#ミ★ icons
iconmochi · 5 months
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♡ — 001 : like / reblog && credit to use !
♡ — 002 : requested by @till-we-become-monsters !
♡ — 003 : check pinned for requesting info !
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liilithmin · 1 month
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୧𓍢ִ໋⋆ໂ❀.ೃ࿔ ੈ. ݁ ˖*:・. —i'll give you all my life, my seasons.
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mandiemegatron · 8 months
One Piece has made "putting your prized, favourite, iconic hat on your s.o. as a form of claim, protection, comfort, promise, etc" now one of my favourite comfort/romance tropes.
Now apply this to the boys and their hats 🤭💕
I am SO sorry this took so long to finish but I got hit with a wave of sad and really needed my boys comfort 🥺💖 this was such a cute idea, I just couldn't not finish it !
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ミ★ 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘗𝘪𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘉𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘗𝘶𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘪𝘳 𝘏𝘢𝘵𝘴 𝘰𝘯 𝘠𝘰𝘶! 𝘍𝘦𝘢𝘵. 𝘓𝘢𝘸, 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘗𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘯 ♡ ★彡
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Law ;
This man didn't let anyone touch his hat. Even when it came to wash day, he was overly protective the entire time you washed it, breathing over your shoulder with wide and concentrated eyes. It was like he was waiting for you to make one wrong move so he could sweep in and show you "how it's done," though every single time, you always cleaned it with love and warmth. The action caused Laws heart to feel like it was in a vicegrip, torn between ripping his beloved hat from your hands and watching you wash it with such soft motions. He always found himself holding his hat to his face when he got to his office, his spotted hat hiding his burning face from the outside world as he breathed in the clean smell, the fabric smelling like laundry detergent and the gentlest whiff of your perfume. He secretly loved it.
It was a rough battle. Most of the Heart Pirates walked away unscathed, but you, with your terrible luck, walked away with a gnarly gash on your arm. Law had sat you down in the infirmary, his hands almost rough as he looked you over, a deep set frown on his face as you tried to wave him off. "It's just a slice, Captain," you murmured, not wanting to show him any signs of pain. He grunted in response, making sure you didn't have any other cuts to your soft skin before setting to work on your injured skin. You went to bite out a retort but fell quiet as he uncharacteristically plopped his hat on your head, the action stunning you and lulling you into a soft silence. When he was done, he ripped his gloves off and tossed them aside, humming to himself as he stared at his handiwork before grinning down at you and taking his hat from your head. He smoothed out your flyaways with a comment of, "If I knew it was that easy to keep you quiet, I'd have done that ages ago." You didn't sleep well that night, tossing and turning while thinking of how soft and warm his hat felt. You idly wondered if his arms would make you feel the same.
You were winning, for the first time ever, probably thanks to the alcohol running through all five of you. Card games were a big thing on the Polar Tang, and it didn't matter how bad you sucked at them, your best friends and your Captain always made sure to drag you along to play. "If I have to play, then so do you," Law would retort every single time you tried to refuse. You sat at the small round table, you and Ikkaku the only ones still wearing most of your clothes. Shachi and Penguin were down to their boxers, with Law in his spotted jeans and topless, though his prized hat still sat atop his head. "I'm coming for that hat," you bit out, slapping a card down with a laugh. "Draw four, mofo!" Law only rolled his eyes as he picked up four cards with a "Tsk," before groaning out, "Pass." You let out a triumphant laugh as everyone else placed a card or drew, bringing it back to you. You grinned and slapped down your last card, pointing at Law with a wide grin as you laughed, "Hat, please!" He had the most cards, which made him the loser and with a loud sigh, he took his treasured hat from his head and gently placed it on your head. Your eyes met and he grinned as your cheeks bloomed into red, his tattooed fingers reaching out to pull at them jokingly. "You look so stupid right now," he chuckled out, ignoring the pointed looks the other three were giving you two. "Yeah, but I'm your stupid, and you love it," you bit back before you could stop yourself, causing all three boys to burst out into laughter. You shared a look with Ikkaku, who simply gave you one in return that said, "I told you so!"
Shachi ;
This man was the living embodiment of 'Sharing is Caring', and share he did! There was nothing Shachi loved more than watching your face burn brightly whenever he plopped his orca hat onto your head. Every time, he'd grin and press a bashful kiss to your cheek before walking off, either tying his hair up or tossing his old green one on, just to feel less naked. Every chance he got, he'd throw his hat onto your head and it would pull you out of whatever trance you were in, whether you were reading or cutting veg for dinner prep, the stunned look on your face always caused his heart to swell. He knew it was real love when he put his hat on your head and you frowned, pulling it away from your head with a comment of, "This fuckin' stinks, Shachi, I'm gunna wash it for you." No one ever offered to wash his things ever, and your little acts of love truly made him fall harder for you every damn time. When you came back a few hours later, coming up behind him and placing the orca hat back onto his head, he turned in his seat and grinned up at you, pulling you into his lap and covering your face in a million kisses. "It smells like you!" He laughed out, your own laughter mixing with his at his actions. When he pulled away to smile lovingly down at you, you knew then and there that you'd love him forever, pulling him into a real kiss that caused Penguin and Uni to burst into loud, "OOOOOHHH!!!"s, knowing in the back of your head that you just inadvertently caused Shachi to owe them both money.
