#。・゚゚・ — permanent interaction call
dimonds456-art · 2 days
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@year2000electronics ask and ye shall receive
Ramblings under the cut!
The general idea is that the AU follows a similar story structure to Cuphead, but the lore is similar to Gravity Falls. There's just one key difference: everyone can see and interact with Bill. He just can't really interact with our world. Yet.
Bill is a projection, brought forth by Gideon Gleeful. He would allow Bill free presence, and in return, Bill basically made him famous, AND his Earthen right-hand. So he takes the place of King Dice.
From there, the history is almost the same as GF. Ford came here to investigate anomalies, found Gravity Falls, met Bill, and started building a portal. The possession came with a different cost this time, though; Ford's soul. Bill promised he'd be in good hands and that it's just kinda part of the gig, but because of this, Bill's ability to possess him never left.
Once Ford got the metal plate installed, Bill was limited, sure, but he still had control of the soul contract, meaning he could basically just. Force Ford to do shit. The main limiting factor here is that he has to know where Ford is and has to be able to see him. If he can't see him, he can't control him. Once Ford is in the multiverse, this is the main reason Bill can't get him. He doesn't know where Ford is.
The main story is just everyone in Gravity Falls making really really stupid mistakes. The only person who has not fallen for Bill's games is Stan, who- like Elder Kettle- tried to warn the twins about making bad deals, but ultimately this fell through when they got curious and visited Gideon's tent, where Bill was also observing.
In my interpretation of this AU, Pacifica takes the place of Ms Chalice. She's hurt and alone, and her dad made a deal with Cipher that resulted in. this. I like to think it was a Monkey's Paw type scenario, but my brain is an egg so I'll figure that one out later. Basically Pacifica wants her body back (ghost rules the same as the DLC), so she decides to help Dipper and Mabel under the belief that they can assist her once Bill is defeated.
However, this falls through. However the deal worked, it persists, and Pacifica starts to wonder if she'll always be a ghost. But that's where Ford comes in.
Ford, taking the place of Saltbaker (kinda? kinda.), offers to try and help her restore her physical form. Call in the twins and let's be off let's go. He says he needs to build a machine that could potentially reverse the effects permanently, and he needs parts. So that's what the twins are doing. The cookie is replaced with an astro-physical restorative remote, but a really, really weak one, and it requires a host to work, keeping the idea that one of them will always be a ghost until the machine is done.
The only problem with this plan is that Ford's contract with Bill is not up, and was not destroyed by Dipper and Mabel, and Bill can see him now. So. In short, that ain't Ford.
The parts the kids were gathering were for the portal.
Once they figure that out, we get a Baking the Wondertart equivalent, Bill is defeated, and in doing so, Ford is freed of the contract as well, meaning Bill can't mess with him anymore.
Not sure if Bill lives all the way to the end of this story, but there is a good chance unless I figure out how to kill him, seeing as Weirdmageddon probably doesn't happen here.
Gotta think on it more, but that's the basic idea. First draft. All of this is subject to change hdfsdfjh
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deuxadeux-if · 14 hours
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Hi all, I’m Ray, and this is the official Tumblr of the WIP interactive fiction game “Deux à Deux."
This post contains:
Current Demo Status
Short Synopsis
Long(er) Synopsis
About the Game (ROs and a basic “things to do” summary)
***The game is planned to have some mature content, so 18+ only from here on out, please :-) ***
Demo Status (09/23/2024):
| Prologue is 1/2 finished |
You should see an ending page which allows you to restart/share game, you should have a stats screen, and you should have 4 save slots.
Short Synopsis:
You’re barely scraping by your dead-end job when a couple leaves a note as they leave: “Quit your job—we’ll take care of you.” Calling the number on the note throws you headfirst into a world of luxury, intrigue, power, and lust. Tread lightly.
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Long(er) Synopsis:
As a server at a self-proclaimed “upscale” restaurant in New York City, most of your shifts end with exhaustion, total rage, or vague annoyance. When a beautiful couple leaves you a note with their receipt (instructing you to quit your job and let them “take care” of you), along with a $500 tip, you’re intrigued.
You go to their massive townhouse in NoHo and find yourself face-to-face with the most alluring lifestyle you’ve ever encountered. Balancing your newfound friendship with the Lyonses, and your own somewhat nitty-gritty lifestyle, is a challenge, but one you’re determined to make work. Once you’re swept up in the Lyonses’ world, though, it’s hard to escape—you’ll realize there’s a dark underbelly to their glamorous, luxurious lifestyle.
Will you become as cold and crooked as the Lyons couple, or will you find another path with their permanent “house guest”? Maybe you’ll stay at your crappy serving job and get closer with one of two coworkers, to the horror of the Lyonses—or maybe even your boxing coach.
Whatever happens, it won’t come easy.
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About the Game:
T Lyons.
