#◜  ◦   *   i’ma call you later  .    ∿    texts  *   ◦  ◞
berberriescorner · 2 years
"Keep Me Posted"
Characters: Rio x Black!Reader.
Summary: Oh, you know, just Rio being an attentive, caring, flirty, and nurturing boyfriend😍. 
Warnings: The reader has a chronic illness. There are brief descriptions of what it’s like dealing with an autoimmune disease. If you have knowledge of or can relate to the topic it may or may not make you a little sad. Being the emotional ass gangsta I am, a thug tear was definitely shed in the making of this😆.
Word Count: 900+.
Personal Note: This drabble (not even sure what to call it) is very near and dear to me. Yes, it’s self-indulgent AF, but I had a disappointing doctor’s visit earlier this week😔 (which inspired me to put my feelings into my writing). I figured why not write something for not only myself but other beautiful readers who deal with the struggles of having a chronic illness? Even if you don’t personally know what it’s like, I hope you still read it and enjoy the fluffiness that Rio’s dishing.
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Your bedroom was pitch black as light snores fell from your overtired body. Upset by the day's events, you had raced home to shower and fall into bed as soon as possible. Your boyfriend Rio had been pretty busy that day as well. He had still managed to take the time to shoot you a few texts. The usual: did you eat, mama? How was your day? Ending it with an, “I’ll be late. Don’t wait up. Get some rest. I love you, mama.” You had taken the time to answer each question thoroughly, giving him a quick rundown of your stressful day. Rio (a man of very few words) had simply texted his apologies for your long day. He suggested you go home, take a nice hot bath and pamper yourself. You did exactly that and went to bed not long afterward. 
You had been asleep for some hours, but the brightness of your phone screen awakened you. Blinking away the blurriness in your vision, you rolled yourself to the edge of the bed. Eyes focused on the screen as a sleepy grin danced across your face. Sitting up, your back pressed against the headboard. With the swipe of your finger, you accepted the incoming call.
“Hi, papa. It’s so late, and the bed’s cold without you. When are you coming home, my love?”
“I’ma be home in an hour or so, mama. Sorry to wake you, but I just wanted to know if you ate. I could bring you a late-night snack if you didn’t.”
“I had a little something. I’ll take a snack so long as it’s you.”
“Come on, ma. Don’t start something you can’t finish. Bet once I get there, you’ll be out like a light. You need rest anyway, darlin’. Sleep, I’ll be home soon to take care of you.”
Rio’s assumption was correct. Not long after ending the conversation, you were fast asleep. Your body was fighting against you at every turn. Two hours later, you felt the bed shift. The intoxicating scent of your boyfriend's cologne penetrated the air. Rio sat on the side of your bed, staring at you with love in his eyes. Your eyes remained shut as you felt his hand reach out. His digits pushed a few strands of hair out of your beautiful face. He continued to gaze at you with longing. There was also a hint of worry that played upon his features. His mind drifted back to the sadness in your messages from earlier. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he felt you stir a bit. Your eyes fluttered open as you groggily smiled up at him.
“Hey, baby.”
“How you doin’, mama? Are you feeling any better?”
“About the same,” you frowned.
“You still upset about your appointment earlier today?”
“Yes, I just hate feeling like this. It’s one thing dealing with lupus, but the last three appointments have revealed the same issues. My anemia is only getting worse, and nobody can seem to pinpoint the exact reason for it. Pills never work, and the iron infusions are doing next to nothing. I’m just so tired all the time. It’s starting to take a toll on me mentally. The depression is starting to creep in, and I feel like I’m drowning.”
“Why did you wait all this time to tell me what was going on, mama? I’m going to have to start accompanying you on your visits again. I can’t have you holding out on me. Thought you loved me, girl,” he teased.
“Boy, stop! Love you for life, papa. You’re dealing with the stress of business and trying to get to the bag. I didn’t want to add to that stress. You get anxious anytime I’m having a rough time, and I need you focused out in these streets, babe. I can take care of myself, I promise.”
“With all due respect, darlin’. I’ll decide if I can handle it. I assure you I can. Let me take care of you, mama. You ain’t gotta deal with this all on your own. Anytime you need me, just say the word, mama.”
Your eyes had started to water, and Rio cupped your chin.
“Now, what’s all this? Why are you crying, baby?”
“Why you gotta be so damn sweet? You do such a wonderful job at keeping me grounded. Thanks for always reminding me how much you care. I love you, papa.”
“Love you with everything in me, darlin’.” He kissed your lips gently. “You’ll be straight, mama. I’ll help you weather any storm that comes your way.” He wiped away any residual tears from your face. “You good, mama? Did you take your nighttime medications?” With a nod of your head, a yawn fell from your lips, “I’ma go hop in the shower. You lay that pretty little head down and get some more sleep,” he said, kissing your lips.
“Will you come to bed and spoon me when you get out?”
“You know I got you my baby. Now sleep,” he instructed, laying a kiss on your forehead. Rio pulled the covers over you and adjusted the pillows. 
After a quick hot shower, he finished up in the bathroom. He slid into bed, taking a moment to turn his phone on silent. Gently wrapping his arms around your body, he pulled you against him. Rio’s lips made contact with the back of your head. You stirred a bit as your body molded into his. Seconds later, your cute little snores resumed. Rio let out a light chuckle at the sound of the snoring. “Love you with everything in me. Goodnight, mama,” he whispered. He was caught off guard as your sleepy voice mumbled, “Love you endlessly. Night, papa,” you replied, falling back to sleep instantly. Rio’s handsome smirk played upon his features as he rubbed circles into your smooth, silky thigh until he joined you in a good night's rest.
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I hope that you enjoyed it, my lovelies! It for sure did its job lifting my spirits while writing it🥹♥️. I have something similar in the works for Chris Evans. “Keep Me Posted” will be turned into a series of drabbles called “Daily Struggles”(shoutout to my twinnie @nightlywords7 for coming up with the series title💓). Comments and reblogs would be greatly appreciated.
Divider Credit: @firefly-graphics
Gif credit to the owner. My apologies I actually got it from Pinterest. If it’s yours don’t hesitate to inbox me and I’ll tag you for credit.
@nightlywords7 @4everbrookemarie @amorestevens @rio-reid-whoreee
@sunshine-flower @1andonlytashae @igigix @crimsonheart01 @myownworstenemydw @novaniskye @lemmewritesomeish @realhotgurlshit @oya16
@my-rosegold-soul @hihellogoodbyebruh @thehomierobbstark @ziayamikaelson
@ashmonet @mama-sunny1
@fkagoddess @doloreschanal @captainwithoutmakingitlove @tbugger01
@mrsmontanalol @blessedboo
@naughtyslashers @peaches007
@whore4-horror @gardenof-venus
@minton131 @aizawash0e
@90sisthenew80s @cjricks98
@skyesthebomb @tashawar
@keaboyd21 @gabbywontlose
676 notes · View notes
jadekitty777 · 1 year
The Emotionalist: Chapter 3
I’ma be honest, I just found out that copying and pasting to tumblr is not saving my bold and italics. I’m too lazy to fix it, so uh, I recommend reading these chapters on A03 lol Particularly this one which is text heavy.
Prompt for Day 4: Sick
Rating: T
Word Count: 5K
Summary: Clover Ebi was a huntsman who, like most Atlesian soldiers, hid most of his emotions behind a mask of calm professionalism. That is, unless, one knew where to look. And Qrow looked a lot.
Or, 5 times Qrow learned to read Clover’s mood not from his face, but from his ears. [An adjacent story to Hunting Season Hunting Season; events from Qrow’s POV]
Ao3 Link: Burning like the Sun
Did you get the day off too?
Qrow leaned against the wall beside the Aceops office, left leg propped on the wall behind him and beating a staccato rhythm while he tapped a message back to his eldest niece. Yeah. Ol’ Jimmy has a heart after all. Got plans?
FNKI invited us out to a club. She replied. Rubes and Weiss aren’t interested but Blake and I are going. 
He arched an eyebrow, snorting. Try not to blow this one up firecracker. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
He could practically imagine the way Yang was fuming. 
Another ping only moments later, Anyways, what are you gonna do?
Things. He thumbed out, eyes drifting down the hall. Still empty.
He didn’t look away until another ping chimed for his attention.
…Responsible things?
He started to type out one of his typical answers, something that fit the blasé and uncaring attitude he often pulled with his niece. He had a dozen he used on any occasion, but some of his favorites were ‘Responsible people don’t have fun’ or ‘Ain’t my style’.
Then he paused and wondered at the ellipses his brash and impulsive niece never used in her texting and wondered if this question was more serious than he was used to.
He didn’t have to think hard to figure out why it was there.
Swallowing guilt, he told her a half-truth instead of an uncaring dismissal. If you must know, I have a date.
That certainly started some sort of implosion, as he saw his niece start and stop typing for several moments. 
Then, nothing except a big long pause.
Qrow realized he should be worried when a reply finally came in a burst of yellow text drawing itself along his screen:
Congratulations Old Man!
His shoulders shook to contain his laughter. I think my eyeballs just exploded. Then, with a huff, added, And don’t call me old.
You’ll survive. She quipped right back. After firing off a few annoying emojis his way, she finally said, Figured something was going on between you and Mr. Prince of the Forest.
Any amusement he had left died in his throat. 
Blood burning, he typed back aggressively, Don’t call him that Yang. Ever. That shit’s not okay.
Why are you suddenly mad at me??? Even through text, he could hear her indignation. 
He started to type rapidly, not even double-thinking his harshness  - Gods, she liked Blake for maiden’s sake! - but before he could even finish, her next reply stopped him cold.
That's what you called him!
No I didn’t, He defended back immediately. Sure he didn’t used to be the most sensitive about Faunus discrimination. There were definitely things he’d said or did in his youth that he wasn’t proud of, with his jeering tribemates egging him on. And because he was an idiot so desperate for approval, he hurt a lot of people who never deserved it - but that was a long time ago, and he’d grown up a lot since he’d left his old life behind and better people opened his eyes.
But, his niece was swiftly proving that false, pings coming back quick and short,
Um yeah. You did.
Like two days after the whole arrest bs
During breakfast
I mean you were kinda rough but 
As the words drilled into his skull, they reached into his brain, pulling out a foggy memory. 
He hadn’t been… great when he first stopped drinking. Better than most, aura was a blessing sometimes, but he knew detoxing threw him for a loop. It was why he often preferred not to.
But with James not willing to put them onto the field until they at least settled in and the kids got their weapons fixed up - not even him - it had left Qrow with little to do but ride the waves of sicknesses and nausea.
Still, he had made an effort to join the kids for breakfast, even if he couldn’t stomach it. It was important they knew - well, that Yang and Ruby knew - that he was still trying.
Those first few days were always the worst though, leaving him sweaty and shaky and just all around in a piss-poor mood. That day in particular, he recalled having just come off from one of the worst sleeps of his life. First at the table but slumped over it and clutching his cup of undrinkable coffee like a lifeline.
Yet Ruby joined him as if it was just another Tuesday. 
And the small exchange he’d completely forgotten about surfaced like an oil spill on the ocean, black and poisonous:
“Hey, hey Uncle Qrow!” Ruby said enthusiastically, “Penny told us that when we get our weapons back, the Aceops want to take us all out on a mission together. Doesn’t that sound great?”
He scoffed, saying loud enough he knew every single person heard every single last one of his damn words, “Oh great, can’t wait for a prance through the frozen wastelands with Mr. Prince of the Forest and all his little woodland friends.”
He couldn’t recall exactly how anyone responded beyond a few uncomfortable laughs before the subject was quickly changed. 
He especially didn’t know what Blake’s had been - he had never looked up.
“Fuck.” He hissed to himself, smacking his head back on the wall. 
He… owed her an apology.
But first he had to fix something else. 
He forced his eyes back onto his scroll, his turn to rapidfire back replies.
Well I shouldn’t have.
If I ever say anything like that again, about ANY Faunus, punch me in the face. 
As hard as you can. 
I want to go through the WALL.
Got it?
He watched the little drawing quill dance as his niece started to reply but never let her get there as he asked, Why are you repeating me anyways? 
The quill didn’t come back.
His scroll went dark, then black.
He jumped, almost dropping the device. Looked up and around, to see Clover standing just a few paces away, eyebrow raised. His arms were relaxed at his sides, his own scroll held limp in his hand. But through the transparent display, he could see the polls newscast rolling, sound probably feeding directly into Clover’s communicator.
The sight of his ears, still in the near-permanent droop they’d fallen into since the start of the week, reminded Qrow why he was here.
“H-Hey!” He straightened up, corner of his lip pulling up in a half-smile. “Fancy seeing you here.”
Clover’s eyebrow only hiked higher, looking past him briefly. “At my own office?”
“Uh.” He articulated gracefully. “Yeah well. Figured you’d have the night off like everyone else.”
“I do.” Was the even reply, playfulness starting to glimmer in Clover’s eye. “Which only further doesn’t explain why you’re here though.”
Qrow cleared his throat, trying to save himself by appealing to the clever idiot, “Lucky guess?”
Clover’s ears twitched, raising just a smidge, mimicking the slow smile gracing his handsome face. “Is that so?”
“Of course.” He jutted out a hip, placing a hand on it. “Come on, don’t act like you’re not happy to see me Clubs.”
The slow roll of the other’s eyes on him was heated and absolutely deliberate. “I’m always happy to see you.” The husky promise sent a thrill through him. 
Yet, as fast as the flame was lit, it suddenly burnt out as something Qrow didn’t hear made Clover look down at his scroll, holding it tight enough he was surprised it didn’t break.
His ears had fallen once more.
“Anyways, I was just here to send off a few files Winter requested before I headed to the polls.” Clover’s tone was that clipped professionalism he usually reserved for the field as he walked past, opening up the door. “Did you need something?”
The change of pace took out some of his bluster, but he carried on as he trailed in after the other. “Well, I haven’t had a chance to see the sights lately. Was thinking you could give me a grand tour. Saaaay over dinner? Your choice, my treat?”
The other paused, hand hovering over the power button to his computer as he stared back at Qrow. “Not sure I’ve heard of a lot of tours that happen stationary in a restaurant.” The playfulness was back.
“Clover.” Qrow santured over, hopping onto the corner of his desk. “Come on already. We can even go to your favorite.”
This time he actually chuckled, finally booting up his computer. “I’m afraid my favorite place isn’t really your scene.” Clover glanced at him meaningfully. “Or your crowd.”
He’d guessed as much. 
It said a lot about the soldier and the way he’d been treated over the years that he so quickly was willing to shelter Qrow from experiencing his own culture. He didn’t think it had to do with a lack of pride, but rather a lack of agency in his own position. A Faunus holding such a high rank in the military, being James’ literal right hand, should be something to simply praise for the accomplishment itself. A sign of times truly changing.
But it was obvious from people like Robyn or Jacques, who would so easily use that stance against him, that all Clover could do instead was constantly mock an image of perfection and pureness to the world so that they couldn’t tear him and everything he stood for down.
He was so used to doing that, that it seemed to become almost second nature to hide anything that might come off as ‘troublesome’.
Unfortunately for him, Qrow wasn't really into all that rigamarole. He especially wasn’t when he wanted this to work so badly - the conversation they’d had two weeks ago about his insecurities over his semblance had only solidified that in his mind. What started out as just a bit of flirting and mutual attraction had turned into so much more. Clover was special and inspiring in a way he’d never met before, and he very much wanted to keep him in his life. 
“All I’m hearing is a bunch of excuses.” Qrow went in for the kill, leaning over the desk and dragging a hand through his own hair, disheveling it purposely as he put on his best smirk. “Come on Clover, take me out for a night on the town.”
Hook, line and sinker. Clover’s breath caught, eyes darting between his eyes and his lips, giving in with a simple, “I suppose dinner does sound nice. How ‘bout you meet me at the helipad docks at 6?”
Yes! Qrow did a mental victory dance, slipping off the desk. “You got it Clubs. I’ve got a few things to take care of, but I’ll see you then~”
“Yeah. I’ll be there.” Clover’s bright smile and raised ears was the last thing Qrow saw before the door closed. 
He started down the hall, already looking up locations for a good clothing and cologne store when his phone pinged.
A message from Yang.
He paused, the conversation from before Clover’s arrival coming back in a rush.
Reluctantly,  he tapped over to read it.
I dunno. I guess ‘cause you said it, I thought it was okay.
A hard knot of shame bunched in his stomach as the implications of that fully hit him.
Six o’ clock on the dot, Clover walked into the station. 
Qrow took a mournful moment to admire him. Despite neither of them saying a word, it seemed they’d come to the universal agreement that this was a date.
Clover had dressed down for the occasion, and though he already missed the sleeveless vest, Clover filled out the dark green turtleneck rather prettily. His pants were black and framed shapely thighs. Kingfisher was still hitched to his hip and the leather belt it was attached to had a buckle with a shamrock printed on.
And, of course, completely for Qrow’s benefit, he wore a single chain drop earring in the tip of his right ear, a set of silver feathers that hung at the bottom tinging together anytime he moved.
As he drew close, Qrow could smell the cologne he wore. 
“Hey.” Clover breathed, eyes rolling over him shamelessly. “You look great.”
He glanced down, almost forgetting himself. He’d kept it simple, going for a pair of charcoal gray pants and matching it with a black dress shirt that had a red and white floral design on the inside of his collar and the rolls of the sleeves. He’d dug out his old necklace, the little cross settled over his heart.
But where he’d really gone all out was his nails - colored with a polish so dark blue it was almost black, with little silver confetti stars pressed over top with a clear coat. They caught the light nicely, little constellations twinkling along his hands.
The question on why he bothered with the effort still escaped him when he was about to ruin everything.
“Not as good as you, Clubs.” He tried anyways, even though his heart wasn’t in it.
Clover picked up on it immediately, one ear raising up like an exclamation as he asked, “You alright? If you’re having second thoughts-”
“No.” He cut him off quickly, not wanting Clover to think for a second it was about that. “But you might in a minute. I just… need to come clean about something.”
Clover only seemed further confused as Qrow handed over his scroll. “Read it. Next page too.” He mumbled.
They were just screenshots of the tail end of his conversation with Yang, starting from the damning slur to her last words to him.
Clover was quiet as he read it, eyebrows twisting down somewhat as he swiped to the next picture. Swiped back and read it again. Neither his face nor his ears were giving anything away, as if he was completely frozen.
Qrow felt his anxiety fester the longer he just stood there, staring at it. Eventually it grew to be too much, and he blurted out, “I’m really sorry.” 
Clover looked up at him.
On instinct, he looked away, then forced his eyes back. Look at him damnit! 
“I-I know that doesn’t make up for it. But you had the right to know.” He explained hastily and then he waited for whatever punishment was coming.
He mostly expected a punch to the face.
What he wasn’t expecting was for Clover to just blink and hand back his scroll with a calm, “That’s it?”
Excuse him - WHAT?!
His shock must have been evident, because the other man continued, “Qrow you’re not the first person to relegate me to deer-focused idioms.”
“Doesn’t mean I shoulda fucking said it.”
A sigh. “No, you shouldn’t have. But, and take this as nicely as you can - I’m not surprised that you’re kind of a total asshole to people you first meet.”
Qrow winced, but didn’t deny it. He could sweet talk like the best of them when he needed to, but on a general day-to-day? Especially with Atlas folk? Yeah, he wasn’t exactly Mr. Nice Guy.
“Clover, don’t make excuses for me.”
“I’m not.” He insisted, placing a hand on Qrow’s shoulder. “Look, listen to me, okay? I understand that you’re human and that you probably grew up with a lot of racists throughout your life. I’m not about to hold you up on a pedestal above everyone else. This stuff is complicated and more terrifyingly systematic than even I like to think about most days.” His fingers squeezed, just slightly. “But that’s not the important thing. You want to know what is?”
Qrow thought it over, shrugging a bit. “That I... was honest?”
“No. Well yes, but no. It’s that you understand it’s wrong and are willing to change it. Most people don’t give me that kind of respect.” He insisted, pulling back to rest his hand on his hip. “You know what happened when I told my last boyfriend I didn’t like him calling me ‘Fawny’? He got mad at me, asked why I was being ‘so uptight’ about it. And when I explained, he claimed I was just being dramatic.” Clover rolled his eyes, spitting out, “Fucking asshole.”
Even though it sounded truly awful, it was odd that he actually felt lighter at hearing that - but Clover tended to have that effect on him. Somehow, he always saw the best in him.
Well. Mostly.
“Didn’t you just call me an asshole, like, two sentences ago?” Qrow teased.
He waved him away. “Yeah but you’re like a general asshole, not a calculated one.”
“And that’s better?”
“Will you let me compliment you already?”
“That was a compliment?!” He mock-cried.
To his surprise, Clover burst out laughing.
It was a really nice sound, and he couldn’t help but join in. 
As it petered out, the two of them sharing smiles, Qrow admitted cautiously, “I’m really surprised you’re not mad at me.”
“Trust me Qrow. When I’m angry, you’ll know.” That promise sounded oddly terrifying. Before he could dwell too much on it, Clover pointed to his scroll. “But I think you’re not giving yourself enough credit - again. You know you never needed to tell me this, right? That you could have hid it forever, and I probably never would have found out.” He met his gaze, sincere and kind as he said, “The fact you did despite that says a lot more about the good in your character than I think you realize.”
Qrow’s eyes widened, a flush of warmth rushing through him. He might have been swooning. He was definitely blushing. “Clover…”
The soldier just seemed pleased with himself. Then a chime from the itinerary display went off, and his ear perked up before his eyes followed it. “Our flight’s ready.” He jabbed a thumb towards the loading station, giving him a wink. “What say we get outta here?”
Utterly enchanted, there really was only one answer to that. “Lead the way Clubs.”
The Dog Pan was a hole in the wall kind of place, right in the center of Mantle’s lower end district. It wasn’t quite the slums, but it was clear the side of town had seen better, with broken out windows and graffiti on most walls. 
Yet, the moment they walked in, he could immediately feel the closeness and community that seemed to radiate from the very core. The windows had top curtains with little leaping dogs weaved out of yarn and privacy blinds made of bed sheets with colorful designs. They matched well with the walls where, in place of traditional pictures, were long, flowing, multi-colored tapestries with beaded ends. One of them depicted the God of Animals, another the Shallow Sea and the island of Unitas it banked. It all looked hand-woven.
The place was also packed to the brim, some of the chairs shoved against tables not matching as if they had been brought in. There was music playing but he could barely hear it over conversation, which seemed unusually loud; yet despite any eared Faunus obviously pinning their ears down, there was still a kind of comradery in the laughter and noise.
“Wow. I figured it’d be nuts but not this crazy!” Clover's own ears had dropped but he was grinning. He glanced at him. “You still sure you’re good?”
Qrow snorted. He used to frequent rave bars at an alarming rate. This was nothing. “You’re gonna have to try harder if you want to scare me off Clubs!”
“Clover!” The shout had them both looking forward, a plump and jolly looking woman weaving her way around the tables towards them. She had a skin tone that reminded him of Marrow and black dog ears that flopped over on the top of her head. As she reached them, she was quick to pull Clover into a hug. “I wasn’t expecting you tonight! You haven’t been around in ages.”
“Good to see you Maxi.” He replied, hugging her back. 
She stepped back, zeroing in on Qrow, curious and welcoming. “And who is this handsome one?”
“This is Qrow, my new field partner.” Clover chuckled, patting his shoulder. 
Taking his cue, he held out a hand. “Nice to meet you.”
She shook it. “You as well darling. So, just you two then? I can’t get you a table, but I do have some room at the end of the bar.”
Clover shot him a questioning look.
He knew she meant a food bar, but it still settled like an itch on his skin. Shaking it off, he assured, “Works for me.”
“Lovely! Follow me.” 
They picked their way carefully through the restaurant to get towards the back, settling into circular seats that creaked and had tears in the leather. The counter was worn and he could see words and symbols carved into the softwood. Maxi took their drink orders and, with her so close to the kitchen, was back within moments with a soda and a pot.
“Gotta say,” She said to them as she poured Qrow’s coffee. “I’m disappointed you didn’t bring my son with you.”
“‘Fraid we couldn’t. He’s working security tonight.” Clover explained.
Maxi sighed. “Remind that boy of mine it wouldn’t kill him to see his mother now and again, would you?”
He gave her a two-fingered salute. “Yes, ma’am.”
“You just call when you're ready, dears.” She said before departing to handle some of the other tables.
Qrow leant towards Clover. “So she’s…?”
“Yeah. Marrow’s mom. This is actually how I met him. Saw him stop a whole tray from falling out of his sister’s hands when she tripped.” Clover told him. “I asked him why he wasn’t in the academy, and he told me he was. He just spent all his free time here, bussing tables and cleaning dishes. I knew ever since then that if I ever got a spot on the team, I wanted him on it.”
How exactly a spot ‘opened up’ was left unsaid.
Qrow could probably guess anyways.
