shouichiondemand · 2 months
頭が 飽和状態にあるとき、 そこから何も生まれてこない。
直感力 羽生善治著より
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sydneyman2020 · 3 months
これを知らないと困る!オーストラリアでの車の購入、売却の手続き。スムーズに買いましょう。その1 ディーラーから購入する場合。(NSW州編)
こんにちは。シドニーマンです。 今回は、車の買い方。 ”これを知らないと困る!オーストラリアでの車の購入、売却の手続き。スムーズに買いましょう。(NSW州編)” です。 タイトルに(NSW州編)と入れたのは、ここオーストラリアは、州によって手続きが違うからです。 私が住んでいるのがシドニー郊外ですのでNSW州になります。今回はそのNSW州の方法をご紹介していきます。 まず、 オーストラリアでは日本と同じで右側ハンドル左側走行です。なので、日本車(スズキ、ホンダ、日産、ダイハツ等)を、かなりの頻度で見ます。(左側ハンドルは基本的に違法で、ごみ収集車のような一部作業用の車のみ許可されております。) 勿論車検あります。ですので車検さえ通れば、どんなに古い車でも大丈夫なのです。…
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minatokucarpet · 10 months
ペルシャ絨毯買取 - ペルシャ絨毯 売れない
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ペルシャ絨毯買取-口コミ-専門店港区ペルシャ絨毯 売れない !
ペルシャ絨毯の買取���場は?高価買取りのポイントもご紹介 インテリアとして人気の絨毯は、希少価値が高い品も少なくはありません。 中でも独特の模様が美しいペルシャ絨毯は、そのほとんどが高額で売買されています。 その価格に驚く方は多いと思いますが、根強いニーズを持つことが理由です。 インテリアとしての人気はもちろん、世界中にコレクターがおり、状態がよい品は数百万円で取引されています 業者の買取でも高値が期待できますので、もし不要なペルシャ絨毯をお持ちであれば、売却を検討してみるのもよいでしょう。 ペルシャ絨毯買取 国内でNO1 ! ペルシャ絨毯を高く買取します。
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国内でどこでも、絨毯販売やペルシャ絨毯買取, 絨毯買取をします。絨毯専門店として、ペルシャ絨毯買取 絨毯買取 絨毯専門 ヘレケ絨毯買取 絨毯下取り ペルシャ絨毯 アンティーク絨毯買取 シルク絨毯買取 絨毯 買取 じゅうたん買取 中古絨毯買取 汚れた絨毯
ペルシャ絨毯ナインペルシャ手織り絨毯ラグ絨毯玄関マット敷物緑色ペルシャイランナインウール絨毯キリム … ギャッベペルシャ絨毯シルクカーペットペルシャキリムなど自宅買取します。 大切にされてこられたペルシャ絨毯を買い取りしております。長年の経験による幅広い分野に精通した鑑定査定士が、ご依頼いただいた品を適正に評価。お客様に信頼・ご満足いただける買取値段をご提示致します。  
買取可能です。やはり絨毯という特性上、古いペルシャ絨毯には経年劣化したものが少なくありません。それでもペルシャ絨毯は多くの人に愛されているため、産地や絵柄、サイズなどによっては高額での買取も可能となります。汚れやシミが買取価格に影響する可能性はありますが、できるだけ高額での買取に努めさせて頂きます。 手織り絨毯のなかで、最も古い歴史と伝統を誇り、敷物としての実用品でありながら、その領域を遥かに凌駕し芸術品としての域にまで達したペルシャ絨毯。 ペルシャ絨毯の起源はギリシャ神話や聖書によると、4000年から5000年前に遡ると言われていますが、文献以外にそれを証明するものが無く、未だにその起源は定かではありません。 しかしながら当初は現在の私たちが目にするようなパイル織でなく、獣毛を固めたようなものであったとも言われています。 絨毯は実用品であった為と、石のような堅固な素材でない為、太古のもので現在残っているものはほとんどありません。 ペルシャ絨毯に使われる素材は、良質の天然素材。 主なものとして扱われるのは、絹・羊毛・木綿の3種類で、イランの土地の風土に生まれ、育まれた天然の繊維を糸に紡績するところからペルシャ絨毯は始まります。 植物を主原料とした天然染料によって染色されますが、近年では天然染料の入手難しさとコストの削減のため化学染料をによる染色も行われています。 しかし長い年月の中で深まる味わいや艶めきは、天然素材ならではのものです。 インテリアとして絨毯を選ぶ際に重要視される���ザイン。 部屋そのものの印象を大きく変えるデザイン、その文様や柄はペルシャ絨毯ならではの精緻さと芸術性に溢れ、あらゆる歴史と伝統を継承しています。 実用品であり美術品のペルシャ絨毯は使い込むほど味わい深く堅牢度を増し、年月が経つとともに進化し、芸術品としての価値を高めていきます。 イランが世界に誇るこの絨毯は、ペルシア王朝時代から織り継がれてきた、歴史の産物。 気の遠くなるような手間と時間をかけて織り上げられたペルシャ絨毯は、経年変化による独特の艶と風合いを楽しみ、いつまでも永く使っていくことが出来る美しいインテリアであり最高の芸術品です。
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ペルシャ絨毯 売れない
  ペルシャ絨毯専門店ですので、絨毯を買いたい、売りたい、下取りしたいなど、何でも合ったら是非ご自由にご連絡ください。 弊社持ってる絨毯全部博物館のアンティークや高級な絨毯なので、何卒ご検討よろしくお願いします ペルシャ絨毯コレクション(limited Edition) 持ってるお店なので、全てのについては、国内でどちらのペルシャ絨毯の店舗や展示会で出てこない絨毯です。 日本の株式会社でしっかりやってますが、世界中から限定の絨毯や博物館に見る絨毯だけを販売します。 それで、価値がある、値段が落ちない、100%有名な作品しか持ってないです。 作ってる匠さんの手から一個一個でコレクションしてますので、世界1のペルシャ絨毯の品質と本物が保証ですのでご安心してください。 基本的に出品してる絨毯は日本にありますが、買う前に必ず連絡してください。 宜しくお願いします。 お問い合わせ テーマに関連する販売に関する質問がある場合、または単に挨拶したい場合は、連絡先ページからメッセージを送信してください   ①絨毯の写真をお送りしてください。 ②その後電話番号を入力してください。 ③それでペルシャ絨毯買取専門店日本第一の一番高く無料査定します。
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  ※買取強化エリアおよびスピード引き取り対応可能エリア 【東京23区】 千代田区 中央区 港区 新宿区 文京区 台東区 墨田区 江東区 品川区 目黒区 大田区 世田谷区 渋谷区 中野区 杉並区 豊島区 北区 荒川区 板橋区 練馬区 足立区 葛飾区 江戸川区 【東京都下】 八王子市 立川市 武蔵野市 三鷹市 青梅市 府中市 昭島市 調布市 町田市 小金井市 小平市 日野市 東村山市 国分寺市 国立市 西東京市 福生市 狛江市 東大和市 多摩市 稲城市 羽村市 あきる野市