T (Tom/Tess/Tory) Lyons is wealthy, mysterious, and cold. They’re married to N Lyons, and the two of them are the very picture of a New York City “power couple."
T takes an immediate liking to you when they meet you at La Table (the restaurant you work at). Their interest is what sweeps you into the Lyonses life, into their own luxurious, illicit, private world.
Appearance: T Lyons is American and black. They have black hair, sharp lips, and cold brown eyes.
N Lyons.
N (Noah/Natasha/Nico) Lyons is T’s devoted spouse, and is in turns alluring and terrifying. N is apprehensive to have you join their world, despite their immediate interest in you, because the Lyonses only ever have one “house guest” at once.
N Lyons will be a little harder to win over, but they may prove a more loyal ally. You also wonder how much they pull the strings of the Lyonses’ lives behind the scenes. Only time will tell.
Appearance: N Lyons is Mexican-American and brown. They have very dark brown hair, long eyelashes, and calculating black eyes.
M Nguyen.
M (Mason/Molly/Mars) Nguyen is the current house guest of the Lyonses, and you immediately wonder if they find you an unwelcome intrusion or a possible savior.
M is more reserved than either of the Lyonses, but then again, they don’t have much to talk about. They don’t leave the house much, but they want for nothing under the Lyonses care. You just wonder if they’re in a gilded cage, or truly satisfied.
Appearance: M Nguyen is Vietnamese-American and brown. They have black hair, angular cheekbones, and thoughtful black eyes.
R Burns.
R (Ronnie/Roxanne/Rainn) Burns is one of your closest almost-friends in your “real life.” They’re your boxing coach, the best around, and you consider them mostly (or completely) to thank for your combat skills.
You’re always entertained with R, but you’re torn between deciding if there’s real care beneath the easy amusement on the surface. Do you want to get closer to R, or leave them in the dust?
Appearance: R Burns is North Indian-American and brown. They have black hair, a prominent nose, and dark brown eyes.
Erin Pinsky.
Erin Pinsky (genderlocked) is your almost-almost-codependent coworker. She’s a very talented server, always lighthearted and charming … if you cared more about your job, you might be jealous.
She seems to really like you, too. The question is, is that affection only surface-level, or could there be something more there?
Appearance: Erin Pinsky is American and white. She has poorly bleached hair, always-on black eyeliner, and bright brown eyes.
Theo Ferreira.
Theo Ferreira (genderlocked) is another of your coworkers, but you can’t really tell if he thinks anything about you … like, at all. He doesn’t really give a shit about La Table or his job, so he’s more stern than charming as a server.
For some reason, the customers eat this up. Sometimes he’ll sneak you stolen food from the back and insist you bring it home, but otherwise he’s pretty quiet. Still, he’s very handsome.
Appearance: Theo Ferreira is Brazilian-American and brown. He has buzzed brown hair, expressive eyebrows (though he hates this), and shrewd black eyes.
----------------------THINGS TO DO---------------------
In Deux à Deux, you can romance several people at once (whether there will be consequences or not is anyone’s guess … mwahaha) or devote yourself to one RO. You can also date nobody, I guess, but that will be a lot less fun in this game, sorry!
You can throw yourself wholeheartedly into life with the Lyonses, including going clubbing, eating fine dining, going on impromptu vacations, etc.
You can also reject their frivolous lifestyle entirely, avoiding them when you can (although they’re quite persistent) and spend time boxing, hanging with your coworkers, or trying to get M out of the Lyonses lives.
Or, if you’re feeling ambitious, you can try to balance both.
This game will have:
Romance (duh)
Stat checks with consequences (there will be 2-3 majorly game-defining stat checks, so choose wisely)
Combat (everyone has a few skeletons in their closets, right?)
A fair bit of drama.
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Socials: Pinterest | Spotify | COG Forum
The Demo:
Link: https://dashingdon.com/go/17086 OR click here.
Thank you so much for your interest in my game!! So excited to continue sharing this with you all.
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hannahbarberra162 · 11 hours
Under the Microscope, Part 5 (Yandere Sabo x Reader)
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on Ao3
All the other chapters
You meet Ace over dinner. Sabo makes a snail call.
You didn’t react when Sabo mentioned Ace’s name, just continued trudging behind him. Interesting, even before his execution, Ace's name brought a certain amount of curiosity and notoriety. You were trying to take in information about the island as you walked along the path to the house.  There was no point, it was a small uncharted island in the middle of nowhere, no one could find it without a permanent log pose. It was an autumn island but was currently in its spring season. Sabo liked the island a lot and had been enjoying the little time he was able to spend on it. If Sabo hadn’t had to leave all the time for missions, he would have loved to spend his time on the island. It had a natural waterfall and small freshwater lagoon, some wildlife, and a lot of shady trees and vegetation.  You were looking at some of the wildflowers that had grown along the side of the beaten path to the house. You raised your hands as if to magnify a purple flower but stopped yourself, finally noticing that Sabo was watching you.
