u543z · 2 years
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メムロワンデートリップ🚗✨ちょい雪の積もった芽室岳☃からの鳳ノ舞!と思いきやまさかの廃業⚡ということで安定の白樺温泉♨からのクランベリー🏰スイートポテト🍠✨からのインデアン🍛カツあと乗せdeパーフェクトリー🐷💫大辛にしたら汗だらだら💦次回からは辛口にしよう💋幌尻方面の展望が得られなかったのはちょっと残念だった💦また行こう✨😅 #芽室岳 #日高山脈 #北日高 #登山道整備ありがとうございます #クランベリー #スイートポテト #白樺温泉 #泉質いいね #インデアンカレー #かつあとのせで #だぶるりえちゃん #鳳ノ舞まさかの廃業 #パンケヌーシ #芽室駅前 #大辛で大汗💦🍛 #次回から辛口にしよう #帯広ルーティーン #芽室 #ハンドウイルカ🐬 #十勝清水 #帯広 (芽室岳) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjfvphfPJqc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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danzoku · 4 months
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straycatj · 1 year
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He is the menace also for my landlady...so I'm going to tell you about his wrongdoing again.
れいぞこの こおりすとっかーをあけて できたこおりを ぜんぶとかした
家主がこおりを作らなくなったら こおりすとっかーに入っていた
たおるカゴに入り くろい毛だらけにした(シャシンさんしょう)
ゴハンじゃぁ たいまーじかんまえにフタをあけて ゴハンをダイナシにした
ゴハンじゃぁ かってにあけてくう
パスタのふくろを あけてかじる
らぁめんのふくろを あけてかじる
He opened the ice stocker of her refrigerator and let all ice cubes melted
↑it inundated the floor
He entered that stock space after she quit to make ices
He entered her towel box(example photo) and put black furs all the towels
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He threw away her kitchen cloth box when he climbed and entered the shelf
↑she needed to wash them again
↑ she needed to buy a new box with a lid
He opened the rice cooker before it started to cook so she couldn't have rice at the morning
He opened the rice cooker and ate rice
She needed to buy a new cooker with the side button
He ate rice in her lunch box
He ate mochi rice before she cook
He opened the package of pasta and ate them
He opened the package of lamen and ate them
He raids her every time while she's eating her favorite pudding
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totoshappylife · 2 years
お外に出してください ①目で訴えるぶうちゃん。 ②入口の前でお座りするぶうちゃん。 色々な角度でお外に出してアピールをしてきます。それがまた可愛いんだな #う...
お外に出してください ①目で訴えるぶうちゃん。 ②入口の前でお座りするぶうちゃん。 色々な角度でお外に出してアピールをしてきます。それがまた可愛いんだな #う…
お外に出してください🐰 ①目で訴えるぶうちゃん。 ②入口の前でお座りするぶうちゃん。 色々な角度でお外に出してアピールをしてきます。それがまた可愛いんだな🥰💕 #うさぎ #うさぎのいる生活 #うさぎのいる暮らし #うさぎ好き #rabbit #bunny #うさぎ好きさんと繋がりたい #ホーランドロップ #hollandlop #ふわもこ部 #pet #大切な家族 #我が家のアイドル #黒ウサギ Source
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kenshfsblog · 4 months
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romeolucci · 1 month
What the ghouls from the same house think about each other
It’s one of the questions that appeared in the latest B’s-log magazine issue. I decided to share this one because it’s fun.
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a translator, so please take this with a huge grain of salt because I don’t speak let alone read Japanese very well. I mostly used machine translation and some of the little knowledge I have to get through this. I added the original Japanese script if you wanna read that on your own.
Jin, Tohma, Ren and Subaru didn’t receive the question unfortunately
Lucas: “Ever since I transferred to this school, Kaito has been my first friend and has always been very kind to me. I'm also grateful to Ishibashi-san for all his help. As for Kamurai-san, I hope he'll just fulfill his duties...”
「この学園へ転校してきた日から、魁斗は俺の初め ての友人として、ずっと仲良くしてくれている。そ れに磴さんにも、とてもお世話になっているよ。あ とは、冠氷さんが責務さえ果たしてくれれば良いん だけど・・・・・・」
Kaito: “Hmm... To be honest, the captain and vice-captain seem like people way above the clouds... Rumor has it that the two of them are in collusion with the school and are doing terrible things. What? Luca? ...I've never heard of such a faceless bastard.”
「ん~………………寮長と副寮長は、正直雲の上の人って感 じだしな〜………………噂では、ふたりとも学園と癒着して、 えげつないことやってるって聞いたことあるけど。え? ルカ? ………………あんな顔面無双野郎なんか知らね」
*I’m really not sure what あんな顔面無双野郎 means.
Alan: “We're just half-baked people who happened to have powers. But they're willing to die and crawl back up... they have the potential.”
「俺たちは、たまたま力を持っただけの半端もんだ。 だが、死ぬ気で這い上がる・・・・・・あいつらには、その 素質がある」
Leo: “No matter how you look at it, our captain is a complete loser. As for Sho-chan... I guess he's my slave♡”
「誰がどう見ても、うちの寮長サマはポンコツでし ○よ。え~、翔ちゃんはね・・・・・・オレの奴隷、かな♡」
Sho: “Ahh... Leo and I are just old friends. We've been hanging out since middle school. Mido-senpai... I don't really know what he's thinking. He's a man of few words, right?”
「あー…………………玲音とはただの腐れ縁な。中坊の頃か ら、なんとなくつるんでるっつうか。御堂センパイ は・・・・・・何考えてっかよくわかんねぇわ。あいつ、言 葉が足りねぇタイプじゃん?」
Haru: “Both Ren and Towa have good bodies, so if they could put that into use and work, they'd be a lot more reliable than they are now...huh? What's that sound...Hey Towa! Wait a sec!!”
「蓮も叶空も、せっかくええガタイ持っとるけぇ、 そいつ活かして働いてくれりゃ、今よりずっと頼も しいんじゃがのう・・・・・・ん?この音は・・・・・・おい叶空! ちょ~~~待て~~~~~~~!!」
Towa: ~~~~♪~~~~!!
Taiga: “That Lulu gets so angry every day, I don't know how he never gets tired of it... Ah? Shinjo? Who’s that?”
「ルルのやつ、毎日あんなキレまくって、よく飽き ねぇよな~・・・・・・・あ〜? シンジョ? 誰だそれ」
Romeo: “I’m disgusted by my boss. No matter how many times I say the same thing, it's WEFCP. What? It's "waste of effort", "fist-clenching" and "pressing". As for Shinjo, I'm going to give him a thorough training from now on, and we'll see how he turns out.”
「うちのボスには呆れる。なんべん同じこと言った って、N・U・Oだからさぁ。は?「暖簾に」「腕」「押し」 だよ。まぁ針条に関しては、これからみっちり教育して、 どう化けるかってとこだねぇ」
*I tried my best to translate Romeo’s abbreviation but it’s still bad I’m sorry…
Ritsu: "I have concluded that it is futile to try to change the tyrannical behavior of our Sinostra’s captain, Taiga Hoshibami, and vice-captain, Romeo Scorpius Lucci. From now on, I will defend them and definitely obtain the 'Laurel Crown'."
「我がシノストラ寮長の星喰大我、および副寮長 のロミオ・スコーピウス・ルッチについて、その横暴 な素行を改めることは不毛という結論です。今後は、 私が彼らを弁護することで、必ず『栄冠賞』を手に入 れてみせます」
Haku: “Another difficult question. Hmm... Subaru-san is simply great. However, his tendency to take on too much is his only flaw. Zenji-san... Well, you see, being with him makes me feel energized. I'm grateful for that.”
「また難しい質問ですこと。うーん・・・・・・昴流さんは とにかく出来が良い。ただ、何かと抱え込みすぎる のが玉に瑕だな。善治さんは・・・・・・まあ、あれだ、一 緒にいると元気になる。ありがたいことですよ」
Zenji: “If I had to describe Subaru-kun in one word, it would be...heart of glass...but in contrast, I can't help but worry about Haku-kun's lack of enthusiasm. As my manager, I would say he should be a bit more considerate.”
「昴流クンを一言で表すならば・・・・・・ハート・オブ・グ ラス・・・・・・それに引き替え、伯玖クンのスコドンぶり には気を揉まずにはいられないよ。ボクのマネージ ャーならば、もう少し気が利くべきだと言っている のだがねえ」
*Zenji says “hāto obu gurasu”, I’m not sure, but I think he means to say heart of gold? lmao
Edward: These two are young and strong, I'm so envious of them. When I was their age... Oops, it was so long ago that I’ve completely forgotten."
「ふたりとも、若くて体力もあって羨ましい限りだよ。 俺があの子たちと同じ年頃の時は・・・・・・おっと。もう 随分昔のことだから、すっかり忘れてしまったな」
Rui: “Ed-san has no ability to live on his own, so he's really a pain to look after. At this point, I’m in charge of nursing care... and then what about Lyca-kun... Huh? I'm taking care of the kids... What do those two think of me!?”
「エドさんは生活力なさすぎて、ほんと世話が焼け るんよね。もはや介護っしょあれ・・・・・・そんでライカ くんは~・・・・・・・あれ? こっちは子供の世話だ・・・・・・あ のふたり、俺ちゃんをなんだと思ってんの!?」
Lyca: “They're that moth-eaten Casanova and that blond gigolo. I'm human, so why am I not in the same place as Suba-kun and the others!!”
「色魔ジジイと金髪ジゴロだろ。おれは人間なのに、 なんでスバくんたちと同じとこじゃねーんだよ!!」
Yuri: “You're talking about Jiro-kun, who is both Yuri Isami's assistant and patient? He's still in training. He still lacks knowledge, skills, experience, and culture. It'll probably take another 100 years for him to become a doctor at my level.”
「この衣佐美佑理の助手であり、患者でもある次郎 くんのことです? 彼は研修中の身ですからね。ま だまだ、知識も技術も経験も教養も足りていません。 僕レベルの医師になるまで、あと100年は必要でしょう」
Jiro: “Oh, the only ghoul in my house is Yuri. He's my doctor. If it weren't for Yuri, I'd probably be dead by now. Well, I'm grateful.”
「はあ、同じ寮のグールは、佑理しかいませんけど。 俺の主治医ですね。佑理がいなければ、俺、今頃死 んでるらしいんで。まあ、感謝してます」
If a professional sees this, feel free to translate it yourself
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bk-bk · 24 days
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pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 429 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 僕の"個性"が「家系のどこにも属さないとつぜんへんい」だと聞いて ぼくの"こせい"が「かけいのどこにもぞくさないとつぜんへんい」だときいて boku no "kosei" ga 「kakei no doko ni mo zokusanai totsuzen hen'i」 da to kiite I heard my quirk is "a sudden mutation that didn't belong to any of the family's lineages."
