#👒 — posts
gourmet-gator · 2 months
*As Kremy drifted off to sleep, everything snug and safe in the Carnivale, Magnolia making friends and having fun, everything juuuust fine...*
*A dream began. It wasn't quite a proper POV, it was more like he was watching from a distance, a scene begins to unfold before his eyes. He didn't feel he could alter it, just made to watch like one of the audience members in his Carnivale.*
*It was Agwe, his crime-ridden, swampy hometown; it was very far from perfect, but it was home. The vision was focused on a particular area of Agwe, a rather shady section, people bustling about, and others tucked away in the many buildings.*
*Then...a familiar sight came into view; or at least, a partially familiar sight. A little Gatorfolk girl skipped into view, using a stick to spin a plastic hoop along beside her as she giggled. She had tannish green scales, and a flowing golden dress with a bow tied around her waist, and a wide-brimmed hat adorned with a magnolia.*
*It was his daughter, certainly, but she was alive - and that's probably about the time Kremy'd begin to realize what exactly this vision would be showing him.*
*Kremy blinks, his movements feeling slow and sluggish, as if trying to move through the swamps back on Agwe.*
*His focus is turned to the little girl in the golden dress. His eyes narrow in confusion before widening in recognition. Magnolia? In scale, flesh and blood?*
*Was this a memory of hers? Maybe the Baron was showing him something? His head swirled with questions as he attempted to move towards the girl, though it felt as if he couldn’t even lift his foot.*
*He spoke, and the sound reverberated unnaturally over the hustle and bustle of all the other passer-bys.*
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st4rluv · 1 year
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it’s a 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚑 start for you
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ and i so let’s 𝚛𝚞𝚗 𝚊𝚠𝚊𝚢
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kittycraftt · 4 months
for the past three days i’ve literally only been drawing rusty nail😭😭
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coquettecowboy · 3 months
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Breakfast + kitty hat :3
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mockguffin · 5 months
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No context.
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nrc-confessions · 3 months
RSA student here! I’ve been stalking this blog cuz my friend goes to nrc… are u guys ok? 😅 I feel like some of this stuff is viable for a lawsuit- I mean, streamer boot camp? 😨 Do we need to rescue u guys? I’m kinda terrified. I hope everyone is alright! Feel free to shoot a call to us/our headmage if anything goes south! I’m worried 🥺
Have a beautiful day/night everyone 🫶
- anon 🦊 (Is that one available? If not I’ll be 👒!)
P.S you guys should stop being so frickin vulgar >:(
Thank you for your confession!
Hiiiiiii! Thank you for your concern but this is just. A normal day for us here at Night Raven College!! It’s um. So fun! Here at our school.
Yeah we’ll keep you in mind
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
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pumpkzsafeplace · 5 months
Tw: mentioning throwing up
Hiii pumpkin
I has been having a lot of stomach problems recently, which means I throw up a bunch :(
It hurts! And I can kinda suck it up and tolerate it when I’m in big space, but when I’m in little space it’s like twice worse!
At least I can snuggle up with a blanket and some stuffies. I have my blahaj stuffie wrapped up in my blankie here with me now
- hihi cucpake'! <3
sorry for the delayed response sweetpea i was taking a little break <3
oh no honeybee, are you feeling any better?
i had a bad tummy ache last night and slipped into little space and it was so so hard, so i know the feeling.
i'm glad you had your blankies to snuggle up with to give you nice warm hugs until you began feeling a little bit better <3.
i hope you had a lovely christmas and new year little bug! <3
-ˏˋ 🍓 ˎˊ˗
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libertys-lovers · 1 year
*sharp inhale*
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Another year has passed for these six goobers! Another year of being silly, another year of being goofy, and another year of being jobless little NEETS! 🥰 (Even though they’re technically not jobless? They work on their own show, don’t they? Anyways-).
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I know I’ve talked about it before, but these 6 have had such a huge influence on my life, it’s almost embarrassing. Their show is easily the most consistent fixation I’ve ever had, and their lives are a nightmare-scenario that I am so damn happy I get to indulge in. In self-ship lore, I’m proud to call them my friends. In real life though, damnit, I’m just glad I heard of them at all. Perhaps I shouldn’t get too personal, but every single brother’s had some sort of influence on me.
And, of course, that includes the catalyst brother for all of this.
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As you can imagine, Kara is especially important to me. He’s somehow a culmination of what I am and what I want to be. We’re both really dramatic & artistic in a way, and we both act despite how others perceive us; I just really need his confidence! And, of course, he’s important to me purely based off the fact I wanna smooch him silly. But… there’s another part of it too:
Kara, to me, represents two of the most influential aspects of my life; self-shipping and Oso-San. He may not be my first F/O, technically; Ichimatsu was my first official F/O, and Dororo may as well have been an unofficial F/O since I was a kid. But, Kara is the earliest on the list, he somehow came back on the list after being removed during a rough-ass time, and he has caused the most brainrot without a damn doubt. In a way, he kinda summarizes the entire self-ship experience for me. And, ya know, the Oso-San representation is self explanatory. I have other “most influential” franchises, like Homestuck or FNAF, but Oso-San is the most persistent hyperfixation I have. It got me through high-school & through the pandemic, and it’s by far the series I revisit most.
