#🍒✨: i always love a challenge
livewithyura · 7 months
Hai, Darling 😘
Since your request is open ✨
May i've a request for Jin Kazama,Lee Chaolan,Lars Alexanderson, with sexy fem reader Who has a sassy attitude, likes to tease, fem is so elegant,cheerfull and has long wavy cherry pink hair.
Sorry, if the characters I requested are too many for you. I don't see the number of character slots for your request. I'm sorry 🙏🥺
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( Lee! , Lars! , Jin! ) | Tekken x Fem readers "We 'love' without reason"
❒ ⁀➷ Answer : Hi! Yes your idea is literally refreshing and don't worry about the characters! I will write as much as I can , Thank you for requesting! Hope you enjoy this little scribble .
❒⁀➷ Context : They don't know how they end up with you , a sassy and elegant woman . But they know having you by their side it's worth it . I also just watched 'anyone but you'! This scribble also took a lot of inspiration from that rom-com movie .
❒ ⁀➷ Request and collab is still open! ( pls do check my rules and requirements before request ) | ( slow update for now! )
Lars Alexanderson
You are a publicist, previously hired by Lee to ensure that Yggdrassil is always portrayed positively in the public eye.
Lars's the leader of the rebel army, so essentially, he's your client . You consistently offer your opinion, challenging Lars's ideas and proposing better alternatives .
He once 'awkwardly' asked you to join the rebel army but you decline . "I don't want to ruin my pink nails," you joked , that make Lars chuckle
You two grow closer as Lars's gentlemanly demeanor melts your heart, and he adores your personality. Together, you decide to take your relationship to the next level. After the defeat of G-corporation, Lars proposes to you with a bouquet of pink roses. "This flower . It remind me of you , (Y/N) . Please give me a chance to make you the happiest woman alive"
Lars decides to keep your relationship secret to the public eye, given his leadership in the rebel army and his desire to protect you. Even Lee, Alisa, or Jin are unaware of the intimacy between you two.
You're his employee in front of his work mate . He act serious and professional when he want to talk to you . But when you guy have a private moment , he take care of you like a princess . "You're my publicist in their eyes , but in private you're my princess" He said kneel down while adjusting your red heels .
LARS AND (Y/N) literally have SECRET MEETINGS , THE EYE CONTACT IN PUBLIC , SHARING HIDDEN KISSES and SUBTLY BRUSHING EACH OTHER'S HAND ( Lee was suspicious at first because Lars bought a Pink Perfume , Pink dresses and Pink roses . But Lars gave him a good excuses . )
Bonus ! ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Sweet Scenarios! ( Lars's version )
Lars leads the rebel army so his schedule is packed. He often arrives home late at night to find you on the sofa, wearing a strawberry face mask. His heart warms knowing you waited up for him.
He softly runs his fingers through your hair, whispering sweet things about you shyly. "You don't need to wait up for me. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, my love," he says, nuzzling the side of your hair and planting a gentle kiss. "Your scent is always captivating," he whispers again. Just inhaling your sweet aroma instantly melts away his stress.
You wake up with a gasp. "Lars! You scared me, and you almost ruined my beautiful night routine" you say, readjusting your face mask that nearly slipped off. "Oh my love, I can make your night routine more...entertaining," he says, a smirk playing on his lips. You playfully slap him with your satin pillow. "Uh-huh, whatever. Where's my sushi?"
He freezes, realizing he forgot to buy you sushi, the late-night snack he promised. "Love, I... we have instant ramen at home," he stutters, gently holding your shoulders. You squint at him. "I'm on a diet" you remind him.
"It's okay! I know your rebel army is waaaaayy more important , I understand!" With a sarcastic tone , you walked away from the living room.
Unable to bear the thought of seeing your distressed eyes, he rushes to Lee's house at 2 AM just to prepare sushi for you. Luckily, Lee's place is stocked with luxurious ingredients, "Lars? What's this for?" "Sorry Lee , It's for my own satisfaction"
And by 3 AM, he manages to whip up the sushi. Returning to your shared apartment, he presents you with the sushi, apologizing, "Sorry, my love. I'll make sure this doesn't happen again." He gently takes your hand, kissing your knuckles tenderly.
