#⋮ ❛ lottie's tag › ooc.
silencedrage · 9 months
do you have any ships you don't like in yj?
i'm sure i could come up with a couple if i really tried, but for the most part, not really. like when it comes to the team, they're kinda just a giant polycule in my head anyways. i'm sure if you look around my blog, you'll see certain ships pop up more often than others, but that's mostly just because that's what i've written with people. i've always been a sucker for f/f rarepairs AND polyam ships, so i'm not going to limit myself when i have a dynamic like the yj team that affords so many possibilities
tl;dr, not really bc i'll give most things a shot and rp is different from canon too. also i'm just very gay
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atvrvxia · 1 year
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heartz4shauna · 3 months
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my kink is karma.
word count: crickets..
warnings: nat cheats. mentions of lottienat. angst. she/her pronouns used for reader and nat. mentions of sex. swearing. making out. super light smut. probably ooc. not proofread.
don’t like it? don’t read it.
tags: @ludupedia @butterfliesandivy @thankynext
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natalie and you are dating! well, were dating.
your whole relationship kinda collapsed when she left the state for nationals. you kept asking to go with her to support her but she refused, telling you how lottie, a girl on her soccer teams parents couldn’t afford it. bullshit. you’ve seen the shit lottie rolls up to school in. prada, chanel, the whole works. they couldn’t afford one extra seat? yeah right.
the whole time natalie was away you tried calling her, calling the hotel she and the team were supposed to be staying at, only for a blatant receptionist to tell you there was no one saying there under the name, as she said it, annalee scatario, whoever that was.
she confessed to you when she came home that she and lottie had, to put it bluntly, fucked. jesus. it was a lot for your poor heart at the time. you two had been intimate before, you thought it was something you did. or maybe didn’t do. “was i not good enough? was she better? was there something else i could’ve done?” you asked pleadingly, your eyes watering. she just looked at you and shook her head, “it’s not that.”
you truly thought you and nat had a connection. true, you felt like that with every little crush you had since you were nine, but, she was your first relationship. your first love. your first what you thought was love.
it was hard for you to get over her, of course, having to see her almost every day in your classes. having to sit beside her in classes, damned with an ‘S’ lastname.
she’d glance at you during class and, the odd time, she’d try to talk to you. “hey, look. i’m sorry for… what i did. are we cool?” you’d just look back at her and tense your jaw, that’ll show her.
you started seeing more of lottie and nat together and it made you boil with anger- no. jealousy. that’s what it was.
your whole life wasn’t great. you grew up in the same trailer park as natalie, and that’s how you got to know each other. your mom wasn’t around all that much, working multiple jobs to support you and your siblings and your dad wasn’t in the picture. she’d listen to you when you had to complain and you’d do the same for her. you cried in each others arms some nights. connection.
but, lottie? what was she to cry about? she had parents, both parents, drowning in money, choking on their wealth. she was pretty and got good grades, she played soccer. everything in her life was perfect, you thought. they should just have each other, the princess and the stable boy.
after the initial shock of the breakup, you started to pick yourself up again. instead of staying focused in class, you’d skip class, just how you always did with nat. you waltzed into the bathroom, backpack on your bag and leaped into one of the stalls, glad to be almost back to your regular self.
you threw yourself onto the toilet with a sigh, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of your backpack that was perched on your knee. you took out a cig and lit it, putting it to your lips.
just as you were about to take a puff, two pairs of shoes stomped into the stall next to you. “god, natalie. why didn’t you tell me you two were serious?” oh my god, it’s lottie. is she.. talking about you? you heard a sigh and a chuckle. okay, that’s natalie. lottie and nat. they’re both talking about you. right next to you.
“lottie,” natalie drawled, “we’re over now. she doesn’t matter,” she chuckled out. rude. lottie sounded as if she was about to cry, “i’m a home wrecker, natalie. oh my god! i wouldn’t have even came into your room if i had have known.”
you couldn’t begin to believe what you were hearing. lottie was.. being kind? to you of all people? wow.
“lottie! we’re not together anymore, yeah? you don’t need to worry about her, i’m sure she’s already fucking someone else,” natalie reassured her, chuckling. what the fuck? already fucking someone else? that’s not very ‘i feel like i can only be myself around you’ of her. not very ‘i only want you’ of her.
you raised the cig to your lips and took a puff, feeling yourself become genuinely interested in what the pair had to say about you.
you could practically hear lottie roll her eyes before she stormed out of the bathroom. you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, as well as an earth shaking cough. unfortunately for you, natalie heard it.
