#★ huh? — OOC
braveburned · 3 months
putting this on the dash too bc it’s sending me. gregory making a shirt with his own missing persons poster on it
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attroxx · 4 months
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with the amount of shounen i've been watching the past few months i should have big muscles by now.
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mikamikacookie · 7 months
A little announcement to make
Ohhh boy...
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@toonfromtheotherside will be reverted into a GENERAL bendy au blog. which means that any media (books and games in general) might be present and may or may not follow a specific order.
I also may not be able to post anything but reblogs and stuff since I don't really have the time to make some art and lore about this AU because of school bugging me. Sorry!
—Mun Mika
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tricores · 1 year
hm. one of these days ( soon, but given how busy i am this weekend it is hard to say when ) i will expand on my post about starline's narcissistic collapse and analyze the shift in him from before he got kicked out to after and how he clearly lost sight of himself and his own goals and strengths, despite his words to the contrary, just to emulate eggman and fail in the same way...
and how he can rectify those mistakes post-50 now that his emotional connection to eggman has been very violently shattered
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xenovair · 2 years
am i thinking of big buff modern sierra as a firefighter ? Yes, perhaps
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luminousglimmer-a · 2 years
lumine doesn’t care for chocolate unless it’s mint chocolate. she’s a heathen ♥
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datapadz · 1 year
work is kicking my ass.......brb lol
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adversityfought-a · 2 years
Break to play through Leon’s co-op campaign in re6 with @/muse-menagerie  &  —
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braveburned · 9 months
I think we as a collective should question the system of caverns under the pizzaplex more. what the fuck is that about.
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attroxx · 9 months
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i love her sm u dont get it
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g1rld1ary · 3 months
you never disappointed me - part two
part one part two part three part four
➻ synopsis: luke castellan x aphrodite!reader ; percy and beckendorf's plan to set you up with luke is in motion, but you're extremely resistant to any advances (10 things I about you AU)
➻ word count: 3462
➻ warnings: swearing, ooc/kind of loser!luke, ooc silena, she/her pronouns used for reader, sexual innuendos
➻ thank u so much for all the love on part 1 I am such a happy gal!!!!! also, have my first day at uni tomorrow (so pls wish me luck) and sorry if updates slow down!
TAGLIST: @myxticmoon @wicca-void @leeknows-wife @thekittyxo-blog @number-onekidqueen @instabull
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It turned out that getting you to go out with Luke was harder than he’d originally anticipated. Eager for the whole ordeal to be over and for him to be 50 dollars richer, he’d hopped down from his spot on a fallen log and hurried to meet you by the volleyball courts when your match ended. You, unaware of Luke’s agenda, were fanning your face to combat some of the sweat that had accumulated, quickly tightening the messy ponytail you’d tied. Luke watched you in your own world, unbothered by anybody watching you, unlike the rest of your siblings. Sucking in a quick breath for confidence he approached you.
“Hey there, girly,” He smiled, “How’re you doing?” You looked up at him, inquisitive for a moment but ultimately unimpressed.
“Sweating like a pig actually, and yourself?” You were barely looking at him, skulling an impressive amount of your water bottle quickly. He stared at you, not expecting to be dismissed so easily. He recovered smoothly, not prepared to give up so soon.
“You really know how to get a guy’s attention, huh?”
“My mission in life,” You shot him a cloying smile, now giving him your full attention, unable to help being slightly interested by his boldness. “But obviously I’ve struck your fancy, so you see it worked. The world makes sense again.” You‘d figured out his motives now and had no interest, so began the walk back to your cabin. He followed, much to your dismay. Couldn’t men ever take the hint?
“So I’ll pick you up Friday then?”
“Oh right, Friday, uh huh.” You kept your eyes ahead, dodging a few younger kids as Luke trailed after you, annoyingly optimistic still.
“The night I take you places you’ve never been before,” He said, and you looked at him in disbelief. The ego on this kid!
“Right, like the makeout clearing in the forest? Do you even know my name, Castellan?” Luke could tell that you were mocking him, but he still had high hopes.
“I know a lot more than you think.” He smiled then, a lopsided thing that would have been somewhat charming if you’d actually bothered to look. Instead you were already walking away, calling out a “Doubtful. Very doubtful,” over your shoulder as you picked up into a run, presumably to go tell Clarisse about the bizarre experience you just had. Luke watched you go, dumbstruck in the middle of camp.
Percy and Beckendorf watched the exchange from the porch of the Hephaestus cabin, the latter putting his head in his hands dramatically.
“We’re screwed,” He groaned and Percy winced slightly.
“I’m sure it’ll all be fine, dude. Luke has faced a lot worse than a teenage girl.”
When you sat at dinner that night, desperately avoiding the eye contact Luke seemed desperate on initiating, you almost told Silena about your bizarre day. You’d opened your mouth to start the story when you realised that she’d only be encouraged by Luke’s antics, pressuring you into going out with him for her own benefit and quickly shut it. She’d noticed your odd behaviour and searched for meaning in your face. Panicking for something to replace the conversation, you zeroed in on the necklace sitting nicely on top of her camp one.
“Where’d you get the pearls?” You asked, already dreading the answer. Silena only confirmed your fears, claiming them as your grandmother’s with a coy smile.
“So what? You’ve just been hiding them the last three years?” You were always closest with your grandmother, and you were sure she wouldn’t leave her favourite pearls for Silena over you.
“Daddy found them in a drawer just before summer.” Silena shrugged as if you weren’t sitting across from her, cheeks a blotchy red in your upset. “Besides, they look good on me.” Your hands itched to hit her as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears, knowing exactly how much she was pissing you off.
“Trust me, they don’t,” You spat, quietly glad when Silena stalked off in a huff, amongst the first to leave the meal. You didn’t know how much longer you could argue with her before starting to cry, which you really didn’t want to do in front of the whole camp. You thought you were safe for the rest of the meal when Drew began speaking instead.
