na5qd · 1 month
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amumate · 1 year
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depression-napping · 2 months
Hello friends~
I finished translating Zack’s lines from FFVII Ever Crisis, if anyone is interested :)
Link here
Feel free to share ❤️
PS: I’m working on Sephiroth’s lines now, but he is SO hard to hear, not like Zack yelling all over the place XD If someone can provide clean audio with just Miniroth’s lines and no music or SFX that would be awesome 💕
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maniakkusu · 2 years
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#葵井えりか #ファインダー越しの私の世界 #モデルさんと繋がりたい #コスプレイヤーさんと繋がりたい #競泳水着 #競泳水着が需要あると聞いて #競泳水着モデル #競泳水着が好き #競泳水着が需要があるらしい #競泳水着はまだウィルスには効かないがそのうち効くようになる #競泳水着を貼るとrtといいねがブワアアァって伸びる #ポートレート #ポートレート撮影 #ポートレートモデル募集 #ポートレートモデル #ポートレートしま専科 #ポートレート部 #ポートレートモデル撮影 #ポートレートモデル募集中 #ポートレートモデルしま専科 #ポートレートモデルさんと繋がりたい #ポートレート専科 #ポートレート撮影依頼募集中 https://www.instagram.com/p/Co61BxnJRFh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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36c-no-kubisuji · 5 days
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katoyoko · 4 months
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urusura · 10 months
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haro-mem-no-kotoba · 1 year
ちなみに、 12時間寝ても 私は夢を見ません😅
初のゲストは…???!! 広本瑠璃 | OCHA NORMAオフィシャルブログ Powered by Ameba
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cross-cunt · 1 year
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scof75 · 2 years
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・ スモサ春の旅 東大阪編 さらに追加いたしました! 先ずは、フクちゃん営む @mieat.310 東大阪で歌います。 大阪はずっと行けなかったのに、なんと二日続けてのライブになりました。 とてもとてもうれしい。 東大阪音楽祭をみんなで  @irofullsai さんと一緒に楽しもう♪そして遅ればせながら、フクちゃんの開店祝いを歌います。 お食事はもちろん、フルーツが!フルーツが最高なの。フクちゃん、フルーツサンド絶対食べるぅーーー。 是非お越しください。 https://www.scof75.com/event-info #スモサの旅 #scof75 #studio75 #大阪 #東大阪 #いろふる祭 #東大阪音楽祭 #repost @mieat.310 —————— 告知いたします。 Vol.1 EAST OSAKA MUSIC FESTIVAL (東大阪音楽祭) 4月9日(日曜) 僕が大学生の時からファンで大好きなスモールサークルオブフレンズのお二人がLiveしてくれます。。 東大阪では初なので是非皆様生の音を聞きにmieatに遊びに来てください。。 その日のmieatは食事、ドリンク、フルーツサンドなど中でも外でも食べれるメニューを用意いたしますので楽しみにしてて下さい。。 また、当日は @irofullsai 祭が商店街を一緒に盛り上げてくれます。。 子供から大人まで楽しい事間違いなと思いますので、、、、👍👍 *Small Circle of Friends (ムトウサツキ+アズマリキ) 1993#. United future organization DU-^* ル"Brownswood"よりデビュー。以来、17枚のフル・アルバムをリリース。 2005年にはインストゥルメンタルに特化したサイド・プロジェクト「STUDI075」をスタートし、英国の人気 DJ、ジャイルス・ピーターソンからもラジオ・プログラムにてピックアップされた。 2021年12月1日 Small Circle of Friends 最新12枚目のフルアルバム「cell」 2022年8月17日には『cell』のリミックス・アルバム 『Another Cell』 をリリース。 STUDIO75は音楽制作のほかに、「75Clothes」サンプル製作時の残布や、在庫として残るデットストック生地を再利用する『リユーステーラー』として制作販売し、音楽と衣服で毎日を暮らしています。 【予約】メール[email protected] ※件名に(SCOF 予約) ※本文に(お名前(フルネーム)/人数/ご連絡先(携帯)を明記の上メール送信をお願い致します。 #東大阪音楽祭 #EOMF #スモールサークルオブフレンズ #SCOF #東大阪 #東大阪市 #mieat #イロフル #商店街 #音楽 #Live #絶対きてね #これは生で聞いてほしい #間違いなく最高なんで @mieat.310 (MIEAT ご飯とお酒と果物のお店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpevvQWP533/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stmagomago · 2 years
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図書館で子供の本を探していたら今から約50年前に私が小学校の時に先生が授業中に読んでくれた「へっこきあねさがよめにきて」がありました☆思わずお孫ちゃん達の読み聞かせの為に借りてしまいました(*^^*) #育児するおじいちゃんことパピ #育児 #お孫ちゃん #58歳 #ボケ防止の為のブログ #図書館 #読み聞かせ #へっこきあねさがよめにきて #再会 #50年前 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpM8rNyyDYs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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irafuwas · 4 months
The Night Ravens - 「Piece of my World」
The very first official soundtrack for Twisted Wonderland just released today, and one of the tracks included was the long-awaited full version of the opening theme, "Piece of my World". I took a crack at translating it, which you can view after the cut!
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聞こえるだろう 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
You hear it, don't you? What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
ドキドキいつも欲しいんだ [さあ 合図して]
I'm always on the hunt for an adrenaline rush [Now give me the signal]
瞬きなんてしちゃダメさ [魔法は始まるよ]
Don't even blink [The magic's just beginning]
誰もがそうさ 負けられない [月が煽る]
I know people say it all the time, but I'm not going to lose [The moon's urging us on]
尖る靴音鳴らしていこう ほら 夜が明ける前に
Let the sharp clang of your footsteps resound Come on, before day breaks
手探りだね 僕のカタチ 貫く熱は在るのに
I'm fumbling around, still trying to figure out who I am I know I can keep pushing on, and yet-
ねじれた リズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rythym The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
Go ahead, take a look What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
時計の針が滑り出す 「さあもっと上げて」
The clock inches ever forward [Now turn it up even more]
逸つ靴音 弾ける鼓動 ほら 誰よりも前へ
Your piercing footsteps, this throbbing beat Surpass everyone and everything
描いていた 僕のカタチ 歪さも気に入ってるのに
The concept of myself I've come up with I adore how distorted it is, and yet-
ねじれた世界で歌おう ざわめく胸の熱はほんとうさ シラけちゃうジョーシキ破り捨てていいんじゃない? スリルは僕らが輝くピース 闇の中 見つけ出せるさ 繋がる答えを
Let's sing together in this twisted world This warmth stirring deep in my chest, I know it's real I'm sick and tired of these societal rules So why don't we just rip them up and throw them all away? The thrills we seek become part of us - look at how they shine It's here within the darkness that we're able to find the answer that connects us all
夜が分かつ時 超えてゆけるだろう [ねじれた世界が導く…]
When the night drives us apart, I'm sure we'll get through it [Guided by this twisted world…]
僕だけの運命が 拒めないように
So that I won't be denied my destiny
溢れだす魔法飲み干し 痛み苛立ちが邪魔をしても かまわないよ 全部 手に入れて見せるさ
I'll drink up this overflowing magic until there isn't a single drop left No amount of pain, no amount of frustration will stop me The world will be mine, just you watch
ねじれたリズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rhythm The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて扉の向こう キミの中へ繋ぐWonderland!
Go ahead, take a look There beyond the door connecting to your heart lies Wonderland!
A-ha NaNaNa… Yeah-- Come along Wonderland!
TL Notes: This is not a 1-to-1 translation, and I took creative liberties with it :)
And many thanks to my friend Yuurei-san for helping me parse through this!!
