kandikiddo · 2 years
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A nonbinary xenogender where you feel a strong gendered connection to wobbledogs (not inherently the game but the wobbledogs **themselves**). This gender can be bouncy, silly, upbeat, wobbly or stumbly. Intended to be a neurodiverse gender or an inhuman gender. can also be connected to pupgender or any sort of doggender if so desired.
This gender can be interpreted in; feeling so much like a wobbledog it affects your gender, feeling connected to wobbledogs so much that it affects your gender, liking the game so much that it affects your gender, or all of the above!!
This gender is intended for neurodiverse, physically disabled, or nonhuman system alters but litterally anyone can use it. If you just like wobbledogs so much it affects your gender you can use it ^-^ 💖🎊🎊
I personally ID with this cause I'm very nonhuman and very dogboy and I felt so instantly connected with wobbledogs when ppl started playing it. like ... I'm litterally a wobbledog boy ok? ty for reading.
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vampitsm · 10 months
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Flag needs ID.
Bisexual Vampfreak
For Vampfreaks who are Bisexual! This could be a vampfreak who's bisexual, a bisexual vampfreak, etc.
Coined by me, requested by anon.
Pinterest Archive Post
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
Hi! I don't know if you are taking any requests, if you don't, just ignore this
Can you do headcanons of platonic yandere hannibal (2013 TV show) with a darling that looks like abigail hobbs? Can you add will Graham as well? Thank you!
❝ 🍽 — lady l: I should have posted this yesterday but it ended up not being possible as a practical class in the laboratory, but here it is! I hope you like it, anon. Forgive me for any mistakes and good reading!! ❤️🥰
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, manipulation, kidnapping, forced cannibalism and mention of death.
❝🔎pairing: platonic yandere!hannigram x gender neutral!reader.
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After everything that had happened between them and Abigail, Hannibal and Will had no plans on trying to care for someone else anytime soon, if ever. They were starting their life together after Red Dragon and in a calm place where there was no danger of being found by the FBI when they met you.
When Hannibal and Will first met you, they initially kept a cautious distance. Still reeling from the events with Abigail, they were reluctant to make room for someone else in their lives. However, over time, you proved to be a comforting and intriguing presence. It didn't help that you remembered her in some ways. Maybe it was your looks or your personality, but they couldn't help but find it refreshing and bizarre at the same time how much you reminded them of her.
As the days passed, you showed a unique understanding of the complexities of the human mind, something that fascinated them deeply. Your calm presence and ability to adapt to your surroundings intrigued them. Will felt comfortable around you, something few people had the ability to do and Hannibal found himself drawn to the way you thought more and more.
Your presence brought a sense of normalcy to them, something they had long lost. You brought a good feeling to them, something they had lost along the way. It was Hannibal who convinced Will to "adopt", to bring you to live with them. Will, although a little reluctant to take you away from your family, eventually accepted. That was how you became part of their family and they had no intention of letting you go.
Hannibal was the one who brought you in and Will covered for him. Although they wanted to make you part of their twisted family in a "normal" way, plans quickly changed. The initial plans were to get close to you and manipulate you, make you hate your family so that you would realize that they were the only ones who could truly care for you.
But when it became clear that you didn't seem to respond to the manipulations, they decided to take another course of action. During one night when you were walking alone, much to their disapproval, Hannibal quickly knocked you out and brought you with him. You would finally be safe with them. Will placed you on the bed prepared for you, covering you as he tended to your sleep.
You would have to accept your place quickly or there will be consequences. Hannibal is a psychiatrist, he knows that what they did can inflict trauma on you and he will be patient with you for as long as you need, but if you are too stubborn or don't respond to the mandatory therapy he will give you, he is not against using other means to make you accept your place.
Hannibal will try to be patient with you and he will, will tolerate stubbornness to a certain extent, as he understands that it may be due to the stress of being taken away from your old life, but if you are too stubborn and even rude, he will have to teach you good manners. Hannibal does not tolerate rude people at all.
