#“stop staring at me with them big ol' eyes 👁️👁️”
pokemonfrommemory · 5 months
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I don’t think it’s supposed to look so…insectish
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neferpitoukinnie · 5 months
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..and STOP staring at me with them big ole eyes 👁️👁️
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ericvelseb666 · 3 months
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Big ol’ eyes lol
Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes 👁️👁️
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roberrtphilip · 4 months
okay i really need to go to bed so last question that is related: what are the sleeping headcanons !!! light/heavy sleeper, pre-sleep rituals/routines, insomnia, dreams, talking in sleep, etc. give me the cozy snuggly tea
(pre-sofia, (and post-her being a babbie) because of course a little Princess is gonna affect the sleeping vibes quite drastically, lmaooo)
God, a train could crash through their house, and Robert would sleep right through it. He is such a heavy sleeper, and it absolutely amazes Giselle. She timed him once on how long it took him to finally hear his alarm... thirty minutes !!!
The only sound that wakes that man up is his babies crying, he is very aware of when his daughters need him, and will always wake right up. Which surprised Giselle, but she was very thankful, because she's a very light sleeper, so she thought she'd be spending most nights either caring for Sofia herself, or pushing Robert until he finally woke up.
Giselle also struggles with falling asleep. Her mind is so active, and she can't ever seem to shut it off. She spends hours just lying in bed either staring at the ceiling, or watching Robert sleep. It's also not uncommon for her to wake him up and ask random questions that float through her head, or sometimes she'll do it just because she misses him and wants someone to talk to. Robert was very confused about this at first, and wasn't... thrilled about being woken up at 2AM just to be asked "why do you not like snow?" but now he's very used to it and will nod along with whatever it is she's saying. His eyes are usually closed, but he is listening !! It's also hard for her to go back to sleep once she's woken up, and she's usually up very early. She likes being awake at the crack of dawn for many reasons, but one is that she hopes if she's up earlier, and does several things throughout the day, she'll be tired and actually sleep later. It doesn't always work, but she keeps doing it anyway.
They also both can't sleep unless they're touching each other in some way. Usually they fall asleep facing each other, arms wrapped around the other, and their limbs are all tangled up. Even when they're fast asleep, they cling. I headcanon Giselle is a very warm (almost too warm at times) person, and during summer, Robert is struggling bc all she wants to do is cuddle, but she's too hot. And one summer, their AC broke, and Robert woke up drenched in sweat, and tried to get Giselle to stop clinging to him, but no matter how much he pushed her away, she'd just roll right back over and grab him. He ended up having to sleep on the couch that night bc it was just too hot ☹️ but he's used to her body heat now, and will suffer if he has to bc he doesn't like sleeping alone.
For Morgan, as a baby she hardly, if ever cried. She was so quiet, and it really surprised Robert bc he was fully expecting to deal with a ton of sleepless nights, and headaches. And there was some of that right after his divorce, but it didn't last long, thankfully. She was a pretty heavy sleeper, and still is, though not nearly as bad as Robert. I also headcanon that, if Morgan woke up in the middle of the night, instead of crying for his attention, she'd just stare at him. Robert woke up several times to her just 👁️👄👁️ through her crib, and he'd be like "God, Morgan... I am begging you, please start crying... I can't keep waking up to your big ol' eyes just staring at me."
Sofia, omg, Sofia as a baby was the complete opposite of Morgan. She was so loud, and every little sound would wake her up. She was also always wide awake at night, and slept through (most of) the day. Her being a night owl didn't surprise them, really, because she always kicked Giselle the most at night, but it didn't stop them from feeling overwhelmed. And the only way to get her to stop crying was to hold her. The second they'd put her back down, she'd start crying again. And they love holding their baby, of course, they never want to put her down, but it definitely effected their own sleep schedules. But, as Sofia grows up, she inherits Robert's heavy sleeping, and just like him, could sleep through a train crash. Giselle & Robert spend like ten/fifteen minutes waking her up for school, and she's always so grumpy in the morning.
Oh, and night routines !! Giselle started doing a nightly skincare routine, and begged Robert to join her. At first, he did it just to make her happy, but then he started to realize his skin looked amazing and he was like "wait... you're onto something with this skincare crap" and now they do a lil routine together every night. Giselle would 100% have a headband like this (x) or this (x), and Robert would have this one (x) because it's so silly & stupid and he certainly cannot just have a basic one, not on Giselle's watch !!
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✨? 👁️👄👁️
Send me a ✨️ and I'll remind you that you're great - Always accepting!
Stop staring at me with them big ol eyes
But fr, Haribo my friendo, you are such a delight to see on the dash, and to talk to, honestly you really are. Even if we mainly share outrageously thicc jojo memes with one another :P. You have fantastic writing skills, I thoroughly enjoy the drabbles and headcanons to write up from time to time, and I enjoy looking at how you have wildly different muses having built some pretty interesting dynamics. I'm always glad to be able to get a chance to send stuff to ya, and I always appreciate the stuff you send to me, the little extra details you put in them have admittedly encouraged me to do the same from time to time so I have to thank you for that. You're without a doubt a haribro Haribo.
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And Hell Deer never stops thinking about YOU 👁️👁️
......it’s charming tho the whole eye motif with a/last/or like that’s pretty suitable i hope he stares at me with his big ol eyes fffffffffffffffffff 
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