“who’s in there?” she called out. you kept your mouth shut, barely breathing. she continued, “if you know who.. we were talking about, don’t tell her. please.” you allowed your voice to go as deep as it could and spoke loudly, “yes! i have no idea who you are talking about! good luck with that though. ha! women, am i right!” natalie chuckled awkwardly, “ha, yeah..”
she left the bathroom and you felt yourself tear up slightly. already fucking someone else. who does she think you are? you wiped your tears and took a deep breath, finishing off your cigarette.
a few weeks after that.. interaction, you noticed lottie and natalie hanging out a lot less than before. they wouldn’t even sit next to each other at lunch. yeah, okay, granted nat did skip lunch every other day to go bum cigarettes from the other goths in school. but, you’d seen them together at lunch often. sitting opposite each other and giggling, it made you sick.
but now, lucky for you, they were hanging out less. which in all honesty made you jump up and down and shoot your fist in the air.
you thought that maybe they broke up? if you’d even call it that. a fuck up? basically, they stopped hanging out and only really talked when they needed to. for example; whilst playing soccer or if they were partners on an assignment.
you noticed lottie becoming a lot more like you knew her before. she was back to that popular pretty rich girl and less like the girl who was trying to defend you in the bathroom. you were fine with it, you never cared for her much. but natalie on the other hand, she was a mess.
i mean, going through two break ups in the same.. what? month? must be rough. you felt bad for her, just a little. even after what she said in the bathroom. maybe it was her way of coping? making jokes of everything. that’s what she normally did anyway. but you knew what she actually felt on the inside.
you both used to walk home together after school, you’d wait for her after practice after you finished study. now, you two stood on opposite side of the street, natalie giving you glances every few steps.
finally getting back home, you knocked on your door, “dipshit! open the door!” dipshit was a common name you used for your siblings. you could hear one of them groan and stumble over to the door, pulling it open, “hello.” “hi,” you greeted, shoving your way into the trailer. natalie took one last look at you before she walked into her home.
natalie had been planning this for days. trying to work it out in her head how she would make it up to you. she regretted, deeply, sleeping with lottie. she did love you, she did, she just got caught up in the moment, apparently. then it all fell apart with lottie and now it was her turn to be sad.
what was her plan exactly? okay. so, it wasn’t clear to her. she knew what she was supposed to do, go knock at your door, apologise and get back together. she knew you would never agree though.
you walked into your cramped bedroom and flung yourself onto your bed with a sigh. homework. you took out your papers from the day, a pen and got to work.
about an hour or so of doing homework, you finally finished and it was already dark outside. you got up from your bed and decided it was time to change it something more comfortable. you threw on a pair of pyjamas pants and a Hello Kitty shirt.
your stomach growled as you exited your bedroom, your sibling was sprawled out on the couch, playing a video game, “hey, we’re gonna head out in a while. tell mom we’re staying at a friends house, cool?” you nodded, walking over to the small kitchen, “don’t drink too much. mom worries for you guys.” they waved you off dismissively, switching through tv channels.
you popped some bread in the toaster and waited for it to toast. you buttered it once it was ready and jumped onto the couch next to your sibling, “anything good on?” you asked them through bites. they shook their head and handed you the remote, “nah. i’m heading out anyway.” so quickly? alright. “oh, okay. have fun,” you said with a shrug as they got up and left.
you searched through the channels on your tv, with nothing interesting. you finished the last bite of your toast and tossed the remote onto the coffee table.
there was a knock on the door, you sighed and got up. “who is it?” you called out, walking over to the door. no reply. you rolled your eyes and swung the door open, it was natalie.
she looked up at you as she fidgeted with her fingers, “hi,” she said quietly. you sucked in a breath, “hi. what do you want?” she cleared her throat, “uh, i wanted to talk to you. about us.” “about what? what about us? there is no us. you know that, you knew that after you and lottie..” you huffed, rubbing the bridge of your nose,
“what happened between you two anyway? you just stopped hanging out all of a sudden, did lottie feel guilty or something?” you asked her, knowing the answer. she shook her head, “it’s.. complicated. can i come in?”
you opened the door for her to enter, albeit reluctantly, “fine.” she gave a small nod and walked in, making a beeline to your bedroom. “nat!” you called out, trying to stop her, “jesus christ,” you sighed in defeat.
you followed her into your bedroom and shut the door behind you. natalie was laying face down on your bed, her head smooshed into your pillows. “natalie,” you gritted out, “get up.” the only response you got from her was a grumbled “why?”
she flipped herself other and stared at you at the door, “yeah, me and lottie aren’t.. talking anymore. she felt guilt after. she didn’t know that we were serious,” she admitted. your eyebrows knitted together in confusion, “what are you talking about? you slept with her because she didn’t know we were serious? you do realise you slept with her, too, don’t you? it wasn’t just her who did something wrong, natalie. you’re so full of shit.”
her expression softened, “i’m sorry. i- i really am. it wasn’t my idea, that’s why i said that. look, if it means anything, i was thinking of you the whole time.” you walked over to the bed and stood in front of were she was laying, “you were thinking of me, really? you didn’t think of anything else? not even.. i dunno, telling her you had a girlfriend?”
