#☆;; muse relevant imagery
invictarre-archive · 1 year
every so often I feel the need to remind people of these specific screenshots
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funkaliicious · 11 months
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castleclysm · 1 year
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this gets its own post actually
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remedicine · 2 years
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the (pet) feels so disrespectful 😭
I know that's how he's seen by the government but jeez, you didn't need to reiterate it that loudly
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1nm8translations · 11 months
edN Lyrics Translation & Song and MV Analysis
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This time, I dive deeper into the themes and symbolism in the lyrics of edN and the imagery used in the MV. The analysis is based on my own translation. Includes spoilers for the 1Nm8 lore revealed so far, also after the release of FATE.
Please find edN by 1Nm8 and its official MV here.
As this analysis is being written after the release of SHOWDOWN and S∀G∀, I will make references to it where I believe it’s relevant or that something in the MV or the song is foreshadowing. You can find my analysis of S∀G∀ here.
As always, this analysis is subjective and you’re free to agree, disagree, or agree only with parts of it and have your own interpretations! I simply like making these and sharing them in hope my musings will be interesting to other fans. 
Keep in mind my translation includes some liberties in wording where I could tweak something for rhythm and rhyme, but the meaning should not be affected. I explained my choices in the analysis. Without further ado, let’s discuss edN and it’s:
General themes:
At least some songs from FATE and RAGE are directed at the opposing group (for example, Hit em up is a clear diss at VISTY, and License to Kill has a reference to the conflict between Iori and Hancho as the extension of his history with Zen), and edN can also be interpreted as a message from 1Nm8 to TCW, at least in some parts.
I think some of the verses are directed at each other, and the chorus seems to be a message to Alter Trigger, though.
edN is mostly about 1Nm8’s goal and mission, with the strongest religious references out of their first three songs. However, there is a darker undertone to it.
Finally, I think edN shows contrast between the members the most from their songs so far.
There’s a lot of white in the MV. First, it’s a part of the religious imagery - together with pillars, windows and arches reminiscent of a church. White stands for what’s pure, correct and holy.
However, white can also be a reference to the Alter Trigger facility Itsuki and Rokuta were kept at. The facility, in turn, is a symbol for what they’re fighting against. See the irony? I believe it may be intentional, showing them as two sides of a coin, and how easily righteousness can be corrupted - like at the beginning of the MV.
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Finally, the white may be a reference to 1Nm8’s slogan of “Return to blank”, destruction to a blank slate to build again.
Then, the imagery in each of the members verses could be interpreted as their unique ways of “rebuilding”. It shows the contrasts between the members but also how they complete each other.
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Kei is surrounded by floating broken parts, which means initiates the destruction. He’s the one who has formulated their plan and recruited the others. However, also contributes the ideas and ideals, which is shown by the floating models.
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Meanwhile, the background in Itsuki’s verses features spirals, harmonious shapes and regular, flowing movement. 
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I believe that it shows how he contributes calm and structure. Notice how even the typography in his verses is the most neat and orderly (at least in the beginning), in comparison to Kei’s warying fonts and sizes and quickly moving text, or Rokuta’s floating letters. It appears as if Itsuki was typing the words on a keyboard.
The “typing” might even be a reference to Itsuki seeing himself as a “memory recording machine”. 
However, one of 1nm8translation's followers, sugarstar-rabbits interpreted this differently (sharing with permission): that Itsuki typing out his lyrics gave it a cute personal touch. I think that is a good way to look at it too; you could see it as Itsuki being able to communicate better through music.
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Finally, Rokuta is the most playful, with what looks like huge building blocks and floating round letters that remind me of a children’s show. While Kei can go to extremes and Itsuki gets cold and uncompromising, Rokuta brings in the warmth. He may use metaphors that are a bit childish, but he's the best at actually appealing to emotions and emotional needs.
Translation and Analysis
Aiight, Okay listen, Okay listen
せ 時は刻む
キミを導く It's my mission
Aiight, Okay listen, Okay listen
Open your eyes, the clock is ticking
To lead you is my mission
The quietly hidden away ambition
Just as in the voice drama, Kei declares that he sees changing people’s views of Phantometal is his mission - implied as a mission from God by the imagery. The clock Kei is sitting in front of looks like a clock from a church tower. It also means he’s high up - literally and figuratively “above” the misguided people.
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“Quietly hidden away ambition” might refer to Kei having hidden plans related to his objective or, possibly, the way he didn’t go public about Phantometal until Paradox Live gave him the opportunity.
