#📲 : Message Received
unsentmemory · 2 years
River river river??
Can we get a morsel of information about them please?
MESSAGE RECEIVED ! RIVER RIVER RIVER RIVER- say his name four times and he'll manifest in your bathroom to sing the fortnite victory royale song
River is 6'1", Filipino, enby af, and... mayhaps a liiitle bit dumb (but he's got the spirit!) 👉👈
he affectionately calls you "bunny" because you were so timid and skittish during the first few weeks of your relationship. (don't tell him you forgot! you've been dating him for over three years now! why would he lie about this? 😊)
has been playing the drums since he was eleven years old. he started learning it because his idol was from a rock band.
Riv loves to combine leisurewear with sportswear. if it looks and feels comfy, he's wearing it, no matter the occasion. will wear sweatpants to your wedding unless you tell him otherwise
his /j hobbies include birdwatching (you), fishing (near you), cross-stitching (in your wardrobe), yodelling (silently, while watching you sleep), baking (your favourite deserts), and Bigfoot hunting (down your enemies)
when he found out that you'd been in a car accident, he immediately dropped everything he was holding and rushed all the way to the hospital on a stolen bike. he was so desperate to see you that he almost bowled over some guy in a gaudy Hawaiian shirt. but he apologised afterwards, so don't worry!
when your friends arrived at the hospital they made it seem like they didn't know he existed up until now, which was strange... considering how he's supposed to be your boyfriend! were you embarrassed to talk about him? or did you not like talking to your friends at all? not to worry, because River is already ushering them all out so you can get some much needed rest.
Riv was also childhood friends with a guy named Ren! they offered to switch seats with him during the first day of middle school, which was a surprise because no-one wanted to speak to him up until now. their kindness touched him deeply, so much so that he wanted to become friends with him. in hindsight, River probably should've realised sooner that the only reason Ren wanted to swap seats was so he could sit closer to his crush 😬
I'm not sure what else to add, so feel free to ask for something more specific!
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skz-rin · 6 months
📲 ... ⃕ STAY, you have received messages on bubble !
📨FROM RIN : March 25, 2024 - 12.00 AM KST
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[12:00] — I can't believe it's been six years already
[12:00] — It doesn't feel like it still.
[12:01] — I can still remember the survival show like it was yesterday 🥺🥺🥺
[12:01] — "Am I crying??" Hahah how did you know??
[12:01] — Don't worry I'm not sad!!
[12:01] — I'm just nostalgic. I'm feeling so proud of everyone and so so lovely !!!
[12:01] — Thank you stay for supporting us for so long I appreciate it a loooottttt
[12:01] — I appreciate it very very much
[12:02] — Pleasee keep supporting us in the future as well and we will keep trying to make you happyy 💕💕💕💕
[12:02] — For the international STAYS
[12:02] — I love you guys so much and we really appreciate all of the support and encouragement that you give us always, Please keep supporting and loving us well in the future as well!! Let's stay together for a long long time 💕💕💕💕
[12:03] — I love youuuu STAY
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miniscrew-anon · 8 months
Texting HC for the boys
Wind - Uses discord way more than text. Commonly mutes chats. He gets a million discord messages from different groups and he can't be bothered to listen to every time someone complains about the mountain of dishes he left in the sink. If you really want to reach Wind you have to jump on discord or go to his room.
Twilight - Doesn’t like to send more than one message in a row because someone called him desperate one (1) time in high school and he never recovered. So instead he’ll send you a whole paragraph and agonize if he forgot to mention something. Everyone’s told him its fine to send literally a million texts in a row but Twi can’t get over it.
Warriors - Will 🙌 ironically 😎 text 📲 like ❤️ this 👏. But only when he wants to be annoying. Otherwise he’s fine and he can use emojis like hieroglyphics if he wants and he’s able to make himself very clear with just an eggplant emoji and a raised brow emoji.
Wild - Commonly texts the wrong chat and confuses the hell out of people. Accidentally forgets his phone in the other room and doesn’t see people’s messages until its several hours too late btu still texts them back like “oops sorry just saw this man” as if they didn’t know. Uses emojis liberally and goes on tangents and makes everyone forget what they were talking about. The people love hearing from him, but its hard to stay on topic when Wild is in the group chat.