Will is more compassionate towards you, he knows and understands that it may be difficult for you to accept this new reality, so he will try to be understanding with you and he is. Will will always be by your side and although it seems like a kind action to him, in reality it becomes overwhelming. There will be no privacy, because he wants to be close to you and he believes he is helping you by not letting go of you.
He will try to cheer you up, spoiling you and even making you escape punishments that Hannibal might try to apply to you. Will is no saint, but he cares about you, a lot, and he doesn't want to see you hurt, whether physically or emotionally, so he will try to help you as much as he can. But he has his limits and if you don't cooperate, Will won't interfere with Hannibal's punishments.
As the days passed, you found yourself trapped in this new reality, surrounded by Hannibal and Will, each with their own motivations and methods. Hannibal, with his sharp and manipulative mind, tried to shape your perception of the world and your own identity, while Will, with his peculiar empathy, sought to comfort you amid the chaos that had become your life. It wouldn't be long before you gave in to Hannibal's manipulations, he'll be sure of that.
They like to think that they are great parents to you, better than your family ever was. Hannibal and Will love to spoil you and take care of you, the former being the one who buys you the most material things and the latter being quite clingy. Do you want something absurdly expensive and ridiculous? You got it, but only if you are a good child to them.
You will follow the Hannibal diet and there are no arguments about it. If you are vegetarian or vegan, however, he will not force you to eat meat but he will try to induce you to do so. He might cook separate portions for you, but there's disappointment evident on his face. But if you eat meat, you will try his favorite delicacy, lamb. Will isn't exactly the biggest fan of Hannibal's eating habits, but he has no problem eating and is pleased to see you eat. It makes you more close to them when you eat human flesh, you know?
They are extremely overprotective and possessive of you and will not tolerate potential love interests. Hannibal doesn't believe there is anyone good enough for you and Will hates the idea of ​​you being taken from them. Friends they can tolerate, but only if they are thoroughly analyzed by them and if they are a good influence on you.
Any injury that would be inflicted on you by someone, even if it is a chipped nail, will not be treated lightly. Hannibal will make sure whoever dared to hurt you is dealt with slowly and painfully and perhaps served to you later and Will will stay by your side, comforting you. No one can hurt you, no one other than them.
Once you became their child, someone they truly cared about, you would be doomed. They may care for you and even love you in their twisted way, but in the end, you will truly find yourself trapped. Hannibal and Will believe that the best way to take care of you is to keep you trapped, safe with them. And you can't run away because they will catch you and if that happens, you will never see the light of day again.
It's in your best interest to get used to them, to your new family. Hannibal has no problem breaking you down for this and Will will be there to pick up the pieces. After all, family always takes care of each other, right?
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deerspherestudios · 8 months
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This masterlist covers Mychael's abilities, romantic/yandere traits and his opinion on kids.
📍 For part 2, it's [HERE] for anatomy. 📍 For part 3, it's [HERE] for reactions to different MCS. 📍 For part 4, it's [HERE] for general lore and MR!Mychael.
What are Mychael's abilities❔
Everyone's familiar with his hypnosis from the game, but here's tidbits about what he can and can't do.
He can purr.
He can hunt.
He's knowledgeable about DIY and crafting.
He can read.
He has his own language.
He can swim.
He knows about the mushrooms. Yeah, those mushrooms.
He can't dance.
He's self-taught with most of his skills.
He's likely to use hypnosis the moment he senses hostility.
He can still use his hypnosis without direct eye contact.
His power only affects chosen targets.
His ability is boosted by eyes locking, however a blind person can still be influenced.
He doesn't know sign language.
He can't kill someone with his hypnosis, but he can warp perception/senses very effectively.
His powers also work on animals.
He's clueless about technology.
He's baked cookies before (choc chip is his favorite).
He's pretty flexible.
He's clueless about human psychology and neurodivergency.