2 パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじも大じぃじも急に優しくなくなった パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじもおおじぃじもきゅうにやさしくなくなった PAPA mo MAMA mo SHISUTAA mo ojisan mo obasan mo baaba mo jiiji mo oojiiji mo kyuu ni yasashiku nakunatta Papa, Mama, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Grandma, Grandpa, and Great-Granddad all of a sudden stopped being nice to me.
tagline 1 ある少年の独白ーー あるしょうねんのどくはくーー aru shounen no dokuhaku-- A boy's soliloquy--
3 皆は僕を縛りつけて地下室に閉じ込めた みんなはぼくをしばりつけてちかしつにとじこめた minna wa boku wo shibari tsukete chikashitsu ni tojikometa They tied me up and locked me in the basement.
4 恐くて悲しくて泣き叫んでいたら こわくてかなしくてなきさけんでいたら kowakute kanashikute nakisakende itara I was scared and sad and crying out.
5 口が大きく開かないよう縫われた くちがおおきくひらかないようぬわれた kuchi ga ookiku hirakanai you nuwareta My mouth was sewn shut to prevent it from opening wide.
6 何年経ったかわからないある日 なんねんたったかわからないあるひ nannen tatta ka wakaranai aru hi One day, after I don't know how many years passed,
7 「この国は終わる」と言って 「このくにはおわる」といって 「kono kuni wa owaru」 to itte they said, "This country is finished,"
8 人抱えの水と菓子パンを放り込んだきり ひとかかえのみずとかしパンをほうりこんだきり hito kakae no mizu to kashi PAN wo hourikonda kiri and after they threw in what water and pastries they could carry
9 皆は二度と現れなくなった みんなはにどとあらわれなくなった minna wa nido to arawarenaku natta none of them ever appeared again.
tagline 2 No.429 私が来た! 堀越耕平 ナンバー429 わたしがきた! ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 429 watashi ga kita! Horikoshi Kouhei No. 429 I Am Here! Kouhei Horikoshi
10 しばらく経って しばらくたって shibaraku tatte After a while,
11 もの凄い衝撃と共に地下室にキレツが入ったので ものすごいしょうげきとともにちかしつにキレツがはいったので monosugoi shougeki to tomo ni chikashitsu ni KIRETSU ga haitta node with a tremendous impact, a crack entered the basement, so
12 なんとか外に出ることができた なんとかそとにでることができた nantoka soto ni deru koto ga dekita I managed to get outside.
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1 久し振りの日の光はとても痛くて恐かった ひさしぶりのひのひかりはとてもいたくてこわかった hisashiburi no hi no hikari wa totemo itakute kowakatta The light of the sun for the first time in such a long time was very painful and scary.
2 何がいけなかったのだろう なにがいけなかったのだろう nani ga ikenakatta no darou What was it that I did wrong?
3 何でこんなに悲しいのだろう なんでこんなにかなしいのだろう nande konna ni kanashii no darou Why am I so sad like this?
4 とにかく僕は とにかくぼくは tonikaku boku wa In any case, I
5 ずうっと恐くて悲しいのに ずうっとこわくてかなしいのに zuutto kowakute kanashii noni am always so scared and sad,
6 なのにどうしてこの人たちは なのにどうしてこのひとたちは nanoni doushite kono hito-tachi wa so why is it these people
7 笑っているんだろう わらっているんだろう waratte irundarou are smiling?
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1 人の喜ぶ顔が好きだった ひとのよろこぶかおがすきだった hito no yorokobu kao ga suki datta I liked people's happy faces.
2 だからヒーローを目指したのに だからヒーローをめざしたのに dakara HIIROO wo mezashita noni That's why I aimed to be a hero, but
3 お茶子ちゃんは おちゃこちゃんは Ochako-chan wa Ochako-chan,
4 ヒーローらしく正しい事をするだけでよかったのに ヒーローらしくただしいことをするだけでよかったのに HIIROO rashiku tadashii koto wo suru dake de yokatta noni it would have been fine to just do the correct thing like a hero would. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 395.)
5 ぐうっ guu "Ggh."
6 なのに余計な事"考えて"… なのによけいなこと"かんがえて"… nanoni yokei na koto "kangaete"... You nevertheless think about unnecessary things… (Note: Still a flashback to chapter 395.)
7 私は わたしは watashi wa I
8 ヒミコちゃんの命の上に生かされた ヒミコちゃんのいのちのうえにいかされた HIMIKO-chan no inochi no ue ni ikasareta was made to survive over Himiko-chan's life.
9 私のした事は わたしのしたことは watashi no shita koto wa What I did...
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1 麗日さん‼︎ うららかさん‼︎ Uraraka-san!! "Uraraka-san!!"
2-3 デクくん DEKU-kun "Deku-kun,"
4 どうして doushite "why..."
5 ここが koko ga "this place..."
6 どうやって… dou yatte... "how did you..."
7 なんとなく…! nantonaku...! "Somehow or other*...!" (*Note: This "somehow" has an implication that the answer is unimportant to the speaker, like "It's not a big deal," or "Never you mind that.")
8 ワン・フォー・オールでとんできた WAN FOO OORU de tonde kita "I flew up here with One For All."
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1 此処は ここは koko wa "This place is"
2 大切な話をした場所だから たいせつなはなしをしたばしょだから taisetsu na hanashi wo shita basho dakara "where we had an important conversation, that's why."
3 そうやなくて sou yanakute "That's not what I mean."
4-5 一旦家帰るって言ったやん いったんいえかえるっていったやん ittan ie kaeru tte itta yan "Didn't I say I'd go home temporarily?"
6 帰れてたら帰れてたで良いんだでも かえれてたらかえれてたでいいんだでも kaeretetara kaereteta de iinda demo "If you had gone home, that'd have been fine, but"
7 此処にいると思ったんだ ここにいるとおもったんだ koko ni iru to omottanda "I thought you'd be here."
8 ……何で ……なんで ......nande "......Why?"
9 …見られたくないのに …みられたくないのに ...miraretakunai noni "...I didn't want to be seen."
10 ごめん gomen "Sorry."
11 でも…見せてほしいんだ でも…みせてほしいんだ demo...misete hoshiinda "But...I want you to show me."
12 だって麗日さんは だってうららかさんは datte Uraraka-san wa "Because, Uraraka-san,"
13 いつもそうじゃないか itsumo sou ja nai ka "aren't you always like that?*" (Note: He's talking about how Ochako has been keeping up a happy facade for a while but he wants her to let him see her sadness.)
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1 入試の時だって にゅうしのときだって nyuushi no toki datte "Even at the entrance exam,”
2 私の"個性"ごめんね勝手に わたしの"こせい"ごめんねかってに watashi no "kosei" gomen ne katte ni It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you, but...
3 でも転んじゃったら縁起悪いもんね でもころんじゃったらえんぎわるいもんね demo koronjattara engi warui mon ne well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall. (Note: This is from chapter 3.)
4 合否のポイントのことだって ごうひのポイントのことだって gouhi no POINTO no koto datte "even about the points [I needed] to pass,"
5 私のポイント分けるって出来ませんか⁉︎ わたしのポイントわけるってできませんか⁉︎ watashi no POINTO wakeru tte dekimasen ka!? Can you give him some of the points I earned!? (Note: This is from chapter 4.)
6 ずっとーーー zutto--- "all the time---"
7 ーーいつも --itsumo "--always."
8 でもデクって「頑張れ」って感じで でもデクって「がんばれ」ってかんじで demo DEKU tte 「ganbare」 tte kanji de But "Deku," well... It just screams, "Do your best!!"
9 なんか好きだ私 なんかすきだわたし nan ka suki da watashi I kinda like it. (Note: This is from chapter 7.)
10 自分の事より じぶんのことより jibun no koto yori "More than yourself,”
11 他人を優先して! ひとをゆうせんして! hito (kanji: tanin) wo yuusen shite! "you make other people your priority!"
12 体育祭の時だって たいいくさいのときだって taiikusai no toki datte "Even during the sports festival."
13 いつも itsumo "Always,"
14 ずっと! zutto! "all the time!"
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1 デクくん落ち着け! デクくんおちつけ! DEKU-kun ochitsuke! Deku-kun, calm down! (Note: This is from chapter 211.)
2 ずっと救けられっぱなしだ! ずっとたすけられっぱなしだ! zutto tasukerareppanashi da! "You've always been saving me!"
3 彼のヒーローアカデミアでいさせて下さい! かれのヒーローアカデミアでいさせてください! kare no HIIROO AKADEMIA de isasete kudasai! Please let him stay at his hero academia! (Note: This is from chapter 324.)
4 僕のヒーローだ! ぼくのヒーローだ! boku no HIIROO da! "You're my hero!"
5-6 だから…君の強さだけに寄りかからない だから…きみのつよさだけによりかからない dakara...kimi no tsuyosa dake ni yorikakaranai "That's why...I won't rely on only your strength [alone].”
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1 手を握るだけで心が和らぐんだよ てをにぎるだけでこころがやわらぐんだよ te wo nigiru dake de kokoro ga yawaragunda yo "Just holding hands soothes the heart."
2 …ヒミコちゃん ...HIMIKO-chan "...Himiko-chan."
3 ヒーローが辛い時 ヒーローがつらいとき HIIROO ga tsurai toki When heroes are hurting...
4 私のせいで死んじゃった わたしのせいでしんじゃった watashi no sei de shinjatta "It's my fault she died."
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1 私が刺されなかったら…‼︎ わたしがさされなかったら…‼︎ watashi ga sasarenakattara...!! "If I hadn't been stabbed...!!"
2 余計なこと考えたから…‼︎ よけいなことかんがえたから…‼︎ yokei na koto kangaeta kara...!! "It's because I thought about unnecessary stuff...!!"
3 人に血を分けられる"個性"だったの…‼︎ ひとにちをわけられる"こせい"だったの…‼︎ hito ni chi wo wakerareru "kosei" datta no...!! "It was a quirk that could give out blood to people...!!"
4 あんな形でなくても…!見つけられる方法がなかったかなあっ‼︎ あんなかたちでなくても…!みつけられるほうほうがなかったかなあっ‼︎ anna katachi de nakutemo...! mitsukerareru houhou ga nakatta ka naa!! "Even if it didn't seem like [it could do] that...! I wonder if there wasn't a way I could have found that out [sooner]!!"
5 もっと早く…!!! もっとはやく…!!! motto hayaku...!!! "[If I had been] faster...!!!"
6 気付けてたら‼︎ きづけてたら‼︎ kudzuketetara!! "If I only I had realized!!"
7 もっと motto "[If I had been] more..."
8 子どもの時に会えてたら違ったかなあ⁉︎ こどものときにあえてたらちがったかなあ⁉︎ kodomo no toki ni aetetara chigatta ka naa!? "Would it be different if we had met when we were children!?"
9-10 誰がヒーローを守ってあげられるだろう だれがヒーローをまもってあげられるだろう dare ga HIIROO wo mamotte agerareru darou ...who protects the heroes?
11 僕も ぼくも boku mo "Me, too."
