#“if you think this has a happy ending you haven’t been paying attention” 😈
thesandsofelsweyr · 10 months
AK Jay lying prone on the bloodstained floor of his makeshift cell beneath Arkham, his abused shoulders screaming with pain, unable to move his arms after they were forced out of their sockets from dangling by his weak wrists for hours. He can barely move his legs, but chooses not to since even the smallest of movements sends agony flooding through his battered body from his broken right ankle and dislocated left kneecap. All he can do is weep into the floorboards while he prays (futilely) that he’ll pass out sometime soon.
Out of the corner of his blackened eye he catches the hint of movement. His weeping dissolves into sniffles as a tiny mouse creeps up to him. He has seen this mouse before, but it had always skittered away from him, even when he had offered it a few crumbs of moldy bread that he had hidden for it beneath one of the photos of Batman and Robin that littered the floor.
His entire being is still overwhelmed with immense pain, but he takes a tiny bit of comfort in the appearance of his now emboldened friend.
Days turn to weeks turn to months of nonstop suffering, but his only friend in the world continues to visit him. It's the only thing he has to look forward to in this hell.
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sasarasfan · 2 years
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has it been 2 months since the anniversary? yes. do i care? no.
I want to answer some questions <3
1. Sometime around the fourth anniversary? Maybe July/august of last year. I got into hypmic because of a post that said “Happy Birthday Ichiro!!” And I liked the art style so I watched the anime :3c
2. The art style of the anime!! Idk I really like the eyes of the characters lmao
3. Hmm it was the first music based media I got into, the others being Milgram and a bit of enstars. I love it a lot <3
4. I thought BB was kinda boring,,,, I didn’t really like MTC at first ngl,,,, I thought Ramuda was annoying and I didn’t like his voice, and then he grew on me, but I liked Matenrou from the get go and I wanted them to win the first DRB. Doppo stuck out to me a lot. His screaming somehow reached my heart and I love him lots. Of course I can’t forget Sasara <3 he was so scrunkly I didn’t want to listen to the other divisions at first, but after ah Osaka dreamin night I was a changed man
5. I think Doppo was my first favourite?
6. Definitely Ramuda. I really didn’t like his voice, but he grew on me. Also the entirety of DotsuHom? Yeahhhhhh
7. Matenrou!! Was a Matenrou stan from the first episode I saw them
8. Sasara is my favourite character now <3 but Doppo and Gentarou are a close second
9. Whatever was first in the anima, but other than that I think maybe don’t stop the party or black or white? Matenrou song I think
10. Don’t Stop the Party but Comedian Rhapsody is slowly catching up
11. I love Ah Osaka Dreamin’ Night. I want to kiss it so bad
12. I haven’t listened to the stage songs enough to have a favourite :[
13. Bonus??? Like??? Duet???? If so, Nausa de Zuiqu
14. I like Hoodstar+ and SUMMIT OF DIVISIONS
15. G Anthem of Y City I don’t get why people don’t like it as much as Gangstas Paradise I think it’s better than Gangstas Paradise. Also JACKPOT! But that’s just because I love Jackpot (and I haven’t seen anyone really like anima songs :[)
16. Yes. Dotsuitare Hompo my beloved. Sasara Nurude my beloved. DotsuHom can make no bad songs. I love all of their group songs so much
17. Doppo probably he can spit some fire verses 😈🔥🔥 or Dice, Dice is good too
18. I haven’t payed enough attention to the composers sorry ahah
19. Once again, I don’t pay attention
20. Ah Osaka Dreamin’ Night or Hella Awesome Banquet, those two are very, very good
21. I do! I recently passed DJ level 100! Cant get my friend code rn but I would if I could
22. Hmmm I kind of want to see more Sasara and Gentarou I think it’d be funny
23. Yeah!! Hifudo and Sasaro mainly <33 love my skrunkles <33 I also think Doppo x Samatoki is cool, I liked their interactions in the shuffle drama track
24. me and sasara /j
25. Rosho and I would get along well I think. Same with like Hifumi and Doppo maybe? Jyushi as well. Actually, maybe Jakurai too
26. I don’t think I really kin any of the characters. Maybe Rosho? I try to do things as best as I can, but end up giving up if I feel like I’m dragging people down? Kinda???
