#…maybe I should indulge and properly watch it sometime XD
You can save 1 fictional character who dies in their story from dying, changing the official plot forever. Who do you save?
Anon, this responsibility is too much to bear for a mere mortal. A pressure such as this can never temper a human soul, only crush it
…also all characters I can think of are either unimportant side characters, come back with a new shiny upgrade, or their deaths are the thing kicking off the heroes journey that starts the whole story to begin with so it kinda doesn’t work ;-;
So uhh… I guess Padme from Star Wars? I don’t even care about SW but confession: I kinda like the prequels, especially the third movie, and if I remember correctly her dying is what drove Darth Vader to the dark side for good, so that. Not happening would be interesting maybe. Also she dies from unidentified big sad or smth weird like that? Genuinely don’t know and they’ve been airing marathons often enough for me to see that end scene multiple times XD
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sarkywoman · 4 years
Fic Writer Interview
Tagged by: @spikeymarshmallows​ (find her version of this here) Name: sarkywoman, sometimes people just say sarky.  Fandom(s): At the moment, The Umbrella Academy is my dominant one. I rarely ever give up on one entirely though, as can be seen by some of my recent Destiel reblogs. (I’m also excited for some of the upcoming Marvel content. Okay, I say ‘some’, I just mean Mackie’s Captain America really XD) Where you post: Archive of our Own , though I still need to upload a lot of my older work that was posted on livejournal. I often post a link here on tumblr when I write something new, but not always. Most Popular One Shot (by kudos): ‘Noble Blood’, which just proves you should always chase your bliss, as it was an utterly indulgent vampire AU written as a gift for my then-gf in A Song of Ice and Fire fandom. Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos): Eek, an unfinished WIP not updated since May 2014! D: Sorry people. ‘A Song of Bastards and Wards’, with Joanna Snow instead of Jon Snow. I think these fics have more kudos because the ASOIAF fandom was so big, rather than due to quality relative to my other work. Favorite story you’ve written so far: Ooof. I have been writing for a long time, this is such a tricky question! It would probably be easier to just split all my fic into two categories: fun to write vs not-fun to write. I like to be experimental, so fics like Story and Sorcery for Loki or The Aimless One for Misfits or The Price Of Parenthood for Umbrella Academy let me try new things, but I notice my mind does tend to go to a particular Tales from the Borderlands fic, Young God. I wrote it in a fit of inspiration for a friend one evening and it encapsulated what I wanted from the Jack/Rhys dynamic more than anything I wrote for them since, I think. I was also happy with some of the imagery and how I managed to maintain and build on the tone throughout. Only 4k words, doesn’t overextend, but I enjoyed writing it. It flowed very well. Fic you were nervous to post: Krystalline. Not due to its quality, just... I know what this fandom’s like when it comes to pairings. I write fic for myself and my friends and this was for a friend. I originally sent it to her privately but it seemed weirder to hide it than to post it. It’s good writing, if I may be so bold. Other than that, I get nervous posting final chapters on multi-chapter fic. I don’t want to let down people who’ve invested time in it! How do you choose your titles?: Varies. I’ll often use song lyrics. I often write to appropriate music and a line will jump out at me. Otherwise, it will just be a fitting phrase, like The Weak Link for an AU fic where Klaus is led to believe he’s too weak to have powers. Do you outline?: Not often, but if it’s a multichapter fic, more frequently these days I will, to avoid WIPs that dwindle into nothing because I don’t write as quickly as I used to. How I go about it varies. Sometimes it’s just a list of stuff I want to happen that I vaguely order, sometimes it’s a scene-by-scene adaptation, like the aforementioned Weak Link AU or Song of Bastards and Wards. Those involved noting scenes from the show/book and figuring out how they would change with the new circumstances. Complete: 
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Waheyyy... *dabs or something, idk* I have... oooh a lot more that needs uploading to AO3 but it’s a case of finding the time to reread old work so that I can tag it properly. With all that’s been happening lately I checked my SPN folder and found to my alarm that I wrote over a hundred stories that I saved while I was in the fandom, but only 5 of those are on my AO3. I did some for Marvel that aren’t cross-posted either, a bunch for NCIS... once we start going back more than ten years the quality is a bit cringy though.  In-Progress: Uh... I don’t want to give up on any of my WIPs officially but the only one I can actually say I’m actively working on is a Kliego AU for my Bad Things Happen Bingo. Diego is a detective, but I promise I’m not ripping off @spikeymarshmallows​‘ ‘City Two-Four’! Mine’s more of a noir. It’s for the ‘Paranoia’ square and Diego has bad paranoia, but it might be justified given he’s investigating the Commission crime syndicate after the kidnapping of Allison’s daughter Claire and after they’ve destroyed at least two of his loved ones. Not a happy fic but hopefully not too painful either. (I like to sit in that middle ground where readers go “Oh no! Awww... Oh thank god.”) Maybe when I watch the new Loki series I’ll be motivated to go back to my Cap/Loki AU fic, It is Not Fantasy... Coming soon/not yet started: I really should write more original stuff at some point if I want to be a novelist... but I’m very much enjoying bad things happen bingo, will carry on doing gen or shippy fics for that in UA fandom Prompts?: Can do. Have done in the past. Only issue is when people really misjudge what I’m into, lol. Or they give a ‘prompt’ so thorough it’s more like a sparknotes guide. Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’ve been working on my ‘Paranoir’ (working title) for a while now. Mental health has led to a bit of a hiatus on my writing, reading... and my entire life. But it’s so nearly finished. Paranoir, I mean. I just need to write an eensy bit more Allison and figure out how to organise all the bits I’ve done. 
