#↳˳;; ❝ chat: jaehyun ✧˚∗
soulfm · 2 years
✧˚∗ ➳ @indigosmaknae​
ren needed to leave, something about being told to stay in his hotel room rubbed him the wrong way. he didn’t mind the relaxing solitude of it after a concert or a day full of schedules but it felt like he was grounded. he had no problem with his managers but they still held that authority over him, and he was never good with that. so because of that — naturally, he decided he needed a change of scenery. he wouldn’t be gone long, just for a little walk. . maybe find a convenience store. they couldn’t fault him for getting hungry, right? throwing on his black hoodie, he pulled the hood over his cherry colored locks and grabbed a mask before he made his way out of his room. he made quick steps down the long hallway, rounding the corner where the elevators were only to find someone else waiting on the doors to open. even if it wasn’t his manager, ren’s whole being still tensed as he recognized who it was. hyun — jaehyun, he wasn’t even sure if he had any nickname rights anymore. it was still sinking in how things have changed between them. “oh hi.” he murmured, “um — i can take the next one. . if you want.”
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hugs2doie · 10 months
could u do jaehyun or doie as ur bf texts 🙈🙈 UR TEXT AUS R SO CUTEE RAGHH 🫶🫶
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random jaehyun bf texts
i did jawhyun sincw ive done like 2 doie bf texrs posts :3
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lunicho · 2 months
hii i love your works!!!
can you write something about myungjae? (it can be eitheir sfw or nsfw) i'm so in love with him, i can't stop thinking about how he's such a softie :(
send bnd asks to @angeltsan
gonna give u a soft hard thought but we all know how myungjae is a bit of a sleepyhead, like he's always falling asleep places or looking pretty tired when the time comes. the same applies to after sex, after his orgasm he starts to doze off so so fast. part of aftercare with him is helping him get cleaned up simply because he just gets soo drowsy. if u leave the room he'll be fully asleep by the time you get back cuz his orgasm always takes sm out of him but it's so cute cuz that just means he came super hard <3 and when you climb in bed next to you he also latches onto you so fast, he gets so so cuddly after and just needs to hold u super close
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noonaishere · 8 months
Work of Art [J.JH] - epilogue four - something like two years later
You and Jaehyun loved your apartment in Seoul, the placement, the convenience, but eventually it just couldn’t keep up with your needs: you had a curious baby who, on more than one occasion, crawled into your studio and came out covered in oil paints she then tracked all over the floor; Jaehyun wanted to practice choreography at home and there was no space and neighbors who came up to complain when they felt he was making too much noise; and those two points didn’t even matter, because your paintings eventually breached the confines of your studio and began to intrude into the rest of the place like an invasive species. You had outgrown your beloved little apartment, and needed a bigger place.
Not even a year after you had given birth, you had made the decision to buy a house and move to a quiet neighborhood that was a little closer to his parents as well. The proximity to them was convenient not only because they loved baby sitting, often coming over to watch the baby so you could paint without being interrupted constantly, but because his parents were genuinely lovely people and you loved being around them. Of course, they’d have to be if they raised someone like your husband.
“Be good for grandma, okay?” You kissed your daughter on the forehead as she groggily nodded yes and you handed her off to Jaehyun’s mom.
Anna gave both of the twins a kiss and told them to behave themselves. While your child was already tired from running around with her “cousins” all afternoon, her kids were a little older and still had some energy left. They were currently drawing a picture together.
“I’ll get them all to bed on time, don’t worry,” Jaehyn’s mom smiled.
You returned the smile. “Thank you, Omma.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Jeong.” Anna smiled.
“Have fun with your friends, you two.” She said as she sat at the table across from the twins.
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“Jae’s mom is so sweet,” Anna said as the two of you walked down the stairs to join the others.
“Mhm. Oh my god, I remember being so nervous when I met his parents. I was like this… dumbass American kid who purposefully orphaned herself from her family and now their son was about to present that mess of a person to them like, ‘Hey, I love this person.’ I was shitting myself.”
Anna laughed.
“But they liked me?” You widened your eyes at her, miming the astonishment you felt when they didn’t just not present you with an envelope of money as a bribe to stop knowing their son, they actually liked you and welcomed your presence.
She laughed again and swatted at you. “Didn’t they like you a lot when you finally met them?”
“Oh yeah. He told them all about me so: I didn’t even know I had a reputation, but it had already preceded me.” You chuckled as the two of you reached the bottom of the stairs and you turned the hall light off as you made your way to the kitchen. “And then his mom was all cute and weepy like, ‘If you ever need a mom, I can be your mom,’ and we both ended up crying.”
“How’s your mom by the way? How’d the surgery go?”
“Oh, she’s doing great. Her and my dad want to visit once she’s okay to fly.”
“Would they want to come out here at all? We can maybe barbecue in the backyard and the kids can run around.”
“Oh, could we do that? It’d be so much better than having everyone over at our place.”
“That’s why I offered.” You laughed as the two of you walked into the kitchen. “As my oldest and most important friend, of course we can barbecue here.”
“We’re barbecuing?” Jaehyun asked as he arranged snacks onto a tray.
“Anna’s parents might visit soon and I offered our place for barbecuing. Do you mind?”
He shook his head with a smile. “Of course not. I love your parents, Anna.”
She smiled.
“And we’re of a singular mind,” Jaehyun said as you walked over to steal a snack and he seized the moment to kiss you on the cheek.
Anna chuckled. “If you two are going to be like this, I’m going to go wait for everyone else.” She left for the living room.
“You’ve chased our friend away,” you giggled as he went in for a second kiss. 
“Had to happen at some point.”
He chased your lips with his own as you tried to dodge him, laughing as he tried to get you. He pulled you close and buried his face in your neck, you draped your arms over his shoulders with a chuckle and rubbed his back for a moment. 
“You okay?”
He nodded into your neck before pulling away. “I want to see our friends, but I’m suddenly wishing we were having ‘alone time’ instead.” You snorted a laugh. “But this is the first time we’ve seen everyone since, like…” You had to think for a second, you almost couldn’t remember. You narrowed your eyes at him for a moment as you thought, unable to come to the answer. “...Since everyone came over to see the baby for the first time-- I think?”
He buried his face in your neck again and said something you couldn’t hear.
“I’m sorry? Was I meant to understand that?” You laughed.
He pulled back again and leaned his forehead against yours. “I don’t care. I want to be with my wife.”
You exhaled a laugh and headbutted him gently. “Such a whiny boy.” “Maybe.”
“Well, it’s Friday, so maybe we can convince your mom to take Yuri tomorrow and get some time to ourselves for the weekend.”
“I mean, I can’t because she’s the one who has to say yes or no, but we can try asking.”
He hummed happily and kissed your neck. 
“Sir, we’re having company soon. Actually, we have company already.”
He whined and pulled back so he could show you how angry he was at your rebuff: he furrowed his eyebrows together and frowned.
“Oh my god, so scary. What an intimidating presence.”
He furrowed his brows harder and scrunched up his nose.
“Oh my god. Were I wearing boots, I would be quaking in them. How will I ever recover from this-- this-- terrifying being?”
He laughed and sighed.
You patted his shoulders to get him to focus. “The kiddo and the twins are in bed or at least occupied, and your mom is watching them--”
“You mean Table?”
You laughed. He'd never let you live it down. “Sure.”
“You’re the one who wanted to confuse people,” he laughed.
You smiled. “Well, you picked a better name than I ever could,” you kissed his cheek, “good job, bestie.” You extracted yourself from his embrace 
“Bestie?” He asked incredulously.
You smiled and opened a bag of chips so you could empty them into a bowl. 
He scoffed and walked around the room, pretending to pay attention to everything but you, before launching himself at you and pinning you between himself and the counter.
“Stop stop stop,” you slapped at his hands as he held onto the counter, “everyone else is going to be here soon.”
“You should have thought of that before kissing me~” He sing-songed as he tried to plant kisses on your face that you, giggling, evaded.
“Jae,” you whined, “Anna is in the other room and I have to put chips in a bowl; very important.”
“More important than my kisses?”
He made a face of false offense and made sure you saw it.
“Do you know how many chips go bowl-less every year? Too many.”
“What would you do, if there was a chip, right in front of you?”
“In the arms… of… an angel…” you warbled in the worst singing voice you could muster.
“Oh my god,” he laughed and hugged you from behind,” I’m going to put that on Soundcloud and make you famous.”
You laughed loudly. “I’m a whiteboy Soundcloud rapper! ‘Skrrt! Skrrt! My daddy never loved me and now I have bad feelings about women and have to make it everyone else’s problem!’ Let go, I have to start my career! Skrrt!”
“Skrrt! Skrrt!”
He laughed and held onto you as you tried to struggle, both of you laughing like idiots as you “Skrrt”-ed at each other and he only landed half the kisses he was trying to plant on you.
“Ah-HEM.” The two of you heard and Jaehyun turned to see who it was, pulling away from the counter and turning you as well.
Johnny laughed. “Are you going to flirt with your wife the whole time, Jeffery, or are you actually going to say hi to your guests?”
“Wave for us,” Jaehyun said and lifted you so you could wave with your feet.
You waved with your feet.
“Hi, y/n.” He laughed as he put the drinks he arrived with on the counter. “I’m going to say hi to my babies, but before I do, this is Mark Lee, a friend I met while DJing. He’s Canadian so don’t be afraid to act like a foreigner around him.” Johnny presented him to you before leaving for the upstairs portion of the house.
“Ahh, vous êtes Canadien?”
You chuckled. “Hi, Mark Lee from Canada,” you said before waving again. “I’m y/n, this is my husband, Jaehyun. I’m from the US and he lived in America for four years.”
“Hi,” he awkwardly came over and shook your hand. He looked at Jaehyun, confused.
“Honey, let go of me and shake his hand,” you laughed.
He finally let go of you and you helped Anna unpack the drinks. Jaehyun shook Mark’s hand.
“This is a nice house.” “Thank you.” 
They stood together awkwardly. “Why don’t you show him around?” You suggested. “Mark, are you a DJ?”
“Oh-- Actually I’m a rapper.” You laughed. “Maybe Jae can show you his studio, then.”
“Oh-- Yo, you have your own studio?” Mark asked Jaehyun, excited.
“Yeah. Want to see?”
“Of course! Jaehyun, let’s see that studio, son!”
You laughed loudly as they walked away.
“My husband finds the weirdest people.” Anna said, shaking her head.
“I think you mean he finds the best people,” you corrected.
She laughed. The doorbell rang and both of you went over to the intercom to check who it was. Seeing the rest of your friend group standing there, you opened the door and let them all in.
“Hi! Did you all come together?”
“No,” Eunji said as the two of you hugged, “somehow we all arrived at the same time.”
You laughed as Jungwoo gangster-cat-walked his way into the house before giving you a hug as well. 
“Was traffic bad?” Anna asked.
“Not too terrible,” Taeyong answered as he walked in with Yuta behind him.
“Did you get my files for the multimedia exhibition?” Yuta asked you.
“I did. I think I was breastfeeding at the time and swiped it away by accident, but I’ll look on Monday.”
“Why not tomorrow?”
You narrowed your eyes at him. 
He narrowed his eyes back.
“It’s the weekend, my dude.”
“You can still look, my dude.”
“But my dude wants to fool around, my dude--”
“Okay, I was going to make a joke like, ‘Were you breastfeeding Jae or the baby?’ but I didn’t know I would be given that information.” 
You laughed loudly and slapped him on the arm.