It was terrifying, watching your beloved crew get beaten down by these Pirates. You fought as hard as you could, to the point you had angry tears streaming down your face as you somehow fought back two men who were too strong for you. In a cheap shot, you were hit from behind and fell to the ground. You vaugely heard your name be screamed out, your eyes squeezing shut as you waited for the final blow only for nothing to come. You stared up as nearly sobbed as you saw Shachi and Law standing in front of you, both their swords impaling the two men you were fighting, watching with wide eyes as the pirates fell to the ground, dead. Law ran off, shouting for his other crew members as Shachi turned and fell to his knees, bringing you to his body. You sobbed openly, clinging to him tightly as he pulled you from the ground and lifted you in his arms. Everything around you two fell away into silence as he stared down into your watery eyes, a deepset frown on his face as he bit back tears of his own. Gathering you into a safe space, he ripped his hat from his head and placed it on yours, pulling it down to cover your eyes as he rasped out, "You'll be safe here. I'll be right back." Luckily, Bepo was nearby and protected you from any leftover men who staggered too close to you. When the fight was finally over, with the enemy dead and bleeding into the ground, you were pulled into a tight embrace, knowing by touch it was Shachi and you clung to him in response. Penguin, Ikkaku and Clione kept asking if you were okay, only to fall silent as Shachi glared up at them, holding you tighter to him as a sign for them to fuck off. When they finally did, you looked up at your bloodied and injured boyfriend and bit back another sob as he slowly got out, "I'll never let anyone hurt you, ever." You gave a heavy nod and hid your face in his neck, not bothering to hide your tears as he continued, "I'll always protect you. Always."
Waking up next to Shachi every day was a blessing and a curse, considering the part-fishman was a living furnace. On cold nights and days, it was a blessing waking up toasty and warm in his arms, his hat squished between your heads. (He really needed to stop falling asleep with it on.) On the days it was too hot on the sub, it was a mission to pry yourself from your grasp, almost struggling to breathe as he would only pull you closer and hold tighter. Even during chore time, he'd be clinging to you and would pout everytime you ripped your hand from his, both your palms already sweaty. "Please babe, you are killing me," you nearly sobbed out, your boiler suit tied around your hips as you paused doing dishes to fan yourself with a handmade paper fan. Shachi was dressed similarly, though his arms were tucked around your waist tufhtly, his face pressing soft kisses to your shoulder and neck. "Mm, but you're so tempting," he purred out, nipping at the side of your neck that caused you to shiver. You simply pulled away and glared at him, ignoring the goofy grin on his face as he made grabby hands towards you. "You better stop," you hissed out, shaking your fist at him only to stop as he plopped his hat onto your head and walked away pouting. "FINE, but only because you asked sooooo nicely..." You only rolled your eyes and went back to washing dishes, knowing you'd have to make it up to him in the showers later.
Penguin ;
This man was not a sharer. At all. You had to BEG the guy to try on his hat, to which he only let you wear it for a hot second before ripping it off your head and stuffing it back onto his own. You'd always pout, tugging on his boiler suit like a child begging their parents for something in the store, and he'd give a heavy sigh and reply, "No, now stop asking," though his tone was always playful and never hurtful. You'd often ask why he'd never share his hat with you, and he'd always respond, "It takes away from my dangerous and mysterious nature~" with a wiggle of his fingers in your face, causing you to burst out laughing. He loved hearing you laugh, and even though his answer never changed, it always pulled laughter from you. It wasn't hard for him to fall for you, your bright smile and loud laugh causing him to hide his burning face further under his namesake hat. How could he hide his love for you if you were wearing his hat?!
