goodjohnjr · 2 years
Do As Infinity - Fukai Mori (Deep Into The Forest) (Deep Forest)
Do As Infinity – Fukai Mori (Deep Into The Forest) (Deep Forest)
Do As Infinity / Fukai Mori(Deep into the Forest) What Is It? The Japanese song 深い森 Fukai Mori (Deep Into The Forest) / (Deep Forest) by the Japanese band Do As Infinity from the music album Deep Forest. 深い森-[Fukai Mori] Inuyasaha Ending 2 (Kanji/Romanji/English lyrics) Here are the descriptions for the videos above: Official Website: https://d-a-i.com/ YouTube Channel:…
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katoyoko · 4 months
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kwgsyk · 1 year
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amiens2014 · 2 years
道の駅ふかうらとは 道の駅ふかうらは、青森県西津軽郡深浦町風合瀬上砂子川(あおもりけんにしつがるぐんふかうらまちかそせかみすなこがわ)にある道の駅だ。 「いか焼きコーナー」があり、炭火で焼く焼きイカが楽しめる。 冬の風物詩といえばヤリイカ。これが沢山水揚げされなければ始まりません。 鮮魚コーナー|道の駅ふかうらのホームページ|風合瀬いか焼き村|かそせいか焼き村|いか焼き|青森県|西津軽郡|深浦|ふかうら|風合瀬|かそせ から引用 道の駅ふかうら 青森県西津軽郡深浦町大字風合瀬上砂子川144-1 0173-76-3660 (more…)
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kentaka5011 · 2 years
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赤い幕 エロいな😅 #パンダレッド #てんまくでざいん #ソロキャン #オヤジキャンパー #今晩は完ソロ #深坂自然の森キャンプ場 (at 深坂自然の森) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdng-DRPQA5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hiromusicarts-blog · 3 months
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オヤスミナサイ Good night
ブラスアンサンブル作品(1999) Brass ensemble piece (1999)
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g-men-movie · 11 months
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2006年の結成以来、シンプルながら力強いサウンドと、甲本ヒロトのパワフルなボーカルで多くのファンを魅了し続け、現在も新曲を次々と発表するなど精力的に活動を続ける唯一無二のロックバンド。この度、そんなザ・クロマニヨンズの「ランラン」が『Gメン』の主題歌に決定!本楽曲は、2023年1月に発売されたアルバム「MOUNTAIN BANANA」の収録曲の1つ。G組をはじめとしたキャラクターたちの熱く真っ直ぐな生き様と、疾走感あふれる青春を描いた本作に楽曲の世界観がぴったりなことから、映画サイドからの熱烈なオファーにより起用が決定しました。
<瑠東東一郎監督コメント> 情熱。真っ直ぐさ。青春。爆走。 Gメンという作品をイメージした時、主題歌はザ・クロマニヨンズ以外の選択肢が僕には無かったです。 愚直なまでにパンクロックなザ・クロマニヨンズ。 いつもナンバーワンで最高にカッコいいザ・クロマニヨンズ。 ずっと大好きでずっと憧れていたザ・クロマニヨンズ。 この曲で映画が作れるなんて僕はただただ嬉しくて。 気分はランランです。
今回解禁となった本予告編は、私立武華男子高校に転校してきた岸演じる勝太が、転校早々に教室で「彼女なんてソッコーで出来るよ!」「這い上がってやろうじゃねぇか!!」と高らかに宣言し、クラスをまとめ上げるシーンから幕を明けます。しかし、勝太が入ったのは武華の中でも最底辺、“肥えだめ”と呼ばれる問題児だらけのG組でした…。 映像では、G組のメンバーをはじめとしたクセ強で強烈なキャラクターたちが続々と画面に映し出され、高良健吾演じる伊達が屋上から飛んで登場する衝撃のシーンや、田中圭演じる八神が自転車にブチ切れるシーンなど、インパクト抜群の衝撃映像が続きま���。ザ・クロマニヨンズの主題歌「ランラン」が流れるとさらに勢いは加速し、レイナの手を引いて路地を走る勝太、ファンの女子と熱烈なキスを交わす瀬名、「天然か!」と瀬名にツッコミを入れる肝田、女子に「昭和くさ!」と言われる梅田などがテンポよく映し出されます。しかし、そんなポップな雰囲気から一転、血まみれで倒れる薙の姿、そして尾上松也演じる最悪の組織・天王会のトップである加藤の登場により、不穏な空気が映像を包み込む。勝太たちに魔の手が迫り、G組の熱き戦いが始まります!【G組にしかない】【大切な青春を】【もっと楽しめ‼】のテロップに合わせ、ド派手なアクションと熱い青春が切り取られ、ケンカに恋に友情に、今を全力で駆け抜けるG組の姿が描かれた、熱量たっぷりの予告編となっています。ラストに満を持して登場する、吉岡里帆演じる瞳先生の姿にも注目です。
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yoga-onion · 9 months
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Legends and myths about trees
Ent, Treebeard of Fangorn forest - Tree Guardians in literature
Ents are a species of beings in J. R. R. Tolkien's fantasy world Middle-earth who closely resemble trees. Their leader is Treebeard of Fangorn forest. Their name is derived from an Old English word for "giant".
