promessas-de-deus · 6 months
Orar é admitir abertamente que, sem Cristo nada podemos fazer.
- John Piper
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trabandovidas · 10 months
Is there a Latam flag? why is there no latam flag, we need a latam flag someone go make a latam flag please i beg you why don't we have one already!!!!
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cupcek · 5 days
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🍯✴︎ 🍎. ⁺ ˳ Call me midnight ︶ྀི ꊞ₊ . ྀ
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elbiotipo · 16 days
Man, things in Argentina are going bad. Brazil should liberate you from Millei with their second largest military in the americas
We should get Uruguay and also the provinces of Entre Ríos and Corrientes too and do the Batalla de Caseros 2 but good this time
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paper-gold-theories · 4 months
I have a theory that the polar opposite of black hat is magician (or who I'm assuming is magician) from podimous bailar. If you compare magician's design with black hat's there seems to be a lot of similarities. Like their build and height seems to be the same. Then their clothes seem to be different with magician having his coat collar down instead of up and having his coat closed instead of open like black hat's.
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Hmm...they kinda look similar, Alan mentioned in a Q and A that we won't see the character opposite of Black Hat "in the first season" that will provide him a challenge.
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It could go either way as I am not sure if the orientation videos (or comics refer to when General Falchion appears in thebcomics below) are considered Season 1 or the photos of Copper and Magician without their faces showing are considered them appearing in the show.
And we might see either Copper and Magician in the future episodes...
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However, Alan also mentioned that Black Hat is the embodiment of evil, so there’s an embodiment of goodness to balance him like yin and yang and we’ll hopefully get to see him someday.
The Podemos Bailar, is known for forcing members to join their group so considering that, Magician or Cooper might not be the embodiment of good.
The important P.E.A.C.E. leader that appeared at the end of The Shrunken Rescue (which I theorized to be General Falchion) might also not be the embodiment of good as P.E.A.C.E. is known to do shady things (that could possibly cause wars), have heroes which have not such a good personality like Miss Heed, as well as covering their tracks to ensure they still look like the hero in people's eyes, such as using memory erasers on nurses working in their rehab, hiding Miss Heed's actions and the reason for her arrest, betraying their allies to save their reputation and reinstating her as a hero again because she was able to buy it back because of her father's money and connections.
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However Alan also mentioned that nothing’s black and white (except BH and 505), villains aren’t all that bad (like Penumbra) and that they’re all grey, as well as the heroes.
So the embodiment of good and opposite of Black Hat may not be an entirely good person.
Lawful Evil vs Lawful Good
Black Hat is a perfectionist, signs contract and has multiple rules that teaches Villains how to be good Villains.
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Hence, we can categorise him as being lawful evil which means anyone that follows a strict code, hierarchy, or system for personal gain at any cost.
So I theorized that Black Hat's opposite is a lawful good which means anyone that promotes the greater good, while following established procedures or rules. (What defines as greater good in P.E.A.CE. or the Podemos Bailar might be a stretch)
And as mentioned above, villains and heroes are morally grey, because of this Black Hat is also is willing to make deals with people who aren't actually villains, because there is no true evil or good.
For example, in Episode 3 Black Hat made a deal with Adelita who was considered a villain by P.E.A.C.E. because of her suspicious behaviour due to the dissatisfaction of the new P.E.A.C.E. administration, to fight Pedro who is still actually a hero but is mind controlled to do villainous things, hence is considered one by P.E.A.C.E. despite still doing heroic deeds before being mind controlled.
Hence, I conclude because of this points that in addition to being lawful good, since there is no true evil or good, the opposite of Black Hat is also not 100% completely good and might also be helping morally grey people as well.
Thinking about it perhaps Cooper/Magician or Falchion possibly might fit the "opposite of Black Hat character" as they do work with morally grey people things for their definition "greater good" and they want to defeat the embodiment of evil.
But it feels like it's not likely as I still feel like they've done too many grey things to be considered the "embodiment of good".
Hence most likely there might be a third character not yet introduced that will provide Black Hat with a worthy challenge. 👀
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Querer dar a los demás lo que nunca recibimos es un acto de generosidad y empatía. A menudo, las experiencias difíciles que hemos enfrentado en nuestra propia vida pueden inspirarnos a ser una fuente de apoyo y consuelo para los demás. Queremos ofrecer comprensión, amor y cuidado a aquellos que lo necesitan, incluso si nunca lo recibimos de la misma manera.
Puede ser una experiencia poderosa y significativa brindar a los demás lo que nos faltó. A través de nuestras acciones, podemos traer luz a la oscuridad, esperanza a la desesperación y consuelo a la soledad. Ya sea ofreciendo un oído comprensivo, un hombro en el que apoyarse o un gesto de amabilidad, podemos marcar una diferencia en la vida de alguien, incluso si es pequeña.