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hirasen · 2 years
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#店内隈なく探しても見つからず 、 #聞くは一時の恥 と #店員さんに尋ねて発見 ☆ #個人的には 、 #トーコーチェーン と #龍天江 、 #三和商事 が #楽しみですが 、 #トーコーチェーンは新録っぽいですなぁ …。 https://kahoku.news/articles/20221221khn000030.html https://www.instagram.com/p/CmjVZH2vuQe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pikahlua · 2 months
MHA Chapter 430 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 もう壊したよ… もうこわしたよ… mou kowashita yo... It's already been destroyed...
2 それは明日のおまえら次第だな それはあしたのおまえらしだいだな sore wa ashita no omaera shidai da na That depends on what you people decide to do tomorrow. (Note: This is a flashback to chapters 423 and 424.)
3 人は ひとは hito wa People
4 生まれながらに平等じゃない うまれながらにびょうどうじゃない umare nagara ni byoudou ja nai are not born equal. (Note: This line is a reference to chapter 1.)
tagline 月日が流れーー つきひがながれーー tsukihi ga nagare-- The days pass by--
5 僕らは一人一人形が違って ぼくらはひとりひとりかたちがちがって bokura wa hitori hitori katachi ga chigatte Each of us is different in form,
sign 職員室 しょくいんしつ shokuin-shitsu Staff Room
6 それ故に他者を思う それゆえにたしゃをおもう sore yue ni tasha wo omou and therefore we think of others.
7 形の違うその身と心を かたちのちがうそのみとこころを katachi no chigau sono mi to kokoro wo The differences in our forms [are in both] the body and mind.
8 だからこそ他へ馳せ だからこそほかへはせ dakara koso hoka e hase That's precisely why we go a different [direction]
9 交点を探す こうてんをさがす kouten wo sagasu to search for points of intersection.
10 緑谷兄ちゃん みどりやにいちゃん Midoriya-niichan "Midoriya-niichan*," (*Note: "Niichan" is a title given to young men or an "older brother," whether related in reality or just as a term of endearment.)
11 デク先生!午後の実技ってどこに集まっとけばいい? デクせんせい!ごごのじつぎってどこにあつまっとけばいい? DEKU-sensei! gogo no jitsugi tte doko ni atsumattokeba ii? "Deku-sensei! Where should we gather for afternoon practical training?"
12 これが齢17歳にして知った これがよわい17さいにしてしった kore ga yowai 17sai ni shite shitta That's the hard truth I learned at age 17,
13 バス停前USJの行き方も兼ねてるから バスていまえユーエスジェーのいきかたもかねてるから BASUtei-mae YUU ESU JEE no ikikata mo kaneteru kara "In front of the bus stop, since it also serves as the way to go to the USJ."
14 社会の現実。 しゃかいのげんじつ。 shakai no genjitsu. the reality of society.
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1 あの日たしかに聞こえた あのひたしかにきこえた ano hi tashika ni kikoeta That day, I definitely heard them,
2 励ましと祈りの声は はげましといのりのこえは hagemashi to inori no kore wa the voices of encouragement and prayer.
3 今も僕を奮い立たせてくれる。 いまもぼくをふるいたたせてくれる。 ima mo boku wo furui tatasete kureru. They still inspire me.
4 誰かに思いを馳せる事がヒーローへの一歩だとしたら だれかにおもいをはせることがヒーローへのいっぽだとしたら dareka ni omoi wo haseru koto ga HIIROO e no ippo da to shitara If thinking of others is a step towards [becoming a] hero,
5 あの日 誰もが最高のヒーローだった。 あのひ だれもがさいこうのヒーローだった。 ano hi daremo ga saikou no HIIROO datta. then that day, everyone were all the greatest heroes.
6 不相応な夢を叶えて貰った ふそうおうなゆめをかなえてもらった fusouou na yume wo kanaete moratta I had an undeserved dream come true for me.
7 考える前に動いてしまった事で始まった僕の物語は かんがえるまえにうごいてしまったことではじまったぼくのものがたりは kangaeru mae ni ugoite shimatta koto de hajimatta boku no monogatari wa As for my story, which began when I moved before I could think,
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book title 敵連合 ヴィランれんごう VIRAN rengou The League of Villains
1 OFAの残り火と共に幕を閉じていく。 ワン・フォー・オールののこりびとともにまくをとじていく。 WAN FOO OORU no nokoribi to tomo ni maku wo tojite iku. the curtain has started to close on it along with the embers of One For All.
2 じゃあ jaa Well then,
3 何でまだコレを書いてるかって? なんでまだコレをかいてるかって? nande mada KORE wo kaiteru ka tte? why am I still writing this, you ask?
4 だってまだ datte mada Because, there's still
5 ページは続いているからね ページはつづいているからね PEEJI wa tsudzuite iru kara ne the pages that are continuing. (Note: Contextually, this would read as "There are still pages left to fill.")
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1 8年後 8ねんご 8nengo 8 years later
2 諸君もいよいよ受験生だ‼︎ しょくんもいよいよじゅけんせいだ‼︎ shokun mo iyoiyo jukensei da!! "All of you are finally [entering the school year when you will take] entrance exams!!"
3 来週までに進路希望を提出する事‼︎ らいしゅうまでにしんろきぼうをていしゅつすること‼︎ raishuu made ni shinro kibou wo teishutsu suru koto!! "By next week, submit your career aspirations!!"
4 俺ぁヒーロー科!雄英だな! おれぁヒーロー科!ゆうえいだな! orea HIIROO-ka! yuuei da na! "Mine's the hero course! At UA!"
5 今アツイのはサポートアイテムだよ! いまアツイのはサポートアイテムだよ! ima ATSUI no wa SAPOOTO AITEMU da yo! "Support items are what's hot right now!"
6 絶対「ライトリーラボ」のメンバーになるンだ! ぜったい「ライトリーラボ」のメンバーになるンだ! zettai 「RAITORII RABO」 no MENBAA ni naruNda! "I'll definitely become a member of the Lightly Lab!"
7-8 あの大天才発目明さんが所属するサポートアイテムデザイン事務所! あのだいてんさいはつめめいさんがしょぞくするサポートアイテムデザインじむしょ! ano daitensai Hatsume Mei-san ga shozoku suru SAPOOTO AITEMU DEZAIN jimusho! "The support item design office that super-genius Mei Hatsume-san belongs to!"
9 僕は吉田竜ドクターみたいに ぼくはよしだりゅうドクターみたいに boku wa Yoshida-ryuu DOKUTAA mitai ni "I [wanna be] like Doctor Ryuu Yoshida"
10 回復不可能な人をも治せるような医師になる…必ずな かいふくふかのうなひとをもなおせるようないしになる…かならずな kaifuku fukanou na hito wo mo naoseru you na ishi ni naru...kanarazu na "and become a doctor who can cure even those who cannot recover...definitely."
11 私は5年前に"サイバ・ウォー"で伝説をつくったGeL Inc.に入りたい! わたしは5ねんまえに"サイバ・ウォー"ででんせつをつくったジーエルインクにはいりたい! watashi wa 5nenmae ni "SAIBA・WOO" de densetsu wo tsukutta JII ERU INKU ni hairitai! "I want to join GeL Inc., which created a legend with 'Cyber War' five years ago!"
12 プログラミング!パリキャリかっこいいの! PUROGURAMINGU! PARI KYARI kakko ii no! "Programming! Paris and Cali are so cool!"
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1 え⁉︎おまえもヒーロー志望なのかよ⁉︎ え⁉︎おまえもヒーローしぼうなのかよ⁉︎ e!? omae mo HIIROO shibou nanoka yo!? "Eh!? You also aspire to be a hero!?"
2 うわあ見るなよ! うわあみるなよ! uwaa miruna yo! "Waah don't look!"
3 おまえの"個性"はさすがにムズくね!⁉︎ おまえの"こせい"はさすがにムズくね!⁉︎ omae no "kosei" wa sasuga ni MUZUku ne!!? "But surely that'll be difficult with your quirk!!?"
4 ダイ! "Dai!" DAI!
5 それは…わからんでしょ…! sore wa...wakaran desho...! "That's...you don't know...!"
