t4stereo · 1 year
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poddyshobbies · 1 year
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大牟田神社 ~ 出番を待つ大蛇山(2023.7.20)
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xiaohanjingpin5 · 4 months
You are the poetry of my life, each word a beautiful expression of our love.
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huang0415 · 2 years
來到熱情的南台灣,當然也要來點熱情的行程,像是騎電輔車環大鵬灣、衝祝山觀日步道看日出或是自製燒製一顆琉璃珠等行程,走!跟領隊Sky一起玩! (more…)
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largenavi-blog-blog · 2 years
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みかん王国 愛媛県では蛇口からみかんジュースが出てきたよ? #愛媛県松山市 #蛇口からみかんジュース #松山城 #大興奮 (松山城 本丸井戸) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj_5_b1v_rZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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amiens2014 · 2 years
遊山四万十せいらんの里とは 遊山四万十せいらんの里(ゆうざんしまんとせいらんのさと)は、高知県高岡郡津野町船戸(こうちけんたかおかぐんつのちょうふなと)にあるホテルだ。 四万十川の源流地点にあるホテルで、ランチビュッフェをしている。 四万十川源流点のある津野町船戸地区。 日本の原風景が色濃く残る里山の暮らしがここにはあります。 ここでは日々の喧騒を忘れ、四万十川源流のせせらぎに耳を 傾けてお過ごしください。 遊山四万十 せいらんの里 宿泊予約【楽天トラベル】 から引用 遊山四万十せいらんの里 高知県高岡郡津野町船戸1321 0889-43-9025 (more…)
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Sean bienvenidos japonistasarqueologicos a una nueva entrega arqueológica recién salida del horno, se ha descubierto en la prefectura de Nara espejo de bronce en forma de escudo hallado en el túmulo funerario de Tomio Maruyama, dicho esto pónganse cómodos desde que comenzamos. - Características : Mide 64 cm de largo y 31 cm de ancho. Data de finales del siglo IV y tiene 109 m de diámetro. En un examen que se realizó mediante rayos X fluorescentes al espejo con forma de escudo y estaba compuesto de cobre detectó la presencia de estaño, cobre y plomo. La superficie del espejo tenía rastros de que había sido pulido de forma suave. Los patrones geométricos, como es el patrón 'dragón', es una representación simplificada de una bestia divina china posiblemente tuvieran influencia china y los patrones de, los dientes de sierra, que se asemejan a hojas de sierra, se le aplican en la parte posterior. - En el mismo yacimiento se han encontrado: -85 espadas serpentinas en Japón y 4 en Corea del Sur. -La espada serpentina tiene una longitud total de 237, es tres veces más grande que el túmulo funerario de Uda Kitahara que es de 84,6 centímetros localizados en la ciudad de Uda, prefectura de Nara.
Kosaku Okabayashi, subdirector del Instituto Arqueológico de Kashihara, dijo en una conferencia de prensa: "El espejo de cobre en forma de escudo muestra el pensamiento flexible y la creatividad de la gente de la época, así como el alto poder de diseño. Prueba que el nivel técnico de producción fue más alto de lo que había imaginado". - El Túmulo funerario de Tomio Maruyama fue construido en la segunda mitad del siglo IV, dicho túmulo funerario tiene forma circular y es el más grande de Japón. La medición tridimensional con un láser reveló una estructura de tres etapas con un diámetro de 109 metros. La parte principal de la parte superior del montículo fue robada durante el período Meiji, y la piedra kuwagata, que se cree que fue desenterrada en ese momento, ha sido designada como una importante propiedad cultural nacional. - Espero que os guste y pasen una buena semana y nos vemos en próximas publicaciones de Japón.
日本の考古学者の皆さん、焼きたての新しい考古学的情報へようこそ。丸山富雄の古墳で見つかった盾の形をした青銅鏡が奈良県で発見されました。 - 特徴: サイズは長さ64cm、幅31cmです。 4 世紀末に造られた直径 109 m です。 銅製の盾型ミラーを蛍光X線で検査したところ、錫、銅、鉛の存在が検出されました。 鏡の表面には軽く磨いた跡があった。 「龍」文様などの幾何学模様は中国の影響を受けたと思われる中国の神獣を簡略化して表現したもので、背中にはノコギリの刃のような鋸歯文様が施されています。 - 同じサイトで次のものが見つかりました。 -蛇紋刀は日本に85本、韓国に4本。 蛇剣の全長は237で、奈良県宇陀市にある宇陀北原古墳の84.6センチメートルの3倍以上の大きさです。 橿原考古学研究所の岡林耕作副所長は記者会見で「盾形の銅鏡は、当時の人々の柔軟な思考と創造性、高いデザイン力を示している」と述べた。制作の技術レベルは想像以上でした。」 - 富雄丸山古墳は4世紀後半に築造された日本最大の円墳です。レーザーによる三次元計測により、直径109メートルの3段構造が判明した。明治時代に墳丘上部の主要部が盗まれ、その際に出土したとされる鍬形石は国の重要文化財に指定されている。 - 気に入っていただけて、良い一週間をお過ごしいただければ幸いです。今後の日本からの投稿でお会いしましょう。
Welcome, japanesearchaeologists, to a new archaeological delivery fresh from the oven, a bronze mirror in the shape of a shield found in the burial mound of Tomio Maruyama has been discovered in the Nara prefecture. That said, make yourself comfortable as we begin.
