noaartsnow · 1 year
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Happiest birthday to our angel maknae, Bomin! We love you so much 💗
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mkbang3 · 1 year
I really love this song, and I get emotional when it plays
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thepixelelf · 11 months
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[official_gncd11 instagram]
골든차일드(Golden Child) 3rd Single Album [Feel me] :: JACKET IMAGE #1 🪄 CHOI BOMIN 2023.11.02 6PM RELEASE #GoldenChild #골든차일드 #Feelme #Feel_GNCD #최보민 #ChoiBoMin
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ourownoasis · 2 years
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#최보민 금둥이광산에 보물아니라 보민맞음😜
보민 엄청많음💎🙋🏻‍♂️
[210818 Twitter update]
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everythingbap · 11 months
📲 official_gncd11 Instagram update with Jongup:
유일한 달빛 아래에 있는 ✨ #문종업 님과 함께한 #Feelme_Challenge
#GoldenChild#골든차일드#GNCD #Feelme#Feel_GNCD#Challenge #이대열#Y#이장준#TAG#배승민 #봉재현#김지범#김동현#홍주찬#최보민 #LEEDAEYEOL#CHOISUNGYUN
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solplparty · 2 years
[Live Clip] 바람이라면 | Y(Golden Child) https://youtu.be/R3vzm6pxS3g [Live Clip] 바람이라면 | Y(Golden Child) #Y #골든차일드 #바람이라면 #최성윤 #CHOISUNGYUN #GoldenChild #GNCD #LIVE #Clip #라이브 #LIVE_CLIP #라이브클립 #내가_바람이라면_Y곁에_머물게 #이대열 #이장준 #TAG #배승민 #봉재현 #김지범 #김동현 #홍주찬 #최보민 #LEEDAEYEOL #LEEJANGJUN #SONYOUNGTAEK #BAESEUNGMIN #BONGJAEHYUN #KIMJIBEOM #KIMDONGHYUN #HONGJOOCHAN #CHOIBOMIN [ Golden Child Official ] iTunes/Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/us/artist/golden-child/1276093653 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5zShiwTHlygdfsXj6eavTu Fancafe(팬카페) : https://cafe.daum.net/GoldenChild YouTube(유튜브) : http://www.youtube.com/c/GoldenChild Twitter(트위터) : https://twitter.com/GoldenChild Instagram(인스타그램) : https://www.instagram.com/official_gncd11/ Weverse(위버스) : https://www.weverse.io/goldenchild Tiktok(틱톡) : https://www.tiktok.com/@goldenchildofficial weibo(웨이보) : https://weibo.com/u/6246751871 WOOLLIM Entertainment Official Website : http://www.woolliment.com Copyrightⓒ2023 WOOLLIM Entertainment all rights reserved. woolliment
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Anonymous asked:
Would you make a scenario where fem reader is in a love triangle with her two best friends Bomin and Joochan?, Like they're super good friends but both of them like her... So they confess in different moments, she kisses both and she's confused. Both of them know about the others feelings but they still want to have the upper hand. You can pick the ending and write it however you want! It'll be great if we could feel the struggle... Maybe making her have her moments whenever she hangs with one of them, like she thinks she has decided but then they kiss and the same happens with the other and it's all messy?? Thank you beforehand i hope it's not too much to ask 🥺
Group: Golden Child (골든차일드)
Members: Bomin & Joochan
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
(A/N): Warning! This took on a mind of its own, and it is now a fic—not a scenario. This chapter one, y'all. Banner by @junjungsunwoo! Thank you so much, I love it! ^-^
Chapter 1
Hong Joochan
Everyone falls in love in different ways.
For some, it's slow and gradual. For others, it's love at first sight. And then for the rest, they're not in love until they just... are.
That's how it was for me.
You see, I had a friend. She was pretty, though I didn't realize it when we first met. Sometimes people would ask me, "Yo, are you friends with the hot chick?" and my response would always be, "Who?"
I didn't understand back then how beautiful she really was, because all I saw was 'my friend'. I'd closed myself off to the idea of seeing her as an actual woman without even realizing it.