6 ただでさえ敵発生率も減少傾向で ただでさえヴィランはっせいりつもげんしょうけいこうで tada de sae VIRAN hasseiritsu mo genshou keikou de "Even in the most opportune times, the incidence rate of villains is on the decline,"
7 ヒーローも数絞られてきてンだぜ⁉︎ ヒーローもかずしぼられてきてンだぜ⁉︎ HIIROO mo kazu shiborarete kiteNda ze!? "and the number of heroes has been narrowed down too, right!?"
8 ごっからは真に強ェ奴だけがヒーローになる時代だぜ! ごっからはしんにつえェやつだけがヒーローになるじだいだぜ! gokkara wa shin ni tsueE yatsu dake ga HIIROO ni naru jidai da ze! "It's an era when only truly strong guys become heroes!"
9 みんな変わっちゃった みんなかわっちゃった minna kawachatta Everyone has changed.
10 ガキの頃は口を揃えて ガキのころはくちをそろえて GAKI no koro wa kuchi wo soroete When I was a kid, everyone would say it in unison.
11-12 オールマイトやエンデヴァー ベストジーニスト デク 大・爆・殺・神ダイナマイト‼︎ショートみたいになりたいって デク だい・ばく・さっ・しんダイナマイト‼︎ショートみたいになりたいって OORU MAITO ya ENDEVAA BESUTO JIINISUTO DEKU daibakusasshin DAINAMAITO!! SHOOTO mitai ni naritai tte They'd all say 'I wanna be like All Might or Endeavor, Best Jeanist, Deku, Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight!! Like Shouto!'
13 わかってる wakatteru I get it.
14 僕だけがガキのまま ぼくだけがガキのまま boku dake ga GAKI no mama I'm the only one who stayed like a kid.
15 だから不安になった時はいつもここに来る だからふあんになったときはいつもここにくる dakara fuan ni natta toki wa itsumo koko ni kuru That's why, when I feel anxious, I always come here.
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1 ダイくん一年生がんばれそう? ダイくんいちねんせいがんばれそう? DAI-kun ichinensei ganbaresou? Ready to try your best as a first-year, Dai-kun?
2 うん un Uh-huh! (Note: These two lines are a flashback back to chapter 258.)
3 デビュー以降目覚ましい活躍を見せるテンタコル デビューいこうめざましいかつやくをみせるテンタコル DEBYUU ikou mezamashii katsuyaku wo miseru TENTAKORU "Since his debut, Tentacole has shown us remarkable service."
4 僻地などで未だ見られる形質差別由来の事件に尽力し平和的に解決してきたその功績と影響をたたえ へきちなどでいまだみられるけいしつさべつゆらいのじけんにじんりょくしへいわてきにかいけつしてきたそのこうせきとえいきょうをたたえ hekichi nado de ima da mirareru keishitsu sabetsu yurai no jiken ni jinryoku shi heiwateki ni kaiketsu shite kita sono kouseki to eikyou wo tatae "In recognition of his achievements and influence in peacefully resolving incidents stemming from trait discrimination that still occur in remote areas,"
5 イマムラ平和賞が授与されました! イマムラへいわしょうがじゅよされました! IMAMURA heiwashou ga juyo saremashita! "the Imamura Peace Prize has been awarded!"
6 この賞は8年前蜂起した彼らへ このしょうは8ねんまえほうきしたかれらへ kono shou wa 8nenmae houki shita karera e "This award goes those who rose up 8 years ago."
7 俺は彼らの決意の上に立っているに過ぎないです おれはかれらのけついのうえにたっているにすぎないです ore wa karera no ketsui no ue ni tatte iru ni suginai desu "I am doing nothing more than standing atop their resolve."
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1 続いてはチームアップニュース つづいてはチームアップニュース tsudzuite wa CHIIMUAPPU NYUUSU "Continuing on, in team-up news,"
2 インゲニウムフロッピー・クリエティそしてウラビティが全国の小学校を巡っています インゲニウムフロッピー・クリエティそしてウラビティがぜんこくのしょうがっこうをめぐっています INGENIUMU FUROPPI・KURIETI soshite URABITI ga zenkoku no shougakkou wo megutte imasu "Ingenium, Froppy, Creati, and Uravity are patrolling at elementary schools all over the country."
3 敵発生率の減少に伴い活動の幅を広げる"ヒーロー"たちその中でもーー ヴィランはっせいりつのげんしょうにともないかつどうのはばをひろげる"ヒーロー"たちそのなかでもーー VIRAN hasseiritsu no genshou ni tomonai katsudou no haba wo hirogeru "HIIROO"-tachi sono naka demo-- "Even among the heroes whose scopes of activities are expanding with the decrease in the villain incidence rate,"
4 ウラビティの打ち出した"個性"カウンセリング拡張計画は今最も必要不可欠な活動と言われています ウラビティのうちだした"こせい"カウンセリングかくちょうけいかくはいまもっともひつようふかけつなかつどうといわれています URABITI no uchidashita "kosei" KAUNSERINGU kakushou keikaku wa ima motto mo hitsuyou fukaketsu na katsudou to iwarete imasu "The quirk counseling expansion plan launched by Uravity is said to be the most essential activity right now."
5 おい緑谷これ見たか? おいみどりやこれみたか? oi Midoriya kore mita ka? "Hey Midoriya, have you seen this?"
6 おまえの幼なじみまたチャート落とすぞこりゃ おまえのおさななじみまたチャートおとすぞこりゃ omae no osananajimi mata CHAATO otosu zo korya "Your childhood friend is gonna drop in the charts again with this."
7 かっちゃん… Kacchan... "Kacchan..."
8 なんでこんな近くにおンだてめェ‼︎ なんでこんなちかくにおンだてめェ‼︎ nande konna chikaku ni oNda temeE!! "Why are you this close to me, bastard!!"
9 ひっ‼︎ hi!! "Eep!!"
10 見せ物じゃねンだ死にてーのか‼︎ みせものじゃねンだしにてーのか‼︎ misemono ja neNda shinitee no ka!! "I ain't some spectacle, do you wanna die!!"
11 先生かっちゃん矯正しようと励んでましたよね せんせいかっちゃんきょうせいしようとはげんでましたよね sensei Kacchan kyousei shiyou to wa hagendemashita yo ne "Sensei, you were trying so hard to correct Kacchan, huh."
12 轟とはこれでだいぶ水あけられそうだなあ とどろきとはこれでだいぶみずあけられそうだなあ Todoroki to wa kore de daibu mizu akeraresou da naa "Looks like this'll widen the gap between him and Todoroki."
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1 連日連夜事件に駆けつける れんじつれんやじけんにかけつける renjitsu ren'ya jiken ni kaketsukeru "He rushes to incidents day and night."
2 ぎこちないけど分け隔てないファンサ ぎこちないけどわけへだてないファンサ gikochinai kedo wakehedatenai FANSA "He's awkward, but he gives equal attention to all his fans*." (*Note: Literally this says "He does fan service," but the meaning here is more like what we see with Hawks and Endeavor in Kyushu where that little kid wanted Hawks' autograph and that one Endeavor fan was upset when Endeavor offered to shake his hand. THAT'S the kind of fan service this refers to.)
3 最近じゃエンデヴァーの息子だなんだって言われることも少なくなったそうだ さいきんじゃエンデヴァーのむすこだなんだっていわれることもすくなくなったそうだ saikin ja ENDEVAA no musuko da nanda tte iwareru koto mo sukunaku natta sou da "Recently it seems like people don't often mention that he's Endeavor's son."
4 シンリンカムイ・Mt.レディを抜いて シンリンカムイ・マウントレディをぬいて SHINRIN KAMUI・MAUNTO REDI wo nuite "He'll overtake Kamui Woods and Mount Lady,"
5 一気にトップの通形先輩と並ぶ勢い いっきにトップのとおがたせんぱいとならぶいきおい ikki ni TOPPU no Toogata-senpai to narabu ikioi "then right away he'll have the momentum to match Toogata-senpai at the top."
