#✧ ′ welcome to the town of pep ⦗ riverdale ⦙ season one & two ⦘
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     JACOB  WASN’T  SURE  if  he  really  wanted  to  go  to  school  as  of  late.  the  black  hood  still  out  at  large  and  he  was  worried  that  one  of  them  could  be  next.     ❛   how  can  you  stay  in  your  house  every  night,  i’d  be  to  terrified  to  want  to  be  there,  ❜   jacob  responded.  //  @rcdcrown
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salvatcrechilda · 5 years
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riverdalewriter · 6 years
Greendale to Riverdale |Ch. 1| {J.J x Reader Imagine}
Author’s note: This was not requested. This is also my very first writing piece. I am very excited for this one. I am hoping that this will become a really good series. Enjoy! Keep in mind this one is weird, it’s season 1 and 2 merged together. you won't see that merge until chapter 3.
Word count: 1,659
Character count: 8,681
y/n = your name
Summary: A new one comes to town and quickly befriends the core four, plus Kevin. They are welcomed to this town, no one bothers them and they trust their friends. They are loving their new home, but soon their mother gets in trouble, and everything comes tumbling down from there.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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I was looking out the window, the scenery was dark and beautiful. I saw a sign, that read “Welcome to Riverdale, The Town With Pep”. It didn’t seem like it was a town with pep. The town seemed like it had something dark happen to it. Eventually, we got to our new house. My parents started unpacking the car, while the moving guys helped unload the truck. I got out of the car, taking it all in for the first time.
We were going to live in yellow, two-story house with the white picket fence, it was sickening. But it was better than the house we were living in before. This town seemed better than Greendale. I was born and raised there, and I hated it. Hopefully, this town is better.
I heard people talking next door, I looked for the source. I stopped short of the garage, afraid of them noticing me, but I peaked a bit and I saw two teenage boys talking with two older men. One teenager had red hair, the other had dark hair and wore a crown beanie. It was strange, but I liked it. By their facial structures, the men they were talking to, were their fathers. They were a handsome bunch. I was intrigued by them, so I put my whole body into their view. The boy in the beanie noticed I was there and stopped talking, the others soon noticed me as well.
“Sorry to interrupt,  I couldn’t help myself. I had to know who you people were. My folks and I just moved next door. Just came from Greendale. I’m y/n, by the way.” They were hesitant, who wouldn’t be? They don’t know me, but soon enough one of the fathers speak up and introduced himself and his son.
“I’m Fred Andrew, this is my son Archie,” said one of the men, he pointed to the redhead. His father had dark hair and kind eyes. He was wearing a plaid buttoned up flannel with a grey top underneath, jeans and some sneakers. His hands were dirty, but they were also handcrafted. He worked with his hands, maybe construction. His son had red hair, kind eyes, his clothes told a different story. He was wearing jeans, converse a white top underneath and a red cardigan. I noticed the calluses on his fingertips, I assume he plays an instrument. I smiled at both of them.
“FP, FP Jones. This is my son, Jughead,” said the other man, he nodded to the boy in the beanie, the one that intrigued me the most. FP had thick, dark hair and dark, brooding eyes. He was wearing a black top with a leather jacket, jeans, and black boots. Jughead also had thick, dark, curly hair, but he had curious eyes. He wants to know who I am. He is also wearing a leather jacket, with an ‘S’ t-shirt, a plaid flannel tied around his waist, wearing his dark jeans hung low, but not too low and black converse, oh and of course his crowned-shaped beanie that has two pins on it. The kind of leather jackets they were wearing was associated with a gang. I know because there was one in Greendale and I would know what type of leather that is anywhere, I did hang around with those type of people back home.
I smile at the Jones’ and look at all of them, “Well, it is very nice to meet all of you. But I should get going. I don’t want to leave my family to do all of the unpacking.
Now it’s Monday, my first day of sophomore year, even though it’s been a month into the new school year. I had picked out a pair of high waisted shorts, a white camisole and my blue denim jacket along with my white converse. I put on a little makeup, make my hair look nice and grabbed my phone off of my bedside table. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. I was greeted by my mother sitting at the counter. She was hungover, for the millionth time. I knew she wasn’t working late last night, she was just drinking every last bottle at the bar, like usual. I don’t know why I expected anything different.