27. I DONT [cries] I really want a Sasara mochi plush, or any Sasara merch, or any doppo merch :(((((((
28. Not really weird, but I think if there were mics that looked like their mics i would buy it immediately
29. Uhhhhhhhhhh I don’t really know??? Nor care that much??? As long as they look cool I’m fine with anything
30. Hifumi and Doppo, especially with all their history. The same with Rosho and Sasara kinda. Rei and Ramuda maybe? OH! Dice and his mom im kinda interested
31. look. i think. rio should get. much more love. I am so weak to that man. He could give me a little :( and id crumble at his feet weeping and sobbing going “sir, sir, I’d do anything for you :,(“
32. Sasara is so scrunkly. His character goes a lot deeper than just “haha comedian” and im excited to see more of his true character unravel slowly. I also like his character design and his songs slap so hard. I like Doppo a lot because I kind of relate to him? His raps are so cool and I like his personality. I wish I could give him a big hug :[
33. I saw somewhere that Rosho can’t sleep without hugging something and urgghrhdhh that head cannon has me in a chokehold
34. Uh. Yeah, they’re cool ig. Don’t really know much about them other than surface level stuff, but yeah
35. I like Matenrou because their dynamic is so soft. Like you could walk into a room with them in it and they’d just be having tea and chatting over little things with small smiles on their faces and HRGRGRRB that image just makes me love them a lot. I like DotsuHom cause the combination of Sasara telling his stupid jokes with Rosho chastising him for it while Rei is just sitting there slightly amused makes me laugh so hard.
36. Matenrou just have gatherings in like a garden or a greenhouse when their schedules allow them to hehe <3
37. I don’t have a preference? I know I’m going to love them either way so….
38. I follow Rios VA on Instagram, but I’m pretty disconnected to the VAs otherwise
39. I have not, mostly cause I don’t know Japanese. I would if I could, and I really do want to
40. I have a 10k sasaro fanfic in the editing process rn <33
41. I like the manga!! I think ARB is cool, but I can’t read Japanese, and I haven’t seen the stage, but I do like it. I think manga is the most bite sized? Kinda way to consume hypmic lore, so that’s why I prefer it. I also do like the drama tracks though. Just hearing them makes me smile wide
42. Sasaros break up + getting back together. Additionally, when Rosho cried because he was so passionate about supporting younger kids. I teared up ngl
43. I have not made theories, I just like, consume a bunch and let them brew in my head
44. Hmmm I haven’t payed much attention to what’s happened in the manga rn so I don’t have much to say about this
45. I made a 57 slide presentation about hypmic and successfully converted two people into hypmicism like two days ago. I also got another friend around November last year into hypmic! I love my friends dearly and I made the 57 slide presentation just for them which I think I took like 5+ hours on.
46. DOSTUHOM UEUEUEUEUEUEUEUE wish Sasara and Rosho make it to the top together!! Rei too ig. Maybe. I think it would be really funny if Matenrou somehow won again, but I think Dotsuitare Hompo is most likely going to win next DRB, or MTC
47. I hope it doesn’t urrrgh. Maybe with all the character lore explored, and wrapped up. I really don’t want an open end to any of the characters stories
48. A lot. I was able to make a lot of friends through it. I found something that I really, really liked, and I got to share it with my friends. I love hypmic so, so much, and I hold it very close to my heart.