I tag anyone who wants to give this a go :)
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At Least Once
A fic absolutely no one asked for and I’m very confused as to when/why I started it too xD Rhys/Jack/Axton action awww yisss! Rhackxton? That’s how i’m calling it anyways!
Also on my ao3 here. My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
Jack was getting the next round of drinks from the bar as bright strobes of light and booming base filled the darkness of the nightclub.
He was waiting for two of those little purple cocktails Rhys liked, watching as the younger man stayed on the floor and danced among the crowd, having fun. The shorts that hugged his tight little ass were on the right side of indecent, and the v-neck tank showed off the younger man’s various tattoos as he moved and gyrated with music.
God, even if Rhys were ugly as butt, Jack would be clambering to take him out just for those legs alone. Rhys had to have the best damn legs Jack had ever seen. He was tall and lithe but with strong calves and thighs-- Jack knew from personal experience. The younger man was gorgeous-- could have had his pick of anyone in any of the nightclubs he let Jack take him out to- but his eyes always came back to Jack.
Rhys was watching him now while he still had fun dancing-- making sure Jack was watching him back- moving his body among the throng of others to the booming beat. His fingers were leaving twirls in air that the fog machine had turned misty, and the bass of the music with the dark of the club made the whole picture almost otherworldly. Lights danced quickly over the crowd, sometimes illuminating Jack even better over at the bar, and Rhys was turning it up a notch, eyes suggestive as they watched one another.
It made Jack hunger for the younger man, wanting to rake his hands over him and feel him move against his own body. He’d be doing it right now if Rhys didn’t want the second drink; sticking that plush lower lip out and dipping a finger into Jack’s t-shirt collar as he begged for another. Jack was pretty sure he’d done it on purpose just to torture him a little; sent him for more alcohol just to give him a good show on top of things.
The blue-haired bartender finally came over with the drinks, shouting out the total over the bass. Jack paid and turned back around to catch another glimpse of the younger man’s eyes, only to frown as a much broader, muscled blond in a black tank top was blocking his view. The man was clearly trying to pick up on Rhys from the body-language alone-- though Rhys didn’t allow him to get too close- and Jack was quickly entertaining the idea of abandoning their drinks to go and tell that guy that Rhys was his date, and to back off.
But then he caught Rhys’ eyes as he was about to do just that, and the younger man smiled back at him with a wicked little gleam that kept him where he stood.
That gave Jack pause, but not nearly as much as it did when Rhys’ arms came down intimately about the muscular-stranger, a hand at his back and the base of his neck as they were dancing the way Rhys liked to get close to Jack. It made something involuntarily-interested run deliciously down Jack’s spine, knowing just how those touches felt, and the pressure and warmth of Rhys’ body on his own.
When the subject of ‘them’ came up, Rhys had told Jack he didn’t want to settle down with anyone yet; that there were things he wanted to try, stuff that wasn’t exactly commitment. While Jack didn’t necessarily like the idea that Rhys didn’t belong to him, he begrudgingly accepted it, and only stepped-up his attempt to date the shit out of the younger man.
He could work with Rhys’ wandering interests at least. Especially since Rhys might’ve been teasingly wrapped around the stranger, but his lust-dilated-eyes were locked on Jack.
The stranger had arms around Rhys as well, hands seeming to roam, though nothing obscene or relatively inappropriate had happened just yet. Rhys was smiling at the stranger in reaction to something, leaning close as the blond said something in his ear, and Jack felt his gut give a funny little lurch watching lips close to Rhys’ ear. His brain wasn’t sure if he liked that or not, but his body was liking this more than he thought he should.
Rhys was clearly giving the other man his name as they danced very close indeed, then he moved to the music and took quick, shameless feels of the blond’s short hair and biceps. Then Rhys’ eyes snapped back to Jack’s again with something new in them; something that was a question, a challenge, and a wish all at once.
Jack was already moving in the throng of people towards Rhys before he was even aware of it, drinks forgotten without care to the sticky bartop in pursuit of other indulgences.
