#█║❯ CHESH — ( headcanons )
zixinwonderland · 4 months
I have a very vivid memory of opening tumblr several months ago to find everyone losing their minds because we all suddenly realized Sebastian had unusually wide hips in this panel. I even remember some of the specific comments made about him, but apparently this never happened and it was a dream?????
I remember opening my copy of volume 20 to check and even looking at the printed copy of that specific panel on my wall and all of them looked like this. I was just like “huh, weird!” and i only recently realized that i dreamt it when i reread this chapter.
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the original
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dillusionalgrins · 2 years
HC: Cheshire usually goes by he when in reality he's technically sexless. He just prefers the male form over a female form. He also loves 'Dressing' lavishly. Cat instincts in looking good goes far for him.
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thumpierealunofficial · 3 months
headcanon : izit and chesh operate on the same brain wavelength
i donot want to go to sleebp i want to play thumpiessss
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Hawks, Dabi, Chesh and Caden are a chaotic Polyship headcanons:
Chesh and I are QPP’s
Then every other line in the square is Romantic
Dabi is a bitch and I love him, Hawks needs a hug and Canon things never happened.
None of us know how to take care of ourselves, so we have to take turns taking care of each other
Dabi has to deal with the ADHD trio
Hawks and Chesh’s cat fight for their attention
In insert Caden has no impulse control and ends up injured despite the fact they could have avoided it all together. Chesh just sighs, Hawks freaks, and Dabi is having an aneurysm from my stupidity.
Chesh can poof anywhere and everywhere and convinces the LoV to become a runaway safe haven and more Vigilante than Villains
Dabi and Chesh have touch aversion
Hawks and I are cuddle bugs who make nests of stuffed and fluffy things
Chesh and Hawks like shiny things and collect them
I can’t touch expensive things or I have a heart attack
Dabi is Touya Dabi is a rich kid at heart
Toga and Twice are our QPP’s and come by to jam a lot because they cannot escape
Shiggy is my boyf and Best friends with Chesh and Dabi
Hawks is a living furnace and despite common misconceptions: Dabi is not and has issues with temperature regulation (as does Chesh) I am warm but have cold hands and feet
Hawks and I will flirt at work no way we won’t
It probably annoys everyone
Our inserts are 18 (and it’s an AU where 1-A is now 2-A) and Chesh could be a hero student but refuses on True Neutral principals.
Hawks learns to dance from Tokoyami and Aoyama to try and impress me
I hate spiders. I will cry. Chesh takes them outside through Poofing, Hawks uses a feather to take it outside and cuddles me, Dabi burns it.
When I want cuddles I will climb into Dabi or Hawks’ laps, if they won’t cuddle me I’ll call Toga or Twice and refuse to cuddle Dabi or Hawks for at least 24 hours
Hawks is Bi, Chesh is Ace, Dabi is Pan, I, Caden, am Abro
Caden x Hawks? FlyBi
Caden x Dabi? ArsonAndPyromaniac
Chesh doesn’t have ship names yet
But our Poly ship is MorallyAmbiguous because Two Heroes, a vigilante, and a villain
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devdoodles · 6 years
Can you elaborate on the whole fear of eye contact HC? I like the thought of it and kinda wanna hear more uwu
WELL this is purely ripped from my rp blog, so this is entirely my own interpretationof shouta’s childhood (with close to nothing in canon to back it up, so don’tgo digging lmfao), BUT, the origin of shouta’s initial fear of eye contactstems from treatment endured in childhood (placing this under a cut for abusementions).
shouta, when young, had poor control over his quirk. due to this, hewould often accidentally erase others’ quirks - holding no grasp on thelimitations of his quirk, or not knowing how to turnit off. shouta was easily seen as threatening (by both other students, andheroes) due to his quirk, as him accidentally erasing quirks could easily leadto disastrous situations. 
because of hiseyes, this lead to rough treatment from other students. out of fear of erasingquirks, he developed a fear of looking at others (especially, looking at theireyes), and when he would find himself giving eye contact, his eyes were poked(hence why one of his eyes has an eye patch when you see him as a child insmash).
his eyes wereperceived to be threatening by both him, and others from a very young age - anddue to other childrens’ attempts to control his ability to look at others(poking being seen as a punishment), shouta struggled to give eye contactwillingly. 
