yumiuchida · 2 years
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kinop37p · 2 years
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#厳島神社大鳥居 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClXxOHLvYYL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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katsue-hayashi · 2 years
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思い出深い、特別で幸せな1日になりました。 ありがとうございます。 #宮島 #厳島神社 #厳島神社大鳥居 #出会いに感謝 #especial #gift #夜の宮島 https://www.instagram.com/p/CowXOgiyH8v/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tsuyo-gee · 2 years
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安芸の宮島 #厳島神社大鳥居 (厳島神社 大鳥居) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5uP15Jzvd/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tangojmsdf · 2 years
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厳島 2022/10/19 今日は、 呉→広島港→広島駅→宮島口→宮島 乗ったのは、 JR、クルーズフェリー、広電電車。広島港から宮島へは、広島駅経由でずっと広電を使ったので、かなり時間がかかりました。帰りは宮島口から海田市までJRで一気に。 #安芸の宮島 #厳島神社大鳥居 #厳島神社 #豊国神社千畳閣 #jr西日本宮島フェリー #コンデジ写真部 #olympusstylus1 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj5CTxWPgR9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suzumetabi · 2 years
happy New Year. Thank you for your kind support in the year. As the end of the year approached, we started talking about where to go. About 20 years ago, there was talk of going to Itsukushima Shrine in Miyajima, Aki. So, I decided to go to Hatsumode. By the way, I went by car from Hagi. The content is a simple video like a digest For those who have never been to Miyajima, what is it like? People who have been there say, "Oh, that's right." I hope you can feel it. We also often post “obvious” photo spots, so please look for them.
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flying-postcards · 2 months
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Sent to U.S.A. on 16th of July 2024
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palsuke · 1 year
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makoto-oka · 2 years
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★ ☆ ★ 石灯籠越しに大鳥居をみる 真っ黒な海の闇に朱に光る鳥居はすこし怖くもあった #miyajima #itsukushima_shrine⠀ #travel #iwaso #宮島 #厳島神社⠀ #大鳥居 #japan #hiroshima⠀ #廿日市市⠀ ⠀ #leica #leicaq2 ⠀ #leicaq #ライカ ⠀ #leicagram⠀ ⠀ #夜景 #nightview ⠀ #japan #夜 #night ⠀ #nightsnap ⠀ (厳島神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnUYpr2S3Ng/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tomoryoshka · 2 years
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だんだん近づく大鳥居⛩ 6月はまだ足場に隠れていました。 #0617 #nofilter #travelphotography #広島 #Hiroshima #宮島 #Miyajima #旅行 #iphone12promax #jr宮島フェリー #⛴ #厳島神社 #大鳥居 #改修中 (宮島フェリー) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj1NeW-yWYZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Sean bienvenidos a una nueva publicación en la cual aclararemos las diferencias entre un templo y un santuario japonés dicho esto pónganse cómodos que empezamos. - Seguramente, todos hemos visto alguna vez en fotos templos y santuarios que están por todo el archipiélago nipón y más de una vez nos hemos preguntado: ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre ellos? - Primero la palabra santuario ¿Qué significa?: Es el lugar en el que los japoneses adoran a todos los kamis por lo cual cada uno tiene el suyo propio, también cabe destacar que puede ser una montaña un lago ect.. Cuando buscamos esta palabra en español, hace referencia a un templo,entonces ¿Cuáles son las principales diferencias? la principal sería que los santuarios sintoístas, disponen de una puerta principal llamada torii a diferencia de los templos budistas, que disponen de una pagoda. Ejemplos de templos budistas por ciudades Templo de Kiyomizu-dera (Kioto) Templo Kinkakuji (Kioto) Templo Senso-ji (Tokio) Templo de Hokokuji (Kamakura) Templo Todai-ji (Nara) Templo de Sanjusangendo (Kioto - Santuarios japoneses por ciudades: Santuario de Ise – Ciudad de Ise Santuario Meiji – Tokio Santuario Itsukushima – Miyajima Santuario Sumiyoshi Taisha – Osaka Santuario Hie Jinja – Tokio Santuario Izumo – Ciudad de Izumo - Para aclarar las dudas, entre un santuario y un templo: También hay que tener en cuenta los distintos nombres y otras de las cosas que caracterizan un templo son las siguientes : Komainu, Temizuya