Penguins heart fell as he watched Bepo carry your unconscious body into the infirmary, rushing in after the mink only to be stopped by Shachi at the door. He tires to pull away, but Shachi holds tight, only shaking his head as the doors snap shut. "No, no no, let me go Shachi, they can't be alone, they need me-" Shachi only held tighter, murmuring lowly to his best friend, "They're in the best hands on the entire Grand Line. Just be patient." Penguin roughly pulled away, glaring at Shachi and trying to open the door again only to be stopped as Bepo walked out, a solemn look on his face. Penguins heart shattered, and he fell to his knees, pulling his hat low over his face as he silently sobbed into it. Bepo and Shachi shared a long look, frowns on both their faces as they bent down to comfort Penguin as best they could. When Law finally emerged from the infirmary, the three boys lifted their heads and sighed a breath of relief when he finally spoke. "They'll be fine. They got hit hard during the fight, but they'll pull through -" Penguin didn't even let him finish, pushing past him and immediately going to your side. His heart fell through the floor, seeing your bruised skin that wasn't hidden under bandages. Pulling a chair beside your bed, he ripped his hat from his head and gently tugged it onto yours before gathering your hand into both of his. He silently wept into the back of your hand, ending up falling asleep at some point. When he finally woke, your hand was slowly running through his messy hair, a tired but loving expression on your face as his eyes met yours. He shot up and held your face in his palms, uncertainty all over his face until you croaked out, "Just kiss me already, stupid." He didn't think twice, leaning down and capturing your lips in his own as gently as he could. He pulled back when you winced, pain in your eyes as he stared down at you. "You look like shit," you joked out, causing him to give a broken laugh of his own. "You look worse," he barely got out, holding your hand in his again. You simply grinned in response, commenting lightly, "At least I got your hat." He gave his own grin in response and leaned over to kiss you again, slowly removing his hat from your head to stuff onto his own. "Yeah, yeah. You're lucky I love you."
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Thank you SO much for this ask, I hope this was okay! I wanted to add more but after writing that almost angst with Peng, my heart just would NOT let me write anymore 😭😂 thank you for always being a solid mutual, I love seeing you in my inbox and my notes !! I hope you all enjoyed this little blurb 🤭💖
If yall want me to add to any of these, please let me know ! 💖💖💖💖
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romancefranaticstay · 6 months
Straykids Masterlist
Fluff: 💗
Smut: 💦
Angst: 💥
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—(••÷[ 𝓢𝓮𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓰𝓪𝓲𝓷 ]÷••)— 💥💗
<Coming soon!> 💗💦
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Lee Know
꧁✴ 𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒾𝓉 𝓁𝒶𝓈𝓉? ✴ ꧂ 💗💥
<Part 2> 💥💗💦
No date
<Coming soon!>
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Lee Felix
𝓓𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓸𝓴 𝓽𝓸 𝓭𝓮𝓮𝓹 𝓲𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓸𝓼𝓮 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵𝓮𝔂𝓮𝓼 💦💗
Jealousy Jealousy 💥💗
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Hwang Hyunjin
˜”°•.˜”°• The Other Side •°”˜.•°”˜ 💥💗
<Part 2> 💗💦
ミ★ 𝘐'𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘢𝘺 ★彡 💥
F⋆i⋆r⋆s⋆t⋆ ⋆s⋆i⋆g⋆h⋆t 💗💥
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Han Jisung
💖´ •.¸♥¸.•* Magnets*•.¸♥¸.•´💖 💗💦
<More coming soon!>
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<Coming soon!> 💦💗
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Once in kpop
<Coming soon!> 💗💦
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Fashion Icon
<Coming soon!> 💥💗💦
D͙o͙ w͙e͙? 💥💗💦
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daddyboyhalo · 1 year
oh good heavens i am rebranding after many many years. hi guys i like minecraft. while all my cubito posts on here are untagged, the source posts are usually tagged as #qsmp, #dsmp, or #mcyt :) here be qsmp spoilers.
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ミ★ as far as qsmp goes, i switch pov’s often but i’m primarily a crow and a ghostie! i also watch slime, tubbo, cellbit, etoiles, baghera… the list goes on! i love all the eggs but chayanne tallulah and the late night trio have a special place in my heart. bolasbolasbolas. yes coach. i also am completely obsessed with foolhalo
✫彡 sleepy bois inc has my whole heart. i will never be over sleepy bois inc. they are everything to me. and emeraldduo and crimeboys and clingyduo and tntduo… if given the opportunity i will not shut up about them. pogtopia is my favorite dsmp arc but i also love the las nevadas arc :)
ミ★ also, i adore sorry boys. i’m guaranteed to be obsessed with anything charlie slimecicle is in. he’s the funniest man alive hands down
✫彡 if i follow you mysteriously, it’s because this is my main and i follow from here! :D
♥︎ this blog is a safe space for queers of all sorts. if you don’t support bi gays the block button is up there. ٩(ᐛ)و
freaks and weirdos, do interact! ❤︎︎ ▼・ᴥ・▼
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the content i post and reblog is sometimes suggestive—just a heads up if you’re uncomfortable with this!
icon: vesper-c || banner: unit-ssn0va!
if you don’t allow your art to be used as icons/banners, let me know and i’ll take them down :D
⇩ video of all time btw ⇩
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scootatwoni · 2 years
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Hiyah, I'm Scout!
