#👀 it's a dynamic i would love especially if it leads to the two becoming friends outside of the scholarly work
lunarbrambles · 2 years
Thinking about the raw potential of having someone nuts enough to actively and directly assist Vileblood Adrian in their research and experiments... aaaaaaand deal with the fact Adrian is a disaster who can get so absorbed in what they are doing they forget one or more meals, not to mention their propensity to fall asleep at their desk when doing secondary research. And that's not going into the way they obtain their equipment (lie cheat steal), research materials like books, and the very thing they're researching (usually something blood or scourge related).
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justsomerandomplanet · 4 months
Hello! I just wanted to say I absolutely adore all of your art and thank you for all the ancient ones/Heian era content (especially Kenjaku 👀...) I would absolutely love to hear all of your drabbles about it! I have my own stuff too about them but I live for any JJK Heian era stuff lol.
Anyway, mostly wanted to drop by and say thank you for showing us your amazing art ❤️ I look at it every day, it makes me so happy!
Thank you so much for your kind words!! I'm happy that you enjoy my silly self indulgent art hehe
As for my thoughts on em, I'll put them underneath here so the post doesn't appear too long on the dashboard ^-^
(I'll mostly just share my thoughts on the character dynamics bc I'm not knowledgeable about the actual history of the Heian Era)
Tengen & Kenjaku
Oh where do I even begin!!!
I genuinely believe the two of them are the reason the jujutsu system is the way it is in modern times (more so the former than the latter especially). Although we don't actually know much about what the two were like previously, the implications on their dynamic is so delicious.
For one, I definitely see that they care(d) about each other. The fact Tengen was still aware that Kenjaku was alive and yet still did nothing even though they had prevuously tried to sabotage the merging raises a lot of eyebrows...like why would you let a criminal in the jujutsu history go??? I understand that Tengen's whole thing is that she doesn't interact with the real world anymore, but she can definitely communicate with the other sorcerers to do her bidding when necessary (e.g. telling the sorcerers to let Riko enjoy her youth before the merging while protecting her). On the other hand, Kenjaku always seems to seek out Tengen. Calling her an old friend, always trying to bring her in a conversation, insulting her as if they could get a reaction out of her...oh there's definitely something here that can be explored.
I do believe they had a falling out and that falling out is the reason things have become this way. Tengen's innaction as a way to maintain the status quo (traditions) and Kenjaku's curiosity as a drive to break that status quo (innovation) has led us here. And I do believe Sukuna and Yuuji reflect that too, but that'll be for a different time to ramble on.
Tengen & Immortality
To me, Tengen can feel paradoxical/hypocritical sometimes. She states she did not want to evolve into a higher being yet allows others to treat her like she is one, to protect her and also isolating herself. She often speaks in a way that presents humble but has an arrogance about herself as well (e.g. she is the best barrier user even tho she hasn't really been challenged on it for the past 500-ish years or the merging of star plasma vessels was necessary for the greater good-which is true-but also as a way to maintain herself). She said change in herself was inevitable and detached herself from the real world yet built a foundation in jujutsu that relied on her barriers and did not allow change for like a 1000 years.
Whether or not she meant these things intentionally is hard for me to say bc i don't think Tengen is malicious or means ill-will, but I do think in some way, Tengen is more afraid of change or even death than anyone else and has built a foundation to a society that relies on her existence, leading to a stagnation. I find that fitting that her CT is Immortality, it sorta reflects that don't you think? But like a star, sooner or later, change and death is inevitable.
Tengen, Sukuna, & Kenjaku
These guys had a history. What that history is idk but personally I do believe Sukuna is the youngest out of them. I like to think Sukuna was the pet project of Tengen and Kenjaku. Not necessarily that they're his parents or anything (tho that would be funny) but rather more like...a pupil or a dysfunctional found family dynamic. Sukuna already knows he was an unwanted child but that doesn't mean he didn't have any connections with people growing up. I do think Tengen and/or Kenjaku helped Sukuna in becoming who he is.
Plus, Tengen keeping Sukuna's mummiffied corpse (with the implication that she was the one to do it) and Kenjaku seemingly being the only one able to hold some level of control over Sukuna's head just tells me something is up with those three that screams a psychological power imbalance. Also also, if Tengen had the corpse but the fingers were scattered, when exactly did Kenjaku split his soul? (this is more of a musing more than an actual question. I just think it would be delicious if Tengen allowed Kenjaku to see Sukuna's dead body-which led to the cursed fingers albeit without her knowledge but shrug)
Kenjaku, Love, & Motherhood
Saving da best for last, oh Kenny! I did a lot of rambling on Tengen but tbf there's so very little stuff on her I have more thoughts to share, but Kenjaku is really my favourite character in all of jjk. They're so fascinating, their curiosity driving them but also spite (just like me fr)
No but in all seriousness, Kenjaku is such a fun but sad character. Clearly, whatever happened between them and Tengen led to where they are, which I find fascinating. I know they're doing things cause of curiosity, but sometimes it does feel like they're trying to prove something (namely to Tengen). The implications that they may have grown up lonely, was friends with Tengen but had a break up, and still talks about making friends...AUGHHH
This leading to the theme of motherhood is also great. What's a better way to build a connection and to create innovation than from your own blood. Yuuji may not have a "role" as Kenjaku told Choso, but I think that's the whole point. Maybe Yuuji was made to hold Sukuna or cursed objects, who knows, but Kenjaku purposely letting him develop himself, for better or worst, definitely feels right.
And in a way I do find it enjoyable Yuuji doesn't actually care enough about Kenjaku. Yes he's trying to stop Kenny but there isn't necessarily any personal stakes that he's aware of, and I find that enjoyable for the irony: Kenjaku being so invested in Yuuji yet he won't even see it. Kenjaku, who is clearly obsessed with motherhood, fetuses, and children, cannot even get the attention of their own child.
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stitchthesewords · 1 year
You're getting both my life series based ideas teehee
OKAY SO 1ST ONE - series 4. Well. IDK if I would play this as a game telling or if i would play it as a more like. STORY story ya feel. Anyway. The idea is Life series rules - everyone has 3 lives, red yellow and green. At the start of the series, however, someone becomes possessed by Sculk and its their goal to possess everyone else. Sculky boy can win by making everyone a member of the sculk network. You see where I'm going with this. Mumscarian, Grian is sculk possessed, and Mumbo and Scar go 'Hey. Hey. If we let him possess everyone then we don't have to kill each other.' and make it their mission to keep Grian green which leads to them both sacrificing two of their lives. So then youve got the dynamic of two red lives protecting a green from everyone else. And like, they can lay traps to possess people or drag them into the Sculk. THE OTHER THING is that I think this would start INSIDE the ancient city. So. You have that going on.