49. The characters are all so unique, and the songs are so good! There’s at least one song you’ll like, out of the 100+ songs. It’s so fun getting to cheer on your favourite teams :] there’s so many talented people in the fandom as well
50. Hello future me! I don’t know when I’ll read this again, but I hope things have been good!! I got River and Chair into hypmic 😈🔥🔥!! I really like Sasara Nurude (hopefully you still do 🙄🙄) go listen to Comedian Rhapsody again. I know you want to. Please tell me we get more banger Dotsuitare Hompo songs. They can make no bad songs, but still. God I love hypmic so much. Everything about it is so great. I love every character, their flaws and their strengths. I love the stories that we’re given. I love the songs which I could dance my heart out to. The fandom is so great as well. I wish it would never end haha
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midnightsilver · 6 years
Vengeance is Mine
So here is my submission for @waywardbaby and @ain-t-bovvered ‘s wonderful 7 Deadly Sins Challenge celebrating thier 666 folowers. 😈
My prompt is: you are fury, you are wrath, you are vengeance. 
and my Sin is Wrath
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A/N - This is whatever the non-romantic equivalent of a Slow Burn is. All angst and description to be wallowed in and savoured. So um…… enjoy??
Warnings: angst, more angst, some gore, character death, blasphomy i guess, not a happy story, no HEA but kinda hopeful ending. unbeta’d appologies for all mistakes.
AU SET POST SEASON 13- so spoilers for the season 13 Finale big reveal if you haven’t seen it yet.
Cat Gen.     3200 words
kind of reader insert. you are Cas, so think like an incomprible imortal being. ok?
@oldfreakything I am so so so for what I am about to do. Please forgive me.
It’s strange. There are things you know, things you do, things you have always done, since the very beginning of time itself. But in these last few years, in the tiny, infinitesimally small amount of time since you cast off everything you had ever held true - everything you had ever believed - and Fell, to stand alongside these two impossibly brilliant, impossibly confusing mortals - you have become used to experiencing strange things. New and different things. Things that you had never known were lacking before these two brought light and life into a cold dark universe. And your vessel, your body, has become familiar to you. Your brief time as a mortal had allowed you to experience its need for irritating mechanical functions like sustenance, urination and sleep. But you had been thankful to be relieved of such… human… requirements on a daily basis. Yet this body’s motions and general responses have become a background hum, a noise like the constant murmur of angel radio, like a wind through the trees, familiar and normal, but only there when you think on it.
Except now, now all you can feel is this weight constricting your chest. Like an archdemon has you pinned to a wall and without the flow of oxygen you will perish. But the oxygen that you have no requirement for, still refuses to enter your body. There is a mass in your stomach as if Famine has filled you past the point of endurance with ranced curdled red meat, yet still you cannot fill the empty terrifying void within yourself. Hands which are supposed to be tools, fleshy appendages subjugated without conscious thought to an angel’s every whim - hang lifeless and unresponsive at your sides, a fine tremor the only motion with which they will respond.
There is a pounding in the air. Another of those noises which only come into focus when you pay attention. But it is not the calm solid beat that has previously accompanied a battle with a fiend of hell or the interrogation of a witness. It is a frantic ragged beat, that stutters and falters. A mechanical valve, stuck or broken, that is failing in its objective to bring life to its container. But it is not your own heart that you are listening to. The sound of your heart is too pitiful to be heard over the faltering of this once unshakable force.
Red. The red is bright against the black. Bright like the tomato sauce that Dean likes to pour over his french fries. It holds the gaze, the stark contrast of the reddest red on the blackest black, impossible to ignore. It could be beautiful when taken in abstract, a colour to compare to roses or sunsets, framed against black like the deepest voids of space. But there is no beauty here. Nothing that can invoke joy or wonder.
Even the bright flash of green, which normally holds every facet of verdient life on earth - holds no beauty this day. That green that shades a brilliance greater than any other you have ever known, is now glazed in a crystal shine that should rival the stars. Yet there is no life in the green, no glory, no wonder of creation. There should be no way for green to be empty, it is the colour of life and struggle and determination, but in this moment the green is a void. The pittless depths of isolation from which there can be no return.