"I love you , captain" you said , try to tease him and all the blood in his body rush through his cheek . "Ah? Are you blushing? Did I get the total-badass-side-character , justice-muscle-man blush?" You try to tease him for a second time .
"Ah, well... How could anyone not blush when they receive compliments from such a majestic woman like you?" He scratch his head , not looking at your eyes .
"I just want you to know that you're one of my top priority [Y/N] , You're waaaaaayy more important than my life" Lars wrapped his arm around your waist while giving you a kiss on the back of your neck .
Lee Chaolan
You're a professor at the Violet System. You're aware of his playboy reputation and his frequent outings with different girls. Sometimes, you're unsure which one is his girlfriend. Of course, one day, you catch the CEO's attention with your elegant presence.
He attempts to catch your attention, but you consistently ignore him to assert your identity. You refuse to succumb to his charm, aware that he might eventually lose interest and pursue another girl. Ironically, this only fuels Lee's desire for you. "I bought this necklace for you. I think it will look perfect on you!" he offers. "Oh? Who told you to buy that?" you tease, giving him a knowing smirk. "Um , this is not 'excellent'' He mumble , because you feel bad you just accept the expensive necklace .
"You can't leave this lab without letting me take you home tonight. sweet little thing," he insists while winking at you , okay he's little bit annoying but he knows your taste . He pick a beautiful present for a woman "Yea sure" You said "YES! EXCELLENT! Let's go!"
After a few dates, you find yourself drawn to his personality. You share many things together. Whether it's skincare, makeup, or fashion, he's always there to advise you. He knows the perfect skincare routine, the ideal makeup shades for you, and he surrounds you with new outfits that suit your style. One morning, you wake up to find yourself snuggled up with him on his million-dollar couch. It dawns on you that you've already fallen for him.
Lee surprises you by publicly announcing your relationship, declaring, "Everybody! This pretty woman over here is the love of my life!" This bold move catches you off guard, as he has never been so open about his relationship before. He also make a big deal about you , he make it completely obvious you're the one he want in his entire life . [ He also like to FLEX you in front of lars , telling lars that you're the one who design the latest armor suit ]
While you're together, you both have manicures, go to the salon, and even have shopping sprees. "We're so slay, Lee," you remark, admiring your matching vintage outfits with him. "Excellent!" Then, he takes a picture of the two of you. [ MIRROR SELFIEEE ]
Bonus ! ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Sweet Scenarios! [ Lee's version ]
Lee decides to take you on a trip after his schedule is packed with war-related matters. You're relieved that he survived the war despite sustaining a slight injury. The night before your trip to Manhattan, you're patching up his injury while he looks at you with softened eyes. "I'm sorry for giving you a hard time when I was away, sweet [y/n]," he says.
"Phew! At least the world is saved," You said , Lee caressing his girlfriend's cheek. "Don't kiss me, I have a lip scrub on," she jokes. "Hm~ I know!" he replies, stopping. "Do you want to buy something before our trip, baby?" She hums, thinking about her ideas. "Let's go to the convenience store!"
Lee and you made a way to the small convenience store that was open 24/7. It was your tradition with your boyfriend, a secret adventure that you guys shared . Lee's always unserious and you adore his personality , You guys always seeking out the most ridiculous items that you guys could find.
Lee giggled as she spotted a display of neon-colored sunglasses. "Babe!, look at these! We could start a new trend!" Lee's arms wrapped around her waist from behind, surprising her. You gasped and turned, only to burst into laughter at the sight of him wearing the neon-colored sunglasses.
As you guys roamed the aisles, you guys picked up items at random, creating a pile of the most absurd things ; a rubber chicken, a glow-in-the-dark frisbee, a tiny umbrella with a pineapple pattern, and a pack of glow sticks.
