sinoeurovoices · 10 months
德國師生訪台的主旨是:與台灣站在一起。對大家來說,支持台灣、捍衛台灣,更重要的是認識台灣、瞭解台灣與學習台灣,方能與台灣人民心心相印、心領神悟。12月6日,德國師生訪台團在龍三(陳文成博士紀念基金會執行長張龍僑)的帶領下走出台北,進入花蓮,開始了第三天的參訪行程。在宜蘭是參觀慈林紀念館,在玉山神學院是拜見台灣著名宗教學家童春發牧師,從台灣的民運歷史和台灣的基督教發展,去體察與感受台灣精神。 百年台灣的民主運動 慈林紀念館是與林義雄一家的遭遇緊密相連的。1980年2月28日發生於台北的一起兇殺案震驚海內外,台灣省議會議員、美麗島事件的被告林義雄六十歲的母親游阿妹及七歲雙胞胎女兒林亮均、林亭均被刺殺身亡,九歲長女林奐均身受重傷,此案成為歷史疑案、懸案。林義雄,1941年生人,台大法律系畢業後任律師,1976年承辦國民黨選舉舞弊官司後開始接觸政治,1977年進一步以無黨籍身份當選台灣省議會…
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arcadebroke · 9 months
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kuroi-ririn · 2 months
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🐺🐻🐰 運動部✨
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miura-kihara · 6 months
"when you do pairs, it's all about the relationship and if you want to improve you need a strong, happy, positive relationship"
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gon-iii · 8 months
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fa-cat · 2 months
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US figure skaters set to get team gold medals at Paris Olympics after ruling in 2022 doping case
The U.S. figure skating team was formally confirmed as gold medalists from the 2022 Beijing Olympics by a sports court ruling Thursday, opening the way for the team to get its medals at the Paris Summer Games.
It took the latest CAS ruling in the Valieva saga to guarantee the U.S. team its overdue gold medals, and for Japan to be in line for upgraded silvers.
Special medal ceremonies are planned by the IOC in the second week of the Paris Olympics to honor athletes whose results have been upgraded because of doping cases that were prosecuted and resolved in recent years.
Those celebrations will be in the Champions Park plaza looking across to the Eiffel Tower on the opposite bank of the Seine River.
“This (CAS) decision comes just in time to still be able to make the medal allocation for gold and silver possible” in Paris, the International Olympic Committee said in a statement.
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smolstardvst · 1 year
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keep together at all times !! ♡
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sweet-pinkitty · 11 months
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
Koi100+ | Announcement!
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A love that began with the most “Evil” encounter, To the Best Ending...!
S8 Final Chapter "Forever a Family"
October 2023~January 2024
Continuous delivery!
Thank you very much for your continued support of "Kissed by the Baddest Bidder'' The love affair with the bad guys that started in 2013 will finally come to an end.
[Final edition distribution schedule]
October: Ota Kisaki
November: Mamoru Kishi
December: Soryu Oh
January (2024): Eisuke Ichinomiya
The reason why this title has continued to be loved for 10 years is because of everyone's warm support. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all the management.
To express our gratitude to everyone who has supported us so far, we are planning an event in which all characters will participate, so we will let you know as soon as the details are decided.
It started with the most “Bad” encounter.
I hope you will watch this fateful love story with a bad man until the end.
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anamon-book · 3 months
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ルパン三世シリーズ 死の翼アルバトロス ANIMATION LIBRARY 13 双葉社アニメ文庫 装幀=日下潤一 BGX 原作:モンキー・パンチ/脚本:照樹務(宮崎駿)/作画監督:北原健雄+丹内司/美術監督:龍池昇/製作:東京ムービー新社/演出:照樹務(宮崎駿)
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namekusi · 2 months
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wenella · 2 years
EN translation of Zhu Yilong’s response to the Zhihu question
“What type of Chinese values on life and death are presented in Lighting Up the Stars?”
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Hello friends of Zhihu, I am actor Zhu Yilong and I played the role of Mo Sanmei, a funeral director, in the film Lighting Up the Stars. This is a rather special occupation that is often misunderstood by the public.
As we saw in the film, many people are prejudiced against this profession, including myself. Before making this film, I felt that death was a taboo subject that should be avoided.
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Before shooting, I went to experience life in a funeral parlour and realised that the funeral industry wasn’t as cold as we thought it to be. Instead, it is a very heartwarming profession. In my opinion, a funeral director provide us with a farewell service. When they help the deceased to depart in a dignified manner, they also help to comfort the living.
In Lighting Up the Stars, San Ge gained a better understanding of his profession over time. At the start, he was full of contempt and disdain for this industry. Later in the film, he started to understand the real meaning of his job and respect the profession. He worked hand in hand with his pals in Up Sky and brought comfort to others.
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In my opinion, the film does not only teach us how to deal with death, but also how to live well. The notion of “people planting stars” might be a dream created by Sange for Xiaowen, but everything that he did also remind us that the living should cherish the present, live well, and move on with life. If it is possible, I hope this dream can also warm everyone’s hearts.
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There is a line in the film that goes: "There is nothing more important in life than death." The film is a microcosm of the reality of ordinary people's daily lives, the quotidian city scenes, and the joy and sorrow of life. I hope everyone will be comforted by this film. Your loved ones never departed. They have turned into stars and are watching over you.
Lastly, let us pay tribute to the people who plant stars.
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merpmonde · 4 months
Climbing Toba Hinoyama
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The road (and I guess that is the only downside: it is a road all the way) to the top of Hinoyama starts with the welcoming entrance to Jôan-ji temple.