"It's a little chilly out, would you like my jacket?" Sabo suggested. You shook your head to decline his offer.
“What were you doing about a year and a half ago?” Sabo asked you. You scrunched your little nose in thought, eyebrows drawn.
“Working,” you replied quietly, not giving any further detail. Ah, you were wary of him now that you felt better and were on land. It was a reasonable reaction to have, Sabo didn’t mind. You didn’t see the bigger picture, didn't understand the plans Sabo had for you. Anyone would be upset by a drastic change, especially one they didn’t plan themselves. 
The island was a perfect place for you to stay for the time being. You would be safe, unable to be tracked by the Marines. Sabo knew they would try to find you, bring you back to their base, and he couldn’t let that happen. As a bonus, there was no one else to talk to on the island besides him and his brother. You would get over your fear and nervousness of him if you had no one else to interact with. If he’d taken you back to the RA headquarters, he knew you’d be a companion to Koala, make friends with Betty and Lindbergh, and he just knew Iva would love you. So for now you needed to stay isolated with them on the island. They’d all get to know you in a few months when Sabo brought you to Momoiro. He knew you were lonely, you’d gravitate to him and Ace sooner or later. Sabo knew Ace would like you, he just had to get over some of his…issues. Sabo planned to keep you here until you’d accepted your situation - and him. 
“Are you familiar with Marineford?” Sabo asked.
“Um, the new one or the old one? I know the old one was destroyed and Whitebeard and Gol D. Roger’s son were killed there but I never caught up completely on the news.” You started wringing your hands, Sabo noticed, as if you were worried about being caught. “I was supposed to but I had a lot to do and I was busy -”
“Researching,” Sabo said, finishing your sentence for you. Your face soured, but Sabo wasn’t making fun of you, you were as dedicated to your field as he was to his own. Making your way to the little house Sabo shared with Ace, he held open the unlocked door for you. It was dark inside, all the curtains drawn, the air musty and stale. Ah, Ace must be stewing again. At least it was warm inside, you were only wearing Sabo’s old tunic.
“Ace, c’mere, there’s someone I want you to meet,” he called out into the darkness. Sabo moved towards the curtains and you moved along with him. You looked like you were scared that someone was going to pop out of the shadows. Sabo slowed down so you’d bump into him while you looked around. It was foolish, but he relished any contact he could have with you. “Aaaaaaace,” Sabo called out in a sing-song voice, “where aaaaaaare youuuuu?” Sabo opened one of the curtains, sunlight now pouring into the room. You yelped as you saw Ace, slouching on the couch, arms folded and frowning, staring silently at you. You bumped back into Sabo again, this time he reached out and held your upper arm for ‘support.’
“Ace, stop moping for a few minutes. We have a guest.” Sabo stood behind you, almost presenting you to his brother. Ace glared at you, still silent. “Oh, don’t be mad. It’s time you saw someone other than me,” Sabo said, rolling his eyes. Ace leaned forward, stood up, and left the house, slamming the door behind him, making you jump again. “Don’t worry, he’ll be back when he gets hungry,” Sabo said, patting your shoulder. 
Your POV
You weren’t worried whether Sabo’s brother would be back or not. He scared the shit out of you, sitting there in the darkness, staring at you. He didn’t bear a lot of physical resemblance to Sabo, but the staring reminded you of Sabo. Ace had long, wavy black hair, reaching past his shoulder blades. It looked unkempt, like he hadn’t brushed it in a long time. He was wearing a Wano style yukata, with no shirt underneath. He had a lot of bandages over his chest, nearly the entire area was covered. 
“Ace has been having a…rough time,” Sabo hedged. “But he’s actually really nice. You’ll like him, he’s like me in a lot of ways.” You weren’t sure you liked Sabo , much less Ace, but you didn’t voice that thought out loud. You appreciated Sabo’s kindness when you were ill, but you’d been fine without his help, and you definitely didn’t want to be kidnapped. If your meeting with Sakazuki had gone well, you were expecting a promotion and transfer to another base. But now you weren’t sure you’d ever see anyone besides Sabo and his brother ever again.
Sabo opened more of the curtains and windows, letting in the fresh air. “Much better,” he said to himself. Turning to you, he clapped his hands together with a smile. “Let’s give you a tour of the house, yes?” Sabo led you through the house, starting with the living room. The living room, kitchen, Sabo’s office and a bathroom were all on the first floor while closets, another bathroom, and the two bedrooms were on the second. It was clear people were living there, but there was something missing. The house wasn’t decorated at all, no photos, no art, nothing to make it a home. It felt like a hospital room, it had the basic necessities but nothing personal. 
“You’re welcome in any unlocked room of the house, you live here now. That room,” he said, pointing to a closed door, “is Ace’s.” It looked like the door had been kicked and stabbed a few times. “This one,” Sabo gestured to another door on the right, “is ours.” 