You help up up box of instant noodles . "Do we need this?" You asked, raising an eyebrow. Lee covered your left cheek with a quick kiss "Well babe, you never know when a late-night noodle craving might strike!" He whispers .
"Lee , why are you buying that?" "What do you mean babe! It's good" "Both of us don't know how to cook dumbass and we're just going to eat at the restaurant---" He shuts you with a quick-kiss again and he run away with the trolley . "Lee!"
"They made their way to the checkout counter, their arms full of their strange purchases. The cashier, a sleepy-looking teenager, raised an eyebrow at their selection but didn't comment. As they walked out of the store, Lee slipped his hand into [Y/N]'s, their fingers intertwining. "I love our late-night adventures," she said softly.
"I'm glad you enjoy it , sweet [Y/N]," He replied, squeezing your hand.
Jin Kazama
You were one of Jin's juniors in high school. Whenever you passed each other, he felt an uncanny connection to you. Unbeknownst to him, your family was associated with a traditional exorcist in Japan. Jin had always had a 'slight' crush on you, but he never admitted it. He didn't want to dampen your spirit, so before leaving school to pursue martial arts, he gave you an anonymous love letter expressing his feelings towards you .
A few years have passed, and G-corp has been defeated. You continue your life as an entrepreneur. One day, you enter a coffee shop and order a double shot espresso, trying to resume your daily routine after the war. "Sorry, we only accept cash this morning," the cashier says, rolling her eyes at you. Surprised, you look back at the long queue behind you, waiting for you to pay. You don't notice Jin's presence, as it's been a long time since high school.
"Sorry I left my other cash in the car can you---" "ONE HOT CAPPUCINO FOR MR ISAYAMA" All the worker ignores you . "Honey,I told you already about this . We're not going to separate our bills anymore" Jin stepping in and pay the coffee for you . You looked at him , tilting your head trying to remember his face .
"I don't know you're such a good actor , Kazama" you give him a little tease , leaving the busy coffee shop together with Jin . Jin just stood silently while chugging his peppermint tea . "Thank you , that was nice by the way!" you smiles at him , "My pleasure" he replied shortly.
As you're about to leave, Jin stops you. "Well, this is my number. Can't leave my 'girlfriend' just like that," he says with a smirk. You're surprised, looking at him incredulously. "Oh, I didn't know this big, bulky, emo man had feelings? We'll keep in touch, big man," you reply, tapping his shoulder playfully.
From that , you guys keep in touch with each other . Then Jin confessed to you , he stand in front of your apartment with a big stuffed animal , he carries it until he reach your apartment . "Can I win your heart, [Y/N]? I hope it's as easy as winning this big bear at the amusement park. Just give me a chance," Jin says earnestly , How could you say no to that?
After that, you always teased him about his romantic gestures. He couldn't say anything but blush. "You're such a sweet and caring person, Kazama. If you had told me this before you left that school, we would have gotten together faster," you said teasingly. "Yeah… whatever," he replied, turning around to continue preparing your breakfast.
Even though Jin doesn't speak openly about his feelings for you, you can feel them through his actions. Jin embodies the idea of 'Everyone thinks LOVE is for show, but I'll DIE you in secret' . He's obsessed with physical closeness , PUTTING YOU ON TOP HIS CHEST HEARING HIS HEARTBEAT . HUGGING ALL THE TIME . You will sit on the couch and HE WILL STROKING YOUR HAIR AND KISS YOU EVERYWHERE . HE WILL BUY YOU YOUR FAVORITE FOOD/DRINKS . LEARNING EVERY SINGLE DETAILS ABOUT YOU .
He learns the art of makeup just for you, trying to buy you three different lipsticks and blushers, even though they might not be in your shade but this time it would suit you and your pink hair. He's a bit embarrassed confronting the cashier in the makeup store. "Ah, I never expected a guy with whole six-pack to come here. Is this for your girlfriend?" she asks, but Jin doesn't reply and leaves the store with all the makeup for you.
