#🌸this could be paradise🌙 au
honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Okay, okay... I had another au idea... It's a bit like the 🌺Lotus Eater AU, but... this would be its cousin au, kinda? Their themes match a bit, so do a few elements, but they're both stand-alone AUs?
I call this one... 🌸This Could Be Paradise🌙 (AU)...
A basic plot/premise for it would go something like this:
Reader wakes up on a strange (what they assume is an) island, but it's rather... big. It has fresh water almost in every water environment, it has plentiful fruits and vegetables and even prey animals, such as fish and chickens and cows... It's... quiet, though.
Then, one day, someone shows up.
(I'm going to say... Gambit... becausewe need a bit of comfort and so does he, after @][>)÷= @][>)÷=) (and he's a fun character, who's like a big brother/fun uncle)
And for once since they've been there, Reader feels hopeful and not wary, because this is someone they know, someone who is usually easy to talk to, and will likely have a plan to get off wherever they are.... Except he doesn't. He's acting... weird. According to him, he knows only his name and a few faces; otherwise, he doesn't remember anything besides waking up in a dark cavern on the island...
Reader is understandably freaked out.
Okay, the man with the plan doesn't remember much, if anything. So that leaves Reader as the idea person. Okay. They'll try to work with that.
Good news: The island isn't hostile and has plenty to eat and drink. There's no violent or crazy people so far. And if there IS a problem, they aren't currently running from it, so that's a plus. Does that make the situation good? ... No, not really. But it does make it better than 85% of most other insane situations they've been in. Bad news: They're (possibly?) alone on an unknown island. They haven't seen anyone else. And the only one of them who knows enough to remember they're in a weird, if not bad, situation, is Reader. Not the worst situation they've been in, again. But not ideal, either. So their plan?
They get to explore every inch of the island they're on, until something pops up that can help them.
It works.... albeit after three days of trying to explain Remy's life to him, with him mostly not believing Reader, or thinking they're very creative, but not remembering things correctly. They find a large, grandiose, very very odd... house? mansion? mall? city?... whatever it is. It's very big, it's spacious, and it's clean, from what they can tell. There are buildings within this one large one? Yet it doesn't make sense. (How can any of these places be here?) There are a few museums, galleries, aquariums, cafes... large rooms full of blankets and pillows and beddings... even things likes pools and gardens and balconies and whatever else one can imagine. Reader and Gambit, after going deeper inside the vast place, do find someone... It's one of their friends/teammates/mentors... (Reader is so glad that Gambit recognizes that mutant, because maybe now someone will think they aren't crazy)... Yeah. So, they do think Reader is the odd one out. According to them, they've been there the entire time, and they don't remember ever not being there...
Reader is rightfully scared now.
The two of them are invited to join the others, and while Gambit accepts, happy to see more of the people he remembers, Reader hesitates. They eventually accept, but keep their distance. Each step they take, every turn and new hall and new room, only makes them feel more on edge... They eventually meet with the others. For the most part, things seem okay on a surface level. But deeper? Most of them either don't remember anything before waking up in the buildings or cavern, or they simply change the subject... So Reader, while the others are distracted, slips away, going to find the root of the problem...
And somehow, they don't find anything.
The island is mostly empty, save for the animals and some diffent environments, but otherwise? There aren't any other buildings beside the... whatever the big one was. There aren't any other people there that Reader can tell. And they seem to be the only one who remembers... anything. No one seemed hurt. No one was unhappy. But... what the fr*ck is going on?
They find their answer when they eat a few odd flowers/fruits...
Their taste is sweet, saccharine... Their colors are appealing, inviting... Their scent is calming, heavy... But when Reader takes a bite...
It's like they can't remember a few things. And when they take another, smaller bite... those memories only blur further...
Suffice to say, they toss the flower/fruit as far from them as they can, and go to tell the others.
They do get to the building, navigating the complicated corridors and halls, and eventually find one of the adults. Reader explains everything, and the adult agrees with them, at the least saying it makes sense... only to then ask what's wrong with it. Leaving Reader confused and growing more nervous by each minute. The adult points out that they realize they are not from there, that they've known the entire time, but... do they really want to go back to where they used to be? What they remember, the few things not completely blurred out or wiped from their mind, depicts nightmares, hatred, fear, violence... So they ask Reader if that's what they remember too, and if so, are they really wanting to go back to that? To trade what is ultimately a safe haven, a paradise for all of them, for what sounds like H*ll?
Reader is quiet for a moment... and then they leave.
They're alone. None of their friends/family/teammates believe them, or they if they do, they're purposefully keeping quiet about the truth. Except... They get an idea. What if maybe the flowers/fruits act as a mind control/brainwashing thing as well? It's sweet as sugar, it smells like lavender and honey and chamomile, it's nice to look at... so what if it's purpose isn't just to make everyone's mind be wiped, but it was made or specialized to make them want to stay that way as well? ... It's gutsy, is what it is. And to find out, Reader is going to have to be very careful... There's one person who has been around them, and despite thinking they're odd, they'll likely go along with what Reader has planned: Remy...