“Hey, honey.”
“Hi, mom. I’m just going to grab a breakfast bar and my backpack and then I’m off to school.”
“Okay, sweetie. Have a great first day,” and with that, I head out the door. Over the last couple of days, I had befriended Archie and Jughead. I was surprised when later Thursday night they asked me to join them at Pop’s. From then on we all had just clicked and became friends. I walked up the school buildings outside stairs and opened up the schools' doors. I immediately find Jughead by Archie's locker. I am excited to see them.
“Hey, guys, what’s up?”
“Hey y/n. Jughead and I were just discussing that we, Betty and Veronica were going to Pop’s after school. You in?”
“Yeah, sure.”
As the first bell rings, Jughead and I head to science, while Archie heads to math. Jughead and I link pinkies so we don’t lose each other in the crowd of horney teenagers. As usual, science was boring and every class after that. I couldn’t wait until lunch. And then just like magic the bell rang signaling lunch. I jump out of my seat and head out of the history room. As soon as I am out of the building I head to the tables outside and sit down at one of them with my lunch. I am soon joined by Jughead, Kevin, Betty, and Veronica. I only know who the rest of them are because of pictures Jughead and Archie have shown me. Archie is nowhere in sight.
Lunch went on. I listened to the conversations, not wanting to interrupt. Soon enough it’s the end of the day and I am at my locker putting my books away. I close my locker and turn to leave, but I almost collide with Betty as she and I are both rounding the same corner in opposite directions.
“Ah! Betty, it’s you! I almost ran into you.”
“Sorry. I just wanted to see if you would join me on a walk to Pop’s?”
“Great!” We walk out of the school and to Pop’s. We talk about pretty much anything and everything, about outfits, makeup trends, from politics to celebrities. Then, of course, Betty mentions the one topic I was trying to avoid: boys and dating.
“So, have you seen any recent cuties that you would be interested in?”
“No. You?”
“Are you serious right now? You know I like Archie, I always have.”
“Of course I know. I was just kidding.”
“But seriously y/n, who is it? If it’s not a recent cutie, then who do you fancy?”
“Fancy who?” I turn to find Veronica right by me.
“No one. Betty is just trying to get answers that aren’t there.” Veronica just nods her head. We turn the corner and the view Pop’s bright neon lights bring back some short-term memories. Pop’s has become my home away from home. We walk into the diner and take a seat in a booth. A waitress comes over, takes our orders and walks to the kitchen for Pop to make our food. The waitress comes back with our milkshakes and fries. Archie and Jughead haven’t arrived yet.
We get talking again. It’s about what I had missed while I was in Greendale for a bit. Yes, I have heard of what happened here, just not the details. I wasn’t really interested in it back home, but now I am. This kid Jason had gone missing over summer break. Jason and his twin sister Cheryl had gone down Sweetwater River in a boat. Cheryl had dropped her glove in the water and when Jason went to retrieve it for her, the boat tipped. The next thing that happened was Dilton Doyle and his troops had found Cheryl soaking wet, sitting at the edge of the river clearly crying. Jason was nowhere to be found. No one knew where he was back then. Everyone was talking about what might have happened to him. And everyone was coming up with theories.
After a while of talking about it, we switch to other topics. I had felt that I had known everything there was to know about it. I don’t listen to the other topics. I just rest my head on the window watching the raindrops race down the window. I hear the bell jingle, signaling someone new had walked into the shop. I hardly notice Jughead and Archie grab a seat at the booth. Jughead sits next to me and puts his hand on mine. I move my head from the window to him.
He mouths, ‘Are you okay?’
I mouth back, ‘I’m fine.’ He squeezes my hand before letting go of it. Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Jughead start talking about god knows what. I just put my head back on the window. I feel my phone buzz and I look at who is calling me. It’s the police station. ‘Oh no.’  I answer the call and accept the charges. I hear my moms voice through the phone. She’s slurring her words.
“Can you come to the police station to bail me out, sweetie? I need your help.”
I pinch the bridge of my nose in frustration, “Yeah, sure mom. Be right there. Just give me a moment to get my things.” I hang up the phone and motion for Jughead to scoot out of the booth to let me out. I grab my bag and head out the doors. I can feel the raindrops hitting my head. I make my way to the station. I walk through the doors and find Sheriff Keller. He knows why I’m here, and brings me to my mother.