“i’m sorry!” she yelled, “i am, believe me, please.” she sat up, looking at you pleadingly. “natalie, i want to believe you, i do,” you took a shaky breath, “but i loved you. and you obviously didn’t care about us. but, now you do, because it’s not just lottie that feels guilty, it’s you, too.”
she stood up, her eyebrows furrowed and you knew what she was thinking. you shook your head, “we’re not doing this again.” “please.” was all she said before she crashed her lips into yours.
your body instantly reacted, a warmth spreading all over. a warmth that you haven’t felt since before she left. “i fucking missed you,” she grumbled, pulling you closer to her. “shut up,” you groaned pushing her back onto your bed. “i knew you missed me,” she said with a smirk, pulling you down onto her.
you moved her hair out of the way of her neck and began kissing down it as her fingers made their way through your hair, “fuckk,” she groaned out, “s’ nice..”
“you’re such a bitch,” you mumbled against her neck, “you know that, right? wouldn’t even be doin’ this if you hadn’t come over.” natalie chuckled at your words, tilting your head to look at her, “had a choice, didn’t you?” “fuck off,” you moaned, going back to kissing her neck.
she pulled your face back to hers and pushed her lips onto yours once again as you straddled her lap. “haven’t done this in a while,” she got out in between kisses. “i wonder why,” you muttered, a grin spreading across your face suddenly. “lay down,” you instructed her, and she did so. she looked up at you with a smirk, “why?” you shook your head as you tried to unbutton her jeans, but failed.
she sat up slightly and helped you taken them off before you threw them to the other side of the room. “where were we?” you questioned, kissing down her stomach lightly which caused her to groan, ‘c’monnn.” “patience, please.”
she threw her head back against your pillows with a sigh. “come on, nat, don’t give in so early,” you joked, squeezing her side gently.
gaining your composure once again, you snaked downwards to her thighs, pressing gentle, wet kisses onto her hot skin. “c’mon, seriously.” she groaned out once again. you looked up at her, feigning innocence, “what?” “stop fuckin’ around maybe?” you hummed thoughtfully at her suggestion, your lips still on her skin, then shook your head.
“nah, i don’t think so,” you answered. you heard a sound of.. rattling from the front door. someone was trying to get in. fuck.
you instantly shot up and looked down at natalie with panicked eyes, “if it’s my mom, she’ll kill us both.” “oh, shit,” she said, looking almost as panicked as you and shoved herself under your covers, covering her lower half.
you got up and left the bedroom to go open the door. it was your sibling, “forgot my keys,” they explained. oh. “oh, yeah, okay,” you opened the door and let them in. they noticed you looked a bit panicked and asked “you okay?” you just nodded, walking back over to your bedroom.
they walked over with you quietly and peeped their head inside, “is that natalie? i didn’t know you two were back together,” they said, punching you in the shoulder playfully. you turned back to them, rolling your eyes, “we’re not.”
natalie nodded to your words, “yeah, we’re not back together. yet.”
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danareadsbooks · 8 months
I’m not sure if you’ve read the new Tiana graphic novel but made a note I wanted to share with you since you have more knowledge of Tiana in other stories.
I liked the story but something that bothered me is Lottie tagging along (i mean thanks girl for the apartment hook-up) while Naveen stays behind. Like they’re married and Naveen would’ve LOVED being in Harlem in the midst of the Harlem Renaissance. And they were apart for months and we didnt even get a phone call scene or anything. 😞
I noticed that every Disney story in which Tiana goes abroad, it’s never just them as a couple. Either Lottie tags along with them or Naveen gets left behind. Does it have to do with some Disney policy that I’m missing?
PS I LOVED Eudora’s diary bits and sketches of her time in NYC
Oh anon, you read my mind.
When we got the sneak peek of the GN months ago, I ran the text through google translate (the text was in German) just because I had nothing better to do lol! And from those few panels I got that vibe.
I was afraid that the story would then be all about Lottie, which thankfully it wasn't. Still, there were so many opportunities for this book to be better.