this followedthrough into his teenage years (still seeing his eyes as evil, still being seenas a threat to heroes trying to do their job, still scared of backlash for looking at people), andonly really changed when he met someone else who struggled to control hisquirk: hizashi.
hizashi, even in high school, couldn’t control his voice. this meant hismain way of communicating was with signing. shouta didn’t know sign language,so it was through several note exchanges, he was asked to use his quirk onhizashi (who had also grown to hate his quirk), in hopes of erasing it andgiving him a chance to feel... normal.
over years, shoutaeventually found security in giving eye contact again - hizashi being the mainreason he was able to move past his fear. shouta helped hizashi learn to controlhis quirk, and in turn, hizashi helped shouta feel less shame over using hisown quirk (even going so far as helping him understand it can help people).
tldr; shouta’s quirk was both groundbreaking and terrifying. he wasbullied in early years, which lead to him having a fear of eye contact. thisonly changed when he met hizashi, who needed shouta’s quirk in order to learnhow to control his own.
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bestiatexere · 6 years
Some more random facts. (part 1 here)
- He really likes astrology and reading horoscopes, he thinks they’re really fun and cool tbh. When you’re close with him, he’ll probably take note of your sign and read your horoscopes and related things to help look after you better.
- He is full of Nonsense and is a big silly that sleepy/drunk calls and texts people, usually his poor big bro Kav (see here smh). He is a super affectionate drunk actually and tends to blab on rather incoherently about how much he loves his brother (while forgetting he’s actually talking to him). Half way through such a ramble, he’ll start thinking about food and he’ll be talking about how much he loves ‘him’/’her’ (the food item) which can make that particular convo very awkward if it’s not clear soon what he’s talking about.
- Clothes are a necessary evil, so he likes to take his off at any and every opportunity. If you say “make yourself at home” or something like that, off come his clothes (some of them at least), because honestly as soon as he gets home, he strips down at least to his underwear.
- He usually plays it kinda cool and flirty, but he’s actually a huge loser around people he’s close to and he’s really not afraid to fangirl around them. Like if you’re his friend and you have some exciting news, he will jump up and down, clap and practically squeal about it with you. smh.
- He has a lotta energy and loves music and dancing, so he’ll often dance around. when he’s at home, he defs does the dancing/sliding around thing while listening to music. it’s a whole production/show to him, 150% effort for an invisible audience. honestly im embarrassed
- His house is partway into the forest and it kinda blends in. The shfiters are big on natural looking stuff and eco friendly. His house is really cool, there’s all these ‘trees’ inside that make it look like the forest and house have merged. And there’s big windows and all but with the stuff that makes it so you cant see into the house but can see out. And its all soundproofed so he’s not disturbing the forest creatures (or his neighbours).
- He has some big clawmark scars on his arm that he got as a young teenager from his father, and he was very very ashamed of them for ages and always hid them, but he slowly grew out of that and doesn’t actively hide them but he still gets kinda sad/iffy if someone notices.
- He’s street-smart not booksmart, a very practical learner and one with a bad attention span, so he struggled in school and always feels incredibly stupid when academic-y stuff comes up or he’s around someone that is all smart and they’re condescending about it or something
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cbvicuslycdd-blog · 6 years
small headcanon under the cut!
sometimes cheshire feels incredibly affectionate. they just want to hug and cuddle and cheek kiss. unfortunately, as they’re not involved with anyone, they’re sort of stuck. unable to receive or give the affection they’re feeling (because although they’d gladly give that to their friends as well, they wouldn’t want to cross any boundaries.) and thus chesh is a bit what you’d call touch starved. they isolate themselves - sitting in trees, observing people alone, etc. - but also sort of. long for the fluffiness of cuddles and hugs .  they don’t necessarily want a relationship at this point, that’s too much of a jump for them still. but a platonic relationship where they can give and receive the physical affection they crave would be nice. it makes them feel a bit lonely.
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dodgingworries-blog · 6 years
carthaytask 001!
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Part One: Dig A Little Deeper
What is your character’s full name ? William Roger Joel  Holmes
How is it pronounced ? Will-ee-uhm Rod-juhr Joe-uhl  Hole-mms
Is there a meaning behind it ? William means “determined protector”. Roger means “famous spear”?? which... yeah sure okay. 
