#「回 one step at a time (solo) 回」
junws · 2 years
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It was still hard to believe that he was about to film his introduction video for Select! To think, he’d not even be here if it weren’t for his family. They were the ones who had encouraged him to take the last final leap into following his dreams and now here he was planning for his introduction video. It was funny to think where life took you sometimes. There’s a reason why Jun didn’t plan much into the future. He never knew where his future would take him.
There were so many interesting and creative ways he could introduce himself to the world. However, for whatever reason, Jun simply could not decide. He definitely wasn’t as skilled as some of the other trainees in terms of talent or special skills. The only thing going for him was that he was from Australia and could speak English. He couldn’t exactly use that for his ‘special skill’. Maybe he could use being Aussie to his advantage?
One things that he noticed when he moved to Korea was how different Korea and Australia were. There were so many Australian things that he missed and longed for. Suddenly, he had an idea. It may seem weak or stupid, but it was something.
Jun reached into his bag and pulled out his small tube of Vegemite - something he always made sure to have with him at all times. He quickly searched for a piece of bread or two and grinned brightly when he found some. He smothered the bread in the spread and got ready for his video.
Once everyone was happy with how he looked, the video began.
❛ Hello everyone! I’m Rainbow Road trainee Jun. I’m twenty-one years old and come from Australia. ❜ He grinned brightly as he spoke in English. It still felt natural to him.  ❛ I'm not as creative or skilled as my fellow trainees but maybe I can impress you with something? ❜ He spoke in Korean this time, ending with a chuckle. He reached off screen for the bread, bringing it closer to his head.
❛ For those who may not know, this is Vegemite. And if you’ve ever had it you know how it tastes. I am going to eat this bread in one go! ❜ He chuckled. The Vegemite was layered on the bread and it was more spread than bread at this point. Grinning brightly, Jun took a big bite of the snack. It reminded him of home. He continued to eat the snack without making any facial expressions or grimacing.
❛ That may not be entertaining, but if you know Vegemite then I hope you were impressed. If you haven’t tried it yet, maybe don’t put as much on. Trust me, ❜ he winked and laughed softly.
❛ I can’t wait to get to know everyone - especially you. ❜ He winked again before he gave one last gigantic smile and the recording stopped. He was finished.
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pupa-cinema · 3 years
Sekihan’s Happy Go Lucky Column Number Fourteen
ハロハロ赤飯だす(オマージュ)。前回のコラムにたくさん悲鳴にも似た反響ありがとうございます。ドン引きしてくださる方 共感してくださる方 くっきり分かれていて大変清々しいです。 Hello hello Sekihan dasu (homage). Thank you for all the scream-like responses to my previous column. It was so refreshing to see everyone deeply split into either being turned off or being empathetic.
前回から更に2ヶ月の時間を重ねておりますが 僕は相変わらずです。(うしろゆびさされ組 を人前で歌う機会も増えてきました。なんなら激ロックDJパーティーでもうしろゆび流しちゃいました♡) Yet another 2 whole months have passed but I’m still the same old same old. (I’ve been gaining opportunities to sing Ushiro Yubi Sasare-Gumi in front of people. I even squeezed in a lil’ Ushiro Yubi at Geki-Rock’s DJ party♡)
前回ご紹介した通り 差し入れでレコードをいただいてしまったばかりに自身でも集めるようになってしまい ついにうしろゆびさされ組のEP LPは全て揃ってしまいましたよ。 The vinyls I was so graciously gifted (as you saw in my show and tell last column) spurred me into collecting even more on my own. Now I’ve put together every last one of Ushiro Yubi Sasare-Gumi’s EPs and LPs.
その流れでアナログレコードプレーヤーに手を出すのは至極当然の流れでありまして......。今何を購入すべきか検討中であります。 Obtaining an analog record player is naturally the next step…. I’m considering which I should buy now.
ゆうゆのソロアルバムも 1stの「ゆうゆ光線」がサブスクで配信されておりまして(執筆当時は1stのみだったのが 今やプレミア付きの全曲収録ベスト盤も配信始まっております!)これは名盤!!と聴き倒しておりましたが こちらもやはりフィジカルには敵いませんなぁ......。ブックレット片手に聴くのが最幸ですわ!ということでCDアルバムも全部揃えてしまいました。いやー当時の作品って荒々しいのが魅力ですよね。今みたいにピッチやリズムの補正もない 剥き出しのものがそのまま届けられるわけです。綺麗に整えられたものに慣れ親しんでしまった今だからこそ気付ける美徳かもしれませんね。写真集とかもほんと補正ないからそのまんまですよ。そのまんま。あまりにもリアル。CDも1曲通してなんかずっとフラットしてたりね。それもまたリアル。全部ひっくるめて 決して叶うことのない リアルタイムで昭和を体験すること へ想いを馳せているわけです。
Yuuyu’s 1st solo album “Yuuyu Kousen” is available on streaming services (When I wrote this, that was the only album but now her “Entire Discography/Best Hits” + her premiere is streaming too!). This is huge!! I said before promptly listening until I dropped. With that said the physical copy still reigns supreme… Clenching the lyric booklet in hand while listening is the ultimate happy go lucky time! Thus did I collect every CD/album.
Ahhh the roughness of the content back then is really the charm. They didn’t have pitch or rhythm correction, we get it naked. We’ve grown so accustomed to the clean and polished that now am I able to appreciate the virtues of the old. Even the photo albums have almost no editing, it’s as is. Simply as was. It’s way too real. A whole song or CD can be flat the entire way through. That too is too real. Flipping page by page am I able to live my impossible dream of the Showa era, my heart fluttering all the while.
なんでしょうね。完結したアイドルを推す って初めての体験というか。今まで"リアルタイム"でアイドルを推すために CDやグッズを買ったり テレビ ラジオ 雑誌をチェックしたり ライブ コンサートを見に行ったり と当たり前にしていたわけですが 完結したアイドルでは それ 絶対に叶わないことなんです。絶対に。二度と。そう考えると 今まさにリアルタイムで推しごとされてるみなさんには その時間 めちゃくちゃ大事にして欲しいと思いますし 何年後かに振り返ったとき 今の時間が 信じられないぐらい 自分の中で輝き続ける宝物になっていると思います。僕にとってのモーニング娘。(1997-2002)がそうであるように。当時のみなさんにとってのおニャン子クラブがそうなんだろうなって考えると 火傷しそうなぐらい胸が熱くなります。当時のみなさんが通ってきた軌跡を現在のテクノロジーで以って 必死に追いかけられる今 とても貴重な体験をさせてもらっている気分です。 さらにいうと、完結したアイドルを推すって言うなれば "戦国武将"を推す歴女的なアレに通じるところがあるのやもしれません(真顔)。過去の文献 映像資料で当時を疑似体験し 想像を膨らませていく。今ではもう触れられないその存在の勝手な自己像が出来上がっていく。これめちゃくちゃ楽しいと思いません?完結しているアイドル推し みなさんもいかがですか?
I wonder… Stanning an idol who’s already closed the curtains on their career is a first for me. Up until now I’ve always strived to be stanning in “real time” while they were relevant… Buying merch, CDs, checking out their TV, magazine, radio show appearances, watching or going to concerts. That was the obvious thing to do. But with an idol who’s already left, it’s an impossible dream. Utterly impossible. Their miracle happened once and it’ll never happen again.
The more I think about it, the more I realize that everyone who’s doing ‘oshi-goto (stanning work)’ in real time in the present needs to cherish the precious time they have to them. Years from now when you look back, it may become a dazzling treasure beyond your belief, more than you may ever imagine for now. As Morning Musume. (1997-2002) fill that niche for me. When I think about how Onyanko Club must fill that niche for those who came before me, my chest grows so hot I feel like I’ll burn myself. All that’s left to do is desperately chase the tracks still preserved by modern technology, it’s a unique experience.
Furthermore, stanning a past idol is kinda the same as those history buff girls who stan “feudal warlords”, do you feel me (/srs). We’re able to reproduce the past via old literature, photos and miscellany, hereby flourishing our imagination. Their existence is untouchable anymore, so our own personal image of them takes shape. Which is a blast, doncha think? Everybody should come have a swing at stanning a past idol, come join me?
あ。なんだか概論ばっかでまた推しの話があんまり出来ていない。そろそろゆうゆの魅力を語らねばなりませんね。それは次回へ持ち越しましょう。10代後半のゆうゆももちろん可愛くていいんですが 30超えてからの母になり 大人の落ち着きが出てきたゆうゆがこれまためっっっっちゃくちゃいいんです。マジでめっっっっっっちゃくちゃいい!いろんな想いがギュッと詰まってる感じ 何かを悟った感じ 儚げな感じ その全てがいい!!!動画の参考資料2002年のしかないですけどね!で!その2002年の再結成シングル「ショーミキゲン」のサビ後半のおっかけ部分のゆうゆの存在感たるや......!一発でゆうゆってわかる声。いい!!!! 今や上のお子さんも成人されたようで 幸せな生活を送っていらっしゃることと存じます。素敵です。引き続き ゆうゆの幸せな生活を 激ロックのコラム欄よりお祈りしております。いつかご本人に届くのかなこれ。届けー。
Ah. I’ve been so busy with the introduction that I haven’t had the chance to even talk about my fav yet. I must divulge the beauty of Yuuyu soon. I’ll leave it as something to look forward to for next time. Yuuyu is cute when she’s in her late teens, but suuuuuper duper nice once she reaches her 30’s, becomes a mother, and has that calm aura of an adult to her.
Seriously, it’s suuuuuuuuper duper nice! She looks like she has so much on her mind, like she possesses transcendental wisdom, like she’s strong but fragile, like, everything about her is so nice!!! Though the only video material of her at that age around is the one from 2002! But! In their reunion single “Shoomi Kigen” of that year 2002, in the groupie part at the end of the chorus Yuuyu stands out so much…..! You can recognize her voice in an instant! It’s so good!!!!
Her children from back then have now grown up and live happy lives. It’s beautiful. Via this Geki-Rock column do I pray that Yuuyu continues to live a happy life. Maybe she’ll hear me one day. Hear meee.
じゃあね! See ya!
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戦利品ご紹介 Here’s my loot
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▲ レコード神棚My vinyl shelf shrine.
自分が買ったものよりはるかに状態の良いものを差し入れいただきました......。ありがたや......。保存用だ。 I was gifted vinyls in a better condition than the ones I had purchased on my own….. Much obliged…. They’re for safekeeping.
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▲ゆうゆのオリジナルソロCDアルバムコンプ。(うしろゆびさされ組 うたの大百科 その1-3 今も探しております) A collection of Yuuyu’s original solo album CDs (I’m still searching for Ushiro Yubi Sasare-Gumi’s Song Encyclopedia 1~3).
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▲ソロコンサートのパンフ 雑誌切り抜き Solo concert pamphlets, magazine cutouts
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▲86年春 あぶな~い課外授業ライブフォトブック Spring year 86, Frisky~ Extracurricular Activities Concert Photobook
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▲87年春 Sailing夢工場 のパンフレット Spring year 87, Sailing Dream Factory pamphlet
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▲天才秋元塾 Genius Akimoto’s Tutoring
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▲上が読み物のページ 下の残り全部は...... These first pages are reading, while the rest underneath are….
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▲ほぼノートです。秋元さん天才!!!!!!キミもなれるぞ!おニャン子成金!知らんがな!推しの手書きアンケートあるから何でもいいよ!知らんけど。今回の激推し曲ゆうゆ1stソロアルバム「ゆうゆ光線」からTr.7「あんちょこ抜きのラブソング」ゆうゆのソロ 作詞が及川眠子さん(残酷な天使のテーゼetc)の曲多いんですよ!
Almost entirely a notebook. Akimoto-san you’re a genius!!!!!! You too can do it! You can become a filthy rich onyanko! I don’t actually know but whatever!!! There’s a survey handwritten by all your favs so anything goes! I don’t actually know buy whatever. My absolute fav song for today is from Yuuyu’s first solo album “Yuuyu Kousen”, track 7 “Anchoko-Nuki no Love Song”. Oikawa Neko (the write of Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis etc.) wrote a lot of Yuuyu’s solo songs!
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b100x-rpg · 3 years
今後のランキングシステム方針 - Future ranking system policy
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English version is below.
This article will affect the ranking of this game, and thus the top rankers. If you are not interested in such competitive features, you do not need to read this article.
B100Xは、Path of exile(以後、PoE)やDiablo3(以後、D3)といった、いわゆる「ハックアンドスラッシュRPG」を、誰でも手軽にスキマ時間に楽しめる、を目指して開発されました。
D3 では、シーズンリーダーボードは「ほぼ無限のダンジョンを一番深く潜れた人」になっています。
(PoEはこの問題を、レースというシーズン全体とは別の細かい単位のラダーを頻繁に開催する事で解決しているようです… 私の所見では、ですが)
一応、現状でランキングは「10000Fにまだ到達できていない層」「10000Fに到達できた層」「10000F到達の効率化を進める層」の3層が確認できていますが、これが長期間に渡るシーズンになった場合、おそらくはほとんどのダンジョンで「10000F 100Try」という成績で埋まってしまう事が予想されます。
【解決策1】 スコアランキングも倉庫不可にする
【解決策2】 ダンジョン最深層をより深くする(100,000Fなど)
【解決策3】 スコアランキングの最上位は、到達順(早い順)にする
「誰よりも早く10000Fを目指す」ランキングと、「1000 or 10000Fまでの到達に必要な挑戦回数の少なさを競う」ランキングの2つが用意される形です。
「シーズン開始直後の競争」は前者が、「シーズン期間の途中からでも参加可能な競争」は後者が担う形となります。事実上、解決したかった課題はスピードランキングによって既に解決できる状態にあったと言えます。(そしてリリース前の十分な検討が不足していたとも言えます… 申し訳ありません)
こうなった場合、「誰よりも早く10000Fを目指す」ランキングが「スピードランキング」で、「1000 or 10000Fまでの到達に必要な挑戦回数の少なさを競う」ランキングが「スコアランキング」と呼ぶべきでしょう。
Season system of B100X
B100X was developed with the aim of making so-called "hack-and-slash RPGs" such as Path of exile (PoE) and Diablo 3 (D3) easy for anyone to enjoy in their spare time.
The system of creating new play data for each season and the rankings were also strongly influenced by these titles.
Seasons, rankings, and server resets themselves are common in competitive games like FPS and MOBA, but not many RPGs use these systems.
With the season system, you can enjoy the game with a fresh feeling due to the new content added each season, and at the same time, the experience and knowledge accumulated through repeated play will make your next play more refined, and you can enjoy it over and over again, challenging the rankings, trying different builds etc... 
B100X has been developed on the premise of long-term operation, and I hope to make it a title that can be enjoyed for 5-10 years or more with fresh gameplay each season through various environmental reorganizations.
In order to achieve this goal, I am focusing on making the rankings more accessible and fair.
Existing ranking system
In PoE, season ladders are ranked by experience gained.
And for users who reach Lv100 (Max), "the person who reaches it first is ranked first".
In D3, the season leaderboard is "the person who can dive the deepest in the almost-infinite dungeon". (And among the users who reach the deepest level, the leaderboard is "the person who cleared the dungeon in the shortest amount of time".)
B100 series was originally a solo RPG, and one of its selling points was that it could be made infinitely stronger through free mixture.
In D3, you can't get infinitely stronger, so this leaderboard is feasible, but in B100X, if you adopt this kind of rule (infinite dungeon tier competition), it will just be a competition of time spent.
Therefore, I decided not to adopt the D3 system, but to follow the PoE system.
In both games, there is no problem with moving item using warehouses within the same league because it doesn't have any significant meaning in the rankings to earn items with other characters.
(Since the 1st character is the easiest to earn with, you can earn with that, and if you raise the 2nd character, you risk falling behind in the ladder to other players who are ahead of you with the 1st character.)
Target of B100X
There was one problem I wanted to solve with B100X.
In PoE's format of the ladder, the top rankers are concentrated in the "just after the season starts", that is, only in the first few days of a 3-4 month period, and players who fail to join them are left out of the rankings.
(PoE seems to have solved this problem by holding frequent ladders that are separate from the overall season, called Races... in my opinion.)
In the B100X, I wanted to have a system that would allow people to participate in the rankings even if they joined in the middle of the season, which is how I came up with the current "score ranking" system.
In other words, it's not about the fastest player, but about the player who can reach the deepest level in the shortest number of moves by better playing.
I thought it would be possible for players to participate in the game even in the middle of the season, and that only those players who had the player skills to step into the higher difficulty levels could challenge the deeper levels, so that the players who reached the deepest level could compete with each other in the rankings.
However, as it turns out, there is a problem with the current system itself, as it can be used as a way to "improve your ranking" by "using the warehouse to move items to new characters".
As of now, there are 3 tiers of ranking: those who have yet to reach 10000F, those who have reached 10000F, and those who are working on improving the efficiency of reaching 10000F. 
If this becomes a long season, most dungeons will probably be filled with "10000F 100Try" results.
If this happens, the rankings will become meaningless.
In addition, this ranking structure will turn the game into a "1st play data is just for preparation, give items to the 2nd and later players, and let them clear the dungeon with the minimum number of challenges" game, and this gameplay will not be very healthy.
Solution plans
Because of these problems, I believe that the ranking needs to be improved in some way.
Solution 1: Make the score ranking not warehouseable.
At least in v1.1.0, I plan to do this first and see how it goes, but there are some problems with this method.
Since it will be a "speed ranking with 10000F target", there will be no point in having separate rankings.
The value of the warehouse will be reduced.
Because of these problems, this method will be a temporary solution in v1.1.0, or it may not be used.
Solution 2: Make the deepest level of the dungeon deeper (e.g. 100,000F)
This method will only increase the time it takes for the final score to be uniformly the same, and is not a fundamental solution.
Solution 3: The top of the score ranking should be in order of arrival (earliest to latest).
In other words, change the current score ranking to the exact same format as PoE.
There will be 2 rankings, one for "aiming to reach 10000F before anyone else" and one for "competing for the fewest number of challenges needed to reach 1000 or 10000F".
The former will take care of the competition right at the beginning of the season, while the latter will take care of the competition that can be joined in the middle of the season. 
In effect, the problem I wanted to solve was already solved by speed ranking. (And it can also be said that I didn't give it enough thought before the release... sorry about that).
In addition, the use of the warehouse will be unlocked for the former ranking, so it will be possible to separate "play data aiming for the top ranking" and "play data that is responsible for earning junk/items" and use the warehouse to give each other the items necessary for their build while efficiently aiming for the top ranking.
(There are some parts where it takes extra time to raise 2 play data than 1 play data, and I don't know at this point which one can reach 10000F faster.)
However, if we choose this solution, we may want to change the name of the ranking.
In this case, the ranking that "aims to reach 10000F faster than anyone else" should be called "Speed Ranking", and the ranking that "competes for the fewest number of challenges needed to reach 1000 or 10000F" should be called "Score Ranking".
Future Policy
At this point, I am tentatively working on solution 1 for v1.1.0, and are considering switching the ranking structure to solution 3 for v1.2.0. (Or if possible, I will use solution 3 for v1.1.0 immeditately.)
However, I would like to continue to search for a better solution, so if you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them.
Also, if there are any errors in my understanding, I would like to hear them as well.