ペルシャ絨毯 買取価格
ペルシャ絨毯 売れない ペルシャ絨毯買取 国内でNO1 | ペルシャ絨毯 売れない! 高額買取が期待できるペルシャ絨毯の種類 シルクを使用したタブリーズ産ペルシャ絨毯では、買取価格は40万円前後が相場。 … 「クムシルク」とも呼ばれ高級ペルシャ絨毯の代名詞で10~30万円程度が買取相場です。 カシャーン産ペルシャ絨毯は、ほとんどがウール製で買取相場は10万円~25万円前後です。
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ペルシャ絨毯買取 自宅のクローゼットに大きなペルシャ絨毯があります。汚れやホコリを落としていませんが査定してくれますか? 古くて汚れのあるペルシャ絨毯の査定も承っております。どの程度の汚れかを査定士が確認しますので、まずはお問い合わせください。
ここでは、ペルシャ絨毯の買取相場はどの程度になるのか、ペルシャ絨毯の価格は何で決まるのかといった情報をまとめています。 高く買取してもらうためのポイントも紹介しているので参考にしてください。 ペルシャ絨毯の買取相場一覧表 ペルシャ絨毯の種類 買取相場 クム産ペルシャ絨毯(縦192cm・横135cm) 35,000~55,000円 タブリーズ産ペルシャ絨毯(縦250cm・横246.5cm) 300,000~400,000円 イスファハン産 ペルシャ絨毯(縦350cm・横252cm) 200,000~300,000円 カシャーン産 ペルシャ絨毯(縦202cm・横138cm) 20,000~40,000円 クム産ナーミ工房製 ペルシャ絨毯(縦290cm・横198cm) 100,000~300,000円 ニーシャープール産ペルシャ絨毯(縦375cm・横293cm) 10,000~50,000円 カシマル産ペルシャ絨毯(縦322cm・横235cm) 40,000~120,000円 トルクメン産ペルシャ絨毯(縦115cm・横76cm) 5,000~25,000円 ——— 無料出張 対応エリア 全国の出張購入をサポートします。 ショッピングブーストゾーン全国からカーペットを集めています! ショッピングをサポートするエリアは、 東京、神奈川、千葉、埼玉、いばらき、栃木、軍馬、愛知、静香、新潟、長野、山梨、京都、大阪、福岡、山口、大分、佐賀、福井県、熊本です。 ペルシャ絨毯買取専門店港区 ペルシャ絨毯を高く買取します。 全国でもご利用いただけますので、上記以外の方も大歓迎です! 無料評価をご利用ください。 土日・祝日も休まず営業!どしどしお問合せください!
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ペルシャ絨毯買取 国内でNO1 | ペルシャ絨毯 売れない! お客様に信頼・ご満足いただける買取値段をご提示致します。 ※買取強化エリアおよびスピード引き取り対応可能エリア 【東京23区】 千代田区 中央区 港区 新宿区 文京区 台東区 墨田区 江東区 品川区 目黒区 大田区 世田谷区 渋谷区 中野区 杉並区 豊島区 北区 荒川区 板橋区 練馬区 足立区 葛飾区 江戸川区 【東京都下】 八王子市 立川市 武蔵野市 三鷹市 青梅市 府中市 昭島市 調布市 町田市 小金井市 小平市 日野市 東村山市 国分寺市 国立市 西東京市 福生市 狛江市 東大和市 多摩市 稲城市 羽村市 あきる野市
高額買取 ペルシャ絨毯を少しでも高く、 他社に負けない価格で高額に買取いたします。 相談・出張・査定料 全て無料! ペルシャ絨毯買取 ペルシャ絨毯ナインペルシャ手織り絨毯ラグ絨毯玄関マット敷物緑色ペルシャイランナインウール絨毯キリム … ギャッベペルシャ絨毯シルクカーペットペルシャキリムなど自宅買取します。 大切にされてこられたペルシャ絨毯を買い取りしております。長年の経験による幅広い分野に精通した鑑定査定士が、ご依頼いただいた品を適正に評価。お客様に信頼・ご満足いただける買取値段をご提示致します。 ペルシャ絨毯は、歴史や使われる素材などの特徴によって、買取価格に違いがでます。 これから、買取の依頼を検討されている方にとって、自身のもつペルシャ絨毯が高く売れるかは気になる点ではないでしょうか。 今回、買取価格に影響する特徴と、ペルシャ絨毯の種類ごとの相場、高く売るコツについて解説していきます。 ペルシャ絨毯は元々の価値が高く、買取でも高値が狙えるアイテムの一つです。 後述するように素材や状態、産地などが影響するものの、状態がよければ数十万円で買取してもらえる可能性があります。 富裕層やコレクターのニーズがある ペルシャ絨毯が高値で買取されている理由は、富裕層やコレクターのニーズがあるからです。 ペルシャ絨毯は手織りで作られており、機械生産のように全く同一の模様を生み出すことができません。 そうした特徴から世界中の富裕層だけでなく、コレクションしている人も多いのです。 ペルシャ絨毯を愛してやまない人は後を絶たないことから、買取相場も安定しています。 捨てる前に査定だけでも受けてみよう ペルシャ絨毯は非常に価値の高い品物ですが、「どうせ売れない」と考えている方も中にはいらっしゃると思います。 確かに状態次第では売れない場合もありますが、処分する前に査定だけでも受けてみましょう。 売れないと思っていたペルシャ絨毯が意外な高値になるかもしれません。 査定が無料の業者も多いため、売却を検討する価値は十分にあります。 Read the full article
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n-hirono · 1 year
きれいなシワの作り方 淑女の思春期病
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member-news · 2 years
                  グランデージゴルフ俱楽部 支配人
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レジェンドの原点☆ポリーニ シューベルト:さすらい人幻想曲
通販中 アナログレコード 【器楽曲】 Maurizio Pollini – Schubert : Wanderer Fantasie, Piano Sonata A Minor 曲目 シューベルト:さすらい人幻想曲 D.760、ピアノ・ソナタイ短調 No.16 D.845 レーベル Deutsche Grammophon レコード番号 2530 473 作曲家 フランツ・シューベルト ピアノ マウリツィオ・ポリーニ 録音種別 STEREO ジャケット状態 NM レコード状態 NM- 製盤国 ドイツ盤 ブルー・リング・ラベル(チューリップ・ラベルはありません) 価格 上リストのコンディションを目安にした中古盤購入の目安にしてください。 通常価格 7,000円 送料別 (more…)
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gdmtblr · 11 months
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November 3, 2023
My dog,“HUG” celebrated 13th birthday.