“He was a good choice. Kid’s got talent, just needs more steadiness.” He said instead. “So, you’re the only one with the night off?” He knew Elm, Harriet and Vine were all working security for Jacques’ campaign. They’d been specially requested, for obvious reasons. Likewise, Robyn had asked for whoever was left. 
“Perks of being Captain.” Clover joked. “And, James wanted Winter and I on standby.”
“For what?”
“For whatever happens once the polls close. Riots are uh, likely.” His eyes flicked to a TV set in the corner, and though it was inaudible, the picture of Jacques and Robyn on screen, the gap between their percentage ratings narrowing every minute, told them all they needed to know. “Among other things.”
Qrow kinda wanted to shoot it. “Y’know, I was trying to get you away from all that tonight.”
“Oh Qrow, I was always going to look. But,” He slid his hand across the table, the sides of their hands brushing. “At least I’ve got some good company to get me through it.”
Qrow hooked their pinkies together, a silent support.
“Come on, let’s order.”
Qrow had never seen a menu with so many post-it notes. The effect of the embargo was clear, as many foods had become too expensive or outright impossible to obtain - but anything with a cheaply grown vegetable, like corn or rice, or an easily obtained meat, like chicken which were bred plentifully or fish which was naturally fished and farmed out of the tundra, were still in supply.
In the end, he took Clover’s suggestion to try the smothered chicken legs.
Baked in gravy and coming with a side of cornbread and mashed potatoes, it was all sinfully good and filling.
He also managed to coax Clover to let him have a bite of his - the fried pike burst with flavor, likely attributed to its freshness. It came with a side of fries. Qrow stole a few of those too, mostly being cheeky about it.
Yet, as dinner carried on, the mood of the restaurant shifted. Conversations became hushed and subdued, a worry rippling through the people. No, a fear. If he strained to listen, he could catch snippets of conversation, whispers of what would happen to families stuck in the slums, of their children in the schools, of their jobs, their very way of living. Even Maxi seemed to hold her tray heavier with every pass, her smiles more strained. More people came in. Few left. It got so crowded, Qrow only had to lean back slightly to touch another person.
Try as he might to keep him distracted, Clover kept glancing at the TV. His ears were low enough, the feathers of his earring were resting against his shoulder.
As the last of the fries disappeared between them, Qrow asked softly, “You want to stay here?”
“‘Til it’s over.”
He nodded, and as their plates were gathered, asked for a refill. Sipped black coffee in one hand while the other slipped over damaged wood to touch Clover’s again. 
After a moment, Clover reached back, nudging under Qrow’s fingers so they slipped over top of his own.
The minutes ticked on. 
The percentages between Schnee and Hill grew smaller and smaller.
At the final second, it hit 50-50.
The whole restaurant had gone dead silent as the polls disappeared, reporter Oliver Sikes taking over the screen. “And there we have it! The polls have officially closed and the final tallies are coming through now. Phew, what a close race. It’ll be just a minute now folks.” He rambled on for a bit more, detailing out the last districts that were decided on and the few they were still waiting on the exact counts from. But like all things in Atlas, his prediction was precise. 
As the sixty second ended, Sikes was announcing, “Oh and here we go, I’m being told the counting is done! And it looks like…”
The polls flashed back on screen.
“Jacques has been announced the winner!”
The declaration was like pulling the pin off a grenade, a sudden, explosive roar starting up around them as the restaurant descended into chaos. 
The hand in his had tightened into a vice.
“What the fuck!” Qrow exclaimed. There was no fucking way, with a race that close, that Jacques pulled that much ahead. That meant some of the votes had been falsified. He jerked his head around, spitting, “Clover, that’s - Clover?”
Clover didn’t so much as respond to him, his wide eyes still staring at the screen where Jacques had started his victory speech. His face was completely motionless and impassive.
It was his ears that told Qrow the real story, as they had flipped back horizontally, the entire lengths of them trembling with barely withheld rage.
Just as soon as he’d seen it, it was gone when a furious outcry from the back had them both looking over their shoulders in time to see a man with moose antlers toss his chair. It hurtled its way across the restaurant and slammed right into the TV, shattering it on impact.
Had it been up to him, Qrow would have given the guy a medal.
Clover didn’t seem quite as praising, as he slammed his hands on the counter before climbing up onto it, shouting across to the crowd. “EVERYONE CALM DOWN!” He bellowed. “This is a Faunus-friendly establishment - a piece of our own community! What are you doing wrecking it?!” 
Some people heard it, others didn’t, still arguing and trying to trash the place. 
“No-No, please don’t!” Qrow heard Maxi cry just as one of her tapestries was pulled off the wall. Another person threw a plate on the floor. 
A window cracked.
Sensing things were about to get further dangerous, he hopped the counter while Clover continued to try and appeal to the growing mob. Just as Qrow had managed to usher the sobbing woman through the kitchen door where the rest of her family was, ordering, “Get out the back!” he heard someone’s scream pierce the air that had him whirling around in horror.
“Wait, aren’t you Clover Ebi!? You voted for Schnee! Traitor!”
“Traitor! Traitor!” The mob chanted.
It was like a wave as they surged towards Clover, grabbing at his legs and trying to pull him off the bar. He yelped, grabbing onto a light fixture. It yawned worryingly.
“HEY!” Heart hammering in his chest, Qrow lunged towards Clover, trying to pull him the other way, kicking some of other Faunus back. “Let him go!”
The light fixture snapped but Qrow had just enough leeway to yank him down on the other side of the bar. 
They backed up against the wall as the mob all started to round it and climb over.
He curled a hand around Harbinger’s hilt. Was he really going to have to…?
In the corner of his eye, he saw Clover desperately flick the feathers of his earring.
A second later, an unmistakable siren pierced the air.
Everyone froze.
Then some started to panic, rushing out the doors. Others flung themselves under tables or into the corners. 
Sharing a look, he and Clover moved, using the sudden space to leap onto the tables around the thinning crowd and make it to the exit.
They spilled into the street and started running. The first block was for safety. 
At the second, Clover finally managed to lift his shaking hand to his earpiece, “Marrow, report.”
Qrow grabbed his shoulder, pulling them both to a stop. He could feel the tremors leaking from Clover’s skin.
“Right. Roger. We’re on our way.” Clover dropped his hand to Kingfisher, taking a deep, steadying breath as he unfurled it. “Robyn’s party was attacked. A dozen people are dead and the grimm are flocking to it.”
Qrow gave him one last check over, just to make sure he was really okay, before he unsheathed Harbinger. “Let’s go.”
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isaakclvrke · 6 years
isaak: hey question
isaak: do you have a fire extinguisher ?
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chimchiri · 2 years
KDHFJDJD IM REALLY GLAD YOU LIKED THE AU IDEA - not to mention the sketch oh my hecate it’s glorious . I do agree with Ash and perhaps Todd not being apart of the cult .. maybe some of the experiences ( ie , the Bolona Incident ) has a different casting ? Hear me out here , what if - instead of Sal and Larry being the main characters of the story , it was actually told from someone like Neil’s perspective ?? Or Travis ?? Or , perhaps , both ?
nsndnnddjdmm thank you for allowing me to throw ideas at you , I hope you know I’ma be here for a while /lh ( ofc if it gets annoying or something , just lmk and I’ll stop !! )
Crypt Anon
Hoo boy long text incoming - SF Villain AU
Ohh I like the idea from another POV as well as the Bologna incident. If Larry got Sal already into the cult shortly after he arrived, I can see the Bologna accident not involving them.
I've thought about this AU yesterday and since can't get it out of my head, how Ash and Travis would make an interesting odd duo! I still like to think Neil and Todd would complete them for a full team, but I like them more in the background doing research. For one I just like seeing Travis and Ash doing the action, and two it'd be super adorable if Neil and Todd wouldn't have started dating yet at this stage (i.e. the Bologna incident) and instead were still in the pining/crushing phase of their relationship.
Maybe Travis and Ash (+the guys) didn't get along before but were mixed into the Bologna incident together by accident? Gotta be honest I'm not creative enough atm to think of a specific scenario lol But such a traumatic event would probably band them together, even if they'd need time to actually become friends. Though I love to think that Ash and Travis constantly bicker and call each other names even years later when they actually get along really well.
I also really like Travis still being in the cult but maybe not as high a role as before? Maybe his friendship with Ash makes him realize way earlier that he needs to do something to help stop the cult. Which also makes me question how the whole relationship between Ash -> Larry/Sal -> Travis -> Ash works out and how they handle everything in public and between them. If Travis wants to get inside information outside he'll probably have to keep his friendship with Ash very undercover.
Also I still see a friendship between Larry, Sal and Ash in the beginning right after Sal moves to Nockfell. Before Ash has any information about the cult and what's going on. Though there would probably be a bad fallout between the three at some point later when Ash directly confronts them about the cult and openly starts antagonizing their goals and ideals.
Oof there are so many questions still open but damn is it interesting to think about! I just love Ash and Travis going apeshit against the cult in the end. (Also uh.. spoiler alert? but I definitely don't see a happy ending in this AU lol Or let's say having a tragic ending just feels right)
Also a small doodle because I've been wanting to draw Ash for a while now. Travis and her are probably discussing the cult - or maybe they're exchanging urgent information while trying to keep a low-key profile in public?
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Also no worries about the asks! :)
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sunlight-moonrise · 4 years
Satisfied Curiosity (Reid Imagine)
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Summary: Bartender!Reader does everything she can to get the cute FBI agent’s attention. 
A/N: This wasn’t suppose to be so long or late, but my mind got the best of me. Big Thanks to @spencer-reid-in-a-pool and @reidetic​​ for being amazing Betas (you guys are precious!). This story would be utterly unintelligible without them. Also thank you to everyone who showed love to my first fic. I didn’t expect for it to receive half of the attention it was given. I’m super grateful and I hope to provide more for you all. Enjoy!
Category: Smut
Content Warnings: Sexting, Oral (Male Receiving), Fingering, Penetrative Sex, Rough Sex, Degradation
Word Count: 9.1K (sorry, not sorry)
I’d like to think that I’m able to read people pretty well. Since working as a bartender for the past five years, I can examine an individual and have their personality down pat. Facial expressions, body language, posture, gestures. All these things are basically words to a story that I am able to put together.
My thought process was cut off when I noticed these two guys sitting at the end of the bar. I regarded them momentarily. They don’t look like the typical bar patron, their clothing a little too unseemly for a place like this. They were surveying the area as if looking for something. 
I got a side profile of the tan Hispanic man. He had dark curly hair and trimmed facial hair. He was talking lowly to the man he was sitting with, their eyes still skimming all over their surroundings. I couldn’t get a good look at the other guy since his back was to me.
They sat tall, their bodies alert to any movement. It was as if it was their first time at a bar, but I know they were not uncomfortable here. There were no jittery movements from what I can see; no telltale signs that they were nervous. They also were not paying much attention to the people around them, focusing more on random spots within the place. Weird. Are they inspectors? Nah, that can’t be. Drew always gives us a heads up when visitors come. Plus, we got checked a few weeks ago.
The two finally turned towards my direction, and I was able to see the other guy. Wow, he was hot. Like very hot. Loose brown curls sat wildly on his head, looking as if he just rolled out of bed. He had a light stubble going on, highlighting the sharpness of his jaw. Damn, I bet I’d cut myself just touching it. He had a beautiful pair of pink lips. I quickly turned my attention to his left hand, noticing the lack of a ring. No wife, good. Now I need to make sure he doesn’t have a girlfriend or fiancée waiting for him at home.
I trailed my eyes upward, noticing that he was staring at me as well. I felt my face heat up when I saw him smirk. Damn, he caught me checking him out. His companion was also looking at me expectantly. They probably have been trying to get my attention for a while now, most likely to order some drinks. I made my way towards them, smoothing my hands over my jeans.
“Evening fellas, would you like to see a menu?” I asked as I placed some napkins in front of them.
“No thanks, but my partner and I would like to ask you some questions…” said the Hispanic man with a small pause. He quickly looked at my name tag before looking back at me “…(Y/N)”
The fuck? Partners? I didn’t think they were a couple. I did a quick glance over at them. Two Alpha males in a relationship rarely ever work out. They were not physically close to one another either. Sigh, you always fall for the ones you can’t get.
I didn’t answer them, still mentally distraught over this taken man. I’m sure they took my silence as confusion because the Hispanic man went on to explain, “I’m Luke Alvez and this here is Dr. Spencer Reid,” they flashed their badges, showing me some credentials. “We’re with the FBI.” Oh. I glanced toward Dr. Reid, a smile tugging on my lips. Score, we’re back in business.
I figured I might be here for a while so I got myself comfortable. Well, as comfortable as I can get standing behind a bar. I leaned towards them, my hands resting on the bar top. “Well, in that case, fire away.”
“Have you noticed any males here who arrived by themselves? This man likely sits alone, only interacts with women. He presents himself as a charming gentleman. His head would be facing downwards if he were sitting at the bar and he would probably wear some kind of hat to shield himself,” asked Luke.
“That’s roughly 50% of my male patrons, you’ll have to be more specific.”
“Yea, I should have figured that is not much to go by.”
I turned my attention back to the doctor who has yet to say a word, noticing that he was once again looking at random spots around the bar. “Your friend here is awfully quiet.”
At my comment, Spencer finally looked at me. I am sure that time stopped as his honey-colored eyes stared deeply into my own. If it wouldn’t come off strange, I’d stared at them all day.
He eventually turned away from me, “This place has a lot of blind spots.” He pointed to one corner by the back and another near the billiards table. It took a moment for me to comprehend what he was saying since I was distracted by the sound of his voice. He could probably recite Shakespeare and I’d think it was erotica.
He continued talking, oblivious of my swooning. “The man we are looking for does not want to be seen, he’ll know where to be so that the camera can’t spot him. He’ll likely bring the woman he’s talking to there or even over there,” he pointed to another spot, this time it was a small crook partially hidden behind a wall.
“The area by the restroom entrance also has no camera at all so he’ll possibly spend some time there as well,” he finished.
“I’d think I’ll notice some creep hanging near the bathrooms all night,” I remarked. “However, we have a security room in the back if you want to look over some footage.” I pointed to a door opposite the kitchen’s entrance.
“That’ll be very useful, thanks,” Luke reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He turned to Spencer saying “I’ma call Garcia, see if she can run some facial recognition on this guy.” With that, he walked to the security room.
I focused my attention back on Spencer, hoping he’ll stay here a bit longer. “May I ask you a question?”
“You just did,” he said, the damn smirk on his face once again. Smartass. 
“Haha, I’m serious,” He didn’t say anything, which I took as my cue to continue. “What exactly does someone like you do in the FBI?”
“Someone like me?” he repeated.
“Well, you do not look like a typical agent,” I stated, and he just raised a single eyebrow at me. “Not to say that you’re probably bad at your job. I’m sure that you’re amazing at whatever it is that you do. I’d just like to know exactly what it is. Like what does your job entail…” Great, out of all times for my motor mouth to talk off, it chose this moment.
Spencer didn’t say anything and the awkward pause was killing me. I wanted to grab his gun and shoot myself in the foot. He probably thought I was insulting him. He continued to watch me as I fidgeted under his stare.
Finally, he decided to show me some mercy. “I use psychology to profile and find people,” he put it simply.
“That’s it?” I questioned.
“Pretty much,” he stated evenly, focusing his attention on the napkin in front of him. His body was slightly tenser than before, telling me that he was uncomfortable. I decided to drop the topic.
I scanned his being in an attempt to find something, anything that would allow me to continue talking to him. He beat me to it. “Which Sherlock portrayal are you a fan of?”
I was momentarily confused as to how he knew I was a fan. “Um, I started watching BBC’s Sherlock but I find the books to be much more interesting than the show. Are you a fan?”  
“Of the books, yes. I haven’t had the chance to watch any of the series or films. I always find that reading offers a better experience. That’s a nice pin you have by the way.” 
Pin? I looked down and remembered my “I am Sherlocked” pin clasped next to my name tag. Gosh, I feel like an idiot. Just when I was going to reply, I saw Luke stepping out of the security room. 
I turned back towards Spencer, who was digging his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a card and gave it to me. “The number of the precinct we are helping is on here. If you have any further information, you should contact them.”
What, no. I don’t want him to leave yet. “But what if I want to talk to you more?”
“My number is on the back.” I flipped the card around and was greeted by a ten-digit code sprawled out in blue ink.
A smile adorned my face as I looked back at him. “How did you do that?” There’s not even a pen near his hands. Unless he carries all these cards with his number on it, which I severely doubt.
“You ask a lot of questions,” he stated.
“I’m a naturally curious person.”
He paused for a moment to dart his tongue across his lips. He made sure to look into my eyes before saying “You know that curiosity killed the cat.”
“But satisfaction brought it back.”
He gave a low laugh, “Touché.”
Just then Luke walked back to us, his phone to his ear. “C’mon man. The team needs us back at the station. There’s been another victim.” 
“We’ll talk later,” Spencer said to me. My heart skipped a beat at his words. I felt like a kid who had a childhood crush.
Spencer got up and with one last glance at my direction, the two of them headed out the door.
Well, there goes the best part of my day. I’m being selfish wishing that he would have stayed behind. The man is here to find a criminal, not get his dick sucked. I folded the card and slid it into my pocket before grabbing a rag. These shot glasses aren’t going to clean themselves.
●The Next Day●
I spent the last few hours debating on whether or not I should text Spencer. I tried to distract myself with mundane activities. I watched TV, did my chores, even attempted to read a book, but nothing kept my interest. I grabbed the card that was sitting idly on my dresser, pondering on what to do.
You shouldn’t. But I’m bored and he’s cute. He’s an FBI agent for crying out loud. He got important things to do. What’s the worst that can happen? You could get arrested for obstruction of justice. Or I can get closer to him and find out more about him.
It is settled. I added Spencer’s number to my contacts and perched myself on my bed before sending a short text.
‘Hello Dr. Reid.’ I waited a minute, then two, then three, anxiously hoping for a response back. This was a bad idea, he’s probably at another bar trying to catch this guy. I should just delete his number and make myself a sandwich.
Right when I was going to do just that, my phone vibrated. I never opened my messages so fast in my life.
‘(Y/N). Is everything okay?’
A smile broke across my face as I pondered on what to send him. Should I keep everything cute and sweet? Nah. That’s boring. Should I send some salacious texts? No, he’ll probably think I am some kind of skank. Perhaps I should go for the playful persona?
I finally decided to type out a message, not wanting him to wait any longer. I don’t need him thinking that I’m in actual danger because I don’t know how to respond to a simple text.
‘I’m more than okay now that you’re here.’
I didn’t have to wait long before his next text came in. ‘Is there something that you need?’
Oh Spencer, if only you knew. However, what I want cannot be attained at the moment. I quickly typed across my keypad, ‘That’s a loaded question.’
Apparently he did not like that since his next reply was, ‘I don’t have time for this. I am working right now.’
Well shit, should I stop? Hell no, we are in too deep. Besides, he could always choose to ignore my messages instead of responding. And he did give me his number instead of just leaving me with the precinct’s. With that in mind, I typed out a text and quickly pressed send before I started second-guessing my choices again.
‘So you don’t want to talk to me?’
Again, I didn’t have to wait long for his next message to come through. ‘You should only contact me if you have information pertinent to the man we are looking for.’
That’s bullshit. Why give me your number if you didn’t want me to talk to you? ‘You said we’ll continue the conversation later. It’s later.’
‘Later, When I am not working.’ he clarified.
If I were a smart girl, I would have left this alone so that he could work peacefully. But I’m not. ‘All work and no play makes for a grumpy doctor. Don’t you want some entertainment?’
‘You’re acting childish.’
I couldn’t help but grin at his statement. If only he knew. Well, I could drop him a hint or two. ‘I’ve been compared to a brat before.’
‘I’m not surprised.’
‘I’m a glutton for punishment, agent.’
‘Do you want me to deliver?’
My breath caught in my throat. Could it be? Does Dr. Reid have a darker side to him? Or maybe I’m reading too deeply into this. I don’t care, I’m having too much fun at the possibility of this man having a more unhinged side to him. I wanted to see it. I decided to be cheeky with him, ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you Sir.’
‘What are you trying to get at?’ One step forward and two steps back. I guess profiling and mind-reading are not one and the same if he has to ask me this. Or maybe he isn’t used to someone asking him to dick them down without outright saying they want him to dick them down.
‘I said it already, I just want to talk to you.’
It took a couple of minutes for his reply to come through. ‘We’ll talk later.’
I decided to give Spencer a break. I got what I wanted with his earlier comment. I ended everything with an ‘I’ll hold you to that,’ and put my phone down. I looked at the clock on my bedside table and saw that an hour had passed. I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun. I might as well start getting ready for work.
Four hours into my shift and the crowd near the bar was barely manageable. I’m not a big fan of working Friday evenings. I easily get annoyed with the sloppy drunks who think they could hook up with any of the workers but the tips usually make up for it at the end of the night.
I was grabbing some bottles of beer when all of a sudden I got a twisted feeling in my gut. I felt the hairs in the back of my neck stand up, and not in a good way. Call it a sixth sense, but I suspected that something was wrong, very wrong. I placed the bottles down and looked at the countless customers littered around the bar top. My eyes landed on this man who was giving off some creepy vibes.
I’d like to think I had a pretty good memory and this guy was definitely new. He was hunched over, eyes looking at the menu on the table. He was rapidly tapping his finger on top of the table, so I assumed he was feeling uneasy. Every once in a while, his head would peek up, as if he was searching the crowd for someone. He had a baseball cap on, the hat pressed tightly down on his head, his blond hair barely peeking through.  
From what I can see he was attractive enough. A full-on beard decorated his face. He had on a leather jacket and a fitted shirt; seemingly trying to give off bad boy vibes. I started making my way towards him, “Is there anything you’d like to order?”
“That depends, are you on the menu?” Ugh. Gag. If I had a dollar for every time some Casanova wannabe used that line on me, I could pay for two months of my rent. He had a smile on his face that could be charismatic but I just found it downright disturbing.
“Food and drinks only. Sorry to disappoint.”
“That’s fine sweetheart, I’ll have whatever beer y’all got on tap.” As I walked away, I could feel his eyes leering at me. Should I text Spencer? No, I dealt with creeps before, this is nothing new. 
I turned back to where Mr. Creepy Guy was previously sitting but he was no longer occupying the seat. Fuck. I took a look around the crowded pub, hoping to spot him. Fortunately, or unfortunately, depending on how you see it, I did. He was near the bathroom entrance talking to some girl who hardly looked like she could keep herself up.
Shit, I should get Spencer right now. I pondered on whether I should call him but figured that he wouldn’t be able to hear me over the volume of the crowd. I hurriedly pull my phone out of my pocket, trying my best to send the message as fast as my shaky hands can manage.
‘I’m pretty sure the man you’re looking for is here. You should bring some officers ASAP.’
Come on, Come on, Come on, have your cell on you. My phone vibrated, alerting me of a message. Oh thank god yes. ‘Are you serious?’ it read.
What the? Does he think I’m pranking him or something? I angrily typed on my screen, ‘This isn’t exactly something I will joke about Spencer.’
‘We’ll be there soon’ came his simple response. Okay, good. Now I just need to make sure that this guy doesn’t try to escape.
I looked back up and saw Mr. Creepy Guy still near the restrooms. One of his hands was holding on to the girl’s arm and I just knew he was trying to get her out of here. Spencer and company won’t arrive fast enough. I have to do something to make him stay longer.
I turned to my co-bartender, Manny, “I am going to take a 10 minute break.” I didn’t give him a chance to respond before I opened the small door dividing us from the crowd and made my way to Mr. Creepy Guy.
Once I got to the two of them, I spewed the first thing that came to mind, “Uh, excuse me. You um, forgot your drink. You know, the beer. That you ordered. At the bar earlier. About 10 minutes ago.” God, I looked like an idiot, but I couldn’t risk saying something that made him apprehensive.
Mr. Creepy guy sneered at me, “Yeah. I didn’t want it anymore.” Well, who shit in your cereal, mister. Oh right, that would be me. I gotta keep him a bit more distracted.
“Well if you order something, you gotta pay for it. Bar’s policy.” He continued to glare at me upset that I was being a cockblocker. Or more appropriately a murderblocker. Realizing that I wasn’t going away soon, he pulled a bill from his pocket before throwing it at me.  Wow I wonder where his pleasant attitude disappeared to.
I turned my attention to this poor girl and noticed she wasn’t looking too good. I assumed she was drunk but she looked way off it; as if she had been drugged or something.
Fucking hell, she probably has been. She can’t stand on her own two feet and she could barely stop her eyes from drooping downwards.
“Your friend here doesn’t look too good,” I commented, my hand already going towards the arm he wasn’t currently holding on to.
“She’s fine. We were just about to leave, right Sarah?” he asked the girl. ‘Sarah’ didn’t say a word, too busy trying her best to not crash down on the floor.
“Nonsense, we can’t have you leaving in such a state, it would look bad on us,” I improvised. “We’ll give her something real quick to help sober her up.” I hastily scanned the room, spotting Hannah, one of my coworkers, a few feet away.