Champion - Full words, no abbreviations. Will straight up send you an “acknowledged” instead of an “ok” to let you know he read your message. Never uses emojis. Ever. The one time Warriors did convince Champ to send a thumbs up emoji to Sky instead of “affirmative”, Sky almost broke down the dormitory door because he thought Champion had gotten kidnapped and was sending a coded cry for help.
Legend - Spams the fuck out of everyones phone when he’s pissed, which is a lot of the time. Doens’t give a shit what group text he’s in he’ll fucking send you an essay one sentance at a time cursing Sky out for eating the last of his goddamn breadpudding.
Hyrule - Never responds on time. He’s always busy and in a rush so when he reads a text and it doesn’t say something like “help i got shanked and now my liver is flopping around on the ground like a beached fish” then he’ll promptly forget what he just read. At the end of the day he might flip through his messages to check what he missed but normally he relies on Legend to fill him in on anything important.
Sky - Forgets which group chats hold which roommates so he’s the guy who will start a new chat every time he has a question. Has basically every permutation of group chats possible and yet will still find a way to make more. And he gives them names like “get milk” and “hairdryer?” so you never know whos in the group chat at a glance. It’s impossible to find anything. Plus, he sends texts half-asleep that mean nothing when he gets woken up too early.
Four - His texts are inconsistent as hell. Sometimes its emoji hell, sometimes it’s MLA essay format. But two things are always consistent: you can always detect the sarcasm and he’ll turn on his read receipts just to let you know he left you on read.
Time - Texts in full sentences but overall is a normal texter. But he types with his pointer finger with two hands so his real crime is being old.
Dark - When he got put away texting was in its infancy so he texts like “G8 C u L8r” and “ur 2 much”. The first time he texts Time after he gets out Time feels his soul vaporized by the blast from the past. Thankfully it only takes Dark one text to Shadow before the boy is physically showing up outside Dark's door to bring him into this century.
Shadow - Spams dumbass videos and memes like his life depends on it. His job is a lot of waiting around so he’s got time to kill and you Will receive messages from him at 39 mph (memes per hour).
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castielsprostate · 1 year
just got📨📲📥🧾the message📧📩🗯️to better call saul 📞📲🤙🧍‍♂️ since he🧍‍♂️😗✌️never received❌📩📥my fax😔❌🧾
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evoblue · 15 days
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@rcguish asked: [ sms ] i know it's a little late over there, and i'm sorry for that [ sms ] uh well. something happened today. not a bad thing. in fact, it was good. it's why i'm thrown off and coming to you about it. [ sms ] i'm at a loss. maybe i'm thinking too much about it. what does the difference between platonic and romantic attraction feel like to you?
It's not unusual for Blue to be up late. She's grown into a semi-nocturnal being with her penchant for going out and staying up late. It's a night in for her, though, where she's just pampering herself with a face mask and a good book when Romi loudly declares that she's received a text message from her brother.
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What she reads makes her eyes almost pop out of her face. Hello???
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Once she's past her initial shock, she grits her teeth. While she has no desire to recall her feelings of romantic attraction toward others, her willingness to help Silver outweighs her reservations. She'll get over it.
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] well, there are usually some signs tied to romantic attraction that you just don't see when thinking of someone in a platonic way
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] the 'butterfree in your stomach' feeling? real
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] excitement to see them, heart racing...
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] them constantly on your mind... you find yourself always seeking them out or thinking about them when they're not around
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] most telling... you might find yourself wanting to be more physically affectionate with them? maybe even thinking of kissing them?
Good thing she remembered she was wearing a face mask before she buried her face in her hands. Her thoughts wander to someone, but she promptly squashes them before they get out of hand. This isn't about her right now.
[ 📲 • sms ⇢ Silver ] ...can I know what happened???
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eunjiswrld · 1 year
📲 Stay has received new messages on BUBBLE
23/10/6 6:25pm ✉️ Messages from Eun-Ji!
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(Everything automatically translated to English.)
[ 🐏 ] — Hihi!
[ 🐏 ] — Is everyone all well rested?
[ 🐏 ] — Hope everyone has had a good holiday!
[ 🐏 ] — Did you see the news? ㅋㅋ
[ 🐏 ] — I was so excited to show you guys
[ 🐏 ] — Have you seen our lix and I.N?