“You could try being nice sometimes, you know, people wouldn’t know what to think.” You rolled your eyes aggressively.
“You forget, I don’t care what people think,” You replied, taking in a spoonful of food.
“Yes you do. Everyone does. You know, with a new look you could have some serious potential.” You ignored her last statement.
“No, I don’t,” You emphasised, “You don’t always have to be who they want you to be.” You knew that wouldn’t impact Drew in the slightest, but you hoped it might resonate with some of your younger siblings — encourage them to nurture their internal beauty rather than accept the vain stereotype Aphrodite children were forced into. You pushed yourself out of the bench you were sitting on, needing a break from your insufferable siblings. As you dumped your dishes where they needed to be you saw Luke beginning to follow you and turned to make dead eye contact. Knowing you’d only scream at him (or worse) you gave him a dangerous look, accompanied with an almost imperceptible shake of your head. Not enough for anyone else to know you’d even acknowledged him, but enough to tell Luke to back off. He was smarter than you thought, as he held up his hands in a show of surrender, redirecting his action to innocently collect up his own dishes.
You may not have had any interest in knowing the boy, but you did appreciate that he knew when to back off. Or so you thought.
You were proven not-so-free from Luke Castellan the very next morning. It was the Aphrodite cabin’s day to check all the storerooms, and you’d volunteered to do the one which held all the weapons and armour near the sword fighting arena. You knew none of your siblings would come near if they could help it, mostly against weapons and the violence that surrounded the area, so you’d get a whole morning alone. It was peaceful attending to the chore, and you were allowed to use some of your Aphrodite eye for beauty. Of course, stacks of swords and assorted weapons could only be made so pretty, but you enjoyed organising them into neat rows, making it look as nice as possible — not that you would admit that to Silena or you’d be in her vanity chair receiving an unwelcome makeover in seconds.
You were just admiring your own sword, which you’d taken the time to polish while you were taking care of the others, when you felt a presence behind you. You didn’t react, assuming it was just some camper coming for a weapon, until he spoke.
“Nice sword, vintage hilt?” You tensed as Luke’s voice infiltrated your peace.
“Are you following me?” You disregarded his statement, an unimpressed frown present on your lips.
“I was training in the arena and needed to polish my sword. I saw you come in a while ago and not leave, I came to say hi,” He explained, and you raised an eyebrow. You weren’t friends, why would he come for a chat?
“Hi.” You promptly turned back to your task, shoving the cloth into the intricate designs of the hilt.
“Not a big talker, huh?” He persisted.
“Depends on the topic. My sword doesn’t exactly whip me into a verbal frenzy.” That wasn’t strictly true — the sword was a gift from your mother, with gold twisting around a blood red ruby in the centre of the hilt. After you’d made it clear that you weren’t going to just sit around during your time at camp she gifted you the sword, her way of saying that if you were going to fight, you should at least look good doing it. You’d had several conversations with Clarisse gushing over the intricacy of it, and profusely thanked Aphrodite for the gift in your offerings. You didn’t quite care to share this with Luke, being a relative stranger.
“You’re not afraid of me, are you?” He asked, and you were somewhat taken aback by the earnest tone of his voice.
“Afraid of you? Why would I be afraid of you?” You couldn’t help the incredulous laugh that crept into your sentence.
“Most people are.” He gestured subtly towards his scar — gnarled and twisted against his otherwise tanned skin. You put a hand on your hip, resigned to conversation now.
“Well, I’m not.”
“Ok, maybe you’re not afraid of me, but I’m sure you’ve thought about me naked.” You were pretty sure Luke was going for smooth or charming, but you thought in this moment he was entirely lame. The wink didn’t help his case.
“Am I that transparent? I want you, I need you. Oh baby, oh baby.” You put on your best Drew impression, nasally and whiny, before handing him the cloth he needed to polish his own sword and turning to leave. There, quickly approaching the door, was Ethan. Seeing you he put on a disgusting smirk and blocked the doorway, effectively caging you into the storeroom.
“Gods, what is it, asshole day?” You asked, not caring that both boys could very clearly hear you. “Do you mind?” You gestured to his blocking the exit. He simply looked down at you, clearly doing his best to appear sexy (and failing miserably).
“Not at all.” His stupid smirk was going to kill you, and not in the good way. You scoffed, giving him a last chance to get the fuck out of your way. Then, sparing a fraction of a glance back to Luke pretending to mind his own business, you slammed the hilt of your sword into his foot, wishing it was the blade instead. You watched him crumble to the ground, holding his foot with both hands.
“You bitch!” He yelled, voice cracking pathetically in the middle. You forced your smile to stay contained.
“Oops,” You feigned innocence, one hands covering your mouth strategically. “You might need some ambrosia for that…” With that you side-stepped him, eager to leave the situation. If you’d have looked back, you would have seen the gleeful, disbelieving smile on Luke’s face, probably the biggest one he’d worn in a while. Although he didn’t get the date he’d entered for, he was beginning to think you were a little more interesting than you let on.
“Did you just cripple Ethan?” Silena shrieked as you entered your cabin to grab your things. “He’s a model, you can’t do that! Has it escaped your notice that you’re completely psychotic?” You pretended to think for a moment, then shrugged nonchalantly.
“Guess your long walks on the beach are gonna have to wait,” You sighed dramatically, leaving Silena to wallow in her pity alone. It wasn’t like it was really your fault — if Ethan had learned how to respond to words or learn the meaning of ‘move’ he wouldn’t have gotten himself into that situation in the first place.
Meanwhile, Ethan and Luke were having a similarly emotional conversation after Luke had — very reluctantly — helped Ethan over to the infirmary to get his foot checked out.
“When I shell out fifty, I expect results.” Luke sighed, could this boy get any whinier?