Characteristics : It measures 64 cm long and 31 cm wide. It dates from the end of the 4th century and is 109 m in diameter. In an examination that was carried out using fluorescent X-rays on the shield-shaped mirror and was composed of copper, the presence of tin, copper and lead was detected. The surface of the mirror had traces of being lightly polished. The geometric patterns, such as the 'dragon' pattern, is a simplified representation of a Chinese divine beast possibly having Chinese influence and the sawtooth patterns, which resemble saw blades, are applied to the back. . - In the same site they have been found:
85 serpentine swords in Japan and 4 in South Korea. -The serpentine sword has a total length of 237, it is three times larger than the burial mound of Uda Kitahara which is 84.6 centimeters located in the city of Uda, Nara prefecture. Kosaku Okabayashi, deputy director of the Kashihara Archaeological Institute, said at a press conference: "The shield-shaped copper mirror shows the flexible thinking and creativity of the people of the time, as well as the high design power. It proves that "The technical level of production was higher than I had imagined."
The Tomio Maruyama Burial Mound was built in the second half of the 4th century. This burial mound is circular in shape and is the largest in Japan. Three-dimensional measurement with a laser revealed a three-stage structure with a diameter of 109 meters. The main part of the upper part of the mound was stolen during the Meiji period, and the kuwagata stone, believed to have been unearthed at that time, has been designated as an important national cultural property.
I hope you like it and have a good week and see you in future posts from Japan.
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shunya-wisteria · 15 days
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夏旅2024 延長戦 - 身延山久遠寺
青春18きっぷがまだ残っている。ということで夏旅の延長戦、日蓮宗総本山 身延山久遠寺へ参拝してみた。
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三門を抜け緑美しい石畳の参道を進むと目の前に見えてくる絶壁の階段、菩提梯。高低差104m、段数287段、角度はおよそ45度と大変険しい道のりを途中 小休止しながら進みます。
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ロープウェイで身延山をさらに登り奥之院へ。山頂に降り立つと心地よい風がお出迎え。涼しい、と思わず声が出てしまうほどの気温差がありました、快適!そのまま奥之院 思親閣へと歩みを進める。静寂と澄み切った空気に包まれた厳かなお堂、素敵でした。
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今回は、都内から東海道線 熱海・富士を経由し富士から身延線にて身延へ。帰りは身延線でそのまま甲府に進む中央線経由で帰る予定でしたが、怪しい雲行きの予感が的中し、身延線 甲府方面はゲリラ豪雨により運転見合わせに。1時間ほど待ったところ富士方面の電車がやってきたため、予定を変更し来た道を折り返すことになりました。久しぶりに雨男の宿命を感じました。
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Sun Wukong's Final Battle
Journey to the West (Xiyouji, 西遊記, 1592) chapter 99 describes the Monkey King's final battle as a fierce, stormy confrontation against demons wishing to steal the hard-won scriptures for themselves. This takes place shortly after the pilgrims and holy texts are dumped into a river by an annoyed river turtle spirit:
Master and disciples had just climbed up the riverbank when suddenly a violent gale arose; the sky darkened immediately and both thunder and lightning began as rocks and grit flew everywhere. What they felt was One gust of wind And the whole world teetered; One clap of thunder And both mountains and streams shuddered. One flash of lightning Shot flames through the clouds; One sky of fog Enveloped this Great Earth. The wind's mighty howl; The thunder's violent roar; The lightning's scarlet streaks; The fog blanking moon and stars. The wind hurtled dust and dirt at their faces; The thunder sent tigers and leopards into hiding; The lightning raised among the fowl a ruckus; The fog made the woods and trees disappear. That wind caused waves in the Heaven-Reaching River [Tongtian he, 通天河] to toss and churn; That lightning lit up the Heaven-Reaching River down to its bottom; That thunder terrified the Heaven-Reaching River's dragons and fishes; That fog covered the shores of Heaven-Reaching River with a shroud of darkness. Marvelous wind! Mountains cracked as pines and bamboos toppled. Marvelous thunder! Its power stirred insects and injured humans. Marvelous lightning! Like a gold snake it brightened both land and sky. Marvelous fog! It surged