Reader is careful, approaching him. They ask if he's willing to help them figure something out, to see if they're crazy or not... And they feel guilty when his eyes soften and he's trying to say they're not; yet Reader asks if he can let them explain... With a nod as their answer, they do: He and the others eat a sweet flower/fruit, and drink whatever juices or nectar come from it, right? Well... what would happen if they stopped eating it? Just for a while? Reader sighs in relief when Gambit agrees, then asks if they can keep it a secret until their test/game is over... which he agrees to, if only to cheer them up and calm them down...
Spending a week watching everyone and making sure their plan isn't found out is difficult. It's trying, especially when Reader is trying not to draw attention to themself or what they and Remy are doing... It's even harder when no matter what the conversation is about, Reader feels like they can't really say much because they know too much, and they'll be written off or considered more insane... Yet finally, (praise the heavens finally) five days have passed, and they can check on Remy... and they feel guilty, seeing how he seems nervous and fidgety for once. Because apparently they were right. It only takes a few pokes and prods at his memory for everything to come back, and Reader is soon trying to comfort him, because now he knows, too, and he isn't sure how to get them out. Somehow, after talking over what Reader's found, they devise a plan...
They need to leave. As soon as possible. If they can get someone else to follow them, then if they're too busy searching, then the two of them can try to drag them with them so they can make a rescue plan. Their one problem? Who to pick...
Whomever they choose, Reader is apologizing the entire way to them, all while Remy keeps trying to keep the peace between the three of them and keep them from running off. They have at most a week or two before they're caught, if they're lucky. Slowly, while they stay hidden and keep moving, the person they caught slowly feels the effects slipping away... And they slowly try to get Reader to confirm what is or isn't true, asking what their plan is...
And then during one night, it all goes south...
Remy wakes up to find their third member is missing, so he goes to find them, or at the least goes to see if they are on their side or not... Before he can find them, he's caught by a few of the adult platonic yans, who explain that they can't let them leave... Something saccharine and honey is forced into his mouth, and when's he's forced to swallow, his mind starts to blur around the edges... He tries to fight it, tries to fight them, but each movement sends him stumbling, to the point he's being held up... The last thing he hears before he blacks out is a soft apology, then everything fades to nothing...
Reader wakes up, possibly sensing the danger, and realizes they're alone. They carefully call out for Remy, then the other friend/teammate... And are met with cold, crushing silence. In a heartbeat they're up, staggering through the dark and hunting for any clues they can find... They stumble upon where Remy was caught, and a bit off is another area, showing signs of a struggle... and Reader realizes they truly are on their own now...
Reader goes to rescue them, able to enter and explore the behemoth building without any problem or kerfuffle... But everything in the building is so... quiet... Dark... A secret threat waiting to pounce... Reader manages to find a hall that smells of antiseptic and that thick, heavy scent of honey and nectar, and goes down it. They stumble into a lab area, soon finding Remy incapacitated, and Reader takes a step forward...
Only to hear a shift behind them, barely dodging just in time.
They weren't alone in the room. They'd been followed the whole time.
A few of the adults are there, and in the dim light of the shadows, Reader can almost swear their eyes glow a soft, faint pink. They say they need to stay still, and let themself be taken care of... That they've been feeling unwell, and that it's not necessary for them to hold on to the past, to the pain...
Reader runs, darting away from the hands that go to grab them. They're able to keep distance between themself and the others, carefully not to touch anything or slip... Yet when they notice one is missing...
Something heavy slams into them, holding them still, and the next thing they know something pricks them... A gentle feeling fills them, soft and sleepy and quiet, yet no matter how Reader tries to break free, they're soon limp, limbs heavy and head foggy, as they're carried to a medical table. Something... someone... says something, but it's faded before Reader registers what it is... Something wraps around their wrists, then their ankles... an object is placed against their face, forcing something sweet and thick into their senses... and slowly, everything fades...
(Reader wakes up awhile later, and are told they and Remy are going to be forced to forget what happened, their past, everything before waking up on the island... That it's for their own good, for everyone's good, and that they're only going to hurt themselves trying to escape. And for what? To go back to a world that hates them? That reviles them? A world that almost killed them? No... They'll be safer, healthier, happier, where they are. All they have to do is let themselves be taken care of, to let them get the medicine, that honeyed, nectary sweetness, back into their system, and everything will be okay... Just take calm, deep breaths, and let them handle everything, okay? They've got them... they're safe... Just take a deep breath... and relax...)
(Reader has a plan to escape, but... that is for part two...😉) (If you have questions about this AU, or the 📒Mutant High🧪 AU or 🖤Dark AU, feel free to ask them! I'm just not doing requests at the moment😊)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Sorry that I was a little absent the last day, I was busy sewing. But I read through all of the Dino Squad Au posts (which I loved btw) - I especially loved the reader is the smol dino and the others don’t know that they are the dino.
