#🌼: found family
tannieastrology · 7 months
Solar Return Observations #2🌻💛
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🌼💛Just an update so far, I have a 5th house stellium in my chart this year and life has felt so carefree. Life made me get rid of my old crush and made me focus on myself for a while(Pluto) until just friday I met someone new unexpectedly(Vertex). I havent felt this feeling in almost 3 years its really exhilarating feeling like this and I actually have a good feeling about it. It felt like I was meant to cross paths with him at this point in my life right now because im actually focused on my higher self. I feel that Vertex along with other major planets like the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and POF made meeting him feel fated because for one ever since Ive met him ive consequently crossed paths with him multiple times in just the span of 3 days. Its not a deep connection however(5th house) but I hope to beat the odds and make something out of it. So overall, Ive had lots of fun, peace, and new interests in love.
🌼💛So I recently just discovered this, but you can go and find your monthly/daily transit chart and overlap it to your natal or solar return chart to see how your school, career, family, or love life will be. I was wondering why was it that I never got the opportunity to meet someone in matters of romance but i did multiple times in friendships and then I saw that in my transit charts I never had Venus in the 7th house until last month. Venus had always been in like the 11th, the 10th, or the 3rd and school and friends was what was constant in my life. Sometimes even having Venus in the 8th can mean a change in your love life. I even looked all the way through 2022 and 2023 and all 12 months there was not one placement of Venus/Mars/Moon in the 5th or 7th until my transit chart of Febuary 29. Venus conjuncted Mars in the 8th and what happened? I saw the new guy who was exactly my type and I found interest in him. My next transit will be March 30 with Venus, Saturn, and Neptune in the 7th, and Mars conjunct the descendant. Im hoping that things will go well and I can get the courage to talk to him but we'll seeee.
🌼💛Having Jupiter in the 1st just means your whole year will be filled with luck youll just have things fall right into your hands.
🌼💛Uranus in the 9th house is lowkey feeling lost on what path you should take regarding school or just feeling disconnected from school in general. I have this right now and ive been having trouble locking in on my school work and i dont know how i want to plan my schedule for next year. Im just going with the flow atp.
🌼💛Venus in the 4th house means your family will spoil you and make you feel loved.
🌼💛Ok so im not really liking the attention ive been getting from having Lilith exactly conjunct the Ascendant. It feels like every where i go theres been men staring at me creepily and theres this guy on the track team who keeps touching me and crossing my boundries and personal space and it makes me so uncomfortable. Its so grimy and I hate it.
🌼💛Look at the dominant planet and see what house it falls in. Last year i had a dominant planet of moon and it fell in the 12th house conjunct mars. All imma say is that last year was one of the worse but strengthening years for me mentally.
🌼💛Venus in the 9th house means you’ll probably get a chance to travel. I had it in the 4th degree and i went to California from Texas because of a wedding on my moms side.
🌼💛Ive noticed that Vertex in the 5th doesnt always necessarily mean youll meet someone, it just means that youll get a lot of opportunities to go out and have fun.
🌼💛Saturn in the 6th/10th means standing on business.
🌼💛Chiron in the 5th may be a year where you feel burnt out. Make sure to take a break.
🌼💛Moon in libra will beautify a relationship depending on whatever house its in. Ex- first house: your appearance, 3rd: your relationship with siblings, 5th house: with your romantic partners or your inner self. It could also mean you feel romantic this year and could even have more opportunities given to you to express those feelings.
🌼💛7th house Neptune means having dreamy fantasies about people you wanna date. Could have your head in the clouds or you can just have high hopes regarding this area. Could be spiritually calming regarding partnerships but you can be manipulated and gaslighted too if your not careful.
🌼💛Venus in the 10th means being called beautiful all the time during that year. So many strangers used to stop me in the hallways to tell me I was pretty that year.
🌼💛Chiron and Neptune in the 1st means not being able to see your beauty.
🌼💛Venus or Jupiter in the 2nd means splurging on skincare, makeup, and clothes.
🌼💛Having Chiron in the 4th is not fun lol. Could mean family problems, struggling to feel at home when youre at home, and having trouble having a safe space.
🌼💛Leo Ascendant years will make you feel popular.
🌼💛Venus in the 6th could make you follow health, beauty, and workout routines or it could oppositely make you feel lazy and not wanna do anything. It also means feeling comfortable at work or find a interest at work.
🌼💛In 2020 when covid hit I had Saturn in the 5th house and it makes so much sense looking back. We were forced to be isolated and I couldnt go out because of the lockdown. Dont get me wrong though I still had alot of fun with my family but I feel like my middle school experience wouldve been alot different if that hadnt happened.
🌼💛Having a Cancer Ascendant back in 2015 was when my older cousin got married and that was a big event for our family that girl spent almost a 100k on her wedding. She was the first to get married out of the kids in the family. Even having Cancer degrees in the chart will mean change or some significant event in your family life.
Thats all for today hope yall enjoyed:)
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leviathanleva · 5 months
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Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem Reader [DARK FIC]
Description: Cooper Howard was not a kind man, he cared for nobody, but himself. Then he found you, a lost little dove, barefoot and crying, torn dress and big innocent eyes staring at him like he was a hero. He knew you’d be a burden, he knew you couldn’t survive in the wasteland, he was doing you a favor.
But he couldn’t pull the fucking trigger...
[4k words]
Chapter 1 "The Savior"
Since the day you were born, there was something horribly wrong with you.
You had no immune system, your skin was paper-thin, you couldn’t exercise without collapsing, and every nerve in your body was in constant pain. There was no use for you aside from being a measly archive keeper and book transcriber. Your father was a weak man, despite your disabilities and how costly it was for the rest of your Vault, he kept you alive, consumed by the idea of finally finding a cure for his little girl.
Every single moment since your birth, you had spent in this squeaky clean, insanity-inducing, paper-ridden medical room. Everything was plagued by the stench of medicine and spirit, disinfected down to the core. The floor and walls and even the ceiling were covered in a leather cushioned layer to prevent any injuries, sparkling white, of course. Who needed color when the stench of new paint might cause you a migraine?
In honesty, you’d give away half of your miserable life just to see color outside of the packaged book covers stacked neatly on the floor. You built a makeshift city out of them, following the pictures drawn in an old magazine you’d read ages ago and kept hidden under your pillow. With time, you learned how to make paper flowers out of some stray files that nobody would miss. You had to find some solace, something to keep you from crying your delicate heart out every night because this was no way for anyone to live.
You weren’t just isolated from the world above, but from everything, only getting glimpses of the bright metal vault corridor and bustling dwellers whenever your father would open that wretched vacuum-sealed door to give you medicine. You knew people’s names and faces, everyone in your vault was memorized to the letter, but you’d never met them and probably never would.
You were never given your own Pip-boy, never assigned as a potential marriage candidate, and you’d never have children or any family once your parents passed away. A small part of you knew that you wouldn’t even outlive them, frail and genetically inferior as you were. You’d die within the next few years and you’d take the burden of your existence off the shoulders of everyone who worked tirelessly to find a solution to your illness.
You waited for that day with hope, dreaming of the end of the torture and solitude.
You had pleaded with your father that night with angry tears in your eyes to at least bring you coloring pencils or crayons or a radio to chat with the rest of the residents and make friends. But, as usual, he had refused gently while rocking you in his arms, cooing at you with a regretful tone and pain carving deep wrinkles in his features. Then he’d smiled at you, melting away your worry and frustration and misery, and he’d kissed your forehead tenderly. He still treated you like a little girl and to him, you’d always be one. He wiped your tears away and hope shone in his eyes, they looked exactly like yours, that was the only thing you’d taken from him. Everything else was a gift from your mother and you often looked in the mirror just to remember what she resembled.
She’d stopped visiting a long time ago, months, maybe even years, you weren’t sure. The passing of time was a fickle matter when you were caged in a cushioned prison every single day.
Your father hummed softly, lulling you while he gently tucked you into the nursing bed and secured the oxygen mask over your mouth. He was your angel, your only salvation, your only source of conversation and comfort and interaction and love. He adjusted the catheter back into your vein before fluffing up your pillow.
“This might be it, Sweetheart.” he whispered while watching you doze off slowly, his gaze held such affection for you. He placed a new IV bag to drain into your arm, one you’d not seen before, but you trusted him. This was nothing new. He came up with a new medicine recipe every month, without fail. “This might just be the cure. You’ll tell me how you feel tomorrow.”
You can only sigh and give your best smile, unable to share his enthusiasm after so many failed attempts. He rubbed a thumb over your sickly-colored cheek, his skin like sandpaper against yours, worn and calloused from spending a lifetime in the vault’s field.
“Have some faith in your old man.”
“I do, dad…I’m just so tired of this…”you bite into your tongue to keep more tears from spilling, and your bottom lip trembles despite your best efforts to tame it. Watching his face falter breaks your heart and you suck it up, push your tantrum down and pout instead. “And you’re not old.”
He laughs at your whiney remark, the first laugh he’d had in a long time, and he slicks back your hair, taking note that he needed to trim it soon before it got too long. Maybe when he had the energy, he’d sit down for more than a few minutes and braid it like he used to when you were just a child.
“I know you are, Baby girl, I know.” he shushes you with the utmost care and stands. “Just a little longer and you’ll be strong enough to help your pop pick out the tatoes. Get your pretty hands all dirty and then have a big plate of spam for a job well done.” he gazed at you, masking his sorrow and bitterness at the cruelty life had forced upon you. His hand hovered over the lamp switch and he glanced one last time at the brand-new IV bag slowly emptying in your bloodstream. “Night, Sweetheart. Love you.”
Too stricken with grief over your miserable lifestyle, you didn’t return his tender words, hoping he understood and knew that you loved him just as much if not more. When the lights went out, your eyelids closed, squeezing out a few lonely tears in the darkness before you begrudgingly drifted off to sleep. A dreamless slumber when you were gently rocked through the foggy confines of your subconsciousness.
Your one wish was to see the world outside, uncaring if it were a wasteland or a paradise, ignorant of the dangers and naïve towards the people who potentially lived up there. You just wanted to be free, even if it would cost you your life, you wanted to see the sky just once, wanted to prove to yourself that no, it looked better than any picture your father had shown you. You wanted to swim in the ocean and see fishes and see a whale, a creature so big it was unfathomable to imagine, you wanted to taste the salty sea water and become sick and just be happy to be alive for once. You wanted to feel the grass beneath your feet, to touch snow and dance in the rain until you slipped and fell in a puddle only to splash in it because you’d never seen or felt any nature.
You just wanted to live…
The hours ticked by in a hazy blur as you lay lifelessly on your bed. Your room was partly sound-proof, you heard nothing of the ruckus slowly brewing beyond your medicinal prison. Sleepy soundly, you didn’t hear the slaughter, the begging and pleading voice on the brink of crying before the sickening cracks of broken bones. You didn’t hear the crazed ramblings of the raiders stalking your fellow vault dwellers like it was a game of cat and mouse. Your vault was slowly succumbing to chaos and rampage and it was only when the electricity went out and your door unlatched that you were startled awake.
