#and we’re gonna swim off into the sunset
mer-se · 1 year
when u wake up to a text from ur dad telling you orcas were spotted down the cape swimming with dolphins 🥲🐬🩵
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w1ldthoughts · 8 months
There’s No Crying In Football
A/n: My first 5+1 fic!
Synopsis: Five times you cried out of immense love and the one time someone else did.
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“It’s really not that bad. It’s just—”
“I swear if you quote Monty Python again, you’ll be down two fingernails. Let me see it.” You gestured for him to come closer so you could inspect the damage, like you’d suddenly gotten your medical license in the last few hours.
“See? It looked so much worse than it actually is, I’m fine.” Justin tries to reassure you but you were too focused on the tears swimming in your eyes to notice.
Of course in the years you’d been together he had taken hits much worse than this, but for some reason today felt like a gut punch and the tears just continued to flow.
“Come here,” he whispered, running his non-injured hand along your back as you sobbed pitifully into his chest.
“I’m sorry. I don’t even know why I’m crying,” you huff out with a sniffle. He lets out a soft chuckle, telling you not to apologize.
“Would it make you feel better if we just ordered dinner and watch Love is Blind to start off bye-week?”
You nod and tilt your head up to give him a quick peck on the lips.
Two weeks later you were on the couch watching Netflix with Nova at your feet. She’d rarely left your side the last few days which was both sweet and concerning, given the fact that she was usually glued to Justin. You were simply minding your business one minute and the next minute you were crying watching the women argue on Selling Sunset.
“What is wrong with me?” You wondered out loud, trying to get ahold of yourself. Maybe your period was on its way, it usually did make you a little bit more emotional, but usually not emotional enough to cry over petty drama at the Oppenheim Group.
The Clue app on your phone was sure to have the answers you were looking for but when you pulled up the calendar, your heart was beating in your ass.
Your period was six days late.
As fast as you possibly could, you placed an order to be delivered to the house. The last thing you needed right now was to go online and find see headlines saying that Justin Herbert’s wife was spotted at CVS with pregnancy tests in hand. Probably not the best look.
Justin came home an hour later and immediately headed upstairs to look for you.
“Babe?” He knocked. “Since when do you lock the door?” His voice was even but you could tell he was a little perturbed by it.
You wiped your eyes and stood up to let him in.
“What’s going on? Why are you crying? What’s—oh. Are these…” You nodded shakily, your legs suddenly feeling heavy.
“Have you taken them already?”
“No. I was going to but it felt wrong doing this without you. I know you said you wanted to try for a baby but we had a plan and it’s too soon. I mean it’s literally the beginning of the season so that would mean they’d be born around—”
Justin places a warm hand on your shoulder. “Breathe. We’ll figure it out. There’s no one else in the world I want to do this with and yes we had plans but those can change. And if those tests are positive, I’m ready to do this…so long as you are too.”
He let you do your thing and came back in with the timer set on his phone.
Pregnant. All five tests had the same result.
“Well, I guess that explains the crying.” You joked as he kissed you on the side of the head.
“We’re gonna be parents.”
Hosting Thanksgiving at your house while your husband was in the middle of the season had to be top five most stressful things you’ve ever done. Besides the fact that no one but Justin and the two of you had gone through great lengths to keep it that way. You’d secretly ordered all virgin cocktails at the WAGs brunch last week and had been living in Justin’s T-shirts that were the perfect oversized look.
“Can you see anything? Do I look…you know?”
“Pregnant?” He utters with a laugh, “no, you look great. Nothing’s gonna ruin the surprise.”
Your family and the Herberts arrived about an hour later and dinner was served. The thought of having a baby of your own at the table this time next year was both a daunting task and an exciting one.
It was a family tradition to take a group picture at the end of the night so everyone got in front of the camera in their respective poses. You and Justin shared a look just before the flash went off and yelled “everyone say y/n’s pregnant” which silenced the room.
“Wait…are you two being serious? You’re really pregnant?” Holly asks, looking like she’s going to burst with excitement at any moment. She glances back and forth between you and her son, anxiously waiting for a sign of confirmation. Justin simply nodded and both of your moms pulled you in for a hug and immediately let you know that they couldn’t wait to babysit.
After two slices of pumpkin pie, you were ready to call it a night, until you walked into the den and heard Mark talking to Justin.
“I’m so happy for you son. Haven’t seen you this excited since you met her. And I know I don’t even have to tell you this but being a father is going to be one of the biggest and best adventures of your life. You’re going to be great at it. I love you, kiddo. So proud of the man you’ve become.”
“I love you too, dad.”