The Ents appear in The Lord of the Rings as ancient shepherds of the forest and allies of the free peoples of Middle-earth during the War of the Ring. At then, there are no young Ents (Entings) because the Entwives (female Ents) were lost. Akin to Ents are Huorns, whom Treebeard describes as a transitional form of trees which become animated or, conversely, as Ents who grow more "treelike" over time.
The Old Forest, Tolkien's fictional world of Middle-earth, was a terrifying ancient forest beyond the eastern borders of the Shire.
Treebeard, called by Gandalf the oldest living Ent and the oldest living thing that walks in Middle-earth, is described as being around 14 feet (4 m) tall:
A large Man-like, almost Troll-like, figure, at least fourteen foot high, very sturdy, with a tall head, and hardly any neck. Whether it was clad in stuff like green and grey bark, or whether that was its hide, was difficult to say. At any rate the arms, at a short distance from the trunk, were not wrinkled, but covered with a brown smooth skin. The large feet had seven toes each. The lower part of the long face was covered with a sweeping grey beard, bushy, almost twiggy at the roots, thin and mossy at the ends. But at the moment the hobbits noted little but the eyes. These deep eyes were now surveying them, slow and solemn, but very penetrating.
Tolkien called the collection of such writings a legendarium (legend space, legend system).
During most of his own life conservationism was not yet on the political agenda, and Tolkien himself did not directly express conservationist views—except in some private letters, in which he tells about his fondness for forests and sadness at tree-felling. In later years, a number of authors of biographies or literary analyses of Tolkien conclude that during his writing of The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien gained increased interest in the value of wild and untamed nature, and in protecting what wild nature was left in the industrialised world.
Nearly 100 years after Tolkien's time, the destruction of forests, trees and nature continues unabated. Moreover, because of the historical background, I could not believe my eyes when I saw several WWI war photography in his biography. The clothing, background and even the tactics are almost identical to the ongoing war photos. The only difference appears to be in black and white or colour.
It is obvious that human society has made little progress in more than 100 years. In the face of the whole universe, a century is probably just a fraction of a second. Alternatively, there is a good chance that what we think of as evolution may actually be degeneration.
After all, it may just be a bunch of half-monkeys who are conceited and not knowing their places. We should realise this and learn from other creatures who do not go against nature. Don't get caught up in what you can see, but don't forget that there are things you can't see.
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エント、ファンゴルンの森の木の髭 〜 文学における樹木の守護者 
エントは、J・R・R・トールキンのファンタジー世界 "中つ国 "に登場する樹木によく似た生き物で、彼らのリーダーはファンゴルンの森の木の髭である。彼らの名前は古代の英語で "巨人 "を意味する言葉に由来する。
ガンダルフに "最古のエント "と呼ばれ、中つ国を歩く最古の生物とされる木の髭は、身長約14フィート (4メートル): 
トールキンはこのような書き物の総体を『レジェンダリウム (伝説空間、伝説体系) 』と呼んでいた。
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leomacgivena · 6 months
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kikuojp · 1 year
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My Time (Kikuo Cover)
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kaoriof · 6 months
そんな風にいろんな物事を深刻にとりすぎるのはいけないことだと私は思います。人を愛するというのは素敵なことだし、その愛情が誠実なものであるなら誰も迷宮に放り込まれたりはしません。自信を持ちなさい。 あなたが緑さんに心を魅かれるというのもよくわかります。そんなことは罪でもなんでもありません。このだだっ広い世界にはよくあることです。天気の良い日に美しい湖にボートを浮かべて、空もきれいだし湖も美しいというのと同じです。そんな風に悩むのはやめなさい。放っておいても物事は流れるべき方向に流れるし、どれだけベストを尽くしても人は傷つくときは傷つくのです。人生とはそういうものです。偉そうなことをいうようですが、あなたもそういう人生のやり方をそろそろ学んでいい頃です。あなたはときどき人生を自分のやり方にひっぱりこもうとしすぎます。精神病院に入りたくなかったらもう少し心を開いて人生の流れに身を委ねなさい。私のような無力で不完全な女でもときには生きるってなんて素晴らしいんだろうと思うのよ。本当よ、これ!だからあなただってもっともっと幸せになりなさい。幸せになる努力をしなさい。
ー 村上春樹 『ノルウェイの森』
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ym-loreposting · 5 months
Who made the Master Sword?