The world is comprised of molecules. When your father made the universe he allowed stars to form and grow and explode, spreading their essence out across the vast reaches of space. From this essence new stars and new worlds grew. All things within this mortal plane are made of these molecules in one combination or another. The human fascination with mixing these molecules in various combinations and loudly extolling or bemoaning their virtues on the pallet, has always seemed inconsequential to you. Yet now the thick cloud of substance crawling across your tongue and seeping its insidious way down the back of your throat is undeniable. It should just be molecules. Sensory data to be analysed and catalogued, but it is thick and choking and foul. The smell of overcooked meat left to spoil in the sun, mixed with bright copper pennies and bitter bile. You should have no innate reaction attached to this sensory data, it should not cause such disgust and revolution, but the very taste of the air causes your vessel to rebel, to attempt to expel it from your body as if this would also void the knowledge of their source from your mind.
The source. The wisps of black smoke rising steadily through the air. Passing carelessly over a hand that lays fallen to the floor. A hand lightly curled, as if in soft repose, in sweet mild sleep. The work worn calluses on the long gentle digits somehow untouched by the splatters of red and black that coat the surface beyond.
That same smoke that carries on past that other set of hunched and bent shoulders, slumped and trembling. Heaving every so often for breath that will not seem to come.
Yes it is strange how information you thought you understood, now suddenly makes no sense. How commands to the vessel you control, can be ignored and irrelevant. How the emotions you thought you had come understood and had grown to process, are nothing! nothing! compared to this gulf that is devouring you now.
10 minutes ago in an abandoned building at the edge of downtown Detroit
(an impossibly short amount of time in the life of a human, let alone that of an eternal angel)
The plan had been well discussed and argued until there had been no further dissent. The location not ideal but necessary for the spell. The ingredients had been assembled in the dank grimey room, and laid out according to their purpose. The holy oil poured in a circle on the tattered floor. You had held ready the matches Sam had handed you. The tall steadfast mortal looking grim but determined as he stood before the summoning bowl. The herbs and sigils arranged in his characteristically precise and efficient manner. His weariness and heartbreak held in check by his fierce determination and steadfast refusal to give in, as he once more inspected the Hyperbolic Pulse Generator and Enochian warding.
You had turned your gaze towards the witch, her face drawn into tight lines but her stance solid and her demeanor certain. As she had met your eyes, her nod had been small but firm and together you had turned to look to the hunter - the leader, the commander, his claim and his right to pursue this solution undisputed. His eyes had held understanding, compassion and strength beyond what any mortal should be capable of - yet his resolve and certainty had been undeniable as he had added his nod to the group.
The words he had called out in loud enochian had shivered through the room as he had lit the summoning herbs. You had felt the very Ether shake and quiver, as a mortal dared to command an Archangel to appear before him. But bound and pulled by the undeniable laws of deep magic, the energy in the room had built until the humans were forced to lower their eyes and you watched as the fabric of the world was parted and there before you stood the alternate version of your brother Michael, wearing the body of the man you would gladly lay down your immortal life for.
Before the humans had recovered their sight and before the other could draw to himself his vast power, you had flung the lit match into the holy oil. Stepping back as you felt the heat of the holy flames roar to life, encircling the angel and cutting him off from his grace. You had felt his will batter against the barrier of the flames seeking a week point in his prison, but the trap had been flawless, he had been securely contained.