I’ve been thinking about that a lot recently, and I realized that Kara even represents my closest friendships (well, 2 of them anyway!). The two fixations he represents are closely tied to my friends; I wouldn’t be hitched to him if it wasn’t for one friend, and I wouldn’t even know about him if it weren’t for the other. I still remember watching clips of the show with @vhshipping , which actually caused dreams that literally gaslit me into watching the show NWKEKD; we ended up binging a bit of the show together, which I think solidified its place as a fixation in me lol. And I remember @self-shipping-payaso asking about the lil men I was posting about on my story, leading to them helping me realize that they could be F/Os! It’s crazy that a single character can bring back so many wonderful memories with such wonderful people. I hope those two realize how damn important they are to me, outside of their wingmaning as well! They better! I’m sending this to them so they should! You! You two! I fucking love you! 👋🥹
Needless to say, this has greatly increased his value as a character for me.
But… the question might pop up of “why are you talking about all of this in a birthday post?”, and the short answer is that “this is my blog and I’ll do whatever I want!”. But, if it wouldn’t kill me to be serious for five minutes, well, I guess it’s to showcase why I bother to make birthday posts about the bros in the first place. I usually don’t make big deals about fictional character birthdays, but these guys have had such an influence on me that I almost feel obligated to do it for them NAKDMDKFK. Maybe this is all my way of trying to justify why I’m so attached to them, idk.
Truth be told, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to properly explain everything they mean to me, but this was certainly a valiant effort!
So uh… TL:DR… Happy Birthday to the Matsunos~!
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elecmon · 2 years
What kind of refunds are we talking about? 🤔
OH LMFAO it's a really old joke 💀
I'm primarily a Digimon blog (with my art/ocs/personal posts also tossed in) and other fandoms/other posts also getting thrown in
I got an ask once a few years ago from someone who followed me for (I think it was kids next door? Or 7d or something)
Anyway it was right before August first
- August first to Digimon fans is known as Odaiba Day, the day the original protags of season 1 first went to the digital world.
On that specific day we tend to celebrate/host events/post art/literally it's like a holiday it's honestly so much fun+so cute seeing everyone get hyped for it yearly!!!
ANYWAY- this person followed me literally the day before for something else, and on 08/01 I started my yearly Odaiba Day queue where all I do is reblog all of my Digimon posts that I've made
(Usually I have them on queue to post every 15 minutes but I think that year I did every 5 minutes to be fair that WAS fucking annoying LOL)
The person sent me a very angry ask saying they didn't follow me for this baby anime crap and they wanted a refund/were going to unfollow
AND HONESTLY IT WAS SUPER SUPER FUNNY I never posted the ask, and they ended up blocking me regardless but LOL
VERY LONG STORY SHORT- if you follow me for something that ISN'T Digimon, and you get annoyed that that's what I talk about a lot, there's 0 hard feelings to unfollow!! I tag everything and don't mind adding more tags where needed BUT yeee
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gourmet-gator · 2 months
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(apologies for the very sketchy look, I'm in a bit of a rush)
"Hello hello! My name is Kra (@gascansposts ) and word has spread around about you Mr. Lecroux, the boss of Carnival Lecroux for those who aren't in the know, having a ghosty child!"
*Kra looks towards the ghostly apparition of the croc child*
"and why hello there! Is there anything that you or your guardian would like to say to Realms News? Yes we are on live TV so please try to keep it clean for the little ears listening!"
( @opheliajupiter99 if you'd like to jump in feel free!)
Well, whatta do there, miss! You’ve heard right, ‘cause of some uh… let’s call ‘em magicks from beyond, I’ve been made the papa of Magnolia here!
*He wraps an arm around Magnolia’s shoulder, a beaming, proud smile on his face.*
An’ I care for her with all my heart.
Y’ got anything to say to the nice reporter lady, Magnolia?
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diaryofthedivine · 1 year
sometimes I sound like my mother and it makes me feel like a monster
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mangoslixes · 2 years
I didn’t know you were also reading Tolkien this year. This changes everything ✨
I'm reading the Silmarillion! Odd way to go about it, but I really wanted to pick that up. I will be reading it when I take a break from obsessing over House of Leaves like so,
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bunny-breeder · 1 year
Hey, name's Perceus
I also go by Percy.
I'm nonbinary and I use they/them pronouns but male titles. (By this I mean sir, mister, boy, etc.) If you want to know what's in my pants you're gonna have to figure it out.
Homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, etc.
Don't care what your orientation is just don't be the above.
Kinks: Breeding, teratophilia, robophilia, tentacles, free-use (but I'm a lil picky), temperature play, light bondage, hierophilia.
No: anything to do with bodily fluids that aren't spit or cum, oviposition, rape, somnophilia, age regression/ddlg.
I'm sure there's more in both of those categories so they'll be updated when necessary.
If you want to send nsft asks go right ahead, but no dms (at least that are nsft) without asking first. I will block you.
If I don't follow you back it's either because you predominantly post a kink/kinks I don't like or I didn't see the follow, nothing personal!
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mockguffin · 7 months
ok but since when did gender reveal parties became a thing? seeing husbands react badly when the baby is a girl, or overreact with excitement when it's a boy. i don't (or haven't yet) seen the wives act like this.
why and how did this shit normalized? :| forcing gender roles 2.0? because this was never a thing back then, unless i am missing something here... i just never understood the importance of it.
but what we need to normalize is let girls be boyish and let boys be girly. and what if the child grew up to be queer? are they gonna be even more disappointed or what?
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nevsluvr · 2 years
Ur blogs so cute and i wanna follow you but you support stepcest, ick
oh well thank you but, don’t then. i mean i don’t really care if u don’t like something i write about on my blog bc that shit is completely and entirely fictional, it’s not like i actually support it and encourage people/my followers to do it in real life !
though i do personally enjoy reading it about characters i’m attracted to i don’t push my beliefs, what i think in general or stuff i like onto other people lol
so if u can bare with me some day maybe posting/discussing/writing about it on my blog then go ahead and follow me but if not, then just move on w your life and block me? idk what to tell u 👐🏼
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