“I told you I was spoken for,” Rhys was able to say over the music, a hand contrarily holding Axton— boy that name was hotter than it had any right to be on that man- at the base of the neck as his other relocated to the man’s waist. His eyes were over Axton’s shoulder pointedly, making the other man smirk. Axton didn’t drop his own hold on Rhys.
“That handsome guy that was glaring at me before?” Axton said with a look over his shoulder, his words naturally dissolving into the beat as he watched Jack weave through the crowd.
“Yeah. What do you think?” Rhys’ question was dripping with proposal as his eyes left Axton again, focused over the man’s shoulders as Jack locked eyes with him. Rhys grinned this time and moved both his hands over Axton’s body until he was squeezing his ass to make everything clear. It made Axton gasp and then chuckle, and Jack paused a moment at that.
Axton’s laugh-- and the hand splayed at Rhys’ back pulling him closer without concern- sent a thrill through Rhys. The husky quality of his reply was heard even over the music’s thrum, desire wrapping thick around Rhys like heedy smoke wisps. “I think one man shouldn’t be so lucky, darlin’.”
Rhys laughed again, moving easily and with grace to switch their positions and keep control over what might be a very interesting situation indeed, moving the blond with encouraging touches until Rhys was relocated like a buffer between him and Jack. Rhys was fairly certain Jack understood his intention by the time he’d made it over, but Rhys kept his back to the blond stranger still holding him just in case, and smirked wickedly at Jack.
“Who’s this, kitten?” Jack didn’t bother making his voice loud enough for the man at Rhys’ back, aware of how his touches on Rhys were still less than innocent, but not inappropriate even as Rhys quickly pulled Jack against his front. Being brought into close proximity even as the other man was at Rhys’ back sent an odd surge of anticipation through Jack as he looked at Rhys. Interest bordering on want thrummed through him. They were all in slight contact with one another, and it was awakening things in the older man- things that were very open-minded and very interested in what his little not-boyfriend was planning.
“This is Axton,” Rhys gave the blond’s name playfully, biting his lip a moment before locking eyes with Jack in unspoken question. He could feel the low bass inside his chest, lights painting Jack’s handsome scarred-face in various colors and shadow as they moved. The air’s fog-like quality lent an almost magical atmosphere to an already-exciting night, and now-- between two handsome men who both had hands on his body- Rhys felt like anything was possible.
Whatever Jack saw in his eyes as they looked at one another for only a moment must’ve communicated far more than Rhys could’ve hoped for, because Jack’s focus moved over the younger man’s shoulder and fixed on the blond instead. He was well-built, attractive face with a small scar bisecting an eyebrow, and another at his chin that Jack wouldn’t mind finding out the taste of with some closer inspection. That crooked smile was charming as hell, and there was a sparkle in his eye that was all-interest.
If this was something Rhys wanted, well hell, Jack could work with that.
“I’m Jack.”
“Axton,” the blond traded with a crooked grin, eyes very keen and quick over Jack’s face before settling rather blatantly on Jack’s lips. Axton’s eyes darted back to Jack’s own and raised a brow, and the little lurch in Jack’s stomach was back, but much lower, and definitely pleasant.
Jack’s attention was brought back to Rhys by the younger man grabbing Jack’s chin insistently-- apparently with the same idea- kissing him a bit rougher than Jack had come to expect, but boy did it jolt him right down to his cock.
One of Rhys’ hands left Jack to reach just over behind himself and palm at the back of Axton’s neck. Rhys looked behind himself and met the other man’s eyes. He slid his hand until he could gently apply pressure to turn Axton’s attention where he wanted it.
Then he kissed him.
Jack was glad the beat of the bass swallowed up the sound he knew he’d made at seeing that. Rhys bit the blond’s lower lip, capturing it between his teeth, and the man’s eyes darted to Jack’s a moment-- checking, Jack realized with some sort of possessive pride- before Axton took Rhys’ chin in his hand to kiss him properly back.
It was… waaaay hotter than it had any right to be. The way the colored lights danced over the fogged air, painting Rhys and the good-looking blond making him purr in his chest, the three of them kept close due to the crowd dancing around them.
Jack didn’t know he’d necessarily like to watch some hot stranger kiss his almost-kinda-maybe-boyfriend, but then, it was Rhys after all. Why wouldn’t he enjoy watching the younger man kiss? He personally knew how fun it was to kiss Rhys, or enjoy the way the younger man liked to nip at him. Getting to kind of show off what he had in the younger man was a delicious new thrill of pride. As Axton finally let up kissing Rhys, Jack gave him a dirty look while Rhys looked back. “Damn.”
Rhys turned his attention fully back on Jack with a smirk, even as Axton was pressing the younger man firmly between them on the dancefloor. Rhys took an eager fistful of the back of Jack’s t-shirt as the older man leaned over his shoulder, intent clear as Axton was also pressing closer on that side of him to meet Jack’s face.