“W-what do you mean ours ?” you stammered, suddenly uncomfortable. You knew you were wearing Sabo’s clothes on Sabo’s island, but you hadn’t thought he would be so…forward. You were abruptly reminded of the differences in your heights, weights, and fighting abilities. You took a step back, but Sabo took one forward, keeping you near him.
“Our room,” Sabo said slowly, as if you were confused about the meaning of his words. “We were already sharing a room on the ship and I thought it worked out well. Besides, there aren’t any more rooms or any other houses on the island. I’m not saying we have to share the same bed, ” Sabo said, rolling his eyes. You hadn’t given much thought to where Sabo had been sleeping on the ship, but you supposed you’d been sharing a room in some way.
“Oh, um, ok. I can, um, sleep on the floor. I don’t mind,” you offered. Sabo balked at your statement.
“We’ll figure it out later,” he said dismissively. Something told you that you wouldn’t be sleeping on the floor. “Now, let’s get some food going. I’m worried about you after that trip. We need to get you healthier, starting with proper nutrition.” Sabo was so serious at that moment, like he was considering all the ways he could help you feel better. He did also cause some of your problems, but you didn’t think he wanted to hear that. 
Sabo brought you to the small kitchen and guided you to the chairs. The kitchen had bar style seating overlooking the main cooking area, complete with barstools. Sabo opened cabinets and drawers, taking stock of the food that was left. Earlier, when Sabo took off your blindfold, you saw that there were crates being unloaded as well, so you knew there would be more food. You hoped Sabo was a good cook, it wasn’t really your forte. You could make a few dishes very well, but were content to eat whatever the mess hall cooked. You found cooking boring and didn’t like spending your time on it. Sabo had his back turned to you, filling a pitcher of water from a barrel. He set it in front of you, along with a cup.
“Here, sit and drink some water. I’ll cook.” You sat at his command, watching him in silence. Sabo started removing some of his layers in preparation for cooking, putting his jacket on the back of the chair next to you. He didn’t take off his gloves, though, even after rolling up his sleeves to cook. Sabo took off his top hat, looking for a place to put it. He reached over, and put it on your head with an unblinking stare and a smile. You paused mid-sip, unsure what to do. You felt like a wild animal that had been sighted by a hunter. You reached up and took the hat off your head, placing it on the counter next to you. Sabo gave a nervous laugh.
“Sorry, I was just trying to be silly. Looks good on you, though.” Sabo brushed off the strange interaction and started pulling out ingredients from the cabinets. He was talking to you, almost monologuing, as you sipped your water and listened, hands shaking slightly. You were feeling unprotected and exposed, fully at the mercy of the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army. Sabo didn’t notice, and kept up the one sided conversation while preparing what looked like stew. As he prepared the food, your mouth watered. Sabo may have kidnapped you and brought you to a secluded island, but he could make a delicious smelling stew. 
“-found this island by accident, and I ended up living here over the past year. It’s quaint and out of the way, which I like. I actually prefer spring islands, but this one is nice too. Ace has also been here for about a year, recovering. We’re not actually -”
The door banged open, making you startle again. You were getting tired of Ace scaring you, it made you even more anxious than you already were. You had to put down the cup you’d been holding your hands were so unsteady. Ace stalked over to the counter, sitting at the next bar stool. He moved Sabo’s hat from in front of his seat to the couch rather delicately, you noticed. He frowned at you but didn’t say anything.
“Welcome back, Ace. Want some food?” Sabo ladeled some incredible smelling stew over rice, handing the bowl to Ace. Ace grunted, and started shoveling it in with a spoon. Literally shoveling. “We’ll do introductions after you’ve eaten,” Sabo declared. Ace barely looked up from his food. Sabo handed another bowl to you.
“For you, Mag - er - what should I call you now? I know you asked me not to call you by that atrocious nickname anymore.” You took the bowl and set it down, thinking. You didn’t want him to know your real name, to know even more information about you than he already did.
“Um, I’m not -” 
Sabo cut you off, smiling. “How about Sunshine?” Sabo was clearly excited about this idea, but you couldn’t understand the nickname. Was he making fun of you?
“Sunshine? Why Sunshine?” You gave him a distrustful look. 
“Because you make my day brighter!” Sabo said with a grin. That earned another grunt from Ace, who looked like he was about to pass out face down. Even though you were at his mercy, you didn’t like Sabo mocking you.
“I don’t think so, I don’t - I don’t do that. That’s not me.” You looked down at your stew, not wanting to meet his gaze. You felt a leather glove underneath your chin, pulling your head up to look at Sabo, who had a fond look on his face. 
“It’s true. You are my sunshine. You’ll believe me eventually.” Sabo rubbed his thumb over your cheek, then let go. You felt confused. You liked Sabo - well, had liked Sabo - but this was too much for you. You were his only romantic choice on the island, that was probably why he was doing weird things. You ignored it for now. 
