yum-jin-yum · 2 years
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#먹자 #오늘아님 #기억그램 #구내식당 #카레 #고기완자 #깍두기 #배채우자 (서울특별시 서울의료원에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjOBuuqPHXl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cocohouse15 · 4 months
처치곤란 치킨무로 1분만에 맛있는 깍두기 담그는 비법
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2skim · 2 years
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[여권발급, 영문이름 변경] 여권 유효기간이 2달 정도밖에 남지 않아서 신규여권 발급 받으면서 영문 로마자 이름을 변경하는 신청서를 접스하러 갔는데 접수거부 사유는 사진의 화질이 선명하지 않고 한쪽의 음영이 짙고 자세가 약간 비뜰어져있다고 ㅠㅠ 접수하는 직원이 판단하기 애매한지 뒷자리의 관리자에게 문의 ㅡ 두근두근 결과는 거부 특히 영문이름 변경은 외교부의 심사를 필요로 하는데 이때 사진은 더 세심하게 확인하니 다시 촬영하여 접수하라고 ㅠㅠ 소요시간은 2주 정도 걸린다고 함 이제 10년동안은 조폭같은 여권사진으로 살아가야할 듯 ㅋㅋㅋ 이러다 공항에서 입국거부 되는 것 아닌지 최대한 머리를 기르고 재 촬영 후 다시 접수할 예정 #여권발급신청 #거부당함😂 #여권사진규정 #선명한사진 #음영은 #노노노 #비스듬한자세 #안됨 #최근#6개월이내 #사진만가능😭 #민머리촬영 #깍두기 #로마자이름변경 #외교부 #승인필 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmJKe4gPnyM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kangtaoggo · 2 years
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#김장하는날 #배추김치 #깍두기 #양념게장 #꽃게찜🦀 #장모님김치가최고예요 김치도 맛나지만 동서가 사온 양념게장도 맛나네 ㅎ https://www.instagram.com/p/CldH7HUJgvL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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seekpif · 2 years
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#깍두기 #깍두기담그기 #맛있다 . #맛있다그램 #맛있다👍 #맛있다😋 #맛있다그램😋 #맛있다그램👍 #맛있다요 #맛있다❤️ #맛있다냠냠 #맛있다그램💕 #맛있다스타그램 #맛있다그램👍👍 #맛있다고 #맛있다맛있다 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClIsJKLp-4y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fresh-tomatogogi · 6 months
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비워내려 그리는건지 채우려 그리는건지 한가지 확실한건 그리는 행동이 좋다는거
90도 돌고 또 90도 돌고 또 90도 돌고돌아 360도 돌았더니 오래 알았던 사람들은 지금 제대로 미쳤다 하고 처음 본 사람들에겐 멀쩡한 사람으로 비춰지는게 재밌음 이제 정상성 수행 잘하지~응짱~
차가운 겨울무 생으로 뜯어먹고싶다
무를 메인으로 쓸수있는 요리가 뭐가 있을까... 모르겄다 뭐가 있지 무생채, 무조림, 무볶음, 생선찜에 깔린 무, 어묵탕무, 무말랭이, 깍두기, 김치양념 무, 무피클 아 생각남 뭇국 뭇국에 소고기 대신 선지 적당히 넣으면 매우 맛이 좋다 무우솥밥도 있구나
요즘 피아제 인지발달론을 아주아주 약간 겉핥기도 아닌 냄새맡기를 해봤는데 파이로가 자꾸만 생각나서... 물론 완전히 동의하는 입장에서 읽진 않았지만.... 짜맞추기가 재밌었다 나중에 시간나면 정리해봐야지 싶은데 시간나면 만화그려야함ㅋ
파이로와 엔지니어의 상호보완적 관계가 좋다
코믹스에서 미래에서 온 엔지니어가 파이로 머리통이랑 함께 있는 장면도 좋았음 엔지니어가 파이로에게서 얻을 수단적 이익만을 위해 함께 한다는게 아니란 말도 되니까..
고랭지 배추밭의 차갑고 축축한흙 퍼먹고싶다
태백 바람의 언덕 정상은 분명 오줌밭일거다 화장실 없어서 사람들 걍 차 뒤나 길에 쌈 아 여행가고싶다
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Kkakdugi / 깍두기 / Cubed Radish Kimchi
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bts-trans · 1 year
230829 Weverse Translations
V's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 울 쨔마니는 이제 퇴근하는 중? 태형이는 아미로그 보느라 아직 안자나?ㅎㅎㅎ 바쁜 일상속에서도 좋은 밤, 편안한 밤이길바라💜 보고싶다 많이🥹 사랑해 욘석들아~💜💜💜 V: 갓준님 봤어요 이분 택배드리려 하는데 어디계시죠 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/2-124952899/comment/2-251846642
💜: Is Jiminie getting off work now? Did Taehyungie not go to sleep yet because he's watching ARMY-logs? hehehe Even when your daily life is this busy, I hope you have a good, peaceful night💜 I miss you so much🥹 Love you guys~ 💜💜💜 V: I saw Gat-Joon*('s ARMY-log). I wanted to send them a parcel, where do they live? (T/N: *A K-ARMY's YouTube channel where they post ARMY-logs.)