The crack in his voice may or may not have brought you to tears.
“I have a surprise for you.” Justin beams at you as soon as he spots you walking down the stairs after your nap.
He led you down to sit on the couch and told you to close your eyes.
You ran a hand up and down your bump, a new source of comfort. “Hurry up J, the anticipation is killing me.”
His laugh sent butterflies to your stomach even after all this time. “Okay, you can open your eyes.”
“Are those…baby Air Force Ones? This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” You cried. “They’re so tiny in your big ass hands I can’t take it!”
“I’m glad you like them, I thought they were adorable so I ordered them as soon as I could. And judging by your reaction I’m glad to know you like them too.” He chuckles. “Very surprised you’re not dehydrated at this point. How are you feeling today? Did you have a good nap?”
You could tell the busy schedule of the season was making him feel bad about leaving you on your own the farther along you got in your pregnancy. “Physically I’m fine but emotionally? I feel like I’m in a glass case of emotion.”
You knew he’d like that one. He threw his head back with a small laugh and gave you a celebratory fist bump. “God you are the love of my life. Perfect quote usage.”
You took a bow, stating “thank you, thank you very much.”
“You’re a dork.” He deadpanned, although you both knew he very much loved it.
The final countdown had officially been on since you hit 36 weeks. But with your due date a week away, things were getting very real, very quickly. Luckily for you, Justin was the most prepared person in the world and had been gearing up for this moment since the very beginning it seemed.
“Let’s just go over the list one more time.”
Car seat installed and ready to go? Check.
Clothes for you and him? Check.
Extra phone chargers? Check.
Snacks? Check.
Pillows, birth-plan, toiletries? Check.
Postpartum care products? Check.
He looked so perfect just going over everything again and again, making sure that all of the newborn clothes were washed and there was an ample amount of diapers and wipes and that everything was in order.
“I think you’ve covered all your bases, don’t you think?” You wrapped your arms around his waist and hugged him from the back, feeling his body start to relax into your touch.
“Just wanna make sure we have everything you need. That you have everything you need. I know I can’t control what happens in there and when she’s born but I sure as hell can control this part.” He turned around in your arms and placed a kiss on your forehead and then your lips.
There was truly no better feeling than this, being loved by your best friend. “I was going to wait until she was born to give this to you but, I’m thinking now is the perfect time.” Justin raised his eyebrows when you reached over the back of the bookshelf and pulled out a wrapped book. It was a book telling their baby the story of how he become the beloved king of Bolt Nation. A bright eyed kid from Oregon who grew up cheering for the team that he would eventually lead into battle every week. The same man who’s heart now belonged to a little girl he had yet to meet.
His eyes welled up with tears when he finished the last page. “How did you—when did you even have time to do this?”
“I have my ways. You deserve something special too and now our daughter will know just how special her daddy is, to so many people. But especially to the people in this home. We’re so lucky to have you, Justin. So unbelievably lucky.”
“Although I appreciate you saying that, I’m the lucky one. I love you so much.”
Now it was your turn to wipe your tears. “I love you more. You know I’d do anything for you, like not get on Twitter and tell Emmanuel Acho what I really think of him.”
Exhaustion was all the two of you knew. It was like everyday was a constant cycle of changing diapers, dealing with spit up, or feeding your baby. But you couldn’t be happier. Your husband had of course adjusted seamlessly to fatherhood, celebrating the fact that it was the off-season and he could spend as much time at home as he wanted to. Which was lucky because neither of you had been getting much sleep and he couldn’t imagine playing football while running on fumes.
A high-pitched cry jolted you out of your REM cycle and your feet lead you to your baby’s room without your conscious effort. Reaching in to pick her up immediately had her suckling on your shirt, letting you know exactly what she wanted. She really was the perfect mix between the two of you but her almond-like light green eyes were all Justin.
Once she was done nursing and her diaper was checked, you headed back out of the room, meeting Justin in the hallway.
“What are you doing out of bed?”
He tried to rub the sleep out of his eyes but was pretty sure he’d be tired for the next full calendar year. “I heard you get up and I wanted to make sure you guys were okay. My precious girl is in there.”
“You know I used to be your ‘precious girl’,” you reminded him with an eye roll.
“Yes and you’re still up there, champ. Standing firmly at the number two spot.”
God if that wasn’t the cutest thing you’d ever heard, you would’ve smacked the smirk off his face. “This is the thanks I get for birthing your gigantic baby? You sure know how to make a girl feel special.”
“You are the most special babe. Thanks for giving me a baby.” He grabbed your hand and walked with you back to the room, cuddling you back to sleep.