Until one moment, I did. It was just one moment. One moment of her smiling in just the right lighting, the glare through the window putting a halo over her head.
All my memories with her flashed through my head like scenes from a movie. All the times she'd comforted me, made me laugh, or smiled for me.
In that moment, I felt like we were meeting again for the first time. Like an idiot, I stuttered when I said hi. I'd never stuttered around her before, and I knew she'd noticed it too, 'cause she didn't skip a beat in teasing me for it.
I thought maybe—just maybe—I had been underestimating how much I appreciated her presence in my life.
And how much I'd come to rely on it.
It was overwhelming, scary and exciting all at the same time. When the wave of emotions first washed over, I thought, "I've gotta tell someone."
In situations like this, Daeyeol would usually be the first person I'd spill my feelings to. He was always good at looking at things objectively and helping me evaluate myself.
But in this particular case with this particular girl, there was a better choice.
And it was Choi Bomin. He was kicked back in a chair, reading over a script from a web-drama he was gonna be starring in, his brows furrowed with concentration.
"Hey, Bomin?" I said. I was annoyed (yet also giddy) over the way my voice quivered with anxiousness. It'd been forever since I'd liked liked someone, and I was excited to get it off my chest.
In true Bomin fashion, he made eye contact for a short moment before looking back down at his script. "What's up?" he asked, a small smile resting on his lips to show that he was ready and willing to listen.
A nervous chuckled slipped out of my mouth. "I think I've got a crush on someone," I finally said, trying to keep my grin at bay.
His eyes immediately ripped away from the pages, a mixture of 'wow! I'm so happy for you!' and 'are we even allowed to do that?' written across his face. "You do?" he asked. "That's..." He thought for a moment before he couldn't hide his smile anymore.
He was trying to be all straight-up and objective, but I could tell he was getting swept up in the real-life love story, seemingly stolen straight from the pages of his script.
"Awesome," he settled on. "It's awesome. I'm happy for you!" He set the stack of papers off to the side, sitting up properly and giving me his full attention. "So, who's the lucky girl? Do I know her?"
Just thinking about it made me smile, while also simultaneously making me feel like I was gonna throw up. "Yeah, you know her pretty well," I chuckled. His eyes were burning with curiosity. "It's (Y/N)."
I'll never forget the look on his face when I said that. The absolute betrayal.
The joy I'd felt just moments ago vanished, my heart dropping to the pit of my stomach. That's when I realized it.
He liked her, too.
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For you to truly understand the significance of that moment, we're gonna have to go back by about 5 years.
Or is it 6?
I don't really remember. Honestly, I didn't even realize (Y/N) and I had become such good friends until I noticed, "Wow, I sure do spend a lot of time with you."
All the guys liked her and enjoyed her company, but none of 'em were as close to her as Bomin and I.
Now, just to clarify, I was friends with her first. It probably doesn't matter to most of you, but it matters to me. I'm proud of it.
I found a best friend that would stay by my side and support me until I die—and all before I turned 30! To me, that's an accomplishment.
We met at a pretty difficult time in my life. Well, in both of our lives actually. I'd been training for a long time, and my debut at that time was... How should I put it?
I was scared. Like, really scared. And angry.
Maybe that's selfish to say when others had been training way longer than I had, but hey. I'm human. I can't help it.
People told me I was doing well and to hang in just a little longer, yet I had nothing to show for it. Lots of thoughts were running through my head at that point.
Is this what I'm supposed to do with my life? Just wait? It felt like a waste.
So, yeah. At that point, my mental health had taken a nosedive, and my physical health was following right after it. I was getting nosebleeds while practicing, I could barely hold down anything I ate, the mood swings were insane, and life was pretty much just kicking me in the ass.
I remember ditching practice one day 'cause I was just so tired of everything. I felt like if I didn't get outta there, I would either cry or punch someone.
I hopped on a bus from Mapo-gu to the Han River, but I don't remember anything about the commute.
In my eyes, the world was foggy and grey. I didn't see buildings and people passing by—just silhouettes; vaguely familiar shapes and blobs of faded color.
I couldn't even bring myself to try and decipher them.