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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword shows how one of the icons of the The Legend of Zelda series, the Master Sword, was first created. However, this topic has a longer history in the lore of the series than many may realize and it gives more insight into the origins of the sword as a result.
A Link to the Past
The first game to feature the Master Sword was A Link to the Past and it already gives some comments on its origin. In the manual and in the game, details are given:
"Suspecting that Ganon's power was based on the Triforce's magic, the people of Hyrule forged a sword resistant to magic which could repulse even powers granted by the Triforce. This mighty weapon became known as the blade of evil's bane, or the Master Sword." -A Link to the Past manual, page 5
"Long ago, a prosperous people known as the Hylia inhabited this land… Legends tell of many treasures that the Hylia hid throughout the land… The Master Sword, a mighty blade forged against those with evil hearts, is one of them." -Sahasrahla's housekeeper
These passages suggest the Master Sword was made during the Imprisoning War to oppose Ganon, contradicting basically every game that came out afterwards. However, parts of A Link to the Past and especially its manual were mistranslated or had things added to them in localization. This is one of those instances, for if we look at the Japanese quotes in the manual and game, a different picture emerges:
"しかし、トライフォースを手にする者が善人だけとは限りません。そこで、ハイラル人は神のお告げで、トライフォースをかどわかす魔を撃退する、退魔の剣を造りました。それはマスターソードといわれ、真の勇者のみが使うことが出来るといわれていました。" "However, users of the Triforce are not limited to only good persons. Accordingly, to repel an evil "kidnapping" of the Triforce, Hyrule's people were informed by a divine oracle to make an "expel-evil" sword. That sword was called the Master Sword, and it was said that it could be used by (a person) with the faithful hero's values." -A Link to the Past Japanese manual (Johan's translation)
"今より はるか昔���の地にハイリア族と呼ばれた民がさかえておったそうじゃ…。この国には、その民の残した宝がいくつか かくされておると言うことでな…。マスターソードは その中でも魔の力を持つ者に対して 特にきたえられた剣だときいておるそして今も 森の奥深くしずかにねむっているはずじゃ" "Long before now, a people called the Hylians prospered in this land. They say that in this country, a few remaining treasures of that people are hidden away… I've heard that the Master Sword is also one of those, a sword specially forged to oppose those with demonic powers. And even now, it should be sleeping peacefully deep in the forest. " -Sahasrahla's housekeeper in Japanese (translation by KWhazit)
The Japanese text places the creation of the Master Sword before the Imprisoning War and more details are given. A divine oracle or voice of some kind instructed the people of Hyrule to create the Master Sword, should someone evil claim the Triforce. It also seems that it was specially forged to oppose those with demonic powers, hence it having the power to repel evil/demons. For the rest, A Link to the Past does not really comment on the sword's origins.
Twilight Princess
Following A Link to the Past, the Master Sword would return in Ocarina of Time and The Wind Waker but these games do not comment on its origins. It was not until Twilight Princess a new detail was added into the mix: ancient Sages made the sword.
"そこには、古の賢者達によって造られた 退魔の剣 マスターソードが眠っています" "There lies sleeping the blade of demons' bane, the Master Sword, crafted by the ancient sages." -princess Zelda before sacrificing herself to save Midna (translated by Jumbie)
This would be a specification of what we are told in A Link to the Past: the Sages made the Master Sword on the orders of the divine oracle. However, that was until...
Skyward Sword
This game most clearly shows how the Master Sword came to be. It used to be called the Goddess Sword and was made long before Skyward Sword. It was wielded by the goddess Hylia during the primordial war against Demise, as can be seen in the game's intro and murals inside the Statue of the Goddess.
