#‧₊˚ 「 aerin diaries 」
aernx · 1 year
is it js me or why is it kinda hard for me to find attractive guys irl?? like when it comes to girls i swear EVERY WOMAN is attractive but when i see guys…idk must of them ugly af im srry 💀
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storyofmychoices · 8 months
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The beginning of 2024 had definitely already brought it's share of challenges for me, but I'm hoping that maybe things will still be improving from here! Thinking positive!
Writing Goals
Where to even begin? I have probably 100+ WIP ranging from a scribbled idea on a post it to an outline that needs to be typed. I'd like to put a dent in that? So far each year, that list keeps growing instead of shrinking. I find that I'm more of the in the moment writer. It's all or nothing. Either I finish a piece in one sitting or it never gets done. I'd like to try to find more of a balance in 2024.
In a perfect world, here are some stories I'd like to complete:
Mal's proposal: I started this fic last February, and would really like to actually write it. I have art for it. I don't know what I'm waiting for, especially now that I have their Blades 2 AU proposal done 🙈
Laser Tag with Brylivia: This is just a short little drabble that I think is like 75% written. It's from 2 years ago. I really have NO excuses lol
Love and Scotch: This series fell away when I stoped writing Ethan (for a number of reasons). I'd love to finish this series. I had several more chapters planned but I might just skip some and at least get to what I envisioned as "the end" aka Thomas and Alex's HWU AU wedding and a big turning point for Ethan and Ellie.
#HollywoodHacks: Does anyone even care about this series? Anyone even remember it? I feel like no. I was really only writing it for 1 person, but they're not in the fandom anymore...It might not be the ending I'd planned or wanted, but I think I could wrap the series in 1 or 2 (tops) more chapters. I had hoped that the story would lead to me writing more for Ben Parks and my #LoveHacks MC but that never happened
Tipsy Nia x Daenarya: an anon requested tipsy Nia hitting on Daenarya and I started it but then never finished it. It's such a small drabble it seems silly to even include it here, but here we are!
Blades 2 AU: At the start of Blades 2 I was doing a great job keeping up with the book and rewriting the chapters to fit my vision for the characters. That kinda fell apart around Chapter 5. I'd like to finish that rewrite and see how Iliana fits into how the rest of the book happened. Last I wrote, Daenarya didn't even know she was pregnant.
Rayden and Lydo's Adoption: Mal and Daenarya have already decided to adopt them. I've also written them as a family. But, I've never written the actual story of Mal and Daenarya telling the boys they were adopting them and they'd be a family forever, so I'd love to do that!
Pairings I'd like to write more of in 2024:
Thomas and Alex: I used to publish 1 new story a day when I first started writing them. It lasted over a year, then it gradually decreased. Last year, I only wrote them 10 times! I know the lack of interactions with their stories, has definitely made me want to share less and just enjoy daydreaming for them, but still, I'd like to keep their story going, regardless of interactions, because they are so special to me. Plus, if I could wrap those two series above that they're in, that would definitely lift my RCD/HWU fic count for the year!
Nyx x Aerin: I LOVE NYX! NYX is incredible and I love love love them. Aerin is kinda fun too. I would love to develop these two more this year.
Trystan and Lilah: I've only written them a few times and I'd like to get to know them better
Beckett and Emma: I haven't written them in a long time and when I did write them it was for 1 particular series (them in Detention). With the Book Club replaying TE, I'm hoping I might be inspired to see what they're like outside of the library.
Troy and Astraea: I love these two but I haven't had time to explore them more. I don't think I'll have time to participate in the group reread right now, but I would still like to reread WTD at some point this year and keep developing them.
Daenarya x Maiele (@lilyoffandoms) + Mal x Tyril: In 2023, Lily and I started to develop these relationships more. I loved every second of that and I hope 2024 will bring us more of these four lovely characters.
Mal's Orphanage: Blades 2 destroyed the orphanage storyline. If PB wanted to steal it they should have done a better job of it. Like there was literally no point in them having that storyline since they abandoned it the first chance they got. I'd like to fix the Blades 2 orphanage storyline but then go back to focusing on my original orphanage because those children are my favorite.
