#✧ Give me your woes and trust in me || Jade Leech ✧
ramshacklestar · 1 year
Octatrio already looking good from what they've sneak peaked of the manga 🐬🐙🦈.
The excitement grows~!
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Diary of the Writing Raven
Part 3 of the 1000+ follower milestone! A continuation of Raven lore (check out part 1 and part 2 for more context)!
Today, we will peak into the raven’s diary. Shhh, don’t tell anyone. The bulk of the entries are hidden under the cut--because a bird has to keep their secrets under lock and key!
***Warning: Spoilers for the main story campaign, particularly chapter 3 and chapter 4!***
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Day 1
I am here. At Night Raven College.
There is a strange man. He calls himself my Uncle. He says that he is so very, very kind...and that he will give me a nest, a place to call home.
Uncle has given me this diary with which to record my thoughts. I will put it to good use.
I am thankful.
Day 32:
Uncle says I cannot stay in the attic writing.
He says I cannot stay in my cage forever.
Uncle says I must go out into the world.
He says it often.
I am scared.
Day 45
Uncle has given me robes.
He smeared things on my face.
There will be a ceremony of sorts, and I must attend.
...I am still scared.
Day 46
The ceremony is over.
I got lost on the way to the Mirror Chamber.
A weirdo chased me.
But...a nice person helped. Then he guided me to the ceremony.
He had very pretty eyes.
His name is Mon-sure Schemer? Mister Jade Leech. I hope I can see him again.
Day 49
I am so fortunate! I have stumbled upon Mister Jade again--this time in the hallway.
There was another Mister Jade with him. His name is actually Mister Floyd. They are brothers--twins, in fact! Eel mermen, too.
They look alike, but their personalities are quite different. It is a curious thing.
Mister Floyd is a little scary. He talks funny, and he is moody--but he promises he does not bite. He has taken to calling me “Black Pearly”.
They say they work at this “Mostro Lounge”, and that I should visit.
I am excited!
P.S. Mister Jade says I do not need to call them misters. I will be doing that!
Day 50
The Mostro Lounge is lovely! It has these glowing jellyfish lights, and seashell decorations. There is cool jazz, and a calming underwater ambiance.
Jade seats me and gives me recommendations. I don’t know what a lot of things on the menu are--Uncle has been feeding me mostly grain and small scraps of meat, trying to get me accustomed to human food.
Jade brings me a thing called Flounder’s Blue. He says it will be easier to hold down than solid food.
Flounder’s Blue comes in a short and stout glass. The liquid itself is actually yellow, with streaks of a blue drip swiped on the inside of the glass, and a blue...circle (?) stuck in, protruding out like a fin.
It tastes...sugary. I do not yet have the words in my vocabulary to properly describe it.
Jade tells me the circle is a “wafer”, the blue is a “syrup”, and the liquid is a “pineapple and cherry juice”.
I am learning many new things today.
Jade is so smart!
Day 54
I almost flopped at giving a presentation to Professor Trein’s class.
Floyd says it’s because I talk strangely, that I stutter and pause too much.
“Why can the Black Pearly write so much, but talk so little?” he asks. “You should tell Jade to tutor you, he’s pretty good with words!”
I have to agree with him. Jade taught me many new words in the Mostro Lounge before. I was embarrassed, but I asked him for help.
He was happy to oblige.
We will meet a few times each week to work on my speaking skills.
Day 59
I tripped and fell in P.E.--I am still no good at running.
Jade was sweet and helped patch me up.
I cried a little.
Okay, a lot.
He stayed with me until I stopped.
Day 71
I have gotten into the habit of visiting the Mostro Lounge every weekend.
The owner, Azul, is friends with the twins. He lets me sit at a table in the corner to do my work and practice speaking.
Jade sits with me and exchanges words.
He has me read stories I have penned aloud.
Sometimes he puts a plate of snacks or a drink in front of me and asks me to taste them, then describe the flavor to him. Other times, he points to people or things in the lounge and asks me to give my thoughts.
Once, he pointed at himself. I told him that he was very patient, that he was someone I trusted.
“Fufu. That is good to hear,” he says.
I also told him that his smile was beautiful.
Day 75
Today, I saw Jade’s true form.
We were swimming today in P.E., but I had to sit out. Ravens cannot swim.
Floyd and Jade were eager to get into the water. Their skin turns blue, and they sprout fins and long eel tails.
...I am not entirely certain why they lack clothing though? It must not be customary for merfolk.
They are having fun in the water.
I am glad.
Day 83
An angry Savanaclaw student came to me in the hallway after Alchemy.
He started to say something about the Leeches and deals, but Floyd told him to stop bothering me. In that moment...Floyd looked like a monster, all teeth and sharp edges.
Jade pulled me away and invited me to go hiking with him.
It sounds fun, but I am concerned about the Savanaclaw student.
Jade says to not fret.
So I listen.
Day 84
There is so much to see in the mountains!
Trees! Streams of water! Rocks! Dirt! Animals! Plants! The sky!
I want to experience everything at once. I am so excitable that I trip over my own two feet a few times--but it’s okay. Jade is always there to help me up.
His favorite thing about nature is mushrooms. He tells me all about them, and the places they like to hide.
I like listening to him talk. His voice is so deep and melodious--and his eyes sparkle when he is excited.
It’s very cute.
Day 86
Jade shows me the mushrooms he is cultivating, and his terrariums.
They are fascinating--each mushroom has its own personality, and each terrarium is like a miniature world.
A thought has wormed its way into my head as of late:
I wonder what it would be like to be a part of his world.
Day 90
It rained.
I shared an umbrella with Jade.
It was a little strange to be squished right next to him.
My heart would not stop pounding, and my cheeks were on fire.