躊躇なく壊す and reset
Do it right, huh
Throw the old system away
Don’t hesitate, break it and reset
Don’t you feel it?
Misunderstandings slipping out of control
Are an evil influence
Do it right, huh
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“溢れ出した勘違いは” literally means “The misunderstandings that overflowed”, like water from a container, but “going out of control” conveys the meaning better in my opinion. The misunderstanding would be rappers thinking that Phantom lives and Phantometal are something good for them - the way TCW refuse to give up on it because of the belief they bring each other and people together with their music.
Don’t get emotional, thinking should come first
I’m sorry, but the alarm is already ringing
If you want to play around, do it another day
We don’t have any more time left
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I think this is one of the parts of the song that is adressed to TCW, based on the confrontation between Kei, Itsuki and Naoakira and Yohei. In the drama track, Itsuki admitted he can't comprehend the emotional response to their plea and their attachment to Phantom Lives.
This verse gets a completely different ring to it after the SHOWDOWN drama track. There, we see that using Phantometal has adverse effects other than just trap reactions on Rokuta, and based on this verse, it likely affects Itsuki badly in some unusual way as well. Despite this, both Itsuki and Rokuta are determined to further Kei’s ideals.
It makes it even more ominous that Itsuki’s wording here doesn’t promise that they would be here later for the “playing around” - it’s more like he’s saying “don’t waste our limited time”.
In my translation I switched “later” for “another day” for the sake of the rhyme.
I can see clearly like a レントゲン
Yeah, no pain no gain
Back to the 原点
Like connecting the dots with a line 
I can see clearly like an X-ray
Yeah, no pain no gain
Back to the Origin
To obliterate the Phantom
The first two lines could be a reference to Itsuki’s abilities, but in the context of edN and the message of the song, I think it's more that he sees the truth behind Paradox Live and Phantometal.
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This verse can also be seen as a flash forward to SHOWDOWN. “No pain no gain” is a cliche phrase, but in Itsuki’s and Rokuta’s situation it gains a more specific meaning - without suffering from Phantometal, they can’t accomplish their goal. If they stop out of concern for themselves, or Kei tries to stop them, they will fail.
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Notice the black and white contrast. "Obliterate" is in black while "Phantom is in white. It's as if the MV was asking us "is this really the right thing to do?"
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
The fight to try
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
No matter many times, once again breaking
The fight to try
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I find it interesting that Rokuta is the one who sings this part first (Kei repeats it later with the same lyrics). It shows how, despite his kindness and easygoing personality, he's just as commited to 1Nm8's goals.
It’s unforgiveable,
Don’t you think?
So prepare for the worst
From hell, a pierrot beckons
I believe this part of the chorus adresses Alter Trigger - it's a declaration of war. The "unforgiveable" deeds would be of course their experimentation on the two and the damage the organization inflicted on many others - and continuing to pull strings bedind the scenes.
The phrase 覚悟を決めろ is often used in anime where a character or group challenges their opponent to a fight. It's like saying "prepare to get your ass kicked".
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The 'pierrot' is fascinating because there's a few ways to interpret who it is supposed to be. The pierrot went from a sad fool in comedia dell'arte to a symbol of unpriviledged, opressed and misunderstood people in modern culture. Some artists, like Schoenberg, also used the pierrot's painted face as a symbol of hiding one's feelings and opinions.
Who is the pierrot in edN? I think it's either Ryu - Zero, or Kei. Ryu seems like an obvious choice. His cryptic speech and antics conceal sharp observational skills and the ability to see through people. He is also one of the worst affected by Alter Trigger's experiments.
On the other hand, Kei is the one who takes an active role in fighting for the victims of Alter Trigger and Phantometal. However, his arguments are dismissed by most, and he's seen as an unreasonable "fool".
The imagery in this verse shows Kei's silhouette going down a massive flight of stairs all alone - which may reflect that he has no support. He's stepping from the outside into a building which seems to be full of darkness. The only light is shining in from the outside.
Kei once tried to move away from Phantom Lives and even quit music, after he learned what Phantometal research has done to Rokuta, but he is voluntarily walking back into "hell" of Paradox Live for the sake of his mission of ending it once and for all. He "beckons" Itsuki and Rokuta who decide to follow him.
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Everywhere we go
We’re haunted by noise
Everywhere we go
As soon as we can
Let’s escape this twisted world
The 'noise' doesn't just mean loud sounds, but it can refer to interference or static, or even gossip or irresponsible criticism [1]. The 'noise' would be people trying to get in the way of 1Nm8's plans.