I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
I will continue to work on making the game more comfortable and fun to play.
Thank you for your support of Nussygame and B100X.
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chiyamabunny · 5 years
Aoi Shouta Blog: 2019-02-19 (Eng. Translation)
次に繋がる為の So that we will connect next time  2019-02-19 18:55:44
年明け1月5日からスタートした Starting from this year's January 5th 今回のライブツアー。 This time's Live Tour.
無事に、全公演が終了しました! Safely, all performances have finished!
まず、何事もなく First of all, before anything 公演をやり切れたのは、舞台を作ってくださった沢山のスタッフの皆さん、寒い場所でも笑顔で進行を手伝ってくださったスタッフの皆さん、バンドメンバー、ダンサー、サポートメンバー、そして For the performance to even happen, there were lots of Staff who made the stage, even in the cold weather, the Staff had smiling faces as they helped, Band Members, Dancers, Support Members, and  
駆けつけてくれた皆さんのおかげです。 It's all thanks to everyone came for me.
本当にありがとうございました! Thank you so much!
さて。 And so. 今回のワンアイですが。 This time's WONDER "I".
テーマが『自分』。 The theme was "myself".
歌手デビューして5年間 It's been 5 years since my debut as an artist 色んな蒼井翔太を見せて来ました。 I've shown various sides of Aoi Shouta. 人間て、その時その瞬間、目にしたものが本当の真の姿に見えてしまう所があると思うのだけど There are places where you can really see a person's real self, in those times, those moments  
これが自分! That is myself!
そうではなくて That’s not quite right
『これも』自分。 "This too" is myself.
時間は止まることなく進んで行きます。 Time will continue without stopping.
人間は、それと共にどうしても変わって行きます。その進んでいる物に逆らうのではなく、会えて自分から一枚二枚とベールを脱いで、変わって行く。 People, will without a doubt continue to change over the course of continuing with time. Without going against the flow of time, of change, I'll take off my veils one at a time and continue to change.
そんなことが出来たら素敵だなと、思うようになりました。 I've come to think that this is a really wonderful thing.
ただ、変わって行くものもあるけど。 Even though there are things that will change. 絶対に変えたくないもの。 There are things that definitely won't change.
皆んなの事が大好きだってこと。 The fact that I really like everyone. 皆んながいなければ、僕はいないということ。 The fact that if everyone wasn't here, I wouldn't be here either. だから、死ぬまで寄り添いたいこと。 That's why, I want to snuggle up close to everyone until I pass away.
『それが』蒼井翔太だという事。 "That is" Aoi Shouta.
伝わっていると嬉しいです。 I'm happy if it reaches you.
今回は、単独ではまだ出来ていなかった岐阜や宮城県、福岡でも公演できて凄くテンションが上がりました! This time, places I'd never had a solo performance before, in Gifu, Miyagi Prefecture, and Fukuoka, it got really exciting in all those performances!
1公演1公演終えるたび、もっと周りたいね! Upon finishing 1 performance after another, I want to do more! ってスタッフさんと話していました。 Is what I told the Staff. それが現実になるかどうかは、この後の僕次第。 Whether or not this will become a reality, after this, is up to me.
改めて Once again
ここから、この活動、人生に From here on out, this path of activity, this life
さらにbetするか。出来るか。 Can I bet more. Can I do it.
次のステージ、第一歩が The next stage , the first step 踏み出せたツアーだったと思います。 I think this tour, I was able to take that step.
あーーーー寂しいよーーー! AhーーーーI'm lonelyーーー! まだまだやりたいよーー! I still wanna do moreーー!
てなわけで With all that said 色々語りたいが I want to say much more but
ここでみんなから貰ったお花たち! These are the flowers I got from everyone!
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凄く沢山! There are many!
本当にありがとうございます。 Thank you so much. どれもとても綺麗でしたよ! They were all very beautiful!
どんな思いで作ってくれたのだろう、計画してくれたのだろうと皆んなの胸のワクワクが見えて来そうな。 The kinds of emotions that were put into making these for me, the kind of projects and the planning involved, I was able to see everyone's excitement from within them.
そんなお花たちでした! That's what kind of flowers they were!
大好きです。 I really like you. また会いましょう! Let's meet again!
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hellopromusic · 6 years
Itoshima Distance 
Lyrics: Mari-Joe Composition: Hoshibe Sho  Arrangement, Keyboard, Programming: Okubo Kaoru  Violin, Viola: Muroya Kouichiro  Alto and Tenor Saxophone: Takegami Yoshinari  Chorus: ANGERME, M!ho  
I'm using the another version because I feel it evokes the feel of the song better. Its very date like and has imagery from Kyushuuu, including a lot of things mentioned in the lyrics. Read the lyrics, then watch the video... this really is great stuff.
This song was in the the debut single of 4th generation member Kamikokuryo Moe and the last single to feature 2nd generation member Tamura Meimi.
As Itoshima is a city in Fukuoka Prefecture, the lyrics "suitou to" (好いとうと) and "yaken" (やけん) in "Itoshima Distance" are of the local Hakata dialect.
Some Landmarks in the Song
Kego Park 
Cosmos are Autumn flowers that bloom at Nokoshima Island 
Tenjin is a busy downtown section of Fukuoka City 
This is a song that came out when I had gone back to school and was not hardcore into H!P. I first heard it like a year ago. The outfits for the video and the music really cemented this song as one I would love forever. It was also one of the songs that helped relieve my "Tsunku stepping down" tension as I discovered Sho could make great songs as well. He can not replicate that "Tsunku" flavor, but Sho's songs were really good. Sho has blessed Angerme with some great songs, between him and Takui Angerme's post "Exclusively - Tsunku" discography is very nice.
Anyways this song makes me nostalgic for a place I've never been. Making me long to do activities I've never done, and drive in my car with a lover I've yet to meet. This could have been a super sexy kayokyoku song if it were slowed down a bit and they switched up the instrumentation. Mari-Joe's lyrics are great, but to get that kayo feel, there needs to be less words, but that’s neither here nor there... my pipe dreams, lol.
Song structure
The song is in f minor. The BPM is 120, and the time signature is 4/4. 
Intro Pre-verse 1 - Song's melodic theme Verse A1 - Doushita no Verse B1 - Chotto Matte Pre-Chorus 1 - Itsumo Chorus A1 - Suitou to Chorus B1 - Suitou to Pre-Verse 2 - Slutty Sax solo Verse A2 Verse B2 Pre-chorus 2 Chorus A2 Chorus B2 Bridge - Teasing Sax solo Chorus A3 Chorus B3 Pre-verse 3 - Song's melodic theme Outro
This song embodies too little too late. The protagonist in this song is a girl getting broken up with... Its that kind of sad song. So on a car ride home, the boyfriend breaks up with the protagonist and as they ride home. Her mind is filled with regret and denial. She remembers only the good times and likely has no recollection of the things that made the boyfriend want to break up. She believes in her heart of hearts that if the boyfriend remembers the goodtimes, he will choose her again.
I'm not sure if they live in Fukuoka City and are traveling to Itoshima, or the other way around. But  I, personally, love the image of a country girl being impressed by going to the big city and have a date, a little udon, some karaoke, like its a big deal. Then going home feeling like she was a city slicker and wanting to shake the country life. So I'm voting for them living in Itoshima. However all the Japanse fans seem to say they are on a trip to Itoshima, but in the end, it doesn't matter.
One of my favorite lines is when she talks about how she has looked through the car window so many times, seeing beautiful things, showing the window was a conduit for joy. But now in the reflection of the same window she now sees a person she loves, but doesn't recognize... oh its poetic. Its like, she associates so many good memories with the window, I guess they take trips often. But now, currently, at the moment, the window is a conduit for pain.
Composition and Arrangement
Instruments in the track are the piano, bongos, saxophone, strings, guitar, bass guitar. To paraphrase the great Maa-chan, You should give the instrumentals a listen from time to time. This one is great.
In this song I have less "oh that part was great" and its just overall a top tier song in my mind. I like all the parts and every section has at least 2 or 3 things I like. I would be here all day listing them. But if I had to pick a crowning moment of awesome, its the melody in the verses. It ebbs and flows like the waves crashing on an Itoshiman beach... That 7th and 8th bar in each of the two verses... just yes... Then they lead to that perfect rhythm on  "Itsumo." These guys are playing for keeps. I'm a huge fan of singing naturals in melodies, they give this sort tension that I love prolonging. Well in this melody they sprinkle a couple in for the music wotas like me. Probably my favorite use of it is in the chorus when they are singing the natural 3rd on Omoidashite (the "i") and Ano Machi parts (the "ma"). This is an example of "if the song was slower and had less lyrics" I would have loved it more. That natural 3rd could have been so much more satisfying, but instead its just (a very welcome) part of a vocal movement in the melody.
The song is sonically spacious. It feels as if there are only like 3 instruments playing at a time, so its not over crowded with musical ideas. The most prominent feature is the bassline that is just throbbing with sass. Sometimes there is more, but it just feel open like a trio and I appreciate that openess.
I don't think I've ever really talked about my musical foundation, but I come to music from (largely) Jazz and Video Game Music. My Jazz roots give me an affinity for live musicians in both performance and recording. I love lots of programmed stuff (ie. VGM), but a composition really shines when its played by live musicians. Which is why contemporary VGM is at a kind of apex for me (but that’s a conversation for another time). Anyways, whenever a Hello!Project song uses live musicians to record a part, it really makes me stand up and listen. In this song, Takegami Yoshinari came and laid down some sax solos for the song and it really shines because of it. It might be the most distinguishing sonic factor of the song. I heard other fans complain when Tsunku uses the same "sax riff" in multiple songs, well this one is all original and bespoke for the song. I'm sure H!P usually shys away from live musicians because its more expensive to tour with musicians and playing tracks for the girls lets them get used to the same musical experience. Anyways, even if its just in recording, I appreciate the live musicians in my pop music. Another reason to love H!P.
The strings are live as well by Muroya Kouichiro. A lot of the string's "emotion" that’s in this song are much better live, as opposed to synthesized. The way the notes are blended and stretched... these are the benefits of live musicians (not decrying programmed music, just highlighting the benefits of live musicians). The harmonies the violin and the viola play could be replicated with a synth (keyboard), but the uniform technique for both parts they play could not be replicated on the keyboard. For example, all throughout the songs the strings have these quick Glissandos to end the phrases where they start on one note and finish like a 3rd or a 5th lower in the span of one beat. In the first verse listen to the strings while Kanonon sings "Oshiyoseru," it does what I'm talking about. That sort of flourish is all throughout the song in the strings and it a bit difficult to synthesize, you only get those flairs from live musicians. The drums are programmed, but having a live percussionist would have pushed this to the max for me. But this is pop music and they are trying to appeal to the masses, not aural slutz like me, lol.
Also a word on M!ho, she has been featured on many a Sho song (not that she works exclusively with him or anything), and she makes an appearance in the background of many parts of this song including the Pre-verse (usually singing the "Ah"s and "Ooh"s). I think tonally, no one could match her in Angerme. In addition, M!ho is a professional, and it was probably MUCH quicker and easier to have her do those other harmonies. M!ho's vocal control is much stronger than any of the girls in the group (save probably Meimei).
Anyways, this review is just more of my fanboy ramblings...  My guilty pleasure...
Found this thread on a Matome. DISCLAIMER: I'm no professional translate, if you see I made a mistake instead of ridiculing me, help me get better! I've left the Japanese for those who can read it, and those that can't have to suffer through my translations guwahaha~ Also this was translated after I wrote my review, so any similarities are coincidental.
48: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/
A song about a woman from Kyushuu's countryside (around Kumamoto?) who left Fukuoka city with a guy to go on a date in Itoshima, huh?
I suppose that in old school Enka there was often a situation where a woman from Northern Japan was leaving Tokyo and I wonder if we are in a period where women are leaving Fukuoka City.
九州の田舎(熊本あたり?)から福岡に出てきたな女が彼と糸島にデートしてたという歌だな 昔の演歌は北国から東京に出て来た女と相場が決まってたが 福岡に出て来た女というのが時代かなと思う
87: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/
>>48 At the moment there likely are a lot of Kyushuu women leaving Fukuoka city 今福岡に出てくる九州の女って多いらしいな
96: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/
Even though its a song about Itoshima, somehow they didn't say the names of any of Itoshima's places... Kego Park and Nokoshima Island are right by Fukuoka City
糸島の歌なのに同地の地名が出てこないってどういうことだ? 警固公園や能古島は隣りの福岡市だぞ
115: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/
This couple lives in Fukuoka and often was driving to Itoshima The protagonist remembered this retrospection of when they were enroute to Kego Park, Nokoshima Island, etc...
このカップルは福岡在住で糸島までよくドライブしていた その回想の途中に警固公園や能古島も行っていたことを思い出した
148: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/
If thats the case, even though they traveled to Kego park and Nokoshima Island, it would have been good if they would of incorporated Keya no Ooto (in itoshima), Marutaike Park (in itoshima, they also have an illumination event as well), or Meoto Iwa into the song.
97: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/
Doesn't this song give more the impression of pop from the late 80's early 90's more than what they call Kayokyoku.
267: 名無し募集中。。。@\(^o^)/
As opposed to Akina, isn't this closer to that area before Shouno Mayo, Kubota Saki, etc...? 明菜より前の庄野真代とか久保田早紀とかあの辺じゃないかね?
(Not gonna lie, I'm so excited I found some new Artists to research! Kubota Saki looks like BAE ver. 1.2.0)
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✘Δ ❤₪ ☾✎▄♬✂ ❃▤回✮▓ ☽♡≡✦❂ ◎ ☁⇕☠ (Hope)
[spoilers abound for Ant Man and the Wasp, read at your own discretion]
✘ = hugging them
[if they’d been unsuccessful in saving hank and janet, and hope had lost both her parents]
Scott was surprised at the hug but, knowing it was what she needed, held hope close and rubbed her back. “We’ll get them back to you, I promise.” He rasped, tightening his arms around her so that she knew she wouldn’t lose him too. He’d bring them back. She wouldn’t be alone. 
Δ = playing with their hair
Although his hair was pretty short, Scott figured it was just long enough to be functionally played with - after all, he did let it grow out longer than he normally would while he was under house arrest and couldn’t get to the barber shop. He smiled, finding it soothing as Hope played with it, surprised she had any interest even as she did her own work.
❤ = kissing them
[during that scene]
Having just been way too big for longer than he’d ever managed it, Scott was ready to sleep for about a month and seriously craving orange slices. He’d never been this tired, which was why he almost thought he’d imagined the whole thing. But, no, Hope was pressing her lips to his, making him gasp in surprise and cupping the back of her head, holding her close with a weak palm, smiling against her mouth.
₪ =  asking them out for dinner
Scott nodded. “I’m hungry.” He said, agreeing to dinner easily before freezing and realizing what she meant. “You mean like… Dinner as in a date?”
☾ = being found shirtless
Immediately covering his eyes, Scott resisted the temptation to just glance a peak. Hope was utterly gorgeous (he’d known that when he first met her) but it was an absolutely horrible idea to look at her like that. “Sorry, wrong room.” He said, covering his eyes and attempting to ignore what he’d seen. 
✎ = speaking in a different language
He hadn’t expected Hope to start speaking Mandarin with such ease, though Scott didn’t know why it surprised him so much. He didn’t do this undercover work with so much ease but it came naturally to her, and her work in business generally meant that languages were a smart move. He was impressed, and found himself hanging on every syllable - not even realizing when she told him to go fuck himself in Mandarin.
▄ = telling them a joke
Scott laughed at the joke, surprised by Hope telling one and being outrageously happy that she had, his face breaking into a grin. She was so serious most times, but he loved when she relaxed enough to joke with him. 
♬ = singing to them
Reluctantly, Scott pulled a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet and handed it to Hope. “I guess you really do know all the lyrics to What Is This Feeling? by heart.” He said chuckling. 
✂ = threatening them
Scott held up both hands, adequately threatened to keep from wrapping an arm around her on the undercover mission. Of course he’d tried that move, they were undercover as a married couple. Too bad they were supposed to be a married couple fighting, to cause a distraction in the restaurant. 
❃ = dancing with them
He hadn’t danced in years. Between being in prison and being under house arrest, Scott didn’t exactly go out dancing on the weekends. But, it was a fundraiser for PYMTech, and people were dancing. It still surprised him when Hope asked, but luckily, he remembered the steps. “I taught Cassie how to dance once. She stepped on my toes a lot.” He said with a small smile, spinning Hope gently and enjoying her smile. 
▤ = falling asleep on them
A glance at his shoulder told him, that, yes, the weight that had fallen onto his arm was Hope’s head, and she was fast asleep against him. Asleep and not feeling the stress of the world, she looked younger and calm. He smiled - Scott wished that she felt that all the time and didn’t have to worry about everyone else, though she wouldn’t be herself if she felt that way. He rested his own head against hers, smiling. He’d stay awake, make sure nothing kept her from the sleep and rest she needed. 
回 = patching a wound
“Ow!” Scott whined like a child, wincing as Hope roughly patched up the wound. It hurt, but he supposed he deserved it for rushing into the situation without thinking about his safety. He’d mostly been thinking that she wasn’t safe and he had to be backup for her. “You should thank me.” He pointed out when she glared. 
✮ = stargazing
“Cassiopeia.” Scott said, pointing out to a constellation that resembled the shape of the letter W. “The night Cassie was born, I was looking through a book of constellations and was on the page for it right before Maggie went into labor. So I suggested the name Cassie.” He said glancing at Hope with a small and finding them face to face before he ducked away to look back at the stars. “Probably shouldn’t have named my daughter after a vain queen, I only found out after I looked up more about it.”
▓ = caught stealing their belongings
“You need to work on your form.” Scott said at the doorway to his bedroom. He had no idea why Hope had any need to steal one of his shirts, but he did know she wasn’t a good thief. Superhero and CEO, yes. Thief, not so much. “Step one: wearing heels is a really, really bad idea.”
☽ = wandering alone at night
He hadn’t expected to see Hope out alone at night, but Scott didn’t ask why she was out this late or why she was near his place rather than hers. “Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.” He said, giving her a small smile. 
♡ = complimenting them
The look of surprise was plain on Scott’s face. “Did you just say I have a cute butt?” He asked her, his grin widening. He was never letting this go. 
≡ = offering a place to stay overnight
Now that Hope and Hank were talking again and not fighting, things had been going well, as far as Scott knew. But they’d had a fight, as most parents had with their children. She’d had plans to meet him for coffee, but Scott could read her well enough to know that she was upset. “A night away from your dad will help. You two aren’t used to being so close together and it’s not easy.” Scott said. “I have a spare room. Stay there tonight and tomorrow he’ll come around.”
✦ = being well-dressed
“Damn, Hope.” Scott couldn’t help himself from saying. Hope looked absolutely fantastic. The dress hugged her figure in all the right places, and showed off her gorgeous arms and legs. He shook his head at the glare she gave him. “I mean. You look really nice.” He said for clarification with a wince. 
❂ = wiping blood off their face
Scott was immediately in a panic when he saw Hope wiping blood off of her cheek. “What happened?” He asked, terrified and checking that it was someone else’s and not her own. 
◎ = taking care of them while ill
Scott hadn’t expected Hope to be such a good cook, but he should have. “This is amazing.” He said, taking another gulp of the chicken soup with a grin before he sneezed and spilled the entire thing on the table.
☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them 
“Woah!” Scott shouted, laughing and holding onto hope. Her wings carried them both as she dodged past each drop of water and he laughed, the two of them growing to their normal heights and immediately drenched by the rain they’d avoided so well. 
⇕ = holding their hand
Scott wouldn’t have brought Hope, but she’d insisted on coming to Cassie’s school play. He was so proud of his daughter as she danced up onstage, not tripping up on her solo part in the song, and he felt Hope’s hand slip into his own as he smiled up at Cassie. 
☠ = pushing them against a wall
Scott swallowed looking at Hope. She was a couple inches shorter than him, but even so, he was already intimidated by her pushing him up against the wall - despite having no idea if she was about to kill him, kiss him, or do something he couldn’t even imagine. He smirked at her. “Hi.” He said grinning into her eyes. 
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Purchase your drink
T-Pain Featuring Yung Joc
10) English
(Fast picture) Yes, it is a pain. (Oh, happy) Shots, young tricks (Like wallets) Yes, yes, yes, yes, he does a lot of work. Oh, oh, yes, yes, huh! Yes, take your finger and step on it You can do it alone (oh!)
Girl, what's your name? I'll talk to you and I'll buy a drink. I'm T-Pin, you know me Konwit Mujik, nephew's son, O Rawa I know the last three of the club What's the chance to go with me? Please come back to sleep and tell me your life. Forget it and forget what we did.
I'll buy you a drink So I will take you home. I have bank money About the shoot, what do you think about this visit? I wear gray cadillac We are in bed, yes, oh, oh, wow, wow, oh! We're in bed, oh, oh, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!
Talking to me will come back. I will tell you about money, I would say Pum juice, roll oak's shade Roo Cots, good Let's go (now we go) So I call it "round" We will have a good time This style is just like you
I'll let you drink, wow, oh, wow! So I will take you home. I have bank money About the shoot, what do you think about this visit? I wear gray cadillac We are in bed, yes, oh, oh, wow, wow, oh! We're in bed, oh, oh, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!
Do not you see me on the bar, do you respect the big pen? Please tell me how you feel, my mother told me that you are drinking Cotton, three dams worth the cost 51 people, 3 people, 3 people I check my body language and I like this conversation. When I rub my lips, I feel like a shield Now everything is cool, you are in your heart I just need an hour, well, maybe two Places where I will pick you up from the Ferrari switch When you tighten your ears, please touch your feet with candles Enlightenment and Sex in the Environment I can say T-Pain, so I can tell
I'll let you drink, wow, oh, wow! So I will take you home. I have bank money About the shoot, what do you think about this visit? I wear gray cadillac We are in bed, yes, oh, oh, wow, wow, oh! We're in bed, oh, oh, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!
Get out and go out Let's start, let's think: "O, hurry Now lock, lock, lock, lock You can do it yourself Get out and go out Let's start, let's think: "O, hurry Now lock, lock, lock, lock You can do it yourself
I'll buy you a drink So I will take you home. I have bank money About the shoot, what do you think about this visit? I wear gray cadillac We are in bed, yes, oh, oh, wow, wow, oh! We're in bed, oh, oh, wow, wow, wow, wow, wow!
0) (Original) English
(Shawty snap) Yeah, T-Pain (Damn, shawty snap) Shawty, Yung Joc (Shawty Snappin') Yeah, yeah, yeah, ayy, ayy, she snappin' Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh Yeah, snap yo' fingers, do yo' step You can do it all by yourself (woo!)
Baby girl, what's your name? Let me talk to you, let me buy you a drink I'm T-Pain, you know me Konvict Muzic, Nappy Boy, ooh wee I know the club close at three What's the chances of you rollin' with me? Back to the crib, show you how I live Let's get drunk, forget what we did
I'ma buy you a drank And then I'ma take you home with me I got money in the bank Shawty, what you think 'bout that? I'll be in the grey Cadillac We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, woah, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh, woah
Talk to me, I talk back Let's talk money, I talk that Crunk juice bombs, Oakley shades Shawty got class, oh behave Let's get gone, walk it out (now walk it out) Just like that, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout We gon' have fun, you gon' see On that patron you should get like me
I'ma buy you a drank, woah, oh-ooh, woah And then I'ma take you home with me I got money in the bank Shawty, what you think 'bout that? I'll be in the grey Cadillac We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, woah, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh, woah
Won't you meet me at the bar, respect big pimpin' Tell me how you feel, mama tell me what you sippin' A certified dime piece, deserve Louis one three One fifty a shot, three for you and three for me I'm checking your body language, I love the conversation And when you lick your lips I get a tingling sensation Now were both 'bout tipsy, you say you in the mood All I need is 'bout a hour, better yet maybe two Let me take you where I live, Ferrari switch gears When I whisper in your ear, your legs hit the chandelier Passion fruit and sex all in the atmosphere I'ma let T-Pain sing it so he can make it clear
I'ma buy you a drank, woah, oh-ooh, woah And then I'ma take you home with me I got money in the bank Shawty, what you think 'bout that? I'll be in the grey Cadillac We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, woah, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh, woah
Let's get gone, walk it out Now walk it out think about it, oh snap Now rock, rock, rock, rock You can do it all by yourself Let's get gone, walk it out Now walk it out think about it, oh snap Now rock, rock, rock, rock You can do it all by yourself
I'ma buy you a drank And then I'ma take you home with me I got money in the bank Shawty, what you think 'bout that? I'll be in the grey Cadillac We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh We in the bed like, ooh, ooh, woah, ooh, woah, woah, ooh, ooh, woah
1) Chinese
(Shawty snap) 是的,痛苦 (該死的,快樂的) Shawty,Yung Joc (Shawty Snappin') 是啊,是啊,是啊,啊,啊,她正在努力, 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,哦 是的,抓緊你的手指,做你的一步 你可以自己做(嗚!)
寶貝女孩,你叫什麼名字? 讓我和你談談,讓我給你買一杯飲料 我是T-Pain,你認識我 Konvict Muzic,Nappy Boy,ooh wee 我知道俱樂部在三點結束 你和我一起滾動的機會是多少? 回到嬰兒床,告訴你我的生活 讓我們喝醉了,忘記我們做了什麼
我會給你買一杯飲料 然後我會帶你回家 我在銀行得到了錢 Shawty,你覺得'那回合? 我會穿著灰色的凱迪拉克 我們在床上,哦,哦,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦 我們在床上就像,哦,哦,哇,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦,哇!
跟我說話,我回來 讓我們談談錢,我說 Crunch果汁炸彈,Oakley陰影 Shawty上課了,哦,表現好 我們走吧,走出去(現在走出去) 就這樣,這就是我所說的'回合' 我們會玩得開心,你會看到的 在那個贊助人你應該像我一樣
我是給你喝一杯,哇,哦,哇 然後我會帶你回家 我在銀行得到了錢 Shawty,你覺得'那回合? 我會穿著灰色的凱迪拉克 我們在床上,哦,哦,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦 我們在床上就像,哦,哦,哇,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦,哇!
你不會在酒吧見到我嗎,尊重大潘潘' 告訴我你的感受,媽媽告訴我你在啜飲什麼' 一個認證的角錢,值得路易斯一個三 一個五十一桿,三個給你,三個給我 我正在檢查你的肢體語言,我喜歡這個對話 當你舔你的嘴唇時,我會感到刺痛 現在都是'回合醉了,你說你有心情 我需要的只是'一個小時,更好,也許兩個 讓我帶你到我住的地方,法拉利開關裝置 當我在你的耳邊耳語時,你的雙腿撞到了吊燈 氣氛中的西番蓮和性 我可以讓T-Pain唱歌,這樣他就可以說清楚了
我是給你喝一杯,哇,哦,哇 然後我會帶你回家 我在銀行得到了錢 Shawty,你覺得'那回合? 我會穿著灰色的凱迪拉克 我們在床上,哦,哦,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦 我們在床上就像,哦,哦,哇,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦,哇!
讓我們走吧,走出去 現在走出去想一想,哦,快點 現在搖滾,搖滾,搖滾,搖滾 你可以自己做 讓我們走吧,走出去 現在走出去想一想,哦,快點 現在搖滾,搖滾,搖滾,搖滾 你可以自己做
我會給你買一杯飲料 然後我會帶你回家 我在銀行得到了錢 Shawty,你覺得'那回合? 我會穿著灰色的凱迪拉克 我們在床上,哦,哦,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦 我們在床上就像,哦,哦,哇,哦,哇,哇,哦,哦,哇!
2) Spanish
(Shawty snap) Sí, dolor (Maldición, feliz) Shawty, Yung Joc (Shawty Snappin ') Sí, sí, sí, ah, ah, ella está trabajando duro. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh Sí, tome su dedo y haga su paso Puedes hacerlo tú mismo (¡oh!)
Niña, ¿cuál es tu nombre? Déjame hablar contigo y déjame comprarte una bebida Soy T-Pain, me conoces Konvict Muzic, Nappy Boy, ooh wee Sé que el club termina a las tres ¿Cuál es tu oportunidad de desplazarte conmigo? Regresa a la cuna y te cuento mi vida Vamos a emborracharnos y olvidarnos de lo que hicimos
Te compraré una bebida Entonces te llevaré a casa Tengo dinero en el banco Shawty, ¿qué piensas de 'esa ronda? Usaré un Cadillac gris Estamos en la cama, oh, oh, oh, guau, guau, oh, oh Estamos en la cama como, oh, oh, guau, oh, guau, guau, oh, guau!
Háblame y vuelvo Hablemos de dinero, digo Crunch Juice Bomb, Oakley Shadow La clase de Shawty, oh, está bien Vámonos, salgamos (ahora salgamos) De esta manera, esto es lo que llamo 'ronda' Nos divertiremos y verás En ese patrón deberías ser como yo
Te daré un trago, guau, oh, guau Entonces te llevaré a casa Tengo dinero en el banco Shawty, ¿qué piensas de 'esa ronda? Usaré un Cadillac gris Estamos en la cama, oh, oh, oh, guau, guau, oh, oh Estamos en la cama como, oh, oh, guau, oh, guau, guau, oh, guau!
¿No me encontrarías en el bar, respetarías a Grand Penn? Dime cómo te sientes. Mamá me dice lo que estás bebiendo. Una moneda de diez centavos certificada, vale la pena un Louis tres Uno cincuenta y uno, tres para ti, tres para mí Estoy revisando tu lenguaje corporal y me gusta esta conversación Siento hormigueo cuando te frotas los labios Ahora todo está borracho, dices que tienes un estado de ánimo Lo que necesito es solo 'una hora, mejor, tal vez dos Déjame llevarte a donde vivo, Ferrari Switchgear Cuando susurro en tu oído, tus piernas golpean los candelabros Pasión y sexo en la atmósfera Puedo hacer que T-Pain cante, para que pueda dejarlo claro
Te daré un trago, guau, oh, guau Entonces te llevaré a casa Tengo dinero en el banco Shawty, ¿qué piensas de 'esa ronda? Usaré un Cadillac gris Estamos en la cama, oh, oh, oh, guau, guau, oh, oh Estamos en la cama como, oh, oh, guau, oh, guau, guau, oh, guau!
Vámonos y salgamos Salgamos y pensemos, oh, apúrense Ahora rock, rock, rock, rock Puedes hacerlo tú mismo Vámonos y salgamos Salgamos y pensemos, oh, apúrense Ahora rock, rock, rock, rock Puedes hacerlo tú mismo
Te compraré una bebida Entonces te llevaré a casa Tengo dinero en el banco Shawty, ¿qué piensas de 'esa ronda? Usaré un Cadillac gris Estamos en la cama, oh, oh, oh, guau, guau, oh, oh Estamos en la cama como, oh, oh, guau, oh, guau, guau, oh, guau!
3) Hindi
(शॉटी स्नैप) हाँ, दर्द (अरे, खुश) शॉटी, यंग जोक (शॉटी स्नैपिन ') हाँ, हाँ, हाँ, आह, आह, वह कड़ी मेहनत कर रही है। ओह, ओह, ओह, ओह, ओह, ओह, ओह, ओह, ओह हां, अपनी उंगली लें और अपना कदम उठाएं आप इसे स्वयं कर सकते हैं (ओह!)
लड़की, आपका नाम क्या है? मुझे आपसे बात करने दो और मुझे आपको एक पेय खरीदने दो मैं टी-दर्द हूं, तुम मुझे जानते हो Konvict Muzic, Nappy Boy, ओह वी मुझे पता है कि क्लब तीन में समाप्त होता है मेरे साथ जाने का आपका मौका क्या है? पालना पर वापस जाओ और मैं आपको अपना जीवन बताता हूं चलो नशे में आते हैं और हमने जो किया उसके बारे में भूल जाते हैं
मैं तुम्हें एक पेय खरीदूंगा तब मैं तुम्हें घर ले जाऊंगा मेरे पास बैंक में पैसा है शॉटी, आप उस दौर के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? मैं एक ग्रे कैडिलैक का उपयोग करूंगा हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, ओह हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, वाह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, वाह!
मुझसे बात करो और मैं वापस आऊंगा चलो पैसे के बारे में बात करते हैं, मैं कहता हूं क्रंच रस बम, ओकले छाया शॉटी की कक्षा, ओह, ठीक है चलो चलें, चलो बाहर निकलें (अब चले जाओ) इस तरह, मैं यही 'राउंड' कहता हूं हम मजा करेंगे और आप देखेंगे उस पैटर्न में आप मेरे जैसा होना चाहिए
मैं तुम्हें एक पेय दूंगा, वाह, ओह, वाह तब मैं तुम्हें घर ले जाऊंगा मेरे पास बैंक में पैसा है शॉटी, आप उस दौर ���े बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? मैं एक ग्रे कैडिलैक का उपयोग करूंगा हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, ओह हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, वाह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, वाह!
क्या आप मुझे बार में नहीं ढूंढेंगे, क्या आप ग्रैंड पेन का सम्मान करेंगे? मुझे बताओ कि आप कैसा महसूस करते हैं। माँ मुझे बताती है कि आप क्या पी रहे हैं। एक प्रमाणित डाइम, यह लुई तीन के लायक है एक पचास, तीन तुम्हारे लिए, तीन मेरे लिए मैं आपकी शारीरिक भाषा की जांच कर रहा हूं और मुझे यह वार्तालाप पसंद है जब आप अपने होंठ रगड़ते हैं तो मुझे झुकाव महसूस होता है अब सब कुछ नशे में है, आप कहते हैं कि आपके मन की स्थिति है मुझे जो चाहिए वह केवल एक घंटा, बेहतर, शायद दो है मैं आपको कहाँ ले जाता हूं, फेरारी स्विचगियर जब मैं आपके कान में फुसफुसाता हूं, तो आपके पैरों ने मोमबत्ती को मारा वातावरण में जुनून और लिंग मैं टी-पेन गा सकता हूं, इसलिए मैं इसे स्पष्ट कर सकता हूं
मैं तुम्हें एक पेय दूंगा, वाह, ओह, वाह तब मैं तुम्हें घर ले जाऊंगा मेरे पास बैंक में पैसा है शॉटी, आप उस दौर के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? मैं एक ग्रे कैडिलैक का उपयोग करूंगा हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, ओह हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, वाह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, वाह!
चलो चलें और निकल जाओ चलो बाहर जाओ और सोचो, ओह, जल्दी करो अब चट्टान, चट्टान, चट्टान, चट्टान आप इसे स्वयं कर सकते हैं चलो चलें और निकल जाओ चलो बाहर जाओ और सोचो, ओह, जल्दी करो अब चट्टान, चट्टान, चट्टान, चट्टान आप इसे स्वयं कर सकते हैं
मैं तुम्हें एक पेय खरीदूंगा तब मैं तुम्हें घर ले जाऊंगा मेरे पास बैंक में पैसा है शॉटी, आप उस दौर के बारे में क्या सोचते हैं? मैं एक ग्रे कैडिलैक का उपयोग करूंगा हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, ओह हम बिस्तर में हैं, ओह, ओह, वाह, ओह, वाह, वाह, ओह, वाह!
4) Arabic
(لقطة سريعة) نعم ألم (مهلا ، سعيد) Shotty ، نكتة شابة (شافت سنابين) نعم ، نعم ، نعم ، آه ، آه ، إنه يعمل بجد. أوه، أوه، أوه، أوه أوه أوه أوه أوه أوه نعم ، خذ إصبعك واتخاذ خطو�� يمكنك فعلها بنفسك (يا!)
فتاة ، ما اسمك؟ اسمحوا لي أن أتحدث معك واسمحوا لي أن أشتري لك الشراب أنا تي-باين ، أنت تعرفني Konvict Muzic، Nappy Boy، Oh Wei وأنا أعلم أن النادي ينتهي في ثلاثة ما هي فرصتك للذهاب معي؟ عد إلى السرير وأخبرني بحياتك دعونا نسكر وننسى ما فعلناه
سأشتري لك الشراب ثم سوف آخذك للمنزل لدي مال في البنك شوتي ، ما رأيك في هذه الجولة؟ سأستخدم كاديلاك رمادي نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، أوه نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر!
تحدث معي وسأعود دعني أتحدث عن المال ، أقول سحق عصير قنبلة ، oakley الظل صف شوتي ، حسناً لنذهب ، دعنا نخرج (اذهب الآن) بهذه الطريقة ، أدعو هذا "الجولة" سنحصل على المتعة وسترى في هذا النمط يجب أن تكون مثلي
سأعطيك شراب ، واو ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ثم سوف آخذك للمنزل لدي مال في البنك شوتي ، ما رأيك في هذه الجولة؟ سأستخدم كاديلاك رمادي نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، أوه نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر!
لن تجد لي في شريط ، وسوف تحترم القلم الكبير؟ قل لي كيف تشعر. أمي تخبرني ما تشربه. الدايم المصدق ، يستحق ثلاثة إلى لويس واحد وخمسين ، ثلاثة بالنسبة لك ، وثلاثة بالنسبة لي أنا أتحقق من لغتك البدنية وأحب هذه المحادثة أشعر بالميل عندما تفرك شفتيك الآن كل شيء مسكر ، أنت تقول أن لديك حالة ذهنية ما أحتاجه هو ساعة واحدة فقط ، أفضل ، ربما اثنين من أين آخذك يا فيراري سويتشجير عندما كنت أهمس أذنيك ، ضربت قدميك الشمعة العاطفة والجنس في البيئة يمكنني غناء T-Pain ، حتى أتمكن من شرح ذلك
سأعطيك شراب ، واو ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ثم سوف آخذك للمنزل لدي مال في البنك شوتي ، ما رأيك في هذه الجولة؟ سأستخدم كاديلاك رمادي نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، أوه نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر!
لنذهب ونخرج دعونا نخرج ونفكر ، أوه ، أسرع الآن صخرة ، صخرة ، صخرة ، صخرة يمكنك أن تفعل ذلك بنفسك لنذهب ونخرج دعونا نخرج ونفكر ، أوه ، أسرع الآن صخرة ، صخرة ، صخرة ، صخرة يمكنك أن تفعل ذلك بنفسك
سأشتري لك الشراب ثم سوف آخذك للمنزل لدي مال في البنك شوتي ، ما رأيك في هذه الجولة؟ سأستخدم كاديلاك رمادي نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، أوه نحن في السرير ، أوه ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر ، نجاح باهر ، أوه ، نجاح باهر!