Does your character have any nicknames ? Dodger, Dodg(e)
When and where were they born ? August 23rd, New York City, New York!
What’s their zodiac sign and what traits do they most relate to ? Dodger’s a Virgo & he relates the most to the ‘
What’s their nationality ? American.
What’s their occupation ? he’s a conman. but if you ask him he usually makes something up - like, that he works in an office somewhere in town.
What gender do they identify themselves as ? Male
What’s their eye color ? Blue!
Do they wear glasses or contacts ? he wears glasses sometimes, but he doesn’t really need them to see or read. he just likes the way they look.
Hair color ? dirty blond, light brownish
Have they ever dyed their hair or wanted to ? listen. once. once he dyed his hair black like danny zuko’s. once. but when your roots grown in blond, you gotta keep dyeing your hair to keep up with it or it looks stupid and at the time dodge was in no position to spend money on hair dye of all things so. once. 
Height ? 6 ‘ 2”
Body build ? slim, i think? but slightly muscular.
Do they have any birthmarks ? he doesn’t, no.
Do they have any piercings or tattoos ? when dodge was younger, he had his ears pierced. a bit of a rebellious act on his part, but he stopped wearing earrings a long time ago. it’s been like, ten years.
he doesn’t have any tats, though.
If not, do they want to get some ? oh definitely! he thinks tattoos are super cool and would like to have a few of his own, but it’s the what that’s stopping him.
Do they have a healthy life style ? kind of ? he doesn’t have like a daily regimen or anything, but he goes on nightly walks around carthay and doesn’t eat too terribly so,,
How easy do they get sick ? not easily at all, usually. if he pushes himself a bit too much though ( ie. not sleeping right, overexerting himself, not eating, etc. ) he’s prone to catching a cold — especially in the summer.
Any marks on their body ( injuries, … ) ? he has various scars on his body from fights. one on his chest, a diagonal one on his left side, a few small ones on his arms, and probably a few more in between.
What’s their personal style/how do they like to dress ? jeans, tshirt, leather jacket. simple and to the point. he also likes plaid shirts, tbh. and has a few good suits stashed in his closet for when he gets the opportunity to wear them.
What is their favorite and least favorite feature about themselves ? dodger likes his hair, tbh, and most of his physical features. except his thighs, he thinks his thighs look weird. ( hint: they don’t, but everyone with thick thighs is self conscious abt em right? )
Positive traits ? clever, quick witted, upbeat, empathetic, understanding
Negative traits ? dishonest, emotionally closed off, secretive, artful
What do they consider to be the best and the worst part of their personality ? he likes that he can think of his feet - and that he’s charming. it helps a lot when he’s out on the job. he’s sure that his worst personality trait is his trust issues. he hates it but also can’t help it.
Are they more extroverted or introverted ? extroverted
Any talents ? singing! he can also play the guitar and the piano. does lockpicking count?
What are their fears ? someone seeing him the way he sees himself. someone knowing too much about him, learning of his past. being truly alone, being vulnerable.
Do they have any phobias ? no.
What is their soft spot ? his friends. a lame answer maybe, but it’s true. 
List 3 pet-peeves they can’t stand ? being interrupted, 
How far did they go in school ? Are they still studying ? dodger dropped out of high school a few weeks into his junior year.  dodge had a lot on his plate back then though, so it could also have partially been that stress effecting his
Do/Did they like school ? not really, no.
What type of student are/were they ? the ‘skips class to smoke’ kind.
What is/was their favorite subject ? he really liked tech/shop class. making things was fun.
And their least favorite ? literally everything else.
What were they/would they have been voted as “most likely to…” in the yearbook ? most likely to get arrested, lmao.
Who are your character’s parents ? Martin & Kate Joel.
How would your character describe them ? “good enough people, but not good parents.”
Do they have any siblings ? no.
Are they close with their family ? not at all. he rarely contacts them anymore, and always only if they’ve contacted him first.
What’s their romantic and sexual orientation ? dodger is a useless bisexual. 
Are they seeing anyone right now ?  nope!