[ 🐏 ] — They’re so cool right?? ㅠㅠ
[ 🐏 ] — I want to do something as cool as they are some day
[ 🐏 ] — Stay tuned for more things! 💕
[ 🐏 ] — There’s so much more we have to show you guys
[ 🐏 ] — Stay well <3
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©️ eunjiswrld
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brijpal · 4 months
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GOD did not allow to EAT MEAT
To receive free Initiation and spiritual books by Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji Message us on Whatsapp:- +918950781981
📲अधिक जानकारी के लिए "Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj" Youtube Channel पर विजिट करें।
Watch sadhna TV 7:30pm !
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lxckheart · 1 year
@poeticphoenix asked: [ 📲 message sent: ]  i'm researching important dates in history. would you like to be mine?
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Tifa had been busy pouring some drinks for a few stragglers that came in, when she heard a familiar buzz come from her skirt pocket. She had excused herself stepping off to the side, and checking it briefly. Usually if she received messages it was from Barrett and the others but since she had recently given Genesis her contact info, as she did with most of the avalanche members---( well she had ulterior motive just a bit ) --- She would open it up and see the text in question and laugh, a palm covering her lips.
[ SMS: Genesis ]: Well, well. Aren't we clever? Just let me know when and where and I'll gladly be there. I recently got my hands on a new out fit you know? I bet it'll be perfect for this occasion.
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kingofthewebxxx · 10 months
( another belated birthday ask! )
[ 📲: Spider ] Don't die today. A symmetrically dated tombstone would be rather dull, don't you think? SH
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Receiving a text from the consulting detective himself, he allowed the satisfied and egotistical smirk to grow as he slowly read the message, he wanted to cherish it, he didn't know how long this would last although he could predict it, he liked to keep things unpredictable and with the game getting riskier with each encounter, a confrontation would have to occur soon, as much as he loved the games they played and the liked the ‘extras’ that came with them, it was becoming a routine and that was something he would never approve of, he had to keep things exciting, still he knew the other understood this and knowing he would feel the same, made what could come next much more interesting to plan. Of course, he was typing a reply as he thought of all this, multitasking was always a skill of his.
[To: Not so cheap thrills] You remembered my Birthday 😯
It would be slightly sexy though wouldn't it. The gravestone not you remembering my birthday. I find symmetry very sexy.
Be seeing you soon, I won't wait for you forever you know
The Spider xxx
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unsentmemory · 2 years
creeper nonnie here: where do we get to see arts of River ;-;
MESSAGE RECEIVED ! my first named nonnie? feeling super honoured right now ngl chief 💙 but yeye! i'll combine all of my current art of Riv and put it under the cut!
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ehe I'm not much of an artist myself, so I've commissioned my sworn enemy / darling beloved @cutiesigh to help come up with a design for River! this is what we've settled on so far, with the major aspects being his scar, a bandaid on his face, and a defined / semi-muscular build.
once I settle on something more concrete I'll b sure to share it here 💪😼
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nepofminspo · 2 years
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          happy  friday  !  this  weekend  will  be  the  FIRST  of  many  upcoming  meme  weekends  .  if  you  wish  to  participate  ,  please  TAG  YOURSELF  (  DO  NOT  REBLOG  )  in  the  comments  .  if  you  see  any  characters  tagged  ,  please  be  sure  to  send  memes  as  well  to  ensure  that  everyone  participating  is  included  !  you  may  choose  one  (  or  more  )  of  the  following  to  send  to  people  .  questions  may  be  sent  all  weekend  (  friday  –  sunday  )  and  answered  at  player’s  convenience  .
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with  messages  sent  on  anonymous  ,  your  character(s)  MUST  answer  anything  truthfully  .  however  ,  this  information  cannot  be  used  in  game  and  will  only  be  used  for  ooc  purposes  (  ie.  headcanons  ,  plotting  ,  etc.  )
00.  the fool  :  what are your muse’s thoughts on new beginnings ? does it frighten them or  excite them ?
01.  the magician  :  how does your muse feel about fate ? do they believe they can change their own destiny ?
02.  the high priestess  :  how does your muse make decisions ? do they trust their instinct or would they rather trust their heart / their logic ?
03.  the empress  :  does your muse have parental / nurturing figures in their life ? how do they impact them ?