美しい破壊の音色 儚い
No sacrifice
僕たちが導く paradise
The melody of destruction is beautiful yet fleeting
Don’t lend your ear to the whisper of the devil
There’s no need to fear,
There will be no sacrifice
In the paradise we lead you to
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This is another part that I feel is adressed to TCW. The lyrics acknowledge that Phantom Lives have their appeal, and may even be beautiful, but it's the devil speaking. 1Nm8's ideal world wouldn't require anyone to risk their health or life for music, hence "no sacrifice".
However, would it really be "paradise"? The sudden switch from white to black here feels ominous. While on the white background, the members have their eyes closed, as if dreaming, while when they open their eyes, the mood changes dramatically. It might be showing the contrast between their 'dream' and the reality of it or what they're doing to achieve it.
If you look closely, there is a round light behind them in both frames (in the second one, it's just very faint). It reminds me of an angel's halo, or perhaps a lamp from a lab.
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High, ほら手を取って
オレとキミが楽しけりゃdon't care
High up, come, take my hand
I’ll take you to the top on a rocket
The sky is so far, but it’s no matter
As long as we enjoy ourselves, I don’t care
I've heard the phrase "the sky is far (lit. high up)" in several Japanese songs. It's a metaphor that refers to your dreams and goals seeming very far away and difficult, or even impossible to reach, like the sky above us.
However, Rokuta isn't going to be bothered by it! It's too far? Let's make a rocket!
At first, I took this verse as an encouragement directed at 1Nm8's listeners, but now, after listening to the SHOWDOWN drama, I think it might actually be meant for Itsuki. I loved how he cheered Itsuki on and looked out for him before they met Kei. It gave more depth to their relationship, and showed it's not just Itsuki taking care of Rokuta, but a give and take.
Why are you making a sad face?
Even if this world seems like a nightmare
I will give you a ticket out of here
And see it through till the end
I added "out of here" to the "I will give you a ticket" line because I feel like it's strongly implied by context of the verse and the whole song, like in "Let's escape this twisted world" in the chorus.
Like I mentioned at the start, Rokuta is the one who notices things like sadness and hopelessness and offers comforting words, which is difficult for the other two.
I think this verse is also for Itsuki. It reminds me of how Rokuta immediately noticed Itsuki was in a bad shape after they left the facility, overwhelmed by the outside world.
However, the imagery for the line "And see it through till the end" seems strange to me. It was the basis for my theory about Rokuta's memory loss, which you can read here.
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The screen splits into 7 or 8 parts (if you count the one mostly off screen) and both Rokuta's image AND the words are repeated. It's as if the promise itself was repeated many times in the past - which could be because Rokuta kept forgetting it.
No matter if it was by chance or fate
To embody the vision pictured in our minds
The emphasis from the heavy bass serves as a foundation
For thousands of harsh decisions
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I see this verse as Itsuki describing his role in 1Nm8 and his relationship with Kei. In SHOWDOWN, Itsuki says he feels 1Nm8 meeting and Kei's power working on him and Rokuta is fate.
1Nm8 is meant to realize Kei's vision, and he is the one making the "harsh decisions". 低音, bass, can also be translated as "low voice", and Itsuki's voice is the lowest of the three. I interpret this verse as Itsuki declaring he's rapping to support Kei's cause.
I'mma show you how
They need the dope shit
Precise rhythm and melody
I’mma show you how
With one-of-a-kind technique
Steadily eaten away by the toxic
They need the dope shit
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The “toxic” is obviously the Phantometal. means "to affect adversely; to spoil; to ruin; to undermine; to gnaw at (one's heart, body, etc.); to eat into; to destroy" [2], which accurately describes the Metal's effects.
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
The fight to try
Yeah, History is
In the making
We're gonna be
The 1Nm8 King
No matter many times, once again breaking
The fight to try
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Kei sings the same pre-chorus Rokuta does for the first half of the song, interestingly, with the same background imagery. I think it's meant to show their connection, and maybe hint at Rokuta's identity as Kei's missing brother (back when FATE released, we didn't know for sure).
(Chorus repeats)
手っ取り早く we show and prove
Anything we need, we can obtain
Quick and easy, We show and prove
Eliminate all unnecessary steps
Proceed according to the plan
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宙を舞ったらplay back again
With you, you, you そんなplan
My heart pounds in joy everyday
In a daze, I get closer to the atmosphere
If it flutters down in the wind, play back again
With you, you, you, that’s the plan
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While Itsuki's verse is pretty straightforward, reiterating his methods and ambition, Rokuta's is more metaphoric.