My SECOND life series based idea is the cowboy story I posted a long time ago at this point. This one is.......sort of???? based on 3rd life??????? vaguely. But the idea is simply - People have 3 lives, green yellow and red. What life their on shows in their eyes. And maybe there's also a mark on the skin or something idk, but it's. VERY subtle. Its not like bright yellow green or red its subtle. Hard to see, especially from a distance. Mumscarian are a team of bandits - Scar is a red life and Grian is a Green life, and the Mumbo is yellow.
So this is where things begin rapidly diverging from canon - the idea is Green and Yellow lives are. Vaguely welcome, but Red lives are hunted down and executed to protect others. Red lives have bloodlust in this bc i. love. red life bloodlust, fucking sue me. So they have a tendency to become murderers, bandits, criminals, anything. And they get hunted down - there are some safe havens for them, they have their own towns hidden in the world, but ya know. Its also not often a green or yellow life would knowingly associate with a red life - that marks them as traitors and if they get caught, all the rest of their lives are taken. Killing a green or yellow life, especially when you aren't a red life, is like. Capital B Bad.
So Mumscarian are Cowboy Bandits who use Mumbo and Grian to lure people into dangerous situations or their demises [yes. I am also thinking about the demise game from s6] because there's no way of knowing Mumbo and Grian ARE traitors unless you see their wanted posters. And this doesn't really have a plot I mostly used it as an excuse to write something after I finished The Highwayman by @ envelopedbyoblivion and was feeling VERY many cowboy thoughts bc that fic is INCREDIBLE and i fucking love westerns.
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icedmochasi · 2 years
how do you think lilith's relationship with the rest of her high school friends is gonna develop for season 3 :0?
i think perry, who in the flashback appeared the most bookish of the bunch (and was potentially the one joining lilith for the study session at the end of TtBk), was the raine to lilith's darius- new found bestie to get into shenanigans with bc i've been (or feel like, in lilith's case) ejected from my primary friend group. seeing how gus is missing, i see him becoming more relevant in s3 :D
next up is darius. instead of rekindling their high-school dynamic, i think it's finally making something of their coworker relationship. bc it's my personal hc that lilith being mentored by flora was concurrent with darius being mentored by the prev gg.
no idea what their dynamic would have been like, but given how the emperor's coven heavily isolates its members, she may have been desperate for anything that reminded her of home, and formed a infrequent, but friendly relationship with darius before the death of his mentor turned him cold.
sadly, what I think is more likely is that the ec pitted them against each other, juuust to hammer in that sense of loneliness and making sure both graduates weren't especially close. it probably resulted in competitions to see which mentee could get something done faster, and thus got more praise (not that the prev gg would have manipulated darius like that)
on the slight contrary, however, it probably granted some stability, as bickering with a 'fellow scholar' is what lilith and darius love to do, so they found some security and comfortin that relationship, even if it was slightly negative. again, however, the death of the prev gg turned darius cold and ended that relationship.
TRIPLE HOWEVER, he follows her on pentsagram, specifically on an account she made after she betrayed the ec (ec!lilith would have never called herself 'chilly.lily'), so it's likely darius went 👀 at her rebellion and went to follow her
i've also seen talk that lilith will lead the rebellion against the collector in place of team red in order to close off her arc and bring it full circle, so there's that as well :D
speaking of team red, i think her relationship to raine is the most... frayed. like, that picture that teased raine for the first time suggested that lilith felt replaced (and therefore bitter) by raine, and it's not like raine wouldn't have noticed. and then there's the whole thing with cursing eda as well.
i've seen some joking posts where raine flies into a rage when lilith admits it, but as funny as they are, i don't think so? it's far more likely that raine is told by lilith, has a mild reaction before squashing it down and giving a brisk 'ok, thank you for telling me' before getting back to work, because there's two god-children on the loose!
beyond that, im not exactly sure. any ideas :0?
Perry and Lilith would get on very well! Just two nerds infodumping to each other!
Darius and Lilith were probably somewhat close in their Hexside days before they both started getting mentored.
Consider: Lilith grew jealous of Darius because he had a mentor who genuinely loved him like a son, cared and was protective of him, Lilith grew to resent him because of it because we know her own mentor was not like that towards her. Why should Darius be cared for and not her? Darius grew to resent her for acting like that towards him when he wasn't at fault. Then that distance and tension grew worse and worse, especially with her being so loyal to Belos in season 1, to the point where she captured her own sister.
Darius probably began feeling more positive towards her when she betrayed Belos, and they seemed to be fine when they were in The CATTs base together. Hopefully, they can be friends who understand what it is like to be manipulated by Belos, even as adults.
Darius following her on Penstagram was just another hint he wasn't loyal that I didn't pick up on at first hahaha.
As for her and Raine, I think Raine probably did like Lilith and tried to be friends with her, but Lilith let her growing rift with Eda cloud her view of Raine, and Raine at some point probably stopped trying to be friends with her. Granted, anyone taking Eda's attention like Raine did would have gotten Lilith's ire. It had nothing to do with Raine as person, I think it had more to do with Lilith feeling like she was loosing Eda.
As for how Raine would react to Lilith cursing Eda, I don't think they'd be anything short of pissed. Raine can be pragmatic, but they also didn't bring Eda in on the plan to stop Emperor until it was almost too late because of their love for her and knowing she has kids. Literally didn't let Eda help until they were forced to by circumstances. I don't think Raine would attack Lilith, but I do think it would cause a rift between them for awhile! Raine had a front row seat to how much pain the curse caused Eda for years.
In present day, all of these characters can bond over the love they have for certain children who they'd die for and kill over.
Thank you for all the wonderful headcanons!
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hiddenqveendom · 1 year
On Part II: The Princess and the Queen (what's the title of Part 1 and 3? :))
How does Torvi fit in at court? Does she have a relationship with Aemond's siblings? Is there a man at arms or Kingsguard she gets on well with?
Also feel free to tell us more about Torvi and Aemond's dynamic and feelings for each other (friendly and romantic).
with regards to the princess and the queen i am assuming that you are referring to this set i made a while back. i didn’t officially title any of the gifs individually, but if i had to they would be named “father’s daughter” and “divulgation.” 
torvi (my beloved) sort of has an unofficial place in court. while her opinion isn’t exactly valued as a commoner, it becomes second nature for her to be present so long as aemond desires it. especially since she’s kind of like his own personal mistress of whispers on the streets. most people kind of think she is harmless or just a felling fixation of aemond’s. thus she isn’t taken very seriously. however, aemond makes sure that she is show the proper respect in his presence. he introduces torvi to his family right away, so they all know of their relationship of sorts. otto doesn’t think much of her but tolerates her presence, alicent allows her to be around during family dinners and other intimate gatherings, heleana treats her kindly, aegon hits on her from time to time to bug his little brother (and become he’s a thot), and the ailing Viserys sometimes confuses her for a young alicent. apart from aemond, she has the best relationship with ser criston and fiorella dondarrion. 