He's clueless about human reproduction + biology in general.
He's not academically smart.
He can't navigate by stars and boats. He's familiar with his forest, however.
He has fast reflexes and high stamina.
He can last in a fistfight, not from skill but perseverance.
He can't sing professionally but hums and sings softly.
He's sensitive to his surroundings.
What happens to creatures under his influence when he dies?
His influence can't 'spread', he has to target deliberately.
What if he DOESN'T have his hypnosis?
Mychael's romantic/yandere traits...❔
Does he get jealous?
Does he get clingy? + dev rambles under cut.
Does he have a gender preference?
Does he get violent?
What's his 'ideal' type?
What would he like to see MC wearing?
Did he mean to send us home in Day 2?
He would have gifted you a forget-me-not flower crown in Day 2.
He only uses 'firefly' on MC.
He'd be happy just to be around you (for now).
He was always intended to be playful, just shy in Day 1.
He refrains from violence, but he might use physical force.
What would be the best gift for him?
He doesn't lust after MC (he's asexual).
He will get worse (as of Day 2 release).
He prefers being called by his full name and loves platonic/romantic terms of endearment.
As of Day 2, he's still clueless about romance.
He can't/doesn't flirt. If it sounds like he is, it's on accident.
He'd adapt his love language to what you like.
His way of comforting + ways he is comforted.
How does Mychael feel about kids❔
It's already been stated in-game he's not much for family, but here are asks involving kids/family.
Does he want kids?
If Mychael found a child instead of MC?
Is it okay to draw him as a parent?
Can Mychael have kids? Would he adopt?
Familial adoption (as a brother)?
How good is he with kids?
Lastly, can I eat Mychael❔
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himegureisu · 7 months
1 | the Woman
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Summary: Mrs. Mycroft Holmes. Yes. You. Most people didn't know you existed. In these years, that's about to change.
A/N: This is the new version. This can be read as a gender-neutral person. However, the pairing remains Mycroft Holmes/Female Reader throughout the story. Season 1 scenes are entirely domestic Mycroft Holmes x Reader. This scene begins at home after Season 1 Episode 1: A Study in Pink. I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: There are innuendos at the end of every chapter.
Gaining weight again?
Losing it, in fact.
—————————— 🔎——————————
His stomach was pudgy. It has always been that way since he was a child. Any and every attempt at losing it was an arduous road he refused to take any longer other than the occasional jog on a treadmill at your insistence.
Could he lose it? Yes, however, the effort required to do so was significant in that he would rather accomplish several tasks of import than appease the opinion of others and his vanity.
Your soft inquiring voice breaks through his thoughts. His attention redirected, from the mirror to the sight of you by the threshold from the hall.
“What are you doing in front of the mirror?” you ask, walking over, to stand by his side.
“Sherlock has mocked my weight again,” he sighed, patting the fat on his stomach. “I should be used to it by now, however…”
It was a sore spot from time immemorial. One his brother didn’t hesitate to pick on almost every time they saw each other.
“Are you not bothered by my weight?” he asks, you shake your head: a no, as he faces you, “Truly?”
“Mycroft Holmes, I didn’t care about your weight before we married. I certainly do not care for it much now,” you say as you cup your hands on his cheeks in all seriousness, “I’d rather you eat and overindulge in meals than skip them. It means you’re taking care of yourself. Your job is already stressful and Sherlock being reckless is the literal cherry on top. If partaking in an extra slice of cake can soothe your frayed nerves, then be my guest. However, do save a piece for me, and then we’ll find a way to lose the calories together.“
Your hands trail from his face to his body, noting every curve and contour to memory. He may not be society’s ideal man but you love every part of him. Even those parts that he hates.
“You are incomparable, my dear.” his voice wavered, as he leaned down to rest his forehead on yours. “Thank you,”
“I love you just the way you are, Mycroft,” you whispered, brushing a quick gentle kiss on his lips, “Don’t you ever doubt that,”
To Mycroft, your words were the only ones that truly mattered. Your acceptance and love are a balm to his insecurities and fears. He never thought that he’d ever experience such unconditional love from anyone except his parents. However, it seems that the world has granted him the privilege of being loved by you.