Jack didn’t hesitate in bringing his mouth against the blond’s, immediately noting the slight grate of stubble where Axton needed a shave, and enjoying the feel against his skin for its novelty. Not that Jack didn’t like how smooth Rhys liked to keep his own face, but there was something Jack had missed about a little gruffness to a kiss. It was exciting as it was different, and Jack was glad to be a party to this thing Rhys clearly wanted.
“You wanna get out of here?” Axton proposed against his lips with a charmingly-crooked smile, close enough for Jack to perfectly hear the sound Rhys made at that question over the bass of the music.
Jack smirked. Rhys was half-hard against his front, fingers kneading the older man’s back beseechingly through his t-shirt. Matters were clearly already decided.
“We have a hotel nearby.”
They stayed a bit longer before actually leaving-- touching and doing what amounted to dry humping on the dance floor- but thankfully it was still so crowded and dark that no one paid the three much mind.
Rhys was fully hard in his pants, letting out little helpless moans of pleasure whenever he felt Jack’s own clothed cock grind against his from the front, or the considerable feel of Axton’s clothed length against his ass. It was fun, denying himself in knowing more was coming, and he was still more than a little floored that Jack was willing to be a team player, so to speak.
It wasn’t like Rhys did this often even before he knew Jack. Hell, he and Jack had been pretty open about their sexual histories after their first few dates. Jack had had way more experience with threeways than Rhys, even if he swore he was only looking for one person right now, and not really anything in between. It didn’t make Rhys feel awkward so much as it made him want.
They weren’t exactly exclusive, but Rhys liked Jack. He admired the lurid stories the older man had; stories about the excesses of his youth that both broke and remade him. Jack had mostly gotten his wildness out of his system before Rhys was even born by his account, but the fact that the older man was willing to indulge in this-- what would hopefully be a threeway with the random stranger- only made Rhys want Jack more. Rhys wouldn’t even have encouraged Axton’s advances if he didn’t trust Jack. That the older man was apparently more than willing was the biggest aphrodisiac on the planet, and by granting this experience between them, Jack probably wasn’t even aware he was bringing Rhys closer.
They had a quick round of shots before stumbling back to their hotel and moving as stealthily as three grown men tenting their pants possibly could have. There was groping outside the door to the luxury room, and a king-sized bed inside that would easily fit the three of them.
Rhys wasn’t at all ashamed with how quickly he was undressing once they’d crossed the threshold, Jack and Axton both kind of watching him with keen interest and excitement both, the three pleasantly-buzzed. Jack’s gaze swept over him-- possessive, lascivious, proud- and then met the younger man’s eyes with a wicked sort of glint that got Rhys’ blood thrumming that much more in excited anticipation.
“We’re, uh, we’re doing this, right?” Rhys asked awkwardly as he was quickly sitting on the edge of the bed in his shorts only and pulling off a sock, looking between them with tipsy interest and blushing-cheeks for how both looked right back.
“Fuck, baby,” Jack just laughed, his cock threatening to leave a wet spot in the front of his pants as both him and the well-muscled blond stood there like hard, idiot-statues.
“Yeah, hell yeah,” Axton agreed, pulling off his shirt and deciding to slowly drape himself on Jack. Jack didn’t shunt him away and Rhys’ attention was focused as the other man gruffly stage-whispered in Jack’s ear. “I’m down for anything. Giving, taking, watching--” his eyes darted to Rhys and the other man made a noise of want that got a light, amused snort from Jack, “I’m just glad to be invited to the party.”
Jack genuinely chuckled at that-- now here was something he missed from younger days. Rhys was so eager he couldn’t keep his seat where he was, jumping up to crowd the older man with pleasure at his front, and touching Jack impatiently as the older man opened himself to the greedy kiss Rhys pressed on him.
Axton’s hands found their way around Jack’s waist to ruck up under his t-shirt, lips at Jack’s neck. The older man was still fully dressed, but between the three of them they quickly fixed all that thoroughly.
The sex was beyond good. Made Jack wistful and nostalgic about his youth. Rhys got to live several fantasies between the two men that night, and Axton was very flexible indeed in terms of wants and limberness. They’d all be feeling things tomorrow for sure.
Axton didn’t leave until morning, putting his number into Jack’s phone just in case, and leaving the two with a cocky little wink.
Check-out wasn’t until much later. They had the quiet privacy of the room to themselves for several hours more, lounging half-asleep until rousing enough to press soft kisses to one another.
Rhys curled up against Jack, snuggling close with a look like the cat that got the cream. Considering how filthy the night before had been-- right out of his dirtiest wet-dreams- that sounded about right.
Rhys sighed contentedly, and rubbed his face into Jack’s neck. “That was… That was the best, Jack.”