with regards to aemond and torvi’s relationship, its very wholesome for two somewhat twisted individuals. it starts off as the typical enemies to lovers trope. they are aware of the social gap between them but just don’t care. they see glimpses of themselves in each other that others would turn away from. while i’m not sure that they’ll ever say the words “I love you” it’s very clear how they feel about each other. they wouldn’t even think twice about gutting someone that looked the other the wrong way. after a while, it becomes nearly impossible to find one without the other in tow. its clear that torvi is the most important person in aemond’s life. thus, losing her is something he never could’ve prepared his heart for. 
fun fact: in my version of the dinner scene in pt. ii that led to the fight between aemond, luke, jace, and aegon, torvi played a role in our one eyed prince losing his temper. during the back and forth between everyone, daemon and the boys make comments about torvi's presence at what’s intended to be a family affair. there’s a specific moment when luke asks her if she knows the story of aemond’s first dragon when a pig is laid out in front of them and he loses it. hence, leading to the famous fight. torvi originally doesn’t react to the fighting, knowing that the boys are no match for her aemond. it’s not until daemon gets involved that she rushes to his side. 👀
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pendwelling · 2 years
Hello! I really love your art and fics for Lout of the Count's Family, I found your blog by chance but it's actually what got me into LCF to begin with. I actually wanted to ask you about TWSB. I've seen you post about it and I've found a synopsis online, but would you mind talking about what you like about it?
OH GOD ACTUALLY I THINK I CAN GO ON FOREVER ABOUT THIS??? THANK YOU FOR SUCH AN AMAZING QUESTION I literally have so much to say, but also not enough words to even begin describing the full extent of what TWSB does to me.
To make things easier for me to write and for you to read, I think this will primarily be in messy bullet point form xDD
(Oh and omg?? I'm glad I was able to help get you into LCF. Perhaps I can hope to do the same with TWSB? 👀😂)
Haha but okay— So. Maybe we'll start with the premise/overall novel I guess? I just love it so much. After that we'll get to characters.
It's "Transmigration into a novel" trope—BUT!!! Refreshing take! Jung Yeseo actually hasn't read the og!novel. He literally knows nothing about what's going on besides what his younger sister, Jung Eunseo, has told him of both the plot and characters.
Thus, he sorta treats his sister's words like a survival guide. Even if the info becomes inaccurate as time goes by and his meddling with the plot changes things.
He knows how important the og!novel was to his younger sister. She cherished it, so in a way, he does too and wishes for it to go the same route.
But this is muddled by the fact that the character he transmigrated into, Jung Yeseo, dies during the war between the Riester Empire and the Venetiaan Holy Kingdom, after taking a blow meant for the Riester Empire's Prince, and Original Male Lead :|||||
Yeseo, now Jesse, as all main characters destined to die do, announces that he will ✨avoid the main characters, stay out of the plot, and survive peacefully as the diplomatic hostage, priest of a prince that he is.✨
Plot twist: this fool cannot escape the main characters xDD
Sounds like the typical transmigration plot, BUT!! with it's own refreshing takes!
We have 2 transmigrators. Yeseo (Jesse) and the og!MC Christelle, (originally a fellow Korean worker in her 30s named Ham Ga-in).
Original novel was a RoFan (Romance-Fantasy).
Current novel (TWSB) is anything BUT that xDD
Pace might seem slow at first, but it is pretty slice-of-life! Later on however, we get to see more adventure/action, as the characters slowly find goals and travel around the continent.
Pretty much all of the locations are even based off current countries.
For example, Riester Empire's culture/character names are inspired by France. Venetiaan Holy Kingdom is inspired by Dutch.
Power system (mana, ether, priests, holy knights, mages, swordsmen, etc) is so interesting and well thought out. There are rules that are concretely established and it's just the best.
Interesting dynamics between Priests and Holy Knights! Symbiotic relationship!!! Which the main characters have! :D
Cédric and Christelle are both Holy Knights, so they require a priest to help replenish them with ether. Jung Yeseo/Jesse just so happens to have overwhelming amounts of ether due to special circumstances that eventually get mentioned :D
They are practically married due to this (/hj). They call each other partners and everything (Cédeic especially gets giddy when Jesse calls him this. The stoic simp, tsk.)
One this I ADORE about Sookym-nim's universe is that people just seem so open?? when it comes to sexuality?? No one finds anything wrong with suggesting if two people, or even multiple people, can enter a romantic relationship.
You actually don't realize this until you really think about it. It's a subtle thing but it made me so happy when I realized that.
The Priest/Holy Knight partnership/holy covenant is actually kinda like that. A deep and special relationship. Holy Knights are known to be very protective of their Priests.
Also, both women AND men have been explicitly stated to take interest in Jesse. At some point, the empress, Frédérique Riester, mentions (while comparing Yeseo to the rumours surrounding og!Jesse—who you can sort of think of as a less alcoholic and violent og!Cale Henituse) that Jesse didn't seem like he had any experience bedding either women or men. The universe really says Bi rights and I love it HAHA
Also—Sookym writes women so well. So many great women in power, so many kind, compassionate women. Women who are smart, scheming, funny, sly, powerful—so many types of women for us sapphics to simp over.
In both the Riester Empire and Venetiaan Holy Kingdom, line of succession/inheritance isn't based on gender, but on first born. Riester Empress Frédérique is so COOL, I simp.
(in some cases, such as Blanquer Duchy, competence also plays a bigger part instead of who is born first!)
Ofc the guys are also amazing as well!
We also have cute animals. So many cute, cute animals. I cry.
The protagonist: Jung Yeseo, 28, who transmigrated into Prince Jesse Venetiaan of the Holy Kingdom, priest and diplomatic hostage in the Riester Empire. In the original novel, he was the 2nd Male Lead who died taking a blow for the Male Lead (Riester Empire's Crown Prince Cédric Riester) during the war between their kingdoms.
He's super kind. Refreshing when you consider all the angsty, sad, emo, stoic and tragic MCs LMFAO.
Of course his past isn't perfect, but he has amazing, wonderful supportive siblings and he grew up as a well-adjusted modern-day Korean citizen. Really just a kind, good "boy-next-door" type of character!
He can be a little prickly in his internal narrations, but who isn't? xD
I've seen reviews call him a Mary Sue and I want to WRANGLE NECKS.
Apparently being kind is just too much of a trait for some people??
Personally, I think it's one of his biggest strength. I love a compassionate MC, and even of his morals might seem foolish a bit, they are reasonable and admirable.
His kindness sort of make you want to tear up a bit: "how can someone as nice as this exist?"
But of course, it isn't unconditional. He knows when people are wrong, and when they deserve to be punished, and will get angry and vicious accordingly. But even despite that, he will frequently have that small thread of compassion for even people who harm (ex: The situation with Peter, Synkie, especially because they were kids—and Jesse has a soft spot for kids, but even so, he naturally acknowledges they deserve some kind of retribution for nearly assassinating him).
