#◇          /        *        (      answered      *      such    is    the    fate    of    heroes.      )
Heyo. I really adore how you write things,I think you're really great at it. (Pls do not put me in horny jail though I am an innocent mortal)
I would like to request for a villain finding out the heros identity, and finding out that it's their lover/someone they were going to confess to? This could either go an incredibly angsty route where hero dies or a happier route where they can live in peace.
Their jaw was set.
They stared at the hero underneath them, blood running down their nose and over their lips. They stared into those eyes that had always seemed too familiar to them. A little detail of many which they had chosen to ignore willingly. The villain took in a laboured breath, exhausted from the final realisation, the actual suspicion that had formed into gruesome reality.
"It's you," they whispered. They held the hero's mask in their hand, twisting the fabric until their knuckles turned white. That damn mask. They cursed themselves. Why had they been so persistent?
"It's me," the hero answered. They swallowed and leaned their head back against the rubble of the destroyed house. "Yeah, it's me darling."
"You knew?"
"...I did," the hero answered. "For quite some time."
The villain swallowed. So, they were the fool again. The last one to know, the last one to find out. The villain felt quite dumb for finding out so late. Maybe love had blinded them or maybe they had chosen to be blind. The truth was, they had suspected something. However, they had blamed their trauma and fear of getting into a relationship for their instincts going wild.
"But you didn't say anything."
"I didn't want to lose you, is that so hard to believe?" The hero didn't even raise their head, they just stared up at the night sky.
"I am your nemesis," the villain reminded them. They couldn't even think about their shared apartment, about the walk back home, about the wounds. About their bed.
"You're my lover," the hero corrected them. "I don't mind that you stab me every once in a while."
"You should care about that."
"Well, I do not," the hero said. "I didn't choose you because it was convenient. I chose you because...I just knew you were the right one for me. Sometimes, you just know."
The villain's eyes burnt again but they knew they couldn't let themselves be distracted. They had plans. They had goals. There were things they needed to do.
"I have goals."
"I know," the hero answered. The villain had probably fractured their ribs.
"Goals you don't agree with."
"I know," the hero repeated. They were still bleeding and the villain felt the need to throw up. The things they had done to their lover in the past were unspeakable. "And I will still love you."
"We'll end up killing each other," the villain said. "I cannot stop doing my work. And you cannot stop doing yours."
"Then I hope death will find me first," the hero said. "And that I'll find you in a quieter life again."
Running and chasing, hating and loving.
It was a never ending cycle.
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oumaheroes · 1 year
Do you think Scotland looks good in a tiny mini skirt?
I MEAN it depends on who you ask and their opinion- Scotland would never be seen dead wearing it outside
Inside however, I think he'd wear it for a partner and be very smug about how good his thighs and arse look
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adrift-in-thyme · 2 months
Time becomes the Hero's Shade? 👀
I'm ready to cry
- hero-of-the-wolf
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Hehehe yeah it’s gonna be painful alright
Darkness swallows Wild. And the earth folds into itself once more.
Time jerks back just before his hand is devoured too. Then, he is on his feet, breath coming fast, fury and fear roiling within him.
“Majora!” His shout echoes despite the padding of the towering brush. “What was that? What did you do to him?”
Maniacal cackles dance around him, enveloping him in their pungent insanity.
“Don’t fret over him, hero, he’s just fine. I merely transported him back to camp to await the others. However — ” The voice is in his ear now, the smothering heat of breath sticky upon his neck. Time goes rigid. “I would worry more about yourself.”
A long tentacle snakes around him, grasps his left wrist, and wrenches it up to eye level. Time chokes.
There is bone where there was once flesh, pearly white bone, knobby and jointed, forming what he knows were one fingers, the back of a hand.
The ground tilts beneath his feet. Time stumbles, suddenly feeling strangely weightless.
“What—” he gasps, “what is this?”