“Would you like to join me in our bedroom, my dear?” he suggested. His eyes twinkled mischievously in the evening light. “I thought of a way to lose those calories,”
“Oh, do tell then,”
“I’d rather show,”
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nook-kid · 2 months
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🔎 Cg!Scooby Gang Headcannons
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Hi hi :D So I've written a few agere hc posts, but never any x reader stuff, but I'm gonna give it a shot ! I decided to start with the Scooby Gang bc I'm really into Scooby Doo rn, this isn't based on a specific version, just them in general !
These are just random hcs I thought of, no real 'plot' + no gender is mentioned so gn !
tagging: @attyslittlespace
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🔎 — Fred
ᯓ☆ Calls you "Kiddo" / "Buddy / Lil Bud"
ᯓ☆ Very protective of you, but never overbearing, he knows your boundaries and sticks to them !
ᯓ☆ Carries around bandaids and snacks in his pockets + whatever else you could ever need !
ᯓ☆ The best playmate, he'll be anything you want him to be when playing pretend !
ᯓ☆ Takes you for solo drives in the Mystery Machine + usually stops for a treat during them !
🔎 — Daphne
ᯓ☆ Calls you "Sweetheart" / "Darling"
ᯓ☆ Loves taking you shopping & doing fashion shows afterwards !
ᯓ☆ Reads you bedtime stories every night
ᯓ☆ Great at comforting you whenever you need it, always knows the right things to say and do to make it better :)
ᯓ☆ Makes sure you're okay during trips in the Mystery Machine + always brings things to keep you occupied !
🔎 — Shaggy
ᯓ☆ Calls you "Little Dude" + generally treats you like a little sibling ! (He's such a big bother cg !)
ᯓ☆ Loves making you meals & snacks + knows all your likes & dislikes ! !
ᯓ☆ Lots of pillow forts + movie nights !
ᯓ☆ Playing around with him & Scoob in the back of the Mystery Machine / generally having Scoob at your side !
ᯓ☆ The best cuddle buddy !
🔎 — Velma
ᯓ☆ Calls you "Munchkin" / "Little one"
ᯓ☆ Has all the answers to your questions !
ᯓ☆ Generally the first to notice you slipping + sometimes she even knows you are before you do !
ᯓ☆ Knows everything there is to know about regression + always doing research ! !
ᯓ☆ Keeps everything you ever make/draw for her ! !
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Two of the most random things I was thinking about today (🔎).
The parallels between P&A with Steph and Ayesha. Some of this is super projected but whatever, they still made me think of them. This first part is brought to you by the fact they both liked Steph's anniversary post.
Met at 15/14 years old and had crushes on each other but didn't date until a bit later. (It is wild that Steph and Ayesha married at 23/22).
Have their birthdays a few weeks apart such that they are still different signs. One of them is an air sign.
Apparently love language is physical touch (Steph) and quality time (Ayesha).
Apparently Ayesha dodged Steph's attempt at a first kiss and they were like 18/19.
Apparently Ayesha doesn't like arrogant people so originally she didn't want to date athletes.
Ayesha has stated she's an introvert and shy while Steph is an extrovert and social butterfly.
Steph apparently has to take a pregame nap. Apparently one of Ayesha's pet peeve is Steph taking naps in hoodie and she's got 15+ videos of him doing it. Makes me think how many videos of nap time in glasses are out there...
Steph is apparently really good math and was thinking of majoring in it before he chose sociology and I just remember Azzi taking AP Stats and now majoring in business. (Steph's graduation thesis was about advancing gender equity through sports which is awesome). Also I remember Azzi saying her fav subject was math in high school: https://usatodayhss.com/2019/all-usa-high-school-girls-basketball-player-of-the-year-azzi-fudd
Same interview as above -- Steph's favorite meal is Chicken Parm and apparently the same for Azzi in high school haha.