“I have to go to Japan next week and I was hoping you’d look at it before then.”
“Then why’d you send it on a Friday afternoon?”
“I was--”
“He was bothering me all week about the music for the exhibition,” Johnny said as he came down the stairs. “That’s why.”
“Ohh…” you said and raised your eyebrows at Yuta.
“What a traitor,” he said back to Johnny.
Johnny shrugged and walked over to give Anna a hug and kiss. 
“What’s that for?”
“The beautiful mother of my beautiful children.”
She laughed softly and rolled her eyes.
“Did your beautiful wife tell you that our firm picked up another project?” Jungwoo asked.
Johnny turned to Anna. “No she didn’t?”
Anna scowled at Jungwoo.
“Oh-- sorry.”
“Jungie,” Eunji sighed.
“Am I not supposed to know?” Johnny asked.
Anna sighed. “I had reserved a table at a nice restaurant so I could tell you and we could celebrate in a little style.”
He put his arms around her. “Aww, babe, we can still do that.”
“But now it’s not a surprise.”
“...What’s not a surprise?”
You snickered.
She looked up at him, her brows furrowed.
He looked back, doe-eyed in false confusion.
She sighed. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, but I don’t know what you’re thanking me for.”
She sighed and hugged him.
Johnny turned them both so he could get her walking towards the dining room, and winked at Jungwoo in as they passed him.
Jungwoo shrugged apologetically. Eunji hit him on the arm.
“You know she likes to surprise him.”
“I thought she told him already.”
“You should have asked.”
“I said I was sorry.”
“Do you not celebrate a new project?” Taeyong asked.
“I-- we do-- but…” Jungwoo stuttered.
Eunji raised an eyebrow at him. “It’s uh… more lowkey.”
Taeyong looked at them in confusion for a moment before realizing what they meant. “Okay, well--” and left for the dining room.
“Yet another thing I didn’t need to know.” Yuta said and followed him.
You laughed and linked your arms in theirs. “Come on, you crazy, childless lovebirds.”
Eunji laughed softly. “Speaking of, can we watch the peanut again? She was so funny last time.”
“I know you’re not warming up to the idea of having kids.”
“Our Eunji? Never.” Jungwoo laughed.
“Listen, I heard every pregnancy horror story my grandmother, aunts, and mom all went through, I am so good. But Yuri’s cute when she’s awake and playing. You can have her back when she poops or cries or whatever.”
You laughed. “Rent-a-baby.”
“Exactly. I’m like a fun aunt: I watch her when she’s fun, you can have her back when she’s work. And then I’ll go home to my quiet and my cute husband.”
Jungwoo blew her a kiss.
You laughed again. “I love you two.”
She hugged you as you walked into the dining room. Anna and Johnny were setting up the food and snacks and getting the drinks ready. Jaehyun and Mark were coming back from the studio.
“And where’d you get the yellow one?”
“The Behringer? Amazon, honestly.”
“Oh, no doubt.” He made a note in his phone.
“You can get some really interesting distortion effects if you just fuck around with it for a bit.”
“Not really.”
“No doubt, no doubt.” He saw Johnny. “Amazon, more like AmaJon!” He laughed and gave Johnny a handshake hello.
“Mark, I’m literally the one who invited you.”
“You gotta be cordial, you gotta be cordial, you know? And me, I gotta be cordial.”
Cordial? You mouthed to Jaehyun.
He widened his eyes and shrugged as he walked over, and kissed you on the head. He whispered into your ear: “He’s an interesting guy.”
You giggled.
“Was it that funny?”
“Your breath made my hair touch my ear.”
He smiled and brushed it back away from your face, and then kissed you on the lips.
“Ahhh!” Johnny clapped loudly. “Stop that! You have guests!”
The two of you laughed.
“Maybe we should start the game.” Taeyong said. “So they’ll be preoccupied with something else.”
“Hey, we’re more than capable of keeping our hands off each other,” you protested.
“That’s not what I heard,” Yuta said with a wry smile.
You threw a chip at him.
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With the snacks all placed on the table and the drinks all opened or mixed, you were all finally able to get to the main event of the night: Mafia.
A favorite of the group whenever you got together, it had started as a fun suggestion when you were still all in college, and became a sort of tradition. It was just competitive enough that you all got silly with it, but not competitive enough that anyone ever got into a fight. And it was perfect, because you all had your own way of trying to figure out who the mafia was; there was never a dull moment in any of the games you had played over the years.
So drinks were drank and since everyone was a little more drunk, the game started.
“Okay, everyone, heads down.” Johnny commanded.
“Thumbs up, Seven Up.” You said.
He chuckled. The only other people who would have understood you - Anna and Jaehyun - elbowed you in the side from where they sat on either side of you. You laughed.
“I will now walk around, and if I tap you,” Johnny said, “you’re that thing. Okay?”
A chorus of muffled ‘yes’es came back to him, along with one “Yes, games daddy.”
Johnny paused for a moment. “Yuta, was that you?”
You all laughed, heads still down. You could guess that Johnny was probably shaking his head as Yuta laughed, self satisfied.
Johnny went around, telling everyone what they were, saying the name and then walking around the table a bunch of times so no one could figure out who was being tapped and who was what.
“Okay, the town, city, whatever is asleep,” Johnny started. “Can I see the mafia? Ma-ma-ma-ma-mafia, yeah, they are the mafia--”
“Babe.” Anna admonished.
“Ring-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding,” you sang.
Jaehyun laughed next to you.
Anna sighed. “You’re both as bad as each other.”
You laughed.
“No talking,” Johnny said with a sort of faux annoyance you knew to expect from him. “Mafia, wake up and do your dastardly deeds.”
You weren’t anything so you kept your head down.
“Who would you like to kill? Mhm? Alright, thank you. Go back to sleep. Now can the cop wake up?”
“ACAB,” Eunji said.
The table laughed quietly.
Johnny suppressed a laugh. “And who would you like to sneak a peek at?” He asked the cop. He was quiet for a few moments as they picked who they wanted to check and were told the answer. “Okay, go back to sleep. Now will the doctor awaken?”
Silence for a few seconds. 
Silence again.
“Doctor.” He said forcefully.
“That’s me!” Mark said happily.
The game ruined, everyone groaned and picked up their heads. 
“Mork!” Johnny yelled, exasperated.
“Mork!” You yelled, delighted.
“Mork?” Jaehyun asked.
“Wait, what’s ‘Mork’?” Jungwoo laughed.
“That’s what the other rappers and DJs call him when he does things like this,” Johnny said with a sigh.
“What?” Mark asked.
“Mork, come sit near me,” Yuta said, patting the seat next to him.
As he changed seats, Jaehyun asked. “Who was the mafia?”
“Me and Yuta,” Jungwoo said.
“Ahh,” Jaehyun nodded.
“It’s actually a good thing that you ended the game, Mark,” Johnny said as deleted the first list of positions he had made on his phone. 
“Because they killed Taeyong and he died first the last two times we played.”
“What?” Taeyong asked as he looked between Jungwoo and Yuta. “What have I ever done to you two?”
You laughed. “Again?”
“Do you kill him all the time?” Mark asked Yuta.
“We do. It makes him so mad.” Yuta laughed.
You couldn’t tell if Taeyong was actually offended or pretending to be as he sat there, slack-jawed at the two of them.
“Okay, let’s start over.” Johnny said, finishing his new list.
He went around the room selecting the positions again, and again you weren’t any of them. The first morning came and he had you all ‘wake  up’.
“Good morning~” he sang. “Edvard Grieg’s ‘Morning Mood’ is playing like it’s a laundry commercial and you’re all waking up to a new day.”
“I’m taking down my laundry and smelling how fresh they smell,” you mimed taking laundry off a clothesline.
“What’s that?” Jungwoo asked.
“Taking it off a clothesline-- wait you don’t have that here. I’m taking it off a drying rack.” 
You pretended to take something like a towel off a drying rack and leaned over the table to let him smell it. He pretended it smelled amazing and both of you mimed like two people in a detergent commercial, smiling in an absolutely unhinged way at the scent of fabric softener.
“Does this mean they’re the mafia?” Anna asked.
“No, it means they’re clowns,” Eunji said.
Jaehyun pulled at your shirt to make you sit. You looked at him and held up the imaginary towel to let him pretend to smell it. He did and you both started miming being in a box.
“Even worse,” Anna laughed.
Jaehyun kissed your cheek in a sneak attack.
“No profanity at the table,” Johnny said. 
You snorted a laugh.
“Now,” he paused, “there was a death last night.”
You all reacted with shock.
“The person murdered… was Mark.”
Mark reacted with surprise.
“Sounds like a revenge killing,” you said.
“Are you the cop?” Jaehyun asked. 
“No, I’m a concerned citizen; I came here to wash and dry my unmentionables in peace, now there’s crime happening in the area! What about my unmentionables?”
“For unmentionables, you sure mention them an awful lot.” He said.
“Sounds pretty suspicious to me…” Anna trailed off as she narrowed her eyes at you.
“You also went pretty hard on the waking up bit,” Taeyong pointed out.
“Yeah, but she always does that.” Jaehyun said.
You nodded. This was true; who would you be without sprinkling random comedy bits throughout your day like a vaudevillian actor. Of stage and screen.
“I can’t figure out who it is.” Yuta said, glaring at everyone at the table. 
“I have an idea--” you started, and Anna started sarcastically clapping for your ability to have an idea. Johnny and Jaehyun joined and soon the whole table did as you sat there, looking unimpressed. “Fine. I won’t tell you what it is.”
“What is it?” Yuta asked.
“No.” You pretended to fold your laundry on the table. “If you’re going to be like that then I won’t tell you who I think it is.”
“You can’t just hold back clues.” Jungwoo said.
“I bet you she doesn’t know anything,” Anna laughed.
“No,” you said.
You finished your imaginary laundry and folded your hands in your lap gently like a middle-aged mother who felt unappreciated by her family, whose kids haven’t called since they moved out and who hasn’t received even a card for Mother’s Day. You can’t even go to the store to buy a card? On which to write ‘To’ and ‘From’ and mail it a few days before? You can’t even think about your mother on the day specifically for thinking about mothers? Hah. There truly is no point in raising children. 
You laughed a short sigh as you shrugged. “I won’t tell you.”
“Well, regardless of whether we need to start visiting during the holidays…” Johnny said.
You pointed at him. You knew he’d get it.
He nodded at you. “You do all have to pick a mafia to get rid of.”
“Do we have any clues?” Anna asked.
“Not really,” Taeyong said. “But I’m alive so it can’t be Jungwoo or Yuta.”
You all laughed.
“On the count of three,” Johnny said. “One, Two, three.”
Everyone pointed at whoever and Johnny looked at the chaos of indecision.
“Uh… Jaehyun two, Taeyong two, Eunji two. You three can make your plea. Eunji?”
“So, I wasn’t going to pick Taeyong,” Eunji started, “but then I saw him pick me so I picked him back.”
“That easy, huh?” Anna asked with a laugh.
She nodded. “I figure, if he’s going to pick me, I’m going to pick him back because I have no idea who it is.” 
Johnny nodded. “Taeyong?”
“I’m not the mafia. I don’t know who it is, but I-- it’s really not me.”
“Convincing,” Yuta nodded.
Johnny nodded. “And Jae?”
“I don’t think it’s Yuta or Jungwoo like Taeyong said, and I don’t think it’s y/n.”
“Isn’t this supposed to be a plea for you?” You asked. 