You bolt up with wide eyes and in a panic, gaze averting to the door and heart skipping a beat when you realize it’s open. With a small grunt and a relieved inhale once the oxygen mask is ripped from your face and tossed on your pillow, you scramble to stand. The IV is disconnected from your arm with an expert touch, replaced by a cotton ball to obscure any heavy bleeding from the open puncture wound. Your bare feet shuffle over the soft floor, slippery against the white leather because you’d unknowingly started to sweat from anticipation.
Was this just another cruel dream?
You walked to the exit with timid footsteps before opening the door wide enough to stick your head out. An incessant voice kept repeating how disappointed your father would be if he saw you sticking your nose out and potentially catching an infection from the unsterile air. That voice was dismissed promptly, this was your first chance at seeing anything beyond the medical room and you’d rather die than miss it.
Had the power gone out? But that was impossible. The power never went out, there had always been a steady flow of electricity for as long as you could remember.
The lights flickered, most were broken, letting the eerie darkness overwhelm all corridors except for one.
“Hello?” you call out hesitantly, shaky voice hoarse with sleep and anxiety both. Looking around, you couldn’t see much, there wasn’t a soul in sight and the silence was deafening. “Dad?”
Nothing. Nothing and no one.
A hand clutched at the door to support your buckling knees and you breathed deeply, encouraging yourself to be brave, that this was your chance. After dutifully gnawing on the inside of your cheek you stepped forth into the crossroads of corridors, letting go of the door and leaving everything familiar and safe behind. Your head whirled so much your neck popped multiple times as you frantically looked around in the scarce light and as terrifying as all of this was, it was also heaven unknown. You had never seen so many things – plant pots, plants, all bright green and juicy, you’d stuck your nail in a particular one only to feel a strange gooey discharge on your finger. It was a succulent, you’d read about those somewhere, very sturdy indeed, very pretty, but had no smell. You liked them already.
The further you went, the more a nagging thought kept creeping up your spine like a chill.
Where was everybody?
You kept looking, following the corridor and under the guidance of blinking lamps. You knew the Vault like the back of your hand after spending countless hours studying its diagrams, having nothing better to do. Now you were experiencing it in person. No longer needing to strain your imagination to picture every nook and cranny, you could see it with your own eyes. The floor was so cold under your feet, but you didn’t care, too high on adrenaline and pure joy to notice such a small inconvenience. A hand glided absentmindedly against the wall, tracing over pipes and posters and glass windows until you prickled your finger on a jagged edge and winced away.
You stuck the winger in your mouth with a pained scowl and glared up, searching for the source of your misfortune.
You froze.
Blood, everywhere, oozing down the wide hole in the window and silently gushing out of the disemboweled corpse of a human being, still warm. And even through the liters of blood and the sickening feeling of nausea that had your eyes dart to the floor, you immediately noticed the dark blue suit they were wearing. A dead vault dweller tossed through the window so hard they’d broken through and gotten impaled on the glass.
A vault dweller.
You stumbled back and wretched, stuffing your mouth in the crook of your elbow and sputtering saliva as your stomach churned with bile. You bumped into a metal cabinet in your stupor, scraping for purchase as your legs lost all function, knocking over a clock and a radio that came to life as soon as it hit the floor. The sound echoed through the Vault, like a haunting melody to the arrival of a new victim, lured out and ready for slaughter. You.
Horror. A massacre, as the light flickered your eyes feasted on more marred flesh and ripped skin and so much blood. Crimson splatter and trails of handprints were strewn over the walls, the echoes of an dire struggle which ended in vein, trails of violence were etched into the hallway. You couldn’t hold it in anymore, you threw up, clutching at your stomach as you let out the traumatizing sight the only way your body knew how. Doubled over and twitching as the shock was replaced by such a raw feeling that you nearly lost your mind.
Corpses littered the floor beyond, caked in their own entrails, skulls bashed in, unrecognizable and still and…
“Hi there, Princess.”
A chill went up your spine as you realized that the frilly white dress you wore wasn’t enough to keep you warm beyond your room. Your skin littered with goosebumps, thin hairs standing up in fear as you stiffly craned your neck and looked back to the other end of the corridor. What little color was left in your face dissipated at the sight.
A man, disfigured and disgusting, with wild hair and wilder eyes and a grin that shook you to the bone stood there. He was shirtless, showing off a large hairy belly and covered in stick-poke tattoos, one of his legs was replaced by what you made out was a metal stick of sorts. He was three times your size…and he looked at you with such perverse intent that you nearly screamed. A vile creature, not even human anymore.
“Don’t be scared, Pretty.” he leered, chapped lips and rotting teeth and a foul blackened tongue, and raised a large palm in front of him to halt you from moving. “It’s okay…Come here. Come to me.”
Instinct took over and you automatically stepped back, not daring to take your eyes off him.
“Ah, don’t do that now.” he warned sweetly and slowly began walking towards you, creeping closer every time the lights flickered off. “You’ll just make this harder for you, yeah? Come to Eddie, Sweetheart. I’ll take care of you.”
Everything about him screamed evil. He looked deranged and capable of things you’d never even begin to imagine.
A surface dweller. A survivor. A killer. A monster.
The moment his boot sunk in a pool of blood and squeaked against the floor realization hit you like a speeding truck. The grim expression should have been his sign to catch you, but you were already leaping over corpses with a blood-curdling screech. Your mind raced as you tried to orientate yourself through the corridors, bolting over shattered glass and spoiled food and so many dead bodies.
You needed to get out. Leave. Escape.
His hollars bellowed behind you, alerting the rest of his friends because of course there were more and now they were aware of you and hunting you down like a deer in the forest. You let the tears run down your cheeks, forced the questions of your parents’ whereabouts and health because you already knew the answers, but you let them sink you’d end up like them or worse.
A horde of footsteps nipped at your bare heels and you sprinted and begged your weak little legs to go faster. Sucking in air as adrenaline pumped through your veins like poison, you jumped and ducked and whirled and assured yourself that you had the upper hand here, you knew the vault better than them. You stood a chance, you’d survive.
When the elevator came into view after you rounded a corner you nearly cried out in delirium. A roar nearly deafened you and you flinched, but your pace only increased as you pleaded and struggled not to trip over your feet. They were desperate, clawing at the air to try and reach you before it was too late. Your lungs burned with strain, your muscles felt like they’d tear any moment, but you kept pushing, high on horror and anger and a newfound zest for self-preservation
Salvation. Your only chance to live.
Your shoulder screamed in pain when you slammed against the metal walls of the elevator and thrusted your fist against the button vigorously.
“Come on. Come on. COME ON!”
“Get back here you little whore!”
“Please!” you wailed, screaming and stumbling back when a rusty axe collided with the shutting doors and made sparks fly with an ear-piercing screech. A hand flew up to cover your squinted eyes, sneering and sobbing as the raiders banged on the outside of the elevator and shot conniving curses at your crumbling form. You were slammed down on your arse by gravity as the elevator finally moved, taking you away from certain death as a slew of grim promises were expelled at you from below.
They’d find you, rip you apart, and make you wish you’d just died like the rest of your pathetic vault dwellers. You balled your eyes out, choking on spit and tears and gulping down air as your body shook violently. Clutching at your face, you stared down at your bloody feet with wide, unblinking eyes.
What was this nightmare…
When the elevator came to a halt and the doors reopened you barely managed to stand, the numbness in your limbs proving too much to handle and your upset stomach only contributing. But you had to keep moving, you had to run.
With ugly sobs and meek noises of strain and discomfort and utter distaste for your cruel fate, you tumbled towards the ajar vault entrance. Pressing down the button timidly before taking the discarded Pip-boy from the severed hand, you lock your tormentors into their grave and hurriedly tread towards the slowly closing vault exit.
The sun nearly blinds you and the hot desert sun knocks you to your knees as your hands sink to the wrists in sand. You gasp, squeezing your eyes shut before blinking rapidly and shielding your sensitive pupils from the blaring light.
A desert, stretching as far as your sight could reach, heated enough for the air to wiggle and dance in the distance, a decrepit city can be seen nestled not too far. A plethora of buildings crumbled to their bases hide away the sealed entrance to your vault, bones are scattered through the coarse sand, human shapes frozen in time, hinting towards a previous era of life on Earth, an era you’d only read about. Again, there wasn’t a soul around no matter how many times you circled your vision.
A wasteland. Painted yellow and orange and contrasting so beautifully with the clear blue sky.
You wanted to marvel and swoon and you would have given any other circumstance, but now, after everything you’d seen, after your mind had been so brutally defiled with images of slaughter, you were incapable. You stood, resisting the harsh breeze and angry sun, clad in nothing but a Pip-boy and a thin summer dress that was everything but white.
You had to walk, seek help, do…something. Anything.
And so you did. Trudging through the sea of sand and stepping hastily as the heat beneath your delicate feet nipped uncomfortably at your skin. Sweat clung to you like a protective layer, washing away any trace of the sensitive lavender shampoo you had used the previous night. Strands of hair clung to your flushed face as you fought a silent and unfair battle against the burning sunrays, one step at a time, with the wind as your only companion. Your nostrils struggled to breathe in enough air, but you didn’t dare open your mouth despite the temptation, fearing dehydration and death as it loomed over you like a shadow.
You walked for what felt like miles, accompanied by your thoughts and nothing else, until the Vault was hidden behind the golden dunes and your feet felt raw. The city was so close now, yet you were so tired, sucked dry by a heat you’d never experienced before, if it hadn’t been for your Pip-boy crackling to life you would have collapsed, too burdened and weak to continue.
You raised your wrist and looked down and were met by a familiar meter.
Something around you was radioactive enough for the device to pick up easily, but there was nothing but waves of yellow hell and you doubted the ground itself was emitting it. Then you heard it. That strange, high-pitched chirping, an alien sound that made your skin crawl and scraped at the back of your head tauntingly.
A scream loud enough to shatter glass ripped through your throat as a sharp sting pierced your ankle. You hit the soft sand with a whimper and rushed to turn on your back before kicking blindly at your assaultant. An ambush from below. Blood trickled from the gash, painting your skin a deep ruby red and spilling over the ground, luring out your predators like moths to a flame.
Insects, roaches too big to be real and too much for your fickle mind to comprehend crawled out of the sand. You’d fallen right into their trap, an unsuspecting victim, a banquet they’d probably not seen since they’d hatched.
