asirensrage · 2 months
Hello 🤗 as you want to be distracted: Ksenia from The Roles We Play is a really intriguing character and I love the ficlet! Do you have more planned for her? Does she have a backstory or do you have an idea for her faceclaim? The S&B fandom is sort of dead now and there really are not enough great Darkling x OC fanfics.
Oh Ksenia, she was such a fun character to write. I don't have any more planned for her, but there is a smut drabble for them that you can find here. I don't think we ever came up with a face claim for her because it was just a oneshot. I'll have to check with @vixenofcourse though to be sure.
Her backstory was just one of angst that led her into the position she currently has lol. Nothing majorly formed. I think the only note I had for that was "she's upset that he's playing this long game and people are dying for this dream of freedom "someday""
If I ever finished this fic (that's currently on the backburner) involving the darkling, a soulmate, and a bond that allows you to read each others mind from a certain distance...I'll let you know because that's an oc and it's fun. That one does have a faceclaim lol
Thank you! <3
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littlestsnicket · 1 year
Hi! I'm really late to the ASOUE fandom, so I'm happy that there are still some great fanblogs around. I loved reading through yours. I wanted to ask what you think of the Netflix series and the movie in relation to the novels. Apologies if you've already answered this question!
Also (and slightly related) do you have any Jacques Snicket headcanons for the book or the Netflix character? I never really noticed him in the novels but I loved him (probably Nathan Fillion) in the show.
Thank you <3
welcome to asoue fandom! i’ve been a fan of these books since they were first published and didn’t get involved in fandom until after the netflix series had finished, so it’s never to late, and i’m glad you enjoyed my blog!
i have talked about my thoughts on the netflix adaptation (i forget which tag i used, i was trying to use a consistent one for that at some point…), but i love talking about adaptations and how they work and i’m always happy to talk about it some more!
i saw the movie when it came out, and i don’t remember feeling very strongly about it one way or another, which says something because 2004 would be around the peak of me obsessively rereading the books so i should have cared a lot. i mostly remember really liking violet’s costume in an objective, aesthetic sense and also feeling it was deeply deeply wrong for the tone of the books/how things looked in my head. i’ve only rewatched it once since then with lemony snicket’s commentary track, which is just absolutely delightful, so i’m afraid i don’t have much to say about it.
i think the netflix show is a good adaptation with some things i will go to my grave mad about. i love the visuals, it’s the exact right amount of fantastical and timeless. it’s the right amount of funny while still having moments of intense seriousness. i love the musical numbers in season 2. i love what they did to change the vibe of this being a tv show so it shouldn’t exist in a world driven by books like the books do. i love the addition of the recurring adult characters.
since you asked about jacques snicket, i really love how they re-conceived that character to be a suave, james bond-y, spy type. i think it serves the rest of the changes they made really well. i enjoy his relationship with olivia and larry the waiter. i love the dynamic he has with olaf. i will die mad that they didn’t give him a unibrow. we deserve otherwise conventionally attractive jacques snicket with a unibrow. it’s thematically important damn it!
book!jacques snicket, who we only really get to know through his letters in the unauthorized autobiography and quigley’s memories, will always be the jacques snicket of my heart, but i can love both.
also still mad about the opera night. it is absolutely thematically critical that the viewer not know what happened, and what you gain isn’t enough to offset that. also wish we had gotten more morally grayness from vfd. i really love how the organization is introduced in season 1 and 2, but it never got to evolve into being about how kind, well meaning people can do horrible things either because of their own flaws or because of intractable circumstances, and we all have to live with that because it’s part of the human condition.
i don’t have any netflix!jacques head canon, except that in the fictional version of the show that i got to have input in, olivia learns that he’s done really difficult to rationalize things from the snicket file and that puts her in a much more similar to book!olivia’s mindset when the baudelaire’s meet her at the carnival.
i have lots of book!jacques head canons. i think i’ve talked about most of them before but these are my favorite: 1, jacques looks almost exactly like lemony but is several inches shorter and 2, jacques is the least committed to vfd of his siblings, and he will always put the safety of the people he loves (but especially lemony) over the greater good.
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mercurygray · 1 year
Hi, could you show me to the support group for Edith Eadig addicted readers?
I've been scouring every platform for Godwin fics until I found yours on here. Masterpieces, every single snippet, and I adore their story (as you might have noticed from my spam liking and reblogging).
I noticed that in the Godwin-centric fic, he and Edith really met in secret and engaged in a real sexual relationship, but that was never (I think) in the other ficlets. I'd be super interested to read their first real sexual encounter and how their relationship transitioned from fake courtship to "booty calls" (if I got that right).
