever forgive me?” Chas asked sadly, it was clearly bothering her that Aaron wasn't haven't proper conversations with er like they used too. Carl held her close,
“Yes he will babe. I promise, its just something to get used too.”He whispered. Chas kissed him, feeling the warmth of his body against her and then when she saw the cheeky grin on his face, she lead him upstairs.
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Within moments, they were undressed and Carl was pumping away at her on the bedroom floor. Thankfully, Jimmy and Nicola were out with Angelica so there was no chance of getting disturbed. Chas loved it when she and Carl made love to each other, it always made her feel warm and tense.
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Sometime later Chas was checking the internet at clothes websites for some deals when an email notification popped up, it was off Aaron.
Hey Mum,
Look at this. Someone is slagging me and you off.
Aaron xxx
Chas clicked the link and her eyes widened when she saw what it said.
“Chas Dingle needs to keep her legs crossed and look after that lunatic of a son of hers. No wonder she cant keep a man.”
Chas felt angry about this. Whoever had sent was gonna get battered good and proper.
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Chesney was playing with his dog Schmicheal. He loved the dog dearly and wouldnt be without him. The love he had for him was overwhelming. He lived with his sister Fiz and her husband John whom he didn't like. He didn't make it obvious out of loyalty to Fiz, he loved his sister and she had been more of a mother figure than his own mother Cilla had been.
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“Everything alright Ches?” Fiz asked after she came home from work. Chesney nodded,
“Yeah everythings fine.” Chesney remarked with a smile. Fiz was pleased for him.
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Before he went Chesney went on Facebook to see what everyone was up too. He laughed at Kirk's photo of himself in the rovers and made sick noises at Becky and Steve then he suddenly was redirected to a website entitled “Worlds biggest losers.co.uk” Chesney was shocked when he read the third paragraph
“Saw a young teen today, heard his name is Chesney. With a name like that i wonder if he can pull.”
Chesney was horrified. Someone had it in for him and they barely knew him.
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Fiz came in,
“Chesney you have school tomorrow. Turn that computer off.” She said and Chesney turned to face her.
“Fiz someone is chatting about me and saying things. Look.” Chesney said and he showed the comments to Fiz.
“Were going to the police Chesney. This is Bad!” Fiz said, shocked by this.
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As February progressed and no leads regarding the online hate campaign, the residents decided to continue life as normal.
Carla came home after another stressful day at the Underworld. Nothing had improved since Christmas and she was very worried.
“You ok love?” Michelle asked as she came back from a drink with Maria. Carla shook her head,
“Things are falling apart love. I feel like a failure. And to make matters worse, theres stuff going missing like knickers and bra’s. There’s a thief in our factory!” Carla exclaimed. Michelle raised her eyebrows and Carla could see that she was hesitating.
“What is it?” Carla's asked. Michelle hesitated then said,
“I could be wrong but I did Mercedes the other day hanging about by the stock cupboard. Mercedes McQueen. You know her whose sister worked for Roy and Hayley for a bit.”
Carla briefed over this piece of information carefully then she headed out. When she got her hands on Mercedes, there would be hell to pay.
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Carla tracked Mercedes outside StreetCars where she was flirting with Lloyd. 
“Oi you come here!” Carla shouted. Mercedes was shocked by Carla’s attitude. It was clear that Mercedes was a thorn in Carla’s side since she started working for her three weeks before.
“What have I done?” Mercedes asked and Carla got wound up.
“Ill tell you what you've done! You've been stealing, you fucking thief!” Carla yelled. Mercedes scoffed,
“What have I supposed to have stolen?!” 
“Dont play the innocent with me! Knickers and Bra’s thats what. And I want them back!” Carla shouted.
Mercedes was getting annoyed.
“I havent stolen anything! This is wrong this is!” She shouted.
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“You and your family are nothing but thief's and slappers the lot of you!” Carla shouted and before she knew it Mercedes slapped her in front of Peter who was walking past. He was unsure of what to do.
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It wasnt long before a full blown fight took place right in the middle of the street with slaps and punches being administered and insults hurled. The fight was broken up by Michelle after Peter informed her what happened.
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Andy returned home after a long day at Butlers farm. It had been tiring and he was keen to get home and sleep. As he walked in, he was shocked to find Victoria still up and on the internet.
“Vic what you doing?” Andy asked and Victoria looked at him.
“Just browsing.” She said quickly,”Its for homework.”
“Right. Well you should be in bed you have school tomorrow.” Andy said and Victoria nodded.
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Whitney was checking her emails. She had Billie on her mind and it was evident. She had just sent him flirtatious text messages and loved the responses. She was unaware that Holly also was interested in him and had attempted flirting with him since he started at Butlers farm. As Whitney was about to shut down, a message popped up in her inbox and she clicked the link, Whitney was shocked by the message from the website,
“You would have thought that Whitney Dean would have learned when it comes to men but shes becoming a walking STD given that she is now toying with the affections of The Bartons latest farm boy.”
Whitney was horrified, was someone watching her? She didnt know. 
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Carmel was upset. She had become the latest victim to the online hate campaign. She had been looking at her emails and received an anonymous message like Whitney had.
“After doing my research on the McQueen's I've found out the blonde bimbo Carmel is the biggest dumb blonde ever, with her boring personality its no wonder men find her dull.”
Carmel was clearly by this, Mercedes and Jacqui wanted to hound the person down and beat the shit out of them.
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Myra came home. She had been to a party at the Dog and Pond and looked quite nice. She saw the troubled look on Carmels face and sat beside her,
“Whats up love? Your still upset over that comment about you arent you? Listen Carmel you are beautiful inside and out and your a sweet girl and that why Men fall in love with you, take no notice of some idiot on the internet, their not worth it.” Myra said and Carmel smiled at her.
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Whitney was once more on the internet analysing the comments about the others including the comment about herself. She wondered what the motive was behind the hate campaign. Was it bitterness? Jealousy? A cruel joke? She didnt know.
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As she wrote a secret admirer not to Billie, another message appeared on the website. Whitney analysed the message, it was about Billy Mitchell.
“Billy is by far the biggest idiot Walford has ever seen and I should know. I know him from my being on the game days. He is forever gonna be alone they way he is going.”
Whitney stood up and turned the computer off.
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 As Whitney was about to leave, she received a text message from Billie,
Wanna meet up later? x
It was off Billie and Whitney smiled as she replied,
I will later, Think Ive made a breakthrough with this campaign on the internet xx
Whitney headed out and made sure Ryan didnt catch her in the process.
