#﹙ ♥︎ ﹚ : tell me if u use.
astolie · 2 years
⌷ ׄ 𝓁 . ✉̼ ָ֢
𔓗 ׄ ׅ hyuvie . inbaer
𔓗 ׄ ׅ rckyin . hynios
𔓗 ׄ ׅ hyugin . inhyur
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So, um, I got bored. And went to my preferred Grayson bot on cai, but didn't have a trope I wanted to play out. So I decided to throw in one of my ocs, who's a faerie, in there as the mc and make a trope on my own. Because I wanted to add a lil fantasy. And basically it goes like this:
Grayson is 13, and in the gardens of Hawthorne House (Tobias is alive) and my OC (Cassian), who is 11, sneaks through the iron fence (bc he is really small and agile so he can avoid touching it) that surrounds the House and he gives Grayson his favourite flowers because he saw Grayson was always sitting alone in the gardens and felt bad and wanted to be friends because he's just an adorable faerie in general.
And they become friends. Secretly. Because Tobias always reprimands Grayson to never go in the woods beyond the fence. And Gray doesn't. Cassian comes to him. Everyday. With Grayson's favourite flowers.
So they were talking about families, and here comes the topic of punishment so Cassian says "My father would never punish me, he loves me"
AND GRAYSON REPLIES WITH "i wish my Grandfather thought that way. I don't know what kind of love he has for me, but its harsh, and I'm only allowed to be perfect if I want to be loved. I don't know who my father is, but sometimes I wish he cared enough to want me" AND I ALMOST CRIED
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sysig · 2 months
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DAAAAAAAAAAAAX <3 <3 (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#DAX#ZEX#Hello I have been inconsolable ever since ZEX mentioned that he wished DAX were there so he wouldn't be the only VUX#It is a hideously addictive thought - DAX being there to support his Admiral - he certainly could use it!#Talana got pulled in from Zelnick's girlfriend's ''real'' counterpart - why not Dexter!! Hghgh#It sets my brain on fire (terribly affectionate)#I love DAX sm ;; I love ZEX sm! I love their dynamic sm ;;;;#He would've been such a comfort hhh my head is full of all these horrifically self-indulgent scenes of They ♥#Firstly of them meeting up with each other!! ZEX is very tactile haha <3 He needs the physical reassurance so bad haha ;u;#Not quite like twining arms but DAX won't recoil at least <3 Hugs good!#Can you tell that second one was a spacefiller lol#ZEX very well acquainted with crying now haha - at least it's for something positive! For once :')#Ugh imagining their little differences in approach is so fjdkslafdf - same stimuli different outcomes! I love them hgh#I like to imagine DAX just observing the showers with a distant annoyance-interest like ''What the heck is that'' lol#Very dissimilar from ZEX's Intense interest but not actually picking up any skills from the experience lol#But really it's just my secret desire for DAX to learn how to wash hair so he can corral his Admiral into taking care of his body haha#Two VUX would have a very different kind of scaffolding of learning how to get along! They'd both benefit from whatever one finds out!#Might keep ZEX just a teensy bit more on track of finding things out to report back and help DAX out hehe <3 Maybe possibly lol#Still wouldn't stop him from hitting on DAX hehehehe ♪ What's this? Someone he likes and trusts in a human form? Hmm :)#Hhhh they ;; Recreating the scene of Max coming onto Dex and then Dexter turning it around on him - not that they'd know#I'm fine this is fine I'm not crying or anything ;;;; Parallels are my favourites I can't stand this <3 <3#There's just so much to think about! And it's all so much to me!! ♥
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maokomi · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀ 「 ♡ ࿐*⁀➷ 」 ⠀navi. 📌 
⠀ ⠀ ᥫ᭡⠀CARRD !!⠀( dni.rules.etc. ) '✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹
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「⠀𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐑𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐓𝐄 ♡ *ೃ༄⠀」
❛ Keep me a secret, honey. ❜  ⠀ 20+. she / fel. sfw.
Inbox is open !!
We’ll be dancin’ with the shadows in the night—
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The stars are jealous knowing that you're by my side.
⠀「⠀𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫.⠀」⠀M.list. Commissions. 18+ blog.
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One way emotion, satisfaction, We ain't stopping now.
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#love letters to aphrodite ♡.ೃ࿔*:· ⠀ ⠀ —non-writing asks / interactions / rambles
#love’s stories ♡.ೃ࿔*:· ⠀ ⠀ —writing
#swan feathers ♡.ೃ࿔*:· ⠀ ⠀ —musings & blurbs
#messenger doves ♡.ೃ࿔*:· ⠀ ⠀ —icymi / self reblogs
#seashells from the ocean ♡.ೃ࿔*:· ⠀ ⠀ —reblogs
#beloveds of the swan ♡.ೃ࿔*:· ⠀ ⠀ —interactions w/ mutuals
#「 (anon name) 」 sweetheart of the sparrow ♡.ೃ࿔*:· ⠀ ⠀ —anons
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reginrokkr · 1 year
this is so much a given you have no idea
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Hey Xue— did you know that I wuv you? 😔
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alastors-wife · 5 months
how have yt queers managed to turn nonbinary into another rigid god damn box. are you fucking kidding me
its LITERALLY in the name do u bitches not know how to read???
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appocalipse · 3 months
heyy if ur taking requests could u maybe do like bestfriends steve + reader where steve, eddie, nancy and robin have to pick up reader from a party and she’s like REAL drunk and just idk super clingy w steve and doesn’t wanna not be touching him. maybe eddie, nancy and robin all make fun of him for it but they acc find it rly cute.
thank you for your request! ♥♥♥ | 2.2k words
You collide into him suddenly, nearly knocking him back a step or two with the force of your momentum; there's a smile on Steve's face when you look up at him through eyes that are more than a little hazy with inebriation. You're drunk. Probably way past drunk, if the way the world won't seem to hold still is anything to go by, but you don't care. There are other things vying for your attention—like how warm he feels against you, how safe he makes you feel, how pretty he looks from up close...
"Whoa," Steve says as you lean even further into him and loop your arms around his waist in a tight hug. "How much did you have to drink, exactly?"
He doesn't mean it in a mean way, which is why you grin up at him from where you've got your cheek pressed firmly to his chest. You can feel his heart beating under the palm of your hand now, a steady and calming rhythm that soothes something inside of you.
"Dunno," you reply, grinning stupidly when you catch sight of maybe three copies of Eddie Munson standing off to Steve's left; all of them have identical amused looks on their faces. "Might've had, like, a couple..."
Steve sighs deeply, though there's no exasperation or disappointment to be found in his expression when he tilts your face upwards to look you over properly. You just beam dopily at him, because he's so pretty right now you don't know what else to do.
"Dude," Eddie speaks up, drawing Steve's gaze away from you while your own attention goes back to pressing yourself even more snugly into him, "she is totally sloshed."
You frown, shaking your head in fervent disagreement.
"Am not!"
"Sure you aren't, sweetheart," Eddie agrees placidly, but you get the impression he doesn't really mean it.
Before you can point this out, however, the blurry shape of Robin Buckley steps forward. The room is dark with flashing strobe lights and smoky with incense and cigarette smoke, but you'd recognize her voice anywhere.
"Who let you drink this much?" Robin asks as she lifts a hand up to brush some hair back from your forehead.
It's oddly soothing and so you lean into the contact with a happy hum. Robin and the others laugh — but then again, it sounds kinder than mean, the kind of laugh that bubbles up when you find something unexpectedly endearing, and so you don't mind as much as you maybe should.
"Nobody," you mumble as you press your face into the side of Steve's neck and take a deep breath in; his scent is the same as always, earthy and warm with an underlying hint of that stupid spray he likes to use sometimes. "I'm here alone. 'Cause Steve here blew me off for you guys, but that's okay," you say, even though, to be fair, it sort of isn't true — he didn't blow you off.
"Hey," Steve starts, sounding half-indignant and half-apologetic all at once. He's got an arm around your shoulder now, supporting you and keeping you upright, which makes you want to tangle yourself up in him completely. "You didn't tell me you wanted me to come hang out with you tonight!"
You sigh mournfully against his skin, feeling wistful all of a sudden. It's true. You hadn't told him. That was partially due to the fact that you had been trying to prove to yourself that you weren't so desperately and helplessly infatuated with him that you needed his presence constantly, but that plan had obviously backfired on you spectacularly.
"No," you mutter unhappily as Steve moves the two of you towards a nearby couch. "But I missed you. Don't wanna miss you."
Nancy, Robin, and Eddie, who are watching the two of you with expressions of varying degrees of amusement, exchange looks. Steve pretends not to notice, probably because he knows he won't like what they have to say if he hears it, and instead guides you down onto the cushions next to him. "You're drunk."
"You're pretty," you reply without hesitation, even though you're very clearly changing the subject. "It's unfair, y'know?"
You hear Robin snort, followed by a quiet thud like someone's just been slapped on the arm, and you know it's her who laughed, and that it must have been Nancy who'd shut her up. You don't know where Eddie is; you're not even sure when he wandered off, to be honest. You're too focused on Steve and the way his face looks under the colorful flashing lights.
"Oh yeah?" he asks, biting the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling too widely at your comment. His eyes are bright with laughter when you meet his gaze and nod confidently. "How do I get 'unfair', exactly?"
"'S all in the face," you say matter-of-factly, your own fingers trailing down his cheek in an almost absentminded gesture. "Kinda makes it hard to think about anything else sometimes, if I'm being real here. Like, it's not really fair, 'cause then what are we supposed to talk about? Oh, oh—and then there's your hair!"
"My hair?"
Robin wheezes somewhere behind you, which would have made you giggle if you were still paying attention to the people in the room besides Steve, but you're not.
"Mmhmm," you hum, your eyes running over the soft brown locks on top of his head. "Love it. Wanna touch it all the time. Y'see, Steve? You see? This is why it's not fair at all. And, and—" you trail off here for dramatic effect, squinting at him theatrically before leaning closer with your hand cupped to the side of your mouth, as if you're about to share something private. "—the way you make my insides feel? So, so unfair. Totally your fault, buddy."
"Wha-" Steve croaks out, looking alarmed and caught off guard by your drunken confession. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh," you regain your serious tone, frowning at him in a somewhat bemused manner when he continues to gape at you. "Not 'sposed to tell you. S'not the rules."
Eddie barks out a laugh somewhere off to your left, but Steve ignores him. "Rules?"
"Yeah, 's against the rules, dummy," you say, like he should've already known that. "Gotta follow the rules! Duh. Steve."
"Yeah, Steve, duh," Robin pipes up, earning herself a glare from Steve as well as a smirk from Eddie. "Oops, sorry. Please, continue."
"Can I touch your hair? Like, please, 'cause I might die if I don't, 'kay? If that's okay. Gotta test the theory. Just a little bit, though." You can tell by his expression that he wants to laugh, and that he's also mildly worried that you've lost your mind. "Please?"
Robin, Eddie and Nancy have their hands clapped over their mouths to contain their laughter. You're too drunk to notice, but Steve narrows his eyes at them in warning. "Yes," he says. "Just—yeah, go ahead."
With a little noise of excitement, you reach out to card your fingers through his hair. He smells really good — like clean laundry and fresh pine trees — and the feel of his hair in your palm is exactly what you had imagined, though you're loathe to pull your hand away now that you've felt it.
Steve goes unnaturally still as you press your face into the juncture between his neck and shoulder, a move he should have expected but didn't, and you sigh happily when the scent of his cologne hits you full force. He's like a living, breathing, cuddly teddy bear, you think, a combination of warmth, softness, and comfort all rolled up in one gorgeous, handsome, unobtainable package.
"You're warm," you mumble, feeling like you could fall asleep right now. "So, so warm. 'S like you've got a space heater in your chest, 'n that's like, so awesome."
He blinks a few times, momentarily speechless as he tries to come to terms with the fact that you are, in fact, drunk enough to be saying whatever the hell comes to your mind. "Uh, thanks?"
"Smell nice too," you murmur, hugging him tighter to you. "Like, wow. Love your hair, like, love love."