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After some 800 m uphill, past a rather large resort hotel, a chance for a break appears: a viewpoint with a camera stand (which may have been the first time I noticed one! very handy for group shots, though I was alone of course), and an art garden called Medaka no Gakkô, or the school of rice fish. Not knowing that at the time (I looked it up for this piece!), I didn't notice the fish, but I did notice the art and the wisteria in full bloom.
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Most of the climbing is done at this point, and it's only another 300 m to the entrance to the shrines at the top of Hinoyama. Shrines, plural, and of various sizes, as the modest Hakuryû Inari-jinja sits next to the grander Toba branch of Kotohira-gû.
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On the right, at the bottom of the stairs of Kotohira-gû, one finds the donors' board, and an inviting path... to the views shown in the previous post.
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nenbutsushuart · 1 month
The Buddhist Art of Nenbutsushu 佛教之王堂は佛法に基づいて建­­立され 建物全ての部位に、仏縁を結ぶ教えが込められています。
念佛宗 山門 天井画極彩色
世界最大の山門 迷える衆生を佛道へ招き入れる門 念佛宗総本山 山門  高さ35.6m(基壇、棟飾り込)、桁行(幅)34.5m、梁間(奥行き)13.8m 壁面を覆う龍の彫刻が、この門が登龍門であることを示しています。登龍門は、中国の黄河上流にある急流で、鯉が登って龍に変じるといわれ、煩悩にまみれた泥凡夫が、この門をくぐって浄らかな浄土へ到るのであります。 上段は日本建築史上初の六手先総詰組様式、下段は四手先総詰組様式です。正面の山号額は、高さ5.25m、幅3.15mで、本畳に換算して10.2畳という日本一の大きさです。また、山門の両脇には、世界最大級の総漆塗りで中華人民共和国工芸美術大師(人間国宝)佘國平佛師制作の阿形・吽形の仁王像が配されています。仁王像は、世界最大級にして総漆塗り。山門の両脇から俗界を見渡し、悪を断じ善をすすめます。 山門上層には中華人民共和国工芸美術大師、黄文寿氏制作になる、「観経発起」の情景を彷彿させる、阿難尊者と目連尊者を従える釈尊像が安置されています。「観経発起」とは、釈尊が、王舎城の王妃韋提希夫人が我が子阿闍世により王宮の奥殿に幽閉されて救いを求める声を聞かれ、『法華経』の会座を中断、耆闍崛山から王宮に降臨され、教えを説かれて韋提希夫人を救われた故事です。 天井には、三阪雅彦画伯制作になる吽形の老龍及び瑞鳥の鳳と凰が描かれ、周囲は、佛法が伝来した古の時代に百済の文化をもって色とりどりに染められた奈良の都を彷彿させるが如く、韓国に一千四百年の長きにわたり伝えられてきた丹青技法保持者である韓国人間国宝・李萬奉大僧正猊下、及び、直弟子洪昌源師制作の彩色で彩られています。 (落慶時プレスリリースより)
Dancheong, seen inside the upper part of the Main Gate On the upper part of the Main Gate, an old dragon is painted by the master artist Mr. Masahiko Misaka. The surroundings are painted richly in full color by Most Ven. Lee Man Bong, a living national treasure of Korea, together with his head pupil Mr. Hong Chang Won, using Dancheong, the traditional painting technique inherited since ancient Korean Dynasty.
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yamada50 · 2 years
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馬橋村鎮守 馬橋稲荷神社 鎌倉末期に創建し江戸時代後期天保3年(1831)に京都白川神祇伯家御役所より正一位足穂稲荷大明神の神号を拝受し白川家より勧遷したと伝わります 江戸中後期から江戸に稲荷が爆発的に増えますが、論文をいくつか見ていると吉田家から遅れをとる白川家が平田家と組み、また御師の仲介も含め庶民を取り込み熱心に稲荷勧請を進めていたことが背景にあるようで、江戸後期の白川家はほとんどが稲荷の勧遷だったようです 官金が200疋だとの正一位稲荷大明神、300疋以上だと正一位○○稲荷大明神と固有の地名や人物が入ったカスタム神号を受け勧遷できたようです 100疋は現在の価値で10万円と言われるので、安くはないが高くはない設定です 一方稲荷といえば伏見稲荷や妻恋稲荷ですが江戸中期頃までは稲荷社からの勧請が多く稲荷勧請の独占権を主張してようですが、白川家が勧遷する稲荷は元は伏見稲荷より勧請されたこともあり白川家と吉田家が稲荷を含め諸神の勧請は両家しかできないと主張に呑まれる形でだんまりになった模様です とはいえ稲荷が爆発的に増えることによるメリットは大きかったようです 稲荷勧請の歴史の話になってしまいましたが、稲荷の神号に注目してみるのもまた神社巡りも面白くなるかも知れません #馬橋稲荷神社 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ 馬橋稲荷神社(まばしいなりじんじゃ) 鎮座地:東京都杉並区阿佐谷南2-4-4 主祭神:宇迦之御魂神、大麻等能豆神、伊邪那美、弥都波能売神、菅原道真 社格:村社 ⛩┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈⛩ #神社 #神社巡り #神社好きな人と繋がりたい #recotrip #御朱印 #御朱印巡り #鳥居#神社仏閣 #パワースポット #杉並区 #鳥居 #東京三鳥居 #双竜鳥居 #龍神 #稲荷 #神道 #神社巡拝家 (馬橋稲荷神社) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClEZ8ZyvoB2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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miura-kihara · 6 months
"What a difficult entry, unique and creative!"
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shan-luoluo · 2 years
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Baby Peaceful Holiday
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