(Of course, when people are irredeemable, he doesn't play saint. He's a good guy, but not all-forgiving—and like it was mentioned by a Eunseo cameo in a certain chapter in the 500s, Jung Yeseo is a frightening person when angry.)
(Tldlr, Never piss off the kind and gentle person in a group. They are secretly the scariest when angry, and Jesse is no exception to that—if he gets angry then you KNOW shits going down oml haha)
But overall, he really just gives off the impression of someone who would be a very good and genuine friend :')
He radiates so much Big Brother Energy™ both literally and figuratively.
Even if annoyed, he will still be weak to young kids (again, see above: Older Brother Energy™). Even if the said "child" is actually a 24yo man, Yeseo will eventually succumb to his hyung instincts LMFAO. Which brings us to Cédric Riester (see section after Jesse bullet points) 😂
(He does swear however, though never at a person, but always at a situation. Apparently the Jung Family had a swear jar growing up, though it was his younger sister who mostly ended up giving it money xD)
HES ALSO SO UNINTENTIONALLY FUNNY???? At some point, his friends are getting scolded heavily at the table by the Empress, and it's very much the sort of scene where you, the outsider of a family, has been invited to their family dinner, only for the head of the family/stern asian mother to start scolding your friends right in front of the table.
Except, instead of feeling very awkward, Jesse just continues eating LMFAO and the only time he ever really stops is because his chewing sounds too loud during the scolding, and he still has some shame left HAHA
(This guy is always eating, and it's admirable lolol but tbf in that situation, Ced, Chris and Eli deserved the scokding sKSKKSK)
Anyway— I like how they explore Jesse's status as a transmigrator, as well. He initially thinks of these people around him as characters, whom he only really knows through whatever it was his sister has told him, but he eventually grows to care for them genuinely.
Despite this, he is still very much a young man who cares deeply for his siblings that he believes he left at home, and doesn't know for how long, and naturally experiences home sickness. That's his goal, after all—to finish his role and eventually, somehow, go back home to his siblings.
At some point, we see a vision of his apartment's veranda, and Jesse tries reaching for it. It won't go into much detail, but it's a rather bittersweet moment, especially when other characters, such as Cédric, misinterprets it as Jesse wanting to leave them—the friends he made who genuinely care for him (even if Cédric doesn't exactly show it in the most outward of ways.) Novel characters grow anxious about him feeling as if he could disappear at any moment, and Jesse has to deal with the dilemma of "do I want to return home? Can I really leave behind these people I've come to care about? Are they even real? What will happen to my body if I choose to stay in one world of the other?"
His relationship with Cardinal Aurélie Boutier is also one of my most favourite things ever. She becomes a sort of mother figure after they become teacher and apprentice, and the amount of care Aurélie has for him brings me to tears sometimes. She doesn't have any children, but the way she eventually grows to consider Jesse as her own is just TTvTT<3
With that said, lets move on to the next character :D
Cédric Riester: 24 yo at the beginning of the novel. He was the first male lead and love interest in the original novel. He's the only Prince of the Riester Empire.
He's also lowkey bisexual but that's my opinion LMFAOOO (more like he's MainCharacterSexual)
Speaking from experience: you might hate this guy at first 😂 A lot of my friends and other readers did and I laugh about it all the time.
Eventually tho, he will probably become one of your favourite characters, if not THE favourite. Regardless, you will grow fond of him, as you will pretty much all of the main characters!
For comparison, he's similar to Yoo Jooghyuk from ORV. You really gotta get to know him and his motivation before he starts growing on you like the fastest mold.
His backstory explains a lot, and MY GOD DO YOU GROW FOND OF HIM.
He's so easy to bully. It's a fandom joke at this point to call him derogatory nicknames like; Ether pig. Black pig. Pig. Mosquito. 24/25-month-old kid. Brat. Crapdric. Cedick. Simpdric. Sapdric.
But don't get us wrong it's all done affectionately auhsdhskks
You might become a Cédric defender/apologist the more you read about him.
But how can you be an apologist if he's done nothing wrong—//slapped.
Thinks locking people up is the best way to protect them, and then when he notices it makes them (Jesse) sad, his 0 emotional intelligence naturally goes: 'Ah. I should hire an entire performing circus troop to his palace so that he will feel better.'
The poor guy is TRYING alright 😭
We can kinda blame it on his parents' love story. Those two were p wild LMFAO (but also pretty sweet auahbdldlskdld Frédérique, Alexandre and Aurélie's relationship is very reminiscent of Cédric, Jesse and Christelle's). Actually the whole Riester imperial family was wild with the people they cared about HAHA
But yeah, Cédric's origins as Male Lead in a Romance-Fantasy novel really shines through sometimes, but at the end of the day, you also just gotta remember he was once a kid who spent most of his childhood sick, suffering and sleeping, and now that he can finally move around as he wishes, his full brattiness can unleash now that he found people he can be a 'kid' with and run around the continent alongside him on adventures xD
Jokes aside tho, he's a genuinely good guy.
His character development makes me cry. He's a stoic bastard, but at the end of the day, he's OUR socially inept stoic bastard.
He cares a lot for his friends. So so much. Even if he doesn't outwardly show it.
He's also lowkey very very gay for Jesse. (You might even say Bi because he did fall for Christelle in the original novel too (again, see above for my comment about him being MCsexual) 😂 (actually the main trio pretty much radiate Bi energy I'm ngl LMFAO twsb universe is just very casual with sexuality and I am fr not kidding abt this it's canon and it makes me happy))
The first time Jesse saw his smile was when Jesse called himself Cédric's partner. You also gotta keep in mind this scene happened after Ced (at the imperial palace) and Jesse (at his marquisate iirc) we're separated due to reasons, and the whole palace was placing bets as to when Cédric was finally gonna cave in and chase after Jesse and co. to join them.
Cédric ended up having in pretty quickly xD The complete simp.
Heck, once Christelle and Ced had to pretend they were a couple in front of the Empress and Cardinal in order to help Jesse out, and the Empress asked them what they liked about each other, fully knowing that those two would rather d1e than ever get together.
Cédric then immediately proceeded to describe Jesse, and got jealous when Christelle caught on and also started describing Jesse 😂😂😂
This man gets JEALOUS so much when it comes to anyone expressing nearly any amounts of attention towards Jesse aUDGHDJSKKSKS
At some point (330+) the man even proposes to Jesse. He gets down on one knee and all and starts reciting his vows to unite their sound together and stuff and I'm in TEARS whenever I reread that part, because Ced did it in the MIDDLE OF BATTLE LMFAO
BUT ALSO TBF, it wasn't exactly a marriage proposal, it was a Covenant (which is basically soul marriage between Holy Knights and Priests, in simple terms HAHA) and readers everywhere went crazy sKSKSKKS poor Cedric tho because Jesse ignored him (he was too panicked by the fact that they were literally in battle—)
Anyways yes. Cédric is a character you will easily warm up to gradually, because deep down he's a genuinely great guy.