“Hey Hannah,” I shouted, garnering her attention. I gestured for her to come here and she started walking over. When she stood in front of us, I pried ‘Sarah’ out of Mr. Creepy Guy’s hold and gently ushered her into Hannah’s arms.
“This is Sarah and she’s not feeling all that well. Can you tell Manny to give her the Queen’s special?” Hannah instantly knew what was up. The Queen’s special is our code name for helping those who we believe are in an uncomfortable or dangerous situation. Most of the time, the person is coherent enough to ask for help, but for these kinds of scenarios we’ll have to rely on our own wits.
The two walked, or in Sarah’s case, stumbled away. Hannah managed to give Mr. Creepy Guy a glare which he openly returned in my direction. I gave him a small smile, hoping he didn’t get suspicious and try to leave.
“She’ll be right back, would you like that beer while you wait?” I asked. 
“No, you did enough,” He jeered, taking slow steps back. I could have sworn he muttered ‘fucking bitch’ as he disappeared in the crowd, no doubt hightailing it out of here.
Crap, I should follow him. At least I’ll be able to tell the cops what direction he went or what his license plate number is. I started walking to the exit, shoving my way through the sweaty mass of people.
Once I got to the door, I pushed it open feeling the cool air hit my face. I looked around, trying to see if I could find Mr. Creepy Guy but to no avail. I walked a few steps down, searching to see if he went down an alley or something.
The place was eerily quiet and my nerves were starting to get the best of me. I suddenly felt a hand roughly grab my shoulder and let out an ear-piercing scream. I whirled around, my hand already in a fist to punch the living daylight out of this person.
Right when my hand was going to make contact, a hand closed around my fist. No problem, I’ll just kick you in the shin. My leg was about to leave the ground when I heard a stern “Calm down (Y/N).”
I know that voice. For the first time, I looked up and saw that it was Spencer behind me. I never realized beforehand how easily he towered over my form. He released my hand and I leaned my body against the wall next to me. The adrenaline from earlier leaving me.
“What the fuck Spencer, a little warning next time,” I angrily shouted at him. “You could have said my name before grabbing me or just tapped my shoulder. I don’t like being manhandled.”
“I severely doubt that,” he whispered. Wait, what. “Is the man still inside?” he asked in a louder voice than before.
“Um no. That’s the reason why I came out here. I was trying to find where he went.”
“And you decided to check an alleyway.” I casted my eyes down, paying attention to a piece of gravel on the floor. The tone of voice he was using made me feel as if I was in trouble. “Do you know what kind of danger you just put yourself in?  What if it was him behind you instead of me just now?” he chastised.
“I was fighting back,” I retorted.
“And you were losing that fight. You had no weapon of any kind to help defend yourself. You are no match for a fully grown male who sees girls like you as nothing but property,” Spencer snapped.
I felt miffed that he was scolding me about my safety but a pathetic part of me was turned on as well. I decided to switch this conversation back to what was important. “He’s a Caucasian man. About 5’9 with dirty blonde hair and facial hair. He had a Salem Red Sox cap and a faux black leather jacket. Burgundy henley shirt with black washed jeans and white Adidas,” I recounted from my memory.
He recited everything word for word into his radio. “Go back inside, we’ll take care of it from here.”
“You’re fucking welcome by the way,” I sarcastically stated. Before I could blink, Spencer slammed his hands on either side of my head and was staring intently into my eyes. I felt my heart rate pick up instantly. I didn’t know whether to be scared or horny so my body decided on both.
He had a carnal look in his eyes and I felt a light shiver run down my spine. His tongue darted out, wetting his lips. It was as if it happened in slow motion, my eyes hungrily following the movement. He opened his mouth to speak and I was eagerly anticipating his words.
“Reid, come in. We need you for backup.” What the..? It was then that I noticed his comms were still on and one of his team members was trying to get his attention.
“Go back inside,” Spencer repeated, “We’ll continue this later.” Yeah fucking right. This is the third time you’ve told me this in the thirty hours I’ve known you. Nevertheless, I obeyed but it wasn’t because he told me; it was because I got paid by the hour and I was already gone for over fifteen minutes. At least that’s what I kept telling myself as I walked back inside.
I turned around to get a glimpse of his retreating form but he was already gone.
It was past midnight and I had about forty-five minutes left until my shift ended. The place was a lot emptier right now, which is pretty shocking. However, I’m guessing no one wanted to be around and get wasted when the cops were roaming about barely an hour ago.
I was pouring some shots for this couple when I felt a vibration in my pocket. I finished serving the duo before fishing my phone out, opening my messages straight away. ‘We caught the guy.’
I didn’t bother reading the name, knowing already who it was. Is it wrong of me to be a bit upset? I’m happy there’s one less criminal on the streets but I wanted to see Spencer some more.
Hmmm. There’s still a chance to make something happen, but I can’t mess it up. I quickly typed, ‘I should get a reward. I did help you catch the guy.’
I assumed that I’d have to wait a few minutes for him to respond but that was not the case. ‘And what is it that you want?’ It’s now or never.
I’m guessing he had his phone glued to him right now because his reply was immediate. ‘You don’t know who you’re dealing with.’
‘I’m not scared Spencer.’ If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he didn’t want me. But all the heated moments we had shared thus far had to have meant something.
‘You should be, I’m not the man that you need.’ was his reply.
I decided to be a bit cheeky, remembering that it gave me some results when I was messaging him earlier today. ‘You’re a man and I am in need, that’s more than enough for me. Save the rest for the pillow talk.’
I didn’t even get to put my phone down before his next text arrived. ‘This isn’t a good idea.’
Damn, this man is a hard nut to crack, but he has made me stubborn for him. I guess I’ll have to use my ultimate weapon.
Taking note of my surroundings, I dimmed the brightness of my phone and made sure to keep it close to my body. I don’t need any of the customers or coworkers to have a sneak peek into my secret album. I opened the app that holds all of my inappropriate photos, pondering on which one I should send to Spencer.
My eyes landed on one I took pretty recently. I’m not trying to sound conceited or anything but I looked fucking hot. It was erotic and sensual, but not overly so.
I was lying on my bed, one hand holding onto my chest while the other held the phone up. My fingers were spread apart, allowing for the taunt nipple of my left breast to peek out. The dim lighting of the lamp helped accentuate the curves of my body. The picture includes the lower half of my face, where I was biting down on my lower lip. I was wearing a white lacy thong that barely left anything for the imagination.
I quickly clicked on the photo and made it so that he’ll have to download the image before seeing it. I added the caption Warning, it’s a bit NSFW, before hitting send. Crossing my fingers, I hoped for a reply soon.
I waited and waited but my phone did not notify me of any new messages. Five minutes have passed and I was shit out of luck. Welp I tried. Now I gotta pick up my pride from the floor.
Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate and I felt happiness immediately taking over. At first, I thought it was a text message, except the vibrations kept going and going. Realization hit me, it’s an incoming call. I grabbed it quickly, a small squeal leaving my mouth when I saw Spencer’s name appear. I accepted the call and put it towards my ear.
“Hello Dr. Reid, to what do I---“
“When does your shift end?” he interrupted. Well hot damn, no waiting around now huh.
“20 minutes,” came my simple reply.
“I’ll be outside,” and with that, he hung up the phone. Wow, I can’t believe that actually worked.
The next 20 minutes were by far the slowest time has ever went. I kept glancing at the clock, watching as each minute passed at a pain strikingly slow pace. Once it was 12:58 A.M, I already had my bag on my shoulder with my hand on the dividing door.
I made a quick mental check on the inventory I had in my purse. Wallet, check. Phone charger, check. Travel toothbrush, check. Bobby Pins, check. Condom, check. Deodorant, check. Extra panty, check. Yup, I’m ready. I’ve had too many spontaneous sleepovers to not be prepared for evenings like this.
I looked at the time and saw that it was finally 1:00 A.M. I zipped right out of here, making sure to shout my goodbyes as I made my way to the exit. Once out the door, I turned towards the corner and immediately spotted Spencer waiting for me.
I made my way towards him with the biggest smile on my face. “Hi, Spencer.”
“Get in,” he demanded.
“Why the haste?” I asked with a teasing tone behind my words.
“I’ve wasted enough time when it comes to you.” That’s a good enough reason for me. He got in the driver seat while I made my way to the passenger’s side, placing my bag on the floor near my feet.
“My house is a 20-minute drive,” I informed him. “You’ll just have to make a lef—“
“No,” he cut me off. “The hotel I am staying at is 10 minutes away from here.” And this is why I always pack the necessities.
“Alright, you’re in charge, Sir.”
Spencer didn’t respond to my little quip, choosing instead to turn the car on. Fine, play that game of yours. As soon as I put my seat belt on, he pulled out and started driving.
We’ve only been in the car for a couple of minutes before I got a bit antsy. I never did like quiet rides. I turned to him “What took you so long to get Mr. Creepy guy?”
His eyes fleetingly dashed towards my direction before focusing back on the road. “Who?”
“The man that you were looking for,” I clarified.
“We had to be sure it was him,” he stated.
“My description wasn’t enough for you.”
“It was helpful but we had to be certain. He eventually confessed to the crimes while under custody.”
“Oh,” I said. “Umm do you have a girlfriend?” A girl gotta make sure that she wasn’t becoming a homewrecker.
“A. What,” he asked. I’m pretty sure he heard me but I repeated myself anyway.
“A girlfriend. Or a boyfriend. Somebody waiting for you at home?”
“I do not. I am not in a committed relationship.”
“That’s cool. Neither am I if you’re wondering,” I said. “So did you like my picture?” Apparently, my mouth does not know when to stop. Although I must admit, I’m curious to know what he thought of it.
We stopped at a red light and he gazed at me before saying “I was with my team when I got your little message. They were wondering why I got quiet all of a sudden.” I would have laughed if he didn’t have such a dark look on his face. “I did not appreciate their curiosity as to what was going on.” The light turned green, and he started driving faster now. Do FBI agents get speedy tickets for booty calls?
“Does that mean you did not like it?”
Spencer didn’t respond and I was about to ask him something else when I realized the car was parked. Oh we’re here, that was fast. He got out and went to open my door for me.
“Wow, what a gentleman.” Still no response from him. I picked up my bag and hopped out while he closed the door behind me. He made sure to lock it before grabbing my hand and leading me to the hotel’s entrance.
I couldn’t even appreciate the interior of the place since Spencer was dragging me to the elevators. He finally spoke after pressing the button for the doors to open. “I’m giving you one more chance to turn back.”
“And miss out on the fun, no way.”
The doors to the lift opened and we stepped inside. They didn’t even close fully before he pushed me against the wall and crashed his lips against mine. Fuck, the moan that left my body was embarrassingly loud; I am sure the receptionists heard it.
I went to put my arms around Spencer’s neck but he grabbed my hands and pinned them to the wall before my fingers could even touch his shoulder.  His knee drew my legs apart, resting in between my thighs. A shudder ran through me, which caused him to tighten his hands around my wrists. I liked that he was releasing the wilder side of him; the side that he kept hidden from others.
He sucked my bottom lip between his and bit down on it. Instinctively, I opened my mouth which he took as a green light to plunge his tongue inside. It was sloppy, it was raunchy, but I loved it.
I was about to start grinding my pelvis against his knee when the elevator doors dinged open. As quickly as he came upon me, he pulled apart. Spencer grabbed my hand once again and tugged me down a hallway. After a few steps, we stopped in front of the door and he went to grab his key from his pocket.
I took the moment to admire him. He was still wearing what I assumed to be his work clothes. His hair looked even more messy than usual. I’d like to think that he was running his hands through it while debating on what to do with me. His eyes seemed darker, no longer the honey orbs I was captivated by the day prior. Nonetheless, they were still beautiful. His lips, my god those lips of his. Puffed out and more pink than normal. I just wanted to kiss him again.
Spencer opened the door to his room holding it open for me. Once we were inside, with the door fully closed this time, he pulled me into another hungry kiss. One of his hands held my face as the other landed on my waist. I dropped my purse on the floor, my hands promptly losing themselves in his hair.
My mouth immediately opened up, wanting to feel his tongue pressed alongside mine once more. He used the hand that was holding my waist to pull me closer until I was flushed against his body. I felt hot. Too hot. I wanted to rip off my clothes and his at this very moment.
Suddenly his face pulled away, much to my disappointment. We were trying to catch our breath as we looked at one another.
“I want you on your knees,” he rasped. I’d love nothing more but we wouldn’t be here if I were obedient.
“And if I say no?” I asked.
“Don’t pretend you’re some kind of bad girl because we both know that is far from the truth.”
“Your profiling skills need some work if you think I am a good girl who follows the rules.”
He tightened his grip on my waist. “I never said you were a good girl.”
“Then what am I?”
“You’re a cock hungry dirty whore who is going to get on her knees or be bent over mine. Your choice.” Well, who am I to argue against such logic. Although the idea of being spanked by him is exciting, I rather see him come undone by me. And on me.
I slowly sunk down to my knees as Spencer started removing his belt and unbuttoning his slacks. I helped him drag his pants and boxers down, low enough to unveil his hard dick. My mouth salivated at the sight of him and I pressed my thighs closer together. Maybe I am a cock hungry dirty whore.
I placed one hand on him, feeling the heated skin against my cooler palm. His dick gave a slight twitch at the difference in temperatures. I closed my hand, delighted by the fact that I couldn’t fit my whole first around his cock. Leaning forward, I placed a small tentative kiss on the head. I glanced up, seeing that he had his poker face on.
Now that wouldn’t do, I want to see Spencer Reid lose control because of me.
I pulled my hand back and brought it to my face. I licked the length of my palm before placing it at the base of his cock again. My opposite hand settled on his thigh to help balance myself. I leaned forward once more and lightly licked the tip before placing it inside my mouth. I sucked gently while firmly grasping the base. He rewarded me with a small grunt.
I moved down, slowly taking him inch by inch. I made sure to get him as wet as I can while gliding my lips against him. My hand pumped the remaining length that couldn’t fit in my mouth. He started to become more and more erect.
“You like this don’t you?” Spencer groaned out, “You’re such a filthy slut for me.” How is it possible that the sound of his voice is making me aroused? He placed his hands on my hair, fisting his fingers among the locks.
I moaned at his words, bobbing my head up and down at a faster pace. I moved my hand to cup his sac, giving him a gentle massage between my fingers. He gave out a choked sound as he started to slowly thrust his hips.
I drew back and kissed my way down his cock until my lips met my hand. I placed my mouth on one of his balls and gave one a light suck before running my tongue around it. “Fucking hell,” Spencer loudly exclaimed, as I returned the same ministrations to the neglected one.
I pulled away with a small pop and dragged my tongue from base to tip. My eyes looked up at him, and the sight was sexy as fuck. His mouth was opened as he was trying to catch his breath, his face slightly flushed. There was a light sheen of sweat on his forehead and the veins on his neck were more prominent.
I made sure Spencer’s eyes landed on mine as I wrapped my lips around his now full length. He started thrusting more earnestly this time as my hand went back to massaging his balls. I continued eye contact as I bobbed my head up and down on his cock.
He tightened his hands on my hair harshly, which made me more wet. Great, on top of being a cock whore, I am a pain whore. This man is bringing the worst out of me and I’m loving it.
I made sure to hollow my cheeks and swirl my tongue around his head every time I returned back up. I didn’t think I’d have this much fun with a cock in my mouth. Once I dipped my tongue against his slit and firmly clasped my hand over his sac, it was over for him.
Spencer took over and held my head in place as he started to thrust within me. I tried my best to maintain eye contact, despite the tears swelling up. My other hand clutched at the skin of his thigh, raking my nails over him. His groans were a sweet symphony to my ears. Just when I thought he was about to release himself, he stopped and pulled away from me.
“Why’d you stop?” I pouted, my lips feeling very sensitive as they moved against each other.
He panted heavily and loudly, “I don’t want to cum yet.” I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at the sight of him. He was a mess and it was all because of me.
“But I wanted to taste you.” My hand went back to grab him but he stopped me with a sharp tug of my hair.
“Behave or you won’t get a reward for sucking my dick so well,” he said flatly.
Ohh, I’m curious as to what a reward from Spencer Reid entails. He pulled me up and I had to place my hands on his chest for balance. As my legs were regaining feeling, he was staring at my face. I can already imagine what he sees. Tear stained face with puffy eyes and swollen lips. Apparently, he liked the sight because he pulled me into another kiss.
This one was much more tender than our previous kisses. His lips were soft, as if afraid they would irritate my already swollen ones. His hands cradled my head, gently tilting it up so he has better access. His tongue swirled against mine and I was surprised he wasn’t repulsed by his taste on me. So many guys would find this to be disturbing.
Spencer slowly pulled away from me. He looked into my eyes as he said, “I want you to strip then bend over the bed.”
“What if I don’t?” His once gentle hands on my face are now gripping my cheeks, making my lips pucker. He continued to stare at me and it took everything within me not to moan at his actions.
“I think you know what would happen if you don’t, do you really want that?” As much as I would have loved to mess with him some more, I did not want it at the expense of my orgasm. I’m too horny to be acting recklessly. 
I started stepping away from him, doing as he requested. I would have taken my time removing my clothes, but I was too impatient. As I pulled down my panties, I noticed how damp they were. This man has made me wanton and soaked without even touching me yet.
I went over to the bed, placing myself in the desired position. The bed was tall enough where my feet were still firmly on the floor but I didn’t need to bend my knees to keep my stomach flat against the mattress. 
I watched Spencer strip out of his clothes, making note of the mismatched socks he had on. Aww cute. Once he was bare, he walked up behind me and placed his hands on my hips. For a few seconds, he did nothing while I was readily anticipating his next move.
Finally, I felt his hand cup my mound and I gasped at the feeling. “You’re so wet. All of this because you had my cock in that dirty mouth of yours.” I shuddered at his words, the hairs on my arm rising up.
He started rubbing at my lower lips, spreading the arousal that has already formed all over me. “You have nothing to say now that I got my hands on you huh,” he continued, stroking his fingers against my core.
Just when I was about to say something, he sunk a single finger inside me. I inhaled sharply and buried my head into the sheets. I tried my best to move against him but the hand resting on my hip kept me at bay. He was methodical with his actions, pressing his finger against my walls as he moved in and out.
“Your pretty little cunt is taking my finger so well. You think you can handle another one?” I still couldn’t reply to him, too busy trying to even out my breathing. He then entered another finger. I moaned as he started diligently working those dexterous digits inside of me. My pussy was throbbing while he was working wonders.
A loud moan was torn out my body as Spencer’s fingers curled against my G-spot. “Oh you liked that, dirty girl,” he growled out. He curled his fingers once again and I let out an equally loud whine. He continued this every time he returned his fingers back inside of me; my throat releasing a moan whenever he did so. You’d think with all the time I spent staring at his hands that I’d be ready for him but that’s a big no.
My body was warming up and I could feel the heat pooling within me. I was a goner when a third finger entered me. He tightened his hand on my hip and I prayed that it would leave marks. I wanted to admire the bruises when this was all over.
I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the pleasure racking my body. I was so close to finding my release. The way I was pulsating around his fingers was a telltale sign that I was upon my release.
“You want to come, dirty girl, you want to come all over my hand?” he fiercely whispered. All I could do was nod against the comforters, my voice long gone by now.
I felt myself pulse and tighten around him. With just one more curl of his fingers, I was about to climax. But he suddenly pulled out and released me.
“What the fuck?” I screeched, voice coming back with a vengeance. “You said I was going to get rewarded you teasing bastard.”
“And you are. Now shut up before I change my mind.” For once, I stayed quiet, only because I really wanted an orgasm. It is the least he could do after making me all hot and bothered.
I turned my head back, wanting to see what Spencer would do next. I whimpered when I saw him put his fingers in his mouth, licking my essence off of him. I watched as he took his time, my pussy continuing to throb at the sight.
“You taste pretty good for such a whore,” he remarked once he was done. I saw him walk towards the nightstand and grab a foil packet. Excitement coursed through my veins, my body barely staying still.
He was behind me once again, and I was ready for him. I felt him rub the head against my lips, pressing down when it met my clit. He continued doing this, moving up and down against me, making sure to coat himself in my arousal. I started to wiggle my hips against him, hoping to gain some more friction.
A loud moan was torn out of my throat when Spencer suddenly grabbed my hips and buried himself inside my pussy. He let out a groan as he stilled within me. We had a moment to adjust to one another before he started rocking against me. He was hitting me deep, touching places that I didn't know were possible.  
“Spencer, you feel so fucking good,” I mewled out, enjoying the feel of his cock against my walls.
He kept a steady rhythm, making sure to pull halfway out before pushing back in. Small moans left my mouth as I tried my best to return his thrusts. His hands on my hips did not allow for much movement, reminding me that he was the one in charge of my pleasure.
My body moved rhythmically against the bed, my sensitive nipples rubbing against the sheet, adding to this blissful feeling. I was burning up from the sensations wrecking my body.
“I want you to touch yourself,” Spencer growled out. I let my hand trailed down my stomach but paused when they got to my lower abdomen. I felt a bump form at my lower abdomen every time he entered me, which only added to my desire. I tightened around him and he let out a groan before giving me a powerful thrust as a warning.
My hand continued its descent to my clit, fingers rubbing against it once they met. Spencer increased the pace, slamming his hips against my ass. My legs started to tremble, my orgasm looming over my body. My hand continued to play with my clit while the other gripped the sheets tightly. I bit down on the comforter, trying my best to quiet down my moans.
One of Spencer’s hands grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. “None of that, I want to hear you. I want everyone in this hotel to know what a filthy little bitch you are. My filthy little whore,” he grunted out.
It was all too much for me. His voice, his cock, his hands. I felt wave after wave of pleasure as my release washed over me. I cried out his name; submitting to the ecstasy my body was experiencing. My muscles went limp as I attempted to return air into my lungs.
I heard Spencer grunt as my pussy pulsed and creamed around him but that did not stop his relentless pace. “Keep touching the clit of yours, I want you to come one more time.”
“I can’t,” I whimpered. I was still recovering from the powerful orgasm I just had. I won’t be able to have another one so soon.
But Spencer Reid was nothing if not diligent. “You can and you will.”
His hand that was in my hair joined mine between my legs. His fingers were so much better than mine. He pressed firmly against my clit, keeping a steady motion against me. He snapped his hips harder, the slight pain making me feel that familiar coil in my stomach.
“I know you have one more in you for me. I want you to give it to me” he uttered. I’m not sure how he is able to do it, but I felt my body start rising again.
“Sp-Spencer. Please.” I didn’t know what I was begging for as I stammered those words out. His hand between my legs pressed harder and his rhythm against me started wavering. I knew he was close to his release, but I was right there with him.
When he pinched my clit firmly against his fingers, I mewled out his name once more. The coil snapped and I couldn’t help the way I trembled once more. My body quaked against his as the shock waves overcame me. I felt as if lightning was running across my nerves.
Spencer thrusted three more times before tensing against me. I felt him jerk and spill himself inside of me. He dropped down, pressing his chest against my back and whispering my name in my ear. We both tried to catch our breaths as we came down from our high.  
After a few minutes, Spencer pulled out of me and walked to a door which I assumed led to the bathroom. I’m guessing he went to dispose of the condom. I continued to lie on the bed, trying my best to catch my breath. My body was still on an all-time high, still reeling from the aftershocks of my climax. I fought against the drowsiness of my eyes, wondering how the hell I am going to stay alert on the cab ride home.
“How are you feeling?” I couldn’t even jump in surprise. I had no idea he returned and was standing right next to me. “I wasn’t too rough?”
“Best. Sex. Ever,” I drowsily responded. Spencer picked me up and maneuvered my body so that I was lying on my back. He grabbed a bottle that was standing on the nightstand; squeezing some cream into the palm of his hand. He rubbed his hands together and started massaging the lotion onto my legs. He focused his attention on my knees and thighs.
“Do you want some water? He asked. I nodded my head and he immediately went to the snack bar area. He grabbed a bottle and what looks to be a granola bar. He uncapped the bottle and gently fed the water to me.
“Do you want some food,” I shook my head at his question. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Cuddles” came my whispered response. Spencer smiled at me before settling on the bed next to me. He draped the blankets over our bodies and wrapped his hand over my waist, pulling me close.
“Goodnight Spencer.”
“Goodnight (Y/N).”
The last thing I felt was the press of his lips against my neck as my body surrendered itself to the sweet bliss of slumber. 
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lovemeleo · 3 years
Me without You (Pt. 3)
As promised, I finally have Part 3 of Me without You! Yes, there will be at least one more part.
Nuny and the SW world belong to the lovely @lumosinlove.
If you haven’t read it yet, here’s Part 1 Part 2 and you can read my entire Nuny series here on ao3.
cw: coming out and unsupportive parents
“They.. They what?” Jackson asked, though he had definitely heard him. It was more in disbelief.
Zhenya sniffled, a rustling coming through the phone as he wiped at his face, “We had dinner t-tonight. Just three of us and I’m tell them about us. And-” His voice broke off again, the sound muffled.