Naveen would definitely have loved Harlem!! And it would have been a great opportunity for us as readers to see more of it! We hardly saw anything, and then when we did it was all full of white people?? Through the whole book I was hoping that we would get a letter, a phone call, a surprise visit, or even a goodbye scene at the train - ANYTHING! But it was like Tiana forgot she had a husband once she left NOLA. I think she only mentions him once in passing in her diary. It's was disappointing and felt kind of OOC. Like she was working super hard again, which she learned a lesson about in the movie?? That Naveen helped her with?? And they brought balance to each other??
But I absolutely agree with your ask, and is something I worry about with any new patf story. Lottie tends to take up a lot of space in these stories that, for other princesses, would be filled with their love interest. I guess it's slightly different because Tiana is really the only princess that has a friend that is not an animal, but it's frustrating! Because even when all three are together, Naveen still gets pushed to the side.
I feel like there is so little official art of Tiana and Naveen together AS HUMANS. It's gotten a lot better over the years, and yet I still feel like we've been shafted time and time again. But maybe I feel that way just because I'm bitter lol? I'd love to hear if others feel the same way.
So I am worried about the Tiana show. Naveen is the deuteragonist of the movie, so he should be for the show! I just hope that any subplot that Lottie has (bc of course she will be there, ugh) will be so small that I can easily skip over it and it won't matter.
But back to the GN - I thought it was okay. I liked the art style, and Tiana is super cute in so many of the panels. What we saw of Harlem was a HUGE let down, and the 'friend' she made there is a trainwreck. Eudora's diary entries were probably the best part of the whole thing tbh.
Thank you so much for the ask!!
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mors-pulchritudo · 1 month
{OOC ~ Rules + General info!}
Please read before interacting! (like to let me know that you read all of this please)
14+ / semi. selective / OCs and crossover muses welcome / HSR OC <3
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Also — follows come from @pangirlpanic !
1 ~ No NSFW asks, please - but suggestive (to a point) is fine! I can do violence and things of that nature, but it will be tagged accordingly.
2 ~ This blog is for my HSR OC, please be respectful :)
3 ~ Owner of this blog (Hi, name's Lottie :3) will pop in sometimes, so please be nice! Also, mod is 22 and married! (basically no flirting outside of RP context)
4 ~ Please be nice to me OOC. Sometimes my replies are slow, because I do have a life outside of RP. Being mean in RP is cool, as long as it goes with the thread/the character.
5 ~ Communication is key!! If an RP thread isn't working for you/you want to drop it (given you provide me a reason) DM me and let me know! I'm actually nice I swear ( T . T )
6 ~ Just be respectful/nice in general on here. No hate of any kind will be tolerated.
7 ~ I can basically do any type of RP, just no asterisks. Please :) (Example: *throws*, *gasps*, *laughs*, etc.) I do tend to use a more formally formatted type of RP, though.
8 ~ Minors can interact with this blog, as there will be no NSFW present. Suggestive humor at most, but even then, it will be mild. But, I do ask that if you are under the age of 17, you shy away from my main. (Or block the #burning petals tag/be mindful of what you interact with or consume) Please and thank you :)
9 ~ Also, this is a multi-ship blog. Meaning - my OC has no set S/O, and it can change depending upon who she's being shipped with. But, she is an adult! No child/underage ships are allowed. Platonic relationships are just fine.
10 ~ This blog isn't just for RP!! Feel free to ask my OC literally anything, she'll answer! (or, if you want to ask me something, DM me or just specify if it's for the mod to answer the ask aka me)
11 ~ Not a rule, just background stuff/info about my OC to read here (more in depth lore will be in a separate place)
12 ~ You can feel free to send me any RP starters for Calli that you want, even if we haven’t interacted before! Don’t be shy, I’m nice I promise :)
“Purple text” is Calliope speaking!
Default text is me/the mod speaking!
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Some generic warnings + more info
This blog will contain some sensitive and potentially triggering topics regarding my OC’s lore. Examples are:
~ Trauma (more than one type)
~ Mental health issues
~ Injury in various degrees
~ Darker themes of mythology (the whole nine yards, basically)
~ Death (in the past/being mentioned)
~ (more may be added!)
Also, I will ask if you don’t vibe with any of these topics before they may come up in an interaction!
The people
The culture (coming soon)
??? (More to be added soon!!)
Generic background
more info coming soon!
more info coming soon!
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Tags ✰ :
# calliope ~ space bird (any and everything that has to do with my OC. i.e., reblogging memes, dash/ic commentary, answering asks as her, rp threads, etc.)