“Yeah, I’m on it,” He said through gritted teeth, resisting the urge to hurt him.
“Watching that bitch obliterate my foot doesn’t count as a date. If you don’t get any, I don’t get any, so let’s get some,” Ethan said, running a hand through his ridiculously styled hair. Luke couldn’t believe his nerve. First of all, obliterated? He would be left with a bruise for a few days, if anything. Secondly, this whole things was Ethan’s idea, Luke had never given any indication wanting to ‘get some’, especially not with someone so clearly resisting his advances. Just as Ethan left, giving the Apollo girl treating him a douchebag smile, Luke hardened his resolve.
“I just upped my price,” He said, loving the way Ethan’s eyes widened like a cartoon character. “A hundred bucks a date, in advance.”
“Forget it,” Ethan grumbled, moving to leave again.
“Forget her sister then.” The two boys stared at each other, one significantly more amused than the other. Luke knew he had the upper hand in the dynamic, something he revelled in. Then, after the intimidation tactic clearly wasn’t having any effect, Ethan reached for his wallet, Luke admiring the crisp fifty he was handed.
“You better hope you’re as smooth as you think you are, Castellan.” Luke just watched him go, confident tilt of his head conveying his outlook on the situation.
Luke had taken his usual spot overseeing combat training, but his usual thoughts were long gone. Instead, he was entirely preoccupied with you. He didn’t know how to get you to go out with him when you could barely entertain a conversation, and he twirled his cigarette between his fingers as he pondered.
Percy and Beckendorf saw his internal conflicts, slowly moving closer to him under the guise of a very chaotic fight between the two. Finally Luke gave them attention, knowing Percy’s skills would never have him running all over the place like that. He raised an eyebrow, a sign for them to get on with whatever they were angling at.
“We know what you’re trying to do, for Beauregard,” Percy said, and Luke appeared almost startled.
“And we want to help,” Added Beckendorf helpfully, shying away when Luke’s eyes bore into his.
“And why would you do that?”
“Beckendorf here has a major crush on Silena—”
“Gods, what is it with this girl? Does she sweat nectar?” Beckendorf opened his mouth to protest when Percy spoke over him, knowing it would be more beneficial to let Luke lead.
“Look, I think we can both tell that Charlie’s love is pure, well-intentioned, better than, say, Ethan White?” Luke sighed, catching on.
“I’m in this for the cash, that’s it. Who Ethan wants to bang is of no interest to me.”
“There will be no banging!” Beckendorf cried as Percy pushed him behind. He was no use in a delicate situation like this.
“Ok, Luke, it’s just that we’re the masterminds behind this whole thing. We set it up so Beckendorf can get the girl — Ethan’s just a pawn.” Luke paid closer attention suddenly, intrigued by the chess match he’d been pulled into.
“So you two are gonna help me win her over?”
“We’ll do research, find out what she likes. We can be your guys on the inside.”
“In a strictly non-mission type of way,” Beckendorf added helpfully, nervous of the legends he’d heard about Luke’s failed quest. Luke chose to simply ignore that comment, and Percy filled the silence before he could get angry about it.
“Let’s just start here: the Apollo cabin is throwing a party on Friday night, it’s the perfect opportunity.”
“I’ll think about it,” Was all Luke said, a clear signal the conversation was over. Percy and Beckendorf returned to fighting, slightly more regulated now they had gotten what they’d wanted, and Luke brought the cigarette back up to his lips, new thoughts clouding his mind.
Meanwhile, Ethan had found Silena where she was known to hang out by the rocks near the lake. He was hovering next to her, providing snatches of shade as he performed pose after pose, claiming he had a modelling job lined up when he left for the year.
“So which do you like better?” He asked, moving his hands fractionally to the left of his chin.
“The second,” Silena giggled, tucking a strand of dark hair behind her ear. “It’s more… pensive.”
“Damn,” Ethan kicked the sand softly. “I was going for thoughtful. So, you going to the Apollo party on Friday?”
“Maybe.” She produced her best coy smile, looking up at him from behind her lashes.
“Good, ‘cause you know I’ll only bother if you’re there.” Silena smiled, getting up from her spot on the rock.
“Bye.” Her voice was airy in the way she knew drove boys mad. She walked away leaving Ethan wanting more, her specialty. You scoffed, catching the end of the exchange. You and Silena made momentary eye contact, tension thick between the two of you.
As Beckendorf approached Silena, fishing for more information about you, Ethan had caught you in his sights and wasn’t going to let you go so easily.
“You sister is so cute,” His voice infiltrated your bubble in a way that made you want to hit him so desperately. “Doesn’t have your bite though, a feisty woman is so sexy.” You knew he was just trying to get a rise out of you, but it was so close to working.
“Come any closer and I’ll show you just how feisty I can get,” You snapped, braid almost whacking him in the face as you turned to face him. You could have sworn Ethan looked afraid for a second before he covered it with bravado.
“One day you’re gonna realise that all of this hostility is just your sexual repression. Don’t worry, babe, I’ll be waiting with open arms… And legs.” You almost threw up.
“Gods, can’t you just leave me alone, asshole?” You yelled, trying to push past him to get anywhere else.
“C’mon, don’t be a prude,” He whined, and you were really close to taking him to the ground — not in the way he wanted.
“You heard the girl,” A voice called from behind you, and instantly Ethan took a step back. “She wants you to leave her alone.” Luke appeared behind you, a respectful distance away whilst still making his intentions clear. Ethan shrunk back into himself, making a lame excuse as to why he had to leave, hurriedly fleeing the beach. Reluctantly, you turned to face Luke.
“I’m not going out with you just for that,” You said plainly, daring him to try again.