He's a filial son, and he's a great future ruler—he constantly proves that he is perfectly capable of succeeding his mother, and he cares for both her and his godmother the cardinal )and other members of his family that u get to know better later on.) He even initiates a duel to defend both Jesse, and Jesse's deceased father's honour after his cousin besmirched their names (the cousin insulated Jesse's father, who was a commoner, and Cédric had a very close and dear relationship with his own father, who was also deceased.)
Anyways yes. Cédric is a little prickly, but he's such a good guy deep down, honourable and who stands for what's right and those he cares about.
He's also the reason for why the readers are having a hard time trying to defend the genre of the novel LMFAO (but tbf, Jesse also contributes to that too. How much poetics are these guys able to wax about each other's looks? I'm on tears, I love them hdhdjkskks)
But anyway. Homoerotic subtext is something for a whole other day xDD
There's so much to say about him, but I think I've written more than enough, so let's move on to our beloved Christelle!!!!
Christelle De Sarnez—the original protagonist of the the novel, formerly called Ham Ga-In, a South Korean woman in her 30s who one day woke up in the body of a Duke's 19 y.o daughter. In the original story, she eventually fell for the 1st ML, Cédric, after overcoming their differences. The classic RoFan novel plot!!
Christelle is so interesting as a character, I find, because in the original novel, her not having any powers (due to not having absorbed a Divine Artifact) really shaped the story into the RoFan genre (amongst other things).
BUT in TWSB, she is able to become a Holy Knight and is able to overcome that role/destiny as a damsel in distress type of Romance MC, who gets kidnapped and has to rely on the ML to save her.
Which gave us our wonderful TWSB!Christelle :DD
Instead of getting kidnapped by pirated like the original Christelle had been, our Christelle ended up becoming a "Pirate Queen" and captured a whole ship just because Jesse off-handedly remarked she should get him a souvenir when she went to visit the north xDD
*deep breaths* anyways—
Reminder again that Christelle is also a transmigrator. (But unlike Jesse, the world she went into wasn't a novel, it was just a whole different world where she didn't have to be an office worked anymore and could find romance while being rich, etc.)
This means she is a modern-day South Korean who is ABSOLUTELY aware of pop culture, and says the funniest shit ever istg (see kpop riester army example above) 😂
You can tell through Christelle and all the other references made throughout the novel that the author, Sookym, is also a rather pop culture-savvy person. A lot of other movie franchises get mentioned, and references to other pieces of media/literature are often seen.
One of my favourite Christelle moments that I can think of at the top of my head is when, like I said at the end of my Cédric rant, Christelle, at the end of her and Cédric's fake couples interview with the Empress, eventually cried our "Dobby is free!!" when the questions stopped coming. It made me laugh so hard when I saw it 😂
(Comments on Ridibooks were even laughing at some point when the author included a parody version of an Aladdin song in one arc of the novel, and joked about Disney copyright striking the novel xDD)
Just like Jesse, Christelle also gives off the impression of someone who would be a very good friend. That's how she is with Jesse after all!
While Cédric is a bit more "selfish" when it comes to Jesse and their status as partners, Christelle tries to be more understanding. She is very kind, considerate and I love her. (See a lil further below for more comments about her refreshing emotional intelligence!)
One of my other favourite moments is when Christelle told Jesse that if one day, if he had the feeling that she was different, he should call her "Ham Ga-In", and if she didn't recognize it, she wouldn't be the Christelle he knew. (At that point in the story, Christelle wasn't aware that Jesse knew she was also a transmigrator—even less so that for him, she was a novel character. Which makes the scene even more touching/heartwrenching, since Christelle truly trusted him, and just proved how much she cared about all her new friends and worried about the possibility of the original Christelle coming back to take her place).
I won't get into details, but the way this story treats its transmigrators :')))) makes me cry :')) I find this novel does it very well, especially in the later chapters when secrets start unfolding 👀
(Speaking of transmigrators—this story doesn't brush that fact of lightly. Christelle, just like Jesse, also feels some sort of 'imposter syndrome' and acknowledges that she "has taken the place of someone else's previous daughter". The way the author's treated this plot line between Chris and Christelle's mother was wonderfully done, and made me cry. I love it when stories address transmigrator issues and so on.)
TWSB!Chris feels more like the best friend of a romance story's slightly oblivious protagonist xD If Jesse is blind to Cédric's ML antics and actions towards him, Christelle is completely aware and trashes him for it 😂
She has so much more emotional intelligence than Cédric (who's only friend for literal years until he reached 24 was Élisabeth, the vice-captain of the imperial guard) and she balances him so well like that.
She's often the one who goes out of her way to make sure Jesse's feelings are considered and that people (ie our socially awkward and inept Cédric) will treat him right, because that's what friends do—treat their friends right and wish for it to be that way.
Btw Ced and Chris absolutely hate each other and it's the funniest thing ever, but they also do become good friends despite their opposing attribute repulsion HAHA
(At some point, Chris considers not giving Ced advice on how to get along better with Jesse, so that Jesse would end up liking her more LMFAO but she does end up giving him her 31y.o wisdom xD)
Anyways, Chris is so so great. So lovely, so funny, I holler in nearly all her comedy bits.
She also can't sing, and it's hilarious.
Yeseo's sister once told him that the original Cedric smiled when Chris sang, and Yeseo naturally presumed it was because the original FL was just so amazing it even made the stoic ML smile.
He was dead wrong.
Christelle is tone deaf 😂
Anyways, I think this is long enough. I'm not exactly sure if this sort of response was what you were looking for, but you did ask if I could talk about what I like about this novel, and the answer is simply just this:
So, so very much.
From the amazing worldbuilding and interesting power systems,
To the lovable characters that you only grow more fond of the more you read. Of course, there will also be characters (one in particular) that you will despise to their very bone, and that in itself is just proof of how well Sookym is able to write characters.
The main 3 characters are adults in their mid 20s—30s, and yet they are all very youthful and energetic in their own ways. I find it so refreshing to other stories, where sometimes adults are portrayed with all the hardships of their ages. But here, these characters who have gone through so much are able to often act like children as they run around the continent together causing havoc and try to accomplish their goal of collecting all the divine artifacts. It's so great seeing them have fun, and go on all these quests.
And truly, this story evokes such strong feelings within me.
One moment you're laughing your ass off at whatever ridiculous thing is happening, and the very next moment you might be thrown into the unveiling of a whole mystery. The shift of genres and tones that occur throughout the novel is so well balanced, and it gradually builds up so that at the pivotal moment the author requires it, you as the reader get hit with the accumulation that had been building over several chapters, and you can only sit there in tears and wonder 'why and how the hell is this been described as a "feel-good novel"?'
Sookym is truly amazing, to be able to write buildups that manage to land so impactfully, and bring to life characters who are so endearing you can't help but earnestly root for their success as they try and achieve their goals and get through obstacles throughout the way.
