#mother: witch of fated tales (story)
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 10 months
i have a question for story! how did you and alise meet? and how long did it take for the two of you to trust each other?
"Story": "Oh!~ Something for me?~ Why, you shouldn't have!~ Ahh, I'm only joking, you see~ I would love to talk about my darling girl!~
Oh, my dear Alise.. Yes, of course I recall how we met, so intriguing as it was~ It was not perhaps the first time that our fates had quite been laid out as if to cross..~ But, it was the first time that one of those heroes she had been trying to help made it all the way to me without getting picked off along the journey. I don't even quite remember the finer details at this point. But that's because they are not relevant!~
What I do recall is putting on the usual sort of show, and seeing my would-be foe be unable to even live up to his feeble little title.. Honestly, some days it makes you wonder why I bother, doesn't it?~ Yet, even after he failed so pathetically, a little golden glow kept flitting back and forth, the poor thing..~ Ahh, but her demeanour wasn't quite what I'd expected it to be!~ No, no, it was really rather intriguing, as I said~ She was awfully curious, you see, and- well, whether out of curiosity of my own, or mere boredom, or perhaps even a little whim of Fate - I simply deemed it no small loss to answer a few of her more pertinent questions!~ And from there, well.. it wasn't too tricky to figure out a way to keep her around~ I truly have grown quite fond of her, you see!~ Are you surprised?~
Hm.. That should just about cover your first inquiry, shouldn't it?~ And so then, for your second.. I can't deny that there was perhaps some.. delay, let's say~ My darling Alise was, shall we say, a bit uncertain of how to think of me to begin with~ Quite understandably, given how we'd first encountered one another!~ There was certainly gratitude there, but a good bit of trepidation as well~ It wouldn't be wrong to say that I'd completely turned her world on its head!~ Even still, I at least knew I could trust her from the beginning~ After all, trust is simply confidence that you know what someone is capable of, isn't it?~ And it was quite plain that she would not have had the means to stand up to me, even if she'd wanted to~ I've had to teach her so much more about what she shows to the world, ahaha~
Well, I suppose that answers both of those, you could say!~ I do so hope that this has been satisfying, ahaha!~"
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void-kissed · 2 years
I was going to update my self-insert carrd with a new render before realising that would technically actually be quite big spoilers for Fatebreakers, but I did manage to resolve it by making a (very in-progress) render of my third Cloverse self-insert, Chiara!
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..It's accurate for her physical appearance, but probably not her outfit, aside for the feathery leafy cape thingy. At the moment she sort of just looks like a depressed Camille, and she also kind of looks like she's matching Telanthera's outfit which isn't quite right, but.. the vibes are there. She's a witch whose magic was inverted by a curse, leaving her only able to use her magic to wither, erode or decay things instead of revitalising things and creating flowers like she used to be able to; this unfortunate fate, as well as her lack of control over her magic as a result of the curse, leads her to be set upon by many as an antagonist, despite the fact she doesn't want to be a villain at all.
At the moment, I have her classified as a self-insert who isn't associated with any F/Os, but I think it'd make sense for her to also end up seeing The Storytelling Witch as a mother figure like Alise does, because the two have similar situations of once being good witches but something happened to them and now they're sort of not. Which is kind of amusing considering Chiara exists concurrently with Alise (as well as Telanthera - all three are in there somewhere at once), who is completely different in terms of how she acts =P
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tomtefairytaleblog · 5 months
Diamonds, Toads, and Dark Magical Girls
According to Bill Ellis in "The Fairy-Telling Craft of Princess Tutu: Meta-Commentary and the Folkloresque," the fairy tale of Cinderella can be seen as one of the earliest examples of the transformation sequences/henshin seen in magical girl anime, particularly in how the title character is given items that help her achieve a goal, usually given to her by a magical being (her mother's spirit in a tree, a fairy godmother, etc.).
Thinking again about the connection between magical girls and fairy tales--even if they aren't as meta as Tutu, many magical girls do use imagery and ideas from European fairy tales (Sailor Moon alone has references to Hans Christian Andersen and Charles Perrault)--I wondered what other character types from the genre may have some precedent in fairy tales. Then I started thinking about the Dark Magical Girl character.
Not every magical girl story has a Dark Magical Girl, but they do crop up in a lot of works. To name a few, there's Fate Testarossa from Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Rue/Kraehe from Princess Tutu, and countless others that would be too numerous to name. In general they tend to be more cynical, darker counterparts to the main protagonists, who tend to come from relatively more stable environments. Whatever magic they possess also may be more sinister, at least initially.
Tying in somewhat to the story of Cinderella is the Aarne-Thompson-Uther Index fairy tale type "The Kind and Unkind Girls" (ATU 480). Many of the stories of this type involve a rivalry between two stepsisters, one being favored by the stepmother due to being the latter's biological daughter. The general idea in most versions of the tale is that both girls encounter a magical being at separate points in time. The kind girl helps the magical being in some way, at which point the magical being gives her a magical ability or magical presents. Meanwhile, the unkind girl refuses to help the magical being and is cursed in some fashion, or, worse, killed. The kind girl meanwhile usually ends up marrying a prince, or a similar character. One of the more popular versions of this story, "Diamonds and Toads," has the kind girl gain the ability to have a jewel or flower fall from her mouth when she speaks, while the unkind girl is cursed to have toads and snakes fall from hers. And while the kind girl does marry a prince, the unkind one is kicked out of her house and dies alone in the woods. (Insert something about Revolutionary Girl Utena's comment about how a girl who cannot become a princess is doomed to be a witch.)
Typically in these fairy tales, the unkind girl is never shown to be a real threat to the kind one; the ultimate threat is the stepmother, who uses her daughter as a means to an end. In contrast, Dark Magical Girls tend to have, well, magic that helps them attack the magical girl protagonist. In this regard, they're the Heavy in the plot, while the witch/mother-like figure/real enemy waits in the background (as is the case in a lot of magical girl shows--the Raven and Rue, Precia and Fate, Fine and Chris in Symphogear etc.). Sometimes the Dark Magical Girl will be a major threat, though--like the Princess of Disaster in Pretear (who is loosely-inspired by the Evil Queen in Snow White).
In The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales (1976), Bruno Bettelheim argues that the stepmother as a character is a way for children to process the negative traits of their own mothers, while still idealizing the good qualities of them. With that in mind, the unkind sister and the Dark Magical Girl can be viewed as a way of processing/externalizing the negative traits that a girl can have, being cruel, rebellious, and uncaring. They also embody their fears, too--the fear of being alone, rejected, and doomed to fail.
Of course, nowadays, Dark Magical Girls have a tendency to be redeemed and reconcile with/befriend the main magical girl, something the kind and unkind girls never seem to do in the fairy tales. Maybe it's just emblematic of society deciding that killing a girl off for being a little rude is a bit unfair. She's just a kid trying to find her place in the world, too, after all.
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lunamond · 6 months
The argument that the switch-up between Tamlin and Rhysand as love interests was SJM making a clever commentary on the inherently problematic nature of the Beauty and the Beast tale is actually really annoying to me.
I'm absolutely not above being critical of this story.
However, just because there are problematic aspects in the foundational version of this story doesn’t mean that modern iterations automatically possess these as well.
So let's look at how modern retellings deal with the most commonly criticised element of the story: the kidnapping.
For me personally, the most important thing to look at when judging how "problematic" the kidnapping in any given Beauty and the Beast story is, is to look at what the actual power dynamics at play are.
Most of these stories tend to feature some inherent power imbalance between the Beauty and the Beast characters. However, most retellings also feature a curse/curser who puts pressure on the Beast to kidnap Beauty in the first place. This means there is always some kind of higher power/authority who holds significant power over the Beast as well.
In the og Fairytale version, we have a scorned Fae/Witch who curses the Beast. The stakes for the Beast are to find a woman, make her fall in love with him, or stay a Beast forever.
How much this gives the Beast a pass for the crime of kidnapping is, of course, sth each person has to decide for themself.
However, most modern retellings tend to significantly increase the severity of the conditions and consequences of said curse, often times putting many lives outside of the Beast's own at stake.
This increase in stakes, at least for me, significantly impacts how much I condemn the actions of the Beast character.
We see this in the Disney version were all the people living and working in the castle were turned into animate objects and risk turning inanimate once the time-limit for the curse runs out, which is essentially a child friendly way of saying that they will all die.
In the YA novel Cruel Beauty (which I already compared to Acotar in an older post), the Beast character is forced to take a new bride every century. Due to the specifics of the curse, the safety of an entire country is dependent on his compliance with the conditions put on him. So, despite the fact that he initially appears much more powerful than the Beauty character, they are essentially both stuck under the same curse.
The first Acotar book works the same way. Tamlin kidnaps Feyre, not because he wants to but because the conditions of the curse put not just the fate of the SC but of the entirety of Prythian at stake.
That's, of course, not to say that this isn't a violent experience for Feyre and her family. But it does mean that Tamlin isn't the instigator of this violent act, but the person responsible for the curse, aka Amarantha.
The attempt to turn this into a subversion of the BnB story by revealing Tamlin as a violent and abusive partner becomes incredibly frustrating, because most of the violent undertone present in the 1st book, that fans like to point towards as an early sign of his future abusive behaviors are not caused by Tamlin himself but by Amarantha (and her batwinged lackey).
But SJM's attempt is especially nonsensical because Feyre's new romance with Rhysand is just a worse version of BnB.
I am aware that the second book, Acomaf, is most commonly marketed as a Hades/Persephone retelling.
But here is the thing; the modern interpretation of Hades/Persephone as a romance is much more akin to the story of Beauty and the Beast than the hymn to Demeter (the og source text featuring the myth of Hades/Persephone), which as the title suggests is much more concerned with the feelings of grief and rage a mother feels in response to her daughter's abduction than anything else.
So, let's judge Feysand's story with the same standards we just used for other modern BnB retellings.
Immediately, we run into the issue that Rhysand doesn't have a higher power above him forcing him to kidnap Feyre (unless you want to count the mating bond, but that is clearly meant to be seen as a positive so that doesn't really work, Amarantha doesn't count either).
However, it gets worse.
He is the one who forces the bargain on Feyre, ensuring she has to spend 1 week in the NC for the rest of her life. When he later kidnaps her, he is fulfilling the curse he himself put on her.
In this version, the Beast character, Rhysand, is not the cursed but the curser. So he is at once the kidnapper AND the higher power enforcing the curse/the cause for the kidnapping.
In a direct comparison between the way Tamlin and Rhysand each fullfill the Beast role, it becomes pretty apparent how utterly SJM's supposed criticism of the BnB story has failed; Tamlin kidnaps Feyre because he is forced to, Rhysand does because he WANTS to.
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thought--bubble · 11 months
Aemond X (Baratheon! Reader)
In Need Of an Heir Part 1
Warnings Below
Word Count: 2,289
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In Need Of an Heir master list
Canon Era Aemond Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners by @arcielee
Warnings: nothing yet, really. Mentions of war, mention of murder, arraigned marriage. Brief mention of possible noncon.
He picked you. Somehow, a prince, an actual prince, came in and chose to marry you. The excitement of that scenario was all too short lived with the arrival of another prince.