“I saw Eunji’s face when you said you had an idea, so I think she’s a mafia. She acted like a mafia would if they knew they were caught.”
“Jungwoo’s been quiet,” Eunji said.
“Have I?” He asked.
“Hmm, maybe a little,” Yuta said, eyes still narrowed in suspicion.
Jaehyun continued. “I think that maybe the mafia are in a rush. Other positions aren’t in a rush, but the mafia are, obviously.”
“Are you in a rush?” Yuta asked.
Zinged, Jaehyun fixed his hair, smiling.
Everyone talked for a few moments until Johnny shouted over the group. “Okay! You all have to pick: one, two, three.”
Most of the fingers pointed at Taeyong.
“What?” He asked.
“Okay, Taeyong’s out.”
Yuta looked at everyone at the table. “What the--”
“Everyone back to sleep!” Johnny said.
You all put your heads back down. And that’s when you heard it again, the noise you heard during the first night: something between a rustling and a jingling. You had, as any hard boiled detective would say, a hunch. And it wasn’t just because of your bad posture.
And after all of the named positions made their choices, you all woke up.
“Good morning lawful citizens,” Johnny started. “There was a death last night.”
Giggling and gasping. 
He turned slowly towards Jaehyun. “The Valentine Boy himself… has passed.”
Jaehyun sighed. You pretended to mourn him so he pretended to be dead.
“No! Jaehyun! My one and only love!”
“I thought I was your one and only love?” Anna asked.
“You’re my one and only platonic love,” you corrected before turning to Johnny. “Anyway, Eunji is the mafia, I heard her earrings during both nights after you asked the mafia to wake up, meaning she picked her head up, meaning she’s the mafia.”
Jaehyun looked at you, surprised, and whispered: “Wow.”
“You’re dead, you can’t talk.” Johnny said.
“Can I come back from the dead to make out with my wife?”
“Absolutely not.”
He sighed dejectedly. “Being dead sucks.”
You laughed.
“I heard her earrings too,” Yuta pointed at you. “She’s definitely one. I think Anna is the other one.”
“Why me?” Anna asked.
“You’re being suspicious.” “Does that mean you want to vote?” Johnny asked.
“Yes!” half of you shouted.
“I think we need to discuss this more,” Eunji said.
“Nope. My husband is dead and I desire vengeance!" You countered, hitting your fists on the table. “Who’s going to run the washing machine? Because it definitely won’t be me!”
Jaehyun laughed his dad laugh.
“One, two, three.” Johnny counted.
You, Yuta, and Jungwoo pointed at Eunji. Eunji pointed at you, Anna pointed at Jungwoo.
“Why are you pointing at me?” He asked.
“I panicked.”
He shot her a look.
Yuta narrowed his eyes at her.
“Eunji, you’re out. We’ll hold a lovely funeral for you.” Johnny said.
She sighed. “You’re making a mistake.”
“Beddy-bye.” Johnny said and you all put your heads down.
A few moments later and you all picked them up again.
“Good morning, random citizens. Y/n has died. Her funeral will be held tomorrow… if you can make it that far.”
You turned to Jaehyun, mouth agape, and he nodded at you sadly. You sighed and linked arms with him, both of you closing your eyes and pretending to be laid to rest for a few moments before going back to listening to the game.
“Okay, now I know it's Anna.” Yuta said.
“How is it me?”
“Because you pointed at Jungwoo instead of Eunji, and now y/n is dead which means she was right.”
“That checks out,” Jungwoo nodded. “I vote for Anna.”
They both pointed at her.
“Can’t I defend myself?”
They shook their heads.
Johnny shrugged at her. “Is that your final answer?” He asked them.
“Mhm,” Yuta nodded.
“Mhm.” Jungwoo nodded.
He nodded and paused dramatically. “The Citizens… have won.”
You clapped. The whole table bustled with energy.
“I knew I shouldn’t have pointed at you, Jungwoo.” Anna said.
He laughed. “Why did you?”
“I didn’t want to vote Eunji and I panicked.”
“You could have voted for me, I wouldn’t have been mad,” Eunji said.
“I’m surprised you managed to get it together after not listening to me and then letting me die.” You said.
“Who were the doctor and cop?” Yuta asked.
“I was the cop,” Mark raised his hand. 
“I was the doctor,” Taeyong said.
“And you got voted out instead,” Jaehyun laughed.
Taeyong laughed with a sigh.
“Do we want to break for five minutes before the next game?” Johnny asked.
“Yes,” the table said in unison, as Eunji stood and left for the kitchen.
“If you need a drink, I’ll get it,” you offered as you stood.
“No, I’m taking my earrings off.” You heard rustling, her bag probably, and she came back in with naked ears. “If you think I’m getting caught like that again, you’re out of your fucking mind.”
You laughed.
“Anyone want their drinks refreshed?” Jaehyun asked and stood.
Everyone put their drink orders in and he went back and forth a couple times between the kitchen and the dining room getting drinks and throwing out empty bottles and cans. 
He sat and put a new drink in front of you.
“Oh, I don’t need another one.” You said.
He shrugged. “We can share.” And kissed you on the head.
“No making out at the table!” Johnny said forcefully.
“It’s our house,” you said back through gritted teeth, “we can do whatever we want!”
“Not during the game!”
You turned to Jaehyun. “Let’s throw all these drinks off the table and really show them something.”
He looked at the drinks for a few seconds. “...I don’t want to clean it up though.”
You turned back to Johnny. “You’re only safe because my husband is lazy. And so am I.”
He laughed.
Anna laughed and imitated the two of you. “‘Jae! Hold me back!’ ‘...Nah.’”
You laughed. “That’s exactly it.”
“If anyone actually made her mad, they’d only be getting what’s coming to them,” he said and sipped the drink.
Johnny pointed at him, hoping he’d understand what he had in mind.
Jaehyun didn’t notice him at first, but the silence made him look in his direction. He considered him for a moment and then realized what the pointing was in reference to. He raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement and pointed back.
Mark looked between the two of them. “What does the pointing mean?”
Johnny looked at him, confused for a moment, and then realized: “Oh, I forgot someone was here who didn’t know.”
“You don’t need to explain it,” you said to Johnny and then addressed Mark, “Something happened a long time ago because of someone we used to know. It’s not important.”
He nodded. 
“My wife is a terror, Mork, that’s all you need to know,” Jaehyun said and hugged you.
“She’s a terror and I love her.”
You laughed. “So romantic.”
“You know those horror stories of women of the woods who are terrifying and beautiful--”
“--and terrifyingly beautiful--”
“--who eat men and are pure chaos? That’s her.” He squeezed you.
“Are you sure you’re not drunk?” You laughed.
He pulled back and looked at you. “I never said I wasn’t.”
“Oh my god.”
He grinned a dopey grin at you. How did you not notice before? His ears were already red and his eyes were getting that sleepy look you thought was adorable as he got all clingy with you.
“We’ve lost him.” Yuta said.
“I can’t believe I was hoping you two would get together, you’re so annoying.” Taeyong said.
You laughed.
“Okay!” Johnny clapped his hands together. “Next game.”
The game started and when Johnny said ‘Mafia’ the first time, you felt a tap on your shoulder as he walked by. 
You were rarely chosen as mafia, and you honestly liked it better that way; you were able to goof off more and didn’t have to try and strategize at all. A small wave of panic surged through you for a second, and you wondered if you could actually win. It depended on your partner.
Johnny started and asked if you’d all like to introduce yourselves: 
“I’m a…” Mark thought, “a concerned citizen.”
“What are you concerned about, Mark?” Johnny asked.
“Uh… laundry?”
“You have to get your own bit,” you said.
The group laughed.
Everyone else introduced themselves in some way or another, and you all decided not to vote, as no one seemed suspicious. 
Then you went to the first night.
“Oh mafia… please raise your heads.” Johnny said.
You picked your head up and looked around, before landing on Jaehyun, who was looking right at you. You smiled in surprise, and he smiled back. This could be very bad… or very good. You smiled deviously at him, he mirrored you.
“Who would you like to kill, mafia?”
You pointed at Taeyong. Jaehyun looked at you, surprised. You scrunched up your nose with determination and nodded. It was a perfect opening. He nodded back and both of you pointed to him and nodded to Johnny.
“Thank you mafia, your order will be delivered in three to five weeks.”
You both put your heads down and waited for the others to do their thing.
“Okay, everyone, the day is dawning; time to write your morning pages, time to do your yoga and have a green smoothie. And maybe file a police report because Taeyong is dead.”
“What?” Mark says, sadly.
Taeyong sighed.
Yuta and Jungwoo’s attention snapped to each other.
They sized each other up for a moment. 
“You think it’s me?” Jungwoo asked.
“I think it’s you.” Yuta replied.
“I think it’s you!” Jungwoo laughed.
Yuta narrowed his eyes at him, Jungwoo narrowed his back. 
“Maybe it’s Eunji,” Yuta shifted his attention over to her.
Eunji looked up from sipping her drink. “Me? Why me?”
“Because you’re being quiet.”
“I was drinking? Should I talk when I drink? I’ll drown!”
You laughed.
“I think it’s Anna,” Jungwoo said. 
“Why’s that?” Jaehyun asked.
“She was the mafia before.”
You stared at him for a second. “Are you new at this?”
“Is there anyone you would like to vote off?”
Everyone voted and no one had over one vote. Somehow.
“Ohh, one of those games,” Johnny said. “If you can’t decide, go back to sleep.”
“Mafia~ oh mafia~!” Johnny sang.
You and Jaehyun lifted your heads.
“Oh there you are, my little mafia. Who would you like to kill, mafia?”
You weren’t sure who to go for next. Yuta and Jungwoo had to stay alive for the plan, but you weren’t sure about everyone else.
Jaehyun pointed to Mark and raised his eyebrows, asking if you agreed. You shrugged and nodded. You both pointed at Mark.
“Oh? Really? Really, really? Wow! Okay!”
You tried not to laugh and put your head back down.
“Oh cop~! The next stop is: cop. Who would you like to check, cop? Okay~! Is there a doctor in the house? Oh doc! Who will you save, doc? Think carefully doctor! Think with all of your heart and your hippocratic oath! Okay, I’ll ask you about my bill later. Everyone wake and greet the new morning.”
You all woke up, you pretended to yawn and roll over in bed, and put your arm across Jaehyun. He patted your arm and you pretended to wake up.
Johnny stood still like a video game character who had just spawned in. 
You all stared at him.
He stared back.
“Anyway, Mark is dead.”
Mark looked heartbroken. Poor goofball.
“I still think Jungwoo is suspicious,” Yuta said.
“Me? I’m just a citizen. You’re the suspicious one, you keep laying blame everywhere.”
“You have to lay blame somewhere, that’s how the game is played.”
“Are you just picking people you don’t like?”
“I can only trust Yuta,” Jaehyun said. “He’s really good at this game.”
You nodded. “But so is Jungwoo. Who do you suspect when the dream team is broken up?”
“Unless they’re the mafia and this is all an act.”
“Oh, shit,” you whispered.
Yuta stared at the two of you for a few moments. “I think it’s Jaehyun, y/n. Done.”
“Such confidence,” you replied.
“I’ll give you time to talk it out,” Johnny said and set a timer on his phone.
“I think he’s the mafia and he’s floundering,” Anna said.
“That could be it,” Eunji added.
“Why do you think I’m the mafia?” Yuta asked.  “You know how I play.”
“That’s exactly something the mafia would say.”
“What about you?” Eunji asked Jungwoo.