Al dar a los demás lo que nunca pudimos recibir, también podemos sanar nuestras propias heridas. Encontramos consuelo y propósito al convertir nuestras experiencias pasadas en algo positivo y significativo. Nos convertimos en agentes de cambio, transformando el dolor en compasión y la pérdida en amor.
Recordemos que, aunque no podemos cambiar nuestro pasado, sí podemos influir en el presente y el futuro. Cada acto de bondad y generosidad que ofrecemos al mundo puede tener un impacto duradero y significativo. En nuestras manos está la capacidad de construir un mundo más compasivo y amoroso para todos.
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Have you ever put butter on a pop tart?
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baul-de-frases · 1 year
Se que ya no podemos pero me encantaría volver a quedarme dormida en tus brazos
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willeminas · 4 months
────    ❝ . . . this is a 𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒏 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒊𝒏 mesa de vinho     .      ⸍
Com um sorriso animado, Will não tardou em se aproximar da Mesa de Vinho assim que adentrou na festa clandestina organizada pelos novos Conselheiros; uma taça de vinho estava entre suas mãos, já meio vazia, indicando que ela já estava mergulhada nos prazeres da bebida. O ambiente agitado e descontraído do local a envolvia, criando uma bolha de euforia ao seu redor. "É simplesmente incrível como conseguiram fazer tudo isso sem o conhecimento de Quiron!" Ela disse, um pouco alto demais, para a pessoa que se aproximou da Mesa, enchendo um pouco mais sua taça. "Mas, shhhhh..." Colocou os dedos nos lábios alheios, os efeitos do álcool claramente já surtindo efeito em seu corpo. "Não conta pro papai que eu 'tô bebendo." Disse-lhe, esquecendo-se totalmente do silêncio dos deuses, preocupada com o que o progenitor acharia caso a visse naquele estado. "Mas e você? Só vai ficar olhando ou vai beber comigo? A gente pode fazer uma competição!" Falou como se tivesse tido a ideia mais brilhante do mundo. "Aquelas brincadeiras, sabe..." Parecia perdida dentre as próprias palavras e pensamentos. "Eu pergunto uma coisa, se você não responder, toma um shot de vinho, que tal? Ou tá com medinho?"
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elkoko · 21 days
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Jueces, políticos, periodistas y fuerzas del estado han ejercido un acoso terrible contra Pablo Iglesias, Irene Montero, Mónica Oltra, Monedero, Alberto Rodríguez... Ahora se atreven con Begoña Gómez mujer de Pedro Sánchez, no van a parar hasta derrocar al gobierno. #NoTodoVale
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viejospellejos · 2 months
Pablo Iglesias secando cubiertos a un día de la inauguración de su taberna:
Os leo ->
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elbiotipo · 1 year
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Hermano este día ha sido muy divertido! ver a todos en la comunidad usar símbolos y formas de juntar letras que nunca había visto antes ha sido lo que me ha hecho más feliz este año (nada le gana al beso de pissa pero está cerca)
Quien sabe, tal vez empiece a poner más cosas creadas por mí, he estado cocinando algunas ideas :)
Y pa no poder retractarme empezaré con esto:
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Un pequeño AU en el que he estado trabajando de vez en cuando, seguro la mayoría reconocerán el mapa :)
¡Buenas tardes desde España a todos!
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latinotiktok · 10 months
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Hemos llegado hasta aquí.
Si algo he aprendido de la vida, es que a veces, los tiempos más oscuros nos pueden llevar a los lugares más brillantes.
He aprendido que las personas más tóxicas pueden enseñarnos las lecciones más importantes; que nuestras luchas más dolorosas pueden otorgarnos el crecimiento más necesario; y que las más desgarradoras pérdidas de amistad y amor pueden hacer espacio para las personas más maravillosas.
He aprendido que lo que parece una maldición en el momento en realidad puede ser una bendición, y que lo que parece el final del camino es en realidad sólo el descubrimiento de que estamos destinados a recorrer un camino diferente.
He aprendido que no importa lo difíciles que parezcan las cosas, siempre hay esperanza. Y he aprendido que no importa lo impotentes que nos sintamos o lo horribles que parezcan las cosas, no podemos rendirnos.
Tenemos que seguir adelante. Incluso cuando da miedo, incluso cuando toda nuestra fuerza parece haber desaparecido, tenemos que seguir levantándonos y avanzando, porque sea lo que sea que estemos luchando en el momento, pasará, y lo superaremos. Hemos llegado hasta aquí. Podemos superar lo que venga después.
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leregirenga · 6 months
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"Bruce Willis nos enseño que también podemos morir en vida cuando mueren los recuerdos.
No necesitas dejar de existir para que tu ser se apague, no pierdas tiempo en discusiones ni peleas, acumula la mayor cantidad de momentos bellos, Vive, ama, perdona, rie, abraza y si puedes di TE AMO♥️ tantas veces sea necesario..."
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