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After Demise was sealed, Hylia created two plans to eradicate him for good. One of these plans involved the creation of Fi, a spirit inhabiting the sword, who was to assist Hylia's chosen hero on her mission. She does this during the events of Skyward Sword itself and part of this is to ensure that the Goddess Sword becomes the Master Sword. The Goddess Sword is forged in three flames named after the gods that created Hyrule, which change it form and imbue it with different powers. Farore's Flame makes the Goddess Sword the Goddess Longsword, a sharper and longer variant. Nayru's Flame makes the longsword the Goddess White Sword, which expands Fi's powers. Din's Flame start yo imbues it with the power to repel evil and demons, making it the Master Sword but in a dormant state (the same form the Master Sword is first found in in The Wind Waker). It only becomes the True Master Sword after it is blessed by Skyward Sword's incarnation of Zelda, a mortal reincarnation of the goddess Hylia, truly giving it the power to repel evil.
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Putting it all together
The accounts given by A Link to the Past, Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword appear different but can and do fit together. What is described in A Link to the Past fits Skyward Sword rather well: a divine oracle or voice instructs the people of Hyrule to create the Master Sword to oppose those with demonic powers and to prevent evil from claiming the Triforce. The evil in question here is Demise and his demon hordes, while the divine oracle may be Fi or the various statues left behind by Hylia that speak in her stead and guide Link to the flames.
The only point of contention is the people of Hyrule bit, as the kingdom of Hyrule does not yet exist by the time of Skyward Sword. This can be reconciled a few ways however. In Ocarina of Time, the Great Deku Tree describes the world at time of creation in general as "Hyrule":
"Three golden goddesses descended upon the chaos that was Hyrule..." -Great Deku Tree (Ocarina of Time)
Another possible interpretation is that Link and Zelda in Skyward Sword would either go on to found Hyrule or their descendants did, making them retroactively "of Hyrule". Both can work in my opinion.
The big thing is Twilight Princess however, as there are no Sages anywhere in Skyward Sword that assist Link or Zelda. However, Hylia does have a connection with the Sages. On her temple, a mural can be found that bears the Sage Medallions from Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.
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This does show there is a connection between Hylia and the Sages. Perhaps she served as the seventh Sage, as Zelda also does in Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past. It is possible that these Ancient Sages didn't make the Master Sword, but made the Goddess Sword for Hylia.
If this sounds a bit technically correct, I would like to draw attention to Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. Both of these games reference in passing the creation of the Master Sword:
"That is the weapon created by the ancient Goddess." -Deku Tree (Breath of the Wild) when first meeting him talking about the Master Sword
"The potential of this fabled blade may well be limitless. Truly the work of a goddess." -Deku Tree (Tears of the Kingdom) in Memory #1, alluding to Hylia having made the Master Sword
Hylia is credited with the sword's creation, yet did not play a part in it directly during Skyward Sword. It seems unlikely this refers to Zelda giving it her blessing, given how small a part of the process it was (and it would still be a technicality since Zelda isn't a proper goddess). Then it would refer to the creation of the Goddess Sword, as Zelda in Skyward Sword talks in a similar manner about its creation:
"Link, the goddess created Fi and the great blade she's a part of for very specific reasons." -Zelda (Skyward Sword)
This means that the Goddess Sword and the Master Sword can be considered interchangibly when the games talk about the Master Sword's creation, even after Skyward Sword came out.
So, how was the Master Sword made? During the primordial war against Demise, Hylia and six fellow sages created the Goddess Sword for Hylia to wield against Demise. After Demise was sealed away, Hylia created Fi to inhabit the sword and to assist her chosen hero. This is what is alluded to in Twilight Princess, Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.
Thousands of years later, the events of Skyward Sword occur. During the game, Fi guides Link to create the Master Sword from the Goddess Sword by imbuing it with the three sacred flames. Zelda also helps by giving it her blessing, making it the True Master Sword. This all is done to oppose Demise, an evil entity with demonic powers who wishes to claim the Triforce. This is then what A Link to the Past talks about in its manual and in-game.