“I’m a cop.”
Taeyong pressed his eyes closed and tried to sigh without anyone noticing. You noticed.
“You’re the cop?”
“You don’t seem like a cop.”
“I’m a very good cop, every investigation I take on gets solved.”
“So who do you think is the mafia, cop?” You asked.
Jungwoo looked around the table. “I’m leaning towards… Anna, honestly.”
“Me?” She asked.
“Yeah. You seem suspicious.”
Anna turned to Yuta and glared at him.
“How’s it feel, mafia?”
She glared at him harder.
The alarm went off. “Okay, you have to vote.”
Everyone pointed. Most were pointing at Anna.
“Eunji, you have to save me,” she said.
“How do I save you?”
“And my lovely wife is no more.” Johnny said. “Go to sleep.”
You all put your heads down.
Johnny sang. “Mafia, mafia, who will you pick? Mafia mafia, who will--” 
“Get sick.”
“You’re dead, Mark. You can’t talk.”
The group chuckled.
“Will the real mafia, please wake up.”
You and Jaehyun raised your heads and shared your second devious smile of the night. Anna looked at you, unimpressed. You blew her a kiss.
You pointed at Jungwoo and raised your brows to ask if Jaehyun agreed. He nodded and you both pointed at him to show Johnny your pick.
“Okay. Okay. Okay? Okay! I got it! I said I got it! I got it!”
Mark started laughing and Jaehyun implored Johnny with his expression.
“Alright, thank you to the mafia, without them, this wouldn’t be the same.”
You put your heads back down.
“And the cop? Thank you copper. And the doc? Thank you doccer. Everyone awake, to a new, fresh morn’.”
“Doccer?” Taeyong whispered to himself.
“It’s the next morning,” Johnny continued. “...Jungwoo is dead.”
“Oh my god,” Yuta said. “It was Jaehyun and y/n.”
“Wait, are we done?” Eunji asked. “We didn’t find anyone.”
“There’s still four of us,” Jaehyun said.
“How many mafia are left?” You asked.
Johnny smiled. “I don’t know, you tell me.”
You smiled and held up two fingers.
Yuta groaned. “I should have gone with my gut!” 
“Why didn’t you?” Jungwoo asked.
“I have no idea!”
The group laughed.
“What number game was that?” Jaehyun asked.
You started ticking them off on your fingers, “First game… Borked by Mork. Second game… Ladies Night. Third game… Sleeper Cell Dream Team.”
He nodded.
“Where do you come up with this shit?” Eunji laughed.
“I have no idea, my good dude.”
“Should we play one more game?” Jungwoo asked the table.
“I don’t know,” Anna responded, nodding a Johnny, “Are you okay? Didn’t you stand all day while you were setting up the festival?”
“I’m okay.”
“Your feet don’t hurt?”
He smiled. “They’re fine, my love.” He looked past her for a few moments before gesturing at what he was looking at. “Anyway, I think at least one of us is a lost cause.”
Anna turned. Jaehyun’s face was buried in your neck and in between gentle pats and shoves, you were giggling as you tried to fend him off.
“We have guests, sir! Guests!”
“Tell them to get their own wife.”
“Oh my god--ahh!”
Anna shook her head. “I guess we’re done.”
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a/n: I hope you enjoyed my little ditty (heavily) inspired by watching the (at the time, new-- this has been sitting in an unfinished state for a long time 😅😅😅 lol) NCT mafia game (and then rewatching the old one). I thought, “Wouldn’t it be fun of my idiots did this?” yes. I think so. lol
[this is the end this time! I promise]
previous | main cast | masterlist | start again?🍑
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ncityprincess · 4 months
Ok how do y’all think Jaehyun would handle Valentine’s Day when he has a significant other? Would he just celebrate it along with his birthday on the 14th, would he celebrate it earlier or later? I feel like he would want Valentine’s Day to be special for you but how would it work? 🤔
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editsty · 9 months
Title Remix 🎶
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minkkumaz · 1 year
guys i love @woonhakist and our silly little conversations ^_^
me to her
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haknom · 2 years
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jjkilll · 14 days
———--✫CINDERELLA | JJK✫--———
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— pairing | idol jk x singer y/n (feat. 127's idol mark lee and mentions of idol jaehyun)
— summary | The Golden release party was filled to the brim, the whole night being about Jungkook and the release of his first solo album. It's hard for him to focus when you look that damn good and when other guys are checking you out.
—  warning | smut, name-calling, rough sex, jealous jk, choking, unprotected sex (please use condoms i'm begging), creampie, oral (f receiving)
— word count | 1.3K
— song | Cinderella - Mac Miller
You and Jungkook had been fucking around for a few months. So naturally when it came time for his release party, you were one of the first to be invited.
Jungkook didn't think he was jealous, But then again people do have a hard time acknowledging their flaws. Seeing Mark chatting you up at the bar in the loft made his neck heat up. Mark Lee was a guy you went on a few dates with when you first got to Korea. He was a nice, funny guy but you two just didn't click like you and Jungkook did.
"You look great Y/n, How've you been. I haven't seen you in a while." He explains with a smile. "Thanks, Mark you're too sweet. I've been good. You?" You respond before taking a sip of your drink. "I'm good too, you know working, company's got me pretty busy." You nod. "Yeah I heard, Jaehyun told me all about you guys' tour, I'm surprised you're even here." He chuckles shrugging. The silence between you two is comfortable before he clears his throat. "So, um you seeing anybody." Before you could respond you hear a voice behind you. "Mark! Thanks for coming out man! I know how busy you and Jae are having you here means a lot bro!" He nods "For sure man," a little irritated that Jungkook interrupted. Jungkook puts his arm around your shoulder. "I see you met Y/n." You look at him and he smiles. "She's great right?" He asks before planting a kiss on your cheek. You look at him eyes widening a bit before looking back to Mark. "Yeah, we met last year... So, just catching up." He smiles lightly at you. "Well I'd hate to interrupt but could I borrow you for a second Y/n?" You hum giving Mark a small smile before Jungkook takes you by the hand pulling you away.
He walks up the stairs past idols hyping him and congratulating him on his release. He thanks them genuinely and you smile trailing behind him, his hand still in yours. You reach his bedroom and he pulls you in.
He backs you up to the shut door and kisses you deeply, almost hungry. "Jungkook," You say breaking the kiss. "Why were you talking to him?" He asks kissing you again. You bring your hand up to his face pulling him in while he kisses you, you wanted him just as badly. You use your free hand to undo his pants. Breaking the kiss, Jungkook kisses your neck. "You're jealous." You say your breathing hitches as he sucks your neck leaving a hickey. "I just don't like to share." He says quickly before going back to kiss your neck. "You aren't my boyfriend, Jungkook," you remind him. He hums, "We can change that." He whispers in your ear sending shivers down your spine.
He grips your waist pulling you closer before he lifts you. He kisses you sloppily, your tongues dancing together. He sets you on the bed shuffling your tiny dress up and pulling your panties down. You watch him kiss the inners of your thighs teasing. He grazes his thumb against your clit and you whimper. "He does it better than me?" He speaks softly. You shake your head quickly, his eyes are low as he smiles. "Words baby." He warns. "N-no he isn't! Please Jungkook, touch me." You beg him getting needier the more he traces his fingers along your skin. "I need you, only you." You say desperately.
He plunges two fingers into your wet cunt. "So wet baby." You moan as he curls his fingers inside of you, hitting the spot you love so much. His lips close around your clit as he fucks into you. You grab a handful of his hair as he eats you. "Fuck fuck fuck." you breathe out, getting so close to falling over the edge. You pull his hair as his tongue swirls around your clit. He moans like eating you pleases him (It does). "I'm going to come, please Jungkook I'm so fucking close," You cry out. "come for me baby, come on my tongue," He says quickening his pace. "Right there, right there, f-fuckkk." You come all over his tongue and he continues licking your clit until you come down. "S-stop I'm so sensitive." You push his head away as he smiles. You sit up on your elbows, looking at him at as he sits up. You notice how hard he is, his pants a little tighter displaying his thick cock. A little wet spot where his dick in tucked in his pants.
"Kook you're dripping." You tell him. "I know I almost came in my pants." He chuckles and you smile. "I'm serious, I only want you," you speak. "Say you'll be mine." He speaks crawling over you. "I'm yours, Kook." You say examining his face your eyes trailing from his to his lips. "Fuck me, Daddy." You say suddenly. He kisses you hungrily. "Fuck I'm gonna ruin you, baby." He sits up quickly taking his pants off and tossing them somewhere in the room. His cock is painfully hard, his tip red and leaking with pre-cum. He strokes himself a few times before lining himself up between your legs. He pushes his cock inside slowly giving you time to adjust to him.
you moan pornographically, and he shushes you. "Quiet baby, you don't want everyone to hear, do you?" You don't respond caught up in the feeling of being stretched out by him. "Move please Kook," you moan. "Suck a little slut begging for my cock, look at you." He starts fucking you at a steady pace. "Yes! Yes, Daddy please." He fucks into it a few times before pulling out. You groan at the loss of pleasure, whining. "Turn around." You quickly obey. He slides back into you fucking you deeply and quicker than before. "Fuck baby it's like your pussy was made for me." He throws his head back his orgasm coming closer. He pushes your head into the mattress making his strokes longer and slower, he feels deeper than ever before. "Oh shit, Jungkook, I-I'm gonna-" You come on his cock shaking as he fucks you and he groans as he empties himself inside you. "Fuck, baby." He slowly pulls out flopping beside you.
You look at each other and smile both chuckling lightly. "You're so pretty." He says softly. You blush hiding your face with your hands. "Don't be shy, my little Boston Creme." You hit his chest. "Really." You say laughing.
Suddenly you hear a knock at the door. "Jungkook!" It's Taehyung. "Come on bro, You're the man of the hour, you can fuck your little girlfriend later." He shouts through the door. You giggle as he rushes to get up. "Come on baby. They've noticed we left." He says putting his pants back on. "I'm sure they heard us Jungkook, we weren't exactly quiet." You remind him.
"Good. Mark will know you're mine." He flashes a smile helping you straighten out your dress. "You can't be this jealous all the time Kook, I told you I only want you.'
"I was not jealous." He protests.
"If that's what helps you sleep at night baby," you say with a chuckle. You leave the room and join the party. After a while you find yourself talking with Mark again. "So you and Jungkook." He starts, "Yeah, we're pretty close." You say innocently. "I can tell." He points to your neck and you quickly look in the mirror on the wall. A purple hickey clear as day on your neck. Your eyes widen as you look. Jungkook finds himself behind you again. "Sorry not sorry baby." He says hugging you from behind.
You smile to yourself, happy everyone knows you're his and his only.
✫ ------------------------✫
a/n: Thanks for reading, I'm only a writer's high rn hehe... feedback and requests are appreciated.
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snoopcco · 2 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁ ⟡ ݁ . ⊹ ₊ ݁.
제이크 , false image.
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>_< mai’s endless fluff saga
⊹ ࣪ ˖ popular!jake x quiet awkward! reader. ! 💻
⊹ ࣪ ˖ 🗒️ when reader meets popular jock jake who seems mean and unreachable, turns out to be a fluffy, obsessed, baby girl boyfriend. !
