#📺 headcanons.
mrdelroy · 1 month
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you're the patron saint of the dawning moment of realization. the patron saint of comprehension, maybe. the patron saint of understanding. the patron saint of knowing exactly what's going to happen. of seeing clearly. of not being able to look away.
tagged by: @chrislaplante TYSMMM THIS QUIZ WAS SO GOOD tagging: @latenightpsych, @dnangelic, @videoartiste, @rottine, @samuhelll
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hii!! im a bit of a lurker (saw your posts on the sebastian tag) and love blogs like these!! however, im VERY shy and normally don't send asks like these a lot but is it alright if i could request some romantic sebastian hc's with an autistic partner? (adult of course) 👉👈 if not that's perfectly fine! love ur hc's! ^^ - 📺
Ooh yeah! Might take me a bit because I'm currently trying to do 5 requests at a time. But yeah ofc I can ^^
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• When Sebastian and you were walking around the Hadal Blacksite, you began to feel overwhelmed with negative emotions.
• Sebastian didn't notice at first until you mentioned that you wanted to go back to his shop.
"Why? Are you feeling sick? What's wrong?"
• After you explain that you're overwhelmed, he takes you back to his shop.
• You then explain that loud noises bother you.
"Oh I'm so sorry, friend. Anything else you have to tell me?"
• You explain to him that you have autism and that it's hard for you to tell tone.
• Sebastian understands and tries his best to make himself a safe space for you.
• You appreciate his efforts just as he appreciates you.
• After a while, the two of you cuddle in hopes you feel a lot better.
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Sorry if this isn't accurate for autism. I personally don't have it for I have ADHD. I've done my research on it to make this more accurate.
Divider by @/cafekitsune
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cosmicpancakes · 4 months
valgrace hcs GO
AHAHA IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS ONE!!! thank you for the request 🤞 I have thoughts about them that need to be OUT
Without further ado,
☆⋆。 My Valgrace headcanons!
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First off. Jason is alive. The burning maze? What is that? I've never heard of it.
They go on dates SO FREQUENTLY it's actually insane like atleast one per week???
Both of them are horrible flirts they cannot flirt with eachother at all
Once they start laughing at something they will NOT STOP. It starts with an inside joke and 2 minutes later theyre doubled over wheezing
Jason looks like the straightest, most homophobic man ever so when he kisses Leo people go crazy?!?!?
They are also the most affectionate people ever. You will never catch them not holding hands.
MOVIE NIGHTS!!! Leo helps Jason catch up on all the movies he's missed while in camp jupiter!!
And their favourite movies to rewatch are FOR SURE itsv/atsv
Pet names do not exist. They refer to eachother either by name or weird ass nicknames
Leo always steals his shirts, but they're way too big for him so it's so obvious 😭
Leo is also the clumsiest person ever so they're always in the infirmary (jason like never leaves his side its insane)
They send eachother silly ass photos and caption it "us" and they think it's the funniest thing ever but it's so stupid
That's it for now! Sorry it took so long 💔
F.Y.I: My requests are still open :) feel free to send them in!
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wxlfbitez · 3 months
i have read many a fanfic where baby steve either looks up to or has a little crush on someone like george michael or bowie in the baby gay phase and i would like to also raise you the fact that this is what the people eddie listens to look like (in the 80s)
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just putting that out in the world
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tvhostfromhell · 7 months
I see the ADHD Vox hcs and the Vox and Valentino coked out of their minds in the 70s and 80s hcs and but has anyone written considered.. ADHD Vox and amphetamines hcs yet?
ADHD Vox trying speed once or twice in life during the 50s and being sorely disappointed. He was promised an insane energy high and he just feels.. fine? Pretty focused, actually. Like, he could get a lot of shit done. Which, neat trick. He'll still use it, but this is not what he was pitched.
Vox who drinks coffee not because it's ever been that great at waking him up, but because he likes the taste. Mostly drinks it out of habit, especially in hell. He gets introduced to energy drinks and it's a similar deal. He's really into some of the flavors but is usually pretty unimpressed with the "energy boost" claims. Actually, sometimes caffeinated drinks do the opposite and making him fkn drowsy.