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sasasatumblogbackyard · 5 months
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新緑や紅葉の最盛期、またSLが走る時は沢山の人で賑わうこの撮影地ですが、だれもいないであろう時間帯に、静かな森と川を眺めたくなってここに来ました。 紅葉のシーズンはもう過ぎていて、今にも降り出しそうな暗い空…でも時間が止まったかの様なとても不思議な空気感。
やがて静寂に波紋を広げながら、この光景にはまるで異質なステンレスボディが走り抜けていきます。 時間を写し込みたかったので、スローシャッターで一枚切りしました。
たったこの一枚で「確かに何かが写っている写真が撮れた」と満足して家路につきました。自分と被写体だけの空間が、撮影に深く没入させてくれたのかもしれません。 これからも一枚一枚、こんな撮り方をしていきたいと感じた一日でした。
23年のカレンダー撮影後記はこれにて終了です。現在24年版を鋭意製作中です!頒布の用意ができましたら、また告知させていただきます。 今年も一年 sasasatumblog にお付き合いいただきありがとうございました。
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hachikenyakaiwai · 3 months
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この時の模様は、被害に遭った商人側でも詳細な記録が残されており、たとえば、三井文庫所蔵の史料「天保七年 浪速持丸長者鑑」(写真=コメント欄)には、焼き打ちされた商家に赤線が引かれています。ランク順に並べてみると
(写真)「天保七年 浪速持丸長者鑑」1837(公益財団法人 三井文庫蔵) 相撲の番付表のように商人をランキングした表で、大塩の乱で被害を受けた商家に赤線が引かれている。三井、鴻池などが被害にあっていることがわかる(三井広報委員会)。
(鴻池家)加島屋某筆とされる『天保日記』(大阪市立中央図書館所蔵)では天保八年(一八三七)二月十九日、火見台から望見して「鴻池本宅黒焰大盛二立登、其恐懼シキ事不可云」、幸町別邸めざして落ちのび、そこで加島屋某らが「鴻池於隆君・勝治・和五郎」らと無事出あうところが生々しくえがかれている。和泉町の鴻池新十郎家の記録 『北辺火事一件留』(大阪商業大学商業史資料館所蔵)でも、鴻池本家当主の善右衛門が土佐藩邸、長音は泰済寺、そのほか瓦屋町別荘などへ逃げ、鴻池深野新田農民をガードマンとして急遽上坂させるなど、その被害状況や防衛対策が丹念に記録されている。
(三井呉服店)三井では、同日三郎助高益(小石川家六代)が上町台地の西方寺に避難し、「誠に絶言語、前代未聞之大変にて」と、 ただちにレポを京都に送り、木材・釘・屋根板・縄莚などをすぐ仕入れ、はやくも三月八日に越後屋呉服店大坂店の仮普請完成=開店している様子が詳細に記録されている。(コメント欄参照)
(住友家)住友家史『垂裕明鑑』には、大塩事件のまっただなかで、泉屋住友が鰻谷(銅吹所その他)から大坂城にむけて鉛八千斤(弾丸)を三度にわけて必死で上納運搬したこと、事件による住友の被害として、「豊後町分家、別家久右衛門・喜三郎掛屋敷の内、備後��・錦町・太郎左衛門町三ケ所延焼」に及んだこと、そして住友の親類の豪商としては、「鴻池屋善右衛門、同善之助、平野屋五兵衛、同郁三郎」家などが軒並み“大塩焼け”で大きな被害をこうむったこと等々が、 生々しく記されている。
(参考文献) 中瀬寿一「鷹藁源兵衛による泉屋住友の “家政改革”-大塩事件の衝撃と天保改革期を中心に-」『経営史学/17 巻』1982 三井広報委員会「三井の苦難(中編)」三井グループ・コミュニケーション誌『MITSUI Field』vol.39|2018 Summer 山内昌之「将軍の世紀」「本当の幕末――徳川幕府の終わりの始まり(5)大塩平八郎の乱」文芸春秋2020 山田三川『三川雑記』吉川弘文館1972 矢野太郎編『国史叢書 浮世の有様』1917
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kentaka5011 · 2 years
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我が家完成♪ #いつものキャンプ #パンダレッド #リベンジ #今月もキャンプ #深坂自然の森キャンプ場 (at 深坂自然の森) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdm7fQpvwG0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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houteiyugi-movie · 7 months
舞台挨拶で模擬法廷 “無辜(むこ)ゲーム”が開廷!完成披露試写会のイベントレポートが到着!
この度、10月3日(火)に『法廷遊戯』完成披露試写会を実施!永瀬廉さん、杉咲花さん、北村匠海さん、大森南朋さん、戸塚純貴さん、 深川栄洋 監督の6名が登壇しました。 まずは黒衣をまとった6人の謎の男女が観客席を通ってステージに登場。QUEENの名曲『We Will Rock You』と同じリズムを刻みながら観客を煽り、クラシック曲のBGMが爆音になった途端、ステージ上の赤い階段にキャスト & 監督が一斉にラインナップしました。
まるでライブのような爆音BGMに加えて法廷を模した豪華なデザインのステージ。法律家を目指しロースクールに通う主人公・久我清義役の永瀬さんは「今日はもはやフェス? CO²の煙が出て歓声を頂いて…。まるで男女のダンスボーカルユニットみたいで踊りかけました」と満面の笑みを浮かべると、ロースクールの同級生・結城馨役の北村さんは「踊る?」と永瀬さんを焚きつけたりして、豪華演出にビックリしていました。
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