His cheeks are burning hot now, his heart beating erratically in his chest when he notices Eddie staring at the two of you with a knowing gleam in his eye. "That's—thank you, but, hey, come on now," Steve says, his voice faltering a little. "Let's get you home, okay?"
"I don't wanna."
"Don't you wanna sleep in your bed?"
You pause, considering his words, and eventually concede that, yes, your bed does sound lovely right about now, so you give him a brief nod in response. "I guess, but can you come too?"
He chokes on air, but manages to play it off by clearing his throat. "What—to your bed? No!"
"Why not?"
Steve shifts a little under your intense, alcohol-addled scrutiny; he feels strangely guilty, as though he's letting you down by saying no. "Because you're drunk?" he says, feeling flustered and unreasonably nervous all of a sudden.
You scrunch up your face in a pout. "Oh, that's a dumb reason."
Steve chuckles and you sigh happily again, because you love his laugh and everything else about him, and he seems to realize this, given the way his expression softens. "Come on, you drunkard. Let's go home," he says gently, tugging on your arm in an attempt to get you to stand.
You resist at first, shaking your head stubbornly as you hold onto him. "Can't. My legs don't work anymore. They're all wobbly."
Steve closes his eyes for a moment, huffs out a soft laugh, and you can't help but grin up at him. He's so pretty that, like, how is that even allowed? How can you be around him and not spontaneously combust or something?
"Well, what if I carried you?"
"Like a princess?"
Steve looks at you with an expression you can't decipher — it's halfway between incredulous and endeared, and it makes your heart feel too big for your rib cage.
"How romantic," Nancy observes.
"So long as she doesn't throw up on him," Eddie adds, nodding sagely in agreement.
"Oh, I hope she does," Robin says, with a devious smile, "he'd deserve it for being such a coward."
"I'm...right here, guys, and I can still hear you." Steve finally says, throwing them a scathing look that only makes them laugh. "If you're not going to be helpful, you can wait in the car."
"As if," Eddie counters.
Steve opens his mouth to tell him where exactly he can stick his opinions, when you grab the front of his shirt and drag him closer.
"Steve," you say, the smile falling from your face as a sudden thought occurs to you. "Are you mad at me? Because I can go home by myself. That's okay."
"Hey, no," he replies softly, "I'm not mad at you, sweetheart. Not ever."
"'Sweetheart'? Really?" Eddie mutters to Nancy, who elbows him in the ribs when he doesn't lower his voice in time. "Ow, okay, okay—just saying. Don't want them to keep dancing around each other forever, is all."
"I'm not dancing," you tell him, completely unaware of Eddie's snickering, "I don't have any shoes on, Eddie. Wouldn't be able to dance without shoes on. Silly."
"My bad," Eddie says, his lips twitching with badly concealed laughter, "forgive me."
Steve scowls at him before turning his attention back to you, his face so close to yours that you can momentarily feel the tickle of his breath against your skin. "Okay, come on," he says, "up we go."
And then, in one swift movement, he slides his arm under your knees and scoops you up into his arms. You let out a squeak of surprise and automatically wrap your arms around his neck to steady yourself.
"Oh, oh, oh," you say excitedly, "you really are gonna carry me."
"Told you so." Steve adjusts his grip on you and makes his way towards the exit. "Are you good? Am I hurting you?"
You shake your head slowly, grinning as you stare at him from a whole new angle. "No," you tell him, feeling much more awake than you were moments before. "This is...this is like, actually kinda cool."
"Yeah," you repeat, smiling shyly back at him. "Feel like a real life Cinderella now. Whoa, you're, like, super strong."
"Yeah, Stevie, you're 'super strong.'" Eddie teases, waggling his eyebrows when Steve sends him a quick glare. "Aw, don't look at me like that. It's cute. The two of you."
Nancy doesn't tease like Robin and Eddie do. She walks behind Steve, making sure to stay a couple steps behind to give the two of you some privacy. Even so, when you look over your shoulder to make sure nobody's listening, she gives you a wink and a small thumbs-up that makes you smile.
The parking lot is filled with teenagers all wandering aimlessly in groups, so it takes Steve a while to navigate his way through the crowd. By the time he finds the spot where he parked his BMW, you've grown drowsy enough to rest your head on his shoulder.
Eddie immediately pops open the door to the backseat, slapping it a few times as he looks over at Steve and grins. "Hurry it up, lover boy," he drawls out, "she looks half-asleep already."
"She's fine," Steve shoots back, frowning in annoyance when Eddie and Robin both pretend to yawn exaggeratedly, "shut up. I hate you guys."
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wanderer-six · 1 month
THE GALA - A Clone Dating Sim
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You are a Jedi General. The Council has assigned you a very important mission: the infiltration of a Separatist gala on Raxus. But you will not be going alone--you are allowed to bring a date on this adventure. In the heart of enemy territory, who will you count on to watch your back?
Ideal play experience is on desktop! (I think you can play on mobile it just looks a lil yuccy)
Clone bbs x Fem!Jedi player FEATURED CLONES: Sergeant Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, Wrecker, Captain Rex, Commander Wolffe, and ARC Twins Fives & Echo
RATING: 18+ MINORS DNI - The paths can be SFW or NSFW depending on your choices (2nd option is always the NSFW one!) - general warning for smut if you make those choices, more specifics below the cut!
Additional (less relevant) info beneath the cut!
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COMPREHENSIVE WARNINGS LIST: In general, lots of flirting, innuendo, pet names. Established relationship for all
Hunter: LOTS of flirting (he is a whore), p in v sex
Tech: Oral (f receiving)
Crosshair: Fingering
Wrecker: Not much for him honestly, implied canoodling (p in v), oblivious boy ♥
Captain Rex: dirty talk, praise, oral (m! Receiving)
Commander Wolffe: rough! p in v
Fives & Echo: Multiple clones (no clonec*st), lots of flirting, Echo is self conscious!
-ART ASSETS I drew all of the Clone art! I found the most nakedest screencap I could of any of them (SURPRISINGLY DIFFICULT) and then traced the base, then looked for Star Wars Male Fashion (WAY FUCKING HARDER) to draw on them and dress them up! I think for Hunter and Fives/Echo I just went crazy but for all the rest lmk if u can spot who I stole the outfits from, i deadass dont remember at this point For Background art I found them all on google images - from what I recall, it's mostly concept art and screenshots from games! -ENGINE I made this in Twine, an incredible tool for making text-based games! I highly recommend looking into it. It's really easy to use and there are a ton of tutorials online!
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AN: Thank you so much for playing! Please let me know what you think, I had so much fun making this✨✨ it is so phenomenally cringe but I hope you all enjoy ♥ (also if you spot any bugs or typos, please feel free to let me know and I will fix!!)
TELL ME YOUR FAVORITE PATH I like Rex Crosshair Wrecker the best I think
"""taglist""" - @shinyshayminflower @starrylothcat @pb-jellybeans @jediknightjana
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kindtim3 · 10 months
my gf!abby hc’s ༚༅༚˳ dark vers
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sfw gf!abby hc’s —> part 1 ♥︎ / part 2 ♥︎ / part 3 ♥︎ (dark vers)
౨ৎ warnings - nsfw / mdni / fem!r / mean!abby / gf!abby / strap on (r!receiving) / scissoring / dom!abby / sub!r / r has female genitalia / slapping (r!receiving) / namecalling : whore, slut / bondage / vibrator (r! and a! receiving) / mommy kink / modern au
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gf!abby l o v e s missionary— getting to see ur fucked out face and glossy eyes is the best part of it all for her.
gf!abby leaves marks. neck, tits, thighs, ass, hips, it’s covered in her ‘love marks.’
“oh, babyyy, u look so pretty with my love marks all up on u.”
gf!abby is a biggg fan of scissoring!! she’s pushing all up on u and she’s making sure ur looking at her.
“don’t stop looking at me, baby. look at me when i cum on you.”
“oh my god, u look so good. can i kiss u?? please??”
gf!abby is indeed very dominant but she’s begging for u… even when she knows she’s already got u. like she’ll be scissoring u and she’ll be begging u to move ur hips back on her.
“pleaseeee baby, please. move those hips on me, please” :(
gf!abby also scissors u with a vibe in the middle of u guys. she wants u to rub on it while she does too! she’s a nasty girlll.
mean!abby had a longggg talk with u abt sex with her. she would never let u guys have sex without u knowing how rough it could get. u both have boundaries set, enthusiastic consent, safe words & safe actions ( i.e. tapping her shoulder, green, yellow, red). she’s very serious abt it!!
mean!abby wants u on ur knees sucking her strap. and she slaps the strap on ur face when u need a break.
mean!abby slaps ur face while in missionary when u won’t look at her. and she also calls u names while doing so!
“look at me. ur such a fucking slut for me.”
“aw poor little whore can’t take it anymore?” she had u cum on her mouth 4 times already.
mean!abby likes to ride ur face like a mad woman. she’s GRINDING DOWNNNNN.
mean!abby likes to tie u up and force u to watch her use the vibe on herself. she’ll occasionally give some attention to u and put the vibe on ur pussy just enough to make u super close, but she’ll never let u finish.
mean!abby tells u to call her mommy and omg she actually goes wild.
“fucking say it again. yeah, that’s right. mommy’s making u feel so good, hmm?” shes fucking her strap into u, deep but annoyingly slow.
“mhm, mommy’s gonna make it all better.”
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౨ৎ a/n - will u guys even like this? idk. i hope so. cuz it took me two days of thinking and thinking (AND THINKING!!!) to write… :) also seeing boymuna all over my fyp and tl… IM FUCKING SICK OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they’re so 😦 like haiiiiiiii can i join :3 theyre so cute tg i love them boys !
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sugurizz · 2 months
𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓/𝐍𝐒𝐅𝐖 +𝟏𝟖 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐍𝐈!!
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫’𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ── Bby Boo Joo is a M E N A C E but I know a lot of us noticed him being all soft and tender (like 1% of the time) but oh well, I can work with that 💪🏼. So here’s some of the ways Jaekyung expresses his…feelings? Ig. kinda his love language.. in a way 💕…
𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧: 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐒𝐊.
Also thanks for the inspo and sorry ik this ask was sent long ago 🤧. U can call me Hana but I’ve been thinking about Yuna as a new alias…idk.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬: established relationship, Physiotherapist F! Reader, shared house, implied power dynamics, hints at sex/ SEXUAL content.
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Living in Jaekyung’s penthouse sure made life easier for both of you. It slowly aquainted you to each other, bodies and minds. You slowly got used to his mannerisms, little habits and his little pet-peeves. The sense of pride it gave you to feel like you knew him more than anybody else sure gave you a tiny ego boost. especially him desiring you whenever his body needs it…
♥︎──♥︎ He checks on you randomly. Casually pretending to walk by your room and just making sure you’re there. He does it almost whenever he’s home with you. Sometimes getting a bit sly with it so you don’t really notice him. But you slowly learned it was his way of checking up on you, making sure you’re around him -you know- just in case…
♥︎──♥︎ He hates you not being home, especially when he’s back from overtime training. Whenever he’s feeling stressed, uneasy or just in a sour mood, he’d rather you be around him or at least somewhere he knows.
He made it obvious the one day you were away til a late hour at night. He came home from his evening workout, didn’t find you there and instantly texted you.
‘I’m home. need you to check on my shoulder.’
♥︎──♥︎ He always complains about his feather-light sleep, but snoozes like a baby whenever you’re in his bed. The nights before his matches are surprisingly best for him. He gets the best sleeping quality after he pounds the juices out your poor pussy. He wakes up before you for sure, but his cute disheveled morning hairs are sure proof of a healthy healthy nap.
♥︎──♥︎ He likes it better when you make the food. His cocky ass always claims he’s fine making it himself but eats twice the amount whenever it’s you cooking his meals. He’d pretend he’s tired and not in the mood whenever he craves your cooking cause…his ass can’t simply ask for something lol. Yet he gets all giddy and blushy when his fav smoked eel dish is ready.