In the case of a medium-sized dog, in terms of human age, that's about 80 years old. And if a dog's life is compared to the four seasons, it is almost time to enter the winter period.
However, there is no need to think of it pessimistically. Because, winter is the most comfortable season for Hug, who is resistant to cold👍🏻🐶💙
Also, with Nico coming to our pack, Hug seems to have found new purpose in her job as an “educator'', and was able to survive the difficult summer in a healthy manner. Ahhh, Hug! You are truly amazing💕 (And THANKS, Nico!!💕)
I always wish her health and happiness.
Dear Tumblr’s friends.
Hug is always grateful for your kind messages and daily support✨🐶✨🐾🐾
●十一月: 霜月ともいう。立冬(十一月八日頃)を迎えるがまだ寒くはなく、空も野山も澄みとおる頃である。暖かな日和が続くかと思えば、ときに時雨たり霜の降る日も増えてくる。
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wwwwwwwwwwww123 · 2 years
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ТагсановさんはTwitterを使っています: 「ちょうど100年前の1922年12月、アインシュタインが松島に来て月を見て、「日本芸術の真髄を見た」と唸ったそう ということで、月の出の時刻、方角、天気、もう��れは今日しかない!!と思い立って行ってきました! 最高のコンディションだった、これは美しいわ… https://t.co/hCh1TnSQ5g」 / Twitter
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notfreetoday · 11 months
MPW Ep 6 Subtitle Corrections
Masterlist: EP 1 || EP 2 || EP 3 || EP 4 || EP 5 ||
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Y: 正直言って 怖い 近づく度に 心臓が跳ねるから 何なら近寄らないで欲しい 住む世界が違うから 好かれたいとかは思わない ただ。。。 嫌われてしまったら死んでしまうかもしれない 想像するだけで 胃液がせり上がった Y: To be honest, I was scared. Because whenever he came close to me, my heart leapt and skipped a beat. I wished that, if possible, he wouldn't come near me because we lived in different worlds. 'I want him to like me' - I never had a thought like that. It was just... If he ended up hating me then I felt like I might die. Just thinking about it made my stomach turn.
We've seen for awhile that Yoh's fear that Segasaki will one day come to disdain him is what keeps him from voicing his thoughts out loud - but it is in Ep 6 that we truly learn the intensity with which Yoh feels, and come to understand why that fear overwhelms him to the point that he is incapable of hearing Segasaki's love for him.
Or, Yoh sees Segasaki for the first time and literally starts spouting poetry in the way only a visual artist can. Get ready for a lot of interaction breakdowns - this episode tells us quite a lot about these two! Same translation disclaimer applies, Ep 6, let's go!
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S: 相変わらず 歩くの遅ぇな S: As usual, he walks so slowly
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Y: あのさ 実は Y: 出てくるときにケンカしちゃって M: え?どうしたの Y: お前の仕事なんてどうでもいいって言われた M: 瀬ケ崎さんが?そんなこと言ったの? Y: どうでもいいって なんだよ Y: 人が一所懸命やってることに対して* Y: 最低だよ あいつ* Y: You know... actually Y: When I was leaving we got into an argument M: Huh? What happened? Y: I was told "I don't care at all about something like your work" M: By Segasaki-san? He said something like that? Y: "I don't care at all"... what's with that! Y: To say that about something that someone is giving their all for...* Y: He's the worst, that guy** **Yoh uses あいつ (aitsu) to refer to Segasaki as "that guy". This is again considered rude, though is often used amongst male friends as well (like calling someone an asshole/bastard). He tends to use this word to refer to Segasaki in his head, especially when he's annoyed with him.
*Just like at the end of Ep 5, where Yoh emphasizes that he will become someone who can earn more as opposed to just earning more, here Yoh specifies that he is upset with Segasaki's response to his work, rather than being upset with the response being directed at himself, as the original subs imply. It's a small difference but I think it's important because it fits with his entire character. He has consistently only been triggered by comments about his work, not about him as a person. Yoh is self-conscious and sensitive about his work, because he sees competence as a measure of worth. It's precisely because he ties his self-worth to his work that he falls into such a deep depression in Ep 5, and it is the same reason why Yoh does not understand what good Segasaki could possibly see in him - after all, there is no merit in just being who he is, only in the work that he can do.