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how we feeling about Resplendent Rhajat
How we feeling about WHAT
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Thank you for telling me, anon!! I'm not a big fan of the fairy-themed alts, but I think she looks pretty nice :D
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casiavium · 4 months
I didn't really have a song in mind for Link to be playing in my ghiralink Orpheus and Eurydice fic—mostly just unnamed song in an unfamiliar language because that was easy lol—but I'm listening to Zelda music and I think it would be fun if it was Laruto's Lament :) it's a simple harp melody, and the lyrics are in Latin, which would call back to the Greco-Roman origin of the myth:
Ad idem, Ad infinitum
In memoriam, cor unum
vi et armis, vale
As is the same eternally
in memory, one heart
with strength and arms (weapons), farewell
The Latin isn't... great. Also I did the translation while listening to the song so I may be
If you look it up online the most popular translation is
Ad Idem (Of the same mind) *idk where they got mind from, and ad mean to/towards not of
Ad Infinitum (Without Limit)
In Memoriam (In memory)
Cor Unum (One heart)
Vi et Armis (By force and arms) *vi et armis is ablative, so it could be with or by, usually determined by context that doesn't exist here. This translation went for a darker interpretation
Vale (Farewell)
We share one mind
Time cannot bind us
The heart we share
Now the enemy arms destroy me
Which isn't exactly what it's saying but works well enough!
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avionvadion · 1 month
“Desperate Decisions”? More like “Desperately collecting as many husbands as I can” lol. Irene is going for the record
Robin’s gonna be the last to join, lol. I’m putting my foot down. No more after him! Kaze was a unexpected surprise, Robin’s gonna be the last.
Hilariously, I think Robin’s going to be the only one in the polycule who’s actually, like, in a good mind place. No anxiety, no depression, just… happy to help out and occasionally wondering how Chrom is doing. Sure, he still has his amnesia, but at this point Robin probably thinks it’s more of a blessing than a curse since he’s aware Validar is his father and that be was born to be a “vessel” for Grima. So he isn’t really bothered by his amnesia as much anymore.
He’s just… vibing and living his best life, and, according to the poll as of right now, that best life includes the chaotic family of Kaze, Subaki, Henry, and Irene. He’s probably like, “Man, I have one hell of a story to tell Chrom once this war is over. Can’t wait to introduce him to everybody. Kinda miss my bestie.”
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stllinski · 11 days
tie, sender helps tie receiver's tie.
playing detective is one thing, but he feels more a little boy playing dress-up. maybe he should have learned how to do this by himself without having to watch a video tutorial every time. it simply never seems to stick, a piece of information that his brain cannot retain with the copious amount of other useless facts. so when her hands are swatting gently away his own, and as she fusses about with the slim fabric around his neck, stiles only resigns with a sigh.
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“ i look stupid. ” he comments, self-deprecating and suddenly vulnerable without the layers of clothing he normally wears. hazel eyes watch her movements carefully, as though seeing it first hand may aid his retention for the future. as she gently tightens the knot against his throat, it feels more like a noose. eyes lift, meeting her own. “ no-one's going to buy me as a millionaire art collector. i should have shaved, or gotten a hair-cut, or something. ”
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 7 months
i have a question for story! how did you and alise meet? and how long did it take for the two of you to trust each other?
