#❊Rukia - Main Verse❊
rukia-kuchiki-divided · 2 months
Continued from this @riceball-galore
Her smile kept on her face as she brought up the empty grocery bags, trying to keep her peachy self. Orihime was always so proud of herself and the creative ideas that would ring in her head.
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"I am out grocery shopping today, trying to gather some things for dinner today. What are you doing out here?" She looked around for a moment and Rukai seemed to be by herself, maybe she was taking a break? The ginger didn't really remember or think that she might be on duty, so she just let the first thing out of her mouth fly. "Do you want to join me? Food is much more enjoyable when you have company!" She sounded very eager to have someone join, if Rukia would join.
Rukia blinked, noting that Orihime did indeed have money clutched in one hand. A cloth grocery bag hanging from the other hand as she walked. It would indeed seem that the girl was going grocery shopping.
"Oh, I was just heading back from Urahara's shop." She tilted her head slightly as she considered her offer. She normally ate whatever Ichigo brought up to his closet for her. But perhaps it would be nice to have a proper meal with a friend. Such things were always difficult for Rukia.
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"But I would enjoy going with you. In truth, I haven't had an opportunity to look through the stores around here. What do you still need?"
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midnightactual · 2 months
@rukia-kuchiki-divided replied:
“What kind of cake?”
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Right now, German Chocolate.
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obsidiennes · 2 years
Continuing with @maddmuses:
The somewhat awkward little finger tap against Rukia's helmet drew Nanao's eyes with a blink, but if anything actually made her relax all the more after her eyes had tracked the hand down to the other woman's hip, her head not moving. Knowing that Rukia was floundering even just a little bit here too was actually a huge relief. Enough so that, drawing in a breath, she allowed her eyes to linger there, taking in the lines and patterns of the lingerie and the contrast it presented with the ivory skin below.
Definitely hard not to stare...
Still, she was listening, and gave a nod that was maybe slightly exaggerated given the helmet after Rukia had finished answering her question. Her attention wandered a bit in the middle of that, taking in more of the other's form and the figure she cut—the helmets made for a strange counterpoint and were frankly not all that interesting to her. Maybe if she'd been able to see Rukia's eyes...
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She nonetheless forced her gaze up to the opposite visor at the shrug and the shift in conversation. Another nod followed. "I can understand that. It sounds like you would appreciate négligées or perhaps teddies more than traditional two-pieces?" Lifting a hand, only to momentarily curl it somewhat, she then pointed at a display item within the booth. "I'm sure you've seen ones like these already," she quickly clarified, having realized Rukia would've already seen them in the store countless times and ultimately gesturing just to associate an image with the terms—the foreign words were still strange sometimes, at least to herself anyway.
"I am sort of surprised you're not wearing matching gloves. Too much like your old uniform? Or... just didn't feel like it?"
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
Unprompted ||| Always Accepting
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"Hiee!" Renji let out a small squeal as he felt deceptively strong fingers poke him in his side. Without a doubt, he knew who it was, without even having to turn around.
"Rukiaaaa!" he grabbed her hand, shaking it. "Why must ya always do that!" She knew he was ticklish, especially at his side, yet she always chose to greet him in such a way. So mean, she was!
"Why, it's nice t'see ya too, Rukia." He huffed, taking her hand and now waving it in mockery. "Like this, see? Ya wave yer hand when ya wanna say hi to people. Not jab 'em in the side, so they feel like death," his eyes go wide, smile on his face.
He takes a deep breath in, and exhaling it out, willing himself to calm down. "Anyway. Hi. Hello. Have ya come to see my beautiful face?"
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asukaskerian · 1 year
bleach - same verse as Howling Outside Your Door
ABO universe, worldbuilding + fallout from the main body of a grimmichi fic (in between fic and epilogue) : ichigo makes his way back home.
(it used to be that attempt at epilogue that stumped me for like six months.)
i'm not posting it on AO3 yet because the flow bothers me, idk about the ending lines, and also i want to put it inside a collection fic for that 'verse but i don't wanna start a collection when it's the only thing i can put in it. so like, i'll probably post it there if/when i manage another fic but for now, it's here.
So Ichigo did the walk of shame back to town in archaic underwear and what amounted to a mid-thigh bathrobe.
Fair enough, he told himself (and Hollow Zangetsu, who replied with nothing but snickering in the back of his head and a sensation of a door closing with a firm and definitive snap between them.)
Or... Maybe fair was the wrong word, but -- whatever. He didn't actually... mind. It would be embarrassing when he finally reached town, but --
No matter. Never mind. He would deal. It was just weird, being alone again.
He hopped over a tree trunk with casual disregard, and promptly caught his toe on it and tripped when his sleeve started ringing out of nowhere. His foot landed with a wet squelch in something unidentifiable; he plunged his hand down his sleeve to grab the spirit flip phone Urahara had somehow managed to inflict on him.
"Yeah? -- oh, gross."
"Who are you calling gross, little boy?"
-- Oh. He stopped walking, phone pressed to his ear and one foot still up, trying to flick the weird mush out from between his toes. "Rukia? They called you in?"
Just hearing her voice made his shoulders relax, his back straighten. 
"I came with the Captain-Commander." Her voice was all no-nonsense, extra-professional; Kyōraku was probably in the room with her. Ichigo tried not to feel too disappointed. He'd hoped... "Now Urahara-san tells us a garganta just opened and closed, can you confirm?"
"Yeah, they just left. Peacefully and with half of my house's entire stock of pillows."
He was rewarded with a little 'heh.' "And your estimated time of arrival at the shop?"
"Oh, uh." Ugh. Five minutes if he flew, but he didn't want to fly. "Fifte... thirty minutes. I gotta... stuff."