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Y: いや それは都合よく受け取り過ぎだよ Atsuya: ダヨ君 言葉って受け取り方が9割だからさ A: 同じ言葉でも その時の気持ちやコンディションによって A: 違った意味に捻じ曲げちゃうものなんだよ A: ダヨ君が元気な時だったら     もっと甘~く聞こえたんじゃない? Y: No, that's just over-interpreting it in my favor Atsuya (Man-san's husband): Dayo-kun, they say that about 90% of the meaning words convey comes down to the way we interpret them, so A: Depending on the way we feel, or our condition in that moment, that meaning can end up distorted and warped, even if the same words are used, you know? A: If Dayo-kun you, had been in a happier mood, might it not have sounded a lot sweeter to you?
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Y: ん。。。いや、違うんです Y: 俺とあの人って そういう感じじゃないんで Y: Mm... No, it's not like that Y: That person and I, well... that's not what it's like (between us), you see
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Y: あの人を初めて見たとき この星の生き物じゃないかもしれないって思った   少なくとも地球上で見たものの造形の中で 一番きれいだとおもった 耳の形 鼻筋  下顎角のライン 唇の膨らみ きっと見えない眼球の形状まで きれいなんだろうなって
Y: When I first saw that person I thought that he might not be a living thing from this planet At the very least, out of all the forms that I had ever seen on this Earth I thought he had the most beautiful one. The shape of his ears, the ridge of his nose, The line of the angle of his jaw, the full contour of his lips Even the structure of what could not be seen - the globe of his eyes - I thought for sure that too must be beautiful.
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Y: 趣味で漫画は描いてたけど 現実の人間を描くのは初めてだった それに  男を描きたいと思ったのも初めてだった 今 目に焼き付けて 描きつけておきたい衝動に駆られた たぶん あの美貌と同じ空間にいた そのせいで 俺は おかしくなっていた Y: I had drawn manga as a hobby but It was my first time drawing a real live person. And, It was also the first time that I thought "I want to draw a man" In that moment, driven by impulse, I wanted to burn his image into my eyes, to capture his likeness down on paper. Probably, it was because I was in the same space as that beauty. It was because of that, that I began to go crazy.
At 06:44, when Segasaki's green shirt classmate comes in calling his name, you can see that Yoh mouth’s "Mizuki" after he hears it.
(Btw Green Shirt later wears a Red Jacket, and is played by Nishimoto Maiki, the leader of the group Acchan is in - GENIC. Cute shot of the 3 of them here)
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S: 直接何かしてくるわけではな��し 別にいいと思うけど S: Well it's not like he's doing anything to us directly... I think it's fine actually
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Y: 女の子が相手なら  一目惚れだとはっきり思ったかもしれない でも ただただきれいな男だったんで 自分の脳が そこまで処理しきれなかった Y: If it was a girl Then maybe I would have clearly understood that this was love at first sight But it was just very simply, a beautiful man so My brain couldn't handle processing more than that
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Most of this is not subtitled, and it’s a little muffled, but as the group walks over you can hear that Segasaki is the center of their conversation here, though he's not actually participating in it much. It speaks to the group dynamics, so I'm including it here (Segasaki is bolded):
Girl: ええ? S: ちがうよ Red Jacket: 瑞貴じゃん、ね、今ね? Girl どうせモテるじゃん S: いやモテない Red:モテるよ瑞貴が Girl: 告白されてるよ どうせ Red: されてる されてる Girl: あれ!ぼっちくん*じゃん Red: うわっ マジだ ぼっちくんじゃん Boy: いつも俺たちのことチラチラ見てる Girl: ちょっと来なよ おしゃべりしたげるからさ** Girl: Whaat? S: It wasn't Red Jacket: It was (said to) Mizuki wasn't it, right? Just now? Girl: I mean you're popular anyway! S: No, I'm not Red: Mizuki's popular Girl: Whatever it is, that was a confession (you received) Red: It was, it was Girl: Oh hey! Why, isn't it Little Loner*? Red: Oh snap, you're right! It is Little Loner! Boy: The one who always sneaks looks at us Girl: Come here a bit, we'll talk to you, ok?** *ぼっちくん (Bocchi-kun) - Bocchi is slang for loner, and by adding the suffix "-kun" to it, they've turned this into a diminutive, like a nickname. It sounds cute and friendly, but is clearly meant as a casual sort of insult, so I've translated it as "Little" here. **This is an interesting line to discuss. She tells Yoh to come over, using the phrase 来なよ (kina yo) - this is the same "na" that Segasaki uses in Ep 4 actually, when he tells a drunk Yoh to go sleep in the room. It's the exact same word form, but where it was tender when Segasaki said it, it's highly insulting here - and the reason is because of the context and their (non-existant) relationship. She may be Yoh's senior, but this is the first time they're meeting, and they are nowhere near close enough that this phrasing would ever be seen as appropriate. She then tells him "we'll talk to you", using the colloquial form of "~したあげる (shita ageru)" aka "to do for you" - in other words, she's framing the action of them talking to him as if it were a gift from them to him (this word form also implies they are above him in the hierarchy). She also adds the polite prefix "O" to the word for "talk", which in this context is meant to make her appear sweet and ladylike. In other words, with just one line, she has insulted Yoh not only by talking down to him as if he were a small child or a pet, but also by insinuating that she's a sweet, lovely person who has been so kind as to deign to speak to him.
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Y: あの。。。俺* 買ってきます Y: 絡まれてるより100億倍マシだわ Y: Um... I*... will go and buy it. Y: That's definitely 100 million times better than getting harassed by them *Yoh still uses the masculine pronoun 俺 (ore) for "I" here (the same one he's used in every episode) which is remarkable for the fact that he doesn't switch to the more polite form 僕 (boku). Nowadays, it isn't really expected per se that a junior make this switch - especially since "ore" is usually the go-to pronoun for most male university students - but the switch wouldn't be surprising either, given that they are his seniors. Yoh does acknowledge their seniority when he uses the formal -masu form of the word "to buy" - but in the context of them bullying him, the choice to stick with the more masculine pronoun "ore" suggests that he isn't intimidated by them.
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Red: セルフパシリって すごくね? Girl: やばいよ Red: He automatically offered to be an errand boy! Isn’t that crazy? Girl: It’s nuts!