I talked about it in my memory loss theory too, but 舞う can mean "whirl in the wind, flutter about, swirl, fly, circle", for example, like cherry blossoms falling. I think here it refers to Rokuta's memories, which scatter once he overused Phantometal again.
Notice that similarly to "See it through to the end", here "You" is repeated. I interpret the lines as Rokuta saying if he ends up losing his memories once more, he wants to "play back" - start over with 1Nm8.
I'm not preparing a sad ending
I will show you what the world should be
This is a signpost
So, let's go
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The literal translation of the second line of this verse would be "I will show you a correct (righteous, lawful) world".
This typography in this verse gives it a lot of urgency, and the way the characters rapidly flicker during the lines "This is a signpost / So, let's go" is sinister. It feels like Kei is close to the edge.
What comes next is even more sinister, however.
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The chorus repeats again, but muffled, with a gray, staticky filter put over it. The moment where Kei is only partly visible through the kanji for 覚悟 (resolution, preparedness) but without his face now looks legitimately scary.
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I found this part of the song unsettling ever since I first saw it, but I still can't quite put a finger on it. The filter makes me think of a feeling of shock after hearing or experiencing something that really rattles you, or numbness from too much pain. It might also evoke the feeling of muted "unrealness" when you are having a nightmare.
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Do you have any other ideas? While I can't be sure what this means for Kei and 1Nm8 yet, I can tell it's nothing good.
Then, the second half of the chorus plays as normal, and the MV ends with the members in the same scenery we saw at the beginning. But can we still look at it the same way?
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Final thoughts
Based on the muted filter, other symbolism and imagery in the MV: the double meaning of white, the black and white contrast, as well as Kei 'walking into hell' I'd say an important theme in edN is "becoming evil to fight evil" and the dangers of it. It's presented mostly visually, but I think it compliments the atmosphere in the drama track for FATE, especially the latter half. I want to make my own translation of it; I will link it here when it's completed.
Please don't take this analysis wrong! I'm a huge 1Nm8 fan and I voted for them both times. I think the element of darkness makes them more interesting.
Not that I am not worried, however 。゚(゚^ω゚)゚。
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blueheartbooks · 3 months
Navigating the Depths of Humanity: A Review of "Moby-Dick" by Herman Melville
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Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is a literary masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its rich tapestry of adventure, philosophy, and exploration of the human condition. Published in 1851, this epic novel tells the story of Ishmael, a sailor who embarks on a whaling voyage aboard the Pequod, captained by the enigmatic and obsessive Captain Ahab. As the voyage progresses, Ishmael and his shipmates become embroiled in Ahab's relentless quest for vengeance against the great white whale, Moby Dick, leading to a harrowing and ultimately tragic confrontation.
At its core, "Moby-Dick" is a profound exploration of themes such as obsession, fate, and the nature of evil. Through the character of Captain Ahab, Melville delves into the depths of the human psyche, revealing the destructive power of unchecked ambition and the consequences of pursuing one's desires at any cost. Ahab's single-minded pursuit of vengeance against Moby Dick serves as a powerful allegory for the folly of human hubris and the inherent darkness that resides within us all.
One of the most striking aspects of "Moby-Dick" is its vast scope and ambitious narrative structure. Melville weaves together a diverse array of genres, including adventure, philosophy, natural history, and maritime lore, creating a multifaceted and immersive reading experience. From the intricacies of whaling to the metaphysical musings of Ishmael, the novel's narrative is as expansive and boundless as the open sea itself, inviting readers to ponder life's deepest mysteries and contemplate the nature of existence.
Moreover, "Moby-Dick" is renowned for its richly textured prose and vivid evocation of the maritime world. Melville's descriptive powers are on full display as he paints a vivid portrait of life aboard a whaling ship, from the harsh realities of shipboard existence to the awe-inspiring beauty of the ocean's depths. Through his lyrical language and vivid imagery, Melville captures the essence of the sea as both a source of wonder and terror, imbuing the novel with a sense of awe and reverence for the natural world.
In addition to its philosophical depth and evocative prose, "Moby-Dick" is also a timeless meditation on the human condition and the search for meaning in a chaotic and indifferent universe. As Ishmael grapples with questions of identity, mortality, and the unknowable mysteries of existence, readers are drawn into a profound and transcendent journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Through Ishmael's experiences, Melville reminds us of the fragility of human life and the enduring power of the human spirit to find meaning and purpose in the face of adversity.