"Very well." She turned away from the phone, voice gone muffled as she relayed his words. Sigh.
"Alright," she said all at once, in such a different tone he almost startled. "I'm in the ladies' room. Tell me why you're coming back on foot. Are you brooding?"
Ichigo spluttered, and shoved a branch out of his face with a little more -- enthusiasm. (Relief.) "What the hell makes you think that?!"
"If you were injured you'd say so. You wouldn't make poor Inoue cry thinking of you limping back through rough terrain on your lonesome."
"Also... Ichigo, I'm an alpha too. Do you think I don't understand how it might feel to devote a couple nights slaking a lover's lust and shielding their most intimate vulnerabilities only for them to disappear in the morning?"
He swallowed. Cleared his throat. "... I keep forgetting you're an alpha."
"Bullshit you do, you're just a deviant."
"Ugh, shut up. Nobody still goes by Sengoku era rules for friend groups."
Fewer and fewer people even still held onto it for actual packs in the Living World, but Soul Society, he knew, held firmly to that rule at least. A household might have several omegas, and definitely several betas, but more than one, unrelated alpha? Too shocking for their old-timey sensibilities. Kind of... queer. 
Rukia's voice went teasingly cloying. "There, there, it's okay if you consider me a senior alpha, a patriarch of sorts, a mentor in the ways of--"
"I really, really don't."
"Hmph. Upstart."
"You really missed an occasion to call me a whippersnapper there."
She clicked her tongue. "Drat, I really did. Lout?"
"Lout's a good one."
A moment of quiet fell between them. Ichigo tried to swallow back the choking feeling making its way up his throat.
He wished she were here, walking in the woods with him. Her and Chad and Renji. Ishida and Inoue and Tatsuki too, while he was at it, though he and Tatsuki were guaranteed to get into a brawl as long as he was still this choked up on hormones. Just thinking of his childhood friend even close enough to smell his omega on his skin made him bite back a growl. 
He'd probably still growl at Rukia, but not... Not the same way.
Not now that Grimmjow was gone, and his pack with him.
"Ow, fuck."
"Stubbed my toe. Listen, Rukia..."
It's just stupid hormones, right? he wanted to ask. Nothing else. It's hormones and discovering so much all at once about a man who made such a strong impression on me back then, and I'm a bit shaken, and it will pass. Can you please tell me that? But he couldn't push out any of that. 
"Can you bring me clothes?" he asked instead. "Or my body, I should probably--"
He probably shouldn't get his body yet, actually. Kyōraku was here. 
Kyōraku was here about Mayuri.
"... Am I getting arrested?"
He didn't even have time to brace for the answer; Rukia immediately dismissed it with a snort. "Don't be ridiculous. They don't have the funds to repair the prison break damages."
"... Uh. Maybe I would... not escape..."
"You wouldn't have the time to turn around in your jail cell before all your friends rose up to break you out and you know it." A sigh. "I'm not saying there won't be... complications... but -- just get home, Ichigo. It'll be okay."
He sped up a little, in the end. 
Rukia met him at the edge of the woods with a new shihakusho, and the smile she pinched down was only a little bit teasing and a lot more sympathetic. He didn't want to growl at all.
He wanted to growl later on when he walked through the front of Urahara's shop past a double row of rank-and-file shinigami all side-eyeing him to find, in the tatami room behind it, the captain-commander sprawled out with a cup of "tea" in hand.
Inoue and Ishida and Chad were sitting there in front of him, in polite seiza, and for a second all Ichigo could see was 'a strange alpha around my pack' and 'a threat'.
Then Rukia whacked him between the shoulder blades, propelling him past the threshold, and Kyōraku -- quick shrewd glance, genial smile -- reclined some more, and waved. "Kurosaki-kun! Hello."
"... I'm not so close to losing control that you need to show me your belly, Kyōraku-san." Mostly because taking that opening to attack would be a mistake that would cost Ichigo his life, he was pretty sure. But still.
The man laughed. "Ah, but it helps, doesn't it."
Grumbling, Ichigo looked away. None of his pack looked rattled or unsure or scrunched-down; Ishida was on the cool side of reserved, but he always was around high-ranking shinigami, and Inoue and Chad looked like they'd been having a nice little talk before he came in. Ichigo made his way to the cushion they'd left empty in the middle and sat with a grumble, ignoring Ishida's pointed sniff.
"I don't suppose you could have taken a shower first," Ishida muttered. 
"Shut up. No."
Kyōraku straightened up a bit, leaning back on his hand but mostly vertical, legs crossed. Ichigo busied himself taking the bigger Zangetsu off his back to rest it on the floor beside him with the blade turned inwards, since Kyōraku had done the same with his sabers and they were apparently playing the antique version of the 'everybody is friendly here' game really insistently. 
(The shorter blade across the small of his back stayed put, though.)
"Ahh, does any of you need a little bit to reestablish scent mar--"
"No," Ishida and Ichigo chorused with disgust, and Inoue echoed with flailing hands when the man's eyes turned to her. 
Chad chuckled, looking away. In the middle of gracefully kneeling to sit at the side of the table, Rukia snorted, and then coughed delicately to try to cover it up.
"Hoo. Are you not a pack, then?"
"Yes we are."
"But you don't --"
The man was toying with his tea cup and looking pleasantly friendly. Ichigo's eyes narrowed. 
"Ah -- Tatskuki-chan agreed to be my designated heat partner before I met -- she's my best friend, you know?"
"Mnh. And in a traumatizing turn of events," Ishida added, "it turns out Kurosaki and I are related. Distantly, but I don't know of any distance that would be far enough, so--" 
"That's not what you're here to talk about," Ichigo interrupted, and only moderately felt bad. 