# chirp ‘o clock! ~ chime in (just for ic/dash commentary :3)
# a message from beyond ~ intergalactic inbox (this is for when Calliope answers asks!)
# rp time ~ galactic melodies (any rp thread/ic or dash commentary)
# ooc ~ dimmed down starlight (me, the mod speaking! :3)
# unopened letter ~ the ask box (for when I, the mod, answers asks)
# the avifauna and the [____] (<- would refer to something w/ a character/OC) (the ship tag!! when any sort of shipping happens, this tag will be used!)
# rp memes ~ surfing the sky (just for reblogging RP prompts/memes)
# siren's serenade ~ take a dive... (this will be the lore tag! when more in depth lore about Calli is posted, check this tag!)
# juniper bug ~ light of the dawn (anything regarding Calliope’s daughter! Whether it be memes, RP, asks, you name it!)
# oh sweet child of mine ~ the setting moon (anything to do with Calliope’s son! Same as the tag for her daughter ^^)
# laughin’ and stargazin’ ~ meme o’ clock! (The meme tag! These are usually memes I make myself lol)
# sing to the bird ~ stuff to ask calli!! (usually range from RP memes to prompts, stuff like that :3)
# the bird and the [_____] (<- refers to an OC/character) (this is the non ship tag! Basically one of Calli’s friends/acquaintances — but there’s no romance yet hehe)
More tags may be added in the future! These are all of the ones I have set up currently. :)
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Like for a starter!
Discord : char_dahlia (in case you would like to contact me by another means instead of tumblr)
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Anddd…that’s everything! So, we all cool? Good, that’s what I like to hear. Now, let’s get this show started!
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weirdcelebi · 7 months
Pinned Post
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um, hi. my name is lotus harmonia. but you can just call me lottie. i’m celebi’s… chosen, or whatever. i mostly made this account to keep this stupid fairy thing from getting bored but i guess i’ll document my journey here. or my brother will because he enjoys that kind of thing more than me.
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Hi everyone! I’m Royce Harmonia, aspiring photographer and huge Bug-Type enthusiast! Me and my sister are from a small region called Laeros. Oh, and our Celebi buddy is a Laerosan Celebi, so if you’re wondering why it looks different, that’s why!
I’m fifteen, and Lottie is thirteen. If you’re wondering what a couple of kids are doing running around by themselves then, uh- well, long story short, we’re time travelers! We jump from timeline to timeline with Celebi’s powers, where we explore and document each new version of our world we discover. Don’t worry- we’re super careful not to mess anything up! We can even visit your timeline and hang out, if you’d like!
We each sign off with our own respective emotes. Lotus’ is, well, a lotus, mine is a crown, and Celebi’s is an hourglass. But we all kinda have our distinct typing styles so it’s pretty easy to distinguish who’s who! But just in case we’ll add in the tags whoever’s speaking.
Anyways, that’s all you really gotta know about us! Can’t wait to start sharing our adventures here!!
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(( some of you might recognize these two, and if you don’t basically they’re N and Blake’s future kids! you can view their parents’ blogs here: @pinkhairandpokemon @thunderblessedhero
I like and follow from @flightmare-kid!
-ABSOLUTELY NO NSFW. Both characters are minors.
-Pelipper Mail is on!
-Pelliper MALICE is on!
-Any other variant of Pelipper Mail is on too! Like “Musharna Mail” and stuff like that.
-IN CHARACTER hate anons are permitted.
-Magic anons are on, but if it’s something I don’t feel like doing I’ll postpone answering it or just ignore/delete it.
For some reason I can’t link the picrew I used to make the kids’ photos so I’ll try again later hhh ;-; ))
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10 characters // 10 fandoms
rules: list ten favorite characters from separate fandoms/media, then tag (ten) people
tagged by @sapphicscience and @staghunters!
Makioka Yukiko (The Makioka Sisters)
Galadriel (The Lord of the Rings and appurtenant works)
Lottie Matthews (Yellowjackets)
Mireille Bouquet (Noir 2001)
Ayakura Satoko (The Sea of Fertility)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Rachel Berenson (Animorphs)
Merricat Blackwood (We Have Always Lived in the Castle)
Nishina Toriko (Otherside Picnic)
Cordelia Flyte (Brideshead Revisited)
Tagging @itsallwearecalledtodo @invisiblemelonmoose @marzipanandminutiae @carys-the-ninth @beyondthetemples-ooc
@joaniam @rebeccadumaurier @mayasaura @lesbianjackies @sirghostheart
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trickstercaptain · 1 year
indie captain jack sparrow, private, plot heavy, low activity, primarily trilogy & tpof based. est. 08/14. rebooted 02/20. written by lottie ( she / her ), gmt, 25+
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my worldbuilding & portrayal are heavily affiliated with : hangtherules / villainmade + thecodekeeper / shadowcovcn + reddhaed + musecraft
                          other links :   MEME TAG  ♢  META                              please read the rules below the cut before interacting!