6 物間くんや骨抜くんもすごいし ものまくんやほねぬきくんもすごいし Monoma-kun ya Honenuki-kun mo sugoi shi "Monoma-kun and Honenuki-kun are also amazing,"
7 先輩もこないだ「コエー!」って笑ってましたよ せんぱいもこないだ「コエー!」ってわらってましたよ senpai mo konai da 「KOEE!」 tte warattemashita yo "and senpai* was also laughing and [calling them] 'Scaryyy!' the other day." (*Note: I think he's referring to Mirio here.)
8 ……さびしいか ......sabishii ka "......You lonely?"
9 …… "......"
10 でも demo "But"
11 昔 不和先輩が先生と話してて むかし ふわせんぱいがせんせいとはなしてて mukashi Fuwa-senpai ga sensei to hanashitete "long ago, Fuwa-senpai was talking with you, Sensei,"
12 その時思ったんです そのときおもったんです sono toki omottandesu "and that's when I thought,"
13 "無個性"には戻るけど経験を活かして誰かを励ませるなら "むこせい"にはもどるけどけいけんをいかしてだれかをはげませるなら "mukosei" ni wa modoru kedo keiken wo ikashite dareka wo hagemaseru nara "I'll return to being quirkless, but if I can make use of my experience and encourage someone,"
14 それはとてもかっこいいかもなって sore wa totemo kakko ii kamo natte "that might be really cool."
15 かっこいいですかね 今僕 かっこいいですかね いまぼく kakko ii desu ka ne ima boku "Aren't I cool now?"
16 もう少し生徒に厳しくした方がいいな もうすこしせいとにきびしくしたほうがいいな mou sukoshi seito ni kibishiku shita hou ga ii na "It'd be better if you were a little more strict with the students."
17 大事なことだぞ だいじなことだぞ daiji na koto da zo "It's important."
18 この現代でウチに入って来れるような奴は このげんだいでウチにはいってこれるようなやつは kono gendai de UCHI ni haitte koreru you na yatsu wa "In this modern age, those who can get into [UA]"
19 将来ヒーロー確約されているようなもんだからな しょうらいヒーローかくやくされているようなもんだからな shourai HIIROO kakuyaku sarete iru you na mon da kara na "are guaranteed to be future heroes."
20 増長しないように俺たちが厳しくしないといけないんだわかるか ぞうちょうしないようにおれたちがきびしくしないといけないんだわかるか zouchou shinai you ni ore-tachi ga kibishiku shinai to ikenainda wakaru ka "We have to be strict now to prevent them from growing arrogant, do you understand?"
21 先生けっこうやさしかったけどな せんせいけっこうやさしかったけどな sensei kekkou yasashikatta kedo na "Sensei, you were pretty kind though."
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1 社会に出てからは しゃかいにでてからは shakai ni dete kara wa After entering society,
2 休みも合わないし集まる機会もなかなか作れない やすみもあわないしあつまるきかいもなかなかつくれない yasumi mo awanai shi atsumaru kikai mo nakanaka tsukurenai we don't have enough time off, and we can't easily make opportunities to get together.
3 男性からの支持圧倒的 だんせいからのしじあっとうてき dansei kara no shiji attouteki "With overwhelming support from men,"
4 漢!烈怒頼雄斗の意外なオリジンに迫ります おとこ!レッドライオットのいがいなオリジンにせまります otoko! REDDO RAIOTTO no igai na ORIJIN ni semarimasu "chivalry*! The surprising origin of Red Riot approaches!" (*Note: Or, depending on how you like to translate Kirishima's favorite word, "Manliness!")
5 レッドだ! REDDO da! "It's Red!"
6 アンブれいかぶる! ANBUreikaburu! "Unbreakable!"
7 あっ a "Ah!"
8 皆の活躍を見るのはとても嬉しい みんなのかつやくをみるのはとてもうれしい minna no katsuyaku wo miru no wa totemo ureshii I'm very happy to see everyone in action*. (*Note: This word also refers to one's activities, their service, their successes and contributions, etc.)
9 学生の頃を思い出すとよくここに来る がくせいのころをおもいだすとよくここにくる gakusei no koro wo omoidasu to yoku koko ni kuru When I recall my days as a student, I often come here.
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1 いだっ‼︎ ida!! "Ow!!"
2 ひゃん hyan "Oof!"
3 あっぶねーありがとござます! abbunee arigato gozamasu! "That was dangerous, thank you very much!"
4 デ… DE... "De..."
5 え…デク⁉︎緑谷‼︎出久⁉︎ え…デク⁉︎みどりや‼︎いずく⁉︎ e...DEKU!? Midoriya!! Izuku!? "Eh...Deku!? Izuku Midoriya!?"
6 うわあ⁉︎実在してるんだあうわあ うわあ⁉︎じつざいしてるんだあうわあ uwaa!? jitsuzai shiterundaa uwaa "Waah!? You really exist, wow!"
7 そっか sokka "I see."
8 受験生かあ じゅけんせいかあ jukensei kaa "[You'll be taking] entrance exams, huh?"
9 …時代が急激に変わってって…僕みたいな …じだいがきゅうげきにかわってって…ぼくみたいな ...jidai ga kyuugeki ni kawatte tte...boku mitai na "...They say times are rapidly changing...it seems like that to me."
10 同級生に比べてめちゃ弱い"個性"はついていけなくなっちゃった どうきゅうせいにくらべてめちゃよわい"こせい"はついていけなくなっちゃった doukyuusei ni kurabete mecha yowai "kosei" wa tsuite ikenaku nachatta "Compared to my classmates, with my very weak quirk, I can't keep up."
11 だからここに来てオールマイト像に聞くんです だからここにきてオールマイトぞうにきくんです dakara koko ni kite OORU MAITO zou ni kikundesu "That's why I came here and asked the All Might statue."
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1-2 僕もあなたたちのようなヒーローになれますかーーーって… ぼくもあなたたちのようなヒーローになれますかーーーって… boku mo anata-tachi no you na HIIROO ni naremasu ka---tte... "I asked, can I also become a hero like you guys...?"
3 "僕もオールマイトのように"ーーー "ぼくもオールマイトのように"ーーー "boku mo OORU MAITO no you ni"--- Just like me with All Might---
4 髪の皿みたいなモノを投てきする"個性"か かみのさらみたいなモノをとうてきする"こせい"か kami no sara mitai na MONO wo touteki suru "kosei" ka "A quirk that throws things that look like plates from one's hair, huh?"
5 髪由来なら峰田くんの応用で全然いけると思うなあ重ねることで強度も上がるし大きさも変わってたよね?汎用性あるよ かみゆらいならみねたくんのおうようでぜんぜんいけるとおもうなあかさねることできょうどもあがるしおおきさもかわってたよね?はんようせいあるよ kami yurai nara Mineta-kun no ouyou de zenzen ikeru to omou naa kasaneru koto de kyoudo mo agaru shi ookisa mo kawatteta yo ne? han'yousei aru yo "If it comes from hair, I think you can absolutely use Mineta-kun's application. By piling them up, their strength increases and their size changes, right? It's versatile!" (Note: This text bubble is surrounded by the "mutter" sound effect often used for Izuku's mumbling.)
6 コワ‼︎いけど何これ励まされてる⁉︎ コワ‼︎いけどなにこれはげまされてる⁉︎ KOWA!! ikedo nani kore hagemasareteru!? "Creepy!! But also why is this encouraging!?"
7 夢をを叶えた後は ゆめをかなえたあとは yume wo kanaeta ato wa After fulfilling [my own] dream,
8 大丈夫 だいじょうぶ daijoubu "It's all right,"
9 だって君はさっき手を差し伸べようとしたじゃないか だってきみはさっきてをさしのべようとしたじゃないか datte kimi wa sakki te wo sashinobe you to shita ja nai ka "because back there, you tried to reach out your hand, didn't you?"