"Story": "Oh!~ Something for me?~ Why, you shouldn't have!~ Ahh, I'm only joking, you see~ I would love to talk about my darling girl!~
Oh, my dear Alise.. Yes, of course I recall how we met, so intriguing as it was~ It was not perhaps the first time that our fates had quite been laid out as if to cross..~ But, it was the first time that one of those heroes she had been trying to help made it all the way to me without getting picked off along the journey. I don't even quite remember the finer details at this point. But that's because they are not relevant!~
What I do recall is putting on the usual sort of show, and seeing my would-be foe be unable to even live up to his feeble little title.. Honestly, some days it makes you wonder why I bother, doesn't it?~ Yet, even after he failed so pathetically, a little golden glow kept flitting back and forth, the poor thing..~ Ahh, but her demeanour wasn't quite what I'd expected it to be!~ No, no, it was really rather intriguing, as I said~ She was awfully curious, you see, and- well, whether out of curiosity of my own, or mere boredom, or perhaps even a little whim of Fate - I simply deemed it no small loss to answer a few of her more pertinent questions!~ And from there, well.. it wasn't too tricky to figure out a way to keep her around~ I truly have grown quite fond of her, you see!~ Are you surprised?~
Hm.. That should just about cover your first inquiry, shouldn't it?~ And so then, for your second.. I can't deny that there was perhaps some.. delay, let's say~ My darling Alise was, shall we say, a bit uncertain of how to think of me to begin with~ Quite understandably, given how we'd first encountered one another!~ There was certainly gratitude there, but a good bit of trepidation as well~ It wouldn't be wrong to say that I'd completely turned her world on its head!~ Even still, I at least knew I could trust her from the beginning~ After all, trust is simply confidence that you know what someone is capable of, isn't it?~ And it was quite plain that she would not have had the means to stand up to me, even if she'd wanted to~ I've had to teach her so much more about what she shows to the world, ahaha~
Well, I suppose that answers both of those, you could say!~ I do so hope that this has been satisfying, ahaha!~"
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lovevalley45 · 11 months
Imagine if Fateworld and Doomworld had been Full Fledged Crossovers
i could see some fun if doomworld was a crossover but ngl, i think the reason fateworld works so well is bc it's not just "oh fun legends tv parody shenanigans", the character focus on the trapped legends + charlie on the outside elevates it from smth like. n i hate to make a spn reference but 'changing channels' (which is important plot wise but). where most of the interesting parts of the ep comes from the parodies themselves
like i'm always thinkin abt astra and john in this episode and that scene where astra knows it's not really her natalie but john concedes that they can stay because of how much he's failed her, how much he wants her to have been happy with her mother and here they can have that
idk i just think bringing in characters from the other shows would kinda ruin what it had going for it
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cheemken · 9 months
I’m avoiding my assignment rn by typing this but it’s already 12:20 am and I’m only halfway done so I need a break
Anyways, for the Villain Unova Kids AU; what if the three dragons were the evil ones?? Maybe they’ve been influencing the Unova Kids minds? And like idk why they’re evil but they are, maybe trying to re shape the world how they like? Kinda being like Giratina and wanting to take Arceus place? Or something else
Like Iris is pissed off about how she’s treated by people and Kyurem tells her to take action about it, to make them feel the way she feels everyday. Putting ideas in her head until she eventually snaps
Or Hilda talking about how she wishes she lived in an ideal world where everything was fine and they didn’t have to worry about criminal teams like Plasma or not being worked to death trying to help the People of Unova. So Zerkrom shows her that she can have her ideal world, she and all her friends can, if she allows him to help
And Hilbert seeing the truth of the people of Unova and not liking it. How unruly and selfish they are. Wishing for everything from the Hero’s but never appreciating what they’re given. Always asking for more and more. Now Reshiram is telling him how him and his friends can get rid of that ugly truth he doesn’t like
For Bianca, N and Cheren I suppose the others just convinced them to help them shape Unova how it should be. How Kyruem, Reshiram, and Zekrom are right and that they deserve to be above everyone else as they’re the strongest in Unova. How the three dragons used to be the strongest together, just like the six of them will be if they join them
Also for the Tao Trio lore, what if instead of the original dragon getting split up because of the two brothers, Arceus was the one to split it apart in an attempt to subdue its power and influence over the other legendary Pokémon. And the two brothers are just a story that was eventually believed to be true
Now since it’s split apart, it needs someone to fuse them back together. Someone who’s strong and capable of the task, someone who’ll believe that they deserve to be a hero. To be Hero’s of Truth, Ideals, and Fate
Mood tho felt that abt the assignments lmao
No cause like, it's like the reverse in Galar's lore where people thought that the heroes were humans where in fact they're pokemon, and now w that people believed the two brothers were the reason for the og dragon to split, but it's in fact Arceus, as he knows Kyurem is too powerful to be left alone like that, he's not gonna have another Giratina 2.0
And god chmdbd imagine Arceus believing that was it tho, that him splitting the dragons and confining Zekrom and Reshiram within the stones would be enough, that binding Kyurem within the Giant Chasm was enough, those three separated and never to form the original dragon again, as the Splicers were hidden by a human Arceus had entrusted with and has been passed down that family for generations. Until Drayden was the one to guard it. And ofc, Drayden knows he won't stay in the world forever, so he told Iris of the Splicers, so she would be the next guardian of it, to make sure to keep it hidden from those who only demand power, those who wish to form the original dragon once more. Little does he know, that's Iris' goal.