Mayuri had acted very certain that his little side trips were going to be met with a rap on his knuckles at the very worst. 
Ichigo should have been thinking of Nemu-san, who would probably mourn the bastard. Of all the important miracles the man had probably accomplished in the name of Soul Society, or was still in the middle of bringing forth.
All he could think was, 'he made Grimmjow's packmates turn on him and was smug about it', and try as he may to bury it, the thought just kept echoing with what he had felt back when Tsukishima took the people he loved. That raw despair, that powerlessness.
Ichigo was a very civilized alpha, from one of the most restrained and polite countries in the world. He liked Kyōraku. He respected Kyōraku. He still growled. 
Kyōraku watched him without saying anything for a moment, head tilted. 
"I don't suppose an official mutual apology to soothe ruffled feathers is in the cards then."
Ichigo's jaw ached. "I'll apologize to Nemu-san."
Rukia inhaled slowly between her teeth, hands fisted on her knees. "... Ah. The Central 46..." 
Kyōraku hummed, watching him. Ichigo stared back. At his side his friends didn't know why he had taken this hard tone, but they still straightened up, hardening their resolve to match, to shore him up. 
"Well! You're a very young human startled in a very delicate, very irrational moment. Kurotsuchi-taicho should have known better."
"Kurosaki-san is extremely regretful, I'm sure," Rukia lied with her 'Nobles don't have emotions, only prissiness' face on. "Emotional. Terrible for all involved."
And Ichigo knew what they were doing, knew this was saving face and nothing else, agreeing on a half-assed lie to sell those other guys, knew that shoving their noses in the truth would only be annoying for everyone, but he -- but.
Grimmjow. Ed. Di Roy.
Not a single one of them mattered one whit to the Central 46. Just vermin. 
"I don't understand why you kept him," he said.
"Ah... Kurosaki-kun." And now Kyōraku looked sad. Pitying. Ichigo liked him, he reminded himself again.
"I understand he was really useful. And you lost Urahara, so it was him or nothing."
"Mmh." Kyōraku rolled the cup in his hand slowly. "That and we sometimes needed someone who could make the hard decisions fast. Ruthless."
"The problem was that he also made easy decisions fast -- as long as they were easy for him." Ichigo speared him with a look. "You are ruthless. He was a sociopath."
Kyōraku paused, hand gone still, gaze briefly turned inwards. "...Ah."
"If we could go and find his secret labs. How many of his projects would be useful, even if they're horrible, and how many would be something the council in charge would close their eyes on in order to keep him happy? Who approved him torturing arrancar, when Harribel-san asked to get them back? Was it just because she hadn't heard about those ones, so hey, great, a loophole? What else was he doing?!" 
... Ah. Rukia's hand was on his hand, which was clenched in a fist on the table. Ichigo was halfway out of his seat. Okay. Alright. Breathe. 
... Breathe.
Ichigo was just a normal human young adult. Lecturing a military leader of hundreds, thousands of people felt -- wrong. Disrespectful. They had centuries of tradition he knew nothing about, political and social pressure from places he had no idea about. As an outsider, it was easy to be idealistic. 
It wasn't his job to sort them out, so why was it his job?! He tilted his head back, breathing deeply as he stared at the ceiling, and turned his hand in Rukia's grasp so he could grasp her back. Tight pressure, anchoring. Chad's hand on his other shoulder, gentle and warm.
He'd killed Mayuri out of hand, and that part terrified him. That he had decided, 'this man brings nothing to the world that would pay for who he is,' and erased him. That he was able to do that.
It hadn't felt like righteous anger at all. Or like self-defense. It had felt like handing down judgment. 
"Ichigo?" Rukia asked.
'Was it the wrong judgment call to make, though?' he thought, or old man Zangetsu thought, or something murkier in between the two of them. Something cold and old and remote, that asked of his choice, 'Would you unmake it?', and the answer was no.
"Queasy," he managed to answer. Inoue immediately went rummaging in her backpack for a bottle of water, presenting it with a worried frown. He somehow managed a smile. The water was on the tepid side but still helped distract him, bring him back down. 
"Hormone hangover?" Ishida asked, sounding only vaguely interested in the way he did when he didn't want to betray any worry. "It's not actually an uncommon side effect."
"Ah... Maybe. What do you do to get over it?"
"Just sit in a room alone until it passes, honestly. I'm told it happens more often when there's several omegas at once," he added, and looked away, and Ichigo arched an eyebrow. The tip of Ishida's visible ear was a little red. Hm.
... Inoue was rummaging in her bag with twice the enthusiasm suddenly, and her face was pinkening rapidly.
Dang. Apparently he owed Tatsuki a fistbump.
Shaking his head, an amused smile on his lips, Ichigo turned back to Kyōraku. "Sorry, sorry. Just..."
The man chuckled quietly. "I understand." 
He drank his probably-doctored tea. Ichigo drank his water. Everyone concentrated on their cup for a little while. 
"... Anyways. What's going to happen now?"
"About Captain Kurotsuchi or about your arrancar?
"Or about Kurosaki," Ishida added waspishly. 
"Yes, yes. Well -- the Central 46 are going to have a meeting, and they're going to yell a lot about wanting a dangerously feral part-hollow with a track record of going against Soul Society contained somehow--"
It did not escape Ichigo's notice that the description matched him better than Grimmjow.
"And then I will regretfully explain to them that we don't have the manpower or the social capital for that. Nowadays Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez is almost as powerful as Tier Harribel and five times as lethal. She's not about to allow us to take away her strongest invasion deterrent, and she commands a good third of all hollows -- mostly the smarter ones."
"And the fact that he wouldn't have invaded if you guys weren't keeping his friends in a 'torture basement'?"