Okay that's enough of that. The second most random thing is the fact that Azzi always likes Stewie's post when it involves her relationship/family (at least when she logs in and sees the post). There are more of those and less of the basketball posts that's for sure.
The strong bond with Steph makes even more sense now and not surprised she's liking the family posts, that's the most important thing for her 💖
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novantinuum · 7 months
Some Themed Asks for your Gem OCs
I always enjoy these little ask games to help build up lore about my characters, but so many of them are too human in scope for my Gem OCs- thus, I decided to throw together a set of Steven Universe specific questions for all of your OC and gemsona desires.
Questions are sorted into "eras" thematically. Enjoy!
Era 1:
⚜️Which court does your Gem belong to, if any? 🎆What is your Gem’s planet of origin and given designation? (Ex: Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG… Facet-5, Cut 8XM… Facet-413, Cabochon-12…) 💎Describe your Gem’s gemstone. What color, shape, facet pattern, and placement does it have? 🛠️What is your Gem’s given role under the Diamond Authority? 📌Where does your Gem perform their duties? Do they travel a lot for their role, or mostly stay in one place? 🧦Does your Gem get along with others of the same cut? 🖇️Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of the same cut? 💼Does your Gem report to anyone below the Diamonds? What do they think about this authority figure? 💥Has your Gem ever been rejuvenated? If so, how many times? 🪦Does your Gem harbor any hidden desires they think might get them shattered?
Era 2:
🌸Was your Gem incubated before Pink Diamond’s shattering, or after? If after, does your Gem differ from others of their cut due to Homeworld’s Diamond essence shortage? 🔎Does your Gem like the role they were given, or is there another role in society they would rather have? 🪢Does your Gem have any friends outside their cut? 🪄Can your Gem summon any weapon or special item? 🌍Has your Gem ever heard of the rebellion on Earth? If so, do they have any opinions on it? 🪩Has your Gem ever partaken in fusion with someone of a different cut? If so, do they defy Homeworld’s fusion rules openly or keep it secret? 🏝️Your Gem has been reassigned to perform their duty on a planet or settlement of their choice. Where do they go? 🫧Has your Gem ever been poofed? How? 🙈Your Gem discovers that someone they work alongside is off-color in some fashion. Do they narc to a superior, or keep this secret? 🪓Does your Gem know anyone who’s been shattered?
Era 3:
👑In the wake of this brand new era, where does your Gem’s loyalty lie? (The Diamonds? Themself? Someone else?) 🎓Would your Gem ever consider attending Little Homeschool, why or why not? ⭐️What is your Gem’s honest opinion of Steven, if they are aware of his role in Gem history? 🪁Name three hobbies your Gem partakes in. 🌄Describe your Gem’s idea of a perfect day. ⚧️Imagine your Gem is presented with the concept of human gender. Do they have any preference in how they are perceived or addressed? 🐌Does your Gem have any non-Gem friends? 🌙Would your Gem ever consider living as a permafusion? 🍕Has your Gem ever tried ingesting food or liquid? If so, what is their opinion on this activity? 🎻Assign your Gem an instrument. What type of sound do you feel best captures their vibe?
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winterchimez · 10 months
🔎 — the 007 files
James Bond—or rather, the public was more aware that his code name, agent 007, has been working behind the scenes for decades now. imagine this: what if the agent 007 that you have come to know of was actually more than just one person? what if the famous group The Boyz were all agent 007 working under M16. buckle up as you access M16's top secret operative files, aka the most famous missions these individual agents have succeeded in.