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dangpankoozie · 7 years
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riverbent ( a riverdale genderswap au) (on Wattpad)  (on AO3) 
Our story is about a town, a small town, and the people who live in the town. From a distance, it presents itself like so many other small towns all over the world; safe, decent, innocent. Get closer, though, and you start seeing the shadows underneath. The name of our town is Riverdale. ~Jughead Jones, Chapter One: The River's Edge 
Welcome to the Town with Pep. 
This is the America's Sweetheart Dream kind of town, that has it's own 70's -style diner, and a drive-in. Where families live, love, laugh. Friends are loyal, and children are happy. But in this story, families separate, children die, and friends betray. 
Welcome to the Town with Pep.
Below is Chapter One: Tell Him! If you like it, please read on wattpad or ao3 in the links above! 
"But, come on, Kat. It's not like Ariel likes me like that," Benedict Cooper groaned.
"Oh please, if you just cleared Ariel's eyes for her, she would find out that you're her Prince Eric," Katrina Keller, best friend of Benedict Cooper, groaned.
"I mean, I'd rather be Prince Ben, right? I don't think I'm ready to change my name," Benedict laughed nervously.
"Ugh, Prince Ben? Descendants was a terrible movie." Katrina grimaced.
Benedict shot up from his bed. "Excuse me? You shut your face! Descendants is the best DCOM ever! I would go gay for Harry Hook and Jay!"
"Whatever," Katrina rolled her eyes, and then turned around to apply some foundation. "You just like the bad boys, but you like the good girls, don't you? Ariel and Ben, sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-"
"Shut up, just shut up," Benedict said, blushing.
"Come on, just tell her," Katrina insisted. "I'm tired of watching you pine over the same girl since second grade," Katrina stated.
"What am I supposed to do?" Benedict clutched his head.
Katrina turned around from her mirror, one eye bigger than the other because of the makeup. It seemed a little comical and Ben suppressed a laugh.
"Invite her to Pop's, sponsor her favorite milkshake, and profess your undying adoration and devotion for the one and only Ariel Andrews."
"What if she doesn't like me back?"
"Then you guys finish up your milkshakes, and part ways for the day," Katrina stated. "It's just a simple conversation, Ben, not a wedding ring," she mocked.
"Fine, but if I fail, it's on you," Ben accused.
"It'll be on you and you know it, sweetie," Kat winked.
Ben groaned, knowing she was right.
The whole diner was empty. Pop was cleaning up, and frying some more burgers and doughnuts. The diner was quiet, and a little dark. The sun was setting. Ben thought it couldn't have been better, the atmosphere. Ariel, however, was already having her post-summer blues, and the conversation wasn't going anywhere at all.
"I can't believe school starts on Monday. This summer passed by so fast," Ariel sighed.
"Summer's always like that. At least now we have Halloween coming up!" Ben tried to cheer Ariel up.
"It's August, Ben, August. Halloween is not coming up soon enough," Ariel groaned.
Ben laughed. "At least we're having milkshakes, right? And you don't have to pay a dime!"
Ariel smiled sweetly. "I missed you. How did summer treat you?"
"...Parker got sent away," Ben stated sadly. He realized he hadn't told Ariel yet.
"What? Why? Parker? Seriously?" Ariel gasped. Parker Cooper was a great guy. He was nice to everyone, unlike the likes of his teammates on the football team.
"Mom and Dad aren't telling me why. I'm so lonely at home, Ariel," Ben was on the verge of tears.
"I'm here, Ben. You know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know. You've always been. It's one of the many reasons I love you," Benedict smiled.
Ariel smiled back. "Me too, Ben. You're the greatest friend anyone could have."
Benedict's smile fell. He was about to say it, "No, that's not what-" when the door at Pop's opened up rudely. A boy, clad in black, walked in, and Ariel turned around, wanting to see who was here.
The boy walked over to their booth, eyes locked with Ariel's. Great, Ben groaned. This is just great.
"Vermont," he extended his hand to Ben.
"Benedict," Ben said, letting the hand stay in the air, alone. Vermont disappointedly dropped his hand without a word.