“You think that low of me?” He laughed, dark eyes sparkling with mirth. You forced yourself not to notice. “I don’t have to want something from you to know that Ethan White isn’t worth your time.” It was your turn to be embarrassed at that, feeling slightly narcissistic for assuming that was the purpose of the conversation (it was, but Luke sure as hell wasn’t going to ruin his chances because you were in a mood, justified or otherwise).
“Oh.” You stared at his shoes. “Well, thanks, I guess.” You moved to leave but Luke stopped you, hand not quite touching your arm, unwilling to have it bitten off.
“So you do have a heart!” He joked, signature grin on his face. You wondered why you were seeing so much of it lately when he’d been so dour since his quest.
“Ha! You wish.”
“Don’t try to hide it, Beauregard, you’re warming up to me.”
“I’d sooner fuck Mister D,” You replied, actually taking your leave.
Luke watched you go, chewing his lip between his teeth. There was more to you than you let on, he was sure of it. He wouldn’t say it was any fondness, but he was starting to have a curiosity attaching itself to this scheme, and he knew that going out with you would satisfy it. He should have known having any personal stakes involved — sentimental or otherwise — would get dangerous.
Your own thoughts had barely budged on Luke. He was still a pain in your side and you figured you knew what kind of guy he was — not the type you had any interest in. Still, you couldn’t deny that you were appreciative he’d saved you from Ethan (and the inevitable washing up duty you’d be punished with when you beat him up), so maybe he wasn’t quite as despicable as you’d initially judged him to be. Close, though.
part three
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lovinggstar · 5 months
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— where one of their friends get too close to you, and their reactions !
cw :: not proofread, MAY BE OOC NOT SURE, written with modern au in mind (but it can be read in the genshin universe ^_^) the tiniest bit suggestive in childes part, use of childe's real name in his part, swearing in scaramouche's part, fluff, gn reader !
characters :: albedo, childe, scaramouche
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阿贝多 ALBEDO :: everytime his friend would sit next to you really close, everytime his friend would put his arm around your shoulder, everytime his friend would talk to you a little too much, he kept his composure. or atleast, he was subtle about his jealousy.. he would put the mug on his table a bit too hard, causing a sound enough to alert people, he would be passive aggressive towards his friend, he would interrupt conversations towards you and his friend (which he almost never does with anyone else because he knows his manners), etc. after the hangout with albedo's friend, he goes up to you and hugs you from behind. "oh? what's this for?" you question him, although you enjoy this, you're curious why the sudden backhug is given to you. albedo hides his face into your neck, "mh.. let's stay like this for a while."
公子 CHILDE :: ever since childe introduced you to his friend, you started talking about them alot to him because you think that the more you and childe have in common, the better ! but childe is more jealous than ever..
"oh and then THEY said that i—" "stop talking about themm.." he murmured to hinself, pouting, however, you heard it. "huh?" you look at him, confused, childe starts stammering, noticing his mess-up. "ajax.. are you jealous?" you smirk at him, it's not everyday you see him stammering like this. "alright, alright.. you caught me." he put his hands up in defense, "awhh c'monnn, you know i'd never be with another guy!" you playfully hit him in the arm, but to your surprise, he caught your hand as you were doing it, and raises it up to his cheek, "i was just jealous, i know that i can make you feel good more than he can." he smirked playfully at you trying to get a reaction from you, "i'm not going to teucer's mr. cyclops themed birthday party." "WAIT NO—"
国崩 SCARAMOUCHE :: he would outright be the pettiest, in denial little fucker ever. he would go "tch, i don't care." and proceed to be ripping out paper napkins to shreds to control his anger. "scaraaa..." you lazily put his arms around his neck, "yeah?" as he said that, there was a bigggg rip on the napkin. "why are you soooo.. mad? sad?" you questioned his emotions, confused at whatever he's feeling. "i'm" riiippp "not." "oh? are you maybeee, jealous?" you smirked, laying your hand next to his by putting your head on his shoulder. "what!? hah—wh— NO.. me? being jealous? in your dreams.." he stammered and contiued grumbling under his breath. "scara, y'know i love you and only you, right?" you told him, nevertheless, he was still persistently pouting. but red.
you heard him mumble something under his breath, "hm? what is it?" he mumbled again but louder. "what?" you were there confused and wondering what he needed to say. he mumbled AGAIN. "huh????" you knew what he said now, still, you wanted to tease him, "I SAID I LOVE YOU TOO, GOD DAMMIT." he finally huffed, realizing that he screamed that, he covered his mouth, and was red. "i know !!" you slyly smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "i just wanted to hear you say it !"
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note :: i tried doing more chars but im currently not in that much of a mood to write + THIS HAS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS FOR AGEESSS
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blaisegun · 5 months
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- pairing ୧ draco x gn reader , tom x gn reader , mattheo x gn reader , blaise x gn reader
- warnings ୧ none much but blaise’s was written with curly hair reader in mind. sorry blaise’s part is so long and poetic idk what happened there
- molly’s notes ୧ i only did those three cause theyre my friends’ favorite,, and ofc blaise cause hes my fave ♡ sorry if this is ooc,, i never really wrote for hp before ,,,, mattheos part is so short sorry kira
。    ✧    ⁺     。
he wasnt exactly planning to give you a kiss during the fireworks but it just kinda happened. he wasnt paying much attention to the fireworks, more on your excited face. he’d look at whatever fireworks you would point out but thats it. he kept his hand on your hip, happy to just be there with you. suddenly, you thought about new year kisses and how much you want to do that with draco. “draco, lets kiss!” you giggle out loudly so he could hear you through the fireworks. you looked at you with a shocked yet confused face. he heard you but he wasnt exactly processing what you said. “what?—“ he asked before he felt your lips on his. he eventually melted into the kiss; pulling you closer into a soft hug as the fireworks drew patterns behind you two.