“Now then, Ace, this is Sunny. Sunny, this is Ace,” Sabo said, taking the seat on your other side. You were in between the two brothers and it was uncomfortably silent.
“Ace, say hello. Don’t be rude,” Sabo said in a clipped tone. You could tell Sabo was getting annoyed, and that made you worried. You’d never seen Sabo mad before, but you could tell it wasn’t something you wanted to see. Ace still didn’t say anything, steadfastly staring at his bowl as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. “Pardon us for a moment,” Sabo said to you, smiling. With that, he walked around you and grabbed Ace by the ear. Sabo yanked him backwards off the stool, causing Ace to yelp and stumble. Sabo didn’t let go and dragged a floundering Ace out the door, slamming it behind them. You heard a muffled Sabo talking to his brother, mentioning something about manners and hospitality. You finally heard Ace’s voice as he shouted back at his brother. 
“FINE!” Ace yelled at Sabo, opening the door again. He gave you a once over, like he was finally seeing you.
“I’m Ace. Nice to meet you,” he grumbled, inclining his head slightly. He sat back down next to you and picked his spoon back up.
“I’m, uh, Sunny, I guess?” You’d go with Sabo’s cringey suggestion for now. You didn’t think he knew your identity and you weren’t going to provide it. 
“Great! Now we all know each other. I met Sunny at Bayonette -”
“You kidnapped me from Bayonette,” you interjected quietly. You weren’t going to let him forget that you weren’t here voluntarily. 
“You a Marine?” Ace asked, still watching his food.
“Yes,” you replied.
“No,” Sabo replied at the same time. “She was a Marine, but no longer.” You looked at Sabo curiously. Sometimes the way he spoke reminded you of nobles you’d met a few times. But you didn’t know any nobles who joined the Revolutionary Army. It was probably just a quirk, like his suits and top hat. Ace finished his stew and got off his chair.
“See ya around,” he said, going to his room and shutting the door behind him.
Sabo POV
Ace was being annoying but the introduction had actually gone better than Sabo had expected. Ace hadn’t seen anyone besides Sabo since they’d come to live on the island together over a year ago. It was time for Ace to start reacclimating to society, starting with meeting new people. When he met you, he knew you’d be a good person for Ace to befriend. You were smart but oblivious, kind but reserved, intelligent but humble, similar qualities to those Ace had. Since Marineford, Ace’s self confidence and self worth issues had increased exponentially. Sabo tried talking to him about it but he could tell that Ace wasn’t taking to heart what Sabo said. Maybe if he heard it from someone else he would actually listen.
You were still eating, but Sabo unfortunately had work to do before the end of the day. All part of being second in command of an army, he supposed. 
“Stay here and finish your food,” Sabo declared, pouring you another cup of water. “I have to make a call in my office, it shouldn’t take too long. When you’re done eating, feel free to explore the house or the island. If you’re cold, there’s more clothes in our room. Wear anything you want.” Sabo said, putting a hand on your back. You looked up at him like a little lamb, large eyes so innocent and lost. He wanted to wrap you up in his arms and kiss you, but he knew it wasn’t the time. He had nearly lost his self control when he saw you in his hat, picturing you riding his cock wearing it and nothing else. He’d get some physical contact with you again tonight, after you slept. You’d be sharing a bed, whether you knew it or not. 
Sabo left you and walked briskly to his office, needing to call Dragon. He’d delayed calling for a while, wanting to get his thoughts in order before calling his boss. Sabo didn’t like doing anything impulsively, he preferred to plan meticulously and strategically. He needed to ensure Dragon saw the benefit of having you as an RA asset, rather than some woman he grabbed for comfort. He woke the white den den mushi and started placing his call.
Puru puru puru puru puru puru…
Dragon picked up on the second ring. 
“It’s Sabo. Mission ‘Bastille’ completed, with a deviation in plans.” He knew Koala would have informed Dragon already but he wanted the boss to hear it from him as well.
“Welcome back. Go on.” 
“No further research will be completed on the project, permanently. I was not able to destroy the base as desired but will return at a later date to do so.”
“Why? You were there long enough.”
“A complication arose. I captured the lead scientist, she was working alone. She remains with me at the current time. She could be a critical asset for the RA.” Sabo didn’t actually care if Dragon approved or not, but his life would be easier if he did. Dragon didn’t answer so Sabo continued.
“I believe her to be the scientist behind Project Angel. Her area of expertise and writing style suggest it. She could continue innovation on the project, perhaps to completion.” Sabo let it drop, he knew Dragon well enough to know he was thinking over the proposition. The line went silent for 30 seconds. 