The day the webtoon adaptation gets officially announced, I don't think I exaggerate when I say I will be crying whilst reading the 1st chapter, knowing just all the adventures and trials these characters will have to face in the future TvT It is such a wonder rollercoaster of a read, and I adore it so much haha.
In the meantime, I will continue to draw fanart and write fics in hopes of dragging more people into reading this novel that I hold so dear :')
With all that said, thanks for the ask! I hope this was able to convey to you even a fraction's bit of my love for this novel! Forgive me if theres any typos audhjdksks I had a lot to say so this took me a while haha 😂 and I hope youre enjoying the novel, if ever you decide to give it a go!
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keanureevesisbae · 2 years
chasing nostalgia epilogue 2.0
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Summary: Years have gone by. How are August, Leilani and Roger holding up?
August Walker x Leilani (asian ofc)
Wordcount: 2.5k
Warning: Last time these three are filthy AF: spanking, vaginal sex, double vaginal penetration (👀 ), use of dildo and vibrator, orgasms, semen, overstimulation and I think that's about it?
A/N: So, this was a totally different story than I imagined. A little spoiler: originally, Roger was supposed to be dead. However, I obviously didn't continue with killing him off, because as I was writing, I've come to love him so so much! Thank you so much for reading, for receiving this story well!
Masterlist // chasing nostalgia masterlist //
Leilani's POV
In one year time, my life has taken a full 180 turn. My life became something I never expected it to be. My two men were back in my life: August and Roger. It was like the puzzle was finally finished. The puzzle of my life included August and Roger.
I loved two men at the same time and despite August moving away, I always loved him and never forgot him.
It’s okay, I always tell myself. I always tell people who asks who my boyfriend is of the two, we’re just friends, when in all honesty, they’re both my boyfriends, however the world is not quite ready yet. I never suspected myself to be someone who would have this type of dynamic, mostly because I saw how much of a toll it took on my parents’ marriage with more parties involved, but then I realized they had a shitty communication.
I on the other hand always had good communication with my men.
We’re living the most domestic life neither of us could’ve imagined. Life hadn’t treated us well and it left us with gaps in our personal growth.
But after resolving everything, we fell back into our trusted routine. Almost like there wasn’t a years long hiatus between college and now.
August is still the one who takes the lead, Roger is the sensible one and I make sure they do not overwork themselves, in the physical sense. They have to prove themselves a lot, which is cute, but totally unnecessary.
There’s one major difference than what we had in college: we’ve got more time. With the cafe only being open from Tuesday to Saturday, we have two days where we can just do whatever we want. Besides, August is always dead set on his holidays, so there are moments where we close the cafe and go on a trip. The three of us to the most beautiful places in the world. I love being around them, having them with me and those days spend where there are no obligations, just us, are the times we get even closer.
I don’t want to change this lifestyle for anything in the world. The way they ravish me, how they love me and how they care for me, I know I can’t get that anywhere else. I don’t want that from anyone.
Just like in college, there are moments I share with August and moments I share with Roger. It’s how it worked then and it still works now. Because we now do live in the same house, I often wondered if they don’t feel jealous when they are able to hear everything, but they’re not envious at all. It even occurred multiple times I’m having sex with either one of them and the other walks in, grabs something and walks out, like nothing was happening in the same room.
And while they aren’t romantically involved, I can tell their bond is becoming tighter. And that truly makes me happy.
After a few months, Roger and August succeeded in finding the right prosthetics for August. It was a process that didn’t involve me, but a thing solely between the two of them. I respected that, especially when I saw how close they grew because of it. After some practice—which again, didn’t involve me—August is able to walk in his prosthetics. I’m so grateful he found the perfect match, because I could see how much the wheelchair bothered him. He hated it and now he has a part of his old life back.
I know he loves that.
I turn around the OPEN sign to CLOSED, after a long day in the cafe. It was a lovely day, since it was warm enough for me to finally wear a dress. I walk towards the kitchen, where both of my men are cleaning up. ‘What’s wrong?’ I ask them, when they look up.
‘You’re not allowed to wear that dress again,’ August says. ‘Everyone is just looking at your breasts and I was this close of kicking them out.’
I scoff. ‘What’s wrong with the dress?’
‘Nothing when you’re with us, baby, everything when you’re outside,’ Roger says, as he passes me to place the plates back where they belong.
‘Nonsense,’ I say, knowing damn well I’m gonna push August’s buttons with it. ‘I got great compliments of it. There was this really sweet group of men who thought I looked beautiful and the dress fitted me well.’
August clenches his jaw. ‘What?’
‘Kidding,’ I say, but it’s already too late. I can’t save myself. August stalks up to me, pushing up the hem of my floral dress. ‘What are you doing?’ I ask coyly.
‘You know damn well what I’m gonna do.’ His hand lands on my bottom and I let out a squeal. ‘Oh, look at that. I’m trying to teach you a lesson and what do you do? Make those cute sounds, which tell me exactly how much you’re enjoying it.’
♕ ♕ ♕
My bottom is fiery red by the time we reach our place. We live above our cafe and it’s so nice to not having to commute to work, especially when it’s a pain to find a great parking spot within a ten mile radius.
Roger’s already leaning with his back against the headboard, his hard cock buried deep inside of me. His lips are wrapped around my nipple, sucking lightly, though it turns a lot harder, especially when he teasingly sinks in his teeth, causing me to gasp. I’m bouncing on his cock, until he grabs my hips, forcing me down on him and sit still.
‘You sure you wanna do this tonight?’ August asks, squeezing my slightly sore and sensitive bottom in his large hand. ‘Be honest with me.’
‘I want to,’ I choke out.
August brings his tip to my entrance and after a little trial and error, he manages to push himself all the way in and I dig my nails in Roger’s chest, adjusting to taking them both at the same time. I cannot believe we finally managed to do the one thing we’ve always wanted to try—even back in college—and that is double vaginal penetration. I was always either too anxious or too nervous to try it out, but I now never want something else ever again: I’ve never felt so fucking full. By the way they both hold me, I realize they are probably also getting used to this feeling. I bet their fingertips are leaving bruises all over my body.
‘Can we move, baby?’ Roger asks, after he swallowed hard.
I simply nod, but it’s enough for them to know I can handle it. It takes some slow adjusting, but once we’re passed the initial shock of me being able to handle them both in my cunt, I am able to enjoy it a lot more. I feel both of them so deep, as they are stretching out my tight walls. August’s hand is entangled in my long black locks, pulling my head slightly back, my back arching a little.
The room is filled with our moans and thank goodness we soundproofed this room too.
‘I’m gonna cum,’ I whimper, before creating the first mess of the evening. I squirt passed both of their cocks, as the feeling of euphoria rushes through my body. Tears drip over my face, trying to catch my breath, as Roger toys with my sensitive clit, desperate to send me right over the edge again. I hate how he is succeeding so quickly, because I’m shaking again in a matter of seconds, clenching around the both of them.