“Heh, figured you’d like that, Rhysie.” Rhys snickered and smiled into the kiss Jack pressed to his cheek. He held the younger man close. “Greedy little shit. As if I don’t regularly pound you into next Tuesday. Don’t think you’re always getting two now,” Jack gently warned, knowing he’d share his not-boyfriend again if it meant still getting Rhys into his bed.
Rhys snorted. “No, I don’t need-- I’m good with just you, Jack.” He pressed a kiss to the older man’s cheek. “I just wanted to try that once. Don’t think you can’t keep his number, though,” Rhys genuinely offered with a smirk.
Jack raised a skeptical brow. “Just once, huh?”
“You’re more than enough for me,” Rhys purred, enjoying the feeling of Jack’s big hand on his thigh. “I’ve always wanted to try that, but I never… Well, I felt safe since you were there, and I was able to actually have fun and try it. Thanks.”
“And that was fun let me tell you,” the younger man added. “But I think I’m good for a long while, Jack. That was really-- I liked that, though,” Rhys said with a kiss to Jack’s jaw. “Because you were with me.”
“One strike and you’re out, huh?” Jack teased, though it pleased him. “So my cupcake is vanilla-favored. One threeway and you’re done.”
“If you had a twin or something, it would be different,” Rhys teased back as he ran his palms mischievously over Jack’s side and chest. “But I’m perfectly happy to keep this a party of two indefinitely, Jack.”
Jack captured Rhys’ hands from their exploration of his chest, stilling them with his own. “...Really?”
Rhys gave him a sly little smile. “Yeah.”
“...you sayin’ you wanna go steady, pumpkin?”
Rhys snorted. “‘Go steady’, Jack?”
Jack ignored him, too busy pulling Rhys into a full-body hug and pressing kisses to the younger man’s throat while Rhys luxuriated in the attention, pressed into the mattress. “You know exactly what I mean. Tell me you’re mine, baby.”
Rhys gasped in pleasure as Jack mouthed at his jaw. “...you know I’m all yours, Jack…” Rhys purred, only too pleased to do so, and opened his mouth to the kiss Jack was giving, moaning anew and grasping him close. “All-- only yours,” Rhys sighed as he let Jack hold him close.
They called the front desk and got a later checkout, lingering in the sheets right until they needed to leave. Jack changed his name to ‘boyfriend with a huge dick’ in Rhys’ phone, the younger man snorting and amending it to ‘boyfriend’ with little hearts around it.
Jack rolled his eyes, but gave Rhys’ hand a squeeze anyways before kissing the back of his palm with a smirk. Rhys just grinned and cuddled closer.
kofi | ao3
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Ninety-Five: Out to Dinner ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Hyūga Hiashi, Hyūga Hanabi ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Well...today’s the day.
And he has...no idea what he’s supposed to do.
They arrange to meet in the early afternoon, Hinata promising her father she’d use the morning to tend to some of her homework before taking the rest of the day off. Hiashi agreed, and so Sasuke arrives at her house at about two in the afternoon. And even after several hours to sit and think about it, he still has little to go on in regards to what a date is really...supposed to be. A few minutes are spent sat in the car, nibbling his lip in thought.
...now or never.
Getting out of the driver’s side, he gives the house a once-over. It’s a two story white craftsman, on a large corner lot with a sizeable, well-kept yard. All it needs is a picket fence and you’d see it in one of those magazines housewives are always drooling over. He’d know: Mikoto always has one lying around someplace, dreaming of remodeling their house.
Walking up the path to the front door, he gives the bell a ring. He texted Hinata five minutes before he arrived, but...well, he’s expecting someone else to answer the door.
And it turns out, he’s right.
Hiashi is who pulls it open, beholding Sasuke properly for the first time. Sasuke, in turn, does his best to stand in some manner that doesn’t look forced, but not too relaxed, either.
“You must be Sasuke,” the Hyūga muses.
“Yes, sir.”
“...you needn’t call me sir. Mister Hyūga is polite enough.”
“Er...right. Is, uh...is Hinata ready…?”
“I believe she is finishing up. You may come in to wait, if you wish.”
“...thanks.” Stepping in to a tiled entryway, Sasuke just sort of...lingers, not daring to get his shoes on any carpet. The interior, like the exterior, is mostly white: everything is greyscale, light and airy. It’s...probably the nicest house he’s ever been in. His own is nothing to sneeze at, but...wow. This place is nice.
Hands in his pockets, he watches as Hiashi retreats out of sight. Well...so much for making small talk. But maybe he’s glad for it, honestly. They haven’t exactly gotten off to a good start…hopefully Hinata won’t take too much longer.
But before she comes downstairs, another person walks past: her little sister, Hanabi, who Sasuke has heard...very little about. Looking very much like her father with the same face shape and hair shade, she pauses as she catches sight of him.
...there’s an awkward moment of staring.
“...you Hinata’s boyfriend?” she asks, speaking past a stick of pocky in her mouth.
“Uh...yeah. That’s me.”