パシリ(pashiri) - to be made to run errands - is slang, and it is used specifically to refer to cases where someone with more social power orders another around. It’s almost always linked to bullying or misuse of social power – so by using this word, these guys - they know exactly what they are doing.
Y: クソだよ あいつら* Y: Those bastards*… they’re trash *Yoh uses the same word あいつ (aitsu) to refer to the gang that he did at the beginning of this episode to refer to Segasaki - once again it is the context that changes the meaning of this word. With Segasaki, it is proof that they share a close relationship. With these upper classmen that he's just met - it's definitely rude.
This is a very common form of bullying in school, and evidently, Yoh recognizes it immediately. The fact that he jumps so quickly to cooperating with it tells us sadly that this is something he's familiar with - he's likely been bullied before. This is unfortunately, unsurprising, because Yoh doesn't adhere to social norms very much. He eats alone, he stares at people, he doesn't greet his seniors properly (that slight bow is not enough, there should at least be a verbal greeting of some sort).
In my post on amae, I talked about how the interdependent self-construal means that one's ability to assimilate is seen as a value. In the same vein, people who do not fit in with the group, or who do not conform, are not looked upon favorably in Japan, because it is often assumed that they simply do not want to. It is not that they are unable to assimilate, it is that they are refusing to make an effort to be part of the group, and thus the fault and blame lies with them. Ostracization of those different therefore, is the expected consequence and punishment that the group metes out. All of us have to do our part to adhere to the rules of the group - what makes you so special that you can do your own thing? If you just did your job of fitting in like the rest of us have, well, then you wouldn't be in this position in the first place, now would you? - This sort of justification is the reason why bullying in Japan can become very, very extreme, and why despite efforts, has been so difficult to eradicate.
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S: そんなに 一人で持てないだろうと思って S: 貸して Y: ありがとうございます* S: 行こう S: I thought all of that was probably going to be too much for one person to carry S: Pass it over Y: Thank you very much* S: Let's go
*Yoh uses the full, polite version of "thank you" here, and he will, for the most part, continue to use desu/masu forms with Segasaki, and answer him politely, in recognition of their senior/junior relationship. Similarly, Segasaki uses informal forms with Yoh, though he maintains a friendly demeanor and does not drop to rude forms at all, because they aren't that close yet. Note how he says 行こう (ikou) for "let's go" here - different from his present day "we're going", which leaves no room for argument.
(Also, he took the heavier bag of drinks (´ ▽`).。o♡)
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S: 結構歩くのゆっくりなんだね Y: よく 言われます S: 君 名前は? Y: あ 葉って言います あの。。。葉っぱの S: ふーん 葉くんか Y: はい S: 俺は  Y: 瑞貴...さん S: なんで知ってんの? Y: あ そう呼ばれていたので S: よく 聞いてんな Y: はあ まあ。。。
Let's break this down to look at some social cues and nuances:
S: You walk quite leisurely, don't you? Y: I've... been told that a lot
This is more than just a callback to the beginning of the episode (or a chance to contrast how much more polite and sweet Segasaki sounds here 😂) - This is another way in which we see Yoh does not fit in. Segasaki is his senior, who has gone out of his way to come help him (never mind that Yoh's being bullied), and he should at the very least, be trying to match Segasaki's pace, not making him wait like Yoh does here. Segasaki's comment should be taken as much as an expression of surprise, as it should a cue to catch up - Yoh glances briefly at Segasaki after this line (which seems to amuse the latter) but he doesn't actually apologize outright or walk any faster. He does admit that he's been told this often - which sometimes can work as a concession, because you sort of validate what the other person is saying, but at the same time you aren't quite agreeing either. That said, it can backfire, because it means you've been made aware of your habit and yet have done nothing to change it. Segasaki doesn't seem to mind though, and actually matches Yoh's pace here.
Speaking of "pace" - "マイペース" or "my pace" is a loan word from English, and is a term used to describe someone who tends to do things, well, at their own pace, or in their own way, and who isn't bother by the people or goings-on around them. Usually meant as a benign, sometimes affectionate comment on someone's personality, it often brings to mind the image of someone who appears to drift during conversations, who might be a little "slow" in social interactions, or who physically lags behind the group. It can have negative connotations, because it means the group needs to make concessions for this person (like looking for them when they've wondered off). Yoh is the epitome of someone who is "my pace", and I'm very sure that the emphasis on his slow walking is not just a peculiar quirk of his character, it's an intentional part of the character design to show how Yoh is different.
S: *You... what's your name? Y: Ah, I'm called Yoh. Um... written with the character for "leaf" S: Hmm~ Yoh-kun huh.. Y: Yes
*Segasaki uses the polite pronoun 君 (kimi) to refer to Yoh here, as opposed to the rougher お前 (omae) that he now uses in the present day.
That little action Yoh does whilst saying "leaf" is him drawing out the kanji character for his name. It's quite common to tell someone which character is used to write your name, because the characters usually mean something, and it helps others to remember. Strictly speaking, Yoh really should be introducing his full name here, but judging by how he's been fiddling with the plastic bag, he's probably just too nervous to realize.
S: I'm Y: Mizuki...san S: Why do you know that? Y: Ah... that's what.. you were called (by them) so... S: You listen closely don't you Y: Ahh.. yea...
Nice save 😂First of all, it's extremely unusual to jump straight to using someone's first name instead of their family name (unless you're still a kid), let alone doing it to an upper classman, though Yoh does manage to tack on the polite suffix "-san" at the back. It's the verbal equivalent of stepping right into someone's personal space and touching their bag or something and then being all "er there was something there...". It's just weird and borderline inappropriate 😂 The fact that Segasaki doesn't scold him for taking such a liberty, or show any sign that he appears weirded out by it (in fact, he actually goes along with it!) tells us that Segasaki is a very kind (yasashii would be the right term here, the same term that appears at the end of this episode) or at least a very tolerant individual though I'd also like to think he just finds Yoh's strange ways a little cute too.
