#🎸 Study 🎸
lookksllikeemme · 1 year
Every time I see this dean outfit, I can't stop thinking about the group doing a mockup of some generic black and white movie. They buy grey body paint and clothes, painting the study room and various halls black and white. Maybe it could be a murder mystery story except instead of a murder it could be something like a ripped up textbook. It just ends with the dean walking in on them screaming once he sees the entire room/hall, head to toe covered in paint.
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hecatombi · 1 year
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(( here is a bunch of miscellaneous physical headcanons i have about the guys, going from the ones with the least changes to the most! Vash and Chai .. are going to have a lot more due to the nature of my insane fixation on them. ))
Ash has five different prosthetic hands, and several chainsaw stumps to attach to his hand.
He prefers to keep his hair as swoopy and voluminous as he had it in army of darkness ( even old ash. sorry ihate his slick combed back look )
Gary naturally has heterochromia and blue + brown eyes, but after his possession by invictus, they are a striking bright pink. and it's permanent! Here's a ref i drew of him with them.
Post invictus, he grows his hair out and wears a far more complicated outfit. Like the concept art for the FS graphic novel.
On top of having a prosthetic right arm, Joseph ALSO has a prosthetic left leg. This is because of the fact that LAVA HIT HIS KNEE CAP IN THAT FINAL BATTLE WITH KARS THERE IS NO WAY THAT DIDN'T DESTROY IT BEYOND REPAIR!!!!! So, double amputee.
When he is upset or mad, Joseph's hand clicks and wriggles around every joint independantly, and it is typically the only tell that he's angry or upset in any way if he's trying to hide the fact.
Joseph's arm was made by the SPW. not. who they're from in canon. <:) On top of that, it has several different functions, and a different appearance from canon. There are 5 star shaped buttons on it with varying uses. I.. still need to decide them, though.
He is NEVER ever seen without the remaining burnt headband of Caesar's. Ever. A common stim he has is twirling the ends of it.
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Now, i have a big ol' about page coming for Chai soon, but let's start here.
To get things out of the way; Chai has HORRIFICALLY poor vision. He refuses to get glasses though, because he is certain it makes him look like a nerd. He really, REALLY NEEDS THEM though. He's more farsighted.
Chai always had arrhythmia and other heart defects before his surgery at Vandelay. On top of that, he did not have mobility in his left arm at all, which is why he went in for the arm surgery. They told him they'd help with his heart too, but ...
.. the MP3 player + core replaced his heart entirely. And also gave him top surgery for free, even though he'd been too poor to afford it, as his breasts got in the way of the core. However, his top scars are more than just that; there are thick scars, branding him with the vandelay logo down his entire torso, becauuuuse...
His insides and organs had to be reworked to physically accept such a drastic change to his body. I'm talking moved around, and more than just his heart and arm replaced with robotics.
He straight up is an eldritch, terrifying mess of organs and wires in there. He doesn't know how much of him is robotic and how much is organic anymore. I draw this from the factt hat when electrocuted, Chai's skeleton shows up -- but his skeleton also includes the magnetic waste management tool in his arm, as well as the fact that the things he survives physically NOBODY ELSE CAN. AT ALL. like jesus christ he is somehow so resilient to things literally nobody else in game is under the same circumstances. Also, his body and brain can be hacked directly from his arm. You can't do that with organics, only tech.
So... that's why I think he's more robot than person now. Or cybernetic, if you want to get technical. W/e
His life span has been extended by an unknown amount, and he will age significantly slower if at all due to this change in his body. Oh, and the outer shell of the arm is made of a compound that is not metal. Dont know what it is, but it's still just as strong and durable.
It is possible for Chai to sync with other robotic beings in the same way he synced with 808( his cat ); you have a 50/50 chance of hearing the music that always plays in his head forever, like 808 now does, OR hearing the world moving to a musical beat for the rest of your life. Until he dies, anyways -- if / when he does.
