#……. get bent
perfectlyvalid49 · 6 months
So is your position that Palestinian death and suffering is fake, or deserved/their own fault, or a regrettable necessity for securing Israeli safety? Or some combination of the three?
Oh man, this is a really weird ask to get out of nowhere on a blog that posts about Jewish stuff a lot.
Hang on, weird wasn’t the word I was looking for. What is it, it’s right on the tip of my tongue…
Antisemitic! That’s it. This is a really antisemitic ask to send to a Jewish blog. It is antisemitic to ask a Jew to give/defend their opinion on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict out of nowhere with no other context. If you want to have a conversation, that’s fine, but an anonymous ask out of nowhere is not how you start one in good faith.
Given that the ask is antisemitic, I refuse to answer. I’ve been posting on this blog about the conflict A LOT over the last five months. If you really want my opinion, read through and figure it out for yourself. I’ll give you a start, here’s what I said as soon as I could form words after the attack. If you’re in a rush, I’d recommend the 5th paragraph down.
And Anon? Go fuck yourself.
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midnight-puppy · 1 year
"I'm officially engaged"
Yeah engaged in combat with me, we've got beef now and I'm ready to throw hands
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evilhorse · 9 months
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Oh wow, get bent, John!
(Knight Terrors: Wonder Woman #1)
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velvetroomkeeper · 3 months
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Where did you get that conclusion from
Yes akechi died but it wasn’t because he was a bastard child it was because he tried to seek validation from the wrong person and it ended up being his downfall
Vanilla persona 5 akechi has problems but how do you come to this conclusion
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underlockv · 2 months
politics post again, under a cut.
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This video sucks a lot when you consider most leftist's opposition to democrats in the USA is based on them explicitly endorsing the murder of children and Palestinians in general via their proxy Isreal who they fund without question or limit. who's current leader they hosted in congress just this past week with zero pushback beyond Rashida Tlaib who is /not/ supported by her democratic peers.
"listen if we dont eat at the shitty restaurant ppl will literally kill us with poison, how could you a selfish idiot say bad food is basically like poison" meanwhile peoples relatives are being raped and tortured while held unlawfully without charge in Isreali prisons and killed by air strikes and snipers (who are explicitly targeting TODDLERS) while the "restaurant" in this metaphor funds it. so, yeah. the "food" IS poison.
unfollowing ppl reposting this smug garbage like the people who criticize democrats in the USA don't understand the stakes already. "trump would be worse" in this issue? it would be the same.
painting any opposition to democrats as yielding to republicans is baby brained bullshit.
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corvusissotired · 2 years
At white radfems who bitch about video games sexualizing white cis women: maybe sit out the HL discourse. Trans, Jews and racial minorities are talking. And we're allowed to call out media we know will harm us just as much as you are.
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graysontheslime · 11 months
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i think bethesdas gotten away with shitty developing for too long simply because it’s “their thing” like yeah it’s funny as hell sometimes but I build ONE HOUSE and a garden in sanctuary and suddenly I can’t mess with anything or the entire game crashes. sims 4 on a 2007 dell laptop runs smoother than that
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beyondthesefourwalls · 11 months
cant believe u made us wait 13 chapters for that smh. so now that ur done with that stupid series where he should have just punched him out in chapter 4 and called it done are u gonna leave it to others who actually write good stuff that people want to read?
Hmmmmmmm. Let me think about that….
Nope. There’s a Jake one shot coming momentarily, just for you. I sincerely hope you enjoy it, since you clearly still read every single chapter of my previous “stupid series”.
Thanks for asking, though! 💚
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turgidscum · 2 years
bruh i fucking can't sometimes. transmasc and transfem aren't real. masculine and feminine are expressions, not genders.
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begottaum · 3 months
 The exhortation to "think straight" in these times of trouble seems to presume that a golden humanitarian path runs through the cosmos, an unimpeachable rationality of such qualities that a deviation from it would mark a reprobate situation. A fall from grace.
But thinking straight has a crooked history, and rationality - that supreme trait that distinguishes us from beasts so-called - has never been a matter of transcendent callings. It is likelier that reason is a gift from viral infections, from strange encounters within multi-species milieus, and that the politics of thinking straight consists of maintaining particular modes of being in the world. What happens when being reasonable becomes indistinguishable from being impervious to forces at large, changing ecological constraints, and emergence?
Thought needs to do something more than walk the narrow highway. It needs a break from the morality of the straight. The grace of the already known.
Báyò Akómoláfé
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lahnsette-maekohlira · 3 months
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This is what "comeuppance" looks like.
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until my blog isn’t shadowbanned anymore or whatever i guess i won’t be posting anything new here
still posting my fic later tonight but no fanart ig (might still answer asks since i’m still getting those and people are seeing the answers so far ig)
at least until my blog isn’t so weirdly hidden from the search/tag things
if i still show up to you, lemme knowwwww
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trashmouth-richie · 1 year
today was a good day? Interesting. It says a lot about you that making other people feel like shit makes a good day for you. Even to someone you think has wronged you. Go ahead and block me too though. Like you do to everyone who dares to question you or tries to have an actual conversation with you. But when your friends turn on you too don’t try and say no one ever warned you that day was coming.
I’ve been feeling like shit from munson-blurbs’ behavior towards me for 4 FUCKING MONTHS.
I’m sure her ONE damn day of grief will be resolved when she steals another fic or idea or character name/ job/ etc from someone else more naive than me.
I had to go my goddamn anxiety meds bc of this bs.
But pls go ahead and assume you know what’s going on when you know only her side to the story she fabricated for you and her followers to fit her victimization.
ok cool. Come off anon and “have a conversation” then. I know exactly who you are and if not then I’m assuming you are someone who simply follows me to pass along info to bug.
Here’s a message to pass along: go fuck yourselves.
What is this?? Some fucking 80s police brigade?
Let me know if you want the fucking proof babe I’ll provide it. 😘
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littledancingphoenix · 7 months
Not someone actually drawing fanart of Jin as the Joker and me as Harley Quinn.
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professionallush · 1 year
posting on IG for the dopamine hit since I had to kick a Tesla bro out of our parking spot and he was a major dick about it
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