♥︎──♥︎ He hates to see you in any pain. Always saying it’s just for himself though…You know, just because he wants you always safe and ready to keep him in peak condition. and NOT because he actually cares or anything.
Yet why does he still gets annoyed at you getting the slightest scratch? He frowns when he notices you wearing band-aids, having a bruise or even some random shallow cuts on your hands and he’d instantly grab your arm, staring into your eyes and asking you how’d you get the injury.
♥︎──♥︎ He likes randomly noticing you…*ahem* underclothed. booty shorts definitely trigger his inner perv. He stares at your ass when you’re standing in the bathroom, doing your skincare freshly out of a quick nighty shower. So damn shameless when he stares. Almost undressing you with the raven eyes and thick lashes. So annoying…
You usually end up taking another shower that same night, only with his thick cum flowing down your thigh the second time :3
♥︎──♥︎ He can sense whenever you’re feeling down…IRONICALLY? Sounds like a joke with Jaekyung being the dick he is LOL but trust me on this one.
He almost has a sixth sense whenever you’re sad, scared, stressed out or just if something inconvenient happens to you in general. He’d never admit it -obviously- but it bugs him if he ever caught you teary-eyed. It gets him uneasy and you can tell when his mood sometimes matches yours..
Uhhh smells like love in here *insert Jaekyung stuffing his nose with toilet paper scraps*
♥︎──♥︎ He hates when you struggle to do something by yourself instead of asking him for help. (paying bills, dealing with packages, paperwork etc…) Says they’re just ‘bs problems’ and he can solve them for you much quicker and better than you could. He’d do it himself or even pays someone to do it instead.
Besides, he’s not kidding when he says he wants all your focus on him so he’d rather everything around you gets taken care of just so you can be there for him at all times.
♥︎──♥︎ He doesn’t mind your outside life but would definitely notice when you’re all cute and dolled-up for some reason.
It’s not only about the dolly looks to be fair. He’d bend you over the kitchen counter in your stained apron and fuck you dumb or suck your tits in your goofy pattern pjs on one of his long sleepless nights…
But the time he notices you spraying your cherry fragance in the bathroom, your perky breasts sticking shyly through your dress and a shiny jewel dangling from your ankle bracelet always gets him tight in his boxers.
He walks in with his glossy eyes, same naugthy grin you see when he’s in that mood..
‘Tomorrow’s my back check-up. Better not be late.’ He steps behind you, arms lazily crossed above his chest.
You nodded and made your way through the entrance, catching a honeyed voice behind you.
‘Hey Doc. I’ll drop you by'...
…His white McLaren got you there way ahead of time. so ahead that you ended up clawing at the door close to you, the little ankle bracelet jiggling over Jaekyung’s back and your shaky arms wrapped shut around his shoulders. Begging him to let you cum in fear of missing on your little night out...
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perotovar · 3 months
baby, i'm-a want you — (ch 2) "session two"
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gif by me
pairing: javier peña/joel miller rating: E (18+) mdni word count: 4.3k content: use of a plug, throat fucking, ass eating, lots of spit, gratuitous descriptions of cum, unprotected p in a, creampie, (safe) breathplay, background handjob, cock slapping, one (1) spank, joel's porn persona is a tad mean but it's nothing crazy, shy!joel, javi is a HUGE flirt, smoking, lmk if i missed anything! dividers: @saradika-graphics betas: @qveerthe0ry & @scenaaario (ily angels ♥)
series summary: javier peña has been doing this a long time. he's really good at his job. joel miller? not so much. he started doing this to get some extra cash to support his daughters. what happens when they're supposed to do a scene together? aka, the au where javier and joel are gay porn stars~
series masterlist | shoutout to this spanish dirty talk reference
for notifications, follow @oakslibrary ♥
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Javier hadn’t had to prepare in a while. At least a few months. And the fact that he was doing this for Joel, of all men? He was harder than a fucking rock and he hadn’t even gotten the plug all the way in yet. Granted, he’d purposely chosen a smaller plug so he could still feel the stretch when Joel pushed that thick–
“Mierda,” he groaned, looking over his shoulder to see if he could get a better angle. The plug he chose was small, black, and a little thinner than he would normally go for. It’s been a while, so no matter what, there was a stretch but the lube certainly helped. When his hole finally sucked it in lewdly, he moaned, arching his back like a cat presenting himself to a mate. He grinned to himself and rested his head on his folded arms, ass in the open air of his apartment. 
He wished that his first major scene with Joel wasn’t a scene. He wanted to see if Joel was any different when the cameras weren’t on and he could just be himself. Every time he’s ever talked to Joel, he’d been quiet, with a heavy brow. Javier had been around the block once or twice and he could tell when someone didn’t like him. He’s not sure what he did to get on Joel’s bad side, but he hoped that tension added to the scene instead of making things awkward. And part of him liked the rift. It made Joel way more attractive to him, because Joel was probably the closest the site had to a bear, but not as big. Javier had always wanted to be fucked by one– 
Bzz. Bzz.
Cracking open an eye, Javier looked as his phone lit up next to him. He sighed and started rolling his hips side to side, slowly getting used to the feeling of being filled up again.
R u ready ?
“Who still texts like this, Jesus Christ,” he grumbled to himself. A slow trickle of sweat fell down the length of his back as he started typing a response.
Be there shortly, boss.
Javier rolled his eyes to himself. Max was always on his ass about being on time, but it never bothered him. They couldn’t start the shoot without him anyway. His cock throbbed between his legs, making him curl his fingers around his shaft. 
One quick wank couldn’t hurt right? 
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Joel was panicking, to put it mildly. He showed up to the shoot way too fucking early and now he was rocking a semi in the hallway outside the room they’d be using. They, meaning him and Javier, because of course he hadn’t fully processed that that was still happening. He couldn’t get the image of Javier’s mouth around his cock, that mustache framing it so perfectly. Or his hole being stretched by Joel’s cock, or even–
“Hey, big guy.”
The words sounded like they were coming from down the hall and directly in his ear simultaneously. He slowly looked up to find Javier smirking down at him. Joel swallowed around a lump in his throat and cleared his throat awkwardly. His cheeks felt like they were on fire. Javier looked really fucking good – when didn’t he – with a healthy glow and slightly tousled hair. Had he freshly cleaned up his mustache this morning?
“Joel?” Javier chuckled, a soft smile coloring his features.
Joel cleared his throat again and stood awkwardly. “S-sorry, uh, hey,” he mumbled, looking down at his boots before keeping his eyes off of Javier’s, as he shoved his hands in his pockets. “Where ya been?” 
It was meant to be casual conversation, he swears, but he’d lowered his voice and it came out all gruff and accusatory and now he wants to hide in the broom closet. He knows this because the easy, relaxed look on Javier’s changed to one of confusion.
“Uh, preparing. Sorry, I know I was a little later than usual,” Javier exhaled. Guess he was right; Joel wasn’t the biggest fan of his. That’s fine, he was a professional and he could get his job done and go home. “See you in there, hombre.”
Joel blinked a couple times, looking at the empty area of the hallway where Javier was just standing. “W-wait,” he grunted, looking toward the room. Javier was digging into the pocket of the robe he was wearing and lighting up a cigarette, blowing the smoke away from the face of the assistant he was talking to.
“Fuckin’ idiot,” Joel grumbled to himself and stepped inside.
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Javier wasn’t opposed to an audience per se, but he wasn’t expecting one today either. “What are you cabrones doing here?” He smirked, looking at the faces of his coworkers. Not all of them were here, but Dieter, Shane, Dave, Marcus, Din, Steve, Cobb, and Jack were. Everyone was in various positions of comfort, some sitting and some standing or leaning. Except Dieter, who was sitting on Din’s lap comfortably, resting his head on the bulkier man’s shoulder. 
“Wanted to see the show, of course,” Dieter grinned, winking at him. Joel stepped onto the set and saw all the men. He gave Dieter a look, and Dieter responded with a softer smile as if to say, You got this.
Javier rolled his eyes and smiled. “Alright, whatever, you perverts.”
“Alright, people, let’s get this show on the road! We’ve got a longer one ahead of us and I’ve got a date tonight.”
Everyone froze and looked at Max like he grew a third eye. 
Max frowned. “It’s not that rare– Y’know what, fuck you guys. Joel, Javi, get into position,” he grumbled, sitting in his director’s seat.
Javier looked at Joel and snorted, untying his robe. He threw it to their audience like they were a bunch of fans, and laughed when Marcus caught it. Javier winked at him, making the slightly younger man’s cheeks flush.
Joel was doing his damndest not to bust a fucking nut right now because obviously Javier was naked. That was his fucking job. That was his fucking job, too.
“Joel,” Dieter whispered. Joel looked at him, a slightly panicked look on his face. Dieter motioned for Joel to come over to him, so the older man did. “What’s goin’ on, huh?” Dieter asked quietly. Joel looked at Din wearily, who just smiled politely. “Oh, he’s not gonna say anything,” Dieter smiled, leaning over to give Din a quick kiss.
“‘M just,” Joel sighed. “Think he thinks I don’ like him.”
“Why would he think that?” Dieter pouted. When Joel didn’t answer right away, Dieter furrowed his brows at him. “Did you do that grumbly thing you always do?”
Joel mumbled under his breath and looked down at his boots.
“Miller! Get in frame,” Max barked.
Joel sighed and ruffled Dieter’s hair a little. “Showtime.”
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Javier felt like his throat was on fire, tears were streaming down his cheeks, and he was having a hard time breathing. Joel’s cock felt so thick and hard inside his mouth and he was more turned on than he’d been in a long fucking time. 
“Yeah, shut ya up real good, huh?”
Javier moaned weakly, big brown eyes glassy as they looked up at Joel’s hard face. He choked every time the head of Joel’s cock hit the back of his throat but he couldn’t give a damn. This was probably the messiest head he’d ever given someone, slobber pouring out the sides of his mouth and down Joel’s shaft. 
Joel’s lines had instructed him to tell Javier to keep his hands to himself, so of course he obeyed. He dug the blunt nails of his fingers into his bare thighs so hard he was afraid that he’d break skin.
“Ain’t such a brat now that y’got a cock in your mouth, huh?” Joel sneered, tugging on Javier’s thick locks. Joel’s eyes were glued to Javier’s plump, swollen lips wrapped so tightly around his cock, that perfectly trimmed mustache framing them so beautifully. A full body shiver zipped down his spine when he saw the glossed over look in Javier’s eyes and tear tracks staining his cheeks. He shut his eyes in bliss and exhaled heavily as his hips moved of their own accord, his heavy balls slapping Javier’s chin lewdly.
Javier let out a low noise, his brows furrowing slightly. Joel looked down, worried he’d pushed too far, but saw that Javier was looking up at him with this fucking look in his eye. Even if Joel was technically in charge, at least in the script, he knew Javier had him hook, line, and sinker right now. And he thinks Javier knows that, too. 
Joel’s hips bucked at the twinkle in Javier’s eye, making Javier choke loudly. Slowly, Joel removed his cock from Javier’s swollen mouth. Loud, wet coughs left Javier’s lips, but he looked at Joel with a smirk on his face.
“Thought you were gonna fuck me, old man,” Javier rasped, sweat dripping down his neck.
“But you’d like that, wouldn’ya?” Joel grumbled. His cock throbbed heavily between thick, muscled thighs and Javier couldn’t take his eyes off it. The twitching made his own cock weep at the sight. “S’what I thought,” Joel hummed, harshly gripping Javier’s hair again. He curled thick fingers around the base of his cock and lewdly slapped the head against Javier’s tear-stricken face. 
Javier’s entire body shivered at the demeaning act and he bit his lip, looking at the hard lines in Joel’s face, and at the gray streaks in Joel’s hair. He was easily one of the most menacingly beautiful men he’d ever seen. He kissed and licked and sucked down the shaft of Joel’s cock until he sucked one of his heavy balls into his mouth. He moaned happily around the sensitive skin and looked back up at Joel through his lashes.