Bonus ! ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ Sweet Scenarios! [ Jin's version! ]
Jin decided have a hiking trip at his hometown with you , he want to have a graceful moment with his girlfriend . He walked ahead, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he pointed out various plants and animals along the way, his love for nature evident in every step.
You, on the other hand, trailed behind, your expression a mix of awe and annoyance. You swatted at a pesky mosquito and wrinkled your nose at the sight of a muddy puddle. "Remind me again why we're doing this?" you grumbled, trying to avoid stepping in a particularly muddy patch.
Jin grabbed your waist "Don't worry princess , it would be fine . I'm here with you" He whisper to your ear , you just squinted your eyes while looking at his face . "Jin , answer my question" You said , Jin tucked your hair gently as he looked at you with a smile . "Because nature has a way of rejuvenating the soul," he replied, his voice filled with reverence. "It's important to connect with the earth and appreciate its beauty. And I want to experience it with you . The love of my life"
"I could appreciate it just fine from the comfort of a spa," you said. Jin chuckled softly. "You always make that face when you're tired," he said, pinching your cheek. You followed him silently, a red mark on your face. Like always, he remembered every single detail about you.
"Don't worry, we'll have your first favorite cereal, the one you used to eat when you were 5," he assures you." Hm? I wonder what flavor is that?" You teased , he smirks , Knowing the answer "Cinnamon Toast Crunch" . You lose it , this man always melt you away with demeanor .
As you guys reached a picturesque overlook, Jin taking in the breathtaking view of the valley below. "Isn't it magnificent?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe while holding your hand .
You couldn't help but be moved by the beauty of the scene before her.."It is," you admitted quietly, a hint of wonder in her voice.
You sat down on a nearby rock, the silence of the morning enveloping you and Jin. "Thank you , for showing me the beauty of nature and bugs..." You said ,
Jin widened his eyes after he noticed a little bump on your arm . "Princess, are you okay? Does it hurt? Is it bothering you? Do you want to go down right now?" "Jin asks, his concern evident though he doesn't express it too obviously. "It's fine, We can have a moment before we go down to meet your mom" You said , Jin just nods agree with you .
"[Y/N]" "Yes?" . Jin coughs , try to clear his voice . "You know what else is beautiful?" "What?" "You" . And after those words, you tease him all day.
˚˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ All right reserved , written by livewithyura , why you want to copy this crap? You can reblog!
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faeriefrolic · 6 months
I feel like there are not a lot of Sims 3 simblrs left. Who have been inspirations to you lately. I want to follow more simblrs :)
It's always lovely to see more ts3 simmers !! 💖 I usually check the ts3 tags to find more players, but here's some recent simspo that's been popping up on my dash: @poisonfireleafs: I loveeeee her hair retextures sm! I switched to using just them during my last small cc cleanout (Which I need to do... again... eventually... kicks mod folder under bed haha) @erasabledinosaur Cute colorful reshades and photos, her decorating style is chefs kiss mwah mwah 🥰 @simspaghetti I love her gameplay and follow her guides and gameplay rules! Sooo many good resources here 📚 @thepettymachine Really fun and cool ts3 challenges and legacies! One of my saves is their jam legacy challenge and I plan on tackling the others sometime 🍓 @acesandfairydust Just finished a berry lepacy! So many colorful generations 😻 @swedishsimmerr Currently playing a 100 baby challenge! Good luck soldier 🍼 @ticklemerainbows Their berry legacies span so many generations!! All those color combos and palettes are so neat to look at 🍒 @bool-prop Stories involving magic and the occult? Yes pleaseeeee 🐺 @amixofpixels Colorful faeries and a huge family tree!! Dedication to the fae ✨ @papermint-airplane Storytelling and cute aliens, need I say more 👽 @greenplumbboblover Amazing storytelling with the Sunset Valley sims 🌴 @kissalopa @prettyplumbobs @simsreaper @llamabees @hiddenspriings @nikatyler @hypatiaas @nonrevsims @panicsimmer More hix completionist/lepacy players!! It's such a fun challenge so far and it's fun to play alongside others doing it too, and seeing how unique everyones games are while playing in iconic ea worlds 🌞 @pearlsim @llamabees @magiclabs @teekapoa Cute & colorful gameplay and adorable decorating styles!! Taking so many notes 📝 @bearsimz @annacake @lalarose More ts3 berry players, berries my beloved 🍑
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hisomachiweek · 6 months
Hi!♡ I'm VERY painfully aware that I'm SO damn LATE and that Hisomachi week/day is over 🌸 but I have a few questions if you'd be so kind as to answer them☺️ 1: the way it sounds TO me it's like Hisomachi week is a team? Is it one or more people?✨ You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable lol🎐 2: Are you planning to make another Hisomachi week/day? And 3: since I see you as the Leader of 🃏🧵✨ Hisomachi ✨🧵🃏 I was wondering would someone else like me be able to make a Hisomachi week/day??🍓 Anyway ty for your time enjoy your day 🍡🍒🍭💮🌸🥰
Hello!!! ✨
Of course I can answer them!