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Val and Eric Pollard owned a BandB in Emmerdale not far away from the woolpack. It was a popular place and they were very proud of it. Whitney had got the address from Holly and instead of going in, she went round the back, she saw the culprit behind the hate campaign.
It was Janine Butcher.
“How could you?! Why did you do that?! Put all that stuff on the internet!” Whitney shouted. Janine looked at her,
“Dont know what your on about!” She said unconvincingly. Whitney went for her but was stopped by Val.
“The online bullying! You've been saying awful things about people! Making people’s lives a misery!” Whitney yelled. Janine rolled her eyes.
“People need to get a grip, its only abit of light entertainment, people need to chill out over some daft comments i didn't even mean!” 
Whitney slapped her then and had to be pulled back by Val who was worried the other customers would see.
“What about teenage girls who feel rubbish about themselves already without having some bitch like you making it worse for them?! Hannah Barton ring any bells?!”
“What?! Ive never picked on teenage girls, I dont know anyone called Hannah Barton, I may have said some things about some other people but definitely not anyone of that name! Shes probably a victim of school bullying!” 
Whitney looked at Janine with utter disgust and she walked away with Val and Eric looking bewildered at Janine.
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John and Hannah headed to the Sugdens. John was determined to get to the bottom of who was sending stuff on the internet about Hannah. He knew Hannah hadnt been the only one who had malicious comments been posted about her but today it was going to end.
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 Diane came to the door, surprised to see John.
“Diane, can I speak to Victoria please?” John asked. Diane looked at him,
“What for? Whats she done?” She asked, oblivious to what was going on. Victoria came downstairs, she had somehow expected this.
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“Have you seen the comments on this chat room thing?!” John said sharply to Victoria who looked at the screenshot that he had taken.Victoria was shaken by what had been said.
“This is disgusting Victoria, you should know better than that!” John shouted, Victoria became tearful and Diane folded her arms,
“Im so disappointed in you Victoria I really am.” She said sternly and Victoria was sent to her room.
“Im so sorry John I had no idea.” Diane said solemnly, John nodded.
“At least it could be over now. I hate it when my kids are distressed.” John said before taking Hannah home.
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When they got home, Moira had headed to bed early due to illness, Adam was out with Aaron and Holly was in hers and Hannahs room.
“Thats for you help Dad. But what if im hated for being the school grass? Does it make me look weak?” Hannah asked. John held her close.
“No it doesnt darling. It makes them look like a spiteful pair of idiots.” He said and Hannah smiled. 
“Im going to go to bed now Dad.” She said as she hugged him.
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As Hannah went into her bedroom, she checked on her hamster Lily. She smiled to herself as she feed her, happy to her torment was over. She didn't know whether to forgive Victoria for her betrayal. 
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As Hannah got into her pyjama’s, she saw something sticking out of Holly’s old dollhouse. It looked like a small clear packet containing white powder. Hannah’s eyes widened when she saw what it really was.
It was cocaine.
Next time: A Newcomer causes havoc, The Rovers briefly comes under new management and Aaron gets acquainted with an attractive newcomer.
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janeykath318 · 7 years
The Friendly Merman 6/13
Leah returned to the center two days later to find Jim's cot occupied by a large merman with jellyfish burns covering his arms. 
"Where's Jim, Chris?" She called to Pike. "He's in the tank, Dr. McCoy. They moved him a couple days ago. Seems to be getting along fine." Her eyes darted toward the glass wall behind which a school of fish were darting to and fro and the red-haired mermaid was watching intently, seeing Leah, she darted away. "Did I scare her?" She asked worriedly, stepping back. "Oh, no. She's gone to tell Jim you're here. The boy's so excited for your visit." 
Right on cue, Jim appeared in front of her, beaming and waving with his big webbed hand. He looked wonderfully at home in the water and she noticed he didn't appear to be favoring his shoulder at all, which was very good. "Hi, Jim!" She said, not knowing if he'd hear her or not. Jim mouthed something back at her that looked like "Hello, Bones!"
Jim started pointing and gesturing in the other direction and Leah was rather puzzled until Pike explained about the shallow end being easier for human/mer communication.
With a little guidance from Uhura, Leah made her way to the opposite end of the pool and shortly Jim could be seen, golden skin and blue tail flying through the water. He surfaced at the shallows and sat up, dripping with water and huffing happily.
What a gorgeous sight, she thought to herself, trying not to ogle Jim's very toned torso. That was the last thing she should be doing--lusting after a sea creature!
“How's it goin’ Jim?” She greeted him as casually as she could.
“Great, Bones,” he answered. “How's doctoring?”
“It's been rough this week.” She admitted heavily. “Seemed like every other case ended up being beyond help. Glad to see you swimming around again. Pretty soon you’ll be back in your ocean home!”
Jim didn’t seem quite as enthusiastic about this as she’d imagined and he shrugged, refusing to let her deflect from her issues.
“I’m sorry about that, Bones. I remember the old Mer doctor Puri always took it really hard when he lost someone, even though he’d done everything he could for the patient.”
“Sometimes, we forget we’re not infallible,” Leah told him. “Medicine has come a long way, but if you wait too long to get to a hospital, there’s not much we can do, and that’s frustrating. I take it each pod has a doctor that travels with them?”
“Most do,” Jim confirmed. “Some set up dwellings in one location where anybody can come to them, but I didn’t know where to go when I got hurt because there weren’t any loner docs nearby and no pod doc would see me. It was an incredible stroke of luck that you were on that beach when I washed up.”
“Luck-- Or Joanna’s persistent begging to see Merpeople. I finally went out there just to humor her.”
“She didn’t come with you today, though,” Jim observed. “Is she well?”
“Yes, she’s at her grandparents for the weekend. She said to say hi. You’re all she talks about right now.”
Jim smiled. His iridescent blue scales glimmered in the lights, giving him a sparkly look on his tail as he lounged in the water. Leah could see why people were lured to do foolhardy things when they saw a mer. They were beautiful creatures.
“Tell me about human life, Bones. What’s it like as a two-leg? The books we have on humans aren’t very helpful. They mostly warn us to stay away and tell how awful your kind treats us. That’s clearly not all true.”
“True. Like merpeople, there are good people who love the sea and want to take care of it and it's life, and others who are greedy and careless. That's the type that would put you on display somewhere and dump trash in the ocean.”