Kyōraku gave him such an empty smile Ichigo almost shuddered. "Ah, Kurosaki-kun, it's sweet that you can still be so innocent. It's entirely fair not to respect the word you gave to a hollow! Especially in the name of gaining better intelligence on our ancestral enemy. Greater good, and all that."
... Ugh.
So Grimmjow wasn't a person and his government was only respected for now because 'not enough manpower' and 'so far they're staying out of the way'. Then again the more Ichigo thought about the Court of Pure Souls and the more he wondered if they'd ever picked up the words "human rights violation" while passing by in the last century, because they sure didn't treat powerless human souls or even the members of their own military much better.
"So it's going to be brushed under the rug," Ishida concluded grimly.
"That part of it at least. The Central 46 might attempt to issue you a summons to explain yourself before their court."
"Huh." Not his idea of a great time, getting yelled at by self-important blowhards, but if it kept the peace, kept his good relations with the 13 Divisions intact...
He wasn't sure, though. The asshole council might take it as him agreeing that he was under their authority. He'd have to ask Urahara about how to proceed.
"Haa!" Kyōraku put his cup down with a little thwack. "Replacing him is going to be such a pain."
Ichigo grimaced, a pinch of irritation mixed with guilt. 
"Perhaps not," came from the other door, a panel sliding open to unveil Urahara himself, carrying a little plate with store-brand senbei artistically arranged on it. He looked ridiculously pleased with it.
(Nobody looked especially surprised at his sudden entrance, but then again they were all used to him by now.)
Ichigo stared at Urahara. Surely the man couldn't mean he would replace Mayuri. After everything Soul Society had done to him, how they'd thrown him out -- and he liked it here, he had a whole life with Yoruichi and Tessai and the kids and no oversight --
Ichigo was still in the middle of catching himself (no oversight -- that was the problem with Mayuri too--) when Urahara grinned brightly and went, "For a price, of course!"
"... You're going to make them pay through their noses, aren't you."
His smile turned sharper-edged. "Good. They might hold back unless it really matters, then."
Rukia stayed behind, afterwards -- nominally to supervise the Tenth Division squad who was going to stay on site for cleanup, but after she was done saluting Kyōraku as he left and giving quick directions to her subordinates she followed Ichigo and his pack right back inside the shop.
Then they took over one of the tatami side rooms -- not the one that still smelled like Kyōraku -- and when Ichigo slumped down in the middle they kind of all sat with him. 
Not on him, the way Grimmjow's pack had done with each other, not languid and close, all nonchalant and uncaring about an ankle draped over another ankle or a friendly punch to the nearest shoulder just passing by. But near enough. Nobody was in heat or anything, and besides they weren't Europeans. 
Right now he was kind of butthurt about that. PDAs were so embarrassing but a side-hug might be ... not entirely horrible today.
"How's the hangover?" Chad asked, a big paw on his shoulder. It wasn't as big as Ed's hands, or as fever-warm -- the guy had a fire shikai or the equivalent, he was almost sure -- but it was good. Ichigo sighed.
"Meh." He flicked him a smile. "Better now."
Quiet for a little while. Inoue had found another water bottle in her bottomless bag. Ichigo sipped at it, talking himself down.
It was all fine now. It was over.
"Your house is fixed, by the way! Ah -- it's still very dusty, Ishida-kun didn't let me--"
"I can handle a broom, Inoue-san!" Ishida protested. "I can't let you do everything and exhaust yourself like this. Also the drapes needed an upgrade, when's the last time they were changed?"
"Probably when mom was still around," Ichigo said thoughtlessly, and shrugged through the familiar pinch of pain. "I don't mind if you add frills, but you should ask Yuzu and Karin. They probably have a whole binder of decoration stuff..."
... Actually he kinda minded a little. Were Ishida's embellishments ridiculous? Yeah, yeah they were. But he still didn't want--
"Ichigo?" Rukia asked, sinking down into seiza at his side, head tilted to watch his face. "Bad thought?"
"No, no. Just woolgathering." What a weird train of thought. 
He didn't want Ishida to decorate his dad's home.
He wouldn't mind if it were his own place with the lace doilies for drapes, though. And Inoue could bring a huge plushie or strange fridge art, and Chad band posters, or hell, he could do his own room the way he wanted, and Rukia --
Well, she could do her own closet the way she liked it, too, he didn't judge, though he'd have to procure one big enough to fold Renji into first. Tatsuki could have the house next door with a room each for their two pack omegas and put a little gate between their yards, and he would piss her off by leaving his nerdy books all over her living room.
"... You're aware that you're whining, right?"
Ichigo was, in fact, whining. Very quietly in his throat, while having the stupidest domestic fantasy out of nowhere--
"So!" Rukia interrupted his idiocy, slapping her hands on her thighs. "The guy who put an arm through my guts that one time."
"Also put his arm through other people around Inoue, as far as I heard. Also some Quincy. And... also promised to kill you? Gruesomely?"
Groaning, Ichigo sank into himself, both hands on his face. "He also put his hand halfway through me one or two times," he admitted, hoping it was muffled enough that nobody would understand him.
"... Well."
Ichigo groaned again. Yeah, uh. Okay. His tastes were apparently shit --
"Don't make that face," Rukia said, a little awkwardly, and elbowed him in the side as she sat next to him. "If you didn't blow through troops of assholes and came back out with three new best friends, would you even be Ichigo?"
Chad laughed, quiet and deep. Ichigo growl-whined some more. 
"I was just saying! That I feel like, I don't even need to ask you what he's like in bed."
Ichigo spluttered.
"Well, I do!" Inoue declared, earnest and blushing even as she met his eyes. "H-how was the sex, Kurosaki-kun?"