through the air to screen the Ninefold Heaven [Jiuxiao, 九霄]. So terrified were the pilgrims that Tripitaka held firmly to the scripture wraps and Sha Monk threw himself on the poles. While Eight Rules clung to the white horse, Pilgrim twirled the iron staff to give protection left and right. That wind, fog, thunder, and lightning, you see, had been a storm brought on by demons of yin energy" [yinmo, 陰魔], who wanted to snatch away the scriptures the pilgrims had acquired. The commotion lasted all night, and only by morning did the storm subside. Soaked from top to bottom and shaking all over, the elder said, "Wukong, how did this storm come about?" "Master, you don't seem to understand," said Pilgrim, panting heavily, "that when we escorted you to acquire these scriptures, we had, in fact, robbed Heaven and Earth of their creative powers. For our success meant that we could share the age of the universe; like the light of the sun and moon, we would enjoy life everlasting for we had put on an incorruptible body. Our success, however, had also incurred the envy of Heaven and Earth, the jealousy of both demons and gods [guishen, 鬼神], who wanted to snatch away the scriptures from us. They could not do so only because the scriptures were thoroughly wet and because they had been shielded by your rectified dharma body [zhenfa shen, 正法身], which could not be harmed by thunder, lightning, or fog. Moreover, old Monkey was brandishing his iron rod to exercise the nature of pure yang energy [chunyang zhi xing, 純陽之性] and give you protection. Now that it is morning, the forces of yang are evermore in ascendancy, and the demons cannot prevail." Only then did Tripitaka, Eight Rules, and Sha Monk realize what had taken place, and they all thanked Pilgrim repeatedly (based on Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 4, pp. 363-365).
師徒方登岸整理,忽又一陣狂風,天色昏暗,雷閃並作,走石飛沙。但見那: 一陣風,乾坤播蕩;一聲雷,振動山川。一個熌,鑽雲飛火;一天霧,大地遮漫。風氣呼號,雷聲激烈。熌掣紅銷,霧迷星月。風鼓的沙塵撲面,雷驚的虎豹藏形。熌晃的飛禽叫噪,霧漫的樹木無蹤。那風攪得個通天河波浪翻騰,那雷振得個通天河魚龍喪膽。那熌照得個通天河徹底光明,那霧蓋得個通天河岸崖昏慘。好風,頹山烈石松篁倒。好雷,驚蟄傷人威勢豪。好熌,流天照野金蛇走。好霧,混混漫空蔽九霄。 諕得那三藏按住了經包,沙僧壓住了經擔,八戒牽住了白馬;行者卻雙手輪起鐵棒,左右護持。原來那風、霧、雷、熌,乃是些陰魔作號,欲奪所取之經。勞攘了一夜,直到天明,卻才止息。長老一身水衣,戰兢兢的道:「悟空,這是怎的起?」行者氣呼呼的道:「師父,你不知就裡。我等保護你取獲此經,乃是奪天地造化之功,可以與乾坤並久,日月同明,壽享長春,法身不朽。此所以為天地不容,鬼神所忌,欲來暗奪之耳。一則這經是水濕透了;二則是你的正法身壓住,雷不能轟,電不能照,霧不能迷;又是老孫輪著鐵棒,使純陽之性,護持住了;及至天明,陽氣又盛:所以不能奪去。」三藏、八戒、沙僧方才省悟,各謝不盡。
I really like the idea of a battle between a divine force of yang energy and demonic forces of yin. This is a common occurrence in Chinese Folk Religion—e.g. a Tangki spirit-medium channeling a god to exorcise evil spirits.
But the above description really sets my mind alight with images of the confrontation. Monkey peers through the pouring rain to see an unfathomably large demon army the likes of which the cosmos has never seen. It contains innumerable commanders, vanguards, and an ocean of spirit-soldiers armed to the teeth. This demonic force would be the joint effort of demon kings and jealous gods wanting immortality and salvation for themselves. [1] Monkey takes this assault on the scriptures as a personal insult given his great effort in helping procure them.
A demon commander might say something like, "Leave the scriptures and the priest if you value your life!" Then Wukong would scream:
Who said that? Who the FUCK said that? Who's the slimy, little, demonic shit, twinkle-toed, cocksucker up there, who just signed his own death warrant? [Surprised silence from the army] Nobody, huh? The fairy-fucking-godmother said it! Out-fucking-standing! [pounds chest three times in a row] I WILL BEAT YOU ALL UNTIL YOU FUCKING DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Adapted from dialogue spoken by Gunnery Sergeant Hartman from Full Metal Jacket (1987).)
In all seriousness, though, his speech should be a chilling threat similar to Subodhi from chapter 2:
[Y]ou can be assured, wretched monkey, that you'll be skinned alive. I will break all your bones and banish your soul to the Place of Ninefold Darkness, from which you will not be released even after ten thousand afflictions! (Wu & Yu, 2012, vol. 1, p. 125) ... 把你這猢猻剝皮剉骨,將神魂貶在九幽之處,教你萬劫不得翻身!