When Prince Lucerys entered the hall, you barely registered what he was saying, still riding out the high of being chosen to be a princess. That high quickly turned to dread as you watched the handsome prince turn into a vengeful and violent man. Your stomach dropped as he asked your father to take his leave without sparing you a second glance on his way out. The fairy-tale Princes you had read about as a girl he was not.
That would be the last time you would see him for quite a while. Which was preferable to you since he murdered his own nephew immediately after leaving. A fact that left you devastated. You couldn't possibly still marry this maniac, This kinslayer with a god complex. You thought surely your father would cancel the betrothal or at least alter it so you would marry the less psychotic Prince Daeron instead.
This murder plunged the realm into war, delaying the marriage plans much to your relief. You tried to reason with your parents. Saying you couldn't marry a crazed violent kinslayer. That your children would be cursed or he might kill you if you say or do the wrong thing. Your mother shared this concern, but your father was steadfast in his belief that this would elevate his house's standing in the realm, and you would do your duty and marry as you were told.
Months into the war, your father receives news that angers him so much that his yelling and screaming can be heard throughout the castle. Prince Aemond, your betrothed, had married. A strong bastard witch, and to top it all off, she was pregnant. Your father sent ravens to Harenhal that went unanswered. Your father took this as the greatest sign of disrespect.
This was welcome news to you. The betrothal would, of course, have to be called off now. You didn't even mind the insult. Now you would be free to wed someone else. Someone who didn't terrify you. Someone who wasn't actively burning half the realm in anger.
Your father knew it was too late to pull his support for the greens. He had been fighting alongside them for months. But he would not let this disrespect go unchecked. So a plan was put in motion to get rid of the problem. An assassin was paid, and news of the pregnant witches' death spread across the realm. Much to your horror.
When you received the news, you felt sick. knowing that your father would now demand the marriage continue as planned. Thoughts of a woman being murdered to make room for a marriage you didn't even want. the poor woman who was taken as a spoil of war. What choice did she have? Did she love the prince? Did he just not want to father a bastard thus he married her after forcing himself upon her? Did they truly marry? Was she killed for no reason? She received a death sentence all because of the prince's depravity. The same Prince your father was still determined to have you marry.
The war finally came to an end. The Greens having been successful in their reclaiming of Kings Landing. You had heard the story of Daemon Targaryen trying to goad Aemond into fighting him above the gods eye. Daemon was unsuccessful in getting word to Aemond that he was even there. You felt this was another cruel joke from the gods. Trapping you, making all chances to escape your fate impossible. Aemond and Criston Cole instead fought their way back to kings landing and reclaimed the kingdom. Rhanyera was caught and sentenced to death, and Daemon was finally brought to an end when he fell to Aemonds sword when he attempted to free her.
With the news that the war was over, a collective sigh of relief was shared across the realm by everyone. Except you. There was nothing stopping the marriage now, and as a woman and daughter of a lord paramount, there was little you could do to save yourself from the fate that awaited you.
What if the Prince knew it was your father who had his first wife killed? What if he decided to punish you for it? What of the way he had taken that woman as a spoil of war? Was he depraved in the way the king was known for? Would he inflict those depravities upon you?
You again tried to reason with your father, but he would hear nothing of it, especially now that Aegons sons had perished during the war, and he was too injured to sire anymore. Aemond would one day be king and you queen, and your first born son would be king after that. All Borros could see is that his grandson would one day be king. He couldn't be bothered with your silly feminine concerns. So, less than a moons time after the war officially came to an end, you were sent on your way to Kings landing.
The trip was long but nowhere near long enough. You kept asking for breaks, saying you were getting sick from the motion of the carriage trying any excuse to delay your arrival.
That only worked for so long, your brother Royce and your septa had been sent to escort you. Royce had picked up on the fact that you were attempting to delay the inevitable and had lost his patience. He demanded that the carriage only be stopped upon his request, and he did not request it often. All too soon, you were closing in on the Red Keep.
Your septa is whispering in your ear about how you must present yourself. Proper courtesies, etc. Your brother has a look of extreme boredom on his face.
"I hope they have a meal ready for us. I am sick of eating this on the road rubbish" he muses
Your septa gives him a stern look and returns to you flattening out your hair and fussing over your dress.
"She looks fine. He picked her out of all of them, did he not? If he no longer wants her, I have no problem turning this carriage and bringing her home"
Your eyes light up. "We could just turn around now?" You say looking at your brother with a fake smile.
"Your sister may very well be queen someday." Your septa interrupts."Since King Aegon has named Prince Aemond heir, She must carry herself with the dignity of a future queen!"
"Yeah, King Kinslayer and his Baratheon Bride," your brother chuckles as your stomach plummets and your face blanches.
Your septa is taken aback. "Young lord Baratheon, you mustn't speak like that," she leans in whispering. "The Prince is not known for his forgiving manner."
Royce nods to her. " I must be losing my head. This trip was too long, " he laughs while raising his eyebrows.
"Royce, this is nothing to jest at! You very well might lose your head as will I. We should call this off and go home!" You say giving one last desperate attempt
"What a splendid idea! the Prince would love that we agreed to come, and then we do not." he looked at you like you were an imbecile.
The carriage comes to a stop, and you immediately feel a wave of nausea come over you.
"Lord Royce Baratheon and his sister Lady Y/N Baratheon!" You hear the knight call out as the door to the carriage is opened. Your brother steps out and then stands to the side, offering you his hand for your balance. And thank the 7 that he does because you are not currently steady on your feet. When you exit the carriage, the sun feels too bright, the air too hot, your legs too heavy, your dress too tight.
Your septa comes out quickly after you and all 3 of you are staring up at the dowager queen alicent.
"Welcome" she says "I apologize that the king and prince are unable to properly welcome you they are engaged in a council meeting at the moment. Come with me and I will show you to your chambers"
You let out a sigh of relief.
"When will I meet with the king and prince?" Royce asked, his voice carrying an undertone of annoyance.
"At dinner, Lord Baratheon," the dowager queen responded as prim and proper as ever.
You arrived at your chambers bid your brother and the dowager queen farewell and entered. The bedchamber was nice. A bit bigger than the one you had back home. Adorned with red and black fabrics for the curtains and bedlinens. Candles strategically placed so that when lit in the darkness of night, one would still be able to navigate around the chamber. There is a small desk and chair, and a small padded chaise sits before the large window overseeing the gardens.
You sit on the chaise and look out to the gardens. Trying to remember all the dreams you had as a young girl. The Delusions of what being a princess would be like. Maybe you could convince yourself that this new life would be as wondrous as you had imagined all of those years ago.
There is a light tap on your chamber door. It's much too light to be male, so you ask the visitor to enter. In walks a young chamber maid. Her light brown hair braided and coiled onto her head eyes downcast.
"Hello my lady, I am here to help you prepare for dinner"
"Thank you," you respond softly. "What is your name?" You had always had close relationships with the chamber maids back home. Those relationships were a comfort to you in times of high stress.
"Amber my lady" she responds timidly.
You greet her kindly and move to the unpacked chest with the dresses you brought from home.
"I haven't yet chosen a dress to wear, I am quite unsure of which one would befit an introductory dinner such as this, would you help me choose?" You hope that acts like this, where you and your chambermaid work together will help build the foundation for a comfortable relationship. You are about to be alone in the capital and desperately want to have at least one relationship that provides comfort.
"Yes my lady"
The two of you begin sorting through the dresses and Amber pulls out a sapphire blue dress. The dress is fitted at the top and flows out beautifully under the bust. The sleeves are full length but are sheer past the elbows.
"This one will be perfect. Prince Aemond does so like this color"
Your stomach drops at the mention of his name. A stark reminder of just exactly what this dinner is for.
"Do you know him well? The Prince I mean?"
"I don't know if anyone does if I'm to be honest my lady"
You feel the knot in your stomach tightening.
You are quiet for the rest of dressing your mind going a mile a minute with thoughts.
Maybe he is shy? Could a mass murderer be shy? If no one knows the real him, is there a reason he hides it? A sinister reason? A reason his lady wife might be doomed to find out?
You are pulled from your thoughts by another knock on the door. This one is louder. More self-assured. That is certainly a male knock. Would your betrothed walk you to dinner? Could that be him on the other side of the door? You make no moves toward the door. You do not call out. You just stand in place.
Amber stands looking at you and realizes that you are not going to answer the door and answers if herself.
"Good Evening, is the Lady prepared for dinner?" The voice of Royce causes a tingling sensation to go through your body. The relief causing a feeling that borders on euphoric.
"Yes, my lord"
He enters your chambers and smiles at you.
"Come, sister, I am starved!"
You laugh lightly. Royce is the type of personality that is never burdened with fear or worry. He prides himself on his ability to take things as they come and adapt accordingly.
You link your arm around him and he leads you out of your chambers.
"Do you know where we are going?"
"I was shown earlier. I am hoping my memory serves. If not, we shall wander about until we find it or someone comes looking for us. " he laughs, tapping his free hand on your arm.
"Don't be nervous. You are the daughter of a lord paramount and the sister of a future lord paramount. If he does not treat you accordingly you need just let me know ok? You may marry into house Targaryen but house Baratheon will always back you"
You look towards your brother a look of shock and relief on your face. It is very rare that your brother speaks in such a serious manner, but you are thankful for it. The ever protective brother.
"Ahh, my sense of direction serves me once again." He says loudly as you come upon to large doors with two knights standing on either side of them.
"Come," he lowers his voice. "Head high. Show no fear. You are a Baratheon, we cower to no one"
Your brother and you stand before the large doors as the knights open them and announce your arrival.
"Lord Royce Baratheon, Lady Y/N Baratheon"
You and Royce share one last glance and step through the doors.
Part 2
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A/N: Blame my disassociation issue for this one! I had a lot of fun mapping out how to tie in all the scenes I imagined into a fun story.
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chaikachi · 1 year
Little Red Riding Hood, The Big Bad Wolf, & The Silver Bullet
Aka I did an Oscar as The Little Prince analysis and now I wanna do one for Ruby's allusion in honour of the 10th Anniversary.
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I know most if not all of us are familiar, but I'm still going to start with a summary.
Little Red is a story about a young girl in a red cloak who is sent into the woods at her mother's behest to bring baked goods to her sick grandmother. There, she meets a malicious wolf that asks her many questions, to which she answers all truthfully and without hesitation. The wolf takes this information and uses it to beat the girl to her destination where he then swallows her grandma whole and disguises himself in the woman's clothes. There he waits for the child to arrive and come closer so he can swallow her up too.
There are actually two popular versions of this story with different endings that we often look back to.
In Perrault's story, there is no happy ending. They're both eaten up, the wolf is content. The end. But in the Grimm version, there is an additional character... the Huntsman (aka the woodsman). He hears the wolf snoring after its meal and ends up cutting the beast open & saving the victims. Then, with the help of Little Red Riding Hood, he kills the wolf before it can do anymore harm.
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All in all, it's a story about childhood innocence being lost, learning not to trust strangers, and being mindful to always follow the correct path. For if you stray too far, you may lose track of time, invite unwanted danger, or find yourself lost.