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A/N: why hello my fellow readers! i present to you a tbz x 007 cross-over collab series!! i've had this idea for a while now and thanks to @sungbeam who gave me the genius idea of hosting an open collab (and co-planning with me) for this!! i'm so so excited and i really hope this doesn't flop lmao 😭 so yes, please feel free to join the fun! 😉
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🔎 STARRING: the boyz x f!reader/oc // g.n!reader/oc
🔎 GENRE: crime, angst, fluff, crack, suggestive, smut (only for 18+ writers!!), assorted pairings (more to be added)
🔎 WARNINGS: will be stated in each respective files!
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↬ choose a tbz member & a bond film to start off! you may write the story loosely based on the storyline of the film/a certain scene(s) inspired by the film itself! or alternatively, write it based on the themed song for the specific film you have chosen! (eg: sangyeon - the spy who loved me)
↬ slots will be first come first served! in total there will be 11 slots for 11 members
↬ only tbz member x reader / tbz member x oc!! no tbz member x member for this
↬ as mentioned above, writers will have the option to choose to either write a female/gender neutral reader/oc!
↬ minimum wc would be 1k, and there's no maximum so feel free to write as much as you'd like! pls include a "read more" feature after your summaries/genre/warnings/word count/a.n.
↬ you are allowed to write any genre you like! pls make sure you're over 18+ if you wish to include smut in your work.
↬ no sensitive topics will be allowed (eg: su*c*de, r*pe, r*cism, etc.)
↬ i will be making a discord gc for easier access, updates, and even brainstorming with one another! it will also help me loads with any announcements i will be making. joining in would be highly encouraged (though if you choose not to that's totally fine by me, just keep me regularly updated in my dms!)
↬ the project will officially kick start off on December 1st 2023, and you will have till March 31st 2024 to complete your work! if ever you wish to drop out / need a bit more time to publish your work pls do let me know!!
↬ fill out this google form to secure your place in this collab :) (key: shaken not stirred)
↬ lastly, reblog this post, @ me in your fics & use the hashtag 🔎 — the 007 files in your works!!
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Lee Sangyeon — The Spy Who Loved Me @winterchimez
Jacob Bae — The World Is Not Enough @snowflakewhispers
Kim Younghoon — Goldfinger @daisyvisions
Lee Hyunjae — Skyfall @kkinou
Lee Juyeon — For Your Eyes Only @juyeonszn
Kevin Moon
Choi Chanhee — No Time To Die @maessseongs
Ji Changmin — Casino Royale @sungbeam
Ju Haknyeon
Kim Sunwoo — On Her Majesty's Secret Service @kimsohn
Eric Sohn — From Russia With Love @cloverdaisies
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kandikiddo · 2 years
I NEED BACKROOMS GENDERS. ASAP!!!!!! I am so backrooms creature coded I want to be that wire beast!!!!!!
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ineffabildaddy · 10 months
ineffabildaddy fic masterlist
all my fics are aziraphale/crowley🩵
you can read @bowtiepastabitch's analysis on some of the ways i explore queerness in my fics, with an excellent addition by @lalalunamoth, here!
i'm humbled to say that a few of my works have been recced by @fuckyeahgoodomensfanfic - you can read those posts here!