Your heart pounded frantically, pulse thumping in the side of your neck as you flailed and screeched, chucking sand at them as they circled you. You wanted to run, every cell in your body fought for you to stand, but you couldn’t, you had no fight left. You’d die here, alone in this decrepit desert and eaten by giant cockroaches and this was going to be the story of your life. You sobbed so pitifully, so angry and bitter and bratty that after everything, this was to be your end. The world spun painfully fast and you wanted to vomit, but your stomach was empty and you only gagged.
With one last scream, you curled in a ball, covering your head with your arms and your legs protecting your belly, as one of the insects lunged forward.
When the gunshot rang in your ears you froze in place and time stopped. The roach flew back, slimy green entrails covering your form like a canvas. The other two hissed and you revolted at the noise, but they were shot a second later, blown to bits, dainty skittish legs twitching as the last few beats of life escaped them. The shadow of your savior dwarfed you completely, giving you respite from the cruel sun.
You roll over and sit up on your knees within a blink only to be met with the barrel of a gun too ratchet and rusted to belong to anyone but a wastelander. You recoil and blink through tear-heavy lashes before roughly adjusting your dress to try and cover your bare thighs from what you presumed was another man. The tip of the gun slid under your chin and guided your eyes up to feast upon your hero. You gulped and whimpered.
He was grotesque, like a man skinned alive and somehow survived, melted skin deformed his features and you’d bet your dinner there wasn’t a strand of hair under that worn cowboy hat. He had no nose, no eyebrows or even lashes, not a spec of hair. He grinned something awful down at you, looking at you like you were a fresh piece of meat, a delicacy among a table covered with rotten food. His stance was wide, torn dark cloth swaying dangerously in the breeze, he seemed almost aetherial in his own twisted and rugged way. You mewled softly as he turned your head from side to side with his gun, gently, mockingly, drinking you in from every angle as if you’d disappear if he so much as blinked.
Your hands clutched at the edge of your dress when he finally spoke and his voice made you inhale sharply and clench your jaw in anticipation.
“Well…Aren’t you a pretty little thing…”
(Listen, it's 7AM and I need sleep, but this mother trucker didn't want to leave me alone so have a chapter from my hastily strewn-together upcoming story. I'll post it on AO3 and probably here if it even happens. I'll fix mistakes later, don't eat me please.)
Chapter 2 >>>
🌼 Daisy Masterlist 🌼
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flowerandblood · 2 days
Congrats on the milestone! For the celebration:
The Gate of Salvation
The Salvation
[ young pope • Aemond x catholic • female ]
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[ prompts: church, autumn, day, wedding, surprise, tender gestures, soft lovemaking ]
A short written as a celebration of my 4000 followers milestone as part of this ask game, which is part of The Gate of Salvation story.
Word Count: 1.700
She had never before seen him as terrified as he was on their wedding day: he had been crying for days, convinced that something would happen to ruin this beautiful moment for them, only to panic a second later that he was condemning her to damnation and hell. She herself did not believe that love, on top of being bound by marriage before God, could be a sin, moreover worthy of such punishment.
Her words reassured him.
For a while.
His abdication as Pope was a turning point for them – immediately after he resigned from the priestly state he proposed to her the same day, demanding that they marry as soon as possible.
Her uncle, Cardinal Reene, had been elected by the conclave as the new Pope.
She thought he was the right man in the right place, able to play this dark, dangerous game.
The positive side of her uncle's new position was that he was deciding what was a sin and what was not, and benefiting most from her future husband's abdication, he gave them absolution and dispensation, announcing that he himself would marry them in a church in a small village near Rome.
This was to ensure that no one would find out about their past or seek information about them in the Vatican archives – it was most important to them that his identity – or at least his appearance – remained unknown to the public.
No one but Sister Alicent knew about her fiancé's past – she had lied to her family that they had met at the University where he was studying theology – which was not a lie, as indeed, he had graduated with honours in that subject.
She had the impression that he was going to faint when he squeezed her father's hand, hearing from him that he was surprised by such a sudden turn of events.
Her mother asked her if she had been too hasty with her decision, but she replied that it had been just the opposite.
Since they had obtained absolution, even though they lived in the same flat, her fiancé had insisted that they sleep in separate rooms – he knew that if he felt her warm body next to his he would not hold back, and he wanted everything to be as it should be.
They both suffered from this, full of tension and desire – she could feel in his short, light kisses when they met in the kitchen in the morning how frustrated he was, struggling to hide his swollen erection from her.
Trying to divert their thoughts from how much they missed each other physically, they focused on finding a new purpose in his life – for obvious reasons, her husband-to-be was lost.
He had spent most of his life in a monastery, then in a seminary, and then as a priest and cardinal in the Vatican – isolated from the outside world, he was terrified of the behaviour and appearance of people on the street, and a simple train ride from one village to another was something he found complicated, requiring effort and willpower.
He was afraid of strangers – afraid that they would recognise him, see him for who he was, although it was not possible – among crowds he would sometimes panic and lock himself in, simply freezing in the middle of the street, unable to move.
He asked her a lot of questions, as if he were a small child.
"Why do young girls dress in such a defiant way? Why do they let others see their bare bodies? Why does someone listen to music loudly on public transport and disturb others? Why does someone crumple books in a shop? Why did someone throw a paper on the ground instead of putting it in the bin?"
Seeing evil at every turn aroused his anger, but also his horror, and she realised that he would not be able to stand the hustle and bustle of a big city like Rome.
She decided that they would move out to the countryside.
As it turned out, this was the right solution – they rented a small house with a garden, overlooking the vineyards and pastures stretching all around, and her fiancé found peace. The isolation from the world had a soothing effect on him – they walked in the evenings and talked about faith, about art, about life, about their marriage, about their future.
Her future husband revealed to her that he wanted to help others.
To create some kind of foundation.
Finances were not a problem for them – her uncle had set their monthly income covered by the Vatican's coffers so high that they didn't know what to do with the money: that's why they used it as best they could, living modestly, the rest dedicating to helping those in need.
On the day of their wedding, they hadn't seen each other since the morning – her fiancé had convinced her that he couldn't look at her until she appeared at the altar with her father. She agreed, although hearing through the door that he was crying again, torn by conflicting emotions, she felt like her heart was about to break.
He had given up his life for her, everything he knew, everything that was familiar, safe, his.
"Just a few more hours." She assured him in a whisper.
She swallowed hard as he slid his hand under the door and she squeezed his fingers, wanting to give him courage.
When she saw him in the church, she had the impression that he was an angel – like her, he was dressed all in white – she smiled softly as she looked at his white turtleneck, white jacket, white trousers, white shoes, white rose tucked into his pocket, almost white short hair pulled elegantly back, a white artificial eye in his empty eye socket.
She pressed her lips together, as he did, feeling burning tears of emotion as she moved forward with her father, dressed in a simple, modest wedding gown with a garland of daisies on her head, holding a bouquet of field flowers in her hand.
She smiled broadly as she stood before him and saw that he reciprocated her expression, a single, lonely tear running down his cheek.
He was happy.
She vaguely remembered the moment when they spoke their vows and her uncle the Pope gave them his blessing, uniting them as husband and wife for eternity.
The way he kissed her greedily in front of everyone when it was announced aloud that they were married made her blush, making the wonderful squeeze between her thighs unbearable.
Her husband couldn't even last until the wedding cake – he said he needed her help with the jacket. She didn't understand what he meant, as it looked perfectly normal – it wasn't until the door of the hotel room, located above the wedding hall, closed behind them that she recognised his true plans.
She only sighed, surprised, when he pushed her onto the bed, pulling the fabric of her gown up, breathing heavily, as if he had made some enormous effort by waiting for so long.
She nodded her head in understanding and reached out to him, letting him lie between her thighs – as soon as he pulled her underwear off her they both moaned loudly, feeling him open her on the widest part of his length – he did it slowly and gently, sliding deeper and deeper into her soft, warm body, knowing that she wasn't properly prepared yet.
"– does it hurt? –" He exhaled, his face sunk into her plump cheek, his hands clenched on her thighs – she could feel him throbbing hard and she knew he was doing everything he could to not yet come inside her.
Admittedly, she felt a slight discomfort, but not so much that she couldn't enjoy the pleasure of this sudden act – on the contrary, her heart was pounding like mad in delight.
"– n-no – a few of your thrusts and I'll be wet – it's okay –" She whispered in his ear and he cried out loudly, clamping his hands on her buttocks, starting to pound into her like crazy. She bit her lower lip, trying to be quiet and not moan too loudly, which was difficult when he hit the sweet spot inside her every time.
"– Aemond – ah –" She mewled, throwing her head back, crossing her legs over his body – she could feel how much he needed it, how hard he was.
She knew he wouldn't be able to hold out for too long.
He hadn't touched himself at all, suffering the agony for weeks just like she did.
"– please – please –" He babbled, as if asking her permission – he groaned lowly as her pussy squeezed his swollen manhood at his words, sucking it in with a quiet clicks of her moisture, slapping his bare hips against hers with each successive thrust.
Her fulfilment was still a long way off, but she didn't have the heart to torture him any longer.
She knew he would reward her later that same night.
"– shhh – just come inside me, sweet husband –" She whispered, and he sighed, as if surprised by the use of the word, something he thought he would never hear.
His peak was so strong that he gasped loudly and clenched his eyes shut, with a few messy, sloppy thrusts trying to prolong his pleasure, his warm seed spilling deep inside her.
He fell on top of her, panting heavily, and she smiled under her breath, stroking his hair affectionately.
At last they were one.
Husband and wife.
"– forgive me – forgive me for being so selfish –" He muttered in breaking voice, his half-soft manhood still pulsing deep inside her.
She sighed quietly and shook her head, placing a tender, warm kiss on his temple.
"– no – I'm happy – we'll finish this later – we have to go downstairs now – someone has to cut that bloody cake –" She giggled, looking at him with amusement.
Her husband stroked her cheek, gazing at her as if she were the saint from Bernini's Baroque sculpture to which he had so often compared her.
Her portrait as Mary Magdalene hung in their bedroom and she flushed every time she looked at it, remembering what he had done to her to get such a blissful expression on her face.
"You are my Eve," he said, snapping her out of her reverie, "my Mary Magdalene, my Beloved from the Song of Songs."
She smiled broadly at his words, her hand combing through his short, fair hair.
"And you are my Salvation."
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thedensworld · 5 months
Just Like You | C.Hs
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Pairing: vernon x reader
Genre: fluff, established relationship, catlover!
Summary: Hansol never understands what's on his kid's head. However, he ends up seeing himself in his kid. While everyone is saying the same thing about him: they never understand Hansol.
🌼Welcome to the club ma-baby Vernon!🌼
"What's wrong?" Hansol inquired, his eyebrows knitting together in concern as his son, Insu, bolted to his bedroom with the speed of lightning. You shot him a weary look and sighed, piquing his curiosity.
"Your son being 'your' son," you replied, with a mixture of amusement and exasperation evident in your tone.