His music core is shown to thump and beat like a heart, and if it pounds hard enough, it's enough to jerk his chest and cause him to get a little dazed-- it's definitely uncomfortable when it thumps so hard. I think he watches it cause he's nervous if his heart is fucking up or something, given that was a BIG health anxiety his entire life. Only 808 managed to snap him out of it, as you can see here.
Speaking of that, post surgery? He LITERALLY can not process anything beyond music and beat he can not hear. For the rest of his life, he will always move to a beat nobody can hear; the environment makes music around him; you can see in this example here how everything in the environment and even his own movements fall largely to the beat of the song. See the video below for an example of this.
He will never be able to hear or see the world regularly again. Not that Chai minds; he LOVES music. Adores it, even. He'd be happy to live with this the rest of his life. Which is good, cause he really has to.
He picked up cat tendencies from 808 when they synchronized, just as 808 picked up chai mannerisms ( like the way he fights & love of rock and roll ). They often mirror each other because Chai is influencing 808's expression more than you'd think! They pretty much share a single braincell now.
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And, to close it all off; the surgery also gave him insane durability, as already discussed.. but it ALSO gave him nuts dashing techniques, and an ability to jump to a ridiculous degree. He's a very sturdy man now!
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Vash only LOOKS human, but as we know, he certainly ISNT. He's a Plant; an independant variety, which is exceedingly rare. Plants are strange fusions of literal plants, angels, and mechanical blueprints that all meld together to make a more techno-organic being.
Because he only LOOKS human, I have PLENTY of hc's about his body and form and how they actually differentiate from your typical human.
First and foremost; he's trans. ALL plants are born female, no exceptions, as said by canon; which makes vash canonically trans. Pretty cool, right? but, in canon, where he doesn't have this -- he has plant private parts ( flower based ) and one of his breasts left. He has no desire to bind or for top surgery, as his chest is small anyways -- but he lost one of them a long time ago. More about the state of his body later, but this is important to still note.
Now, his teeth. He has fangs that he has filed down to look smaller, but they are still pretty sharp. His teeth are NOT defined like a humans; it's like .. kind of a solid plate of metal for bone? Teeth? With only vague outlines of where they should separate.
His eyes are an unnatural piercing blue, which we already know; however, the reason he wears those big orange glasses may surprise you! They're actually marksman glasses, which are known to be orange; however, they also serve as a neutralizer to his eyes. If you look at his glasses head on, through them, his eyes look like a neutral blue-gray. However, if you take off his glasses, they're still a BRIGHTLY inhuman blue.
And yes, they glow in the dark.
In BLUE and UV LIGHT specifically, his plant marks will show no matter what. Though, in blue light, they're much fainter / mostly in the eyes ( and they make them glow as you see in the example below ), while in UV all light patterns are exposed. When he heals plants, these also become pretty visible -- but if he has too use TOO much of his angelic power, one of two things could happen.
He goes comatose and unresponsive for a short while; blank stare, unable to react or process anything around them. Sometimes he can snap out of it, sometimes he can't. It really depends.
His hair will brown or blacken. If you know what this means, have a gold star! If you don't, this means he is ACTIVELY shortening his life span and using too much of his power at once. When a plant's hair browns or blackens, it means they no longer have limitless energy.
Side note; since we see that since birth, Vash has had BROWN EYEBROWS ( whereas all plants are born with blonde hair and blonde eyebrows, and blue eyes, NO MATTER WHAT ); i have a headcanon that because Nai is based on a toxic albino plant that was never meant to live in the reboot, he subconciously saved Nai at birth. He was always the stronger twin in terms of health, where Nai was sicker.
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Also .. despite his glasses being pretty normal marksman glasses, he can do this thing where he reflects everything in the environment BUT his eyes subconciously; it's a big tell that he's trying to stay distant and not let people read his next expressions. He often does this to distance himself or when he's being vague. It happens a bunch in moments specifically where he does that in show, so im adopting that as a little weird plant quirk he can do. Call it manipulation of light and reflection, I suppose, since he IS a plant...
