neet-elite · 2 months
hello! here is the kylar post written by our beloved 🐾anon. im posting this with their permission! i hope you guys enjoy it just as much as i do <333!
warnings: stepbrother!kylar, pseudoincest, olderbrother!kylar, breeding, creampie
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Imagine getting adopted into Kylar's family. The parents are a little absent and your new big brother is a total loser, but it really isn't all that bad at first. Sure, he's a bit cringey in how overexcited he is about having a younger sister, but maybe he's just always wanted a sibling? Surely that's the reason. The fact that he's drooling while he thinks you aren't looking is just a coincidence! It happens!
Then he starts getting clingy. At first it's just touching your hand while giving you something or brushing you with his shoulder while he sits on the couch with you. Then he's asking for hugs and insisting that you have to hold hands whenever you go out. Then he tries to guilt-trip you into giving him a smooch on the cheek. You cave almost immediately, because he looks like he's actually a second away from bursting into tears. Your big brother is a loser, and you slowly begin to accept it. He's kinda cute in how cringefail he is.
What's not cute is finding out what happens to your panties when they go missing. You think you keep misplacing them and don't worry too much about it. Then you find them back in the laundry bin, all crusty and some even sticky. Okay, that's weird. But you still give Kylar some benefit of the doubt and pretend that everything is fine. He's nice to you! He gives you ice-cream, he always lets you pick whenever you both wanna watch something, he gives you shoulder massages, and he does your chores for you. Kylar is a good brother!
That's what you keep telling yourself, even as he slowly starts getting more and more handsy, sometimes to the point where you aren't entirely sure if this still isn't considered groping. But it's fine, you can take some pervy behaviour! You're a good little sister, and Kylar keeps reminding you of that even as he's panting in your ear while hugging you and clinging to you like his life depends on it. You try not to think about what's pressing against your thigh.
It gets worse the longer it goes on, and somehow you find yourself regularly making out with your big brother because he just loves you so much :(( It's what all loving siblings do! You're doubtful, but he looks so elated every time you agree to sit on his lap or let him knead your tits that you don't have the heart to tell him no. It's so easy to make him happy, and you kind of feel good from it too, even though you don't really want to admit it. You also worry about your parents finding out and you both getting into trouble, but Kylar is strangely unbothered.
Actually, he grows downright brazen. He begins feeling you up while your parents are in the room, he doesn't even attempt to hide the leering gazes he sends your way, he even slaps your ass one day while the whole family is together! Your parents just laugh it off, and continue like nothing happened. You aren't sure if you should feel relieved or mortified. You realise it's the latter when Kylar begins rutting into your ass, rubbing his clothed cock against you and whimpering in your ear while your parents are literally three steps away and yet they say nothing. At first you think they are somehow not noticing their son's actions, but then they start laughing and playfully discussing how nice it would be to have grandkids. And your brother fucking moans into your ear, not even trying to hide how turned on he is by the idea of breeding you.
Everything goes to shit from there. Apparently, your parents realised that the only way Kylar will ever get laid is if he is allowed to fuck you, so they just... Let him. In fact, they seem almost into the idea, with your mother complimenting your figure and making comments on how it's perfect for motherhood. Your father offhandedly mentions that it'd be nice to build a crib yourselves, and that he should buy the materials for some woodworking. Kylar is relentless now that he's got your parents' blessing and not-so-implicit approval. Groping and making out turns into you waking up with his head between your thighs, eagerly lapping at your cunt and looking at you like an overeager puppy, begging you to let him do more. He might jerk off and cum all over your face while you sleep, but he holds off on slipping his dick inside you without your permission. He really, really wants to! And he tells you about it in detail while he suckles on your tits and bites your nipples as if that'll somehow make you lactate. Kylar holds off on just taking you like he's been wanting for so long, instead eating you out daily while he waits for your permission to finally fill your womb with his cum. He waits, because he's such a nice and caring lover. He's constantly all over you, and you can't even bring up the "we're family!" argument because your entire family is more than happy to let your big brother knock you up.