... She still said 'sex' like it was a super forbidden extra-shocking word their schoolteacher was gonna whack them over the head with, with an edge of earnest 'did you have fun with your new friend, sweetie?'. He deflated all over again, his whine acquiring an edge of despairing laughter.
"... He asked me to be there for his next heat."
"I'm already planning the nest."
"Well! You're fucked," Ishida said with a tone that almost passed for sympathy, and they all took turns patting his back until the flustered misery had been beaten all the way out of him.
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opscurus · 2 days
**this blog will feature dark topics such as violence, death, gore, murder, angst, self-harm, incest, and more. CONTENT DOES NOT EQUAL MIND OF THE MUN. I take tagging content seriously, i use [topic cw] as my tags so nothing gets complicates, obviously nixing the brackets. [[Dead dove: do not eat]]
My name is Zero, I'm 30+, they/he, Texas/Chicago timezone. My ask and DMs are open for anything; ask is open to everyone, my DMs are for followers only. My blogs are my safe space.
I suffer from chronic pain due to my disability, depression, and acute anxiety, insomnia, PTSD, and other conditions that mean that I'm not always 100% here... I don't think that anyone ever IS.
I write when I feel like it, whenever that is. I'm not as active as I want here, though I have sideblogs linked on my pinned post where you can usually find me; mostly (cpirits) my large multimuse.
Blog is multiship/multiverse all relationships take place in their own sphere, no one is cheating with Ichigo of Zangetsu. I have over 20 AU verses outside of my main AU that I write. Anyone is welcome to look at them and ask to write them.
these muses have connections with: @aegisdux (primary ship partner) // @wild-pineapple-butt // @historias-multorum (byakuya/neliel) // @rukia-kuchiki-divided // @despairforme // @doomxdriven // @geraniumplant (Grimmjow) // @inmensapotentia (Uryu/Byakuya/Shuuhei) // @dokvhana // @boquetofblades **if you want to be here, send an ask/DM and remind me of your muse's relationship to Ichigo &/or Zangetsu
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chiefatticcreator · 4 days
List of characters i'll roleplay
Lilith verse:
Taimanin Asagi: Igawa Asagi, Igawa Sakura, Mizuki Yukikaze, Mizuki Shiranui, Oboro, Ingrid, Felicia, Rinko Akyiyama, Aina Winchester, Annerose Vajra, Emily Simmons Yatsu Murasaki, Su Jinglei, Kurenai Shinganji, Asuka Koukawa, Kirara Onisaki, Noah Brown, Tokiko Fuuma, Shizuru Kousaka, Maika Kamimura, Rin Uehara, Sora Kannazuki, Nagi momochi, Saika Fuuma, Shisui Amamiya, Eleonor, Masked Taimanin, Spinel
Cara the Blood Lord: Cara Cromwell, Uehara kitae, Kamimura Azuma, Marika Krishna
Witch of steel Annerose: Annerose Vajra, Lee Mayfeng, Mitiko Fleuretty and Aishwarya Lai
Kangoku Senkan/prison battleship: Rieri Bishop, Naomi Evans, Alicia Viewstream, Maya Cordelia, Beatrice Kushan, Kila Kushan, Kilia Jech (Kangoku Senkan)
Every single character (generally all as hyper-curvy women serving Jack Morrison's harem, but that will vary depending on asks, jack can be ignored for asks if you really want)
Lynn Morisson: Jack's sister, whom he fucked as soon as he could.
Laura and Mary: Jack and Lynn's twin daughters, born to be their father's fucktoys, and loving it.
Amanda: UN's liaison to Overwatch, initially sckeptical, but was subject to sexual torture from everyone present until she broke and is now a fellow fucktoy, helping jack.
Pria: Amanda's assisstant, former lesbian that was recruited for Jack to break.
Jessica: Sniper, extremely submissive and into pain. Serves as the base's fucktoy when not used by jack.
Jackie: female clone of jack made by talon to kill him, only to be tamed by his cock
teacher AU: Uses the same characters as Overwatch, but soem differences: Amanda is a fellow teacher, Mercy is a biology teacher and headmistress, Jack is the only male teacher (and only male in the school), which basically revolves around him and worshiping him, modifying girls' bodies to be bimboes.
vampire/count AU: Loosely inspired by Junkenstein's revenge, an AU where Jack is a vampire lord ruling over a small land. gothic-themed
hormonal!jack AU: Similar to the teacher AU, but Jack is a horny teen that fucks his classmates, his teachers, his friends and family...
Mass Effect: Every character in the first three games
Warcraft/World Of Warcraft: Every character that I remember
Final Fantasy VII: Tifa, Aerith, Jessie, Scarlet
Dragon Age: Every character of the first two games (haven't played Inquisition)
One Piece: Every single character
Naruto/Boruto: Tsunade, Sakura, Shizune, temari, Ino, Mei Terumi, Naruto/Naruko, Sasuke, Sasuki, Sarada... everyone you want me to write about.
Dragon ball: Android 21, Bulma
Bleach: Matsumoto rangiku, orihime, Yoruichi, isane, Rukia, Unohana, Harribel... any hottie you want. toshiro as the main "harem master"
Pokemon: Cynthia, Lusamine, dawn, Gardevoir, May, Lillie... any girl that can be fucked will be.
Miraculous Ladybug: Every character (with the girls as Adrien's harem)
Warhammer Fantasy: Every character appearing in the Total War: Warhammer games
Skyrim: mostly everyone, i guess.
The Witcher: Geralt, Ciri, Triss, yennefer, Chloe Metz... all sorceresses, all female characters
RWBY: Any girl that i remember/know of, with Jaune and/or Oscar as the lucky guy.