Anyway, the army commences its attack, the commanders sending forth wave after wave of spirit-soldier units wielding thunder and lightning as their weapons. In response, Monkey's body explodes with millions or even billions of hair clones to meet the oncoming storm. Each one wields the magic iron rod, which dispenses pure yang energy along with every ass kicking. The resulting battle is beyond imagination, with various units of Great Sages working to both defend the scriptures and Tripitaka but also drive back and decimate the malevolent force. Wukong succeeds in routing/destroying the entire demon army by dawn of the next morning.
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1) The Buddha states that the scriptures of the Great Vehicle are "for the cultivation of immortality; they are the gate to ultimate virtue" (Wu & Yu, vol. 1, p. 205).
Wu, C., & Yu, A. C. (2012). The Journey to the West (Vols. 1-4) (Rev. ed.) Chicago, Ill: University of Chicago Press.
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yoga-onion · 1 year
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[Image above: Vila by Andy Paciorek]
Legends and myths about trees
Legendary tree deities (19)
Samodiva – ‘Wild alone’, the Slavic tree nymph
The samodiva, samovila or vila, are woodland fairies or nymphs found in South and West Slavic folklore.
Thought they are predominantly associated with Balkan, specifically Bulgarian, folklore. Yet as there still Slavic, they can't be even semi friendly to people. It's the Slavic way. Samodivas are humanlike creatures, usually wearing a white cloak or dress and armed with a bow and arrow used to catch their human prey. The name ‘samodiva’ is formed by combining two separate words, ‘samo’ and ‘diva’. The former means ‘alone’, whilst the latter ‘wild’, or ‘divine’, hence the name literally means ‘wild alone’. The first part of the creature’s name signifies its avoidance of human beings, whereas the second indicates their wild or divine nature.
Samodivas are commonly depicted as ethereal maidens with long, loose hair, and in some cases, wings. They are typically dressed in free-flowing, feathered white gowns, which give them the power of flight. Samodivas are often described as having blonde or red hair, tall, slender women with pale, glowing skin and fiery eyes.
Sometimes, they are described as having a veil which could hold all their power. If they get deprived of their veil, they lose all their power. If they get deprived of their veil, they lose all their power.
The samodivi dwell in mountainous areas, and their favorite haunts include the Pirin, Vitosha, Rila, and Stara Planina Mountains. They enjoy riding on deer and use twisted snakes as reins. They are extremely protective of their mounts and would cast a spell on anyone who killed their deer, even if it was by accident. The spell would result in the person’s death. Most thair stories involving them are like that, though they enjoy dancing they often entice mortals to dance with them until said mortal die of exhaustion.
But, they are not always the bad, and sometimes they appear like normal working women and help with the harvest. They would especially help women with children and if a man did something good for a samodiva, she becomes his patron or a sworn sister. Sometimes, a samodiva can fall in love with a human and bear him children, who grow up to be great heroes. As they are forest creatures they know a lot about herbs and forest plant yet as they are not so keen on sharing their knowledge, you have to eavesdrop on their gatherings.
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伝説の樹木の神々 (19)
サモディーヴァ 〜 「野生で一人」、スラブの木の精
サモディーヴァは、長く緩やかな髪と、場合によっては翼を持つ、幽玄な乙女として描かれるのが一般的だ。サモディーヴァは、しばしば金髪か赤毛で、背が高く細身の女性で、青白く輝く肌と燃えるような目を持っていると表現さ れる。
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t4stereo · 2 months
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poddyshobbies · 1 year
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関連投稿 > 大牟田・祭りを待つ大蛇山