1: Nope, I organized the events on my own. Since it is a tiny ship with just a few shippers - and even less people willing to create content - personally, I didn't see the need to find more people to help.
2: Planning? Not at the moment, no. My focus has been on other things right now. It can always go back to HxH in the future (it happened before), but I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon.
3: lol You're too kind, but in a fandom there's no such thing as a leader of a ship, or a leader of a character, don't worry. I appreciate the question, tho. You, or anyone else, are free to host any HisoMachi event, including HisoMachi Week and Hisomachi Day. I think it's a bit too late to run a Hisomachi Day this year because it's 3/4 and one week is not enough to spread the word and for creators to post their works, but the Week can happen anytime, so I would suggest you focusing on it instead.
Tell me if you're serious about it. It is challenging, ngl. As I said, not many people are willing to create content for this ship, unfortunately. But there's always someone here or there and you may reach that shy shipper who just needed a little encouragement to write or draw something. Who knows. If you love the ship, it is worth it.
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dandelionapril · 2 years
i was tagged by my sweet cherub @sweetlolah to do this get to know you challenge ✨💕🍒 so here we go!
relationship status: taken 💌
favorite color: all shades of pink, most greens, and i do love my pastels like baby blue and lilac and cream
song stuck in your head: hounds of love by kate bush. i always sing the ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh parts randomly in my head. at any given moment ☁️
last song listened to: you’re gonna love me by ldr and technically by bf practicing reverie by polyphia
dream trip: i wanna travel everywhere but i’d like to start in italy, sitting in a cute cafe on a cobblestone street with bougainvillea everywhere eating a fat bowl of pasta in my white cotton dress and my wicker basket handbag by my side 🧺
three favorite foods: pupusas, enchiladas guatemaltecas, and the piña colada icee from 7-eleven
last thing googled: mariah carey pink halter crochet pattern 💓
thing i wanna do: move out lolz 😭
i tag @prncess91 @finalgirl @honeymoonhorror @ratsintherosebush
no pressure to do this 🥰
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kawaiishitty · 1 year
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My very late submission to
✨Kiss me in komorebi✨
Ezra Ruíz
Pronounce: He/Him
Transmale / pan
Age : 43 yo
Trait : overachiever/goofball/outgoing
Aspiration : world famous celebrity
Sign : Cancer
Height : 1m77
Likes : purple 💜,cooking, gardening, mischief, pranks
Ezra was born and raised in the Selvadorada. Ezra’s parents were already known to be hard working farmers in their home land so when they had the opportunity to move in Henford-on-Bagley to expend their family business they couldn’t say no to that new challenge even though they were uncertain if it will be a success. Ezra had a rebellious soul and uncertain of what he wants, he was good at school, he was your average b- student when they were asking him what job he wanted to do he always proudly says that he wanted to run his family’s farm, but at home it was a different discourse, he didn’t want to hear a word of his parents and told them he wanted to do his own thing. Although one thing they all were sure about, is that they had fate on their son and whatever decision he was choosing, they will always support him. After getting diploma from the Copperdale High School, him and two of his best friends started to gather ideas to start their own business cause they didn’t want to go to college and crawl on their debts so by the help of their families and friends they launched their restaurant based on Ezra’s traditional food with a twist and the ingredients were all freshly harvested by Ezras