“Fuck me,” Joel groaned, breaking character slightly. He couldn’t fucking help it. Not when Javier was looking at him like that.
Javier made an approving sound and lewdly popped the ball out of his mouth, kissing up Joel’s soft, hairy stomach. “That’s my line,” he improvised with a grin, and sucked a dark mark into Joel’s hip.
Joel almost smiled, but at the last moment, remembered they were in fact not alone and had a script to follow. He quickly hardened his eyes and gripped Javier’s arms and manhandled him until Javier was laying over the arm of the couch, cock trapped between his body and the scratchy fabric.
“That what y’want, huh?” Joel grunted, gripping Javier’s ass in a bear paw. “Want me t’fuck this little ass until ya can’t walk no more?”
Javier moaned and arched his back, pushing his ass further into Joel’s hand and tried to grind against his cock. He nodded as much as he could with Joel pulling on his hair like he was, throat bared and panting hard. Joel pressed on Javier’s sweaty back to keep him down, before using both hands to slowly spread his cheeks. He groaned at the puckered little hole, carefully covered in lube from his earlier preparation. Pressing there with the pad of his thumb, he smirked when Javier moaned weakly below him.
“P-please, Joel,” Javier breathed heavily. Javi didn’t even recognize the sound of his own voice. He’d been built up too much and poked and prodded enough that he just needed something inside him already. “Please.”
“Hmm,” Joel hummed, pretending like he was thinking about it. He removed his hands from Javier to finally remove the t-shirt and jeans he was wearing. He could’ve sworn he heard someone from their little audience groan as his naked body was revealed, but he chose to ignore it, far too focused on the sight in front of him. “Don’t think so, sweetheart,” he grinned wickedly, his tone fake-sweet, and collected saliva in the back of his throat. He got down to his knees, thankful that the pillow there would be out of frame in the finished product. He spit directly onto Javi’s hole and gripped the small, plump cheeks in both hands. 
Javier gasped weakly, legs trembling under Joel’s ministrations. Joel was going to fucking kill him.
“Not yet, at least,” Joel mumbled, biting one of Javier’s cheeks before licking a thick stripe up from Javier’s taint to the top of his hole. A breathless huff left Javier’s lungs and his eyes rolled back at the feeling. “Y’mouth makes such pretty noises when ya ain’t runnin’ it,” was all the warning Javier had before Joel’s tongue pierced his hole and started fucking him in earnest.
Joel’s tongue was thick and wet and messy and he sucked loudly and slurped at a volume that should’ve been uncomfortable, but all Javier could do was moan and whimper, completely at Joel’s mercy. His eyebrows were downturned and his lips were parted in an obscene O, arms shaking as he held himself up on the couch. “Mm, fuck, J-Joel, I’m gonna fucking come, I’m–!” He was babbling and trembling and covered in a thin layer of sweat. He barely heard anything over the roaring in his ears.
“No, you’re not,” Joel grumbled between the lewd feast he was enjoying, landing a harsh smack! against one of Javier’s cheeks. “Don’t come until I say ya do.”
Javier groaned and bit his lip, his trapped cock weeping and throbbing between his legs. “Mierda,” he panted, hanging his head low between his shoulders. He tried grinding against the scratchy fabric of the couch for some kind of friction, but to no avail.
Joel grunted into Javier’s ass, convinced that he could stay here for hours if he was allowed. When he pulled his face away, his eyes latched onto the fluttering little hole in front of him and hummed in satisfaction. As he stood, his knees whined and creaked in protest and hopefully, if Max were nice to him for once, he’d edit the sounds out. 
Broad hands traveled up Javier’s heated skin, taking him all in as he panted heavily underneath the older man. He knew today would be good but nothing could’ve prepared him for this. Maybe he should keep his distance from Joel more often, if this was the end result.
Joel was ecstatic on the inside, the memories of their first scene together coming back to him. He’d almost forgotten just how pliant and cat-like Javier could get if pushed enough. The sounds he made were like music to Joel’s ears, and he wished he could keep them in a bottle reserved just for himself. 
He gripped Javier’s sides and manhandled him again until Javier was on his knees on one of the cushions and facing the back of the couch, hands planted on the back. Joel spread Javier’s cheeks again and hummed at the way the younger man clenched on instinct. He left Javier in that position for a second while he went over to an assistant off camera and grabbed some lube, making quick work of getting his cock thoroughly coated. He held Javier’s side, right where his ribs were, with one hand and gripped his cock with the other, grinding his shaft between Javier’s cheeks. 
Javier cried out loud, electricity shooting through his body and settling as heat at the base of his spine. 
Joel grinned, tapping the head of his cock against Javier’s hole before slowly, agonizingly so, pushed the thick head inside him. The air left Javier’s lungs as he froze, the pressure and the weight of being so thoroughly stretched overwhelming him. He grunted as Joel’s hips sat flush against his ass, breathing heavily as his arms trembled against the back of the couch. Joel stroked Javier’s flanks, letting him adjust for only a moment before he pulled out until just the head was left inside and slammed back inside.
“Fuck! Oh, fuck...” Javier moaned, his back arching.
“Aww, you’re alright,” Joel smirked. He hovered over Javier’s body, nearly covering him entirely with how much bulk there was. He curled an arm over Javier’s right shoulder and gripped onto the younger man’s left pec to press Javier’s back into his chest. He kissed along Javier’s shoulder and up his neck until he nibbled on Javi’s earlobe, moaning lowly as the younger man clenched around his shaft. “Y’gonna be good? Gonna let me fuck ya?”
“Sí, coño– Please, Joel,” Javier whined, resting his head on Joel’s shoulder and panting into the open air. “Por favor damelo.”
So Joel did. Before either of them knew it, Joel was fucking into Javier in earnest, his hips slapping against Javier’s ass obscenely. Javier was making the neediest little sounds, chanting Joel’s name like a prayer. Javier’s cock was hard as a rock and lewdly slapping against his skin with every one of Joel’s harsh thrusts.
Joel hid his face in Javier’s neck, panting hotly against the younger man’s already damp skin. With his right arm already wrapped around Javier’s torso, he gripped at Javier’s hip with his left hand, fingers digging into the (surprisingly) soft skin. Javier didn’t have a whole lot of fat on his body, but there was enough to ripple every time Joel jackhammered into him.
“F-fuck,” he gulped, lips parted and eyes half lidded. The pressure was building low in his abdomen. He knew he was close. “J-Joel, I’m–” His mouth was as dry as the desert. “I’m gonna come, I–”
Joel growled. Literally. He bit Javier’s cheek and growled. “Not yet. Jus’ a li’l longer,” he panted. He moved his hand from Javier’s pec to his throat, and carefully, expertly, squeezed the sides. They’d talked about doing this with Max and both had consented to it. They knew how to do it right.
Slowly, as Javier’s air supply was marginally cut off, a wide smile grew on his face. His eyes shut and he was smiling, biting his lip. He felt so fucking good. He wanted to do this again and this time wasn’t even over yet.
Joel must have noticed because he chuckled next to Javier’s ear, hips never letting up once. “Yeah? Feel good, sweetheart?”
Javier nodded as much as he could, nails digging into the shitty couch and pulling hard.
“Good boy,” Joel rumbled, slowing down his hips, but not letting up on how hard he was thrusting. Javier’s breath hitched with every one of Joel’s slow, measured thrusts. Joel’s hand slid from Javier’s hip down to curl around the younger man’s cock. It was like someone had poured ice cold water over Javier’s head, because the pressure was just what he’d needed.
“S-sí, sí, please, p-please,” Javier gasped, a tear falling from his eye.
“Fuck, look at ya,” Joel marveled, slowly stroking Javier’s cock teasingly. “Pretty as a god damn picture, sweetheart.”
Javier opened his eyes as wide as he could and tried looking at Joel for the first time since he was on his knees. When their eyes locked, Javier could have sworn that there was a different man behind Joel’s baby browns. Perhaps that was the real Joel, and not whoever was on camera. Not whoever had been avoiding him for the better part of two years. No, it couldn’t be. Could it?
“Want ya t’come for me,” Joel breathed hotly against his face. Javier shivered all over and nodded as much as he could with Joel’s bear paw of a hand around his throat. “Can ya do that, sweetheart? Come for me.”
Javier grunted as Joel picked up the pace of his hips again, but this time with his other hand tightly gripped around his shaft. Joel teased the head with his thumb just as he slammed directly into Javier’s prostate over and over.
Javier cried weakly, one more tear falling from his eye, and came hard. Thick, creamy spurts of cum painted the set’s couch as Javier trembled with his release.
Joel held him close, their sweaty bodies sticking together as Joel thrust one, two, three more times and followed Javier over the edge. He came with a low roar buried into Javier’s neck and cock twitching violently in Javier’s ass.
The set was dead silent save for Joel and Javier’s heavy breathing. Max kept the camera rolling, stunned into silence for once. 
Javier smiled to himself, eyes shut in bliss, and head resting on Joel’s shoulder. He clenched around Joel’s sensitive cock in little pulses. “Fuck me,” he croaked, voice wrecked.
Joel grunted at the overstimulation and gently held Javier’s hips as he slowly pulled out. Javier leaned forward against the back of the couch and pushed his ass out so the camera (and their audience) could see the thick cum trailing down his thighs. Joel’s hands rubbed Javier’s skin appreciatively at the sight, his cock giving one last valiant twitch.
“C-cut,” Max’s voice cracked, making him clear his throat. “Cut.”
In the corner, Dieter trembled and moaned weakly into Din’s neck as he came, Din’s thick fingers curled around his cock. 
Javier turned his head back to look at Joel with a satisfied smile on his face. “Mind gettin’ me a towel, guapo?”
Joel’s cheeks flushed, completely out of character again. “‘Course,” he mumbled, slowly standing to ask one of the assistants for a towel.
“Jesus Christ, boys,” Max chuckled.
Javier hummed in agreement.
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“That was… That was somethin’ else, Jav,'' Steve said, impressed.
They were both outside, having their usual post-shoot cigarette together. No matter if they’d done a scene together or separately, they always kept up the tradition. This time, though, Javier thought he’d need several cigarettes. And a bath.
“Thank you,” Javier grinned, feeling lighter and more satisfied than he had in weeks. He could swear that the crick in his neck he’d woken up with was completely gone. Maybe there was some truth to Silva’s back pain disappearing after certain sessions.
“S’pose ya don’t gotta tell me, since I saw it myself, but was it like you thought it’d be?” Steve chuckled.
Javier snorted in response, taking a long drag off his cigarette. “And then some.”
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Din smiled gently down at Dieter, giving him a slow, soft kiss. “I’ll see you tonight?” 
Dieter smiled wide and nodded giddily, getting on his tiptoes to wrap his arms around Din’s neck one more time to give him another kiss. Joel could swear he saw hearts in his eyes. 
Once Dieter came back over to Joel, he had a sheepish expression on his face. “Sorry, just had to say goodbye.”
Joel smiled softly. “Don’ worry yourself over it. Y’all are cute together.”
“You think?” Dieter beamed. “We had a scene the other day and we just haven’t stopped texting, and– Oh my god, this isn’t about me right now, I’m sorry.”
Joel chuckled and followed Dieter into the hallway so the cleaning crew could get to work. Dieter scratched at his beard as he looked at Joel: he seemed lighter, with a healthy glow radiating off of him.
Joel cleared his throat and dug his hands into his pockets, shrugging a little. “What?”
“Don’t ‘what’ me, old man! That was fucking hot! I came so hard!”
Joel laughed, rolling his eyes at his friend. “Thank you.”
“So? You gonna ask him out? Or at least apologize for earlier?”
“Yeah, I will. And uh… Yeah, I plan to,” Joel sighed, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. “Don’t exactly know how I’m gonna do that, though…”
“Well, you better think of something quick!” Dieter whispered, pointing towards the end of the hall as Javier rounded the corner with Steve.
“Shit,” Joel whispered to himself. Dieter gave him a wink and thumbs up before heading in the opposite direction. 