he did not plan to give you a kiss during the fireworks. he didnt really understand why you wanted to kiss so bad no matter how many times you explained it. you sighed and let it go, accepting the fact he wasnt gonna kiss you. you didnt mind too much though. you were extremely focused on the fireworks; smiling and pointing them out. tom was watching you, he didnt care much about the fireworks. he thought it was okay. he would watch for a little bit just to make you happy. but he realized it wasnt enough. he could tell you were missing something. he could see it in your eyes. you still wanted the kiss. “hey tom look at that o—!” you pointed out before getting cut off by a small peck on your lips. he gave in. he gave you the kiss. now your new year was perfect.
he was so excited to kiss you on new years. he was so excited to spend new year with you period. he was pointing out the fireworks with you, watching them with you, doing everything with you. he was running around the place with you to look for a better view of the fireworks. you two were laughing and smiling and it was amazing. he had his phone in one hand, to make sure he can kiss you at exactly 12am, and your hand in his other. then, the clock hit. he held you up high and spun you around, his lips on yours. you were caught off guard but you were happy. the kiss felt like it lasted forever, until he broke it. “happy new year, my sweet !”
he knew he wanted to kiss you, he just wanted to wait for the right moment. he wanted your new year kiss to be absolutely perfect; he only wants the best for his precious. he smiled at your excitement; his rings shimmering when the lights of the fireworks hit them. you were happy, he was happy, and that was enough for him. he had his arm wrapped around your waist. he was anxious, he had no idea when the “perfect moment” would happen. but when he saw the light from the fireworks bounce off your hair, and the happiness in your eyes, thats when he knew it was the right time. he tilted your head to face his, giving you a soft yet passionate kiss. and suddenly the world felt quiet; like the fireworks lost sound and the only thing you could focus on was the warmth in your heart. it was sweet, it was happy, it was everything you two could ever dream of. it felt like all your worries melted away. and after what felt like a life time, the kiss ended and blaise took you back down to earth. “happy new year, angel. got a kiss from your favorite loverboy, huh?”
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secretivemessenger · 1 year
★ [ A Present For The Birthday Boy ] ☆
Happy birthday beloved - { @gaybitchfx } - your gift
Illumi x top male reader
Warnings: OOC! Hair pulling! Breeding! Face fucking! Degrading! Use of sex toys! Fingering! Nipple play! Sounding! Overstimulation! Orgasm denial! dumbification! Eating out! Sir kink! Choking! Cuffs!
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It’s the day you literally waited a whole year for. The long awaited day, your birthday.
Yes it’s your birthday. But thats not the reason you were so excited about. Not that or the gifts that you’ll be receiving from all the people. But the best surprise that your lover promised you of.
Once he told you that he prepared a gift for you personally, you’ve waited for this day to hurriedly come and find out what he had in store for ya.
You had some guesses on what it might be, but you could’ve never guessed that it’d be something like this. But are you complaining? Absolutely not.
Finding illumi laying so beautifully for you on top of your shared bed was a sight you never imagined seeing. His hands were cuffed on top of his head as his naked body presented itself so elegantly for your eyes to admire.
You didn’t even know where to begin, or what to say. You were left completely speechless. So illumi had to talk instead.
“Happy birthday,” he said in a hushed tone as a very light shade of pink dusted his cheeks. You were taken by another surprise as you weren’t used to him being like this. You almost doubted that he was the same man that threatened you yesterday by saying he can kill you off at any time he pleases. All because you called him cute.
Soon enough the soft tone turned to a cold agitated one “for how long are you planning to keep me waiting?”. He said it completely snapping you out of your thoughts. A small chuckle left you at his behaviour. But this was your special day, you cannot just let him act so greedily when you should be the greedy one.
“Is this all you got me?” A raised brow is what you received “I am allowing you to do however you please to me, is it not enough?” You chuckled again before responding “anything I want you to say?” “Yes anything, I never back down on my words” your chuckles died down “alright. Give me a second” “huh”
You reached down into the closet near the bed and pulled out a medium-sized box. From the way you were struggling illumi could tell it was quite heavy.
You placed it onto the bed next to him before positioning yourself between his legs. “What's that?” He asked with curiosity filling his eyes. “You’ll find out soon. Now, let's get you ready first” you said with a smile that the other deemed to be very suspicious.
Until suddenly taking a hold of his pale thighs and pulling him up till his twitching hole was inches away from your face. Upon your breaths against his rim, it sent an overwhelming shiver through his body.
Lolling your tongue out till the saliva dripped down onto his hole teasing him with the wet sensation. Legs already shaking no matter how hard he tried to cover it up. His pride couldn’t be scratched more than this. But he has to hold back, he did say you could do whatever you want, and he never goes back on his words. But nothing could prepare him for what to come.
You gave a few licks to his rim before shoving your tongue inside his ring of muscles with ease. “AH-” a surprised scream left illumi as you worked him open with your tongue. Soon enough his whimpers and moans that he tried to cover up so badly spread in the room.
You added two of your fingers alongside your tongue catching him by surprise. “Hey. Wai-” gasps of pleasure echoed in the room. As you spread up his hole with your fingers, allowing your tongue to venture deeper into his rim. Easily pressing against his prostate which resulted in even louder moans. All the while fixating your eyes on his face, watching it twist and turn with every thrust of your tongue.
You could tell he was about to come from the way his body shakes. But you weren’t just gonna let him cum that easily. This was your birthday after all, you’re the one who should be enjoying yourself. So you stopped which resulted in a whine and a cry. “C'mon now, we can’t just end it now. There’s still more things I wanna do to you.”
You felt yourself rock hard but didn’t wanna put it in yet, you had other plans up your sleeves. “First, how about a change in position. Hmm?”
You sat him down infront of you with his back pressed against your chest, while his hands still cuffed infront of his body. you spread his legs open using your legs.