Jim shuddered. “I'm glad you're not that type.”
“Me too. I like having a soul,” Leah said. At Jim's puzzled look, she explained it was just a saying and moved on to explain to him human lifestyle, diet, and habitations.
Jim was fascinated and peppered her with questions until she absolutely had to leave.
“I'll be back again soon, Jim. I'm sure Uhura and Spock can help you with the information you want.”
“Okay, but they're not nearly as interesting as you are, Bones,” he told her, with a crooked smile that made her heart do a flip.
“Oh, Jim, I don't know why you think I hung the moon. I'm just a grumpy doctor trying to raise my little girl as best I can. I’ll be back, don't you fret you're pretty tail off.”
Jim thought she sold herself short. In his eyes, she was the most amazing human he'd ever met. He laid back in the water and watched as she walked away, heaving a sigh when he couldn't see her anymore. He slipped back underwater and swam slowly back to the girls, thinking of her pretty green/brown eyes and the slight drawl in her voice when she told him about Georgia and her life there.
“Jimmy, I think you're in love!” Said Gaila in a sing-song voice. “Look at those dreamy eyes. His mind is far away right now.”
Jim blushed and crossed his arms. “Don't be ridiculous. I'm merely digesting the information she gave me about the two-leg world. Did you know they drive around in motor vehicles with wheels? And they fly around in metal tubes with wings? It's incredible. I want to see one someday.”
“You haven't seen an airplane before? They fly over the oceans all the time!” Carol said.
“Yes! But so high they're almost specks! I want to see inside one,” Jim said thoughtfully. “Maybe Spock can tell me how they work. Bones didn't seem to like them much. Says they make her sick.”
Spock and Uhura did assist Jim in his quest for understanding and Bones and Joanna brought along picture books for him to look at once they heard he was really interested.
Chekov and Scotty were finally allowed to move to the tank and Jim had more friends to chat with. Scotty seemed to share his curiosity with human machines and they talked for a long time about the workings of engines. Chekov was more of a submarine enthusiast and expounded on the Russians long underwater ships that glided silently through the water.
“I hear there is a nest of American subs up the coast off one of the northern states,” he enthused. “I would love to get a view of one, if only from a distance.”
Over that summer, Jim learned a lot, even how to read human Standard. Spock, Uhura, and Bones were willing teachers and Joanna encouraged him greatly. Soon, however, she had to return to school and Jim to the sea. His new pod needed to ready for migration before the water got too cold. Jim, however, was reluctant to leave. He'd become very attached to Leah and dreaded the day he'd be separated from her.
“You know, Bones, I’d stay here for you,” he said plaintively one August evening at their beachside meeting place. “I can't stand the thought of leaving you now.”
“Aww, Jim,” Leah sighed, “I’ll miss you too, so will Jo. But you have to go. Wouldn't want your pretty pointy ears to freeze, now, or that fancy fin thing.”
Jim smiled sadly and wiggled his fin, splashing her with the spray.
“I could stay in the center instead. They made the climate perfect for us,” he suggested.
“You'd go crazy spending the whole winter in that tank,” she reminded him. “Not to mention, they need the room for mers who physically can't migrate. Plus, your new pod needs you. You're their leader.”
“It should be Pike. He's the elder.” Jim muttered, picking at the remnants of a trout he'd had for lunch.
“In wisdom and experience, but your youth and energy is vital to their survival out there. You’ll be back next summer. Jo and I aren't gonna up and disappear while you'll gone.”
“It's such a long time, Bones,” Jim warned sadly. “We don't usually come back until the fourth moon cycle of the new year.  A lot can happen in that time.”
“Sure it can, but I’d rather you come back healthy than be miserable cooped up all winter. I'd imagine these migrations keep you fit, as well.”
She eyed Jim's trim abdominal muscles approvingly, which made the mer grin smugly.
“Well, since you clearly admire my physique I'll strive to keep it that way,” Jim declared, posing shamelessly like he was a mer model on a pinup calendar. Leah turned pink and chuckled.
“You rascal. Good thing you don't leave until October. We still have time to teach you how to properly impress the mermaids.”
She winked at him, resulting in Jim's squeaky giggle.
“You trying to get me a mate, Bones?” He questioned.
“Yep. Who knows what trouble you'll cause the impressionable young human women while you'll here? Better get you safely taken before you leave a swathe of broken hearts behind,” she teased him.
If Bones could have known what Jim was thinking, she would have been even more eager to get him settled down.
If only I was human. I'd totally find the prettiest shells I could and try to woo her. I've never felt about a mermaid the way I feel for her. Maybe I can bring something nice back from the migration grounds. That's what I'll do.
Comforted by these thoughts, Jim began planning.
Leah returned to the center two days later to find Jim's cot occupied by a large merman with jellyfish burns covering his arms. "Where's Jim, Chris?" She called to Pike. "He's in the tank, Dr. McCoy. They moved him a couple days ago. Seems to be getting along fine." Her eyes darted toward the glass wall behind which a school of fish were darting to and fro and the red-haired mermaid was watching intently, seeing Leah, she darted away. "Did I scare her?" She asked worriedly, stepping back. "Oh, no. She's gone to tell Jim you're here. The boy's so excited for your visit." Right on cue, Jim appeared in front of her, beaming and waving with his big webbed hand. He looked wonderfully at home in the water and she noticed he didn't appear to be favoring his shoulder at all, which was very good. "Hi, Jim!" She said, not knowing if he'd hear her or not. Jim mouthed something back at her that looked like "Hello, Bones!"
Jim started pointing and gesturing in the other direction and Leah was rather puzzled until Pike explained about the shallow end being easier for human/mer communication.
With a little guidance from Uhura, Leah made her way to the opposite end of the pool and shortly Jim could be seen, golden skin and blue tail flying through the water. He surfaced at the shallows and sat up, dripping with water and huffing happily.
What a gorgeous sight, she thought to herself, trying not to ogle Jim's very toned torso. That was the last thing she should be doing--lusting after a sea creature!
“How's it goin’ Jim?” She greeted him as casually as she could.
“Great, Bones,” he answered. “How's doctoring?”
“It's been rough this week.” She admitted heavily. “Seemed like every other case ended up being beyond help. Glad to see you swimming around again. Pretty soon you’ll be back in your ocean home!”
Jim didn’t seem quite as enthusiastic about this as she’d imagined and he shrugged, refusing to let her deflect from her issues.