Hansol chuckled, his hand gently stroking Mero, the venerable cat who seemed to have seen it all. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked, his curiosity piqued as he settled beside Rody, the mischievous feline counterpart to Insu.
You approached him and settled in front of him, Mero abandoning Hansol's lap for the cozy sanctuary of yours. "Do you remember how we ended up having these two?" you asked, motioning to the feline duo who were now basking in the attention.
Hansol nodded, though still puzzled by the sudden trip down memory lane, his fingers idly playing with Rody's fluffy fur.
Hansol and you were still in the dating phase when he stumbled upon Mero, almost squishing the tiny kitten underfoot on his way to your apartment. After a frantic cleanup session and a feast fit for a feline king, Mero settled into your lives with surprising ease.
"Want to rescue it?" Hansol blurted out, his impulsive nature winning out as he glanced at you with wide eyes filled with both concern and excitement.
You raised an eyebrow, amusement dancing in your gaze. "Are you sure? We're pretty busy, you know. Do you have time to play kitten babysitter?"
Hansol nodded enthusiastically, his determination unwavering. "I can definitely make time for our newfound furry friend. Besides, cats are pretty independent creatures. They need their own space as well as i am."
Little did you know that agreeing to Hansol's proposal meant signing up for a lifetime subscription to "Cat Adoption Chronicles." Fast forward to your married life with a baby Insu, and you found yourself facing a similar scenario, only this time with Hansol justifying his latest feline acquisition as if he were rescuing a long-lost family member.
"Babe," he pleaded, holding the new kitten in his arms like it was the most precious treasure in the world, "I can't just leave him out there alone. It's like abandoning Insu on the streets!"
Sighing, you watched as Hansol remained oblivious to the revelation you were trying to convey. "Your son," you began, hoping to shed some light on the matter.
"Is just like you," you continued, hoping he would catch on. But alas, confusion still clouded his expression, his mind seemingly stuck on the obvious fact that of course Insu would take after him in many ways.
"He brought home cats again, from his daycare," you finally clarified, hoping the pieces would fall into place for Hansol.
Hansol's eyes widened in disbelief, his mind struggling to process the information. "Really?" he exclaimed, jumping up from his seat and rushing to Insu's door.
"Insu, can I come in?" he called out, his voice tinged with a mix of concern and excitement.
After a moment of silence, Insu's voice finally came through the door. "Wait a minute. I'll be there," he replied, his tone slightly sheepish.
As Hansol waited outside, locking gazes with you, his curiosity peaked.
"Yes, dad?" Insu emerged from his room, swiftly closing the door behind him, a little too quickly.
"Let's talk in your room," Hansol suggested, taking a step forward, only to be halted by Insu's tiny but determined frame, standing protectively in front of him.
Insu's defensive stance made him appear even more adorable than usual, and Hansol couldn't help but smile at the sight.
"No! It's... Messy! Yeah! Let's talk here, what's wrong, dad?" Insu's voice wavered as he tried to come up with an excuse, his eyes darting nervously around the room.
Hansol sighed and squatted down to Insu's height, his heart sinking at the sight of his son's distress. "Did you bring a cat home?" he asked gently, his voice laced with concern.
Unable to hold back his emotions any longer, Insu burst into tears, throwing his arms around his dad's neck in a tight embrace. "I'm sorry..." he choked out between sobs.
Hansol's heart ached at the sight of his son in distress. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he reassured, his hand rubbing soothing circles on Insu's back. "You don't need to apologize."
Insu sniffled, his tear-streaked face looking up at his dad with a mixture of guilt and sadness. "No... Mom said I shouldn't bring home any more cats or else Uncle Mero and Rody Hyung would get upset."
Hansol struggled to keep a straight face at the mention of "Uncle Mero and Rody Hyung," fighting back a laugh to avoid further upsetting his son. "Yes, your mom is right. Uncle Mero and Rody Hyung don't like it when there are other cats around."
Insu's shoulders slumped in dejection. "But they're so little, I couldn't leave them," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Hansol's surprise was evident. "There's more than one?" he asked, raising an eyebrow in disbelief as Insu nodded, holding up three tiny fingers.
Glancing over at you, who was leaning against the doorframe with a knowing look, Hansol couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, silently conceding defeat with a sheepish grin. "Told ya," your expression seemed to say, and he couldn't argue with that.
"We can send them to the center tomorrow, but let's keep them until then," Insu negotiated, casting pleading looks between you and Hansol.
You nodded in agreement, whispering, "Just don't let Mero and Rody know," which only added to Insu's excitement.
Hansol acknowledged with a nod before lifting Insu into his arms and following his lead to the designated hiding spot for the kittens.
"There," Insu pointed to his toy box, which was already prepared with makeshift beds and supplies.
Hansol's heart melted at the sight of the tiny creatures nestled among the toys. "Oh my goodness, they're still so small," he exclaimed softly, his protective instincts kicking in. "I don't think they should eat the same food as Mero and Rody, Insu."
Insu's shoulders slumped, disappointment evident on his face. "Right, Daddy... Should we buy them some milk?" he suggested, his voice barely above a whisper.
You watched from the doorway as Hansol and Insu discussed the kittens' needs, a warm smile tugging at the corners of your lips. It was moments like these that made all the chaos of parenthood worth it.
After a while, Hansol turned to you with pleading eyes, echoing Insu's earlier plea. "Can we keep them?" he asked, his gaze filled with the same hopeful innocence as your son's.
You shrugged nonchalantly before turning to leave, but Hansol wasn't about to let you off the hook that easily. Later, he approached you to ensure your agreement, knowing full well that your initial indifference might just be a front.
"What should we name them, Insu?" Hansol asked, turning his attention back to their newest family members.
"Kim for the black fur one, Tteok for the white fur one, and the orange one will be..." Insu trailed off, his brow furrowing in concentration.
"Gam!" they both exclaimed in unison before bursting into laughter, the joy of their newfound companionship filling the room.
"Uncle! This is Tteok, she eats a lot and she has a big tummy!" Insu proudly introduced the kittens to Jihoon, his favorite uncle, his excitement palpable even through the phone.
You could hear Jihoon's laughter on the other end of the line. "Wow! You two are alike! Remember when you brought five kittens to the apartment? We had to kick Seokmin out because of his allergies."
You couldn't help but scoff at the memory. "Irony," you muttered under your breath, shaking your head at the absurdity of it all.
"Is Y/n okay with Insu bringing home kittens? Did she let you keep them?" Jihoon's voice held a hint of curiosity as he inquired about your reaction.2
Insu nodded vigorously. "Dad talked to mom, and she let me keep them," he explained proudly, his smile widening at the memory.
Jihoon's laughter echoed through the phone, making you roll your eyes playfully. "I can only imagine how wide and endless your wife's patience must be," he joked, his amusement evident in his voice.
"Say it louder, Jihoon," you called out from behind them as you walked past your husband and son, unable to resist joining in on the banter.
"I don't know! I could never understand him, honestly," Jihoon admitted with a chuckle, shrugging his shoulders in mock confusion.
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daysofyellowroses · 8 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 1.1k
prompt was: Carmy getting all sassy and dom like bc his girl spent money on herself instead of using his card/calling him and telling him that you wanted something and to pick it up off hold on his way home!! That is such a HC for me I feel Carmy would be super pouty if his girl bought something expensive or ‘necessary for him’ like your makeup, hair stuff, clothes, shoes, etc. ESP food he like gets so upset when she will pick herself up McDonald’s or smth and is like “baby why didn’t you tell me you were craving a burger and fries” - as requested by @thecapricunt1616 thank you so much, i hope you enjoy 🌼
Sometimes you think you know everything about your boyfriend. If someone quizzed you, you would ace it. It's only been just under a year since you started dating Carmy but in that time you had learned everything about him, or so you thought.
There were things that you didn't know every detail about, like his family, particularly his mom, but you knew that he would talk about those things in time, when he was ready.
What you didn't expect was that he would have a certain..kink, one you wouldn't have expected him to have but was a very pleasant surprise. 
It had happened incrementally, you first noticed when you came home after work one day with a pair of new sneakers. When you showed them to Carm he seemed a little..off. It wasn't exactly something to celebrate but you found it a little odd that he didn't seem to care when usually he was so attentive and loving.
You put it down to a long day at work and forgot about it. 
Until it happened again, when you came home after a splurge on makeup and skincare products. He found you putting them away in the bathroom and just walked away, leaving you deeply confused. 
When you asked him if everything was okay he said it was, and you decided not to push it. You noticed that he was a little more attentive than usual, keeping you in his lap while you relaxed on the couch, insisted on getting you whatever you wanted, carried you to bed when you started falling asleep. It wasn't that he never did those things usually, you just felt like he was doing more somehow.
Deciding to test out the beginnings of a theory, you waited a week or so before deciding to really treat yourself, splashing out on a pair of expensive heels that you had wanted for so long. As you were the first one home, you put the shoes away and waited for Carmy to get home.
He was his usual sweet self, and you were a little excited to test out your theory. You waited until Carm was making dinner, and you were sitting on the counter watching him.
“Oh my god, I have to show you something,” You smiled, getting down from the counter. “I'll be right back.”
You went to your bedroom, opening the closet and reaching into the back to take out the bag with your new shoes before carrying it to the kitchen behind your back. 
“Look what I got,” You grinned, holding out the bag. “I may have gone a little overboard but I really wanted these.”
You set the bag down on the ground and took the box out, feeling Carmy's eyes on you. 
“How beautiful are these?” You opened the box and took out one of the shoes. “They were almost three hundred but I figure I'll keep them forever so..”
“Three hundred?” Carm raised a brow, his hand on his hip. “You spent three hundred?”
“Yes, I did,” You smiled, feeling like your theory was about to be proved. You looked at the shoe in your hand, turning it slowly. “But work is going well and I really wanted them so..”
“You shouldn't have bought them,” Carm sighed, reaching for the dish towel that was draped over his shoulder and wiping his hands. “That's too much.”
“I'll buy what I want,” You frowned, putting the shoe back in the box. “It's my money I'm spending, not yours.”
“But it should be.” Carmy muttered, meeting your eyes.
“What do you mean?” You asked, stepping closer to him and setting the box in your hands down on the counter. “I don't expect you to drop that kind of money on me.”
“I want to,” Carmy insisted, his arm moving around your waist. “I know that you can afford all those things you want, but..I want to treat you, I want you to tell me what you want and let me get if for you, or take my card and go get it.”
“Please don't feel like you have to do that,” You smiled, touching Carmy's cheek. “I don't care if you buy me things or I buy them myself, just being with you is all I want.”
Carm was quiet for a moment, gently stroking your waist before leaning in to kiss you, your arms moving around his neck.
“It's more than that,” Carm murmured softly against your lips, pulling back to meet your eyes. “I know you don't expect me to, and I know I don't have to but..the thought of seeing you in clothes that I bought you, knowing you're out treating yourself to things and using my money to do it..I want that.”