⊹ ࣪ ˖ ✩ jake occasionally calls reader ‘glasses’ (because reader is a slight nerd. 🤓☝️)
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JAKE WAS DEFINITELY THE POPULAR GUY. known by everyone in their school, “sim jaehyun” this! “jake” that! the whole school knew jake, he was a jock, an amazing athlete, a smart student.
but that all changed once jake met her.
a recap of their love story? happy to tell you.
she was in the library, studying for the maths test, jake was roaming around. finding some peace and quiet in the library, that was his escape. his escape to just feel a bit free and more calm. at that moment, she dropped her wallet trying to reach for her pen, not even noticing that it fell over the table that only she had occupied.
with jakes fast reactions, he quickly noticed the wallet silently thudding on the carpeted, calling towards him.
he thought the girl had heard it, but to his luck, it seemed as if she was wearing headphones that were on 100% volume. jake couldn’t just leave the library all guilty for not telling some stranger that their wallet tipped over and was left on the ground, right?
so, he made his way slowly to the busy girl. picking up the wallet that was a few inches away from her chair, not trying to disturb her. the wallet landed on her desk, as she suddenly looked up.
jake took a slight glance at the studying girl, she had a high pony tail and clear specs that made her features pop out. she had doe eyes that her glasses couldn’t even hide from others even if you were far away.
he gulped, realizing that it was the ‘nerd’ in the school. but to him, he know found out when you looked at her longer, she was beautiful. she wasn’t ugly, but she seemed gorgeous to his eyes at first sight.
“your.. uhm.. wallet fell. I wanted to help you cause you seemed like you didn’t hear it.” his hand landed on the back of his neck, specifically, his nape. but to the girls eyes, he was the popular jock that couldn’t be seen with a person like her.
however, his tone. his soft voice, it made the mean and arrogant remarks of the jock disappear. “thank you, jake.” she bowed practically 90° from her seat, still stunned that jake initiated a conversation with her.
“may I sit here?” jake asked to bring up a question, wanting to have a small (a long conversation that could last for hours at a time) chat with the awkward student.
“oh um sure!”
(border >_<)
jake and the girl bickered and talked for a longer time period that they both wouldn’t had expected. they found out how similar they were despite their differences, leaving the girl who had been looked as the nerd, the girl who was an outcast.
and from that moment on, jake knew that the girl he had met was the one who had to be his.
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“baby no! I have to go!” the girl whined, the clingy and pouty jake who didn’t want to let go of her waist that fit perfectly with his veiny hands. he tugged onto the front of her shirt, trying to lower the crop top.
“you can’t leave your boyfriend hanging all alone, glasses, and why should I let you leave in that short ass crop top? when I’m NOT even there.” jake frowned, but she was fed up. or she would be late.
“seriously jake! I need to leave right now.”
“no, glasses, your mine”
it drove crazy at how much jake knew her weaknesses, his cute tone, his eyes, his ability to make her feel butterflies in her stomach. It made her weak.
“glasses, stay, stay with your boyfriend. It would be better than any other shit you have to do, because your boyfriend can spoil you rotten.” jake kissed her on the cheek, still desperate for her to stay.
jake soon grabbed her legs and put her over his shoulder, walking away from the door and back inside. “boy! jake! put me down right now!”
“don’t want to.” jake chuckled, all giddy. he loved making his girlfriend all mad and heated up, it made it more fun to tease her endlessly. is this what you get for having a boyfriend who is a serious athlete?
she thought, having a boyfriend like jake, he wouldn’t have any time for her. he would be a booked and busy guy who wouldn’t have time for her. LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER. jake went out of his way to cancel his matches if it was date night, or you wanted to hang out with him.
he made sure to always had time with you, he would rather save you then the world.
“I’m gonna kiss your face a billion times and maybe we could go already and do some of the annoying shit you need to do, hm?”
“no. it’s baby time, your mine now glasses!” jake smiled evilly, not planning to let her leave. not even in a billion years.
“this is what you get for having a jock boyfriend with a false image.”
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@ jwnstars … !! so cutesie core.
OK HSHSSGGS LETS CALM DOWN AFTER THAT MUCH FLUFF ???!!!?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 finally got out of my writing slump and gave into writing again. like a breath of fresh air.
anyway… I don’t know how people overlook jake as the mean frat boy ??? I see him more as the clingy bestfriend of the frat boy who always follows him around ‘cuz they besties !!!!🥹🥹💞💞🎀🎀
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anashins · 2 months
So this just happened to me but I found out my bf doesn’t have my contacts saved with any kind of emoji or cute nickname. Maybe a suggestion for a Drabble? Feel like a child writing this but idk how this has me so bummed and sad
Pairing: Jaehyun x You
Genre: fluff, romance
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: As you find out that Jaehyun doesn't have your contact saved on his phone under a cute nick name, you start comparing your relationship to others. After all, that must mean you're not special to him - right?
A/N: I hope everything went well for you, dear! My bf always says, “I don’t know, you have to tell me!” - so just tell him! Because men are simple but their partners' feelings matter to them, even if they seem childish to you 💞
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“Under which name did your boyfriend save you on his phone? You know that?”
You looked at your best friend who tilted her head as though in deep thoughts. For a moment, you hoped she wouldn’t know, wouldn’t care, and that you were overdramatic after all like you had feared all along, but almost instantly, she replied,
“When we started dating, he had me saved as ‘my girl’ without any kind of emoji. When we officially decided to get together, he saved my contact as ‘baby’ with a pink heart, and it remained like this until now.”
Your best friend wasn’t the first one who you had asked and whose answer was almost identical to your other taken friends you had questioned about this topic: Their boyfriends all had them saved on their phones with either a cute nickname, some meaningful emoji or both.
Your own boyfriend had you saved on his phone under your government name. 
You usually never looked at his screen as there were always so many things going on with different people from his group, from his management and from people in the industry in general, so it was always buzzing anyway. 
But when a week ago you had been lying next to him, sending him pictures from the activity you had done together shortly before, your name popped up in his chat history.
Your full name.
You had been bummed, and he had happily continued on as if he hadn’t minded you seeing this, as if this was the most normal thing in the world and didn’t make you feel less special among all his other contacts - and there were a lot for an idol.
After all, even when you didn’t have as many connections as him, you had your boyfriend saved as,
‘Yuno-ya’ with a pink heart.
It wasn’t the most romantic nickname as you weren’t calling each other pet names at all, but still cute and emphasized his contact to filter his name out of all other people.
Now, hearing all the other boyfriends having your female friends saved as something special, it made you feel even sadder as if the entire thing hadn’t been bothering you for a week already. 
“Under which name has your boyfriend your contact saved on his phone?” your best friend questioned back.
You sighed out loud.
“I don’t like it when you make that face,” Jaehyun immediately said to you instead of a greeting when you came over to his house later that day. “And you have randomly started making it the last time we met. I’ve been worrying all week, but on the phone you always say everything is fine when it’s clearly not. Tell me now, did I do something wrong?”
You bit into your bottom lip. You felt that now was the chance, now or never before it would eat you up from the inside and you would never be able to let go of it. “Under which name do you have me saved on your phone?”
Jaehyun widened his eyes, completely blindsided by this unexpected silly question, apparently. “Pardon?”
“My contact,” you described it better for him. “Under which name can you find me in your contacts?”
He confusedly proceeded to speak out your full government name.
“Exactly!” you called him out.
“I don’t understand.”
“You have me saved in your contacts under my full name!”
“Well… isn’t that your full name? Under what name should I save you then? Should I make one up or…” He shook his head. “I don’t know what’s going on! What’s the problem here?”
You folded your arms in front of your chest. The longer you went on to explain this situation to a very oblivious Jaehyun, the sillier you started to feel. Were you exaggerating? But none of your friends had said so and claimed your feelings were valid.
Suddenly, your voice was very low when you poured out your feelings to him as there was no turning back anymore. “My friend’s boyfriends have them all saved on their phones under some cute nickname. Or with a cute emoji at least. I also have you saved as Yuno-ya with a heart. It makes the other person feel special and makes the contact stand out from everyone else. It gives you a little surge of excitement whenever that person’s name pops up. As you have me saved with my full government name… it makes me think if you see me as everyone else and I’m not that special to you.”
Your breakout followed a few moments of silence in which you kept your gaze locked to the ground as you were now kind of too embarrassed to face Jaehyun. Hearing these words… you felt so childish.
The pat you felt on the top of your head only shortly later convinced you of the opposite though. When you lifted your head, Jaehyun wasn’t laughing and he didn’t look like he wanted to make fun of you or didn’t understand your feelings at all.
“I’m sorry,” he said with genuine concern. “I… didn’t know. I have everyone saved on my phone with their full government name as there are just so many people that it really gives me a hard time to separate them all or even remember who they are. Even the members aren’t an exception, only my parents. It was just a habit I followed when we exchanged contacts and I was never bothered enough to change it. If I had known it was this important to you, I would have done it right away.”
Was it really this simple? Some men like your boyfriend just didn’t know, were totally unaware of such things and you simply needed to tell them to change whatever bothered you, no matter how silly and childish it might sound?
He was a perfect partner for you and you couldn’t believe you let such a futile thing question his feelings for an entire week.
Jaehyun smiled at you and pulled out his phone. “Don’t ever think again that you’re not special to me and I never feel excitement rushing through me whenever your name pops up on my phone. Your chat is pinned at the very top and your number saved as favorites. Among everyone I regularly keep in contact with, even if I don’t answer for hours, I always answer you first. I always recognize your picture, no matter how many times you change it. Upon first glance, I always recognize it’s you. My beautiful girl.”
He gave you a kiss on the cheek and then proceeded to type something into his phone with a wide grin, obviously changing your name name.
“What did you save my contact under now?” you asked and wanted to catch a glimpse, but Jaehyun quickly pulled his phone away from you.
“Text me now and you’ll see.”
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hugs2doie · 10 months
more jaehyun if you can pls 🫶🏾🫶🏾 u write him so well it’s saur cute
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more jaehyun boyfriend texts
thank u so muchh ir means a lootttt 😭 i thoughr ir wasnt v accurate so rhankska uu i love u smmsms
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lunicho · 4 months
what kind of porn do you think bonedo guys like to watch? 🥸🎤
(new bnd blog @angeltsan )
public - i feel like he watches a lot of those japanese vids of ppl on the train/bus or like under the dinner table and stuff like that. also likes vids of girls masturbating in their cars and in drive thrus and stuff.
masseuse - the ones where it starts out as a massage where the recieving person gets all oiled up and slowly the masseuse starts touching the girls tits and then eventually they fuck.
solo female - just loves seeing girls making themselves feel good. i feel like he'd really love the ones that are real close up to the pussy.
food play - probably started out as just him being curious but he lowkey loves the vids of ppl licking whipped cream off of each other
hentai - boobs. i feel like he'd also just find them so entertaining. i think he'd just like breast play videos in general too tbh.
femdom - this is a spectrum and he's been through every part of the spectrum. i feel like he mostly watches those vids of girls talking teasingly while milking their bfs &lt;3
roleplay - the real corny cringy ones too, he just loves a roleplay idk. like oh ur the doctor and im the patient?? perfect for him.
amateur - idk i just feel like he loves the realness of it, he's definitely not into anything that looks too high quality. loves the ones where u can tell it's filmed on someone's phone.
lesbian - i just feel like he'd love seeing two girls play with each other idk.
hentai - i doubt this is surprising, he loves the big tits and the wild situations 😭
pov - loves the ones of girls sucking dick or the ones of girls riding guys
creampie - just loves it messy 🤷🏾‍♀️
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smileysuh · 1 year
GyuGyu97 & Hannie : Svt
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🌙 staring. Mingyu & Jeonghan x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “I hate to say this-” Jeonghan sighs, and you can feel him practically zooming in on your fingers as you tear open Mingyu’s jeans, “but you two are actually really hot together.” The confident man towering over you falters, and you watch the hint of a blush creep up his neck and bloom across his ears. He better not actually be in love with you.
cw/ tw. cam sex, pussy eating, blowjobs, unprotected sex, voyeur!Jeonghan, 3some, spit roasting, cum play, praise, multiple orgasms, cum shot, size kink, etc... I petnames. (hers) baby. (mingyu's) puppy.