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S: いま 楽しい? Y: え?あ いえ S: 絡まれて パシらされてさ Y: ああ。。 S: どう? Y: いや たのしくないです Y: 瑞貴さんは? S: 俺? Y: はい S: 全然楽しくない S: 内緒ね Y: はい
Continuing with the breakdown:
S: Is it fun? Y: Huh? Ah no-
Segasaki's tone changes here to a more serious one - all he does is stress the final syllables of the word "fun" to indicate he's asking a question, instead of adding any end particles that might give more context, or that might soften the tone. The topic switch is a little sudden, which is why Yoh seems a bit confused. It doesn't help that the words are a little ambiguous - it literally translates to "now, fun?" - except the Japanese word for "now" is often used to mean "just now" as well, because the Japanese concept of time is not quite as linear as it is in West. "Now" doesn't just refer to "this current exact second we are in", it extends from whenever the "current activity" began right up to "this current exact second" - the key is figuring out what the current activity is 😅. Because Segasaki jumps into this topic so suddenly, and without much contextual cues, Yoh can't quite tell whether he means now, as in them walking together, or now, as in, the whole being sent on an errand thing, which is why Segasaki clarifies in the next sentence:
S: Being hassled, and sent on errands? Y: Oh... S: So? Y: No, it... isn't fun.
Segasaki watches Yoh closely whilst he waits for the answer to his question. This is Segasaki checking that Yoh knows he's being bullied, and it's also permission to talk about the topic. Once he confirms that Yoh does know what's happening, he looks away again.
The exchange tells us a lot about Segasaki's character, because often, the reason why bullying goes on for so long is that no one is willing to talk about it. Everyone knows what's going on, but no one acknowledges it. The fact that Segasaki jumps straight into it hints to Yoh that he doesn't agree with what his "friends" are doing (whether Yoh catches that hint or not is a different story). It also tells us, the audience, that he isn't afraid to speak up about things he disagrees with (similar to how he spoke up for Yoh when Yoh was sketching in the cafeteria) - but not to the extent that he'll do something which threatens the harmony of the group outright. This is tatemae/honne, which I talked about briefly in the amae post as well, and linked to this street interview video for real life examples. In short, tatemae is your ability to avoid conflict and smooth over group interactions, and is seen as an essential and positive trait. Segasaki is very good at this, even at this stage in his life, which is part of why he is so well-liked.
Y: What about Mizuki-san? S: Me? Y: Yes S: I'm not having fun at all S: It's a secret, yea? Y: Yes
This is cute, and tells us about Yoh's character too. Firstly, he's still persisting in his use of "Mizuki-san", though he's being really tentative about it, like he's testing whether or not it's okay. Secondly, he's actually asking Segasaki directly to confirm his stand on what his "friends" are doing. Is this Yoh being daring, or just his slightly awkward, somewhat tactless self? I couldn't tell you 🤣 It's likely a bit of both.
In response, you can hear the surprise in Segasaki's voice, but he doesn't hesitate to detach himself from the actions of the group. The way he invites Yoh into his group here, by acting as if he's let Yoh in on a secret, is very charming obviously, and reminds me somewhat of how in Ep 4, he suddenly drops to "Kanami-san" when talking to Man-san too. This again fits with how his "public mode" has been consistently portrayed thus far - nice, charming, polite, good-looking, and obviously popular (Ep 3, the girls in the cafe at the back, Ep 4, the way he talks to Man-san, this Ep, where he's even been proposed to).
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Guy: 俺の水がきたかな?  Red: あいつ覚えてるかな Guy: 確かに 待たせたな S: ごめん 葉くんお腹痛いんだって だから連れて帰るわ はい Girl: 瑞貴まで帰らなくてもいいんじゃん S: しんどいのに 一人すんのかわいそうでしょ* S: じゃあ またね また  S: 行こう Red: 優しいな** 瑞貴 Girl: でも 帰っちゃったよ Guy: Is my water coming? Red: Will that guy remember? Guy: Good point, he's really made us wait S: Sorry! Yoh says he's got a stomachache, so I'm gonna take him home. Here! Girl: Huh? But it's not like Mizuki you have to go too right? S: Leaving him all by himself right when he's having a hard time - wouldn't you feel bad for him?* S: So, see you guys later, 'kay! Bye! S: Let's go Red: Mizuki's really kind** isn't he? Girl: But, he's leaving you know!
*Segasaki does a very small switch up to the polite form here, as he takes the moral high ground by reminding the girl that as Yoh's senior, they have an obligation to take care of him when he's unwell. He's still friendly about it though. **優しい (yasashii) - kind. This word pops up a lot to describe Segasaki, we'll talk about it at the end of this episode.
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Y: あの いいんですか? S: あそこ戻りたかった? Y: いえ Y: Um... is this okay? S: You wanted to go back there? Y: No
Y: いつも 友達に囲まれてるこの人が なんでこうして 俺と一緒に歩いてるのかわからなくて 不思議だった Y: This person, whose friends were always surrounding him... I just couldn't understand why he'd walk together with me like this It was a mystery to me.
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Y: あの顔が 信じられないほど近くにあった 耳元に届いた声の響きまで 良いものであることに 気づいてしまった Y: That face was... so close to me I could scarcely believe it And it dawned on me then How wonderfully pleasing Even the notes of his voice drifting pass my ears sounded
The scene in the library I've included right at the top, but I'm going to add the conversation that happens during Yoh's monologue, since the subs have them sort of mixed in.
S: 葉 S: 何してんの? Y: え?えと、あの、本を探せて... S: この本面白いよ Y: え? Y: ありがとうございます S: また感想教えて Y: はい S: Yoh S: What're you doing? Y: Eh! Um, ah.. I'm looking for a book... (inaudible) S: This book is interesting Y: Eh? Y: Thank you very much S: Tell me your thoughts on it next time Y: Yes
Segasaki's already dropped the polite suffix "-kun" behind Yoh's name here, and doesn't actually bother to let Yoh finish saying thank you before he tells him to report back about the book. Yoh on the other hand, is still using the full, formal and polite version of thank you, and answers him properly. Segasaki's taken the initiative to get closer to Yoh - he's already speaking to him like how he does in the present day (just, not roughly), but Yoh hasn't gotten comfortable enough yet to drop the formalities - or, he simply may not be sure if he can.