12 転弧…死柄木弔に…同じ事引きずってる てんこ…しがらきとむらに…おなじことひきずってる Tenko...Shigaraki Tomura ni...onaji koto hikizutteru "Tenko...about Tomura Shigaraki...I've been dragging around the same things."
13 この戦いをこれまでと同じように消費していかないように このたたかいをこれまでとおなじようにしょうひしていかないように kono tatakai wo kore made to onaji you ni shouhi shite ikanai you ni "I hope I don't let this fight consume me in the same way as I did before."
14 AFOに言われたよ オール・フォー・ワンにいわれたよ OORU FOO WAN ni iwareta yo "All For One told me,"
15 おまえのしようとしてる道は茨の道だって おまえのしようとしてるみちはいばらのみちだって omae no shiyou to shiteru michi wa ibara no michi datte "the path you've chosen is a thorny one." (Note: This is a reference to chapter 316.)
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1 それでも…ーー soredemo...-- "Even so...--"
2 余計なお世話でも手を差し伸ばしていけば…きっと必ず‼︎ よけいなおせわでもてをさしのばしていけば…きっとかならず‼︎ yokei na osewa demo te wo sashinobashite ikeba...kitto kanarazu!! "even if it's none of my business, if I reach out my hand...then surely, definitely...!!" (Note: This line isn’t cut off, but the conclusion of what will “surely, definitely” happen is implied and unspoken.)
3 あ‼︎マジでいたア‼︎ a!! MAJI de itaA!! "Ah!! They really were here!!"
4 麗日あ‼︎俺らも来たぞ! うららかあ‼︎おれらもきたぞ! Urarakaa!! orera mo kita zo! "Urarakaa!! We're here, too!"
5 お茶子ちゃんのばか! おちゃこちゃんのばか! Ochako-chan no baka! "Ochako-chan, you idiot!"
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1 言ってくれるの待ってたのよ何でも思ったら言っていいのよ いってくれるのまってたのよなんでもおもったらいっていいのよ itte kuraru no matteta no yo nandemo omottara itte ii no yo "I was waiting for you to say [something]! Whatever you're thinking about, it's fine for you to say it!"
2 ブッ飛ばしてたけど ブッとばしてたけど BUttobashiteta kedo "They flew you over here, but"
3 残り火大丈夫か? のこりびだいじょうぶか? nokoribi daijoubu ka? "are the embers okay?"
4 うん un "Yeah."
5 え e "Eh?"
6 "残り火"…ってえ…それって "のこりび"…ってえ…それって "nokoribi"...ttee...sore tte "'Embers,' you said... That's..."
7 待て待て まてまて mate mate "Wait, wait!"
8 なんで言ってくんねーんだよ なんでいってくんねーんだよ nande itte kunnenda yo "Why didn't you tell us?"
9 ワン・フォー・オールは完遂した ワン・フォー・オールはかんすいした WAN FOO OORU wa kansui shita One For All completed it, (Note: This word means something like "carried out, accomplished" but in the officials keeps getting translated as "completed.")
10 義勇の力が紡ぎ上げた力の結晶を ぎゆうのちからがつむぎあげたちからのけっしょうを giyuu no chikara ga tsumugi ageta chikara no kesshou wo the crystallization of power spun by the brave and righteous.
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1 今度は こんどは kondo wa Next time,
sign 青山送別会‼︎ あおやまそうべつかい‼︎ Aoyama soubetsu-kai!! Aoyama farewell party!!
2 皆で紡げていけたら みんなでつむげていけたら minna de tsumugete iketara if we can all spin it [together]...
3 チャートの拡大? チャートのかくだい? CHAATO no kakudai? "Expanding the chart?"
4 ええまァ一環ですが ええまァいっかんですが ee maA ikkan desu ga "Yes, well, that's part of it."
5 もち復興の目度がたってからですよ もちふっこうのめどがたってからですよ mochi fukkou no medo ga ta tte kara desu yo "Of course, it's for after the reconstruction is further along."
6 今回の戦い俺たちヒーロー以外の活躍が大きすぎた こんかいのたたかいおれたちヒーローいがいのかつやくがおおきすぎた konkai no tatakai ore-tachi HIIROO igai no katsuyaku ga ooki sugita "In the battle this time, there were too many great feats [done by those] other than us heroes."
7 現職業ヒーローと併せて"英雄"もピックアップしていきます げんしょくぎょうヒーローとあわせて"えいゆう"もピックアップしていきます genshokugyou HIIROO to awasete "eiyuu" mo PIKKUAPPU shite ikimasu "Along with the current professional heroes, we'll pick up heroes* as well." (*Note: The word used for pro heroes is from the English, "hero," pronounced as HIIROO in Japanese. This new list of "heroes" Hawks suggests uses the Japanese word for hero, eiyuu. Not coincidentally, "UA" gets its name from reversing the kanji in eiyuu: ei・yuu -> yuu・ei.)
8 人気制度を失くす方に傾くと思ってたが にんきせいどをなくすほうにかたむくとおもってたが ninki seido wo nakusu hou ni katamuku to omotteta ga "I was thinking you'd lean towards losing the popularity system, and yet..."
9 功罪の罪に目を向ければそりゃそうですが こうざいのざいにめをむければそりゃそうですが kouzai no zai ni me wo mukereba sorya sou desu ga "If you shift your focus to the cons over the pros, that makes sense, but"
10 俺は功を捨てずにアップデートしたいんス おれはこうをすてずにアップデートしたいんス ore wa kou wo sutezu ni APPUDEETO shitainSU "I want to update it without throwing out the good points."
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1 どんな"最高"にも手には限りがある どんな"さいこう"にもてにはかぎりがある donna "saikou" ni mo te ni wa kagiri ga aru "No matter if you're the greatest, your hands have limits."
2 より多くを救えるとしたらそれはきっと職業ヒーローじゃない よりおおくをすくえるとしたらそれはきっとおれたちじゃない yori ooku wo sukueru to shitara sore wa kitto ore-tachi (kanji: shokugyou HIIROO) ja nai "If more can be saved, it's probably not [by] us (read as: professional heroes)."
3 最高のヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー さいこうのヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー saikou no HIIROO ga takusan iru you na-- "It seems like there are a lot of greatest* heroes--" (*Note: Grammatically in English this would read as "there are a lot of great heroes," but the word used here is a superlative, "greatest," used since chapter 1. All Might called Izuku the greatest hero, then later called both Izuku and Katsuki the greatest heroes, and now he's saying there are even more "greatest heroes" than that.)
4 えぇ ee "Yes."
5 ハア HAA "Hah." (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
6 ハア HAA (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
7 何で なんで nande "Why"
8 僕だけ ぼくだけ boku dake "am I the only one"
9 こんなに‼︎ konna ni!! "like this!!"
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1 ボク! BOKU! "Child!"
2 あのあと あの子はヒーローに助けてもらえたのか あのあと あのこはヒーローにたすけてもらえたのか ano ato ano ko wa HIIROO ni tasukete moraeta no ka After that, was that child able to be saved by a hero?
3 今でも寝れなくなるときがある いまでもねれなくなるときがある ima demo nerenaku naru toki ga aru Even now, there are times I cannot sleep. (Note: This line implies that the reason she couldn't sleep was because she was kept up by the previous question of wondering if "that child" was saved.)
4 あの日緑谷出久がもたらしたモノ あのひみどりやいずくがもたらしたモノ ano hi Midoriya Izuku ga motarashita MONO "What Izuku Midoriya brought about that day,"
5 応援でもなんでも…"何かせずにいられない" おうえんでもなんでも…"なにかせずにいられない" ouen demo nandemo..."nanika sezu ni irarenai" "whether it's cheering someone on or otherwise...'I can't help but do something.'" (Note: Hawks is saying Izuku inspired within people a feeling or thought like "I can't help but do something," which first manifested as them all cheering Izuku on.)
6 あの日きっと皆に届いた…そしてその先にはある筈です あのひきっとみんなにとどいた…そしてそのさきにはあるはずです ano hi kitto minna ni todoita...soshite sono saki ni wa aru hazu desu "I'm sure it reached everyone that day... And there must be something after that."
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1 もう大丈夫だからね もうだいじょうぶだからね mou daijoubu dakara ne "It's okay now."
2 "おばあちゃんが来た"からね "おばあちゃんがきた"からね "obaachan ga kita" kara ne "Because Grandma is here."
3 おーい ooi "Heeey!"
4 どうした2人とも! どうした2りとも! doushita 2ri tomo! "What's up, you two!"
5-6 ヒーローが暇な社会 ヒーローがひまなしゃかい HIIROO ga hima na shakai A society where heroes have [too much] free time.
tagline デクたちが起こした風はやがてーー次号最終回ポスターCカラー! デクたちがおこしたかぜはやがてーーじごうさいしゅうかいポスターCカラー! DEKU-tachi ga okoshita kaze wa yagate---jigou saishuukai POSUTA C KARAA! The wind brought about by Deku and the others will eventually-- Next issue final poster C color!
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amarough · 4 months
相変わらずポルノ薄めで本当に申し訳ないです…細かく情事の初めから終わりまでを描きつぶしたかった けど ページ数が爆発してしまうので…
ほかのカップルたちを参考資料になんとなく想像していただけると助かる 頑張って大事大事にしてます
ウサギを美味しそうに描きすぎた 実際はニワトリだったみたいだけどウサギの方が描きたかったので ちなみに雌小屋です 雄小屋も近くにあります
マエについて語りたい事がある あとで別に書きます懺悔室を
夜中にも関わらずいつも読んだよ〜拍手ありがとう いつまでも酷いものを描いてる自覚が強いので楽しんでくれてる報告嬉しいです たのし 楽しんでいるのか…?
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ryotarox · 1 month
船舶輸送に「カボタージュ」という制度があります。聞きなれない言葉ですが、有事に日本を危機から守る、重要な役割を果たしています。 「外国船は指定した国内の港(開港地)以外は入港できない」「外国船は国内でのヒト・モノの輸送ができない」の二本柱からなり、「船舶法」でちゃんと決められています。 外国船がわが国の内港間だけでヒト・モノの運搬行為をおこなうのは、特別の許可がない限りダメなのです。これが「カボタージュ」制度です。
日本一周クルーズ船が「なぜか韓国に寄る」理由 寄らなきゃ違法!? 背景に"日本の海運を守る"制度 | 乗りものニュース
例えば中国船籍のコンテナ船が、上海から荷物を満載して神戸、名古屋、横浜と順番に回って積み荷を降ろし、逆に新規のコンテナを各港で積んで全て上海に運ぶというふうに、「積む」「下ろす」の片方が全て海外ならばOKです。  一方コンテナを半分だけ積んだ中国船が上海から神戸に着いて、積んでいたコンテナを全部下ろし、新規のコンテナを満載し、これを横浜まで輸送する、というのはNGです。神戸~横浜間という国内完結の物資輸送を、外国船が受け持った格好になるからです。ちなみにカボタージュは、海運だけでなく航空の世界にもあります。
「日本一周」なのになぜか韓国の釜山や台湾の基隆(キールン)など「外国にわざわざ立ち寄る」例が多数あります。  ツアーをゴージャスに見せるための旅行会社の戦略…というわけではなく、これも前述したコンテナ船の例と全く同じ理屈で、外国船による日本一周クルーズの場合、一旦外国に寄港しないと、実態は横浜~横浜間でヒトを運ぶ行為となってしまうからです。  日本一周なら外国船にしなくてもいいのに…と思いますが、このような状況の背景には、パナマ、リベリアなど税金が安い国に形式上国籍を置き、実質は日本の船会社が所有するといった船舶運営手法があるのです。これは世界の海運業界でも主流です。
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ディズニーも参入 日本のクルーズ旅が変革へ【WBSクロス】|テレ東BIZ(テレビ東京ビジネスオンデマンド) 2024.08.06