Other Goals
Catch up on reading and be a more active reader
Follow and support new Choices accounts
Continue with the book club and other events I host but find a balance with hosting that I still have time to create and read/support others
Try my hand at drawing again. I had been drawing chibi's a while back and I haven't had time/the courage to try again, but @lilyoffandoms's incredible art journey this month has inspired me to add it to my list this year
Keep editing Aerin in the sluttiest Choices outfits I can find
Flesh out more of Olivia's pediatric practice and how she transitions from Edenbrook to Sunshine Pediatrics
Be kind to myself and let myself rest when I need it. I am my biggest critic and if you ask me what I'm good at, I'd say nothing and I would tell you everything wrong with anything I've ever done, including all of my pairings. I see the mistakes and I want to let myself see the good and focus on only that this year.
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boxcxtterbxy · 6 months
psych appt tmrw……… my dads bday, too :O were goin to eat lunch together after its over. GODDDDDD idk what shes even gonna do, cuz im a MESS, and i think i may need big changes. blrrghhggh.
after TWO WEEKS one of my styros is finally completely closed with very little scabbing 😩
ive been at work since uueeeee 9:30? yeah…… 2 more hours…….. i have moneyyyyyy!!!!!! im gonna pay my friend to get me some shrooms n a dispo at a smoke shop in their area… theyll have better luck than me for sure. theres only 2 places around here and you never know whether youre gonna get carded :c and their mom knows i use dispos and stuff and she wont mind helping them get it to me as long as its technically my money paying for it xP
i wanna go hoooooooome and play hotline miami!!!!!!!!! but itll be 3 before i know it. 1 and a half hours left 🥳🥳its fine i dont need to be home rn anyway, my fiancé doesnt get off work until 4 every day this week as opposed to his usual 3 so theres nothing to do.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm might go slicey dicey when i get home! depends on how good i feel after i hit my stizzy .. im gonna take an edible friday i think .. wuh i do nothing but plan when to get high tbh this is so sad
im gonna slicey tomorrowwww… feel like chillin out a little today.. anyways!! hope everyone has a great day (❛◡❛✿)
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CFWC F/AtoW: Aug 18 - 24, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱 = Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA+
Aerin the master of yearning 🎨 | Aerin Valleros x F!Human!MC - @erixadraws
Memory Lane ✒️Ⓜ | Adrian Raines x F!MC - @kinda-iconic
Crystal: The Skinfluencer 🎨 | Crystal Gao - @storyofmychoices
Dante: The Actor 🎨 | Dante Valdez - @storyofmychoices
Farah: The Femme Fatale 🎨 | Farah Sabri - @storyofmychoices
Nick: The Host 🎨 | Nick Gallant - @storyofmychoices
The Press Secretary (Series) ✒️ | Chris Powell x F!MC - @eadanga Chapter 16
Milestones ✒️ | Gabe Ricci x F!MC - @eadanga
High 📱 | F!MC & M!OC - @liaromancewriter
Snuggling In ✒️ | Multiple Pairings - @jerzwriter; feat. characters from @storyofmychoices @lilyoffandoms
Summer Hideaway ✒️ | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Two Weeks 📱 | Ethan Ramsey x F!MC - @genevievemd
When Sparks Fly ✒️ | Aurora Emery x M!OC - @liaromancewriter
In One Kiss 🎨 | Thomas Hunt x F!MC - @chryzure C: @theartoflovingthomashunt
It’s your love I crave 🎨 | Maxwell Beaumont x F!MC - @erixadraws
Princesa Real 2 (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @belencha77 Chapter 32: Mas Alla Del Juego Chapter 33: Cumpleaños en Paris Chapter 34: Desafios y Amistad Chapter 35: Amigos y Aventura