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He's way taller than he looks. He will keep continuously growing for the rest of his life til a certain point, to which his true height would be around 9 ft to 10 ft tall at the least when in humanoid form. However, as of right now, he is 7'5 in his natural body. Here's the fun part though; he actually SHIFTS HIS BONES and condenses his weight and appearance to look more humanlike, but that still leaves him at a hefty 6'5. Even despite this effort to appear smaller and more unassuming, due to the poor nutrition on Gunsmoke, nearly every human is much, much smaller than him. Unless they've been genetically and unethically modified, of course. Then they can get fucking giant . But, nobody matches his height on an average basis there.
when he's in his full 7'5 ( and growing!! ) form, his limbs are gangly, and too long. His eyes look Bigger, and his skin a little bluer; his fingertips get elongated with a black gradient like all his plant sisters. Example here.
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His angel arm is something he does not bring out due to a great deal of trauma with that and knives; he does not have access to a full plant angel form. What he DOES have access to is a gigantic angel arm, and three pairs of wings; parts of his body transform into an eldritch mechanical angel kind of being, but not all of his body can. This is because of his twin, Nai / Knives having the other half. Had Nai never existed, Vash would have full access to his plant angel form. He is one of the most powerful plants of his kind with said angel arm, but ... he'd sooner kill himself than ever use it. There'sa a whole rant i have about how he feels having been forced to have it out, but .. that's for later.
Now, for this paragraph, heads up for y'all for mentions of starvation and body dysmorphia, over all bad condition of a body. The next red text you'll see is where discussion of this stops. as is pretty heavily established, Vash has a great deal of body dysmoprhia. He is absolutely letting his body fall apart at the seams, and frequently punishes himself for "failing" to protect people by starving himself, despite needing it to survive / have energy and heavily enjoying food. That is why he's so damn scrawny! Which is unfortunate, but he has so so many complexes ( shout i make a separate infodump about this too? ) tht this is just par for the course. Now, he could heal the scars and shit on his body faster if he wanted to, but he's pretty self conscious about it. He will let any humans hurt him if he deems it justified, and unforch, he usually does. He lets them beat him senseless, cut him up, shoot him -- nothing he couldn't survive, anything goes. his body is straight up canonically barely held together by thick staples and grates of metal over exposed muscle.
This is part of why he never takes off his coat, ever. Or those long sleeved shirts of his. I mean, he might to shower or clean up wounds, but...... very rarely does he do this. He just takes whatever beating humans give him cause he feels he deserves it, and deals with it.
Warning over!
With all the heavy stuff said, here's a few final short hcs.
He photosynthesizes some, and really enjoys basking in the sun.
He's a very light sleeper and rarely ever gets decent sleep. He's pretty much always exhausted, but never lets it show.
CAN'T EVER LISTEN TO CLASSICAL MUSIC. it puts him into SERIOUS triggered mode and gets him too panicked to think straight, even after Nai / Knives died.
His hair looks like normal hair, but it absolutely DOES NOT feel like it. It feels like really soft velvety flower petals, and will always keep this consistency.
He's got inhumanly amazing marksmanship, yet somehow, being drunk ( should he ever GET drunk ) improves it more. Yes, I stole this bit from 98 vash but i think it's funny and it's my interpretation so this is what i keep. ok? :)
And lastly ...