“Gain her confidence, have her work on furthering the project. She may remain in your custody as long as you believe her research to be credible. A ship will be sent to your location.” Sabo smiled to himself. Dragon was hooked, as Sabo knew he’d be. He knew dropping his thoughts about your involvement with Project Angel was enough to show your usefulness. Sabo wasn’t going to let anything happen to you, no matter what the outcome of the conversation was, but he wanted to provide you with purpose. You could serve the Revolutionary Army, at least from afar. Sabo wasn’t surprised Dragon ordered him to the base, but also wasn’t happy about it. He would have to leave you on the island with Ace for a few weeks. But, it would give the two of you time to bond and enjoy each other’s company. Ace, despite his vocal objections, craved human comfort and contact, which you would provide to him. 
Sabo’s heart felt lighter, despite the news of upcoming travel, as he hung up the snail. He wrote a few notes on some reports, read through a note or two and then decided to leave for the night. He left the office door ajar purposefully. He knew you were hiding in the bathroom and listening in, but he wanted to see what you would do. He went from the office to your shared room to freshen up the linens and prepare the room for the night. And to watch you, of course.
Your POV
After your dinner, you’d gone to the restroom near Sabo’s office. You hadn’t been planning on snooping ( again…) but while coming out, you heard yourself being mentioned in conversation. You would need to gather all the information you could if you wanted to escape the island. You heard the tail end of Sabo’s conversation with…Dragon? Obviously, if Sabo was second in command, the only person who could give him orders was the Supreme Commander, Dragon. You were just surprised to hear the deep voice coming out of the snail, you couldn’t imagine any other Marine had heard it and lived. 
Sabo said you had been involved in ‘Project Angel,’ but you weren’t sure what that was. You’d never worked on anything with that name, but maybe the RA gave their own code names to Marine projects. You weren’t generally working on complete projects, just given assignments that didn’t always link together. How did they know about your work anyway? How did Sabo know your writing style? None of it was published, it was all classified information that only top Marines had access to. 
Your stomach soured as you heard Dragon confirm the conclusion you’d already drawn yourself. Sabo wanted you to work for them, maybe on the assignment you had been assigned when Sabo kidnapped you. Dragon had given him direct orders to get you to complete work for them by gaining your confidence. No wonder Sabo had started touching you and put his hat on your head. He was trying to endear himself to you by any means necessary. You distantly wondered if any of it was real or if it was all engineered to make you fall for him. Anything for the cause, you supposed. You felt dejected, cast aside yet again. 
During your stay on the ship, you’d gotten too comfortable with Sabo, relying on him time and time again. Well, no longer. You were determined to get off the island, get back to the Marines and never see Sabo ever again. Besides, you had started worrying about your family again. They might have heard news that you were kidnapped, which would devastate them. Even more than that, you were anxious about what would happen to them now that your paychecks wouldn’t be coming in. You hadn’t worked for the Marines long enough to have a pension, only a small payout if you died in the call of duty. But since you weren’t confirmed dead, your family wouldn’t be eligible. You chewed on your cuticle as you thought of your sister with EDS, your overworked mother, and your younger siblings. You would either have to escape soon or come up with another way to get money to them. 
You heard Sabo leave the office, the door left open. He did say you could go into any unlocked room in the house. If he didn’t want you going to his office, he would have told you it was off limits or locked it. Peeking out of the door, you made sure Sabo wasn’t there. You darted from the bathroom to the office as quickly as you could. The office was the same as it was when he gave you the house tour in the afternoon. It was small but cozy, with an overstuffed loveseat against one wall, and a large desk that took up most of the space in the room. On the desk were many papers in different piles, sorted by category. There were piles of books and articles about Devil Fruits, some old newspaper clippings, and letters and reports related to the RA. In the corner of the desk was an old photo of him and Ace as kids, with another young boy. That must be the third brother Sabo mentioned once. They looked happy, all their faces squished together smiling. Sabo was wearing a smaller version of the same hat, and he and Ace had lead pipes. It made you think about your own siblings. You chewed on your nail as your hand shook.
On the opposing corner was the snail that Sabo had used to call Dragon. It looked different than snails you’d seen before. You’d never been given your own Marine snail, you just used the office one when you needed to make any calls. Creeping over to the sleeping snail, you put your shaking hand out to wake it up. Maybe you could call your base and tell them that you were alive? Let them know where you were? You were nervous, scared that Sabo would find you and punish you for trying to call for help.
Putting your shaking hand on the snail’s shell, it woke up and waited for you to make a call. You wavered back and forth, unsure what to do. Ultimately, you pulled your hand back, the snail returning to slumber. You didn’t want to waste a good opportunity when you didn’t have information. You didn’t know where you were or any coordinates that could help them find you. The call could be traced but only if you were able to stay on the line for 3 minutes or longer, which you didn’t think you could do without Sabo finding out. No, you’d wait to make a call when you thought it more advantageous. Maybe Ace could be tricked into giving you more information.