The Royal Romance (Series) ✒️ | Liam Rys x F!MC - @eadanga Chapter 9, Part 3
The Royal Romance Retelling (Series) ✒️ | Multiple Characters - @fadingreveries Chapter 4
Lillian & John 🎨 | John Somerset x F!MC - @bri1234
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Prompts & Assignments to submit:
Three word prompts (use one, two, three or more):
Day 1: Books ⚜️ Etiquette ⚜️ Rys/Rhys
Day 2: Academy ⚜️ Music ⚜️ Hana Lee
Day 3: Scrolls ⚜️ Library ⚜️ Beaumont
Day 4: Detention ⚜️ Class ⚜️ Drake Walker
Day 5: Uniform ⚜️ Mirror ⚜️ Nevrakis
Day 6: Crown ⚜️ Security ⚜️ Thorne
Day 7: Jewels ⚜️ Student ⚜️ Foredale
Day 8: Professor ⚜️ Tea ⚜️ Ernest Sinclaire
Day 9: Study ⚜️ Duty ⚜️ Annabelle Parson
Day 10: Pranks ⚜️ Strict ⚜️ Prince Hamid
Day 11: Parents ⚜️ Diary ⚜️ Sir Luke Harper
Day 12: Love Letter ⚜️ Sleep ⚜️ Lord Elric
Day 13: Waltz ⚜️ Scandal ⚜️ Lady Thalissa
Day 14: Bullies ⚜️ Cafeteria ⚜️ Lord Tialo
Day 15: Romance ⚜️ Inheritance ⚜️ Garrus
Day 16: Tabloids ⚜️ Timetable ⚜️ Montjoy
Day 17: Classes ⚜️ Elite ⚜️ Somerset
Day 18: Nerd ⚜️ Exams ⚜️ Valleros
Day 19: Ancient ⚜️ Pranks ⚜️ Starfury
Day 20: Athlets ⚜️ Knowledge ⚜️ Al Kaleen
Day 21: Wise ⚜️ Friends ⚜️ Princess Valax
Day 22: Jokes ⚜️ Diary ⚜️ Prince/-ess Clarke
Day 23: Dormitory ⚜️ Security ⚜️ Julivert
Day 24: Schedule ⚜️ Law ⚜️ Sussington
Day 25: Politics ⚜️ Dessert ⚜️ Pendragon
Day 26: Projects ⚜️ Group ⚜️ Kieran
Day 27: Other Royal nobilities (side character)
Day 28: Present us your Royal Choices Main Characters (TRR, Nightbound, D&D, BOLAS etc...) with moodboards, character profiles, art or fanfics.
Day 29: Turn your non-royal Choices Main Character into Royalty with art, edits or more...
Day 30: Pick Royal Characters from different Choices books and let them interact with each other (for example, in classroom, working on school projects, academy halls, etc...). Write a small a fanfic/drabble/social-media-chat OR create art/edit. [Prompt example: Aerin helps BOLAS MC, Trystan, NB MC and Kieran with studies. Baldur & Tialo try to disturb them.]
Thanking @lilyoffandoms for inspiration + help
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bri1234 · 6 months
What song(s) do you relate to a Choices book survey results!
Hello! So it's been about a week and there are a few responses from the Google form I sent out! The form is attached at the bottom of all this so if you want to take it, you still can!
I will continue to update this if there are any more responses.
Also if you see your song on here but not the additional comment (if you left one) and would like it on here, just let me know and I'll add it!
So without further ado, let's jump right in!
Songs that relate to a Choices book (chosen by you guys!):
Across the Void
Remember Me as A Time of Day by Explosions in the Sky
Blades of Light & Shadow
Two by Sleeping at Last
Comment was "MC's deeply unhealthy desire to put everyone else's wellbeing first (book 2)."
Degenerates by I the Mighty
In My Head by Jacob Ryan Smith, Daniel Mertzlufft, Andrew Barth Feldman, & Joe Serafini
Comment was "Aerin and MC on Deadwood lake date (book 1)."
Falling by Write Out Loud, Ciara Renee, and Kat Sicilian
Die With A Smile by Bruno Mars and Lady Gaga
A Courtesan of Rome
I Survived a War by Mariami
Crimes of Passion
In My Blood Song by Joel Smallbone and The Cast Of Journey To Bethlehem
Comment was "I relate this song the Trystan Thorne, specifically Book 2 of CoP, wanting to be the son his parents and country are proud of while being himself."
Arpeggio by Alexandro
Perfect World by Twice
The Cursed Heart
Dream A Little Dream of Me by The Mamas & The Papas
Comment was "It reminds me of how Kieran and MC often would visit each others dreams at night (book 1)."