‘Good girl.’ Roger wipes the stream of tears from my face and gently gives me a peck. ‘Does it still feel good?’ he asks, just to be sure.
Though it’s incredibly sensitive, I nod, because it still feels so good. I open my mouth against his, allowing our tongues to intertwine, to dance around each other. He hums against my lips and I can feel him smile.
Roger can probably tell I can barely keep myself up anymore, because he gently pulls me against his chest, after our lips parted.
I can tell by their groans they’re not able to last very long anymore. After having sex with the three of us for so long, they’re pretty much in sync with one another, even when it comes to cumming together.
They both cum at the same time, their semen painting my walls on the inside. They catch their breath, August squeezing my waist and Roger pressing a kiss on top of my head. When they both have softened, they pull out and I let out a whine, already missing the full feeling. We’re all a mess, covered in a mixture of my juices and their semen.
We’re unable to move, all catching our breath on a different part of the bed. When I push my legs together, they’re so sticky, I fear we’ve got to change the sheets, because no one can sleep like this.
‘Are you okay?’ Roger asks.
‘I’m fine,’ I whisper. ‘We’re doing this again, right?’
August nods and Roger agrees. ‘Our own little slut,’ August chuckles. ‘We’re so lucky to have you.’
♕ ♕ ♕
I dream about them, but that’s mostly because I’m absolutely addicted and obsessed with them. They are my everything, in every way. I dream about us having sex, about us sharing domestic times with each other, combined with tons of more sex. We’re quite frankly obsessed with each other.
I want their fingers, I want their cocks, their mouth. Everything.
When I wake up the next morning, they both are already up, but are staring at me with cocked eyebrows and Roger has a telling smirk on his lips.
‘What?’ I ask, not in on the fun yet.
‘Hope you had fun in your dreams,’ August says. ’Sure sounded like it.’
The soreness is overruled by the wetness pooling in between my legs. Evidence I indeed had tons of fun in my dream. And they sorta enjoyed it too, I suppose.
‘I had,’ I whisper, giving them both a kiss, as I do every morning. ‘Are you gonna do something about it?’
‘Oh, look at that. Our girl is already cocky in the early morning. You just stay put.’ August gets up from the bed and walks over to the cabinet. It’s at the same time Roger pulls me towards him and I securely get in between his legs. He spreads my legs apart by placing his hands in my knee cavities, bringing them towards my chest, already leaving me completely bare and vulnerable for August, who has yet to come back.
August smiles, his eyes glimmering as he walks over to us again. He sits on the end of the bed, a large silicone dildo and a vibrator in his hands. ‘Oh darling,’ he says, his tone slightly condescending. ‘Already so wet and ready for me.’
He prepares me with his thick fingers, slightly stretching me out, however it doesn’t take long before the thick and lengthy dildo is buried in between my tight walls. The vibrators on my clit are so intense, but I love the feeling. I take it eagerly. I am so addicted to the both of them, with the way they always make sure I have everything I desire, especially in the bedroom.
I lean back against Roger’s strong chest, his lips on my temple, as I whine and moan out loud. My hips buck up against the vibrator, the dildo buried deep inside of me, the thrusts growing rouger, hitting the right spot over and over again.
One powerful orgasm turns into two and my brain is foggy by the time I’ve at least reached four—or five, dunno anymore—and totally drenched August and the sheets. My cunt is so sensitive, however it doesn’t stop August. I know handing him this type of control, he always goes a little bit further than Roger would. Roger always stops when I’m a crying mess, gently kissing me and telling me I have been a good girl to him, however August doesn’t mind me crying. Sure, he keeps an eye out, knowing exactly when I dip into a state he doesn’t want me in, but he pushes my limits.
I’m a shivering mess by the time August stops the vibrations and pulls out the dildo, as I’m with my head deep in the clouds.
‘Good girl,’ August says. ‘What more do you want? You can tell us, we’ll give you everything.’
‘Your cock,’ I whimper. ‘I need both of you.’
‘I don’t mind,’ I whisper.
So, they take turns. My cunt is throbbing, but welcoming their deep and rough thrusts. My head is buried in the pillows, my back is bend and I have spread my legs apart, so they have easy access. I feel their semen deep inside of me, as it filled me up to the brim, little streams already dripping down my legs.
‘Oh look at that,’ August chuckles, ‘her legs are shaking. Think we’ve reached her maximum.’
Roger holds my body against his when he gets the bed with me, as August walks over to the bathroom. ‘You did good, my darling,’ Roger whispers, ‘I’m so proud of you.’
August walks back and tells me to spread my legs for him. I do what he tells me to do and with a luke warm cloth, August cleans up the mixture of our fluids of my legs. When he brushes against my sensitive cunt, he chuckles when I jolt. ‘It’s okay, darling,’ he says. ‘We’re done for today.’
We all get sorta dressed, but they order me to stay in the freshly cleaned up bed. ‘We’re gonna prepare some breakfast for you,’ August says. ‘So you can rest.’
‘Non negotiable?’ I ask.
‘None negotiable,’ Roger says. ‘We’ll be back in a minute. It was an intense last few hours for you, sweetheart.’ I receive a kiss from both of them, as I watch them walk out of the bedroom.
I can hear them trying to make something in the kitchen, paired with chuckles and laughs, which only causes me to smile as well. I always wondered what would’ve happened, had August not barged into the room, when Roger and I had sex during that party. It would’ve been Roger and me, that I know, but I don’t even want to imagine August sitting alone in his place, still in a wheelchair and no prosthetics.
It pains me to think about that.
After everything that happened within the last twelve hours, I need to hydrate myself, so I get out of the bed, ignore the dull feeling between my legs and walk towards the door.
However, I quickly retract my step, when I hear Roger say: ‘Gotta tell you something.’
‘Kinda love you.’
It stays a little quiet from August’s side, but then I hear a chuckle. ‘Good thing I kinda love you too, man.’
‘Is that you guys’ first I love you?’ I ask, walking around the corner, a soft and nearly nauseating grin on my face. ‘How darling!’
August rolls his eyes as he looks at me. ‘This was a private moment, baby.’
Roger ushers me over. ‘Not everything is for your ears.’
‘Took you long enough to say it.’ I walk over to them and stand in between Roger and August. ‘This makes me so happy.’
Roger, the first one to go all soft, chuckles and wraps an arm around my shoulders.
‘I love you two,’ I say. ‘A whole lot.’
And in unison they tell me, that they love me more. Which is absolutely impossible.