The other, that abomination, that twisted and broken parody of your already twisted and broken brother, had been given no chance to speak or find a way to harm his vessel. Roaring to the younger Winchester you had commanded him to begin. And he had raised aloft the golden orb and slammed a bloodied palm into the blood sigil painted on the wall, commanding in perfect Enochian that the angel depart its host. And as Michael had begun to scream, and power to coalesse and swirl around him, you had turned to see the witch begin her chant. Within the astral plane a glowing tunnel formed between the room and the deepest corner of the Pit of Hell where the cage was held. The wall where once 4 rings had opened a door, began to shiver and split as air rushed into the vacuum of a newly created hole in the veil. You had observed, tense and ready, as Michael screamed louder in rage and struggled more fiercely, realising that you were not just expelling him but intended to bind him in a cage. And you had seen for the briefest moment the point where Dean had wrest back control over his body, where he had met his brother’s eyes. You had heard the silent: ‘It’s okay Sammy, it's going to be Okay, I’ve got him.’ Even though no words had been spoken. You had seen each syllable proclaimed in fierce green eyes, unshakable eye contact and the definative nod of silent Winchester communication. And the joy that had spread across Sam Winchester’s face had been like the first morning of creation. The first time the gold of the sun kissed the green of the earth and never had the world been more blessed.
And then…. and then, the unthinkable had happened. It was a valid tactical strategery. At the point of no return, when all other options were lost, the final solution was to take out as many of the enemy with you as possible. And for an angel that meant only one thing. Yet the notion hadn't even occurred to you, despite all your meticulous planning and extensive military knowledge. The fact that you had overlooked this course of action was rediculous because the Winchesters did it all the time. It was practically a default setting for those two, sacrificing oneself for the other or the greater good. And somehow you had come to ascribe this action to altruistic motives and forgotten that it served equally well for vengeance.
Michael had released his grace. The grace of an archangel thrust from its bounds with the explosive force of a thousand nuclear bombs. The tidal wave of blinding energy roaring out from the epicenter like a tsunami to drown the whole world. The holy fire had blown out unable to stand against such power and the wave of destruction had torn through anything within a hundred mile radius - obliterating and pulversing all earthly matter within its path.
However it seemed that the holy fire had produced some protective cover, for at the eye of the storm in a perfect ring of preserved space, Dean had lain whole and unconscious on the apartment floor. While outside of the ring the degree of damage had increased exponentially until the walls themselves had been blown away and the remains of the room stood exposed atop a smoking crater that stretched as far as the eye could see in what had once been a bustling city.
Of the witch there was no sign, either she had been quick enough with some spell to port herself way or she had stood at the edge of the blast, blown to pieces and vapourised like every other structure and person within the city. For her sake you hoped it was the former but you had no thought to spare for that because your eyes were stuck on the smoking ruined body that lay just across the cusp of the lethal destruction.
One of Sam’s hands lay stretched towards his brother, whole and untouched, perfect in its gentle rest, if you ignored everything else. But small burn marks marred the cuff of his plaid shirt and up his sleeve in increasing quantities until you reached the burned and charred remains of his once beautiful face. The glorious multi coloured orbs that had held the world's reserve of hope and compassion despite the unimaginable amount of pain they had seen and endured - lay melted in the blackened smoking ruins of blood soaked raw meat bearing no resemblance to a face.
It should have been the greatest injustice that the universe had ever witnessed. And indeed it was. Until Dean had groaned weakly and rolled onto his side, the word ‘Sammy’ leaving his lips before his eyes had even opened.
It was the sound that had torn from his throat at the sight of his brother that had caused your heart to falter. The way that he had dragged himself across the floor that had caused your chest to become tight. The crystal tears that had fallen unheeded from his dull green eyes as he hunched his shoulders over his brother’s ruined form and struggled to gather his breath, that had caused your unresponsive hands to tremble. The smell of Sam’s burnt and desecrated remains floating serenely in the breeze that caused your stomach to rebel.
And it was too much. There were no words to describe these feelings. No way to analyse and understand the enormity of this reaction, not for a mortal used to their pain and struggles and heartbreak, and certainly not for an angel still new to the knowledge of family and need, of love and loss.
What broke your thoughts, was the reaper. She appeared over the fallen brothers - one silent, one silenced - without making a sound. But her presence intruded even through the weight of your incomprehensible emotions.
What broke you, were the green eyes that were raised to meet her ancient gaze in her expressionless face. They were dead - as empty and ruined as the smoking body clutched beneath them. Within them was nothing that made them glorious and vibrant and worth Falling for. They were empty, utterly defeated and shattered.