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In RWBY, we have some very clear allusions here since it's the basis for so much of the show as a whole:
Little Red - Ruby Rose
The Mother - Summer Rose
The Grandmother - Maria
The Hunstman/Woodsman - All Three of Them
The Wolf - Salem and her Grimm (but ESPECIALLY The Hound)
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They're all pretty self explanatory.
Ruby has the red cloak, her og trailer is clearly inspired by the tale, she loves baked goods, she's referred to as "Red" and "Little Red" by Torchwick & Cinder. She's also a huntress. And, by and large, her entire arc is about losing that childhood innocence and the view that life "is like a fairytale" as well as struggling with what the "right path" to follow is.
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Summer is the mother (baker of cookies) and also the huntsman (slayer of giant monsters). The battle axe being her weapon choice alludes well to the alternate name, Woodsman, as well.
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While Maria as the grandmother makes the most sense. Another silver eyed huntress that becomes a mentor figure for Ruby.
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And while Salem, her war, & the Grimm (that are all emblematic of that loss of innocence) can absolutely symbolize the wolf... There's a reason why I want to focus on The Hound.
All three previous characters are connected by a very specific common denominator: Silver Eyes.
And the hound is no different.
Just another huntsman... but one devoured by the malice of a canine. And, if Ruby's theory is right, that's the same fate that Summer met as well.
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And if you think about Silver Eyes specifically... What is one of the most famous lines from the original fairytale?
"My, what big eyes you have grandmother." "The better to see you with, my dear."
Which, when applied to the grimmification of SEWs, is HAUNTING.
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Terrifying when you remember "Woah... you have silver eyes". Also thanks to Behind The Scenes content, that Ruby's hair design was always meant to "be a bit wolf-y". And that since Volume 4, Salem has been interested in capturing Ruby alive... I am WORRIED ABOUT HER.
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Some interesting things about silver though that ARE worth noting...
1. "In folklore, a bullet cast from silver is often one of the few weapons that are effective against a werewolf or witch."
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2. "The term silver bullet is also a metaphor for a simple, seemingly magical, solution to a difficult problem."
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3. "In the Brothers Grimm fairy-tale of The Two Brothers, a bullet-proof witch is shot down by silver buttons, fired from a gun."
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The lyric "Yeah I'm a girl but I'm also a gun" from Triumph really tells us point blank (lol) why Ruby is so important to this war against Salem, huh.
I'm gonna end this meta on a fun little easter egg; a hidden fifth character allusion to the original Red Riding Hood fairytale: The Woods.
Now I know what you're thinking, the woods aren't a person, they're a location. But they're INCREDIBLY important to the story.
Overall, the woods are the world outside of the cabin that Little Red grows up in. Whenever she travels beyond it, she's liable to meet all sorts of horrible tragedies and monsters. But I want to talk again specifically about The Hound & just where Ruby first meets them: Atlas.
Or, more specifically, Ironwood's kingdom.
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For those unfamiliar, while Jimmy's main allusion is the Tin Man from Oz, his last name gives us a hint to another subtle allusion: Járnviðr. Aka the Iron Wood of Midgard in Norse Mythology (a mythos that's been alluded to a lot in RWBY).
Whiiich if you look at a stanza (40) in the infamous Völuspá, a historic poem which is chalk full of Norse myths, you get the following passage:
In the east sat an old woman in Iron-wood and nurtured there offspring of Fenrir a certain one of them in monstrous form will be the snatcher of the moon
A poem that talks all about the Biggest Baddest Wolf of the Norse pantheon, Fenrir... who is the offspring of a powerful Witch...
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and is destined to eat the moon...
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All within the Iron Wood, a character Ruby spends an entire volume contemplating on whether or not she can trust...
And the moment she does finally tell Ironwood the truth? The secrets she was keeping? The woods become unsafe, the witch and the wolf appear, and everything else falls apart. Resulting her and her team lost and very far from home.
Say what you want about analyses like these but CRWBY knows what they're doing, okay?
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cyphyree · 9 months
rando Revolutionary Girl Utena thoughts (spoilers)
Kanae, like Snow White, has a toxic mother and is fed a poisoned apple by a witch (Anthy). She is the princess of this story except her prince (Akio) also conspires in her death. The original Snow White tale has her revived when the apple becomes dislodged from her throat though, so maybe that's me hoping that she survived the poisoning.
An apple is also seen in episode 1 with the student council, perhaps foreshadowing that they're also set up to meet Kanae's fate: to be used and then disposed of.
Both the Nanami's Cow Bell and Wakaba Flourishing episodes have a similar montage of the girls shining brightly and playing sports. Utena also plays badminton with Juri, Miki and Nanami in her final interaction with them. Sports seem to be less a competition in this narrative, but rather a sign of happiness and confidence in the self, and also solidarity.
Wakaba's a victim of a system that chooses who is special, and to be unspecial is the same as being insignificant and nothing. Just like how princes can't exist without their princess who they exploit, special people cannot exist without the unspecial who pay the price of upholding the system.
Even when literally walking in Anthy's shoes in the curry episode and facing Anthy's daily problems, Utena doesn't try to understand her situation. She deals with Saionji and the bullies as she normal would as Utena - this might have contributed to her blaming Anthy for being the Rose Bride without understanding her. In Utena's mind, if she were Anthy then she'd simply walk away, right? (This is further complicated by Anthy being purposefully obtuse)
In the movie, Utena turns into a single passenger car for Anthy, while Wakaba turns into a jeep to seat the student council. Shiori's car, despite being self-driven (heh), visibly has at least two seats, including the driver. It seems that she's alone but yearns company
Also in the movie, Akio's broken tower from the series is seen being held up by the greater structure of Anthy's tower. It goes to show that Akio has always relied on Anthy for power, but also that Anthy continues to carry the remnants of her brother in the movie.
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cherubispunk · 1 year
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ICHOR. BLOOD. WATER. (part i // ichor.) - Din Djarin x Witch!AFAB!Reader
summary: stranded. alone. a traitor to your people, your family. aeaea is the prison of paradise you call home, and he is the prophecy you like to call an enigma. the 'man made from metal', forged in fire, melted by your spell that is no witchcraft on your part. he is the hunter, you will always be the prey. it is the way as the fates designed it.
a note from lucy: so, its back. i'm officially back! basically, I went through it. accidentally deleted my blog. had to start from scratch. repost it all. but! I'm here. you're here. we're all here! Greek mythology is a huge love of mine. I always like to add a small sprinkling into my fics where possible. and now im writing one based wholly of two greek myths: eros and phsyche, and circe. I've read Madeleine Miller's 'Circe'. I fell in love with it, it's genuinely one of the best books ive had the pleasure of reading --hence the fact that this is heavily based off it in terms of 'lore'. Din is the perfect character for these myths to be translated into fic. So, without further ado, I present to all you lovely people (again lol), my mythology!au; ICHOR. BLOOD. WATER. for @inklore and @psychedelic-ink's haunted hoedown. A three part fic with our beloved space cowboy. I really hope you enjoy it as I put a lot of time and thought into this. I love you all, you wonderful Pedro fanatics.
wc: 2255 Warnings: 18+ MDNI! DARK CONTENT! mythology!au, no use of y/n, reader is referred to as 'Circe' twice in this chapter alone, dubcon, smut, p in v sex (unprotected), reference to past sexual assault (very mild), cussing, mentions of witchcraft, voyeurism, mentions of drinking alcohol, mentions of food and descriptions of eating, choking, breath play, oral sex - f receiving, edging, orgasm denial, toxic relationships, dom!din/sub!reader dynamic, sex as a means for manipulation and control, manipulative!din, stockholm syndrome?
series m.list | m.list
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You had done many things under the pseudonym of Circe. Bird. Crow. What your mother and siblings used as a knife to your throat. An insult in the form of a name. One that man whispered in myth around fires. One a sailor would call out in fear upon reaching the shore of any island in the vicinity of Aeaea. It clung to the disgusted curl of their tongue like the tang of sour fruits. Lemons of Sicily. Limes from crete. Wrapped in letter parchment, sweetened with ink. 
Across from you is the god responsible for many of those tall tales. In his gold sheathed glory, olive skin gleaming with a ripple of muscle against the warmth of your hearth. Under it flows ichor, steadily. His winged sandals flutter in a twitch every few minutes. A subtle sound that is heard little too often over the lilt of his voice. Hermes. A deity you invited to your bed when he would visit, indulge in the stories of how he stole cattle as mere youngling, delivered messages of ruin to mortals. Travelled the planes of the underworld from the Styx to Elysium Plains. Hades and his sunken eyes on his throne. Where winged sandals would carry him overseas with his travellers cap and staff of entwined twin snakes. 
He would sit upon your chair, open his loose lips and a drone would pour out, Maybe to a mortal he would seem all so interesting. One to dote hours of your day to the thick honey like pouring of his voice in your ear. But to you – the witch – a goddess in your own right, he was a mere drag. A rake. A god worthy of being turned to swine at the unjust sight of his curling smirk. 
You would have drifted off it weren't for his voice picking up in interest, your ears perking up with it. The high buzz from his drone of white noise faded, ebbing into coherence while his lips drifted in voice. Practised and perfected movement the way any divine being did. 
“The fates speak of a man. Made of metal.” He mused, studying his thumb and forefinger as a stand of your lionesses hair was snagged between it. You wished to singe it from his fingertips. “A warrior.” “From overseas of Greece?” Now, and only now,  he had your attention. 
You muttered a curse under your breath. Where would be further. “He will sail on a ship, strand himself on your shores engulfed with fire. And you shall do as you have before.”
“Take it?” You sneered, sitting forward in your seat, teeth bared at him. “I suppose I shall feed him before he sets his disgusting hands upon me.” 
“Oh come now,” He smirked, “Were you not to take him to your bed regardless?” 
“I shall sew your mouth shut for such accusations.” 
Hermes sighed, rolling his eyes in all his dramatics. Lounging in his seat. 
“Circe, you humour me with your feral tongue.” 
“And you disgust me with your plight.” “Ah,” he held up a single finger, humour on his face at the top of his curled lip, “I may be bored. But at least I have the world. You, Circe,” he spat, raising a brow in sickening amusement, “have nothing.” 
Your face drained of colour. Your heart aching in its chasm of a chest, ribs pinching. He was right. Your oasis was still a prison. Despite its bars of gold, it still held you. Contained you. 
He stood in his victory over you, taking one last look around. “One last thing–”
“Oh, there’s more, is there?” You sighed, staying seated. For all his heirs and graces, he was no more worthy of your respect than the dirt caked to your bare feet in winter's first bite. The god merely crossed his arms, a diving wind rustling the blonde curls upon his head, wrapped in laurels, 
“You must never look upon his face.” 
You sat in a furrowed brow muddle. He had drifted to the wind, turned to a shimmering spectacle of dust, in nothing more than a blink. 
He came with a blundering sputter. In a ship that was no ship of wood that sailed on tides. A hunk of chrome with spitting fans of fiery heat. A thwip through your cloudless skies to crash upon sandy shores. 