Random characters from various things: Bowsette, Wii Fit Trainer, Samus Aran, Rosalina, Peach, Daisy, Bayonetta, Zelda, Link (Nintendo), Aphrodite/Venus, Jessica Rabbit, Harley Quinn, Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
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findroleplay · 1 year
Looking for Discord RP partner!!
Discord base, but i am okay with tumblr! If you want to do multiple I can make a server
DNI if youre a minor please!!! I will ask and double check!
I like either multi para, semi para (its only okay if you make sure to still have details and feelings!!) I can try novella but I mainly do a most 3 paragraph!
3rd person only please! a lot easier for me
nsfw is okay and i'm down but i don't want it to be the main plot point
I like angst, action, au's, comedy, romance, smut, i'm okay with crossovers!
I also would love to be able to chit chat with you! sending memes and what not!
characters i’m looking to write with || who i’m looking to write as
listed in order of preference.
canon, canon divergent, AU friendly
OCS Welcome as well! some pairings I'll be using my OC
One of my OCs I use for more than one verse
Renji, Ichigo || Rukia
Avatar / Avatar: The Way of Water
Jake || Neytiri
Lo'ak || Tsireya
Rotxo, Ao'nung || Kiri
Neteyam, Rotxo, Ao'nung || my oc ( Ma'via)
How to Train Your Dragon
Hiccup || Astrid
Spider-man, Peter Parker || Flora (my oc) MJ
Avatar the Last Airbender
Zuko, Sokka || Toph, Mei
Code Lyoko
Ulrich || Yumi
Odd || Flora (oc)
Teen Titans
Robin || Starfire, Raven, Flora (oc)
Beast Boy || Terra, Raven, Flora
Legend of Korra
Bolin, Mako || Flora (oc)
Asami || Korra
Naruto || Hinata
Shikamaru, Kiba || Flora
Shang || Mulan
These are all off the top of head right now, if there something that isn't on here or a pairing, we can discuss, dm me or interact with this post and I will hit you up so we can discuss // note: I'm looking to be the female role! I'm not great at playing male roles
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ichinoue · 2 years
Hello! Do you think in the future there's possibility of Kubo makes a story focused on Ichigo and Orihime's love relationship? Like the concept he did with WDKALY. Idk but I have that impression that Kubo was not really into Ichihime? I mean.. He made their chemistry very implicitly, only people who read it thoroughly would understand their development (as we can see there are so many readers who failed to see it) . Let's stick with his clarification about how Bleach is a shounen story that wasn't focused on romance, but he could executed the romantic atmosphere for RenRuki, even from the earlier arc when Renji showed us so many times about how important Rukia for him. We could see that Rukia and Renji always stick to each other in almost every arcs, it's not difficult for us to see their lovely dynamic. But it's kinda 'dry' for IchiHime, to the level of me who ship them from 2008 found it's make sense that those IR said that IH is lack of moments. Kubo prolly understands clearly that many people would hate it if he writes a story a focused on IH, since we know Orihime has a handful of haters everywhere. I could understand it. He even let it to our imagination on how Ichigo and Orihime went through their relationship. Did you ever think that way too? (Sorry for my awful grammar, I'd love to see your response)
Nah, I don't think he would make a story based on their relationship. I think we would still see them featured as a couple, of course, in any future works involving Ichigo and Orihime like we saw in the special Hell verse chapter, but their relationship wouldn't be the main focus of the story. Bleach is a shounen after all, so a spin-off about a romantic couple doesn't seem very fitting to me. If you mean a novel rather than a spin-off, WDKALY already addressed how their relationship came to be, and even WDKALY was not solely based on the RR love relationship; rather, it was used as a means to catch up with the characters and events happening in SS and Karakura following the war, culminating with Renji and Rukia's wedding and Ichigo's confession to Orihime.
I don't agree that IH was too implicit to notice or understand. I think the reason many readers failed to see that it was being written with the intention of becoming a romantic couple in the end was because they had already pinned their hopes on the more popular main male/female pairing from the very beginning, which generated an extreme dislike for IH as a result for being the direct competition, and so they weren't looking at the pairings objectively, which created a lot of denial and confirmation bias. Even in IH's most obvious moments, they still closed their eyes and shook their heads in denial.
And I love RR, but I don't think RR received more focus than IH? In the SS arc, sure, but IH received a lot more focus in all of the rest of the arcs. Starting from the arrancar arc, no other pairing received as much screentime or content as IH did. You say that Kubo executed a romantic atmosphere for RR via Renji's feelings for Rukia, which is true. But I think you're forgetting that Kubo did the exact same thing with IH via Orihime's feelings for Ichigo--and I would argue that IH and Orihime's feelings were even more explicit and "shoujo-esque" as it included Orihime's very explicit love confession, a hand-hold, and an almost kiss in "goodbye, halcyon days."
I think it's laughable for IR shippers to claim that IH had little screentime or moments. I compiled a list of IH manga moments here, and it's very extensive, spanning the entire manga. As I said before, IH received more screentime and content than any other pairing. Meanwhile, IR's screentime greatly plateaued after the SS arc.
So, I disagree. I don't think Kubo was uninterested in IH at all. I think if that were the case, he wouldn't have written so much content for IH. And I think if he were uninterested in it, he definitely wouldn't have made some of the most pinnacle moments of bleach so IH-centric (the arrancar/HM arcs, the Grimmjow/Nnoitra/Ulquiorra battles, the lust arc, and most importantly, the "final boss" battle against Yhwach).
I don't think Kubo cared about the hate for Orihime or IH. It clearly didn't deter him from writing a lot of IH/Orihime content, and he said himself on twitter that he would write more screentime for Orihime out of spite when people would complain or send him hate about her. Someone even compiled a graph showing that Orihime had the second most panel time in Bleach, with Ichigo being the obvious first. He wasn't concerned with catering to the haters, or holding back out of fear that it wouldn't be well received.