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↑ アーケード方向 ↓ アーケード側の参道を抜けた場所から
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↓ 上の写真の右手側の参道
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銀座通り商店街 … 昭和の残像(大牟田もまた炭鉱で栄えた町でした。)
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↓ 参道の風鈴
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> YouTube(10分)
2023.7.20 ~ つづく
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PingXie Fanfic Recs Masterlist Part 3
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Art source:《雨村笔记》 by 刘巴布
☆— Canon Setting —☆
情深非不寿 by 小 粉 📝Deep Love Does Not Mean Longevity
不是小胖几 by 方策 📝It Is Not the Little Fat Guy
补充笔记 by xuanbao 📝Supplementary Notes
回家 by 东帝沧阳 📝Going Home
不寐 by guzhouxianxing 📝Insomnia
张起灵的私家笔记 by 孤舟闲行 📝Zhang Qiling’s Personal Notes
光暗为界 by 墨澜白锦 📝Light and Darkness Are the Boundaries
瓶中记事 by 沈判 📝Notes in a Bottle
万山雪沸 by HAGS 📝Ten Thousand Mountains Snow Boiling
宿醉 by 夜藤 📝The Hangover
泄火 by foxWFMdemon 📝Let Out the Fire
何处相思 by elmArmoon/島 📝Where Is Lovesickness
化雪 by 写意/未遮山 📝Melting Snow
☆— Semi Canon/Semi AU/AR Setting —☆
不言 by 东帝沧阳 📝No Words
不做就出不去的房间 by MOLISAO 📝A Room That You Can’t Get Out of Unless You Do Something
天婚 by 无明有焕 📝Heavenly Marriage
脱轨 by 宁家小花风 📝Derailment {Intersex Wu Xie}
偷香 by foxWFMdemon 📝Stealing Fragrance {Ten Years A/B/O}
光阴匆匆,爱我直说 by 青樺 📝Time Flies, I Love You Straight Away {Yucun A/B/O}
张先生 by 孤舟闲行 (guzhouxianxing) 📝Mr. Zhang {Sand Sea B*SM}
与君成说 by 夏子煦 📝Talking to Juncheng
雪域幻境 by 熙山居 📝Snowland Fantasy
☆— Alternate Universe (AU) Setting —☆
第六次 by 标点欸欸欸欸 📝The Sixth Time {High School AU}
You Are Everything I Care by 米耶艾绮雅 & Charry沫_谖/疏留 {Showbiz A/B/O}
诱仙 by vein 📝Lure the Immortal {Xianxia AU}
玉观音 by 无明有焕 📝Jade Guanyin {A/B/O}
授业以养狼 by 宁家小花风 📝Teaching to Raise Wolves {Werewolf AU}
最后一课 by 乌啼霜落 📝The Last Lesson {Secret Agent A/B/O}
吴小蛇的幸福生活 by 张景冉 📝Little Snake Wu's Happy Life {Fantasy AU}
我觉得,我室友,喜欢我 by DarcyK7 📝I Think My Roommate Likes Me {Forum AU}
和顶流谈恋爱好烦啊 by 西西cici 📝It’s So Annoying to Fall in Love With a Top Celebrity {Showbiz AU}
网恋到了游戏大佬 by 魏莞想睡觉 📝Online Dating Reaches the Gaming Boss {E-Sport AU}
麒麟劫 by 西湖水漫长白山 📝Qilin Tribulation {Fantasy AU}
林冬 by 槐安国师/槐安鸽师/HAGS 📝Winter Forest {Fantasy AU}
情钟 by T-theresa 📝Love Bell {Showbiz A/B/O}
Last updated: 23/01/2024 (PX Fic Rec 71-105)
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chiyoha1488 · 2 months
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oldkwaidan · 4 months
 新潟県南蒲原郡本成寺村字長嶺に嘉左衛門という家がある。  その屋敷にある藁鳰(わらにお)は、ずいぶん前から藁を継ぎ足しし続けていて、大きさは畳二枚ほどになっているものである。  いつの頃からか、この藁鳰に青大将が棲むようになった。  もしこれを壊そうとすると、その青大将が夢の中に美女の姿で現れ、壊さないでほしい、と訴えたという。  また、藁鳰の最上部の屋根のようになっている覆いの藁がなくなると、蛇が群れをなして家の中に入ってくる。これは蛇が覆いの藁を継ぎ足すよう催促しているのだという。  嘉左衛門は村一番の分限者である。家が繁栄したのは、この蛇のおかげなのだと、村人たちは言っている。
 (外山暦郎『越後三条南郷談』 「動物の話」)
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fancyshooting · 1 year
[All machine translated. Taken from MGS3 scenario book. Comments in square brackets were added by me.]
距離はかなりある。 スネークをザ・ボスと間違う程。
The distance is considerable. So much so that he mistakes Snake for The Boss.
早撃ち。 撃つごとに肘を曲げ、リコイルの衝撃を吸収する。 (オーバーアクションにみえるが、高等テクニック)
Rapid firing. Bends his elbow after each shot to absorb the shock of recoil. (This may look like overacting, but it is a high level technique)
オセロットは大佐から聞いているので、ザ・ボスだと思っている。 オセロットの言葉「伝説の ボス」の意味には気づいていない。
Ocelot thinks he is The Boss because he has heard it from the Colonel. He is unaware of the meaning of Ocelot's term "The Legendary Boss".
「なんだ? その構え方? その銃は?(麻酔銃か?)」
"What the hell? What's with the way you're holding yourself? What's with the gun? (Is that a tranquilizer gun?)"
目の前にマガジンとジャムっていた運命の弾丸が落ちてくる。この弾丸を本編では首からぶら 下げる事になる。いつも弾を弄るのが癖。
The bullet of fate, jammed in the magazine, falls in front of him. This bullet is to be hung from his neck in the main story. He always has a habit of fiddling with the bullet/playing with bullets.
Ocelot, who had never lost, can't believe it. Self-esteem collapses.