Once I got to my stop, I wandered around the park for hours and hours until dusk had fallen and my feet were rubbed red with blisters.
As the sky started changing from purple to dark blue, I'd found myself a nice spot near the water where I could just sit in the grass, watching the boats pass by as the city-scape flickered to life.
The grass was dewy and I could tell my butt was gonna get wet, but I didn't care.
I'd been there for a whole two minutes before someone poked me harshly in my bony shoulder.
I'll give you a minute to guess who that was.
If you said '(Y/N)', ding ding ding! You win the grand prize.
That first time I met her, she wasn't smiling. In fact, she was glaring at me in a pretty threatening way, but whatever.
"You're in my spot," she'd said, voice dry, monotone and unamused.
I raised a brow. "Do you own the park?"
I turned away from her, folding my knees to my chest and resting my chin on them. "Then it's not yours," I said.
Usually, I wouldn't be so rude to a perfect stranger, but she started it. I was already in a bad mood—who was this chick to show up and make me feel worse?
My resolve to ignore her died down as soon as I heard her sniffling. It sent a pang of guilt running through my chest, but it also made my blood boil.
"Fine, take your damn seat," I groaned, scooting over a bit. "If you think I'm moving any farther though, you're dead wrong," I huffed grumpily, refusing to look at her. I didn't even look out at the water—just glared at a few innocent blades of grass.
A chilly breeze blew in that moment, making the grass shiver under my harsh gaze. The timing was almost comical.
I heard her plop down next to me, still sniffling a little. "Thanks..." she said hesitantly, dabbing her nose with her sleeve. "I'm sorry I made you move." She took a deep breath, chuckling at herself. "Honestly, I can be such an ass when I'm..." her voice trailed off.
Without really noticing it, I'd found myself listening to her. I turned my head a little. I still wasn't looking at her, per se, but now we were looking in the same direction.
"When you're what?" I asked, my voice considerably more gentle than before.
She sighed through her nose. Out of my peripherals, I saw her fold into the same position as me. "When I'm in state of not being okay, I guess," she said.
I laughed ironically. I could relate to that.
"How 'bout you?" she asked. "No offense, but you're not looking too hot. Somethin' going on?"
I finally looked at her, only to find she was already looking at me. "Even if there is something going on," I started, "what's the point in telling you? We're never gonna see each other again anyway."
"Now you see, that's the beauty of it," she said. "We're strangers who will never see each other again and have no emotional attachment to each other. Therefore, no matter how much baggage we unload onto each other, it won't drag us down."
She shrugged. "I guess what I'm sayin' is... We could be honest with each other and it's no harm, no foul."
I didn't say anything for about a minute, just letting the words ruminate in my head.
"That's only if you want to, though," she said, breaking the silence I didn't realize I'd let drag on for so long. "I just figured... If you're anything like me, you wouldn't have come here if you had someone to talk to."
And she was right. I didn't have anyone to talk to at that point.
So on that Thursday evening, I swallowed my pride and spilled my deepest inner thoughts to this random stranger—and she did the same to me.
We cried a lot, laughed like psychopaths, raged and yelled, ripped up fistfuls of grass—it was a rollercoaster.
But y'know what?
We both felt refreshed afterwards. And we thought, "Great! That's the end of it and now we can part ways and forget this ever happened."
But the universe had different plans for us.
I know South Korea isn't huge, but I thought it was at least big enough for acquaintances not to run into each other every other moment.
I started seeing her on the bus, at the cafe near the agency, that random hole-in-the-wall bakery that I thought no one else knew about.
It was almost creepy, and if I thought of myself a little more self-importantly, I might've thought she was stalking me.
Then it occurred to me.
Maybe she'd always been there, living her everyday life, and I just hadn't noticed her before. Maybe this was her everyday, and I was just passing through it every once in a while.
Despite having said we'd never speak to each other again, we exchanged the basic pleasantries whenever we bumped into each other. No pressure or expectations, just a random, "Oh! Mean Han River chick!" or "Oh! Depressed trainee boy."
Her sense of humor meshed with mine—in a weird, unexpected sort of way, and we quickly became the simplest way of relieving each other's stress.