👹 rating. 18+ explicit I wc. 5.9k
🍭 aus. cam girl reader, poly idols, idols sharing a fuck buddy, dirty boy idols, etc...
☀️ mlist + an. cam room directory here - i'm so in love with this pairing it hurts
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When - over a glass of soju - you’d accidentally let it slip to your friends in Seventeen that you were considering picking up camgirling again- it had only been natural that a handful of them had become interested.
They’d heard about your cam shows, which had become a well known secret amongst the boy groups of kpop. So the thought that you’d be taking another run at it - knowing that some of your big spenders would likely be too busy to join - had prompted a few of the group members to offer their own support. 
Even though you’d given them all codes to the room, and described that they’d get notifications if you ever did a show- you hadn’t been sure if any of them would approach you one on one to be on cam with you. And on top of that, you’d assumed that for a few of them, their friendships with other regulars in your chat might dissuade them from taking a go at you themselves.
So when you get a text from Mingyu asking if you want to come over because the dorm is empty and he’s lonely… you’re a little surprised that it’s him making a move. 
Some part of you had thought Seungcheol might be the first to message you- as he’s more similar to the general type of guy you go for; confident, dom types. But you suppose you’ve enjoyed a few switchy-type men too- only to find out that being on cam brought out a primal side to them that had surprised even you on a few occasions. 
You wonder what Mingyu will be like… you’ve been wondering for quite some time, and you make your way to the Seventeen dorm adorned in a fresh set of lingerie; expectations high.
Mingyu greets you the way many idols do when you show up to a deserted dorm: he pulls you past the threshold and closes the door before dragging you to his lips.
“Can’t believe you came,” Mingyu says, breaking the kiss much too quickly for your liking. 
“Of course,” you smile, enjoying the way he’s humble, even though he’s one of the sexiest men you’ve ever met. “I was a little shocked to get your message but I’m happy I did.”
“Really?” The beautiful idol lights up from the slight praise, and his smile turns him practically ethereal. “I wasn’t sure if I was being too forward-”
“Gyu-” you press a hand to his chest and his heart races under your fingers, “I do cam shows- there’s no such thing as being too forward.” 
“Right-” He swallows thickly, and you watch the way his adam’s apple bobs in that pretty throat of his. “You mentioned starting them up again, and I’ve heard good things about it-”
“You and your 97 line group chat,” you shake your head, embarrassment tickling over your skin- sometimes you hate to be reminded that your supporters talk to their friends. 
In your brief hiatus from cam girling for your idols, you’ve lost some of your easy confidence- you hope Mingyu can help you gain it back.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Mingy asks, tugging on your hips to pull you closer to his chest.
“Of course.”
“There are a few guys in the 97 line group chat who are a little in love with you.”
“Just a little?” you tease- knowing immediately that Mingyu’s probably talking about Jaehyun- although, back when you taked to him more, you’d had a pretty good connection with Jungkook too. “Don’t you feel the least bit bad being here with me if your friends are ‘in love’ with me?”
Mingyu shakes his head. “Aparently it’s a common thing- you know, Cheol Hyung also talks about you a lot-”
“Not you spilling all the secrets-” you laugh. “You must think you’re going to be impervious to my charms then Gyu- you’re not scared of falling for me too?”
“I mean…” his eyes drift down to your lips, “maybe I will- but isn’t it a cam room rule that if any of us catch feels for you, we should keep it to ourselves?”
“You know- that sounds like a pretty good rule,” you find yourself giggling again, leaning closer to the tallest member of Seventeen, the first who’d had the balls to seak you out for some on-camera fun. “So tell me… how did you end up in the dorms alone tonight?”
“Rolled my ankle in dance practice two hours ago- was sent home to ice it, but look,” he lifts his foot and shakes it slightly, “all better now.”
“So does that mean most of your friends are still at practice?” you cock your head to the side, tracing his pretty features with your eyes, watching the way he nods. “Which means… when we turn on the cam room, they’ll all get a notification in the middle of practice.”
“Not sure if they’re all at practice still-” Mingyu admits. “It goes late sometimes- I know Cheol and Woozi were planning to stay at the studio after practice- then Minghao and Jun are in China till next week- I think most of the others said something about going out for dinner and drinks-”
His words are rushed, and they betray a fact that you’ve not had to frequently contend with during your shows- 
“What you’re saying is-” you clarify, “there’s a possibility someone might come home while we’re on cam.”
“A small possibility.”
“Except- with thirteen members- maybe more so of a probability,” you point out. “Especially if we go on cam together.”
“Are you thinking someone might come home just to catch us?” he asks. 
You offer a shrug. “You know your friends better than I do.” 
“I’ll check the group chat again, let me look,” Mingyu pulls his phone out of his pocket, eyes fixed on the screen as he begins scrolling around. “Okay- I’m pretty sure a bunch of them went for food, Hoshi’s posting stuff about it on weverse.” 
“Honestly-” you reach for the belt of Mingyu’s jeans, tugging him closer, “I think I can make you cum before anyone gets home.”
“You think you can make me cum before anyone gets home?” The tall idol’s brows raise in shock, and he lets out a laugh. “Isn’t the whole show about making you cum?” 
“I mean… yeah but… I don’t know, something about you makes me wanna ride it.” 
Mingyu searches your face for any sign that you’re joking, but when you meet his eyes with a steady gaze he licks his lips, nodding. “Okay- we can do that.”
“We can do a lot of things, most guys like starting a show with eating me out but-”
“We can do that,” Mingyu interrupts you, repeating his earlier sentiment with even more fervor now. 
“So… your room?” 
“This way,” he tells you, grabbing your hand and turning to drag you down the hall. 
His legs are long, and you stumble to keep up with him. You find yourself giggling at the way Mingyu reminds you of an eager puppy, and you’re even more excited to see how things are going to go-
You’ve been with a lot of doms who like to call most of the shots, it will be nice to experience someone who lets you decide on a course of action. He’d jumped at the idea of you riding him, whereas a number of your idol lovers have preferred a position with you on your knees while they fuck you from behind, using your body to cover their own and maintain some of their modesty.
You don’t think Mingyu’s going to have any problems with modesty. 
The tallest member of Seventeen pulls your mouth to his as he closes the door to his bedroom behind you. You enjoy the way you’re having a bit of light foreplay before the camera is on. It’s nice to get to explore him a little- without your thoughts being distracted by a chat and the sound of coins that signify donations.
Mingyu pushes your coat from your shoulders, hands grabbing at your waist to pull you closer. His tongue glides across your lip, and you open your mouth for him, loving the way he deepens the kiss.
He smells good- it’s a different cologne than you’re used to, but there’s a spice to it that’s drawing you in. 
Mingyu’s fingers slip under your shirt, teasing past your stomach, and you find yourself pulling away, opening your eyes to look up at the pretty man. “We should turn on the camera before you begin to undress me.”
“Right- yeah,” Mingyu nods, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth while blinking down at you. He already looks a little lost, as if kissing you alone has brought him into a daze. 
“You mentioned you have a tripod or a light ring or something-” 
“Uh huh,” the idol lets you go, moving to the desk at the foot of his bed. He opens a drawer and takes out the item you need, setting it up with quick motions while you pull out your phone. “So you just open a cam room-”
“Yup, then people join and watch- there’s a chat function so people can talk while we fuck-”
“Do you read comments?” Mingyu’s watching you carefully now, interest written on his face.
“Sometimes. It depends on who I’m with- like, some people like to read comments while I blow them-”
“What if you hold the phone and read comments while I eat you out?” 
“That’s actually a really good idea-” you cock your head to the side, “and it sounds like you’re okay with having a camera in your face.”
“Well if you’re okay with it, why wouldn’t I be? Isn’t the cam room all about you know… being on cam?”
“You’d be surprised how many guys fuck me from behind and hide their bodies.”
“Not me.”
“I got the feeling you’d be the kind of guy that’s proud of his dick-” you laugh. “It’s big right? Like the rest of you?”
Mingyu grins, tugging you closer again. “Why don’t you touch it and find out?”
“Okay, but I’m turning on the cam room.”
“Okay,” you laugh, shaking your head a little at Mingyu’s behaviour. 
You open your cam room, directing your phone at the idol’s lower abdomen. “I’m going to give it a sec for some people to join,” you tell him. 
“Can I kiss you for a bit then?” 
You look up from your phone screen, and you find yourself smiling at Mingyu, giving him a curt nod. 
One of his hands reaches out to cup your face, thumb brushing by your cheek bone while his fingers secure your head for him. He leans down to press his lips to your own. 
It’s a soft kiss, and it makes you shiver, reaching with your free hand to grab at the front of his shirt.
Your phone starts to buzz, and you break the kiss to look down, eyes scanning the chat room.
HeyChannie: this better not be happening right now
HeyChannie: we’re literally just about to go on stage
You smile at NCT’s Haechan, he’s always been a bit of a menace. “Maybe this room isn’t for you Hyuck, go on stage and let other new people enjoy the cam show.” 
“Who’s in the room?” Mingyu whispers, lips brushing by your neck while you keep your gaze fixed on your phone, camera still angled at his shirt.
“I gave the cam room link to a bunch of Seventeen members, but it looks like a few ateez guys have entered the chat too-” It’s a little overwhelming to be reading all the new names appearing. 
A couple Ateez members have been present at other cam shows, but since your hiatus, you’ve gained something like 10 new users.
Luckily, most of your idol fans choose names that are fairly straight forward. Cherrycheolie can only be one man, and you suppose Vernon using his birth name Hansoooool isn’t too much of a stretch. Tigerprince feels like Hoshi, and Thegentleman is likely Joshua- KingArthurMin takes a moment for you to figure out as DK, and you find yourself thankful that new Ateez members are going by easy names like Wooyungthug, Yunhoe and Gi. 
Wooyungthug: if all your nct biases are on tour… then whos dick is that
Maybe you shouldn’t have given Wooyoung a cam show link- but to be fair, you enjoy having little shit starters in chat.
“You guys wanna know who I’m with right now?” you ask out loud, bunching your fist tighter into Mingyu’s shirt. “Maybe you should guess.”
Mingyu pulls away from your neck, looking down at you with a curious expression. 
Tigerprince: could be Seungcheol
Tigerprince: he’s in love with you
Cherrycheolie: I’m IN the chat dumbass
KingArthurMin: Wonwoo? 
Wooyungthug: nah guys that dick looks big- has to be Yunho
Yunhoe: I’m also in chat
Yunhoe: dumbass 
“Can I touch you, puppy?” you question, looking up at the man whose ears turn red at the petname.
Wooyungthug: okay, who do we know who gives puppy vibes
Tigerprince: I can be puppy
KingArthurMin: jeno from nct????
Cherrycheolie: thought she said she was done with nct for a while
Thegentleman: done with 127. Could be a dreamie.