Snake, muzzle pointed at Ocelot, speaks coolly. Like an instructor.
「(見真似で流行りの技術を使おうとする若者を見て一言いいたくなった) 初弾を手動で排していたな。 考え方はおかしくない。 だが、聞きかじっただけ の行為を実戦で試すもんじゃない。だから弾詰まりなど起こすんだ」
Snake: "(I wanted to say something when I saw a young man trying to use trendy technology by imitation.) You manually ejected the first bullet. The idea is not strange. But you shouldn't try out in battle what you've only heard about it. That's why you get jammed bullets."
オセロットはこの時の強烈すぎる屈辱でスネークに惹かれる。 またこの時のセリフをMGS1 のATで言う。
Ocelot is drawn to Snake because of the intense humiliation/disgrace at this time. He also says the line at this time in the AT [?] of MGS1.
[惹かれる - to be charmed by; to be attracted to; to be taken with; to be drawn to]
Snake: "But the quick shot was brilliant... good sense."
Ocelot: "Good sense..."
Ocelot, upset, faints there.
[動揺 - disturbance; unrest; agitation; excitement; commotion; turmoil; discomposure; feeling shaken]
[Couldn't find anything very interesting here but included some lines anyway.]
ヘリ内(ハインド)のカーゴ内には大佐とオセロット、 山猫部隊。 オセロットは元気なく、ジ ヤミングしたマカロフと弾丸を見つめている。
In the cargo of the helicopter (Hind) are the Colonel, Ocelot, and the Wildcat Unit. Ocelot is in low spirits, staring at the jammed Makarov and bullet.
Colonel fires. Ocelot is shocked by the madness of the Colonel.
Ocelot: "(Looking happy) That's the stance, that's the stance (I wanted to see)." He is quite happy to see Snake. Ocelot is ecstatic; EVA twists and turns to escape.
「確かにいい銃だ。だが、その彫刻は何の戦術的優位性もない。実用と鑑賞用は 「違う」
「・・・・・・ (かなり傷ついた)」
Snake: "It's a nice gun, to be sure. But the engravings have no tactical advantage. There is a difference between utility and appreciation."
Ocelot: "... (quite hurt)."
リボルバーには残弾がなくなっている。マカロフが8+1なので6発で空撃ち! マカロフに
The revolver has no more ammo left. The Makarov is 8+1, so 6 rounds and empty! He was so used to the Makarov that he was careless.
Snake continues preaching.
Two blunders and a bitter face. He likes Snake even more.
Snake controls EVA with his hand. Snake: "Wait! (He is starting to like Ocelot.)" EVA: "Why?" Snake: "He's still young."
実はザ・ボスはCQC時に発信機を付けた。 コブラ部隊はこの発信機のおかげで先回りしている (発信機情報を頼りにオセロットや蛇軍団は待ち受けている)。
The Boss attached a transmitter during CQC. Cobra forces are ahead of him thanks to this transmitter (Ocelot and the Cobra Unit are waiting for him, relying on the transmitter information).
「やはり来たな。 ザ・ボスの情報 (発信機)は確かだ」
Ocelot: "I knew you'd come. The Boss' information (transmitter) is solid."
―顎でスネークの背後を示す。 と、スネークの背後(エリアの入り口) 山猫部隊が塞いでいる。 山猫部隊が見張っている。つまりはスネークとオセロットのタイマン勝負の環境を作っている。 山 猫部隊はスネークにAKを向けている。GRUの一般兵士、 コブラ部隊に邪魔されない、通れないように見張っている。
He indicates behind Snake with his chin. And behind Snake (entrance to area), the Wildcat Unit blocks. The Wildcat Unit is keeping watch. In other words, they are creating an environment for a one-on-one match between Snake and Ocelot. Wildcat Unit has AKs pointed at Snake. General soldiers of the GRU, watching to make sure they are not interfered with or passed by the Cobra Unit. Editor's note: In the production version, the signalling has been changed to a cat meow. In addition, the Wildcat Unit should be positioned to guard Snake and the GRU general soldiers to guard the entrance to the forest.
スネーク、戸惑う(銃を抜かない)。 オセロット、見事なガンプレイで銃をホルスターに戻す。かなり銃が手に馴染んできている。 オセロットらしさが光る。
Ocelot: "Twelve shots... Okay, twelve shots this time." Snake, confused (does not draw his gun). Ocelot, with excellent gunplay, puts the gun back in its holster. The gun is becoming quite comfortable in his hand. Ocelot's character/essence shines through.
一蜂の大群が来襲! 蜂は暗雲となり、空を包む。辺りをすっぽりと包む。夜のように暗くなる。 山猫部隊パニックに陥る。ここではまだペインは出さない。蜂が山猫部隊に襲う。 スネーク、姿勢を低くして蜂の来襲に備えている。 オセロット、たまらない!