"And who is this ginger maiden, may I ask," Vermont whispered charmingly.
"Ariel. Ariel Andrews," Ariel said, half-smitten. Benedict could see why. Benedict was a Greek god stuck in a teenage body. And he could already feel himself resenting Vermont for that.
"I just moved here from the Big Apple," Vermont claimed. Wow, congratulations, boy, Benedict thought sarcastically in his head.
Vermont sat down next to Ariel, and Benedict wanted to be in Vermont's place. But instead of flirting with Ariel, he turned to face Ben. "Is there just one Benedict in this town, because I needed a guide and Principal Weatherbee said that it is going to be a Benedict Cooper. That you?"
Benedict nodded. Vermont squealed. Benedict looked at him ludicrously. "We, my friend, are going to be best friends," Vermont stated with all of the seriousness he could muster.
Benedict smiled unbelievingly. No, we are not.
Pop's asked Vermont what he wanted. "What should I get, seasoned Riverdale citizens?"
Ariel, positively swooning in front of him, said, "The onion rings. And a burger or two. They're great."
"A pack of onion rings and two burgers it is. Tonight, my mother and I are going to go pure American cuisine!" Vermont laughed.
On Monday at school, Benedict asked Katrina to accompany him to help Vermont adjust to the cruel social system, uh, school, that was Riverdale High School.
Benedict met Vermont at his locker. "Hey, Vermont, this is Katrina, Katrina, Vermont."
Vermont smiled and waved. "Yeah, I'm gay," Katrina stated.
Ben grimaced, "He didn't ask, Kat. You're signing yourself to be the token gay friend."
"Look at him!" Kat exclaimed. "He's clearly a playboy. Thank God for my gay booty that he can't tap!"
Vermont patted Katrina's shoulder. "Good for you. Guys are dicks anyways," he laughed.
"But, you are also going to be my best friend," Vermont squealed again. It was odd, yet Ben could see himself getting used to it. He didn't want to get used to it.
"Well first I have to take you on a walk through school during homeroom," Ben said.
Vermont nodded, and the three of them started walking. "You know, one thing I've noticed is that everybody is so attractive in this town. Is it just me or is everybody like a TV actor?"
Katrina laughed. "You're not too bad yourself, mister."
"It really is the Lodge genes that deserve this credit, Ms. Katrina."
Katrina stopped walking suddenly. "Lodge? As in...Hiram Lodge, Lodge Industries? That Lodge?" Benedict sighed. Damn it, Kat. Why'd you have to bring that up?
"Why, are you not going to be friends with Vermont if he's a Lodge?" Benedict asked. In his opinion, there were more reasons than his surname to not extend the hand of friendship to Vermont.
Katrina glanced at Ben, before saying, "What? No, of course not. You just didn't say, Ben, that he was a Lodge!"
"It didn't matter, Kat," Benedict tried to stop her from being, well, Kat.
"Sure, sure, sure. Is it true, Vermont, that your father embezzled millions of dollars?"
Vermont looked like a deer trapped in headlights. Katrina didn't apologize.
"I...I don't know, actually," Vermont said, after a long time, regaining his composure.
"Understandable, I guess," Katrina shrugged.
"If you're done drilling our guest, can I show Riverdale High to him now?" Benedict asked sarcastically.
"It's fine, really, Ben," Vermont smiled.
Katrina said sorry to Vermont half-heartedly and left for her first lesson.
"I'm sorry about Katrina, she's just up-front about stuff like that."
"I like Kat. She's cool," Vermont said, effectively ending the conversation.
Ben and Vermont sat down at the stands next to the track. "I'm so nervous. I don't think I'll survive here," Vermont confessed.
Benedict felt for Vermont. He could understand. "No, no, I think you will," Benedict reassured him. "I mean, you've got Kat, and you've got Ariel, and...you've got me. Like, I mean, Ariel is already half in love with you, right, so."
Vermont turned his head at Ben sharply. "Come on, Ariel likes you. I saw her looking at you when I was sitting with the two of you. She looked like she was on cloud nine, bro."
"Please, besides, didn't you like her? You were flirting with her yesterday so hard."
Vermont laughed. "Sure, yeah, I was. But the moment I sat down, I felt like I was third-wheeling with Romeo and Juliet in heaven."