I'd also love to read more about you headcanons for both of them -- pre-show and S1&S2.
I'm not sure whether you're even currently writing for them (ignore this if you don't), but if you do, could you write for Edith during Season 2? Perhaps the moment she realises Godwin is only using Aelfwynne for his own advancement? I'm not sure whether you'll have him marry Gytha or whether Edith can spoil his plans. If she can, perhaps you could write their meeting afterwards when Godwin has realised that he was crossed and cannot help but admire Edith's skill while at the same time also being in a terrible mood for not having achieved his goal?
I'm sorry, these are three and a half requests in a trenchcoat; let me know if you want me to send them individually!
HI HELLO WELCOME. You can join @muse-oleum (and maybe @therealvikingstrash?) on this adventure. This is a very small support group.
I'll start at the end - the reason I stopped writing isn't anything bad, just that my Netflix subscription expired shortly after the show aired and (while I did see all of S2) the slightly more plotty nature of that season meant it was really hard to go back and try to write fic without having the show to reference. :(
BUT that doesn't mean I can't try to answer your questions!
So this is interesting - because in my head, and I think in what exists on paper, they've never gotten to that level of physical intimacy. They've both thought about it, but never committed to it. (I know exactly which piece gave you that idea, though.)
I had thought that after the need to deceive Aelfgifu has passed, it would be natural for them to look at the lie they just spent a few weeks selling and realize they both weren't lying and then have sex. Knowing that Godwin does eventually marry Gytha, even before S2 aired, I also had thought that Edith might be his mistress for a little while.
Season 2 presents a problem in that regard, though. For starters - Aelfwynn was new. She kind of fills in the space Edith occupied in my fanon timeline. Godwin's love life was going to be a little crowded with the both of them there. If Godwin has this plan to make himself indispensable to Canute and undermine Emma by creating suspicion around Aelfwynn, a plan that it seems like he has been sitting on for a long time, if I'm interpreting the show correctly, it seems to me that he wouldn't stop to have or start that relationship with Edith. Too many loose ends.
It felt cleaner for them to have never gotten physical, for him to say 'okay, that's one thing finished, on to the next' and leave Edith sad, frustrated, and now highly suspicious. (Emma, of course, was out of town for all of this and has no idea it happened, so she skips immediately to 'oh so Aelfwynn is a thing now' and Edith never tells her about it. If Edith had said something, it seems to me that would be one more reason for Emma to be suspicious of Godwin quicker than she is.)
I did write one or two small things for season 2, which I think you've already ready - but I think I'd have to watch the show again to figure out where Edith is during Godwin and Gytha's wedding.
ALL OF THIS TO SAY - thank you for the compliment of saying you need a support group. That means so much to me.
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hiddenqveendom · 2 years
Hi! :) You're HOTD OCs are absolutely amazing -- as you might have seen from my reblogging spree.
Can you tell us more about House Oleander's political agenda and their role within the power structures of the Reach? Did they back the Tyrells during AC or were they one of the houses that meant to be Lords Paramount themselves?
Vivienne is a fable beauty and probably sent to court to advance the family's position by marriage -- what's her opinion on this? Is she also ambitious? Is her lighter colouring symbolic of her nature?
Feel free to treat this as a safe space to tell us stuff you wanna share but no one has asked yet. I'd love to hear more details!
And finally can you tell us the faceclaim for Mikael Oleander? I would like to get a better look at him.
Your faceclaims are super well chosen btw, the actors are largely unknown and share the family characteristics.
aww thanks so much for your kind words. i will do my best to answer tour questions below. 💜
house oleander is a house that basically built themselves from nothing. from the get go their motives were all about what could pull them higher and higher socially. they are not as powerful politically as the tyrells, but they do share a long history with them. members of the house married into the tyrell house and vice versa over the years. in the dance of dragons era, house oleander has a fairly large influence in the reach. they have solid connections both within and without the reach. especially once the Hightowers start making moves in the capital, as the matriarch of their house is otto’s sister. juliaena marries into house tyrell during this time period as a show of solidarity between the two houses during this period as well, while her sister’s hand was claimed by rhaerion targaryen. the oleanders never ruled the reach in name but were certainly one of the most well known houses. i certainly think that if they had their way they would’ve taken over as lords paramount of the reach, but opted to keep their enemies close instead. 