Have they ever been in an relationship ?  he has indeed - most of them casual, though. dodger doesn’t do serious relationships. ( even though sometimes....... he thinks they might be nice....... )
Have they ever been in love ?  no way. that’s too deep for dodge.
How easy do they fall for someone ?  oh gods no.
In their view, why didn’t any past relationships work out ? because he doesn’t do serious dating. he prefers to keep things casual. less emotional, more physical.
What do they look for in someone ? they have to mesh well, 
Do they believe in love at first sight ? or fate ? no to both. definitely not. love at first sight is for shakespeare and dodge doesn’t do shakespeare, fate is stupid, in dodge’s opinion. you make your own path, there’s nothing beyond your control.
What’s their views on romance ? Do they go after it or avoid it ? casual is best, but good on anyone who does do serious stuff - he can respect that. lately he’s pondering what it might be like to pursue a relationship but those are 3am dodger thoughts so they’ll probably never see the light of day.
Did they have their first time already ? How was it in their point of view ? dodger has definitely lost his vcard already, he’s. he’s been around the block and then some. it was,, awkward, ya know, like first times tend to be... but it was a learning experience. 
What is their view on sex ? casual sex/flings are dodger’s forte. he’s very sex positive, but also if sex isn’t your thing that’s cool too & he doesn’t judge. 
What are their turn ons and turn offs ? turn ons include unspoken tension, being pulled closer by the belt loops, neck kisses, when the other person runs their hands down his chest, a bit of roughness, teasing. turn offs include anything involving hitting, name calling, blood, being talked down to.
Were they ever cheated on or have they cheated on someone ? no to both, he’s an asshole but he’d never cheat on someone if he’s involved. that’s just super not cool.
Do they want to get married in the future ? oh definitely not. he’d just warming up to the idea of dating lmao
Have kids ? dodger is super good with kids but doesn’t think he’d make a good dad so. most likely not. 
Are they right or left handed ?  left! dodger’s a southpaw.
What’s a word that’s always on their lips ? cool.
Is there a saying they keep on repeating ? “absotively posilutely.”
Do they curse ? oh gods yes.
What’s their worst habit ? smoking? drinking? hooking up with almost anyone? getting into fights? he has a lot of bad habits, but eeny meeny miney moe & u’re sure to find something.
Do they drink or smoke ? How frequently ? yes to both! uh, rather frequently, but not enough for either to be a problem tbh. he’s not addicted to either.
Are they an early bird or a night owl ? night owl!
How tidy is their room ? it’s surprisingly tidy. dodger himself is a mess so you’d assume his room would be also but it’s actually rather neat and put together. partially because if he ever wanted/had to leave, he’d know where everything is, so it’s kind of neat out of habit.
How long to they usually take getting ready in the morning ? not very long at all, like. 15 minutes max when he’s really trying.
What’s their favorite color ? red, black, purple, blue.
Favorite movie ? Grease.
Music Genre ? ‘80s music & musicals
Food ? new york style pizza, cheese or pepperoni depending on what he’s feeling.
Book ? dodger’s not much one for books, really. but he is fond of the great gatsby.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink ? rootbeer floats. 
Ice Cream Flavor ? mint!
Indoors or outdoors ? both? both. both is good.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
For the 5 headcanons game, if you're still playing it, please: the big showdown between AFO and All Might in Kamino was interrupted by the destruction triggering the quirk of a random civilian. Because of it, every heroes still on the scene (All Might, Endeavor, Kamui, Edgeshot and so on) + All for One is turned into a teenager for at least a month.
Yeah I'm gonna make this as chaotic as possible for you Chesh.
1. Ok, all the major heroes and villains are teenified. Dope. The stress of the fight and the blast turned Izuku's snow white. He blinks away the dust and finds himself face to face with what looks like... himself only in a too big suit. Confused, Shiggy grabs Izuku and runs while Shouto and Bakugou grab AFO.
2. Izuku is very confused why they think he's AFO (he hadnt registered that his doppleganger was AFO) but decides 'hey I'll use this opportunity to take down the LOV'. Luckily his intelligence and quirk analysis convinces most of the followers and Izuku just starts, casually dismantling the organization. Talks Tomura through his issues and gives him like, actual therapy. He's so happy, sensei has never been this nice before. Decides to stan this version forever.