He came…with a child. A green creature with pointed ears similar to satyrs, no taller than your mid calf, alien to you. Wide hickory eyes that masked his face with innocence, having seen things unspeakable to even brave sailors. And when they sat at your table, piled plentifully with sweet figs, legs of mutton infused with rosemary, steamed and seasoned greens, and honey in its jar, the man of metal left all deserted by his lips. His plate was clean, wine untouched in his cup. Never once needing an added refill. Nor did he speak kindly. Rather, reserved. Gruff, distorted by something in his helmet seemingly fused to his head. While the child chewed on the fleshy roasted bone of lamb. 
Rhythms of autumn, songs of summer, ballads of winter watched over you and the meadows you walked. Gardens you tended to. Woods you roamed. And he did too. There was something within him. Under that beskar. It called, howled, growled in insubordination. A vulgar hatred of being vulnerable out in this position. Where you held an advantage of both terrain and power. 
So he took in a way he knew. In carnal, biting desire paced by him. Phallically. Reversed the role of who won who, made you beg in your own bed, in the drowning pools of darkness. Never to see his face. 
But oh so familiar. 
The first time he took you was akin to a memory in the very moment it happened. A haze of something so absurd it couldn't possibly have been true. Played out the way it did. The Mandalorian watched while you bathed. In a creek not too far from the path. A rock for your lioness to splay out over, sunbathe and make her coat gleam gold like the ichor in your veins. Her ears pricked at a sound he made. One you did not hear with your head submerged under the clear pool. 
She looked up, lifting her whiskered chin from her large paws, and her eyes met his. He did not fret. Nor did he stop and turn away from the great willow he stood below. Only glanced from her to the curve of your bare chest rippling above the crystal waters rippling surface. 
From there, he had stalked you to the deeper parts of the forest where even your familiar did not follow. Watched as a wicker basket was tucked under your arm, flowers and mosses being picked from the ground as you went about gathering pharmakeia for your draughts. 
He appeared, bringing his musk while his hand clamped down over your parted lips. Pressed your front firmly into the tree, hands scraped gold raw by the silver birch’s peeling bark.  
“Don’t.” He growled upon your demand to turn around. “Face the tree.” 
And you obeyed in tandem with the hiss of something– his helmet– as it dropped to the dewy floor by your bare feet. A single kiss, seasoned with sparse prickled hairs was laid to the nape of your neck, a wondrous dichotomy to the events yet to unfold, noises of restraint on the tip of his tongue, the back of his throat. The skirts of your dress were gathered in messy haste, undergarments pulled to the side, revealing the shine of your own slick. How you dreamed in secret nights of this very moment. His taking of you, his claiming of your cunt— grunting while he invaded the tightness of your walls, flayed you open forever like a sacred text, ready for him to read once again. 
A large palm of his, gloved in leather, pressed to the nape of your neck where the notch of your spine ended and your skull began to curve, thumb pressed to flesh, fingers curled into gnarled hair. You gasped, cold air nipping the back of your exposed thighs, fully clothed still, yet bent to submission by the masculine will of him. Naked. 
The orgasm was The Mandalorians. And the Mandalorians alone. You never questioned the burning ache of pending release. Merely let it simmer in the tight heat of your walls at the mouth of your cervix. His noise still stinging in your ears, shocking the breath from your lungs. He took no time. It was a rush for his release. His domination of the witch of Aeaea. 
From that moment onwards, you imagined his lips, recited in drugged sleep to the egyptian cotton and goose down of your pillow. His irises. To write a poem on parchment about something you could not see, nor ever would per his and Herme’s telling. Fingertips itching to feel warmth of skin, not beskar. While his armour was smooth, buffed, polished to shine in rays of Helios's chariot, it was cold to the touch. You had his visage mapped in your mind. Well trodden by fingertips such as the paths by the tall cliffs. The Mandalorian. Nameless. Faceless. 
He spent each night for a fortnight in your bed. The first, he parted your legs himself, and the rest they were already spayed open for his wanting. He snuffed the candles with his thumb and forefinger, unsheathing them from his gloves before doing so. You watched with intent from the sheets as his visage dominated the tall door frame. Shoulders broad and intimidating the negative space he occupied. Only when he was shrouded in utter darkness did he remove his helmet, climb his way up to your parted lips. Curating a careful path from them, over the column of your throat, descending your navel to the forbidden fruit gleaming, ripe and juicy for his lips. Ready for his first damning lick of your sex. 
Like the apple in the garden of Eden, temptation on Lucifer's forked tongue, he delved deeper, rested his naked face between your tensing thighs. Broad arms, still sheathed in beskar curled under them, dragging you closer to his open mouth while your arousal, slick and thick as honey, drizzled out your weeping hole to his open, wanting mout. 
His tongue drew ellipsis over the twitching bud of your clit. Thick and firm, the tip pressing into your cunt, following your hot seam down to your quivering hole. He dipped inside, curling it to draw the taste out. You couldn't see his eyes. But you liked to imagine they were open to feast on the sight of your quivering and naked chest the best he could without the guide of the candlelight. Now snuffed into curling stings of smoke. Staring while you were shaking under the pleasure rolling up from your centre and cascading like a landslide down your spine. It made you shiver. The soft plush of your legs swallowing his exposed ears, the small, neatly trimmed curls tickling the sensitive flesh. His coarse beard, scruff scattered in a smattering over his sharp chin scratching your skin. 
A low groan rumbled from the back of his throat, your tang dancing with light feet over his taste buds And his nose bumped into your clit as he tasted more. Devoured your cunt like his last meal. 
It wasn't long before you felt the burn behind your eyes replicate in knots in your belly. Tightening at the mouth of your cervix while he ate at you. A cry of his name bursting from your chest as he flicked his tongue with vigour. He had one aim in mind. To taste your release. The sticky mess that would coat his lower face. 
“Give it to me.” He commanded. And oh, how you tried. You willingly left this realm while he licked at your pussy, his tongue languidly rolling up one side of your labia, up to your clit and circling it, then down the other side to plunge into your tight, clenching hole once more. 
You nimble fingers curled into his hair. It was coarse, wispy at its ends where it started to coil loosely. And you gripped it as you ground your core into his face. RIding and grinding into his face that was exposed to your quivering cunt. Not ready to part with the way his ips enclosed around your clit and added enough suction for you to see Ouranos and all the stars that tattooed his blue skin. 
You panted a chorus of heavenly oh’s. Breath came in heavy as he pulled back to spit. You felt it, cold in contrast to your own heat, drooling down to your slick entrance. It quivered when he added a finger, curling up from the second knuckle. It was merely one digit. But it stretched you out, had you reeling while he beckoned your orgasm closer to materialising in your belly. 
He could smell the musk of you and it was divine. 
He had your orgasm building and building into a near state of harrowing oblivion before he let it rip through you. The first wave was one of numbing pleasure. The one that fizzled through your legs until you were nothing but a mere speck for a second. And then it broke, like some great epiphany from him as an enigma. 
He stood, replaced his helmet, leaving you boneless. A quivering, babbling mess of sweat and slick in your own sheets.
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mintywolf · 3 months
A Long Road Home - Page 68
Page 68
Pâté is doing the Charleston. He’s very talented.
I mentioned back in the first chapter that Laudna's cabin was furnished with things from Imogen's attic that she'd had when she was a child, including her strawberry print sheets. Continuity!
In the previous chapter also we saw Tabaxi Boy with a grey tabby sister, while his mother is brown like himself, so by the rules of cartoon genetics their other parent must be a grey tabby as well. So here he is in Imogen’s scout troop, along with presumably his mother as the troop leader. Also present are the trio of mean girls we saw on page 20, continuing to exclude Imogen
The story about the three kids getting eaten by a witch is a reference to Caleb’s Narrative Telephone cautionary tale. I am aware the original story is a metaphor for the fates of Trent Ikithon’s three Volstrucker students, but since the nature of Narrative Telephone is to mangle every story through repeated tellings it makes sense on a meta level for there to be a distantly removed version of it being told in the Taloned Highlands. The weeping woman with the snake body was either intentionally or accidentally the result of me conflating the mythology of La Llorona (who drowned her children and now her spirit roams wailing and mourning for them) with Lamia (who was driven mad after her children were killed by Hera and now, having become a monstrous serpent-woman, seeks and devours children). She was a character in a Changeling: the Lost campaign I wrote a long time ago, which coincidentally I am adapting in part into my fic The Court of Murmurs, so she will probably turn up again in a Southern Gothic context eventually! The third story, antlered man of the crossroads, I just made up on the spot when I was writing the script.
Originally they were going to just be sleeping on a pile of leaves since Imogen left home in a hurry without being able to pack very much and Laudna lost all of her possessions except what she was wearing, but I figured they could have gotten a bedroll with their ill-gotten saddlebag so now they at least have a fur to sleep on. However, I realized that since Laudna lost most of her clothes, she currently doesn’t own a nightgown, so for this crucially important scene about to take place she’s just going to be wearing her (Victorian era) underwear. :|
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richincolor · 1 year
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Mid-Autumn and Mooncakes
With the Mid-Autumn Festival coming up at the end of September, mooncakes have been on my mind. Several conversations have revolved around the festival and food in my real life and on social media so I started wondering if there were YA books for that. And yes indeed, here are a few books featuring the moon or mooncakes that I've read or have on my TBR.
Retellings Related to the Moon
An Arrow to the Moon by Emily X.R. Pan Little, Brown Books For Young Readers
Hunter Yee has perfect aim with a bow and arrow, but all else in his life veers wrong. He’s sick of being haunted by his family’s past mistakes. The only things keeping him from running away are his little brother, a supernatural wind, and the bewitching girl at his new high school.
Luna Chang dreads the future. Graduation looms ahead, and her parents’ expectations are stifling. When she begins to break the rules, she finds her life upended by the strange new boy in her class, the arrival of unearthly fireflies, and an ominous crack spreading across the town of Fairbridge.
As Hunter and Luna navigate their families’ enmity and secrets, everything around them begins to fall apart. All they can depend on is their love… but time is running out, and fate will have its way.
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan Harper Voyager
Growing up on the moon, Xingyin is accustomed to solitude, unaware that she is being hidden from the feared Celestial Emperor who exiled her mother for stealing his elixir of immortality. But when Xingyin’s magic flares and her existence is discovered, she is forced to flee her home, leaving her mother behind.
Alone, powerless, and afraid, she makes her way to the Celestial Kingdom, a land of wonder and secrets. Disguising her identity, she seizes an opportunity to learn alongside the emperor's son, mastering archery and magic, even as passion flames between her and the prince.
To save her mother, Xingyin embarks on a perilous quest, confronting legendary creatures and vicious enemies across the earth and skies. But when treachery looms and forbidden magic threatens the kingdom, she must challenge the ruthless Celestial Emperor for her dream—striking a dangerous bargain in which she is torn between losing all she loves or plunging the realm into chaos.
A captivating debut fantasy inspired by the legend of Chang'e, the Chinese moon goddess, in which a young woman’s quest to free her mother pits her against the most powerful immortal in the realm. Daughter of the Moon Goddess begins an enchanting, romantic duology which weaves ancient Chinese mythology into a sweeping adventure of immortals and magic—where love vies with honor, dreams are fraught with betrayal, and hope emerges triumphant.
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu Oni Press [Jessica's Review]
A story of love and demons, family and witchcraft.