Power Over Me by Dermot Kennedy
Without You by Ursine Vulpine
Find You by Ruelle
Die For You by Postmodern Jukebox and Tatum Langley
Young and Beautiful by Lana Del Rey
Comment was “MC thinking about their mortality and how someday they won’t be young and beautiful.”
Los Ageless by St. Vincent
Comment was “Lustre’s theme song 😈”
Dirty Little Secrets
"Slut!" by Taylor Swift
Suburban Legends by Taylor Swift
The Elementalists
Hedwig's Theme by John Williams
Queen of Heart by Twice
Only Girl by Stephen Sanchez
Hot Couture
Choose Your Fighter by Ava Max
Immortal Desires
Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown
End (The Other Side) by Fit For A King
Scars & Lifelines by I Prevail
Death Is All Around by The Amity Affliction
The Death We Seek by Currents
Still Don't Know My Name by Labrinth
In Hell I'll Be Good Company by The Dead South
Murder at Homecoming
no body, no crime by Taylor Swift
Songs from the Shadowhunter series: Dynasty , Hurricane, Making a Monster out of Me (Katherine McNamara) , This is the Hunt (Ruelle), Storm (Ruelle) , Bad Dream , Love to Hate You, I am Ember from Katherine McNamara , Hold On (from Chord Oversee) , Glass Slipper (Katherine McNamara) , Paralyzed (NF), Angel with a Shotgun (instead shotgun imagine crossbow) , Brother (Kodaline), Shadowhunter series Finale Song by Ruelle
Open Heart
Symphony of Skin by I The Mighty
Comment was "Romancing Bryce vibes"
3 Minutes by Alexi Blue
Red Carpet Diaries
Why Should I? by Alexi Blue
Roommates With Benefits
You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi
The Royal Romance
Not Your Barbie Girl by Ava Max
Barbie Girl by Aqua
Loves Me Not by Kate Grahn & Will Jay
i wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
Rules of Engagement
Hair by Little Mix
Bad Habits by Ed Sheeran
Here's the Google form if anyone wants to take it! Thank you so much to those of you who have taken the time to do this!!!
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lovealexhunt · 2 months
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[2023] 2024: ☆ January-March ☆ April-June ☆ July-August☆
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
Love & Scotch: A Hollywood U x Open Heart Crossoverch: Friendship + New Beginnings: Hunt and Ethan share a drink before Hunt's wedding.
Gaden Interlude: Alex and Thomas enjoy a quick break in the gardens outside the gala.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley [Open Heart]
A Saucy Surprise: Now that they have their chicken nugget pillows, it's time for the condiments!
Shining Through the Shadows: Olivia prepares a special eclipse viewing party for her patients.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades 1] [Blades 2] [Orphanage]
Safe: Mal contemplates life as he watches over Daenarya.
Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd [Open Heart]
Otterly in Love: Ethan texts Ellie on National Otter Day. 📱
Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle [The Elementalists]
Cloud Watching: Emma tries to teach Beckett to cloud watch.
Veil of Secrets
Study Habits: Midterms are next week and Kate hasn't begun to study. Luckily, Calli is there to help.
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Bryce Lahela Geometric Art
Bryce pushes Olivia on a Swing sketch
Olivia plays with sleepy Bryce's sketch
Mermaid Olivia Sketch
Olivia Chibi Head
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The Hero and the Trophy Husband: Daenarya x Mal
Forest Fun: Daenarya x Mal (light N*FW)
Daenarya x Maiele Tender Moment
Safe: Daenarya sleeps in Mal's arms in a field
Garden Interlude: Thomas x Alex take a quiet moment
Thomas x Alex in a daffodil field
In all the World: Bryce x Olivia in a heart
Olivia's First Mother's Day
Bryce's First Father's Day (at the beach)
Dance with Me: Bryce x Olivia dance in the rain
Forever My Tiny Human: Aerin x Nyx
Levi x Laura and Lily Minimalist Chibi
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Laura Day Character Profile
Callista Rossi Character Profile
Mal x Daenarya Cute HC Tweet
MC Pride Picrew
MC/LI Pride Picrew
Bryce x Olivia Fairy Edit
Daenarya Fairy Edit
Mal Fairy Edit
Kate O'Malley Edit
Ask: How did Mal x Daenarya decide to be poly?