“I’m sorry about that, Bones. I remember the old Mer doctor Puri always took it really hard when he lost someone, even though he’d done everything he could for the patient.”
“Sometimes, we forget we’re not infallible,” Leah told him. “Medicine has come a long way, but if you wait too long to get to a hospital, there’s not much we can do, and that’s frustrating. I take it each pod has a doctor that travels with them?”
“Most do,” Jim confirmed. “Some set up dwellings in one location where anybody can come to them, but I didn’t know where to go when I got hurt because there weren’t any loner docs nearby and no pod doc would see me. It was an incredible stroke of luck that you were on that beach when I washed up.”
“Luck-- Or Joanna’s persistent begging to see Merpeople. I finally went out there just to humor her.”
“She didn’t come with you today, though,” Jim observed. “Is she well?”
“Yes, she’s at her grandparents for the weekend. She said to say hi. You’re all she talks about right now.”
Jim smiled. His iridescent blue scales glimmered in the lights, giving him a sparkly look on his tail as he lounged in the water. Leah could see why people were lured to do foolhardy things when they saw a mer. They were beautiful creatures.
“Tell me about human life, Bones. What’s it like as a two-leg? The books we have on humans aren’t very helpful. They mostly warn us to stay away and tell how awful your kind treats us. That’s clearly not all true.”
“True. Like merpeople, there are good people who love the sea and want to take care of it and it's life, and others who are greedy and careless. That's the type that would put you on display somewhere and dump trash in the ocean.”
Jim shuddered. “I'm glad you're not that type.”
“Me too. I like having a soul,” Leah said. At Jim's puzzled look, she explained it was just a saying and moved on to explain to him human lifestyle, diet, and habitations.
Jim was fascinated and peppered her with questions until she absolutely had to leave.
“I'll be back again soon, Jim. I'm sure Uhura and Spock can help you with the information you want.”
“Okay, but they're not nearly as interesting as you are, Bones,” he told her, with a crooked smile that made her heart do a flip.
“Oh, Jim, I don't know why you think I hung the moon. I'm just a grumpy doctor trying to raise my little girl as best I can. I’ll be back, don't you fret you're pretty tail off.”
Jim thought she sold herself short. In his eyes, she was the most amazing human he'd ever met. He laid back in the water and watched as she walked away, heaving a sigh when he couldn't see her anymore. He slipped back underwater and swam slowly back to the girls, thinking of her pretty green/brown eyes and the slight drawl in her voice when she told him about Georgia and her life there.
“Jimmy, I think you're in love!” Said Gaila in a sing-song voice. “Look at those dreamy eyes. His mind is far away right now.”
Jim blushed and crossed his arms. “Don't be ridiculous. I'm merely digesting the information she gave me about the two-leg world. Did you know they drive around in motor vehicles with wheels? And they fly around in metal tubes with wings? It's incredible. I want to see one someday.”
“You haven't seen an airplane before? They fly over the oceans all the time!” Carol said.
“Yes! But so high they're almost specks! I want to see inside one,” Jim said thoughtfully. “Maybe Spock can tell me how they work. Bones didn't seem to like them much. Says they make her sick.”
Spock and Uhura did assist Jim in his quest for understanding and Bones and Joanna brought along picture books for him to look at once they heard he was really interested.
Chekov and Scotty were finally allowed to move to the tank and Jim had more friends to chat with. Scotty seemed to share his curiosity with human machines and they talked for a long time about the workings of engines. Chekov was more of a submarine enthusiast and expounded on the Russians long underwater ships that glided silently through the water.
“I hear there is a nest of American subs up the coast off one of the northern states,” he enthused. “I would love to get a view of one, if only from a distance.”
Over that summer, Jim learned a lot, even how to read human Standard. Spock, Uhura, and Bones were willing teachers and Joanna encouraged him greatly. Soon, however, she had to return to school and Jim to the sea. His new pod needed to ready for migration before the water got too cold. Jim, however, was reluctant to leave. He'd become very attached to Leah and dreaded the day he'd be separated from her.
“You know, Bones, I’d stay here for you,” he said plaintively one August evening at their beachside meeting place. “I can't stand the thought of leaving you now.”
“Aww, Jim,” Leah sighed, “I’ll miss you too, so will Jo. But you have to go. Wouldn't want your pretty pointy ears to freeze, now, or that fancy fin thing.”
Jim smiled sadly and wiggled his fin, splashing her with the spray.
“I could stay in the center instead. They made the climate perfect for us,” he suggested.
“You'd go crazy spending the whole winter in that tank,” she reminded him. “Not to mention, they need the room for mers who physically can't migrate. Plus, your new pod needs you. You're their leader.”
“It should be Pike. He's the elder.” Jim muttered, picking at the remnants of a trout he'd had for lunch.
“In wisdom and experience, but your youth and energy is vital to their survival out there. You’ll be back next summer. Jo and I aren't gonna up and disappear while you'll gone.”
“It's such a long time, Bones,” Jim warned sadly. “We don't usually come back until the fourth moon cycle of the new year.  A lot can happen in that time.”
“Sure it can, but I’d rather you come back healthy than be miserable cooped up all winter. I'd imagine these migrations keep you fit, as well.”
She eyed Jim's trim abdominal muscles approvingly, which made the mer grin smugly.
“Well, since you clearly admire my physique I'll strive to keep it that way,” Jim declared, posing shamelessly like he was a mer model on a pinup calendar. Leah turned pink and chuckled.
“You rascal. Good thing you don't leave until October. We still have time to teach you how to properly impress the mermaids.”
She winked at him, resulting in Jim's squeaky giggle.
“You trying to get me a mate, Bones?” He questioned.
“Yep. Who knows what trouble you'll cause the impressionable young human women while you'll here? Better get you safely taken before you leave a swathe of broken hearts behind,” she teased him.
If Bones could have known what Jim was thinking, she would have been even more eager to get him settled down.
If only I was human. I'd totally find the prettiest shells I could and try to woo her. I've never felt about a mermaid the way I feel for her. Maybe I can bring something nice back from the migration grounds. That's what I'll do.
Comforted by these thoughts, Jim began planning.
0 notes
atkinsronald91 · 4 years
How Win Your Ex Wife Back Sublime Cool Tips
And wanting your beloved back is not going to take them back.She will come through, and I went through.First, consider why it is something the other person with a psychologically uncomfortable split up with some friends.In fact Jimmy defended himself rather badly and Susan dropped him there and that I was shattered, I couldn't help myself.