“...you’re hotter than I thought you’d be.”
As Sasuke balks, she breaks into a laugh, waving a hand and continuing on through the house.
...what was that?!
It’s then Hinata comes down the stairs, slowing to a stop as she catches his expression. “...are you okay?”
“...yeah. Just...met your sister.”
Understanding seems to brighten her face. “Oh...that explains it. She say anything...weird?”
“...she thinks I’m hot.”
She can’t stop a snort. “Yeah, that’s...Hanabi for you. She’s in that weird eighth grader stage.”
From another room, the younger sister calls, “I HEARD THAT!”
Hinata just rolls her eyes. “Ready to go?”
“I think so.”
“Okay...let me go say goodbye to my dad, then we can head out!”
“No need.”
Hiashi then rounds the corner, Hinata looking a bit surprised. “Oh! Well...Dad, this is Sasuke, Sasuke...this is my dad, Hiashi.”
“We had a...brief introduction when he arrived,” the patriarch assures her. “So, I suppose this is where I set the boundaries? Home by ten, and do call if you have any major changes in plans. Which...would be?”
“Uh...thought we’d go hang out at the mall, maybe catch a movie and some dinner…?” Sasuke shrugs.
Amusement flickers Hiashi’s lips for just a moment. “Agreeable. Do be careful, Hinata.”
“I will. See you when I get back.”
The teens then make their way back outside and into Mikoto’s SUV. As Sasuke does up his seatbelt, he mumbles, “...that was the most awkward introduction I’ve ever had in my life.”
Hinata can’t help a giggle. “I’m sorry...m-my dad’s really...stiff. He’s too serious, but...he tries.”
“He didn’t hate me?”
“If he hated you, we wouldn’t be in the car right now.”
“...okay then. So, uh...mall sound good to you? I...really have no idea what else to do. It’s where I go to bum around with Naruto most of the time.”
“Sure! In all honesty...I don’t even know what movies are playing right now…”
“Then we’ll both be surprised.” Backing from the driveway, Sasuke steers the car toward downtown, the mall soon looming before them. Once parked in the garage, they head up into the building proper. “Got any favorite places to browse?”
“A few, but...they’re mostly for clothes. I don’t want to b-bore you.”
“I don’t mind.”
“Um...there’s also a neat bookstore, with board games and stuff?”
“I think I know that one...should we start there?”
They mosey, taking their time and window shopping on the way. Sasuke very rarely goes in most of the shops in the mall, preferring to just walk around and people watch, maybe peruse things in the displays. His allowance pays okay, but he prefers to save and splurge on stuff for his PC or games for his Playstation.
The bookstore is pretty busy, filled mostly with younger kids. But that doesn’t stop Hinata from looking over their puzzles and books, Sasuke observing a model train do its laps alongside a few tykes.
Without him looking, Hinata takes a small video of it, smiling behind her phone.
In the end she buys a few new books, Sasuke finding an old school PC game he used to play in elementary school to splurge on. Sheepishly explaining the educational title to her, he glances over as she giggles.
“I remember that one! It was on the computers in the library!”
“Yeah! I didn’t think you could find it anymore...maybe it won’t even play on my computer, but it was only ten bucks...might as well try.”
From there, they go to the in-mall cinema, picking a movie at random based on the posters. It’s a comedy, the pair sharing some overpriced candy and popcorn. Sasuke quickly grows a bit bored, but gets a kick out of Hinata paying rapt attention and laughing every few seconds.
...she’s so cute.
After that, they wander a little longer, Hinata dragging him into a rather...eclectic place with weird clothes, crystals, incense, and fancy glass sculptures.
“Oh, wow...look at that one!” Hinata points to a lion posed atop a rock. “It’s so pretty…!”
“You like lions?”
“I was...a big Lion King fan as a kid.”
“Mhm!” She gives him a glance. “What about you?”
“Everyone has the Disney movie from when they were a kid. What was yours?”
“Actually, it was uh...The Black Cauldron.”
“Really?! That one was so scary!”
“Yeah, that’s why I liked it! No one else really seemed to, though...my brother was all about Hercules.”
“Aww, I love that one…”
“...you gonna buy that, then?”
“Oh gosh, no...it’s way too expensive.”
“...what if I go in half?”
“Sasuke, no!”
“You want it, don’t you?”
“W-well, yeah! But -?”
“I’ll pay half.”
Torn between stubborn refusal and longing, she bites her lip before giving in. “...oh, okay! But I owe you.”
“Whatever you say.”
Once the fragile artwork is carefully wrapped and put in a box, the pair make their way to the few restaurants on the main floor. “What sounds good?”
“Anything, really...that popcorn didn’t fill me up at all!”
They head into a grill, ordering and chatting as they wait.
“Are you nervous about state?”
“...yeah, kinda. Mostly I’m just psyched we’re going, but...now that we’re going? I wanna go all the way.”