Trans cr; Eisha @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
V's Comment 💬 on ARMY's Post ❇️
💜: 태형~저녁 메뉴 추천… 간장게장 족발 수육 잔치국수 탕수육 술떡 물냉면 비빔냉면 차돌된장찌개 짜장면 월남쌈 짬뽕 잡탕밥 돼지갈비 유부 소갈비 참치김치찌개 보리밥 호박떡 육개장 팔보채 벌집삼겹살 버블티 평양냉면 알밥 대패삼겹살 꽈배기도넛 초밥 회오리감자 호미빙 오징어버터구이 연탄불고기 오레오빙수 연두부 회덮밥 깐풍기 미역국 물회 콩나물국밥 오징어회 참치회 고등어구이 명란젓 배추김치 고사리 크림카레우동 갈비찜 치맥 돈까스 볶음김치 계란말이 숯불닭갈비 소고기무국 곰탕 갈비탕 호박전 치즈감자고로케 쫄병스낵 케밥 골뱅이무침 깍두기 비빔국수 꽃빵 참치비빔밥 불고기버거 겉절이 수제비 파전 명이나물 피자찐빵 오돌뼈 양념게장 팟타이 떡볶이 뼈해장국 가리비구이 비지찌개 무지개떡 간장새우 김밥 녹차모찌 생새우초밥 남산왕돈까스 모닥치기 조랭이떡 녹치케 골뱅이소면무침 김치만두 군만두 물만두 찐빵 멸치볶음 쫄면 순대 곱창 대창 막창 LA갈비 콩나물무침 모찌롤 냉치킨 선지해장국 깐쇼새우 유산슬 고구마빵 돼지국밥 횡성한우 파김치 새우죽 고추장찌개 통감자 엽떡 회냉면 낙지젓 육포 고구마밥 생선까스 오이지 된장국 찹쌀도넛 백김치 파래 안동찜닭 까르보나라떡볶이 설렁탕 석박지 육회비빔밥 어묵꼬치 열무비빔밥 광어회 고추잡채 닭도리탕 참치볶음 슈크림빵 오징어무침 도라지 양념갈비 닭똥집 식혜 한우스테이크 돌솥비빔밥 성게알 야쿠르트 조기구이 돼지갈비찜 명란스파게티 후쿠오카함바그 파무침 미숫가루 총각김치 쌈장 떡갈비 양꼬치 홍초 굴 짬뽕밥 말린과일 V: 우와우와 https://weverse.io/bts/fanpost/1-124991904?anchor=4-236028543
💜: Taehyung~ recommendations for dinner... [various savoury Korean dishes including noodles, meat, seafood, dumplings and vegetables, spaghetti-based dishes and sweet food] V: Wow wow
Trans cr; Eisha
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goodbyeapathy8 · 5 months
I ordered Korean mu and received a monster instead.
Normally, mu is the length of a banana and the thickness of an orange. Grapefruit if it's a large one.
Weeeee! groceries sent me a BABY SIZED MU.
Oh you think I'm exaggerating? Good thing I took pics for evidence, with references.
Monster Mu is bigger than my face.
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Monster Mu is thicker than my thighs (laughcry let's not comment on that)
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Monster Mu is bigger than Mignon (a friend told me it looks photoshopped but I promise you, my poor hand and arm was trembling as I had to support the Mu Child with only one hand whilst I took the picture)
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Although Moko looks bigger, it's his poofy fur and I'm pretty sure Monster Mu is bigger than Moko
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There was some mild panic as I didn't even know if my knives could cut through this thing but the Legend of ShenLi OST provided sufficient badassery in the background.
Additional credit to my handy dandy cleaver but there was definitely a bit of swearing as well as a renewed sense of needing to work out my biceps.
A third of it is now simmering in kkongchi jorim (꽁치 조림) and I suppose the rest will be made into kkagdoogi (깍두기).
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yum-jin-yum · 2 years
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#먹자 #오늘아님 #구내식당 #제육볶음 #돈가스 #콩나물무침 #깍두기 #배부르다 (서울특별시 서울의료원에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ci-ca-yP63f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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foxcassius · 2 years
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ummmm guess who made 깍두기. bitch
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aquacoca · 1 month
당근 버섯 새우죽
오이 쌈장 깍두기
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thenomadinside · 5 years
A Seoul-o Trip to South Korea: Part 2
Places covered in this post: Imun Seollongtang, Insadong, Ssamzil, The Booth Brewing Company
When you have finished the first full day in a new country, you can immediately feel the aftermath of the day taking a heavy toll on your body. Your body has still yet to fully adapt to not only the time difference but spike in daily physical activity. I also tend to find myself parched and a bit dehydrated the day after because I forgot to drink more water than I normally do to account for that added activity. Thus, I prefer to keep the the first two days relatively low key and then gradually tack on more strenuous activities for later in the itinerary.