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kenshfsblog · 1 month
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bk-bk · 12 days
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pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 428 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 中継で、AFOとの戦いを見て… ちゅうけいで、オール・フォー・ワンとのたたかいをみて… chuukei de, OORU FOO WAN to no tatakai wo mite... "On the live broadcast, watching the battle with All For One..."
2 私は体育祭から轟先輩が… わたしはたいいくさいからとどろきせんぱいが… watashi wa taiikusai kara Todoroki-senpai ga... "For me, ever since the sports festival Todoroki-senpai was..."
3 俺も…!指針になったんです! おれも…!ししんになったんです! ore mo...! shishin ni nattandesu! "Me too...! It became my compass!"
4 私も わたしも watashi mo "Me too."
5 僕も…! ぼくも…! boku mo...! "Me too...!"
tagline 1 新1年に囲まれて… しん1ねんにかこまれて… shin-1nen ni kakomarete... Surrounded by the new first years...
6 憧れるのはいいが彼らも人間だ集団で追い回されたら驚いてしまうよ! あこがれるのはいいがかれらもにんげんだしゅうだんでおいまわされたらおどろいてしまうよ! akogareru no wa ii ga karera mo ningen da shuudan de oimawasaretara odoroite shimau yo! "It's okay to admire them, but they are also humans, and if they're chased by a big group it will take them by surprise!"
7 一人一人となら話せるんだが ひとりひとりとならはなせるんだが hitori hitori nara hanaserunda ga "But I can talk to you if it's one by one."
8 轟くんが対話をほっぽり出すなんて余程だ とどろきくんがたいわをほっぽりだすなんてよほどだ Todoroki-kun ga taiwa wo hopporidasu nante yohodo da "Todoroki-kun throwing out conversation would be reasonable."
9 廊下を走ってたぜ廊下をよォ‼︎委員長‼︎ ろうかをはしってたぜろうかをよォ‼︎いいんちょう‼︎ rouka wo hasshiteta ze rouka wo yoO!! iinchou!! "They were running in the hallway! In the hallway!! Class rep!!"
10 うむ規律は守らねばならない! うむきりつはまもらねばならない! umu kiritsu wa mamoraneba naranai! "Hmm, you must abide by the rules!"
tagline 2 No.428 笑顔が好きな女の子 堀越耕平 ナンバー428 えがおがすきなおんなのこ ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 428 egao no suki na onna no ko  Horikoshi Kouhei No. 428 The Girl Who Loves Smiles Kouhei Horikoshi
11 後遺症もある!安静にさせてやってくれ! こういしょうもある!あんせいにさせてやってくれ! kouishou mo aru! ansei ni sasete yatte kure! "There's also the aftereffects! Please do them the favor of letting them rest!" (Note: I assume by aftereffects Iida means the trauma but who knows, maybe he means Katsuki's medical condition. Yes this line is updated.)
12 ご…ごめんなさいなんてことを!… go...gomen nasai nante koto wo! ... "I'm...so sorry, for such a thing! ..."
13 お見かけしてつい…‼︎ おみかけしてつい…‼︎ omikake shite tsui...!! "It's just we happened to see them...!!"
14 爆豪ってワーキャーされるの好きだと思ってたけど ばくごうってワーキャーされるのすきだとおもってたけど Bakugou tte WAAKYAA saseru no suki da to omotteta kedo "But I thought Bakugou liked being oohed and aahed over."
15 数が多過ぎてさすがに困惑してるな かずがおおすぎてさすがにこんわくしてるな kazu ga oo sugite sasuga ni konwaku shiteru na "There are too many of them, anyone would be flustered."
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1 いいなァ‼︎ ii naA!! "Seems nice!!"
2 昔からかっちゃんわりと女性に距離置かれてたから慣れてないのかも むかしからかっちゃんわりとじょせいにきょうおかれてたからなれてないのかも mukashi kara Kacchan wari to josei ni kyou okareteta kara naretenai no kamo "For a long time, Kacchan was relatively kept at a distance by girls, so maybe he's not used to it."
small text 僕幼なじみなんだ ぼくおさななじみなんだ boku osananajimi nanda "I'm his childhood friend, [that's why I know.]"
3 へー意外 へーいがい HEE igai "Eh? That's unexpected."
4 意外じゃねェだろクソが いがいじゃねェだろクソが igai ja neE daro KUSO ga "It's not unexpected, damnit."
5 活躍は認めるが… かつやくはみとめるが… katsuyaku wa mitomeru ga... "I acknowledge his service contributions, but..."
6 ヤンキーがモテるのは認められん ヤンキーがモテるのはみとめられん YANKII ga MOTEru no wa mitomeraren "I can't acknowledge that a Yankee* is popular." (*Note: "Yankee" in this context refers to a type of delinquent subculture that Katsuki's character directly takes after.)
7 とっとと去ねや‼︎ とっとといねや‼︎ tottoto ine ya!! "Hurry up and leave!!"
8 ひ!本当に失礼しました! ひ!ほんとうにしつれいしました! hi! hontou ni shitsurei shimashita! "Eek! We're really sorry*!" (*Note: Literally, this phrase means "We were really rude.")
9 確かに意外じゃなかった たしかにいがいじゃなかった tashika ni igai ja nakatta "That was certainly not unexpected."
10 あ!あの! a! ano! "Ah! Um!"
11 緑谷先輩‼︎ みどりやせんぱい‼︎ Midoriya-senpai!! "Midoriya-senpai!!"
12 あの! ano! "Um!"
13-14 見てました みてました mitemashita "I was watching you."
15 マジで勇気もらいました! マジでゆうきもらいました! MAJI de yuuki moraimashita! "It really gave me courage!"
16 自分もなんかしなきゃ!って じぶんもなんかしなきゃ!って jibun mo nanka shinakya! tte "[I thought] I have to do something, too!"
17 ほんと…!思ったんです! ほんと…!おもったんです! honto...! omottandesu! "Really...! That's what I thought!"
18 あの… ano... "Um..."
19 ありがとうございました! arigatou gozaimashita! "Thank you very much!"
20 失礼します! しつれいします! shitsurei shimasu! "I'll take my leave now*!" (*Note: This phrase means a lot of things. Again, it literally means "I will be rude," but in this case it's something someone says before taking their leave.)
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1 えと…いやあ… eto...iyaa... "Uh...thanks..."
2 ……この痛みはーーー… ……このいたみはーーー… ......kono itami wa---... ......This pain---...
3 緑谷と轟はいい…‼︎ みどりやととどろきはいい…‼︎ Midoriya to Todoroki wa ii...!! "It's fine for Midoriya and Todoroki...!!"
4 オイラはヤンキーがモテる事を認められない オイラはヤンキーがモテることをみとめられない OIRA wa YANKII ga MOTEru koto wo mitomerarenai "I can't accept that a Yankee is popular."
5 魂がそうなっている たましいがそうなっている tamashii ga sou natte iru "That's what's happening in my soul."
6 まア maA "Well,"
7 戦いがでかすぎたよ たたかいがでかすぎたよ tatakai ga deka sugita yo "the battle was too big."
8 んでその中心にいたんだ んでそのちゅうしんにいたんだ nde sono chuushin ni itanda "They were at the heart of it all."
9 無理ねえよ むりねえよ muri nee yo "It was impossible."
10 (sound effect) ズキン… ZUKIN... Throb... (Note: This sound can indicate the throbbing or stinging of a physical or mental pain.)
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1 職員室 しょくいんしつ shokuin-shitsu Staff Room
2 また2ーA取材交渉 また2ーエーしゅざいこうしょう mata 2-EE shuzai koushou "Again with the 2-A interview negotiations."
3 Noで ノーで NOO de "Give them a no."
4 受ケタイ奴モイルンジャナイカ? うケタイやつモイルンジャナイカ? uKETAI yatsu MO IRUNJA NAI KA? "Isn't there someone who wants to take it?"
5 峰田トカ みねたトカ Mineta TOKA "Such as Mineta."
6 そうじゃない奴もいるんで そうじゃないやつもいるんで sou ja nai yatsu mo irunde "There are also some who aren't like that."
7 そっち優先です そっちゆうせんです socchi yuusen desu "They are the priority."
8 じゃ 今日はここの復旧再建だ じゃ きょうはここのふっきゅうさいけんだ ja kyou wa koko no fukkyuu saiken da "So, today the restoration and reconstruction will be here."
9 お!A組やないか! お!エーぐみやないか! o! EE-gumi ya nai ka! "Oh! If it isn't Class A!"
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1 ファット‼︎お願いします‼︎ ファット‼︎おねがいします‼︎ FATTO!! onegai shimasu!! "Fat!! Please [have us]*!!" (*Note: This is a standard greeting that translates literally to "please do me this favor" that is used when someone is about to work together with someone else on something, sort of like "If you please" in English.)
2 おうよ ou yo "Sure!"
3 サンイーターももうサイドキックやっとるで! SANIITAA mo mou SAIDOKIKKU yattoru de! "I also hired Suneater as a sidekick!"
4 君らはあっちを きみらはあっちを kimira wa acchi wo "You all [will handle] over there."
5 金属類はこちらへ きんぞくるいはこちらへ kinzoku-rui wa kochira e "Put various metals here."
6 っし! sshi! "Okay!"
7 まず聖地だ まずせいちだ mazu seichi da "First, the holy site."
8 ん! n! "Yeah!"
9 相当なダメージデニムだろ そうとうなダメージデニムだろ soutou na DAMEEJI DENIMU daro "Aren't you equivalent to distressed denim?"
10 おとなしく休んでいればいいものを…まったく おとなしくやすんでいればいいものを…まったく otonashiku yasunde ireba ii mono wo...mattaku "It's okay if you just rest quietly...jeez."
11 軽作業かっちゃん けいさぎょうかっちゃん keisagyou Kacchan Light-duty work Kacchan
12 やっぱそのままなんスか yappa sono mama nanSU ka "So you really are still in that state, huh."
13 気にするな徐々に回復している きにするなじょじょにかいふくしている ki ni suruna jojo ni kaifuku shite iru "Don't worry, I'm gradually recovering."
small text 手ができた てができた te ga dekita "I can make hands."
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1 元には…戻るんスか? もとには…もどるんスか? moto ni wa...modorunSU ka? "Will you...go back to the way you were?"
2 俺は元より全部獲りに行ったつもりだ! おれはもとよりぜんぶとりにいったつもりだ! ore wa moto yori zenbu tori ni itta tsumori da! "I plan to attain something greater than what I was originally!"
3 おーい君たち おーいきみたち ooi kimi-tachi "Hey, all of you!"
4 これお昼 これおひる kore ohiru "Here's lunch."
5 うわぁーおにぎり‼︎ uwaaa onigiri!! "Wow, onigiri!!"
6 いいんですか!⁉︎ iindesu ka!!? "Is it [really] all right!!?" (Note: This is an expression of politeness, like "Is it really okay for us to eat this?")
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1 ウチの土地は今回の戦いでふっとんじゃまったがーーーーー ウチのとちはこんかいのたたかいでふっとんじゃまったがーーーーー UCHI no tochi wa konkai no tatakai de futtonja matta ga----- "Our land was was all of a sudden done in by the battle this time-----"