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• This blog is very chilled, selective and low activity, meaning that I only write with mutuals for my own state of mind. I work and have a busy life outside of tumblr which takes priority, so I cannot write with everyone, plus I do practice mains and exclusives — although I am picky about this.
• A couple of notes about my portrayal of Jack: I draw on both movie & book canon, primarily the trilogy and Ann Crispin’s The Price of Freedom, the latter of which concerns Jack’s past, although I do borrow sparingly from other sources across extended canon. He is much more than the witty rogue with a fondness for rum that he is often dismissed as and I have been writing him long enough to develop him far beyond the scope of his canon; I therefore ask that you please respect this and my reasons for being picky when it comes to incorporating certain ‘canon’ established in Dead Men Tell No Tales in particular.
• I have also been around the block when it comes to Jack; I have been writing him for more than nine years now, and in that time I have replied to many, many generic, non-plotted starters where muses approach Jack in a tavern to ask to join his crew/ask him for help etc. These kind of spontaneous threads just do not spark joy or excite Jack's muse any longer and therefore I cannot guarantee that you will receive a prompt response ( or a response at all ) if you throw one my way. So what I am saying effectively is that I am primarily plotting based here — the more you plot with me, even if it's just initially to establish a jumping off point, the more likely Jack's flighty af muse will stick and we can write all of the wonderful things together!
• I do not care to see call out posts or any other kind of drama. I will unfollow and potentially block if I see it on my dash: I am here to write, not to engage in tumblr politics.
• I am multiship and Jack is bisexual, however I tend to be picky about shipping — ic and ooc chemistry is key, and just because Jack is a promiscuous muse, do not assume that means that he will jump into bed or emotionally invest with absolutely anyone. Likewise, just because Jack is a certified flirt, do not take that to mean I am forcing a ship on you or your muse. He flirts with everyone.
• Usual Tumblr etiquette applies. Please don’t godmod, don’t rush me on replies as I am very slow, please make sure meme replies are transferred over to a new post etc etc.
• NSFW may appear from time to time, as well as certain dark topics considering that Jack is a pirate and there are potentially triggering events within his canon, such as child abuse. I do not have any triggers myself, but I will certainly try to tag anything particularly sensitive that may appear on this blog. As for smut, I write it pretty infrequently but only with partners I’m close to on an out of character level.
• If we are mutuals, I absolutely want to write with you! Hitting up my IMs for plotting is likely the easiest way to get something going with me, but sending a meme or liking a starter/interaction call absolutely works too!
• I’m Lottie, she/hers, 25+, GMT timezone. I’ve been writing on tumblr since 2014 and I can also be found on my other blogs if not here:        MULTI + SCOOPS KIDS
• I do not have any association with Disney, Pirates of the Caribbean, or Johnny Depp. Any ignorant and uneducated hate towards my faceclaim will gain an instant unfollow from me and, out of respect to him as a human being, as well as for my own personal comfort, I will not write or interact with any blog who uses Amber Heard as a faceclaim.
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natterghast · 10 months
Name / Alias: marcelle, penname lottie
Pronouns: she/them !!
Blog type: single muse | multi-muse | non selective | semi selective | selective | mutuals only | private | other
Type of muses: canon | OCs | both (but mostly OCs) | other (specify)
Triggers people MUST tag: I can tag or put content warnings in posts for other folks, but I don't particularly need anything tagged myself !
Interest tracker / checker: I have it and it’s mandatory | I have it, it’s not mandatory but I’m more likely to follow back / interact with the people who fill it | I have one and I prefer it if people fill it in | I have it but it’s up to people whether to fill it or not | >> I don’t have one (and i'm horrible about filling out anyone else's tbqh) << | other
Reblog karma: I practice it | >> I practice it sometimes << | I don’t practice it | >> I always reblog memes from the source << | >> indifferent (as in I don't expect reblog karma) << | other (specify)
Rule passwords: I have one and it’s mandatory | I have one and it’s optional | I don’t have one | I send passwords | >> don’t sent passwords (I will pass someone up if they have a password) <<
I'm not big on rules beyond the basics, but I prefer to keep my blog a safe space for young writers. I understand why most adult writers don't want to interact with anyone underage, even if they don't write anything sexually explicit. but understand that I do here, on my own blog, because I want to encourage them to write. younger generations need positive outlets in their lives, it can make the biggest difference in the world.
understanding that I'm a slow, casual writer is also important. oftentimes I'm a one, single reply a week kind of person, you know ? if I'm not your speed, even if you like my OCs, you'll save us both headaches if you move on. there doesn't have to be hard feelings about it.