Ough your honour Kyurem telling Iris that he wishes to see Zekrom and Reshiram again, so they can be one again, and together, they'll help Iris be the most powerful trainer. Ofc, Kyurem didn't know Zekrom and Reshiram found their own heroes now too, also promising those heroes to find the other two pieces of themselves to form the original dragon, promising them power. Even better the heroes that Zekrom and Reshiram found were Iris' friends, who also believed the world could be better
And like it'd be dope tho if the dragons did see potential in Cheren, Bianca, and N.
Cheren was idealistic, Zekrom was drawn to him as well, he saw Hilda's vision of the world, and Cheren supported her wholeheartedly, believing it would be for the best, for their ideal world, that they kill off anyone who dares disrupt the peace, and Zekrom will be there to help them with it.
Bianca was truthful, Reshiram saw the fire in her eyes, as she knows just how painful the words of the people could be, how again and again she's been told she wasn't enough, and Bianca knows how selfish people are, something she wished the people of Unova knew, and Reshiram can help her and Hilbert with just that.
N knew all too well how powerful of a drive fate could be. N thought his destiny was to be Plasma's king, a hero, but he sees now destiny is quite an enigmatic thing, as his friends became the heroes instead. But he believes there's more to fate, he knows the ones who hurt his pokemon friends would be destined a bitter cold death, as he believes their deaths would be righteous, for no more will they hurt pokemon. Of course, Kyurem will grant him that wish.
With those three along with their respective heroes, the dragons are one step closer to becoming to becoming their true self, Unova's Dragon, Kyurem in its final forme. The only thing left now is for Iris to bring them the Splicers.
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skloomdumpster · 1 year
Is it me or do Sky and Saul swap hairstyles between S1 and S2
Saul, in a misguided strategy to get back in Sky's good graces and remind his son of who he truly is, decides to ditch the military haircut and go for the Zac Efron circa 2010 hair. Safe to say Sky is less than impressed
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iturbide · 2 years
Fun fact about Fire Emblem Fates: the C support between Kana, the child of Corrin, and Shigure, the son of Azura, ends with Kana screaming "Run away!!" because Shigure is a teenager, which to them, is "worse than cooties" 😂
Everything I know about Kana just makes them sound like such a fun, sweet kid, and this really just fits so perfectly with that image. Who couldn't love Kana?
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sailsonaseaoffate · 1 year
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for?
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Metal shreded like a cheap can of tuna as the crate was opened spilling forth the little gith dolls with small heaps of gold and black cloth.
"See nothing but toys," Zexx said with an easy grin.
The legionnaire slowly leaned down to pick up a doll, lifting it and weighing it gently in their hand. Then they squeezed. The head of the doll popped off and out poured a purple sparkling dust. The soldier slowly looked up at the man.
Zexx's eyes widened before he let out a cough of a laugh and raised his hands slowly. "I can explain."
"Take him."
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a bit ago i was looking over the fates characters that haven't been added to heroes yet. 1) put Kilma in cyl already. 2) i kinda want the next mythic to be Cadros, if only to reunite Anankos with his boytoy. 3) anthony is such an easy fallen hero just make him an ungodly strong f2p beast that turns into a faceless immediately.
All three of these characters would be great additions!! This many years later and we're all still thirsty for Kilma lmao + everyone agrees there's something fishy between Anankos and Cadros, and Fallen!Anankos' dialogue in Heroes only made it more suspicious XD Anthony would be so neat to have as well!
Another one I'd love to see added to Heroes is Nichol. Come on, his design is so cool, he'd be a great GHB unit!
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ashendalia · 2 years
Good news everyone!
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We're married now :)
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spiinsparks · 2 years
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