Main/reblog blog of @scootarooni
Mobile Friendly Links: ミ★ About | Art Blog | Carrd | Neocities
⚠️ I block blogs that are blank / have the default icon and layout ⚠️
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008-edits · 2 years
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"that makes them doubtlessly, clearly, absolutely, unequivocally, beyond any doubt, categorically, emphatically, GUILTY"
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
✰ lina ✰ any pronouns ✰ 22 y/o ✰ virgo ✰ intp
✧ hello there, my name is lina and this is my edits blog!
☆彡 what i can edit:
━━☆⌒*. icons
━━☆⌒*. headers
━━☆⌒*. wallpapers (both mobile and desktop)
━━☆⌒*. layouts (both tumblr and twitter)
━━☆⌒*. moodboards
━━☆⌒*. stimboards
ミ★ media i can edit from:
━━☆⌒*. twisted wonderland
━━☆⌒*. project sekai
━━☆⌒*. milgram
━━☆⌒*. genshin impact, honkai impact 3rd, honkai star rail and hoyoverse games in general
━━☆⌒*. vocaloid
━━☆⌒*. idol (music) games/anime/manga (love live, bandori, enstars, etc)
━━☆⌒*. bungou stray dogs
━━☆⌒*. kakegurui
━━☆⌒*. chainsaw man
━━☆⌒*. danganronpa
━━☆⌒*. persona 4 and 5
━━☆⌒*. other anime and manga
━━☆⌒*. other anime-like games
✸ rules ✸
━━☆⌒* please write the full name of both source material and the character(s) that you want me to edit!
━━☆⌒* for wallpapers, please specify if you want desktop or phone wallpapers. telling me the exact size you need would also help me a lot!
━━☆⌒* if you have something more specific in mind, please tell me the color(s)/aesthetic/theme you want your wallpaper/moodboard/layout to have (example: kanade yoisaki blue icons, trey clover cottagecore wallpaper). otherwise i'll just go with whatever i think is most fitting.
━━☆⌒* please tell me if you want a twitter header/layout because tumblr and twitter headers' sizes are a bit different. otherwise i'll just assume you mean the tumblr header.
━━☆⌒* for icons, tell me if you want them to have a specific shape (like a circle, a heart, etc)
━━☆⌒* you can also ask for ship edits! (including poly ships)
━━☆⌒* i can do pride edits too, but please tell me if you want a specific flag. sending a picture of it would be very helpful too! (especially if the flag you're talking about has multiple versions, i know that some flags are now considered controversial, so i don't want to accidentally offend anyone!)
━━☆⌒* my limit is one character per request unless you're asking for a ship edit.
━━☆⌒* if you use my edits, credit is not needed, but appreciated.
━━☆⌒* i won't edit anything with real people.
━━☆⌒* this blog is kin-friendly! please tell me if you want me to add "don't tag as kin/me/id" to your request.
━━☆⌒* if you ask for a stimboard, being more specific with your request would help a lot! like what colors you would like it to have, what kind of gifs, etc. otherwise i'll just go with what colors and things i personally associate with that character.
━━☆⌒* if there's anything you'd rather not see in a stimboard or a moodboard (something you find triggering, for example), please tell me!
━━☆⌒* my main blog: @linabirb
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scootarooni · 2 years
hey whats up!!!!!!!!
Mobile friendly links: ミ★ Carrd | Website (under construction) | Tags | :^)
📌Commissions: OPEN
You may use my art as an icon, banner, etc. Credit is appreciated but not necessary. Do not use anything in my #self doodle tag
🚫No AI or Repost
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masked-feature · 1 year
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ミ★ 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘮 𝘹 𝘔𝘺𝘳𝘢 ★彡
menace x stressed babysitter. that's it. myra's entire being revolves around making salem as stressed as fucking possible. however, myra is the first to tune in when salem gets over worked or is panicking excessively. myra loves salem with ever part of her, seeing him as an older brother. when he's struggling, she's the first to notice. salem sees myra as a little sister, noticing everything about her. he's able to calm her down from panic attacks. they act like siblings and care for each other deeply.
ミ★ 𝘓𝘦𝘰 𝘹 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘮 ★彡
devil x bargains with devil. leo and salem have a very interesting dynamic. leo is very willing to team up with whoever if it means winning. salem, being the competitive fuck he is, will bargain with leo and then stab him in the back. leo always falls for it 'cause he's innocent (even though he doesn't look it). they love each other though. piggy back rides are extremely common with these two.