In conclusion, "Moby-Dick" is a towering achievement of American literature that continues to resonate with readers for its profound insights, rich imagery, and timeless relevance. Melville's magnum opus stands as a testament to the enduring power of the human imagination and the boundless depths of the human soul. With its epic scope, philosophical depth, and unforgettable characters, "Moby-Dick" remains a masterpiece of world literature and a testament to Melville's enduring genius.
Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick: or, The Whale" is available in Amazon in paperback 22.99$ and hardcover 29.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 314
Language: English
Rating: 10/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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A Little Goncharov for Thanksgiving
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I learned about Goncharov the way I learn about most memes and pop culture, from my teenagers. In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, we had a group chat spring up on Discord that included two family friends who were going to be joining us for the holiday from out of town. One of the topics of conversation turned to Goncharov, the imaginary film around which an active Tumblr fan community had sprung up, as if it had been a real, little-known cult classic from 1973 made by Martin Scorsese. 
It became a fun creative exercise—in the middle of the day, one of the kids would send a question about Goncharov: “What do you think about the relationship between Katya and Sofia?” or “What did you make of the clock tower imagery?” or “Goncharov… iphone or android guy?” To which someone else would playfully answer. 
This same kind of thing was happening on a massive scale on Tumblr, where artists created movie posters and promotional materials, composers posted songs and soundtracks, people posted deleted scenes and script fragments. There are reviews and academic papers, fictitious Wikipedia and IMDb listings, and A LOT of fan art.
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Lynda Carter posted a photo on her Tumblr with Henry Winkler that she captioned, “Me and ‘The Fonz’ at the premiere of Goncharov (1973) at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre.”
Discussions popped up about the characters and who would play them in the reboot. Posts were shared hundreds, then thousands of times. A Goncharov (1973) Lore Google Doc and Discord server were created to help keep the content organized.
Our family’s fan-favorite character was Ice-Pick Joe, so I wrote “Musings on Ice-Pick Joe” in between chopping veggies for stuffing and waiting for the sweet potatoes to roast, complete with some AI-generated art. That was four days ago, and the post has been liked and shared more than I anticipated, and I keep thinking about why that is.
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Conversations around Goncharov have continued, and I find myself wondering what it is about this moment in time and this type of activity that continues to capture so many people’s imagination and engagement?
Tumblr is a hub for public fandom culture and community in a way that the other social media platforms are not. It’s where you can find discourse and fanfiction/fanart for almost anything.
Still, this is a little different and on a much larger scale. At a time when people are looking for Twitter alternatives, with the stress and joy of holidays approaching, what is drawing so many people in?
We talked about this over Thanksgiving: the way Goncharov allowed people low-stakes permission to create, to play to their particular strengths, to connect with other people, to escape reality for a moment, to build a new community. We talked about the shortcomings and challenges we saw: power dynamics, issues of race, etc.
It’s an evolving experiment, and as such, it has been shaped by the many variables involved and course-corrected each time someone notices a gap or opportunity: What would a musical look like? What if some of the actors had gone on Sesame Street or the Muppet Show? What if Gonzo played Goncharov and Miss Piggy played Katya? What would the remake look like set in 1980s NYC? What recipes might be created for the Goncharov cookbook? (I remember how much fun we had making the Forking Good cookbook.) There really is no end to what people can come up with. I’m waiting to see if Goncharov gets a Tom Gauld comic or a mention on Saturday Night Live. 
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It seems relevant that role-playing games, both online and tabletop, have recently increased in popularity. Dungeons and Dragons was the cornerstone of Stranger Things, and 50,000 people attended Gen Con (tabletop game convention) in 2022. It’s not my world, although I’ve watched the joy my kids take in it. My energy goes into writing, but I can absolutely appreciate the fun of playing together. 
As a writer, I walk around with worlds in my head, but I don’t get to share them until they get published. Something like Goncharov, which was not an intellectual property “owned” by anyone, gives people permission to imagine and play.
I think it speaks to a need we have an human beings to experience connection, joy, wonder, and hope. We've always had those needs. People have been gathering around fires or tables, telling stories, for thousands of years.
Today, the hearth may be a computer or a phone, but the desire is not that different. My November began with the publication of Mother Christmas, my graphic novel, the secret origin of the Santa Claus story which is rooted in the ancient Muses, whose gifts inspire humanity. One of the questions my story attempts to answer is: Where does inspiration come from?