He stims by reloading and loading guns :3
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Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! Should I make a part 2 sometime? :p
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freakfangstm · 2 years
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Eddie rubs his scent on people when he likes them. He has scent glands on his neck and usually will rub his cheek against someone to mark them. I don't know why but this needs to be a thing. My Eddie is similar to a big ol’ cat. Purrs and rubs himself all against you. It's canon now I don't make the rules-
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happyfunf3tti · 1 year
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college has been draining my silly tank
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modstarfell · 2 years
Canon compliant writing. ch3 spoilers, from trial to execution (POV: Kanade Otonokoji)
As the crow spoke I couldn't help but feel a chill go down my spine. Ironic isn't it? I set up this entire plan yet even I fear the consequences of this. No matter, my sisters reaction was way more fruitful then mine. Running away from a death yet again, this time her own death. Seeing that despair on her face... Something about it made me just grin. "Don't worry Hibiki, if we're going down we're at least going down together like twins do!" My face contorted into a tooth-grinning smile and my sister just started hurling more insults at me. Trying to back away even from me, her younger sister. I don't get it. Why won't she just love me for once?! We're about to be sentenced to death and I'm trying to comfort her! I did... I DID THIS FOR YOU HIBIKI DAMN YOU! You think I want to die either?! Ghk- There was a similar chain to the one that Makunouchi had on his neck now on mine and my sister. Suddenly we were both yanked away from the trial room together by the crow. My Hibiki was shaking. She was so confused, I could see it in her face. She didn't know if she should cling to me and ask me for help or hate me more. It's cute... To think these expressions are the ones you're dying with. Suddenly we were sitting on a stage together with a chain cuff around both of our necks. There was a key hole in the front of the collar. Connected behind it was a chain linking me and Hibiki... One of us is going to die anyways then. I stared in front of me looking at the podium with a key. "Live only one." If the others didn't get to survive their execution, what the hell makes us so different? I don't care about that damn key, I just want to watch my sister. My sister. Hibiki Otonokoji. My Hibiki. I couldn't help but let out a laugh at the thought. A light went off above us signaling the execution start and Hibiki began making a run for the key. I watched as the chain began moving with her, I had to stop her. At this rate, I'll be choked before I even knew it was over! I fell to the ground and pulled Hibiki down to the ground with me. If I can't have her I can at least keep her from leaving me! I watched her pull out the microphone from her pocket, I knew she still had it but I wasn't expecting her to do anything with it... Suddenly I felt her hit it into my head. My hearing went a bit from the sudden impact. She bashed it into my skull, no doubt there's bleeding but god it hurt. My Hibiki... She was really willing to hurt her loving, caring sister that did everything for her? I had to let her go, it hurt too much. As she continued marching forward I was pulled up from the ground by the chain, I tried to give myself more breathing room by holding onto my collar. I was going to suffocate at this rate! Trying to save as much breath as I could, things we're getting wosey though. My sight was struggling and I couldn't hear anymore. The melody they were playing in the background had completely gone to a blind ring tone for me. Hibiki grabbed the key from the podium and unlocked her collar. That's what was supposed to happen. Before I realized it, I fell to the stage again and stared up at my sisters face. Haah... I did it... I outlived my sister, she died by her own means! Her head sat there in a look of surprise and dumbfounded expression! It felt... PERFECT. Even with my blurry vision, I was able to make out Hibiki's expression with ease. My dear Hibiki... This is a face only I'll be able to see till the end of my life. The lighting in the room turned red after a moment. I knew death was coming for me. After all, who would accept an execution where only one person died if there were two culprits? What I wasn't expecting though was for the stage to drop below me. Despite fighting for my last breath, I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. I let out one final laugh as I stared at Hibiki's face, letting my last breath be taken from laughter and the collar getting tighter. This, this death is an art I can accept. Before I knew it, I lost sight of my senses and things faded to black...
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shamingshane · 2 years
I love how similar your blogs are, really shares your chemistry as friends already. I also like your different art styles <33
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OOC: @spikes-n-studies was absolutely dragged here by me, I am a poor influence. But thank you!! I'm still learning how to draw Sam and Penny (this is my first time drawing her actually) - so have this pic as a response!