Running a hand through his hair anxiously, Jackson paced outside the zoo restaurant, “Hey, Zhenya, baby. Take a deep breath for me.” He heard a shaky inhale in reply before continuing, “There you go, you’re doing so good.”
The other man’s sobs slowly calmed down, his breathing a bit shaky before he went on, “Papa got so angry, never heard him yell like that. Say so many bad things, terrible. Mama tried to calm him but he just keep going, told me to leave a-and never come back.” Zhenya rasped out, his voice scratchy through the phone.
“Where are you right now, Z?” Jackson asked, his chest aching as he tried to stay calm. He needed to be supportive, Zhenya didn’t need him freaking out as well.
Zhenya let out a shaky breath, Jackson could tell he was running his hand through his hair. It was tell they both shared when they were anxious. “At hotel nearby. Don’t know where else to go. Could go to family but they ask questions, and I don’t want to answer.”
“Do you want me there? I’ll come. I’ll get on the next flight, babe.” Jackson asked, already itching to start searching flights.
“Can’t ask you to do that, котенок. So far, too expensive.”
Zhenya could barely get out his sentence before Jackson cut him off, “No, that’s not what I asked, Zhenya. Do you want me there?” He repeated.
There was a pause at the other end of the line before Zhenya let out a breath, “Da. Please. Want you here, котенок.”
Jackson was already walking back to the restaurant, “Okay, I’ll be there. I’m gonna go home, pack my bag and then I’ll head to the airport, okay?”
“Alright. Okay, send me flight info. I pick you up,” Zhenya paused. “Jackson?”
Jackson stopped, his eyebrows furrowing, “Yeah babe?”
“I love you. Love you so much.”
A small flurry of butterflies appeared in Jackson’s stomach, as they always did when Zhenya said that to him, “I love you too, always.”
What sounded like a small sigh of relief came from the other end of the phone, “Always. See you soon.” Zhenya whispered before the line clicked off.
Jackson let out a shaky breath before heading back into the restaurant to quickly fill Brady in on what was happening. The other man’s face gradually fell as he listened, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Fuck, that’s horrible,” Brady said, his face filled with worry.
Olivia tugged at his shirt, her other hand pointing at him accusingly, “Bad word. I’ma tell mumma you swore!”
Letting out a sigh, Brady kissed the top of her head, “Sorry, munchkin. I’ll put a dollar in the jar when I get home.” He replied before turning back to Jackson. “Want me to drive you to the airport?”
“Nah, man, you’ve still gotta take the kids to see Liv’s penguins. Just gonna take a Lyft home and go pack. I’ll keep you updated though.” Jackson said. After getting a ride called, he quickly said his goodbyes before heading to the front of the zoo where the car waited.
The entire ride his heart felt like it was going to pound out of his chest. He knew there was a possibility of this happening, a very large possibility. But how do you prepare for something like that? For your boyfriend’s parents to just throw him out while he’s thousands of miles away from you? You don’t. You can’t.
As the car got closer to their house, Jackson quickly started searching for flights, looking for the fastest flight that was coming up. He had to go to a different airport than the first time he went to Russia, as Zhenya was in Magnitogorsk and not Moscow. He was able to find one that was leaving in an hour and a half and decided Fuck it. Not even bothering to look at the price, he bought it and sent the information to Zhenya. When they pulled up in front of their place, he jumped out of the car, yelling his thanks as he ran into the house.
Less than two hours later, Jackson was on his way to Russia. His feet tapped anxiously under his seat as he watched the clouds go by. Ten more hours. All he wanted was to already have Zhenya with him, to hold him close and protect him from the bullshit of the world. Jackson knew how nervous his boyfriend was for this trip, and obviously it was for good reason… Nine hours and 59 minutes.
Leaning back in his seat, Jackson’s eyes began to droop. The adrenaline began to wear off as he finally was able to settle down. This was the second time he had made an abrupt trip to Russia, but at least Zhenya knew he was coming this time. Throwing his headphones in, he decided to try and get some sleep. He’d be landing there in the morning anyways.
After ten hours of dozing on and off, eating not totally terrible airplane food and annoying his seatmates with his tapping feet, Jackson finally landed. He had never wanted to be off an airplane as much as he did right now, knowing that Zhenya was waiting for him.
Quickly grabbing his carry-on, Jackson made his way off the plane. All he wanted to do was sprint towards the front door and jump into Zhenya’s arms, but he couldn’t. Not yet. Not here. He’d have to wait till they were back at the hotel… or at least in his car.
Even in Russia, Zhenya was one of the tallest people around. He stood next to his car, hood pulled up over overly-ruffled hair. Jackson quickly walked over, dragging his bags back behind him before stopping in front of Zhenya. The taller man’s eyes were red-rimmed, it didn’t look like he had slept at all.
“Hi Zhenya..” Jackson murmured softly, his hands itching to reach out and pull his boyfriend close, protecting him from all the bad things.
A small smile, tired but a smile nonetheless, appeared on Zhenya’s face, “Hi котенок.” He whispered before taking one of his bags. “We switch up this time. Now baby Canadian come rescue me.”
“I’ll always come to rescue you, Zhenya.” Jackson said as they both put his bags in the trunk before getting in the car. He had never been so happy for Zhenya’s tinted windows as he reached across the center console, pulling the other man in for a kiss.
Zhenya rested his forehead on Jackson’s as they pulled away, letting out a shaky breath, “Thank you.. Thank you for coming.”
Nodding, Jackson intertwined their fingers, “Always.”
The ride was quiet as they made their way to the hotel. It wasn’t long, Zhenya pulled into a parking garage by the hotel less than 10 minutes later before they quickly made their way up to his room.
As soon as the door was closed, Zhenya was in his arms, his face pressed into Jackson’s shoulders. He held on as if he was afraid Jackson would disappear if he let go.
Jackson wrapped his arms around his boyfriend’s waist, holding Zhenya tight as he felt the shaking in his shoulders, “I’ve got you, babe. It’s going to be alright,” He murmured. “Why don’t we lay down, Zhenya? Yeah? You need to get some sleep.”
Letting himself be pulled to the bed, Zhenya waited till Jackson laid down before sprawling on top of him. He let his head rest over the other man’s chest, eyes closed as he listened to the steady beat of his boyfriend’s heart. Laying here with Jackson, Zhenya knew everything would be okay, even if it didn’t feel like it right now.
“Do you wanna talk about it, baby?” Jackson softly asked, his fingers running gently through Zhenya’s hair.
The Russian man let out a breath, his grip tightening on Jackson’s shirt, “I-I..I know it’s bad to go in with hopes up. But I hoped. I hoped it would be okay. But not good idea. Stupid..” He whispered, his voice breaking.
Jackson gently pulled Zhenya up to face him, his fingers tracing carefully over the other man’s jaw, “Baby, no. It’s not stupid to hope that your parents will support you. That’s the exact opposite of stupid. They’re your parents, and you look up to them and you love them and all you want is their love and support in return. And to have that yanked away from you in one conversation, it’s horrible.. It’s the worst. And I’m sorry they hurt you the way that they did.”
As the tears began falling again, Zhenya pressed his face into Jackson’s chest, unable to hold back the sobs any longer, “P-Papa say it’s wrong, we’re wrong. B-but I know that’s not true. I know we’re right.”
“We are right, baby. We are. There’s nothing wrong with our love and if your papa doesn’t see that, that’s his problem.” Jackson whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. He held him close as he cried, knowing he needed to get it out.
The tears began to slow as Zhenya fell asleep, his entire body curled up so he could cuddle close to Jackson’s side. It was obvious he hadn’t slept since he left his parent’s house yesterday.
Careful to not wake his boyfriend, Jackson grabbed his bag from where he set it next to the bed. He didn’t want to leave the other man’s side so after plugging in his phone and texting Brady, he curled up with him again, his arm going around his waist.
Just as he was about to doze off, a soft knock came from the hotel door. Jackson sat up carefully, trying not to jostle his boyfriend as he made his way to the door. Expecting a worker from the hotel, his eyes widened when he opened the door.
“Mrs. Kuznetsov..”
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truglori · 3 years
Homebody (Ch.4)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language, teasing
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Her Spotify playlist resonated through her speakers in her room. Going back and forth between baking her face with a setting powder and checking the time on her Alexa, Amiyah prayed that she still had plenty of time to get dressed.
“Why the hell is time moving by so fast today?” She stressed walking to her closet. It was now 6:34pm which gave her lest than half an hour to finish.
Taking in consideration to what Erik asked her, she made sure to go out her way to put together a bomb outfit for the night. Amiyah didn’t want to be extra but she wasn’t trying to look boring either. After taking almost two hours to decide, with her ranksacking her wardrobe and overthinking she settled for a chocolate off the shoulder jumpsuit and paired them with a clear short heel.
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Walking to her body length mirror Amiyah checked both side profiles before standing in the middle.She tried her best stretching out the fabric just a bit to prevent it from making it seem like she had no breathing room. Then going to her breast she pulled it up to not show so much cleavage but contradicted her actions when she slipped it down trying to even it out.
“I want him to see them but not SEE them.” Slapping her hands on the side of her thighs she sighed.
She was overthinking again and her insecurities was starting to show. Reminding herself about the meditation tips she once read on she copied some of the steps that she could remember. Inhaling for three seconds and exhaling for five. She calmed her nerves.
The ringer from her phone echoed in the room. Looking at the caller Id it was Kelley FaceTiming her.
“Okay sis you look cute. Where we going?” Kelley asked as, from what it looked like from Amiyah’s view, she was getting into her car.
Unable to hold back her cheesy smile Amiyah informed her best friend ,with details, about what she was going to look forward to for the night. She felt like she was on cloud nine and she couldn’t come down.
“Wait so he’s taking you on a date?” Kelley asked genuinely happy that her friend was finally starting to put herself out there in the dating world.
“Well...” Amiyah hesitated.
“Oh God! What is that pause for?”
“I mean he asked me to hangout...isn’t that the same thing? Right?” Amiyah, completely oblivious of anything that had to do with dating or relationships.
“I don’t know honestly..but if he wants to see you then he HAS to be interested.” Kelley wanted to make sure that Amiyah would take in her friendly words of affirmation, not wanting to her to stress and end up renigging.
“Okay you’re right. But he should be on his way now so I’ll talk to you later and let you know how it went.” She blew air kisses to her.
“Alright babes have fun.”
Their call ended and it was a minute later she got a text from Erik letting her know that he was ten minutes away. She walked to her dresser and picked up her Carolina Herrera Good Girl perfume and sprayed on all of her pulse points so that the fragrance would emanate from her skin and into the air.
Throwing on her black waterfall duster coat she got one last glance at herself before walking into the livingroom. As she waited on the couch while taking pictures on Snapchat she heard a set of keys. Snapping for head towards the door she watched the bolt lock turn with the handle of the door and in came her brother.
He had his phone squished between his shoulder and ear showing that he was listening to someone on the other end of the call. His hand holding a Versace bag while the other closed the door locking it behind him. Eventually he glanced at her for a good three seconds and then looked away as he walked to his bedroom.
Amiyah sat confused as for the very first time her older brother didn’t bombard her with one hundred questions. But even though this was a first she still kept her guard up.
Hearing his footsteps again he appeared in back into the living. Phone still up to his ear, this time with him holding it. She studied as the expression on his face change from how he looked earlier which was, heedless to now showing curiosity. He stood there staring at her.
Maybe she spoke to soon.
“Hold on..hold on. I gotta call you right back.”
Without even waiting for a response Durk ended his phone call. Placing the phone back into his jeans front pocket he cocked his head to the side taking in the view of his little sister.
“What?” Amiyah spoke nervously as she kept her eyes on her phone and every now and then she would glance at him.
“I’m just trying to figure out where you think you going, and who you think you going with? That’s all?” He sat on the love seat across from her waiting on an reply.
Knowing that there was no way that she was going to tell her brother the truth about her going on a date with his right hand man/best friend, Amiyah had to make up a lie. That was essentially committing suicide for the both of them. Aside from that she wasn’t even sure if it was worth the risk to even tell him about was going on between her and Erik. She didn’t know if this would be something that could turn into a serious situation or ended up to be nothing at all.
“I’m going to dinner with Kelley.” The lie slipped easily through her lips.
“Dress like that?”
“What’s wrong with how I’m dressed?” She questioned really wanting to know from a mans perspective?
“Like you bout to go out to eat just to end up at some random ass nigga place to get fucked.”
Her mouth dropped opened. Tightening the belt on her jacket to close it she stared at her brother, shocked from his words. Taking a couch decorating pillow she threw it at him.
“Don’t talk to me like that Derrick.”
Whenever she would call him by his real name she was upset with him for real.
“Why you hitting me..you the one with ya tittes all out and now you sitting here lying talking about you going with yo friend.” He waved her off.
“I am. We planned this about a week ago.” Amiyah didn’t like to lie to her brother but she had to make it seem believable.
The familiar IPhone ringtone went off and she looked down and saw that it was Erik calling her. Being so occupied with her brother insulting her she didn’t realize that he sent her two text messages letting her know he was there.
Erik 💕: I’m here..ready when you are.
Erik 💕: I see your brother car out here. You good?
‘Oh my gosh not now Erik.’
She quickly declined his call. Amiyah looked at her brother with guilt written all over her face.
“Why you ain’t answer the phone? That’s yo nigga waiting for you? Pick it up!” Durk relaxed against the couch eyeing her.
“I don’t have a nigga and I already told you that I’m going to dinner with Kelley. That was her and she’s waiting for me now. Bye!”
Picking up her purse she walked to the front door. Before she even got a chance to unlock it, Durk was right next to her with his hand against it as he blocked the exit.
“Aight so I’ll walk you down.” He shrugged his shoulders.
Amiyah’s face scrunched up into a scowl.
“No! I don’t need you walking me down like I’m some child. I can handle myself. You’re always trying to control me-“
He cut her off. “Miyah don’t even start that shit. Just because I look out for you doesn’t mean I’m controlling you. I know how these niggas are around here and seen how they treat they shorties. So my bad if I’m helping you.”
“Okay and I understand but you have to trust me too. I’m very responsible and you know this. If I tell you I’m going one place than believe it...damn Durk sometimes I feel like you treat me like I’m your property instead of your younger sister.”
Amiyah expressed her true feelings. She felt as if she had no breathing room. Deep down she knew that her brother just wanted to protect her but she was getting older and due to his overprotective-ness it was causing her missed opportunities.
“Durk I never go anywhere. You know this. All I want to do is just hang out with my friend without you hounding me.” She gave him her best pout.
“I don’t hound you.” Shaking his head he sat back down on the couch.
“You’re right you don’t.” Amiyah stated sarcastically but agreeing just to get his approval.
There was a silent pause for one minute.
“You taking yo ass to dinner and coming right back?”
Nodding her head rapidly. “Yes.”
“Miyah let me find out you lying to me I’ma get my homeboy Erik to follow yo ass and find out who you fucking around with.” Durk scolded her.
“Okay, gotta go!”
‘Boy only if you knew.’
She thought to herself as she bit her lip to refrain from smiling. Unlocking the front door and opening it she wave a quick goodbye and began a fast pace walk to the elevator pressing on the down button. Not taking any chances she wanted to get out of the building as quickly as possible. The doors opened and she walked inside. Picking up her phone she called Erik. It only rung two times before he answered.
“Hey you still alive.” He gave a soft chuckle.
“Whatever. I’m coming now. I’m in the elevator. Can you do me a favor?” She asked with a soft tone.
“I need you to park a little bit further down. I’ll walk to you.” The elevator doors opened and she stepped out strolling to the entrance.
“Yeah. I got you. I’ll be two houses down to the right.”
“Okay thank you.” She ended the call.
While in his car Erik reconnected his phone back to the USB charging cord. He sighed as he took his car out of park and moved up to the location where he told her he was going to be. Shaking his head with the realization the he really had to sneak around with this girl. He was a grown man hiding from another grown man the fact that he wanted to take his younger sister out. Never in all his years of dealing with the opposite sex, he had to be this discreet. This was a new level.
Finding a place to park he left his car running and got out. Walking to the passenger side he leaned on the hood and waited for her to reach him. She came into view a minute later. Checking her out he noticed that she had make up on. This was the first time he saw her with it. It wasn’t a need for her though because she was already stunning with her natural features.
“Look who made it out alive!” He grinned poking at her.
Rolling her eyes but still blessing him with the sight of her beautiful smile she hit him playfully.
“Shut up.” Her laughed echoed through his ears.
“C’mere.” He clasped her hand bringing her body into his. His arms embrace her as they found their way around her waist.
Amiyah welcomed the act of affection swaddling her arms around his torso. He chuckled removing her arms. Lightly grasping her wrists with both of his hands he brought them around his neck before returning back to his previous position. It was his way of teaching her how to hug him correctly for next time.
Leaning in her neck Erik whispered against her supple skin.
“Hold me like this mama.” His body rocked them side to side.
Amiyah almost felt her eyes rolled to the back of her head when she felt his lips touch her neck. He was the epitome of being a tease and knowing what he was doing to her body. If this man was to tell her to jump she was going to take off her heels then asked him how high. Erik was the walking definition of having a sex appeal without even trying.
Their movements ceased and came face to face with one another again. Erik’s hands now relaxed on her hips. He leaned against his car to give himself room to fixate his eyes over her body. Her black coat covered her outfit. Taking his hand he began to untie the jacket belt.
Amiyah grabbed his hands halting his actions. She looked around before bringing her eyes back to his.
“What are you doing?” Her voice shaked.
“Let me see you.” His hand went up to her chin tapping it gently.
Being successful this time, he unfastened the waistband and revealed her wardrobe. Erik’s eyes gazed at her figure. Her tittes sat up flawlessly. The way her cleavage showed had Erik tempted to pull the fabric down and suck on the pillowy like flesh.
“You look too good right now.” His dimples appeared as he spoke. He closed her jacket and tied her belt.
Amiyah bashfully looked away. Butterflies being introduced to her stomach.
“Thank you...it was just something I threw on.” She nonchalantly responded pretending to be unbothered from him practically eye fucking her.
Erik’s eyebrows raised. “ Oh just like that make up too, huh?”
“Whatever Erik can we go before my brother come chasing after me?” She slipped her hand into her jacket pocket to make it warm as she waited for his next move.
“My bad mama. Here you go.” Erik opened the car door for her. Waiting until she was inside safely he closed it after her and strode to the drivers side.
“I like your outfit by the way.” Amiyah chose to make conversation once he got settled in.
“Thank you. I can’t even lie I was tryna look good for you.” Speaking honestly as he observed his outfit. His head then relaxed against the seat. “What you think?”
“You look really nice to me Erik.” She shyly retorted but giving a sincere opinion.
Prior to getting acquainted with Erik, Amiyah always found herself intrigued with his sense of style. Making that another reason for her to be attracted to him.
“Damn just nice..I was going for fine but fuck it I’ll take it” He fastened his seatbelt, drove off and en route to the movie theater.
“Oh my God. You are so extra.” Laughing she made herself busy with her phone, going back and forth between scrolling and taking small glimpses of the road.
“Can I ask you a question?”
His deep voice had her melting right in the front seat.
“Yeah but you just asked one.”
He snickered. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Purple, why?”
“ I’m trying get to know you that’s all.”
“Oh okay well it’s purple. What’s yours?” Pressing down on the power button of her phone she place it in her purse.
“Black? Really?” She stated questionably.
“Amiyah don’t start no shit with me.” Erik laughed as he looked at her.
“ Erik, me and you both know that black is the most basic color you can think of-“
“And purples not?”
“No it’s not and it’s actually the color of royalty thank you very much.” She fluttered her eyelashes sarcastically.
“Okay princess, you got it...It’s still ass.”
Amiyah grew warm from the new nickname in spite of the insult he made about her favorite color.
Erik laughed as she rolled her eyes for the umpteen time that night. He wasn’t actually making fun of her color, he just wanted to help her calm her nerves with some light play. She looked tensed to him just sitting there on her phone. If he didn’t know any better he would have thought that she wasn’t feeling him at all but he knew it was just her introverted ways.
Turning on the radio to break the silence, he went to the local hip hop station. Juicy by Biggie Smalls resonated through the vehicle. Bobbing his head to the beat with a little bounce of his shoulders Erik started rapping the lyrics.
“This my shit. You don’t know nothing about this, huh?”
“Whatever yes I do. This a classic.” Amiyah bobbed her head as well grinning.
“Nah you too young.”
He rapped a bit more before Amiyah jumped in and joined him.
“I'm blowin' up like you thought I would
Call the crib, same number, same hood
It's all good
And if you don't know, now you know, nigga”
Erik’s eyes lit up surprised she knew the words. Most of the ladies he been out with in the past always pretended to have the same interest in music as him but would never be able to recite one line from the song. His lips curved into a smile.
“Okay you valid. But that don’t count because everybody know that song.” He joked
“Why you always trying to play me Erik.” Amiyah sighed playfully.
They finally arrived at the movies. It was Saturday night so of course the parking lot was overfilled with cars. Finding a parking spot close to the entrance, Erik turned his car off and hopped out strolling to Amiyah’s side and opened her door. He held out his hand to assist her.
“Thank you.” Her eyes gleamed.
He drew his lower lip between his teeth. “I got you.”
Closing the door behind her, he clicked the lock button on his key fob. Amiyah started to walk to the building. She was stopped in her tracks. Erik grasped her hand intertwining their fingers and began to walk next to her. She peered down at them and beamed.
“What movie you want to watch?”
They were now standing in front of the movie display booth where you could purchase a ticket without waiting in line. Erik kept scrolling until she spoke up.
“I want to watch that one. Monster Hunter.”
He gave her a blank stare.
“Do you even know what it’s about?” He chuckled.
“Yes a little bit. All I know is that it has T.I and Megan Good in it, so I want to see it.”
“Wait you said Megan Good. Bet.” His lips formed into a smirk.
Erik’s fingers tapped on the movie icon. Purchasing two tickets he waited for them to print before separating them and handing her one. Amiyah received the ticket as she gave him a dirty look. Jealous about his comment she walked to the concession stand to wait in line without him. Erik felt the feeling of jealousy radiating off her body language. She had a little attitude on her. Following her footsteps he stood behind her invading her space. His chest to her back. Erik’s head dipped down between the area of her neck and shoulder that was exposed laying a soft kiss on it.
“What you mad about....Hm?” The breath from his words bounced off of her skin.
Amiyah felt her pussy jump. Crossing her right leg over the left she clenched her thighs. Too afraid to even speak she bit her inner jaw and shook her head instead. Not long after she felt his strong hand travel around her waist to her front slipping in the inside of her jacket. He gripped her pudge. Amiyah’s small hand quickly wrapped around his forearm bringing it down.
“Erik!” She gasped out loud. Looking around and hoping she didn’t draw any unnecessary attention.
Her head tilted up due to the height difference to stare in his eyes. She was surprised she could even make contact after that stunt.
“I asked you a question so answer me.” His low voice demanded her.
“Nothing.” Hers barely coming out as a whisper.
He knew she wasn’t telling the truth but he didn’t want to push it out of her. Erik wanted her to be the one to make a decision about being honest with him. She had to make that step. But along with that he knew that she would have to trust him first. His hand roamed up to her exposed neck and lightly clenched it forcing her to move closer to his body as if was anymore capable. Amiyah felt the chill of his ice pinky ring as it laid against her skin. The sticky lipgloss that she wore created a tiny saliva string as her lips parted. Erik eyed the full plump flesh feeling enticed to suck on them.
“Chill, aight.” He waited for her to nod before he removed his hand as the line moved forward.
Fuck me. Were the words she wish she could tell him if she had the confidence to. At this moment she felt her natural sticky lubricant attach to her panties. She created a wedged with her underwear between her lower lips from all of the thigh clenching. None of it helped at all, it only generated a small amount of friction leaving her wanting more. She felt the walls of her vagina contract around nothing.
‘Did this nigga just grab my throat in the movie theater?’
She thought to herself touching the area where his hand left. Amiyah kept her eyes fixed on him as he ordered the drinks and snacks for the movie. She watched the way he would point at an item whenever he wanted the employee to get it for him. The way his jaw would tighten every now and then. Not in an angry way but out of habit. She took note of all these things.
“You ready?” Erik wandered back to her handing her some candy and a medium lemonade.
“Yeah. Thanks for buying the ticket and this other stuff.” She moved a piece of hair behind her ear looking away sheepishly. Her mood switched from a few minutes ago.
Erik sipping from the straw of his Powerade observed it.
“Told you I got you.”
Bendix Diner was one of Amiyah’s top five hidden restaurants in the city where she loved to eat. It was and old fashioned style restaurant that always gave her an aesthetic vibe every time she went there. Currently seated at their table she flipped over the menu searching to see what she might have a taste for. Their family made apple cider donuts were her favorite item from the desert section. It’s been a few months since she had one and now being here she craved it.
Looking up at Erik she monitored his activity. He was checking out the art hanging on the walls seeming to be amused by it. His eyes shifted back to her. Wanting to pretend she wasn’t staring at him like a creep she informed him about a dish on the menu.