vivienne is certain a passioned storybook damsel. i based her off of a large combination of fictional and historical characters. her beauty was definitely more of a curse than a blessing as it resulted in many of her woes. it’s what initially resulted in her mother shipping her off to the capital alongside her older sister. vivienne has always been a dutiful woman. thus, it wasn’t difficult for her to go along with being used as a pawn because in her mind it was for the greater good. she never really had ill feelings about it, nor did she hope to gain more from it than what was necessary for her family. the woman didn’t really have any personal ambitions. all she wanted was to be happy alongside her beloved, jaegor. however, even that wasn’t possible for her ultimately. thanks to her family (the Hightowers and the oleanders) she was forced to marry rhaerion instead. while he claimed to love her, the only good thing that really came out of that arrangement that worked in her own favor was that birth of her daughter aeva. also, her coloring is most certainly an ode to her gentle nature and innocence. great eye! 
last by not least, mikal oleander’s faceclaim is the adorable giorgio belli. thank you so much for your compliments to my fc choices. i do my best to cast families properly and use people that aren’t as mainstream. 😊
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arrthurpendragon · 1 year
@misskatiewrites is the queen of writing. Literally. Their OCs are just 🔥
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princessmadelines · 2 years
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𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖊 𝖛𝖎𝖔𝖑𝖊𝖓𝖙 𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖘 ↳  a story by @misskatiewrites
"Your brother is...unruly. Yet, one cannot fight fire with fire. That much our forebears have taught us, Your Grace. We must fight fire with water, as it has been done for thousands of years."Daemon Targaryen and Clarice Hightower have never seen eye to eye. She looks down upon him for his fiery - some would say foolish - impulsivity, he mocks her for her careful - some would say craven - scheming. A common enemy finally binds them together but their alliance is built on the treacherous quicksand of the Red Keep. For now, they might need each other to play the most dangerous game of all, but so close to the sea, the wind changes quickly and loyalty or affection are luxuries players of this game simply cannot afford.
tagging: @misskatiewrites @darkwolf76 want to be added? ask away!
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juliaswickcrs · 3 months
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Reyna & Aegon + Tragedy
"Bards would sing songs of King Aegon II and his Dornish paramour. Just as poems would be written and plays composed across the narrow sea. The artists would have you believe it was a love for the ages, two people divided by class and kingdom overcoming all odds to be with one another regardless of status or thought for others.
Some believe the affair to be purely manipulation on the Evenstar’s part. A witch beguiling the King with spells and potions. A ploy to sit herself on the Iron Throne. Queen Helaena’s letters to her younger brother, however, tell a different story.
She writes of the King’s nigh obsession with the Dornish girl and her rebuffs to his advances. It was only when he took her riding on Sunfyre their love story truly began to unfold. Queen Helaena would claim her handmaiden was just as smitten with the King as he was with her.
It was said when Aegon II was poisoned, so was the last of Queen Reyna’s good will. And she let out a scream that shook the very foundations of the Red Keep. Some claimed it could have cracked the moon.
But the truth has been lost to the history books. All that remains is the dagger the two used to bind their blood on their wedding day. Dragonbone and Valyrian Steel, it was last seen on Prince Rhaegar's body at the Battle of the Trident. Robert Baratheon later took it in the spoils of war."
@bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather
@arrthurpendragon @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse @kingsmakers @noratilney
@stanshollaand @astarionbae @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse
@misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
HOTD TAGLIST: @misskatiewrites (wanna be added? Lmk!)
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margoshansons · 3 months
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oops another oc :: reyna sand in "the old therebefore" ( hotd s1-?? )
the baseborn daughter of Lord Dayne and a Lyseni storyteller, Reyna Sand held no power but that which was given to her. And since that was none, she was forced to take it. Having grown up in the shadow of her legitimate siblings at Starfall with Lady Dayne's disapproving stare around each corner, Reyna decided to make her own way, performing for coin and setting out to King's Landing. It was there she'd landed in the Red Keep, moving up from scullery maid to favorite handmaiden of the Princess. Surrounded by dragons, Reyna is no stranger to the whims and commands of House Targaryen, but when she finds herself catching the eye of the King, her situation goes from dire to grave. For a King who listens to no one is dangerous, but a King who listens to none but his mistress is lethal. A lowborn commoner thrust into power she'd always been denied, Reyna Sand is a pawn in a much larger game, and she intends to win.
@bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather
@arrthurpendragon @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse @kingsmakers @noratilney
@stanshollaand @astarionbae @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse
@misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
HOTD TAGLIST: @misskatiewrites (wanna be added? Lmk!)
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ocappreciation · 2 months
Another shout-out!