You take in his words, your hands lightly touching the back of Carm's neck. “Does it..does the thought of that do it for you?”
“Big time,” Carm nodded, and you felt your heart race. “I keep thinking about you coming home, showing off all the things you bought on my card, giving me a little show..”
“I think I know what I should buy first then.” You grinned, leaning in to kiss Carm. 
Dinner is delayed, and you don't quite make it to the bedroom, but you feel like you've never been happier. 
As it turned out, Carm wasn't lying about wanting you to spend his money. You didn't go crazy, you weren't going to buy something just for the sake of it. But when you came home with a bag full of new lingerie and handed his card back to him, Carm had you screaming like you never had before. 
So, once a week or so you treat yourself to a little something, just to bring out a more possessive, dominant side of your boyfriend, loving how he can go from adorable and soft to calling you a spoiled brat and having you begging for more.
And apparently, his fondness for you spending his money wasn't limited to clothes, shoes and underwear, but there was one exception. 
You had come home from work with a McDonald's, knowing Carmy would be home late and that you weren't in the mood to cook. You were just sitting down to eat it, scrolling through your phone when the front door opened.
“Hey,” You smiled, picking Carmy's card up from the table and taking a sip of your milkshake as you handed it to him.
“What's this?” Carm frowned, pointing to the food on the table.
“This?” You grinned, pointing to the McDonald's bag. “Just a little restaurant, you've probably never heard of it, it's only got like a billion locations.”
“Very funny,” Carm sighed, pushing his hand through his hair.
“Are you..pouting?” You grinned. “Over a burger?”
“I could have made you a better burger,” Camy shrugged. “That's all.”
“I know,” You nodded, swishing your shake with a grin. “But only your money can get this.”
“You think I can't make you a milkshake?” Carmy raised a brow.
“Not like this,” You teased. “You don't know the secret ingredients.”
“I'm making you a damn shake. And a burger."
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daedelweiss · 1 year
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first up: Life Mission: Save My Brothers (Comic) 🌟
"Life Mission: Save My Brothers" is a Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles separated AU (alternate universe) where it explores on the concept that Splinter saved only one turtle after the mutation process: Leo. The other turtles are separated in the world: Raph was brought to and raised by Big Mama to be a Battle Nexus Champion, Mikey was taken by Draxum and trained to become a warrior to combat humans for the Yokai to take over the surface, and Donnie was thought to be dead but was taken in by a mob until he ran away and found Big Mama at the age of 7. Their story involves their process of finding out that they are not alone, that they have family, and how they reunite and become the ninjas they were always meant to be.
THE RED KNIGHT'S ARC Episode 1: The Buried Memory
SET 1 (Beginning of Episode)
SET 4 (End of Episode)
Episode 2: Found Alone (Coming Soon)
TAGS: rottmnt life mission AU, life mission AU, life mission comic
more AUs under the cut 💖
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Quiet Your Mind (Fanfic) 🌌
15 years into the Krang invasion and everything is going south: food was running low, everyone had to take multiple shifts in multiple jobs, and almost everyone is missing a family member. Mikey's mystic powers haven't developed fully and Donnie's and Leo's were dwindling. There was one way to regain that power, one way to turn the tide to their favor, and, possibly, save the twins' bond.
The cost? Silence.
TAGS: rottmnt quiet your mind, quiet your mind
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Pieces of Home 🌊
"Pieces of Home" is an original TMNT iteration where Donnie is the oldest, followed by his twin Raph, their middle sibling Mikey, the youngest turtle Leo, and their little sister April. The turtles were all once human and lived a happy, normal life until one day, a mysterious person cursed them with a green, magical liquid that burnt away their human bodies and mutated them to half turtles. Their father, Splinter, was mutated to a rat and his husband was never seen since. 12 years later, Leo ventures to the surface despite his oldest brother's wishes and finds secrets about his other father. Their journey begins when they discover who he was and when they receive gifts he left them.
(More about the iteration coming soon...)
TAGS: my tmnt, tmnt: pieces of home, pieces of home AU
Links to my other socials can be found in the bottom of the Life Mission website ✨
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hsboo03 · 9 months
Spyxfamily has also been one of the series I have enjoyed the most over the last couple of years. It makes me very happy to have found such a nice series. We all need a bit of family love. ♥️🍓🪼
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CM New Beginnings Fics
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Hey everyone! Thank you so much to everyone who participated. I am so happy to share everyone’s hard work. If you have a oneshot or masterlist you’d like me to add, please send me a message - new additions are always welcome.
First, check out @emberfrostlovesloki 's 🌈 Masterlist of Entries ☀️: This lovely prolific writer has entered several fics, which include Hotch, Emily, and Spencer fics! Check out their page for even more!
🌼 SFW S.R./Reader Entries 🌼
Play Dates by me: [GN] Reader finds out Spencer hasn’t had many dates and offers several Play Dates.
Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder by @foxy-eva: [GN] Spencer was the right person at the wrong time, no doubt about it. When Reader is finally back in town, they're ready for a fresh start. 
You're Gonna Go Far, Love by @writer-in-theory: [GN] After relapsing, Spencer takes the first flight with no plan other than to get a fresh start.
Love Like the Sea by @rynwritesreid: [GN] After Spencer lost Maeve, he swore of love, until Reader came around.
Cowboy Like Me by @foxy-eva: [Fem] Spencer decides to fulfill a childhood dream to become a cowboy.
In Sickness and In Health by @pathologicalreid: [Fem] Minutes before Reader's wedding is supposed to start, Spencer gets cold feet.
Maybe We Found Love Right Where We Are by @andiebeaword: [Fem] Spencer just got engaged to Maeve on Valentine’s Day. Finding out his best friend’s heart will be broken changes things. 
More ratings and pairings below!
🌼 Other Pairings/Gen SFW Fics 🌼
Silent Demon by @angellsell: [Derek/Fem!Reader] Reader celebrates a month milestone of sobriety, but she isn't very proud of it.
Hearts on Our Sleeves by @angellsell: [Hotch/Fem!Reader] Aaron and Reader decide to give a try at a new relationship after a long dry spell.
Good Fortune by @reasonablerodents: [Hotchreid] Spencer and Aaron are the only ones without a partner for a New Year's Kiss.
And When Dawn Came by @snarkylinda: [Gen] Spencer calls Emily the night that Cat has the baby he decided to adopt.
The Date by @codename-mom: [Gen] Jessica didn't expect what her former brother-in-law was going to ask her.
Last Recruit by @/codename-mom: [Gen] There's a new agent at the BAU eager to start her new life. Her name is Penelope Garcia.
First Steps by @/codename-mom: [Gen] Rossi found a young agent named Aaron Hotchner who could be a good new recruit for the BAU.
First Day at School by @/codename-mom: [Gen] Jack is now old enough to go at school and his father has trouble to deal with this very special day.
🌼 NSFW Entries (S.R./Fem!R) 🌼
Second Time's a Charm by @foxy-eva: Back in college Spencer Reid and Fem!Reader left many things unsaid. Years later they give it another try.
It’s Too Cliché by me: Reader and Spencer are the worst at friends with benefits. After an exchange of gifts & nasty words, the two reunite on a very eventful NYE.
For the Love of Lace by @reidmotif: Reader decides she doesn't want to pine for her best friend anymore but needs his help deciding what lingerie to wear for her date.
Sweet Agony by @incognit0slut: After tragedy, Reader believed she was unworthy of love. Spencer proves her wrong.
Maybe Someday by @dudeitiskarev: (Mini-series) A case brought you back to Spencer, and this time, he won’t let you slip away.
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Co-Creator Bonus List
🌼 SFW S.R./Fem!R Fics 🌼
The Only Hoax I Believe In by Foxy: Spencer struggles with his addiction after prison until Reader is determined to help him, no matter the cost.
The Perfect Plan by me: Reader has a question for Spencer, but things don’t go according to plan.
Impromptu by me: Reader learns some shocking news when a case lands her in the hospital.
Defining Family by me: Spencer finds out he’s a dad… to a twelve year old girl. Your twelve year old girl, who just broke into the FBI.
Clean Shaven by me: Reader helps Spencer shave after prison.
Drunk Dial by me: It’s been years since Reader talked to Spencer, but after a bunch of drinks it seems like a really good idea.
Repentance by me: Spencer is confronted with his second chance at life, finding it full of regrets. Reader tries to talk him through it.
Happy Hydrangea by me: TransMan!Reader. JJ is corrected in finding out Spencer has had a boyfriend for a while now.
🌼 NSFW S.R./Fem!R Fics 🌼
Lily of the Valley (Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3) by me: Unsub!Reid. Spencer was found guilty but mentally ill after the torture and murder of several men. He finds solace in his psychiatrist at the institution.
Duet by Foxy: Letting the love of his life get away was Spencer’s biggest regret, so he decides to go after her.
Honeymoon by Foxy: Spencer and his wife are excited about their future (and their honeymoon).
To Have and To Hold by me: Reader is trying to save her marriage, but Spencer seems resigned to its failure.
Stork Song by me: Spencer and Reader try to find intimacy again following a terrible loss.
Domesticity by me: Reader gets worked up watching Spencer with kids. He notices.
Different Kind of Daddy by me: After a rough day, Reader has good news for her husband.
🌼 Other SFW Pairings 🌼
Till Death Do Us Part by Foxy: [Emily/GN!Reader] Reader didn't expect grief to linger after Emily came back from the dead.
Motherhood by Foxy: [Tara/Emily] Emily and Tara finally become mothers.
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Happy Reading!
P.S. If I missed your fic or you have a new one to add, feel free to send me a message. I would love to add it!
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ventismacchiato · 5 months
stuck with you — delusion !