Grabbing the box from near you. You opened it and flipped it making all the stuff inside spill infront of him. You watched as his expression changed from curiosity to that of surprise, and unsurprisingly arousal. As a bunch of toys, sex toys laid right there. All kinds and all sizes.
Oh, he was sure in for a long night. Well, he can’t start complaining now, he signed up for this after all <3.
“Are you sure you’re that well-known dangerous assassin? Because all I'm seeing right now is a cock hungry needy slut” you whispered near his ear but he was barely able to hear whatever you said. Too busy being consumed by all the pleasure hitting him all at the same time.
He felt incredibly stuffed with only two bullet vibrators inside his hole, vibrating at the highest setting. It made the infamous assassin completely dumb. He barely knew the difference between right and left. All that and your cock wasn’t involved yet.
Not to mention the weighted nipple clips you placed on him. Making sure to pull hard at them, making them even more red and puffy than they already are. Drawing more moans out of him.
you almost wanted to laugh at the “funny” state he was in. The way he cried out made you almost feel bad for him. Wanting to just stop and start pounding into him already. Make him cum because of you over and over again. Yet there is still one more thing you want to try out.
You reached your hands into the box and pulled a Beaded Urethral Dilator. Catching illumi’s interest. But you reached your other hand and started to intensely pump his pre-cover cock. Distracting him from the object at hand.
He threw his head back from pleasure, resting it on your shoulders. Body shaking violently. He closed his eyes trying to calm himself down as he feel his long Awaited orgasm approaching.
“Huh-” voice cracking he moved his head back straight after feeling the strange object near his tip. Confusion turned to horror as you positioned the tool near his tip.
Waiting for no complaints you pushed the metal piece past his tip. Going all the way down. A loud scream shook the place as his body moved uncontrollably before he started to pant like an unhinged dog.
“Was that- a dry orgasm?” His mind feeling too lost to even understand your words. You couldn’t help but laugh, after all, you just witnessed the feared assassin have the most pathetic orgasm ever. “I just inserted it in and it left you in this state. What would happen to you if I do this?”
With no time to react. You started pulling up the metal just to push it back in place, then roughly started fucking him with the metal piece. This sudden feeling added alongside the vibrator turned his mind to mush. As he begged you to stop. But you weren’t satisfied yet. Your cock was still rock hard and neglected.
So you stopped moving your hands and instead turned him around by his hair and shoved him down your clothed crotch. He shook his head, silently asking for a break. “But didn’t you say I can do whatever? Don’t tell your backing down on your words now.” He shook his head again at your words “heh, good”
Undoing your pants to finally let your cock breathe. Taking off your boxer as your cock sprang up right away gently slapped against his cheeks.
He looked flabbergasted you could not help but giggle. “C'mon now, you better get to work.” Upon your words, he took a deep breath and swallowed up his spit before wrapping his soft lips around your tip. You sighed loudly in satisfaction, as your cock finally gets the attention it deserves.
Going down as much as he can illumi tried to take your cock fully in his mouth, but he was soon to gag on it as it reached the back of his throat. He would’ve stroked the rest while he suck what he can, but the handcuffs were an obstacle in his way.
Seeing him struggle to take your cock inside him you decided to give him a helping hand. He widened his eyes once you grabbed his hair roughly and shoved him all the way till your cock went past his throat. Tears gathered in his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.
You gasped loudly from how good and tight his throat felt around you. It made you more anticipated to finally start fucking his hole that you groaned loudly. You were not ashamed to let out your noises and instead, you started moaning and talking about how good of a slut he is for you and how amazing he’s making you feel.
He would never admit it but it felt so amazing having you use his mouth like that. Roughly pulling at his hair as you face-fucked him. Using his mouth like it's a sex toy. It felt even more incredible for you that you could cum on the spot, but you didn’t wanna do it. Not yet at least.
Stopping as soon as you felt yourself close, you pulled him away from you by his hair making him groan. “That was a close call, don’t you think!” You said as all he did is look up at you with confused eyes “what-?” Clearly, the previous action got him so fucked up he failed to process what you said
“Err- nevermind. Anyhow, would you mind turning around for me” “huh?” Not understanding what you meant you sighed in disappointment “can you get any more dumber than that” he barely understood what you said yet he showed an offended look.
Once your patience ran out you grabbed a hand full of his hair and turned him around on his knees as he supported himself with his elbow. you positioned yourself behind him. “Sorry- I just can’t hold back anymore. I want- I need to be inside of you so bad” the sudden change caught him by surprise. Yet you can’t be blamed he just looked so gorgeous. It’s maddening.
You pressed the tip of your cock against his hole before pushing in so easily inside after all the foreplay you’ve done. Even as he was stretched open with your tongue fingers and a vibrator he was still tightening around you hard. Giving you the pleasure that you’ve been craving all this time.
Slowly pulling back before snapping your hips back harshly. Going all the way till you started feeling the vibrators that were still inside of him vibrating against your cock. Gosh, it felt so incredible. “This is amazing,” you said in a breathy tone as you started pounding his poor hole till it was all red and puffy. Determined to keep going till he’s all filled up, nice, and full.
He gasped in surprise when your hands reached to squeeze up his neck. “GAH-” tears stained his pale face, tongue lolling out, every part of his body shook at the incredible force of your thrusts.
The wights on the nipple clamps would rock with every thrust you make. Putting pressure on his nipples. Adding up to the pleasure that illumi felt.
It felt like you would explode at any second, and you’re sure illumi is too. No, he would’ve came at least three times if it wasn’t for the metal piece that settled inside his tips.
“Wanna cum- pleaAH” he begged you in a shaky tone barely making up a full sentence “really? Tell me how much you want it,” you said teasingly “SIR- ple. I want it I want it I want it I want it I wan-” the amount of desperation and desire as he repeated the same sentence was so pathetic that it made you feel like coming right away right then and there. But you held back. “Alright heh- let’s cum together then”.