Sabo POV
Sabo was proud of you. He knew it wasn’t fair to test you, he knew you were still unsure of what his intentions were. After overhearing his phone call with Dragon, surely you understood that Sabo respected you for your abilities, not just your looks. He watched you extend a shaking hand to the snail, even going so far as to wake it up. You didn’t know, but the snail would only call Dragon, it was a white den den mushi. Chewing your lip, you were at a crossroads but decided not to call. Sabo was happy to see that your trust in him was growing, that you didn’t immediately reach out for rescue. You were starting to accept your place with him and on the island. Maybe you thought to find out more information first, he mused, but Sabo wasn’t foolish. He would only leave the snail out this once, taking it with him when he had to leave. Ace had his own that could call Sabo, you’d be fine.
“Find anything interesting?” Sabo asked, making you squeak. He was leaning against the door jamb, watching you look at his desk. He felt bad for scaring you, but it was hard not to when everything made you jump.
“Oh, uh, n-no, nothing. Just, um, looking. I-it’s ok, right? You said I could?” If Sabo’s soldiers acted like you did when caught, he would send them all back to basic training. But in you it was endearing.
“Of course you can look. Anything that is accessible is available to you. It’s your house too,” Sabo said, smiling kindly at you. You were still nibbling on your lip, making Sabo want to do the same. “You look tired, would you like to go to sleep?”
You nodded, looking up at him through your lashes. Sabo knew you’d be tired since you drank 5 cups of the drugged water. He should tell Ace not to drink it, he thought, otherwise the lug would sleep even more than he already did. But that was tomorrow’s problem. 
“Come, I’ll show you the bedroom.” Sabo crossed the room and took you by the crook of your elbow before you could protest. Yes, it was 15 feet away, but Sabo wanted to touch you as much as he could. He guided you out of the office to your room. You poked your head in.
“There’s - there’s only one bed,” you sputtered. Sabo smiled, tightening his grip on your arm. 
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strebcr · 5 months
Permanent starter call! Since the cool kids are doing it 👍
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By liking this, it gives me permission too and you're comfortable with me doing the following:
Come at you with AU’s for our muses
Throw my dumb little goth man at you anytime
Tag You In Stuff that reminds me of our muses
Draw you things occasionally or make you some dumb edits
Plotting possible ships, be it family, friend, rival, enemy, or romantic or just plotting stuff in general. I'm not the best plotter in the world but it's something I'm trying to get better at!
Invade your ask inbox with starters or random interactions. Bare in mind as well, that this goes double for all of you! You all can send me stuff as well! In fact I hope you do!!
Send you headcanons about our muses
Writing random things for you (that is always free to be ignored, there is never any pressure to reply anything random).
Letting me know it's okay to drop by your DMs with a idea I got or idk just to say hi (and also same can be done to me).
If you're not comfortable with liking this that's fine too! Nothing we've done previously or any interactions we've had in the past will be affected, both IC and OOC whatsoever! This is just for me to gage what you're comfortable with, there's no pressure what so ever! Also you're free to do the same stuff to me. I encourage it!!
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crimsononiarataki · 1 month
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I finally decided to post this. By liking this post you're giving me various permissions and they go both ways.
I can send/spam you with memes/asks whenever. (You don't need to answer everything don't worry!)
I can message you at any time regardless of the time about our muses and any ideas I've come up with for them.
I'm allowed to make edits/aesthetics/art for our muses friend/relationship.
Message you for plotting whenever I think of something.
Come up with a billion AUs or situations for our muses to go through together.
All I ask is that we're mutuals (or I follow you & your main/hub blog if you're a sideblog) and that you don't pressure me for responses to asks/memes/threads.
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gatheredfates · 6 months
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Hello there! Do you like participating in dashboard games? Do you enjoy being harassed multiple times when you reblog ask games or prompts like these? Boy, do I have a deal for you!
This is my permanent interaction call, a place for me to track peoples' interests in me interacting beyond my question drives and other miscellaneous calls. Ticking this box is basically you saying "Hi Sea! Please interact with me!" because I do sometimes worry I may come across as annoying and/or overwhelming. By liking this post you'll get tagged in some of my ask games, I'll try to send you asks if I see them, and I'll probably be a bit more chatty in your personal posts if you make them. ⭐
This call is for mutual followers only and entirely opt in, meaning you can unlike this post at any time without drama. This is different to my community projects, which are open to anyone.
So, if you're interested, smash that like button (so the youtubers say) and I'll try to include you the next time a game pops up on my dash!
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For my archived permanent interaction call, you can click here.
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badstepsmoving · 4 months
this is a permanent interaction call! if you give this post a like, that means that you are letting me know you are okay with the following ...
send you inbox prompts, send you unprompted personalized writings to your inbox, tag you in random starters, and reach out for possible plots.
by liking this post it helps me understand what exactly you would like to see from me when it comes to our interactions. you are more than welcome to like this post if we have interacted before or if we haven't interacted at all.
if you like this post, you will get: one personalized inbox prompt right off the bat.
the only thing i ask from you is to let me know if you have any muse pairings in mind. if you do not reply to this post with any muse pairings, i'll just pick a muse that i think will work well and throw them your way.