10 夢を与えていく番だ ゆめをあたえていくばんだ yume wo ataete iku ban da it's [my] turn to offer dreams.
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1 君はヒーローになれるよ きみはヒーローになれるよ kimi wa HIIROO ni nareru yo "You can become a hero!"
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1 頑張れ少年! がんばれしょうねん! ganbare shounen! "Do your best, young man!"
2 さびしくないと言ったらウソになるけど さびしくないといったらウソになるけど sabishikunai to ittara USO ni naru kedo If I said I wasn't lonely, I'd be lying, but
3 こんな風に誰かを励ませるならーー こんなふうにだれかをはげませるならーー konna fuu ni dareka wo hagemaseru nara-- if I can encourage someone like this--
4-5 これは僕たちが最高のヒーローになった物語 これはぼくたちがさいこうのヒーローになったものがたり kore wa boku-tachi ga saikou no HIIROO ni natta monogatari This is the story of how we became the greatest heroes.
text in hand 完 かん kan Complete
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1 遅かったじゃないか少年‼︎ おそかったじゃないかしょうねん‼︎ osokatta ja nai ka shounen!! "You're late, young man!!"
2 仰ってくれたら空港まで迎えに行ったのに! おっしゃってくれたらくうこうまでむかえにいったのに! osshatte kuretara kuukou made mukae ni itta noni! "If you had told me, I would have gone to pick you up from the airport!"
3 サプライズプレゼントしたくてね SAPURAIZU PUREZENTO shitakute ne "I want to give you a surprise present."
4 タペストウリーですか⁉︎ TAPESUTOURII desu ka!? "Is it a tapestry!?"
5 8年前私とAFOの戦いで取れたデータが 8ねんまえわたしとオール・フォー・ワンのたたかいでとれたデータが 8nenmae watashi to OORU FOO WAN no tatakai de toreta DEETA ga "The data obtained during the battle between me and All For One 8 years ago"
6 なんかすごい可能性を広げるモノだったそうだ! なんかすごいかのうせいをひろげるモノだったそうだ! nanka sugoi kanousei wo hirogeru MONO datta sou da! "seems like it's something that opens up a lot of possibilities!"
7 "個性"の深化と共に "こせい"のしんかとともに "kosei" no shinka to tomo ni "With the strengthening of quirks,"
8 技術もまた深化していく ぎじゅつもまたしんかしていく gijutsu mo mata shinka shite iku "technology also strengthens."
9 マルチに個性を使いこなした君で更なるデータを取りたい! マルチにこせいをつかいこなしたきみでさらなるデータをとりたい! MARUCHI ni kosei wo tsukaikonashita kimi de saranaru DEETA wo toritai! "I want to collect even more data from you as you have mastered using multiple quirks!"
10 え でもこんな高いモノ… え でもこんなたかいモノ… e demo konna takai MONO... "Eh? But such an expensive thing..."
11 こいつは海外の友と発目少女の協力 こいつはかいがいのともとはつめしょうじょのきょうりょく koitsu wa kaigai no tomo to Hatsume-shoujo no kyouryoku "This one is from cooperation between my friend overseas and Young Hatsume,"
12 そして爆豪少年中心にかつてのA組が共同出資したモノだ そしてばくごうしょうねんちゅうしんにかつてのエーぐみがきょうどうしゅっししたモノだ soshite Bakugou-shounen chuushin ni katsute no EE-gumi ga kyoudou shusshi shita MONO da "and it is something that the former Class A jointly invested in with Young Bakugou at the heart of it."
13 バレてるぜ BAREteru ze "You've been found out."
14 まだ身体が動いちまうんだろ まだからだがうごいちまうんだろ mada karada ga ugoichimaundaro "Your body is still moving."
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1 肝に銘じておきな きもにめいじておきな kimo ni meijite oki na "Take this to heart."
2-3 これも君自身が勝ち取った力だ‼︎ これもきみじしんがかちとったちからだ‼︎ kore mo kimi jishin ga kachitotta chikara da!! "You've earned this power fair and square, too!!" (Note: The above three lines are a reference to chapter 2.)
4 皆といつまでも みんなといつまでも minna to itsumademo WIth everyone, forever...
5 来い こい koi "Come [on],"
6 デク DEKU "Deku." (Note: If you want to get REALLY sentimental, just know that together speech bubbles #5 & #6 make grammatically the exact opposite phrase of what Katsuki said to Izuku in the woods at summer training camp before he disappeared in the portal, which gets translated in English as "Stay back, Deku.")
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1 前よりは"暇"って感じかな…! まえよりは"ひま"ってかんじかな…! mae yori wa "hima" tte kanji ka na...! "It feels like we've got more free time than before...!"
2 星戦道路で崖崩れ交通マヒってます せいせんどうろでがけくずれこうつうマヒってます seisen douro de gake kuzure koutsuu MAHIttemasu "A landslide on Seisen* Road is paralyzing traffic." (*Note: This road's name means literally "Star Wars" in Japanese.)
3 ヒーロー出動お願いします! ヒーローしゅつどうおねがいします! HIIROO shutsudou onegai shimasu! "Please dispatch heroes!"
4 いつまでも itsumademo ...forever,
tagline 1 No.430 僕のヒーローアカデミア 堀越耕平 ナンバー430 ぼくのヒーローアカデミア ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 430 boku no HIIROO AKADEMIA Horikoshi Kouhei No. 430 My Hero Academia Kouhei Horikoshi
tagline 2 長きに渡るご愛読心よりありがとうございました‼︎堀越先生の次回作にご期待下さい‼︎最終42巻は12月4日(水)発売予定です!!! ながきにわたるごあいどくこころよりありがとうございました‼︎ほりこしせんせいのじかいさくにごきたいください‼︎さいしゅう42かんは12がつ4か(すい)はつばいよていです!!! nagaki ni wataru goaidoku kokoro yori arigatou gozaimashita!! Horikoshi-sensei no jikaisaku ni gokitai kudasai!! saishuu 42kan wa 12gatsu 4ka (sui) hatsubai yotei desu!!! A long-time favorite, thank you very much from the bottom of our hearts!! Please stay tuned for Horikoshi-sensei's next work!! The final 42nd volume is scheduled to be released on Wednesday, December 4th!!!
5 手を差し伸べ続ける物語 てをさしのべつづけるものがたり te wo sashinobe tsudzukeru monogatari this is the story of how we keep reaching out our hands.
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sayasaan · 2 years
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#中日ドラゴンズ公式youtubeチャンネルより 秋季キャンプ始まりました。 来季に向けて皆んな頑張ってほしいです。 久しぶりに動く#荒木コーチ と声が聞けました。ありがとうございます😭 明日はリアルタイムで見れないけどあとでゆっくり見るわ❤️ #荒木さんの声を聞いてうっとり #やっぱり野球があるといいね ✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧・━・✧ #ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズファン #ドラゴンズファンと繋がりたい #ドラゴンズ愛 #中日ドラゴンズ #ドラゴンズ好き #ドラゴンズ大好き #ドラゴンズ頑張れ #沖縄秋季キャンプ #荒木雅博 #荒木雅博コーチ #落合英二コーチ https://www.instagram.com/p/CkdZtX-vElB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arminsumi · 1 year
I want to kiss you — キスしたい
G. Satoru — さとる ⋅ fem reader
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NOTE : there's more parts planned for this, i just wanted to get at least this continuation out ✌️ it's maybe gonna be a bit of a slowburn thing, bc personally i love anticipating the buildup of two characters kissing. and also ugh i have such cute ideas in the drafts for this! like you and him using a magnetic drawing board to write down things that you take turns deciphering. and him writing a whole diary of his thoughts that he wishes he could voice to you, that he gives to you when you're leaving at the end of your visit 🥺 anyways!! lmk if you want to be tagged for any continuations pwease i'd value ur engagement very much !!