5) Portuguese
(Foto rápida) Sim, dor (Hey, feliz) Shotty, jovem piada (Snaabin do eixo) Sim, sim, sim, ah, ah, ele trabalha duro. Oh, oh, oh, oh oh oh oh oh Sim, pegue seu dedo e dê um passo Você pode fazer isso sozinho (oh!)
Garota, qual seu nome? Deixe-me falar com você e deixe-me comprar uma bebida Eu sou T-Pine, você me conhece Konvict Muzic, Nappy Boy, Oh Wei Eu sei que o clube termina em três Qual a sua chance de ir comigo? Volte para a cama e me conte sua vida Vamos esquecer e esquecer o que fizemos
Eu vou te comprar uma bebida Então eu vou te levar pra casa Eu tenho dinheiro no banco Shote, o que você acha dessa turnê? Vou usar um cadillac cinza Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, oh, uau, uau, oh, oh Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, uau, uau, uau, uau, uau!
Fale comigo e eu voltarei Deixe-me falar sobre dinheiro, eu digo Esmagar o suco de uma bomba, sombra de carvalho Row Chute, tudo bem Vamos lá, vamos sair (vai agora) Desta forma, eu chamo isso de "redondo" Nós vamos nos divertir e você verá Neste estilo você deve ser como eu
Vou te dar uma bebida, uau, oh, uau Então eu vou te levar pra casa Eu tenho dinheiro no banco Shote, o que você acha dessa turnê? Vou usar um cadillac cinza Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, oh, uau, uau, oh, oh Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, uau, uau, uau, uau, uau!
Não vai me encontrar no bar, vou respeitar a caneta grande? Me diga como você se sente. Minha mãe me diz o que você bebe. Dame certificada, vale três para Louis Cinquenta e um, três para você, três para mim Estou checando sua linguagem física e gosto dessa conversa Eu sinto a inclinação quando você esfrega seus lábios Agora tudo está sóbrio, você diz que tem um estado de espírito O que eu preciso é de apenas uma hora, melhor, talvez dois Onde eu te levo da Ferrari Switchgear Quando você sussurra seus ouvidos, bata nos pés com a vela Paixão e sexo no meio ambiente Eu posso cantar T-Pain, então eu posso explicar
Vou te dar uma bebida, uau, oh, uau Então eu vou te levar pra casa Eu tenho dinheiro no banco Shote, o que você acha dessa turnê? Vou usar um cadillac cinza Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, oh, uau, uau, oh, oh Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, uau, uau, uau, uau, uau!
Vamos sair e sair Vamos sair e pensar: Oh, mais rápido Agora rock, rock, rock, rock Você pode fazer isso sozinho Vamos sair e sair Vamos sair e pensar: Oh, mais rápido Agora rock, rock, rock, rock Você pode fazer isso sozinho
Eu vou te comprar uma bebida Então eu vou te levar pra casa Eu tenho dinheiro no banco Shote, o que você acha dessa turnê? Vou usar um cadillac cinza Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, oh, uau, uau, oh, oh Nós estamos na cama, oh, oh, uau, uau, uau, uau, uau!
6) Bengali
(দ্রুত ছবি) হ্যাঁ, ব্যথা (হে, খুশি) শট্টি, তরুণ কৌতুক (শাফট সানাবিন) হ্যাঁ, হ্যাঁ, হ্যাঁ, আহ, আহ, সে কঠোর পরিশ্রম করে। ওহ, ওহ, ওহ, ওহ ওহ ওহ ওহ! হ্যাঁ, আপনার আঙুল নিন এবং একটি পদক্ষেপ নিন আপনি একা এটি করতে পারেন (ওহ!)
মেয়ে, তোমার নাম কি? আমাকে আপনার সাথে কথা বলতে দিন এবং আমাকে একটি পানীয় কিনুন। আমি টি-পাইন, আপনি আমাকে জানেন। কনভিক্ট মুজিক, নেপভি বয়, ওহ ওয়ে আমি ক্লাব তিনটি মধ্যে শেষ জানি আমার সাথে যেতে আপনার সুযোগ কি? বিছানায় ফিরে যান এবং আমাকে আপনার জীবন বলুন। এর ভুলে যাওয়া এবং ভুলে যাওয়া যাক আমরা কি করেছি।
আমি আপনাকে একটি পানীয় কিনতে হবে তাই আমি আপনাকে বাড়িতে নিতে যাচ্ছি। আমার কাছে ব্যাংকের টাকা আছে। শট, এই সফর সম্পর্কে আপনি কি ভাবছেন? আমি একটি ধূসর ক্যাডিল্যাক পরিধান করব আমরা বিছানায়, ওহ, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, ওহ, ওহ! আমরা বিছানায় আছি, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ!
আমার সাথে কথা বলুন এবং আমি ফিরে আসতে হবে। আমাকে টাকা সম্পর্কে বলতে দাও, আমি বলি। একটি পাম্প রস, oak ছায়া গোছানো রূ চট, ঠিক আছে। চলো, চল যাই (এখনই যাই) এই ভাবে, আমি এই "বৃত্তাকার" কল আমরা মজা করব এবং আপনি দেখতে পাবেন এই শৈলী আপনি আমার মত হতে হবে।
আমি আপনাকে একটি পানীয় দিতে হবে, বাহ, ওহ, বাহ! তাই আমি আপনাকে বাড়িতে নিতে যাচ্ছি। আমার কাছে ব্যাংকের টাকা আছে। শট, এই সফর সম্পর্কে আপনি কি ভাবছেন? আমি একটি ধূসর ক্যাডিল্যাক পরিধান করব আমরা বিছানায়, ওহ, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, ওহ, ওহ! আমরা বিছানায় আছি, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ!
আপনি বারে আমাকে দেখা করবেন না, আমি কি বড় কলমকে সম্মান করব? আমাকে বলুন কিভাবে আপনি মনে। আমার মা আমাকে বলেছে তুমি কি পান করো। লুই জন্য তিনটি সার্টিফিকেট ডাম, মূল্য পঞ্চাশ এক, তিনটি তোমার জন্য, আমার জন্য তিন আমি আপনার শারীরিক ভ��ষা চেক করছি এবং আমি এই কথোপকথন পছন্দ করি। আমি আপনার ঠোঁট ঘষা যখন আমি ঢাল বোধ এখন সবকিছু শান্ত, আপনি বলছেন আপনার মনের অবস্থা আছে আমি কি প্রয়োজন শুধু একটি ঘন্টা, ভাল, হয়তো দুই যেখানে আমি তোমাকে ফেরারী সুইচ গিয়ার থেকে নিয়ে যাচ্ছি যখন আপনি আপনার কান ফিস্ফিস করে দেন, তখন মোমবাতি দিয়ে আপনার ফুট ট্যাপ করুন প্যাশন এবং পরিবেশে লিঙ্গ আমি টি-ব্যথা বলতে পারি, তাই আমি ব্যাখ্যা করতে পারি
আমি আপনাকে একটি পানীয় দিতে হবে, বাহ, ওহ, বাহ! তাই আমি আপনাকে বাড়িতে নিতে যাচ্ছি। আমার কাছে ব্যাংকের টাকা আছে। শট, এই সফর সম্পর্কে আপনি কি ভাবছেন? আমি একটি ধূসর ক্যাডিল্যাক পরিধান করব আমরা বিছানায়, ওহ, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, ওহ, ওহ! আমরা বিছানায় আছি, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ!
চলুন শুরু করা যাক এবং বাইরে যেতে দিন চলুন শুরু করি এবং চিন্তা করি: ওহ, দ্রুত এখন শিলা, শিলা, শিলা, শিলা আপনি এই নিজেকে করতে পারেন। চলুন শুরু করা যাক এবং বাইরে যেতে দিন চলুন শুরু করি এবং চিন্তা করি: ওহ, দ্রুত এখন শিলা, শিলা, শিলা, শিলা আপনি এই নিজেকে করতে পারেন।
আমি আপনাকে একটি পানীয় কিনতে হবে তাই আমি আপনাকে বাড়িতে নিতে যাচ্ছি। আমার কাছে ব্যাংকের টাকা আছে। শট, এই সফর সম্পর্কে আপনি কি ভাবছেন? আমি একটি ধূসর ক্যাডিল্যাক পরিধান করব আমরা বিছানায়, ওহ, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, ওহ, ওহ! আমরা বিছানায় আছি, ওহ, ওহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ, বাহ!
7) Russian
(Быстрая фотография) Да, боль (О, счастлив) Выстрелы, молодые трюки (Вал Санбан) Да, да, да, да, он много работает. О, о, о, о, о, о, о! Да, возьмите палец и сделайте шаг Вы можете сделать это в одиночку (о!)
Девушка, как тебя зовут Позвольте мне поговорить с вами и купить мне выпить. Я т-сосна, ты меня знаешь Konvict Mujik, Nephew Boy, Oh Way Я знаю последние три в клубе Каков ваш шанс пойти со мной? Возвращайся спать и расскажи мне свою жизнь. Забудьте об этом и забудьте о том, что мы сделали.
Я куплю вам выпить Поэтому я отведу тебя домой. У меня есть банковские деньги. Выстрел, что вы думаете об этом туре? Я буду носить серый Cadillac Мы в постели, о, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, о, о! Мы в постели, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе!
Поговорите со мной, и я вернусь. Позвольте мне рассказать вам о деньгах, говорю я. Сок насоса, свернутый дубовый оттенок Roo Cots, хорошо. Давай, пойдем (иди сейчас) Таким образом, я называю это «круглым», Мы будем веселиться, и вы увидите Этот стиль будет похож на вас.
Я дам тебе выпить, ничего себе, о, ничего себе! Поэтому я отведу тебя домой. У меня есть банковские деньги. Выстрел, что вы думаете об этом туре? Я буду носить серый Cadillac Мы в постели, о, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, о, о! Мы в постели, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе!
Разве ты не встречаешь меня в баре, я буду уважать большую ручку? Расскажи мне, как ты себя чувствуешь. Моя мать сказала мне, что вы пьете. Три сертификата для Louis, Price Dam Пятьдесят один, три для вас, три для меня Я проверяю ваш физический язык, и мне нравится этот разговор. Я чувствую щит, когда протираю губы Теперь все круто, вы в состоянии своего ума Мне нужен всего лишь час, ну, может быть, два Где я беру вас от переключателя Ferrari Когда вы шепчете ухо, коснитесь ног свечами Страсть и пол в окружающей среде Я могу сказать T-Pain, поэтому я могу объяснить
Я дам тебе выпить, ничего себе, о, ничего себе! Поэтому я отведу тебя домой. У меня есть банковские деньги. Выстрел, что вы думаете об этом туре? Я буду носить серый Cadillac Мы в постели, о, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, о, о! Мы в постели, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе!
Пойдем и выйдем на улицу Давайте начнем и подумаем: «О, быстро Теперь рок, рок, рок, рок Вы можете сделать это самостоятельно Пойдем и выйдем на улицу Давайте начнем и подумаем: «О, быстро Теперь рок, рок, рок, рок Вы можете сделать это самостоятельно
Я куплю вам выпить Поэтому я отведу тебя домой. У меня есть банковские деньги. Выстрел, что вы думаете об этом туре? Я буду носить серый Cadillac Мы в постели, о, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, о, о! Мы в постели, о, о, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе, ничего себе!
8) Japanese
(クイック写真) はい、痛みです (ああ、幸せ) ショット、若いトリック (ヴァルサンバン) はい、はい、はい、はい、彼はたくさん働きます。 ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ、ああ! はい、指をとり、ステップを踏みます あなたはそれを単独で行うことができます(ああ!)
少女、あなたの名前は何ですか? 私はあなたと話をして、私に飲み物を買う。 私はt-pineです、あなたは私を知っています Konvict Mujik、甥の男の子、Oh Way 私はクラブの最後の3つを知っている 私と一緒に行くチャンスは何ですか? 眠りに戻り、あなたの人生を教えてください。 これを忘れて、私たちがしたことを忘れてください。
私はあなたに飲み物を買うよ だから私はあなたを家に連れて行きます。 私には銀行のお金があります。 ショット、このツアーについてどう思いますか? 私は灰色のキャデラックを着用します 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、ああ、ああ! 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー!
私に話すと戻ってきます。 私はお金についてあなたに教えさせて、私は言う。 ポンプジュース、ロール状のオークの色合い Roo Cots、良い。 さあ、行こう(今行く) だから私はそれを「ラウンド」と呼びますが、 私たちは楽しい時を過ごすでしょう。 このスタイルはあなたに似ています。
私はあなたに飲み物を与えるよ、うわー、ああ、うわー! だから私はあなたを家に連れて行きます。 私には銀行のお金があります。 ショット、このツアーについてどう思いますか? 私は灰色のキャデラックを着用します 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、ああ、ああ! 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー!
あなたはバーで私と会うのではなく、大きなペンを尊重しますか? あなたの気持ちを教えてください。私の母はあなたが飲んでいると私に言った。 ルイ、価格ダムの3つの証明書 51人、3人、3人 私はあなたの物理的な言語をチェックし、私はこの会話が好きです。 私は唇をこすると盾を感じる 今はすべてがクールです、あなたはあなたの心の状態にあります 私は1時間だけ必要です、まあ、おそらく2つ 私がフェラーリスイッチからあなたを連れて行く場所 あなたが耳をささやくときは、キャンドルで足に触れてください 環境における情熱と性 私はT-Painと言うことができるので、私は説明することができます
私はあなたに飲み物を与えるよ、うわー、ああ、うわー! だから私はあなたを家に連れて行きます。 私には銀行のお金があります。 ショット、このツアーについてどう思いますか? 私は灰色のキャデラックを着用します 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、ああ、ああ! 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー!
外に出て外に出よう 始めましょう、考えてみましょう: "ああ、早く 今すぐロック、ロック、ロック、ロック あなたは自分でそれをすることができます 外に出て外に出よう 始めましょう、考えてみましょう: "ああ、早く 今すぐロック、ロック、ロック、ロック あなたは自分でそれをすることができます
私はあなたに飲み物を買うよ だから私はあなたを家に連れて行きます。 私には銀行のお金があります。 ショット、このツアーについてどう思いますか? 私は灰色のキャデラックを着用します 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、ああ、ああ! 私たちはベッドにいます、ああ、ああ、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー、うわー!
9) Punjabi
(ਤੇਜ਼ ਤਸਵੀਰ) ਹਾਂ, ਇਹ ਦਰਦ ਹੈ. (ਓ, ਖੁਸ਼ ਹੈ) ਸ਼ਾਟ, ਨੌਜਵਾਨ ਟ੍ਰਿਕ (ਵੈਲ ਸਮਾਨ) ਹਾਂ, ਹਾਂ, ਹਾਂ, ਹਾਂ, ਉਹ ਬਹੁਤ ਕੰਮ ਕਰਦਾ ਹੈ. ਓ, ਆਹ, ਆਹ, ਹਾਂ, ਹੈ ਆਹ! ਹਾਂ, ਆਪਣੀ ਉਂਗਲੀ ਲੈ ਅਤੇ ਇਸ ਉੱਤੇ ਕਦਮ ਰੱਖੋ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਇਕੱਲੇ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ (ਓ!)
ਕੁੜੀ, ਤੇਰਾ ਨਾਂ ਕੀ ਹੈ? ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਨਾਲ ਗੱਲ ਕਰਾਂਗਾ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਂ ਇੱਕ ਡ੍ਰਿੰਕ ਖਰੀਦਾਂਗਾ. ਮੈਂ ਟੀ-ਪਾਈਨ ਹਾਂ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਜਾਣਦੇ ਹੋ ਕੋਨਵਿਤ ਮੁਜਿਕ, ਭਤੀਜੇ ਦੇ ਲੜਕੇ, ਓ ਰਾਹ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਕਲੱਬ ਦੇ ਆਖਰੀ ਤਿੰਨ ਨੂੰ ਪਤਾ ਹੈ ਮੇਰੇ ਨਾਲ ਜਾਣ ਦਾ ਕੀ ਮੌਕਾ ਹੈ? ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਸੌਣ ਲਈ ਮੁੜ ਆਓ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਆਪਣਾ ਜੀਵਨ ਦੱਸੋ. ਇਸ ਨੂੰ ਭੁੱਲ ਜਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਭੁੱਲੋ ਕਿ ਅਸੀਂ ਕੀ ਕੀਤਾ.
ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਡ੍ਰਿੰਕ ਖਰੀਦਾਂਗਾ ਇਸ ਲਈ ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਘਰ ਲੈ ਜਾਵਾਂਗਾ. ਮੇਰੇ ਕੋਲ ਬੈਂਕ ਦੇ ਪੈਸੇ ਹਨ ਸ਼ੂਟ ਬਾਰੇ, ਇਸ ਦੌਰੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕੀ ਸੋਚਦੇ ਹੋ? ਮੈਂ ਸਲੇਟੀ ਕੈਡੀਲੈਕ ਪਹਿਨਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਹਾਂ, ਆਹ, ਆਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਆਹ! ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਓ, ਓ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ!
ਮੇਰੇ ਨਾਲ ਗੱਲ ਕਰਨੀ ਵਾਪਸ ਆਵੇਗੀ. ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪੈਸੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਦੱਸਾਂਗਾ, ਮੈਂ ਕਹਾਂਗਾ ਕਿ ਪਮ ਜੂਸ, ਰੋਲ ਓਕ ਦੀ ਸ਼ੇਡ Roo Cots, ਚੰਗਾ ਚੱਲੀਏ (ਹੁਣ ਅਸੀਂ ਜਾਂਦੇ ਹਾਂ) ਇਸ ਲਈ ਮੈਂ ਇਸਨੂੰ "ਗੋਲ" ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ ਇੱਕ ਚੰਗਾ ਸਮਾਂ ਹੋਵੇਗਾ ਇਹ ਸ਼ੈਲੀ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਵਰਗੀ ਹੈ
ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪੀਣ ਦੇਵਾਂਗੀ, ਵਾਹ, ਆਹ, ਵਾ���! ਇਸ ਲਈ ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਘਰ ਲੈ ਜਾਵਾਂਗਾ. ਮੇਰੇ ਕੋਲ ਬੈਂਕ ਦੇ ਪੈਸੇ ਹਨ ਸ਼ੂਟ ਬਾਰੇ, ਇਸ ਦੌਰੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕੀ ਸੋਚਦੇ ਹੋ? ਮੈਂ ਸਲੇਟੀ ਕੈਡੀਲੈਕ ਪਹਿਨਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਹਾਂ, ਆਹ, ਆਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਆਹ! ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਓ, ਓ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ!
ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਬਾਰ ਤੇ ਨਹੀਂ ਦੇਖਦੇ ਹੋ, ਕੀ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਪੈੱਨ ਦਾ ਆਦਰ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ? ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਦੱਸੋ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕਿਵੇਂ ਮਹਿਸੂਸ ਕਰਦੇ ਹੋ ਮੇਰੀ ਮਾਂ ਨੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਦੱਸਿਆ ਕਿ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਪੀ ਰਹੇ ਹੋ ਰੂਈ, ਕੀਮਤ ਡੈਮ ਦੇ ਤਿੰਨ ਸਰਟੀਫਿਕੇਟ 51 ਲੋਕ, 3 ਲੋਕ, 3 ਲੋਕ ਮੈਂ ਆਪਣੀ ਸਰੀਰਕ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ ਦੀ ਜਾਂਚ ਕਰਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਅਤੇ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਗੱਲਬਾਤ ਪਸੰਦ ਹੈ. ਜਦੋਂ ਮੈਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਬੁੱਲ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਰਗੜਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਤਾਂ ਇੱਕ ਢਾਲ ਮਹਿਸੂਸ ਕਰਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਹੁਣ ਸਭ ਕੁਝ ਠੰਡਾ ਹੈ, ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਮਨ ਦੀ ਹਾਲਤ ਵਿੱਚ ਹੋ ਮੈਨੂੰ ਸਿਰਫ਼ ਇਕ ਘੰਟਾ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ, ਠੀਕ ਹੈ, ਸੰਭਵ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਦੋ ਸਥਾਨ ਜਿੱਥੇ ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਫਰਾਰੀ ਸਵਿਚ ਤੋਂ ਲੈ ਲਵਾਂਗਾ ਜਦੋਂ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਕੰਨ ਕੱਸ ਲੈਂਦੇ ਹੋ, ਤਾਂ ਕਿਰਪਾ ਕਰਕੇ ਮੋਮਬੱਤੀ ਨਾਲ ਆਪਣੇ ਪੈਰਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਛੂਹੋ ਵਾਤਾਵਰਣ ਵਿੱਚ ਜਨੂੰਨ ਅਤੇ ਸੈਕਸ ਮੈਂ ਟੀ-ਦਰਦ ਕਹਿ ਸਕਦਾ ਹਾਂ, ਇਸ ਲਈ ਮੈਂ ਦੱਸ ਸਕਦਾ ਹਾਂ
ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਪੀਣ ਦੇਵਾਂਗੀ, ਵਾਹ, ਆਹ, ਵਾਹ! ਇਸ ਲਈ ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਘਰ ਲੈ ਜਾਵਾਂਗਾ. ਮੇਰੇ ਕੋਲ ਬੈਂਕ ਦੇ ਪੈਸੇ ਹਨ ਸ਼ੂਟ ਬਾਰੇ, ਇਸ ਦੌਰੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕੀ ਸੋਚਦੇ ਹੋ? ਮੈਂ ਸਲੇਟੀ ਕੈਡੀਲੈਕ ਪਹਿਨਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਹਾਂ, ਆਹ, ਆਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਆਹ! ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਓ, ਓ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ!
ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾਣ ਦਿਉ ਆਉ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰੀਏ, ਆਓ ਸੋਚੀਏ: "ਓ, ਜਲਦੀ ਹੁਣ ਲਾਕ, ਲਾਕ, ਲਾਕ, ਲਾਕ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾਓ ਅਤੇ ਬਾਹਰ ਜਾਣ ਦਿਉ ਆਉ ਸ਼ੁਰੂ ਕਰੀਏ, ਆਓ ਸੋਚੀਏ: "ਓ, ਜਲਦੀ ਹੁਣ ਲਾਕ, ਲਾਕ, ਲਾਕ, ਲਾਕ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਪ ਇਸਨੂੰ ਕਰ ਸਕਦੇ ਹੋ
ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਇੱਕ ਡ੍ਰਿੰਕ ਖਰੀਦਾਂਗਾ ਇਸ ਲਈ ਮੈਂ ਤੁਹਾਨੂੰ ਘਰ ਲੈ ਜਾਵਾਂਗਾ. ਮੇਰੇ ਕੋਲ ਬੈਂਕ ਦੇ ਪੈਸੇ ਹਨ ਸ਼ੂਟ ਬਾਰੇ, ਇਸ ਦੌਰੇ ਬਾਰੇ ਤੁਸੀਂ ਕੀ ਸੋਚਦੇ ਹੋ? ਮੈਂ ਸਲੇਟੀ ਕੈਡੀਲੈਕ ਪਹਿਨਦਾ ਹਾਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਹਾਂ, ਆਹ, ਆਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਆਹ! ਅਸੀਂ ਮੰਜੇ ਤੇ ਹਾਂ, ਓ, ਓ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ, ਵਾਹ!
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sambart93 · 6 years
2018.01.04 Johnny’s West WESTIVAL at Yokohama Arena [Report]
We’re finally, properly getting into the 2018 stuff!! So lets just get on with it!
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To be honest, for Concert reviews, I don’t know what people want from e; especially when I know most of my followers have no damn interest in Johnny’s West... but I guess I’ll just list what I enjoyed and what I liked and what happened that I remember etc.
But firs! let me tell you about goods! Me and my friend were in like for like 4 hours... I got there at 8:30 and I think it was like 12 by the time we got our goods xD it was so damn cold outside but we had such a fun time just talking and fangirling and seeing what colours everyone else was wearing.
1.おーさか☆愛・EYE・哀 2.浪速看板息子~なめたらあかん~ 3.ズンドコ パラダイス 4.Parade!! 5.プリンシパルの君へ 6.SHE IS MY… 7.何万回だって「君が好き」 8.僕ら今日も生きている 9.もう1% 10.OH LA LA 11.ドラゴンドッグ 12.乗り越しラブストーリー 13.GOD DAMN 14.Into Your Eyes 15.PARA! PARA! チャ~ハン 16.ホルモン~関西に伝わりしダイアモンド~ 17.アカンLOVE ~純情愛やで~ 18.バリ ハピ 19.人生は素晴らしい 20.逆転Winner 21.ジパング・おおきに大作戦 22.Evoke 23.Baby Good!!! 24.パリピポアンセム 25.考えるな、燃えろ!! 26.ギラギラブベイベー 27.Ya! Hot! Hot!
SEATING: I went with a friend and we ended up being the top floor for the concert and to the right side of it. Both of us admit we never get good seats for popular thing so we weren't too fused. It's not like there's technically a bad seat in Yokohama Arena to begin with. Actually I was super surprised at how SMALL YokoArena actually is! It's much, much small than I imagined! I technically didn't need my glasses to see them but I kept them on so I could have great quality of close ups of their faces from the tv screen that was on the far opposite side of me.
I'm really happy they started with Osaka-Ai because I had my Junta Yellow glasses ready so I could use those straight away and put them back in my bag without having to worry about using them for the rest of the con. Also it's such a great song to start a damn con!
Parada was really really nice; they were in suits and they had umbrellas. There's always a higawari in this where a member will propose to the audience. The one we had was Shige and he popped open the ring box towards the audience.
Dragon Dog's outfits were definitely interesting. They did their dorama and movie PR and trailers at this point while Akito and Shige got changed and ready for their solos act.
Norikoshi Love Story: When they were just about to sing Shige got really nervous and stopped them. He apologised before they redid it and did it without a problem. During this performance, it's just them two, Shige on the piano, and Akito on the ukulele(?) and they seriously just stare and smile at each other the entire time! At one point also, the camera zooms in on the back of the wooden box Akito sits on during this performance and it's got a bunch of love messages from the members.
In GOD DAMN I really liked Kamichan and Hamachan's boxer outfits.
Into Your Eyes.... I definitely screamed and fell to the ground when Junta undid his shirt and took it off... It was a hot and sweaty song... It was a really god performance though. They also redid the 'personal camera in their faces' thing which they have done in previous cons and songs which was nice too. I'll definitely be replaying this performance on repeat when it comes out on dvd.
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There was also a Slow Motion segment and the one we got to watch was Hamachan having to press one of those electric buzzer pens and he tried so hard not to freak out which just made it an even funnier slow motion video.
I originally got really angry at the beginning of Horumon because the staff came around and roped us all off, which I thought was because they didn't want people dancing on the steps; and I had planned to come out during THIS one song so I can do the dance moves without hitting anyone. SO I was PISSED and missed my favourite Akito hip thrust movement =[ but then it became clear why;
Hamachan, Ryuusei and Junta came around the top floor and high-fived everyone. SO the rope was there to keep fans back during this time. But I was still annoyed it stopped me from doing the ONE thing I wanted to do and really enjoy at this concert =[
When the first three boys around came around, I didn't high-five any of them even though I was right next to the edge and stairs. BUT Junta stopped about 3 steps down from me for the remainder of the song they were doing, I think it was 逆転/Gyakuten Winner, so having him that close to me for so long was really nice.
They roped us off again during the encore and at that point the final four members came around; Kamichan, Nonchan Shige, Akito. Shige was so funny. He avoided everyones hands and only stuck it out when he was near a section that one had like 3 people xD He's so socially awkward. But I managed to high-five Akito and Kamichan so it's all good.
Junta was so hilarious during Akanlove. They always do a dance section part way through this song where the members come up with STUPID dance moves for everyone else to do and bloody Junta did a boob dancing movement and I was too busy on the floor laughing to join in. He always does hentai stuff like this >.< idiot xD
Singing along with the boys to Baby Good!!! was so much fun! I seriously love that song and was great to dance and sing along with them for it! Definitely a big highlighted moment for me personally.
I can't remember which song BUT I was super excited to see West do a KAT-TUN move. Y'know how KAT-TUN does the green LED lights that go around them and then they (somehow) manage to grab a hold of them before popping them back into place? West did it in this con which made me very happy!
Junta was on the floor by the time Ya Hot Hot finished because he had used too much energy xD
Also I think it was between ParaPara Cha-han and AkanLove that Hamachan was towards our side of the stage and was using so much dance energy while jumping and dancing; it was so impressive and he looked so tired after those 3-ish songs xD But his energy was amazing!
HamaChan and Ryuusei came out in pink dresses at one point! They all came out as their Westival DVD characters but they had all be sacked as Ninjas so had to become Servants/Maids/Butlers instead xD They also had a game where they had to try and get a volleyball into a tube and they managed to do it!!
They spoke about KamiChan cooked for them all on New Years(?) and that he made a really good Carbonara and KamiChan admitted that was his first time making it and everything was shocked. Also Junta laughed about how Shige saw a food dispneser for the first time and was completely fascinated; Junta was like 'How have you never seen one before?!' and Shige said 'I'll put your watch down it' and Junta was like 'No! That watch is on a loan!' apparently it's a super duper expensive watch.
I think that's all I remember!
Although there were a few things I wanted in this con that didn’t happen:
1. I wanted frypan penlights -- especially because they were like ‘hey! We have a dance for Para Para Cha-han that we want you all to learn’ so it kind of felt like they wanted us to dance with the penlights and so I was like ‘IT’S GOTTA BE A FRYPAN PENLIGHT!’ but it wasn’t.
2. I really wanted them to do Eeyanke again and I’m super upset that they didn’t! It’s a fan favourite, why wouldn’t you do it?!
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And we’re done! Damn reports are so much easier to write than reports >.<
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secretliz001 · 4 years
翻译:Paul McCartney: One for the Road
原链接:https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/paul-mccartney-one-for-the-road-43295/ He blew it. Not that anybody spotted it. The audience at the Rosemont Horizon, outside Chicago, was too busy swooning in the ersatzcandlelight of a few thousand cigarette lighters and luxuriating in the warmbalm of nostalgia as a real, live Beatle reprised one of the band’s biggesthits onstage. Nobody appeared to notice — or care — that Paul McCartney had completely botched the words to his enduringturn-of-the-Seventies hymn “Let It Be.”
他搞砸了,虽然倒也没人发现。在芝加哥外的好事达体育馆,千千万万观众们都忙于举起打火机,在虚假烛光中陶醉,沉浸在温暖怀旧气息里,因为舞台上,一位真实的披头正在重演披头士乐队最受欢迎的歌曲之一。没有人发现(或者说,没有人在意)McCartney完全把Let It Be的歌词唱错了,这首发行于七世纪年代头上,经久不衰的歌。
 “I condensed that little one very nicely — it took on a newmeaning,” McCartney confesses later with an embarrassed laugh. “All I did was,I forgot the second half of the first verse and put in the second verse. And Ithought, ‘God what am I going to do? I’ll just do the second verse and probablyno one will ever notice that I’ve done it twice.’ But I was so thrown off thatI ended up getting it wrong in the last verse as well.” Not that it was all hisfault anyway, he insists with a disarming smile. “I spend most of my timewatching these little cameos in the audience. It’s like all human life isthere, a big sea of it. And it’s a bit distracting. If I get off on the wrongfoot, it’s because I’m hung up on the audience.”
 And because, he might have added, that audience always was, still is and forever will be hung up on the Beatles. Currently in the midst of hisfirst major concert tour since his splashy 1976 American jaunt with the lateWings, Paul McCartney is digging deep into his half of the Beatles’ song bagafter spending most of the past twenty years pretending — in concert,anyway — that he had never been Fab in the first place. He is nowrediscovering to his eternal surprise, night after night, the enduring impactand resonance of the act he had effectively denied for all those years.
 It’s not all hot tears and wet seats, of course, like it was in’64. At the Rosemont Horizon, where McCartney and his five-piece band holdcourt for three sold-out nights, it’s more like bright shrieks of astonishmentand deep sighs of contentment, spiced with moments of poignant intimacy anddroll hilarity:
Two teenage girls in the front row gently sobbing during“Yesterday,” a song written nearly ten years before they were born.
A middle-aged couple slow-dancing in the balcony to “Hey Jude.”
A family of three, including a little girl of kindergarten age,holding up signs that read, “We ♥ Paul,” except the little girl is holding the “We” upside down.
The thirtysomething fella in the tenth row holding a cellularphone over his head, apparently phoning in the gig to a ticketless yuppie palat home.
前排的两个少女听着 "Yesterday "轻轻啜泣,这首歌是在她们出生前10年写就的。
一对中年夫妇缓缓地伴着“Hey Jude”在看台上跳舞。
一家三口,举着“We ♥ Paul”的牌子,不过那个看着才在上幼儿园的小姑娘把“We”的牌子举倒了。
 “I’m touching a lot of different nerves out there,” saysMcCartney, quite rightly. “Young couples and not-so-young couples who wereyoung when ‘Hey Jude’ came out. You see lots of guys doing high fives to eachother, a lot of communication, a lot of warmth.
“不同的人对我的表演都有感触。”McCartney说。他没说错。“不管是对年轻的情侣,还是对“Hey Jude”刚出时很年轻但现在已经不年轻的情侣。你可以看着好多人互相击掌,看到各种交流各种温暖。“
 “It’s not so much déjà vu for me. I’ve come back asanother person. I have different sensibilities now. I have kids, all that.Let’s face it, the first tours the Beatles did, the main essential thing wasscoring chicks. I’m a different person now, because that’s not allowed” Hegrins.
 “And what I find now is, I get really touched by the audience,” hesays. “I keep telling Dick Lester [the director of A Hard Day’s Night and Help!, whois making a film of the tour] to capture all the little things we see from thestage. Nobody in the audience really sees it. But we do, because we’re lookingat them. And that’s the real show.”
“我发现自己倒是被观众感动着。我一直和Dick Lester说要捕捉到从台上向下看的各种细节。(Dick Lester是A Hard Day’s Night and Help!的导演,也在为此次巡演进行拍摄。)我们能看到观众在席内看不见的细节,因为我们才是面对观众的人。观众的反映才是真正的演出。”
 That’s also the crux of Paul McCartney’s continuing dilemma as anex-Beatle. McCartney, 47, has been a solo artist for nineteen years, nearlydouble his tenure as a Beatle. In 1988 he made a welcome return to his Fiftiesrock & roll roots with the Russian-only “covers” album Snova v SSSR, a.k.a. Back in theU.S.S.R. Last spring he released his most critically acclaimed(although commercially disappointing) album in years, Flowers in theDirt. In addition, his recent songwriting partnership withElvis Costello has yielded two Top Forty hits, his own version of “My BraveFace” and Costello’s recording of “Veronica.” He capped 1989 by debuting afine, new touring band featuring top-drawer studio and road guys who couldoutplay Wings blindfolded — guitarist Robbie McIntosh (the Pretenders),singer-guitarist Hamish Stuart (Average White Band), keyboardist Paul “Wix”Wickens (Paul Young, the The) and drummer Chris Whitten (the Waterboys, JulianCope), plus McCartney’s wife, Wings vet Linda, on keys and harmonies.
这也是McCartney作为一位前披头士一直进退两难的症结所在。47岁的他已经单飞19年,几乎是他披头士生涯的两倍。1988年,他推出了一张只在俄罗斯发行的翻唱专辑Snova v SSSR(又名Back in the U.S.S.R.),令人欣喜地追溯回(影响到他的)五十年代的摇滚乐根源。去年春天,他发行了多年来最受好评的专辑Flower in the Dirt,虽然商业成绩不理想。此外,他最近与Elvis Costello的合作了两首歌曲,McCartney版本的My Brave Face 和Costello的 Veronica,都打到了排行榜前四十名。1989年,他首次组建了一支优秀的新巡演乐队,都是优秀的录音室和巡演音乐人,蒙着眼睛弹也能超过Wings乐队--吉他手Robbie McIntosh (Pretenders),主唱吉他手Hamish Stuart (Average White Band),键盘手Paul “Wix” Wickens (PaulYoung, the The)和鼓手Chris Whitten (Waterboys, Julian Cope),再加上他的妻子,Wings乐队常驻成员Linda,负责键盘和和声。
 Yet it has hardly escaped McCartney’s attention that many of thepeople packing arenas and, later this spring, stadiums on his 1989-90 worldtour are not coming to see him play obscure album tracks from Flowers in theDirt. They are coming to see the Beatles-by-proxy. They arecoming to have their emotional buttons pushed by the songs that defined andtransformed their youth — “The Long and Winding Road,” “Can’t Buy MeLove,” “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” “Good Day Sunshine,” “Things WeSaid Today,” “Back in the U.S.S.R.,” “I Saw Her Standing There,” the climactic“Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End” medley from Abbey Road. Theyare coming to see many of these songs performed live for the first time (thebulk of the Beatles oldies in McCartney’s show postdate their 1966 retirementfrom the stage) and, quite possibly, the last.
然而,McCartney当然不会假装无视,其实铺满场馆的人们并不是来听他演出Flowers in the Dirt中稍显晦涩的曲目。他们是来食用披头士代餐的。他们希望听到那些定义并改变了他们青春的歌曲,去触动自己的情感开关— “The Long and Winding Road,” “Can’t Buy Me Love,” “Sgt.Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band,” “Good Day Sunshine,” “Things We Said Today,”“Back in the U.S.S.R.,” “I Saw Her Standing There,” Abbey Road中高潮迭起的 “Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End” 组曲。他们的目的,是来欣赏史上头次(也有可能是最后一次)现场演出的披头士老歌,大量1966年披头士离开舞台以后创作的曲目。
 At the Rosemont Horizon and later that week at the Skydome inToronto and at the Forum in Montreal, you could feel the audience buzz take apalpable dip every time McCartney went into an unfamiliar number from Flowers in theDirt, like the reggaefied shuffle “Rough Ride” or “We GotMarried,” a Flowers highlight recalling the hard-rock melodrama ofmid-Seventies Wings. The pressure drop was particularly noticeable at thebeginning of the two-and-a-half-hour show, as the crowd cheered the soundtrackof Beatles, Wings and solo McCartney hits that accompanied Richard Lester’sopening rockumentary-film montage with its kinetic blasts of Beatlemania,flower power, Vietnam, et cetera. After which McCartney and his band hit thestage and stepped right into … his new single, the appealing butcomparatively low-key “Figure of Eight.”