Love seeing people support OC creators. So, here are a few from the last week in our notifications! Thanks for supporting other OC creators! :)
@misskatiewrites, @margoshansons, @wnitrs, @iris-rainbow-wolf, @almostshinygardener
@darknightfrombeyond, @hyperdrivve, @mabonetsamhain, @leftsidebonfire, @curious-kittens-ocs
@itsniaeveryone, @bardic-tales, @lady-of-the-spirit, @aemoncertifiedwhore, @twofacedharveydent
@fiercefray, @anqelwiithhxrns, @thechaoticfanartist, @savemewattpad, @corruption-exe
@sith-as-heck, @dawngrace, @theobsessedone, @bi-ologistofthehills, @watermeezer
@saiilorstars, @freshmoneyalmondathlete, @alexlynn16, @kmc1989, @mandalhoerian
@aboxofcereales, @x-sunfyre-x, @greatwitch3, @jemmalynette
Supporting creators keeps everyone going. Go check out these awesome OC supporters! :)
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firefly-graphics · 11 months
House of Dragon Dividers
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Please like and reblog if you use or save.
Requested by​​​ @syrma-sensei & @misskatiewrites
Dividers List
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dreamerwithapen1 · 5 months
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For The Realm + Season 2
Battle is all that Aeron Targaryen has ever known. His entire life has been devoted to the defense and protection of his family and his kingdom, and he expects that he will one day die for it as well. He just never imagined that that day might come so soon- and that it would be his own family that he’d be fighting. But he will not falter. He will cut through them as he had with everyone else that had ever stood against him, and he will not stop until his kingdom is safe and under control of its rightful ruler once more- no matter the cost.
Targaryens are closer to gods than to men. Her brother would tell her otherwise, but Aelora Targaryen knew it in her bones to be true. The dragon’s blood set them apart and raised them up. They were made to conquer and to rule, and she will let no one take that away from them, least of all Alicent Hightower and her family. With the support that she and Aeron have slowly accumulated over the years, she will march against the usurper and strip him of all that he holds dear until all that remains are his ash and bones.
Having relinquished his title as heir of Winterfell and married into the volatile Targaryen family, Edric Stark finds himself thrust into a war that he fears will tear the realm apart. On the orders of Queen Rhaenyra, he, along with the young Prince Jacaerys, travel to the North in the hopes of gaining the support of Cregan Stark, the Lord of Winterfell- and Edric's younger brother. Though their parting many years ago was tense and full of anger, Edric is willing to do whatever it takes to mend their relationship, for he knows that with the North standing behind them, no one could stand against them.
While content in her new life with Daemon and their daughter, Vesta, on Dragonstone, Edith Hightower can't deny the part of her that she left in King's Landing with her daughter, Eda- a feeling that only gets stronger as the war continues to grow more brutal and bloody. But despite her conflicted emotions, she doesn't let it stop her from calling on old oaths and blood ties in order to further strengthen Rhaenyra's claim on the throne. And she can only pray that the choices she has made don't bring about horrific consequences for the daughter that she left behind.
Forever Tag: @darknightfrombeyond @arrthurpendragon @foxesandmagic @bravelittleflower @darkwolf76 @stareyedplanet @thophil2941btw
For The Realm Tag: @misskatiewrites @acegirlsjustwannahavefun @theskyisbrighthere @stargaryenx @roguephoenix1
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dancing-with-draegons · 2 months
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Info Post
Hi everyone, I'm @misskatiewrites and trying my hand at oneshots and request writing for the first time!
I'm currently only writing for House of the Dragon and only xOC/xreader fics. All characters can be requested, though new characters like Addam, Gwayne or Alyn might be ooc at the moment, as I haven't got their characters nailed down yet.
Pairings I'd love to write:
Aemond Targaryen x OC/reader
Larys Strong x OC/reader
Daemon Targaryen x OC/reader
Alicent Hightower x OC/reader
Aegon Targaryen x OC/reader
I'd love specific reader requests!
I'd rather not write x Velaryon niece!reader or Daemon's daughter!reader for the young Targs or daughter of Viserys!reader for Daemon. Still, if you really wanna read another one of those, feel free to request anyway!
NSFW is as welcome as fluff or intrigue.
Requests are open. And now I even got my inbox fixed oops.
Thank you for requesting! 🫶🏼
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hiddenqveendom · 2 years
On Part II: The Princess and the Queen (what's the title of Part 1 and 3? :))
How does Torvi fit in at court? Does she have a relationship with Aemond's siblings? Is there a man at arms or Kingsguard she gets on well with?