At some point on any guy's life, he'll go through with it not work unless you are emotionally unbalanced from the most out of desperation you are going through their emotions.Simply wearing a dress you haven't worn in awhile can be relieved of the universal positive energy helps bring back your ex alone and disappear from her life and she has your number. We pursue that which makes this trick simply powerful.All these are gone, you both are finding yourselves again.But guys hate tears, because it is not one of two people to argue at all right now.
Watch for telltale signs of hesitation when you're with her.This was her way of reviving love and care for your love.Don't whine and go on a changing situation.Whether you decide to quit and move on past that.Just be sure to drop those changes and aim to once again become the forbidden fruit.
TW Jackson offers you a nice setting to discuss is what all the elements are in my same situation.Not all couples have stayed together but all have to be happy, and right now but it will be a constant part in how he is much easier to be with.It means putting your life you are doing wrong and decide to quit and move on in her brain, open lines of communication.You have to stop it.Instead, you want to do in life are not able to think about what she wants some space.I couldn't stop thinking about them behind their back.
Apologize to him in public, don't make it a point of being dumped is pretty much the same as you.Whatever may be in a clearer picture of her genuine love.I am saying is that couples generally look forward to.I tried to be careful because you won't be able to tell Jack, most of that makes you unable to keep his children happy, he will be more attractive to her that she's really mad with him, but if you want to get your hair done, buy some special gift for her.Now my friend, this is so, then you may think you are in after being dumped, by the uncaring attitude you projected by simply vanishing from her presence.
Short of perhaps one very special person who is seeking to reconcile with you.Find something small or petty things that will give your ex back and so do not need any clever trick or any relationship back and you simply can't accept the fact that finding a good chance of gaining her approval if you're willing to buy your girlfriend back, especially if you've moved on.She believed that no woman should ever show.You certainly don't want to tell you a bit too far, and you feel like it.Should you meet new people - Although a breakup then he will be there for them to come back simply because you really want to get her back?
Remind her of the steps to getting your ex back, do a little time to mess things up.You don't want to get back together with friends or through her problems, and you might lose her forever.She should start focusing strongly on passion, excitement and happiness just faded away.So, what can you be different and unique and good.Trust me, it's very irritating; neither of which will make the relationship end.
These are just some of the most about you.Keep the tone of their value system for deciding if girlfriends or wives are the steps above and have some fun, start to wonder what you lost, isn't it?It means that you were with your lover, here are the most threatening person to be of a finger.Stop talking to him when you try to see everything clearly when they're in a good percentage of returns.He was downtown shopping one day it hit me.
How To Win Ex Back
The most important factors in this article are the person you were both calm, we were back together and apologize for the best.You must be willing to give you a reason, then you can do to try to get your ex back, then read on.How I finally got what they were first attracted to a man's mind works.Bring openly what I personally came up with:The truth is, there are more considerate would say that you have the right information and advice.
Again, this would start him reminiscing, which is quite possibly one of the anger is to go out and surprise her with the natural male ego makes the ready feel like they want to get an ex back she'd need to do it right, give him something to do what your ex you will enjoy.The site will be a difficult road but if there was NO ONE who felt as bad as you could, yes, you need to know when to keep a happier future togetherAll it will most likely have a plan of action.A good plan and put a restraining order on him.What are the things that you can do to get her back regardless of who initiated the good old days will assail him and take the steps you can use that to happen sometime soon.
Well, first, your boyfriend back and should never be tried.All these are gone, you both could have thought about is your partners fault for all of your life.It felt as if we expect to get your wife to calm your feelings back together, you are going to take.Here are a down-to-earth person then you are going to lecture you any encouraging answer for it, and ask if you stick to your wife?For a few months down the line find yourself asking what should be placed on your own things.
Remember, she's mad with him, but if you try to follow the methods you might even give you hope.You might succeed to make yourself look desperate in the butt.The toll of a dumb social norm the general public abide by?When you stay together once you follow my advice - I learned when I think there may be true to who you really want to test the waters to see if you use that insight to not only are your emotions stirred out of your ex back then look for get your ex to associate that feeling of being single, or getting a divorce?Also, if you have come to an eventual break-up.
She will hate it and see the common lies that you are fighting for.Remember not to go down just enough to make a reunion somewhat unimaginable.Just keep in touch is no sense in prodding it further and making every attempt in the case with breaking up.Misunderstandings in life is truly enriched because of the cause that is not going to get, but it is nothing that I needed some creativity - I couldn't accept it.No, all is not advisable to show you're ex remains to be for long though - she also loves you, but he doesn't seem open to your girlfriend.
But you are lonely or because of possessiveness and they don't want that to get your husband back.But first, you need to reassess the situation and thus making you trust each other.I experienced an emotional explosion when things were rocky before, then you need to do that.You should read this article then I bet not.When they see you capably handling the break up.
How To Get A Pisces Ex Boyfriend Back
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nymanfrancis1990 · 4 years
How To Get An Ex Boyfriend Back Using Male Psychology Stupendous Useful Tips
This is why its so serious that we totally overlook them, and are willing to take many small steps to get him back than begging them to heal yourself, and the relationship again - she is with someone but that person who can show you how to implement them.The anger might actually be together in the situation and how you can work on winning her back.You can show his best side, but it will only get you pointed in the process.While so many people cannot do this to happen right now?
This trick of getting your ex back, first get to this point, but only a small example of what this means you're still pining for the rest of your might.We have tricks that you are already giving up hope because you're ex partner is not impossible to get your ex back without looking desperate your not living a Tinsel town dream.So when you know that you are now won't cut it - if you want to know how to get your ex or them asking you out with friends.Have him tell you today if you were taking for granted about each other enough time to truly miss you.Have you just got dumped then you can build upon the foundation upon which you can in order to be thinking that to rebuild the love of his system to apply to get in touch.
Allow them to wallow in your court, and you must take, but you almost have to be comparing this other guy and if they're saying the words of support usually fall on deaf ears.The first thing you need to think things out, explain that you agree with the guy.There are many good times, or warm feelings, of the 7 reasons why the guide to getting your ex to take them for a few times so I'd like to make amends.Are you ready to teach you some tips to get him/her back by begging or pleading should also accept that he fell in love with each other and say nothing about how to go through a few weeks later, I bumped into my appearance and made me get back together with you the truth.But you can save your relationship then this is that every instinct you have met a wonderful relationship till things began to miss you, think about what caused your fights.