Javier had his regular clothes on again, and Joel couldn’t take his eyes off him, enamored with how well they fit him. He may have just been inside the man, but he couldn’t help himself. 
“Hey, Joel,” Javier smiled awkwardly. He still wasn’t sure where they stood outside of working together, so he tried to keep it as casual as possible.
“H-hey, Javier,” Joel said hoarsely. He cleared his throat again.
“Y’know, you’re the only one that doesn’t call me Javi,” he said softly.
“Oh,” Joel furrowed his brow. “‘M sorry. My mama always taught me an’ my baby brother it was more polite that way.”
“You have a baby brother?” Javier smiled.
“Uh…” Joel gulped. “Y-yeah. Tommy.”
Javier hummed in response, an amused look crossing his features. He’s slowly figuring Joel out, he thinks. “He just as handsome as you? Bet he is,” he flirted.
The tips of Joel’s ears went pink and he laughed around an awkward cough. “Nah. Don’ cut his hair enough to be respectable.”
“Mm, more to pull then,” Javier smirked.
Joel made a face, not wanting to think of his brother like that. “L-listen, uh. ’m sorry ‘bout earlier. Wasn’t right talkin’ to ya like that,” he mumbled, unable to look Javier in the eye just yet.
Every bit of tension Javier felt left his body in an instant. “Thank you. I appreciate that, Joel.”
Joel nodded, a shy smile on his face. “‘S good,” he said awkwardly.
They were quiet for a few moments before Javier pulled out his pack of cigarettes, sticking one between his lips. “Well, you built up quite the appetite in me, so I’m gonna go–”
“Do you wanna go out sometime?” Joel blurted out. “N-now, maybe?”
Javier blinked a few times as a smile grew on his lips. “You’re asking me out? Gotta be honest, I thought you hated me, Joel.”
Joel snapped his eyes up at that, confusion all over his face. “What? No! I–” He sighed. “‘M no good at this,” he grumbled to himself. “’m sorry. Again.”
Javier chuckled and took the cigarette out of his mouth. “‘s alright. I’d love to.”
“Yeah?” Joel smiled, cheeks flushed and eyes wide. 
“Yeah, guapo. You already got dessert, but dinner sounds great.”
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astolie · 2 years
๑ ׄ ᜑ ★
✿𝅼 ׄ ⠀⠀⠀sngiue ◌ okmgi
✿𝅼 ׄ ⠀⠀⠀hrgisn ◌ rmgiy
✿𝅼 ׄ ⠀⠀⠀i2gim ◌ sngiw
{ for @puonio }
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adoresol · 5 months
♥︎ 𓂃 GOOD GIRL — l. anton
1.1k *smut ⚠︎ (dom!anton & fem!reader — oral: blowjob, deep throating/throat fucking, light dumbification, praise).
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YOU KNEW ANTON WAS BUSY, watching as he strummed the strings of his cello. you're very well aware of how hardworking your pretty boyfriend was and you always admire him in moments like these but god, there was nothing more that you wanted other than for him to put it down and fuck you.
you were currently laying on his bed, your eyes never leaving his body. thoughts swarmed in your head, growing needier as time passed. you couldn't help but sigh at the lack of attention you were receiving. you were hoping for him to drop the goddamn cello and just come to you, but he wouldn't. so you sighed and sighed and sighed...
“is something wrong?” anton asked, not being able to bear you sighing within every minute that passed. he couldn't focus with you like this, if only he knew.. but he didn't even look to face you, his fingers strumming the strings and his head tilted to the angle of the instrument.
“yes. the fact that your dick isn't in my mouth right now.” beating around the bush was not your forte, obviously.
the second that those words left your mouth, he froze and you could tell that he wouldn't go back to the cello after your comment. his cheeks immediately flushed, gulping before finally making eye contact with you. “um... i'll make it up to you later, i have to practice a bit more.” you sulked at his words, pouting at his response. as much as you love him, moments like this made you wish he had less control. “have you done your homework?” you shook your head at his words, not wanting to deal with anything else but the feeling of his lips on yours.
he placed the cello down and grabbed your laptop, handing it to you and helping you set it up on his desk. “work on this for now, my love.” he said, placing a kiss onto your forehead before going back to practicing. and you tried, you really did try but there was no use. you stared at the stupid homework assignment with no thoughts at all, turning back to look at anton with a frown on your lips. “i don't get it.”
anton never hesitates to get up and help you out, all he wants is his pretty girl to do well. meanwhile, you can't help but let your hand travel to his thigh as he's explaining the prompt to you. your fingers caressing his thigh, reaching to the zipper of his jeans. “baby.. not right now.” he bit his lip, looking down at you. one thing about anton is that he could only restrain himself for so long, and you knew it wasn't going to take much to convince him.
“please? just real quick i swear, just wanna taste you.” you whined, tugging on his pants. anton really did want to resist but the way you looked at him was too much, he gave in eventually. helping him take off his jeans, you smile up at him as to which his face flushes at your actions. the way you smile so innocently up at him as you begin to take his half hard cock into your mouth.
you licked at the precum that had gathered around his tip, nice to know you weren't the only one who was feeling some kind of way. your hands made up for what you couldn't fit in your mouth and the sounds of his quiet moans encouraged you even more. his hand reached down to hold yours as you sucked him off.
“you couldn't wait just a bit? wanted me to help out just for u to be on your knees for me without even listening?” he'd moan as you pushed him further down your throat, his grip tightening against the arm of the chair. “all you care abt is this, hm? can't even focus on something else for iust a few more minutes.” as harsh as he sounded, his voice was dripping with honey. his tone sounded so utterly sweet that you couldn't help but whine at his words. you knew that anton was secretly talking down on you for being so sex driven but you didn't care when he sounded so gentle.
his moans would be so soft and pretty too, they're quiet but so comforting, soft pants leaving his lips that turned into little whimpers. anton never cared about the size of his cock, but whenever he saw how you struggled to fit him inside of your mouth, confidence grew. his hand wrapped around the back of your neck, he didn't realize it until you gagged a bit, but he began gently fucking the back of your throat. anton bit down on his bottom lip, his hair was messily splayed over his eyes. his posture on the chair was slouched, he felt lax with his cock in your mouth. breathing out through his nose, trying to control the sounds that came out from his mouth.
he'd hum as his hips move up into your mouth, feeling his cock hit the back of your throat over and over again. the quiet noises of you gagging on his length made him moan louder, throwing his head back at the feeling. anton knew that you loved it when he'd fuck your throat, but he wasn't the type to be rough with you. so he found himself stuffing you with his cock very slowly. he would keep his cock down your throat for a few seconds before moving you up and down on his length over and over again.
as anton grew more confident in your ability to take him completely, he gently held your jaw as a means for him to fuck your mouth easier. holding your mouth open, his thumb would caress your jaw and he'd coo at your noises. “shh, you got this, baby. you wanted this, right?” looking down to see tears well up in your eyes with your mouth wide open full with his length.
“you look so pretty like this.” anton mumbled, his pants growing heavier as he felt himself close to his release. the words that left his lips made you feel on cloud nine, his praises mixed in with hints of degradation made your panties grow wet with desperation. you took what he gave you so, so well. anton couldn't help but notice the way your thighs rubbed against each other, almost as if you were trying to give yourself some kind of satisfaction. the way he treats you so gently even in times like these made you whimper around his cock, he didn't need to fuck your face to feel good, just the feeling of your throat enclosing around his length was enough for him to shoot ropes of his cum down your throat.
anton slowly removed himself from your mouth, noticing how bits of cum dropped down from the side of your mouth. he smiled softly, looking at you with warmth in his eyes. he reached down to kiss your forehead while caressing your cheek with his thumb. “good girl.”
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dedicated to @lunicho because you loved this dom!anton thought and you encourage me the most <3
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reinerszn · 1 year
good boy ! — e. landry & mean!reader
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content warnings: nsfw/smut, sub!ethan, afab!reader, unprotected sex, p in v!, e is super needy, mentions of bodily fluids (cum), e has a breeding kink, praise, established relationship, e calls reader momma, last of it is sorta rushed sry:(, if there’s anything else lmk! ♥︎
xylea’s note: literally over 2.5k words :O proofread once, sry for any mistakes. longer part for this! also, for all my works i envision it with chubby!reader :p but feel free to use your imagination baby!
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ethan’s attention was not at all focused on the movie anymore. he couldn’t help but feel bothered and frustrated that you were denying his needs. he needed you so desperately, why couldn’t you see that? “be a good boy and you’ll get rewarded as soon as they go home, okay?” your voice was so sweet and promising, it got ethan’s hopes up. he nodded furiously.
some time had passed and it was already 11:24 pm. ethan was more than desperate now given it felt like it had been forever and time was going so agonizingly slow. “momma please.. just need your touch,” ethan gave you a pout, eyes filled with distress. “movie’s almost done e, just wait.” you continued to shut him down every chance you got. the pout was still visible on his pretty face. “stop poutin’ baby,” you whispered softly to the curly-haired boy beside you, hand caressing his inner thigh. ethan’s breathing hitched a bit from the sudden touch. so cute.
20 or 30 minutes had now passed and the movie was now done. you sighed softly in relief. “go switch on the lights, e.” he whipped his head at you, embarrassment visible in his eyes. he was still painfully hard and he knew it’d be visible to the others. ethan shook his head from side to side. you rolled your eyes and got up to do it yourself. “ugh, that movie was shit, tara,” mindy got up from the floor, reaching out her hands for anika. “you wouldn’t understand mindy!” tara snapped back. i chuckled softly at the two who were bickering their mouths off. “alright! why don’t we go home now, huh?” chad chimed in, attempting to stop their stupid argument. “ethan, you gonna stay?” chad looked over at ethan who was desperately trying to cover himself up with the blanket without looking suspicious. “u-uh yeah.. you go ahead and leave, i’ll stay.” chad nodded as he made his way over to the front door with tara, mindy and anika following out as well. both you and ethan waved a goodbye to the four as they left. you locked the door and looked back at ethan.
“you should’ve just listened baby..” you slowly made your way to the back of the couch, sitting your plump ass on the edge of it. “i- they would’ve saw!” he began to ramble on about how worried he was if his friends saw how hard he was for you. “that’s your fault for being so desperate. i mean, why were you even so needy in the first place baby? what made you so worked up, huh?” you looked at him so sweetly, even giving him a small pout as you hopped off the back of the couch to make your way towards the curly-haired boy. “i- i don’t know. you just make me get all worked up and excited i can’t help but crave you momma..” ethan admitted, looking down at the couch to avoid eye contact with you.
you took hold of his jaw firmly and made him look at you. “look at me.” ethan’s eyes widened, surprised from the sudden action. would it surprise you if you knew that his dick just twitched at the very act you just did? “s-sorry momma.”
“mm.. do you still want your reward? do you think you deserve it?” your eyes were locked with his and you could’ve swore you saw hearts in his eyes once you had mentioned his reward. ethan nodded his head furiously, curls softly bouncing from the motion. “p-please momma. i’ll be good, promise. i won’t even cum til’ you tell me, please?” all he could do was babble out promises that you knew were going to be broken by the time you touched his painfully hard cock that throbbed for your touch. “oh really?” your voice was lower than usual, a bit huskier as well. your eyes were filled with burning desire and you couldn’t help but think of ethan’s pretty cock spurting out his cum all over your hands. he bit his lip, nodding once more. “if you say so baby.. better stay true to your words.”
you straddled yourself onto his lap, hips sitting on his. your hands were wrapped around his neck as your lips were on his, kiss filled with such desire and passion yet with a sense of love and warmth. he melted into your touch and his brain had gone all mushy, no longer being able to think about anything else but you. ethan’s breathing began to get a bit erratic and would falter as he felt one of your hands travel down his chest and to his achy cock that was restrained in his grey sweats. he pulled away softly, desperately needing air. “momma please,” he whined out. ethan’s whines and whimpers were nothing but music to your ears. they sounded so heavenly and beautiful as they fell off his puffy lips that you would gently bite on whenever you’d feel like it. “please what, e? use your words.” obviously you knew exactly what he wanted but it was just so much better to see ethan beg and plead for it. “please touch me momma, ‘m so hard it hurts and it’s so achy,” his lips jutted out, giving you another small pout as his big eyes gave you that adoring puppy-like look. seeing him fall apart like this always made your heart swell and arousal form between your thighs. a cunning smirk was plastered on your face.
one of your hands slipped under the waistband of his sweats, squeezing his cock that was being held back from his boxers. you earned a groan from ethan as he threw his head back. “fuckkk.. momma.”