When you finally break and let Kylar fuck you, he all but cums right into his pants right on the spot once he hears your words. Your big brother immediately pounces on you, pawing at your clothes in an attempt to expose as much of your body as he can without bothering to actually undress you. He moves with the urgency of someone who's afraid that you will change your mind, so he's stuffing you full of his cock in record time. Thankfully, all these evenings spent with him fingering your cunt over and over again have prepared you. The fact that you are already wet enough for him to easily slide in is something you refuse to think about. Of course, your big brother immediately begins to fuck you like a dog in heat, drooling all over you while he literally cries from how happy he is to finally fuck you raw. And god, he's so loud. There's no way your parents can't hear his desperate whimpers and how he babbles on and on about making you a mommy and giving you lots and lots of babies, and about how good your pussy feels. He's cumming within a few minutes of sloppy thrusting, but simply keeps going while furiously rubbing your clit. He's more than happy to overstimulate himself to the point of sobbing if it means he'll get to stuff you with his seed a few more times, and hopefully knock you up on the very first time.
You come down to the kitchen to grab a glass of water after your big brother finally passes out from the exhaustion of fucking you and giving you creampies over and over again. Your hair is a mess, your neck and tits are covered in hickeys and bite marks and you've got his drool all over you. The worst of the mess is between your trembling legs, where cum keeps dripping out of your tender pussy, overstimulated and tired from being used so much. You walk into the kitchen while looking like that, and your parents are absolutely beaming. Your mother is talking about how they've been coming up with baby names lately and that you should definitely check the list she's written for you and Kylar to pick from. And your father, looking like he's announcing that he has won a lottery, hits you with the revelation of them going on a vacation in a few days. Apparently, it will take a while for them to come home. But they aren't worried about anything bad happening while they're gone for so long! After all, you'll be left in the care of your loving big brother!
You are fucked. So, so fucked. In every way possible. But hey! Kylar promised to take you shopping for baby clothes as an apology for the mess he made out of your neck! So really, it's all good. It's nice to have such a caring big brother and supportive parents, isn't it <3
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master-xochimilli · 4 months
Hnnngh your blog hits all the right spots. It’s so rare to find someone who makes kitten play posts! I’ll probably be a lurker but if I do send asks, can I claim the 🐾 emoji please?
Glad you're liking my blog so much sweetie, I'll always want to make kitten play posts for other cute kitties to feel good to. And lurkers are very much welcome here, especially when they're as sweet as you~
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sweet-lover-girl · 2 years
Important: NO minors aloud on this blog first and foremost! I will block you if I feel you are a minor. You MUST BE 18+ to view my blog, do not lie about your age and PLEASE have your age in your bio. Ageless and/or blank users with be blocked, I do and will check. I DO NOT want any minors following me or liking anything I post/reblog.
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Currently in the process of redoing my whole pinned post as this one is very old 😅
Hi! You can call me Sweetie or Belle! And here’s a few things about me! (Formerly know as, Eden-Nox)
Favorite colors: Black, pink and purple🖤💖💜
Favorite animal(s): Fox, wolf, horse and dolphin🦊🐺🐎🐬
Summer, Fall, winter or Spring?: WINTER❄️
Favorite Disney Character: Raya from “Raya and The Last Dragon🐉
Bucket list?: Yes! I really want to go to Norway and Japan, I’m in love with the cultures.
Current obsession?: This is not a current obsession but women, I just love women.
Favorite band/artist?: They are called “Heilung” if you never heard of them PLEASE look them up, they are amazing! I also really love “Hozier” “NF” “cigarettes after sex” and “Kalandra”
Do you have piercings/tattoos?: Yes! I have two piercings on each ears, septum, nipples and bellybutton! And I plan to get a few more plus some tattoos.(no tattoos yet)
Sexuality?: Lesbian🧡💛🤍💖
420?: Yes, I usually write while I’m high so..🤧
Also! Please don’t be shy to talk to me!💖I’m friendly!(at least I think I so..)
Also also: I lose interest easily! So I’m sorry if I stop writing for a while..
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Okay, I’m slowly working my way through my masterlist to update it so you can find it on here instead of AO3!!!