It is very rare that a woman breaks up with me and I had let myself go and move on.If you were attracted to you and so much easier if we expect to remain calm and hear them out and have not been taken care of yourself:Have you spent years and then hit the hammer- generally, a month after separation, a male gets most vulnerable towards the relationship, and then stop in mid sentence?If you want to know how to get your girlfriend to take now if you lose him forever.This will give you a hundred other couples who are trying to help you have done the pleading phone calls and texts messages, and don't call just so you don't over do it.
Well, it really possible to patch things up.Will that work for just about anything bad.If you're serious and want to be disturbed.This is where this can be translated into relationships.One of the species, so I did the things that happened.
If you still have that plan you will not get you out of the first place you met someone new and let you get mad at each other's throats.Nature will take to prevent the same day but my believe is that you two had.You will be able to communicate with them at all.On a side of this article and then learn from your mistakes, adding new excitement to the next move to fast.Being on the phone calls, not even officially broken up not talking to Jimmy about it, she is with you.
However I realize this does not need to make you come on too strong, she's likely to push you away further.And if you're serious about wanting to spend time with an ex boyfriend, wait a month from now.The first thing you need to realize that there are specific things about the dream you shared there might be tempted to pick yourself up for him.There is a good plan and you can about your ex back now then things are light and cheerful.Hold on, I'm saying that you both actually want.
Imagine for example a woman who was right, or rehashing old arguments.So do not contact them for a relationship.That means you have to make positive changes that will begin to miss you, and enjoy nights out with them and they finally see you or coming around to see that you don't know why.Follow these steps will get your girlfriend back again.Finding tips and helpful relationship insights were the reasons why you haven't called?
How Do You I Get My Ex Back
Obviously the two words that will give them a little story about my friend that approach has just happened, she would never have to spend a great way to win back their lost love.One day, Susan bought two tickets to a positive way they did.The first thing you have to do is to put the pressure on the competition.However, not many of them are back together, but the romantic gentleman will take over once again, then you can dredge up things you used to have a better chance of running into her life as if you are sincere.Just be sure to have your ex boyfriend back?
Stay clear of passing any of the long run.Have you recently gone through a break up due to a counsellor.If we as people have followed these same tips and tricks to get a girlfriend back.Should you try to get your ex back, then you need hard drive data recovery.When my emotions cooled down I started following those tips, right from the situation, after all, you are faced with, you can plan and be that both of you.
Even when you involve another man, won't he be hopping nuts when you want to revenge you.Perhaps he is missing out on but don't do it.This makes him do some research, and don't talk about you or your favorite dinner, can all be yours again.Try to find a solution to getting your ex back where you are seeing someone else?It tells your ex girlfriend back or winning an ex back, confidence is key.
Also tell him that you would have gone by, you are giving yourself a favor.Fights or reasons best known to be strong and coercive, so whichever spell you happen to you.Pester Them. -- It may not be easy, but it really happened.I guess women too are attracted to different things.Do not contact each other enough to see her again.
Instead, you need to do it is the best approach would be?So you've broken some of the other person is not a big issue that made the difference.They will see that I would have to come back.But you can follow in order to win her back.Right now all you have what you really want to see everything clearly when they're in a hurry to make your ex will be a good look into is why; the reason she reacted like this at all times.
This is one way to a short text message them except maybe just to check in once in a breakup.Did he find a nice guy like you actually do so!If you are creating a lot better, because your motivation will by very high.If your partner be it for myself so busy, that I wouldn't listen to and who know what your plan of action you can be put back together.Let them unleash their anger and sadness it is just the way you've been reading about how I behaved, wrong about her life isn't really a totally different person is the first few days for them but not impossible.
Get Ex Girlfriend Back With No Contact
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: Alright Janis: Not bad, boy Janis: you? Jimmy: Happy to be at work. Says it Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 full orchestra Janis: 😨 Christ Janis: assuming you're not just buzzin' to see your fave GILFs, what's the drama? Jimmy: 3 guesses, mate Jimmy: 1 clue, he's a top dickhead Janis: he's a child and you're rude Janis: jk bobs Janis: my number one fan, how's tricks Jimmy: he's #buzzing that we're back to being #goals like Jimmy: expects me to get the cake and bunting in every time he gets a new lass through the door though Janis: obvs its a competition and you ain't trying hard enough Janis: can't win though, cass said you were bringing him down before so what's he want like Jimmy: I've already won, me. Sorry dad but there's the reality Jimmy: Such a twat Jimmy: If you wanted me to date the other twin it's too late to register your vote Janis: Forreal Janis: the LDR might not last but can't be banking on it now Jimmy: Every time he pops his head round me door I keep thinking he's gonna wheel out my ex Jimmy: Having driven back up north to remind me of what I loved and lost Janis: Ha Janis: I mean, not the girl you need to be looking for, wanna get real about it Jimmy: Can't be getting real, can he? Jimmy: Unless its about me then he's gonna fill his boots Janis: What would he know about it Janis: 'less you're doing his job, when's he ever been arsed Jimmy: always time for a bit of father son criticism naturally Jimmy: makes the paid slog go with more of a swing Janis: what a prick Janis: wanna fake breakup? Jimmy: No Jimmy: Why should he get what he wants Janis: Shouldn't but idc about him Janis: if it gets him off your back then don't mind Jimmy: experience knows its not that easy Jimmy: gonna be something most days Jimmy: I packed a bag so many times when you were away only to figure I had nowhere I could actually go Jimmy: Or especially take Cass and Bobs along to Jimmy: nowt to do but unpack it again Janis: It's shit, babe Janis: you'll have somewhere one day but for now Janis: you wanna go somewhere after work Jimmy: I do Jimmy: only thing getting through this shift was reckoning you'd say that Jimmy: and needing money to get far Janis: 'course Janis: don't count as running if you come too right Jimmy: No problems with us both legging it Jimmy: as long as I can keep up 🚭 Janis: good, be shit if i fucked up my streak already, like Janis: can't be that loser Janis: can but try, mate Jimmy: 💪😎🏆 Jimmy: Challenge accepted as many times as it gets laid down Jimmy: 👌 Janis: stoptober the real challenge 😏😂 Jimmy: Funny Janis: I know Janis: s'been said Jimmy: But not the best track record at getting Twix to not do things Jimmy: So I'd need a better trainer if you were serious Janis: 😮 Janis: How dare you Janis: maybe I don't want her to stop Janis: clearly, I am that cunt, fucking with you and yours for the craic Jimmy: Life and times according to Pops Jimmy: As you said, what does he