“Their Turn Me Loose meal is really good. It comes with catfish and jalapeño hush puppies. You should try it.” She gave him her recommendation.
Erik made a face. “I don’t fuck with seafoood.”
“Oh I’m sorry.” Amiyah apologized feeling embarrassed from assuming.
Erik picked up on. “Don’t stress it. How were you supposed to know I don’t like seafood? Don’t be to hard on yourself mama.” His hand reached across the table and caressed hers lightly offering his reassurance.
She sent a half smile. “What do you like then?”
Erik paused and bit his bottom lip. Deep dimples showing themselves from the action.
Her eyes shifted towards the window seeing that it became fogged up due to the pouring rain that was coming down relentlessly. With nothing but the barely audible music coming from the intercom through the restaurant, Amiyah felt as if he can hear her heart beating through her chest.
“I meant food Erik.”
“You can be that too. Ain’t never have nobody eat you like you was a full-course meal before?” He asked her on the spot.
“You..are..” She shook her head. “Ridiculous. You know that.” Not having a comeback, those were the only words she could produce without stuttering.
Sighing and smirking he leaned back. “I’ve been called worst. But how you find out about this place. It’s low key as fuck. I like it.” He changed the subject.
Pleased with the compliment she responded. “I used to come here with my dad when I was younger. That was before he went to-“
“Prison.” He finished her sentence.
The look of confusion approached her face.
“Durk told me about him a few years ago.” He informed not meaning to alarm her.
“Did he tell you he was doing life without parole as well?”
Erik nodded his head.
She scoffed. “They said that he was the head of a drug ring but I don’t believe it. I mean I never remembered him being away from us long enough to even have the time to do that.”
“Sometimes we hide certain things from the people we love so that they won’t get hurt. And I’m not trying to insinuate anything when I say that.” He spoke honestly.
“No you’re right. But the last time we were here together I was thirteen. He took me here after picking me up early from school. It just sucks that I can’t even remember anything about that day but I want to so bad.”
Erik nodded his head totally understanding what she went through. He dealt with his own lost at a young age as well.
“I lost my father too. I was eleven when it happened. He was murdered. So when I tell you I know what you been through I’m not just saying that shit.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Her face soften when she seen his eyes sparked with hurt.
“You gotta learn how to live and heal right?”
Nodding her head in agreement she used her thumb to tenderly stroke his fingers. They were still holding hands the whole time as they shared a moment to be vulnerable with each other. It was intimate. That’s when she realized she had more in common with him than she thought.
“What about your mom? If you don’t mind me asking?” She desired to know more about him.
“I never got to know her. She passed away while giving birth to me.”
Erik felt his mood change with the thought of never being able to experience a true mother’s love. After the death of his father he was tossed back and forth from home to home in foster care. None of the caretakers genuinely cared for him, all they thought about was a paycheck.
“My mom overdosed when I was in high school. That’s why I live with Durk now. He’s been taking care of me ever since. I guess with everything that happened he had to find a way to survive for the both of us which lead him to the streets. Durk had his run in with the law but after our mom he became someone different.”
Amiyah spilled everything out on the table not holding back. She never had someone who she could vent to that would actually listen. Kelley was her best friend but she even kept some secrets from her. Amiyah was always afraid that one day the same person she trusted with everything would turn around and hurt her. From the moment she laid eyes on Erik she never thought that. In her eyes he looked as if he was a walking journal that she could expose all of her deepest darkest secrets to and not have to worry about one of them getting leaked.
“Now I see why your brother protects you the way he do. He just don’t want to see you hurt anymore.” His eyes gazed into hers making her feel small.
“Well, sorry If I ruined the mood. It’s been a minute since I’ve talked to someone for real.”
“I’m here for whenever. Only a phone call away.”
The waitress came around and sat a vanilla milkshake with whip cream in front of her and a water with lemon in front of Erik. Amiyah recognized her from the many times she been there.
“Are y’all ready to order.”
“Yeah, let me get your Turkey wrap heated up with a side of french fries.” Erik picked up his menu handing it to her.
Writing it down she took his menu and smiled.
“Okay and for you miss Amiyah.”
Her lips curled up bashfully.
“I’m going to get the honey dipped chicken with French fries as well. Thanks Stephanie.”
Going back to her pad she marked it down. “None of our famous donuts today?”
Erik looked over and read the hesitation over her face so he answered for her.
“We’ll take four of whatever they are.”
“Alrighty. I’ll be back with your meal in fifteen.”
The waitress disappeared into the kitchen.
“You didn’t have to do that, Erik.”
“What? I wanted to try their famous donuts. Oh you thought I ordered them for you?” He laughed.
Rolling her eyes she heard her phone buzzed. Reaching inside the pocket of her coat that was laying next to her she got a text from her brother.
Durk 🤬: When you comin home?
She sighed and text back.
Amiyah ☔️: I’ve only been gone for two hours..I’ll be back soon.
Placing the phone back in her pocket she put her attention on her milkshake taking her first sip of the night. Erik watched the way her lips wrapped around the straw as her cheeks sunk in whenever she sucked to taste some of the creamy treat. His tongue swiped over his top lip lightly.
“Let me get some..” His eyes darted between the milkshake and her lips.
Laughing she shook her head. “No, why didn’t you order one?”
“Because I was thirsty and I needed some water. But that looks good as fuck.”
“So then just order one Erik.”
He smacked his lips. “I don’t want a whole one I just want some.”
Giggling she pulled her beverage away hiding it from his view.
Erik’s eyes glinted before he got out on his side and slid next to her in her part of the dining booth. His right thigh hitting her left plush one causing it to ripple from the sudden movement. Having one arm behind her and the other reaching for her drink he leaned in.
“Stop playing and give me a sip.”
Now being backed into the corner she was trapped. Still firm with her answer she shook her head sipping once more.
“You not gon give me nun.” Biting that bottom lip Amiyah felt that came out as a double meaning.
Tired of going back and forth she gave in and slid her drink to him.
“Just a sip. That’s all!”
Erik nodded but not really listening, took the straw into his mouth and sucked the liquid. He didn’t have a big sweet tooth but he had to admit that the milkshake was fire. Taking more than what he was told he sat it down after gulping more than half of it. He leaned against the booth. One arm still around her.
Her mouth dropped as she studied that half her drink was already gone.
Smacking her lips she pushed at his chest. “Erik I told you not to drink that much...now look.” She whined picking up her cup to show him.
“Damn you can’t be hitting me like that on the first date, Amiyah.” His free hand rubbed the area pretending that it hurt.
She caught his words that slipped from his mouth. “I thought you asked me to hang out? You didn’t say nothing about a date.”
“What you want it to be?” Erik sized her up with his deep throaty voice close to her ear. Her scent filled his nose making his dick twitch.
She gave him a once-over before looking a way.
He grabbed her chin gently bringing her face millimeters away from his. “What you want it to be baby girl?” His eyes drawing her in with a lustfull gaze.
“I want a date.” Her lower lip quivered and skin apprearing flustered.
“Then let it be that.”
Erik couldn’t hold back anymore as his lips connected with hers. He gave her two soft pecks at first just to warm her up before giving a full lingering kiss. He tilted his head going to left making hers do the same. The taste of the vanilla coming off of her mouth drove him crazy. She was tasting as sweet as she looked. Her kissing compared to his were lighter and didn’t apply enough pressure like they should have.Letting his free hand travel up to her neck for the second time that night, he lightly squeezed before pulling away from her lips.
“Kiss me for real...” He bit her bottom lip and tugged it while watching her reaction. Her body shuddered.
Amiyah’s toes curled. Her stomach filled up with butterflies as she felt his hand around her throat. Her mind at the moment felt high. She didn’t really know what she was doing, just trying her best to keep up with the man in front of her. Mocking his actions she pressed more into the kiss and brought her hand to his cheek to give herself leverage.
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Breaking them apart was the sound of a phone ringing. Erik reached in his pocket and pulled it out. Reading the caller ID he threw his head back blowing out air.
“Fuck..” He stated agitated.
Wiping her lips she looked at him. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s your brother, Durk.”
Please excuse any mistakes!
@supersizemeplz @nahimjustfeelingit-writes @hearteyes-for-killmonger @uzumaki-rebellion @blowmymbackout @curls-and-crosses @madamslayyy @goddessofthundathighs @eriksjournal @wakandamama @wawakanda-btch @wakandas-vibranium @wakandaforeverwrites @ghostfacekill-monger @killmonger-dolan @killmongerkink @migosis @raysunshine78 @alookintohersoul @popcorn803 @just-juicee @mllover260 @kimmyblckswan2 @koriiii @tchallasbabymama @toniilaney @marvelmaree @mia-faith @adreamsublime @queen-b1 @mcdesij @vintage-pvssy @viewsfromrose @ceeverse @smuttywriter @harleycativy @callmemckenzieee @theblulife @bvssmob @everything-is-awesomesauce
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Okay so I don’t know if anyone remembers the NPR “I believe” series, muhammad ali did one I know and like holocaust survivors and little kids etc. One of my teachers had me write one last semester, and I kinda feel like, sure I could just let it be one of those “between me and you” type essays that I never show anyone, but I also think that it’s something that maybe a lot of people need to hear. That maybe, some tentative girls are coming onto my blog trying to figure out how they feel, figure out if they’re doing something wrong, if they are okay. And that’s exactly where I was a couple of years ago, so I think I’ma share this story hoping it helps someone, or makes them feel better and comforts them. Because if I can go from closeted conservative christian raised small town bby gay to raging lesbian that I am now, it means it’s possible and things aren’t always going to stay the same. 
so yeah....
I Believe in The Power of the Spoken Word
         I believe words have power. That the words we speak can affect us, they’re a part of us and can help us know ourselves better. Emotions are hard to comprehend and our brains can overthink simple things at the drop of the hat. Sometimes I wondered if my feelings were real, or if I had simply been conditioned to think they were. Saying what I thought I felt out loud became a daily lie detector test. 
         A few years ago, my community librarian had a shelf of advanced-readers-copy books that people could take if they were interested. Of course, I took one. I grabbed the book Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton. In the book there were creatures called Djinn: children of humans and Djinni, blessed with a variety of powers but also restricted to speak only truths. The main character was a Djinn working for a rebellion with a few other Djinn. Whenever their friends went on particularly dangerous missions, they would say things like “Ahmed is alive” or “Jin is alive”, or other similar phrases using the names of their friends. Because they couldn’t tell a lie they knew that if they couldn’t say the phrase then that person was dead. It was their way of checking in with each other in an age where people weren’t a quick text away.
         This concept stuck with me and eventually I started using it to cope. I used to have trouble making decisions, so I started to say them out loud: “I could go to the beach or I could stay home”, or “I could have pizza for dinner or pot sticker dumplings”. If one of the options made me feel sick or uncomfortable then I knew that wasn’t what I wanted to do. That sick to my stomach feeling was the equivalent of the Djinn not being able to speak. Before this I could never trust myself, constantly doubting whether I was doing something because someone told me to and it would make them happy or if it was something I actually wanted to do. My mom said that I was going to grow up, become a biomedical engineer and solve cancer, and I felt sick whenever I repeated it out loud to myself. That wasn’t the life I truly wanted.
         Four years ago, I started wrestling with myself. I grew up in a Christian household, I was sheltered most of my life; and then I started high school and I got a crush on the girl who sat next to me in world history. Everyone around me always said that LGBTQ+ people were just people who were hurting a lot and given my history at the time I wasn’t sure if I was really into this girl or if I had been traumatized and it was manifesting in this crush. I was scared, I didn’t know the words for what I was feeling and I kind of decided to just let it pass thinking it was a momentary thing. I couldn’t talk with anyone about it because I didn’t want to be told I was broken. 
I later went to the movies with the girl and my freshman high school student brain called it a date, and she came to my birthday party. At 2 AM, in a fit of exhaustion-induced bravery, I used truth or dare to ask if she was interested in girls. She told me she was Demi, which in turn told me that I needed to learn a whole new language because I had no clue what that meant. We grew apart but the fact that I was interested in girls continued to gnaw at me.
         Last year I started a Tumblr account. Whenever I had a thought or an emotion regarding liking girls, I would post it on my blog, and if I didn’t feel sick to my stomach then it meant that I truly felt that way, not that I was convincing myself of these emotions due to emotional trauma. I began to come to terms with the fact that I was a person. I had feelings for girls. I was gay. And it was OK. I started using it on scenarios, posting things like “When I grow up, I want to pick up my girlfriend from her work with a cup of coffee, hug her, and walk home holding her hand”. The first thing this did was help me solidify that I really was Women Loving Women (wlw). I knew I wouldn't have the future with the husband I had been promised and coerced into. It was what I wanted it to be. Instead of sick, I felt happy. I felt like I had hope. And that was the second thing: I felt like I had a future. 
Now, whenever I’m unsteady and confused I remember that I can always remind myself that I want something because I want it, not because someone else told me to. That is the power that the spoken word gave to me.
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leelysian · 4 years
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genre: slight angst with fluff ending, implied crush au, one shot
pairing: female reader x best friend!Minho
word count: 1.4k
context: you're terribly sick, you haven't told anyone but your best friend somehow knew something was wrong when you wouldn't reply to his numerous texts.
A/N: this may or may not have turned into a rant because I was sick for the past few days akskakdksks
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Seasonal flus were the worst. Slightly chilly from hot or slightly warm from cold and suddenly your body decides, “You know what? I don’t vibe with this weather. I’ma just break down.” You had a mild fever and a cold. While the fever was mild, it was annoying because you weren’t sick enough to just pass out for hours and having a cold meant your nose either:
Dried up like the Sahara which ended up burning your sinuses and it felt like your skull was on fire.
Got blocked like the path between the North and South Korea; nothing got in or out which meant breathing through your mouth which also dried up.
Runny like the Amazon river, there’s crumples of tissue paper all over your floor. Your nose was red, rough and raw from blowing so much, the delicate skin was irritated.
Here you were, slumped on your bed with the covers on top of you but a leg and an arm sticking out because it got too hot to be fully under the covers and too cold to be fully without. Sleep eluded you the previous night, you just couldn’t sleep, it wasn’t gonna happen. Somehow you’d fall asleep only to wake up a little while later, and end up tossing and turning in your bed. Because you were unsuccessful in your attempts to get a good night’s rest, you woke up with a pounding headache from your eyelids to the back of your head. Your whole body ached.
Leftovers in your fridge were finished so you forced yourself to get up and heat some instant noodles to eat with your meds. Water tasted bitter. Your appetite vanished. Eating was agonising because afterwards you felt suffocated, an invisible pressure on your torso prevented you from breathing fully, your lungs not taking in air fully so your breaths were short. Hell, peeing was a chore. At least you weren’t on your period, maybe if that happened, you’d actually die. Imagine having to frequently change pads/tampons and underwear while feeling like you got ran over by a truck. Were you overreacting? Maybe. But it was allowed at this point.
So in short, you were suffering since the past two days. You were absolutely miserable. You wanted to cry but crying meant your nose getting runny then eventually blocked and then a headache so you sucked it up. You brought a hand to your head to massage your head because it hurt, grimacing by the tangles and the grease. You reached for your phone, unlocked to see various social media notifications which you cleared and messages from your friends which you also elected to ignore and reply to later. Playing a playlist with slow music with medium volume and dropped it back on the bed, you closed your eyes and let the soft melodies flow into your ears in hopes of helping you forget about your headache once again. This is how you held on to your last shred of sanity but you failed to hold on to your consciousness and fell into a dreamless sleep. 
You woke up to a cold compress on your forehead, your room clutter and mess free, the windows open and something nice smelling. You thought you were dreaming when a face you know all too well walked into your bedroom with a bowl. “Minho? what are you doing here? Get out. I’m sick, you’ll get sick too.” you rasped. “Well, about time you acknowledged my existence, even if it’s to tell me to get out. I should’ve been here earlier, maybe it would’ve been helpful if you told me you were dying in your pigsty of a room.” he snapped. He put the bowl on your nightstand, you realised it was water, he was probably going to replace the cold compress. 
“You look terrible.” he said. “Gee, thanks.” you retorted. “You need a shower.” he advised. “Nooooo.” you whined and snuggled further into the covers. “Come on, y/n, there’s no way you’ll get better if you feel disgusting. I’ll help.” He said and snatched the blankets. “Minho, stop. You’ll get my germs.” He sighed and rolled his eyes, “Don’t worry about it now come on.” he said and helped you sit up then suddenly with strength you didn’t know he had he carried you princess style to the bathroom and you yelped. “Jeez y/n you’ve lost so much weight.” he tsked. “Do you think you can wash your hair on your own?” he asked as he sat you down on the counter. “I’ll be okay.” you replied tiredly. “If you need help, just ask.” he said and adjusted the water temperature in the shower then left.
You took your time showering, the first five minutes just standing under the warm water which opened up your sinuses, having the steady stream of water beat down over your back and easing your sore muscles. You washed your hair slowly, so as not to tire your arms out. Stepping out of the shower, you felt immensely better, finally able to breathe a bit easier. Drying off, you wore your fluffy bathrobe and walked out to see a big shirt (one you ‘borrowed’ from Minho) and pajama shorts laid out on the bed. Thankfully, he didn’t lay out underwear for you. You dressed up and got settled back in bed, already tired again.
You unlocked your phone and saw the concerned texts from Minho because you weren’t answering them or his calls and felt guilty. A knock resounded from your door, “come in.” you said and Minho walked in with a tray. “Well well, finally I see y/n and not a corpse.” he teased. Whatever was on that tray smelled heavenly and your stomach rumbled. He put the tray down on your lap and he brought the back of his hand to your neck to check your temperature. “Hm, your fever has probably gone down but I think it’ll be back.” he notes. The whole time you stared at him. “Hey. I’m sorry I ignored your texts.” you said and twiddled with your thumbs, the guilt unbearable. He took your hands in his own, “It’s fine. I’m sorry for snapping. I was just worried and scared. I thought you actually died at first glance and I panicked.” 
He turned to the tray and lifted the lid from the bowl, “It’s chicken rice porridge. Eat up and take your meds.” Your eyes were still downcast, “I can’t I feel horrible afterwards.” and you explained in detail. “It’s probably acidity, clearly you’ve been eating junk and it’s not sitting well in your stomach. This won’t cause you discomfort. At least eat a little bit. Please? For me? I made this for you.” he said and used the signature kitty eyes. You looked up and he’s already holding a spoonful of the warm concoction. You hated when he pulled the look on you, you could never say no to those eyes but then again you didn’t want to because that porridge looked pretty darn appetising. You opened your mouth and Minho fed you the gloopy goodness. 
You could’ve just eaten yourself but you quite liked being pampered so you said nothing. Minho carefully spoon fed you the whole bowl, blowing delicately on the first couple of spoonfuls until the rest became tepid. Halfway through the bowl you felt full so you told him you didn’t want to eat anymore but he pulled the kitty eyes again, and now you’re stuffed. He handed you the glass of water and meds which you gulped down and went to clean up. He came back and stood awkwardly in your doorway. “You’re leaving already?” you asked sadly. “Do you want me to?” he asked back. “No grab my laptop and come watch Spirited Away with me.” you pouted. He smiled, got the laptop from your desk, grabbed one of the sweatpants he left from previous times he’s been to your place to change into, and then settled in bed next to you under the covers. 
You took one of your many pillows and settled your laptop on it and settled back. “Hey, Minho?” you called. “Hm?” he enquired. “Thanks for taking care of me.” you smiled softly. He was going to say something snarky but decided against it and said, “It's alright.” About half an hour into the movie he felt a sudden weight on his shoulder and he looked bewildered to see you’ve fallen asleep on him, breathing softly. He turned off the laptop and placed it on the ground before wrapping his arms around you, placing your head over his chest and reclining back. He looked at your sleeping face with soft, adoring eyes and a gentle smile. He gently rubbed your back with one hand when suddenly you stirred and threw your arm over his stomach. Slowly, he too, drifted off to sleep with dreams of you and him together.
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breanime · 4 years
Theoretically if rio's cute neighbour, the one that watched his son, was being harassed by an ex or just some creepy guy. What would rio do?
So you can find the first neighbor headcannon list here. Also, this headcannon list got long as hell... haha, sorry?
*gif not mine*
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Rio had been out of town for the last week, handling business
He’d texted you to let you know he’d be back soon--
--partly to be a good neighbor, and partly cause he wanted to see you
The two of you weren’t dating, but there was definitely something between you
(sexual tension)
And Rio was eager to see where it would go
He walked down the hall to his apartment, his bag slung over his shoulder, glad to be back in his own space
Then he saw your door
The wood was cracked, as if someone had punched it or something, and Rio stopped dead in his tracks
He knocked on your door, eyebrows knitted
You answered with a bat in your hands
“Huh...” Rio said, eyes roaming your body--from your tense posture to the bat in your hands to the tired, exhausted look in your eyes. “... Rough week without me, mama?”
“Oh, Rio,” you sighed, and Rio watched your body relax, “Sorry. I was just--”
“Expecting someone else?” He asked, walking into your apartment. 
He dropped his bag at the foot of the couch and turned to you, frowning
Rio watched as you locked both locks on the door behind him; he’d been in your place about 100 times now, and he’d never seen you do that before
“Yeah, kind of...” You answered. “How was your trip?”
“Fine,” he answered, sticking his hands in his pockets, “but I don’t wanna talk about that right now. Let’s talk about you.” He titled his head. “What’s going on here?”
You sighed again, and Rio wanted to hold you. You were stressed, and he longed to fix it
“I’ve just...” You crossed your arms, hugging yourself. “I don’t want to bother you with it.”
Rio took a few steps forward, until he was in front of you. He eyed you seriously. Someone so beautiful, he thought, shouldn’t look so sad. Not when he was around to help. 
“Bother me,” he said softly, his voice firm but low
“Last year...” You began, looking down. “...I dated this guy, and he was just...” You shook your head. “He was an ass. We broke up, and I never heard from him again... till a week ago... The night before you left.”
Rio’s eyes narrowed; he remembered that night. He’d taken you out for drinks before his trip, spending the night smiling and laughing with you. He’d gotten a call in the middle of it, and when he came back to the table, he saw a man walking away. But you hadn’t said anything about it, and you seemed fine, so he didn’t ask about it.
“The guy from the restaurant...” Rio said, nodding to himself. ��That’s your ex.”
“He saw us out, and when you stepped away, he came up to me--but all he did was say hi. He wasn’t weird or aggressive or anything,” you said back, “But then he... I guess he found out where I lived...”
“Yeah,” Rio licked his lips, “that his handy work on the door?”
“Yeah,” you nodded back, “Every day since that night, he’s been calling me nonstop and showing up here, pounding on the door. I called the cops, but they said there’s nothing they can do unless he actually hurts me, so--”
“I got you,” Rio said, grabbing his bag 
He turned to go, but you held onto his arm.
“What are you gonna do?” You asked, eyes wide.
He looked down at you
On one hand, he could lie to you, keep up the polite charade that he made his money the legal way, that his business was simply in “providing capital” like he’d told you once before. The two of you hadn’t ever explicitly discussed what he did, but Rio knew you knew his vague descriptions of his business were just that: pointedly vague
But on the other hand... he could tell you the truth. Maybe you’d be cool with it.
Or maybe you’d shy away and turn from him. 
Either way, he was going to handle this for you, but he couldn’t deny--
--he wanted you to be ok with it. With him. For some reason, as Rio looked down at you, he saw something special, something that made him feel protective of you, something beyond the lust and friendly affection he had for you
When he looked at you, he saw a partner
 “I’ma tell him that the next time he so much glances up at this apartment,” Rio answered evenly, “I’m gonna put a bullet between his eyes. And if he doesn’t like that, I’ll put him down then and there.”
“You... You’d do that for me?” You asked, pretty eyes wide
“I’d of had this handled already if you would’ve told me before,” he confessed, reaching out to cup your face in his hand, “but since I’m here now, I’ll handle it personally.” He leaned down, his mouth just inches from yours. Rio wanted to kiss you so badly, he felt the desire in every part of him with you so close. “Stay here,” he told you, “I’ll be back in a few hours.”
He didn’t move, though, and neither did you.
Your hand flexed on his bicep, wanting to bring him even closer. “Rio, I...thank you.”
He smirked. “Don’t thank me yet.” He leaned in closer, about to say something else
And then you kissed him
Rio had kissed a lot of women in his life (a lot...like a lot a lot...)
But never had a pair of lips felt so good against his own. 
Rio’s arms wrapped around you, and he silently marveled at how perfectly you fit against him. He titled his head, slipping his tongue into your mouth, and you moaned into him. 
Chuckling, Rio’s hands went to your waist, and he led you towards the couch
You took a hold of his collar and dragged him down onto the couch with you, your legs wrapping around his waist as he laid on top of you
“Baby,” he chuckled into your lips, “I gotta go.”
“I know,” you said back, grinning, “I just need a few more minutes...”
He laughed. “For what?” He asked, even as he dipped his head down to start kissing your neck. The little sounds you made when his lips ghosted against your skin were driving him wild. 