A swarm of bees attacks! The bees become a dark cloud and envelop the sky. It completely envelops the area. It becomes dark as night. The Wildcat Unit panics. The Pain is not released here yet. The bees attack the Wildcat Unit. Snake, keeping his posture low, preparing for the bees to attack. Ocelot, irresistible!
Ocelot: "(Damn, damn, ei, ei, etc. breath to repel bees)
[I think えい is onomatopoeic. One website says this: (1) *son of a bitch!*; (2) *shriek* *aiiee!* Yelled when getting down to serious physical business.]
Ocelot, dodging bees with gunplay.
The Boss: "Don't do anything rash (in the crevasse)." The Boss shows the revolver to Ocelot. The Boss: "We'll take care of him (Snake) with our Cobra Unit." The Boss returns the revolver in his hand in pieces. The Boss faces him. (Mother and son.) Ocelot, leaving angrily (entering the base).
Colonel: "There is always a spy on the inside." Ocelot: "I don't doubt my comrades (since I am a Khrushchevite spy)."
「(うっとりと。つい本音を言ってしまう) さすがだ・・・・・・」
右手でリトルジョーを回している。 大佐、 オセロットをキッとにらむ。
Colonel: "CIA dog!" Colonel: "Only The Fury remains... The legendary Cobra Unit is easy..." Ocelot: "(Enraptured/absentmindedly/in a daze. I can't help but say how I really feel.) As expected..." He spins Little Joe [The Fear's crossbow] with his right hand. Colonel, glaring at Ocelot. Colonel: "Are you in love?" Boss, approaching on white horse.
オセロット 「ん?」
「ふむ(思い出せない) ••••••」
バイク用のブーツ、左足の甲がバイクのシフトペダルでEの字にかすれている? 乗り方が荒 いので激しいキズ、または特有のシフトチェンジ癖で独特の形になっている。オセロット、去ってゆく。ほっとするEVA。
Ocelot, looking bored, went into the base. And, trying to pass behind EVA, stops. Ocelot: "Hm?" Nose twitching. EVA, nervous, takes a step back. Ocelot: "(sniffing sound)" Ocelot: "Perfume? (I've smelled it somewhere before.)" Approaches EVA and stares at her. He is twirling Little Joe with his right hand. Ocelot: "Hm (can't remember)..." EVA is wearing laced up motorcycle boots. She didn't have time to change. Or she could wear goggles around her neck. Little Joe's arrow tip is pointed squarely at EVA's neck. Ocelot. "Nice boots. Make sure you polish them properly." Motorcycle boots, the back of the left foot is scratched in the shape of an "E" by the shift pedal of the motorcycle? The back of the left foot is scratched up into a distinctive shape due to rough riding, or a peculiar shifting habit. Ocelot leaves. EVA is relieved.
戸口にオセロットが立っている。 恨めしい表情。
ザ・ボス、 オセロットと目が合う。
目をそらすオセロット。 ザ・ボス、去っていく。
The Boss, turning away, leaves the room. The sound of Snake being struck echoes from the room. Ocelot is standing in the doorway. Reproachful expression. [恨めしい - reproachful; hateful; bitter] The Boss makes eye contact with Ocelot. Ocelot looks away. The Boss leaves. Editor's note: In the production version, The Boss does not make eye contact with Ocelot. She leaves as if avoiding his gaze. Colonel's assault continues. Snake, faints, FO [?].
大佐、スネークに身体に電流を流す! 震えるスネーク。
Colonel, applying an electric current to Snake's body! Snake trembling. Snake: "(screams as he is hit by an electric shock)" Ocelot, unwilling to do anything about it. But he is drawn to the electric torture of the colonel. [惹かれる to be charmed by; to be attracted to; to be taken with; to be drawn to]
「耐え抜いた奴を見て初めてわかった。 (拷問も)悪くない」
Ocelot: "You survived the Colonel's torture." Ocelot: "I didn't understand until I saw the guy who endured it. (Torture) is not so bad." Ocelot: "It's the ultimate expression."
スネーク 「! (意を決し、飛び込む気合)」
オセロット 「スネーク!(やめろっ!)」
Snake: "! (Determined and ready to jump in)" Ocelot: "Snake! (Stop!)" Ocelot, not wanting to lose Snake, cries out in sorrow. [悲痛 - grief; sorrow; extreme sadness; heartbreak]
Ocelot boasts to Snake. Ocelot: "It's the smell. I could tell by the smell." When Snake tries to open his mouth, Ocelot stops him. Ocelot, with his nose twitching. Ocelot: "It smells like gasoline. It's for motorcycles. The woman had the smell of gasoline all over her."
Ocelot, overwhelmed. [感極まる - to be overcome with emotion] Ocelot: "I've waited for this moment... I've been waiting for this." [待ちわびる - to be tired of waiting; to wait impatiently]
As he leaves, he looks at Snake and does a small guts pose so that the Colonel can't see him (Just do it!).