Also please know, I’m slow when it comes to writing so if you ever send anything in to me, it may take me a minute to get it out, and for that I am sorry. Please have patience and know that I’m not ignoring you!
Abby Anderson
Fairy Tale Love
No need for Words.
Sugar and Spice 18+ (No sex but it gets a little spicy)
Head canon--Squirting Dildos 18+
Good Girl 18+
Bathroom Shenanigans 18+
Say Ahh... 18+
Long Night 18+
Tea Party
Rougher Days
I don’t want anyone but you
Feeling Sick
Take aim
Facing your fears in never easy Pumpkin. (No sex but gets a little spicy)
(If you want more Abby stuff, look under my ‘Abby Anderson Blurbs’ tag!)
I said I like to write, NEVER said I was good at it.
If you have any questions for me or about me just send it and I’ll answer to the best of my ability!
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P.s check out the tags for more stuff!
(Anything Eden is old, anything Sweetie is new! The ‘Mutuals🖤’ tag is also old, the new one is ‘Mooties💋’ but you can still go through my old stuff, this is just an FYI!)
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Hiii!! Not a request, just wanted to stop by and say I hope you are having a fantastic day, and so anyone who's reading this 🫶🏻 hope you're all having fun! -🐾
Hiii!!! I hope you also have a wonderful day!!! 💞✨🫶🏻
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iamvegorott · 4 months
You can’t tell me the “ father, you have provided SEAMEAT!” Isn’t Al XD 🐾
Mare sees Al bugging Mad for the tuna and just causally scoops Al and walks away with him
Al is just yelling for Mad to save him XD
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topguncortez · 2 years
I can so see you with iceman you guys would be amazing,honestly now I wish you were in the movie because I love you-🐾
with MISTED iceman????
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littlelemoncheesecake · 2 months
Hiii again! Sorry for the absence, I was up all night being a stupid insomniac puppy
How are you doing my puppy friend, how is your Friday :3 :3
- 🐾🐾
its okay!! i haven't been getting much sleep either :(( I hope soon you get a good nights rest
I just woke up and I'm so sleepy!!! I'm gonna take a little nap before my class
thank you anon!!! <3
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Mm yes...they do like it rough ;)
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massacredkitty · 7 days
hi honey!!!!! kay so ... how about ... mechanic abby with a mechanically clueless reader n she comes in like once a month and abby is like always giving her a huge discount n stuff idk?? do what you will with that??? lmao
also is 🐚 taken? i want that pls xx
female reader x mechanic abby anderson hcs second part is nsfw
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you stare at her hands, dirty and calloused as they do god knows what under the hood of your car. her thumb and index play around with buttons and screws, and you can't help but notice how she seems to use her middle and ring fingers regularly. maybe its muscle memory. you hope so
you've become a regular now, somehow always having car trouble since your first visit. and of course, abby is always there to help you out, standing out from her fellow mechanics that gawk and whistle when you walk in.
she is such a gentlewoman, always treating you with respect and even cursing herself out when she catches herself staring at you for too long.
you're not much better; completely focused on how her body moves. specifically when she's checking your brakes underneath your car, the bottom half of her body sticking out.
you watch as her shirt rises, revealing her toned abdomen... the way her hips push up to adjust herself— it fogs your brain up too much that when she slides out to question you, you have to take a few seconds to compose yourself.
the sweet nicknames she gives you, rather nonchalantly. you settle on the thought that she calls every girl that, all her clients. what's so special about you? but what you don't know, is that abby pays very little attention to every other client that comes in. you're very special.
and she never lets you pay full price, not even the first time you came in. you don't know how to explain that one— maybe she's just nice?
mechanic!abby who lets you stick around after her shift, when the store is empty and quiet. letting you follow her around, asking about your day and life overall
nsfw ..
helps you clamour onto the hood of your newly fixed car, the combined body weight denting and marking the car. it makes abby cringe internally, hearing cracks and squeaks that she knows a car shouldn't make.
leaves you with marks she hopes you don't cover up, prays you purposefully display them on your skin the next time you come in. and surely enough, you do!
straps you in the backseat of your car, knees pressed against your chest and the windows fogged up. you can do nothing but take it, reaching up to claw at her muscular arms and cry about how good it feels
mechanic!abby who locks the store down a lot earlier now.