...the ex might have to wait a bit.
Rio was kissing your collarbones while lifting up your shirt when a loud band sounded behind him
You jumped, but Rio just turned lazily, one eyebrow raised
“It’s him,” you whispered, and when Rio looked down at you, he could see the fear in your eyes
This, he decided, would be the last time you would ever look like that
“Relax,” he said, his voice low and calm. He leaned down and kissed you sweetly, and he felt you relax under his touch. “I got this. Just stay here,  mi bonita chica.”
Rio got up, kissing the top of your head as you sat up, and reached down into his bag.
“Y/N,” the banging was louder now, “I’m not playing with you--open this damn door right now!”
Rio grinned--it would be his pleasure
Rio opened the door and leaned on the doorway, a lazy smirk on his face. “Hey,” he greeted the man, “you know this is a private residence?”
The man blinked, taking a step back, and Rio chuckled. He knew this type: big, loud, and bad--until someone badder came around. 
“Wh--what the hell are you doing here...?” The man asked, craning his neck to try to peek into the apartment. 
“Yo,” Rio stood up straight, shaking his head, “What you lookin’ for? Huh?” He stepped up, and your ex stepped back again. “Y/N?” He asked. “She ain’t your concern no more, homie. I am.”
“I--I don’t--”
“Oh,” Rio chuckled, “That’s right, I’m sorry. I haven’t introduced myself.” He whipped out his gun, pointing it directly at the guy’s paling face. “I’m Rio. I’m the man Y/N’s currently seeing, and she wanted me to let you know that this shit,” he waved the gun, the smile no longer on his face, and the man backed up into the wall, eyes wide with terror, “Is done with. You stop callin’, you stop comin’ around, and you definitely stop trying to intimidate her into talkin’ to you. Matter of fact,” Rio went on, “the next time you see her, you better get the fuck away, cause if I hear about you even breathing in the same space as her again,” he stepped up and pressed the golden gun into the guy’s forehead, “I can’t promise I’ll stay this controlled. Is that understood?”
The ex nodded, looking like a bobblehead with his huge eyes “I---”
“No no no,” Rio smiled, “don’t speak.” He glanced back at you, you were standing in front of the couch now, watching. “You got any cash on you?”
He nodded
“Great,” Rio said brightly, “let’s see it.”
The guy reached into his pocket and took out his wallet, handing it over to Rio
“Mm...” Rio eyed his ID, memorizing the name and address for later use. “This looks like just enough to cover the cost of repairing the door,” he said, taking out a wad of bills, “and a lil extra for emotional damage.”
Rio threw the wallet back at your ex, who caught it, eyes never leaving the gun in Rio’s hand
“Okay now...” Rio grinned. “Run.”
He didn’t have to say it twice, your ex scurried away so quickly, that he fell half-way down the hall and just crawled into the elevator. If Rio didn’t know any better, he’d say he smelt piss in the hall now...
Rio closed your door, tossing the gun--which was empty--onto his bag on the floor
He turned to you, laughing when you launched yourself into his arms
“Thank you,” you said, your head buried in his chest, “thank you, thank you, thank you--”
“I told you,” he said, smiling down at you, “I got you. And yo, I was thinkin’...” He held up the cash. “...why don’t you use this on some self-defense lessons, just for fun?”
“But what about the door?”
“Ah, baby,” he leaned down, kissing you, “that’s what we got a super for!”
Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think! 
Everything Taglist: @encounterthepast @jigsawlover10 @gollyderek @charlylama @realduckvader @whovianayesha  @lexxierave@loveintheroyalfamily  @fanfictionrecommendations-com  @maxslime-blog@songforhema @lucielandss @themadhatter92  @christinawxxx @anabella-baby @blackcoffeeandgreenteaforme @luminex3 @ashkuuuu @luckysstrikes@carlaangel86 @floralpeaceofmind @dylanobrusso @iaintnofurry  @ymariejp@its-my-little-dumpster-fire @mrsjaxtellerfan @holamor @drinix @rhabakoli@stories-you-wont-hear @king4thesirens @leahnicole1219 @evanlys19 @binbons-is-theloml @aikeia @bitch-imma-head-out​  @witchygagirl@geeksareunique @sparrows-books  @nyxxnoxx​ @justvnash​ @truly-insatiable​
Rio Taglist: @gemini0410​ @sweetybuzz25 @glimmerglittergirl @gensneverland @jamielennkeeler
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zankivich · 4 years
An Unexpected Romance: Chris Evans x Black! Female Reader Part 2
a/n: this one was really fun to write. I’m back in my bag tbh. These are some cute characters if I do say so myself. Like everything I write I feel like  this could be a fully blown multi-chapter fic. Also it’s finna get smutty so I hope you’re prepared for that. Let me know what you think? K bye. 
WARNINGS: Smut, softness, too much cuteness? 
Part 1 Part 3
The call comes two days later. Not that he leaves any room to be forgotten. No, Chris had texted you bright and early the next morning to thank you again for giving him a chance, and to apologize if he’d been in any way aggressive. You were quick to reassure him there’d been no aggressiveness on his end, certainly not any that was unwanted. He was a good texter, happy to provide details about himself, and to notice the details you, yourself, provided.
Chris: What are you up to this morning anyway?
Y/n: I had an early meeting with the company I just signed on with for a project I’m spearheading, and now I’m in my office preparing the debrief on that meeting which will be presented at another meeting.
Chris: Wow. Sounds intense. What do you do for a living?
Y/n: I’m a senior level consultant at a consulting firm. I basically just get hired to tell folks what they’re doing wrong and how to fix it. Then I leave before they fix it.
Chris: Ah so you liked to be in control huh?
Y/n: I...trust my gut, and my gut has yet to lead me astray. I only make decisions I believe in.
Chris: And what is your gut telling you about me y/n?
Y/n: It’s telling me to keep texting you even when I shouldn’t. Even when I’m busy. I like the things you say.
Chris: I like that. My gut is telling me you’re important. I can’t really explain it further than that. I just think we could be really good together.
You bit your lip, eyes roaming over the words in the message a few times. It was sweet. Damn him all to hell.
Fast forward to the next day where you’d spent all day outside of the office meeting with clients. He caught you in the middle of your lunch break between bites of sandwich that wasn’t very good. You’d put his name in your phone as just Chris, and yet when his name flashed across the screen the letters may as well have been hieroglyphics. It took you ten seconds just to get your shit together.
“Hello?” You swallowed into the phone, trying to manage an up-beat cadence.
Chris was like honey through the phone, as if the weight of the conversation was nothing to him.
“Hello. God, I gotta tell you it’s good to hear your voice. I thought I was starting to lose it in my memory for a second.”
You chuckled. “I’m sure it’s been exceptionally trying for you.”
“It has, it has. So perhaps you won’t think I’m being too pushy by asking you out tonight?”
You moved the phone just far enough away from your ear to wordlessly praise the lord to the air. Or whoever was up there.
“Um...tonight, huh?”
“Yea do you already have plans?”
“No, no. I just have a pretty long day ahead of me. I might not be able to make an early dinner.”
“Well that’s okay. Dinner isn’t even what I had in mind. What if I picked you up at, say eight-thirty? Would that be enough time?”
You bit your lip. “It would...Can I ask, if we’re not going to dinner, where are we going?”
“Now that....is a surprise. Send me your address, I’ll be there at eight-thirty sharp.”
“Oh lord. Okay I guess I’ll see you then.”
“I look forward to it.”
It took you a moment to remember to put the phone down. Men were usually very simple. Dinner, usually somewhere they can order a steak. They like to do dinner on the earlier side, give them ample time to order drinks. The more drinks they order the higher they believe their chance of sleeping with you goes up. In all your years of “grown up dating”, you could count on one hand the amount of men who had offered to take you somewhere other than dinner on the first date, and never had that place been alcohol free.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to give him the benefit of the doubt. It was more that understanding men; their preconceived notions, their inadequacies, their mentality etc. was about safety for yourself and for others who may fall victimized. The patriarchy was toxic afterall and perhaps no one knew this better than Black women.
And yet Chris seemed to be evading your expectations, and not for the sake of keeping you on your toes. It was as if his aura existed outside of your expectations all together. He didn’t need to trick you, or convince you. He was just himself, and that self was perhaps better than the vast majority of men you’d met in your life. Could that be? Was it really possible? It seemed like you’d find out regardless.
Large hoop earrings are truly a staple piece for any iconic outfit. Without the dread of a formal dinner, you were excited to play with your wardrobe a little bit. There was a beautiful pastel pink camisole that matched a floral set of pumps quite perfectly. The slicked back ponytail and the knitted cardigan are simply added bonuses. Ya girl looked good as per the usual is the moral of the story.
By the time he knocks on your door there’s a giddiness to you. Grownup dating seemed to lack a certain excitement at that point in your life. Oftentimes priorities didn’t match up, men didn’t say what they really wanted, or truly were after. But it really did seem like Chris just wanted to show you a good time. And as much as you were trying to keep the walls up and stay smart, you couldn’t help but be hopeful that he might prove you wrong.
“Hello.” He smiled warmly at the threshold. “You look beautiful.”
Your brain had short-circuited. This was basically nuclear warfare and you were not having it! He was wearing a thin black sweater that stretched tightly across the firmness of his chest. There was a level of scruff that was absolutely tantalizing, and the way his eyes were one step away from twinkling like an anime character was a reality that suffocated you with the weight of it. It was truly too much. This man looked straight out of a factory. The wind had been zapped from your sails. Dammit.
“You look...really good yourself.” You hummed. “Like, unnaturally good actually.”
He only laughed wild and carefree arms coming up into a shrug.
“I gotta keep up with you somehow, right? So you ready to go?”
“Yes actually, let me just shoot a quick text…” You mumbled, swiping your fingers across the screen.
y/n: Okay we’re leaving the house. Remember if I don’t text back for an hour without stating why to track my phone.
Raya: don’t worry girl ain’t nobody gone call the police on captain america. Yo black ass wouldn’t make it a second
Jesse: Me and my cousins will ride up there swinging if need be. You just say the word mija
Tanya: or not word….cause the girl might be dead????
Jesse: Oh...you right
Y/n: okay BYE NOW
Usually the group text for dates was centered on safety and precaution. You had a feeling this one was going to be fully for them to clown your ass for the rest of the night.
Chris gets the door for you, and it’s easy to note immediately that you’re sliding into a tesla. The fact that it looks like a spaceship on the inside is a dead giveaway. But the car is warm and the second he slides into the driver’s seat, his large frame takes up precedence in the vehicle. His non-driving arm lands on the middle console sending parks of heat over to your seat with stark intensity.
“So, you’re still not gonna tell me where we’re going? You know that’s like prime serial killer talk right?” You noted.
He smiled again, this wide grin that seemed to transform his entire face. It seemed infectious just to look at him.
“Gosh you’re totally right. I’m so sorry. If it makes you feel any better, we’re heading towards the city and not away from it. It’s a public place, I promise.”
“Okay Chris. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt...for now.” You teased.
He looked over at you instead of the road.
“I like the way you say my name.”
Oh chile….
“Mmm. Noted.”
There had been a certain energy the night you met. It had existed in the non-existent space between your bodies as he held you against his chest. A sort of aura that pulled you, pulled the both of you in. It had felt a little overwhelming then, but to know that it existed now within the small confines of the car was another thing entirely. Your body tilted in the direction of his unconsciously, your elbow propped on the console directly next to his. You were drawn to him. And the good news was he seemed to be too.
You were both confused and happy to see him steer clear of the usual Beverly Hills or Hollywood spots. Where does one such movie star as Chris Evans take a woman on a date anyway? Your girls had discussed everything from WolfGang Puck to the Rosevelt. The sun was sinking low and heavy in the sky as night began its arrival. As he navigated you to the Santa Monica Pier you felt the giddiness from early wreck havoc in your belly. It was so far from anything you could have ever expected in the best way possible. All the nerves of being with this guy you really liked sort of melted away and gave way for excitement.
“The boardwalk huh?” You grinned out the window.
“Yea. There’s great street food, games, views. I figure it’s pretty tough to have a bad time here. Increases my chances of you agreeing to a second date.” He smirked.
You laughed a little louder than your flirting giggle and turned to face him straight on.
“Oh so you already plotting the second date now!”
He laughed right along with you.
“Sweetheart I’m on date number four up here.” He pointed to his forehead.
“Sheesh! Well I don’t want to disappoint, but I played point guard in high school so if we find some hoops I’ma have to put your ass to shame.”
“Oh she’s trash talking me already ladies and gentlemen!”
You were already taking your seatbelt off and reaching for the door handle. It was the most excited you’d ever been on a date, couldn’t even remember the last time someone took you some place to be goofy and play games. You typed your destination into your group chat and told your girls not to bother you. It was finna be a night.
It comes to no surprise that you end up at the arcade. He buys the tokens, you buy the beers. And then...it’s on.
“I want to start by saying that I am firm in my masculinity. Basketball is not my game, and I stand by that.”
You rolled your eyes around your beer and quickly took off your cardigan to free your arms.
“Boy, put the tokens in the machine and quit playing.”
He only grins at you so sweet it makes your teeth hurt.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Side by side in front of the basketball arcade game, you each take shots at the swinging net. Unfortunately there are no bonus points for fine looking biceps while missing shots. This leaves you to crush your opponent--date, whatever--by over twenty points. Though Chris was “firm in his masculinity” this did not stop him from being competitive, so he quickly threw more tokens into the machine and tugged the sleeves of his too-tight sweater up his arms. He makes a shot while you just stared at him, a little dazed. You only beat him by eight that time. Rude.
“Okay,” Chris panted. “I lied. I do play basketball. I like to think I’m pretty good at it too, but you definitely just kicked my ass.”
“I was MVP all three years I played. It’s not your fault.” You giggled.
“You play in college at all?” He asked as you took your beers and moved on to a new game.
You shook your head. “I went to Howard for both undergrad and my masters. We’re D1 and I wasn’t that good. I got an academic scholarship instead.”
“So brains and a killer arm? Anything else I should know?”
“Hmm...I have an irrational fear of mice? I found a mouse once in my kitchen when I was a little girl. I got so scared that I literally fainted.”
“Brains, killer arm, faints at the side of mice. So, I guess Cinderella for date number two is out.”
You placed your arm on his shoulder as you laughed. The sheer volume of muscle was not lost on you, nor the way your mouth salivated in response. Woops.
“I’d be down to watch Ratatouille. That’s my favorite food movie ever, I think. I guess animated equals not so scary.”
He smiled and let you keep your palm on his shoulder for much longer than was necessary.
“Duly noted. Shall we?”
Chris beats you in skee ball, and you beat him in some random zombie shooter game. Eventually he lets you lean on him to take your shoes off so that the two of you can do a dance revolution game. It’s silly and awful, and you laugh the entire way through it. There’s more arm touching and at some point he finds an excuse to touch your waist again. The way you bite your lip and stare up at him is only interrupted by the squeal of children’s laughter. There’s an increase in your heart beat that can’t be explained by the physical activity of the game alone, and the heat in his eyes is not nearly PG-13 enough.
“Should we uh...go get a snack or something?” You mumbled still peering up at his lips.
His grip on your waist only grows tighter, and you swear it’s past them kids' bedtime.
“Sure, why not?” He grins before slowly letting you go.
Sweet jesus.
It’s only when there’s a foot of space between the two of you that you can breathe normally again. But then he reaches for your hand and intertwines your fingers. Breathing is clearly overrated.
You buy two different flavors of icecream to split and find a bench tucked away in the lights of the pier to keep talking.
“So what about you?” You asked between globs of cookie dough.
“What about me?”
“I know what you do for a living obviously but like...Where are you from? Do you have siblings? What’s your favorite food? How do you take your coffee? That kinda shit.”
He beams at you and holds a spoon of his rocky road to your lips. You hold eye contact as your lips wrap around the spoon. His lips part just barely and you know you’re not the only who can’t get a grip tonight. Good.
He clears his throat. “I’m originally from Boston, but I grew up in a town like thirty minutes away called Sudbury. I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister, and an older sister. They’re all much smarter than me I promise. My uh father remarried so I’ve got some half-siblings too. I can break out the family tree sometime if you want. I really enjoy seafood. I think it has something to do with where I grew up. I take my coffee black.”
“Boston, eh? LA must have taken some getting used to.”
He chuckled. “I still don’t think I’ve gotten used to LA. I have a place in Massachusetts. It keeps my mom happy, and makes it easy to go home. I’m between projects for now, but its easier sometimes to just be here for the talk shows and the meetings and what not. I’ll be honest it’s been looking up lately though.”
Damn him and his ocean eyes and his dumb dumb smile and his stupid facial hair. And...now he’s putting more ice cream in your mouth. Diabolical.
“What about you? From DC to LA?” He asked.
“Ugh it does feel pretty cliche, I know. I never in a million years though I’d live out here. It’s tough cause all my family is east coast as well. When I was fresh out of grad school I got offered a job at a firm out here. The salary and the benefits were some of the best of my class. I couldn’t really say no. And now I mean...you saw me and my girls. I found community out here. It’s scary to think of losing that.”
“Hey that makes sense. You’ve made a life for yourself here. That’s really admirable.”
“Yea I guess. It helps to live away from the worst of it all. And I suppose LA does sometimes come with perks.” You smiled in his direction.
“I could not agree more.”
*Meanwhile in your phone*
Raya: what do we think? Is she still alive?
Tanya: Girl please. The only thing that girl is at risk for is a good dicking.
Raya: sljgdlkfgjkl you goin to hell
Jesse: Should we take our bets now?
Tanya: I’m putting five on the captain throwing her back out TONIGHT
Raya: I’m putting ten on y/n holding out just to be stubborn af
Jesse: I’m with Raya on this one.
You walk through the sand together with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. There’s everything from playful jabs to probing questions to heavy flirting. At some point it transcends the innocence of a first date. Perhaps it's the moment when he offers to carry your heels so you can feel the sand between your toes. Or the moment when you tell him something funny and he laughs into your neck till all you can feel is the rumble of his chest and the warmth of his skin. Maybe it’s the feel of his fingers untangling your hair from your cardigan when the wind traps it. There’s a softness to him in all his overt physicality. He thumbs at your chin playfully and smiles down at you. It’s not just softness then. It’s tenderness too. And you melt into him.
“Hi.” he whispered till you smiled.
“Hi.” You whispered back.
“Can I kiss you by chance?”
Your arms slide closer wrapping firmly around his neck.
If his chest is rock-hard muscle then his lips are the antithesis of that. The kiss is soft and yearning when he wraps them around your own, and his hands ain’t bad either. Before you know it you’re wrapped up in him and he in you until there’s no clear discernment of where one begins and the other ends. But it doesn’t matter when his tongue is just as teasing and probing at his personality, and you fingers scratch roughly through the strands of his hair.
The only thing that could possibly bring such a perfect moment to an end is the need to breathe. You pull away with a stuttering gasp, and he hides his face in your neck with a whine that awakens a whole new fire with you.
“Wow.” He sighed.
You blinked a couple of times to try and bring yourself back to reality and out of...whatever the hell that was.
“I should uh--I should get you home right? You had a long day.”
He squeezed at your shoulders before pulling away and you swore it was colder without him near. As the night suddenly hurdled towards a close, you felt a sense of longing. You weren’t quite ready to let him go yet, and the anticipation of being without him was already wreaking havoc on your nerves. The only good news is he holds your hand the entire walk back to the car, and his shoulder makes for lovely resting space.
The car ride feels like a fraction of the time it took to get there. Perhaps it's because you know each other better now, have a taste of what it’s like to be next to one another. Like a junky you were hooked. White, Black, or green, there wasn’t anything that could stop you from wanting to be near him. He was infectious, and he’d gotten himself directly under your skin.
“Could I walk you to the door?” He asks.
“Please.” You nodded.
You take smaller steps as if that will make it all go slower. And a grin forms slowly on your lips when you notice his much lengthier legs attempting to do the same. It’s the kind of PG-13 shit you’d never really experienced before. How pathetic that the second you got just a tiny bit of it you were practically begging for more.
The light beneath your door illuminates the movement of your bodies. You turned with your back to the door to face him, aware for the first time that you’d been smiling for a while, that you had no idea how to stop smiling.
“I gotta say I had a really great time.” You murmured. “Thank you for the effort and the fun and...the kiss.”
“That means the world to me. All I wanted was for you to have a good time. Honestly I think that was the best first date I’ve ever been on.”
“You know, I think that was the best first date I’ve ever been on as well.”
He smiled widely at you. “Good. So now we’ve set the bar so high that it really only makes sense for us to go on another date right?”
“I think I could be up for that, yea.”
“Could you be up for another kiss?” He teased.
“Could you be up for coming inside?” You countered.
His eyes widened at that, the intricate game of you both keep each other on your toes unfolding. You weren’t even sure where the idea had come from. You certainly hadn’t planned it. At some point you realized you had to go inside, and the thought of him being on the other side of the door just didn’t feel right.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to impose if you’re tired. I know your work day was long.”
You nodded eyes skimming from his ankles to his hair.
“Suddenly? Not so tired.”
“Me neither. Let’s go inside.”
That’s what you thought.
You unlocked the door to your place leading him into the living room.
“Um make yourself comfortable. I just gotta let my girls know I got home alright. Do you want anything to drink?” You asked.
“I better not. Still gotta drive home.”
There was something about his lack of confidence about getting laid that had you pausing in the kitchen. Few men had ever made it past the threshold on the first date. The threshold may as well have been a neon arrow towards your vagina. Not that you’d decided to have sex with him. Of course not...
Y/n: I know y’all are not placing bets that center around my pussy. Get a life.
Raya: Girl I’m married with two kids and you just went out with Chris Evans. Your life is my life. Don’t take that from me.
Tanya: Now sis, why are you texting us when there is some red, white, and blue DICK to be had.
Jesse: djdflkjgdf
Raya: lmao. She got a point. Did he drop you off?
Y/n: He did.
Tanya: Annnnnnnnnnnd?
Y/n: Annnnnnd my date ain’t over. I simply must be going. Night night!
Your phone began to erupt with buzzes in your palm. You quickly set it to silent to ignore the peanut gallery and headed back to your date.
Chris was in your living room staring at a photo you had set up on the wall. It was you, your mother, and your little brother all wrapped up in each other from your graduation the second time. The fact that his ass was poised like a piece of fruit begging to be plucked from the tree is a secondary detail.
“Is this your family?” He grinned. “You look just like your mother.”
You stalked closer, ready to be in his space again, and smiled.
“This was for degree number two. I’m the first to ever get a master’s, and my mom couldn’t stop crying the whole day. This is the only picture I had where she wasn’t obviously in tears.” You hummed.
“That’s beautiful. She’s got so much to be proud of. You’re clearly an amazing woman.”
Most may have tilted their head in shyness, maybe looked at the ground and ignored the compliment. Such a cliche. You had learned long ago that the most radical, most self-loving thing you could do was believe your own hype. Others will rarely do it for you. Chris seemed to be the exception to many rules.
You raised your chin proudly. “Thank you. Every ounce of it, I get from her. I can assure you of that.”
“I believe you. Mothers really are the superheroes of the world, no pun intended.”
You reached for his hand slowly, heart warming at the way he instantly went to intertwine your fingers. He was truly nestling himself inside your head, your walls coming down one by one. Silence pursued as you led him towards the couch, his eyes raking over every inch of you as you moved. As his back hit the couch, you stepped out of your heels. His legs were deeply parted and the thickness of his thighs looked like the perfect seat. It didn’t help the way his hands were gripping his thighs like an invitation. That knot that sometimes appeared in your belly when he was around tightened.
“Can I sit with you?” You hummed.
“You can sit anywhere you’d like.”
His voice had suddenly gone husky and deep, your eyes fluttering wantonly at the sound. You were mostly definitely going to take him up on that.
You placed your foot on the space of the cushion right next to his thigh, and used the leverage to climb yourself into his lap.  His hands immediately came to rest on the small of your back pulling you close, close, close.
This kiss is better. Much better.
Whatever gentlemanly urges he’d proudly displayed throughout the night, quickly gave way to a new urge, a hunger that boiled hot for each of you. It was the same feeling you’d felt when he first caught you at the bar, multiplied by a million. His facial hair rubbed tantalizing along your jaw as he kissed and bit and marked you with reckless abandon. Your fingers turned to fists in his hair and tugged sharply. The moan he released in response had your hips bucking up against his.
“God, come here.” He muttered against your throat.
His too-large palms went from your back to your ass and suddenly he was tugging you rougher, firmer, right against something firm of his own.
“Oh shit.” you whimpered thighs tightening around his waist. “Touch me.”
His lips began a trail from your neck down your cleavage, beard scratching up the flesh until your back was arching in lust.
“Take this off.” He demanded with a tug to your cardigan.
No problem there.
“You next.” You whined and reached for the bottom of his sweater instead.
Your camisole joined the rest of the pile on the floor and suddenly his tongue was finding the patch of skin right between your breasts. Wet didn’t begin to describe what you were experiencing in that moment.