Valentino singing coke's praises in the 70s and Vox saying fuck it, sign me up for a good time. Rinse and repeat his experience with speed in the 50s. Val is having a fucking great time. Meanwhile, Vox took twice as much as Val did and is thoroughly underwhelmed. They might even have a fight over it, Vox accusing Val of giving him "weak" or "faulty" goods.
Vox stays on the coke train in the 70s and 80s, mind you, but he thinks everyone else is way overhyping the effects. Or maybe it just hits him different because he's literally built different (AKA like a TV), fuck it, who knows. Val seems to be having a good time and he's about to be so fucking efficient after this bump–
Decades later, Velvette hearing about this like.. Oh, that makes sense.. because you have ADHD.
Vox: what the fuck did you just call me
Velvette: did you seriously not connect the dots, old man? have you not seen the millions of memes about ADHD meds being Meth Lite™
Vox: Wait–
Val: I fucking told you that my shit was good–
Vel: jfc you two are idiots
Cue Val dragging up every time Vox accused him of providing shitty product in the 70s and Vox retaliating by pulling some rant about "well your fkn drugs not working on people with ADHD means missing out on an entire demographic of potential clients" out of his ass. They bitch at each other until Vox takes a soft right into elevator pitches about something something people's neurodivergent status something drugs before Val can think long enough about his argument to poke holes in it.
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staticshipstation · 5 months
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lunarbroadcast · 7 months
rewatched the episodes where vox appears in with my mom and so far she loves the show
she somehow made a headcanon about him without realizing it soo here it is!
She said that he looks like an old man due to his vest which made her say that he definitely owns succulents or small plants in his office
antis DNI please :D
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helluvahell · 7 months
 Another one for you tonight : Vox fucking hates Angel with every fiber of his being. How does this little whore take up so much of Val's attention? He's pretty, he can kinda act, he can sing, whatever; but he's so bratty and he back talks so much, and Val comes home angry and not in the mood for anything fun, complains about how miserable his life is with Angel around, but he's never willing to just let the brat go! To him, Angel is hurting Val, abusing him even. And because Angel is under Val's contact, Vox can't do anything about it. This little shit is stealing HIS boyfriend and for WHAT?
 Frankly, if Angel ever tried to approach Vox to ask for help from this situation, Vox would treat it like he was hunting for a new victim and do everything in his power to make Angel miserable.
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Eh fuck it, Echo is an angel fish sinner now
-> Fins around her ears and more prominently on her back (get it like an angel), has a fish tail but it's small
-> Gills around her neck
-> Color scheme and power set is basically the same just is able to breathe underwater and is naturally a very good swimmer now
-> Instead of dying via an unintentional drug overdose, Echo instead committed suicide. Having throw herself off a nearby cliff, the fall not killing her but the water beneath did. Echo injured herself then drowned unable to get to the surface.
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ozzyscarnivalofships · 2 months
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I'm pretty sure gwi.mbly has no canon species but I like to headcanon that he's a weevil (I just like bug characters)
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Can you imagine Daemon and Nettles at Maidenpool ? He realizes that there is a high chance of her being pregnant because he notices all the signs and thr change in her behavior (she may just think she's missing her cycles due to stress and constant flying) and he gets baby fever?? Like imagine after they wind down and their in bed, Daemon lays his head on her stomach (which she's like "...alright then") and he starts rambling on, "if we were to have a child, would they have your curls? My eyes? Your smile? A little boy or girl?" He's just going on and on, and she's amused and also a little sad because she THINKS it's not possible for them to have a child but he's completely lost in the fantasy of it as he pretends he can hear the faint heartbeat of their little one. Sometimes, throughout the day, he would pat her stomach and hug her from behind with his palm bracing her belly, during their baths as he watches her undress to join him he stares and notices the small bump coming in and it confirms that she's with child HIS child.
But before he can get her to see the maester he receives news the the crown is demanding her head....