ミ★ 𝘏𝘢𝘦-𝘸𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘔𝘺𝘳𝘢 ★彡
tom and jerry type shit. they fight all the time. it's normally like bickering about dumb stuff. light slaps and shit like that. they love each other so much, but it manifested violently. it's how they show their love. they don't get into huge fights though because they easily communicate their feelings. it's cute to watch. will never admit it but they love each other a lot. myra cooks for hae-won cause hae-won can't cook for shit but is always hungry. hae-won teaches myra the dances. they can be extremely scary when they team up though. they will exploit the system.
ミ★ 𝘔𝘺𝘳𝘢 𝘹 𝘓𝘦𝘰 ★彡
corrupt x slowly being corrupted. myra is slowly corrupting leo and it's hilarious. since they've debuted, leo has become much more flirty and manipulative. they're considered the danger twins for a reason. at ISAC 2022, they blasted "WOW" by 3RACHA over the loudspeakers. no one really knows how they got access to said speakers, but it was funny. 3RACHA wasn't very happy about it but the entirety of the idols there were laughing their asses off. it's a mess with these two but everyone loves them because they're cute.
ミ★ 𝘏𝘢𝘦-𝘸𝘰𝘯 𝘹 𝘓𝘦𝘰 ★彡
wise elder x child. hae-won shows leo the ways of the world. mainly how to work the system and bargain with the sellers at the asain markets but, same thing. hae-won and leo interact the least on screen 'cause they're both yelling at myra for playing them but they show lot of love to each other. they're caught shopping together a lot by dispach. they do the most random stuff together. they went window shopping once and ended up getting tattoos. no one questions them.
ミ★ 𝘚𝘢𝘭𝘦𝘮 𝘹 𝘏𝘢𝘦-𝘸𝘰𝘯 ★彡
tired x even more tired. they rely on each other a lot. probably the most serious duo out of the entire group. they work closely together considering their matching positions. they collaborate a lot. fans thought they were dating for a bit but ended up find out that their outings were just so they could work outside of the company building. they once decided to preform on the company's roof, pre-debut, together 'cause they were bored. There was a crowd and they got yelled at but they didn't care.
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a/n: should i do iconic moments??
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iconmochi · 5 months
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♡ — 001 : like / reblog && credit to use!
♡ — 002 : requested by anon !
♡ — 003 : check pinned for requesting info !
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liilithmin · 2 months
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– An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg ೋ
A shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak
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shopofthemoment · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Tom Ford ☺︎︎ F☺︎︎cking Fabulous Box ☺︎︎ 3.4 Empty 100ml Atomizer ☺︎ Iconic Scent.
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almostyours · 2 months
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click  to  help  palestine.    purchase  an  e-sim  for  gaza.    support  gaza  municipality  funds.
DO  •  RE  •  MI  •  Æ ド • レ • ミ • Æ  is  the  debut  japanese  album  by  the  south  korean  trio  hiræth,  released  on  july  24,  2021.  following  their  initial  japanese  showcase  on  their  first  tour  and  the  commercial  success  of  HOMURA  that  served  as  a  theme  song  to  KIMETSU  NO  YAIBA  THE  MOVIE:  MUGEN  TRAIN,  MIGHTY  DEVIL  announced  that  the  group  would  be  "officially"  debuting  in  japan  with  a  creative  but  ambitious  japanese  release.  the  title  track  served  as  a  promotional  single  for  hiræth's  collaboration  with  the  renowned  franchise  SANRIO,  with  each  member  representing  three  of  its  most  emblematic  characters:  MY  MELODY,  KUROMI,  and  CINNAMOROLL.
the  era  consisted  of  two  music  videos,  a  month-length  tour  through  japan  named  after  the  album,  pop-up  stores  and  two  cds,  titled  PHASE  ONE  and  PHASE  TWO,  featuring  a  total  of  twenty  tracks,  although  four  hidden  track  were  later  revealed  on  the  physical  version  of  PHASE  TWO.
PHASE  ONE  includes  ten  original  tracks  by  the  trio,  such  as  the  title  track  AITAI  ☆  TAI  and  KIMETSU  NO  YAIBA:  MUGEN  TRAIN’s  HOMURA.  PHASE  TWO  contains  ten  covers  of  the  members'  favorite  songs  from  iconic  animes,  including  tracks  from  NEON  GENESIS  EVANGELION,  FULLMETAL  ALCHEMIST:  BROTHERHOOD,  PUELLA  MAGI  MADOKA  MAGICA,  and  more.  physical  copies  on  PHASE  TWO  included  four  more  additional  tracks:  three  of  which  are  solo  covers,  and  a  cover  of  KIMETSU  NO  YAIBA’s  GURENGE.  this  cover  has  been  highly  anticipated  since  its  performance  at  a  fan  convention  in  2019.  despite  the  impromptu  and  silly  nature  of  the  performance,  it  has  remained  popular  among  fans  and  casual  listeners,  even  catching  the  attention  of  the  anime's  production  team.
from  its  inception,  this  project  was  considered  incredibly  ambitious,  requiring  extensive  preparations  to  legally  license  the  covers  and  more.  additionally,  navigating  the  reactions  of  anime  fans  added  another  layer  of  complexity.  neither  the  members  nor  their  company  anticipated  the  overwhelming  commercial  success  it  achieved.  this  debut  is  now  hailed  as  one  of  the  most  ambitious,  but  successful  japanese  debuts  from  an  act  outside  of  japan. 