SUMMARY — you and Satoru falling in love despite a language barrier.
WARNINGS — slight underlying romantic tension between you and Suguru sooo potential love triangle?! one bed trope (you + Satoru), ik google translate is inaccurate but 🤷‍♀️ oh well
🍒 — J ⋅ reblogs and comments help a lot ! enjoy reading :)
A continuation of this post
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Satoru's never really been in love before.
Sure, in high school he experienced crushes and a handful of dates. But the crushes were shallow and short-lived, and the dates were lousy and forgettable.
But you? Well it's funny, see, you live on a whole different continent and can't speak his language, and yet to him you're as unforgettable as the scent of spring.
His feelings for you seep into his skin slowly, beautifully; and yet he can't express a single one to you because he too can't speak your language.
During late-night video calls, Suguru tries to bridge the gap between you and his best friend. And in your group chat, both Shoko and Suguru combine their skills to help you and Satoru understand each other. They do it because they see how badly the both of you want to know more about each other; especially Satoru.
Satoru has never been so infatuated before; never quite so curious and unashamedly intrigued with someone else. You're all he thinks about day and night.
When you speak, he desperately strains his ears. When you text, he consults the dreaded Google translate. And he's always nagging Suguru to translate everything, because he wants to know your every thought and expression.
Around a year and a half after meeting you, Satoru realizes something when he's lazing in his bed with his fluffy white cat curled up on his stomach as it rises and falls with his gentle breathing.
He likes you.
On call, when you giggle at the cat's fluffy tail blocking the webcam, Satoru thinks;
あなたの笑いが大好きです I love your laugh.
When talking about you with Suguru, he receives a little teasing smirk from him.
あなたは彼女が好きですよね? You like her, huh?
During lonely nights, he scrolls through your socials and stares longingly at photos of you, ones where you're hanging out with your real-life friends or family.
とても羨ましいです。私も彼女に近づきたいです。 I'm so jealous. I want to be close to her, too.
Listening to you attempt to speak Japanese on a call while him and Suguru are on a walk around Tokyo, he thinks;
私の言語であなたの声を聞くのが大好きです。 I love hearing your voice in my language.
Any photo of your face that you personally sent him, he looks at with heart eyes and saves immediately.
キスしたい。 I want to kiss you.
He'd be lying if he said he never pressed his lips to his screen and closed his eyes, pretending he was kissing you.
Satoru thinks poetically about you. He pens down these elaborative thoughts into his diary that he plans to give you one day. Maybe then you can get an idea of how deeply he thinks about you.
But even if he could speak English fluently, or you could speak Japanese fluently, he's sure neither language could be descriptive enough when it comes to his feelings for you.
He tries so hard to learn some phrases in anticipation of your upcoming visit, but all he can say when he meets you for the first time at Haneda airport is;
And he waves cutely.
"Hi!" you giggle, waving back.
And all at once, there's a bunch of thoughts buzzing in his head. He's looking at you like he's captivated. Even if he knew any solid English, he's sure he'd be speechless anyways.
実物の彼女はもっと美しい、信じられない。 She's even more beautiful in real life, I can't believe it.
彼女が何を言っているのか全く分かりませんが、いい感じですね。耳元で聞く彼女の声だけが私が望んでいたものです。 I have no idea what she's saying, but it sounds good. Her voice in my ear is all I wanted.
なぜ彼女は私ではなくスグルを抱きしめたのでしょうか?その瞬間は混乱の渦だったのでしょうか、それとも彼女は私を抱きしめたくなかったのでしょうか? Why did she hug Suguru instead of me? Was that moment a whirlwind of confusion, or did she just not want to hug me?
When you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, the boys wait for you in their seats at the little airport cafe. The neon sign glows yellow above, plants hang from the ceiling; it's a busy place.
They're talking about you over their beverages.
Satoru groans dramatically, throwing his head back, fluffy hair flopping cutely.
"Oh Satoru," Suguru chuckles, "What's the matter? Why the groan?"
"I want to hug her."
Suguru's heart melts. "Then hug her. She doesn't bite. I think she wants to hug you, too."
"But then why didn't she hug me like she hugged you earlier? Maybe I don't seem huggable to her..."
"It was a rushed moment, she had just arrived you know? Don't overthink. Satoru, just hug her."
Satoru lets out a long, stifled noise that's a mix between a groan and a sigh. He tilts his whole body back, balancing precariously on the plastic chair. Rubbing his eyes until he sees some phosphenes, a habit he did when he was nervous. Suguru notices.
"Are you nervous?" Suguru asks tenderly.
"Really nervous. She's prettier in real life. I don't know what to do with myself." he admits quietly.
"Yeah, she is, haha. Oh, there she's coming back now — や!"
"や!" you returned, giggling.
That was Suguru's 'thing'. It's cuter in real life, seeing how his eyes curve up into a smile when he says it. There are details on his face that you didn't notice through the screen; he has an attractive trio of moles on his lower cheek, and when he smiles the left side of his lips curls up more to reveal some of his upper gum.
Satoru's heart beats a little harder when you sit closer to him. He's thinking;
Yay, 彼女は私の隣に座っています。 She is sitting next to me.
"Suguru, ask her if we're taller than she expected." Satoru asks suddenly. You just hear his voice next to you and it gives you tingles — there was a quality to his voice that only revealed itself in real life. An endearing voice crack accompanies the middle of his sentence.
"Satoru asks if we're taller than you expected." Suguru asks you, habitually resting his chin on the palm of his hand while taking a long sip on his iced tea.
"Yeah! Actually, I was surprised, because I thought you and Satoru were the same height, but Satoru is very slightly taller... " you say.
Satoru is listening curiously, waiting expectantly for Suguru's translation. And then it comes, and Satoru smirks at you.
"Yes." he nods, "(Suguru, how do I say I'm taller?) — I'm taller."
You let out a short and sweet ha-hah that makes even Suguru's heart feel a little something.
Each time you laugh, Satoru's thinking;
私はあなたの笑いが本当に大好きです。 。 。 I really love your laugh.
You three leave the airport for your hotel, so you can check in. It's almost midnight, your plane landed late. Though he thought he'd be tired, considering he's not a night owl like his best friend, Satoru is energetically striding next to you, teasing you and laughing with you and throwing hand gestures to try and communicate better. Suguru's fondly eyeing the two of you out, admiring how your chemistry comes to life so beautifully — this is what his best friend wished about for so long; to be at your side. Now he's getting to truly enjoy your company. The dreamy-eyed exchanges between you and Satoru make Suguru think that the two of you ought to be in a novel one day, with how pure and wholesome your story is unfolding right now.
Though, he can pick up on Satoru's frustrated stuttering when he fails to communicate with you. Suguru doesn't mind being the translator, nor does he mind bridging the gap between the two of you; Satoru's nagging can never bother him.
They help you out when you're checking into reception at the hotel, but then suddenly...
"... oh, that's not good. He said your reservation got cancelled." Suguru tells you.
"What!" you panic, "Why?"
Suguru inquires further for you, and finds out that it's because of overbooking.
So you groan, the three of you walking out of the hotel lobby, standing in the glow of the light coming through its glass doors. Satoru silently offers to take care of your suitcase, attentively noticing how tired you'd become from pulling it around.
"Thank you..." you tell him.
"Mm." he nods.
Suguru is quick to offer that you stay at their apartment. "... if you're comfortable with it. Just for the night, until you can find another booking elsewhere. Or if you want to stay by us for the whole month, that's okay too — just mind the cat."
"Suguru... thank you. I'm sorry to be intrusive."
"You're not being intrusive, don't worry. And anyways, I think Satoru will be excited to know that you're staying with us. He was bummed out when he learned that you were gonna stay at this hotel, since it's a bit far from our apartment."
Satoru looks at the two of you curiously after he hears his name mentioned.