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This is so heartbreakingly sweet😭 Knowing that she’s finally carrying his child, all the plans, the hopes, and possibilities he had for them…only to be faced with their destruction. It’s all the more reason why Daemon has to let Netty(and their unborn child) go🐑
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mrdelroy · 4 months
harvey is abrajack friendable. can daisuke friend him. can he ask the creepy nigh omnipotent entity like how it's going and stuff. it's okay if they can only talk in dreams and he gets cursed to look like dark every time they chit-chat or something. it happens sometimes. this is like the fifth or so nightmare wringer shoujo satan's been through. at least. can he try to comprehend the horrors. even a little bit
HI TSUN SMILESSSS <3 these are great questions and tbh bc he's still in development i've been tossing around exactly what his moral compass/befriendability would look like...
historically abraxas has been described as "the god above all gods," and for the sake of this au i'm using carl jung's 'the seven sermons to the dead' for insp:
" Abraxas is the god whom it is difficult to know. His power is the very greatest, because man does not perceive it. Man sees the summum bonuum (supreme good) of the sun, and also the infinum malum (endless evil) of the devil, but Abraxas he does not see, for he is indefinable life itself, which is the mother of good and evil alike. [Abraxas] is truly the terrible one... the sun and also the eternally gaping abyss of emptiness... magnificent even as the lion at the very moment when he strikes his prey down. His beauty is like the beauty of a spring morn... He is the monster of the underworld... He is the bright light of day and the deepest night of madness... He is the mightiest manifest being, and in him creation becomes frightened of itself... "
therefore, despite being a demon i wouldn't say abrajack (ajackxas???) is inherently evil incarnate per se (if anything he errs more on the neutral evil side), just that it's so powerful its very presence often leads to chaos (i.e. causing hallucinations/nightmares/etc just by being in proximity to someone). he is quite literally beyond human perception, only taking form when necessary. easiest thing i can equate it to is the twilight zone narrator, or smthn akin to eldrich horror... it's everywhere and nowhere and somehow knows everything about everyone. also to go on a tangent i imagine its nightmare process would be smthn like this: someone's tv starts acting up in the middle of the night -> person investigates, tries to turn it off -> person hears/sees jack in the static -> static shifts to a "night owls episode" as the person falls into a trance -> person begins to dream (maybe they become part of the live audience or jack's interviewee "in show") -> dream becomes a nightmare (the severity depends on if jack is actively pushing the dream or if they're just in the fallout of someone else's) -> person may or may not wake up again the next morning/afternoon/however long it is until they're released. ofc he doesn't NEED the tv to invade dreams but u know how it is w showmen. but. this is just a rough draft, i'll definitely expand/change things later, i might want him to be genuinely evil or smthn HEHE. anyway tldr!!!! YES, theoretically you CAN befriend him. but for the love of zeni watch out.
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cosmicpancakes · 5 months
Hi! So I saw your post about wanting to talk about Will Solace (me too queen, me too) so what are your headcanons? Or funny little tidbits about him and his friends? Love your blog!
OF COURSE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS ASK!!! to hear that someone genuinely loves my blog is so surreal cause like??? You like my blog?? Where I literally just say what's on my mind and ramble???
Okay without further ado, here they are!!!
My Will Solace headcanons! ☀️
He has curly hair! Think somewhere between 2c and 3a
Speaking about hair, his hair is naturally brown and he dyes it blonde
ANOTHER HAIR ONE but he has a very extensive hair care routine! You'd think he would have very damaged hair because of all the bleaching, but that shit is SOFT
Only uses feminine floral perfume cause it smells better (hes right. it does.)
Despite insisting on healthy eating, he survives off of random snacks and red bulls
Loves indie pop and jazz music but does listen to a lot a country as it reminds him of his mother
Hopeless romantic. He will cry to laufey.
90% of his closet is made up of incredibly cheesy dad joke t-shirts.
Wears lots and lots of bracelets! All very mismatched in terms of colour and texture, but it adds to the charm (or so he says)
His hair is just long enough to put in a very short ponytail when he works (but a few loose curls always slip out)
He sticks out his tongue when he's concentrating on something
Clarrisse practically adopted him as her honorary little brother and he went to her highschool graduation!! (she totally did not cry when she saw him. nope. not at all.)
everyone at camp owes him atleast 5 favours except lou ellen because she somehow never gets injured??? Cecil on the other hand, owes him about 13 favours.