Nova Huang knows more about magic than your average teen witch. She works at her grandmothers' bookshop, where she helps them loan out spell books and investigate any supernatural occurrences in their New England town.
One fateful night, she follows reports of a white wolf into the woods, and she comes across the unexpected: her childhood crush, Tam Lang, battling a horse demon in the woods. As a werewolf, Tam has been wandering from place to place for years, unable to call any town home.
Pursued by dark forces eager to claim the magic of wolves and out of options, Tam turns to Nova for help. Their latent feelings are rekindled against the backdrop of witchcraft, untested magic, occult rituals, and family ties both new and old in this enchanting tale of self-discovery.
When You Wish Upon a Lantern by Gloria Chao Viking
Liya and Kai had been best friends since they were little kids, but all that changed when a humiliating incident sparked The Biggest Misunderstanding Of All Time—and they haven’t spoken since.
Then Liya discovers her family's wishing lantern store is struggling, and she decides to resume a tradition she had with her beloved late grandmother: secretly fulfilling the wishes people write on the lanterns they send into the sky. It may boost sales and save the store, but she can't do it alone . . . and Kai is the only one who cares enough to help.
While working on their covert missions, Liya and Kai rekindle their friendship—and maybe more. But when their feuding families and their changing futures threaten to tear them apart again, can they find a way to make their own wishes come true?
Fake Dates and Mooncakes by Sher Lee Underlined
Dylan Tang wants to win a Mid-Autumn Festival mooncake-making competition for teen chefs—in memory of his mom, and to bring much-needed publicity to his aunt’s struggling Chinese takeout in Brooklyn.
Enter Theo Somers: charming, wealthy, with a smile that makes Dylan’s stomach do backflips. AKA a distraction. Their worlds are sun-and-moon apart, but Theo keeps showing up. He even convinces Dylan to be his fake date at a family wedding in the Hamptons.
In Theo’s glittering world of pomp, privilege, and crazy rich drama, their romance is supposed to be just pretend . . . but Dylan finds himself falling for Theo. For real. Then Theo’s relatives reveal their true colors—but with the mooncake contest looming, Dylan can’t risk being sidetracked by rich-people problems.
Can Dylan save his family’s business and follow his heart—or will he fail to do both?
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haggishlyhagging · 3 months
One of the most basic reversals of double-double think is the common contemptuous and pitying attitude toward "spinsters." We have seen that the first meaning given for spinster in Merriam-Webster is "a woman whose occupation is to spin." Another definition is "an unmarried woman—often used as a legal term." Moving on, we read that the term means "a woman past the common age for marrying or one who seems unlikely to marry—called also old maid." Next comes the term spinsterhood, whose definition comes right to the point: "the state or condition of being a spinster: OLD MAIDHOOD." Following this comes the term spinsterish, which is churlishly defined as "having the habits, appearance, or traits of a spinster: OLD-MAIDISH." In case anything should be left to the imagination, it is possible to look up old maid. We are informed that it means "a prim nervous person of either sex who frets over inconsequential details: FUSSBUDGET." The mendacious use of the expression "of either sex" is obvious, especially if one looks up bachelor and finds, of course, no reference to old maid, old-maidishness, or anything of the kind.
The functioning of the word spinster to contort women's minds into double-double think is clear. It has been a powerful weapon of intimidation and deception, driving women into the "respectable" alternative of marriage, forcing them to believe, against all evidence to the contrary, that wedlock will be salvation from a fate worse than death, that it will inevitably mean fulfillment. The alternatives, traditionally, have been the roles of prostitute, nun, or mistress. In more recent times, another alternative is the life-style of "swinging single," euphemistically called "bachelor girl." The process of re-claiming the meaning of spinster does not follow the route of affirming the "freedom" of the "swinging" bachelor girl, which is simply a variation on the theme of prostitute/mistress/wife. Instead it begins with reversing the reversal, seeing the basic unfreedom in all these feminine roles.
Like the women in Les Guérilleres, Spinsters proclaim:
The summer day is brilliant but more brilliant still is the fate of the young girl. Iron plunged into ice is cold but colder still is the lot of the young girl who has given herself in marriage. The young girl in the house of her mother is like seed in fertile ground. The woman under the roof of her husband is like a chained dog.
In essence, the Spinster is a witch. She is derided because she is free and therefore feared. Since derision is not powerful enough to stop her spinning, she is the object of attack by propaganda. Any cursory reading of a typical children's fairy tale book gives overwhelming evidence of the campaign against witches, which includes mothers, stepmothers, wicked queens, ogresses. It is not accidental that in the story of Sleeping Beauty, the princess is cursed to prick her finger on a spindle which causes her to fall asleep for one hundred years, until she is awakened by her prince. More adept Spinsters are not falling asleep, not waiting to be awakened, but awakening and waking each other by our Presence.
-Mary Daly, Gyn/Ecology
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thesynthesist · 2 months
Foiled: How Do We React to Fate? Sophie vs Howl
So I just got around to reading the book Howl's Moving Castle, which I've meant to do for quite a while now and I have thoughts! This will have nothing to do with the movie so here's your warning to get off now if that's what you're looking for.
So our protagonist is Sophie, an Eldest Child, who worst than generally being the eldest, is also the eldest in a land that runs on fairy tale rules, where the eldest is often a failure in a quest, especially when you have two younger same gender siblings, as Sophie does.
One of the first things we learn about Sophie is that she has resigned herself to this and her life of labour and unimportance. We also learn that Sophie is kind and empathetic almost to the point of her own detriment - it appears part of the reason she has resigned herself to this fate is on behalf of her sisters whom she genuinely cares for. She doesn't begin to show any bitterness about her position until she is essentially the family hat shop's sole overworked employee who is not receiving a salary.
Once she confronts her step mother about this and truly doesn't receive an answer is one of the first times we see Sophie really experience a lasting negative emotion directed at another person but this doesn't really come to anything besides Sophie getting a bit rude with customers who are rude first. Sophie does not think of leaving the shop, in fact we don't even get any clear indication that she intends to bring the wage conversation back up with her step mother any time soon. In fact, when Sophie runs into her step mother again later in the book, she reacts with her usual empathy rather than feeling upset that being left alone in the shop was ultimately what got her cursed in the first place.
It's only once the Witch of the Wastes curses her that Sophie decides she's had all about the resignation she can manage and sets out of her own. While her change in form is both reflective of how Sophie sees herself - a person without a life before it's even begun - it also gives her an excuse within how she believes fate to work to go off. After all, once you've been cursed by a witch to be elderly when you've maybe lived the better part of two decades, how much more failing can you really do? Even as Sophie sets off to 'find her fortune' as she puts it, she's in part only doing so because now she believes fate will allow it. She has stepped out of the eldest sister role at the start of the story and into a completely different role entirely. This may also be why Howl remarks he decided Sophie 'liked being disguised'. If Sophie returns to her youth, to herself, even if that may have physical benefits and add 60 years back onto her life, in her mind she returns to being trapped by fate, destined to be lonely and overlooked. Even when she's doing magic and actively improving the lives around her, she internally laments how her efforts are not enough and doomed to failure because of her position as first born.
Then there's Howl.
Howl is immediately painted as someone on the run from everything. He doesn't like to answer questions directly and will ignore them or change the subject, he's only in love with women until they love him back and then he no longer cares. He reacts to responsibility and day to day concerns such as cleaning, with an air of flippancy and seems to put his appearance above all else.
In fact, he wants to be seen as so unreliable that he has rumours spread about himself so people will think he's evil and not bother coming around. Howl himself admits that he doesn't like to be pinned down and we find out later that he is both physically and metaphorically on the run from a curse.
Even as he treats his apprentice well and goes out of his way for Sophie, and returns to visit his family on a regular basis, he persistently puts on an air of irresponsibility. His sister despairs that he'll never clean up his act when he shows up at her house in a rugby jacket, but we see moments before that Howl magically changes the clothes that they're wearing. He could have presented himself to his sister with as much flair and vanity as he does in the world Sophie is from but he makes the consistent choice to show up to his sister's house as a bit of a shlub.
Despite appearing to be polar opposites Howl and Sophie have one very important thing in common, they have both accepted fate as a force that moves the world that they will be subject to. And even with the character growth they both experience, which appears to be largely switching perspectives on fate and responsibility with Howl stepping up to take responsibility for things that need doing even if that leaves him fated to ruination, while Sophie rages against the unfairness of it all and seeks a way out, even if it isn't for herself.
This shared view drastically shapes both Sophie and Howl's characters and how they interact with the world around them, even though this belief is not grounded in reality. The book presents Sophie's sisters and to some extent Howl's apprentice as examples of how this world despite its magic is not so much beholden to fate as it is to other people's expectations.
Sophie's sisters, instead of accepting their lots which Sophie feels are appropriate for their birth order and likely fated roles because of it, simply switch places and get along quite famously. To top it off, instead of the youngest falling in love with or even seeking to marry royalty she falls in love quite happily with Howl's orphaned apprentice, while the middle sister handily side steps her 'fate' of falling desperately in love with the disreputable wizard Howl.
Even with these examples right in front of them, Sophie and Howl cannot shake their internalized perceptions of what they should be.
Sophie, while visiting her sister's witchcraft tutor, is asked if she's where her sister gets magic from as it runs in families. Despite being told almost directly to her face that she has magical powers, it's not until chapters later after being told again that she accepts it, and even longer for her to fully claim it and begin actively working with the power she possesses.
Whereas Howl refuses to pay attention long enough to his curse or the Witch of the Waste to really do anything about it. He knew Sophie had magical powers and knew that his own were quite formidable, and his gallivanting about - in part to keep up the appearances that he was a good for nothing self indulgent irresponsible man - and in part to actually be self indulgent most likely worsened how bad the fight was as it gave the Witch of the Waste more time to prepare and gave the curse enough time catch up with him.
Yet this paradigm is also what allows Sophie and Howl help each other. While they might not understand why the other reacts like they do, on some level they recognize what they're reacting to is the same. While Sophie doesn't understand her magic enough to suggest anything direct, she does take the curse seriously because the way the story goes it will be a problem that needs dealing with. She might not be able to do magic but she can deal with problems head on, that's what being the eldest and responsible is about. Howl might not be able to understand why Sophie wants to look like an old woman but he understands why disguises are important and is willing to give her a place where she can escape the fate that she thinks is following her.
So while Howl and Sophie are incapable of seeing themselves and what they are truly capable of clearly, they are perhaps the only two people in the narrative who are capable of fully seeing each other.
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the-goblin-babe · 2 years
To Owe An Orc
Once the sun sets, the forest belongs to the Orcs.
This it what your mother taught you, what her mother before her had taught as well. You wonder now how far back the warning went.
And they believe, my child, that any pretty little thing stumbling around in it belongs to them as well.
You are a witch living alone in the deep dark wood. Perhaps you care for and heal the people in the surrounding villages. Perhaps you don't. Either way it was well known for miles around that this was the witching wood, your home. Except for when the sun set, and you retreat to your cosy little cottage.
For your family had a deal with the monsters that came out at night, and you minded it well.
Then one night word reaches you of a young woman in desperate need of your help, and she cannot wait. You'll have to brave the night or leave her to her fate.
