#⌜ *¨*•.¸ gero akoya┊ 🇵 🇪 🇷 🇱 🇮 🇹 🇪 ⌟
restinpeacesensei · 4 months
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@thatlittledandere had a dream where "Binan High held a sports competition of some kind and Akoya hired two buff guys from the swimming team to compete in his stead" !! ;;w;;
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Love Macho "Visual Novel"
Thanks again to restinpeacesensei for notifying me of this.
Note some of the pictures have text which adds to the experience, while others duplicate text from the tweets they're from - you could probably still read the former using a screen translator and read tweets with the autotranslation, but there was a bit of a misunderstanding going around about one of the routes which warranted a proper translation.
The bold sections indicate main decision points (the start, the Defence Club and the student council).
Feedback is welcome.
(Even if you did play this thing through at least once, it's fun to see where all the branches go.)
Play along by starting here...
Start: Setting aside the particulars [of how you managed to do so], somehow you transfer to Binan High School and you have #Your Encounter with that person...
The people who challenge this and share their results... ---- ...will go into a lottery to win a present of a 10000 yen Amazon gift card! Repost this tweet to increase your chances! ▼Tap the picture to begin!▼
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(Picture: Tap to start!)
(Tap here.) You start your new life from today! On the way to school, you pass by... A: The Earth Defence Club
B: The student council
-> A: Earth Defence Club: For some reason, these people are noisy, huh?
A: Pass by them
B: Try calling out to them
C: Head towards the Kurotamayu
-> ->A: Pass by them: "Eh, your bag..."
A: "By any chance, is that made of pure gold?"
B: "Is that the thing that's viral on social media right now?"
-> -> -> A: "By any chance, is that made of pure gold?"
Surprisingly, you have an expert eye. That is exactly the case.
"I...have a feeling I'll get along with you."
He offers his hand for a handshake. He's looking at his bag and smiling...
(Cont. on picture)
Somehow, on his bag is a strap of a gold nugget!
”Of course, as a way of guaranteeing [it doesn't get lost], I carry it close to me."
"Yeah, gold's asset value doesn't fluctuate much, so be careful..."
You two talk finance to your heart's content.
This would be my destined meeting with him...(Io end.)
-> -> -> B: "Is that the thing that's viral on social media right now?"
Yes, surprisingly, you're a trend junkie and bought this bag, which you recently saw on social media.
"That's excellent! The cherry pattern on it is cute!"
(Cont. on picture)
"Actually, I bought it as well...Is that made of pure gold?" [4]
Yes, it seems to be of considerably good value. You worked hard at a part-time job, saved up and made a down payment to obtain it...
"I also worked hard to save!"
"Let's go cut loose, shall we?"
"Yes! Let's!"
This would be my destined meeting with him...(Ryuu end.)
-> -> B: Try calling out to them: "Excu~se me..."
A: "Does Binan High have a chikuwabu club?"
B: "Where's a good place to eat an after-school meal?"
-> -> -> A: "Does Binan High have a chikuwabu club?"
Of course, this place doesn't have a chikuwabu club...Your shoulders slump.
"How about asking the student council?"
(Cont. on picture)
"My previous school didn't have a chikuwabu club either..."
"Did it?"
You wanted to make a chikuwabu club, so you vented your feelings to him.
"...I can feel your passion. However, you can't make a club with less than 5 members."
...is it possible to gather 5 people with the philosophy of chikuwabu...?
"Well, do your best."
"...! Thank you!"
This would be my destined meeting with him...(En end.)
-> -> -> B: "Where's a good place to eat an after-school meal?"
"I know a delicious curry place."
The black-haired boy pushed up his glasses as he responded.
Hearing "curry", your eyes light up. Actually, curry is your favourite food, so much you carry it around in a thermos.
(Cont. on picture)
"Will you tell me where that place is?"
You want to know this at any cost, so you give in.
"That's fine. If it's fine with you, would you like to go together?"
Without hesitation, you nod.
"Yes please!"
"Well, how about next Wednesday [1]?"
You coordinate your schedules.
This would be my destined meeting with him...(Atsushi end.)