˗ˏˋ profiles ´ˎ˗
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scaramouche — was a trainee alongside you in your guys’ younger years. both of you were constantly in battle for the top rankings. he debuted a year before you which caused a lot of envy and disdain between both of you since you trained longer. he became an idol to follow in his mother’s footsteps. known for staying late to practice and overworking himself to the point of exhaustion. probably passed out on stage in his younger years until his group forced him to chill. the main vocalist and visual of the group. nepotism made him the most popular member but also his demeanor. the only member in his group to release a solo album. also goes viral for replying to your posts to add fuel to the fire. surprisingly also very chronically online, he’s always lurking on twitter and replying to the most outlandish fan posts. makeup artists always fight to get to work on him since he has glass skin and the prettiest features. [🐈‍⬛]
childe — auditioned because he thought it would be fun and wanted to give scara company since they were school friends before this. #besties! managed to get in and decided to stick it out as an idol. fans dug around and found out his family is super rich. he spoils his group members a lot. main rapper of the group and helps with lyrics. the most genz idol, gives keeho from ph1 vibes if you know of him. loves to do stupid vlogs, which causes fans to be alarmed at how messy their shared dorm is. will also play games during lives and his fans always bully him in them, they never let him win. [🦕]
aether — leader of the group, also the only responsible one who knows media training. twins with lumine so they tend to collaborate a lot. another vocalist and helps childe with production. stylists also fight to work with him because they love to do his hair. models for brands on the side, imagine calvin klein photoshoots omg. trained in ballet and dance so he helps with choreo for the group. goes viral a lot because locals think he's a girl. i know he doesnt talk a lot in game but imagine he has the lowest voice out of everyone so its a crazy juxtaposition from his cute face, kinda like felix from skz if u know of him. shares clothes with lumine so they share outfits a lot, rocks a crop top. also plays games on live but unlike childe his fans will wait for him and let him win. [🌼]
kazuha — falls asleep while getting his hair and makeup done. sells weed to venti on the downlow, no clue who his dealer is. the most calm member out of all of them and disputes the silly fights everyone gets into. always looks like he isnt one hundred percent there during award shows. ‘kazuha zoning out for ten mins’ compilations. is not afraid to get drunk and gets super flirty and clingy when he does, goes live with xiao a lot and will drape himself over him when hes inebriated. super flirty during fancalls and fanmeets, takes fan service very seriously. will put the cat ears on during fan meets and let fans poke his dimples. [🍁]
delusion — the only other idol group underneath sakura entertainment at the moment. a four member male idol group known for their vaguely gothic and r&b dance pop. think of enhypen’s brand. have been a group for about four years, members range from 22-23. their initial fame was due to scaramouche debuting in the group, since his mother ei was in a popular idol duo in her younger years with yae. ei is now the ceo of the entertainment company that delusion and windblume are under. fans came to see if the son of such a popular idol could live up to their expectation. their debut album Wonderstruck got them to their popularity today.
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stuck with you !
masterlist — prev | next
fandom name for windblume is bloomies! and fandom name for delusion is visions! i think visions would call themselves delulus for fun tho
manager for windblume is lisa, and manager for delusion is jean.
lowk love the delusion album cover i think i would be a vision in this universe i ate that up,, also supposed to say delusion idk why there’s an s
going to introduce two soloists later to spice things up, but i won’t spoil who for now! one of them is scara’s ex 🤗 also if you don’t fw the side ships just pretend they're faking it for the camera, i wanted to switch it up for myself so i don’t get burned out from writing the same pairs
synopsis — after the disaster that was the live award show, where you and scaramouche got into an argument on stage after both of your groups got a tie for top artists, your guys' PR teams have been in shambles trying to scrape up your mess. that's when the idea to send you both off with some other idols to a remote location for a survival dating show to mend your public image comes up. before you know it your bags are packed and you’re on a plane to a remote island. the only obligation is you need to end up with scaramouche at the end of the show, whether you end up liking him or not doesn’t matter to your managers as long as the show’s ratings stay high. whatever you do in between to get there is up to you!
notes — was supposed to post this earlier but i ended up playing stardew for five hours so mb y’all 😇 but now we can finally get into the story
taglist is closed! but feel free to join my discord server where i’ll ping you for every update!
taglist — @na1lea @cindywasneverhere @lunavixia @sheraeera @aestherin @mlaakai @camvrin @retiredmommylover @iheartpieck @crystalcrys @cartierfiles @loveariel @silly-ez @mochipls @pomeiu @chuuismylife @flowerypesky @creammpuff @justanothertiredreader @boxdisappeared @kissmiere @kissingkzuha @webbywill @kazusboyfriend @s3xpistolss @pjsucks @bunns-wonderland @lordbugs @localgirlywithnolife @kosumos @danfelions @yotraumainthebuilding @featuredtofu @pinxeajin @herebyaccident0 @haeunoo @scaradooche @pglt19 @chemiru @childesbabygirl @simonisferal @shutingstar @vxcmx @domimiki @ttalgi @esuz @tokkishouse @kitsuvil @scarasmood @ihearttori @nomurahayami
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Wedding bells—
Quinn Hughes x reader
Request: 🌼 Quinn - he’s drunk and you have you take care of him, I feel like he’d be a cute cuddly drunk
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Captain Huggy Celly
Brady's wedding was beautiful, in every sense of the word. Every detail felt so intimate and romantic, from the ceremony and reception, even down to the colour of the tablecloth. The moment the Hughes family stepped foot on the venue, Y/n knew it would be an amazing day, and she was right.
That same sense of love seeped into the night as the sunset and the drinking started. Quinn was the centre of Y/n's attention all day, looking as handsome as ever in his groomsman suit, with a fresh haircut for the big day, and a wide-lopsided grin.
He watched as his best friend, his brother more or less, became a husband. The realization that they were adults was heavy as Brady kissed his bride. Nostalgia filled his senses as he looked down at the crowd to look at Y/n watching him, tears in her eyes at the love in the air as he smirked at her.
As the night rolled in so did the party, everyone found themselves inside the reception hall, live music playing as the drinks poured and the dancing started.
A wide smile found its way onto Quinn's face as Ellen pulled him out to the dance floor. Luke looked at her with a grin and extended his hand, "my mom stole your man," he joked as she took his hand and let him lead her to the dance floor. "He is her son," the girl shrugged as Luke and she kept a friendly distance as they danced around the floor, giggling at Jack who was stuck dancing with the flower girl, a face full of what seemed embarrassment and adoration as the little girl made him twirl around.
She loved this family, she thought to herself as Luke spun her around and Jim took pictures from the sidelines.
"Your wedding will be nicer than this," Luke mused as she looked at him with an amused look. "It'll be pretty hard to beat this," she shrugged. Luke shook his head, "I don't think so, no one loves like you and Quinn love each other," the boy said sweetly making the woman's face soften.
Y/n smiled softly at the thought of her wedding day. She would be happy just eloping if that's what Quinn wanted, but the fuss would be nice, the intimacy, the romanticism of it all was something she had dreamed of since she was a little girl. Marriage wasn't a foreign subject to her mind, Quinn and her had discussed the subject frequently, both agreeing on a small wedding on some vineyard in Kelowna, wanting the homey feeling of summer to surround them on their special day, very Quinn and Y/n-esque.
Her brows furrowed as she pulled away from her thoughts, searching the crowd for Quinn. Ellen was now sat at a table with Jim and the Tkachuk parents, and Quinn was nowhere to be found.
"Do you see Q?" the girl mumbled to Luke who was quietly laughing at the scene unfolding in front of his eyes. Brady, Josh, and Quinn were going shot for shot at the bar as the band started to play some more upbeat songs. "Oh god," Y/n laughed as she and Luke approached the bar. "Have fun with that," he patted his sister-in-law on the back and left in search of his other brother.
Quinn grinned shyly at his girlfriend as she approached the bar, "Looks like you three are reliving the university days," her brows raised as Josh laughed. "Learn to live a little Y/n/n," Brady joked as he set off to look for his wife. The woman's jaw dropped as Josh mumbled his agreeance with Brady, "your friends love to hate me Q." "Fuck 'em Dove, they suck," he said with a sickeningly sweet smile as his arm found its way around her torso, hugging her closely to his side as she looked at Josh and stuck her tongue out at him.
The girl turned to look up at her boyfriend, a hazy drunk look taking over his face as he dipped down and kissed her on the cheek, something he'd practically been dying to do all day, missing her touch, her warmth.
His hands squeezed her hips as she grinned at the attention, "you look a little drunk my love," he grinned and nodded. "Drunk on your love," he whispered smoothly into her ear before kissing her on the neck, her face heated up as she melted into his hold, "Sorry, that was cheesy," he admitted. "I liked it," she grinned and took one of the hands on her hip and kissed his knuckle, the two of them swayed to the music as they watched the newlyweds family come together to dance.
"I want our wedding to be like this," she mumbled as he grinned into her shoulder. "With fewer people?" he asked, smiling as she nodded, "we should get married soon," he suggested followed by a hiccup, her eyes widening at his nonchalant idea. "You need to propose first my love," she said cooly, her fingers intertwining with his. Quinn chuckled and placed another kiss on the sweet spot on her neck, "I'm working on it Dove, promise," The smell of whiskey hit her senses as she spun around and captured his lips with hers.
Perfect, her life was perfect in every sense of the word.
I steered away from the prompt I'm sorry!! but I just started writing and lost sense of my original plan :)
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gothgleek · 7 months
Agnus Tully- NSFW Alphabet
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I do not own the Holdovers nor the images used in this post. All thoughts are my own. The borders are from @saradika-graphics
TW: sexual acts, kinks, parental issues, mention of mental hospitals, porn.
Comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated but not required 🌸🌼🌸
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Really cuddly and clingy but quiet. He’ll pepper you with kisses and praise, but he’s the one who needs more attention afterwards.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
We all know Agnus is a breast man. You will need to snap your fingers a few times before his eyes can tear away from looking down your shirt. Pervert.
He also LOVES biting them and marking you up.
His favorite part of himself is his legs. He takes a lot of pride of being tall and take any opportunity he can to show them off. Hence the James Bond trunks.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He has a paralyzing fear of parenthood but he LOVES cumming inside you unprotected. Especially if he can watch it drip out of you before he eats you out. He wouldn’t mind painting your tits with his cum either. He’ll take a pic of you like that too and ruin it later.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He steals your underwear and uses it to jerk off. He’s also into roleplay but he hasn’t found the right time to bring it up.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
His only previous experience comes from porno mags. Maybe he had a partner or two in college, but I doubt it got anywhere emotionally. Regardless, you’re his first MAJOR relationship either as FWB or serious partners.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Mating press. Pretzel dip. The butterfly. As long as he can stare into your eyes and have your legs in his hands, he will be a happy man. Also you against the wall, him in his knees so he can give you oral and try to make your legs shake.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Half his dirty talk is him being sarcastic shit. Other times he has to keep himself from laughing at your cum drunk expressions because he’s proud he did that to you.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
This is the 70s so he’s trying to grow chest hair and a bush. However, he’s very particular and he trims himself.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Once he’s in love, he will make sure you know. However, he’s still Agnus so he might be a little shit about it. He’ll whisper sweet nothings while pounding you or while he teases you. Nonetheless, he’s his most romantic during aftercare.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
As much as he tries to deny it, he loves jacking off. The dorms make it hard for him to do it as much as he wants but as soon as he’s whipping it out. He’s quick too, to the point he was worried he wouldn’t be able to control himself when he fucks you. Thankfully that’s not an issue.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Taking pics of you as we’ve established. Role-play as well. Due to his many boarding schools, he’s developed an appreciation for uniforms. He’s also warming up to having a minor religious kink. The two of you definitely role played as James Bond and a damsel before though.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He’s got an exhibitionist kink in him so the woods and library are the most fun for him. One time the two of you fucked at an open air concert. But he loves fucking in his room so the two of you can nap and cuddle after.