But someone waits for you. And they would love to keep the pretty little witch that has wandered into their forest.
To Owe and Orc is an in progress 18+ interactive romance featuring explicit sexual scenes and a single gender selectable orc love interest with optional sexual encounters with other characters. The story will feature dark themes, with a full list of content warnings to be added in the future.
Play as male or female and customise your appearance. The player has a certain level of control over how the MC reacts to the RO and the optional sexual encounters, generally how submissive they are.
Ranash (M/F) (RO)
Though the subject of cautionary tales told to you all our life, Ranash is the first orc you've ever met. They manage to be at once everything you were warned of and completely different. Commanding and possessive, frightening even. Hopelessly lost in their forest, they offer to help you. Is it worth being in their debt?
Sol (M) (Optional sexual encounter)
A close friend of Ranash, Sol seems to be their opposite. Good natured and easy going, he is very curious about you. Despite yourself you feel comforted by his kind presence, but part of you is unsure. The way you sometimes catch him looking at you and Ranash makes you wonder.
Naz (F) (Optional sexual encounter)
Lost in the woods, Ranash had scared you terribly. You thought they were the very picture of the monstrous, awful orcs you had been warned about. You were proved wrong as soon as you laid eyes on Naz, almost seven foot of pure muscle and an aura of ice cold intimidation. She's taken a liking to you. It isn't comforting.
I’m unsure at the moment how long this is going to be, so as of right now I don’t know if I’ll be releasing any kind of demo. I’ll let you know as soon as I know.
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zeciex · 1 year
A Vow of Blood
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Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on. This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: “You will be trapped by the obligations of love and duty, unable to escape the web of expectations others have woven around you,“ the witch said….
Daenera Velaryon returns to King’s Landing with the intention of bolstering her mother’s position and reminding both the Greens and nobility that Rhaenyra is the rightful heir to the throne. She has a specific goal in mind: to be a constant source of annoyance to the Greens and is willing to play the political game without hesitation.
However, what catches her off guard is the way Aemond gazes at her and seems to relish in her suffering. He openly expresses his desire to bring about her downfall, her ruination.
This situation leads to a tense game of cat and mouse, with each move escalating the already high stakes. Will their precarious situation crumble as the dragons soar above, or will fate intervene?
After all, love often demands the sacrifice of duty, just as duty can sometimes lead to the demise of love. Characters: Aemond Targaryen X OC, HOTD characters.
Chapter 10: Beware the Blood Red Roses Thorns
AO3 - Masterlist
In the stillness of the godswood, Daenera enjoyed the serene solitude that enveloped her. The whispering of the wind through the ancient tree's crown, the gentle sound of the rustling of its blood red leaves, a strange soothing comfort. The outside world seemed none existent within these walls. And here, amidst the gnarles and sturdy roots of the three, she sought solace, leaning her back against the smooth white bark. 
With a book cradled in her lap, its pages filled with tales of the ancient world, of the children of the forest and the first men. The dappled sunlight filtered through the veil of crimson foliage, casting a warm and diffused glow upon the pages, as she traced her fingers over the written words, the stories often bringing her more questions than answers. 
“Your mother came here often as a young girl,” Lord Larys Strong remarked quietly, his voice cutting through the tranquil silence. A soft smile played in his lips, and he veered from the path and made his way towards a cluster of flowers growing near the encircling walls of the godswood. 
Daenera felt a jolt go through her and her gaze shifted from the pages to the middle-aged man with a hint of gray and white stubble adorning his chin. Cold gray eyes met hers, accompanied by half-long hair swept behind his ears. She had been in King’s Landing for a while now, and had yet to speak with him. It appeared that he sought to change that. 
“It’s the solitude,” she replied, acknowledging his presence, curious and a bit apprehensive of his sudden appearance. Her eyes tracked Larys’ movements as he plucked a flower from the bush. “People rarely bother you when they think you’re in prayer.”
Larys’ smile widened as his gaze locked with Daenera’s. “And are you praying to the old gods?”
Her response came without hesitation. “No.”
Using his cane for support, Larys slowly approached her, twirling the flower between his fingers. “You’ve grown into quite a beautiful flower.”
He extended the flower towards Daenera, and after a brief moment of hesitation, she accepted it from his hand. “Thank you, my lord Strong.”
“Please,” Larys interjected, leaning against one of the massive roots of the weirwood. “I’d prefer you call me Larys. Lord Strong was my father.”
“Lord Larys, then,” Daenera conceded, her tone devoid of any intention to prolog formalities. She was unsure of Larys’ motives or his reason for seeking her out now, all of a sudden. She felt a subtle wariness settle within her. 
There was something in Lary’s eyes that evoked a memory within her, a recollection of a shark she had once seen displayed near the docks, its cold, dead gaze fixed upon her as it hung upside down. It was a disconcerting resemblance. Yet, Larys was not a shark; he was a man who had suffered as much loss as she had. She supposed that could be the reason for his cold eyes.
Daenera offered him a soft smile, tinged with a trace of melancholy. “I remember your father. He served as a commendable Lord Hand, remaining loyal to the King until the very end… And your brother, Ser Harwin, was always kind to me.”
There was an ambiguous change in Larys’ eyes, a fleeting sharpness that quickly receded. 
Folding his hands on the head of his cane, he seemed to withdraw, his soldiers slumping slightly. His appearance bore no resemblance to his brother. Where Harwin had possessed a commanding presence, Larys appeared small. In contrast to Harwin’s strength, Larys exuded frailty. Even his hair, thin and brittle, stood in stark contrast to Ser Harwin’s wild and dark curls. 
Their eyes, however, diverged the most. Ser Harwin’s eyes were deep and blue, with brown speckles, and the crows feet at the corner of his eyes were lines made from a life well-lived. They had been warm and devoted, brimming with love. 
Larys, on the other hand, possessed watery gray eyes that flickered between sharpness and fragile softness.
“The fire was a tragic accident,” Larys agreed with a sigh, his gaze filled with sorrow. “The kingdom suffered a great loss that day. They remained loyal to the crown until the very end. If only my brother hadn’t brought disgrace upon himself…”
“Your brother was an honorable man,” Daenera opposed. 
The memory of that day flooded back to her. She saw his face etched with sadness, concern and a promise left unfulfilled. 
The witch's words echoed in her mind, warning of the dire consequences if Harwin were to leave King’s Landing. House Strong had lost their lord and heir in one fell swoop, leaving the burden of picking up the shattered fragments of their house upon the second son. Daenera could scarcely imagine the weight that had been placed upon him. It was difficult enough to mend her own broken pieces. 
“My brother held you in high regard, Princess Daenera. He treasured the moments he spent with you in the woods,” Larys shared, his eyes reflecting both sympathy and watchfulness, waiting for her reaction. 
Did he know?
It seemed likely, but Daenera couldn’t be certain. Consequently, she offered a gentle smile and glanced down at the flower in her hand. Its bright punk leaves and yellow center identified it as hollyhock, the flower emitting a sweet fragrance. 
Naturally, he wouldn’t openly disclose their familiar connection. Such revelation would undoubtedly lead to dire consequences, with their heads mounted on pikes. Aemond appeared relatively unfazed by the potential fallout, but even he chose his moments carefully, ensuring no one overheard whatever he chose to call her. 
Larys couldn’t say it, but the implication hung in the air. 
“I believe flowers carry meanings, don’t they?” Larys inquired, diverting their conversation. 
Daenera’s eyes lifted from the flower. “Indeed, they do, although I’m not well-versed in the symbolism of flowers.” 
Larys confessed, his voice laced with genuine fascination, “Nor am I. Truthfully, I just find myself entranced by their delicate beauty.”
Uncomfortable with the sudden shift in the air, Daenera’s eyes returned to the flower, her thoughts tinged with unease.
“I have something of yours that I wish to return,” Larys revealed, drawing her attention back to him.
She raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Oh?”
With a flick of his hand, larys opened the flap of his satchel and retrieved its contents. The shoes, crafted from dark red fabric adorned with intricate embroidery and sewn stones, now rested on the sturdy root of the tree, their color standing out against the white bark. Larys’ cold eyes watched her intently. 
“One should not leave their belongings lying around. They might fall into the worn hands and convey an unintended impression,” Larys cautioned, his fingers drumming on the cane’s head. “It is best to avoid leaving a trail of evidence.”
“Evidence,” Daenera repeated, attempting to discern his meaning. “Are you insinuating that something… untoward occurred after the feast?”
A barely concealed smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he struggled to retrain it. “Of course not. I’m merely cautioning you about how others might interpret such circumstances.”
“Through misplaced shoes?”
“ Your misplaced shoes. It’s important to keep your wits about you, Princess. Not everyone you encounter here has good intentions like I do. Lost shoes can quickly transform into something entirely different.” 
Dread settled upon Daenera’s chest, leaving her mouth parched. He knew about her clandestine meeting with Aemond. He had to, otherwise he wouldn’t be here returning her shoes while delivering a warning. He wanted her to know that he possessed the knowledge, and, from the sound of it, he intended to keep it secret. Perhaps he was more similar to his brother than she had initially assumed. 
“I appreciate your gesture, Lord Larys, in returning my shoes. I must admit the wine got to my head. I will make sure not to leave anything lying around in the future,” Daenera replied, her words carefully veiled yet pointed. She would ensure she left no trace for others to discover and exploit. It had been foolish of her to misplace her shoes anywhere other than in her quarters. 
“I do not require your thanks, I am here merely to serve,” Larys responded, placing his hand over his chest as he emphasized his genuine intentions. 
“And whom do you serve?” Daenera inquired cautiously. As much as she wanted to believe that he had her best interest at heart, she wasn’t sure. This whole approach could be a warning as much as it could be a simple introduction. 
“The crown and the council, naturally,” Larys declared, tongue darting out to wet his lips. He leaned slightly towards her. “If you ever find yourself in need of a friend, I am here to assist you. It’s the least I can do in my brother's memory.”
“You are kind, just as your brother was,” Daenera said. 
Larys bowed in her direction before rising from the root, swaying slightly on his feet. 
Daenera watched him depart with growing unease. Did he truly know? It seemed likely, and this encounter might have been his way of conveying that she could trust him. 
With her concentration disrupted, she closed the book abruptly, tucked the shoes between her book and her chest, and left the godswood. If only Aemond had fed the damned shoes to the fire…
Upon returning to her quarters, Daenera found Jelissa on her knees scrubbing the floor, while Joyce diligently dusted the tabletops and cleared away any lurking spider webs in the corners. Jelissa leaned back, using her wrist to brush her hair out of her face, her cheeks flushed. 
“What do you know of Lord Larys?” Daenera inquired, sinking onto the settee with a huff, sprawling out over the pillows like a petulant child. 
“Lord Larys?” Jelissa echoed, puzzled. “He seems like a nice man. Well-mannered and of gentle demeanor. He’s polite to all the servants.”
“Just because a man appears well-mannered and polite doesn’t necessarily mean he is a good man,” Joyce interjected, playing her hands on her hips, a discerning scowl on her face. “Why do you ask?”
Daenera tossed the returned shoes onto the floor. “He returned these.”
Joyce’s eyes narrowed. 