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If we look at Goncharov we can see that inspiration comes from so many places. So much is possible when people given themselves permission to play, to shrug off the inner critics and outer trolls, and to imagine for a moment a different world that they have a part in creating. That is such a powerful and compelling idea.
Stories remind us that we are not alone, that we share struggles, and that we can overcome obstacles. There are so many challenges in the world right now.
Maybe Goncharov is a lens through which people are seeing themselves and each other, reminding us how much fun it is to make-believe and how powerful it can be to have a shared image of the world.
The first step in creation is imagining. Exercising that muscle, allowing ourselves to play and tell stories and make art is a worthwhile one, and I think it's one that we need to survive.  The Goncharov phenomenon gives me hope, because if we can have this many people put their energy into creating a whole world around Goncharov, just imagine what else is possible?
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flightofaqrow · 1 year
Misfortune (Reprise)
I realized I never talked about option 1. Let me back up. And bear with me a moment. We're going to get serious first, and then silly, okay?
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I. The Take
I have too many words about it which will probably keep coming and being further refined into new posts, but to put it as simple as possible: My personal portrayal take is that Misfortune is symbolic of a physical disability (aura and semblance are like a muscle, don't u kno) and an allegory for depression/anxiety, and both of these things are further maladapted due to trauma.
We are explicitly told that semblances may or may NOT be reflective of someone's soul, and that if it is, it can be either a semblance shaped by the soul OR a soul shaped by the semblance. ...Remember?
“A common philosophy is that a warrior’s Semblance is a part of who they are. Some say your personality and character can define your Semblance while some claim that it is the other way around. Of course, there are still many who don’t see a connection at all."
We are also explicitly told by qrow that his "semblance isn't like most."
tl;dr (a) people trying to frame Misfortune as some sort of manifestation of qrow's personality or true self just because using that lens does fit a lot of the other characters, or (b) trying to say that having a different perspective about himself and the trauma aspect of things suddenly makes the other parts go away - absolutely smacks of (a) victim blaming and (b) ableism [to me].
This is a me thing, a personal interpretation and portrayal thing. But this is also my muse and my space to talk about it, so I do. No actual hate to people that interpret or have fun with it otherwise, you're valid.
II. The Alternates
On a lighter note, the two alternative options I will accept for Misfortune reflecting some aspect of qrow's true self are:
He wants to stay the hell away from main character drama, so he acknowledges his B Sitcom plot, complete with the stupid slapstick.
2. Super secret [til now] background tertiary allusion: Uncle Charlie.
Welcome to doing whatever you wish! you got the wrong guy. Laughing and singing all day! oh, isn't that wonderful. you mean there's no surprises or anything? Oh no, no, no. We know everything here. aw, that's just lovely. the clouds. the grass. the air. [/s] hey. would you like to dance? you must have studied dancing. you have natural rhythm... Ah! I'm getting dizzy... everything is so lovely here. so planned. so ordinary. and that's what's driving me crazy. i need Brazil, the throb, the thrill i've never been there, but someday i will adventure and danger! love from a stranger! let me be surprised! today there's sun, they said there'd be snow when all's said and done, it's fun not to know what keeps my heart humming is guessing what's coming let me be surprised! oh, ain't it great when fate ...makes you wait the world seems mirthless you feel worthless then suddenly, there's a big bone on your plate! Oh, Charlie, please remember Down there's a world of used cars And singles bars, broken dreams And out of reach stars... but it isn't over, not for this rover i don't like to steal... but i don't buy this deal... in 'bout three seconds, she'll have realized... and she's gonna be. wait'll you see. she's gonna be ...surprised!
this is relevant at just face value, but also.
qrow as 'the second child, the twin who never should have been, but came back wrong/cursed from a prior life' has been a brainworm based around this allusion for a very long time, and then Vol 9 came along and we got canon ascension/reincarnation for potentially everybody AND canon time-fuckery based around pocket watch imagery. so you know what, it's the time and place to talk about that too.
Ozma > qrow > Jaune parallel of boys trying so hard to be heroes but just end up dicking around and caught in things they don't understand. delicious.