Thegentleman: Jeonghan’s not in chat yet
Hansoooool: looks bigger than Jeonghan
Tigerprince: not you being a dick size expert
Hansoooool: I’m just saying the obvious
Cherrycheolie: I thought Jeonghan was getting food with you
Tigerprince: he left a few minutes ago
“Chat thinks you’re Jeonghan, puppy,” you grin, moving your hand down to cup Mingyu’s cock through his jeans. 
“I’m bigger than Jeonghan,” Mingyu states, his voice low. He releases a groan when you squeeze his length, and he reaches for your hips. “I don’t want to wait anymore, wanna eat you out.”
“How could I say no to that?” 
Your response has Mingyu throwing you onto his bed, and you laugh at the way Mingyu occilates between being submissive and dominant. You enjoy the way the camera angle gets messy, a flurry of movements half captured as Mingyu tears your pants off and drags you to the edge of his mattress.
“You should take my panties and keep them for yourself,” you tell him, lifting your hips to help him get your lower half completely naked.
Mingyu groans at your words, and you lift the camera to focus on the idol who shoves your panties in his back pocket before growling “come here” and dragging your pussy to his mouth.
Tigerprince: mINGYU????
Thegentleman: no way
Cherrycheolie: is it on your dick
Tigerprince: yeah, I got snake bite and I need the venom sucked out
Hansoooool: lol
Thegentleman: I’m actually shocked that it’s Mingyu
Thegentleman: out of all the people she could choose-
Cherrycheolie: hoshi aren’t u at a restaurant
Tigerprince: this is what bathrooms are for
Wonwho has donated $100
KingArthurMin: right! Donations!
KingArthurMin has donated $100
As the sound of coin donations begins to ding through your phone, you draw your eyes from the screen, looking down at Mingyu as he licks and laps at your pussy.
It feels good- you haven’t been eaten out in a while, and moans of pleasure begin to slip past your lips. 
The idol with his tongue flicking at your clit opens his eyes to look up at you, and you instinctively reach down to run your fingers through his hair, grinding yourself down on him. “Just like that Gyu- you have such a nice mouth- feels amazing.”
You knew Mingyu would be a glutton for praise, and you’re rewarded when he presses his tongue deep into your hole, tasting your inner walls-
When Mingyu groans, you feel it everywhere. The vibration tickles through your pussy, and his nose brushes by your clit, making your legs twitch on either side of his head.
“Fuck- so good, Gyu, so good-” You close your eyes and tilt your head back, allowing yourself to get lost in the feeling of Mingyu’s tongue as your phone buzzes and dings- 
You’ve never been in a situation where you’re holding the camera. It’s always one of your idol lovers calling the shots - literally - and you find your hand shaking with effort as you hold up your phone, trying to keep it focused on the man eating you out, getting you closer and closer to your high-
“Shit- puppy-” you’re nearly whimpering when his lips suction around your clit, and two digits slip into your wet core, crooking up to massage your gspot- “Yes! Just like that! Just like that! Fuck, I’m gonna cum- I’m gonna cum on your fingers, please don’t stop-” 
You don’t open your eyes, you’re too close to pay any attention to the cam room. All you can do is give in to the pleasure Mingyu is providing, and not two seconds later, your core is clenching around his fingers as your ograsm takes over.
Loud gasps escape you as Mingyu works you through your release, paying special attention to your clit. He applies even more pressure to your gspot with those expert fingers of his, and you lift your hips in a bid to escape some of the stimulation-
Only for Mingyu to place two large hands on your waist and force you back down. His tongue replaces the space his fingers had just been, pressing into you even as your walls clench around him. When his nose brushes by your clit again, you spasm in his grasp from the sensitivity, releasing a loud gasp as you tug on his hair-
Mingyu finally lets up on you, pulling away from your core to look up at you. 
You watch through your phone as the beautiful man with bedroom eyes licks his lips, groaning at your taste. 
He’s a camera whore- and you wouldn’t have it any other way.  
“Did you like that?” Mingyu asks, and the grin on his face tells you he already knows the obvious answer.
“Of course I liked it, Gyu,” you let out a small laugh, still recuperating. “Now come kiss me, please.”
You toss your phone to the side in favour of allowing Mingyu to crawl up your body to meet you, your legs wrapping around his hips while his chest presses down against your own. 
He tastes like your pussy, and the dirtyness of it all has you groaning into his mouth, licking and biting at his plump lips-
A knocking sound has you practically jumping out of your skin, heart lurching in your ribcage as you grab onto Mingyu, head whipping towards the closed door. 
“Someone ordered a camera man?!” 
The voice isn’t one you could easily mix up, and it’s Mingyu who lets out a groan. “Jeonghan-” 
“I’m serious, the cam room is just looking at your ceiling- let me in.” The doorknob jiggles, but holds steady, lock remaining in place.
Mingyu looks down at you. “Should we let him in?”
You’ve had two idol threesomes in your life, and the last one hadn’t ended in the best of ways- sure, you’d came like five times, but after it was all said and done, Jinyoung had gone off to film a show and you’d been left wondering if he’d noticed your slight preference for Johnny and ditched you because of it.  
However- looking at this circumstance, with two guys who are your friends but whom you’ve never slept with- can there really be that much jealousy and tension? 
It’s not emotionally charged- in fact, Jeonghan’s down playing it as if you simply need a camera man. 
“I’m okay if he joins-” you reach for your phone, angling it towards the door, “you guys are chill if Hannie joins too, right?”
KingArthurMin: NO WAY
TigerPrince: give us all like- 20 minutes and we can be back from the restaurant
Thegentleman: of course it’s going to be jeonghan and mingyu
Tigerprince: this isn’t fair
Mingyu gets off of you, heading to open the door for his friend. 
Jeonghan is grinning at you and the camera a moment later, slipping into the room and locking you all in together. “Hey you two, been having fun?”
“How did you know to leave the restaurant early?” you ask, closing your legs and eying Seventeen’s most mischievous member.
Jeonghan shrugs. “Guess it just seemed obvious to me that if Mingyu was left alone at the dorms, he’d call you over.” 
You find yourself laughing at their relationship. “He’s that predictable to you?”
“Uh huh.” Jeonghan’s grin widens. “So, camera man is here now, I’m ready to get started.” 
Both of them turn to look at you, and with another small chuckle and the shake of your head, you hold out your phone to Jeonghan. “I’m trusting you to get good shots.”
“Of course,” Jeonghan assures you, “I’ve watched lots of porn, baby, I know exactly how to work this. It’s going to be your best cam show yet- or, the best filmed at least.”
“If you do well I might even compensate you,” you tease him, reaching for Mingyu.
“Yeah?” Jeonghan is already stepping closer to the bed, angling your phone to get the best shot possible of Mingyu returning to his position between your thighs, his lips pressing against your neck. “How would you do that?” 
You release a shaky sigh as Mingyu sucks on your sweet spot, grinding himself down against your core. “I’ve been told my mouth feels like heaven.” 
“Fuck, I bet it does,” Jeonghan stifles a small groan. 
“Gyu,” you return your attention to the man on top of you, “I need you naked- we only have so long before more of your massive group of members shows up-”
“Cheol’s threatening to get in a cab right now,” Jeonghan muses, eyes quickly scanning the group chat.
“So I’m going to need you to fuck me sooner rather than later-” you continue, “I don’t know if any of us could survive Cheol or Joshua joining next-”
“No, just us,” Mingyu confirms, sitting up so he can tear his shirt off while your hands go to work on his belt. 
“I hate to say this-” Jeonghan sighs, and you can feel him practically zooming in on your fingers as you tear open Mingyu’s jeans, “but you two are actually really hot together.”
The confident man towering over you falters, and you watch the hint of a blush creep up his neck and bloom across his ears. 
He better not actually be in love with you.
“Puppy-” you draw Mingyu’s attention back to you with the petname, “help me with my shirt?”
He makes it as easy as lifting your arms, and the handsome idol tosses your shirt across the room, pushing you back down onto the bed. His lips brush past your neck and begin to descend, one of his large hands slipping under your back to undo the clasp of your bra-
“We’ve all heard you’ve got pretty tits, baby,” Jeonghan’s voice breifly distracts you, and you turn your head to the side to blink at him- but then Mingyu is tearing your bra off, mouth latching onto your nipple- “Pretty tits confirmed.” 
You can’t help but laugh a little at the dichotomy you’re experiencing. 
Mingyu is completely hot and bothered, massaging your breasts and pressing his thigh up between your legs- Jeonghan, on the other hand, is offering these small comedic relief musings while messing around with your phone camera-
“Gyu-” you run your fingers through Mingyu’s hair, tugging him away from your chest, “I wanna ride you now.”
“Fuck- yeah, right-” the idol swallows thickly, and then you’re both rolling, Mingyu manhandling you into the top position. He blinks up at you from where his head is now resting back against the pillows, and even Jeonghan lets out a shaky breath. 
“You look really good on top, baby,” Jeonghan tells you, likely voicing the thoughts of the man still staring up at you in awe. 
“Yeah?” you swivle your hips, resting your hands against Mingyu’s beautiful chest. “Just wait till I start to actually ride him.”
Both men let out small groans, and you lean down to press your lips to Mingyu’s. His fingers dig into your hips, but he allows you to begin kissing down his neck, then chest.
You move down his body, picking up where you’d left off with the waistband of his jeans. 
Mingyu is quick to lift his hips, making it easier for you to tug everything down.
You’re practically drooling when his large, hard cock slaps up against his abdomen. 
Wrapping your hands around his length, you kitten lick at the head before slipping more of him into your mouth, sucking and twirling your tongue. 
“Shit- your mouth does feel like heaven,” Mingyu groans above you, reaching down to brush some hair out of your face. 
You can feel Jeonghan getting closer for better shots, and you open your eyes to look up at Mingyu. 
“Fuck, you’re so pretty with your mouth stuffed, baby,” Jeonghan coos, and in the periphery of your mind you can hear coins signifying donations. 
You suck Mingyu even harder, and he releases a loud moan, hips pushing up and forcing his cock deep into your throat-
“Shit, fuck- need you to ride me-” Mingyu gasps, pulling you off of his cock.
You take a breath, recuperating momentarily before following through with the request. You quickly shimmy up his body, grabbing the base of his length to line up with your entrance before you sit down on his cock, letting it fill you inch by inch. 
“Gyu-” you groan, “so big-” 
“You can take it,” he assures you, the hands on your waist helping you slowly lower yourself until you’re completely seated, stuffed to the brim. “Fuck- yeah, just like that-” 
You lean over Mingyu, palms flat against the bed on either side of his head. When your lips meet, it’s as eager as ever, his hands grabbing at your lower back, fingers smoothing up your spine- 
You lift your hips a little before sinking back onto Mingyu’s cock, and you groan into each others mouths. His hands slip down to your waist again, and he aids you with finding a rhythm.
You know if Mingyu was on top, he’d be going much rougher and faster than you are, but you suppose this is part of the fun of teasing him. He has to take you slowly, has to adjust to a pace you’re dictating. 
With one last small bite to his lower lip, you sit up again, resting your hands flat on his chest as an anchor. You begin to ride him faster, the sound of skin slapping skin getting increasingly noisy.
“Such pretty tits-” Mingyu groans, reaching to cup your breasts, rolling your nipples between his thumbs and pointer fingers. 
The sensation makes you shudder, throwing your head back as you ride him, lost in the feeling of his large hands and massive cock- 
“You’re so deep Mingyu- I can feel you everywhere,” you tell him, thighs already straining, muscles tight. 