o chōzuya, Salas principales, Amuletos,Komainu, Temizuya el honden y el haiden. En próximos capítulos podemos hablar de cada uno de ellos, aparte de seguir realizando publicaciones de historia, arqueología, geografía entre otros temas de japón os deseo un cordial saludo. - Welcome to a new publication in which we will clarify the differences between a temple and a Japanese sanctuary. That being said, make yourself comfortable and let's get started. - Surely, we have all seen temples and sanctuaries that are all over the Japanese archipelago in photos and more than once we have asked ourselves: What are the differences between them? - First, the word sanctuary What does it mean?: It is the place where the Japanese worship all the kamis, so each one has their own, it is also worth noting that it can be a mountain, a lake, etc. When we look for this word in Spanish, it refers to a temple, so what are the main differences? The main one would be that Shinto shrines have a main door called torii. unlike Buddhist temples, which have a pagoda. Examples of Buddhist temples by city Kiyomizu-dera Temple (Kyoto) Kinkakuji Temple (Kyoto) Senso-ji Temple (Tokyo) Hokokuji Temple (Kamakura) Todai-ji Temple (Nara) Sanjusangendo Temple (Kyoto) Shitennoji Temple (Osaka) - Japanese shrines by cities: Ise Shrine – Ise City Meiji Shrine – Miyajima Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine – Osaka Fushimi Inari Shrine – Kyoto Hie Jinja Shrine – Tokyo Izumo Shrine – Izumo City - To clarify doubts, between a sanctuary and a temple: We must also take into account the different names and other things that characterize a temple are the following: Komainu, Temizuya or chōzuya, Main rooms, Amulets, Komainu, Temizuya the honden and the haiden. In future chapters we can talk about each of them, apart from continuing to publish publications on history, archaeology, geography, among other topics about Japan, I wish you a cordial greeting. - 寺院と日本の聖域の違いを明確にする新しい出版物へようこそ。そうは言っても、安心して始めましょう。 - 確かに、私たちは皆、日本列島各地にある寺院や聖域を写真で見たことがあり、それらの違いは何だろうかと自問したことが一度や二度ではありません。 - まず、聖域という言葉はどういう意味ですか?: それは日本人がすべての神を崇拝する場所であり、それぞれに独自の神があり、それが山や湖などであることも注目に値します。この単語はスペイン語で寺院を指しますが、主な違いは何でしょうか? 主なものは、神社には鳥居と呼ばれる表扉があることです。 塔のある仏教寺院とは異なります。 都市別の仏教寺院の例 清水寺(京都) 金閣寺(京都) 浅草寺(東京) 報国寺(鎌倉) 東大寺(奈良) 三十三間堂(京都) 四天王寺(大阪) - 都市別の日本の神社: 伊勢神宮 – 伊勢市 明治神宮 – 東京 厳島神社 – 宮島 住吉大社 – 大阪 伏見稲荷大社 – 京都 日枝神社 – 東京 出雲大社 – 出雲市 - 聖域と寺院の間の疑問を解消するには、次のような名前や寺院を特徴付けるその他のものについても考慮する必要があります: 狛犬、手水舎または手水舎、主室、お守り、狛犬、本殿と拝殿。 今後の章では、歴史、考古学、地理、その他日本に関するトピックに関する出版物の発行を続けることに加えて、それぞれのテーマについてお話します。心からご挨拶を申し上げます。
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yoshichans-world · 2 years
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kinop37p · 2 years
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大鳥居修復完了 #厳島神社⛩ #厳島神社大鳥居 (厳島神社 大鳥居) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClXvcaEvayS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yamada50 · 2 years
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安芸の宮島 大鳥居 3年半にわたる令和の大工事も終えきれいな朱塗りの両部鳥居が再びお姿を現しました 現在の鳥居は9代目で明治8年に再建されたもので6回目の大規模補修でした 現在の両部鳥居になったのは5代目で室町時代に大内義隆が造営したものです 明治44年に朱塗りになりましたがそれ以前は素木だったようです いずれにしても風光明媚な美しき鳥居の風景は日本一だと思います #厳島神社 #神社たくさん巡るひと @jmj_jp 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 厳島神社(いつくしまじんじゃ) 鎮座地:広島県廿日市市宮島町1-1 主祭神:宗像三女神(市杵島姫命、田心姫命、湍津姫命の総称) 社格:式内名神大社 官幣中社 別表神社 巡拝:諸国一宮 一代一度大神宝奉献 菅公聖蹟二十五拝霊場 #世界遺産 #国指定重要文化財 𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍𑁍 #神社 #神社巡り #神社好き #神社好きな人と繋がりたい #神道 #神社仏閣 #shrine #shinto #日本の風景 #参拝 #神社巡拝家 #recotrip #御朱印 #御朱印巡り #御朱印好きな人と繋がりたい#鳥居#神社建築 #神社仏閣 #パワースポット #広島県 #廿日市市 #宮島 #嚴島神社 (Itsukushima Shrine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnN8tXPw1o/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ideas-of-immortality · 2 months
The Origins of Torii
There are two kinds of Sandō (road that approaches the shrine), a road that comes from a town or city and continues to the shrine, and the road from the entrance of the shrine to the Haiden (Prayer Hall) • Honden (Main Hall). Both are sacred roads in which visitors walk, and mikoshi are carried along the path. Therefore in order to demarcate the sacred land, torii, koma inu, stone lanterns, etc... are placed. Koma inu, and stone lions will be discussed later on, here is where torii are being discussed.