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gaywriting · 1 year
been working a little on my choose your own adventure wip
progress so far:
• 100% set on all names for MCs family and all but one of the romance options
• prepared to start mapping out the different paths
• started preping the intro (since i know where im going with that)
• made moodboards on pinterest for the story (very important)
things still to do:
• figure out the last place/setting names
• develop the romance paths more in depth
its just a thing i do for fun and to see if i could actually do something like choicescript or twine . its also a story i dont know if many people would be interested in, since the topic is, uh, controversial lol but im still having fun working on it and thats saying a lot coming from me
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scattered-winter · 2 years
for the fic title thing: "Over and over" ?
I wasn't sure what to put for this one but then I remembered that kyle rayner is like. THEE timeloop-able blorbo so like. what if ion!kyle created an endless timeloop where he tried to "fix" everything he thinks is wrong with the timeline: alex's death, hal's parallax spiral, etc but every time he changes something, something else happens to sort of "keep the balance" (he brings alex back, someone else dies to keep equilibrium) and so he starts over to try and fix it again but things just keep going wrong and eventually he either pulls himself out of the spiral or goes insane from it all
send me a fic title and I'll tell you what I'd write for it
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goldenageofwireless · 3 months
god i just wanna get out of the us so badly they should just let me leave for free bc im cute
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sirenvrse · 3 months
I FINISHED THE SEQUEL TOO. I have an exam tmrw the fuck am I doiinnghhh
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casuallytransandgay · 9 months
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A silly stick oc
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freakfangstm · 1 year
🦇 Childhood Memories 🦇
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Bold all that apply to your muse. Repost, don't reblog! (Childhood Abuse implied)
scraped knees, silent tears in a locked room,  slamming doors,  pervasive loneliness,  a dog barking, rain on a metal roof,  flinching at movement,  the creak of an old house,  forced laughter,  wandering in the dark woods,  wondering how you made it through,  sudden loss,  trying to make sense of the noise,  hiding what you love to protect it,  trying to explain but your words falter,  invaded privacy,  confusion at the pain,  running barefoot in the grass,  wondering what you did wrong and coming up with nothing,  realizing you aren’t a priority,   grass stains on white clothing,  trying to earn love you will never have,  being threatened over the smallest mistake,  secrets you are warned not to share,  the feeling of never being good enough,  the hope things might someday get better,  grief that aches in your bones,  childish dares and pranks,  the sense that your body isn’t yours,  shame and guilt that aren’t yours to carry,  sledding down a frozen hill,  absentmindedly following snakes through the grass,  punching a tree wall until your knuckles bleed,  tears over every dead creature you find,  searching out small places you can hide… just in case,  climbing the tallest tree comms tower so they can’t touch you,  the feeling of something tainted under your skin,  a curious child told to stop asking,  floral dresses,  body tensing at approaching footsteps,  anger with nowhere to go,  brief escapes from the chaos,  the purr of a contented cat,  taking the blame to keep the peace,  being told you’re too sensitive,  the creaking springs of a trampoline on a sunny day
tagged by stinky @kingsnack ♡
tagging @chaoticrebels @the-goddamn-babysitter @puppetoffthehook @pumpkinstabs @munsontm @scarednotscary @scribedhorror @tthehair and @obscurebelief ♡
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modstarfell · 2 years
deep thoughts late nights (pov: kanade otonokoji)
The closest room to the elevator on the top floor. That was the room I booked for me and Hibiki. There were many rooms in the hotel, but it would be better if we slept together for old times sake. Plus, in this state if she really wants the bed to herself she'll shoo me onto the couch. After selecting the room, Hibiki took my hand and we went into the elevator together. I could tell she was getting sleepy, she'd often ramble on about things, any little thing that came to her mind. Yet for the most part right now she's quiet. I began humming a soft melody as we waited when I felt my sister lean against me for support as she struggled staying awake. We'll have a pretty lengthy wait till we actually get to our hotel room. Hibiki always looks so cute like this... I'm the only one who gets to see her like this. I've made sure of that and will keep her adorable face to myself. It's a shame though... This adorable naive face no longer exists in the real world. It might again once we leave but I pushed things too far. 'Poor Hibiki.' 'We miss you Hibiki.' Everyone acts like she's entirely vanished off the face of the earth and continue to ignore my presence. I hate it. I love my sister, but even I'm not stupid enough to believe she doesn't hate me with the sort of comments and relentless bullying she does. She never even apologizes for it. She can't bully me when shes in her puppet state... She listens to me just fine and others usually can't tell somethings off. I took us off stage for a reason and yet... We're here. In a simulation where I'm trying to help restore her mind. What kind of an annoying sister doesn't even understand my attempt to help her?! I let out a sigh as I noticed Hibiki has fallen into a deeper sleep. I picked her up on my back and began carrying her to our room once the elevator door opened. My feelings are conflicted about my sister. I can't let her go, yet I want her to stay by my side... forever.