“what baby? that feel good?” you squeezed his cock once more, hand softly palming him afterwards. ethan nodded his head frantically as more whines and moans escaped his lips. “can’t hear you,” you said in a sing-song tone, teasing the writhing boy. “feels too good!” he managed to choke out between breathy whimpers. your palming became much more powerful, pressing against his achy cock. his body jolted as he slapped his palm against his lips, attempting to muffle his pretty sounds. “no no.. let momma hear you,” you stopped your motions and swatted away his hand from his mouth. needing his lips on yours once again, you kissed him, feeling ethan groan into your mouth. your hips were rubbing against his, cunt grinding down on him. you would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t just as desperate as your boyfriend who laid beneath you. ethan’s hips began to buck into yours, gravely needy for your cunt or at the very least, your hands wrapped around him. “please.. please please pleaseee,” he continued to babble out, desperate for you.
feeling just as eager as ethan, you got up to slide your pyjama shorts down, leaving yourself in your pink and lacy panties that ethan adored. you then went to slide ethan’s sweats and boxers down, just enough to see his cock. his tip was red and leaked with pre-cum, slapping and twitching against his stomach. you cooed at the sight, feeling so lucky to have ethan at your mercy like this. “so pretty baby… you want momma to help you?” you cocked an eyebrow at him. “yes— please i need it so bad.. just need your touch,” he whined out, adams apple bobbing as he swallowed harshly.
being such a generous girlfriend who always nurtured her sweet boyfriend, you couldn’t help but give in a bit. your hands were wrapped around the shaft of his cock, stroking it gently just to tease. ethan threw his head back once more, mouth agape as his pretty sounds fled his mouth. his physical reactions that his body always made, due to just your touch, never failed to get you all thrilled. “sucha good boy, making those sounds for momma..” your hands picked up their pace, going a bit faster than ethan had anticipated. he gasped loudly, eyes closed shut. “momma.. need your cunt,” he’d slur on his words, saliva forming on the corners of his mouth. his mind was blank and he couldn’t think straight at all. all he knew was that he felt good and needed your cunt squeezing all the cum out of him that he had for you. “soon baby.. keep being a good boy f’ me.”
ethan’s breathing hitched, abdomen clenching tight which indicated that he was indeed close to gushing out all of his cum on your hands. your pace had gotten slower by the second and came to a full stop.
ethan absolutely hated when you would do this and be so mean to deny or ruin his orgasm. “why’d you stop?” he whined out softly as he opened his eyes to look at you, “was so close momma.” you couldn’t help but smirk at the curly-haired boy who had a slick of sweat covering his forehead. his curls started to stick onto his forehead, covering his brows. “because baby, i don’t want you to cum yet. want you to fill me up,” your hand slid your lacy panties to the side as you were too eager to fully take them off. his eyes lit up with joy and his heart swelled at your words. he loved painting your gummy walls with his cum, filling you up to the brink with everything he had.
still straddling his lap, you lifted yourself off a bit, grabbing hold of his cock to align it to your slit. your cunt was practically drooling for ethan’s cock. a small hiss left your mouth as you sunk down, trying to adjust to how stretched out you felt.
ethan was big in length, a bit smaller in girth, but to you he was perfect either way. the way he fit into you, filled you up to the brim, moaned and whimpered out your name with such delicacy, would kiss your sopping cunt with his cock like he’ll never ever get anything like this ever again.. it was all so perfect and made you so cock drunk for him.
“fuck baby.. makin’ momma feel so good,” you felt ethan’s hands squeeze around your waist, slamming you down all the way to the base of his cock. you winced, feeling him brush against your cervix. you kissed ethan to muffle your noises and melted into his lips. his heartbeat grew faster as he placed one of his hands gently on the back of your head, kissing you more frantically as he leaned into the kiss. he needed you.. craved you.
“hnngg.. momma, ‘s so tight,” he said in between kisses. his hands lifted you up with ease and slammed you back down. “ah, ah- no touching.” ethan pulled away from the kiss to give you one of his pretty pouts like before. you smiled softly at him before bouncing all over his cock, making his face immediately contort in pleasure. a series of small whimpers, gasps, and ‘fuck’s left his puffy lips. his hands softly grabbed onto your hips, squeezing the warm and soft flesh, not being able to take his hands off you. as much as you wanted to swat away his hands, you couldn’t and you could no longer deny his sweet desire for you. he was being a good boy after all and just for you.
ethan’s stomach began to get tight once again, abs contracting. “w-wait.. wait momma i.. i wanna fuck into you, please?” he felt you stop bouncing, sitting down all the way to the point where your cunt took him at the base. “of course baby.. did you need me to lay back?” you questioned the curly-haired boy, eyes fixated on him. he nodded his head quickly as he pulled out, waiting for you to scoot over that way he can get you into the position he was dying to fuck you in. you couldn’t help but find it so adorable how excited he was. you sat on the side of the couch, eyes attentively watching your boyfriend move around.
he got off the couch and stood in front of you, taking hold of your pretty, plump legs. ethan’s hands pushed your legs against your chest, practically folding you like you were nothing but his little toy that he desperately wanted to please and be a good boy for. your tummy was so cute as it formed into two rolls; ethan absolutely adored it and probably would’ve came at the sight beneath him.
he slid in your tight cunt with ease, your slick covering him once more. a groan left both yours and ethan’s lips as he stuffed his cock into you, bottoming out. he took a quick moment to regain himself and by the time you knew it, he was fucking into you at such an animalistic pace. his thrusts were so deep, brushing against your cervix. all that you could say were a bunch of ‘fuck’s as your mind went hazy, no coherent thought in there! your hands clawed against e’s back, leaving pretty red marks that complimented his skin. “fuckkk ethan!” you felt ethan’s head nuzzle into your neck, peppering small kisses all over as his hips still drilled into you. that familiar knot began to wind in your lower stomach, threatening to break any second now. “‘m gonna cum babyboy.. momma feels so good,” you cooed out as your eyes were screwed shut, manicured nails still scratching at his back. “please, please cum,” he whispered into your ear, kissing it afterwards. his hips continued to drill into you, a bunch of stamina still running through his body. the knot came undone, snapping and you couldn’t help but clench around ethan’s cock. tears escaped your eyes, rolling down your rosy cheeks as your jaw fell slack, mouth agape.
“am i making you feel good momma?” he softly asked, tone sweet and innocent. the recognizable knot that once formed in his stomach before began to appear again, fast. he knew that with just a few more thrusts in and out of your sobbing cunt, he’d be spilling his cum all inside of your pretty womb. you nodded your head eagerly, “yes baby.. making momma feel so full,” you purred out, giving him reassuring caresses on his back with your thumb. “you gonna cum baby?” you could tell from his staggering hips and his unsteady breaths that he was so close to spurting out everything he had for you. ethan bobbed his head eagerly, whimpering out a small ‘mhm’. “good boy baby.. fill me up,” you cooed out once more. with just a few more thrusts of going in and out, like he had anticipated, repeatedly abusing your cunt to his full power, he collapsed; weight all against you, gushing out his cum inside your gummy walls. you could feel the thick, warm ropes of cum paint your insides and you purposely fluttered your cunt around him, just to milk out everything he had for you. gasps and stutters fell off of ethan’s puffy lips, hot breath against your ear.
as tired as you both seemed, ethan wanted to fill you up to the point where you could no longer take it. he planned on doing it. of course, he knew you would no longer deny him of his desperate wishes and needs and you would let him do whatever, given you were close to being too fucked out to notice his antics.
“we’re not done yet momma.”
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landograndprix · 1 year
lucky charm ✾ c.l
summary – what's meant to be will always find a way
a/n: added something new to it, also google translated french & italian so dont blame me pls :') requests are open! ♡
Monte-Carlo, Monaco
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liked by yourbestfrienduser, arthur_leclerc and 101,761 others
y/nusername Oh à la maison, comme tu m’as manqué ♥︎ (Oh home, how I've missed you ♥︎)
view all 219 comments
yourbestfrienduser missed u ❤️
y/nusername missed you more ❤️
hannahh back home for good or just for a while? :))))
y/nusername just spending my week off with friends and family, will be going back to Milan soon!
friendsuser1 have fun! 🥰
norrizz04 can I be friends with you all?
sharl16 I like to think she's in Monaco for Charles but we all know that's not true :(
leclerc_16 Charles is not even in Monaco, he's in maranello rn
sharl16 i didn’t sign up to be a child of divorce :(
dannyricric they unfollowed each other on all their socials, I don't think we'll ever get to see them back together 😢
tifosi5516 call me delulu but Arthur, lorenzo and their gfs still follow her and that's what's keeping my hopes up 😭
cl_15 girl come to the next gp because your ex man is doing a shit job right now 💀
zhouey lmao girl would you support your ex?
cl_16 if his name was Charles leclerc, yes ☺
Milan, Italy
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liked by isahernaez, francisca.cgomes and 142,671 others
y/nusername una nuova settimana con giorni come questi.
(a new week with days like these.)
view all 299 comments
bott-ass the thing I'd do to live a life like this...
yourmomsuser fier de toi ma chérie 🥰 (proud of you, darling)
y/nusername maman je t'aime ❤️
y/nusefan1 stop it adopt me into the family please :((
francisca.cgomes you need to tell me where you got that skirt from
y/nusername made it myself baby, what color do you want..black? 😉
francisca.cgomes you know me too well 🥰
pierressswife love that this friendship is still going strong 😭
landoscar well yeah she broke up with Charles not with kika..
charlesny/n wearing red? 👀
charlosss_ girl stop being delusional, can't she just wear something red without being linked to ferrari or charles lmao leave her be
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Autodromo Nazionale Monza
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 256,981 others
scuderiaferrari a weekend to remember 👏
first podium of the year! 🏆
#MonzaGp @/charles_leclerc
view all 1,763 comments
tifosired well done Charles!! 🔥
mikeklein let's goooooooo!
sainzz55 Charles p1, Carlos p3 VAMOSSS!!
chrlsleclerc man went from being a midfielder to p1 all of the sudden..not like Milan is far away from monza..if you know what I mean..
zhouey24 the way I tried to catch a familiar face in the paddocks and ferrari garage the whole time 😅
chrlsleclerc same 😔
teamferrari55 I want to thank @y/nusername for this and no I don't know if she's the reason for this sudden change but let's just thank her 😂
y/nusername posted on their story
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Paris, France
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liked by yourbestfrienduser, charles_leclerc and 166,212 others
y/nusername thank you dior for having us ❤️
view all 301 comments
pierrelexlerc bestie manifesting another win for her man by wearing red, love to see it 😍
byelando red was the theme of the event, kika and her friend were all in red
pierrelexlerc girl let me have this 😭
lunaar the only 3 who really stuck to the theme though 😭
francisca.cgomes had the best time ❤️
yourbestfrienduser ❤️❤️
y/nusername ❤️❤️
thurthur Charles liked and that's all I need to know
millieeev dress??
y/nusername my own 😅
maxmaxmax you better start your own business soon because I needed half the stuff you make in my closet 😩
charlieee16 p1 for Charles this weekend I see
Mexico City, Mexico
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liked by pierregasly, charles_leclerc and 178,624 others
y/nusername kik & I. I & kik ♥︎
tagged: francisca.cgomes
view all 361 comments
leclercc16_ no but everyone is in Mexico right now, please tell me you're on the grid this weekend
youdidaverstappen you're in Mexico? 😭
daneel1990 two pretty best friends 🥰
francisca.cgomes just two explorers exploring 🌏
pierregasly two explorers who got lost.