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rodolfoparras · 4 months
blue collar men in theory >>>> blue collar men in practice 😭 theyre useless i tell you USELESS. picking out their clothes to wear to work, to wear out, fixing &. plating dinner because they work so hard… house wife/husband life is for some people but it is Not for me, i respect yall fr -🐾 who grew up in a small, blue collar town w/ a blue collar father
Sugar you’re making great points here but all I’m thinking about is retired!Price taking care of blue collar reader
Thinking about trying to convince Price to retire but he refuses claiming he doesn’t know what he’ll do all day, even joking about how you just want to see him prance around the house only wearing a robe while doing chores
But after he says it, you cant get the comment out of your head and all you can think about is him waiting for you at the door, in a robe the same color as his cerulean eyes, matching stockings pulled up his thighs and a plug buried in his ass
Thinking about him kissing your lips as soon as you step foot inside, lace clad cock rubbing upon your clothed one, getting you all worked up only to pull away telling you dinner is ready with a smile on his face.
And you’re hot on his trail, barely shrugging off your muddy boots before you’re in the kitchen with him
He’s got his back turned to you, as he plates your food for you but just when he’s about to finish up he feels you coming up behind, your big hands on his hips and your painfully hard cock rubbing against the cleft of his ass.
He pauses for just a second, a gasp escaping his lips as he revels into the feeling. However just when he’s about to tell you to wait, that you should eat before you do anything, you’re dropping down to your knees, pulling his robe to the side before swiftly pulling the plug out of his ass.
“Didn’t you say dinners ready?”
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princessbrunette · 3 months
last thought .. reader who is always baking sweets for rafe even though he’s always whining about how he needs to stay in shape and cant keep putting crappy shit into his body!! but she secretly does it because she loves being all over him after he increases his gym visits to work off all the sugar <33
- 🐾
him dragging all his friends into the kitchen padding up behind you whilst you make dinner or something like “did you make anymore of those fuckin’… uh… those little pastry things? want the boys to try ‘em.” and you’re just so proud like omg u liked them that much <333
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coeurify · 6 months
idk if you’re comfortable with writing this (it’s okay if not no worries!) but gunplay w abby who forces you to suck the barrel and threatens to fuck you/shoot you with it if you don’t do a good enough job 🫣
- 🐾
okkk so i changed it a bit but its still pistol sucking hehe!
warnings 18+ , dom/sub dynamic, the use of “dumb” and calling reader stupid, pistol sucking, i guess you could say fear play. reader is into how dangerous it is basically.
<3__ <3 __ <3 __ <3 __ <3 __ <3
The very first sensation you could pick out behind the black of your tightly closed eyes was something cool against your cheek. Something that pressed into the plush skin, drawing a sharp intake of air from your shaking lips. A disapproving tsk came next, escaping into the stuffy air of the room above you.
She was always above you.
As you shifted your knees, the flesh burned against the ragged carpet, the scratchy green material itching over your raw, bruised knees. The familiarity of being beneath her was unsurprising in this moment, even comforting.
What was surprising was the cool feeling, a chill sweeping through your body. Your eyes squeezed even further, bursts of color confined behind you shut lids as you tried to figure out what the shape was.
Round maybe? A frigid, rounded tip delicately traced beneath your chin, coaxing it upward.
“Open your eyes baby,” the voice gently commanded. It sent a warm rush through your spine, insides liquidly at the croon of Abby’s voice. Her voice that was always syrupy sweet to your pliant, submission-tinted brain– no matter how fucked up the situatuon may be. A moth to a fucking flame, your eyes blinked open, vision blurry as your face tolted more, the unmistakable shape of the blonde coming to view as your pupils adjusted to the light.
You knew why you were here. Why you had been shoved to your knees the moment you and Abby stumbled upon this rundown hotel. No resistance surfaced as her firm grip shoved you through the door, her voice, your siren song, falling silent only after demanding you to close your eyes.