“You’re fucking gorgeous you know that?” He huffed.
Your fingers gripped at his knee for leverage and you leaned back just enough to give your hips room to breathe. And move.
You giggled at Chris, your hips sliding against his in the most amazing rhythm.
“I like it when you lose that little nice-guy thing you got going on. What else do you got hidden from me, Chris?”
His hands moved to the thick of your thighs and squeezed hard until you lost your own grip of self-control.
“I think you like to take the reins. I think every part of your life is carefully constructed to your liking. But I’m starting to wonder what it might look like if you lost a little control, y/n. Do you think I could make you do that?”
Your eyes, though hooded with the overwhelming emotions he was making you feel, found a way to burst open at his words. Because in just one single night he saw you. Saw you in a way that you had not willingly given out. There was an armor that you put on to walk out into the world, something intentionally crafted to keep you safe. How had he disabled it in just one night? As sexy as it was, it was also scary. Were you ready to let him take control?
“Look if you wanna make me lose control? You better have something damn good to show for it, sir.” You grinned.
And just like that you were being lifted into the air like a spaceship taking launch. A man had never lifted you with such ease since you were a child. A grown ass woman of your size wasn’t just thrown around like a rag-doll. Dainty had certainly never been used to describe you. And yet, Chris had managed to stand with your legs and arms wrapped around his like a kola to a tree. His hands on your lower body only throw you further out of whack.  This shit was insane. And your pussy was transcending physics with how wet he’d manage to make you.
“Can I take you to bed?” He panted, breath harsh against your lips.
You groaned. “God, yes, boy scout. Please take me to bed.”
Your bed seems perfectly crafted for two, or maybe that’s just the feel of him sucking at the skin of your pulse point. His tongue is suddenly everywhere. On your neck. Below your sternum. At the jut of your hip. He strips you of your jeans and falls victim to the slim space between your thighs. His palms now work on mapping them expansively but not without exploring the thin piece of fabric that separates him from the wetness of your inner folds. All it takes is the tip of his nose to rub against the pubic mound, right above your clit, and you just kind of lose it.
“Holy shit! Please. Just please.” You whined, hips bucking closer to his mouth.
A grin descended upon his face that held all of the cockiness of a man who was sure of himself. It was the first time he’d ever looked like that to you. And lord was it hot.
“Sweetheart listen to me.” He said smoothly. “I’m gonna make you cum now. But you gotta be good for me. Can you do that?”
Your lips parted in shock. What does one say to such a thing?
He’s not interested in torturing you, at least not this time. As soon as you promise to be good, his tongue snakes out of his mouth and he’s on you. Firm flicks of his tongue and hard sucks of his lips quickly leaves your underwear sodden. It appears he has no interest in taking them off, and you might just care if it weren’t for the way he was rocking your body. Most men couldn’t find a clit if there was a neon sign pointing to it. Chris finds it like it's his damn address. He sucks and licks and drools until your thighs pulse, until your back arches, until your body feels poised like spring begging to break.
Your fingers dig into the meat of his shoulders trying desperately to pull him closer. You’re not gonna make it.
“I--I gotta...I gotta cum.” You huffed.
He nods while he’s eating you out and takes your statement as a direction to slip his fingers between the soaked material of your underwear. You’re so wet that there’s barely any hit of tension as his finger slides deep inside of you. You can hear it now right beside the desperate pants of your mouth, the crude slip of his fingers digging into you, searching and pumping. He curls it just right, touches that place, until you can’t breathe,  until your bursting for him like an overripe fruit.
Your body throbs and pulses as the orgasm rocks its way through you and he never moves, just licks away your release with the same intensity. When you collapse, he lays his head against your thigh and grins up at you with wet lips and a wet beard and eyes completely void of anything but tenderness.
“Oh fuck off.” You whined pushing your hand tiredly against his face.
He chuckled but absolutely did not fuck off. Instead he took to placing kisses along the skin of your inner thighs as if he was rewinding the coil inside of you so that he could make you come loose all over again.
“You done?” He hummed nosing at your pubic bone. “We can be done, just let me know.”
“Of course, really.”
You bit your lip and watched him for a few minutes. His fingers were drawing patterns on your leg, his lips feeling like they shot sparks all across your skin. You wanted him bad. Whoever said consent wasn’t sexy hadn’t had Chris Evans in their bed obviously.
“Come up here.”
His eyes finally left the dream of your thighs and locked with yours. He trailed slowly up your body, thighs and arms bracketing either side of you. Your back arched involuntarily until your chests touched. He kissed you long enough for the taste of yourself to get lost in your own mouth. His facial hair still scratched hotly at your flesh.There wasn’t anything you wanted more than for him to destroy you in that moment. So that’s exactly what you said.
“Chris?” You mumbled against his lips.
He immediately backed away. “Yea?”
You reached over to the drawer of your bedside table and grabbed aimlessly for protection. The condom wrapper fell into his hand and your legs came naturally around his waist.
“I’d like for you to wreck me...please.”
It didn’t sound like a question. It was much more a demand than a plea. But your boy scout aimed to please. And please he did.
“I can do that.”
Suddenly when Nicki Minaj said You’ll never catch me in a light-skin nigga’s bed, it took on a whole new meaning. Surely she meant light skin like Drake, and sis definitely had a point. But... surely Nicki couldn’t hate you for the choices you made that night, and all the ones you’d go on to make for this man in particular. After-all, it was technically your bed.
buy me a ko-fi? 
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isaakclvrke · 6 years
txt mssg ✉️ wynonna
isaak: yo
isaak: do you have a fire extinguisher?
5 notes · View notes
darktammy · 3 years
The right kind of love (ch6)
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(Next chapter will be this week for now Enjoy) if you wanna be tag let me know
@beenlovingromansincedayoneish @bss-babygirl @living-the-life-1996 @moxleybabe @fabulousrockstar @bluepunkrock @lghockey @wrestlingbabe
When Cassidy woke up he look over at the time and smile. He got out of bed so he start to stretch out then heading to the bathroom. After he was done taking a shower he ate and got dress. He look into the mirror and smiled. Cassidy walk out of his home as he look over to see Eddie walking down the hallway with coffee in his hand. “I guess you now know not to touch Jon’s sister like that again?” Cassidy ask him. Eddie just rolled his eyes as he entered his apartment.
Flashback from last night
Y/n park her car to Eddie’s apartment. While waiting for Jon and Eddie to stop talking Y/n look over to see Cassidy walking up the stair to his place. She smiled as she got out of the car. “Hey Cassidy!” She yelled making him turn. He smiled as he wave at her making her wave at him. Eddie got out of the car still drink. “Hey baby I’ll see you later.” Eddie said as he lean in kissing Y/n on her lips. Y/n tried to push him off but couldn’t. Cassidy not waisting any time he ran down the stair reaching him. Jon jump out of the car as he saw Cassidy pulling Eddie off. Jon ran around grabbing Eddie. “What the hell is wrong with you kissing my sister.” Jon told him punching him in the face.
Y/n wipe her mouth off. She could taste the scotch from Eddie as she saw Cassidy held her close. “Jon alright I think he got it.” She said trying to stop him. Jon move away from Eddie as he look down at him. Without saying a word Jon walk back to the car slamming the door. “Let’s go Y/n.” Y/n nodded she look over at Cassidy with a smile as she gave him a kiss on his check. “Thank you.” She told him as she got back into the car. She look over at him for the last time then she drove off.
Flashback End
Y/n was already eating breakfast with Renee while they both watch Jon walk out pouring himself some coffee. “Uhh my head.” He said. Renee laugh as she keep her eyes on him. “Yeah I know but, next time you go off and start to drink like that again. I’m going to pull the rest of your hair out of your head.” Renee said as she pick up a small bell and rang it next to his ear making him yell a bit. Renee walk out while Jon sat down. He sigh as he look at Y/n. “I’m guessing you told her.” Y/n nodded her head with a smile on her face.
Y/n was in her room packing up some of her clothes as Renee walk pass. “So we're leaving again?” She ask walking in her room. “Yeah I’m going with Cassidy to Jersey next week. I think this is going to be fun.” She told her. Renee smile as she look back at her door then she look back at Y/n. “Wait are you too are….” She said with a smile. “No where just friends and I like him a lot, like a lot a lot.” Y/n told her. Renee got up then she look out to see if Jon was around. “Ok his not around so listen to me right now. I love you and guess what you’ll have my blessing for the both of you to date each other.” Renee said walking up to her sister. “Wait what?” Y/n ask.
Renee laugh as she sat down on her bed. “So yeah you have my blessing to date Cassidy duh. I know deep down inside that little heart of yours, you love him. I know because I was just like you with Jon. I told him about how people was saying that me and him where dating and well look what happen.” Renee smiled at her. Y/n rolled her eyes at her as she giggled. “Ok one you both are just funny together. Two you both need to back off because right now Renee I just don’t know. I mean yeah I really do have feelings for him but, I just don’t know if he likes me.” Y/n sat down next to her sister. “Hey look while you're gone just make sure you both stay six feet apart and make sure he has an extra room and if he don’t and you both have to share a room. Well then make sure he sleeps on the floor.” Making them both laugh.
Eddie meet up with Jon and the rest of the guys as Cody smiled at everyone. “Alright now you guys now it’s time for us to celebrate. I’m going to be a daddy soon. So how about just for the today we can have a beers before we head home.” Cody said as he open a bit freezer with beer. “Oh and yeah please it’s light so that way no one goes home drink. Right Eddie?” Cody said with a smile on his face. Eddie nodded his head as he walk over to Jon.
Eddie sat down next to Jon getting ready for their promo. “Hey man listen I’m just so sorry for what I did to your sis Y/n. I mean I was drunk and I didn’t mean for it to happen.” Eddie said looking at Jon. “Yeah just next time don’t do that again. As for now Renee is going to cook some dinner tonight why don’t you come over?” Jon said looking at him. Eddie smiled as he nodded. “Yeah sure why not. Plus I promise, I won’t kiss Y/n again. I’ll try to talk to her at first. I mean forgive me I really like her.” Eddie said making Jon look at him already piss off. “Hey man I’m just telling you straight up.” Eddie told him.
The both Renee and Y/n were setting up the table. “Ok so I got all the plates set on the table sis.” Y/n told Renee. “Ok Jon should be back soon. So the food is ready and we will be ready to eat dinner.” Y/n smile as she saw the car pulled up in the drive way. “His home sis!” Y/n said standing next to her Renee. Jon unlock the door and saw both women standing next to each other. “Ladies I smell some food that’s cooked. Oh yeah babe I have a friend over for dinner.” Jon said look over to show him. “Hey they're Mrs.Moxley, and hey Y/n how are ya?” Both Renee and Y/n look at each other then looks away. “I guess we need a fourth plate?” Y/n ask Renee. “Yeah we need a fourth plate.” Renee said. “Then yeah I’ll get the fourth plate for the table.” Y/n said walking away.
Renee sat next to Y/n while Jon sat next to Eddie. “So Eddie how are you?” Renee ask. He smiled as he look at her. “Well for one I’m fine thank you and look great. I still can’t believe you and Jon are going to be parents. I mean that’s great and all. You know I always wanted to have a kids, I mean if I can fine the right women.” Eddie told her. Renee sigh as she look over at Jon. Eddie look at Y/n which she saw looking down at her phone. “Hey Y/n who ya talk to?” Eddie ask. “You mean who I’m texting and it’s none of your business Eddie.” She told him. Jon look at her then back at Eddie. “Hey alright the both of you. Let's just eat and enjoy.” Jon said. Everyone nodded as they ate their dinner.
After dinner Y/n started putting the dishes away in the dish washer. Then she look over at her phone to see a text from Cassidy. She had a small smile on her face.
🍊 Cassidy: Hey my little sweet strawberry, how are you?
Y/N: hey there I’m fine just had dinner with this guy plus 1 Eddie
🍊 Cassidy: Hey better not touch you while I’m not around. I mean it.
Y/N: lol he won’t believe me I can’t wait for Sunday so we can meet up and head out to Jersey.
🍊Cassidy: I know I can’t wait either, I’m going to let you go and have fun with your family, but if Eddie lays a finger on you he’s dead.
Y/N: lol you my knight and shining armer Cassidy. Good night.
She look up only to see Eddie standing across from her. “Hey so who where you texting?” Eddie ask. “Don’t worry about it. I mean after all don’t you have a home to head too?” She said to him. Y/n walk away and headed to the backyard which Eddie followed. She sat by the pool while Eddie stood by the door and watch her. Jon walk up to Eddie and ask him. “Why are you looking at her like that?” Eddie shook his head. “I don’t she like me.” Eddie look at Jon. “You think? You kiss her while you where drunk off your ass. I won’t like you either if you did some shit like that.” Jon said drinking his beer. “Yeah I know what I did but come on man help me out. I like her a lot.” Jon shook his head as he look over at Y/n. “Let me see what I can do.” Jon said making Eddie smile.
Jon sat with Renee while Eddie sat next to Y/n. “So what is everyone going to do after tomorrow?” Jon ask. “Well i’ma head back home you know to see my family back in NYC.” Eddie need as he look over to Y/n. “What about you sweetheart?” He ask. Y/n look over at Jon and Renee. “For starters don’t call me sweetheart. Two I’m going to see a few friends, so I’m leaving Sunday morning.” She told them. Everyone nodded Then Eddie ask her, “So where are you heading to tho?” She look at him once again, “That’s my friends is not your concern just know I’m going to have a nice long week away from everyone.” Renee smiled. “Oh I know you’ll have fun alright.’ She laugh making Y/n laugh. “Oh who knows I just might find my right kind of love while I’m away.” Y/n look at her sister with small smile.
It saw late so Eddie got into a taxi and heading home. Renee was already asleep while Y/n was done brushing her teeth. She walks out of the bathroom then she heads for her room. Just so she can sleep.
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sheabuttahwrites · 3 years
[I Know]
. three : talkative
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I had been blessed with a very rare situation. Cam hadn’t left for work, yet I was home alone. He always requested that I cook the day before his flight, but, today, we didn't have all of the necessary ingredients for whatever he was asking for. I didn't care enough to remember what he wanted and, since my jaw was still a little puffy and a few marks remained around my neck, he was also forced to make the grocery store run on his own. After he had been gone for a solid ten minutes, I saw my opportunity. I hadn't actually spoken to O in ages, so I decided to call him up while I had the chance.
“Awww, man,” he answered, in a groggy tone. The deep, sexy ‘morning’ voice was in full effect. “Look at the Lord working on this fine Sunday--what time is it?--afternoon.”
“You know what?”
The comforting melody of his laughter fell into my ear. I had been craving it for the longest. “What’s up, pooh?” 
“Hey, my boo boo boo boo bear,” I half mumbled, employing a voice usually reserved only for babies. He laughed again, this time I joined him. 
“Yo, I miss you.”
“I’m saying. I wanted to hear your voice.”
“Yeah, I almost forgot what you sound like.”
“Anyway,” I giggled. “You actually sound like you were sleeping. Did I wake you?”
“You most definitely did.”
“I'm sorry.”
“It’s all good, I ain't trippin’. What you up to?”
“You sure? ‘Cause I can let you go back to sleep and just talk to you later.”
“You about to hang up on me or something?”
“No, I'm not hanging up on you,” I barely replied, laughing way too hard. It even hurt my jaw a little. “I'm just trying to make sure you good.”
“Why wouldn't I be good?”
The silliest smile found its way onto my face. I was so glad he couldn't see me. “Ok, I’m done.”
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When I saw her name pop up on my screen, I knew she was alone. This would’ve been a text conversation for sure. The only time we really got to talk was when she was here. Which was spaced out, but still pretty often. Her first visit was my suggestion. She sounded like she needed to get away, so I offered up my place. Understandably, she was reluctant, but decided to come a week or so after the initial invitation. We had been knowing each other for about six months then, and I felt cool enough to share my space with her. When she got here, all she wanted to do was stay inside. I didn't press her, because I was sure there was some fear involved, but I did eventually convince her to hit the streets with me. Ever since, her getaways became customary. She would hit me the day before her dude was leaving, and I’d plan to pick her up as soon as I could. She’d stay with me for two weeks, then she’d go back home for a week before she returned. She said it was because she didn't want to wear out her welcome. I told her that wasn't even possible, but I let her do it however she felt most comfortable. Either way, I enjoyed her company. The arrangement wasn't the most ideal of situations, but I just couldn't shake the fact that shit was just better when she was around. 
“Um hmm. You by yourself?”
“Yeah. He just went to the store.”
“Ok. So, what you up to?” I asked, referencing my earlier question. 
“Sitting in this house looking ugly,” she said, giggling at her own lie. “I been missin’ you, too.”
“When I’ma see you then?”
“He leaves in the morning.”
I can't lie, I always looked forward to this news. My grin was so wide I wouldn't be surprised if shorty could hear it through the phone. “Yeah? Well, I can come through tomorrow. Or you wanna wait a little bit?”
“Wait for what?”
“I mean, I was just checking. It's whatever you wanna do.”
After a slight pause, she smacked her lips and laughed, catching that this was just my way of getting her back for trying to hang up on me a second ago. “You are not funny.”
“So, you want me to come tomorrow?”
“Tomorrow, O. Definitely tomorrow.”
I chuckled, hearing her try to speak through her giggles. “I'm messing with you. You know I'ma be there.”
“Um hmm. What time?”
“What time you gon' be ready?”
“Around eight-thirty or nine.”
“I’ll come at nine.”
“Yeah, that’ll be perfect. I can't wait to see you.”
“Me either. It's been a while.”
“It has. I miss your face.”
“Um hmm.”
“What you miss about it?”
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For some reason, I started to blush instantly. I sat back, twirling a piece of my hair, snickering into the phone. “Anyway.”
I heard him laugh a little. “You are a trip. It’s good to hear your voice, though.”
“Yeah.” I just wished that he and Cam were more alike. Or that they could switch places, or something. O was just everything, the same way I knew that Cameron could be. But, somewhere along the way, I guess he had forgotten how to show it. “…Oh, yeah, I dreamed about you last night. We were dead ass flying.”
“What was this one about?”
I almost always shared my dreams of him with him. Only because they had all been mostly innocent. Up until last night. If I would've been thinking, I wouldn't have even mentioned it. Now I had to tell him. But no way was I about to tell him everything. “You came here, left with me, and we didn't come back,” I half lied.
“Well, you know what I told you.”
“Yes,” I smiled. “I know.”
“Um hmm. Ain’t nothing changed. Whenever you’re ready.”
I bit my bottom lip, so taken by his words that I couldn't even say anything. Omari had always been honest with me. From the beginning I knew that our friendship was important to him, but I also knew that his interest in me went much deeper. I really didn't know what to do with that.  
“So, what we doing tomorrow?” He continued.
“I'm just happy to be getting away for a while.”
“You say that every time I ask you what you wanna do.”
I smacked my lips at him. He was already fully aware that I was the most indecisive person on the planet. “But it's the truth. I would come over there right now if I could,” I confessed.
“I can be there in like twenty minutes.”
“Omari, no,” I laughed. He was a mess and then some. Knowing he lived more than twenty minutes away. 
“You always giggling. Goofy self.”
We talked for about forty-five more minutes until Cam got back home. I was already downstairs in the kitchen, so I could easily hear when he pulled into the garage. Though I was nowhere near ready, I told Omari I had to go and hurried to erase all evidence of our interaction. First his number from my phone, then the smile from my face. Right before Cam walked in with takeout from King Spring, my favorite Chinese spot.
“I got Chinese. I thought maybe you would like that better than cooking.”
Barely even looking his way, I responded with a weak grin. Only because I really didn't feel like cooking. Especially not for him. “Yeah, thanks,” I mumbled, unimpressed. He sat the bag up on the counter and passed me the carryout box from the top, along with a handful of duck sauce. 
“You're welcome.”
We washed our hands and he took a seat beside me up at the island as I began to squeeze packet after packet of duck sauce onto my combination fried rice. I wasn't stuntin' his ass, but I was past ready for the food he was failing to bait me with. 
“Um... can we talk?” he had the nerve to ask.
“Cameron, seriously?”
“You know what.” I stopped, focused on stirring my rice. “...I really don't have anything to say to you.” I started to eat, quickly forgetting that I had been punched in the jaw just a little over a day and a half ago. “Aaah,” I winced, grabbing my face. For some reason, he reached up and placed his hand to mine.
“I'm sorry.”
I dropped my arm down into my lap, mainly because I wanted him off of me. Why he felt the need to touch me at the moment, I had no idea. “Yeah, I know. You told me,” I replied, wondering if he could sense my mild sarcasm. I replaced the food that had fallen from my fork, this time being a lot more careful not to aggravate my injury as I ate.
“You still mad at me?”
Once again, my attempt to satisfy my hunger was cut short. I slowly turned to look at him and slumped my head in disbelief. He couldn't be serious. “Look at me, Cameron. Look at me. Do you see this?” I asked, holding my hair back to make sure he could get a clear view of my face and neck. “This is you. I didn't do this.”
“But, baby, I apologized for that. I'm sorry.”
He was serious indeed. So much so that I lost my damn appetite. I turned away with a frustrated sigh, allowing my fork to fall from my hand. “Cam... can we please just let it go?” 
I did not have the energy for this shit. No matter how hard I tried, I could never make him understand that his ‘sorrys’ didn't reverse my pain. They didn't take away my scars. They didn't erase all of the bad memories or make me feel more comfortable in my own home. But, still, they were all I ever got from him. And, quite honestly, I was sick of being lied to. Because, if he were ever really sorry, he wouldn't have to repeat it over and over. Because he wouldn't keep doing this shit to me.
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“So, that's it? You don't wanna talk to me?”
“I don't. I don't wanna talk to you about anything right now.”
“...Aight ...ok.” I decided to just leave her alone and let her eat. I went back to my plate as well, but then I realized she wasn't eating with me. “You don't want the food either?”
“I'm not hungry.”
I sighed and looked away for a second, more upset with myself than anything. I had overreacted. She said she didn't call me someone else's name, maybe she didn't. I don't know. It’s like, when it came to her, I could turn into something so ruthless. I just loved her so much. And I’d never had to doubt her love for me. After twenty-seven years of life, I hadn't come across anyone like her. She had stuck with me through everything, given me her love, sacrificed herself and her own happiness for me. Somebody who didn't even deserve it. But I could sense her starting to get tired early on. That's when I knew I had to make moves. We needed to get far away from Atlanta. I had to become all she had. It was the only way she would stay. And God knows I didn't wanna lose her. But I wasn't treating her the way a man should. At some point, she had become like a possession to me. Maybe it was because she was untouched before me, but I just felt like she was mine. And the thought alone of another taking my place was enough to push me over the edge. I had no idea what I would, or wouldn't, do if the shit actually happened and that scared me. I don't even know if it was in me to restrain myself anymore. 
One thing I knew for sure, I was a different guy when we first started. It was never my plan to turn into this horrible person. In fact, my goal was the opposite. I wanted to be good to her; the way she was to me. I didn't want to use my hands to cause her body harm. It wasn't my intent to employ my voice in a way that would make her feel unsafe or less than the amazing woman she was. But the ability to control those impulses was something I had long lost. All the shit she was working with could drive the soundest mind mad. She was damn near perfect. Which was why I didn't understand myself in the least. Most people would kill for what I had, and I couldn't even handle it.
“Baby, I can't leave here tomorrow with us like this.” She looked over at me, her face void of any expression. “What I gotta do?”
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Not a single solution came to mind and I had grown tired of him trying to force me to talk to him, so I got up and put my food into the microwave. I quietly left the kitchen and made my way upstairs to lie down in the bed I had been banished from and then reinvited to on many occasions. I fought so hard not to cry, but I did not win. Tears ran from my eyes like faucets as I hugged my pillow, wondering if he knew the depth of the pain he was causing me; if he even cared.
After a few short minutes, I felt his side of the bed sink behind me. I knew he would end up there. He always followed me around like a puppy when he'd done wrong. Which was the opposite of what I wanted him to do. But it always got him the result I guess he was looking for...
Once he was done fucking my brains out, I had to coax myself into not throwing up. I felt disgusting. Still, I had to make it seem as if everything was ok. Because, to him, it was.
There were many things that had changed about Cam over the years, but one that had remained the same was his ability to appease me sexually. I didn't like to admit it, but the way he used his body made me absolutely stupid. And, in knowing this, he often took advantage.
“I love you. So much,” he claimed, out of breath.
I smiled up at him, playing along with this sick game. “I love you.”
 Hours Later
We were still laid up; facing one another, legs tangled, and wrapped in each other's arms. His eyes hadn't left me once, and neither had his hand left my face. His caresses were endless and so were his kisses. When his lips weren't pressed against me, they were in my ear reciting countless I love you's. The guilt had him laying it on extra thick.
This was usually the time where I'd begin to exact my sort of revenge. For about the next week or so, I could get anything I wanted out of him. I had attained my phone, laptop, and use of one of the cars from time to time this very way. But, with this particular instance, I wasn't even interested in gaining anything. His leaving was enough for me.