parents. The first years were very rocky, in fact, there was many times they thought they will close the restaurant, until that day came a famous cuisine critic blogger came and wrote an article about the restaurant, and until that day success never stopped. They now opened a restaurant in Sulani, San Myshuno and even in Del Sol Valley. After many years of hard work, Ezra somehow still has this fear deep down that everything that he worked for it his whole life will fade away (even tho gen z sims refers to his restaurant where the “heat is”), after seeing that there was “another celebrity” that wanted to find “love” on tv was ridiculous pretty pathetic to him BUT THEN his eye lightened, and thought of the free publicity that he will get if he SOMEHOW was able to enrol to the bachelor🌝
🪻 Ezra’s like bright colours and will rarely wear “boring colours” as he says
🍄Ezra’s dad of 2 (Ashley 7 and Jamal 14)
🍀Ezra’s a bit straightforward which can be disliked by some sims
⭐️His family and close friends/associates are everything for him
🍊He will make a misery out of your life if he doesn’t “vibe with you”
🫧Haven’t been in a serious relationship for a while because he’s too busy managing the restaurants
🐝He will crack dad jokes here and there and don’t you dare not laugh at it
🍒He’s a VERY messy person
🐙Sometimes you can’t differentiate when he’s serious, mad or joking
Thank you so much @rainymoodlet i can’t wait to see how our two sims will interact 🤪🥹
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sumiretranslations · 1 year
Shadow Verse F!Tashiro Sumire (23.07.08)
I'm Tashiro Sumire 💜
Today!On the TV Anime Shadow Verse F
Saito Madoka、Yonemura Kirara、and I Tashiro Sumire
Will be appearing
In the roles of Madoka、Kirara、and Sumire!🌟
Shekenaare is being played as the ending song🎶🩵
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Our scene 🩵❤️💜
It really makes me so happy that I've rewatched it countless times!
Our characters are really too cute😭✨
I'll treasure this eternally。💖
Ever since I was chosen for the voice acting role
I've been pretty nervous about it、!
I have no confidence in my own voice、so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do it well enough
But I worked hard and practiced lots!
I was super happy to be chosen for the guest voice acting role、so since I was chosen I wanted to do my best with it!、and I feel like you can see the results of my hard work🌼
I once again realised how amazing voice actors are🔥
Having this kind of opportunity
Has really been a great experience for me!
I want to use what I've learned from this experience in my future work too!
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The 3 of us took a photoー✌🏻
Shekenaare is also being used as the ending song
Which makes me super happy!!✨
The fact that a song we've sung is being used as the ending song for an anime、is so amazing🥹❤️‍🔥
During the ending credits、
「Sumire Tashiro Sumire (OCHA NORMA)」
Appeared which made me super happy and emotional!!✨
Those of you who haven't seen it!It's being broadcast on catch up
So please be sure to watch it🌟
Also today we had an online talk event 🍒
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You can see how swollen my left eye is in this photo 😭
Today we wore our own clothes !!
I wore a black top and a black scrunchieー🖤
I also wore a silver necklace with star earrings⭐️
Thank you very much
To everyone who participated 💖
Being able to talk with you face to face made me super happy!!🥰
Thank you very much for always supporting us!🫶🏻
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Today I was on a mission to make Kirara try coriander
It was a success!笑lol
She said it was delicious!Yay✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
I love coriander!It's really delicious!
Did you watch the video posted on Ocha no Ma-sama no Yutori's Twitter〜?🍵📺
I challenged tongue twisters!!Take a look at it!!笑lol
For all of your likes・comments
Thank you very much❤︎‬
Well thenn!