Ben shook his head and chuckled. "Whatever. I won't have the guts to tell her how I feel anyways."
Vermont put his hand on Ben's knee. "Well, then I will help. Consider yourself to be the first lad to be the benefactor of the Vermont Lodge Foundation."
Ben laughed. Was he seriously having a good time with Vermont Lodge? It seemed surreal.
"I saw some banners and advertisements for a dance coming up. You should take her. It'll be great. And maybe I'll take Kat. As a friend, obviously. And maybe I'll hook Kat up with some Riverdale High beauty too."
"Kat doesn't need a human OkCupid. She's seeing Michelle from the swim team. But you can't tell her I told you that."
"Human OkCupid...that sounds...interesting, I like it."
"Yeah, except you're like... OkStupid," Ben joked.
Vermont shook his head and groaned, "Ugh...lame."
Ben chuckled again. "Come on, let's go for class."
A/N: comments and feedback are much appreciated!! 
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riverdalerunner · 8 years
Riverdale Runner's notes on Season 1 Episode 1 - "Chapter One: The River's Edge"
We open our investigation with an overview of Riverdale, the town herself. [ Wiki says they are filming in Vancouver. Knowing production of Supergirl was moved to Canada for S2, curious if that’s an overall move on The CW’s part to bring down costs of their shows. 4 DC Universe shows and the cost to keep Riverdale in shape must take its toll on the bottom line. ]
“RIVERDALE: A town with PEP!” [ And protein powder, we soon find out. ]
Catching our first glimpses of the Blossom twins, driving out to the river. [ The cinematography for this whole opening is stunning. The contrast of the forest and river with the Blossoms with breathtaking. My first reaction was to fall in love with a Cheryl and her whole look. The GLOVES! ]
Hello, Jughead! Fellow snooper into the town’s tragic death. He also seems to know that this story has only just begun and will be keeping record of what happens in the Blossom Death mystery. [ Also a big welcome back to TV to Cole Sprouse. Been following him and his brother on Twitter and social media the last couple years. Seem like funny guys. Always thought there had to be more depth to their acting. Glad to see one of them explore that talent further. Curious to know if his twin will ever give us “Jughead 2” moment. Perhaps “Evil Twin Jughead”? Nah. But it IS The CW so you never know…. ]
Introducing Veronica Lodge. [ Jughead calls her a “mystery”. Or so it seems since his monologue is taking place during her introduction. I’m excited to know in what ways Veronica’s story unfolds. But for now, it’s just nice to see one of our main girls for the first time. ]
Betty and Kevin hanging out in her room. [ I would scream “SCANDAL!” due to Betty’s shirtless intro but, you know, Kevin…. ]
“Game changer. Archie got hot!” [ Yup. Very tongue in cheek. Still unclear why Betty didn’t see Archie all summer. You live next door to him, you can see his bedroom from yours, and his dad’s company is IN Riverdale. 🤔 ]
Oh. Internship. [ You do those in high school? ]
Entering into Pop’s, Little Black Riding Hood.
POP CULTURE REFERENCE: Truman Capote. [ Appropriate for a Veronica moment. ]
Mrs. Cooper laying it on heavy. [ So clearly we aren’t meant to like her. And they succeed at making that very easy to do. I hate her. For someone so overbearing and protective, surprised Betty topless in a room with a boy, even Kevin, seems implausible now. Even if he is gay. All boys are the same right? *insert eye roll here* ]
Reggie is giving us full on jock. “Diesel” is a meat head’s version of “fleek”.
Kevin is available for all your social needs. [ Word to the wise, asking someone about their father’s alleged crimes is PROBABLY not a good ice breaker. ]
JOSIE AND THE MUTHA FUCKING PUSSYCATS!!! [ Bring me the vocals, bring me the sass, bring me the looks! Queen Josie and her pussycats are going to give me LIFE! ]
Bye, Archie. You can’t play with the girls.
Veronica Lodge will try anything once. And how will she know what she likes until she’s had them all?