Day 112
The days are growing colder, and shorter.
I wish that time did not fly so fast.
I want to spend more of it with Jade.
I need to return the jacket he lent me.
Day 120
Uncle is worried.
He says I spend too much time with “morally dubious” people.
He questions my ability to judge character.
He does not believe me when I tell him that Jade is a good person.
Uncle warns me to be careful.
I am being careful.
Day 132
Winter has set in.
Jade is kind enough to provide blankets and warm beverages for our study sessions.
At this point, I do not have many issues speaking, but...I do not want to stop. I want to learn more and more. I want to learn more about him.
I enjoy being by his side.
I hope he feels the same.
Day 139
We said our good-byes for the holiday break.
Uncle is taking me with him to a tropical island, and Jade is staying in Octavinelle.
I tell him I will miss him, even if it is just for a few weeks. He looks a bit sad, but he sends me off with a head pat and a smile.
Uncle offers to order me a tropical drink as we board the cruise ship. He tells me not to think of Leeches--those vile, blood-suckers, he calls them.
I say no thank you, but I dream of Flounder’s Blue.
Day 153
The new year has come.
It feels nice to be back on campus, to see Jade again.
We exchanged stories.
Not much happened on my end--I mostly sat indoors and wrote what I could to pass the time. Uncle was often up late into the night, partying and sipping on pina coladas.
Jade says that he helped a few friends and stopped a snake from tearing apart Scarabia. He even shows me a video.
How heroic of him!
I know that I can always count on Jade.
Day 166
I went shopping with Jade.
Floyd was in one of his infamous moods, and Azul is busy with school work--and Jade could not possibly restock ingredients for the Mostro Lounge all by himself.
It was quite busy in town--it made me nervous. I’ve never done well in big crowds of strangers.
Jade said I could hold his hand, if that made me feel any better.
It did.
And it reminded me of the day we first met.
Day 170
I’m still thinking about holding his hand.
Whenever I do, my heart quickens and my forehead begins to bead with sweat.
What is wrong with me?
Have I fallen ill?
Day 185
The students speak excitedly about this holiday known as “Valentime’s Day.” It is a time when you give gifts to the people you care for a lot. A common one is a sweet known as chocolate.
Jade laughed when I told him about it. He said it is actually “Valentine’s Day”, not “Valentime’s Day”. Silly me!
I asked him how many valentines he was expecting.
“None. Oh, woe is me. I appear to be rather unpopular among my peers, fufu.”
How could someone as amazing as him not get any valentines? It boggles my mind.
Day 186
I’ve decided.
I will give him a valentine.
Day 193
I’ve stopped writing stories and devoted most of my free time to researching recipes and designing chocolates.
I think he will like little mushroom-shaped ones. I’ll need to test the flavors out to see what works the best.
I hope the chocolates will bring a smile to his face.
I like his smiles.
Day 195
Oh no, diary.
I’ve realized.
I think I like him.
Day 197
The chocolates came out so well!
I’ve wrapped them up in a box and secured it with blue ribbon. There is an old nursery rhyme...
If you love me, love me true,
Send me a ribbon, a ribbon of blue.
Even if I cannot say those accursed three words...I hope that my feelings are able to come across. The curse cannot punish me for that, yes?
Day 198
I was a fool. I have been tricked. I was being used.
I heard them. I heard everything.
In the Mostro Lounge today...the octopus was speaking to them, the twins with the pretty eyes.
“This is not like you. You are working too slow,” the octopus said to the man I considered my friend.
“I apologize. She was...putting up much resistance. It can be rather difficult to form a connection with such a jittery bird.”
“That is your job,” the octopus sighed. “We need the raven on our side when we approach the headmaster about expanding the Mostro Lounge.”
I understand now--I understand it very well.
Those smiles, that kindness--they were smoke and mirrors.
To begin with, I was always destined to be a prop in someone else’s story. A convenience. Something to be used, then discarded once I am no longer useful.
I have overstepped my boundaries as a storyteller. I...should have remained on the sidelines, where I belong.
I...I know what I must do. I will not allow myself to be tricked a third time. Not by that old storyteller, and not by a slimy eel.
I will steel myself. I will build a wall—and none shall scale it. I will lock myself in a tower, or perhaps even a bird cage, and throw away the key.
To the man with the pretty eyes and the charming smile, farewell.
I’m glad that this raven was, at the very least, able to be a useful footnote in the pages of your story.
Day 201
He feeds me pretty lies and sweet nothings, day in and day out.
He tells me everything I want to hear--that it is a misunderstanding, a mistake. That things are different now. That he cares.
Uncle was right. Leeches are vile blood suckers.
Day 210
I reject his advances every chance I get.
I know they are all with ill intent to begin with.
Even so...no matter what I say or do, he always manages to get the upper hand in the conversation, the interaction.
I hate him.
I hate Jade Leech.
I hate how he is able to take my words away and render me speechless. Words are my only strength, my power as a storyteller. Without them, I am vulnerable. 
I don’t want to be the same weak and naive little bird I once was.
Day 213
It is unfair.
Maybe I am too kind, or too weak, or too gullible, but...I want to believe him.
I must put such thoughts behind me and move on.
Day 226
Uncle tells me that someone has sent a letter and a small package.
Into the trash the package goes--right where it belongs.
But the letter--that, I cannot bring myself to throw away.
It bears his handwriting, the very same gentle curves and slopes that taught me new words and phrases many an evening.
It is silly of me to be this sentimental--and over an eel, of all creatures!
So I stow the letter, unopened, in a drawer. It will remain there as a permanent reminder of my follies.
It is better this way.
I cannot be hurt.
I will not be used.
The curse will not kill me.
I can write stories, forever and ever.
This is...for the best. Isn’t it?
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