He hates the beach though. He took you on a family vacation once and sand got everywhere when the two of you fucked.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Thank god for the sexual revolution and its hatred for bras. Low cut tops and kindness. That’s what attracts him to you. Also when you wear a low cut top and beat him at pinball, that’s when he is all over you.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Restraining him (ropes, handcuffs, etc.) reminds him of his father so that’s a no-go. Maybe he’ll warm up to the idea of restraining you but not for a long time. Nurse roleplay he’s on the fence about because he could jack off to the idea or a pic of a sexy nurse but he could not get turned on irl for similar reasons. Also not fond of daddy kinks but would be open to a mommy kink. He’s not gonna talk to a therapist about it.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He loves eating you out. And then you introduce him to rimming and he is excited about tasting more of you. He doesn’t even need to touch himself, he will rut against the bed while eating you out. He loves your blowjobs as well but he keeps his hands to himself, pulling his sheets and clawing the walls.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
He actually prefers slow and sensual (though no less kinky). Why shouldn’t he take his time with you? Even if it’s a quickie his mouth is everywhere on you, drawing it out as much as possible.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
While he loves taking his time, he has an appreciation for quickies as well given the lack of privacy he’s always had. If you fucked before dating, it would’ve been mostly quickies but now that you’re together, it’s longer. He’s more willing to have a quickie when it’s a stressful time for the both of you (family trouble, finals week, traffic jam, etc.).
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
The great part about the 70s is the sexual revolution. He would be down to experiment with almost anything. Repression is known for creating super kinky people after all. Both of you keep notes about each place and position you’ve fucked, well well as a running list of what kinks you would try again.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
When you first get together, he doesn’t last very long but after a quick break, he’s ready to go again.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Thanks to the sexual revolution (and his wallet), the two of you have more than enough toys. Unfortunately Google tells me sex toys were scary looking during this time so the once the excitement of sex toy shopping wears off, you really only stick to the vibrators. Maybe once nipple clamps are more popular, he’ll have you wear them as well. Your favorite toy to share is the famous hitachi massager.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He loves teasing you soooo much. He’s such an asshole about it too, teasing you anywhere from a car ride to the library to bed. He enjoys someone he can banter with too so he will take anything you’ve said to him and throw it back in your face later. Absolute menace.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s chatty at first (he LOVES dirty talk) but when he really gets into it, he will just be panting, all words lost. When he finishes, it’ll be a low moan in your ear.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He’s a biter and will mark the hell out of you. Especially your thighs and breasts and ass. Also he had, at one point, made a sex playlist but stopped using it when he couldn’t hear you over the music.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Long but not girthy. Curved. Cut. Grower, not a shower. A nice little happy trail as well.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high. The poor guy is so touch starved, he can’t keep his hands off you. Even if he’s not horny, he acts like it and is always touching you, just so he can tease you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He needs to hold onto you before he falls asleep. He’s secretly romantic and likes to match your breathing and circle his thumb in your skin. When it’s a quickie though? He turns into the energizer bunny and won’t burn out until hours later.
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A Golden Rose 🌼 | Alicent Hightower Headcanon
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GOT/HOTD Masterlist
Alicent Hightower having a secret relationship with the daughter of Lord Tyrell would involve:
Becoming a lady-in-waiting to the young queen early on in her marriage to King Viserys after you were sent to King's Landing upon the request of his Grace. Leaving the Reach and your family for the capitol, where you would remain indefinity. You'd only been in the proximity to the royal couple once on the day of their wedding, though you never exchanged words. It came as a surprise when two years later at ten and seven the raven arrived to accompany the Queen as she nears the end of her term. Pending the birth of her second child.  
It was pretty much love at first sight for Alicent, who was drawn to your beauty and personality. The sharp wit and charm of a Tyrell, you had her a blushing mess nearly every day. Alicent requesting your company more often rather than all her ladies. Pretty much leaving them to the winds. You didn't mind. In fact, you relished in the attention. 
You clocked onto her affections early on, not blind to her lingering gazes, soft smiles, and how her eyes drew to you each time she entered a room. Walking closely beside you, while the other ladies trailed behind. It only took four months for you to confront her, as you developed strong feelings for the Queen and no longer had the strength to keep them hidden. "My Queen, forgive me for speaking freely, but I cannot go another day with us not saying what we so desperately want. I know what you feel for me, and I want you to know I feel the same." 
Yeah, she was a goner. Her heart soaring with happiness...and fear. Of course you two could not explore a relationship openly. She was married--to the damn King! And you were a lady-in-waiting expected to marry a nobleman or knight. If anyone found out about your relations, you'd be exiled or facing the sword. Alicent surely would face the King's wrath, and neither of you wanted to picture that. 
So, you both did what you had to do: you loved in secret. Behind closed doors and wondering eyes. Gifts of sentiments on namedays, brushing hands when passing teacups, seeking one out in a crowded room, walks in the garden. Anonymous notes of admiration, kisses at night when the Keep was asleep. Reading to each other in the library, picking flowers to put in the other's hair. Saving sweets from lunch and supper to share later on in your chambers. And on most nights, you'd run your fingers through Alicent's soft hair to lull her to sleep.
The love you shared blossomed like the golden rose that represented your house. Growing stronger by the years. You and Alicent had the biggest secret in all of Westeros. One you would go to war to protect. 
Viserys was always occupied with King duties and entertaining his council to see what his wife was up to. Otto kept a close eye, and you often felt his suspicious gaze on you at events, but never once did he comment. Though you'd never admit it to Alicent, you were grateful when he was dismissed as Hand. It was one less person you had to worry about. The maids and guards turned a blind eye, all except Criston Cole. Once he became Alicent's sworn protector, he followed you two like a dog on a leash. And when he did catch you two in a compromising position roughly a year after she had Aemond, Alicent made him swear on his life to be silent. 
Rhaenyra was....complicated. For one you knew of her friendship with Alicent prior to her marriage to the King, and the love they shared for each other. Admittedly, you were slightly jealous, but got over it once Alicent assured you she no longer harbored those affections for the Princess. Still, you were not Rhaenyra's biggest fan. Her behavior and comments toward Alicent had you fuming, but you remained calm in the presence of others. Once she finally married and had children you were pleased.
Speaking of children, you were close to Alicent's sons and daughter, despite hating Viserys for putting her through four pregnancies and treating her like a broodmare after what he did to Queen Aemma. The resentment towards the King only heightened when he seemed to forget about the children he sired, preferring Rhaenyra and her sons. Daeron was sent to Oldtown young, leaving the older three, who you helped Alicent raise.
As the children grew up, they were not blind to your relationship. Why their mother always broke fast with you and invited you to the table at supper. Why she asked for your opinion on certain things. How she ordered golden roses to be planted in the gardens of the Keep on your 19th nameday when you mentioned feeling homesick. The fact there was always your favorite pastries at banquets. And when she went to light a candle in the sept, you were right there with her. You were dressed in the finest silks compared to the other ladies-in-waiting. 
Where they confused in the beginning? of course they were. They didn't understand why their mother was more devoted to you than their father. Why Alicent's eyes sparked when looking at you, much like when she looked at them, instead of the King. But they never once spoke of it. Understanding there was a deep affection between the two of you that the realm would never accept. 
Yet when the dragons danced years later as the kingdom split between Greens and Blacks, the history books would write about the Hightower that bloomed with golden roses. Why Highgarden did not hesitate to raise their banners in support of King Aegon II Targaryen. Covering the southern lands that would further weaken Rhaenyra's defense. Making the Princess and her council realize their mistake of undermining the influence you had on the Alicent.
For a rose is so beautiful to the eye, one forgets about its thorns.
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strawb3rrystar · 8 months
Hazbin Hotel Masterlist
🌸 Fluff | 🍃 Smut | 🥀 Angst | 🌼 Yandere | 🪻 Platonic
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✰ Charlie Morningstar ✰
🍃 Addicted to your taste -> Oneshot | 721 words | Requested
🌸 Girlfriends do each other's hair -> Headcanons | 145 words | Requested
✰ Vaggie ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
✰ Angel Dust ✰
🪻 You're too pretty to cry -> Oneshot | 563 words | Requested
🪻 Better dead than never -> Oneshot | 486 words | Requested
🌸 More than limbs -> Oneshot | 528 words | Requested
✰ Husker ✰
🌸 Final night -> Oneshot | 336 words | Requested
🍃 A paragraph of blackmail -> Drabble | 213 words | Requested
🌸 Until limbo -> Drabble | 183 words | Requested
✰ Sir Pentious ✰
🍃 Magnetic cherry -> Headcanons | 217 words | Requested
🌸 Follow the leader -> Headcanons | 233 words | Requested
🌸 Ophidiophobia -> Drabble | 318 words | Requested
✰ Alastor ✰
🌼 Rose of death -> Oneshot | 503 words | Requested
✰ Lucifer Morningstar ✰
🌸 Simplicity is far from simple -> Oneshot | 534 words | Requested
🌸 Shut up and let me kiss you -> Headcanons | 292 words | Requested
✰ Adam ✰
🌸 The innocence of the soul -> Oneshot | 378 words | Requested
✰ Vox ✰
🌸 A look into the average day of Vox and his darling -> Headcanons | 298 words | Requested
✰ Valentino ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
✰ Velvette ✰
Nothing to be found (・・ ) ?