Sunshine Pediatrics Vision Board + To Do List
King Kong Screenshots HWU / RCD
Bryce x Olivia Picrew chibi
Bryce x Olivia Picrew kiss
Thomas x Alex Picrew kiss
Vax and Lincoln (art gift)
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choicespride · 3 months
Choices Pride 2024 Week 2 Masterlist
Kalani Picrew - m!MC (Kalani Mochizuki) - @peonyblossom
A Very Scandalous Proposal
SpreadJoy #885 - Nigel Brookes - @storyofmychoices
Blades of Light and Shadow
Forever my tiny human 💛 - nb!elf!OC (Nyx Selenastra) x Aerin Valleros - @storyofmychoices
Happy Pride 🌈 from Daenarya & Maiele - f!human!MC (Daenarya); elf!MC (Maiele Nightbloom) - @lilyoffandoms
The Elementalists
MC Pride Hearts - MC (Apollo Solaris); Atlas Erndhart; OC (Lance Hartley) - @saibug1022
High School Story
Evie and Aiden Picrews - f!MC (Evie Ayana, HSS) x Aiden Zhou - @cadybear420
Jamie is ready for pride! - nb!MC (Jamie Baxter, HSS) - @peonyblossom
Ria and Maria Picrew - OC (Ria Morena) x Maria Flores - @lover-also-fighter-also
Picrew - MC (Cher Lee, HSS:CA) x Ajay Bhandari - @cadybear420
Picrew - MC (Jordan Price, HSS Prime) x Julian Castillo - @cadybear420
Picrew - m!MC (Alan Parke, HSS) x Emma Hawkins - @cadybear420
Picrew - f!MC (Evie Ayana, HSS) x Aiden Zhou - @cadybear420
Pride Heart Picrews - f!MC (Lola Williams, HSS Prime); nb!MC (Jamie Baxter, HSS) - @peonyblossom
It Lives Anthology
MC Pride Hearts - MC (Val, ILITW); MC (Leon, ILB); MCs (Athantis Twins, ILW) - @saibug1022
Picrew - m!MC (Devi, ILITW) - @gutsfics
Picrew - f!MC (Harper Addison Vance-Fisher, ILB) x Tom Sato - @cadybear420
Picrew - f!MC (Jo Hunter, ILITW) x Lucas Thomas - @cadybear420
SpreadJoy #886 - Lily Ortiz - @storyofmychoices
SpreadJoy #882 - Andy Kang - @storyofmychoices
Laws of Attraction
Bisharpe pride heart icons - MC x Marcus Sharpe - @saibug1022
Murder at Homecoming
SpreadJoy #884 - Stevie Sun - @storyofmychoices
Open Heart
Edits - nb!MC (Baxter Lucafont) - @gutsfics
Some Sydney Picrews - nb!MC (Sydney Valentine) - @peonyblossom
Red Carpet Diaries
SpreadJoy #883 - Seth Levine - @storyofmychoices
y'all means all - m!MC (Jules Rojas, Untameable); m!MC (Barrett Kemp, Unbridled) - @peonyblossom
Picrews - MC (Jiahao, ID) x Cas Harlow; MC (Fiona Lightwood, LOA) x Gabe Ricci; MC (Rams Erndhart); MC (Sawtooth, Alpha) x Channing Lowe - @choicesmc
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strengthandvigour · 7 months
Tuor's diary
I have been wondering if I can follow my heart. It is whispering to me. I guess it is time to forsake the land of my ancestors and leave everything behind. I must follow the stream of water and go to distant lands. Who knows? I will see the waves of the sea one day, I think. I guess I can hear its voice already. It is a wonderful voice.
I do not know where to go, though. I do not know when to leave. I procrastinate and this is not a good thing. I must leave soon and see the world. I did not utter a word to the dog that was by my side all these times. I left the Caves and I was wandering far and wide. I think I will be happy to avoid the Easterlings before I leave Hithlum forever. I will save my life that way because Lorgan wants to see me dead. There is a price for my head, I have heard.