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invictarre-archive · 10 months
time for this again :)))))))))
#☆;; answered#☆;; in character#☆;; out of character#☆;; inbox memes#☆;; musings & aesthetics#☆;; dash commentary#☆;; dash games#☆;; headcanons#☆;; muse relevant imagery#☆;; dyn. ree / skullkxd#☆;; dyn. guzma / onlyheartaches#☆;; dyn. dani / jocundcompany#☆;; dyn. allister / ghxsthide#☆;; dyn. james / spikemuthtoothfairy
and probably loads of others I'm missing
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funkaliicious · 11 months
for all my lovely darling followers unfamiliar with ghost trick... check out cabanela's debut appearance
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castleclysm · 1 year
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Black vs. Black 2
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remedicine · 2 years
Muse-Inspired Desserts.
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cwarscars · 1 year
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
⤿   HEADCANON MEMES; COMFORT CHARACTER EDITION!   TW: death, family, religion.    
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
hmm, when you say 'aesthetics'; my mind immediately goes to graphics. but, i guess to talk about both that & general imagery while writing - my mind on heidegger always comes back to certain things;
booze // always a big one. not so much binge-drinking / a glass of wine 'with the girls', but more-so a lone shot of whiskey at night. a bottle of brandy tucked away in a draw. the light-scent of a spirit on the man's coat ( beneath a thick waft of aftershave ). the relief that comes with a drink at the end of a night of work ( or rather, at the beginning of the day ).
cigarettes & smoking // i've always written heidegger as a social smoker. he always liked to share a cigar with shinra sr - as a young man, he would sometimes smoke with friends / other soldiers as a means of a light rebellion. i imagine he doesn't smoke excessively enough to smell of cigarettes or have a cloud of smoke in his office. it's more, like, he smokes whilst interrogating people / after sex / socially etc.
war & battle // this is obvious. i see heidegger as more than just a warmonger, he's a man who's lived it. he's been there, done that & thrives in a fight. he craves battle & bloodshed. not just others, but his own. aggression & war will forever be a part of his aesthetic. the heat of adrenaline, the rapid drum of his heart; blood warm when it's shed.
long nights alone, insomnia & night-time hallucinations // a darker one but i imagine heidegger spending many nights alone. lying in bed with a gun in his hand. no means to use it but its there just in case ( just in case of a burglar, right - ha, r-right? ). a large glass window / door that overlooks the outside from his bed. he watches the dark as if to expect to see something. all he sees are ghosts.
tension, red & the heat that comes with rage // he's a ticking time bomb. almost entirely tense, entirely on edge. rarely at ease & constantly aching for a fight. he's a man further than the end of his tether. his jaw is always clenched tight, his brows always furrowed. heidegger is always tense.
regrets in the form of old photos // torn-photos of a young, wide-eyed looking soldier. the cracked frame that contains a picture of daughters much younger in the pictures than they are now. a picture-book that hasn't been updated in years. a locket with secrets contained within it ( the seal rusted shut & the chain long-broken ).
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ooc-miqojak · 1 year
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
Hm. I mean, she's turning into a demon, so... I like themes that tend to surround that kind of thing. But many years ago, I represented a sort of dream/mindscape as being rather similar to the Labyrinth ballroom - a round ballroom made of mirrors, very busy with tables of partyware, and masked dancers (herself included) spinning all about, but every time she saw herself in one (or more) of the mirrors, she saw a cream-coated lioness looking back. She's long feared the darker parts of herself, and it ended up being a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy! I'd like to come back and visit this imagery now - after all, if the Lioness is loose, where's the Flower Girl?
She's a noble, and she led a sheltered life - and even in her own mind, she still felt trapped - keeping it all in until she felt ugly (or 'feral', ha!) on the inside - and I love that kind of imagery.
(I don't rightly know if there's any other symbols or the like in the writing - though I used to have a trend of naming my writings after songs? And still do at times! :P)
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neodarkdark · 1 year
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
[ ✨ ] what aesthetics or symbols do you reference when writing your muse? are these backed up by canon, if your muse comes from a canon? is there any specific relevance to these choices?
Headcanon prompts!
Is there something your muse struggles with?
Svern, struggling with something? Like that would ever happen...
Well, there's his ever-looming sense of detachment and apathy. He's always trying to keep ahead of it and remedy it in some way; distracting himself or getting immersed in something that combats it. It's unlikely he'll ever really "overcome" it since it's determined in large part by how he is on the inside. (At least not with his current methods of dealing with it. This is also excluding the Shadow Crystal's "magic fix", because that's just overwriting one problem with an even bigger problem.)
There are alternate scenarios where it might not bother him so much, but they would involve major changes to his backstory, from a pretty young age, and would create an entirely different character.
What aesthetics do you reference when writing your muse?