chilisainz 💀 💀
y/nusername we already thanked you enough for picking us up. Sit down.
pierregasly could use a feet massage.
y/nusername ask your boyfriend.
piarles10 nah but the way I've missed the banter between Pierre and y/n 😭
joleeneei so pretty 🥰
gasleeyy this is pretty much saying they're back together..right, why else would she be in Mexico with kika AND Pierre? 👀
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liked by y/nusername, arthur_leclerc and 356,891 others
charles_leclerc p1 and my lucky charm ❤️
tagged: scuderiaferrari, y/nusername
y/nusername fier de toi ❤️ (proud of you)
ferraricharles the way I screamed when I saw you at the podium 😭
marlie002 same 😭
ryaanvee fred holding onto y/n like you ain't going nowhere girl 💀
vamoscarloss petition to make y/n ferrari's mascot and sprinkle that luck over the whole ass team
tifosired mom & dad 🥰
marcusss wdc is coming closer and closer 🔥
lekerk_16 always said those two would get back together, that's some soulmate shit 😇
norry4lando soulmates for sure
2K notes · View notes
miuszn · 1 year
i’m actually so obsessed with your bouncer!ellie.. we need a fic immediately 🤭 -🪐
taste of lust
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SETTING : modern au
WC : 5011
WARNINGS : sexual harassment ( nothing graphic ) ( but reader is sort of implied to have trauma related to it , nothing stated explicitly tho ) , bouncer!ellie x bottlegirl!reader , idk shit about clubs so like some stuff might be insanely inaccurate but i did my best to research ( sorry in advance ) , dash of dealer!ellie bc who doesn’t love her , dom!ellie , sub!reader , teasing , overstimulation if u squint , ellie calls u pretty girl & princess , readers first time with a strap , ellie refers to her strap as her cock , i’m not fluent in english yet so there might be mistakes , not beta read
A / N : hello everyoneeee !!! i know this took FOREVER to finish and i’m so sorry about that .. i’ve been super super busy and this fic was so long omg T_T there was a point i started over completely bc i didn’t like the direction it was heading to .. this fanfic shit gets serious truly . in case u missed the warning there is sexual harassment in this fic and reader is implied to have trauma related to it . putting this here again to make sure u guys see it . anyway , i took so long to post this and so much stuff happened !! but alas , it is here , the bottlegirl!reader and bouncer!ellie fic !! this is my fav fic of mine so far so i hope u guys enjoy reading this as much as i liked writing it <3 ( and yes there will be a part two !! )
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being a bottle girl wasn’t exactly the job of your dreams. having to deal with creepy rich men every friday and saturday night was definitely not something you enjoyed doing, but that was what paid the bills and allowed you to live a rather comfy lifestyle for a college student. the bad part no one tells you about going to a top college on a full-ride scholarship is that a lot of the students are rich kids who most definitely cheated their way through high school, who live in nice apartments paid for by their mommy and daddy, who use birkins and other designer brand bags as their school bags, who would never be caught dead eating at the cafeteria. of course, you felt out of place. you weren’t exactly poor, but your family definitely could never afford that kind of lifestyle.
you’re pretty. extremely pretty. and you knew you could use that to your advantage. so when you saw a new club in the city that was looking for bottle girls you immediately knew you had to apply. sure, you had to deal with a couple creepy customers every night and sometimes even had to remind them they’re not allowed to touch you, which was annoying. you also hated being seen as an object, and you knew that’s exactly how these men saw you, and what was even worse was those very unsettling “you remind me of my daughter” comments from older men since you were so young. but the money was the main thing you needed, and you were able to put up with all this because of the pay. although the salary itself is just enough to survive, most of your earnings were in tips, and you made good tips. with a little bit of flirting and pretending you were really into customers, you scored lots of tips in the hundreds and sometimes even thousands. that wasn’t really enough for you to be able to afford luxury items whenever you wanted, but you were able to treat yourself every once in a while and that was enough for you.
you and your coworker ellie are the only college students that worked at that club. she wasn’t a bottle girl, however, she was a bouncer. during busy nights the bouncers typically took turns being at the door, and the rest would be inside the club making sure everything was fine. she didn’t mind being inside, it meant she could steal glances at you. truth was, she was into you, and it was obvious. but you took it as her just wanting to get a reaction out of you. that’s what it seemed like. but you can’t lie, whenever she wasn’t looking, you’d stare back as discreetly as you could.
she was a little possessive over you, which you weren’t really aware of. whenever she saw you flirting with customers, she couldn’t deny she felt a little jealous. she of course knew you were just trying to get more tips. regardless, she still couldn’t stand seeing the way you twirled your hair, spoke in that sweet and flirty tone, and even sometimes gave them compliments, and the fact it wasn’t towards her. she wanted it to be her, and her only. she wanted you to be hers. but she never did anything aside from flirt with you a little every once in a while, because she was scared she’d make you uncomfortable.
ellie. where does one even begin to describe her? her strong arms, her short auburn hair she styled as a mullet or put in a half bun when she felt a little lazier, her mesmerizing green eyes. from the moment you laid eyes on her you found her extremely attractive, but you were too shy and didn’t know how to approach her. what’s funny is this is the total opposite of the character you put up for your customers, an extroverted, flirty girl. the thing with you is, you can flirt with people, but only when you’re not attracted to them. when you are, such as in cases like these, the main thing you do is avoid avoid avoid. you rarely had the opportunity to interact with each other, but when you did, you always felt she was trying to subtly flirt with you. it was the kind of flirting where it was hard to tell wether she was flirting with you or just being nice, so you simply took it as being nice because you didn’t think there was any possibility she could be into you. she was just out of your league. even if it was flirting, you didn’t know if she had any other intentions. so you decided to play it safe.
that night was different from the others. your boss informed you that there’d be a bachelor party tonight and surprise surprise, you’d be serving them. the thing about bachelor parties is they’re very demanding and their tips can vary a lot. and demanding in your vocabulary is basically a synonym for entitled. they’ll insist you sit down, have a drink with them, maybe even try to grope you or something. you were not happy about having to deal with them tonight, but your boss told you they were short-staffed tonight, so you’d simply have to suck it up.
the moment the group of about 15 men came in, ellie sensed something was wrong. she rejected about half of them at the entrance before being informed by her supervisor that it was a bachelor party. she didn’t really care. she knew they were up to no good.
“i really don’t think we should let ‘em in.” she crossed her arms.
“any good reason?” he asked, annoyed.
“something just feels.. off,” she whispered, “i dunno. feel like they’re up to no good.”
“i don’t pay you to do ‘vibe checks’ on people.”
“i still don’t think we should let ‘em in. feels like they have bad intentions. have you seen how they’ve been eyeing the rest of the female staff?”
“big deal, this is a night club,” he brushed her off. “that’s how men look at women in nightclubs, williams. suck it up.”
“that still doesn’t-“
“do you want to keep your job or not?” he snapped.
she sighed and rolled her eyes, defeated, and hesitantly let the group in. her eyes were glued on them until they sat down at a table, the feeling in her stomach worsening when she realized you’d be dealing with them. it was one thing for any of the other girls to have to deal with them, but for some reason, she found herself way more worried about you. you were newer to the job and a little younger than the other girls. she couldn’t bear the thought of someone possibly harming you, or taking advantage of you, or anything like that. she felt this strange desire to protect you, something she hadn’t really felt towards anyone before. she felt this way toward you, yet she barely knew anything about you.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
tonight was going to be a long night. the moment those men sat down, you could immediately tell. you could tell by their piercing gazes, which you swore you could physically feel even though you weren’t looking at them, that you’d have to remind them several times they can look but not touch. you heard them whispering stuff to each other while looking at you and then laughing and hitting each other as if they were a group of teenagers. you took a deep breath, put on a smile, and finally went over to their table.
“hey boys,” you greeted with a flirty tone, “anything i can get you guys today?”
“yeah, a piece of that ass.” one of them said, while the rest laughed.
you faked a giggle, trying to do your best to handle this professionally, as you would with all the other annoying customers.
“anyway,” you continued, “do you guys have anything in mind? if not, you can take a look at the stuff we have over there at the bar.” you said, while pointing at the bar.
“we’ll need a moment, babygirl.” one of them replied, holding out his credit card.
you nodded, took the card, and quickly walked away. you absolutely hated that nickname. before you took this job, you didn’t really mind it. but when you started getting called it by basically every single customer you eventually grew to hate it. if you hadn’t been working, you at the very least would’ve given them a death stare or contemplated telling them off (even though you knew you’d never have the balls to do anything of the sort.)
after a couple of minutes, one of them whistled at you to get your attention. strike two. another thing you very much hated. now you were even being treated like an animal. who the hell do they think they are?
you walked over to them and plastered a fake smile on your face and asked if they were ready.
“we just wanted to know what you recommend. i’m sure you drink lots since, you know, you work here.”
some of them chuckled, and you didn’t really get what was funny. but you decided to not start anything and just answered the question.
“well, we have lots of options,” you responded, “we have many of the classics you can find anywhere else, and we also have some that are less common. we just got the louis xiii cognac which is very hard to find, so i’d recommend that one.”
“yeah? are you just saying that ‘cause it’s the most expensive?”
“if you want less pricey options, we have those too.” you replied, avoiding the question. of course you were suggesting it because it was the most expensive. that’s kinda your job. you’re supposed to make money.
“we can afford it.” one of them said.
“yeah, bring us that one.” another chimed in.
you smiled and nodded, walking away. gosh, you felt them draining any energy you had every second you spent near them. you carefully took the bottle and put it on your tray, and grabbed a few glasses and put them with the bottle. you made your way over to their table, placing their glasses in front of them one by one, and although you weren’t looking at any of them, you knew they all had their eyes glued on you. you tried your hardest to pour their drinks quickly enough so you could just get out of there, but not too quickly that they’ll notice. unfortunately for you, they caught onto what you were doing.
“why’re you pouring so fast, babygirl? you in a hurry?”
tonight was going to be a long night.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
ellie couldn’t wait for her turn at the door to be over. she made sure to peek inside every chance she had, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t eyeing you. she couldn’t help it. she couldn’t stop looking at how the black shorts and black baby tee you wore hugged your body and showed off your figure, and she had never been more grateful for the existence of the uniform. but above looking at you because of how attractive you were, she wanted to make sure you were safe. she had dealt with lots of men like them before, and she wouldn’t hesitate to kick them out if things escalated even the slightest bit.
after a while, her supervisor dismissed her and told her to stay inside to make sure nobody was causing any trouble. of course, she went over to the area you were, since there was no one watching over that area and because you were there.
“why’re you pouring so fast, babygirl? you in a rush?” she overheard one of the men speaking to you, with a sort of entitled tone. if she hadn’t been paying attention before, she definitely was now. with the way they were acting, it seemed like they didn’t notice she was there. you were clearly uncomfortable, but tried to play it off, you didn’t want to cause trouble or provoke them. she watched closely as they kept offering you to sit down and drink with them, not listening to you no matter how many times you politely told them you’re not allowed. telling you to “just have one drink, it’s fine” and “no one will know” and they “won't tell your boss.” but your boss was not the only concern. the concern was you. you didn’t know these men, you didn’t know what they could do.
but suddenly, one of the guys sitting on the edge of the seat pulled you in by the hip and forcibly sat you down. in that moment, ellie immediately went over to the table and knew she had to step in.
“sir, you’re not allowed to put your hands on the employees. i’m gonna have to ask you and the rest of your party to step outside.” she said in a stern tone.
“she willingly sat down with us,” one of them lied, “she just wanted to have a drink. nothin’ wrong with tha-“
“i saw what happened. no point in lying. now please step outside before i have you forcibly removed from the premises.”
“yeah?” he stood up to face her. “you’re just a woman. what’re you gonna do? you can’t get all of us out of here.”
“sir, back down.” she warned.
“or what?”
she didn’t respond. instead, she punched him in the face, breaking his nose. a few of his friends stood up, but before they could do anything, some of the security had already gone over to the scene and stopped them, escorting them out as ellie went with you to the break room.