Two hours later, that familiar sound woke you up again. But this time you weren’t moving.
“You better go Justin, your baby’s crying.”
“Haha very funny,” he mused, standing up to stretch. “I’ll grab her and bring her in here, can’t have my girls fighting over me. And hey, at least you’re not the one crying anymore.”
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danikamariewrites · 11 months
Beach Vacation headcanons with Rhys and Cass? I read Az's and loved it, your writing is wonderful, if you did it with our other boys I would glow with joy
Beach Vacation headcanon Cass & Rhys
A/n: thank you anon! I’m doing these two in one bc I feel like they we’re too short on their own but I’m still in love with this
Warnings: some smutty thoughts so 18+ please
He’d want to talk you to the Summer Court bc he loved the beaches there but Tarquin said no
You didn’t mind not going you’d been to Summer a bunch of times with your parents
So you head to the Day Court instead, the beaches there are lovely
Like with Az, you and Cass rent a little house on the ocean
He would be so fun on vacation
He would be down for anything you want to do
Shopping? Yes absolutely! Just want to relax at the house? No problem! Sit on the beach at sunset with ice cream? Hell yes!
If you just wanted to lay and tan on the beach you would give Cass a shovel (like that TikTok I mentioned in the Az one)
He would spend hours digging on the beach. When you got up you couldn’t find him
You noticed the giant pile of sand which led you to see the hole which was about seven feet deep (he was very proud of himself)
Your favorite thing to do together was swim
Cassian would fly you a little above the water and either drop you or would hold you to him as he fell, tucking his wings in
You guys would stay in the water for hours just floating and playing games
He would play mermaids with you
Made sure you had sunblock on but would hate putting it on himself
You had to fight him to put it on, especially on his wings
“No! It’s cold! Please I’ll just sit in the shade!” “No Cass, because if your wings burn you’re going to complain you big Illyrian baby.”
He would also cover you with his wings so you wouldn’t burn
He helped you pick out your outfits everyday
Cassian is a sundress man, he loves seeing you in a cute lil sundress
It’s a huge turn in for him he literally can’t keep his hands off you when you’re in one
NSFW from here
If you guys were on the beach late after sunset you would absolutely have sex on the beach
He would have you on your hands and knees on your towel
He’d move your bikini bottoms to the side
“You gotta be quiet for me baby, or the whole court is gonna know who makes you feel this good.”
Cass would be such a little shit about it too
Like he’d want to end every beach day like that
Unlike Cass, Rhys is allowed back into the Summer Court
He’d ask Tarquin if he could use his personal vacation house which he kindly lets you
Rhys would spoil you with all the latest Summer Court fashions
There wasn’t even a point in you packing bc you didn’t even wear what you brought
He’d take you shopping for everything under the sun
You guys would go to dinner at the fancy small restaurant in town
You’d sit outside to have a view of the ocean. It was a very romantic dinner
You spent most of your time on the beach
You never get to do anything like this in the Night Court so you take full advantage of the sand and sea
Rhys would only go in the water when you did
He’d hold on to you, occasionally kissing you and spinning you around in the water
Always made sure you were hydrated and had a fresh coat of sunblock on
Rhys is a tanning oil guy, you can’t convince me otherwise
He liked soaking in the sun. feeling the sun on his face was a feeling he didn’t take for granted after under the mountain
If you wanted a quick beach nap you’d hand him a beach shovel
At first he was confused but before he could ask you were fast asleep
He started moving sand around with it and then started to dig. By the time you woke up he dug a 5 foot deep hole and a little fort around it
NSFW from here
Since the beach you were at was Tarquin’s private beach he wasn’t worried about being seen or heard
The beach chairs you had were sturdy so you weren’t afraid to climb on him and ride him
As you bounce on him he’d untie your bikini top
He throws it to the side and grasp at your tits and pull at your nipples
“So fucking perfect baby.”
He’d winnow you back to the house and would fuck you on the closest surface and then in the shower
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hey-kae · 1 year
Hi! Are you still up for writing some short stories? Maybe one about Charles teaching the reader something (driving, swimming, piano, or maybe you have something else in mind)?
a/n: ended up with swimming cause I don’t know anything about piano and i’ve written him teaching reader how to drive a manual car before
Charles wasn’t known for being patient, really. With you however, it was a different story.
You were discussing plans for the summer together when you brought up your inability to swim.
He took that personally.
“There’s now way you now live in Monaco and you don’t know to swim, baby. We have to fix that.” He said and so the shenanigans started.
At the time, you assumed he wouldn’t have time to teach you, but you clearly underestimated his commitment to this cause.