“I don't wanna let you go,” he whispered, before kissing my lips for about the hundredth time.
“You better go pack.”
“Shit, I don't even have to leave tomorrow.”
I almost frowned, but, luckily, I caught myself. He did not need to start with that shit. No way was I about to agree with him. “...I think you should,” I somehow mustered up the courage to say. He didn't reply, but the slight confusion all over his expression was enough. “Baby, it's your job. You need to go.”
“I wasn't serious. I just wish I didn't have to leave right now, you know?”
“Yeah.” I reached and put my arm up around his neck, giving him yet another kiss. A grin spread across my face after, but he didn't seem so thrilled anymore. “It’s gonna be ok, baby. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
About another hour later, he finally left the bed and started to get his things ready. Needless to say, I was elated and it definitely showed. I didn't even bother trying to hide it. I was nothing but smiles and giggles, and this nigga had the nerve to believe it was because of him. Seriously? How could he possibly think that he had anything to do with my newfound joy? Anything!
“It's good to see you smile again,” he told me, smiling himself. I didn't say a word. I just smiled wider, and way goofier, which only made us both laugh. “Silly girl.”
It was almost funny how clueless he was. He would probably lose whatever morals, religion, and sanity he had left if he knew I had found so much comfort in another man. Especially one who was without a doubt more attractive than him. But that was a risk I was willing to take. O was worth it.
“You not gon' help me, though?” he asked, fake pouting, trying to persuade me. I usually did help, but tonight I was exhausted. Plus, I didn't wanna help.
“I'm tired, boo.” Just as I finished speaking, a perfectly timed yawn followed. “See?”
“Damn. I probably should've done this before, huh?”
“Maybe,” I giggled, “but it's too late now.”
He laughed to himself and continued to fill his luggage as I rolled over, not worried about him or his clothes. Only one person was on my mind, and my longing would be cured in just a few hours.
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kpopmultifan127 · 4 years
Uhh i got one idea! You are good friends with Taeyong and you got into really bad fight (like reader doing something with other guy and Taeyong gets jealous) and then Boom Taeyong confesses. Sorry if these sounds messy but i’m just a sucker for angst with fluff ending :P
I’m all about the fluff haha! lets go! It’s kinda long haha sorry I was in the moment.
*DISCLAIMER* there’s drinking, drunk people, vomit and anger. please drink responsibly, DON’T DRINK AND DRIVE!
Taeyong, Y/N and their best friends Doyoung and Hyunjin were all getting ready to head out to a party. There was a party down at the dorms Hyunjin and Doyoung’s classmates stayed. They were all at y/n’s house getting ready...well more like she was getting ready.
Doyoung: y/n hurry up lets go! you always take forever!
Y/N: yeah yeah I’m coming! sheesh yall are so impatient!
y/n came out in something simple but yet cute enough to feel comfortable. y/n was wearing jean shorts with an oversized t-shirt tucked into the front, white white sneakers and her hair with brushed out curls.
Hyunjin: wow..
y/n: what are you gawking at?
Hyunjin: I’m not gonna lie you look hot!
Just after Hyunjin complimented y/n he felt a pillow hit him in the back of the head from across the room. Turning to see only Taeyong standing there with a glare in his eyes. Hyunjin and Doyoung knew Taeyong was madly in love with y/n and hated anytime any other guy would talk to her. He hated even when Hyunjin and Doyoung spoke to her even though they are all best friends.
Doyoung: finally sheesh lets get out of here! who’s driving?
y/n: ugh I guess I’ll drive because you all always end up drinking and I’m always stuck being the DD so I might as well volunteer now instead of later where I’m forced to drive.
As they all got into y/n car. Hyunjin sat in the front while Doyoung and Taeyong sat in the back. A conversation was going on in the back while there was an argument going on in the front. All Doyoung and Taeyong can hear is y/n and Hyunjin arguing on what song to play.
y/n: hey the driver gets to pick the music you punk ass!
Hyunjin: NO! It’s common sense that the passenger gets to pick the music! HELLO YOU’RE DRIVING!!
Hyunjin: because I’m perfect!
y/n just rolled her eyes and admitted defeat with him. Meanwhile in the back over the constant bickering of y/n and Hyunjin. Doyoung whispers to Taeyong..
DY: are you ok Tae? you seemed out of it today.
T: yeah I’m fine he says while glancing over at y/n.
DY: when are you going to tell y/n how you feel about her?
T: never...
DY: so you’re just never gonna say anything? 
T: i just don’t know how to tell her or when I should tell her....every time I try to I end up chickening out or I get interrupted by someone.
DY: well tonight is perfect..tell her at the party.
y/n noticed the chitter chatter in the back.
y/n: what the hell are you boys talking about back there?
D: nothing...just keep driving.
y/n: well excuse me for trying to be involved with yall.
They finally arrived at the party where they all headed inside. As they went in the party was already filled with so many people drinking, drunk people and dancing all over the place. y/n saw one of her classmates Jihyo drunk off her mind.
Jihyo: y/n! you made it! oh my god and you brought the 3 musketeers with you! hahaha!
HJ: .....hey Jihyo....where’s Johnny? Johnny was her boyfriend that always lost Jihyo when she drank.
J: he’s around here somewhere! yall don’t mind if I take y/n would you?! ok bye!!!
Once again y/n was ripped away from Taeyong who wanted a chance to sit and talk with her face to face. Everyone was having a great time, y/n dancing the night away with her friends as Taeyong watched from afar.
J: hey y/n! come have a drink with me!!!
y/n: no Jihyo. I’m the DD tonight...again.
J: ugh those damn guys never let you have your fun! come I want you to meet Johnny’s friends!
Taeyong watched as Jihyo dragged y/n across the room reaching to her bf Johnny and his friends.
J: hi babe!
as she tiptoed to her boyfriend to give him a peck on the cheek.
Johnny:....jihyo you are drunk again...
J: ...and? then you can just have your way with me again....
y/n: ....oh geez...hey johnny.
Johnny: hey y/n...oh this is my friend Jaehyun, he’s here visiting from Seoul.
y/n: hi I’m y/n.
Jae: nice to meet you.
They all were in the same spot talking stories and laughing. Taeyong across the room started to get irritated how y/n was smiling and having fun with another guy. She came with Taeyong, Doyoung and Hyunjin but is talking with someone else. It made him upset where he needed a drink.
DY: hey Tae what’s up? something happ---
Before Doyoung could finish his sentence he watched Taeyong gulp down 3 shots of tequila as if it was water to him.
DY: YAH YAH TAE SLOW DOWN!!! What’s gotten into you?!
T: she thinks she can just flirt with some guy in front of me like that?!
Doyoung confused and looking at the direction Taeyong was glaring at.
DY: y/n and Jaehyun?
T: you know him too?!
DY: yeah we went to school together for a little bit in Seoul until I moved back here. 
Moments later goes another shot down Taeyong’s throat.
DY: dude you need to slow down...you’re gonna blackout.
T: what does it matter anyway if I blackout or not....it’s not like y/n will care.
Hyunjin came and walked over to see what was going on with Doyoung and Taeyong.
HJ: what’s wrong with him.
Doyoung nodding in the direction y/n was standing.
HJ:....o--...oooh. oh shit...this can’t be good.
T: I’ma do something now! 
As Hyunjin and Doyoung held him back and pushing Taeyong back into a chair. The impact made the alcohol take in effect real quick and Taeyong became dizzy.
T: i think I need to throw up!
He gets up and sprints into the bathroom. Running passed y/n.
Johnny: that looked like Taeyong...is he ok?
y/n in her own conversation with Jaehyun and heard Taeyong’s name being mentioned.
y/n: HUH?! what?!
Johnny: yeah he just ran that way...
pointing in the direction Taeyong ran. y/n ran over to Doyoung and Hyunjin.
y/n: what happened to Taeyong?! is he ok?!
HJ: woah easy tiger...
y/n: where did he go?!
DY: he ran to the bathroom.
HJ: he just had a little too much relax.
y/n got so mad and ran off to find Taeyong. Running up and down the hall of the dorm looking for him and finally came to a room where he heard gagging noises. y/n whispers to herself “please let that be him and he’s ok” she peaked inside to see Taeyong with his head in the toilet letting everything he just drank come back up. She ran right to him and kneeling down next to him not even realizing she may have kneeled in some of the vomit he did when he missed the toilet. (lol sorry guys)
y/n: Tae are you ok?! oh my god!
she quickly grabs paper towel and texts Hyunjin to bring her water. Taeyong notices her presence and where she was kneeling.
T: y/n-- you’re kneeling in a bad spot right now.
y/n: never mind it’s fine. lets get you cleaned up and take you home.
T: no...lets stay and have fun.
y/n: you’re too drunk right now Tae.
Hyunjin came with a bottled water for her to give to Taeyong.
y/n: Hyunjin call Doyoung lets take him home. He’s gonna end up getting poisoned if he keeps drinking.
HY: yeah you’re right plus me and Doyoung gotta work in the morning anyway. 
He called Doyoung to help pick up Taeyong and bring him back to y/n’s car. They put him in the front seat where she can keep an eye on him. y/n laid him back a little bit so he can relax. Then reaches over to put a seat belt on him. Taeyong can smell her sweet perfume he had gotten her for her birthday recently, it smelled so perfect on her. Helping him sober a little bit. He can see the worried look on y/n’s face each time she glanced at him to see if he was ok. She end up dropping off Hyunjin and Doyoung off first.
DY: are you sure you’re gonna be ok taking him home? his roommate isn’t home this week and you’ll have to lug him up the stairs...
y/n: no I’ll just take him back to my house I’ll be fine.
HJ: ok please text us so we know you made it home.
y/n nodded and drove off. Moments later they arrive at her place. Walking over to Taeyong’s side and unbuckles his seatbelt. As she did what she could to lift him up. Grunting a little bit.
y/n: ...ok Tae I know you’re drunk right now but you’re gonna have to help me just a little bit. Lift yourself up to stand and you can rest your arm around my shoulder ok?
He slowly gets up swinging his arm around y/n shoulder and she wraps both of her arms around his waist. Doing this gave him goosebumps up and down his spine feeling what it was like to be held by her. Step by step they got to the elevator of her apt building. Waiting as the elevator went up to the 6th floor where she lived.
y/n: ok Tae we are almost there hang on.
They got to her door as she reached for her keys while still holding Taeyong up with the other hand. She finally got the door opened looking around trying to figure out where to set him down. y/n decided her bed would be the best bet because the couch was going to be way too uncomfortable for him. Making their way to her room he can feel himself sober up little by little. He was strong enough to walk by himself.
T: I’m fine to walk by myself now.
y/n: are you sure? I’ll just hold you just in case.
T: ....but--I’m
y/n: not I don’t want you to fall and hurt yourself. stop being so stubborn.
She helped him sit on the side of her bed. She texted Hyunjin and Doyoung letting them know they got to her place safely. After setting down her phone y/n started to walk away after helping him sit down. He grabbed her wrist.
y/n: don’t worry Tae I’ll be right back. I’m just getting you water.
He lets go of her hand. Taeyong sitting on her bed thinking, is this the time to tell her? Maybe not because he was drunk and he didn’t want to say things he’ll regret. But it was driving him crazy he didn’t know what to do. A few mins later y/n comes back with a bowl of cold water and some aspirin for him to take. She hands it to him and down the aspirin goes. y/n sets the cup of water on the end table and grabbing a towel that was near her bed. 
y/n: here lay down.
T: I’m fine really. The water is hel--
y/n: ARGH! Will you just listen to me and lay down.
He admitted defeat and slowly laid down on her bed. Which gave him butterflies in the stomach because it was the bed she sleeps on every night by herself. Wishing that someday he can sleep next to her keeping her warm. He watched her as y/n soaked the towel in the bowl of water and ringing out the extra water making it only damp. She turns to him and starts dabbing it on his forehead and down the side of his face. 
y/n: why did you drink so much? you’re not iron man dummy.
Taeyong just smiled.
T: I was mad...so it just happened.
y/n: why were you mad?
T: I don’t want to talk about it...
y/n: you know you can tell me anything. but if you don’t want to talk about it I won’t force you...
She continued to dip the towel in the water and dabbed him with it. He could feel that he had gotten a lot sober than he was before. y/n noticed the water wasn’t cold anymore so she got up.
y/n: I’m going to go change the water and make you some soup. I’m sure that’ll help sobering you up. You can just sleep here tonight and I can sleep on the couch.
T: why this is your bed. you should sleep in it, I can just sleep on the couch.
y/n: why are you always so stubborn. you’re gonna get a headache if you don’t sleep comfortably. I’ll be right back you just rest.
She got up and he once again grabbed her wrist.
y/n: what’s wrong? you need to go to the bathroom?
T: no...
Taeyong sat up against the headboard of the bed. He took a deep breath in and out before he spoke.
T: I need to tell you something.
y/n: you ok?
T: It’s something I’ve been wanting to say for such a long time.
y/n: ...ok what’s up.
He took one more deep breath in and out.
T: I really like you y/n...
y/n sat there in shock at the words that was just thrown at her.
y/n: you’re drunk you’re not thinking straight.
T: no I’m not. Well I’m not completely sober, but I well aware to the fact I meant what I said. Y/n I like you...no I’m in love with you. Always have been since the first day I met you...
y/n:...why are you only telling me this now?
He just sat there staring at his lap fiddling with his fingers and not making eye contact with y/n.
T: I’ve been wanting to tell you for quite sometime now, but I could never do it. Every time I tried to I either chickened out or someone interrupted.
y/n: is that why you were so mad today?
T: no...my jealousy came over me and I couldn’t take it, that’s when I drank whatever was in front of me.
y/n: why were you jealous?
T: I hated seeing you talk to that guy...
y/n: what guy? Jaehyun?
T: yeah...I hate it when you talk to any guy really.
It became quiet for a few mins...then y/n let out a soft giggle.
T: what’s so funny?
y/n: you’re such a dummy.
T: huh?
Taeyong lifted his head to face y/n...y/n looked at him with a smile as she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. Taeyong sat there frozen at his seat at what y/n just did. He thought to himself “did she just kiss me?!”
T: what was that for?
y/n then got shy and looked at her lap before she said....
y/n:...I like you too dork...no now I lied I love you. 
Taeyong couldn’t believe his ears, the girl he’s loved for so long loves him back.
T: you do?!
y/n:...I think I may have liked you longer than you think...
T: what do you mean.
y/n: remember when I was sitting by myself in the cafeteria because I was the new girl and you along with Hyunjin and Doyoung came and sat with me because you guys didn’t want me to feel lonely on my first day?
T: yeah....
y/n: that actually wasn’t the first time we met..
He began to become confused.
T: really?
y/n: the first time we met is when you came into the coffee shop I worked at and you were drenched because of the rain. but you didn’t care you because you told me it was because you caught your gf at the time cheating on you with her ex. when I brought you something warm to drink you just sat there watching the rain fall. 
y/n then looked down at her lap again as she continued.
y/n: I know it was a bad time to but that’s when I started to like you. Seeing you sad like that made my heart hurt, and I just wanted to hug you. But after that day I never saw you again. It wasn’t until you came and sat on my table. I fell harder for you because you were right in front of me, this time with a smile that always made my heart feel war--
Before y/n could finish her sentence Taeyong’s lips met hers. y/n could feel the butterflies in her stomach go crazy....she got to finally do what she’s been wanting to do since the first day she’s met him. 
T: When I saw you talking to Jaehyun and laughing I thought Iost you forever...
y/n: you wouldn’t have to worry about him at all....he has a girlfriend. and even if he didn’t my heart already belonged to someone else.
Taeyong leaned in again to give a soft kiss on her lips.
T: I love you so much y/n.
y/n: I love you too Tae.
He then scooted over on her bed and pulled her into his arms. Throwing the blanket over both of them. Her head resting on his chest and his arms wrapped around her. The heartbeat of his made y/n smile as hers beat at the same pace as his. She looked up at him and smiled as he kissed her on the forehead and one last time on her lips.
y/n: lets get some sleep you party animal.
A soft giggle came out of him as he squeezed her tighter. and said “I love you” once last time as they drifted off to sleep.
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dust-broken-berry · 3 years
Part 7 is here
This one is shorter and not as relevant to the story as the other parts.
Part 7: The Magic Less
    It was later that day, now night and Ink was currently freaking out trying to get a hold of PJ. While Error tried to calm him down and put Gradient to sleep (Gradient is currently four months old, and is Error’s and Ink’s second child.) By then they were at home.
��Ink relax, he isn’t dead”
“You don’t know that”
“Yes I do, he isn’t a dumb kid.”
“Ya ok, but what if he’s being attacked by some monsters right now and he can’t do anything!?”
“Just relax”
    Error puts Gradient down to sleep and walks Ink out to the living room and sits down.
“Inky please calm down”
“Why? Can’t I just worry sometimes?”
“I never said you couldn’t worry, you just shouldn’t worry this much.”
“But what if he-”
“He can take care of himself”
    Ink was still nervous and grumbled-
“You act like you’re not worried at all.”
“I am, but I trust PJ he is a smart kid.”
    Error already knew what was going on with PJ, he knew that he was at Fresh’s house, and that they were dating. But he only found out by accident, but PJ knew that he wouldn’t freak out as muchas Ink would.
    Ink thought about it, sighed, and said-
“Ok...I guess you’re right…he is a smart kid…”
“So trust him, ok?”
    Ink was hesitant but nodded
“Ok...I will”
    Ink stood up and said-
“I’m going to get ready for bed, ok?..”
“Good idea, I’ll be there in a second.”
    Ink walked around the corner so Error took the opportunity to quickly text PJ-
“PJ your mom’s worrying, he's probably gonna call you and start asking questions. Just text him and say you’re staying the night at a friend’s house. He’ll flip his lid if he finds out you’re at Fresh’s house, and that I didn’t tell.”
“Ok thanks for telling me dad.”
    Error put his phone away as Ink called out-
“Error, you coming?”
    Error said getting up and walking around the corner.
    PJ had just gotten Error’s last message as he began to text Ink. Fresh rolled over in bed and asked-
“Who was that?”
“Dad warning me about mom. He’s freaking out and dad said that he might start asking questions.”
“Good thing he told ya.”
“It is”
    PJ put his phone away, and snuggled into Fresh, he still had a worried look.
“What’s wrong?”
“You don’t have to lie to me”
“I’m not, really I’m happy being here with you.”
“...Ok then”
“Let’s just go to sleep...I’m tired.”
    Fresh started to fall asleep, while PJ just laid awake thinking-
“I know why they worry, they are just worried about me having no magic to protect myself…”
    PJ sulked
“Out of all the me’s in every multiverse, I had to be like this, I had to be weak.”
    He thought
“But this weakness...may help me do something good…”
      He smiled
“That is if everything goes according to plan…”
    While all of this was happening, Blue’s and Dust’s house was now just about empty, except for Nightmare, he said-
“So you didn’t really talk about much with Ink...he obviously knew about….most things.”
“Ya maybe…”
    Blue said nervously, him and Dust were still uneasy and surprised about the news they had heard. Nightmare realised and thought he should probably go- 
“Well, I should be going-”
“Wait I want to ask you something”
    Blue asked, just before Nightmare was about to leave.
“Ok, what?”
“Well how uh...how far along am I with this...you know.”
“I thought you already knew?”
“Why would we be all surprised when you said it if we knew!?”
    Dust asked confused, followed by Nightmare grumbling and saying-
“I thought you knew because you're most likely due in three weeks or less.”
    Blue definitely not expecting it to be so soon screamed-
“Well have you used your...um”
    Nightmare tried to think of what to call it-
    He couldn’t think of anything good, but it still got the point across.  Blue processed what Nightmare said, and he blushed saying-
“N-Not the top half-”
“Ok too much information but regardless you’re due in at most three weeks.”
“I thought I was feeling drained but I didn’t think that was why…”
“Well for some monsters pregnancy can progress much faster depending on one's magic level.”
“I know that”
“So before you got more magic you could have easily been...maybe two months along?..”
    Once again Dust and Blue were surprised. As again Blue yelled-
“Are you sure, that doesn’t make any sense!?”
    Dust also yelled, but not as loud as Blue. Nightmare just said-
“If Blue had the amount of magic he has now, then he would’ve had the baby at the very least four weeks ago.”
    Blue yelled again, making Nightmare just sigh-
“Blue, Dust just calm down”
    The two listened, and took a few deep breaths. Dust relaxed and said-
“Ok...ok....thanks Nightmare”
“You’re welcome, but now I should be going.”
    This time with no interruptions Nightmare left. Dust turned and looked down at Blue.
“Hey Blue...try doing that ecto stomach thing.... You know just to see.”
    Blue’s stomach suddenly appeared, it had a blue tint, with see thru ecto like skin. They both saw that Blue was really, really, pregnant. 
    Blue said shocked 
“Well...I guess gotta go get baby stuff tomorrow.”
“Ya we probably should, it’s too late now and I don’t want to wake BluePrint.”
“Ok, so you just want to go to bed?”
“Myehe....you don’t even have to sleep.”
“Ya I’m still getting used to that fact. But it does make me feel better sometimes...especially after stressing this much.”
“Ya that’s understandable...so ya for now let’s just go and sleep.”
    The two obviously still shaken about the news that had received went to bed. Hoping that tomorrow would be better, or at least less surprising. 
    The next day with PJ and Fresh was not as uneventful as the day before with Blue and Dust but still things were happening no matter how trivial they might’ve been.
“I’m telling you that you can borrow it.”
    Fresh said, trying to give PJ one of his hoodies because he didn’t bring any extra clothes.
“I told you it’s fine, you don’t have to.”
“I want to, besides you didn’t bring any other clothes.”
“That’s because I didn’t plan on staying...at first.”
“Ok still just take it, you can give it back later.”
“Good, I really didn’t think I’d have to convince you though.”
    PJ took the oversized multicolored hoodie and put it on. The sleeves went over his hands so he pulled them up.
“Thanks Fresh, but now I should really get going.”
“It’s fine, I’ll see ya later.”
    Fresh said giving PJ a goodbye kiss as PJ went out the door. As he walked through underfresh monsters waved hi to him, knowing that he and Fresh were together. 
    But as he was walking his phone went off.
“Probably just mom”
    He said as he took out his phone. The contacts read BluePrint. 
    PJ had been secretly talking to his younger half brother without either of his parents knowing. He read the message-
“Hey PJ guess what?”
“What is it?”
“I overheard my dad and Mr.Nightmare talking, and he said that my dad was having a baby!”
“Really? When is he having the baby?”
“Well Mr.Nightmare said less than three weeks.”
    PJ was surprised to hear that he had less than three weeks to get ready for his plan. He said-
“Less than...three weeks…”
    His phone went off again-
“Right now me and dad are shopping for baby stuff, we have a lot of stuff…”
    PJ didn’t want to seem suspicious so he just kept texting BluePrint.
“Ya there’s normally a lot of stuff, and it’s expensive too.”
“Ya really expensive”
    There wasn’t anything for a few seconds, until-
“I got to go, my phones almost dead. But I’ll say hi again later.”
“That’s fine don’t worry about it”
“Ok bye” 
    PJ hit sent, and put his phone away as he walked inside his parents house.
“Mom? Dad? I’m back”
    PJ walked in the house and closed the door behind him. He walked around and noticed Error in the kitchen with some coffee.
“Morning dad”
“Oh morning PJ”
    Error said looking at the hoodie PJ was wearing.
“If your mom wokes up and sees you with that on he’ll freak out.”
“I know I just didn’t have any other clothes and Fresh insisted that I take it.”
“Well at least he cares, but before your mom gets up I would lose it.”
    Ink walked around the corner yawning and rubbing his eyes.
“*Yawn* Morning Error and oh PJ you’re back-”
    Ink stopped talking as his eyes narrowed like a hawk, the then tired Ink dashed to Error and PJ. PJ surprised screamed-
“Uh Inky?”
    Error asked, already knowing that this wasn’t going to go well. Ink asked-
“PJ what are you wearing!?”
    PJ didn’t know what to say as he just stood there sweating nervously. He looked over at Error desperately, but all Error did was give him a thumbs up as he drank his coffee. PJ thought and could only mutter out-
“Erg...well it’s a-”
“Wait a second”
    Ink stared intensely at PJ and then-
“PJ...are you dating someone!”
    Ink’s mood changed completely as he hugged PJ. All PJ could say was-
    PJ with a happyish expression looked over at Error sheepishly. Error proceeded to say-
“Just wait until he finds out who it is.”
“I’ma just ignore that remark, Error! I will be happy with whoever is dating my little Jammy.”
    PJ laughed nervously as Ink let him go to look at the hoodie.
“Now let me get a closer look at that hoodie! I may even know who it is-”
    Ink’s expression changed from happy...to not so much. Error put his cup down and said-
“Told ya”
    PJ didn’t know what to say in this situation. Error just said-
    Error wrapped strings around Ink as he said-
“See ya later kid”
“Yep, ok”
    PJ said as he ran back out the door with Ink screaming at Error to “Let him go!” angrily.
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