My second morning in Seoul began with a 10-15 minute walk from my hotel in Myeong-dong to a cafe called ‘FELT Coffee.’ As a self-proclaimed cafe addict, this typically tends to be the very first thing I do in the morning to get me pumped for the day. It is one of the many thrills when traveling abroad, just simply knowing that there is unchartered territory just overflowing with adorable local coffee shops just waiting to be discovered. There is no better place to explore cafe culture than Korea because people are obsessed over here. Seriously, there is no shortage of quality cafes here and it seems very much integrated with the everyday lifestyle here. Read more about all the favorite cafes I visited in Korea here: (link here)
Imun Seoollongtang: Restaurant Review
‘Seollongtang’ is a clean healthy and protein-rich soup made primarily of ox bones and this restaurant gained recognition for boiling their soup for over 17 hours!
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For brunch, I ate at a well-known restaurant called ‘Imun Seollongtang,’ which came highly recommended by the same friend that suggested ‘FELT Coffee.’ For first timers, you might have a bit of difficulty spotting this location because the restaurant is tucked away on the side of a parking lot. Normally this dish isn’t one that I crave out of all the delicious Korean dishes but it actually felt perfect for a winters day especially as the first meal of the day. In my opinion, Seollongtang is much more suited for breakfast than kalguksoo as it is a much lighter dish but still fill you up. The taste of this soup is typically quite bland but you can customize it and add salt accordingly based off your preference. The ox bone soup had a generous amount of meat and chunks of gelatinous tendon as well as a solid amount of noodles and rice. If the soup is not filling enough, they also had a few trays containing homemade kimchi, Kkakdugi otherwise known as “kimchi radish(깍두기),” soup salt and chopped scallions.
Insadong: Ssamzil
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Insadong is one of the few places that I distinctly remember from my trip 8 years ago! The street itself hadn’t changed much aside from a new line up of stores, but besides that it pretty much is exactly how I remember it to be. I distinctly recall being mesmerized by the “whiskers” of Kkul-tarae (꿀타래, dragon’s beard candy) here and happily getting sugar stuck in my teeth while paying a nearby visit to Changdeokgung Palace. Inside Insadong there is a creative mall filled with small local businesses called ‘Ssamji-Gil.’ The mall has four floors and you can easily reach to the top by walking up in a reverse funnel pattern. Each floor has a handful of highly curated local artist shops that sell a wide range of items from handmade fragrances, Korean ceramics, and more. They also offer have a few more engaging and “interactive” activities such as a leather making workshop, painting and etc. I even got my own custom design embroidered on a luggage tag here! Disclaimer: I spent an annoyingly long time perfecting my luggage design, only for them to just pick out a pre-designed logo for me. Sad.
If you have some additional time to kill, there is a pretty neat shopping mall nearby called Insadong Anyoung.
The Booth Brewing Company: Beer & Pizza
The Booth is a Korean micro brewery that originally was a small pizza pub but has since evolved and even found its way into the American market.
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To finish the day strong, I ended up grabbing dinner around Gangnam and stopping by The Booth Brewing Company in their Jongnu location to a nice cap to the day. I believe this is their original location but have other micropubs around Seoul. I am a huge fan of their brand identity as it is very distinct and memorable. Their logo is an alien that reminds me of Monsters Inc and feels very hipster, young and trendy. The actual pub itself was difficult to find as it’s on the second floor and hidden in a corner but I eventually found it through a pullup banner outside. It seemed quite popular and seemed to specifically draw out many Korean Americans. I didn’t try their pizza during this run because I had already eaten dinner but would highly recommend it as the people next to me seemed to enjoy it.
And that concludes the second day exploring Seoul!
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annie7273 · 11 months
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8UhVS0zT-Q[/embed]마요리#깍두기#당뇨 [재료] 마3개 청양고추1 홍고추 양파1 [양념장] 멸치액젓 2 고춧가루 4 참기름 1 통깨 2 겉절이 처럼 만들고도 …source 이 글 공유하기:FacebookX이것이 좋아요:좋아하기 가져오는 중...
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annie72720 · 11 months
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8UhVS0zT-Q[/embed]마요리#깍두기#당뇨 [재료] 마3개 청양고추1 홍고추 양파1 [양념장] 멸치액젓 2 고춧가루 4 참기름 1 통깨 2 겉절이 처럼 만들고도 …source 이 글 공유하기:FacebookX이것이 좋아요:좋아하기 가져오는 중...
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jennie8800 · 11 months
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQAxtEzlXmI[/embed]깍두기 재료 : 무2개(3kg), 무청 한줌 절이기 : 천일염3T+ 뉴슈가0.5T + 물200ml 찹쌀풀 : 찹쌀가루2T + 물200ml 믹서기재료 : 사과1개, …source 이 글 공유하기:FacebookX이것이 좋아요:좋아하기 가져오는 중...
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