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punkphantasma · 2 years
-tags !
「  🎸  」  ⇾   tag.   *   ━ words.
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whenyourbirdisbroken · 8 months
🎵🎸🎹 music ask game 🎵🎸🎹
what is your favourite song of all time?
what is your go-to karaoke song?
if you were to get lyrics tattooed on you, which would they be? (or tell about what you already have!)
if you were to get a non-lyrics music tattoo, what would it be? (or tell about one you already have!)
is there a song that always makes you cry, no matter what? what is it?
is there/what is a song that you secretly love but you hate to admit it?
is there/what is a song that always makes you think of your parents?
what do you think is the best song to play during sexy times?
who are your top three all time favourite bands or artists?
what band were you obsessed with as a child? do you still like them?
what is the best live music show you've ever been to?
who is a band or artist that you've never seen that you're dying to see?
what's an album cover that you would frame and put up in your house?
do you have any music related home decorations?
what is a song you are obsessed with at the moment?
is there/what is a song that has been ruined for you by an ex or a former crush/situationship/relationship?
what song do you listen to if you need to pump yourself up to do something difficult?
what's a song that you absolutely cannot help dancing to?
what do you think is the greatest love song of all time?
do you have any band t-shirts or other clothing items and what are they??
what is the best album of all time?
what band do you think has the best or most interesting story? (toxic breakup, bandmates in love, etc)
Do you create your own playlists? If so, how many do you have?
How many hours a day would you say you spend listening to music?
Is there any activity (walking, housework, studying, etc) that you cannot do without music?
Is there/what is a song that you always associate with a movie or tv show?
which musical artist's wardrobe would you like to steal for your own?
Most underrated band or artist?
Most overrated band or artist?
Do you sing along to songs in the car? In the shower? other places?
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jji-lee · 21 days
nipple piercings .
ot7 x reader , nipple play / breast play , inspired by this request
you had just gotten home from a girls day with your best friend, meaning you were worn out, oh and in pain. you and your friend had agreed to do something a little wild and get piercings together, turns out wild to your friend meant to get her belly button pierced, maybe you should've stuck with her idea of wild. now as you looked into the mirror you saw your nipples, swollen and sore, a cute shiny bar pierced right through them. you winced as you brought your hands up to touch them. why did you think this was a good idea?
on top of the pain your phone wouldn't stop ringing your groupchat notifications coming in one after the other.
hyuckie bear! : hellooo is y/n coming i'm only going if she is
junnie 💛 : no seriously why would i willingly hang out with a group of men
nana 🫂 : of course she's coming she always does guysss don't be lame we haven't had movie night in agessss 🥺
my 94 🎸: y/nnnn respond pleaseeee are you coming???
ji bug 👩‍🍼 : y/nnn i just broke my legssss ITS AN EMERGENCYY
puppy 💋 : the way she doesn't care 😭😭
big head baby 💞 : whatever losers i'm calling her
your phone began to ring, chenle's profile pic of him stuffing his face with marshmallows shining on the screen.