Navigating formalities and when to drop them is tricky, and requires some degree of social intuition. Generally speaking, Segasaki dropping a speech level should be a sign that it might be okay for Yoh to drop as well (not to the same level of course, just a little less formal) - but given how Yoh sees them as living in different worlds, and how fearful he is of being hated, it's unlikely that he'd want to touch the status quo.
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Y: あの人の気持ち? Y: That person's feelings?
Yoh's pretty much stuck to the phrase "that person" when referring to Segasaki this whole episode, even during his flashback. He tends to do this when he's feeling some distance between them (like in Ep 2).
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On screen messages: Y: What is Kintsuba? S: You don't even know what Kintsuba is? Y: I'm sorry [Yesterday] S: I'll be back late today Y: Understood [Today] (unread) S: Just give the editor some kind of excuse, and come back right now
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A: 随分 追い込まれてたねぇ Y: 気持ちを言葉にするとか あんまりしたことなくて Y: 他人の気持ちなんて なおさら A: You've pretty much been cornered, huh?* Y: Putting feelings into words and all... I've never really done that myself... Y: Let alone (doing that for) another person's feelings. *This is in reference to Man-san asking Yoh to write out Segasaki's feelings
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A: めちゃくちゃにしてやる, めちゃくちゃにして..x10 A: Gonna mess you up, mess you up... x 10
Yes, this does sound like a line straight out of a bad Jp AV 🤣🤣. I mean, we're talking about scenes from Man-san's manga right? That they had to mosaic out? 🤣🤣
Now you know why Segasaki is pissed.
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S: 可奈美さんも一緒に仕事してるんですか? M: すみません!瀬ケ崎さんにご報告もせずに進めてしまって S: いや、可奈美さんのせいじゃないですよ S: Kanami-san, are you also doing your work together with him? M: I apologize! We ended up moving forward without even alerting you about it! S: No, it's not your fault, Kanami-san
You can tell Segasaki has misunderstood here - he thinks Man-san has also been called to work at this Editor's place, and is completely not listening to what she has said, hence her ?? reaction 🤣
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S: あ、すみません 急用ができてしまったので葉を迎えに来ました S: Ah, I apologize An urgent matter arose, and so I've come to pick Yoh up.
Segasaki's being quite formal here, but this is not the way to be polite. The "proper" way to request leave to go home early on behalf of someone else would be to first, apologize specifically for the disruption, introduce yourself and your relation to that person, apologize that an urgent matter has come up, regrettably but firmly insist that said person must return home immediately on pain of death, apologize again for all the trouble caused, promise to make up for it, humbly ask for understanding, and then apologize your way out the door.
So yes, despite the polite word forms this is quite rude, and is so far removed from Segasaki's usual "public mode" that it cracks me up. Segasaki's composure is unravelling by the second in these next few scenes - he is pissed and absolutely does.not.give.a.shit. 🤣
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From right to left: S: So, this bastard is the famed Editor huh... S: Don't you dare try to deceive and pull tricks on Yoh! S: The hell you doing touching him like that so freely!! A: Who (is this)?
The language gets progressively ruder the more the speech bubbles get pointy and the larger the font gets🤣🤣
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M: 瀬ケ崎さん やっぱ強いわ~ M: Segasaki-san really has a strong presence after all~
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Y: 黙っててごめんなさい* S: あのさ Y: はい S: ああいうのがいいわけ? Y: え? S: 俺より あの男のどこがいいわけ? Y: I'm sorry for keeping this from you!* S: Tell me Y: Yes S: Is that what you like? Y: Huh? S: Compared to me, just how is that guy better? *Yoh uses the full but informal version of "sorry" here - gomen nasai. Making a note of this here so I can come back to it in one of the analysis posts.
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Y: え、いや Y: 比べるものじゃないと思うけど。。 S: あるんだろうが 俺より いいところが S: まあ、納得する理由がない限り俺は認めねえけどな Y: 強いて言えば 優しいかな* Y: 人の話を ちゃんとじっくり聞いてくれるし Y: Um, no... Y: I don't think it's something that can be compared... S: There is something, isn't there? Some way in which he's better than me S: Though, unless you give me something I think is reasonable I won't accept it Y: Well if I had to say something then... maybe, he's kind?* Y: I mean, he listens carefully and attentively to what someone has to say...
*優しい (yasashii) - often translated as "kind", it encompasses the ideas of "caring", "tenderness", "thoughtful/considerate", "warm/gentle". It's often a trait people say they look for in their significant other.
This word has come up often to describe Segasaki - in Ep 2, Segasaki uses it to describe himself, in Ep 3, Yoh uses it to describe Segasaki's voice, and of course here in Ep 6, red shirt uses it to describe Segasaki again. Even when the word isn't said out loud, a lot of Segasaki's actions would fit this word - In Ep 2, when he picks up after Yoh and comforts him during their not-argument. In Ep 3, when he passes Yoh his gift, and implies there's nothing to be sorry for. In Ep 4, the way he coaxes Yoh. In Ep 5, when he takes care of Yoh. In Ep 6, he speaks up for Yoh in the cafeteria when he doesn't have to, when he goes to help Yoh. The irony of this moment is that Segasaki puts in a lot of effort and probably does pride himself in being yasashii, and he listens to Yoh better than Yoh listens to himself, and yet he hears from Yoh that he isn't yasashii or attentive, which explains the pained expression on his face.
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S: あ、そう S: 俺先行くわ* S: Oh, is that so? S: I'm going ahead then* *わ (wa) - this ending particle puts emphasizes one's statement, but is not one that Segasaki usually uses. It's less forceful that his usual speech, because he's quite hurt by Yoh's statements.
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Y: かばんに入ってたやつ 戻しといてから Y: The thing that was inside my bag, I put it back so... The way Yoh ends this sentence leaves room for a follow up - it's an invitation to continue the conversation, which we actually have not seen him do with Segasaki, and that's why he looks so dejected when Segasaki rejects that invitation by walking away.