Not that I was seeking revenge when I killed those Easterlings. But I had to protect myself from the Dark Lord and his servants. I know that the Easterlings obey him. I only wish I had met lady Aerin. I have heard so many tales about her. But now, I am away from Hithlum and I am calmer than ever. I am not in danger anymore. Or so I hope.
I think I should go to Vinyamar. The stream of water leads me there. I have met two wonderful Elves as well. They introduced themselves as Gelmir and Arminas. They helped me find the right way to the abandoned Kingdom. I wish they are well because I liked them from the first moment they talked to me. I hope for the best because I am alone again.
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artfulchoiceswithdani · 5 months
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By Year: [2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020]
💜 Gift Commissions
By Pairing + character
💖 Aerin Valleros x Nyx Selenastra [Blades of Light & Shadow]
Nyx (only)
💖 Beckett Harrington x Emma Carlyle [The Elementalists]
Emma (only)
💖 Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (OC) [Open Heart]
Olivia (only)
Merida / Casey
💖 Ethan Ramsey x Ellie Shepherd [Open Heart]
Ethan (only)
💖 Flynn O'Malley x Calli Rossi [Veil of Secrets]
💖 Jun Seong x Emilia Charles [The Deadliest Game]
💖 Justin Mercado x Mari Bishop [Save the Date]
💖 Levi Schuler x Laura Day [Mother of the Year]
Levi (only)
💖 Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light & Shadow]
Daenarya (only)
Mal (only or with Tyril)
Maiele [Character belongs to lilyoffandoms]
Blades Crew
💖 Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer [Red Carpet Diaries/Hollywood U]
Alex (only)
Thomas (only)
HWU Crew
💖 Troy Hassan x Astraea Callen [Wake the Dead]
💖 Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
Lilah (only)
Trystan (only)
By Book:
💙 Blades of Light & Shadow
💙 Crimes of Passion
💙 The Deadliest Game
💙 The Elementalists
💙 Hollywood U / Red Carpet Diaries
💙 Mother of the Year
💙 Open Heart
💙 Save the Date
💙 Veil of Secrets
💙 Wake the Dead
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aernx · 1 year
cute boy in my school smiled at me when i was selling him basketball match tickets and HE HAS A DIMPLE???? he’s literally rejecting the ticket i offered but i was too focused on that dimple 😵‍💫😵‍💫
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bedtimegiraffe · 8 months
Time to be the kind of music obsessed fan I want to see in the world and recommend some songs! These are focused on Aerin leaving, staying away way too long, and coming back.
Aerin Perspective:
Vibes: Laying in bed wistfully, writing in your diary
No one believes in me except for you I'm losing everything except for you I fail at everything I can't do anything I fail at everything I'd die for anything Oh, how can you still love me?
Vibe: Sitting and staring at someone you really like from across the room
Sometimes I'm so cynical and self-conscious And sometimes I see that I'm bringing him down I stand in the mirror, hands in empty pockets And wonder why he even wants me around
So what do you give to the boy who has everything Now that you need him more than you knew What do you do when you finally get to him And you see he's better off without you?
Vibe: (Added a full day after the other songs because I just found it but it's a great 'Well, time to go fight the end of the world for the person I love' song)
Is this who I was always supposed to be? If I had met you Before they tore down the swing set Before all the bad things happened Before I chose my armor Bеfore I tried to tell thеm somethin' was wrong
I'm runnin' back into the burning house For you, for me, for us, for everything
MC Perspective:
Vibes: Pacing your room having an argument with someone in your head that keeps making you angrier
Go ahead, say it You're leaving You'll just come back running Holding your scarred heart in hand It's all the same
Vibe: You heart breaks a little when you wake up in bed alone again
Said you'd never leave Whether wrong or right You're every other thought Always on my mind You know you're bad at love, bad at love Seems as if you can't get enough
Vibe: Pleading with someone having a bad time and trying not to seem frantic yourself
It's okay if you can't catch your breath You can take the oxygen straight out of my own chest I know exactly how the rule goes Put my mask on first No, I don't want to talk about myself Tell me where it hurts I just want to build you up, build you up 'Til you're good as new
Duet, Chapter 17 (you know the one)
Vibe: Swaying along with someone until you spontaneously start to ballroom dance
I don't need you to sell me on reasons to want you I don't need you to search for the proof that I should You don't have to convince me You don't have to be scared you're not enough 'Cause what we've got going is good
I never thought there'd be someone like you who would want me So I give you ten thousand reasons to not let me go But if you really see me If you like me for me and nothing else Well, that's all that I've wanted for longer than you could possibly know
'Noncanon' but reunion I wish we had where Aerin goes 'Wow, you're also barely holding it together.'