3. AFO is at UA like 'what the hell just happened??' apparently they think he's his son. Oh look, there's All Might, young and healthy but without OFA he will use this opportunity for evil. Has to be subtle since he doesn't want people to realize he's not Izuku. He underestimates how Strong healthy Toshi is at baseline. Also stupidly lucky. Even using his quirks, AFO can't seem to kill his nemesis. Picks many fights with Bakugou hoping he'll die in a tragic accident. Classmates are glad Izuku is finally getting over his fear/awe of Bakugou even if he's a bit uh aggressive now.
4. Aizawa is still in charge of class bc like HELL is he leaving his kids after all that trauma. His voice keeps squeaking and he's so lanky and awkward no one really takes him seriously. Traumatized over going through puberty again with his stupid puppy love for Hizashi making things hard like please we've been married a decade can I stop blushing every 5 minutes?? Somethings up with Midoriya but its probably the effects of the quirk.
5. By the time the quirk wears off, Izuku does a great job of dismantling the LOV and getting them all support/therapy. Shiggy follows Izuku back to UA like a puppy. AFO could not, frustratingly enough, kill All might for increasingly ridiculous and hilarious reasons. He did manage to talk to a lot of the UA students and soon they're having very rebellious ideas about quirk reform and government overstepping. Nedzu and the HPSC feel a cold sweat run down their backs for reasons they don't know. Izuku and AFO both feel accomplished even if Izuku STILL has no idea why everyone thought he was AFO or who that weird doppleganger was. Oh well, doesn't matter.
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achizuto · 2 years
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            Indie and hc-based Deidara rp blog from the Naruto Shippuden manga                                     Mutuals only · Sporadic activity · oc-friendly!                                     interpreted by Chesh ( she/her, 24 years old )                    ( rules / about / verses / tags ) ­ · Rules for mobiles users under the cut
1. private. means mutuals only. I’m open to any fandom, OCs (love ‘em!!). If we are mutuals, I definitely read the Rules + About pages.
2. threads.
Starting interactions is easy: send memes, tag me in starters or IM me with ideas. All i’m here for is to write with you people.
As much as I like canon Akatsuki verse, it is a nice change to write in a modern AU in which Deidara is not the villain. If you hit me up to do that verse or even have ideas, I will love you.
3. interpretation. This version of Deidara is aged up by three years. Thus, in Part II, the default Akatsuki Verse, he is 22 years old. Personally, I think his background story makes more sense that way. Find incorporated headcanons on the about page, if you are interested.
4. triggers. Due to Deidara’s nature, writing content may be trigger heavy. I tag:
gore tw: graphic descriptions of injuries and violence
suicide tw: mentions of suicidal thoughts, ideation, description
nsfw//: sexual content
4. shipping.
I’m more of a spontaneous shipper than plotting romance: if the chemistry is there, it’s there
That being said, I stan Obito/Deidara. If there is an Obito out there that considers shipping, PLS message me.
I won’t ever assume any kind of relationship beforehand unless it’s canon, so Obitos, fear not, there shall be only bickering unless we discussed something
It’s rare to see anything nsfw except for dirty banter on this blog
5. misc.
Don’t expect me to respond quickly, I’m super slow with messages and threads and stuff. I’m very sorry but after years of being like this I came to to the conclusion that this is how it is for now.
Take ur time! Don’t u ever dare apologise! Reply 3 months later idc i still luv u <3
I love plotted threads hmu for discord we can alk about the meaning of life too
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dillusionalgrins · 2 years
I need to make list of verses but chesh is always the same no matter what. So I'll probably make a doc sometime explaining him more in depth than just posting headcanons and such to confuse yall amslsk
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wlwdarlingcharming · 3 years
🌥 - general headcanon + The Cheshire Cat
(4) - general headcanon + the cheshire cat
back when she was in school, she had the biggest crush on the white queen. they dated for a while, but the white queen had eyes for someone else. chesh still isn’t over it.
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gavillain · 3 years
The Cheshire Cat!