You cant pinpoint how long you stayed like that, palms damp against your knees, eyelashes delicately grazing your undereyes, keeping them shut obediently.
“Do you know what’s under your chin?” Abby hummed, crouching down to your level, one strand of soft blonde hair falling in front of her face, her shoes squeaking softly as they bent to conform to her position.
One hand, the hand holding whatever object was pressing painfully under your chin, twisting as a tongue poked its way out from her lips, cerulean eyes blown out as her gaze falls downward.
“N-no,” you exhaled, fingers digging into the denim of your jeans, ignoring the heat that grew between your legs as Abby stared at you, eyebrows narrowed, tension etched on her face.
You’d really fucked up.
“Use your eyes, you're smart enough to do that, arent you?” the blonde taunted, casually flicking her wrist to press the object against you again.
You knew you deserved this, hell– you wanted this.
Hesitating, you shifted your head away from it’s position, chin dipping down in sync with your eyes, blinking rapidly as Abby’s pistol came into view. Of course.
“It’s your gun, abs,” you reply a moment later, lowering your voice to be as soft as possible, looking up through your eyelashes, acting on your best behavior, desperate to weaken Abby’s resolve.
But Abby was a stubborn girl, one who stook to her word, her decisions. Her punishments.
“Maybe she does have a brain up there after all,” Abby mocks, the pistol's barrel tracing the line of your neck as you swallow audibly. “Why do you think i’m holding my pistol, doll?”
“Dunno,” you mutter, a tiny knot forming in your tummy as Abby’s eyes flit to yours again, darkened under the dwindling light filtering through the boarded windows.
“You dunno?” the blonde repeats, licking over her lips again as an exasperated scoff falls from them. You only answer with a small shake of your head.
But you did know. You had made a dumb decision with that gun. Put yourself in danger, put Abby in danger.
It was a moment of misplaced confidence, when your body was squished against your girlfriend in a tight hallway in the city, her ragged breaths pressing into your ear as she gripped you close, waiting for the clicker to pass as silently as she could. The building was packed, a basement door opened sometime the night before likely– spilling a horde of new infected into a building that was usually deemed clear on patrols.
You just wanted to prove something. That was why you swiped the pistol from Abby’s waist, why you shoved it in your own pocket sneakily as Abby dealt with the clicker, motioning you to follow as you continued down the building.
You just wanted to get that rush.
“You are so fucking cocky, you know that?” Abby asks, the opening of the metal trailing up your cheek again until it taps against your temple. “Or maybe you're just dumb, huh?”
You shake your head rapidly. “Just wanted to help, abs.”
Help by going down the opposite way than abby in than building. Help by fiddling with the gun you barely knew how to use when a runner caught your attention. You were just trying to help when you stepped on a can, two runners flicking their heads up your way as you shakily tried to point the gun at one.
But you hadn't helped. Not when you had to scream Abby’s name after only getting one runner down, another grabbing at your arm as you tried to take off.
Your help was just another fucking issue as Abby had to save your ass.
You nod again.
“You think stealing my things, almost getting yourself killed, is helping?” she asked, her tone proving just how ridiculous she found you. You barely knew how to fucking work her fucking pistol, let alone go off alone on a patrol.
“I’m sorry Abby,” you whimper, knees grazing the carpet as you fidget, your heart racing with each gentle tap of the gun against your temple. “I was being stupid. M’sorry,” you admit, meeting her blue eyes.
“You think you're a strong girl, hm? Think you can go fight on your own? That you can steal my shit?” Your lip quivers, finding refuge between your teeth, a fiery swirl rising in your stomach as the pistol nudges your cheeks, Abby chuckling as she pokes at the fat there again.
There’s no way to escape the uncomfoftable roll of your hips down into the ground after the sound, how fucking condesending Abby sounded as she had a gun against your face. A surge of pure need intensifies, your poor core searching for relief from the tension.
“And look at t-that, youre fucking into it too?” your girlfriend sounds absolutely astonished by your reaction, and even if you know it's all a show to further that feeling of shame rising in your body, you still whine in denial.