在他巡演的各个场地都能感觉到,每次McCartney表演一首Flowers in the Dirt中的新曲目,观众的热情会陡然下降,比如雷鬼风的“Rough Ride”或者 “We Got Married”,令人眼前一亮回想起七十年代中期Wings的硬摇旋律的“Flower”。这在开场尤其明显。观众们欢呼着披头士,Wings, McCartney的solo作品,伴着导演制作的记录着摇滚年代开场,屏幕上展现了披头士狂热,花之力,越战等等。之后,McCartney和乐队上台直接演出新单曲,是吸引人但相对低调的 "Figure of Eight"。
 “We did thaton purpose — we had to do that,” McCartney argues over aveggie burger (the McCartneys are devout vegetarians) during a preshowdinner break backstage in Toronto. “Originally, we were going to open with ‘ISaw Her Standing There.’ But I really got upset by the idea. I was going homeone night and I thought, ‘That’s really betraying our new material, sending itright down the line.’ Like saying, ‘Hey, I haven’t been around for thirteenyears and I haven’t done anything worthwhile. Here’s the Beatles stuff.’
“我是故意的。“McCartney吃着素汉堡解释道(McCartney一家都是坚定的素食主义者)。”本来我们想拿I Saw Her Standing There开场,但我真的不支持这个想法。一天晚上回家的时候我想着,‘这简直在背叛我们的新作品,整个把格调拉低了’。这个安排就好像在说,‘嘿,我神隐了13年,啥有价值的事都没干。喏,给你们听听披头士的歌得了。‘“
 “It’s the obvious thing. Boom, bang, Beatles, Beatles. Then yousay, ‘Now we’d like to do some new material.’ Boo! Hiss! I’ve seen the Stonestry and do it, and it doesn’t go down that great. That’s a fact of life. Evenwith the Beatles, new material didn’t always go down that well. It was theolder tunes. ‘Baby’s in Black’ never went down nearly as well as ‘I Feel Fine’or ‘She Loves You.’ That’s just the nature of the beast.
“真的很明显。如果上来就砰砰唱披头士的歌,然后说‘现在我们想演一些新作品。’嘘声就来了。我见过滚石他们这么做,效果不太好。这就是人生嘛,就算是披头士,新作品落地激起的浪花也不会大,老歌才更能带动人们。唱‘Baby’s in Black‘的效果就没有唱‘I Feel Fine’ 或 ‘She Loves You’好。这行就是这样。”
 “It is hard to follow my own act,” he admits. “But the only answerto that would be to give up after the Beatles. I only had two alternatives.Give up, or carry on. And having elected to carry on, I couldn’t stop.”
McCartney has been consistently productive as an ex-Beatle. He hasnot, however, been consistently successful. His Eighties chart duds include Pipes of Peace,Give My Regards to Broad Street (the soundtrack to hisdisastrous feature film of the same name), Press to Play and thesolo/Wings “greatest hits” package, All the Best. Notably, McCartneyincludes only one song from the first three albums in his current show: “SaySay Say,” his Number One duet with Michael Jackson, from Pipes of Peace, isfeatured in Richard Lester’s opening film.
McCartney作为前披头士一直都很高产,但也没有持续成功。他80年代排行榜上的哑弹包括Pipes of Peace、Give My Regards to Broad Street(超灾难的同名电影原声带)、Press to Play和Wings的精选集All the Best。值得注意的是他本次演出只收录了前三张专辑中的一首歌:Say Say Say,是他与迈克尔-杰克逊合作曲,打上了榜单第一,也在演唱会片头影片出现了。
 Flowers in the Dirt has done reasonably well saleswise — 600,000 copies inthe United States, 1 million in continental Europe by year’s end — but hasnot been the chartbuster either McCartney or his manager, Richard Ogden,certainly hoped for.
Flowers in the Dirt的销量相当不错--在美国发行了60万张,到年底在欧洲发行了100万张--但还没有达到McCartney与他的经纪人Richard Ogden希望的畅销程度。
 “It was as if it didn’t exist,” Ogden says ruefully. “I sat with aradio program director from Chicago, very nice, very up about the show. And hesaid, ‘What’s the next single?’ And I said, ‘We’re just starting with “Figureof Eight” ‘ And he said, ‘What about “This One”? That’s really good.’ And Isaid, ‘That came out in August, mate.’ That really drives me crazy.”
“打单结果就好像消失了一样,”Ogden怅然若失地说,"我和一个芝加哥的电台节目总监坐着,他人很好,对这个节目很上心。他说,'下一张单曲是什么?’我说:" Figure of Eight " 他说"那This One呢?这首很好听。”我说, ‘这首8月份就发行了啊,老哥。’真的好抓狂。"
 McCartney’s response, says Ogden, is a bit stoic. “Paul’s beendoing this for a long time, and he’s going, ‘I don’t want to think about thisanymore. You guys sort it out.'” In fact, McCartney’s response to his ongoingEighties commercial and, until recently, critical slump has been to get out andplay, something he had done infrequently (Live Aid, the 1986 Prince’s Trustconcert) since Wings broke up following his arrest in Japan in 1980 forpossession of marijuana. In 1987, with Ogden’s active encouragement andorganization, McCartney initiated a series of Friday-night jam sessions at asuburban-London studio with an eye toward eventually finding enough new,inspiring players to start a formal band. He also liked the idea, he says, ofhaving a rockers’ equivalent of cafe society.
McCartney的反应倒是挺淡定,他在这一行太久了。他说,“我不想考虑这个了,你们搞定吧”。实际上对于自己八十年代作品商业上的低迷,和最近才上升的风评,他的对应方式一直是出去演出(Live Aid,1986年Prince的Trust演唱会),虽然自1980年在日本因持有大麻被捕后Wings解散以来,他很少这样做了。1987年,在Ogden的积极鼓励和组织下,McCartney在伦敦郊区的一间录音室发起了一系列周五晚上的即兴演奏会,目的是找到足够多新人、有灵感的乐手来组建一支正式的乐队。拥有一个像咖啡公社一样的rocker团体,这个想法他很喜欢。
 “The Beatles nearly did that once,” says McCartney. “We were goingto open an Apple tea room, where we could all go and be intellectual, talk artor Stockhausen. So I thought, ‘We’ll do a similar thing with the jam. Maybe theword will get out that there’s a jam every Friday night, see who shows up.’ Butin fact, because it’s done by your office, and they just ring specific people,it didn’t work out like that. Whoever they rang, showed. Whoever they didn’t ring,didn’t show.”
McCartney 说,“披头士差点就这么干了,本来我们想用Apple的一个茶室,大家都进去开拓思路,聊聊艺术或者Stockhausen。我想着我们的即兴排练也学样,每周五的活动的话传开了,看看谁会参加。但其实因为是办公室组织的,而他们只会给一些特定的人打电话,效果不好。接到电话的人会参加,没接到的就不参加。”
 When asked why he stayed off the road for so long, McCartney saysvery casually: “I just couldn’t be bothered. Until Live Aid came along, Ididn’t think of doing anything live. I don’t know why. Maybe because nobodyasked me. Nobody asked me personally, anyway. I’d hear little things here andthere; I heard that Elton John was quoted as saying, ‘What he needs is to getback on the road.’ But it never seemed that vital for me; I was alreadyenjoying myself.”
问他为什么这么久没有巡演,McCartney反应很随意,“我就不是很care嘛,在Live Aid之前都没想过现场演出,我也不知道为什么。大概因为没人问过我吧,至少没人当面问过我。小道消息确实听说了点,我听人说Elton John说过“McCartney他现在需要的是回去巡演”。但这对我来说也不太关键,我已经很享受自己的生活了。”
 McCartney was never really much of a road hog. Wings’ first andonly American tour came ten years after the Beatles said sayonara to the roadat Candlestick Park. And it’s easy to tell how much time has elapsed by watchingMcCartney’s current show. The production is heavy on Seventies arena kitsch:lasers galore, levitating keyboards. McCartney’s between-song patter alsoprobably seems quaint (“We’re going to go back through the mists of time, to atime known as the Sixties”) to veteran Eighties concertgoers used to thenarrative command of Springsteen or Bono’s spiritual cheerleading.
McCartney从来都不痴迷巡演,披头士在Candlestick Park演出和观众彻底说byebye十年后Wings才在美国巡演。这是第一次也是最后一次。而看McCartney现在的演出,马上就能知道时间过去了多久。这场演出充满了七十年代舞台上的奇特风格:激光灯效,键盘悬浮着,对于八十年代资深演唱会观众,他们已经习惯了Springsteen 的narrative command【?】或者Bono的精神鼓励的,McCartney演出间歇的唠嗑风格古早,“我们将穿过时间的迷雾,回到一个被称为六十年代的时代”。
 One distinctly Eighties aspect of McCartney’s tour is hiscontroversial tour-sponsorship deal with Visa for the 1990 American shows. TheVisa arrangement — reportedly worth $8.5 million, which McCartney saysbasically covers the cost of transport for the tour — represents a new,potentially troublesome twist in pop-music sponsorship: rock & rollsponsored (some will say co-opted) not simply by a merchandiser butby a credit-card company, with close ties to banks and their complex networksof possibly questionable investments. McCartney says he vetted Visa asthoroughly as possible before saying, “I do.” “It may be true that they are agigantic money corporation,” he says, “but I can’t see what’s wrong with that,unless you can prove to me South African links.”
本次巡演的一个明显80年代特征是他与Visa公司就1990年美国演出达成的赞助协议,这个协议其实有点争议。据报道,Visa公司赞助达850万美元,McCartney说,这笔钱基本上包括了巡演的交通费。它代表了流行音乐赞助中一个新的、潜在的麻烦:摇滚乐的赞助(合作)不是简单地由一个商人赞助,而是一家信用卡公司,与银行及其可能会出问题的复杂投资网络关系密切。McCartney在说 "我同意 "之前,他尽可能彻底地审查了Visa。"他们可能确实是一家巨大的财团,"他说,"但我不觉得有什么问题,除非你能向我证明他们和南非之间有关系。"
 McCartney also insists he is not betraying any kind of political,social or emotional trust represented by the Beatles or the songs of theirsthat he’s performing on tour. “Whether you like it or not,” he says, “no matterwhat people thought was going on in the Sixties, every single band that didanything got paid for it. You look back at the early Beatles concert programs,there were Coke ads. We always got paid for everything we did, and when we madea deal, we always wanted the best.
 “Somebody said to me, ‘But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.’That’s a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, ‘Now let’swrite a swimming pool.’ We said it out of innocence. Out of normal, fuckingworking-class glee that we were able to write a ‘swimming pool.’ For the firsttime in our lives, we could actually do something and earn money.
 “You get any act around the table with their record company, theytell their manager, ‘Go in and kill.’ They don’t say, ‘Oh, let the punters inat half price.’ We’ve actually done a lot of that — the free program, thatwasn’t necessary.
 “And I think it’s just going to be tough if people don’t like it,”he says coolly. “Stick the finger up and say, ‘Sorry, boys, it’s tough. You maynot like me because of it. Tough darts. I know I’m not doing it for whateverperception you put on it. It doesn’t alter me.’ I’ve taken money off of EMI.The Beatles took money off of United Artists.
 “I wish we’d taken a little more actually,” he says, suddenlylaughing, taking some of the chill out of the air. “The accountants on A Hard Day’s Night gotthree percent. We got a fee.”
他突然笑着说,“我倒是希望当时多薅点,A Hard Day’s Night的会计都拿了百分之三,我们只拿了一笔固定的钱。” 气氛突然放松了起来。
 “I‘m actually getting tired of Paul interviews,” Linda McCartneyremarks with a shrug while her husband is being trailed by a television-newscrew backstage in Chicago. “People always ask him about the same things. WhatJohn said about this, or what such and such Beatles song meant? Why don’t theyask him about other things, about the important things going on in theworld?”
当他电视新闻人在跟着McCartney在芝加哥场后台采访时,Linda McCartney耸耸肩说,“Paul的采访我都已经疲了。人们总是问他同样的问题:John说了什么,或者这个那个披头士歌曲是什么意思?他们为什么不问其他的,问问世上真正发生的重要事件?"
 For many of the press hounds, radio DJs and TV interviewers following this tour, not to mention the fans who are paying for the privilege, the Beatles are still one of the most important things in the world. In a world still reeling from their original sound and remarkable creative vision, the Beatles’ significance as a cultural touchstone and spiritual anchor cannot be overestimated. In the Sixties the group was the embodiment of youthful ambition and utopian desire amid the graphic realities of war in Southeast Asia and at home in the urban ghettos. Now, with the world plagued by crack, wracked with racial hatred and poised on the edge of ecological apocalypse, talking about the Beatles is like a form of therapy.
 That seems to be just as true for McCartney as it is for any fan. During rehearsals for the tour, the band would take an occasional tea break, at which point, Paul Wickens recalls, “anecdotes would come out about the old days, little stories about him and John.”
对McCartney来说似乎也是如此。在巡演排练期间,乐队偶尔会进行茶歇,Paul Wickens回忆道,“他会说一些旧日轶事,关于他和John的小故事"。
 But the usual aura of Beatlemania that accompanies McCartney wherever he goes has increased tenfold, at least, with the inclusion of so many Beatles songs in his set. The recent settlement of the band members’ lawsuits with their record company, Capitol-EMI, and among themselves has also brought the tiresome issue of a Beatles reunion back to the fore. McCartney himself fanned that flame at the start of the American tour in November when he suggested during a Los Angeles press conference that with their legal differences settled, maybe he and George Harrison might write songs together for the first time. (He didn’t say anything about writing with Ringo Starr.) Harrison quickly put the kibosh on a possible reunion, issuing a terse press statement: “As far as I’m concerned, there won’t be a Beatles reunion as long as John Lennon remains dead.”
 Indeed, John Lennon is an extremely conspicuous presence on McCartney’s tour, by his very absence. His name, his music and his celebrated differences with McCartney during and after the Beatles’ lifetime repeatedly come up in both interviews and idle conversation. Lennon figures prominently in the autobiographical passages that constitute the bulk of the 100-page concert program McCartney is distributing gratis at his shows. But in discussing Lennon in the context of his own contributions to the Beatles’ legacy, without Lennon to answer back, McCartney runs the risk of looking like he’s grabbing all the glory.
 For example, a portion of the program’s interview section is devoted to McCartney’s adventures in the nascent London underground of the mid-Sixties: hanging out with art scenesters like gallery owner Robert Fraser, attending avant-garde music concerts, helping to set up the pioneering Indica Bookshop and Gallery, funding the seminal underground newspaper IT (International Times). “I’m not trying to say it was all me,” McCartney points out in the program, “but I do think John’s avant-garde period later, was really to give himself a go at what he’d seen me having a go at.”
例如,场刊访谈有一部分是关于McCartney在伦敦六十年代中期新生地下艺术中的穿梭:与画廊老板Robert Fraser等艺术界人士混在一起,参加前卫音乐会,帮着打造先锋书店画廊Indica,资助开创性的地下报纸IT(International Times)。"我并不想说这都是我的功劳," McCartney在场刊中指出,"但我确实认为John后期对先锋艺术的探索,是为了给自己一个新生活的机会,因为他看到了我经历的新生活。"
 “Because I talk about this so much, people go around saying, ‘Oh, he’s trying to reclaim the Beatles for himself, to take it away from John,'” says McCartney while relaxing on the chartered jet ferrying him, his family and the band between Toronto and Montreal. “I’m not doing anything of the kind! I’m not trying to claim the history and achievements of the Beatles for myself. I’m just trying to reclaim my part of it.
"因为我经常谈这件事,所以人们到处说,'哦,他想把披头士据为己有,从John那里夺走它'," McCartney乘着包机轻松谈到(这包机在多伦多和蒙特利尔之间接送他自己、家人和乐队成员)。"完全没有的事! 我不想把披头士的历史和成就据为己有。我只是想找回属于自己的那部分。”
 “It’s not sour grapes. It’s true. I was there in the mid-Sixties when all these things started to happen in London. The Indica Gallery, art people like Robert Fraser. I was living in London, and I was the only bachelor of the four. The others were married and living in the suburbs. I was just there when it all started to happen.
“真不是酸葡萄心理,六十年代中期伦敦百花齐放的时代,我就在那旋涡中心,在Indica画廊,与Robert Fraser这类艺术人士在一起。我就住在伦敦,也是乐队里唯一一个单身的。另外三个都结婚了住在郊区,我只是正巧那时在那地而已。”
 “The difference is that once John got interested in it, he did it like everything else — to extremes. He did it with great energy and enthusiasm. He dove into it headfirst with Yoko. So it looked like he had been the one doing all the avant-garde stuff.
“It’s the ultimate conundrum,” he admits rather helplessly. “If I don’t say anything, I go on being the so-called wimp of the group. If I do open my mouth, it looks like I’m sullying John.
 “And this has only become an issue because he’s dead. Because of the mythologizing that inevitably comes with someone as special as that. And he never wanted that for himself. I remember driving in a car, listening to an interview with John on the radio on the day he died in which he said, ‘I don’t want to be a martyr.’ He didn’t want that responsibility, to be larger than life, to be some kind of god.”
No one brings it up, but this discussion, ironically enough, is taking place on the evening of the ninth anniversary of John Lennon’s murder.
虽然无人提及,但讽刺的是,这场访谈是在John Lennon遇害九周年的晚上进行的。
 “The fact is, we were a team,” McCartney states firmly as the plane begins its descent, “despite everything that went on between us and around us. And I was the only songwriter he ever chose to work with. Nuff said.”
 A day in the touring life, McCartney style, is a nonstop series of interviews, photo opportunities, press conferences, sound checks and meals grabbed quickly by a band on the run. And, of course, the nights are busy, too.
 This evening’s performance at Toronto’s Skydome includes McCartney’s nightly plug for Friends of the Earth, the international ecological lobbying group that he is promoting throughout the tour. As the final notes of the closing Abbey Road medley reverberate around the cavernous Skydome, McCartney and the band jump into a fleet of golf carts, which zoom through the hallways to a waiting tour bus. With all aboard, the bus pulls out of the Skydome Starsky and Hutch-style before most of the fans have even left their seats. Back at the hotel at 1:00 a.m., McCartney hosts a small bash for the tour entourage in his suite. The food is vegetarian Chinese. The main attraction is a video of the evening’s Sugar Ray Leonard-Roberto Duran fight. At 2:30 a.m., as the party breaks up, McCartney, wearing a bathrobe, dances alone in the living room to the new Quincy Jones album.