Though it's been hinted at throughout the show, Ep 6 is where we get confirmation that Yoh's just never quite fit in with the crowd, and that Segasaki has always been in the center of it. The stark difference explains why Yoh is so afraid that one day he will do something to make Segasaki hate him, and why he reflexively rejects the idea that Segasaki could possibly love him.
This episode is painful, for both of them. For Yoh, because from the intensity of his monologues, we finally get a sense of how big a presence Segasaki is to him, and therefore, how devastating it would be to lose him. For Segasaki, because for all that he can read Yoh, for all that he has done to try and reassure Yoh of his love, he still cannot make Yoh see, cannot make Yoh hear.
"If he ended up hating me then I felt like I might die."
It is precisely Yoh's love for Segasaki that makes Yoh fear the possibility of losing him, and it is that fear that blinds, deafens and mutes Yoh to the very thing he hopes for. And it is in trying to protect himself, that he inadvertently hurts the very person he loves so much.
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dai-mori · 15 days
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Nakameguro, Meguro, Tokyo / Sep. 2023
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cctrain0722 · 2 months
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Xtrail&ATB1000で行く、青森サクラ旅!~前編 サクラまつり~
北海道でエゾヤマサクラを毎年撮っていますが、久しぶりに本州のサクラが見たいな…もしかしてXtrailにMTB積み込んで車中泊すれば、短い休みでも青森に行けるのでは? ということでXtrailを移動基地としたMTB探索旅へ行ってきました!
青森のサクラといえば、弘前城が思い浮かぶ… MTBでも入れるのか調べてみると、祭り期間中でもある時期のわずかな時間帯だけOKとのこと!
一枚目【焦点距離】135mm【ISO】64【SS】1/500【F値】/1.8 二段目左【焦点距離】135mm【ISO】64【SS】1/320【F値】/1.8 二段目中【焦点距離】135mm【ISO】64【SS】1/320【F値】/1.8 二段目右【焦点距離】135mm【ISO】64【SS】1/800【F値】/1.8 五枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/640【F値】/4 四段目左【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/125【F値】/4 四段目右【焦点距離】135mm【ISO】64【SS】1/200【F値】/1.8 八枚目【焦点距離】40mm【ISO】64【SS】1/800【F値】/2 九枚目【焦点距離】135mm【ISO】64【SS】1/1600【F値】/1.8
…春から夏にかけてアクティビティばっかりで、ちゃんと振り返りができていませんでした。 撮ったまま終えるのは勿体無い!写真を現像しながら思い出に浸ります。来年のサクラ時季がもう楽しみすぎる!
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hausuma · 10 months
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ogawasan · 1 year
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Version en Noir et Blanc,
#バッハフォトグラフィー #photographybach#古典 #祝言 #結婚式 #結婚式前撮り #結婚式後撮り #レトロ婚 #神足町屋#japan#kyoto#wedding#京都写真家
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86stagram · 2 months
(´Y`)𝓗𝓐𝓟𝓟𝓨 𝓑𝓘𝓡𝓣𝓗𝓓𝓐𝓨 💤おひるねさん & おばちゃん👄 ~共通のフレンドハムスターと武装神姫を添えて~
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(´Y`)フレンド2人の誕生日が近かったので合同誕生日会的なやつ! お祝いプロミスのコーデをドレス風にアレンジしたんだって。 おひるねさんとおばちゃんはたぶん共通のフレンドじゃないとは思うけど、いくよ友達の友達はラブ💞ということで。あの曲も早くアドパラに入ってほし~💭
誕生日をプロミスで祝うという発想がなかったので、リリースから6月にお誕生日を迎えたフレンドには何もできていない……🤤! でも、次の誕生日もアドパラで迎えられた時にはお祝いしたいですね🍕🍻🎊 あと、共通のフレンドがいなくても、昨日2人ライブも追加されたことだし…… 楽しみ🎀✨
ただ、相変わらず腕はいつでも描けるコンディションではないので、よくハムのお守りを…… (´Y`)は??? ……ハムとしょっちゅう一緒に遊んでくれている方だけでも(その時の調子が良ければ)描きたいな~~と思っています🎨
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highvoltg · 1 year
名越「うん、そうですね。新しい選択肢が取れない。夢の中に閉ざされてる。夢の監獄の中に閉ざされてる人みたいに。  起きてると本人は思ってるから余計性懲りもないんですんですけど、実は怒りにかられている人っていうのは眠りこけているのと一緒だと。本当にそれは、結構名言やと思ったんですけど」
名越「いやもう本当にそれはね、『怒り』に対抗するのは『喜び』じゃないんですよ。いいことがあるということじゃないんですよ。もうまさに言うように、喜びがあってもそれは3倍速くらいで消えていくんですよ。  それよりは『日常をこうやって歩いていることが爽やかである』とか、深呼吸すると『あー生きてる』って実感があるとか、『朝日を浴びたら気持ちがいい』とか、全く普通にニュートラルであることを自然に体が喜ぶようなモードにならないと怒りに対抗できないんですよ。怒りとか憎しみとか暗さに対抗できないんですよ。  いいことがいっぱいありますように、それで対抗しますようにって絶対負けるんですよ。それはもうまさに、いいださんが言った減衰力が早い。(喜びは)減衰するんですよ。」
名越「そうそうそう、ちょっとしたことで気が楽になる。身体が楽になる。あるいは楽しい。  普通に歩いてても植木鉢からすみれでも咲いてたら『あーかわいい』って思うときって自分が体調がいいときじゃないですか。そういう、パッとこう軒先の花なんか、他人が育てた花とかを見ても『あーかわいい、あーよかった、あーこの家のひとこんなことしてくれてありがとう』みたいなね、そういうときが長く続いたほうがいいんですよ。」
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okazbb · 3 months
体調悪い時は大人しく休め、がもっと当たり前になってほしいなぁ。そんなコンディションでやっても効率が悪い。早く体調整えてフルパフォーマンス出せって思う( ̄・ω・ ̄)
体調悪い時は大人しく休め、がもっと当たり前になってほしいなぁ / @shinoyu
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