“That kind of him,” Jelissa commented from her position on the floor, sensing the tension that had settled into Joyce’s shoulders. The older wore a pinched expression that made her appear her age. 
“Very kind indeed,” Joyce acknowledged tersely. “And did this act of returning come with a warning?”
Daenera sat up with a groan. If only people would be forthright with their intentions instead of engaging in constant guessing games and deciphering words. Perhaps it had just been a simple gesture.  “He cautioned me to be mindful of what I leave behind and offered his assistance if I were ever in need. He seemed genuine.”
Joyce made a disapproving sound and walked over to the fireplace. Daenera joined her, and Joyce raised a finger, silently signaling Daenera to remain silent. 
“Jelissa, why don’t you sing a song?” Joyce suggested. 
“A song?” Jelissa quipped hesitantly, unsure why she was suddenly being asked to sing. 
“Yes, any song will do. Just sing!” Joyce replied, urging Jelissa to comply.
 A storm is loosed upon the seaWhose eye is stained with tearsA wretch Hell-bound and bent on bloodThe makings of the fearful's fears
Jelissa complied with Joyce’s request, raising her voice as commanded. Despite being a romantic at heart, she had a predilection for tragic sons, much to Joyce’s chagrin. The older woman redirected her attention to Daenera, using Jelissa’s singing to conceal their conversation should anyone listen in. 
“You don’t trust him, do you?” Daenera inquired. 
“No,” Joyce confirmed. “There’s something about him that sets me on edge. I’ve heard little about him from the servants, but I’ve been told he’s close with the Queen.”
“He has to maintain a friendly relationship with the Queen,” Daenera dismissed, wanting foolishly to see the good in him. “It is how it is, being on the council.” 
The tide it stole away her grace
The depths, they wouldn't claim her
A toil begat by father's blood
This path was laid before her
Joyce shook her head in disagreement. “You can’t trust him. You don’t know what his intentions are.”
“If he had ill intentions, he could have used the shoes to create a sandal. He could have planted them somewhere and spread rumors,” Daenera countered. 
“Unless he wanted you to trust him,” Joyce retorted. “Come on, Daenera. I know you’re not naive or stupid. Everyone in court has their own motives.”
“What could he possibly want from me? He holds a powerful position as the Lord of Harrenhal and an esteemed member of the council. He has already positioned himself well. There’s little I can offer him,” Daenera argued. 
“Every man desires something from you,” Joyce stated, growing frustrated with Daenera’s stubborn defense of the man she hardly knew. It was as if she was still a child, refusing to face the harsh realities. “And I know you understand this. If you have nothing to offer him, but he seeks you out anyway, it should alarm you. The question is, why aren’t you more cautious about his intentions?”
Redemption borne by brigand's blood
A blight upon the darkness
The pact embraced, a road unsought
The Maiden of Death won't be unwrought
“You think he knows.” The moment Joyce voiced her suspicions, everything clicked into place. Her eyes grew sympathetic and she reached to brush a hand over the princesses shoulders. 
“How could he not?” Her voice was small and child-like. She was no longer the self-assured princess who was suspicious of everyone in King’s Landing, but the little girl who had watched her father ride away, holding his promise close to heart. “How could he not know, when I resemble his brother, as everyone points out.”
“Do you believe his interests are solely based on some unspoken family tie?” 
Daenera closed her eyes, feeling a wave of conflicting emotions wash over her. If it weren’t for the shared blood between them, she would never consider trusting him. But the undeniable truth remained that he was her true father’s brother. It might be naive and childish, but in this treacherous court, she longed for someone else to trust. 
“Blood doesn’t always make someone family,” Joyce asserted, rubbing Daenera’s tense shoulders. Her caring gaze mirrored that of a mother looking upon their child. “He may be your uncle, Ser Hawin’s brother, but that doesn’t mean he deserves your trust by virtue of shared blood.”
“Ser Harwin…” Daenera’s voice trembled. 
“Is gone,” Joyce continued, her eyebrows raising, deepening the wrinkles on her forehead. “His brother cannot replace him, and you don’t truly know him. You are unaware of his ambitions.” 
Daenera bit her lip, the events of the day taking an emotional toll. What had started as a promising day now brought her to the brink of tears, and she felt the familiar ache in her heart. She was once again a vulnerable child, and despite the challenges she faced back then, it seemed to have been easier. “I miss him.” 
“I know,” Joyce responded, tenderly cupping Daenera’s face, her expression filled with understanding. 
Her wrath is known throughout the black
The gardens of death she is tending
Vengeance is her only ward
Beware the blood red rose's thorn
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revoevokukil · 2 years
On why TWN's angle on Falka & Lara Dorren in relation to Ciri's arc is pretty weird & misleading.
It overemphasises sticking it to misogyny & forgets that The Witcher deals with the way trauma can make monsters of people & make personal desires lead to monstrous consequences.
As TWN's looking for a money-making premise, saying "Ciri needs to avenge Falka because she was a victim of a witch hunt" is much easier than conveying that Ciri is dealing with severe trauma & is taken in by "friends" who've suffered similarly & also abuse her in similar ways.
As a result, Ciri loses her morals bc it's too tempting to start taking out her rage for being mistreated on everyone around her, including the innocents. If they have not hurt you yet, they will - so hurt them first! This is a trauma response. This is also Falka's legacy.
Further, Falka was not Ciri's ancestor. Making them blood-relatives in earnest & justifying Ciri's turn to the dark with that is at once a dumb simplification & ironic: it sets Ciri on a pre-determined path when the Witcher is ultimately about the choice between violence & love.
Ciri is not "avenging" Falka & Lara in a "you-go-girl" moment. Ciri's path of vengeance is a tragedy. She is trying to avenge herself as a wounded & traumatized person. With the consequences of her deeprooted needs & violent emotions being woeful, just as Lara Dorren's choices & actions were in the grand scheme of things.
Let's talk about Falka. It looks like Falka will be conveyed as a girlboss. Falka was not discriminated against bc she was a woman. Misogyny in her tale is present insofar as Vridank disowned her after having divorced Falka's mother because she was ugly.
Falka when she was wronged was not a "remarkable woman" & her father was not "afraid of her power" - she was 1y old when she was disowned. Her revenge on her father, half-siblings (including Riannon) & Cerro was about being abandoned & her title of Princess ripped away from her.
And Falka's rage at being stripped of her birthright & deprived of all legitimate power is an exact echo of Ciri's own ire. That is why Ciri eventually leaves the Rats - because she cannot stand the thought of an impostor becoming the Empress of Nilfgaard under her name.
Falka's tale as Ciri's is one of a child being deprived of love & parental guidance, of being exposed to violence & how it leads to the picking of monstrous means for dealing with their pain. It's not possession, it's not blood magic. It's the choices of people who are in pain.
The theme of a cycle of violence underlies the lives of Witcher's characters: Geralt's inability to deal w Visenna's abandonment, Yennefer killing her parents, Milva killing her father, etc. Instead TWN is simplifying again: men mistreat women, women get revenge; revenge good! Raar!
The Witcher is pretty clear on revenge not paying off. Revenge consumes & leads to parents & loved ones hanging in the gallows, burned on stakes. That is Falka's story & it's not one about emancipation. It's about how monsters are made.
A fate Geralt tried to protect Ciri from.
A/N: This is a summary of a discord discussion + thoughts in response to the description on the official Netflix website: “[Ciri] is the descendant of Lara Dorren and Falka: fierce, remarkable women who were swallowed up by the men afraid of their power. Women whom Ciri is destined to avenge.“
If you like my writing, consider buying me a coffee. Thanks! ❤️
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xandriagreat · 5 months
Fate Be Changed
Chapter 1: Prologue
First chapter | Next chapter
Author’s note: Just to let you all know, the story takes place in the early 2000s. This first chapter starts in the '80s. So it’s different from now (2024).
Notice/warnings: CAPs, crying, screaming/yelling, food/eating, teen pregnancy mentioned
1983, April 17
The night sky was clear, fireflies flew in the air, cricket's sharp in the forest, the stars were a line and beautiful like sparkling skies, but behind the forest was a city, called Los Angeles.
It was bustling with skyscrapers and buildings, some run down apartments, streets being built, cars passing by and some cars honking.
There it was a wealthy neighborhood.
One of the buildings was some sort of penthouse that almost looked like a farm.
Inside was a little girl's room on the top floor, with a small toy farm with little toy farm animals, plushies of princesses, and action figures.
Diane sat with Emily Lou, Pam, and Ruby on the floor, listening to a bedtime story being told by Diane’s mother, Margaret Foxington, while fixing something on a dress.
Her mother was reading the tales of The Frog Prince to them.
Diane was playing with the skirt of her dress, waiting for the end of the story while Emily Lou, Pam, and Ruby were more into the story.
“Just at that moment, the ugly little frog looked up with his sad round eyes and pleaded; "Oh, please, dear princess! Only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch.”” Margaret read from the story. 
"Oh, no, not-" Diane said, shaking her head. Then she was cut off by Emily Lou covering her mouth with her hand.
“Please continue, Ms. Foxington.” Emily Lou said, looking at Margaret.
"Please quiet down." Pam whispered to them before looking back at Margaret. 
Margaret chuckled softly at the kids before continuing reading, “So, The Princess picked up the Frog…leaned forward, raised him to her lips…AND kissed that little frog.”
The girl's nodded in different ways before Diane groaned and shook uncomfortably while Emily Lou and Pam awed as Ruby giggled.
"...Then the frog was transformed into a handsome prince. They were married and lived happily ever after." Margaret said, cutting the last of the string. "The end."
“Yay!” Emily Lou exclaimed, leaning back too far before falling over and giggling. “Read it again! Read it again!”
"Or another story!" Pam said, excited as she got up, jumping up and down. 
“Please!” Ruby exclaimed like a plea.
Margaret chuckled softly, looking at a nearby clock. “Sorry girls. It’s almost time for your parents to come over and for Diane and I to go home.” Margaret said, closing the book and putting the sewing stuff away. “Say good night, Diane.”
Diane threw a bit of a tantrum and a huff. Even though she is six, she is a bit mature for her age, specifically once in story books.
"There is no way, in this whole wide world... I would ever, ever, ever I mean never kiss a frog or prince. Yuck!" Diane pouted, her arms crossed, with her tongue sticking out "There's no girl power! The princess wouldn't be a knight like the prince." 
“Well the story is still great.” Ruby said, looking at Diane.
“Kissing a frog or any animal is gross!” Diane said with sass, crossing her arms across her chest. “Besides, magic isn't real! It's just a story teaching morals anyways.” 
Diane had an unusual mind compared to her friends and she was able to see the story. But it was also her background. While she was wearing a handmade blue dress made from her mother. Her friends, Ruby wore a hand-me-down dress while Emily Lou and Pam wore fancy dresses.
But Diane managed to keep her cool by taking a deep breath.
Ruby pouted at that when Diane said ‘magic isn’t real’ and she started to cry.
Pam started to hug and comfort her as Diane felt bad.
“Oh, sorry about that, I didn't mean to say that.” Diane said, walking over the Ruby.
Ruby looks at Diane as she clings onto Pam.
Diane knew she didn't mean to do it in front of her. 
Diane offered a hand to her.