Basically, I think Kubo did a great job executing the romantic relationship between Ichigo and Orihime. He gave them plenty of content and development. To me, it doesn't make sense for people to complain that we didn't see their relationship confirmed until the final chapter, because that is basic shounen formula: to hold off pairing up the main characters until the very end, with a marriage and kids reveal.
As Kubo said, romance is only supplementary, after all. But even so, he still gave us more than that by confirming in WDKALY that Ichigo had been harbouring romantic feelings for Orihime for quite some time, and he created through words and a beautiful drawing the moment that Ichigo approaches Orihime to confess/ask her out.
And I think that's more than enough for a shounen.
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uraharashouten · 2 years
The following alternate universes apply to Urahara Kisuke only.
Cyberpunk — Urahara Kisuke is a specialist ripperdoc living in Night City. Those who require services over and above the standard upgrades and maintenance can call upon his unassuming little shop — if they can find it. More often it is the case that he has an uncanny way of finding his clients, and just when they need him, too. Naturally dextrous and equipped with a cybereye capable of microscopic vision and AI-enhanced anatomical analytics, he’s well-suited to perform boutique surgery.
Armored Core 6  — tbd
On this blog, we have a powerful need to keep track of when in time things are happening, because circumstances change and people grow... especially kids.
That said, these are the ERA tags:
Forward — 2024-present: Kisuke now wears his hair in a ponytail. Tessai will take a more active role in local politics. Jinta, 32, decides he will not be taking over the family business and moves out of the Shōten to an apartment furnished by employer Akina.  Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @apocalypta-secundus, @hirak0s
Onward — 2016-2023: The most modern verse there is. Kisuke and Tessai are empty-nesters. Ururu, 27+, is now living and working in Yoruichi’s industrial park/apartment building and visiting the Shōten. Jinta, 24+, is still living at the Shōten and a bit at loose ends, unsure of career direction. Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @hirak0s
Hellish— 2015. The Shoten is handling events surrounding No Breathes From Hell with Churchill’s philosophy:  When you’re going through Hell, keep going. 
Progress — 2011-2014. Default time period on this blog. Just prior to No Breaths from Hell, Kisuke has been introducing modern communications technologies to Soul Society. As Ururu and Jinta grow into young adults, she will take on a greater role in the Shōten's business and structural development, and he, having developed a late-blooming interest in electronic music, will attend Nihon Kogakuin technical college and join a band, in addition to continuing to work part time at the Shōten.  Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @burdenedreverance, @deivorous, @soulxfragments,  @viciousvizard
Reinvention — May 2004-2010. As he continues to work through the impact of the recent wars on himself and his relationships, Kisuke replaces the eye permanently lost in battle with an artificial implant and begins to focus his research direction on whether, and how, hybrid humans impact the Soul Balance. Ururu graduates high school in 2007 and goes on to study Civil Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Jinta graduates high school in 2010.  Main affiliates: @midnightactual, @sphaeraa, @deivorous, @the-lightning-underdog, @viciousvizard, @hirako5hinji
CFYOW — January-April 2004. The events of Can't Fear Your Own World lead into another as-yet-to-be-defined adventure for the Shōten crew.
Recovery —July 2003-December 2003. In the wake of the so-called 'Great Soul King Protection War,' Kisuke and Tessai continue to opt out of Soul Society. Kisuke moves his hot spring from the training chamber under Sokyoku Hill to the Shōten underground training area. During this time, Kisuke wears some sort of eye patch or prosthesis.
TYBW — June 2003. The events of the Thousand Year Blood War. Kisuke supports the war effort in Soul Society while Tessai, Ururu and Jinta do so on the home front.
Interbellum — December 2001-May 2003. For eighteen months, a small family business returns to the business of being a small family. But there's a storm brewing on the horizon, and it's not just Ururu and Jinta's teenage years...
Go-Time — May-November 2001. This period encompasses all events between Kisuke's opening gambit to give Rukia a special gigai through training Kurosaki Ichigo to be his champion to the final move to seal Aizen. Yoruichi has returned to lend her aid, and the Shōten crew is like, sooo here to help you.
Family — 1989-2000. Ururu and Jinta complete the Shouten family, making their entrance in 1989 and 1992 respectively. These are relatively quiet years of child-rearing and preparation for Kisuke and Tessai.
Godfather — 1980-1988. The events and aftermath of Everything But the Rain. Kisuke's intervention to save the Quincy Kurosaki Masaki, Aizen's unintended target, from Hollow corruption results ultimately in the births of three new Shiba family heirs.
Exile — 1900-1980. Having been framed by Aizen Sōsuke, then rescued by Yoruichi from their sham trial and sentencing, Kisuke and Tessai flee to the Living World with the Visored, where they set up housekeeping for themselves running a shop in a quaint little machiya in quiet Karakura. However, the domestic milieu is overshadowed by Urahara Kisuke's persistent grappling with Hollowfication and the Hōgyoku, and a constant vigilance while Aizen remains at large.
TBTP — 1890-1900. The decade during which Urahara Kisuke was captain of Twelfth Division and founded the SRDI, and Tessai held the position of  Kidō Corps Commander as Grand Kidō Chief.
Formation — ?-1890. Current placeholder for all events prior in the timeline. Watch this space for further development.
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rukia-kuchiki-divided · 2 months
"Ichigo's birthday is coming up and I am still not sure what to get him ..." Rukia's frown deepened as she continued to ponder her delima.
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"What to do? What to do?"
