riara7 · 2 years
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今週の配達。 大きいほうれん草が、本当に大きい。 今週はおでんを食べます。 #グリーンコープ #greencoop #今週の配達 #生協商品 #産直びん牛乳 #産直たまご #ネグロスバナナ #にんたまじゃ #予約がお得 #大きいほうれん草 #ねこ #ネコ #猫 #cat #catstagram #catstagram_japan #ねこいる #ねこがいる生活 #はちわれ #はちわれ部 #牛柄猫 #ちまちゃん #ちまねこ #ちま #大柄猫 #お腹空いた https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZNH0xvoQf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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subarutokiomi · 2 years
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3月は飼い主の誕生日があるので、自分へのご褒美(投資)として電子ペーパーのクアデルノを購入。 何故ipadじゃないかって言うと、第一に書くだけに集中できる(余計な機能がない)、第二に通知が来ないから邪魔されない、第三にめっちゃ軽い、という点。一度充電したら最長2週間使えるらしいので、今後のメモはこれに集約しようと思う。 本体で書くとモノクロだけど、PCやスマホで見るとちゃんと色が載っているのが面白い! #cat #neko #猫 #ねこ #にゃんすたぐらむ #三毛猫 #じゃまかわいい #猫の後頭部 #クアデルノ #quaderno #電子ペーパー富士通 #ガジェット好き #ノートに書いている感がある #これで美文字目指す https://www.instagram.com/p/CpcY30gBimD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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meowmoedotcom · 5 hours
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猫の反復運動 【サイベリアン】 #Shorts
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straycatj · 2 months
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Kofuku: known as Kofu, Kofu-chan, rarely Kofutan, Kofutaro,or Kofuku-san, and the alias is the black menace
He was adopted from the animal shelter when he was around 2months and a half. Although it was said he might not live so long because he had the anal prolapse, now he has no problems and has gotten so big.
He had a violent childhood attacking Mr.J every day, but his nature is only a home tiger so he can't greet with not only her guests but grandpa yet.
He hates being hugged, runs away when she calls him, and falls on the floor with the face that doesn't know what he's thinking these days, so it's still impossible for landlady to communicate with him. She can feel his affection only by his staying beside service with sharing her pillow when she wakes up.
He loves rice SO much and eats cooked rice or prepared mochi rice. And he always goes his way physically,then broke a lot of things at home so he let her spend quite an extra money...
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calico-cat-chief · 2 years
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ん? 寝てる? #猫 #ねこ #ねこすたぐらむ #ネコ #ふわもこ部 #にゃんすたぐらむ #ねこ部 #保護猫 #にゃんこ #猫好きさんと繋がりたい #ねこのいる生活 #猫写真 #三毛猫 #三毛猫部 #cat #catstagram #かくれんぼ #じゅうたんの下に隠れてる #頭隠して尻隠さず猫 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpTKOgThESl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tokonishipeko · 2 years
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最近の敵は、静電気🥺 パチンパチンなるのー トッピングにパウチ、ハマってます✨🍴✨ #のるうぇーじゃん #のるうぇーじゃんふぉれすときゃっと #猫#ねこかわいい #ねこすたぐらむ #ねこのきもち #ねこすきさんと繋がりたい #ペット#ペットショップ #オレンジ・ペコ#所沢西#アニコム損保#cat#catstagram #catlover #catlife #pet#petlovers #petstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/CpKzny4PAPj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ike2910 · 2 years
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ビヨ〜ン! こんなに伸びるニャン😻 背が伸びてるからママ計ってみてニャン✨  #猫で奇跡の一枚写真集  #にゃんこ編集部  @editorial_company.pad  #坂口マロン  #茶トラ男子部  #坂口アム  #キジシロ  #ねこすたぐらむ  #じゃれあい  #ニャンスタグラム  #ねっこ  #猫好きさんとつながりたい https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnm17hvBJbE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fumiko-0510 · 1 month
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power-sahara · 2 years
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本日12月27日(火)は昨日の #ふれあい入浴 の振替休業でお休みだニャア🐈‍⬛ #軟水 使用の #コインランドリー は #24時間営業 してます。 #洗濯 #100円 からあります。 #乾燥機 は #100円 #10分 単位です😉 http://suehiroyu.com/ #末広湯 #ふじみ野市 #上福岡 #銭湯 #ちゃずさんの銭湯壁画制作動画 https://youtu.be/IVcOx1EFXS0 #超高濃度炭酸泉 #遠赤外線サウナ #井戸水水風呂 #水深90cm #ネロ #nero #黒猫 #blackcat #可愛い #かわいい #cute #サウナ #サ活 #サウナー #サウナイキタイ #サウニャー #サウナ好きな人と繋がりたい https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmp6m5NSW64/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carrion-invidia · 2 years
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ぶぅ🐷 最近よくくっついてくる次女🐱 やはり #ねこ は誠意と愛情を注げばその分だけ、 そばに居て返してくれるのがありがたいと感じるこの頃💕 体は太いが足は長い🐈 #キジ猫 #キジねこ #きじねこ #猫 #にゃんこ #ネコ #そばにいてくれてありがとう https://www.instagram.com/p/CjM94LSvWQf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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riara7 · 2 years
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今週の配達。 ちまが来ましたよ。 ノンカップ麺、うどんの下にそばもあります。 #グリーンコープ #greencoop #今週の配達 #生協商品 #予約がお得 #産直びん牛乳 #産直たまご #にんたまじゃ #ノンカップ麺 #猫 #ねこ #ネコ #cat #catstagram #catstagram_japan #ねこいる #ねこがいる生活 #はちわれ #はちわれ部 #牛柄猫 #ちまちゃん #ちまねこ #ちま #大柄猫 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cor-kt5PZGF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nihongo-enthusiast · 6 months
The 6 Differences Between は and が
The important fact is AFTER は
• この犬は私のぺットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that this is not a stray dog. It is not someone else's pet dog. It is MY PET. So anything comes after は is the main part you want the listener to pay attention to.