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★   .   CD  1.  PHASE  ONE.
会いたい  ☆  たい ・ AITAI  ☆  TAI, title track
地下 ・ UNDERGROUND, promoted b-side
星間飛行 ・ SEIKAN  HIKOU   (kaia’s  solo)
DISCOTHEQUE   (poppy’s  solo)
怪物 ・ MONSTER   (yvan’s  solo)
炎 ・ HOMURA  from  kimetsu  no  yaiba:  mugen  train
★   .   CD  2.  PHASE  TWO.
THE  CRUEL  ANGEL’S  THESIS  from  neon  genesis  evangelion
CONNECT  from  puella  magi  madoka  magica
シルエット ・ SILHOUETTE  from  naruto  shippuden
AGAIN  from  fullmetal  alchemist:  brotherhood
INFERNO  from  fire  force
エヴリ ハート ・ EVERY  HEART  from  inuyasha
LET  IT  OUT  from  fullmetal  alchemist:  brotherhood
LOST  MY  MUSIC  from  haruhi  suzumiya  no  yuutsu
STARMAKER  from  boku  no  hero
STYLE  from  soul  eater
★   .   CD  2.  PHASE  TWO,  PHYSICAL  ONLY.
LOVERS   from  naruto  shippuden  (kaia’s  solo) 
SENTIMENTAL  from  fullmetal  alchemist:  brotherhood   (poppy’s  solo) 
CROSSING  FIELD  from  sword  art  online  (yvan’s  solo)
紅蓮華 ・ GURENGE  from  kimetsu  no  yaiba 
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the preparations and development for this album and era were, to put it mildly, intimidating. their creative director and manager, VIVI YOO, came up with the idea of releasing a full album with solo tracks to introduce hiræth to the japanese market in a way similar to their official debut in south korea. shortly after, she proposed releasing covers of iconic anime songs. these unconventional ideas initially raised eyebrows, but they soon began to take shape and generate excitement for the release of the album.
UNDERGROUND was initially slated to be the title track of the album, but when the collaboration with SANRIO was being discussed, AITAI ☆ TAI was chosen instead. as a result, UNDERGROUND became a promoted b-side, which ended up being far more popular than the actual title track. this song is frequently mentioned by fans as one of the best japanese tracks from a k-pop group, with its choreography still being loved and talked about to this day.
when their label announced in an article that their japanese full album would include a second cd filled with covers of iconic anime songs, it garnered a lot of attention, both positive and negative. 
now you may wonder, is that even legal? of course it is! their covers are legally licensed for distribution, with the original artists and composers receiving a percentage of each sale and stream. these songs don't sound 100% identical to the originals because they decided to start production from scratch. however, some of the original musicians contributed to their version.   inspired by amalee’s anime cover albums.
there was one condition to releasing those covers, though: they had to be kept exclusive to japan. international fans couldn't access them unless someone bought the physical album, which caused sales to skyrocket when this was discovered. the songs are likely on youtube, and someone probably has a spotify podcast with all the covers, so it’s not like it matters anyway!
the album consists of two versions:
the first version is the ANGEL  ☆  PHASE version, featuring a hardcover photobook with pictures similar to joy's hello and yves' loop. it includes various items such as a random letter to fans in japanese, stickers, a random sænrio-themed pc holder, a poster, two postcards, three photocards, and a papercraft kit to create either my melody, kuromi, or cinnamoroll.
the second is the ÆNGEL  ☆  PHASE version, featuring a hardcover photobook with pictures similar to lesserafim's perfect night. it includes the same items as the other version except for the sanrio-themed inclusions. instead, it includes small plush angel wing clips, similar but way smaller to the mechanical ones worn in the concept pictures and the promoted b-side, UNDERGROUND.