今晚在多伦多Skydome的演出,包括McCartney每晚为Friends of the Earth做的宣传,一个国际生态游说组织。当空旷的Skydome回荡着Abbey Road组曲最后一个音符,McCartney和就乐队跳上高尔夫球车,穿过走廊驶向一辆等着的巡演大巴。大多数歌迷都还没来得及离开座位呢,大家就都上了车,飞速驶出了Skydome,像在演警界双雄似的。凌晨1点回到酒店,他会在套间里为随行人员举办一场小型派对,吃的中式素食,电视里放着当晚Sugar Ray Leonard-Roberto Duran的比赛录像。凌晨2点半派对散场,他会穿着浴袍,听着Quincy Jones的新专独自,在客厅里独自跳舞。
 Sedate in tone, organized with stunning military efficiency, the 1989-90 Paul McCartney World Tour is strictly business — the business of putting on a good show, promoting the latest record, getting maximum publicity and attempting to satisfy the constant public hunger for all things Beatle.
“This is more like a Beatles tour, strangely enough,” says McCartney. “In doing this tour, I’ve taken hints. If someone comes up and says, ‘How should we do this?’ my mind goes back to the best tours I’ve been on. And those were the first Beatles tours of America. They were highly organized, very efficient.
基调沉稳,组织高效,1989-90年Paul McCartney世界巡回演唱会是一场严格的商业活动—是为了举办一场优秀演出,推广最新唱片,获得最大宣传,并试图满足公众对披头士相关的持续渴望。
 Where there was once the hysteria of four wild boys with the world at their feet, however, now there is the calm of a middle-aged man who spends nearly all of his offstage hours meeting with assorted advisers, attending to his family (he and Linda are accompanied on this series of shows by two of their four children, Stella and James) and in turn being attended to by personal staff and security, the most prominent of the latter being three muscular, well-dressed men who look as if they had graduated with honors from Secret Service finishing school. Hell raising, needless to say, is at a premium on this tour.
曾经的,是四个狂野男孩带动的歇斯底里,站在世界之巅,现在的,是一个冷静的中年男子,几乎把所有台下时间都用在会见各种顾问、照顾家人(四个孩子中Stella和James这次陪他和Linda巡演),并反过来又受助理们和安保的照顾,其中最突出的是三个肌肉发达、衣着光鲜的男人,看着像特工学校毕业的优等生。Hell raising【?】在此次巡演中很重要。
 “I’m not used to that,” Robbie McIntosh says of the tour’s emphasis on organization. “When I was with the Pretenders, we would do a sound check and then we would go to a pub or something. Now with this, I get a feeling I can’t do that. It’s a lot more regimented, basically because the security is a lot heavier, because of who Paul is. And I guess because of what happened to John, although nobody directly mentions that.”
"我不习惯这样。" Robbie McIntosh提到这次巡演很强调组织性。"当我和Pretenders乐队在一起时,做完音响检查,我们就回去酒吧或者别的地方。现在我感觉自己不能这样做了。一方面因为Paul的身份,安保工作更加严密。另一方面我猜也是因为John的原因。虽然并没有人直截了当提出来。"
 McIntosh observes that the band “is sort of sacred” to McCartney, wholly separate from business. “He never talks business. Never, ever. He’s never mentioned money or anything like that to me. If he’s got something to say, then he’ll say it to the manager, and you will get it from him.
 “And he’s got a very young approach as far as the band,” says McIntosh “You’d think this is his first band the way he goes on. You see him at sound checks, going around in circles and doing those silly little jumps. It’s a real novelty to him to have a band again — and he treats it like that.”
"搞乐队这方面,他的各种行为都显得相当年轻," McIntosh说,"他的做法会让你以为这是他待的第一个乐队。试音时你会看到他绕圈圈,傻傻在蹦跶。对他来说,再度拥有乐队是一件很新奇的事情--他也是这样应对的。"
 The sound checks are shows in themselves. McCartney doesn’t run through any of the songs in the regular production; instead, he leads the band through a batch of oldies (Carl Perkins’s “Matchbox,” an old Beatles cover, and tracks from the Russian album, like “Just Because” and “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore”), the Wings B side “C Moon,” the jaunty British music-hall number “Me Father Upon the Stage” and a Latin-hustle medley of Beatles songs.
试音本身就是一场演出。通常人们会过一遍歌单,但McCartney不这样。他会带着乐队演一些老歌(Carl Perkins的“Matchbox,” 翻唱披头士的歌,俄罗斯独家专辑里的歌, 类似 “Just Because” and “Don’t Get Around Much Anymore”这种。)Wings的B面单曲“C Moon”,英式音乐厅的欢快曲目 "Me Father Upon the Stage "和披头士曲目的拉丁风串烧。
 “He’s a real clown,” Wix says quite admiringly. “He loves to show off, and he loves to be there doing it, making people laugh.”
And sure enough, onstage you can see by the light of his beaming, vintage Beatle Paul smile and the way he throws himself into the sixteen Beatles songs featured in the show that no one is enjoying this forward-into-the-past expedition more than McCartney himself.
“It’s twenty years, man,” McCartney says a bit wearily in response to the questions that have dogged him the whole length of the tour — why Beatles songs, and why so many?
 “You can’t keep angry forever, twenty years after an event that hurt,” he says, referring to the band’s acrimonious breakup. “Time is a great healer.”
 McCartney explains that in preparation for the tour he actually sat down with pen and paper and drew up a list of his favorite Paul McCartney songs, Beatles and otherwise. He came up with so many of them that at one point there was talk, briefly anyway, of doing two completely different shows in each city. “I’d said to myself, ‘You’re a composer,'” he says. “‘There’s no shame in doing these songs.'”
他解释说,“准备巡演时自己真的拿着纸和笔,坐下来,写了一份他心中的Paul McCartney最佳曲目,其中包括披头士乐队和其他时期写的。单子太长了,甚至一度提到要在每个城市做两场完全不同的演出。"我对自己说,'你是作曲人',"他说,"'演这些歌并不丢人'。"
 The songs of late partner John Lennon were a different matter. “In fact, I considered doing a major tribute to John,” says McCartney. “But it suddenly felt too precious, too showbiz. I was going to have a whacking great picture of John and just say, ‘He was my friend.’ Which was true. I’m totally proud to have worked with him.
演出已故搭档John Lennon的作品则含义不同。“我其实考虑过加一个John的致敬环节,但这回忆对我来说太珍贵,这环节也太作秀了。我本想挥着一张John的照片说,‘他是我的朋友’,这是真的,能与他合作我真的很骄傲。”
 “But then people started saying, ‘Why don’t you do “Imagine”?’ And I thought, ‘Fucking hell, Diana Ross does “Imagine.” They all do “Imagine.”‘ That’s when I backed off the whole thing. You go on tour, you sing your songs, arrange ’em nice, do it, and if you do it well enough, that’s what people will remember.”
“但人们又要说了,‘为啥不唱Imagine?’我就觉得,‘草了,Diana Ross也唱过Imagine,所有人都唱Imagine’。于是我退却了。我就想着去巡演,唱着自己的歌好好编排,如果做得够好,大家是会记住的。”
 Paul McCartney was rather late out of the starting gate for the 1989 Dinosaurs on the Road Sweepstakes, eating the dust already kicked up during the summer and early fall by the Who, the Rolling Stones and even Ringo Starr. But he’s not bugged either about his membership in the club — “I’m another dinosaur,” he says frankly — or by the implicit pressure to prove his viability as a contemporary artist to an audience obsessed by his past, if necessary at the expense of his peers.
 “It’s never stopped,” says McCartney, sitting on a bench in the Montreal Canadiens’ locker room while a sold-out house awaits him inside the Forum next door. “I will never stop competing with every other artist in this business. Pet Sounds kicked me to make Pepper. It was direct competition with the Beach Boys. So what? That’s what everyone’s doing. Although when Brian Wilson heard Pepper, he went the other way.
“竞争从来没有停止过,”他说,在更衣室里坐在板凳上,隔壁漫长的人都在期待着他演出。“我永远不会放弃和这行艺术家们竞争的。Pet Sounds促使我推动Sgt. Pepper项目,这是和the Beach Boys直接竞争,但又怎样呢?大家都这么做。虽然Brian Wilson听完Sgt. Pepper,他就调转枪头啦。”
 “But, yeah, it’s competition. If you put ten children in a room, after an hour or so, they’ll sort themselves out. The smart one. The big, tough one. The cowardly one. The funny one who’s the friend of the smart one and the big, tough one. They will establish a pecking order.”
And where does McCartney place himself in rock’s pecking order?
“I’d put me at the top. Just because I’m a competitor, man. You don’t have Ed Moses going around saying, ‘Sure, I’m the third-best hurdler in the world.’ You don’t find Mike Tyson saying, ‘Sure, there’s lots of guys who could beat me.’ You’ve got to slog, man. I’ve slogged my way up from the suburbs of Liverpool, and I am not about to put all that down.”
“我觉得自己是最高一级,因为我确实很有竞争力。你看不到Ed Moses到处说:‘我是世上第三好的跨栏选手哈。’也不会发现Mike Tyson说,"很多人都能打倒我啊。”人必须要努力啊,伙计。从利物浦的郊区一路打拼上来,我不会放弃这一切的。"
 Nor is he about to let all that go forgotten. With the key Beatles lawsuits settled, he’s keen to go ahead with the long-discussed authorized Beatles film biography, The Long and Winding Road, although the project hit an early snag in terms of finding a director. McCartney mistakenly attempted to solicit interest from top screen talent by sending form letters outlining the project to the likes of Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott and Michael Apted. “George [Harrison], who’s in the film business, went, ‘Major no-no, man, we shouldn’t have done that.’ And he should have stopped me. It was a mistake.”
他也不打算让这一切消失于记忆深处。随着披头士乐队关键官司解决了,他开始积极推进讨论已久的乐队授权电影传记The Long and Winding Road,虽然在找导演时就早早遇到了阻碍。他错了,他试图征求顶级大导的兴趣,他向Steven Spielberg, Ridley Scott 和Michael Apted等人发送了邀约。"涉足电影行业的乔治说,'可千万别,咱不能这么干。’他确实该阻止我,这决定是错误的。"
 Yet having willingly reawakened the Beatlemania beast with his current show, Paul McCartney enters the Nineties with a new variation on his old Seventies dilemma: How do you follow an act like the Beatles — again? He talks of making a new album with his touring band, and he’s halfway through a major orchestral and choral piece, written with British conductor Carl Davis, to be debuted during the 150th-anniversary celebrations of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic next year. More important, though, he’s come to realize that you don’t follow an act like the Beatles. You learn to live with it, and learn from it.
Paul McCartney通过他目前的巡演,有意唤醒了人们对披头士的狂热。进入九十年代后,他对这七十年代的老难题态度又有了变化:如何重现披头士的行事作风?他说自己会和巡演乐队一起制作一张新专辑,和英国指挥家Carl Davis共同创作的大型管弦乐和合唱作品也已经完成了一半,将在明年皇家利物浦爱乐乐团150周年庆祝活动中首次亮相。但更重要的是,他已经意识到,自己不能重现披头士的作风了,而是要学会与之共存,并从中学习。
 “I’ve already done the thing where you go out and shun the Beatles,” says McCartney. “That was Wings. Now I’ve done this whole thing. I recognize that I’m a composer and that those Beatles songs are a part of my material.
 “The only alternative is that I turn my back on it forever, never do ‘Hey Jude’ again — and I think it’s a damn good song,” he says before heading out onstage, where he’ll play it again for a grateful crowd. “It would really be a pity if I don’t do it. Because someone else will.” 
“另一个选项是,我得永远无视披头生涯,永远不能唱Hey Jude。可这真tm是首好歌。”他上台演出前说着,“如果我永远不唱那就太可惜了,因为会被别人唱掉的。”
0 notes
xhrio · 6 years
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https://gamp.ameblo.jp/ske48official/entry-12340139917.html?__twitter_impression=true ~ https://twitter.com/dajarelove/status/946677638193491968 ~ 「紅白☆じゅりぼう」
テーマ: 無意識の色(松井珠理奈)2017-12-29 16:48.58
今日は、NHK紅白歌合戦のリハーサルでした(^ ^)
あと一歩です(^ ^)
本当に感謝しています(^ ^)
勢いをみせたいです(^ ^)
感謝の気持ちを込めて、最初から最後までパフォーマンスしたいです(^ ^)
こちらから投票できます(^ ^)
2017年最後の締めくくり、皆様と一緒に笑顔で過ごせますように(^ ^) ~~ [Kouhaku⭐Juribo]-(2017.12.29) ~ Today, we had rehearsals for NHK Kouhaku Utagassen😊
This time, we are set to perform the top three songs chosen by fans through voting, but “Oogoe Diamond” was in fourth place during the midterm vote count announcements!!
Just one more step (to reach top three)😊
Actually, for today’s rehearsal, we determined which songs to perform by lottery, and
Oogoe Diamond was chosen to be 3rd place by the lottery!!
Although it was just rehearsals, but there’s a special feeling about performing as center on the Kouhaku stage!!
If this were to end only at rehearsal it’d be so sad/lonely..😢
To me, “Oogoe Diamond” is my debut single ⭐
At that time, I was 11-years-old in 6th grade of elementary school!!
My AKB senpais, my beloved oneechans (big sisters), treated me kindly and taught me about so many things, and thanks to that, I who didn’t know anything at all about what to do was able to stand in that position!!
I’m truly so grateful😊
This is also a song that contains memories with my beloved senpais who have graduated, so now having become 20-years-old, I want to sing this song while remembering again the spirit I began with!!
More than anything, if I could perform as center on the Kouhaku stage as SKE’s representative, definitely for next year, in order to have it happen I would want to appeal with all of my might for our solo appearance/performance!!
With this song, I want to show the spirit/vigor, of the 48G of now and how we face work with everything we have😊
Furthermore, it is Mayu-san’s final stage.
I want to perform with my feelings of gratitude from the very beginning until the very end😊
The deadline for voting is tomorrow the 30th at at noon!!
Please lend your support until the very end ⭐ Voting can be done from here😊
Everyone who also voted before and by the 23rd, you can vote once again, so please do not forget!!
For the final wrap-up of 2017, I hope to be able to spend it together with everyone with a smile😊 #SKE48 ~ 2017.12.29:AME_BLOG.
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justpeachyicedtea · 7 years
Anonymous said: Hello^^ I was just wondering if you’ll continue “Pinup Boy” from Michinoku Atami. No rushing or anything. I just really like it and I wanted to confirm that it didn’t get dropped. I love your work~ 😊😊
Hello! Pinup Boy was only 2 chapters so it’s been completed! I feel like I get this ask a lot lmao. But no worries, that couple shows up in other chapters in the Midnight Love Alliance universe!
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(taken from a chapter I’m currently working on)
Anonymous said: I know that some people’s pet peeve is scanlating using ebooks found wherever, but please keep in mind some of us solo scanlators buy the books and use found ebook raws simply to save time.
I… wasn’t talking about you then?😭😭 That reblog was about scanlators who don’t buy what they work on but still tell others to buy them. You said you buy them, so that’s awesome! Keep doing you, let us support the mangakas any way we can 💕
Anonymous said: I understand that you won’t translate the manga of your future list of projects. Did you find any groups that took them?
No one has contacted me to use my raws, but I’m sure there are groups that will pick them up! 
Anonymous said: Hi! This is completely unrelated to translations and you don’t need to answer but did you know there’s this makeup brand called TooFaced and they came out with this peach line and their new palette is called just peachy? I thought i’d mention it because of your cute name!!
GIRL. (or boy or however you self-identify) DON’T START THIS HERE YOU DON’T WANT TO START MY MAKEUP RANTS HERE. OF COURSE I KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!!! The moment they announced it I was ON IT. I’m sad because I bought their previous Sweet Peach palette for Nitsu but I should’ve waited for this JustPeachy one 😩 I haven’t bought it and idk if I will bc I don’t wear eyeshadow, and I’m more skincare > makeup so I’m saving up for some new essences and creams instead 😭 Thank you for this message though I got so excited!!!! 
reikicchi said: Nothing related to scanlation, I just wanted to say that I like your kakao icon XDD ♥
Thank you!!! Though I feel bad, I only chose apeach because he fits my justpeachy vibe, my favorite character is actually muzi!!!
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HE’S A PICKLED RADISH IN A BUNNY COSTUME. Try and tell me that’s not cute I dare you. I’m going back to Korea next year so u kno I’ll be stopping by the kakao friends store and stocking up on some muzi merch 😭😭
Anonymous said: Hi Tea-San, 1. Did Crackster get finished translating I didn’t know if it was dropped or still ongoing either way I understand I just recently discovered this title? So good! 2. Isn’t really a question, but how did you come up with the adorable name? Love your translation keep up the good work! じゃあね
1) The translations for Crack Star has been completed, the releases are up to the anon and they will be private releases on her site! I DEFF get a lot of asks about this lmao. Oh man did you guys read the spinoff series with the idol brother?? I’m so psyched for the next chapter  👀 2) Story time! My online username has been icedtea since the beginning of time like since the og club penguin days lmao. It’s from Sugar Honey Iced Tea… My best friend was sugar honey and I was iced tea. If you know what it means I’m sorry ok if it makes you feel better it was my friend’s idea and not mine. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it. And for the justpeachy part, I think this was when I was doing my internship and also worked part time? Yall og followers know when I’m talking about. It was like 10pm on a tuesday after my part time job and I’m giving my best friend a ride back and- here, let me just copy paste my response from another ask: My friends came to visit at my part time job (I worked at a Korean/Japanese restaurant and could sneak them some free food) and one of them lives close to me so I’m giving her a ride back, she says she’s craving a snapple iced tea so we stop by a store and this dumbass buys the diet lemon iced tea which who tf gets, come on step your game up. Well, on our drive back, she takes a sip and says, “this is disgusting, do you want it? I should’ve gotten the peach”. And bam. What a great and touching story, right? Aren’t you glad I told you? Though honestly… diet lemon iced tea? get out of my house… My go to iced tea flavor will always and forever be peach. Though guess who’s allergic to peaches 😂😂😂 OH! SPEAKING OF!!! LOOK AT WHAT I SAW THE OTHER DAY
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Anonymous said: May I ask why you are closing down? Thanks for all the hard work you have done! Anonymous said: Hey I was just wondering why you were closing down by the end of the year?? Anonymous said: “Code: will be the last justpeachy scanlation, it’ll be released as a volume once I’m done with all my other projects” What do you mean??? You’re closing down??? NOOOOOO T_T I LOVE YOU I DON’T WANT YOU TO GOOOOO Anonymous said: Hi !! Thanks so much as usual for translating Batsu Game <3 . As i saw from your ‘About’ , you will be closing down by end of the year. Can i know the reasons for it and will u drop those project that were on hiatus ?? Appreciate if you can reply me thankss <3
Yes, I’ll be finishing up the projects I currently have listed (Batsu Game, Koiyume Lover, Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya, Code) before I close down so no worries. If Family Affair comes back, I’m not sure if I’ll be down to work on it, I’ll have to see what my rl situation is like. The main reason I’m closing down is that I’m over this whole thing 😅 I barely read yaoi anymore, I’ve watched the groups I was in and grew up with disappear, there’s a lot more readers now which is good! But that brings more of the toxic stuff and even though I don’t read the comments on reader sites anymore, it’s a little depressing seeing that side of things 😂 This ‘scanlation group’ was just me doing my thing, but because I’m lazy and have no skill, I asked friends/strangers for help. So it’s not like I have group members to worry about. And they’re in other groups or have their own groups anyway. I guess scanlating just isn’t fun for me anymore so 
🍑 Peachy Updates 🍑 
Koiyume Lover ch 5 is completed, just waiting to be released (I’m wondering if I should do what I originally planned and wait to release the rest of the chapters all at once? Or release one by one…)
Rift extras currently being typesetted
Finished translating chapter 2 and 3 of No Color Baby for Sentimientoyaoi (shit’s wild 👀)
The new Michinoku Atami has been cleaned, waiting for me to finish translating, then will be sent off for some font magic
Lmao I haven’t touched Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya and I prob won’t for a while 
Code: has been cleaned, I’ll eventually start translating it
Is this it? I feel like I’ve been a lot more productive…
Oh, it’s bc I’m helping kr proof this one series and proofing takes a lot more work than translating…
And also bc I did half of what I listed today lmaooo
I have a friend coming to visit this weekend so no work will be done bc we’re about to hit up all you can eat sushi and study for exams
Homecoming is next weekend so no work will be done bc I’ll be out of commission. Hopefully not puking.