-> -> C: Head towards the Kurotamayu: Are you taking a bath now?
A: "Huh, is that a Binan High uniform?"
B: No one's around. You hear the sound of wood being chopped...
-> -> -> A: "Huh, is that a Binan High uniform?"
A petite boy appeared in the middle of the bathhouse.
"My family's bathhouse is the best! After all, it uses fresh hot spring water, untreated from the source! How about taking a bath before going to school?"
(Cont. on picture)
"...this bathhouse has the same name as me, so I went inside."
...well, to tell the truth, your name is Kurota Mayu [2]. It's read the same way [as the Kurotamayu].
"Heh------! Is that so? Somehow, I get the feeling you're extraordinarily lucky!"
This would be my destined meeting with him...(Yumoto end.)
-> -> -> B: No one's around. You hear the sound of wood being chopped...
You called out, but no one came...
*chop* *chop*
There is the sound of wood being chopped.
You try going out the back where the sound is coming from...where a brawny man is wholeheartedly chopping wood.
"Um...excuse me."
(Cont. on picture)
You timidly call out and the man notices you.
"Ah, a customer? Sorry about that."
He's kinda strong...
"This is a discount coupon. That's 'cos, from the looks of things, you look like you're also a Binan High student."
"? When you said 'also', you mean..."
"My little brother also goes to Binan High..."
A refreshing, quiet wind blows between the two of you.
This would be my destined meeting with him...(Goura end.)
-> B: The student council: Wah, these guys have something of an aura...
A: Comparing them to someone like me, I'm...
B: I have an official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping, 2nd Grade [3]!
-> -> A: Comparing them to someone like me, I'm...: They, who gallantly appeared before you, saw you and unreasonably deepened your worries.
Then, you start to tell them, "It's the entire world's fault this happened...I'm not evil..."
(Cont. on picture)
You can hear a voice from somewhere.
You feel something stabbing you in the neck...
In that moment, power wells up inside you.
"If I have this kind of power...!"
You head towards Binan High, acting upon an impulse of destruction...(Student council bad end.)
-> -> B: I have an official Business Skill Test in Bookkeeping, 2nd Grade [3]!: Perhaps, they are a group of talented person like you...? Having judged that to be the case, you suddenly appeal to them. "Heh?...We were looking for someone to manage the finances. Are you a transfer student?"
(Cont. on picture)
"I transferred here today. I'm Kurota Mayu [2]."
"To have a bookkeeping qualification at that age is promising," the silver-haired person said, while the other two nodded in agreement.
"As Akoya said, would you like to manage our finances?"
"Yes! I'll make good use of my qualifications and show you I can be helpful!"
Thus, it was decided you entered the student council!
This would be my destined meeting with them...(Student council good end.)
[Note 1: Might be reading into this too much, but Boueibu's season 1 aired late on Tuesday nights, i.e. Wednesdays.]
[Note 2: Japanese name order.]
[Note 3: 2nd grade is the highest possible grade you can get in this test. To get one, you'd need to score 70% - 100% and the pass rate is 20%.]
[Note 4: Originally, my brain rationalised this as the gold nugget keychain being on the bag, but...you can have bags with handles, clasps etc. made out of an alloy containing 24k gold and that can still count as "pure gold".]
Update: Added note 4. Thanks, restinpeacesensei.
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p3ngu · 2 months
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Three pink boys and one Nanao.
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majokkoradio · 5 months
"Bi...EGOISM" - Binan Koukou Chikyuu Bouei-bu LOVE! -Akoya Gero Image Song
Birthday: April 24
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koolkitty9 · 2 months
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i drew this in like 40 minutes after seeing this tweet with this picture
I wanted to get Akoya more sassy but I was rushing and also I can only do so much with three pearl brushes without cooler shapes LOL
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boueibutruefacts · 2 months
Akoya secretly writes love letters to Ibushi (or insert fav Akoya ship here) but never sends them because only a peasant would stoop that low.
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endthestarlight · 1 year
It's them!! I love them lots 💚💗🌸
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Is it blasphemous to say that I can only truly appreciate IoRyuu with Akoya in the mix? AkoIo all the way, baby!