04.  the emperor  :  how much respect does your muse have for authority ? why is this ?
05.  the hierophant  :  what are your muse’s morals / ethics ? do they follow their moral code strictly ?
06.  the lovers  : how important are relationships to your muse ? do they value having a significant other ?
07.  the chariot  :  how much does your muse care about winning ? are they a sore loser ?
08.  strength  :  how does your muse use their energy ? do they tend to work towards their goals steadily or in bursts ?
09.  the hermit  : how introspective is your muse ? how often do they self - reflect ?
10.  the wheel of fortune  : how well / badly does your muse take setbacks on their goals ?
11.  justice  :  does your muse find it easy to be impartial in emotional situations ?
12.  the hanged man  :  how open is your muse to new opportunities ? do they constantly look for them or do they simply take whatever comes their way ?
13.  death  :  is there anything in your muse’s life that they should be letting go of ?
14.  temperance  :  does your muse make plans ? how impulsive are they ? has this gotten them into good / bad situations and how have they dealt with them?
15.  the devil  :  is your muse addicted to any substances ? is there anything that could possibly make them quit ?
16.  the tower  : what event drastically changed your muse’s life ? do they resent that event or are they glad of it ?
17.  the star  :  what does your muse take inner comfort in knowing ? what guides your muse ?
18.  the moon  : what does your muse long for ? is it a realistic desire ?
19.  the sun  :  in general, how optimistic is your muse ? does your muse appreciate the small things in life ?
20.  judgement  :  is your muse forgiving of themselves ? how about of others who wrong them ?
21.  the world  : is there one thing in life that your muse must accomplish ? what will they do when they complete that goal ?
😃 : a happy text
😍 : a loving text
🤓 : a nerdy text
🤪 : a goofy text
😞 : a disappointed text
😔 : a sad text
😒 : an unamused text
😟 : a worried text
🥺 : a pleading text
😠 : an angry text
😳 : an embarrassed text
😨 : a scared text
🤔 : a pensive text
🤥 : a lying text
😯 : a surprised text
🤫 : a secretive text
🥱 : a sleepy text
🥴 : a drunk text
send one of the below symbols for your character  ( the sender ) to perform on mine  ( the receiver )    add  !!  to reverse the roles
💆‍♀️   for  your  character  to  tuck   a   strand   of   my    muse’s   hair    behind    their    ear
🤝   for   your   character   to   brush    their     hand    against    my    muse’s    hand
🤚   for   your   character    to    guide    mine    by    touching    their     back
🛋   for   your   character   to    curl   up   with    mine  
☕️   for   your   character    to    bring    mine    a    beverage
🍫   for   your   character   to    bring   mine   some    food
📺   for   your   character    to    watch   a    film  /  tv    show   with    my    muse
🎶   for   your   character    to    play    music    or    sing    to    mine  
🎧    for   your   music    to    listen    to    music    with    mine
💃   for   your   muse    to    offer    to    dance    with    my    muse
📚   for   your    muse    to    read    with     mine
🎨   for   your   muse   to    paint    with    mine
🪴   for   your    muse    to   take    mine    on   a   walk
💫  for    your    muse    to    take    mine    stargazing
🧺   for    your    muse    to    take    mine    on   a    picnic
✍️   for   your   muse    to    draw    mine
👔    for   your   muse    to    help    mine    get    dressed
💇‍♀️    for   your    muse    to    play    with    my    muse’s    hair
🌸    for   your    muse    to    give     mine     flowers
🎁    for    your    muse    to    give    mine    a    gift   (  please    specify !  )
🎀   for    your    muse    to    wrap     mine    in   a    blanket
🛀    for    your    muse    to     wash    my    muse’s    hair
✨    for    your     muse    to    hold    my    muse’s    hand
🤗    for    your    muse   to    give    my    muse    a   hug
💋    to    kiss    my    muse    ( specify    where ! )
🍰     to    bake    something    with    my    muse
🥦    to    cook    something    with    my    muse
🤐    to    tell    my    muse    a    secret   ( please   specify ! )
🧶   for   your    muse     to    do    something    else   ( please   specify  !  )
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skz-rin · 7 months
📲 ... ⃕ STAY, you have received messages on bubble !