["Guts pose" is the gesture Ocelot does throughout the game.]
近道するために大ジャンプ!! EVA同等のハイテク!
He jumps on a motorcycle (without sidecar) that was there. Big jump to take a shortcut!! High tech on par with EVA!
ロケットブースター全開! ターボ音が轟く。
思わず、米語で口走ってしまう。 やや道をそれるオセロット。 またしても遅れる。
The Colonel flips "a switch". Shagohod, transforms to rocket booster mode (phase 2). Rocket boosters at full throttle! The turbo sound roars. Colonel knows Ocelot is near the booster. The combustion booster is right on Ocelot's head as he tries to catch up. Ocelot: "(screams)." Ocelot getting burned. Curses! The Colonel smirks (payback for the confrontation). Ocelot: "Bitch! (American) Instinctively, he blurts out in American English. Ocelot slightly off the road. Delayed again.
Ocelot confesses calmly/quietly. Ocelot: "I want to have a final match/play a final game with you." Ocelot, pointing to the jammed bullet hanging around his neck. Snake, understanding. Snake: "Alright."
騎士道を感じて、名前を聞くオセロット。 Ocelot, feeling chivalrous, asks his name.
[If you choose the loaded gun but don't fire:]
Ocelot: "Why didn't you shoot?" Ocelot, pure smile (friendship). [友情 friendship; fellowship; camaraderie] Ocelot: "...Well, okay."
[If you choose the loaded gun and fire at Ocelot:]
「空砲だ。 楽しかった」
オセロット、ピュアな笑み(友情) を浮かべる。
Snake shoots. Gunshot smoke rises from the muzzle. Ocelot is fine. Ocelot raises his hands and laughs. Ocelot: "Blanks. That was fun." Ocelot, pure smile (friendship). [友情 friendship; fellowship; camaraderie]
[Radio conversations in the original Japanese script don't seem to vary much from the official English translation but some lines have direction notes that add some extra info.]
【On the Admonitory Speech to Ocelot】
P-Medic: "What was that sermon you were giving earlier?" [Included this because of the word "sermon", which hints at the dynamic between Ocelot and Snake. Snake is also described in the second Rassvet encounter as "preaching".]
「彼は敵でしょう? どうしてそんなアドバ イスをするの?」
「...... (本当になぜだか分からず考え込む)」
「(意味のわからないことを言い出したので ちょっと心配になった) スネーク、あ なた大丈夫?」
P-Medic: "He's the enemy, isn't he? Why are you giving him advice like that?" Snake "...(pondering, not really knowing why)" P-Medic: "Snake?" Snake "...I don't know why. I couldn't leave it alone for some reason..." P Medic: "(I was a little worried when he started saying things that didn't make sense) Snake, are you alright?" Snake: "...Hm... (still pondering)"
【Letting Ocelot Escape】
「……そうかもしれんな (本人もなぜ助けて
EVA: "By the way, Snake, why did you let Ocelot go?" Snake: "I told you." EVA: "Because he's still young?" Snake: "Yeah." EVA: "That's not an answer." Snake. "Really?" EVA: "Yes." Snake: "...Maybe so. (I'm still not sure why I helped out, either.)"
「スネーク、「荒野の用心棒 (For a Fistful of Dollars)」って知ってる?」
「(怪訝) イタリアの? さしずめマカロニ・
「でもあんなに格好いいんだもの。きっと 観られるようになるわ。 スネークも必ず観てね」
P-Medic : "Snake, have you ever heard of 'For a Fistful of Dollars'?" Snake: "No, I don't know it." P-Medic: "It's an Italian western." Snake: "(Puzzled [怪訝 - puzzled; perplexed; quizzical; dubious; suspicious]) Italian? It's a macaroni western [spaghetti westerns are called macaroni westerns in Japan]." P-Medic: "It's cool. Especially main character's gunslinging." Snake: "Gunslinging...(reminds me of Ocelot)" P Medic. "I saw it in the UK after the Major told me about it, but it hasn't been released at home yet." P-Medic: "But he's such a cool guy. I'm sure you'll get to see it. Make sure you watch too, Snake." Snake: "Hm."
【Food Missing From Equipment】
「あなたと同じものを食べてみたかったらし いわ(スネークにあこがれるがゆえの行動)」
「......??? (全くわかっていない)」
EVA: " He wanted to try the same things you did (actions due to longing for Snake)." [憧れる - to long for; to yearn after; to admire; to be attracted by] Snake: "What do you mean?" EVA: "Don't you understand?" Snake "Hm." EVA: "[朴念仁 - 1. quiet unsociable person​ 2. obstinate person; blockhead]" Snake: "...??? (I don't understand at all)"
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