✰ Carmilla Carmine ✰
🪻 Mother is mothering -> Headcanons | 175 words | Requested
✰ Emily ✰
🥀 Androphobia - The fear of men -> Drabble | 246 words | Requested
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✰ Multi✰
🥀 Hazbin Hotel characters longing for you -> Headcanons | 600 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Vox, Valentino, Velvette | Not requested
🌸 Hazbin Hotel characters reacting to 'I love you' -> Headcanons | 482 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Vox, Valentino, Velvette | Requested
🌸 Hazbin Hotel girls getting proposed to -> Headcanons | 258 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Velvette, Lute, Cherri Bomb, Carmilla Carmine, Rosie | Requested
🌸 Be mean to me -> Headcanons | 548 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Lute, Rosie | Requested
🌸 Hazbin Hotel boys getting proposed to -> Headcanons | 332 words | Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Vox, Valentino | Requested
🪻 Part of the family -> Headcanons | 394 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Velvette, Lute | Requested
🌸/🍃 Stop stealing my FUCKING CARROTS BUGS BUNNY -> Headcanons | 1.1k words| Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Vox, Valentino | Requested
🌸 Hell's laywer -> Headcanons | 470 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor | Requested
🥀 The paradox of a water trap -> Headcanons | 349 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Husk, Sir Pentious, Lucifer Morningstar, Adam, Vox, Valentino | Requested
🍃 Being a bottom is a mindset -> Headcanons | 794 words | Vox, Valentino, Adam, Angel Dust | Requested
🌸 Performance affair -> Headcanons | 516 words | Alastor, Angel Dust Sir Pentious | Requested
🪻 Winter's cold, but I'm frostbite bitch -> Headcanons | 292 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Adam | Requested
🌸 Hazbin hotel characters comforting you after the loss of a pet -> Headcanons | 281 words | Charlie Morningstar, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar | Requested
🌸 Skin as tough as diamond -> Headcanons | 302 words | Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar | Requested
🌼 My inside are red, and yours are too -> Headcanons | 425 words | Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar | Requested
🥀/🌸 Rehab and therapy -> Oneshot | 968 words | Angel Dust, Husk | Requested
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lunajay33 · 7 months
Summary: You’ve been in the group since the start and have always liked Carl but once you see Enid moving into your territory you get jealous
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You grew close to Carl at the prison, you were both the same age so it was easy to get along, you were there for him when his mom died and when the prison fell you were scared you’d never see him again but when Carol found you and helped you survive she found the other leading to you seeing Carl again when you Tyrese and Judith coming out of the cabin
He hugged Judith tight then came over and squeezed me so tight as I did the same, hearing his quiet cry’s
You were there for eachother on the road and always shared body heat at night to keep warm and now you were all in Alexandria and even though you were all in the same house it felt like Carl was slipping away from you
You were walking to the gardens with Maggie when you saw Carl and this girl Enid kissing, and it felt like your heart was being crushed, you quickly looked away and Maggie noticed
She’d grown to be like a sister to you and she could tell when something was wrong
“You okay?” She asked
“I’m fine” you lied as you finally got to the garden
“I can tell when you’re not…..is it about Carl?” She asked making you look at her shocked
“How did you know?”
“Come on y/n I know you, I’ve seen the way you act around Carl since you both were little at the farm, and now you’re both grown up and you still treat him like the center of your universe, everyone sees it”
You sighed knowing you couldn’t hide it anymore
“It hurts Maggie, I thought he liked me back, I mean maybe he just sees me as a best friend but I was just holding onto hope that maybe he felt something more……and now he’s with her and it just hurts so much” you cried finally feeling everything you’ve been bottling up to yourself
“Oh sweetie I’m sorry” she said as she sat beside you and wrapped her arms around you
“He doesn’t even hang out with me anymore he’s always with her, he’s pushed me away and I feel so lonely” you said into her chest as she held you tight
“It’ll be okay, you have all of us but I know you have a different hurt, it’s your first heartbreak sweetie but you know I’m always here” she said holding you back so she could see you and wiping your tears
“I know I just hate feeling like this, I just miss him so much”
Maggie obviously told Glenn and the others because you were all one big family so when you entered the house later that evening you saw the sad look some people gave you as your face was puffy and red from crying so much
“Ya alright?” Daryl asked from beside you
“I don’t know”
“He’s stupid fer not wanting ya” he said trying to sooth you in his own way
“Thanks Daryl” you smiled at him weakly
“It’ll be alright kid” he said before walking to his spot in the living room where he slept
You went and laid on the book corner ledge by the window, a lot of you slept in the living room still needing that reassurance, you turned and looked out the window seeing Carl walking up the porch
“What are you doing out so late?” Rick asked as he was at the kitchen island
“Just had to finish some things” he said looking over at you as you were all watching the interaction
Everyone went to sleep and you couldn’t close your eyes without seeing them kissing then you felt someone poking you, you rolled over and it was Carl standing above you
“Hey can I talk to you?” He whispered as you nodded and he sat next to you as you also sat up
“I know you saw me and Enid kiss earlier, I’m sorry”
“Why are you sorry?���
“Cause I know how you took it, I didn’t really wanna kiss her, she kinda just kissed me and I didn’t know what to do”
“Do you like her?” You knew some people were listening it wasn’t hard to tell when they kept moving around
“Not like that, not like how I like you” he said as he held your hand, your heart was pumping so hard
“And how do you like me?” You asked nervous
“I don’t like you, I love you, of course I love you”
“Really? You love me”
“I’ve always wanted you, when I first saw you I knew you were it for me, even with all this chaos going on”
“I love you too Carl” you smiled as he pulled you into a hug
He leaned back and looked at you lips
“Can I?”
“Please” you whined having waited for this for so long
He leaned in and it was the sweetest kiss as he held you closer and the kiss deepened
“You’re my everything Carl” you said when he pulled back
“And you’re mine” that night you held eachother close as you fell asleep in his arms
He was finally yours
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lannasroleplaymemes · 2 years
Muse Relationship Dynamics
Send a symbol (or more than one) to indicate the type of relationship you think our Muses could have! Be sure to specify who is what role and name Muse(s) for Multimuses!
Biological/Adoptive Family 🍏 Parent/Guardian & Child 🍎 Step-Parent/Guardian & Step-child 🍐 Older/Younger Sibling 🍊 Stepsiblings 🍋 Twins 🍌 Cousins 🍉 Aunt/Uncle & Nephew/Niece 🍇Grandparent / Grandchild
Platonic 🐸 New/Developing Friendship 👶 Childhood Friends ▲ Best Friends ◆ Friends Of Circumstance ♫ Reluctant Friends ♠ Secret Friends ♝ Found Family ☔ Enemies To Friends ❤ Ex-Lovers To Friends 🔮 Queerplatonic 💋 Bad/Good Influence
Professional ◎ Classmates 🍸 Coworkers/Business Partners ✔️ Employer/Employee ❂ Teacher/Mentor & Student 💧 Roommates/Housemates 💃 Partners In Crime
Romantic€ Mutual Unknown Longing ➣ One-Sided Crush ♞ Unrequited Love ♔ One Night Stand 👠 Friends With Benefits 🌹 Long-Distance Relationship 📘 Newly Started Romance 💄 Boyfriends/Girlfriends/Partners 🌼 Fiancees 💘 Newlyweds 💍 Husbands/Wives/Spouses ✌ Soulmates ♊ Arranged Marriage 💀 Enemies To Lovers ♧ Friends To Lovers 🎩 Ex-Lovers 🎱 Exes Back To Lovers 🍛 Polyamorous Partners 🐞 Forbidden/Taboo Love
Tension/Dramatic 🎭 Frenemies/Fake Friends 🌸 Rivals 🐦 One-Sided Rivalry 🚦 Enemies 🍁 Betrayer/Betrayed 🛌 Unhealthy Exes € Friends To Enemies 💐 Lovers To Enemies 💦 Bully/Victim 🍭 Enemy-Of-A-Friend 🍗 Cheater/Cheated On ✤ Falling Out Of Love Ұ Dwindling Friendship
Strangers 🔴 Acquaintances 🟣 Idol/Superstar & Fan 🔵 Worker & Customer 🟢 Neighbors
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daysofyellowroses · 6 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 900 words | based on this very lovely request | no real warnings, just pretty damn cute if i do say so myself 🫶🏻💗🌼
In the sanctuary of your own thoughts, you can admit that when you were first getting ready to plan your wedding with Carmy, you were..nervous. 
Not because you didn't want to get married, you were over the moon when Carm proposed. It felt like the perfect next step in your relationship, and being engaged was such a wonderful feeling. 
But of course, you had to begin wedding plans eventually. Suffice to say, when you have a fiancé who's prone to stress and panic attacks, planning the biggest day of your lives is never going to be easy.
Except..it was?
Okay, it wasn't entirely 100% smooth sailing but for the most part..it was actually enjoyable. 
Maybe it was something to do with you and Carm not wanting a typical huge wedding, maybe it was that everyone in your lives sensed the stress that could happen and stepped in to help. You liked to think it was a little from column A, a little from column B.
You were determined to keep things as close as possible to what you and Carm wanted, the plans you'd casually talk about while making dinner or relaxing on the couch watching TV.
Of course having your friends and family be involved was incredible, and you and Carm appreciated their support and ideas, but there were some nights you had to turn your phone on silent, unable to look at another suggestion for a venue, or dress, or a cake, or a DJ. 
As it turned out, you found the perfect location when you weren't even trying. It was a random weekday that you and Carm had decided to take off, wanting to switch off from everything for a while and just enjoy each other's company. At someone's suggestion, you couldn't remember which of you had said it, you ended up at the botanic garden. It was so peaceful and beautiful, and walking around hand in hand with the love of your life, surrounded by colorful flowers and laughing at stupid jokes and stealing kisses made your heart soar. That evening, when another venue was suggested, you and Carm both looked at each other before you replied that you'd already found the perfect one.
Food was obviously a big part of your wedding plans, and you weren't sure why you were surprised that Carm and the bear crew insisted they could take care of it. You had hoped you'd at least have Syd on your side, but you were forced to take a stand on your own. It wasn't that you didn't want them all making the food, obviously it would be delicious, it was more a case of..you wanted them to be involved in the wedding in a different way, not just to be working as they always did. 
You wanted them to be bridesmaids and ushers, to read poems and be in your wedding pictures. You wanted to dance with them all night, take shots, and stuff yourself with desserts. What you didn't want was for them all to be too exhausted to do any of that. In the end, you agreed that Carm could choose what would be on the menu, he just couldn't make it. One day off wouldn't kill him. 
The guest list was surprisingly one of the easiest parts of the wedding plans. You and Carm both agreed you didn't want to invite great aunts you'd met once as a toddler or your entire kindergarten class, so you settled on family and friends who you were actually close to and wanted to celebrate with. You ended up with under hundred invites, just, but it felt like a little victory.
The dress..was not your favorite part, if you were honest. The dream of walking into a store, finding a dress, buying it and putting it aside for the wedding was dashed quickly when you were dragged into several bridal stores. It was am experience, sure, but standing in your underwear while an old woman squinted at you before hauling a dress over you was not ideal. You didn't want some huge Disney princess gown, and you weren't going to spend thousands on a dress you would wear once. In the end, you found a dress on a random website one night, sending the link to Syd and immediately buying it when she said she loved it. $150 and with some sneaky tailoring it could be worn again, that was definitely a victory.
By the time you'd got your dress, the wedding seemed to be closer than ever. Spring had seemed so far away when you'd gotten engaged, but when the air felt warmer and the leaves were coming back onto the trees, you felt an excitement that it was really happening, you would wear the dress and stand in a beautiful garden in front of everyone you loved and tell Carm you would always be by his side. 
Because that was what it was all for. 
When you woke up at two in the morning in a panic that you'd forgotten to book a photographer/DJ/makeup artist, Carm was there to reassure you it was all okay, everything was under control. When you would be sitting on the counter listening to him tell you about his day, watching him smile to himself, when you would be laying on the couch watching TV and his hand would just gently stroke your arm or your waist or your hair. 
There was never a doubt in your mind about marrying him, and through all the planning, that was what you focused on. 
And when the big day finally came, you knew you couldn't have planned it any better when you were standing side by side with the man of your dreams, ready to take the next step.
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