And when a single eyebrow was slowly raised on the beautiful but pitless face of Death, nothing changed in the dead green orbs as the chin dropped once in the smallest nod. Before all three vanish from this world.
Deuteronomy Chapter 32
35. To me belongeth vengeance, and recompense; their foot shall slide in due time: for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things that shall come upon them make haste….
41. If I whet my glittering sword, and mine hand take hold on judgment; I will render vengeance to mine enemies, and will reward them that hate me. 42 I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; and that with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon my enemy.
There was a time Before. Before you felt the fire of life, and the joy of Free Will and the unshakable faith in a mere mortal who would deny even the gods themselves - where you had thought you understood righteous wrath and vengeance. You had stood like the coming of the dawn, terrible and immovable at the command of your father. You had clothed yourself in fire, your sword raised high in your hand and you had laid waste to the enemies of the holy people and delighted in bloodshed for the justice and glory of the divine plan. Content that the word of the lord as revealed by the ordained chain of command, was the only true and right path. That zeal you had felt, that purpose, that sense of completeness from perfect obedience - how all encompassing you had thought that feeling to be.
Oh how little you had known and how wrong you had been.
But even in the time Before, you had felt things start to change and stir within you. Your father had become silent. The commands for your garrison less frequent. And by the time the Prophets of the Lord had began to revel new gospels, you had watched with a keen eye, as unknown to you the seeds of rebellion somehow took root in your sterile heart.
Romans Chapter 12
19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto God’s wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; saith the Lord, I will repay.
The mortals had counseled peace and forgiveness in their holy books. Trusting in our father to avenge their injustices. But our father had not seen fit to intervene, is it any wonder that they faltered and strayed.
And the Most Holy had not seen fit to protect his creations when they realised the end was at hand and their destruction was nigh. He had let his first born children subvert his will to hasten the end of days for their own purposes. He had not seen fit to offer reprimand to his angels or succour to his imperilled children - no matter how much we pleaded or begged.
No. The task of saving creation had fallen to two perfectly imperfect brothers. Who against all odds had done that which should not have been possible and rewritten the rule book for us all. Allowing one insignificant angel to understand the meaning and beauty and pain of Free Will. And if you, one unremarkable angel could grow and learn and love then there should have been hope for the whole world.
Yet here you stand for the umpteenth time. Where once again these two fragile and resilient humans, have placed themselves before the fate of the world in lew of its creator. And where is your father? When once again his angels threaten his creation, where is he? While the brightest stars in his glorious universe lie crumbled and ground into dust, to be thrown into the Empty in payment for offering their lives on behalf of an ungrateful world- WHERE. IS. HE.
Vengeance is mine saith the lord, I will repay.
Fuck that.
Fuck your absent father. Fuck destiney and fuck this world too.
You razed Sodom and Gomorrah to the ground. Smote down the young and the old with brimstone and destruction. You desenced clothed in fire and slaughtered the first born of Egypt. You stormed the gates of Hell, incinerating the foulest fiends in their thousands and tore the righteous man from the Pit. You decimated the population of Heaven. Fury knows no bounds within you. Wrath comes like a cur to your call. And Vengeance is the flame that burns within your soul.
You will take up the sword and lay waste to the Earth, you will fill Heaven and Hell to bursting with every thankless soul, those who looked on uncaring as the best of them were struck low,  ungraciously slaughtered, to be cast away without thanks or praise.
And when every single soul has been harvested you will consume every last one of them, till no power in this universe or any other may stand before you, and you will storm the Empty itself. You will rain down such fury and destruction as no apocalypse could have ever have foretold and you will take back the souls of your friends. And this ungrateful world can be left to rot, empty and ruined in the absence of its uncaring father.
For you are fury, you are wrath, you are vengeance and there is nothing and no one you would put before the Winchesters.
And if anything stands in your way, my god have mercy on their souls, for whatever good it will do - because that bastard is next on your list.
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