📨FROM RIN : February 23, 2024 - 7.34 PM ET / 9.34 AM KST
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[09:34] — hiii luviess
[09:34] — how are you today?
[09:35] — are you well ??
[09:35] — me ??? I'm great, I've been having fun lately.
[09:36] — I had a nice day today
[09:36] — I met a girl in the nearby park today and she had a small makeup kit so she offered to do my makeup!!
[09:36] —
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[09:37] — It's so pretty don't you think??? She did a really good job
[09:37] — I really liked the bow she added underneath my eyes it's so cute
[09:38] — I should ask makeup-unnie to do a similar look in the future
[09:38] — ahh the nose piercing it isn't real !! Don't worry it's just a clip on
[09:39] — oh do you like it ??
[09:39] — should I get one for real??
[09:39] — maybee I will ��😉
[09:44] — my mom is asking you to stop replying to me so I go eat 😔😔
[09:44] — I suppose I will go eat now
[09:45] — You tooo eat well and rest today!!
[09:47] — Ahh it's only morning for you... Sorry I forgot TTTTT
[09:47] — Well then today I hope you eat well and work hard but not too hard !! And have a nice dayyy
[09:48] — bye bye luviess goodnight!!!
[09:48] — 💕💕💕
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ejointech · 1 year
Send and receive bulk SMS messages quickly and easily with our high-quality SMS modem. Perfect for businesses of all sizes, our modems are affordable and easy to use, order now ! 👉 👉 📲
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alastors-radioshow · 1 year
[ 📲 sms: ]  surprise! i got you flowers: 💐
A chuckle as the stag received that message. In all honesty, he'd been more active on that electronic cellular device in the past week, than he had been since he first acquired it.
He was never on good terms with modern technology.
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[Text to: Mon cœur ❤️]: Is that so? How awfully thoughtful of you~ I believe that you are the first one to offer me flowers. In any context, really~
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skyhvnter · 1 year
Send ‘mad’ to receive a mad/angry text from my muse.
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📲 message to Draven: Raven, você esqueceu de dar comida pro Octavius quando eu te pedi?????? 📲 message to Draven: VOCÊ QUER MATAR ELE? 📲 message to Draven: ELE TAVA TODO ENCOLHIDO EM UM CANTO TODO DEPLORÁVEL 📲 message to Draven: Ela está chateado com você. 📲 message to Draven: E você está trancado para fora do quarto até eu dizer que você entra.
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prvtocol · 2 years
🚀 a goodbye text. // vaas for bri
texting starters (accepting)
[ bri 📲 vaas ] Hey Vaas. I know my last texts were received but left unread or maybe it’s just a glitch on my end and you have read them so I shouldn’t say all these same things over again. I shouldn’t say that I think about you and wonder where you are, whether you're alright. If you're getting enough to eat. If you’re taking care of yourself. That I’m worried you're not. And that I miss you. You probably wouldn’t think that possible, would you? But I do. I want to see you again and not live on only memories. Even ones not as kind as the others, but then that's just how it is with us, and that's okay. And I don’t want to say goodbye unless you say it first. So until then.
With hesitance, the send button is pushed and a second later, the bubble is added to the long column of those left unread. If she scrolls up, she’d find ones from nearly two months ago before she knew of his diagnosis. Back then, she believed the drugs, not the tech were deteriorating his brain. One of these messages tells him he forgot his necklace; left it on the nightstand on his way out that last morning she saw him. How odd, she recalls thinking, for someone who makes it a habitual part of their wardrobe to suddenly go without. There on the nightstand, the green plastic shark tooth pendant and its black band remain, not knowing what to do with them and wishing she could return them to their owner. The phone is set face up at its side, releasing her fingertips to wipe away the tears that welled under her eyes. 
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She shouldn’t do this to herself; calling her sorrows out into the void, burying herself in the darkest thoughts of where he could be, and succumbing to the grief that lurks and catches her alone at night. Just go to sleep, Brianne. A gentle scolding before she turns, her head to fall on the pillows placed on what became her side of the bed. But then, the screen lights up. Her heart freezes and her body too threatens to shrink away in disbelief. A cold hand with fingertips wet by her own tears, reaches in equal trepidation, bringing the phone close enough to read the red letters still alight on the screen. [ERROR. Message cannot be sent.] His phone is no longer in service.
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