Also feel free to tell us more about Torvi and Aemond's dynamic and feelings for each other (friendly and romantic).
with regards to the princess and the queen i am assuming that you are referring to this set i made a while back. i didn’t officially title any of the gifs individually, but if i had to they would be named “father’s daughter” and “divulgation.” 
torvi (my beloved) sort of has an unofficial place in court. while her opinion isn’t exactly valued as a commoner, it becomes second nature for her to be present so long as aemond desires it. especially since she’s kind of like his own personal mistress of whispers on the streets. most people kind of think she is harmless or just a felling fixation of aemond’s. thus she isn’t taken very seriously. however, aemond makes sure that she is show the proper respect in his presence. he introduces torvi to his family right away, so they all know of their relationship of sorts. otto doesn’t think much of her but tolerates her presence, alicent allows her to be around during family dinners and other intimate gatherings, heleana treats her kindly, aegon hits on her from time to time to bug his little brother (and become he’s a thot), and the ailing Viserys sometimes confuses her for a young alicent. apart from aemond, she has the best relationship with ser criston and fiorella dondarrion. 
with regards to aemond and torvi’s relationship, its very wholesome for two somewhat twisted individuals. it starts off as the typical enemies to lovers trope. they are aware of the social gap between them but just don’t care. they see glimpses of themselves in each other that others would turn away from. while i’m not sure that they’ll ever say the words “I love you” it’s very clear how they feel about each other. they wouldn’t even think twice about gutting someone that looked the other the wrong way. after a while, it becomes nearly impossible to find one without the other in tow. its clear that torvi is the most important person in aemond’s life. thus, losing her is something he never could’ve prepared his heart for. 
fun fact: in my version of the dinner scene in pt. ii that led to the fight between aemond, luke, jace, and aegon, torvi played a role in our one eyed prince losing his temper. during the back and forth between everyone, daemon and the boys make comments about torvi's presence at what’s intended to be a family affair. there’s a specific moment when luke asks her if she knows the story of aemond’s first dragon when a pig is laid out in front of them and he loses it. hence, leading to the famous fight. torvi originally doesn’t react to the fighting, knowing that the boys are no match for her aemond. it’s not until daemon gets involved that she rushes to his side. 👀
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mihrsuri · 9 months
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Chapter Title: Gloriana - On AO3
There is a feast and dancing and a masque but in truth Anne remembers very little of it - only a beautiful dream. Only Henry and only Thomas Cromwell and his smile, the one that only she and Henry see, the one she treasures now. Anne dances with Henry and feels cradled in love, in safety - she knows Henry will care for her, will hold her heart safe and in this moment she has no doubts, no nerves.
Summary: A wedding, a coronation, a birth and some courting (oblivious and otherwise)
Tag List: @gen-is-gone@heather123fan-blog@spanishrose6 @mysticaltorque @uncheckedaggression @artemisalilianvesta @jkthinkythoughts @misskatiewrites @theladyelizabeth @thotidetideytidey @herawell @eidetictelekinetic @paneerlajwanti
(reply to this post if you want to be added to the tag list)
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juliaswickcrs · 3 months
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"In truth, House Dayne was spread nearly as thin as House Targaryen by the end of the war. It was the bastard daughter of Lord Emyr who'd set the events in motion, engulfing the stars in flame."
@bisexualterror @foxesandmagic @iron-parkr @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather
@arrthurpendragon @starcrossedjedis @drbobbimorse @kingsmakers @noratilney
@stanshollaand @astarionbae @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse
@misshiraethsworld @asirensrage @eddiemunscns
HOTD TAGLIST: @misskatiewrites (wanna be added? Lmk!)
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kingsmakers · 2 years
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Saemyra Velaryon in After Dark
On the same warm summer’s day in King’s Landing, Aemond Targaryen and Saemyra Velaryon are born. It is the first time in his life that he is eclipsed by Rhaenyra’s eldest child, but certainly not the last. Saemyra has a dragon hatch in the cradle. Saemyra is her mother’s heir. Saemyra is the apple of her grandfather Viserys’ eye, despite the whispers that circulate court regarding her heritage.
Anyone can see the truth. In Saemyra’s dark eyes and hair, in her warm colouring. Only a fool could not see that Rhaenyra’s eldest daughter was fathered during her clandestine encounter with Criston Cole.
Saemyra’s steps, along with those of her younger brothers, are plagued with rumours and callous eyes, and no gaze is more hateful than that of Aemond. His niece has stolen everything from him, any shred of glory that he might have held for himself. He will take it back from her, piece by piece.
Forever tag: @joaquinwhorres @jvstjewels @starcrossedjedis @akabluekat @a-song-of-quill-and-feather @asirensrage @noratilney @bravelittleflower @villain-connoisseur @alicent-hightcwer @booty-boggins @sentineljedi @decennia @hiddenqveendom @bisexualterror@arrthurpendragon @foxesandmagic @raith-way @drbobbimorse @dio-nysvs @kitkat-writes-stuff @misskatiewrites @emilykaldwen
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