OOH... cats? I'm not sure when Svern picked up cats as a thing associated with his mannerisms but it is a thing that happened. The way they stare at you and the way they move and the way they do silly things sometimes. They also have that reputation for being aloof and independent but clingy to people they actually like. Plus there is the whole curiosity killed the cat thing. And having nine lives and always landing on their feet and stuff.
The imagery just works for him!
Besides that... does Bungou Stray Dogs count as an aesthetic? Yeah? Nah? Just the vibes line up. If 90s Sailor Moon gives me vibes for writing Ice then BSD gives me vibes for Svern. Idk how it works.
Canon-related aesthetics would be shadows and dark-themed stuff. I don't think that's a core part of his character or something I typically reference when writing him, though, unless it's related to something in the moment. It'll probably come up more if I incorporate the Shadow Crystal more.
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jayisabells · 2 years
More Genshin Theory Time!
This episode: Dainsleif and "her"
This is based on the Teyvat Chapter Storyline Trial thingy on the official genshin youtube channel. Dainsleif narrates it.
In the last chapter, Chapter ???: The Sea of Flowers at the End, Dainsleif has a whole dialogue saying:
Defeat me, command me to step aside, show me that you are worthier than I to rescue her.
And what I am questioning is who is "her"
The most probable and likely answer is the Abyss Royal sibling, given the fact that Aether is the traveler in all marketing and other relevant things. So "her" is Lumine, Abyss Princess.
However, I would like to discuss other potential options on who "her" is.
Khaneri'ah is "her." In his dialogues during quests Dainsleif refers to the nation as her. Which is common to refer to a nation in English as "her." Ex: Khaneri'ah and her people. Not much to add to that, but as much as I think this could be likely there are other factors to consider. Such as how I am refering to the English translation. For all I know that him refering to Khaneri'ah as "her" is only in the Eng translation.
The Unknown God/Sustainer is "her." This is mainly in reference to the theory that the BP intro story thing is not in reference to the traveler twins, but other characters in Teyvat. Mainly Dainsleif. Although I do find this theory easily disproved, I can see it as the BP story alluding that the traveler's journey has paralells to another journey that happened in Teyvat. Mainly because the BP story implies that the twins are from Teyvat (imagery of Celestia, etc)[1]. Why the Sustainer? Well somethings clearly fucked up in Celestia and she's there, as well as from what we know, her motivations are opposite to Dainsleif.
The God of Time is "her." Same situation as the Sustainer. Could also be the BP story as well, could even be the Sustainer. Not much else to say here. Although there is an interesting connection between Dain and time.
I suggest if you really wanna go deep into Dain lore (for you Dainsleif Lovers out there), I highly suggest you read this (long) post for the Genshin Lore subreddit.
The main point in relation to my current musings is that Dainsleif can use time. He has a "time" vision. Dain wants to know is the traveler is worthy and strong enough to save the God of Time, who could have possibly been struck down by Celestia.
Gold is "her." I find this highly unlikely. I doubt she will ever truly appear in the game in anything other than flashbacks. She is the one I believe that committed the last "crime" that pushed Celestia to damn Khaneri'ah and her people. I feel Dain probably hates her and wouldn't ask the traveler to prove they are "worthy," maybe strong enough, but not worthy.
I think we will end up fighting Dainsleif at the end, and our sibling as well. But I feel Dain, and his Dain-ness, might lead to him being extremely more powerful than we believe. Such as, why was he specifically cursed. What was so special about him in comparison to someone, lets say, the King of Khaneri'ah, than Gold, then whoever else. Why Dain? I do believe Dain might have survived with his mortality due to a possible connection to the Iriminsul [2]. And given how that has connections to the ley lines, maybe somehow the Irisumul saved him or he saved himself through it. Ley lines preserve memories, etc. (He was the Bough Keeper, bough=main branch of tree, main Iriminsul?)
I feel that there is quite a bit of merit to the theory that the traveler twins are originally from Teyvat. I plan to do a post in the future about this. Mainly that they were on Teyvat pre-Celestia/current Celestia. Possibly when Teyvat wasn't called Teyvat and the 7 nations didn't exist or elemental powers (traveler is seelie confirmed)
The Iriminsul are the trees inside domains. The tree in Dragonspine is a deas one. Its possible that the tree on Tsurumi Island is a dead one too. They are connected to the ley lines, their roots. And a lot of things are cuased by the ley lines, including preserving memories of people. Such as the ghosts in the island.
(In case embedded link didn't work)
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