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midnightactual · 2 months
Continuing with @rukia-kuchiki-divided:
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"He'd be right about that. Anyway, the recipe actually comes from Texas. It's not named after Germany, but rather a guy whose surname was 'German'. The cake itself isn't especially sweet; it's the icing that really makes it pop, particularly the coconut."
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obsidiennes · 2 years
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@maddmuses asked:
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"They tell me Don Kanonji's laugh has become something called a... 'Dank mee-mee' and that it's on fire. So I guess I'm glad to be ahead of the curve on this trend." (to Tatsuki)
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“... Uhh, I guess that’s one way of putting it...” Hadn’t Bura Tama been off the air for a while now? Was it being aired in Soul Society or something? That’d be weird... She didn’t really stop and watch ‘TV’ in the Seireitei or anything. “I’m pretty sure it was more of a meme when the shows was fresh...” she considered, saying ‘meme’ properly.
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wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
@rukia-kuchiki-divided​​ continued from here
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“Just one more minute!” Renji yells from the kitchen as he hastily grabs a plate from the cabinet, cursing as he almost dropped it. While Rukia was perfectly content to just munch on popcorn, he’d had a case of the midnight munchies. His growling stomach also did not help in the matter, craving something hot and salty. So cheese fries it was.
Hurriedly, he dumps the fresh-out-of-the-oven fries onto the plate, pouring a liberal amount of that amazing luscious ooey melted cheese right on top. Looking at it was enough to prompt his stomach to growl again. Soon!! He would be able to stuff his face. 
Happily, he carries his plate back to the couch and slides up right next to Rukia. “Sorry, I got hungry,” he chuckles, placing a kiss on her forehead as an apology. “Should we get started?”
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galeforged · 1 year
Not specifically for any character: But, what are some of your favorite TRAITS that your muses have?
via Send me questions you have about my character! (open!)
{ ooc } Now here's an ask with some bite! Not gonna lie, I've been deliberating heavily over the last few days to try and think of some good answers, so uh... nice job really getting the mental gears turning, 'nonnie!
Since there's a good number of muses on file though, and I know that I tend to get verbose... I'm gonna focus on one trait each and try to be brief! Active muses follow below!
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Ahh, Kō-bō. My longest-running OC who's been through a few different iterations over the years, but I like where he is now more than ever! Takes his position as Rukia's second-in-command to heart, but with a hint of little stinker™ energy to it whenever he feels the occasion calls for it... though if there's one trait of his that I like most, it's how this 13th Division officer is ready to throw down and relish the thrills of a good fight like an 11th Division one would, something he wound up taking after his mother but didn't really come into play until the Great Soul King Protection War...
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Around almost as long as Kōta was, Shigeru started off as a simple foil but really came to grow into his own. Traces of his original characterization still remain, chiefly his hotheadedness, his surly attitude, and his little outbursts every now and then, but I really liked how Shigeru mellowed out these days. I still approach him as a "no nonsense" kind of guy, but he's more relaxed and patient towards others than he was before the Quincies... not to say people can't get on his last nerve at times though.
Funny how the non-11th Division OC became the scrappier one while the actual former 11th Division one became more chill, ha!
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Boyo beloved, how I adore him. I love Forwin a great deal so there's a lot I can gush about, but if I'm to pick one trait? This applies to his Three Houses War Phase verses in that I love how—for lack of a better word—worldly he becomes over the course of his five years away. Forwin returns to Fódlan a changed and more self-assured man, matured by fantastical experiences he can't easily, convincingly describe to others. But isn't that the main appeal of a good bard? The songs they heartily perform and the immersive stories they expertly tell, especially the ones bordering on disbelief?
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Otherwise known as Vi! I had a lot of fun putting her character together as someone diametrically opposed to the Church of Seiros by design. The Shadow Library included a lot of tasty lore drops to further flesh out Fódlan, and when some of these include a catalogue of banned technologies and scientific advancements... I saw the perfect chance to create a walking allegory for the suppression of sciences by systems of faith! Hence her calculated approaches to problem-solving, and her prioritizing data and logic over emotions. It leads to some fun personality clashes!
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Out of everyone from Engage, I didn't think I'd click with the steward, but hey, it happened! Vander lives to serve, but something about the sincere and ultimately humble pride he exhibits in his role as Queen Lumera and Alear's aide really endeared him to me. Sure, the extent in how seriously he takes his job around the clock can be a bit banal, but it comes from a good place! And while stern, there's a genuine warmth to him and what he brings to the Divine One's army. He's a good man, through and through. That he also knits for a hobby makes him more personable!
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Sometimes, simple is best! Raphael is not a complex dude at the end of the day, he's just a big guy with a big heart and even bigger muscles to go with it. He just rolls with the punches whenever he's dealt a bad hand, keeping his cheerful smile going in spite of things and always wanting the best for his friends, as the textbook big brother figure! True, Raphael may not be the smartest among his peers, more eager to eat and train around the clock rather than study, but he makes up for it with surprising moments of wisdom here and there; dude's brighter than he lets on!
Mask de Masculine (and James)
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Two words: "LARGE HAM." The second cour of the Bleach: Thousand Year-Blood War anime kicks off in less than three weeks, and despite him being purely antagonistic in the source material, I'm greatly looking forward to seeing this doof wrecking house while being a complete, self-serving showboat about it – complete with his own little hype man! When the opportunity to write Mask does come up, playing up that larger than life persona of his is always a fun time for me. I won't expect his muse to sleep for much longer once he's back under the anime's limelight...
THAT'S ALL HE WROTE! Hope all of this fell somewhere along the lines of what you were looking for from me, friend!
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and now I go honk-shoo
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mccncutter · 2 years
Do you have a main verse ship?
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                        Points to @firstdance
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