“Yeah?” Mingyu’s hands glide down to your hips again, and one braces over your abdomen, “feel me here?”
“Uh huh, so deep-” you whimper, releasing a gasp when he stretches his thumb down to circle your clit.
“Fuck, you’re so tight- so good,” he groans, the hand on your hip urging you to bounce faster on his cock. 
“Can you guys switch to reverse cowgirl?” Jeonghan asks, and his words make you falter. “It would look great on camera.”
“Yeah-” you find yourself agreeing, “give me a sec-” 
Mingyu lets out a frustrated groan as you lift off his cock and adjust, turning around to face the foot of the bed, where Jeonghan is now positioned with your phone in hand. 
You reach below yourself for Mingyu, sinking back down on him-
“What if you just hold yourself there and let him fuck up into you?” Jeonghan suggests. “You were looking a little tired from riding, baby- not used to being on top?”
“No,” you confess, thighs burning as you lift yourself again, giving Mingyu space to latch onto your hips and begin thrusting up into your core. “Fuck- yeah, that feels good-”
“Rub your clit for us?”
Jeonghan truly has all the good ideas today, and the moment you touch your sensitive nub, your skin starts to tingle. A moan slips out of you, and it turns into a whine when Mingyu gives a praticularily rough thrust up into your pussy, hitting a spot deep inside of you that has your toes curling.
“Feels amazing, right?” Jeonghan grins, moving closer to get a good shot of your tight cunt taking all of Mingyu’s cock. 
“Uh huh,” you bite into your lower lip, feeling your orgasm begining to bubble again in the pit of your stomach. 
“Jeonghan-” Mingyu groans from beneath you, “give me the camera- baby, you look so fucking good taking my cock like this-”
The elder man has to get close to you to pass the phone to his friend, and you find yourself looking Jeonghan up and down with the proximity. 
As he moves to pull away, to return to the foot of the bed, you hook a finger in his belt, making him stop, eyes meeting yours.
“I think I need something to suck on,” you tell him.
“Fuck, really?” He swallows thickly. “You sure?” 
“Of course.” You begin to fumble with his pants, and Jeonghan helps you slip them down. You trace the outline of his hard cock straining against his breifs before those too are pushed out of the way.
You grab the base of his length with one hand, the other flat on the bed so you can lean over Mingyu’s knees while wrapping your mouth around Jeonghan’s cock.
Both men let out moans of pleasure, and Mingyu fucks into you even harder, fingers digging into your hip, guiding you to bounce a little on him while he ruts up to meet you.
You enjoy getting lost in the moment, lost in the feeling of Jeonghan’s length hitting the back of your throat- 
“Fuck- so good, baby, so good-” Jeonghan groans above you, grabbing your head to help guide your mouth along his length. 
“Shit-” Mingyu’s hips twitch, “I’m gonna cum soon- Jeonghan, take the camera back.”
You feel the man above you reaching for your phone, but you’re too focused on sucking the soul out of his dick too care, tongue twirling this way and that.
Now that you’ve all found a rhythm, you can let go of the base of Jeonghan’s cock, and your hand returns between your own legs, fingers rubbing your clit. 
You’re as close as Mingyu is, and the sounds of pleasure that both men are making take you even closer to the edge.
“Fuck- so tight, baby, so fucking good for us-” Mingyu grunts, fucking into you even faster. “Want you to cum with me-”
“Rub that pretty clit and cum with Mingyu,” Jeonghan joins in, his words prompting you to apply even more pressure to your sensitive nub.
You moan lewdly around Jeonghan’s cock, and he pulls you off of him so your sounds can fill the whole room as Mingyu fucks you closer and closer-
“Shit, fuck- just like that, just like that-” Mingyu’s voice is getting pitchier, and it adds to his charm, making your pussy clench tightly around him- “Fuck- cum with me, baby, cum with me-”
Jeonghan cups your chin as your pussy explodes around Mingyu, forcing you to look up at him and the camera as your orgasm overtakes you. The angle of your neck makes it impossible to stifle any of your moans, and they loudly tumble past your lips, making your skin tingle with overwhelm.
Mingyu fucks you through your orgasm, his hips unrelenting as they smack up to meet your own, fingers digging into your skin. 
Jeonghan has his hand wrapped around his cock, pumping it as he watches you and his friend come undone. “Fuck, this is so hot-” 
“Hannie-” you moan desperately, “want your cum too-”
“Yeah? Our little cam baby needs more cum? Where do you want it, princess? Face, tongue, chest-”
“On my tits,” you say instinctively. “Please-” 
There’s really only one man you let cum in your mouth- and as much as you like Jeonghan, he’s not the dominant you usually get on your knees for. 
You straighten on top of Mingyu’s cock, grabbing both of your boobs to press them together, giving Jeonghan an ample target as he works harder on himself, the camera shaking in his hand to capture everything-
“Fuck, okay- I’m almost there-” Jeonghan grunts, closing his eyes and throwing his head back-
Ropes of hot, white, sticky cum are coating your breasts a moment later, and Mingyu slows his thrusts, finishing his orgasm and allowing you to stay a steady target for his friend.
“So good, Hannie-” you whisper, which only makes Jeonghan groan louder, head lolling forward so he can watch you as he finishes, pumping slower on his cock-
“Fuck, baby- shit, you look amazing-” he tells you, letting out a gasp as his orgasm subsides. 
“Thanks for the cum, guys,” you breathe, trying to ground yourself even as you’re still seated on Mingyu’s cock. 
“You’re something else,” Jeonghan groans, reaching down to grasp the bottom of your chin, forcing the camera close to your face before letting it dip to show off the mess he’s made on your chest. 
“I’m your cam baby,” you tell him happily, and you’re rewarded by the sounds your phone makes- chat notifications and coin donations. 
“I guess you should say goodbye to the cam room?” Jeonghan suggests.
“Goodbye cam room, thanks for watching,” you smile, focusing on the camera until Jeonghan’s ended the live and tossed your phone onto the bed.
“What now?” Mingyu asks behind you.
“Now, I go have a shower and wash all this stuff off-” you explain, “and when I’m done, I’m guessing a few more members will be kicking around.”
“Hoshi’s gonna want to bang you, you know,” Jeonghan muses with a mischievous grin.
“He can wait,” you say simply, lifting yourself off of Mingyu’s cock. “I’m actually more worried about Cheol ditching the studio early to come back here and see me.”
“Do you have a thing for Cheol, princess?” Jeonghan asks, reaching out a hand to help you get to your feet next to the bed.
“I have a thing for soft daddy doms,” you admit. “Cheol gives off vibes that I think I could work well with.”
“And we don’t?” Mingyu jokes, but there’s something beneath the jovial tone.
“Don’t be getting all jealous and possessive now, Gyu,” you remind him with a laugh. “That usually doesn’t work well for anyone.” 
Sometimes you hate putting up this emotional wall- but someone has to. You have to protect yourself while doing this- these idol cam shows can be deadly if you’re not careful, and you’re not the type to go looking for a broken heart. 
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ncityprincess · 2 years
there's just something about jaehyun's fair skin that makes me wanna leave a shit ton of red marks on him. be it his neck, torso or even his inner thighs. imagine him covered in hickies or better, you wearing a deep red lipstick juat kissing him all over. giving him a head, on your knees and he gets very turned on looking down on your red lips wrapped around his dick
his face would look so dazed and fucked out 😭😭 he would be in awe at how good you’re making him feel oooffff :’)
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wonton4rang · 1 month
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A strawberry for two !¡
pairing: bnd legal line X gn!reader
warnings: suggestive behaviour, kissing, making out, graphic description of touching, some smut. and I think that's about it.
summary: how would boynextdoor (legal line - everyone but woonhak) react when you ask them for a bite of their strawberry.
sungho; at first he would be normal, passing you a different strawberry from the plate until he notices the way you shyly pout and take it in slow motion, not wanting to show your disappointment with the outcome. but your boyfriend is a smart boy, he quickly picks up what you wanted: a bite of his strawberry. he laughs at your now pouty lips and the way the strawberry accommodates in your right cheek when you took it in your mouth, he grinned before taking another one and getting close to you, putting the strawberry in between his teeth and signaling your now shocked face to take a bite. which you eagerly did right away, he just laughed at your blushed cheeks when you pulled away after touching his lips. "If this is what you wanted you could've told me, baby. I am always willing to share my lips, and my strawberries with you" You certainly had the best boyfie :((
jaehyun; he would think he's misreading the situation. the fact that you are straddled in his lap, your hands in his shoulders and your eyes dark did not give him the enough assurance that you wanted what he thought you wanted. fun fact, you did. so when you felt that he was not going to do anything, you did it yourself, taking a strawberry with your fingers and pushing it pass his lips, the boy just attentively looking at you with pretty big eyes and cheeks flushed when you leaned forward and took half of the fruit from him, he took the other half and it did not take him two seconds to put a hand in the back of your neck and smack your lips together. he was sloppy, his tongue entering your mouth when you moaned at the aggressiveness he took you with. "y/n, you can't just make me feel hot like this, now we have a problem" he whispered to you, his face red and his voice so low and sweet because he was so ashamed of the boner you could feel under your clothed heat. spoiler: you guys fucked.
riwoo; I feel like he would understand but refuse to do so because he knows how he is, and he knows how you are, so sharing a strawberry like that was not going to do any good on him. yet here he was, both of your hands cupping his warm face, the tips of his ears slightly red and a smile on his lips that made his eyes turn into two little crescent moons. "you look so pretty, y/n" he would whisper before giving you a peck, the excitement building up when you hummed back and took the strawberry to place it on your lips. and damn was riwoo weak, he couldn't physically or mentally deny you anything so he just leaned forward and closed his eyes before taking a bite at the fruit, the acid flavor made him cringe and his own hands came up to hold your face. and trust me, the strawberry was long gone into the kiss y'all got into, hands touching everywhere and the little plate with the berries forgotten in the kitchen table while you guys cuddled and kissed in his bedroom :')
taesan; he might not be into it right away, he may look at you and raise his eyebrows up before asking "what's the point of that?" it's not that he wouldn't do it, he just doesn't understand the hype about it and that's fine!! cause babyboy is doing it regardless. and oh, let me tell you, he loved it. the way it felt so personal when you got close to him, the way he could feel your breath against his mouth, the way you took the berry into your lips and smiled shyly while chewing it. he is sooooo in love, and so hot. I don't think taesan is a highly sex drived person, I see him more into chatting quietly about your day, hugging in bed or even kissing softly with some background music, but when I tell you I see him going all out in you after this, I mean it. he would go crazy, your tinted lips making something on him twitch and his hands were already grabbing your face, a really messy make out session starting in the kitchen counter and finishing on his bed, your legs open and wrapped around his hips while he fucks you slowly yet so hard that you can barely feel your legs afterwards. "I kinda see the point now, y/n" he would whisper before kissing the side of your head and cuddle you until the next morning.
leehan; he's just a bitch. that's it. he knows he's hot, he knows what you like, he knows the whole drill with sharing a strawberry and he will not go easy on you. why would he? you are asking him to do something because you think your boyfriend is hot and you want some intimacy. I can tell that he would just grin, smiling shorty before licking his lips and chuckling when you stared at the action. "if you need some release you can tell me" but you refused, saying it was just something you saw in tiktok and that you wanted to try it, and well, he would've fucked you good if that was what you wanted but now that you said no to him he was just going to tease the shit out of you during your little "a strawberry for two" game. but no worries, he might show mercy on you and give you a nice and deep fuck. someday, eventually.
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