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I finally decided to post this. By liking this post you're giving me various permissions and they go both ways.
I can send/spam you with memes/asks whenever. (You don't need to answer everything don't worry!)
I can message you at any time regardless of the time about our muses and any ideas I've come up with for them.
I'm allowed to make edits/aesthetics/art for our muses friend/relationship.
Message you for plotting whenever I think of something.
Come up with a billion AUs or situations for our muses to go through together.
All I ask is that we're mutuals (or I follow you & your main/hub blog if you're a sideblog) and that you don't pressure me for responses to asks/memes/threads.
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likemosaic · 5 months
sometimes i like to pop into people's inboxes and write people ask drabbles when the mood strikes me, but i'm always worried about asking permission to do so. if you like this post, you're giving me blanket permission to send you random ic asks as the inspiration strikes. whether they're from memes on my blog or yours, or just a little drabble i came up with for our characters. this may include starters on the rarest of rare occasions, but more likely, i'll send you something in your inbox and leave the opportunity for us to make it into a thread if you're down. they can also just be one-offs if that's what you prefer, no biggie. if you ever change your mind and want me to NOT send you random asks anymore, just unlike this post. i'll be adding it in my pinned post for easy access. and of course, i'm always open to receiving the same thing from my roleplay partners, no liking the post necessary for that. if you haven't liked the post, i'll still politely ask before sending you anything random--this post just skips that step for you.
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countlessrealities · 7 months
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If we are MUTUALS, give this post a LIKE if:
I can message you OOC you to tell you about ideas for plots or dynamics between our muses, even for combinations that we have never mentioned before;
I can message you OOC, to discuss ideas and our current threads, headcanons, or tell you how much I loved your last reply / post / art / headcanon / anything;
You’re alright with me sending you asks & memes, IC or OOC (no pressure at all if you don’t feel like answering them for any reasons!);
I can tag you in stuff, like fill-in memes and chains, but also in headcanons, posts, pictures, etc. that reminds me of your muse(s) and/or of our interactions.
If you want me to do only some of these things but not others, please, feel free to IM me to let me know, or write it in the notes of this post!
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azurescaled · 7 months
Permanent Interaction Call
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Nothing super fancy about this, just a general post giving mutual permission to:
Throw our muses at each other.
Establish relationships between muses after plotting
Me coming in to invade your house and tell you about ideas I got
You throwing bricks through my window with plots taped to them
Maybe making OCs together?
Me being a general nuisance.
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marblecarved · 4 months
here's a permanent interaction call ! ♡ by liking this post, you are encouraging me to: randomly send you memes, write a starter for our characters whenever the muse comes to visit, approach you for plotting and whatever else includes interacting with you and your characters !
this is for my mutuals only ! you're welcome to like this whether we are already interacting or haven't gotten around to it yet. 
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the-expatriate · 1 year
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If you're of a mind to (and if you really want to), giving this post a tap gives me permission to:
Tag you in starters!
Send you unprompted asks/memes/fun things
Scream at you OOC on here/discord/into the sky about things
Plotting things on here/discord/into the sky
And liking this post gives YOU permission to:
Throw me in the bin.
Everyone's a winner, yeah?!
So if you would like to, give this post a tap. Cheers - PariMun/Nat x
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greenelight · 2 months
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hey    there    !    you    know    the    drill    !    like    this    post    if    you'd    be    alright    with    plotting    ,    yelling    about    our    muses together    ,    creating    cool    dynamics    ,    sending    each    other    sweet    memes    &    maybe    the    occasional    surprise    starter    or    two    !    if    you're    a    multi    ,    please    let    me    know    which    characters    you    want mason to    interact    with    in    a    comment    below.    please    feel    free    to    check    out    the    verses    i    have    available    or    we    can    create    one    together    !    looking forward to all the cool interactions , both old & new ! 💚
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helluva-hazbins · 2 months
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Liking this post will show me you are interested in interactions for Lucifer Morningstar muse. And always alright with the following!
Receiving Inbox msgs and memes from muse.
Being tagged in starters randomly.
Muse leaving unprompted comments on your posts.
Muse interacting with all of your open posts.
You are comfortable with muse commenting on your dash activity.
Muse will form a continuity with yours.
This will let me know you are predominately here for interactions with this muse.
If muse moves to a new blog this will help show you are interested in a refollow.
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strebcr · 8 months
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Meowdy, this is my first time doing one of these but all the cool kids are doing it! I wanna be a cool kid 👍 By liking or commenting under this post you are letting me know that you are interested in receiving ask, starter and message to plot & maybe more to come. Of course if you don't wanna like this post that's fine too!! You can always hop into my asks or IMs or DMs regardless!
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