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a collaboration with SANRIO was already being discussed even before the era began. they decided it would be a smart strategy to release the song alongside the album to generate more hype and attention for their debut in japan.
the collaboration with SANRIO, playfully stylized as sænrio for the limited edition merchandise, is similar to nct’s collaboration but instead it focuses on just three characters only. KAIA represented MY MELODY, POPPY represented KUROMI, and YVAN represented CINNAMOROLL. their collaboration featured two pop-up stores in seoul, tokyo and kyoto called the SÆNRIO MARKET, offering exclusive merchandise such as notebooks, stationery sets, uchiwa and lightstick covers, pajama sets, head bands, tote bags, pc holders, plush toys of the members in sanrio style in various sizes, keychains, t-shirts, and more. they also sold savory snacks and delicious drinks.
the characters appeared in the ANGEL  ☆  PHASE photobook and in the music video for AITAI ☆ TAI, in scenes alongside the members who represent them, enhancing the song's whimsical and fun feel.
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★   .   A  LOOK  INTO  AITAI  ☆  TAI.
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AITAI ☆ TAI served not only as the title track of the DO • RE • MI • Æ era, but also as the song to promote the collaboration between hiræth and SANRIO. the music video is a vibrant and colorful visual experience that complements the song's energetic and upbeat nature. it features various special effects, such as colorful animations, graphics, and the iconic characters MY MELODY, KUROMI, and CINNAMOROLL.
while AITAI ☆ TAI doesn't contribute to the æverse plot-wise, it includes many easter eggs related to the current lore, such as outfits from the ængels of the season era, representations of their colors, fruits, and animals, hidden references to the member’s solo debut, and more. the music video presents hiræth's lore in a fun and accessible way to a new audience.
AITAI ☆ TAI is a celebration of fun, energy, and the unique personalities of the members and SANRIO characters, making it a joyful and visually stimulating experience for viewers.   music video inspired by loona’s hula hoop.
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as a promoted b-side filmed in tokyo in between promotions, UNDERGROUND's music video is a visually compelling representation of the song's energetic and rebellious spirit, with a strong focus on urban culture and personal expression. the video features dark, moody lighting contrasted with bright neon signs, creating a gritty yet vibrant atmosphere. the fast-paced editing, with quick cuts and transitions, matches the rhythm and intensity of the music.
scenes depict the members navigating through various underground locations like subway tunnels, graffiti-covered alleys, and industrial spaces through mirrors, hinting at a parallel world and emphasizing themes of rebellion, freedom, and self-expression.
angels have theorized that the video starts in CELESTIA, where the members appear tidy, perfect and otherwordly compared to the humans around them, ready to repeat their cycle as flawless angels but yearning for a change. the journey then shifts to TERRA MEDIA and TERRA where it seems that they are free, with underground dancing scenes set in the second plane, hinted at by brief glimpses of a sky with three moons in different phases, while the arcade scenes take place in TERRA, indicated by the crescent moon in the sky.
symbols like graffiti art, pentagrams, chains, and underground trains throughout the video emphasize the struggle and resilience of CELESTIA's doctrine. the ængels of the seasons seem to be on a journey, seeking something or trying to escape from something, but also enjoying their time in foreign cycle.
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★   .   A  LOOK  INTO  THE  ERA.
🌀 you will pretend the songs originally sung by men are sung by women 🌀
it was an incredibly fun era for everyone involved, despite being exhausting due to the extensive preparations and performances required to showcase the album and everything they prepared for it :D
it was fun, yes, but also very scary and intimidating, because what do you mean we are about to enter the japan market with a BANG? and to top if off with some sounds we’ve never tried before?! we are going to flop! what goes on in VIVI’s head?! nothing but ambition and a dream, it seems… but everything turned out well at the end of the day. 
this album release was so big it actually costed some good amount of money because of the licenses fees they had to pay. the members actually had to drop some from their own purse because not only they really wanted to sing their favorite songs, but they also believed in not only themselves, but VIVI’s vision, who also invested a lot into the project.
the girls don't typically perform their japanese songs outside japan (though there are exceptions 🙈 be their favorite date tour and they will spoil you!), causing envy among fans who have attended the tour and future dates in japan. these concerts are just… so fun… and with most of the album being instrument heavy, it gives their performances a different vibe compared to their usual shows.
this era was the one that made POPPY salivate at the idea of a rock concept for the group because she realized during recording how well they fit the sound and how fun it was to perform them! unfortunately, miss VIVI hasn't heard her out just yet. 😔
the girls each have two solos on this album: one original song and one cover. their original songs feature special performances during the tour, while the covers usually involve just them and the rock band, hyping up the concert attendees. YVAN and POPPY's performances are typically the most energetic and the ones everyone talks about after a concert. however, KAIA's performances are considered a true gem and are the most acclaimed in japan, where she is affectionately known as THE PRINCESS OF JAPAN.
from PHASE ONE, angels’ favorite tracks are UNDERGROUND, COSMIC LOVE, and VEIL. from PHASE TWO, it’s THE CRUEL ANGEL’S THESIS, INFERNO and LOST MY MUSIC. angels’ agree that YVAN had the best solos out of the three.