The weekend after that I’m spending in the city for a friend’s birthday so I definitely will be out of commission and will definitely be puking.
Some angst is coming your way
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♬ Floria - Tomohisa Sako (Natsume Yuujinchou Roku OP) ♬
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pupa-cinema · 4 years
Happy Go Lucky Heads - 推しごとメモリアル (Oshigoto Memorial) - English Translation
Today’s the 5th day in a row doing an in-store concert, two of our group members may be absent but still, come and see me  1リプ1返ふぁぼするけど DMは返せない (拡散~~)
 A comment will get only one reply from me, I’ll like your tweets but, I don’t reply to DMs (Bring my popularity up~~)   頂き物の湿布はもう使い切れないよ I can’t use up all the pain reliever patches my fans are gifting me またどこかで“大切なお知らせ”が流れてる An “important notice” is making the rounds again
フォロワー=戦闘力「私服ダサい」と言わないで Follower count = ATK. Don’t say “Your casual off-duty clothes are lame” about me ツインテールは外せない My twintails can’t be undone
お願いあの子より私を推してほしい Please, stan me more than those other girls もっともっと神対応心がける I’ll pour my heart into making legendary reactions to my fans
君に輝ける魔法をかけてほしい I want you to cast a spell to make us shine もっともっと思い出のツーショット Get more and more souvenir photos together with you
奇抜な毛先に病デレメイク 自撮りやけにもれちゃう Vibrantly dyed hair ends, yandere-style makeup, selfies bursting with filter editing, that’s my brand [“Omedetai in the crowd!” (see bottom)]
土日はライブ3回し 辛いけど会いに行く On Saturday I‘m going to 3 concerts, it’s a strain on my body but I’m coming to see you ワンステージ15分 終演後物販は2時間ある(拡散~~) 15 minute showtime, after it ends the merch booths are open for 2 hours (Bring the popularity up~~)
プレゼントのクマさんは没収されたかな? Did the teddy bear I asked security to give to you get confiscated? またどこかで“大切なお知らせ”を耳にする I hear rumors of this “important notice” going around again
MIX=ルーティンワーク 推しからのレスが欲しい MIX=routine work, I want a reaction from my stan 「俺もー!」コールは外せない I’ll do every last “Me too!” fan chant right
お願いあの子よりも君を推していたい Please, I want to keep stanning you more than any of the other girls もっともっと推しジャンを極めていく I’ll land my oshi-jumps more and more
君に輝ける魔法を掛けてあげる I’ll cast a spell to make you shine もっともっと思い出のツーショット Get more and more souvenir photos together with you
いつからなんだろう? When did this all begin to transpire? 数字ばかりで価値決めつけられて Everyone always weighing my worth with numbers
誰かの真似事したいんじゃない。 I don’t want to pretend to be someone else. あなただけのヒーロー&ヒロイン You are your very own hero/heroine
今度は私から魔法をかけてあげる It’s my turn to cast a spell on you やっとちょっと前を見て進んでいく I’ve mustered up the courage to move forward
君に輝ける魔法をかけてあげる I’ll cast a spell on you to make you shine きっときっと形より大事なもの There’s something more to it than just looks, I’m sure of it
ここに立つ今は永遠じゃない The world as we know it won’t last forever いつか壊れてゆく It’ll whittle away
推しごとメモリアル今日が記念日 Today calls for the birth and celebration of our oshigoto memorial ここに生きた証 It’s proof that we were here, alive and kicking
⭐️ Oshigoto is a play-on-words...
Oshi: a term used to refer to an individual’s personal fav of a form of media. Loosely similar to the trendy phrases “stan” or “bias”.
Shigoto: work.
(Goto: in hiragana can mean “entirely” when attached behind a subject. )
Supporting your favs is hard work! It’s entirely all about your fav!
⭐️ “MIX”: The “Hey! Hey! Lets go!” type fan chants done during a song intro. Akin to a spell to summon. Idol groups tend to make up their own catchphrases or brands for them. Translated from: otaku yougo . com ⭐️“Oshi-jump”: a jump or other form of cheer, timed to match up with your favs’s solo in a song.
⭐️In-store concert: held usually at large music stores such as Tower Records, it’s an opportunity usually offered to upcoming artists to exhibit their songs for potential new-listeners!
⭐️MV extra bits:
[Fabricated tweet from the imaginary idol group account named ‘Tonight’s Because of Sekihan’: “Notice of abscence”]
[Idol Sekihan’s fabricated profile text: ❤My staff handle the DMs❤]
[Fake tweet from the imaginary idol group: “An important notice for all our fans.”]
⭐️[“Omedetai in the crowd!”]
Oshigoto Memorial Choreography Routine Lecture “We want to hype the crowd up even more! So please try to do these dance moves along with us!”
Step 1. Clench peace signs with both hands, then swing your arms and front leg two times left, two times right. Repeat. Step 2. Along with the “Me too!” lyric, take a back-bridging leap! Step 3. Return to repeating step one. Step 4. While waggling peace signs with both hands, spin counterclockwise.
That’s it!
Poniki “Wowee, so simple~” Sekihan “Now you too are an Oshigoto master.”
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shooksxxx · 7 years
Frank Ocean at Panorama NYC 2017 Review by Audience
* English follows Japanese. 
「まだまだ試行錯誤してる。どうなるか分からないし、何が起こるかも分からないけど、今、君たちとここにいる。来てくれてありがとう。」 ー  フランク・オーシャン
2017年7月28日~30日の3日間、アメリカはNYCで開催されたPanorama Music Festival。 アメリカ最大のフェスであるコーチェラと同じGoldenvoiceが主催となり、2016年から開始して今年で2回目。 去年はケンドリック・ラマー観たさで参加したこのフェスに、今年はフランク・オーシャンを観るために行って来た。
フランク・オーシャンがヘッドライナーをつとめるのは初日の金曜日。開始予定時刻は夜の9時35分。フェス会場内は去年よりも明らかに人が多いし、blondedのTシャツ売り場は開門直後から長蛇の列で、多くの人がフランク・オーシャンを観に来ていることが分かる。 前週LAのFYFでフランクを観たTwitterのフォロワー様(感謝!)に事前にベストな鑑賞位置を確認した通り、メインステージの前ではなく、ステージの真ん中から延びる花道で繋がった、出島のようなサブステージ横に2時間前から待機。この日だけVIPチケットを買い足して、なんとか3、4列目。
円形のサブステージの上には、ミラーボール、4脚の未来的なデザインの椅子、キーボード、目の高さくらいに組み合わされたスピーカー。*1   それらすべてが黒い布で覆われていたのが、ソランジュのアクト終了後に取られて、サブステージのまわりに描かれた無数の落書きも見えるように。 私がいた位置からは、クレヨンしんちゃんの落書きが見えた。 
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他のフェスでは開始が15分以上遅れていたようなので、まだ始まらないだろうと思った9時40分、おもむろに照明が消されて、真っ暗な会場に『Pretty Sweet』が流れ出す。
曲が進むに従ってスモークがたかれ、ステージ全体が幻想的な雰囲気に。ただまだ暗闇の中にいる私たちは、この時点ではフランクが本当に出てくるのか、どこか信じられないような気持ち…。 途中から曲調がアップテンポになったところで、ビートに合わせフラッシュのようにストロボライトが光り出す。それに自然に導かれるように、歓声と手を挙げて、一気に熱気を帯び出す会場。
曲が終わると、少しだけど永遠に感じられるような間があって…メインステージ真ん中から、ついに白いTシャツを着てヘッドフォンを頭にかけたフランク・オーシャンが登場。 あるのはライブカメラのライトだけ。スポットライトに照らされもせずに、暗い中、花道をまっすぐにサブステージの方向に歩いてくる。
淡々と歩いてくるフランクとは逆に、オーディエンスは、ブラックも、ブラウンも、 ホワイトも、 イエロー(含む私)も大絶叫。 前週はピンクだったフランクの髪の色は、この日はライトブルー。
サブステージの突端に立って「New York City」と一言落ち着いた声で呼びかけた後、『Solo』からパフォーマンスをスタート。ようやくステージがライトアップされる。 何度も何度もイヤホンやスピーカーで聴いたのと同じ音が、同じ声が、会場に響き渡る。オーディエンスは、 手を挙げて、 声を上げて、一緒に歌う。
続けて『Chanel』、『Lens』、『Biking』と、Blonde以降の最新シングルをパフォーマンス。フランクは、サブステージや花道の上を、少しリーンバックした姿勢で、軽くバウンスして歩きながら、たまにステップを踏んで、手でリズムを取りながら、歌い続ける。 そんなフランクの姿をライブカメラが配線をさばきながら懸命に追い、メインステージ後ろの巨大3面スクリーンへと映し出す。 歌うフランク、熱狂する私たち、撮るカメラ、映し出される巨大スクリーン。 その全体がまるで至高の音楽を伴ったモダンアートのように、あまりに美しすぎる瞬間・瞬間の集合だった。
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『Good Guy』は、フランク自身がしゃがみこんで床に置いたミニシンセでプレイする音源には無いバージョンで、ここからギタリスト、ベーシスト、キーボードもサブステージ上に加わる。*2 フランクも途中は彼らと一緒に、椅子に座って歌うことも。
途中のMCでは「 まだまだ試行錯誤してる。どうなるかも分からないし、何が起こるかも分からないけど、今、君たちとここにいる。来てくれてありがとう」とフランク。
イヤモニからの指示を「想像上の友達(my imaginary friend)」と呼んだり、オーディエンスの盛り上がりに屈託なく声を上げて笑ったり。 少し気難しいところがあるのかなという予想を裏切って、とても感情に素直で明るい人に見えた。
このツアーで初披露されたフリースタイル『Poolside Convo』*3。その最後の1行が開始しょっぱなの1行となって始まった『Self Control』。
新たなカバー曲『Only You』はスキップして、「Let's go to J5」の言葉で始まった、J Dillaの『Time: The Donuts of the Heart』のビートをベースにしたライヴバージョンの『Thinking Bout You』。 もちろんオーディエンスは大合唱。フランクはサブステージを歩き回りながら、途中は下にも降りて、オーディエンスに手を振ったり、笑いかけたり。曲の最後も「thinking bout YOU」と歌いながら、オーディエンスを指さしつつぐるっとまわってみたり。
『Nights』、『Pink + White』、『Futura Free』と、Blondeからの曲を連続でパフォーマンスして、最後の『Nikes』へ…。「画面にアシスタンスが出るから、一緒に歌って」と紹介して始まるも、フランクが出だしのタイミングを間違えてやり直したので、残念ながら歌詞とハローキティはNYCのスクリーンに映らなかった。
ライブの時間のあまりの美しさと儚さだけが記憶に残って、そのあと何日も何日も、ひたすら撮った動画や写真や音源を聴き続けながら、あれは現実だったのかな?と確認していた。 そして今も、それを確認したくて書いている。
結局Panoramaでは、アルバム『Channel ORANGE』からの曲は『Thinking Bout You』だけだったけれど、次のカナダのWayhomeからは『Forrest Gump』と『Pyramids』が加わった模様。さらに次のスウェーデンWay Out Westからは演奏にオーケストラの弦楽隊も導入、花道に3×12列ほど並ばせて演奏させるという圧巻の進化を遂げ、続くフィンランドFlow Festivalでの『Thiking Bout You』はJ Dillaバージョンではなく、オリジナルバージョンといったような微調整を、最後の最後まで続けたよう。
そのまま永遠に進化していって欲しかったステージだったけれど、惜しくも全7回で終了。 そのちょうど真ん中4回目にあたるステージを2017年の夏、NYCという素晴らしい街で、素晴らしいオーディエンスと共に体感できたことは、一生忘れられない。『Self Control』のアウトロや『Higgs』の旋律のあまりの美しさに涙を流していたのも、『Nights』の転換の瞬間を息を止めて聴いていたのも、日本から一人で来た自分だけじゃないことは、まわりを見渡さなくても感じられた。
そして最後に、生で観て生で聴くフランク・オーシャンは、本当に本当に素晴らしかった。 彼の音楽的才能と芸術的センスはずば抜けていて、そこにさらにずば抜けたセンスの演奏者や撮影者が集まって、ステージ上でお互いに高め合っていた。
完璧主義だけどチャレンジングな彼の高みが今後いったいどこまで到達しようとしているのか、楽しみでもあり、怖くもあり。 彼がまた、その瞬間を私たちと共有してくれる時間が来ることを、切に願っている。
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"We're still learning, we're still learning. I don't know what will turn out, what will happen, but I'm here with you guys. Thanks for being here with me." - Frank Ocean
Panorama NYC is a music festival that was held on Randall's Island in New York City on July 28th - 30th, 2017. It is presented by Goldenvoice, a company which also organizes the largest music festival in the United States, Coachella. I had traveled all the way to see Kendrick Lamar last year, and this year, I flew again from Tokyo to NYC to see Frank Ocean.
Frank's headlining set was planned on the first day of the festival, and to start at 9:35 pm. I could tell there were way more people on the festival site compared to a year before and many of them came to see Frank.
I had asked a person who had gone to FYF to see Frank the week before where the best position to watch his performance was. Based on his kind advice, I decided to wait near the B-stage, the circular platform connected with the main stage by the catwalk, and started doing so about 2 hours before the start time and was in the 4th or 5th row from the front in the VIP area.
As I looked over the other side of the small stage, I could see there were so many more people already waiting for Frank in the GA area, even though Solange had not even started her performance yet.
On the B-stage, there were 4 neo-futuristic designed chairs, a disco ball, keyboards, and speakers stacked as tall as eye height. *1 After Solange had finished her stage, they took off the huge black blanket that had covered the stage and we could also see graffiti and doodles on the wall of it. In my sight, there was a doodle of Crayon Shin-chan, a very famous Japanese manga character.
I also noticed there were two more speakers standing out from the middle of the crowd. These two speakers and two huge main speakers hung from the ceiling of the main stage were forming an inward-facing circle around the B-stage.
As I had checked almost all of the audiences' tweets from previous festivals, I was expecting the set would start 15 mins or more late. The lights, however, went down around 9:40, and "Pretty Sweet" started coming from the four speakers and filling the space.
As music went on, smoke began to flow on and down the stage. It seemed really dreamy, but in the darkness, we were still kind of unsure whether Frank would truly appear in front of us... When the song got to the beat part, lights began to flash, and the whole crowd started to put hands in the air and roar simultaneously.
After "Pretty Sweet" was over, there was a brief moment, that felt for us like forever... Frank Ocean, wearing white T-shirt and black headphones, finally appeared from the center of the main stage. There was only one lighting, the light from the camera. He walked down the catwalk towards the B-stage without even being spotlighted from above.
Contrary to Frank, who was walking just straight, without smiling or looking around, the whole crowd, including myself, just roared, shouted and screamed.
After he had reached the end of the B-stage, he started to walk around and look around. We could do nothing but just keep shouting and screaming as we were still in some kind of nervousness and excitement that we could finally get to see "Frank Ocean".
He went back to the end of the stage, said "New York City" in a very calm and gentle voice, and started his performance with "Solo". The whole stage finally got lighted up. The same sound and the same voice, that we had heard from headphones and speakers over and over, vibrated the entire space. The audience sang with Frank, raising hands and with full voices.
He continued singing "Chanel", "Lens", and "Biking",  follow-up singles to "Blonde", while walking on the stage and the catwalk, leaning back, moving his arms in rhythms, bouncing, and sometimes stepping. Cameramen followed him, handling the long cable attached to it, and footage from it was projected to the huge three panoramic screens.
Those extremely beautiful pieces, Frank Ocean singing, the crowd going nuts, the camera shooting, and the huge screens showing footage, were like the finest modern art along with the brilliant music.
He once spoke to the crowd, "we're still learning, we're still learning. I don't know what will turn out, what will happen, but I am here with you guys. Thanks for being here with me."
By seeing him calling his in-ear monitor "my imaginary friend" or laughing at the crowd's enthusiastic reactions, I felt like he was so much more upfront than I had imagined.
"Good Guy" started with the sound of the small electric piano that Frank himself played squatting on the floor, and two guitarists, a bassist, and a keyboard player joined him on the stage. *2 Frank sometimes sat on the neo-futuristic chair with them and sang.
"Self Control" began with an extended introduction, "Poolside Convo" *3 whose last verse was to be the first verse of "Self Control". 
"Sounds like the Lauryn Hill skits *4, but how many of you guys have ever been in love before? How many of you guys have been through break up before? I want you to use your mental energies to go back to the awful painful place and sing this song with me", he said and started performing "Ivy".
He skipped the new cover song, "Only You", and jumped to "Thinking Bout You" saying "Let's go to J5." It was based on J-Dilla's "Time: The Donuts of the Heart" beat. The whole crowd, of course, sang along with Frank while he walked around the stage, once came down to the lower ground, waving his hand to the crowd, smiling. He sang the last verse "thinking bout YOU" pointing at the crowd and rotating on the catwalk.
After he had performed songs from "Blonde", "Nights", "Pink + White", and "Futura Free" back to back, the show finally moved to its last song, "Nikes". Though we had had his comments, "we're gonna have a little assistance for us to sing along", as he had started singing a few bars early and did it over, neither Hello Kitty nor the lyrics were projected on the screen.
Every time he messed up, he chuckled looking down and shaking his head. The way he did it was just so cute. I felt like he was much closer to us.
However, after he had finished performing "Nikes", walked in the opposite direction from he had done one and a half hours before and disappeared from our sight, there remained nothing but afterglow. I became unsure right away. I felt like "the guy sang with us and smiled at us standing right there was real?". Everything happened there felt like a dream.
After that, for many days, I replayed videos and checked pics in my iPhone over and over to confirm that was real. Even right now, I am writing this in order to make sure of it.
Frank had seven headlining sets total this year, and the one at Panorama was the fourth. I will never ever forget I watched the live performance with those beautiful audiences in NYC in the summer of 2017. Though I went there from Tokyo by myself, I did not feel alone. I did not need to look around to know that I was not the only one who was shedding tears listening to the beautiful melody of "Self Control" and "Higgs" or holding breath to go through the transition of "Nights".
Frank Ocean's live performance was just incredible. His musical and artistic senses were outstanding and many other talented musicians and artists gathered for him to make it higher and higher on the stage.
I have no idea how far the perfectionistic, yet challenging musician will go. I just wish he will share his astonishing art with us again, hopefully in the near future.
We love you so much, Frank!! shooksxxx
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