The important fact is BEFORE が
• この犬が私のベットです。This dog is my pet.
You want to emphasize that THIS IS THE DOG that is my pet. Not other dogs. Imagine you're at a park and there are 3, 4 other dogs playing together with your dog and you want to tell your friend that THIS DOG is the one that is your pet dog, other dogs are not yours. So, what comes before が is the main part you want to tell the listener.
More examples:
• このケーキはおいしいです。This cake is DELICIOUS! (You want to tell your friend that this cake is indeed very good. Your emphasis falls on おいしい, so you use は, because the important fact is AFTER は.
• このケーキがおいしいです。THIS CAKE is delicious. (You want to tell your friend that among all the cakes on the buffet table, this particular cake you are pointing to is the most delicious one. Others are not good.) Your emphasis falls on このケーキ (THIS CAKE), so you use が, because the important fact is BEFORE が.
New information and things that you mention for the first time, use が. Old information or topics that have been mentioned earlier but is now repeated again, use は.
• 学校にマイクという男がいます。There is boy named Mike in my school.
You started the conversation with your friend by saying there's a new student named Mike in the school. That is the first time you mentioned Mike. It is new information, therefore use が.
• マイクはアメリカ出身です。Mike is from America.
You mention Mike the 2nd time now and it is no longer a new information. It is considered old information, therefore use は.
Stating facts without adding your personal opinion or judgment use が. By adding your own opinion or judgment, use は.
• 外に猫がいます。There is a cat outside.
You are just merely stating a fact that there is a cat outside. This sentence doesn't include your description about the cat. No personal opinion or judgment about the cat.
• あの猫は白いです。The cat is white in colour.
You are putting your description, your judgment into the sentence about the cat. When you are adding your own thoughts, opinion, description about something, use は.
• 日本の料理はおいしいです。Japanese food is tasty.
You are putting your opinion/judgment about Japanese food in your sentence, therefore, use は.
When you make comparison, use は. When you eliminate other options, use が.
• お茶は好きですが、コーヒーは好きじゃありません。I like tea but I don't like coffee.
If two actions are done by the same person, use は. If two actions are done by two different persons, use が first, then use は for the second action.
• 私はごはんを食べるとき、テレビを見ます。I have my meal and I am watching TV.
• 私がごはんを食べるとき、父はテレビを見ます。When I have my meal, my father watches TV.
To modify a phrase into a noun, use が.
• これは彼女が作ってくれたケーキです。
What cake is this? This is the cake that is baked by my girlfriend. The phrase 「彼女が作ってくれた」 is to modify the cake, to describe about the cake.
Quiz Time
• 部屋は広いです。
• 部屋が広いです。
In English, both sentences mean "The room is spacious." But what is the difference?
In 部屋は広いです, it shows a comparison contrast nuance (read DIFFERENCE 4). If you say this, the listener will believe that you are making a comparison of this room with all the other rooms in the house. You want to say this room is spacious, whereas the other rooms are smaller in size.
In 部屋が広いです, you are merely stating a general fact about this room being spacious (read DIFFERENCE 3). You are not making any comparison. Your sentence has no added personal judgement or opinion. You are stating a fact about the room being spacious.
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meowmoedotcom · 2 days
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straycatj · 28 days
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Vita, his mom call him Vi-chan
The adopted injured little kitten found by landlady and facility managers who heard some announcements that kitty was meowing around the parking of the hospital where she worked July 2019, while he run away and hid from crows. He had a heavy suppurating wound, but he had been getting well by vets' care of every day. His name Vita named by landlady is from his vitality to meow as loud as possible to ask help and live against heavy wound.
He moved to another staff's house after getting well. Although many people who met him at the vet said he was a mixed Norwegian because of his big eyes, he now has a greater face than Mr J and has gotten a mature Japanese brown tabby.
And, unlike a certain black furball, He could get well with Mr.J white his staying.
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hiromusicarts-blog · 6 months
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tokonishipeko · 2 years
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モッフモフ♥️ カメラ目線覚えたかにゃ? #のるうぇーじゃん #のるうぇーじゃんふぉれすときゃっと #猫#ねこかわいい #ねこすたぐらむ #ねこのきもち #猫すきな人と繋がりたい #ペット#ペットショップ #オレンジ・ペコ#所沢西 #アニコム損保#ゆあぺてぃあ所沢西 #catlover https://www.instagram.com/p/CnW7t7zvm5X/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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