We didn't try. And honestly, most of the time, it was just an accident. We'd always just happen to find each other when we needed to talk, like fate.
If you believe in that kinda stuff, I mean.
So there you have it! That's how a stranger became my best friend. And then, as time went on, my crush.
And, well... My other friend's crush.
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theangstreport · 5 years
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love this duo! 
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golcababies · 4 years
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Golden child Update on their hi_goldenness account on 22 April 2020
The date and time depens on what your time zone is
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gaemsin · 4 years
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나의 사랑 나의 봄 나의 운명 나의 세상... 최보민 사랑해 #보민 #최보민 #보밍 #보맹 #BOMIN https://www.instagram.com/p/CDMTzBkB5eC/?igshid=1xptxb5igaqlf
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itsmarkeulee0530 · 5 years
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 에이틴 시즌2 BTS  
에이프릴 나은  X  골든 차일드 최보민
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mxxnjup · 5 years
“ i wish it was me “ || golden child ( 골든차일드 )
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thepixelelf · 11 months
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[official_gncd11 instagram]
골든차일드(Golden Child) 3rd Single Album [Feel me] :: JACKET IMAGE #1 🪄 CHOI BOMIN 2023.11.02 6PM RELEASE #GoldenChild #골든차일드 #Feelme #Feel_GNCD #최보민 #ChoiBoMin
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ourownoasis · 2 years
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#최보민 모두 수고수고했다💓
[210820 Twitter update]
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solplparty · 2 years
[M/V] 바람이라면 | Y(Golden Child) https://youtu.be/JyhqikAQXk4 [M/V] 바람이라면 | Y(Golden Child) #Y #골든차일드 #바람이라면 #최성윤 #ChoiSungYun #GoldenChild #GNCD #MV #MusicVideo #뮤직비디오 #내가_바람이라면_Y곁에_머물게 #이대열 #이장준 #TAG #배승민 #봉재현 #김지범 #김동현 #홍주찬 #최보민 #LEEDAEYEOL #LEEJANGJUN #SONYOUNGTAEK #BAESEUNGMIN #BONGJAEHYUN #KIMJIBEOM #KIMDONGHYUN #HONGJOOCHAN #CHOIBOMIN [ Golden Child Official ] iTunes/Apple Music : https://music.apple.com/us/artist/golden-child/1276093653 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/artist/5zShiwTHlygdfsXj6eavTu Fancafe(팬카페) : https://cafe.daum.net/GoldenChild YouTube(유튜브) : http://www.youtube.com/c/GoldenChild Twitter(트위터) : https://twitter.com/GoldenChild Instagram(인스타그램) : https://www.instagram.com/official_gncd11/ Weverse(위버스) : https://www.weverse.io/goldenchild Tiktok(틱톡) : https://www.tiktok.com/@goldenchildofficial weibo(웨이보) : https://weibo.com/u/6246751871 WOOLLIM Entertainment Official Website : http://www.woolliment.com Copyrightⓒ2023 WOOLLIM Entertainment all rights reserved. woolliment
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minhyukpotato · 5 years
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🎥빵빵즈 Special Stage Bbangbbangz is the cutest collab ever💖 Stan Bbangbbangz ※Bbangbbangz is an unofficial unit but I am really hoping for more Bbangbbangz contents soon they are cuties~~ . . #빵빵즈 #00z #Bbangbbangz #윤산하 (#아스트로) #YoonSanha (#ASTRO) #최보민 (#골든차일드) #ChoiBomin (#GoldenChild) #이대휘 (#AB6IX) #LeeDaehwi (#AB6IX) #황현진 (#스트레이키즈) #HwangHyunjin (#StrayKids) . . . . Sudio K Fan Cam⬇⬇⬇⬇ ▶ https://t.co/TIZnyu0Uih 。 。 。 。 #윤산하 #YoonSanha ◐ @ddana_yoon 。 。 。 #산하 #아스트로윤산하 #산하아스트로 #따나 #yoonsanhaastro #ddana #astrosanha #yoonsanha . . #daehwi #bomin #hyunjin https://www.instagram.com/p/B6SsWM9BXO2/?igshid=1aw9s5eu2r6sp
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