ADAMAS was a track that initially didn't resonate with angels as it completely diverged from the group's sound. they were even accused of "trying too hard". however, their perception of it changed dramatically after the first live performance of it. angels now consider the song and its live renditions to be life-changing experiences, highlighting hiræth's remarkable duality.
KAIA was involved in most of the songwriting, and both YVAN and POPPY gained attention for playing instruments in their original songs: YVAN was credited as the guitarist for VEIL, while POPPY was the pianist for LOVE GENERATION. they play these instruments whenever they perform these songs on concert.
some of the concert dates had a special guest, which were usually the original singers or the actual musicians of the songs they’ve covered. soloist LiSA appeared on the last concert of the tour. (she and YVAN were having a loud af high note off! 🏃‍♂️)
KAIA was undoubtedly the face of this era. it marked her return to the japanese market as an idol based in south korea rather than her native country. it was an exhilarating, emotional, and tense time for her, evoking memories of her life before hiræth— a time when she felt unappreciated, both by her family and peers during her days as an AKB48 member. she often pondered this, but never had the courage to have a conversation with her parents. since then, she has wondered if they were ever proud of her accomplishments.
yet at the same time, she secretly hoped her parents (and her former AKB48 family) were seething, as her face and voice were now prominently featured across japan alongside her fellow members. #REVENGE
after the era and their japan tour concluded, KAIA posted a japan vlog on hiræth’s youtube channel, documenting their time together in her country. the video was heartwarming and delightful, perfectly showcasing their friendship and companionship. one memorable segment at an arcade unexpectedly went viral: they won a blender and were more excited about it than they had been about their first win.
although there weren’t any accidents, KAIA drew attention on some tour dates where she appeared exhausted. she explained that she was indeed just that— tired. this led to complaints from angels about their company’s refusal to let them rest, especially after YVAN was unable to participate in a variety show due to sickness a little after KAIA's statement.
TLDR.   —    a very fun but exhausting era.  angels consider this one as one of their best eras.  the album did pretty well in terms of charts, sales and views,  but i’m not writing how they charted or how much they sold or how many views they got or whatever because i genuinely don’t care about any of that  😭  just know that they did stupid good!  anime fans were freaks as always,  but pretty women and enbies will always win.  their SANRIO collaboration was so cute even non-fans got their hands on their merchandise.  KAIA was the face of this era and received plenty of lines on the album.  this album made HOMURA move a bit up the charts again.  each member has their assigned SANRIO character forever.  angels keep saying that UNDERGROUND should have been the title track instead of AITAI  ☆  TAI.  their japan tour was successful and very talked about,  causing their label to release a limited edition dvd and special photobook based on their sold-out tokyo dome concert.  and they left japan with a BLENDER!
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★   .   A  LOOK  INTO  THE  PAST  &  FUTURE.
‘19.   they had just debuted and were performing at their fancons. during one of these events, a fan gifted each member a haori from the popular anime KIMETSU NO YAIBA, a series that both KAIA and POPPY are fans of since the release of the manga, and even convinced YVAN to watch the first season with them. spontaneously, they decided to cover the anime's first opening song. the fan-taken video of their performance went viral, with many praising their cover and wishing for an official release. the cover even caught the attention of the anime’s production team and received approval from LiSA herself.
‘20.   the year MUGEN TRAIN was going to be released, they were invited to contribute to the movie. they accepted and performed the song HOMURA as a requiem for the character kyojuro rengoku (and YVAN cried because what do you mean rengoku fucking dies?! 😭). this song won the grand prize at the 62nd JAPAN RECORD AWARDS in 2020 and the best theme song category at the 43rd ANIME GRAND PRIX. it debuted at number one on both the ORICON SINGLES CHART and JAPAN HOT 100 chart, charted at number 62 on the BILLBOARD GLOBAL 200, and climbed to number 2 on the BILLBOARD GLOBAL EXCL. US chart.
’21. KAIA released the japanese single SCRAMBLE, a collaboration with the rock group UNSCANDAL, whom she used to listen to and look up to when she was younger. the song achieved immediate success in the japanese market.
‘22.   POPPY performed FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST MOBILE’s theme song SPIRAL.
‘23.   KAIA was revealed to be the japanese voice actress of NAVIA, character from GENSHIN IMPACT... with POPPY being the korean voice actress and YVAN the chinese one.
‘24.   hiræth composed and performed the song WILL that served as the third opening theme song for the anime POKEMON HORIZONS: THE SERIES.
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꧁ミ★ 𝐁𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐜𝐚 ☆彡꧂
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