This has been Tashiro Sumire〜
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loveemagicpeace · 3 years
🥀What zodiac signs are looking for?🥀
🦋💙Scorpio seeks for someone with deep emotions someone with whom he will feel comfortable sharing dark secrets. Someone who will understand his depth. Trustworthy and unique person.
🧚🏼‍♀️✨Pisces seek for someone who will be more emotional stable than them. Someone with spirtuality, dreams. With someone who they can connect on a subconscious level. Maybe someone more realistic than they are.
🌸💕Cancers seek for someone who will make them feel like home, someone caring, passion and who will give them the same emotions that they have.
☁️🔑Libras seek for someone who will give them balance and love. A romantic partner with whom they can share fashion and beauty. Someone to show them that relationships are not as important as they are.
🪀💚Gemini seek for someone who is communicative, talkative, challenging, adventurous. Someone who let them talk and who is energetic as they are.
🧩Aquarius seek for someone different, unavailable, strange, at the same time someone who is equal to them.
🥑🥬Virgos seek for someone who will control them haha Or someone who is not so obsessed with control as they are. Virgos are looking for someone who is the opposite of them, more relaxed, emotionally stable, fun. Someone who is hygienic and loves cleanliness. I saw a lot of virgos end up with aries or leos.
🍒🪑Taurus seek for someone who is emotionally stable at the same time someone who is not so stubborn. Someone who knows what he wants and who loves changes and pulls them out of the comfort zone.
🗝Capricorn seek for someone who is opposite than they are. Someone who show them how to feel, who can bring emotions out of them. Someone with whom they can build something.
🫀🧸Sagittarius seeks for someone spontaneous, always ready for action with whom he can discover the world, travels. Someone with meaing and strong opinon, who will be interested in learing new things. With whom he can share his interests. Someone who is honest and direct.
🔥💫Aries seek for someone who can help them with anger isuee. Someone fun and emotional at the same time. Someone with passion.
☀️🌾Leo seeks for someone loyal and charming. Who likes to be the center of attention. Someone who is creative, has a reputation and is tidy. Someone who is determined and proud.
💫This is my opinion based on the sun sign , other signs in the chart can change what you are looking for in someone. 💫
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rosesloveletters · 2 years
You said you needed some good vibes sent your way so here, have some Grogu memes, one f/o meme, some general encouragement and one (1) funny Bond meme that makes me laugh in asexual.
It's been a Week for me too, I hope it gets easier for both of us. You deserve all good things in this world, dear 💘💝💖💐
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Also while I'm at it, I'll throw in some gushing over my boys and horses if you don't mind:
Jack's not much of a horserider but he loves being around them and handles horses well enough that I've let him tag along for the slower rides we take after the horses on after they've had a long ride, to let them cool down a little.
He's doing great so far and it's a nice sight to see him on horseback.
Cas and I are still doing our regular rides and it's still a super lovely way to spend time with him.
I remember mentioning (probably when answering some ask) that Cas usually goes for the stallions 'cause he thinks the mares are too jumpy and geldings are "boring". I sually go for the geldings.
Also if Cas is judging my horse choice when I pick a gelding my favourite comeback is "You better watch out or I'll turn you into one." (Geldings are male horse that have had their 🍒 snipped off) It's all fun and games and to be taken with a grain of salt but I did love to watch the colour drain from his face the first time I said it.
even if he favours stallions he always goes for the lazier kind, he loves riding and a bit off a challenge but won't risk a serious injury on too difficult a horse.
And then there's Cowboy (incase you didn't read the recent ask, this is just good old platonic friendship)
When I tell you, this man has no sense of self-preservation whatsoever when it comes to horses (that's why I'm there to make sure he doesn't get himself killed) (he says that "getting 'almost' killed isn't a thing because if something 'almost' happened it doesn't count")
I worry over him sometimes but then again, he's an excellent horseman and at the end of the day I trust him not to take too big risks.