“Do y’have a death wish or something?” she asks, “first you try and use this without a clue in the world of if it was even loaded, and now you're getting off on geting threatened with it?”
“No,” you deny, but you know your panties, which stick against your pooling cunt would tell another story.
Abby shakes her head, almost in disbelief as the very tip of the gun finds your lips. You hold your breath, gaze following hers.
“Dumb fuckin’ girl,” the blonde mutters, pressing the gun hard enough to part your lips, the cool metal pressing against the white of your teeth, a shiver wracking through your body at the feel of it.
“My dumb fuckin’ girl,” Abby amends, inhaling sharply as you relent, allowing the barrel to slide past the plush, wet warmth just slightly.
“You like this gun so much, the least you could do is clean it then, yea?” she muttered, and you dont mistake the slight hitch in her tone. You don’t miss how her position shifts to also kneel, yet still somehow looking down at you.
You open your mouth wider, her grip on the gun handle so firm it feels like it might crack, as she gradually lowers the barrel into your mouth.
Your heart pounds beneath your ribcage, your tongue exploring the cold metal, tracing the divots and intricate details. Abby had already cleaned it, you knew that, but she still pushed it further in your waiting mouth, a powertrip building behind her hazy eyes.
“There you go,” she whispered, “Aah,” her own lips parting, her chin tilting up as she eases the barrel further in, now resting against your tongue.
“just like that– sure you remember how to do this, hm? Taught you well with my cock, right?”
You nod, eyes flashing quick memories of your mouth around her strap. Abby was met with a soft suckling noise, her dilated pupils darting swiftly as the metal disappeared between your lips, hand softly, deliberately thrusting the barrel in and out.
You hadn't expected the motion at first, gargling gently as you adjusted to the cold feeling on the inside of your mouth, teeth scraping the barrel slightly as you sucked like it really was her cock, hollowing your cheeks, head moving in tandem with Abby’s slow movements.
It was fucking filthy.
Abby’s free thumb moves to your chin, swiping at a bead of shiny drool that dripped from the corner of your mouth, “You ever gonna do somethin’ so dumb again?”
Shaking your head, you feel the weighty tip against the back of your tongue, and you fight the instinct to gag around the metal. Blue eyes watch intently as the slow back and forth motion continued, your mouth pooling with more spit as you took the round shape as best you could, eyes straining to keep contact with Abby’s gaze.
“You ever gonna put your life in danger like that again?” Abby continued, voice dripping with that delicious sternness you seeked, that you craved. She savored the surprised and soft gag that came when she shoved the gun a little harder.
You throbbed at the feeling, at how her lips hardened into a line as you licked around the base of the gun, a new rush of wetnees ruining your panties as your thighs squeeze impossibly closer.
This shouldn’t have you so turned on by something that could so easily kill you being shoved in your mouth, dipped in and out like some toy for your girlfriend’s own pleasure. But it did. It had you drenched between your legs, heart beating as loudly as the blood that pumped in your ears.
A quick and obvious shake of your head follows the second question, and Abby pauses her movement, letting it still heavily against your warm, wet tongue.
“I could fucking kill you,” Abby admits, eyes falling to where you rub your thighs together, seeking friction. “You know that?”
But she wouldn't. Abby would never *really* hurt you, you know that. With one more soft thrust into your mouth, the end of the barrel is almost right there— flush against your face as she holds it. Abby watches your hands scramble to grip at something, throat constricting to keep a gag from rising in your throat.
“There ya’ go, gag on it,” she grits, watching as more drool seeps between the stretched corners of your mouth, only relenting when she sees tears prick the corner of your eyes.
“So damn dumb,” she huffed, the pistol slowly falling from your lips– a long string of drool connecting the metal to your gaped mouth before your tongue could swipe the string away, clamping your mouth shut after you choke out a quick, “m’sorry, m’sorry.”
Abby wiped the pistol against her pants as she stood, backing up until her ass found the bed, her legs spreading, pistol placed next to her. You watched, eyes lidded as you stayed glued to the floor, watching as her large hand patted against her thigh before trailing to her pant’s button, long fingers hooking around it, her own cunt aching under her boxers.