"She's staying with us." Suguru tells him. You quietly appreciate his voice, and how soft it becomes when he speaks to Satoru.
"Yay!" Satoru says with a very cute thumbs up. You can hardly believe that this man is older than you.
"Tell him he's cute." you request to Suguru.
"Tell him yourself." he teases.
"No! That's embarrassing! Ah, never mind."
Satoru already knows what you said, though, his ears picked up on that he's cute and your words repeat in his head like his favorite song while the three of you walk the streets at night. He feels dreamy.
There is something indescribably welcoming about Japan that you realize while heading across the street, looking at the faces passing by. It's clean. The lights glow warm and bright. The buildings stand tall, but not intimidatingly so. When you pass by chattering people, you wish you knew what was being said.
The three of you have to take the train to get to their apartment. While boarding it, a cute little exchange happens between you and Satoru that you can't quite explain, but it makes the two of you laugh shyly and look away.
Now squished into a seat at the very edge, another cute little exchange happens between you and him. Satoru is talking up at Suguru, who opted for holding onto the train handles after giving up his seat for an older woman.
Satoru uses lots of hand gestures even when speaking Japanese, his big hands fly around, dramatizing whatever he's saying — and then he accidentally flattens his palm right on top of the back of your hand.
Satoru's quick to remove his hand and giggle it off, but Suguru is even quicker to let out a teasing "ooh, cute" when it happens, so the two of you get completely flustered.
Satoru's heart thumps and throbs for the whole train ride. You swear you can feel a tension between your hands as they rest palms-flat on the seats, less than an inch away; you can feel his warmth, and he can feel yours.
But then the train ride is over, and before you know it Suguru's thumbing his key into the lock of the apartment door. It rattles, the door opens, and the automatic light comes on in the genkan.
"Just a sec — gonna see where Mint is. Make yourself at home." Suguru tells you quickly, voice shaking as he shimmies out of his shoes, and then he disappears down the hall to find the mentioned cat.
Satoru hears the name 'Mint' and gets the idea of what Suguru said based on that.
He nimbly unlaces his Converse, and leans down to neatly tuck them into the corner of the genkan, purposefully next to your shoes.
Then he straightens his body out, and you two have a small comedic exchange as you both notice the height difference between you and him.
"Uh..." he looks down at you. "Water?" he asks after thinking for a moment.
Your heart lurches at his thoughtfulness. "Yes, please."
"Mhm." he hums self-consciously.
He wonders if his accent sounds weird to you. Suguru's reassured him plenty times in the past that it sounds cute and oddly British, but he doesn't really believe that.
Satoru leads the way into the kitchen, clicking the lights on as he goes. And you follow. Such a simple moment makes him feel fluttery.
And then you drink some water with him in the tiny, cramped kitchen that's much too small to accommodate two people. You wonder how Suguru and Satoru can stand in it at the same time if even you and Satoru can't manage it without bumping elbows. He chuckles apologetically.
Ah, the kitchen scene. What a movie scene it is between the two of you.
"Uhhh..." he seems to be skimming his mind for any piece of English vocabulary, getting nervous as you blink at him, waiting for him to speak.
He holds up one finger, then pulls his phone out of the pocket of his jeans. He's a very simple, yet stylish dresser; jeans and a white shirt that's much too big for him. He is truly so opposite to his best friend's fashion that it makes you smile to yourself. Suguru's quite showy with his style, and you can tell he puts a lot of effort into his hairbun, too. But Satoru? Messy hair, in fact so messy that it looks like bed hair even though he did especially brush it and style it for you.
"Okay..." Satoru mumbles, typing things into his phone. Then he gives it to you, and you look at the screen.
飛行は乱気流でしたか? Was the flight turbulent?
You type your response. He watches you. And oh how he watches you — he looks lovestruck. His eyes are full of wonder. His mind reads like poetry.
He reads your reply when you hand him back his phone.
It was. I realized that I hate airplanes. そうでした。私は飛行機が嫌いだということに気づき��した。
He nods. "Scary."
"Yeah." you nod too.
Satoru hesitates.
He's still bitter that Suguru got a hug and he didn't; it's on his mind. He just wants to ask you, but a deep-rooted shyness holds him back.
That is, until you look up at him.
あなたは私を見上げようとしてとても頑張っています。かわいい。 You're trying so hard to look up at me. Cute.
His whole body buzzes with the desire to hug you. He's had dreams of meeting you in person, of hugging you, of kissing you.
The two of you feel your bodies naturally pull together, as if subconsciously desiring to embrace, so it just happens. It just happens.
And you hug and he thinks to himself;
これは私が今まで経験した中で最高の瞬間です。 This is the best moment I've ever experienced.
You can feel his heartbeat and he can feel yours. For a moment, the world around you becomes a dream; and you and Satoru are the only things that truly exist. Everything in the world except your love seems fake, unreal.
You hear him swallow like he's choking up. Then he sniffles a bit.
泣かないで。泣かないで。 Don't cry. Don't cry.
くそー、泣いちゃうよ。彼女はとても柔らかいです Damn, I'm gonna cry. She's so soft.
And you break away to laugh sympathetically, he feels a bit embarrassed.
He's crying so softly that it makes your heart lurch.
Your bodies aren't separate for long, because he dives right back in for another hug in an attempt to quench the thirst from deep within his desirous soul. This time he squeezes tighter; you can feel the tones of his torso and the firmness of his bicep muscles as they press against your sides.
He sniffles again, the sound makes your heart lurch again.
あなたに言いたいことがたくさんあるのですが、どうやって伝えればいいのか分かりません。 There are so many things I want to say to you, but I don't know how.
でも、このハグで私の感情を感じていただければ幸いです。 But, I hope you can feel my emotions in this hug.
And you can; that's how closely connected the two of you feel in that moment. You can feel the emotions radiating from him, permeating throughout the air and seeping into your skin.
You can feel that he likes you. And he can feel that you like him back. It's fascinating to you, because before him you've always been saying I love you and I like you and will you date me? to people, or been on the receiving end of those phrases. But those words are unnecessary for you and Satoru. In fact, they're futile.
If he would say I love you, it would just be an accessory to his already evident love.
Then a sudden embarrassment pries the two of you apart, and you both start giggling to cope with it.
"Sorry... a bit much?" he mutters, half-sure of what he's saying.
"No, not enough." you tell him. He kinda understands what you meant, and feels fluttery. His nose is reddened from crying. He quickly pats his tears off with the base of his hand.
It's like your bodies hate being apart now, you and him can tell by each other's body language. Now at least that's one language both of you became fluent in, despite only being in each other's company for a few hours.
He looks at you. And you flick your brows up and make a funny face, as if to ask him what he's looking at. And he looks away with a bashful laugh, as if to apologize.
The romantic tension is so thick in the air between you two that when Suguru comes back, he feels it hit him like a wave.
おお。さっきまで彼女と一緒にいたとき、世界の存在を忘れていた。 Oh. When I was with her just a moment ago, I forgot the existence of the world.
"That cat is a menace. A menace." Suguru complains.
"What happened?" you ask.
" 'Got scratched." he holds up his hand, showing off the Hello Kitty adhesive across his knuckles. "Anyways, It's late. Are you tired? Satoru's gonna sleep with me, and you can have his room. Unless you want my room. I dunno. You can choose."
"Ooh... I haven't seen your room now that I think about it, except for that one video of you two pillow fighting."
Satoru's already starting to feel a small bit of jealousy and frustration, because he has no idea what you two are talking about.
Suguru's quick to notice this, and translates with a quick tongue.
"Tell her my bed's comfier than yours." Satoru says smirkingly.
"Wow, rude — Satoru says my bed is comfier than his." Suguru lies, refraining from laughing at his own mischievousness.
"Ah, I don't care, I'll be grateful for any bed... ah, actually can I use the bathroom to freshen up a bit?"
"Like I said, make yourself at home."