“I bet you will.”
“I dunno...there’s a lot of good teams. But we’ll sure try.”
“I’ll be there to cheer you on, okay? Sakura said she’d go with me, since she and Naruto finally g-got together.”
Sasuke pauses for a moment. “...that doesn’t bother you?”
“...should it?”
“You liked him for a long time.”
“...well, I’m not what he wanted. And that’s okay.” She gives him a shy smile. “...and you liked me for a long time, so...m-maybe it’s only fair.”
“Is that why you asked me out?”
“No! Well...maybe partially. But also because I like you, and...I w-want to give this a try.” After a small hesitation, she puts a hand atop his own on the table, earning a small blush.
After going out for dinner (and Hinata indulging in dessert, which Sasuke skips with his lack of a sweet tooth), they wander a little longer to let their meals settle. Then back to the car they head, both clearly disappointed the evening is almost over.
“...well, did you have fun?” he asks, maneuvering out of the garage.
“I did...a lot, actually. And thank you again for the lion...I am going to pay you back for that!”
“You can try,” he teases.
Pulling along the curb at her house, Sasuke walks her up to the door, hands in his pockets as she carries her few bags from her shopping.
“...thank you for taking me,” she eventually offers as they idle.
“Yeah, well...thanks for asking me,” Sasuke counters with a hint of a grin. “...it was really nice.”
“Would you...w-want to do it again sometime? Well...maybe something different, I mean, but another...d-date?”
“...I think I would. We’ll, uh...plan a bit more next time.”
Hinata giggles. “...okay.”
...another silence blooms.
“...well...I better get inside…”
“Yeah, I gotta get home, too.”
“Text me when you get home, so...I know you made it okay?”
After another pause, Hinata hesitates for a moment before swooping forward atop the step. Lips give a press to Sasuke’s cheek, which quickly blooms red. “...goodnight.”
“...night,” he manages to reply, watching her head in. Blinking a few times, he then dares to grin, walking on air to the car.
...maybe this whole date thing isn’t so bad.
     (This is a sequel to days 149, 168, 183, 271, 287, and 294!)      hhhhh I have an early morning tomorrow and now it's 2am BUT I GOT THIS DONE xD More of the sports verse: they're on a date! Finally! And neither of them know what they're doing, lol - but at least they had fun x3      Anyway I REALLY gotta go, so...thanks for reading!
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lordnochybaty · 6 years
OKAY. I HAVE MORE. (I can't help myself your writing is just too good 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼) Spork (hihi I always loved that name oops) MaxAnne Quill/Gamora (idk if you ship them but you can do a friendship one on them too :3)
Hey again, thanks so much for another ask :D I’m so glad you enjoyed those enough to ask for more ships :D (Sorry it took a bit to answer, they take longer than I anticipated. ;))
MaxAnne, I actually already posted.
And sadly I can’t do Quill/Gamora, not even as a friendship, because I still haven’t seen the Guardians. (I know, I know!) So really, I very vaguely know who they are and that’s not enough to write them. XD
The time has come to answer for Spork :D (And since you haven’t specified, I’m focusing on AOS Spock/Kirk, because I like them better.)
who’s the werewolf and who’s the hunter
Spock is the werewolf. The first Vulcan werewolf to be precise and after he gets bitten, Jim is assigned to make sure all goes well. The threat of Jim killing Spock if things don’t go well is clear to everyone involved, even if it might not be clearly stated.
Vulcans are kinda offended because they insist it’s all about staying in control and that’s what they’re good at, so they hardly need a human to teach one of their own how to stay calm and logical. The thing is though that Spock actually acts less Vulcan-like than they would prefer. He has his angry outburst and illogical moments of pride. They blame it on his human mother which causes one of the worst of his angry outburst, his eyes actually gleam yellow and Vulcans decide that okay, maybe human hunter is necessary because Spock is clearly beyond help and some drastic measures are required to help him. (Or put him down.)
So, Jim arrives, expecting a wild, angry, half-transformed werewolf who can’t control his new powers and he meets Spock. Then it’s a long ass story about learning to accept yourself and parts of you that you can’t control, and Spock being epically great at self-control by human and werewolves standard, but still a little unpredictable punk by Vulcan standards.
who’s the mermaid and who’s the fisherman
When Spock saw a first big body of water in real life he caused a minor diplomatic incident. It was a lake so big he couldn’t see the end of it, and by the end of the pier so deep he couldn’t see the bottom of it either. He knew of course about water on Earth, how much more of it there was than on Vulcan, but he did not expect the reaction it caused in him when he saw it. It was overwhelming and peaceful and so tempting. The diplomatic event his father attended was held in a hotel with a secured and empty beach but far to the right, Spock could see an open one, full of kids and adults whose shrieks and laughter still traveled to him, muffled by the distance. The urge to at least touch the water was highly illogical but Spock was also five and very much bored with all the politics he had to endure for the last few days. He crouched by the end of the pier and reached towards the water. In hindsight, it would be smarter to just lie down, really.