Upon saying that you took a hold of the metal and pulled it out fast. A scream that would surely be heard by the rest of the family was let out as illumi had the most intense orgasm of his life. His whole body gave up on him but you did not stop. You still haven’t got to cum.
So you continued thrusting up against him. He couldn’t do anything to stop you so he just whimpered and whined as he let himself get overstimulated by your continuous moves. With just a few more thrusts you bursted. Filling him up to the brim. Just from the feeling of your cum overflowing inside of him he came all over himself a second time.
You finally collapsed beside him after you pulled out. Both of you panting loudly trying to catch your breath. Slowly but surely you came down from your high.
Before even getting the chance to relax a pair of eyes that screamed “kill” looked at you. You sweated up before turning around with a smile. You opened your mouth “shut your mouth” you closed your mouth. He turned around and gave you his back.
“Happy birthday”
He said it softly, which was a side you never thought you’d witness. Gently smiling at his words you hugged him from behind bringing him closer to your chest. “Hehehe, you’re so cute” he hummed at you “but my birthday is not over yet” “huh” he looked back at you with a look full of confusion and the very smallest hint of anticipation.
“There’s still lots of other toys I want to try out. So you better start using the assassin stamina that you have because we still have a long way to go before we’re done.”
🏷️: @gaybitchfx @vyloy
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simpforwebtoonmen · 5 months
★lookism characters with an s/o with a similar fighting style as Bayonetta
feat. Daniel Park, Eli Jang, and Euntae Lee (Vasco)
notes/warnings: reader is a woman, fighting, flirting, fluff, kind of ooc characters (for Daniel's at least), not based on specific event in lookism besides for Eli's. not proof read. (lmk if I missed anything!)
i've been playing Bayonetta lately and omg do I love it.
"huh?" he questioned. the only thing distracting him from his aching body and bloody fists was the woman in front of him.
She dodged a punch from her opponent by backflipping elegantly; her arms stretched out and her legs swinging one after another into the air and her back arching perfectly. she landed on her two feet and stood up straight, as if the backflip took no energy from her at all.
God, if she wasn't perfect before (which she was in daniel's eyes), she was definitely beyond amazing at this point.
The way she delivered her kicks to each opponent, the way she would maneuver her body to hit her opponent in a specific spot, and her stance when she finished all 10 men off.
"oh.my.god." Daniel slowly stood up from the ground and wobbled his way over to his girlfriend that just saved him, aka, you.
You quickly ran over to him when you caught sight of his weakened state. putting a hand on his shoulder and the other on his cheek, you examined him for major injuries that might need treatment at the hospital. as you did that, Daniel only admired, thinking to himself how he got so lucky; landing on a strong and elegant woman.
"Are you okay, Daniel? you seem to be in a daze. did you hit your head?" you questioned him, going on your tip toes to get a better look at his head. In a vague motion, he shook his head, "just thinking about you," he admitted.
You got off your toes and stared at Daniel, wondering if something was really wrong with him. "what?" was all you could manage to say. "you're just so perfect..." he let out a somewhat dreamy sigh as his face dropped into what looked to be a lovesick gaze. maybe there really was something wrong with him. but nevertheless, his words still made you very flustered.
Eli ★
he and warren were trying his their hardest to protect Hostel against the old men from (tiger sum company?). Suddenly overpowered by one of the old men, Warren screams for Eli seeing him getting beat down. and even though, eli could've easily gotten back up he wasn't given the chance to when a shadow flew overhead.
Suddenly the old man flew out of Eli's sight and was instead met with a leg stretched out. the shape of the leg was all to recognizable and his eyes trailed up to the thigh, then to the hips and waist, and (not so subtly) up the curve of their chest, his gaze is finally met with yours.
You grinned as you watched him shamelessly check you out despite the situation, "like what you see, perv?" you teased. just then, he's realized what he'd done, a pink color spreading across his cheeks, "i-it's not like that-" he tried to explain but you suddenly disappeared.
you made your way to the other side of the field as you saw the old man get back up as if unscathed by your kick.
Eli was surprised to see that you could hold your own against such a powerful opponent. And not only were your kicks and punches powerful, but your jumps were impressively high and you were all too quick at times for Eli to keep up.
but suddenly, with an elbow to the chest, you flew back into a part of the playground. You groaned as you sat up, "well are you gonna help me or are you just gonna watch?" you shouted from where you were. And as the old man suddenly flew above you, intending to deliver a powerful blow, you were quick to jump up and dodge his attack.
finally, eli snapped out of his trance. "oh!" He got up from where he sat and made his way to you and the old man. The two of you stood in a powerful stance before the old man, making his 'tsk'.
"tag teaming, are we? we'll that's no fair, now is it?"
Vasco ★
"let me join."
"please! with ice cream and whipped cream, and rainbow sprinkles, and cherry on top!"
"hmm, sounds kinda good ngl....but no."
you slumped on your spot on the floor. You've been dating Vasco for about 6 months now and have only seen him fight just recently. You couldn't help but think just how much more amazing it made him look on your eyes, to fight for such a heroic and selfless cause. you wanted to be a part of that too, but for some reason, he won't let you.
"c'mon dude...at least tell me why I can't join you guys..." you looked back up at Vasco, hoping he'd give you an explanation. he sighs, "because it's dangerous work we do and I don't want you to get hurt," he explained, his gaze softening. He doesn't think he could handle seeing you get hurt, no less because of him.
But that's when you realized that he didn't know.
You stood up quite abruptly and pointed a declaring finger at him. "I wanna duel!" you shouted, squinting your eyes at him to make yourself look more serious, but to him, you just looked cute. that and he was surprised to hear such a declaration from you.