"yes chenle, what is it?"
you could hear him giggling to someone on the other end,
"y/n, y/n hellooo, are you coming? we have movie night remember?"
you let out a sigh as you slumped down into your bed,
"uh, i don't know lele i'm kinda tired tonight, can we reschedule?"
you could practically see his reaction from the sound of his voice,
"what? no way! you know we all have have midterms soon, and then it's just studying studying studying, we won't get to see you! tell her ji!"
he passed the phone to jisung,
"y/n can you come please, we miss you, i miss you, just for one movie okay? and then jeno can drive you home!"
you heard jeno in the background yell something along the lines of, i didn't agree to that! and chenle shushing him before grabbing the phone again,
"okay well haechan's on his way! see you soon!"
he hung up before you could answer, leaving you staring at your phone screen. it's just a couple hours right? and you won't get to see the boys again after a while so, maybe you should just go, who knows you might have fun.
your outfit was comfortable, not by choice of course, but comfortable nonetheless. you put on your largest tee, praying the material wouldn't graze your nipples, making sure to apply some ointment before leaving, hoping that it would soothe the soreness. so far, not so good. but you were already at jisung and chenle's shared dorm, sitting cross legged on the couch.
you had avoided the greetings as best as you could, resorting to a quick kiss on the cheek instead of your usual hug. thankfully nobody questioned it, boys just happy to see you.
the dorm started filling up, only haechan missing as you all sat around the tv, scrolling through the movie options on netflix. jaemin sat next to you, head on your shoulder as he scrolled through his phone. he sniffed loudly, head coming up to put his nose close to your neck,
you looked down at him, wondering what was wrong. he giggled at you, as he placed his head back on your shoulder,
"weird, you smell like ointment."
you chuckled nervously, did you overdue it with the cream?
"oh uh, yeah, just have some muscle soreness, doctor gave me some cream for it."
he hummed, turning his focus back to his phone. mark scooted in next to you, offering you some popcorn. you thanked him as you took a handful, a grimace on your face as you tasted the snack.
"mark, why do you always put too much salt."
his eyes widened as he tried the popcorn himself,
"dude, i swear i just put a tiny bit!"
you flinched as a pair of large hands grabbed your shoulders from behind,
"put a tiny bit of what? did mark put too much salt in the popcorn again?"
you turned your head, not surprised to see that haechan was the one making fun of mark. he leaned down to give you a quick peck on the cheek before walking around the couch to find a seat.
"sorry i'm late guys, traffic is a bitch."
renjun walked into the living room, ruffling his wet hair,
"nobody cares, wait, you don't even drive?"
haechan motioned for jaemin to move over so he could squeeze in next to you, rolling his eyes at renjun's comment.
"buses also get stuck in traffic you know!"
you all laughed as renjun called haechan a name, before everyone turned their attention to the tv, everyone but haechan that is.
"hi baby, gonna give me a proper hello or do i have to beg?"
you side eyed haechan, used to his antics.
"you already said hello, remember?"
you pointed at your cheek where he pecked you earlier.
"i meant a real hello, like a hug, come here."
before you could protest haechan's arms wrapped around you pulling you into a hug.
"wait, hyuck, wait, OW!"
haechan quickly let go of you, confused by your sudden reaction,
"i'm sorry, are you okay, did i hurt you?"
everyone's attention was now on you and haechan, waiting to see if you were okay.
"oh yeah, my bad, just kinda have sore muscles."
you brought your hand up to hold your arm, pretending to have pain there. you heard jeno chuckle from his seat on the floor in front of you.
"sore? from what? you're going to the gym now?"
you pushed his head, offended by his mocking tone,
"for your information lee jeno, i do actually-OW!"
you flinched, hands coming up to cover your breasts. you turned to see jaemin leaned over haechan reaching forward towards your chest. he giggled before turning his head to look at haechan, arm still stretched out towards you,
"see i told you, it's her nipples that are sensitive."
you slapped his arm away, before wrapping you arms over your breasts again.