Ruby looks at her hand for a moment before nodding. “Apology accepted.” she said, taking her hand and shaking it.
The two girls giggled as they finished shaking hands.
“Still, kissing a frog is gross! And I will never do it!” Diane exclaimed in disgust. “Bleh!”
"Is that so?" Emily Lou asked, a smirk on her face. Then she grabbed one of her dolls in a frog costume and started to chase Diane. "Here comes your prince charming, Dia! Come on, kiss the frog prince!"
Diane ran, playfully screaming and laughing as Emily Lou chased after her with the doll, since she just loved to tease her.
That made Ruby laugh at them as she stopped crying.
Pam rolled her eyes, letting go of Ruby and went to stop this. "Hey! Cut it out, Em!" Pam said, standing in front of Diane and taking the doll away from Emily Lou.
Emily Lou pouted sadly, wanting the doll back, which made Pam sighed. "She said she WON'T." Pam said, handing the doll back.
"I would do it." Emily Lou said, holding the doll close. "I would kiss a frog or any animal. I would kiss a hundred of them, if I could marry a prince or someone who would take me to my happily ever after."
"In your DREAMS." Diane scoffed, her arms crossed.
"Is that a challenge I hear?" Emily Lou asked with a smile.
“FIGHT!!!” Ruby shouted, pumping both fists in the air.
"You girls, cut it out!" Margaret said, walking over to them with her hands on her hips.
All four girls look at Margaret, calming down.
“Sorry, Ms. Foxington…” Ruby, Pam, and Emily Lou said together while Diane said, “Sorry mom….”
The bedroom door opened and in came Emily Lou’s father, who just came back from work from his late shift. “Hello, everyone.” he said, with a bright smile as he walked in.
"Good evening, Mr. Hogwild." Margaret said, nodding to him.
"Daddy! Daddy!" Emily Lou exclaimed as she rushed to her dad before pointing at the dress that Margaret fixed. “Look at the dress! Isn't it pretty?”
It was a repair of a tutu that Margaret was working on.
Mr. Hogwild chuckled softly as he picked up his daughter. “It is, Sugar.” he said, hugging her.
Margaret chuckled softly before she went to get both her and Diane’s coats.
“Now, Pam and Ruby,” Mr. Hogwild said, looking at the two other girls, who were looking at him. “Both of your parents called me and told me that you two can stay over tonight.”
It was probably because Pam's parents were working late and Ruby's mother was helping her grandmother move into a new home near La Puente.
"Lucky." Diane mumbled under her breath, looking at her friends.
Margaret was talking to Mr. Hogwild as Diane waited.
"And just to let you know, sir, noticing I already cooked up a lot of leftovers and sewed up the other clothes that you requested, including your daughter’s clothes." Margaret said to Mr. Hogwild, showing her hard work on some of the mannequins of Emily’s outfits, many dresses were princess-like dresses and mostly in all different shades of pink.
“Thank you, Margaret.” Mr. Hogwild said, nodding to her and looking at dresses.
Emmylou cheered as she looked at the new dresses 
Margaret nodded back with a smile and then looked at her daughter. "Come along, Diane." she said to her daughter. "Your Dad should be home from work now."
“Okay, mommy.” Diane said, holding her mom’s hand as they went out.
The Foxingtons got into their family 1976 Ford Thunderbird Model gray and Margaret started the car.
Diane watched through the window, looking at the different homes from the rich, poor, and middle class.
Then came the city lights then finally they made it back to their street, Burbank Boulevard.
They arrived home and saw Owen, Daine’s father and Margaret's husband, waiting for them on the porch.
Her parents were young when they had Diane at 18 years old. But they were from different races. Her mother being white and parents of German descent and her father black. Of course after getting pregnant by accident, they decided to keep her though they live in the middle class system. They did matter to get through and their lives were great, not minding that they’re in the middle class.
“Dad!” Daine said, running to him after getting out of the car. "Hey my little foxy cakes!" Owen said, hugging his precious daughter.
Diane giggled and nuzzled Owen as he picked her up. Margaret chuckled softly and went to them, hugging them before they went inside.
They began making dinner while Diane and Owen were reenacting Athena and Odysseus. Margaret went to work on the car while the two cooked and did the retelling.
"I have returned with my arrows and bow." Diane said, acting as Athena, with a pot over her head like a helmet and pretending that the salt and pepper shakers are the arrows and bow.
“It’s great to see you again.” Owen said, acting as Odysseus, with a cooking apron as the uniform.
Of course they were halfway done with cooking the dinner as they reenacted.
"The geese are gone and illegal." Diane said as they got the mushrooms on the cutting board. “Respect the labor workers and mash the mushrooms!"
“It’s minced mushrooms.” Owen corrected with a chuckle, starting to mince.
Diane laughed as they did it together.
Then they put the minced mushrooms in the cooking pan with other cooking cut vegetables.
Owen was close to sneaking some cinnamon in the vegetables but failed when Diane swiped it away.
"Nice try, Dad!" Diane said, putting the cinnamon away or more of trying to.
It slipped out of her hands just in time for her mother, who just got inside from finishing with the car. Margaret caught the cinnamon and shook her head. "Sorry, sir you are going to food jail." she said with a chuckle, pointing to the table.
Owen pouted but shrugged. “Fine. But it needs a pinch.” he said to them, before he went to a seat at the table.
Diane sighs as Margaret adds a pinch of cinnamon after washing her hands. "Sometimes you have to break the rules." Margaret said, putting the cinnamon away.
They all began to laugh as they finished cooking.
Their home was always filled with laughter and joy. Though they tried to make ends meet. Even though they were able to live enough, comfortable enough home, they were happy as a family.
When dinner was packed and ready to go, The Foxingtons went out to the potluck.
They had a great time at the potluck.
Everyone from the neighborhood was there. 
Some kids playing around while some of the adults talking and even some servers serving food.
Diane's family sets their food on the table as Diane looks around at the other kids.
She didn't mind playing for a bit but then Diane noticed some homeless people being hungry and living in a station wagon that was near the potluck.
“Hey, Mom, Dad.” Diane started, getting her parents’ attention.
“Yes, sweetheart?” Owen asked.
“Since we normally have some of the food leftovers from the potluck…” Diane said “Maybe we can give some to those in need!" 
The parents looked at each other and then nodded their heads.
“We can do that before we go home, ok?” Owen said.
Margaret nodded, seeing the homeless people that Diane was talking about.
“Ok…” Diane sighed, nodding in understanding.
When the potluck was over and as everyone left to go home, the Foxingtons went to the station wagon.
"Hey everyone!" Diane said, getting everyone’s attention as they got there. "Me and my family made vegan foie gras!"
Some homeless people started lining up getting their hands on a plate of the vegan foie gras.
Diane’s parents knew they taught their daughter well about putting others first before her own.
The Foxingtons will often give some of the leftover food from the potluck for the homeless because of their kindness and giving away any leftovers.
Hence why they were normally the only family left when the potluck was over.
◇Later that night◇
When the Foxingtions got home, they did their bath time routine and then Diane’s parents helped her get ready for bed. When they made it into her cute bedroom, which is unique for a six-year-old.
It was almost like a bit of a middle-schooler room but was cheerful like the child she is. There was a bookshelf with her books, but in separate corners, one for home and one from the library. She had some posters of her favorite cartoon characters but some historical figures, and inspirational posters. Almost like a teacher's room, but her bed, though big for her age, was perfect for her meaning she'll grow in it.
"You know the thing about being hard working and being selfless? It brings people together from all walks of life, regardless of who they are and where they come from. It warms them right up and it puts little smiles on their faces. And you have the spark of a strong independent woman, I tell you, people are gonna line up for miles around, just to get a look and see the future that you can do." Owen said, smiling softly at her as he held her.
"If we work hard…" Diane said, beginning to say the usual phase and smiling at her parents. "We… We can reach the moon!" 
Then she begins pretending to whoosh like a rocket ship going up into space. Diane had an active imagination like any other kid, even though sometimes she is a bit more grounded.
“That’s right.” Owen chuckled as he was about to get Diane into bed.
But then Diane saw something out her window, making her gasp excitedly. "Daddy, Mommy! look!" Diane said, getting out of bed and going to a window.
"Where are you going?" Owen asked, following where his daughter was going along with his wife.
Diane pointed out her window and all three saw beautiful shooting stars. 
"I remember in one of my friends' fairy tale books it said if you make a wish on a shooting star it should come true!" Diane said in the most childhood-like wonder in her eyes.
"Or leave a coin to the well or break a wishbone." Margaret chuckled softly, rubbing her daughter’s back gently.
“Yeah!” Diane giggled, still looking at the starry sky.
Then the couple look at each other knowing what they have to do, to let their daughter be grounded while having high hopes.
"Diane, before you go to bed, your father and I want to give you something." Margaret said, leading their daughter to her bed.
“What is it?” Diane asked, getting on her bed as Owen went out of the room.
“A gift.” Margaret said, smiling softly.
Owen came back a few minutes later with two wrapped presents. The other on the left with her mother was green with black polka dots and a pretty pink bow and ribbon. The right wither father  had a gray color with blue stripes and a red ribbon and bow
"We were going to save it until you're 10 but maybe you are ready to see the photos." Margaret said, sitting on the bed.
Diane looked at both of her parents before opening the gifts.
There are two portraits of two women from very different times.
The first one looks like a white woman wearing a male's uniform and male cut hair, giving a salute alongside the man and in front of an American flag. It looked like it was taken around World War 1.
The other photo was of a black woman wearing a soldier uniform of World War 2. She had chopped up curly hair, holding a gun part of the US.
"These were all your great grandparents' and grandma’s portraits." Margaret said, pointing at the photos.
Diane nodded and noticed there was something writing in both the pictures.
This is life and this is your chance to write your own story
“What does this mean?” Diane asked, pointing at the writing.
"Look, sometimes this world can be a pretty cruel place… They could be mean and not selfless… Of course, the third time even now was full of prejudice everywhere" Owen said, sighing sadly.
"But… as time changes and we keep moving forward to a better future but with a lot of hard work and a lot of progress you can make the world a better place and it's your job to write your history. You can write your own story." Margaret said, smiling softly as she held both her husband and daughter’s hands.
"And then… Yeah you can do anything you said you mind to. Just promise your family one thing? That you’ll never, ever lose sign of what is really important." Owen said, holding and rubbing Daine’s hand. “Okay?”
Diane nodded. “I promise.”
"See you in the morning, foxy cakes. Get some sleep." Margaret said, tucking Diane in bed.
Diane giggled as she laid down in her bed.
“Good night, foxy cakes.” Owen whispered as he kissed her forehead.
Diane closed her eyes as her parents left the room, turning off the lights. But when the door closed, Diane got up and got a book about strong female women along with the portraits of her grandmothers and looking at the shooting stars.
“Please. Please. Please.” the little girl whispered, wishing on the shooting stars.
When the shooting stars were gone, Diane started hearing the howls. She looked at her window and recognized a wolf nearby from the woods from her backyard. 
Diane began to scream loudly, closing the window, and she hopped off the bed, slamming the door of her room and ran to her parents room.
She stayed with her parents for the night, which her parents didn’t mind.
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