mer-se · 1 year
when u wake up to a text from ur dad telling you orcas were spotted down the cape swimming with dolphins 🥲🐬🩵
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eoieopda · 1 year
for absolutely no reason at all
svt members as your partner when you come home from work and become the equivalent of a dead fish because your job has sucked your soul from your body and you have nothing left to give but a few halfhearted flops
seungcheol and jeonghan also have dead fuckin batteries.
they’re on the ground when you walk in the door. they may or may not have a “reason” for it, but they are fully in starfish mode on the floor, unwilling and unable to be moved. nobody is talking because that takes more energy than either of you have to spare, but it’s nice — finally being able to be quiet. it’s like the at-home equivalent of hiding in the work bathroom/walk-in freezer/whatever to have just a SINGLE MOMENT OF PEACE. sometimes, you just need a good Floor Sit™️. ya know? but…. you’re gonna order the takeout, right? their phone is a meter away, and they cannot be assed to sit up to grab it.
mingyu, joshua, and seokmin are gonna nurture the shit out of you.
you may be a shell of a person rn, but that just means there’s room for whatever criminally delicious thing they’re going to cook for you. they keep looking over their shoulder to check that your soul hasn’t left your body; and they only step away from the stove to top up the drink they made for you. tbh i would not put it past any one of them to hand feed you because they’ll be goddamned if you have to lift a finger. they’re also team Self Care™️ but you have to be the one applying their face mask because they got some in their eye last time and wailed for many minutes about it. y’all are also accidentally drunk on a week night. ooops 😇
jihoon, minghao and chan have already asked whether you want to vent or brainstorm solutions, and you chose the latter.
now, they’re actively listening to every single thought you have about your garbage day. they’re highly emotionally intelligent + pragmatic, so they have 10/10 insight to share without seeming pushy or patronizing about it. when you have a plan worked out for how to tackle xyz bullshit on zero (0) brain juice, they say or do something unexpectedly ridiculous in the midst of this ocean deep convo. that makes you crack tf up. you no longer wait for the sweet release of death 💘
👆🏻if you chose to vent, vernon and seungkwan are ready to rumble.
vernon sits quietly next to you (like, if you’re sprawled out on the living room floor, so is he; no questions asked). he soaks up every little word while emoting perfectly when your dramatic/comedic retelling calls for it. truly a 10/10 audience. you’ve never felt funnier/more interesting, and THAT is the spark you needed.
seungkwan, on the other hand, is getting amped with you — he doesn’t know who he’s fighting, but bitch, hold his americano because he’s coming out swinging. importantly, you’ve aired all your grievances and feel less like you’re being crushed to death under the heavy boot of a capitalist existence ✨
soonyoung, junhui, and wonwoo are on the emotional disaster clean-up crew — but in different ways.
you may be a flat tire, but even those can rotate, so soonyoung is doing his best to get you moving. he knows that partaking in a hobby of some sort is A Lot™️ right now, but it’s also the only thing that will restore your will to live. he’s right. you’ve successfully fought off the intense guilt that comes with foregoing joy due to exhaustion; and you have [insert labor of love project] to show for it.
junhui is more mellow in that he’s fine to leave you as a lump on the couch; HOWEVER, he’s going to be doing silly shit in your peripheral vision until you finally notice and start laughing. who ordered the prop gags? it’s a one-man show and it’s INCREDIBLE. he tires himself out and you both sleep like fuckin babies, and it doesn’t take you 59 years to force yourself out of bed the next morning 👏🏻
wonwoo, on the other hand, is subtle with it. i feel like he would dump himself next to you on the couch, pull up some sort of video game, and be content to exist quietly in your proximity. but just because you’re not talking doesn’t mean he’s not pulling shenanigans. i feel like he’d find the most fucking RIDICULOUS mods known to man (ex. replacing the dragons in skyrim with thomas the tank engine), or make a character that looks like you and run around doing super dumb shit that doesn’t advance the story but makes you cackle. he’s got that very specific lil wonu smirk going on, too, because he knew he’d be successful.
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starrierknight · 7 months
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sakurastarkey · 9 days
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New girl 💀
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tomboy-a · 3 months
Tengo unas ganas de tocarla, sentir su cuerpo caliente, ver sus expresiones, esa forma tan excitante en la q me mira, como me provoca con sus gestos y su mirada, la forma en la q se muerde el labio y se acomoda el pelo. Ganas de esa mujer y la re puta madreee, qq mierda me hizo
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drops-of-universe · 1 year
Brewing a love potion. who wants some?