2 全部取り戻します ぜんぶとりもどします zenbu torimodoshimasu We'll bring it all back.
3 ごめんなさい gomen nasai "I'm sorry."
4 いや!責めるつもりで言ったんじゃねぇワリィ いや!せめるつもりでいったんじゃねぇワリィ iya! semeru tsumori de ittanja nee WARII "Oh no! I didn't say that with the intention of blaming you. My bad."
5 君たちの頑張ってる姿を見たら俺たちもクヨクヨしてらんねーって思ったんだ きみたちのがんばってるすがたをみたらおれたちもクヨクヨしてらんねーっておもったんだ kimi-tachi no ganbatteru sugata wo mitara ore-tachi mo KUYOKUYO shiterun nee tte omottanda "When we saw how you all were doing your best, we also thought 'We can't mope.'"
6 任せっきりじゃなく自分たちでまたいくらでもつくりなおすさ まかせっきりじゃなくじぶんたちでまたいくらでもつくりなおすさ makasekkiri ja naku jibun-tachi de mata ikura demo tsukurinaosu sa "We can't leave everything to you forever. We'll rebuild however many times it takes."
7 いやあこんな飯まで戴いたんだ いやあこんなめしまでいただいたんだ iyaa konna meshi made itadaitanda "Wow, and we got all this food!"
8 今日中に片そうぜ‼︎ きょうじゅうにかたそうぜ‼︎ kyou-juu ni katasou ze!! "Let's clean up everything today!!"
9 それはさすがに人手が足りんわ それはさすがにひとでがたりんわ sore wa sasuga ni hitode ga tarin wa "That's because we don't have enough helping hands."
10 ���? n? "Hm?"
11 何だァ予定にないハズだ なんだァよていにないハズだ nandaA yotei ni nai HAZU da "What's this? This definitely wasn't the plan."
12 すみませんイレイザーヘッド sumimasen IREIZAA HEDDO "Sorry, Eraser Head."
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1 ウチのがどうしてもお詫びをと ウチのがどうしてもおわびをと UCHI no ga doushitemo owabi wo to "My [class] really wants to apologize..."
2 先程は失礼致しました さきほどはしつれいいたしました saki hodo wa shitsurei itashimashita "We apologize for our rudeness earlier."
3 皆さんの事情も配慮せず みなさんのじじょうもはいりょせず mina-san no jijou mo hairyo sezu "We didn't even consider everyone's circumstances."
4 マジですげえな一年…‼︎ マジですげえないちねん…‼︎ MAJI de sugee na ichinen...!! "The first years are really amazing...!!"
5 なんでつれてきた nande tsurete kita "Why did you bring them?"
6 詫び圧が凄くて わびあつがすごくて wabiatsu ga sugokute "The pressure to apologize was immense."
7 皆の為に戦った先輩たちのように みんなのためにたたかったせんぱいたちのように minna no tame ni tatakatta senpai-tachi no you ni "Like our upperclassmen* who fought for everyone's sakes," (*Note: It's "senpai.")
8 俺たちも先輩たちの力になりたい‼︎ おれたちもせんぱいたちのちからになりたい‼︎ ore-tachi mo senpai-tachi no chikara ni naritai!! "we also want to be helpful to our upperclassmen*!!" (*Note: Still "senpai.")
9 仮免どころか入学間もないですが かりめんどころかにゅうがくまもないですが karimen dokoro ka nyuugaku-ma mo nai desu ga "We haven't been inducted into school* let alone received our provisional licenses yet." (*Note: In Japan there is a concept of "entering school" called nyuugaku which is basically the opposite of graduation. It's an induction or welcoming ceremony.)
10 やれる事やらせて下さい‼︎ やれることやらせてください‼︎ yareru koto yarasete kudasai!! "Please let us do what we can!!"
11 2年生の邪魔になるから隅で軽作業ね 2ねんせいのじゃまになるからすみでけいさぎょうね 2nensei no jama ni naru kara sumi de keisagyou ne "So that you don't become disturbances for the second-years, please do light-duty work in the corner."
12 ハイ‼︎ HAI!! "Yessir!!"
13 後輩ってこんな未知の生物だっけ こうはいってこんなみちのせいぶつだっけ kouhai tte konna michi no seibutsu dakke "The underclassmen are such unknown creatures." (*Note: This word is "kouhai.")
14 飯こんなに用意してないんだけど めしこんなによういしてないんだけど meshi konna ni youi shite nainda kedo "We didn't prepare food for this many though."
15 食べてきました! たべてきました! tabete kimashita! "We ate and then came [here]!"
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1 なんかよくわからんが……… nan ka yoku wakaran ga......... "I don't really understand, but........."
2 こんな感じで頑張りが数珠つなぎになっていくんだな こんなかんじでがんばりがじゅずつなぎになっていくんだな konna kanji de ganbari ga juzu tsunagi ni natte ikunda na "it's like this that hard work links people together*, huh." (*Note: This idiom literally reads as, "string together like rosary beads.")
3 ……お茶子ちゃん… ……おちゃこちゃん… ......Ochako-chan... "......Ochako-chan..."
4 うんーー un-- "Yeah--"
5 …少しずつだけど …すこしずつだけど ...sukoshi zutsu dakedo "...It's little by little, but"
6 前向きになってるようで まえむきになってるようで maemuki ni natteru you de "looks like things are looking forward."
7 良かったなって よかったなって yokatta natte "That makes me glad."
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1 そんだけ! son dake! "That's all!"
2 ごめんね!梅雨ちゃんデクくん何食べてる? ごめんね!つゆちゃんデクくんなにたべてる? gomen ne! Tsuyu-chan DEKU-kun nani tabeteru? "Sorry! Tsuyu-chan, Deku-kun, what are you eating?"
3 高菜⁉︎ 私も高菜がいい たかな⁉︎ わたしもたかながいい takana!? watashi mo takana ga ii "Takana*? I also like takana." (*Note: Takana is a type of Japanese mustard greens vegetable.)
4 高菜と梅干しこそ至高‼︎ たかなとうめぼしこそしこう‼︎ takana to umeboshi koso shikou!! "Takana and umeboshi* especially are supreme!!" (*Note: A pickled plum condiment.)
small text おめぐみや omegumi ya "Such a blessing."
5 (sound effect) ズキン… ZUKIN... Throb...
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1 PM 7:00 ピーエム7:00 PIIEMU 7:00 7:00PM
2 寮制は緩和され りょうせいはかんわされ ryousei wa kanwa sare The dormitory system was relaxed.
3 自宅へ帰る事も選べるようになった じたくへかえることもえらべるようになった jitaku e kaeru koto mo eraberu you ni natta Now we can choose to return home, too.
4 麗日一旦家帰るって うららかいったんいえかえるって Uraraka ittan ie kaeru tte Uraraka said she'd go home for the moment.
5 お茶子ちゃん… おちゃこちゃん… Ochako-chan... "Ochako-chan..."
6 既読がつかないの きどくがつかないの kidoku ga tsukanai no "It won't show that she read [my text.]"
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1 ああ!!!くそお!!! aa!!! kusoo!!! "Ahh!!! Shit!!!"
2 何⁉︎ なに⁉︎ nani!? "What!?"
3 しくった! shikutta! "It screwed up!"
4 急にヘリ出せなんて言うから…‼︎ きゅうにヘリだせなんていうから…‼︎ kyuu ni HERI dase nante iu kara...!! "It's because they suddenly told me to go out on a helicopter...!!"
5 カメラのバッテリーが KAMERA no BATTERII ga "The camera battery"
6 切れた‼︎ きれた‼︎ kireta!! "died!!"
7 あの日 あのひ ano hi That day
8 私たちの結末は わたしたちのけつまつは watashi-tachi no ketsumatsu wa our conclusion
9 カメラには映らなかった カメラにはうつらなかった KAMERA ni wa utsuranakatta wasn't shown on camera.
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1 もう街並みが元通りだ もうまちなみがもとどおりだ mou machinami ga motodoori da The cityscape is already back to normal.
2 少しずつだけ��前向きになってるようで すこしずつだけどまえむきになってるようで sukoshi zutsu dakedo maemuki ni natteru you de It seems like things are moving forward little by little.
3 良かったなって よかったなって yokatta natte That makes me glad.
4 事態が良くならないあの日からまるで日が沈むにつれて影が伸びていくような じたいがよくならないあのひからまるでひがしずむにつれてかげがのびていくような jitai ga yoku naranai ano hi kara maru de hi ga shizumu ni tsurete kage ga nobite iku you na Ever since that day when the situation didn't get better, it seems like, as the sun sets, the shadows go and grow longer.
5 これまでと違って本当に終わったんだ これまでとちがってほんとうにおわったんだ kore made to chigatte hontou ni owattanda Unlike before, now it's really over.
6 決着がついた けっちゃくがついた kecchaku ga tsuita The conclusion has arrived.
7 良かったんだ よかったんだ yokattanda It was good.
8 明るく前向きに取り戻していく時だもん あかるくまえむきにとりもどしていくときだもん akaruku maemuki ni torimodoshite iku toki da mon It's time to get back to being bright and positive*. (*Note: The grammar pattern here notes a sense of disatisfaction with what was said, like "but I don't like this.")
9 私は皆が笑ってるのが好き わたしはみんながわらってるのがすき watashi wa minna ga waratteru no ga suki I love when everyone smiles.
10 水を差したくない みずをさしたくない mizu wo sashitakunai I don't want to put a damper on things.
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1 だから dakara That's why
2-3 ずうっと痛むこの傷もしまっておくんだ ずうっといたむこのきずもしまっておくんだ zuutto itamu kono kizu mo I'll put away even this wound that hurts all the time.
4 うぐっ ugu "Ngh."
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1 うぅ uu "Uu" (Note: These are sound effects for grunting and sobbing.)
2 うぐ… ugu... "ngh..."
3 麗日さん うららかさん Uraraka-san "Uraraka-san."
tagline 少女が秘めた想いデクはーー… しょうじょがひめたおもいデクはーー… shoujo ga himeta omoi DEKU wa--... The girl's hidden feelings, and as for Deku--...
268 notes · View notes
bbbottomsblog · 4 months
変態親父と一日目 – GNT24/365 ーゲイの淫乱セックス体験談ー
172 notes · View notes
danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi also asked for Sho, so here are my favorite of Sho's voicelines! He's a lil more chill--most of the excitement for him is because Leo's causing him trouble, so maybe there won't be as many since it's just him? (Spoiler: i still put nearly all of them, or it feels that way. . . .)
Also sorry this one took way longer haha i had to do some irl stuff and i was pretty tired too lol. . .may not get to the next ones for a few days since i have to wake up early tomorrow and i work double shifts all weekend. But i'll try and find time for it.
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Hey,  good timing. You got a second?" お、センパイ。いいとこに来たわ。ちょっと付き合ってくんね?