“Come show me how sorry you are.”
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sea-lanterns · 1 month
(In contrast to what Signora anon said)
Now imagine Arlecchino jealous and worried for the Empress. She cannot bear the thought of fighting even the Tsaritsa to win your heart, nu uh, she won't have that
If it's just some paper business you'll be found inside Arle's office in her lap buried in her coat (imagine that you're enough small compared to her so shell rest her head on top of yours🥺). You don't even have to worry about leaving your warm spot neither for a second: want some water? There's already a bottle with two glasses on the table. Hungry? She got yourself your favorite snack previously prepared (what a caring husband right? 🥰)
If she has to go out however she will leave you her coat and when she comes back she expect to see you in it (otherwise you'll be getting a grumpy pookie bear so I warmly suggest you to keep it on👀)
Awwww we made the Pookie Wookie Bear jealous 🥺
Arlecchino comes back from her duties and is like “where’s my Empress?” Only for Signora to open up her coat and reveal the Empress all snug and warm while cuddled up to the fair lady. Oh, you bet Arle is going to be upset. She won’t really show it, but she gently tugs you away from her coworker and stuffs you in her coat instead, shuffling away with her Empress like she was a toy being fought over.
After that, Arlecchino does everything in her power to be the best husband she can be during your stay. She’s always keeping you in her lap or snuggled up against her, feeding you your favorite foods and drinks while she works to ensure you don’t get bored. Heck, whenever the other female Harbingers or god, even the Tsaritsa ask to coddle you for themselves, Arlecchino just shuffles away with you in her grasp, pretending she didn’t hear them 😭😭
Poor Pookie Wookie Bear. She thought traveling to Snezhnaya without the other courtesans would get her some alone time with her love, but unfortunately for her, it seems her coworkers have taken a liking to you too :(
Gib her kiss. She is trying to be a good hubby.
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sweet-lover-girl · 11 months
Ugh thank you for writing my pet play idea, your our lord and savior. I love you writing, thank you -🐾(claiming that if no one else has it already)
Anyways, how are you doing?:>
Oooh stop it you got me blushing and kicking my feet☺️💖, I got super exited when you sent it in, so thank you for sending that request in, I had a lot of fun with it! ^^(and this 🐾 is all yours!)
And I’m doing good! Been pretty tired from work but other then that I’m great! How are you? <3 <3 <3
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sigmoon · 6 months
Hello! Do you have any Jouno hcs? I know you once mentioned him in one post that got deleted
Anyways, how are you doing? I hope your day is going well! ^_^
Jouno Headcanons // sfw + nsfw
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cw: dark content; dubcon/noncon, cnc, emotional manipulation, blackmail, prostitution, Jouno being a red flag. // mostly gen. neutral, except for one or two hcs.
author’s note: hi, nonnie! I’m doing okay, some things are stressful, others are going well, so it’s an up and down currently. But I’m happy that I managed to finish a request and answered some asks that have been piling up :) I hope you’re having a nice day.
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Jouno is that person who gets super pissed when there’s a crying baby in public, like on a train, and it just won’t stop wailing. He has to pull himself together to not give the baby that creepy glare of his, though he's probably the reason the baby started crying in the first place. He doesn't have a kind face.
You never know whether he likes or hates you. Whether you and him are coworkers or acquaintances, he’s either really polite and it’s hard to tell if he’s being genuinely nice or not, or he makes a lot of mean, sarcastic comments and you’d have no clue if that’s just his sense of humor and friendly teasing, or if he can’t stand you.
I have a feeling that animals don’t like him. For example, cats and dogs can be wary of people when they’re no good, and although Jouno might be able to deceive other people, it’s not uncommon that their pets seem uneasy and skeptical around him, not wanting to be touched or picked up by him.
I don’t think he would be particularly mean in a romantic relationship with someone he truly loves, and neither would he act like you're the biggest nuisance in the world. That treatment is reserved for people who have no value to him; if he loves you, he will not be sappy and over-the-top affectionate with you, especially not in public, but rather talk shit about people he doesn't like with you. If he asks you to brainstorm some insults with him, he’s head over heels in love with you.