I don't know if I necessarily have pet peeves, I just do a vibe check on everyone. don't pass the vibe check ? I pass you up. (although when I had a canon blog I did have a few, I don't feel like getting into them right now.)
although I've never had it happen, I will hard block if anyone comes to me about when I write, which threads I write to, etc. in an immature manner. (eg. sending something on anon, vague posting, or guilt tripping instead of coming to my dms and expressing they feel left out.)
although I myself don't identify as a p.ros.hipper: anyone who conflates the term p.ros.hipper with p.edop.hilla and says p.ros.hippers should die. no thanks.
I've done it a few times when I give someone a shot but it turns out we don't mesh well. I encourage others to do the same with me.
multiple self depreciating ooc posts. I don't intend any hard feelings over it, I'm just not here for it.
technically not an "unfollow," but unless I really like someone I don't tend to follow through multiple blog remakes if they don't refollow me themselves. you'll get me once, maybe twice, but more than that is just tiresome. again, I hope there's no hard feelings.
often (but not always) multis with too large of a roster. talked about it here.
vibes are bad. (typically based off what their rules are.)
unfamiliarity or a disinterest in the fandom, if fandom-based.
another problem is, these days I feel I have enough mutuals. at my writing speed, I'm content with most of what I've already got. this year I've really only followed back folks that I was immediately excited to interact with.
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bornagainhq · 2 years
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Welcome to Born Again. We hope you enjoy your stay. Follow all our residents, and take a few minutes to introduce yourself using the #bahq;intro tag!
You’ve been added to our IC and OOC group chats, make sure to check your invites to make the most of our connection opportunities.
Lottie Tomlinson 🔹 ( smallestpetals )
Louis Tomlinson 🔹 ( rebelsbeat )
Skrillex  🔹( skrillaxxzx ) 
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charlotte-liddel · 2 years
//New Tags and Outlined Updates
\ \|✢Space Case✢|/ / = OOC Posting
|💫Shooting Star💫|  - IC Posting
| ✧✨✩Stella Draco✩✨✧ | - New Verse, Genshin Impact
| ✧✨✩Diminutive Starlight ✩✨✧ | - Update to one of her verse names, for her Tales of Crossover verse
| ✧✨✩"Verse name here"✩✨✧ | <- the layout of the verses tag decor has been changed to this
Now for the other more obvious update, Lottie's default verse information has been changed, but the previous version of the catbat, which falls under the classic bat section, is available upon request for specific cross over verses.
The full details are in her affected bios on her blog page available on PC. Given the scope of the bio information, I won't make a mobile friendly post.
Also clearly some new updated art.
Basic information is Lottie is now known by default as a Star/Space Dragon (or Celestial Dracona) in her base verse. This passes on to a few specific verses where it is required but her half elf and human verses for certain fandom cross overs remain unchanged. This has also changed some of the motif of her skills.
Other update fact is the addition of her Genshin Impact verse, which is known as Stella Draco and is linked from her main bio page on her blog. Specific information for the setting in that bio is available, and a few headcanons on the headcanon page has also been added.
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cityofdreamsrp · 2 years
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Please make sure to check off the following:
Send us your account within 24 hours of acceptance!
Follow everyone on the blogroll!
Follow our tracked tags, which you can find here!
OPTIONAL: Message us for the link to the OOC blog!
M, 26, Central
Ja'Marr Chase
Male, he/him
22 years old, March 1
Allll NFL players :)
Ja'Marr is going to be single with no kids. I also play Patrick Mahomes, Lottie Tomlinson, Nina Dobrev, and Travis Kelce. Ja'Marr will be another side blog <3
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atvrvxia · 2 years
ooc tag dump !!
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sunsetblvdhq · 11 days
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You have arrived on Sunset Boulevard, LOTTIE TOMLINSON! Will you follow in the glamorous footsteps of the stars who came before you, or forge your own path to stardom?
Welcome to Sunset Boulevard HQ, BRI. We’re so happy to have you and can’t wait for you to join in on the fun with us! Please make sure to check off the following:
Send us your account within 24 hours of acceptance!
Follow everyone on the blogroll!
Follow our tracked tags, which you can find here!
OPTIONAL: Message us for the link to the OOC blog!
Bri, 29, Central, she/hers
Lottie Tomlinson
Female, she/hers
26; August 4th, 1998
Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, NFL players
Lottie has a son, Lucky, who recently turned 2. In real life, she is pregnant again with a daughter but I don’t know her due date. At this time, I won’t have her pregnant but will assess when she has the daughter if I’d like her to be a part of the roleplay, if that’s okay! She is coming in single.