Also, as I am a 2nd years enjoyer, I want to draw them all together one day. I just didn't have the heart to subject the twins to these three's gayness when I drew this.
I want to now though.
I bet it'll annoy the hell outta them.
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thatlittledandere · 1 year
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I always imagined Kinshiro wearing that long pajama with the goofy hat and all I absolutely had to draw this
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✧・゚:Today’s magical boy of the afternoon is: Chevalier Perlite from Cute High Earth Defense Club LOVE!!✧・゚:
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restinpeacesensei · 5 months
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🎀💖💖💖💖 HAPPY 💖💖💖💖 BIRTHDAY 💖💖💖💖 AKOYA 💖💖💖💖 BABY 💖💖💖💖 DARLING 💖💖💖💖 ANGELLLLLLLL!!!!!! 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖🎀
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Comments from Boueibu VAs regarding 10 year anniversary/movie (Student Council Vers.)
Another month has gone past and so has another Binanshi...(You can see the Defence Club version here.)
See original comments on the Boueibu website here.
(Also @raihanstrapinch because she wanted these.)
Hiroshi Kamiya (Kinshiro's VA):
Congratulations on 10 years, Chikyuu Boueibu series!
...eh? 10 years? What? That's scary...Time passes fast, huh...?
Anyhow, Mugihito and director Takamatsu seem to be lively and that's good! I'm good, too! I also recorded for the movie in good spirits! If everyone watching it could get rid of their worries and fatigue, then they'd be in good spirits too! [1] Thank you in advance!
Jun Fukuyama (Ibushi's VA):
It's already been 10 years for the Chikyuu Boueibu series?! Then a movie?! Something's wrong... (LOL)
Well, well, let's use the water to briefly cool ourselves off [2].
Mmm. Certainly, it seems it always feels like this, huh? (LOL)
Everyone, is the water OK?
Takuma Terashima (Akoya's VA):
Congratulations on 10 years! Over a period of 10 years, the radiance of love has not disappeared and love is eternal - I feel those are strong messages to get.
But, sure enough, Boueibu is chaotic! (LOL) With it, there's really a laugh around every corner [3]. Surprise, letting [everyone] show off, heart pounding, laughs, big excitement - it'll become that kind of movie experience!
To you who continues to give love, to you who remembers love's brilliance, to you who realises new love - thank you very much.
Boueibu is great!!
Hiroki Yasumoto (Zundar's VA):
10th anniversary...Time sure passes fast, huh? It was lively [4] and the initial members have also become impressive, so it's somewhat moving. No, is that not so? Yes? How is it? What do you think about that? What do you think about dat? Da. [5]
That's why meeting Zundar again, too, is a complicated feeling - [both] happy and scary *laughs*.
For the next 10 years ahead, I also wish for this to be a work overflowing with a power that is able to accept love-da. I will also work hard-da. I want you to await it expectantly-da.
Bonus: Terashima's tweet:
Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu is coming back!
Enough time has passed that it feels a bit nostalgic - it's reasonable to say our memories have faded. In that sense, it's a frightening work. *laughs*
It's a work perfectly suited to winter, where it will warm up everyone watching...probably.
Please look forward to it. <3
[Note 1: Kamiya uses 元気 several times in slightly different contexts.]
[Note 2: "Cool off" in the literal sense as well as "cool our heads after hearing about the sudden comeback of Boueibu".]
[Note 3: めちゃくちゃ was used as "chaotic" and "really" respectively.]
[Note 4: Literally "fresh", so considering the bit about initial members shortly after this point, the "it" at the start of the sentence is referring to the original Boueibu series.]
[Note 5: Yasumoto goes douda? for "How is it?". He then goes dounanda? for "What do you think about that?", forces Zundar's -da sentence ending on to dounanda? (by using katakana instead of hiragana), then uses the sentence ending normally.]
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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p3ngu · 4 months
since you've done yumoto, you should draw akoya!!!!
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Happy Kiss Akoya. Thank you!
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drawnbyraven · 1 year
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One more artwork for Mermay before it ends! I haven't drawn Akoya in a while, it was nice to get back to my roots lol 🦪🧜🏻‍♂️
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