In fact the origin of Torii is not clear. From extant examples and paintings in picture scrolls, it is known that a similar type of torii existed in the 12th century, but it is not known when and for what purpose they were built.
Why are there so many different types of Torii?
The present torii gate functions as a symbolic gateway, indicating that the area inside (beyond) the gateway is sacred ground. It also serves as a warning that any disrespectful behavior beyond the gate will result in punishment.
Another feature of torii gates is that there are many types. It is said that the shape of the torii may have indicated the type of kami, but this is not certain. The form can be broadly classified into the Shinmei type and the Myojin type. While the Shinmei type is simple, the Myojin type is highly decorative and sometimes painted in vermilion. This may be related to the fact that Myojin-style torii are often erected at shrines of common people's beliefs, as they have a strong sense of Shinto/Buddhist syncretism.
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Parts of a Torii Gate
笠木 Kasagi
Cap Piece that covers the top of a Torii
島木 Shimagi
Long horizontal timber above the columns on a Torii, right below the Kasagi
台輪 Daiwa
The single piece placed where the columns meet the Shimagi, believed to prevent rot from setting in from the top of the pillars
額束 Gakutsuka
The plaque that holds the name of the shrine
楔 Kusabi
貫 Nuki
Lower horizontal timber, traditionally does not pierce the columns, and in Shinmei style torii, is said to be round
柱 Hashira
The two vertical columns leading up to the horizontal bars
藁座 Waraza
Reinforcement for the Daīshi at the bottom of the torii
台石 Daīshi
Stone pedestal at the bottom of torii
亀腹 Kamebara
White plaster bun-shaped mounds used to reinforce support base stones.
Varieties of Torii
神明系 Shinmei Style
黒木鳥居 Kurogi Torii
Made from logs where the outer bark is still attached. Seen at shrines like 野宮神社 Nonomiya Jinja.
鹿島鳥居 Kashima Torii
The lower cross bar is quadrilateral (instead of rounded), and sticks out past the pillars holding the torii up. Seen at shrines like 鹿島神宮 Kashima Jingū.
神明鳥居 Shinmei Torii
The pillars, top crossbar and lower crossbar are all rounded. See at shrines like 神明宮 Shinmeigū.
伊勢鳥居 Ise Torii
The upper crossbar is pentagonal in shape. Seen at shrines like 伊勢神宮内宮・外宮 Ise Jingū Naikū • Gekū and 熱田神宮 Atsuta Jingū
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Photo Credits
1 , 2 , 3 , 4
明神系 Myojin Style
Usually these have the cap piece called a Kasagi while Shinmei do not
八幡鳥居 Hachiman Torii
The edge of the top bar is slanted. Seen at shrines like 岩清水八幡宮 Iwashimizu Hachimangū.
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台輪(稲荷)鳥居 Daiwa (Inari) Torii
Below the upper crossbar are Daiwa (see above definition). Seen at shrines like 伏見稲荷大社 Fushimi Inari Taisha.
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春日鳥居 Kasuga Torii
Less warping of the cap piece and upper crossbar (fairly flat). Seen at shrines like 春日大社 Kasuga Taisha.
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両部鳥居 Ryōbu Torii
Has smaller support columns attached to the main pillars. Seen at shrines like 厳島神社 Itsukushima Jinja, and 氣比神宮 Kehi Jingū.
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中山鳥居 Nakayama Torii
The same as a Myōjin Torii, except the lower crossbar doesn't stick out. Seen at shrines like 中山神社 Nakayama Jinja.
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明神鳥居 Myōjin Torii
Both the upper and lower crossbars have warping (meaning they're more curved). Seen at shrines like 神田明神 Kanda Myōjin.
山王鳥居 Sannō Torii
Above the Kasagi, there is an extra part called the Gasshō, which is a triangular shaped piece. Seen at shrines like 日吉大社 Hiyoshi Taisha.
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三輪鳥居 Miwa Torii
To the sides are smaller support torii. Seen at shrines like 大神神社 Ōmiwa Jinja.
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Photo Credit
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Translations from 参拝したくなる! 日本の神様と神社の教科書 by 渋谷申博
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mvrider6 · 1 year
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