You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"You got a message. Gonna check it or what?" おい、なんか通知来てっけど。見なくていいのか? それ

Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Here you go, Bonnie. Barbecue sandwiches, your favorite." ほら、食えよボニー。お前の好きなBBQサンドだぜ

"Huh? Was that your stomach? You hungry?" ……? なんだよ。もしかしてあんた、腹減ってんの?

"Pit's on again? I'm done with that already. They're all normies—what's the point?" あ? また地下で騒いでんのか? 俺はもうやんねぇよ……パンピー相手にしても仕方ねぇだろ
the word he uses for 'normie' here means 'commoner' lmao
"Yeah I got it, you want to train. You go ahead, I'll catch up." はいはい、トレーニングっすよね。もうちょいしたら行くんで

"Did you just see a creep in a black mask over there? ...Nah, never mind. I'm hallucinating." ……今、あそこに黒マスクした胡散臭ぇやつ歩いてなかったか? ……いや、なんでもねぇ。幻覚だわ
SO THIS LINE CONFUSED ME AT FIRST because it's always referred to as a blindfold by everyone else? HE'S TALKING ABOUT HYDE HYDE IS JUST STALKING HIM LMAO
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Too early... What's Leo doing today? Guess I'll text him." ねっみ……玲音のやつ、今日はどうすんだ? 一応Dチャしとくか……
if it's too early for you it's too early for Leo. But also I'm sure he's got something exciting or interesting planned. I like that we're immediately shown he wants to spend time with Leo even when he's tired haha
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Freakin' sasquatch... Would it kill him to approve an R&R permit every once in a while?" ったく、あのデカブツ……外出許可くらい出せっつの
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Class? What's the point? It's all written in the textbooks—all you gotta do is memorize it." 授業? あんなん出なくても全部教科書に書いてんだからよ。そのまま覚えりゃいいだけだろ?
Doesn't go to class because he's smart enough to memorize the contents of the textbook I guess! Plus he doesn't care as much about Real Missions so knowing how to do the hard stuff doesn't matter to him haha. . .plus first years probably don't learn as much that's not in the textbook too.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"All right, time to go for a spin. C'mon, Bonnie." うし、軽く流してくっか。行こうぜ、ボニー
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"(yawn) What time is it? Seriously? Damn, overslept." ふぁあ…… 今何時だ……? マジかよ、寝すぎたわ
Neither he nor Leo sleep at night lmao
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Huh, haven't ridden a skateboard since middle school but I guess I still have the muscle memory. Watch this, I'm gonna do a trick." 中坊ぶりにスケボー乗ったけど、意外と体が覚えてんだな。 トリック決めてやるよ、見ててみ?
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Nice, got an order. More demand than I thought. Getting Leo to make this app was a good call." お、出前の予約が入ったわ……思ったより需要あってよ。 玲音に予約アプリ作らせたの正解だったな
Leo has a line that references this one!
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"What's Mido texting me for? come tot hr epuit... Pfft. What the hell is this, some kinda secret code?" あ? 御堂センパイからDチャ?『血か二個い』って…… ぷっ……なんだこれ、暗号かよ
Ksvdhdisn Alan is adorable. . .i love technologically incompetent characters. Poor bby can't even text. . . . .
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Shit, my whole body's killing me... Sparring five sets of fifteen rounds, are you kidding me? Mido's insane..." クソ、筋肉痛がやべぇ…… 御堂センパイ、スパー15ラウンド5セットとか正気じゃねぇよ……
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"What am I gonna do tomorrow... Got nothing on, guess I could go to class... That asshole's on the schedule. Pass." 明日どうすっかな……暇だし、たまには授業出とくか? ……あいつのコマあるわ。やめとこ
Lmao 'i guess i could go to class--wait my brother's teaching one of them tomorrow? Fuck that then.'
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"All right, that's the morning prep done. Guess I'll shower and go back to bed." うし、朝の仕込みはこんなもんか。後は……シャワー浴びて二度寝だな
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"This? It's a fishing rod. Sometimes I catch and filet the fish myself. It's pretty easy, and it saves cash." あ? これか? 釣り竿だよ。たまに自分で魚釣ってさばくわけ。 簡単だし、コスパ良いだろ?
Fishing with Sho. . .sounds nice and chill. Also did the pc not recognize a fuckin fishing rod. . . .
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"{PC}, there you are. I'm headed to the diner, could you come with and help me carry some stuff?" お、センパイ見っけた。俺、今からダイナー行くんだけどよ。ちょっと荷物持ち手伝ってくんね?
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"You think I look grumpy? The stream for the finals started at 3 AM, what do you want me to do about that? (yawn)" ……あ? 機嫌が悪ぃって? しょうがねぇだろ……決勝の中継、夜中の3時開始だぜ? ふぁあ……
Staying up late to watch a basketball game, much like Leo he does not go to bed until the sun's up ordinarily lmao
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Hey... Pfft. What are you panicking for? You need to be somewhere? Hop on—I'll give you a ride." お、センパイじゃん。ぷっ……なんだよその余裕ねぇ顔。 急いでんなら、乗っけてってやろうか?
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"You hungry, {PC}? I made lunch, but Leo bailed on me, so I was just gonna eat it myself." センパイ、腹減ってねぇ? 昼飯作ったんだけどよ。玲音のやつ来ねぇし、食っちまおうと思って
Sho: hey our boyfriend ditched me wanna have lunch with me
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Last year I would've been in a club around this time. Leo was always getting in fights though, so we got banned from almost every joint in Shibuya." 昔はこの時間、毎日クラブいてよ。玲音がすぐ喧嘩すっから、渋谷の箱ほとんど出禁になっちまったけどな
Menace boyfriend Leo lmao
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"{PC}, black or white? I'm trying to choose some packaging for the food truck, what'd you think I meant? ...I'll keep it in mind, anyway." センパイさ、白と黒どっちが好き? ……出前の容器の話なんだけどな。ま、一応覚えといてやるよ
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Geez, it's pretty late. Wait there—I'll give you a ride back." もうこんな時間かよ…… 送ってくわ。そこで待ってろ
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"Seriously, it's way too early for this... What? I'm going to class. You're the one who wouldn't shut up about it." はぁ……マジねみぃ…… あ? 今から授業行くんだよ。あんたが行けってうるせぇからだろ
Ordinarily doesn't go to class(a lot of them don't tbh, and Luca says the classes are elective so the ghouls probably don't have to) but will go if you want him to I guess! Leo's gonna call him whipped but Leo already knows he's whipped because he's the one who's been whipping him--
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I've finally got the hang of running this food truck. I want to thank you for helping me out—think of something you want." キッチンカーも大分慣れてきたわ。手伝ってもらった礼もしてぇし、何か欲しいもの、考えといて
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Huh? No, I don't really need any help today... You don't have to make excuses to hang out with me, you know. Just ask." 手伝い? 今日は特にねぇけど…… センパイ、俺と一緒にいたいって、素直に言えば?
"senpai, why don't you just tell me honestly if you wanna be with me?" Is the Japanese here I think and. idk i love that. He's catching on and teasing you a little.
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"What time you planning on heading home, {PC}? Anytime's fine for me. You can stay over if you want." センパイ、今日何時に帰る予定?俺は別に、何時でも…… なんなら、泊まってってもいいぜ?
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Can't sleep? Come over here—I'll warm you up. Pfft... I was kidding, don't get mad." なんだよ……寝れねぇのか?あっためてやるから、こっち来い。 ぷっ……冗談だって。怒んなよ
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Here, this helmet's for you. I got some time today, so I'll take you somewhere. Anywhere you wanna go." はい、あんたのメット。今日は時間あっから、センパイの行きたいとこ連れてってやるよ
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"Forget it, I can't keep my eyes open. Wake me when it's noon." 駄目だ。ねみぃ。昼んなったら起こして
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Pretty warm out lately, huh? Bet it's already snorkeling season in Okinawa. I used to go pretty often." もう大分あったかくなってきたな。沖縄じゃ、シュノーケリングできる時期だぜ? 昔はよく行ってたわ
He plays basketball, he skateboards, he fishes, he snorkels, this bitch loves sports lol
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"This? It's chirashizushi. Cuts are pretty chic, right? The idea came to me when I was over in Hotarubi." これか? ちらし寿司作ってんの、飾り切り渋ぃだろ。 ホタルビ行ったら、こんなイメージが湧いたからよ
Chirashizushi is sushi ingredients cut into small pieces and scattered over sushi rice! It comes in a lot of variation and isn't always made with raw fish like you might expect sushi to be.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"If I can get an R&R permit granted, I want to go for a solo ride. Haven't been for ages, and riding through the cherry blossoms this time of year feels awesome." 外出許可出たらよ、久々にひとりで走りてぇわ。この時期の桜坂辺り、最高に気持ちいんだよな……

Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"Damn, I'm melting here... I need a haircut. Nah I don't need a barber, I just do it myself. 'Course I'm serious." クソ暑ぃ……そろそろ髪切んねぇとな…… 美容院? めんどくせぇから自分で切ってっけど。マジだぜ?
Sho really knows a little about everything huh. He cuts his own hair, he memorizes textbooks, he plays every sport, he can cook. . .is there anything Sho can't do? In his character story he even says he played guitar for a little while but hasn't done it lately, so music is probably within his wheelhouse too.
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Sweating my ass off over here... It's been like a year since I last played basketball. Mido's core's gotta be made of steel... Oh, is that water for me? Thanks." 暑ぃ! バスケしたの1年ぶりか?御堂センパイ、体幹強すぎだろ…… お、水くれんの? サンキュ
actually i'd like to see alan playing basketball too. . .it's nice to know he doesn't just work out by sparring and running, he'll play sports too.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Summer homework? Nah, haven't done it yet. Only takes a day, right? Pfft... You want me to help you?" 夏の課題? まだやってねぇけど。あんなもん一日で終わるだろ? ぷっ……センパイ手伝ってやろうか
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Leo won't shut up about wanting to let off fireworks, but no way am I doing that shit with him again. I'm sure you can guess why." 玲音が花火してぇってうるせぇんだけどよ、俺は二度とあいつとはやんねぇって決めてんの。わかんだろ?
wtf was Leo doing with the fireworks that Sho decided he's never settijng off fireworks with him again. . .was he just pointing them at him lmao. Leo also has a line referencing this!

Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Yesterday when I was fishing in the river I saw this guy who looked like one of the Frostheim ghouls out there. Can't have been though, right?" 昨日川釣り行ってきたんだけどよ、フロストハイムの奴に似てんのがいた気がすんだよな……人違いか?
which one. . .i mean if it was Luca he was probably training, but if it was Kaito. . .idk what Kaito would be doing out in the river by himself. . .I know it wasn't Jin but if it was Tohma maybe it was some official business. . .? Or, y'know, spy stuff. . . .
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Geez, don't pipe up outta the blue like that. ...What? You gotta a problem with me reading a book?" ビビった。いきなり声かけんなよ。 ……なんだよ、その顔。俺が本読んでちゃ悪ぃのか? あ?
sho has been saying like this entire time 'yeah i read and memorize the textbooks instead of going to class' how is the pc so shocked to see him ACTUALLY READING. Then again, i also wouldn't think he's a hobby reader. . .on the other hand he's got like every hobby he can get his hands on, so it makes sense.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Pfft... Hey, {PC}. Come over here. Geez, what're you doing walking around with a leaf in your hair?" ぷっ……【名★前】センパイ、ちょっとこっち来い。 ったく、なんで髪に葉っぱ付けてんだよ……
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Scariest Ghost Videos to Fuel Your Nightmares... I asked a buddy for some good videos to kill the time, and he sent me this..." 『最恐の怨霊ビデオ集』…… ダチに暇つぶしになる動画教えろっつったら、これ送られてきたんだよ
it's hard to tell based on his expression how he feels about this lol
Tumblr media
i wonder if he's not really into horror stuff or it makes him feel uneasy after the PC got attacked by Takeru?

Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"I get more delivery orders on cold days... It's a pain in the ass, but I guess I'll just wear an extra layer..." 寒ぃ日ってさ、出前の注文やたら増えんだよな…… めんどくせぇけど今日は1枚多めに着とくか……
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Damn, I really wanna go snowboarding. I used to go every year before I ended up here... Think they got a good slope in Frostheim?" マジでスノボ行きてぇ……ここ来る前は、毎年必ず行ってたのによぉ。 フロストハイムで滑れねぇの?
I bet they do I mean rich people would wanna go skiing now and then right? It's just a matter of would they let a vagastromer use them. . .then again what're they gonna do, stop him?
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Huh? I'm looking at a catalog. I could serve hot food if I had an electric pot. I'm thinking about it." ……あぁ? カタログ見てんだよ。保温ジャーがありゃ、あったけぇメニュー出せんだろ? 考え中
this makes it sound like his food isn't served hot lol to my understanding he does make everything in advance, not on the spot but i assume he means like. hot-hot. like soups for the winter kind of thing. he should do it! serve up some new england clam chowder.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"I'm freezing my ass off... I just saw Mido walk past in a T-shirt. Are his nerve endings dead?" クソ寒ぃ……さっき御堂センパイ、Tシャツ1枚で出てったんだけど。自律神経狂ってんじゃねぇ?
Apparently I'm Alan lmao i too experience less cold than other people

His birthday: (August 19th)
"What, you're gonna celebrate my birthday? What do I want for a present? Hmm... I'll take you. Just kidding." へぇ、俺の誕生日祝ってくれんの?プレゼント…… じゃあさ、あんたのことくれよ。 なんてな
Y'KNOW I'M SURE THEY WOULDN'T MIND IF YOU WEREN'T KIDDING THO YOU ARE VERY POPULAR then again based on his valentine's day dialogue he knows that lol

Your birthday:
"Know what this is, {PC}? Yep—an R&R permit. Today's your birthday, right? So, where are we going?" センパイ、これ何だと思う? そ、外出許可書。 今日、誕生日だろ?どこ行きたいか考えとけよ
I'm beginning to suspect that he heavily values freedom and being able to go where he wants and do what he wants. That includes taking you wherever you wanna go. Even at max affinity he has the same response--'we're going somewhere, anywhere you want.' At max affinity he doesn't mention an R&R permit--which suggests he doesn't care if you get in trouble going out, as long as you actually get to go out. One of the first things we see him talking about relating to Darkwick is asking Leo if he regrets going--I think Sho regrets it. He can't leave whenever he wants, even though he's one of the top students as far as grades, he's more restricted in what he's allowed to do and when. . .so I think these offers to drive you anywhere in total freedom are his ways of showing you what means the most to him. Just. . .being able to do whatever, whenever. I think that's also part of why he likes Leo so much. Leo doesn't let himself be restricted either. Leo gets into fights and into trouble and Sho complains about it but he understands the liberation. Sho wants to see that unrestricted you, I think. Even if it isn't anything extreme, even if it isn't anything exciting. He wants to see what you're like out of Darkwick's cage. So he'll take you on little joyrides into freedom. Show him where you go and what you do when no one's there to stop you.
New Years: (January 1st)
"What'd I wish for at midnight? For this year to be peaceful... Not that any gods are listening out for us." 新年の願い事ねぇ……今年こそ、平穏無事に過ごせますように…… って、神様叶える気ねぇだろな
Well when you've been chosen by demons. . .yeah, you're probably not on the good side of many gods.

Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"Yeah, these are all the chocolates I got. No idea how I'm gonna get through them all... So? You didn't get me anything?" ああ、これ全部もらったチョコ。これ食いきんのきちぃんだよな…… で、センパイは俺にくれねぇの?
I'm surprised Leo's wasn't similar to this tbh. Like, Leo's an influencer, why didn't he mention getting a metric fuckton of valentine's day chocolate? I'm happy Sho's loved by the students tho haha.

White Day: (March 13th)
"Baking sweets and cooking are totally different. It's not really in my wheelhouse, but... here. My firsts. Thanks for the chocolates." 菓子作りと料理は別もんだからよ、普段はやんねぇんだけど…… はい。俺の初焼き菓子、お返しにどうぞ
THE FIRST TIME HE EVER BAKED AND IT'S FOR YOU what a sweetheart. considering how good he is at just about everything i'm sure they came out just fine

April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Hey, it's snowing outside. Wait, guess that's not so unlikely in this place... I used to get duped by that one all the time when I was a kid." おい、外、雪降ってんぞ? って、この学園じゃ嘘になんねぇか。ガキの頃、これ何回やられたことか……
we found the one thing he's not good at! pulling pranks!
Halloween: (October 31st)
"You really need an explanation? Leo made me wear it! Shit, why am I always the girl..." ああ? 言わなくてもわかんだろ。玲音に着せられたんだっつの! クソ、なんで毎年女装なんだよ……
Your boyfriend best friend makes you crossdress for him on Halloween on a yearly basis. . .and you do it!!!

Christmas: (December 25th)
"Sorry for making you help me prep all these roast chicken orders... Wanna do something Christmassy together once we're done?" センパイ、チキンの注文さばくの手伝わせて悪ぃ…… 今日の分片付いたら、俺らもクリスマス楽しもうぜ
Christmas is often considered a holiday spent with a lover in Japan to my understanding. . .what are you suggesting Sho. . . .

Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"What're you looking at?" あぁ? 見てんじゃねぇよ
little peek at the delinquent thug vibe lol
(13 affinity and above)
"C'mon. Hurry up, or I'm gonna leave you behind." センパイ、そろそろ行くぞ。早くしねぇと置いてっちまうぜ?
Always on the go, always doing something, he doesn't wanna leave you behind but he won't wait too long so. . .come back already?
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"What took you so long? Your food's cold. Go wash up." 遅ぇよ……あんたの飯、冷めちまっただろ。 さっさと手ぇ洗ってこい
Alright, mom.
I STILL FEEL LIKE I CHOSE A BUNCH THIS ONE IS ALSO ALL OF THEM NOW . . .Sho is pretty lowkey. But after rereading them all and giving it some thought, you can definitely get a feel for his character. He seems like he keeps busy a lot--he's always doing something. Cooking, playing sports, reading, memorizing his textbooks. . .he's confident and comfortable and sometimes he's a bit rough around the edges. And sometimes he's a little flirty too, if he likes you. But that's all part of how confident and self-assured he is--and he has plenty of reason to be when he's so smart and skilled at damn near everything he touches. He acts more like the senpai character here. He's a lot like Haku, except where Haku is a bit lazier and less motivated(although he still works hard) Sho is always on the go. Always up to something, always trying something. He likes to keep busy and doesn't like to sit still--to the point that he even considers going to class when he's got nothing to do during the day. He wakes up and has nothing to do? Let's call Leo, he's usually got something going on. He complains about Alan making him work out so much or go to the pit or play basketball real hard? He still goes and does it anyway. But it seems like he just. . .always wants to be busy. I can't really think of many points he just kinda had downtime. Yeah, he goes fishing and reads and watches basketball(?) but like. . .he's still occupied even then. Then again maybe that's because he's stuck in Darkwick. He'd rather be driving around somewhere or doing some sport but he can't do so much unless he can leave. . .he feels a little restless to me. But maybe that's just me haha.
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upfunnow · 5 months
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