Vibe: Watching someone smile in conversation when you know they're faking it
Brave face, talk so lightly, hide the truth Yeah I'm sick of losing soulmates So where do we begin? I can finally see you're as fucked up as me So how do we win? I won't take no for an answer
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corgi-cthuwu · 10 months
I was re-reading thru some of my diary crap and found an old entry I made on Aerin and Radiance's similarities...
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What do you guys think?
This was written way before Blades 2 came out so don't mind the part where I say that Aerin gets corrupted by the Shadow Court as a kid! I just assumed that he was, with the whole darkness and 20 years revenge thing-- I mean, what kind of life have you had to live to want to kill your only brother, for 20 whole years??
Assuming that Aerin's in his early 20's, which would've made him either an infant or a toddler??
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peonyblossom · 11 months
please send me asks about my trans characters for trans awareness month!!!
America’s Most Eligible
Blades of Light and Shadow
Aerin Valleros
m!elf!MC, Hades Nightbloom
f!MC, Blair
Crimes of Passion
nb!MC, Jenna Rosę
nb!Trystan Thorne
Dirty Little Secrets
m!MC, Brooklyn Peters
The Elementalists
m!MC, Elio Von Brandt
m!Atlast Erndhart
High School Story
HSS nb!MC, Jamie Baxter
Michael Harrison
Hollywood U/Red Carpet Diaries
f!MC, Jackie Winters
Immortal Desires
nb!MC, Reese O’Malley
nb!Cas Harlow
It Lives Anthology
ILITW m!MC, Harry Spear
Andy Kang
Danni Asturias
ILW nb!MC, Ollie Bridgers
ILW nb!MC, Keagan Burke
ILW nb!MC, Lottie Hamilton
ILW m!OC, Ezra Wilkins
Laws of Attraction
nb!MC, Sav Zarza
Open Heart
m!MC, Sydney Valentine
Ethan Ramsey
Esme Ortega
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CFWC F/AotW - Jan 21 - 27, 2024
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✒️= Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨= Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA | 🔹Submitted by creator
Aerin Valleros Fanart 🎨by @storyofmychoices
Aerin Valleros x MC Fanfic ✒️🔹by @skepticalfrogcat
Blades of Light & Shadow Fanart 🎨🔹| Multiple Characters by @phaaz
Promises ✒️🔹- @petalouda85
Things Left Unsaid ✒️Ⓜ️🔥🔹| Mal Volari x F!MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Tyril Starfury x MC 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @gaiuskamilah
Gabriel Rose 🎨🏳️‍🌈🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Home Without ✒️| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
laplace's angel ✒️🔹| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
A Tipsy Winter's Tale ✒️🔹| Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @jerzwriter
Longclaw x Radiance Fanart 🎨🔹by @artbyalz
Hallway Argument ✒️| Beckett Harrington, MC - @choicesmc
Grandchildren: Leonel 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Estela Montoya x MC - @marmolady
Snow in Crimson, Starlight in Gold (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🏳️‍🌈| m!cas x m!gabe x m!mc - @aria-ashryver Chapter 38: Heaven is Not Fit to House a Love Like You and I
ILITW Fanart 🎨 by @alleykatart
Prelude: Martin's Rise ✒️🔹| Martin Vanderweil x MC - @aces-and-angels
Serving Cunt and Justice 🎨🏳️‍🌈| Multiple Characters by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
Loyal to be Royal ✒️🔹| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian
Full Open Heart Masterlist Week of Jan 21-27
Best Kept Secrets (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🔹| Liam Rys x F!MC - @ao719 Chapter 18: Maybe We'll Get it Right