He's the one I usually take the horses out with to let off some steam, just letting them hallop their hearts out.
Don't tell anyone but sometimes we have do some racing for fun, galloping so fast it's all a blur, not really knowing where the horse ends and you begin. It's the best thing ✨
Oh my god this turned long, really hope it isn't any trouble 😗✌🏻 anyway, hope the rest of the week is more gentle on you, you deserve it ❤️
Magda, oh my goodness, look how much thought/effort/work/love you put into this ask I'm shaking🥺🥺🥺 I did ask for some good vibes, life's been kicking me while I'm down for the entire month, and it's not been kind to the rest of my family either. Without going in to much personal detail, I'm traveling out of town for a funeral this weekend, among all of life's other hellishness it's been throwing my way.
Thank you for these lovely memes and encouragement, dear. You've curated a beautiful array of positivity for me and all of this made me smile so many times; I love the Bond meme😂😂
I sincerely hope things get better for you as well, life has been cruel to all of us recently and it's really not fair. The world deserves a breather, I swear. You deserve lots of love, honey, and I hope you're getting all of the love you deserve from your loved ones, friends, f/os, etc. How are you doing? I am sending you so much love, positivity and flowers💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
THANK YOU for the beautiful gushing about your lovely boys (and horses!!) I enjoyed reading about you all!!! Jack seems like the type to be somewhat alarmed by the thought of riding a horse at first and then slowly building up to it and eventually greatly enjoying it and developing a sweet friendship with a favorite horse.
OMG poor Cas, the last thing he'd ever want is to become like a gelding😂😂
Honestly, I completely vibe with Cowboy's explanation that if something "almost happened" then it doesn't count😂😂😂 That's too funny!! I'm sure he really enjoying riding with you and getting that extra time to spend with you in that way. It's great to have someone you can do things like that with and it's wonderful that all of them really enjoy riding horses with you! How sweet are all of you?
That honestly sounds like the best time; it must be so fun to lose yourself in a world like that where the only thing that matters is the horse you're riding and your f/o's presence with you🥺❤️
No this is absolutely no trouble at all! I love and cherish everything that you send to me!! I really loved reading through all of this (might have read it a couple of times too🥺🥺) you're all so sweet and precious and you're such a good friend to me, dear.
Hope this weekend/next week is gentler on you as well. You deserve nothing but the best!! Sending you all my love and care❤️❤️❤️
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sumiretranslations · 1 year
FC Event〜 Tashiro Sumire (23.05.27)
I'm Tashiro Sumire 🍒
Today was our FC Event Aichi performance
Thank you very much〜⭐️
Welcome home Kirara👸🏻❤️
Moeru Wakaba ni Shincha de good!~Today was the final performance
And so、it feels like it's all over in the blink of an eye、!
For the unit corner this time、together with RokoRoko
I was able to perform
Buono!-san's Solatido〜Nee Nee〜💖
Being able to cover such a wonderful song makes me super happy、but on the other hand the high parts were a real challenge so I practiced lots with RokoRoko 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻
But my voice wasn't in perfect condition today、、😭
But But it was still super fun!!
In terms of my thoughts about songs、I feel like I've been overthinking about songs recently、but I think I was able to showcase my growth in the unit corners at these FC events!!
I've always said I want to perform a duo、with my gen mate RokoRoko!
And this time we decided units by rock-paper-scissors、so I'm glad that fate was on our side 😼🫶🏻✨
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We took this photo together🫶🏻 RuliRuli-sama did my hair for me🥹
Thank you 😭💛
To everyone who waved light purple penlights today!
Thank you very much💜💜💜💜
I Love Love Love You⭐️🎀👶🏻🦋✨🌹
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
Tomorrow is
@JAM 2023 Day2 ~SUPER LIVE~!
I'll do my best tomorrow too!
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From Kirara's family
We received these melon cakes🍈❤️
I took a good photo of it🎶
For all of your likes・comments
Thank you very much ♡
Well then!
This has been Tashiro Sumire〜
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