First impression - I loved him as a kid! I'm a big cat person, so I loved all the Disney cats, and Chesh was no exception. He was also purple which always adds brownie points from me XD
Impression now - Still love him! He's a lot of fun and one of the most colorful and interestingly wacky Disney characters. Also he lent himself to one of my tiktoks that got a lot of views, so hey there's that too XD
Favorite moment - When he sang "T'was Brillig." There's something both ominous and whimsical about that moment at the same time. I love the inclusion of the Jabberwocky poem in some form too since the full song was cut from the final product.
Idea for a story - In Kingdom Hearts, wouldn't it just be glorious if Chesh just latched onto Sora and followed him around causing wacky mayhem to all of the other worlds. Like can you imagine the hijinks??? XD
Unpopular opinion - He's a villain. He's a part of the Disney Villain brand, he causes trouble for Alice (nearly getting her decapitated), and whether he's chaotic neutral or chaotic evil, he's mostly just chaotic and a villain need not be evil to be a villain.
Favorite relationship - See I feel like he and the Caterpillar would actually vibe with one another. I'd love to see them interact.
Favorite headcanon - Oh well in the movie, his head can detach from his body. He can even stand on it. I'm sure he could it as a cannon to if he wanted. That'd definitely be a head cannon ;)
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alch3mic · 4 years
I’m not sure if headcanons are closed or if it’s just drawing requests that are closed. It’s fine if headcanons are closed! Do you have cuddle headcanons for Chesh?
headcanon requests are open, but i’ll probably be closing them at midnight my time (PST) so i can start on some other projects and catch up as to what’s already in my inbox (because goodness there are a lot..) so, if you have a question feel free to send it today before i close it!!
cheshire simply adores cuddling but... only on his own terms. he’s rather touch adverse with strangers, sometimes feeling uncomfortable when people get too much in his personal space if he doesn’t know them well enough and tends to shut down when overwhelmed. he absolutely hates when people grab him suddenly without his permission too, and it’s a very quick way to get a rather nasty insult thrown in your face.
because of that he’s very selective to those who he allows to touch him freely, which mainly include you and his brother. since you’re his favorite person, he will absolutely smother you in his physical affections and demands, always asking you for pats on the head after doing a good job, laying in your lap, or just hanging close around you in general because you bring such a sense of comfort to him through touch and it helps him feel safe and secure when he’s holding on to you. if they two of you sleep in the same bed prepare to be the big spoon as he just loves being surrounded by your warmth!
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bestiatexere · 6 years
Character Flaws Meme
No one is perfect, so every character has their flaws. Write down your muse’s six worst Tragic Flaws and how they embody them, and tag your friends. Feel free to use [this list of character flaws] if you want!
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Tagged by: i stole it from my other blog  Tagging: uuuhhmmm.... @airxn @aestuavis @xaconite @voitheiamou @moisaios and whoever else wants to steal it! tag me!! im nosey!!
Bold – In a bad sense, too forward; taking undue liberties; over assuming or confident; lacking proper modesty or restraint; rude; impudent. Abrupt, brazen, cheeky, brassy, audacious. /  Overconfident – Excessively confident; presumptuous.
He’s pretty damn shameless, acting very bold due to his high confidence in himself and his looks. He really has no sense of modesty, he’s a shifter and so he’s entirely comfortable with his body and any state of undress. He’ll happily strip at any opportunity, and he knows his own appeal as well. He’s audacious and cheeky.
He can be very forward at times, but he does know the right time and place and will respect boundaries, though he might not always see them at first. And his overconfidence, of course, hides his deep down insecurities and fears, he covers himself with this shield of bravado and ridiculous confidence and charm. He’s scared of rejection (from people he actually likes/cares for) and so he plays himself as being Above such things, like its no matter to him if someone doesn’t like/want him, but it actually does get to him a lot.
Flirt -To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures; behaviour intended to arouse sexual interest. Minx. Tease. /  Hedonistic – Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
Linked to the above, he is bold in his flirting and actions, rather shameless about it all. He loves flirting, he loves getting attention, feeling validated from it even if it leaves him feeling empty at times. He’s playful by nature, and flirting is one way for him to play.
The flirting and attention pleases him and usually leads to sex, which relates to that hedonistic side. He’s very indulgent with the things he likes and enjoys, he doesn’t hesitate to spoil himself or others. He’s legit a creature of comfort, he loves having good food, great sex, and things that soothe, entertain, or spoil his senses (for example, he’s a sucker for silk or soft/fluffy things). In general, he won’t deny himself anything that will give him any kind of pleasure.