♕ ♕ ♕
chasing nostalgia taglist: @diegos-butt // @thelastsock // @liecastillo // @mis-lil-red // @sofiebstar // @abschaffer2 // @crazybutconfidentaf // @summersong69 // @gearhead66 // @xobriellaxo24 // @bourbonrice // @kebabgirl67 // @eldarwen333 // @kingliam2019
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speakergame · 4 years
I just love that Li + Seb + Speaker = Chaos and utter destruction! I also love the fact that Seb likes listening about all the troubles They used to go through, but continue to internally lose his mind when he have to handle Kid!Speaker + Li's chaos first-hand!🤣🤣🤣 Also, can you please give us some fluff and spicy facts on Li/Seb poly? I swear this two are going to make my heart explode...
Can you tell us more about Li and Seb's dynamics in the poly? Please?🥺 (Maybe some fun facts or something like that, idk)
Spicy facts with the poly, please?👀
combining these since they’re similar :)
Since everyone’s Speaker is different, I can’t say exactly what the dynamic will be like with them, but in general...
Sharing a bed with both of them will almost always end up a Speaker sandwich. Li is a big spoon and Sebastian is a little spoon, with Speaker lovingly smooshed in the middle.
Sebastian and Li bring the best out of each other. This is true as they become friends, but it will be especially apparent on the poly route. Li is good at getting Sebastian out of his careful reserved shell, and Sebastian doesn’t let Li hide behind their cool dismissive attitude.
One of Li’s first acts of love toward Sebastian is figuring out how to make their death-coffee actually palatable.
There are Story Things that will lead to the scene that ultimately catalyzes the relationships starting, including the poly one, but if there wasn’t I could see this starting with Sebastian getting fed up by Li’s and Speaker’s pining, so he locks the three of them in a room until they Talk About This.
Li never calls Sebastian by his full name. If there is a nickname that Sebastian can be shortened to, Li calls him that instead. Li would also do the same with Speaker’s name, even if it’s not an easily- or typically-nicknamed name, but obviously this will depend on Speaker’s name (though I don’t know if/how that would be implemented in game)
As for the spicy…
Obviously, with Li being a more dominant type and Sebastian being more submissive, they work together well in the bedroom, and there’s certainly plenty of wiggle room for the Speaker, no matter what kind of personality or preferences the Speaker has.
They will also absolutely gang up on Speaker to just, completely take them apart. Both of them working together to make Speaker feel so good they completely forget their own name. Dangerously effective. (also both are very happy to gang up with Speaker to do the same thing to each other. reciprocity is always a good thing)
Teasing. So much teasing. Verbal and physical, to each other and to the Speaker, every change they get.
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morioh-killer · 2 years
Okay so I ship myself with Caesar and Joseph, Jonathan and Speedwagon (and Will on occasion) and the Pillar Men mostly.
First of all Caesar is surprised he managed to fall in love with "two of you [JoJo]." I act so similarly too Joseph albeit more tame, yet Caesar was so charmed to us he became our lover. A beautiful fate. The boys have their squabbles here and there as you'd imagine but they're a great little duo. In my lore with them we have a big family and a beautiful wedding!
I'm usually caught between Jonathan lives and Jonathan dies like in canon. On one hand DILF amazing dad Jonathan who deserved the world. On the other hand, angst. Basically we're all in this big forbidden love triangle since Jonathan loves Speedy & Speedy loves Jona and they both love me (like my dynamic with Joseph and Caesar!) and when me and Jona got married we had Speedy pose as the best man and then we snuck him into our post wedding room for some pre-honeymoon fun 👀. I'm caught between Jona dying or living because I would get pregnant in this lore w his baby and Speedwagon becoming so protective over his remaining lover and the baby tickles my heart but also Jonathan being a great dad trying to help Speedwagon...
With the Pillar Men I'm so guilty of this just being so kinky??? I'm a Hamon warrior who ended up betraying Caesar and Joseph to ally with the Pillar Men which leads to me being tossed around and bred like a hackeysack. They (thankfully this includes Kars) are sweeter to me when I'm eventually pregnant and they'll all find themselves with some bond to me regardless of how deep. Especially I since I'm going to help them rebuild their species in the paradise Kars will brint about as the Ultimate Lifeform.
|| 🌟🌕🌟
This is now my new favorite thing on the planet
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saturnsorbits · 2 years
Hello! I'm back! Sorry I'm a bit late! Ok, so the fic...
I'll start with Sero! The trope 'fuckboy is afraid to fall in love again because he's been hurt before' fits him perfectly! You did an amazing job with the characterization and it was consistent throughout the fic! That applies to the reader as well! From start to finish, there were two solid characters and every word they spoke, every little thing they did made sense!
I love your writting! The fic was technically about the first (and last maybe?) night they spent together, but you have such a beautiful way of describing emotions, memories and inner thoughts that felt like we've been with them from the start! We could see the first time they met, how Sero straight up flirted with her, she turned him down and this whole game started even without you writting a full scene for it! The same thing happened when Sero was sharing his past! Denki wasn't a surprise, but Midnight? That was so big brain! I'd never think of that relationship but at the same time it makes sense? I don't know, I just really liked that detail!
The ending was sad but I wouldn't have it any other way! It's true to who Sero is and what he's been through and it's perfect for the story! And I liked how you left us wondering what happened the next day! Making little scenarios in my head about how a story would continue is good for my soul!
I loved this fic! Sero is a character I don't often think about but I really like your Sero! He's someone I can see myself falling for and he's definitely on my radar now!
Sorry, this is too long!
Hello, hello, hello!
I can not explain to you how my little heart leaped when you said you liked ‘my Sero’ - I just… He’s kind of my guilty pleasure and I’ve spent a lot of time w/him just rattling around my head (He really has taken on a life of his own for me). So knowing you like the characterisation that came of all that makes it feel worth it? If that makes sense.
^ I think that’s also why his background had a little depth? For me, he started out quite meek - which meant loosing Denki, who he’d been crushing on for a while silently, to Shinso who had nutted up and a made a move. That hurts him a lot (especially after Denki gets drunk one night and lets it slip that he was pining after him, but knew Sero didn’t like him back so never went for it!), but ultimately leads him to Midnight. Midnight teaches him to be bolder I think. She flirts with him absently one day and winds him up a little about how laid-back he is and he bites. It’s a wild night, that leads to a wilder few months and he learns so fucking much from her about sex, submission, control, love, relationships and dynamics. She also teaches him about losing, about letting go and moving on. Theirs was never supposed to be a stable or consistent relationship, but that doesn’t make the burn less when she finally cuts him off. And so: This rendition of Sero is born. He talks people into bed like it’s his job and he’s good at it, but there’s always that thing in the back of his stopping him from making an actual commitment.
As for the end I don’t think it’s particularly sad. Reader knows what she signed up for. Is she sad in the morning; sure, but she was also kind of ready for it. Personally, I think she takes the whole thing a lot easier than Sero - poor boy is thrown through a loop. I love that it made you think though! I love that the story has stuck with you a little and has lived on, almost, becoming yours too so you can speculate!
Thank you so much for this little comment though! It really does mean the world having people engage with my content like this and I: thank you, thank you, thank you! 💕
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