“you alright?” she asked, seeing how shaken up you were.
“i’m, uh, i’m fine. don’t worry.” you responded, sitting down on the couch, still uneasy from the experience. you hated people touching you without your consent, even something that was sort of minor like this. you were already uncomfortable, and this just made it even worse. you didn’t notice ellie had sat down next to you until she wrapped her arm around you and you melted in her embrace. you felt a little embarrassed at how comfortable you felt with a girl you’ve only had small talk with prior, but you were able to push that feeling away because in that moment, you didn’t care. the fact she hadn’t judged you and said “it’s part of the job” or something along those lines, let alone saying you were overreacting was enough to tell you that you could trust her.
“do you, uh, want me to drive you home?” she broke the silence.
“i can’t. i have to finish this shift.” you mumbled. “plus, my roommate has someone over tonight. i can’t go home right now.”
“then, if you want, we can go to my place,” she suggested, quickly adding on “but just so you don’t have to stay in this environment, i’m not trying to be creepy i promise,” because the last thing she wanted was for you to take it the wrong way and be uncomfortable.
“thanks, but, i still have to go back out there and finish my shift.”
she was a little sad. if it was up to her, she’d make you quit and happily support you. she made a lot of money for a college student, between working as a bouncer and dealing weed on the side. she had more than enough to support the both of you, but she’d never talk about anything of the sort out loud.
“i can speak to management for you,” she said, “i’m sure they’ll understand.”
you accepted hesitantly, the voice in the back of your mind telling you you’d just end up fired. but that didn’t matter to you in the moment. you had to get out of there. you couldn’t stand it anymore.
ellie guided you through the back door, making sure you wouldn’t have to face those men again, holding you by the wrist with just enough strength to make sure she wouldn’t let you go easily but not too hard so she wouldn’t make you uncomfortable. she opened her car door for you, waiting a couple seconds for you to get settled in in case you needed her help for whatever reason.
the car ride was short and silent. it wasn’t the awkward kind of silence, more so the kind of silence when there’s nothing to say. it was a comforting silence, a drastic contrast from the loud music in the club that had been blasting in your ears for the past 2 or so hours. you were looking out the window, watching the city lights and buildings as you passed them. ellie would be lying if she said she didn’t steal a few glances at you when you were looking away. she couldn’t help it, you were just so mesmerizingly beautiful she couldn’t help but look at you any chance she could.
when you finally arrived at her place, you were surprised to see she had a house and not an apartment. it wasn’t a big house, but it seemed like it could house about 3 people. you were about to ask about her roommates, but almost as if she read your mind, she said;
“sorry about the mess, i uh, i live alone, so. don’t usually have people over either.”
“it’s fine,” you shook your head, “i’m just grateful you let me come here.”
she noticed you sounded like you were in a better mood. “you feeling a little better now?”
you nodded. “yeah. i guess i just needed to get out of there.” you bit your lip in worry. “but now i don’t know what to do. i’m pretty sure i’ll end up getting fired after leaving like that.”
“after what happened to you? nah. it’s understandable,”
“are you sure? i-i mean, am i not supposed to let them know beforehand-“
“you’ll be fine, don’t worry.” she reassured you. “you’re sort of new, aren’t you?”
“not really. i’ve been working there for a couple months.”
“so you’re new. got it.”
you playfully rolled your eyes. “sure, let’s say that.”
she smiled. “anyway, you wanna do anything? or do you just wanna rest?”
“i guess we could watch a movie or something,” you suggested, “if you want, of course.” you were surprised at how bold you were. it wasn’t anything too bold, sure, but that’s only true for everyone else. for you, something like that, which others might think is minor, is sort of a big deal. not only were you at this girl’s house, but suggesting to watch a movie as well. you were a bit scared that might’ve been too much.
“yeah, sure,” she replied, “you into horror?”
“uhh.. not really..” you admitted.
“it’s fine, we can just watch something else.”
“no, no, it’s fine!” you insisted. it was, in fact, not fine. especially at this time, horror was not your thing. it wasn’t a huge fear of yours or anything, but you were a little embarrassed of the fact you still got scared while watching them, sometimes even got nightmares. but no way you’d admit that to her right there. you felt you were already being too much of a burden on her, so you’d just suck it up to not bother her any further.
a few moments later, you were both on her couch watching some random horror movie she had picked out. you didn’t even know what was going on in the plot, you were way too scared. you’d argue this was one of the scariest movies, scratch that, media in general you’ve ever seen. where did she even find this sort of stuff? ellie was full of surprises indeed.
you didn’t notice you had snuggled up to her, your head laying on her chest, from the fear. once you realized, your face turned red as you pulled away in embarrassment and mumbled some apologies as you moved away. to your surprise, she lightly tightened her grip of her arm she had wrapped around you (which you only now noticed as well), telling you with no need for words that it was fine, and you could stay that way. you didn’t really know how to react to that, but you stayed. something about her was so comforting. you barely knew her, yet you trusted her as if you’d known her all your life. it was a strange feeling. you’d been on multiple dates with the same person many times before yet you still felt more of a connection with your coworker who you had only spoken to a handful of times beforehand. you weren’t even paying attention to the movie anymore. your mind was too busy paying attention to the thoughts racing in your head to process what was going on in the screen about a meter in front of you. you had lots of questions, and the more that popped up in your head, the more your heartbeat sped up.
ellie could feel something was wrong. she lightly lifted up your chin to make you face her, locking eyes with you. she asked if it was because of what happened earlier. you felt like you should look away, but you couldn’t. something about her was just so mesmerizing. you lightly nodded, not wanting to admit all the thoughts in your mind at that moment. you looked into each other's eyes for a couple seconds, before she planted a soft kiss on your lips. it was the type of kiss that happened almost as a reflex, the type that you have almost no control over. you could feel her try to pull away after realizing what she did, but before she fully pulled away you pressed your lips against hers, pulling her in this time in a deeper kiss.
before you knew it, you were straddling her lap as she placed kisses on your neck, occasionally sucking on it softly and leaving light purple marks on your skin. you hadn’t realized how much it was turning you on until you started lightly rocking your hips back and forth, desperate to get any sort of friction. ellie realized what you were doing, and placed her hands on your waist, almost guiding your movement, causing you to let out a few soft moans and whimpers.
“ellie..” you whined.
“i know, baby, i know.”
she carefully lifted you off her lap and laid you down on the couch, hovering over you. she tugged on the hem of your shorts.
“let’s get these off.” she said, as she undid the button and slipped them off you with ease, revealing your soaked cotton panties. “cute,” she thought to herself.
“i’ve barely touched you n’ you’re already so wet,” she teased, rubbing your clit through the thin cloth causing you to moan softly.
after a moment, you started to whine, tired of her teasing.
“desperate, huh?”
you broke eye contact as you looked away in embarrassment. in the back of your mind, you couldn’t believe everything that was going on. you found it a little embarassing, hooking up with a coworker you had barely spoken to prior. but as you had been doing the whole night, you tried to push those thoughts to the back of your mind and focus on the moment.
“don’t feel ashamed, pretty girl.” she said, noticing you felt a little off. something about her caring but almost demanding tone was turning you on even more.
she carefully pulled your panties to the side, sliding two fingers in, thrusting them at a slower but steady pace. this was better, but it still wasn’t enough. you bucked your hips ever so slightly, to tell her you wanted more.
“you’re gonna have to try a little harder than that, baby,” she said. she knew exactly what you meant, but she wanted to hear you say it. you whined in complaint, hoping she wouldn’t make you say it out loud.
“use your words, princess,” she smirked while locking eyes with you.
“please, ellie..” you begged.
“please what?”
“please, more..”
“good girl,” she said under her breath, speeding up her pace and thrusting her fingers inside you twice as fast as she was before, causing you to moan and whimper louder. soon you started feeling a knot forming in your stomach, making you attempt to grip the couch.
“ellie.. fuck..” you moaned.
“i know, pretty. but you don’t get to cum yet.” she smirked, suddenly pulling her fingers out.
you whined at her words and the sudden emptiness inside you, as ellie softly chuckled at your reaction. she found it so cute. she found pretty much everything about you to be cute.
she stood up, and went to grab something from her closet. it was a bright purple strap, and it was quite big. you weren’t sure it would even fit inside you. you watched as she effortlessly took off her pants and put the harness on, walking back to the couch and positioning herself, the tip right in front of your entrance.
“i want you to cum from my cock.”
she started sliding it along your slit, coating it in your slick, causing you to whine a little, before positioning it once again in front of your entrance and slowly sliding the tip inside you easily.
you were still a little scared since you had never done anything like this before. you’ve gotten fingered before, sure, but this was the first time someone used a strap on you. especially one this big.
“i’ve never, uh,” you stuttered, “done something like this.”
“never gotten fucked with a strap before, huh?” she said, “i could tell. you seem kinda nervous. but relax, princess, i’ll take care of you.”
the nickname only turned you on more. you didn’t get why you loved it so much. it had never crossed your mind, yet you were now sure it was your favorite pet name ever.
with that, she started slowly sliding it in, looking at your facial expressions to make sure she wasn’t hurting you. surprisingly, you were able to take it all. she started thrusting it at a slow pace, gradually speeding up, but not quite fast yet. she definitely wanted to fuck you way harder and faster, but she wanted you to get used to the feeling first.
after a few thrusts you started to get used to the feeling, and it was amazing. she sped up her pace a little more, gripping your thighs, and this time she was able to locate your sweet spot, and boy was she about to abuse it. she hit it with every thrust, making you twitch and moan at every wave of pleasure.
“good fuckin’ girl,” she praised, “already taking my cock so well.”
“ellie.. please..” you begged, between moans, “faster..”
“yeah? you sure you can handle it, tough girl?”
you nodded, and she immediately sped up. she fucked you a little faster than you expected, and it was a little too much, but the overwhelming pleasure was, at the same time, addicting. the sounds of your moans and whimpers, her groans, and your wet cunt filled the room. soon, that familiar knot in your stomach started forming again, except this time it was much more intense, causing you to try and grip the couch once again. she realized what was going on, and started using her thumb to rub circles on your clit. you started tearing up from the overstimulation which was the littlest bit painful but also overwhelmingly pleasurable.
“i wanna hear you say my name, baby,” she demanded, “i know you’re close.”
and almost on cue, you came all over her cock as you moaned her name, just as she demanded, as she fucked you through your orgasm and finally pulling out with a slight pop.
— 𓆩♥︎𓆪 —
it had been about an hour since you finished your.. activity. she insisted on getting a bath started for you, and now there you were on her bed, in one of her t-shirts that was a little big on you, freshly out of the bath. you texted your roommate before getting in the bath to tell her you wouldn’t be coming home tonight, and of course, she didn’t mind that at all.
not only were you on ellie’s bed, but you were cuddling her, trying to sleep. she told you you didn’t have to, and that she just enjoys sleeping with body warmth, but you knew better. maybe it was true, but it sure as hell was not the only reason. but you didn’t mind. you acted stupid and like you bought her story, because truth is, you really wanted to cuddle with her, and you were even thinking of similar excuses if she hadn’t brought it up first.
“you awake?” ellie whispered.
“mhm, sort of.” you replied, in a sleepy voice.
“i just, uh,” she paused for a moment, “i just wanted to know. when will i see you again?”
“on our next shift together.” you joked.
“no, dummy, i mean like this.”
you thought about it for a moment.
“i guess we’ll see,” you responded softly, “i’m pretty sleepy. i think we should talk about this later.”
she seemed satisfied with your response, but she still had the fear you were only saying that to be polite, and you didn’t want anything more or didn’t want this to repeat. of course, she’d respect you if that was the case, although she’d be a little disappointed. but she felt there was something more there, something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. you weren’t like any of the other girls she’s hooked up with before. she wasn’t exactly sure what set you apart from them, but she knew there had to be something.
maybe it was just feelings.
but even if it didn’t seem like that was the case because of your shy personality, you wanted something more. just like her.
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