The “Jason Died” assembly. [ Cheryl’s veil was cute. Jughead ain’t buying what Cheryl is selling though. Can’t blame him. ]
Archie/Ms. Grundy [ GROOOOOOSS! I don’t like any of it. I don’t even really want to discuss it. It’s messy and yucky and I’m not enjoying it. ]
Mrs. Lodge can’t seem to catch a break. [ If I have to pick any of the parents as my favorite at this point, it’s her. ]
Incredible? I don’t know, Ronnie. [ To answer your question, Archie can’t make smart love decisions. That’s what he can’t do. ]
That was one awkward hair flip, Cheryl.
POP CULTURE REFERENCE: Season 5 Betty Draper. [ Stop. It. Favorite pop mention of the episode by far. ]
I aspire to be Queen Bae of Drab High.
Archie was sexually abused by his teacher. Archie needs someone to talk to FO REALS. [ I’m vomiting in my mouth. ]
THE BETTY/VERONICA KISS. [ Thank you to Cheryl for being us, the audience, in that moment and making it clear girl on girl kisses are not a bomb dropping moment anymore. I did like that its over and done with though. Also, keep an eye on that Betty. She has something deep inside waiting to come out. ]
Veronica standing up for her girl. Perfection. Veronica is killing it one episode in. I’m here for it.
Betty/Veronica heart to heart. [ Truth hurts. But it sets you free. Veronica is kinda lucky that’s happening to her now but she’s only in high school. She has a lot more life to go. Betty definitely needed someone to talk to about Polly. Recognizing her mother isn’t okay in the head is pretty important. It’s hard to see your parent’s flaws. ]
“Archiekins”. Love.
Betty’s mom is the worst. [ The actress herself is doing an excellent job. The character is pissing me oooooooff. ]
Mr. Lodge making sure his girls stay in style. [ I’m so excited to see this storyline be fleshed out down the line. Hope Mrs. Lodge has a good way of keeping that money off the record. I need my Lodge girls fashion forward. ]
Mr. Andrews lecture. [ Seriously, that was just great life advice in general. Archie should pay attention to his dad. And Mr. Andrews should PAY MORE ATTENTION TO HIS SON. HE’S BEING TOYED WITH BY HIS GROWN ASS TEACHER!!! ]
The threesome dance date. [ Keeping the spirit of the Triangle alive on screen. While I don’t want it to be a real thing we struggle through as an audience it wouldn’t be our Riverdale if these three didn’t have a little bit of the comic love triangle flair. The CW is pretty great at failing the Bechdel test frequently. I really hope this show does a better job at showcasing girls in a way that doesn’t revolve their every storyline around romance. ]
Moose is gay/bi/curious!!! THIS IS NOT A DRILL.
Josie and the Pussycats can perform a song a week. I’m okay with it. [ And I will download the album on Apple Music at the end of the season happily. ]
Cheryl this is NOT a healthy way of grieving. Making others miserable will only make you feel better until the next day when you wake up and you are still a bitch and your brother is still dead.
Veronica is asking the real questions. [ As much as I hate the Veronica/Archie scene it was very necessary for the real Archie fans tuning in. ]
The fact that Veronica seems to genuinely regret her actions to cause Betty some hurt redeemed her to me. Archie is just a stupid boy and problematic.
Ronnie really wishes she was at the Met Ball. [ Once, smart. Twice, easy. ]
Jughead is me. I am Jughead. [ Conspiracies running amuck in Riverdale. ]
So Archie and Jughead have had some issues. The sooner that gets fixed the better. Those two belong together as much as Betty and Veronica do.
Archie breaking Betty’s heart. [ Necessary but sad. We’ll see where that goes as the story progresses. Archie telling Betty he isn’t good enough for her isn’t a good enough answer. ]
Kevin and Moose are finally alone and doing “not-gay” things. [ Also glad Kevin seems eager to go at Moose’s pace. IMPORTANT: Always make sure your sexual partner is comfortable with what you are going to be doing. ]
AAAAAAND JASON WAS SHOT. So much for Cheryl’s drowning story.
Well. Jughead wasn’t wrong. Riverdale isn’t the Riverdale we all knew ‘til now. But it’s not bad.
[ I WILL be doing these for current and future episodes. Will try to get to episode 2 and 3 before Thursday. Then you will be able to expect them by Sunday following their releases unless otherwise noted. Please follow me! I would love to follow you, go over notes, bounce theories around, you name it! Until next time, Riverdale Runner editor out. ]
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