Friday is the apollo cabin's game night, and he NEVER wins (kayla swears austin is cheating, but hes just really good at monopoly.)
the cabin is always spotless because he despises stable duty
(This one is canon but not talked about enough) when he said he's horrible at every apollo thing except healing, he was not exaggerating. an absolutely horrid singer and he would miss a target 3 metres away.
okay that was a lie because he can manipulate light.... to a certain extent. he's working on it he swears!!
One of those people that are incredibly insistant about wearing sunscreen even tho he doesn't need it himself
And now for some angsty ones because I know you all love them:
A very obvious one, but he has pretty bad PTSD.
I'm pretty sure this one is canon, but he saw Lee die in botl (i have had a oneshot idea about thia for months, but i literally never finish oneshots so theres no point in trying to write it ☹️)
A lot of people thought him and Lee were biological siblings because they looked so similar and also because they were super close
him and Micheal were also really close, but they were a lot more distant after Lee died and they never really got to reconnect
Post botl, the apollo cabin had about 17 kids. 3 survived the battle of manhattan.
has a really bad habit of overworking to distract himself
Way too many scars for a medic. (He won't admit where he got them from, or why most of them are on him arms.)
Okay, that's all for today!! I hope you enjoyed those headcanons :)
Once again saying this but if anyone reading this wants some headcanons for other characters please please leave me an ask 🙏 love you all okay bye bye
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likeamothtofame · 7 months
// tag dump <3
🍷 || 「 MINE. 」
🎬 IC || ❝ And… Action. ❞
💔 OOC || ❝ But I really wanted to shoot someone! ❞
🌃 RP || ❝ Just improv it! ❞
🎞️ Headcanons || ❝ I said I'll fucking kill you! And I will. ❞
🚬 Valentino || 「 I Could Make You A Star 」
📺 Vox || 「 How Vile Can You Be? 」
🤙 Velvette || 「 You'll Never Make It In The Business 」
🎙️Alastor || 「 Who’s The One Who Wrecked Your Life This Time? 」
⚡ The Vees || 「 Inmates Running the Asylum 」
🕷️ Angel Dust || 「 Hell's Favorite Boy Toy 」
🪽 Heaven || ❝ Well this just got interesting. ❞
🩷 Ship || ❝ Oh you know me too well. ❞
📱 Mobile || The Show Must Go On
🎥 Answered || ❝ Fucking FINALLY! ❞
🃏 Crack || 「 Welcome To My Hooker Palace 」
🍷 Aesthetics || 「 Cause You're Hotter Than The Sun 」
⭐ Promo || 「 Do I Know You? 」
✉️ Ask Meme || 「 Complaints Go Here 」
🪞 Dash Comm || 「 Suffering’s Just Another Perspective 」
🪶 Wishlist || 「 Better Cover Your Drink 」
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staticshipstation · 7 months
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Autistic person (Me) being autistic about Gex having Audhd (more specifically ADHD)
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bloodbklok · 2 years
you can't just drop your toki without telling us everything about him like that
oh my god you’re so right!! what is there to say, hmm….
well, first of all, his design in the first art i posted of him was inspired by my best friend, she said that if she ever redesigned toki she’d give him a peace sign on his shirt and dog tags, so that’s why he has those :>
second, he’s trans! i gave him a thinner mustache as opposed to his fu man chu because Puberty stache from his testosterone :3
third, i did give him braces (mostly because i have braces too but!) because he had a tooth gap when he was younger!! or at least he did the first time his young design was shown. im not sure if it was carried into the later appearances (shown in Deathzazz :( i couldn’t see his gap :( ) so i think once the band got more popular and he got more money he decided to fix the gap :3 he likes to choose blue, orange or purple power chains imo.
his body is also covered in scars so he likes to wear long sleeve shirts and pants because he’s a fair bit self conscious about them (he also dislikes to talk about them because it brings up really bad memories for him) he also still has a chest but dislikes binding so his sweaters tend to be looser. i also think he’s pretty clumsy so his knees are usually busted up and he carries bandaids in his insulin pack just in case!
personality and lore wise he’s pretty much the same, i love his story so much and i couldn’t bring myself to edit it too much, but i definitely think he has auDHD and stims a lot!
anyways,, thank you for giving me this opportunity to talk about toki, i love him so much :>> i hope this response wasn’t too long!!
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