"Thanks..." you smile.
So Suguru leads the way to the bathroom for you, and you lock yourself in there to freshen up for a while. You sniff your shirt and smile — you smell Satoru's subtle scent on it.
The boys are fussing over the bed situation.
"Don't we have an extra futon stuffed away somewhere, the one Shoko left here?" Satoru thinks out loud.
"Ohhh, you're right." Suguru nods, looking for it.
"Anyways you embarrassed me!" Satoru pouts.
"Haha, did I?" Suguru pulls out the futon from the tippy-top shelf.
"Yeah, earlier you showed off how good you can speak English." Satoru grumbles.
They're softly grunting as they ruffle blankets and pillows.
"Oh, I guess I did. Sorry." he admits, "gosh, maybe if you would have learned a little something in preparation for her visiting then — "
"I did learn stuff! I learned... how to write." Satoru interrupts defensively.
"But why didn't you learn some common phrases?"
"I don't like my accent when I speak, alright." Satoru admits, huffing as he dives into the bed, ruining the artful neatness that Suguru just put so much effort into creating
"Okay, fair enough — oh my god, why would you do that, are you twelve? Oh hey, Y/n." Suguru smiles. "Satoru ruined your bed."
"Oh — two futons? Am I sharing with you or Satoru?"
Satoru rears his head at you from the pillow, looking very cat-like right then with his fluffy white hair. You can tell he's struggling to stay awake as the hour pushes onto two in the morning. He hasn't stayed up this late since he had a video game addiction and played all night with Suguru. Keeping his eyes open was a grand feat.
"No, you get to have two futons." Suguru teases, "Princess treatment."
"Haha, shut up. Be serious."
"Well, you can share with whoever you want or Satoru and I can sleep here together. Whatever you're more comfortable with."
"Didn't you once complain that you hate sharing beds with people?" you giggle.
"Mmm, yeah, but I don't mind if it's with you. Satoru's a cuddler. He also kicks in his sleep."
"That's so cute — well, let's ask — ... hey, I think Satoru fell asleep. Satoru?"
And surely enough, Satoru is asleep; he fell asleep to the sound of your voice without meaning to.
"He's not used to staying awake this late." Suguru tells you, softening his voice so he doesn't wake the cat Satoru.
"That's so sweet. He's really so sweet." you tilt your head admiringly.
You and Suguru are just alone there together, gushing over how cute Satoru looks when he has his cheek squishing into a pillow and his lips pouty and puffy in that sleep-like manner.
A long, nice silence settles in the room. You admit to Suguru that you're feeling a bit too wired to sleep just yet.
"I can stay up with you."
"No, it's okay. You look tired, you should sleep."
"I just always look tired. The night is early, anyways. I usually brood until four in the morning, you know me."
You smile at him, and he has to look away before he swoons. There's a small tension between the two of you, but the both of you force yourselves to ignore it.
The two of you assume a comfortable position on the futons, chatting as if you're not emotional about the fact there's no screen separating the two of you.
"Satoru's never been an insomniac, but in the week leading up to your arrival, he couldn't sleep at all. We'd stand in the kitchen together at midnight, talking about all the things we planned to do when you got here. I've never seen him so excited in a long time... it's really heartwarming to see."
"Really?" you blink at Suguru. He side-eyes you for a prolonged moment, then looks at Satoru who continues to sleep indisturbedly.
"Yeah. You know, he's such an idiot, actually. Because I told him to learn some phrases and instead he learned how to write English."
"That's a start! I mean, look at me, I can barely say a damn thing..." you mutter with lighthearted shame.
"Maybe that doesn't matter at all... I mean, with the kind of chemistry you and Satoru share, there's not much need for words." Suguru says.
You feel your face warm up a bit when he says that. "What do you mean?"
He wiggles his brows. "Oh come on, you know what I mean. I could feeeeel the tension in the kitchen earlier."
He smirks and begins to tease, "I've never seen two people flirt so much and yet use no words."
You chuckle shyly. "Really...?" you look fondly at Satoru, who's become more curled up by now, face half-hidden under the blanket.
There's a long silence. You're looking at Satoru. Suguru's looking at you as if spellbound. And then he snaps out of it, and reanimates himself.
"Anyways... we should probably get some good sleep if we wanna drag you around on a tour tomorrow. I want your first impression of my home to be how good the food tastes here."
"Ooh, a food tour around Tokyo? Sounds nice. Won't it be too hot tomorrow, though?"
"It'll be fine." he says surely, "Anyways, are you sure you'll sleep here with Satoru? Like I said, he's a cuddler. He will cuddle you in your sleep."
"It's okay. I don't mind." You giggle.
"M'kay, goodnight then."
"Mhm, see you tomorrow." you say, standing with Suguru.
"Wow." he suddenly exclaims when he looks at you.
Suguru stops on his way out the door, he seems taken aback. "I can't believe you're actually right here. I'm so used to pressing a red button and you vanishing from my screen." he laughs in disbelief.
"Yeah, I'm still a bit in disbelief, too. I feel like I'm in a dream and not standing right in front of you."
Suguru smirks. "Mm... well."
He leans down to hug you, pressing your smaller body against his chest with a lovingness that you never envisioned he would possess.
"Have you ever tried to hug someone in a dream? It's pretty difficult." he jokes.
"N-no, haha." you chuckle nervously against his neck. He feels your laughter on his skin, and pulls away before he lets that tingly feeling spread across his chest.
"Goodnight." he murmurs.
"Goodnight." you mumble back.
You're glad when he disappears into his own room, because you felt like you were melting in his alluring presence. A boy as sultry as that requires you to take a breather.
Satoru draws your attention by letting out a sigh in his sleep. You head into the bed.
Though there's a distance between you two, somehow it closes, and Satoru rolls right over onto your futon.
Oh, he is indeed a cuddler, you think. You feel a warm arm suddenly hugging your waist as Satoru changes position, and you hear sleepy lip smacks; his face is very close. You can feel his sweet, warm breath on your face.
There's a comforting, human intimacy about sharing a bed with him. He's so gentle when he sleeps. His hair falls over his eyes, his lashes shudder as his eyes do that sleepy twitching thing.
He looks angelic.
You wonder what dreams he's having. And well, actually he's having dreams of kissing you. How coincidental that you were staring blinkingly at his pouty lips, wondering just how long it will take for the both of you to just — just kiss.
Roaming his features in the dark, you find aspects of his beauty that you never saw before through the screen. He's got a tiny scar above his eyebrow, that must be the one Suguru told you about — the one he got as a child when he fell out of a tree. You remember making a joke "but I thought cats always land on their feet?" and when Suguru translated that, Satoru laughed.
There's slight freckling under his eyes, and slight indents of eyebags stemming from the inner corner of his eye.
And yes, how could you not admire those lashes. They were more beautiful in person. You could count each one if you wanted to, that's how closely he slept to you.
Listening to his soft breaths nearly lulls you to sleep, but then he suddenly cuddles closer and whines in his dream.
Oh, that's close close, you think.
His torso is pressing completely against your side, his body melting into yours like it was made for you. Two puzzle pieces meant to fit together.
His leg comes over yours, and his muscular thigh nestles between your two thighs. It makes you aware of just how attractively long his legs are.
He completely entrapped you with his sleepy embrace.
The warmth of his gentle breathing tickles your cheek, and the tip of his nose slightly dents into your skin. Now that's when you fall asleep. When he's completely melted against you, snuggled up like a cat.
He stirs awake after a few hours of heavy sleep, and for a split second in that groggy wakeful mind fog, for some reason he thinks he's laying next to his wife. So he squeezes you tenderly and cuddles more affectionately.
Oops, he thinks, and pulls away a little out of embarrassment. But once he falls back into dream land, his body subconsciously goes right back in for those sleepy cuddles.
Now the morning dawns over, and you wake up to two bleary, blinking blue eyes right up close to your face...
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© arminsumi
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