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instant-ramen · 5 months
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Free talisman and mini spell for
the ♉🌑 on my Patreon 🪼
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heartual · 8 months
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elfgremlin · 7 months
customer gave me a review that said ‘siana was magical’ and that made me so giddy
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ofsvnlightt · 1 year
moving to beta @youllalwaysbemyporcelain yeon from here
vex thinks for a moment, “maybe you should try something completely opposite then. like a barista or store clerk,” she shrugged. maybe she wasn’t good at thinking of suggestions after all. it was a start at least. she beamed, “he is! he hasn’t been here long. a couple weeks maybe? i never asked when we found each other. i was just relieved to see him again. much younger than i know him though, and missing a lot of memories. i’m taking it slow with him though. i don't want to overwhelm him with information of our lives - a future he has yet to live.”
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eoieopda · 1 year
can i just brag for a moment that i made two of my friends delusional enough about svt (in a short period of time) that they made side blogs
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milkovichrules · 10 months
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thank you for tagging me in this ✨magical🌿 picrew @softmick ☺️
hey it’s that chick from the movie brave
tagging (if ya wanna 💕): @krystallouwho @abetterdaaye @stocious @iansw0rld @golden28s @lupeloto
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hoshanti · 1 year
caratuals let's speak another svt world tour into existence 🗣️
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beyourownanchor6 · 2 years
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thanks for the tags loves @eddiediazisascorpio @imsupposedtobewritting @dickley-buddie 🧡
this is way more than 7 sentences and idc because i’m excited for this one 😌
It was then that Eddie noticed a folded piece of paper in Buck’s other hand, his opposite still tangled with Eddie’s. Buck bit at his lower lip a little nervously, Eddie refraining from reaching up to pull it free.
Seeming to realize he still had Eddie’s hand in his, Buck let go, their hands dropping awkwardly to their sides. When it didn’t seem like Buck was going to say anything else, Eddie motioned toward the paper in Buck’s hand with a raise of his brow.
“Oh uh, in case you wanna come later. Figured you wouldn’t have the address.”
Buck handed out the paper then, Eddie unfolding the wrinkled note to find chaotic handwriting inside. Eddie looked back up to Buck then, questioning.
“And uh, where does this lead?”
“To me.”
Eddie couldn’t help but to huff out a slight laugh, a smile spreading across his face, the other boy seeming smug about his victory.
“We’re having a Halloween party tonight. Everyone comes.”
There was something Buck wasn’t saying, Eddie not wanting to push the issue.
“I uh, I’ve gotta take my sisters trick-or-treating, but maybe I can swing by afterwards?”
Buck’s entire face lit up then, Eddie swearing the guy was bouncing on his feet.
“You have sisters? I have one too. She’s the best.”
“Yea.” Eddie agreed. “They’re alright I guess.”
Eddie said it half-jokingly, though Buck seemed very serious about his love for his sister. It wasn’t that Eddie didn’t love his sisters, but they were younger than him and tended to be a pain in the ass sometimes.
 “So um, how do you like it here?”
This was the first time they’d really talked, Eddie not wanting the conversation to end, Buck not appearing to either.
 Eddie shrugged his shoulders, looking right at Buck.
“All this Halloween stuff is…whatever. But some of it’s not so bad.”
Buck ducked his head, Eddie just catching a shy smile splaying over his face.
“You uh, you don’t believe in any of it?”
“You mean like the Sanderson sisters?” Eddie shook his head. “No way.”
Buck arched a brow. “Not even on Halloween?”
Eddie tutted his tongue. “Especially not on Halloween.”
Buck shined those pretty blues to him once more, flashing a toothy grin as he nodded toward the note.
tagging: @fearlessdiaz @mansikkaomenabanaani @confetti-cupcake @loveyourownsmiilee @honestlydarkprincess @justsmilestuffhappens @prettyboyandthekid @moondiaz @onward--upward @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @daughterofbuddie @buddierights @jacksadventuresinwriting @blaidddrwg1982
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muthaz-rapapa · 2 years
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DeliPa Pre ~ Ep 33 Food Shots
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mer-se · 1 year
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Yesterday 🌳🐿️⛈️🐚
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