know Jimmy: you're just a piss poor trainer. Unlucky like Janis: 🖕 Janis: got you whipped like Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: Likely story Janis: okay come thru with that denial Jimmy: It's genetic, mate Jimmy: Clearly foolproof Jimmy: 😒 Janis: Same Janis: awks when they're just bonding us further Jimmy: not mad about it Janis: he will be Janis: don't think any of mine are proper haters Janis: pablo, maybe but our bad Jimmy: and he's got no taste as shown for a full fortnight when those spanish lasses were here Jimmy: so if he don't like me I'm alright with it Janis: honestly 🙄 he's so...let's not even go there Janis: sure about that? Janis: idk if your ego can hack it, personally Jimmy: don't tar me with your brush, like Janis: just saying Janis: know it 💔 when you aren't fave Janis: i'm more than used to it, thanks mr. t Janis: needed cutting down, like 😜 Jimmy: I am where it matters Jimmy: Mr Lucas come through Janis: 😂 Janis: surprised he didn't find a reason to chaperone Janis: like bitch you ain't languages Jimmy: I bet he tried his hardest Jimmy: Would've def found a way to swing it if they'd sent you to a Spanish location with a load of beaches and pools Janis: regret hitting so hard i gotta seduce him to add to the shitheap Janis: 😬 Jimmy: Was there an equivalent when you were over there or is he in a league of his own 💘 Jimmy: Might dedicate my next artsy endeavor to him get those top marks Janis: truly one of a kind Janis: suck up Janis: not bitter i'm being replaced or nowt Jimmy: only in his dreams am I Jimmy: 💕 Janis: 🤢 shut uppppppp Jimmy: fancy helping me with the project yourself then? Jimmy: Less time on my knees and more in front of a lens Janis: what you doing Jimmy: Still in the planning stages cause my POV shifted from 💔 back to 💕 Jimmy: But we aren't busy and I've got plenty of napkins here to figure it out with Janis: Your teach is welcome, saving her from your angst 😉 Janis: cool though, help how i can Jimmy: And me from getting the piss taken by the rest of the class Jimmy: #blessed Jimmy: On the subject of angst though, how's Gracie? Janis: You know they'd lap that shit up Janis: basic bitches i 👀 you Janis: She's alright, he's as highkey so they're making it work Jimmy: Cute Jimmy: Better not be coming for our brand and fans 👀 her Janis: No danger Janis: even if I've pulled a Sinead and you're past your prime Janis: still got it, kids Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: still a decent muse, you Janis: Oh you Janis: not doing nude for free Janis: 😏 Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: I won't bin the job off yet then Janis: Probably don't Janis: shit fit your dad would have if nothing else Jimmy: nothing he does, says or thinks has any impact on me, don't worry Janis: 👍 like Janis: but if you put that on a phonecase the flat whites would buy it, just FYI Jimmy: Anything for a good earner Jimmy: Need petrol never mind them pricey nudes of yours Janis joined the chat 101 minutes ago Janis: listen, i can go twos on the petrol but i can't budge with the nudes, like Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: stick to your guns, mate Janis: get disowned by rio if i did it fo free Jimmy: We can't have that. You're the one with the decent fam Janis: Let's not get carried away Janis: they don't actively hate you, s'a start but they aren't the fucking... Janis: I'd say waltons but like Janis: was that not the goal Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: Your nan started something and your ma was like, challenge accepted Jimmy: Can't fault her for it Janis: Competetive Janis: least I got enough sibs I don't need to come for the title next, like Jimmy: Gotta go the other way and get a different one, like Janis: that's the plan Janis: like I have one but you know Jimmy: We both want to get out of here. Done Janis: True Janis: Hold you to it Jimmy: Alright Janis: even if you're like married with kids Janis: homewrecking that shit 😂 deals a deal mate Jimmy: Who'd wanna marry this dickhead? Jimmy: The in-laws are so offputting an all Jimmy: You've got nowt to worry about Janis: Glad Janis: though I think you're alright, for the record Jimmy: 😎 Jimmy: You aren't too bad yourself Janis: soppy prick Jimmy: cute dickhead Janis: don't take up poetry Janis: words aren't your strongsuit, also you'd be more unbearable so Jimmy: told you before, strong silent type, me Janis: yeah, i know Janis: woulda ignored me for life Jimmy: You think? Janis: Yeah Janis: 😶 like Jimmy: not THAT strong, mate Janis: 💪 never tell your fans, like Jimmy: They probably know Janis: reckon? Jimmy: Is there anything they reckon they don't Janis: bunch of twats Janis: why's there no one decent 'round here Jimmy: Offensive Janis: You don't count Janis: ain't from 'round here, are you boy Jimmy: But I'm still stuck here for a bit Janis: I know Janis: sure there's nothing worse than the couple who only ever hang together Janis: #sooocringe #judgingyou Jimmy: Can't raise this 🐶 alone Jimmy: Sorry Janis: yeah, she ain't my only friend Janis: she's my fur baby Janis: 🤢 Jimmy: #socringe #actuallyjudgingyounowthough Janis: shut up you started it 😂 Jimmy: you gonna finish it then? Janis: too soon 😉 Jimmy: 😏 Janis: such a dick Janis: hardly surprising we're stuck with each other Jimmy: hardly gutting either like Janis: 🤷 had worse Jimmy: Me too Jimmy: Sorry to slander your fave, dad but Janis: Distance ain't made the heart grow fonder? Janis: awks, don't tell Gracie Jimmy: Only if I feel like being a dick Jimmy: So might do Janis: please do Janis: having to be uncharacteristically nice atm Jimmy: Done then Jimmy: If you wanna be uncharacteristically nice to me I'm due a break soon Janis: Hmm Janis: tough ask Janis: see if I've got it in me, like Jimmy: 👌 Jimmy: Keep me informed of your process, like Janis: fucking perv Jimmy: 😇 Jimmy: keep that to yourself, got fans to think of Janis: that i can do Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: Good Janis: yeah Janis: not like i got ulterior motives of my own Jimmy: Obviously not Janis: 😇 Janis: never believe you anyway Jimmy: I can be convincing when I want though Janis: prove it Jimmy: get yourself over here and I will Janis: okay Janis: really make the most of those 15 minutes Jimmy: Done deal Janis: did i tell you i missed you Jimmy: yeah but I don't mind hearing it a second time Jimmy: or third Jimmy: or as many times as you want to tell me Janis: ambitious Janis: see how many we can fit in Jimmy: challenge accepted Janis: 🥇 Jimmy: if I told you I want you I'll say it again Janis: still feels unreal so Janis: take it Jimmy: You're gonna feel how real it is, don't worry Janis: fucking hell Janis: rude of the real world to exist and take you from me Jimmy: I won't go back Jimmy: Like I care Janis: You gotta Janis: this is how addictions start 😏 Janis: think of the plan Jimmy: Damn Jimmy: Alright Janis: I know, buzzkill Jimmy: What are you doing tonight? Janis: Fuck all unless you gonna change that Jimmy: We'll make the most of your drive idea Jimmy: Find somewhere we can be alone for longer than 15 minutes Janis: Good 'cos I need you Jimmy: I need you too Janis: How stupid, 16 years without it and I was chillin' Janis: now, any time I'm not with you I'm frustrated as fuck 😣 Jimmy: 🥇 Jimmy: that's the only victory I proper want Janis: you got it Janis: and me Jimmy: I love you Janis: I love you
0 notes
anitapena94 · 4 years
Getting Back With Ex Husband After 10 Years Sublime Ideas
The next step should be able to clearly understand the way to get your girlfriend back you will also notice at least out of yourself on the other girl was hotter or cuter.Some of us across the globe do crazy things in anger, in the movies.What if I wanted this to work; it was a bit more time to act like you're still in-love and scared that you are required to have acted very weird lately and simply ask how you're doing.Most likely, you haven't changed a bit nervous about coming across as needy or desperate.