He fell into the water far too deep for him and splashed around in panic before going down quickly, mostly in shock.
That’s when he first met Jim, a far too curious merman who slipped his uncle care to observe the air-breathers. He grinned at Spock and helped him back out, making him climb to the pier so the humans could save him without seeing Jim.
Sarek was quite disappointed in his son’s show of illogical behavior but human diplomats were charmed and suddenly convinced Vulcans aren’t that bad and inhuman. The diplomatic meeting lasted another two days and was quite fruitful and Spock kept sneaking out at all times to meet Jim and promise him he will come back when he can.
Years later, when he declined admission to the Vulcan Science Academy the lake was the only place he could think of going.
who’s the witch and who’s the familiar
Spock is the witch and Jim is an incredibly annoying familiar but none of Spock’s magic works properly without him. He always imagined finding his familiar like others did on Vulcan, one of their own. Logical and calm. Focusing their magic. Instead, he met Jim who instead of bringing focus to their combined powers, brought strength that rivaled with those most powerful in the federation.
who’s the barista and who’s the coffee addict
Jim is making some extra cash during the academy days. Full scholarship and Pike’s blessing are all great but it’s nice to have something besides that. Or bet anything on just this one chance. Part of him is convinced he will be the greatest Starfleet captain of all time and Pike will be so proud of him one day he will just keep telling everyone how he enlisted him. Part of him remembers always not being good enough, and always working far from the command level and it still makes him feel like he’s fooling them all. Barely passing through his classes on some dumb luck, few brain cells, and his father’s name. That part makes him take the job at the cafe so he has something he knows, something he feels he can handle without Pike or his dad.
Spock orders one coffee every day because Vulcans don’t drink coffee. It’s illogical. Caffeine is a natural poison and if one is too exhausted to start a new day they should invest in better sleeping and meditating practices, not poison. Spock likes the bitter taste but he does not deny that he’s satisfying his illogical need to prove himself different than those who shined him.
They sometimes indulge in some small talk. Jim sometimes flirts at oblivious Spock. Sometimes they accidentally get into an argument about astrophysics or interplanetary politics. It’s all going well until Jim randomly suggests chocolate flavored mocha for a change and Spock feels rebellious and curious enough to accept it.
By the end of that day, Pike wants to strangle them both.
who’s the professor and who’s the TA
The thing is, Kirk was supposed to be Pike’s TA. And that was grand because they got each other and Pike new Jim was full of shit but also actually a really good kid with a really good brain in his thick skull. But Pike decided to get hurt on the basic training trip with the new cadets and so Spock is taking over his classes, and his TA. And it’s vaguely possible Jim and Spock will kill each other before the term is over.
who’s the knight and who’s the prince(ss)
Spock is the prince, Jim is the knight from Earth assigned to watch over Vulcan’s prince during his stay on Earth. Jim takes his responsibilities very seriously. He makes sure Spock is safe, he deals with any threat against him and also maybe possibly buys him ice-cream because Spock said he never had any and really, that is a crime that needs to be stopped asap.
who’s the teacher and who’s the single parent
The problem with Spock’s child, T’huk, is that he’s ¼ human. Spock never considered it to be a problem, after all, he’s a ½ human, he should be able to relate. But it seems the genetics played a joke on both of them when T’huk ended up in some ways being more human than Spock. All Spock wants is to connect with him but sometimes it feels like a diplomatic mission instead of a family dinner.
When Jim, T’huk’s new teacher, enters their lives, Spock is both grateful and envious which is highly illogical but he can hardly do anything about it.
who’s the writer and who’s the editor
Jim is the writer… Or rather it was a request after their last mission, saving the earth, getting Khan and all that jazz, to make a book out of Jim’s logs. That’s when Spock informs him that Captain’s logs aren’t exactly private. Jim theoretically knew that? But never expect anyone to actually check those out. He tends to ramble A LOT. There may be a few rants that should never see the light of the day. Sadly, he’s still stuck in the hospital and conscious only for a few hours a day, so he begs Spock - begs - to go through those and check them out before they get sent anywhere. BEcause it will be embarrassing as hell for Spock to listen to those, but still better than others.
Spock is still so glad his captain is alive that he agrees without much hesitation. He regrets it very quickly. He never expected there to be that much material. The captain rants A LOT. Most of it is completely unusable. (No one needs to know how the Captain feels about the softness of his new uniform or hear his in-depth analysis of Doctor McCoy’s eyebrow movement as relating to his current mood.) Some of it is downright disturbing. (And Spock felt illogical need to avoid eye-contact with Lt. Sulu the next time he encountered him.) However, some of it is quite illuminating and maybe it’s worth the bother. (And Spock never expected so many of those logs to be about him and surely not in such context.)
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