rennebright · 3 months
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モリガンまとめ by 藤井英俊 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【藤井英俊】 「 おじさんイラスト詰め合わせ。 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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holespoles · 6 months
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Shunei Nishida Sunlight, 2005
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xinu1941-1966 · 1 year
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Welcome Plastics  cassette tape1980
#プラスチックス #Plastics #Chica Sato #佐藤チカ #Toshio Nakanishi #中西俊夫 #Hajime Tachibana #立花ハジメ
#Masahide Sakuma #佐久間正英 #Takemi Shima #島武実
#new wave #japan #punk #music #cassette tape #カセットテープ #ミュージックテープ #music tape
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miaoyea · 3 months
You Yao (有药) Novel Extra: The Bamboo Weaver 🎋
“The bamboo weaver had no name. Everyone simply called him the bamboo weaver, so I did too."
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Link to full translation
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laboitediabolique · 1 year
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Flyer for “Power of Pussy” screening; two short films by Naoko Nozawa, Monkfish Dream and The Legend of the Water Breakers, 2000. Artwork is by Junko Mizuno.
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jianghuchild · 2 months
赵英俊让我看懂了女儿国 | How Zhao Yingjun Made The Kingdom of Women Make Sense
任来世枯朽成灰 换今生与你相随
虽然歌里唐僧先唱,但我觉得还是先解读女生的歌词试试吧。倒不是说女儿国国王唱的这段没有深度,但感觉可能比较容易懂。要说女声这一段,最突出的应该就是那几句“x什么... ...”
说什么王权富贵 怕什么戒律清规 ... ... 念什么善恶慈悲 等什么望穿秋水
(插句题外话,我估摸着这可以算chiastic structure吧?)
世上安得两全法 不负如来不负卿
反省凡心损梵行 从来如此莫聪明
既生苦难我西行 何生红颜你倾城? 如何抹去你身影? 如同忘却我姓名
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在他过去看上一看的时候,也有一个念头在心里闪过:会不会正好有个江湖卖武的美丽女子,正在比武招亲,这一瞥就定了情,就像戏台上演的一般? When he went over to take a look at what he could, a thought flashed through his mind: could there just happen to be a beautiful woman of the jianghu who knew martial arts, who just happened to be seeking a husband through a martial arts competition? With one glimpse, their love would be true - just like the stories told in stage plays.
王小石却在一瞥中呆住了。 Yet Wang Xiaoshi, within the moment of this one glimpse, was stunned. 他从来没有见过这么美的男子。 He had never seen a man as beautiful as this before. 那薄刀似的柳眉一起一伏间,有说不尽的俊俏,阳光透过遮阳帽的葵叶缝隙照在脸上,一明一暗,白似美玉,黯影柔倩。就这么一刹那,那人已皱了皱眉,不耐烦地按下席帽,绕了过去,看起来,正似在找什么人。 Between the rise and fall of those thin, knife-like brows that were arched as if long and slender willow branches - lay an indescribable and endless elegance. Sunlight bled through the crevices of the sun hat's mallow leaves to shine upon his face, at once both illuminated and obscured: as bright and pale as fine jade, whilst also gentled and made handsome by dark shadow. Such a split second passed, and that man creased his brow thereafter, impatiently pressing his woven hat down before making his way around. He seemed, currently, to be looking for someone.
【一、不像人的人】 Chapter 1: The People Who Did Not Seem Like People
《温柔一刀》 The Gentle Blade
Any mistakes are my own.
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miyamiwu · 11 months
On the You Yao (Are You OK) Novel
Writing propaganda on You Yao really reminded me of how much I love the novel and the donghua adaptation. The donghua is already very good on its own, but I also greatly recommend reading the original novel. The donghua changed a lot of stuff (and they were good, reasonable changes—no complaints about that), so the novel, although still similar in essence, just hits quite differently.
The novel’s prose is simple and direct. Not many descriptions on backgrounds and what the characters are feeling. The author shows it all through dialogues and actions. It’s almost like reading a chat fic, but with longer paragraphs. So when you start reading it, you expect it to be just another fun, light read, but then… while still being as simple and direct, it suddenly drops bombs straight into your heart, and it’s like—oh. oh.
Like, on one hand, you get funny exchanges like this:
“In the past, fighting relied on blades, then it relied on firearms. Do you know what it relies on now?” Lou Zhu straightened up and solemnly said, “What?” Lin Kai said, “Public opinion.”
But then, seemingly out of nowhere, you get lines like this that just makes you pause and think:
“I was not afraid of death at all. I was just afraid of him, afraid that he’s still waiting for me to go back home.”
Reading You Yao is an experience, so you should definitely check it out.
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femondoetus · 1 year
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rennebright · 7 months
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モリガン by 藤井英俊 [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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animepopheart · 1 year
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★ 【藤井英俊】 「 komi 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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shinkonamikan · 4 months
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All About G.j? (オールアバウトG.j?) - アニメムック・アニメ雑誌取扱古本屋「アニエッグ古書店」
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esmem-55 · 5 months
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cmyk prints of 我和我爸和姥爷
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xinu1941-1966 · 1 year
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Plastics  Welcome Back = ウェルカム・バック LP 1981
#プラスチックス #Plastics #Chica Sato #佐藤チカ #Toshio Nakanishi #中西俊夫 #Hajime Tachibana #立花ハジ #Masahide Sakuma #佐久間正英 #Takemi Shima #島武実 #new wave #japan #punk #music
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yu-tap · 5 months
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looking very polite
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