"what the hell jaemin! have you lost your mind?"
he blushed slightly leaning back away from haechan, sitting up in his seat now.
"sorry. i just noticed, when i smelled you, you have, like, your, you know-"
he pointed to his chest,
"i saw the piercings through your shirt."
the boys eyes widened as they all turned to face you.
you rolled your eyes at them,
"sometimes, it's better to mind your business, i don't need to tell you guys everything i do with my life, so what i pierced my nipples, can we hurry up and pick a movie?"
jeno turned to look at you, now on his knees in front of you, hands on your thighs,
"you actually got them pierced?"
you suddenly felt shy as you looked at jeno, a soft look on his face.
"well yeah, it was a last minute thing."
chenle scooted over on the floor towards jeno, facing you.
"did it hurt?"
you laughed at his question,
"of course it hurt lele, it still hurts now."
jisung gulped as he walked over towards where the guys had now huddled around you,
"can we see-ouch!"
he rubbed the back of his head where renjun had hit him,
"jisung you can't just ask to see her tits!"
jisung ducked his head, a blush painting his ears,
"uh only if you want of course, i'm just kinda curious."
haechan nodded his head quickly hand coming up to hold your arm,
"me too, i wanna see too."
you looked up at all of them, their eyes shiny and cheeks pink as they waited for your response.
"do you guys want to, like actually?"
they all nodded quickly, embarassingly quickly. mark letting out a cough,
"but only if you want, like ji said."
you bit your lip as you reached for the hem of your shirt. these guys had been your friends for years what's the harm in just letting them get a peek, just a peek.
you lifted your shirt up, gasping lightly as the cool air hit your nipples. all their jaws dropped as they stared at your breasts. nipples perked up and shiny from the ointment. haechan was the first to speak,
"can i touch them?"
you let out a soft yes before you could process that you were letting one of your best friends, touch your tits. but any form of regret immediately disappeared as you felt haechan's large hands cup your breasts, thumb coming up to lightly play with the metal jewelry. you winced at the slight pain. jeno quickly reaching forward to gently remove haechan's hands.
"be gentle hyuck, can't you see they're swollen."
his hands replaced hyuck's, larger and firmer, slightly fondling your breasts before his fingers moved to rub around your nipple. you let out a sigh, the pain from before slowly fading away as jeno massaged your sore breasts.
"yeah? that feel good baby?"
you hummed in response, biting back a moan as the feeling of jeno's hands on your breasts began to cause some tension in your core. you squeezed your thighs together hoping none of them noticed the heat radiating off your body.
mark moved his hand in between your legs, lightly massaging the inside of your thigh.
"this okay?"
you nodded, scared of how your voice would sound if you spoke.
"alright that's enough jen my turn."
jaemin got on his knees in front of you, pushing jeno aside. his hands came up to hold your breasts, slightly squeezing them in his palms before bringing two fingers to gently pinch at your nipples. you sucked in a breath trying to move away from his grasp, when you felt someone's hands brush your hair back, collecting it in his hands, exposing your neck.
"relax baby, we'll be gentle. right jaemin?"
renjun gave the boy between your legs a stern look before gently kissing your neck, nuzzling the spot with his nose after.
mark and chenle on opposite sides of you reached forward, each of them gently massaging one of your thighs before gently pulling them apart, slowly moving their hands inward.
jisung came down to kneel next to jaemin dipping his head towards you exposed tummy, planting light kisses on the sides of your waist, tickling your skin.
you felt a warm breath against your ear, looking over at haechan as he lowered his hand to grip at his bulge,
"tell us when to stop, and we promise we'll leave you alone."
you heard jeno chuckle as he reached forward to undo the bow on your sleeping shorts.
"even though i doubt you'll tell us to stop."
renjun tutted above you,
"play nice boys, we're gonna have to learn to share, right?"
thank goodness you didn't get the belly piercing.
DOCTOR SHE'S OUT AGAIN, guys i'm not okay ot7 smut??? who have i become???
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