Idealist – One whose conduct is influenced by ideals that often conflict with practical considerations. One who is unrealistic and impractical, guided more by ideals than by practical considerations. /  Soft-hearted – Having softness or tenderness of heart that can lead them into trouble; susceptible of pity or other kindly affection. They cannot resist helping someone they see in trouble, suffering or in need, and often don’t think of the repercussions or situation before doing so.
He is a sunshine boy tbh. Generally optimistic and full of grand ideas, he sees the potential of things, and sees them how he wishes they will be, rather than how they realistically might turn out. He doesn’t like to hear or get stuck on practical issues, so he doesn’t always think things through, getting too caught up in the moment and swept up by his whims and emotions.
He is a big soft sweetheart underneath his flirting and confidence. He falls for cute things and cant resist helping someone that needs it. In his idealistic mind, he’s sure someone else would help him if the situations were reversed. And, deep down, he has this ideal/dream of having a perfect, loving relationship. He wants to live in a happy world, and he wants others to be happy, so he is happy and kind to others.
Non-violent – Abstaining from the use of violence. / Pacifist – Opposition to war or violence as a means of resolving disputes. (Can double as a merit in certain cases)
Violence, anger, and tense situations make him extremely uncomfortable due to his father. He will get anxious, probably trying to hide it at first, and try to leave (depending on the situation) or he will try to deescalate the situation with his charm/a joke or by getting between the parties if he’s not the one directly involved. He would hate himself if he ever hurt anyone, he is a gentle softie at heart. 
But, that being said, if pushed (or rather, if someone he loves was being attacked/threatened) he would likely lose to his instincts/emotions and feel the need to fight. Since he tends to suppress those kinds of emotions, he’s not good at dealing with them when he loses control.
Theatrical – Having a flair for over dramatizing situations, doing things in a ‘big way’ and loves to be ‘centre stage’. / Childish – Marked by or indicating a lack of maturity; puerile.
Typical leo sign, he’s dramatic and loves attention however he can get it. He should have been an actor, he loves telling stories and entertaining people and he’s completely confident with those sorts of things. His energy tends to fill up the room, and he uses big gestures when talking as he’s very expressive.
He over-dramatises a lot of the time, just to get more of a reaction out of people. He also uses this to tease and play, acting overly hurt sometimes to get sympathy or to guilt people, or he’ll play cute and be excessively affectionate so you give in and can’t be mad. He’ll whine and act quite childish as a means of annoying someone or getting attention.
Impish – Naughtily or annoyingly playful. / Nosey – Given to prying into the affairs of others; snoopy. Offensively curious or inquisitive / Troublemaker – Someone who deliberately stirs up trouble, intentionally or unintentionally. /  Meddlesome – Intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner, given to meddling; interfering. 
He’s not named after the “Cheshire Cat” for nothing. He’s (annoyingly) playful, mischievous, and nosey, he meddles in people’s lives, particularly Kavik’s, and he likes to stir things around when he’s bored. He loves riddles and puns and messing with people (but not maliciously) and he likes to matchmake and interfere. He often has some kinda plan or trick in mind, but he’s harmless really
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doumacore · 3 years
Teddy bear anon here. Things are a bit slow, but I'll let you know when Those Rainbow Eyes is up. Can I use your idea of modern Douma for a different story where he meets an OC who knew him in her past life, which was back when he was a demon?
hmm, i think it's best to say no on this one, nonnie. i'm super sorry! but it's because i didn't create our modern douma, it was chesh and viola. for those new here, i'm a part of a DID system, and i only became the host during the middle of this year. while i am absolutely allowed to draw like chesh/viola and write like chesh/viola (i don't know how else to draw or write), i (as in dev) am not who created our modern douma, that was 100% other alters' work. - dev
and collectively, we also don't feel like we trust other people to capture the intricacies of our modern douma. we have posted headcanons about him, but we're very... idk fussy? about how he's to be portrayed. our modern douma is extremely personal to us, and we're only really comfortable seeing him be written by us. sorry! - viola
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