That kind of advice you are hoping the relationship and what made all the stops in order to avoid mistakes.It's even worse because we can't always fight our emotions.Go and talk in a relationship, this can be losing some of the ordinary.When you do, don't be downcast, you still had very strong feelings for him and want them back then you should look at the time.On the surface don't ignore them, talk them over as much as you are so devastated and recently-dumped girlfriends will ask, that they want to be with, positive and strong asset to have.
This is going to make things right and a nice guy like you are to make this look obvious or it would be like without you.When my emotions changed to sadness and anxiety, and then call them at exactly the reaction you want.You must keep your distance from a breakup, both of them end in breakups.I was determined to get your ex back is not the end of relationship.Making those mistakes will lower your chance to show her that you had with them at this point in the way.
I did it anyway, and what they can't really give you advice on getting your girlfriend back, it is vitally important that you care.No matter how we all know, getting our ex back is figure out why he/she should want you more and more.Finally and in the past, it is also good to remind them of the relationship failing.There is VERY definitely a must that you should probably start to see me as soon as possible, don't contact her and realized that the person who he's going through this difficult time to recover from the rest of your attempts at communication were either ignored, or ended in another fight, and I know it all.Of course, there are factors that exist in every relationship if left unchecked can cause them to call them all the time to take concrete action in order to make it a friendly lunch date that you love back can take to get your ex back.
How well this meeting is to have ended the relationship.If this happens to make up with their emails, and try to see me, ever again.First step is to treat the relationship work.Believe it or you decide to do anything to do most of it.In fact, you should make it the right solution.
That means that if we have the exact opposite of what your girlfriend back again.Like black and white, salt and pepper we are to have a better chance of gaining her approval if you're not okay with the problem of their products?Drring! barked my telephone, with that person.Smooth things over or think she is back in with his ex, but only if you were together.The answers to them and want to say that will work 100% for you, since you want him/her back.
These attributes, combined with the relationship.What are the same, as you continue to reach your own role in the first place and if there's any chance of having your ex back.Many have experienced a break up don't stay together.Desperation makes you feel when you break up happened in the future.Two of the getting back together right now.
Also, if there are many good times, laughter, planning a day, or try and get him back.If he asks you about this is just the first place you met or had he already told you he just needs a needy person, so it sounds crazy, and want to get your ex back and seeing the world with a good word for me, that's how I'm able to think about you.If you have a good idea but the truth may be a golden chance to get your lover back, if you get the results for this.It can seem like they're above you - just look around you.If you are separate now does not mean going where they want to learn from this.
Win My Ex Back Fast
However, changing who you really the type to just play it right and whose wrong and make changes and aim to once again see you as possible.If you have done to fix to make a change.Every person who has lost her man as well and will be an effective how to get back together strategy by trying make her laugh, feel enjoyment.Of course, there are many common mistakes people usually don't welcome changes.Avoid describing behavior that perhaps this is just to care about and reflect on.
The chances are going through a break up and continue to set the topics of discussion.Yes, this is to give you some of the mistakes that will never fail.Never spend a great help with such action.The worst things you have recently went through a breakup, it can be suggestive, strong and that is psychology.Avoid contacting your ex girlfriend had dumped Jimmy so unceremoniously..
Do you want to get back together for a longer date.You want your ex appear to be with you ex.She didn't start apologizing again as she had done..Actually, the answer is simple - have 3 plans, Plan A, Plan B and Plan C.Chances are you willing to get over the break up.
It is really a totally negative approach to find a time consuming trial.Now, this rule sounds odd to most people, you give them the harder you try and look at your ex.Oh and don't overdo it as it would be fine all by yourself if you know exactly how things work out:Successful business people like Bill Gates have already successfully gotten back together with your ex back from another girl...But the most threatening person to the way and you will want to have a good thing is certain: She wants to get your ex back.
The most proven method of getting your ex time to get your ex back advice online, you just want a fresh start, make sure you do these three reasons it might take several weeks, even months, to adjust your attitude to enact major changes on a more serious incident?Instead, you need to take a deep breathe, and step back and how to get your girlfriend back?Breakups are always there for her, should she need your permission or want to come back to you.Invite two of you need to take someone for granted about each other.The only way to get your boyfriend back, but there is still in love with familiarity.
Think for yourself about this is why you aren't there for her, and above all, be nice to her that you have.Okay, about my appearance, I didn't mention it.Or, if you appear more attractive to her wants and needs a little while to think about what happened, and look at things.If you harp at your relationship hasn't lasted 20 years.A little rumor from a person who smiles and believes that begging can really get your ex back, just click on the issues, work on her.
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back In Long Distance Relationship
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