i have a ko-fi account where you can leave a tip here, if you're so inclined🩵
long time listener, first time caller (E, 22k so far, 4/7 chapters posted) - crowley is in love with the voice of aziraphale fell, late-night radio host, and the face of the handsome stranger he passes in the park every day. what will happen when he introduces himself, and when he has to choose between them? 📻 fic post here
take me as your wife (E, 7.1k) - a chance romantic meeting between crowley and aziraphale in a country inn in the 1750s sets off a chain of chases and surrenders🍷fic post here
complementary colours (T, 5.7k) - post-canon. aziraphale moves into crowley's cottage in the south downs and decides to do a little detective work to learn something he's never known about the former demon - his favourite colour🔎🌈 fic post here
angel and ash (E, 5k) - with art by @wasleichtesart! crowley begins to frequent queer bars in london, presenting as a trans woman under the name ash. one night, she stumbles upon a trans man known as angel, whom she recognises immediately...🪩 fic post here
creature of mine (E, 21k) - with art by @omens-for-ophelia! aziraphale buys crowley a snake plant as a gift, whose scent triggers a naga transformation. big dick aziraphale gets stuck in🌺🎁 fic post here
you're a mirror i cannot avoid (E, 1k) - south downs domestic, erotic softness as aziraphale reassesses what it means to be himself🪞 Tumblr | AO3
in your own time (E, 33k) - human priest au set in tadfield, in which crowley and aziraphale are childhood best friends finally reunited. catholic school, apple trees, hogback wood, holy sex, and more⛪️ fic post here
Just Up The Stairs (E, 39k) - cowrite with @foolishlovers, art by @omens-for-ophelia! quiet, gentle and romantic neighbours human au featuring lots of music and harry the rabbit🐇 fic post here
close (well, you couldn't get much closer) (E, 1.4k) - post-ineffable divorce shenanigans featuring crowley using a replica model of aziraphale's penis, through which aziraphale can feel... well, everything❗️
I'm Beginning to See the Light (E, 22k) - gentle enemies to ardent lovers office christmas party human au which quickly devolves into body worship and gender-affirming sex - transmasc az, service top crowley🎄⚧ fic tag here
Despite Knowing Better... (E, 10.9k) - aziraphale and fem!crowley deal with the ineffable divorce by meeting in the bookshop once a week to fuck, while attempting to hold each other at arm's length. things get messy in the process...💔
Strawberry Scripture (E, 6.5k) - pwp oneshot. aziraphale and fem!crowley celebrate averting the apocalypse by playing with food, and with crowley's scales...🍰🐍
UNFINISHED FICS (hopefully someday!)
crosseyed and painless (E, 2.9k) - dom!az and fem!crowley pwp in which crowley has asked aziraphale to help her relax after a long day, and the results are not at all what she expects💦
Many Different Ways to Eat an Oyster (E, 6.5k) - aziraphale and crowley meet in ancient rome, where crowley admits that he's a virgin. aziraphale sets about putting this to rights immediately🦪
i have waited (M, 0.4k) - poem in which crowley ponders how he has waited for aziraphale over the millennia🕰 Tumblr | AO3
core of a clementine (E, 0,5k) - touch-starved crowley explores the sweet torture of aziraphale's seemingly innocent, mundane actions🍊 Tumblr | AO3
you're so golden (E, 0.9k) - while coupling under cover of night in the garden of eden, crowley discovers that aziraphale has golden stretch-marks. and they aren't the only part of him that's golden...✨ Tumblr | AO3
Only in Dreams (E, 0.5k) - post-season 2 aziraphale pov musings, as he hopes to visit his lover in dreams, if not in the waking world🌫 Tumblr | AO3
Blasphemy (E, 0,4k) - crowley muses about holiness, blasphemy, and how they interact with sex with aziraphale✝️ Tumblr | AO3
Do You Remember? (E, 0.8k) - aziraphale reflects on his first time with crowley - a time in which "they aren't talking" post-season 2💘
Flecks of Stardust (G, 0,2k) - a love poem from aziraphale to crowley🖋 Tumblr | AO3
I Know (E, 0.7k) - crowley reckons he knows exactly how aziraphale wants him... 🌅 Tumblr | AO3
Solitude (G, 0,4k) - supreme archangel aziraphale reminisces on his encounters with crowley through the ages ⌛️ Tumblr | AO3
Please Touch Me (E, 0,5k) - touch-starved crowley reflects on the kind of connection he wants with aziraphale 💭 Tumblr | AO3
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vampitsm · 9 months
Can I have a gender dedicated to a scene and punk raccoon Regressor?
-🐾💫 / ♾️🦇 anon
hai anon! unfortunately, i didn't have any ideas for the gender, so i asked my friend @kerestheghost made it. you can find it posted here! (<- gender linked)
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octarinecat · 2 months
OC Smash or Pass
Thank you for tagging me: @bitethedevil, @chaosteddybear, @luniidae and @wakacreations!