Now about you dark!dino au post? What exactly would that entail? I��d like some details.
Also I read the this could be paradise post and the lotus eater post and honestly I love it!!! and I’d actually not be opposed to eating that shit, because it sounds so peaceful. The question I have is this? What would happen if the reader was somehow immune to the thing that makes them all “pink”? Like if the food or the meds don’t work on them?
Also about the High school Au parent question: I think Charles is a good contestant, just because he has the headmaster vibe and the reader gives off giant favorite student vibes. Also Erik for the same reasons and because he seems like he’d be a strict and feared teacher, but a total simp for reader and he’d let them off with everything.
Also, while I’m at it, what would happen if in the dark!au, reader accidentally passes away while the four are on the run, because of the previous injuries they got when they were kidnapped and tortured, and the other three can’t handle it and the other mutants find the three around reader’s body, completely distraught. (If this is too angsty/Dark, I’m sorry)
- BeaBee 🐝
No worries, 🐝BeaBee! You take care of yourself first and foremost, okay? I can wait. It's no problem. We all have lives outside of Tumblr, and those have to be taken care of. So it's okay.😊
For the Dino Squad AU: Depending on which AU/post you read, Reader is either a Dakotahraptor or Compsagnathus, since you're referring to a small dino... There is also a post where they were a Spinosaurus, so if you want, you can check that out, too! The main AU has Reader, Scott, Rogue, Remy, and Pietro as the five Dino Squad members and Reader is a Dakotahraptor there, while a request someine asked for was if i could do the Brotherhood with a Compsagnathus Reader...
For the Dark Dino Squad AU: Something bad happens that makes Reader wounded or ill, this causing their teammates to turn to Victor (who takes the place of Veloci in the AU), and they kinda go to the dark side. So Reader is possibly on borrowed time or at the least wounded, trying to escape/talk sense into everyone (Logan is in the background, unhappily, as he did not agree to contact his crazy older brother) (This has a few ways it could go, but I'm deciding which path to ultimately take at the moment... it's a hard choice...)
For the Lotus Eater or This Could Be ParadiseAU (as I'm not sure if you meant just one of them or both of them): Huh... if Reader were immune... that might be a problem. Because now the platonic yan adults are trying to make some serum or drug from the flowers/fruits that WILL work, all while Reader plots their escape and has to play along... (and, well, yes! It is hard to say no to the flowers/fruits, and I know eating one doesn't sound so bad, if only to forget for a few small hours, if not awhile longer... and also tastes good, so, there's that going for it!)
For the Mutant High AU (the one you called Mutant Highschool!): So, Charles isn't the headmaster or the parent. If he were, that WOULD be fun! Buuuut in this one instance, he isn't. He IS however, their biology/human anatomy teacher, as well as a school doctor/nurse, because why not? If he were Reader's parent, that would be so sweet! He is a good father figure/adopted dad, but he isn't Reader's biological dad and they aren't his legally adopted child. Reader isn't related to anyone, but they are adopted (found family style) by everyone of the school who are not the (spoilers spoilers spoilers)... I will reveal what I can, but a hint to help you guess what's going on... Watch out for how Erik, Victor, Remy, and Hank act... They know something, but they aren't the problem... rather... they're the ones dealing with it in the shadows... (you are on fire with this AU! So, good job, 🐝BeaBee!!!)
Foe the Dark AU: If Reader actually died... well, you just reached the ultimate angst. The platonic yans would likely not handle it well. Scratch that, if they weren't crazy before (they were, by the way), well, they sure as fr*ck are now. If they had a way to bring Reader back from the dead, say, either a mutant who can do that or a science-y solution, they are doing it, no ifs, ands, or buts... And the other three teens who are with Reader? Remember, they watched Reader die the first time. If they had to go through it a second time? While still newly traumatized by surviving or being brought back from what happened to all four of them? What sanity they have would be on the thinnest sheet of ice. Press any harder, and it all cracks wide open...
(Thank you for asking your questions,🐝BeaBee! I am glad to answer them! If you want to ask anymore questions, feel free to do so! I hope I helped explain a bit about the AUs, and that I gave a few hints as to what's going to happen! Stay safe and take as many breaks as you need, okay?😊) (And I do like hearing from you, and everyone else, but we all have things to do; so no worries. Take whatever time you need. You all don't have to ask any questions. But if you WANT to, you can. Just don't pressure yourself, okay?)
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honey-minded-hivemind · 5 months
Bit of funny timing with the Dark!Dino Squad au. They just discovered a new dinosaur this week, I think they announced it yesterday.
Oooooo... They DID?!?! Oooooh that is SO AWESOME!!!!!!!!😃😆😍😊💖💕 Thank you for telling me, @vivid-bun! Feel free to ask any questions about the Dark 🦖Dino Squad🦕 AU, 📒Mutant High🧪 AU, Dark AU, or 🌸This Could Be Paradise🌙 AU if you want, okay? How have you been? Drink some water and eat a snack when you need to,okay? I'm glad to hear from you!😊💕
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