Speaking of affection, he’s usually not the one who seeks it, but he never fails to be surprised when he notices how good it feels to be hugged, have his hair played with or his skin gently caressed by you. Due to his heightened senses, he tends to get overstimulated quickly, so you shouldn’t take it personally when he denies you physical contact. But overall, he likes how it feels and it’s not too rare that he’s the one to kiss you or hug you when you don’t expect it.
His alcohol tolerance is either ridiculously high or very low. He can either drink all night and not be hungover the next morning, or he’s already tipsy after one glass of wine.
I’m so sorry, but he’s the type of neighbor who takes a broom and knocks it against the ceiling when the neighbor in the apartment above him plays loud music after ten pm. It’s so embarrassing to witness, but he stands by it. His ears are sensitive and he hates it when people blast loud music. 
Jouno has a very complex and sophisticated skincare routine. See Patrick Bateman’s morning routine from American Psycho. That’s Jouno. 
Can’t fall asleep while cuddling. He’ll gladly cuddle with you in bed, but when he wants to sleep, he will curl up into an oddly specific position, a pillow between his thighs, one in his arms, and if the duvet isn’t neatly tucked around him in the way he wants it, he’ll get all grumpy and pouty, adjusting the bedding and blankets until he can fall asleep in peace.
Generally speaking, I think he experiences occasional sensory issues, dislikes specific textures and fabrics and finds certain noises relaxing and others drive him insane to the point where you could call it misophonia.
Talks in his sleep (and denies it).
Jouno is best friends with an elderly lady who lives in his apartment building. She’s always gushing over how handsome and well-mannered he is, but is shocked when he reveals to her that no, he does not have a wife and kids yet. He helps her up and down the stairs and she always brings him food when she makes too much for her to eat alone. Jouno can’t say no when it comes to her, he’s only really soft with her and his s/o if he has one.
Jouno’s browsing history is concerning. If anyone, regardless of who that might be, discovers it, that person is as good as dead. He can’t have anyone know about the things he jerks off to, and having a liking for sadism is still the least fucked up thing about him.
He visits brothels from time to time or has a call girl come over and take care of his needs. It’s the most convenient option for him, and he does not have the time or any interest in pursuing a serious long-term relationship, due to his job. He seems kind of emotionally unavailable too, and even if he tried to date to find a long-term partner, I doubt that many potential partners would want to be in a relationship with him for too long. He’s a difficult person, and his sexual preferences tend to be pretty extreme, so he lacks compatibility with many people he would be interested in. Therefore, paying someone to sleep with him seems to be the best option for him. No attachment, no responsibilities, he has a high wage and can afford it, and it’s more likely that someone will let themselves be treated as harshly as he will treat them when they get paid for it.
Praise kink combined with degradation. Being praised while he ruins someone in bed is what turns him on the most. He lives for humiliation, too.
Not a nice headcanon, but I think Jouno regularly oversteps his partner’s boundaries. Firstly, to check if they will resist or not, wanting to know whether they might’ve changed their mind, and secondly, because he gets off on it. Violating their rules and going on with very dubious consent or no consent at all is a fantasy that excites him, though he will likely stop if his partner explicitly tells him to, or strongly resists. But he will be a dick about it, lowkey guilt-tripping them. However, he prefers CNC over non-con, mostly because of legal reasons. 
He would never, ever admit it, but being dominated by his partner is his deepest, darkest sexual secret. He’s so ashamed of it, but if you somehow managed to overpower him and took charge in the bedroom, after some resistance, Jouno would be a whiny, moaning mess underneath you. 
He takes lots of nudes of you, but not for himself. He has no use for visuals of your naked body, but they serve as potential blackmail so well. Tell someone he came in less than five minutes from you riding and simultaneously choking him, having him cry out your name like a needy whore, and he will leak your nudes. And in case you and him are going through a nasty breakup, Jouno will make sure you think twice about leaving him.
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iamvegorott · 2 years
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