Include physical descriptions or pics, and propaganda. The “other” label can be used for “sexuality misalignment” (ie: oc is femme and you’re gay, vice versa or you aren’t into smashing but a specific thing you wanna do with them like perhaps hug or study them under a microscope idc).
Fuchsia, purple tiefling bard.
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Height: 170cm (or 5'7")
Gender: Female
Age: 30+
Pronouns: She /her
Sexuality: yes
Master of planning and work coordinator 📃✅
Creative soul 🎨
Would take care of you, even if you don't want to 💜
Ambitious 😈
Always ready to listen if someone need to vent ☺️
Studied fiends, knows about them a lot 👀
Taking long baths until melted 🛁
Sometimes disappearing without warning in search of solitude 🌃
Clingy 🫂
Will study your body for art anatomy purposes and inspiration 🔎
Will try to raise your ambitions 📈
Sorry for taking so long! If you want to play, now it's your turn: @dark-and-kawaii, @firlionemoontav, @hydropyro.
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infectiouspiss · 10 months
russell t davis watching back the old episodes with donna like 'aw man this is the one where she forgets the doctor this is so sad-huh? binary?? 🤔🔎👀🕵️ hmmmm..... sounds genderful to me ☝️😀💡 aha! what if ... non binary .... i should write that down'
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himegureisu · 6 months
2 | the Woman
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Summary: This scene follows the end of S1 E2 The Blind Banker. This can be read as gender neutral.
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“It seems that your brother has outdone himself yet again,”
Through the high windows, natural light filters into the breakfast room, where, at the head of the table, Mycroft drinks tea. Earl Grey, naturally. His thoughts otherwise engaged until your arrival, taking your place on the seat by his right, brings a smile to his face.
“His boredom temporarily quelled,” he concurs. His gaze briefly at the morning paper on the corner of the table, “These cases of his are helpful at best and an impediment at worst,”
The Daily Express headline WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLION-HAIR showcases the latest crime solved by the consulting detective. On the side, an ill-placed image of the jade pin they managed to retrieve. There were no mentions of Holmes the Younger in the article but the mention of Lestrade was a dead giveaway.
“For this one, it’s the latter,” Mycroft sighs. His cup and saucer clink as he places them down on the table, “I’m afraid it’ll be another late night, my dear,”
They did know of the ancient Chinese syndicate in London. They were the British Government. They did possess an adequate police force.
However, the syndicate’s minuscule numbers and dense network were difficult to detain. Their broken cipher would mean the creation of a new one, the selection of a different book, and a new code for Mycroft to break.
“Your late nights are never-ending, Myc,” you say as he frowns but then assures, “But you did also marry a night owl so that’s hardly an issue,”
Your gaze drifts to the spread in front —bacon, eggs, sausages, grilled tomatoes, and mashed potatoes then settles on his plate, filled yet untouched. Was he not eating?
“Why haven’t you started?”
“Waiting for you, my dear,” he simply answers, as you load your plate. “I would never begin the most important meal of the day without the most important person in my life,”
His watery blue-grey eyes fixed on you in seriousness. Your body pleasantly warms and your cheeks instantly flush at the intensity of his words. He never ceased to surprise you.
“Flattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Holmes,” you grinned, as both of you started to eat, “What are your plans?”
“I thought dessert in a chocolate or strawberry drizzle,” he suggested. His lips form a mischievous smile, as he leans closer to whisper in your ear, “I hope you’ll be prepared for the spread.
“Myc, no,” you answered. Your face at its’ maximum flush at the thought of what he would do to you. “We don’t have time,”
“We will make time,”
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crows-templets · 8 months
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║🔎 Other info ⟫
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||templet by crows-templets on tumblr||
Crime themed templet! Plus some jellyfish per request, I think it came out pretty cool!
Read pinned post before use
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