Daylight ✒️Ⓜ️🔹| TRR MC x ? - @angelasscribbles
Forevermore (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️🔹| King Marquise (Liam) x MC - @khoicesbyk Chapter 4a: The Princess Diary, Part 1 Chapter 4b: The Princess Diary, Part 2
Jeff Duffy Fanart 🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Veil of Secrets Fanart 🎨🔹Multiple Characters by @lilyoffandoms
Angel Savage Fanart 🎨🔹by @gaiuskamilah
Angel Savage Fanart 2 🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
Eli Sipes Fanart 🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
The Siren (Zombie) 🎨by @lilyoffandoms
Starlit Night ✒️🔹| Troy Hassan x F!MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Troy Hassan Fanart 🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms
WTD MC 🎨🔹by @lilyoffandoms for @dutifullynuttywitch
Blades of Light & Shadow/Nightbound
Happy Birthday @ladylamrian! 🎨| Nik Ryder, Aerin Valleros, Mal Volari - by @artbyalz
Crimes of Passion, Nightbound, Open Heart, The Royal Romance
Choices MCs 🎨 by @mariemarieohcontrary
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fandomfiish · 2 years
Choices books RO's I picked Masterlist
Since I've successfully got my ass hauled back to playing choices (Due to It lives within, in a span of two days I already finished ILITW and started TE ... again. And I thought it'll be nice to share the RO's/LI's I've picked throughout the books, granted I haven't played all books yet so this will definitely be edited and updated as time goes on. Note: I haven't finished most of these books, just wanted to add which LI I picked.
Freshman series -  Zig Ortega || MC: Claire
The Crown and the Flame - Dominic
Most Wanted - Dave Reyes
Rules of Engagement - Blake Yasuda
Endless Summer - Jake Mackenzie
#LoveHacks - Ben Park
The Royal Romance/Heir - Maxwell Beaumont
Hero - Grayson Prescott || MC: Flynn Hudson
Highschool Story - Michael Reginald Harisson || MC: Klein Montgomery
Highschool Story: Class Act – Ajay  || MC: Kirby
It lives in the woods - Lucas Thomas || MC: Von Franco
It lives Beneath - Parker Shaw || MC: Seifer
It lives within - Lincoln Mcquoid || MC: Shohei Kim
Red Carpet Diaries - Matt Rodriguez/Seth Levine || MC: Jovia
Perfect Match - Hayden Young/Damien Nazario || MC: Liam Prescott
Bloodbound - Jax Natsuo/Adrian Raine || MC: Elise Sinclaire
Veil of Secrets – Flynn O’Malley || MC: Alex Thompson
America's Most Eligible - Unnamed Stranger/ Han|| MC: Isaiah Park / Han
Desire & Decorum – Ernest Sinclaire || MC: Ms. Camilla
Across the Void – Meridian / Zekei
Big Sky Country – Sawyer || MC: Thomas Jenkins
The Elementalists – Beckett Harrington || MC: Ike Eagleson
A Courtesan of Rome – Marc Antony
The Heist: Monaco - Fabien Ahmad || MC: Stiles Lee
Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance - Colt Kaneko
Open Heart - Bryce Lahela / Rafelo Avelero || MC: Dr. Cryx Montero
Passport to Romance – Ahmed Khabbaz
Wishful Thinking – Jaime Lewis
Nightbound – Nik Ryder || MC: Dwight Park
Platinum – Avery Wilshire
Sunkissed - Nate
Bachelorette Party – Ash Tanaka
Mother of the Year – Thomas Mendes
Save the Date – Simon Hendricks  
The Royal Masquerade – Hunter Fierro/Kayden Vescovi
With Every Heartbeat – Dakota Winchester
Blades of Light and Shadow – Aerin Valleros
Distant Shores - Edward || MC: Christopher Bang
Queen B – Professor Kingsley
My Two First Loves – Noah Harris
Rising Tides – Robin Tora
Foreign Affairs – Tatum Mendoza
Laws of Attraction – Gabe Ricci
Shipwrecked – Brendan Fraiser
Wake the Dead – Eli Sipes
Crimes of Passion – Trystan Thorne/Luke Watanabe
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