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011tm · 11 months
indie jane 'el' hopper of stranger things, sideblog, highly selective, low activity. est. 05/23. written by lottie. i am literally only here for friends, so be warned. also found at : @scoopstrooptm
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                              MEME TAG  +  BIOGRAPHY  +  RULES
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sideblog to @immobiliter ; please read the rules below the cut before interaction !
• This blog is a sideblog to my main, immobiliter, and you MUST be following my main blog in order to interact! I am also plotting only over here as this is a private, lowkey blog that I intend to use to interact with friends, but never be afraid to message me and ask to plot!
• I work and have a busy life outside of tumblr which takes priority, so I am slow and I cannot write with everyone. This is also not generally my main writing focus so I will go through phases of inactivity. I do have main writing partners for this blog who are listed below.
• I do not care to see call out posts or any other kind of ooc drama. I will unfollow and potentially block if I see it on my dash: I am here to write, not to engage in tumblr politics.
• I am not interested in shipping for El. At all. There are no exceptions to this. When it comes to El and Mike, I personally headcanon that they took a break from their romantic relationship post-s3 when El moves to California with the Byers. I recognise that Mike is extremely important to El and her character, but they are not an endgame ship for me so please respect this.
• This is not a Billy hate blog and you will see me interacting with him here. I’m not interested in discussion on the topic.
• I’m Lottie, she/hers, 25+, GMT timezone. I’ve been writing on tumblr since 2014 and I can also be found on my other blogs if not here:                      MULTI  +  JACK SPARROW  +  SCOOPS KIDS
• Kali Prasad — 008tm • Max Mayfield — gunspluraltm & mayfieldtm • Jim Hopper — criticalfai1ure  • Steve Harrington — harringtontm • Nancy Wheeler — gunspluraltm • Eddie Munson — munsontm • Billy Hargrove — hargrovetm • Chrissy Cunningham — cunninghamtm • Carol Perkins — cperkinstm • Tommy Hagan — thagantm
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scoopstrooptm · 1 year
stranger things multimuse ft. robin buckley, dustin henderson & erica sinclair. highly selective sideblog. est. 07/22​. written by lottie ( she / her ), gmt, 25+
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                MEME TAG  +  ROBIN  +  DUSTIN  +  ERICA  +  HARRINGTON™
sideblog to @immobiliter ; please read the rules below the cut before interacting !
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•  This blog is a sideblog to my main, immobiliter, and you MUST be following my main blog in order to interact! I am also predominantly plotting only over here as this is a private, lowkey blog that I intend for the most part to use to interact with friends, but never be afraid to message me and ask to plot!
• I work and have a busy life outside of tumblr which takes priority, so I am slow and I cannot write with everyone. This is also not generally my main writing focus so I will go through phases of inactivity. I do have main writing partners for this blog who are listed below.
• I do not care to see call out posts or any other kind of ooc drama. I will unfollow and potentially block if I see it on my dash: I am here to write, not to engage in tumblr politics.
• Out of the three muses featured here, any shipping is most likely to occur with Robin only, but she is a LESBIAN. She will not be shipped with male muses under any circumstances, and I tend to be picky in general when it comes to shipping. Also, within her own canon verse, Robin is still closeted, so therefore I would ask that your muse does not assume her sexuality if we are interacting within her own canon, unless discussed otherwise.
• I am not a fan of shipping in general when it comes to Dustin and Erica and it is unlikely to happen on this blog.
• This is not a Billy hate blog and you will see me interacting with him here. I’m not interested in discussion on the topic.
• NSFW may appear from time to time, as well as certain dark topics given the nature of the show. I do not have any triggers myself, but I will certainly try to tag anything particularly sensitive that may appear on this blog. Smut will of course be excluded to Robin only but I will only write it with those I know well out of character.
• I’m Lottie, she/hers, 25+, GMT timezone. I’ve been writing on tumblr since 2014 and I can also be found on my other blogs if not here:         MULTI  +  JACK SPARROW
The blogs listed below are considered my go-to portrayals for these characters as we have plotted extensively out of character. This does not mean I won’t interact with other versions, only that these portrayals are intrinsically linked with my own.
• Steve Harrington — harringtontm • Eddie Munson — munsontm • Nancy Wheeler — gunspluraltm • Max Mayfield — gunspluraltm & mayfieldtm • Vickie — gunspluraltm • Kali Prasad — musecraft • Carol Perkins — cperkinstm • Tommy Hagan — thagantm • Billy Hargrove — hargrovetm • Chrissy Cunningham  — cunninghamtm
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