"you and me. outside. duel."
and here you both were. outside in an open and seemingly empty field.
he felt extremely unsure if he should really do this. He decided that he was just going to pin you down and make you give up. talk about underestimating your opponent, am i right?
slowly, you inched closer to your opponent, make it seem like you were going to attack first. Vasco, got the idea that you were going to attack at any moment and took it upon himself to lounge for you first, to prevent any sort of fight happening between the two of you.
But suddenly, instead of being met with your body, he was met with his face in the dirt. did you just dodge his attack, by backflipping no less? he lifted his head from the dirt and brought his hands back to lift himself from the ground, but a force on his back pushed him back down onto the dirt. He turned his head to look back at who it was, and surprise surprise, it was you with your foot on his back.
"how did-"
"how did i end up back here when I was just in front of you?" you finished his question for him. you grinned before taking your foot off his back, "keep underestimating me and I might just win this fight," you teased.
he lifted himself from the ground, turning to you with a frown on his face. he was confused to say the least. how did you move so fast? and how strong is your leg to keep him pinned down despite his efforts of getting up? he didn't know the answers to those questions, but he knew now to take you seriously.
"alright fine, let's do this," he lifted his fists up along with his knee, his signature stance. for a moment, his position softened, "don't be afraid to tap out, okay? I don't want to hurt you..."
for a moment, you laughed, "haha, don't worry, I will. same goes for you."
and just like that, you two began your fight.
"are you done yet?" you yawned as you sat on his back, your feet planted on his calves to keep him from moving. He tried to swing his arms up behind him but he simply couldn't reach you. finally, he sighed, "fine...you win..."
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vante1920pm · 1 year
Um, I’m kinda new here. But I read your aonung writings and I’m in love with them. So I was wondering: ¿ Could I request a aonung x male na’vi reader? It can be a sully male reader and the plot could anything. I don’t find a lot of aonung x male reader. Of course, if you can’t do male reader, it fine with gender neutral reader.
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★ 𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: Thank you sm !!! ^^
I hope you like it !
☆ 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: ao'nung/male!na'vi!reader
☆ 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴: ooc, not proof read, bullying mentioned, fluff, tsireya being the queen she is, rotxo is there too
𝘀𝗼𝗻𝗴: accidentally in love
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He knew he was doomed when he first laid eyes on you. He didn't even notice it, but Rotxo sure did.
And so the teasing began.
The others were always trying to embarras him in front of you, calling your name when they saw you, pushing Aonung in your direction. They didn't really like you but they would approve of you.
They were just trying to help their friend, since it was obvious that you were also attracted to Aonung. Not only did his friends notice, Tsireya was always watching from afar, silently smiling into herself.
She knew that her brother wouldn't make the first move, so she made up a plan together with Rotxo.
They set up a "date", as you may call it. They told the both of you, that there's something important you'd have to help with. Obviously there wasn't anything, but they thought that this would be the best opportunity for you to confess.
They set up some pretty flowers and made sure that the meeting would be at sunset. Everything was ready and they set their plan in motion.
You were just having a walk, when suddenly Tsireya ran towards your direction. She seemed to be in a hurry.
"There you are, Y/N! I really need your help!"
The girl smirked for a second, which you saw but didn't thought any of it.
"Huh? What's up?"
She just smiled at you and grabbed your arm with a happy "follow me". You obliged, there wasn't really anything you could do.
After a few minutes she stopped, what made you bump against her. She ignored it and faced you, a small smile still on her face.
You wanted to ask her what that was all about, since you couldn't see anything or anyone here, it was just a small beach area without anything particular.
She told you to stay where you are and to wait, because something important would be there soon. That was what sparked your interest.
'Something important? I really hope she means something "fun important" and not "serious important". I can't deal with this today.'
You waited for a few more minutes, considering to go home since it could've just been a prank. On the other hand, Tsireya wouldn't do that to you. She's too nice.
After a few more minutes, you heard voices. One of them seemed to complain about something, the other a little bit stressed.
When the people finally came out from behind a bunch of trees, your eyes nearly fell out. Your heart immediately started to thump in your body and your hands were shaking lightly.
Aonung and Rotxo were now standing in front of you, the latter nearly fell over before he ran away.
You were now standing alone there. With Aonung. Your crush.
Without saying anything, you just stared at him. In his perfect, beautiful eyes.
"Um, are you the important thing I've been waiting for?"
Aonung was taken aback, which you now realized must have sounded weird. Like a bad pick up line.
'aRe YoU tHe ImPoRtAnT tHiNg i'Ve BeEn WaItInG fOr?' So embarrassing.
He just shrugged his shoulders, a weird look on his face. His beautiful fa- okay, we get it.
"Hah, is there something you need? If not, then I'm leaving."
He was always like that to you. Mean. Looked down on you. Teased you because you weren't a 'real na'vi'.
Some would even consider it bullying but you craved every interaction you got with him.
"N-no, wait for a second-"
He stopped in his tracks, but not looking back at you.
"Hmm? I'm hearing."
You stared at his back for a few seconds, too long since he started to walk again.
'Okay, here we go. Just don't shit yourself.'
"I have.. something important to tell you."
Aonung stopped again, this time turning around to you, waiting for you to elaborate.
"Uh, so the thing is... I have.. I have-"
"Is this going to take much longer? I have places to be."
You gulped your saliva down, so you wouldn't accidentally spit when confessing ( what happened to me one time, but we're not gonna talk about this ), 'cause that would be embarrassing.
And then, you finally told him everything you felt for him, beginning from when you first saw him to yesterday when you heard him singing to himself, when he thought, no one was around.
He stood there, mouth hung open, not able to form any sentence. Then he cleared his throat and stepped a little bit closer to you.
"W-well, you're lucky then.. I think I would have time to go out or whatever you call it."
You couldn't believe your ears at first. Did he just asked you on a date? Or more like told you but that doesn't matter right now.
You smiled at him, which he slightly returned.
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© 2022 VANTE_1920PM
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