Every time he had some time off, the two of you would end up on the beach or at a pool.
The first few times were complicated. You were scared and he was frustratingly adamant, even when he attempted calming you.
“Mes bras sont au dessous de toi, I promise. Just let yourself relax and you’ll float.” He would reassure and you would still end up clinging to him, your arms around his neck. My arms are under you…
He wasn’t complaining at all. After all, he loved the feeling of your body against his and your arms around him, but him walking around the water with you wrapped around him like a panda wasn’t exactly efficient teaching.
“When it’s summer and we’re on vacation and everyone is swimming except you, what are you gonna do?” He asked as he supported you with his hands on your waist.
“This.” You chuckled, “Cling to you.”
He smiled, his dimples making a much appreciated appearance under the hot sun, the water splashing around the two of you as he walked around.
“Non, ça marchera pas cela.” He insisted, still smiling however. No, that wouldn’t work.
It took weeks until you could swim, especially since a lot of times, the lessons ended up being water fights on the shallow end, or tanning on the sand, or watching the sunset… Bottom line is you always got sidetracked.
The important thing is you got it done, even if it took longer than it should’ve.
And as summer break came around and Charles watched from the seawater as you jumped in and joined him, he smiled proudly and waited for you to swim to him, his lips meeting yours as soon as you were close enough and his arms finding their familiar spot around your waist.
“That’s my girl!” He excitedly said, clearly proud of you and ecstatic about this.
He was so happy at the thought that he had taught you something useful and that the two of you had made good memories throughout the process.
a/n: thank u for requesting 🤍
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ponyosmom35 · 11 months
pool day
Simon ghost riley x original female character
Liability chapter thirty one
synopsis: Simon and reader have a pool day.
warnings: make out, smut if you squint, slight angst, angels in love.
Liability series:
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At her new house she was lucky enough to have a pool. It was gorgeous. She’d been dying to test it out ever since Simon had cleaned it for her. She had finally convinced him to swim with her after hours of begging. He obliged and kept a frown on his face. She knew he was uncomfortable being shirtless due to the scars that littered his body. No matter how many times she’d kissed them he never felt 100% confident. being the needy girl that she was, always looked for ways to get him shirtless. His body was mouthwatering. She’d never seen a man built so perfectly. Everytime she saw him without a shirt she felt as though her legs would be permanently divorced for him. 
After putting on their swimsuits the couple walk outside to the back. Simon admires her curvy body in her mouthwatering swimsuit. Trying to distract himself, Simon takes the pool cover off and sets it off to the side. She walks over to him and quickly sprays his skin with sunscreen, much to his dismay. He rolls his eyes, but secretly loved how she took care of him. Once she was satisfied she turned, handing him the bottle as he moved her hair and sprayed her back. He rubbed it into her pale skin gently. Taking his time on her chest, she giggles and pushes him off, finishing the job herself. 
“You are so beautiful” she says softly as her eyes wrack over his body. He smiles and pulls her into his side as they sit beside the pool, dipping their feet in the water to test out the temperature. “Fuck me thats cold” he cringes 
“Freezing!” she agrees 
“You know, I haven’t gone swimming in 20 years” he confesses, she turns to him in shock
“Once I joined up there were no more pool days, haven’t gone since I was a kid” 
“I’m so glad I get to share this day with you, I love swimming. Theres nothing else in this world thats more fun” she giggles 
“I could think of a few other things” he says smirking at her. She smacks his arm. “Well come on then, are we getting in or not?” he asks standing up 
“It’s too cold, I’m gonna wait a bit”
“Sorry love, you begged me for a pool day, we’re having a pool day” he exclaims, bending down and picking her up from the ground. Her back pressed against his chest, she screams and kicks her legs “simon don’t you dare” 
“Better to get it over with” 
“I will kill you” she warns, laughing nerviously 
“Good luck with that love” he says holding her tighter. He walks closer to the edge and she scream laughs “no no no no” 
He laughs loudly and jumps into the pool, holding her body against his tightly. They submerge in the cold water together, and she pulls away from him. Both resurfacing after a few seconds. He stands up in the 6 feet deep end normally, the water coming to his lower neck. He pushes his hair back and wipes her eyes. She surfaces and screams loudly at how cold it was. Simon laughs at her reaction as she attempts to swim. Simon grabs her and pulls her into his chest. She clings onto him, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. 
“Are you standing?” she asks 
“Yeah” he smiles 
“Jelous pipsqueak?”
“Not in the slightest”  
“You’re dead Simon” she says spalshing water in his face. 
She laughs at his shocked face and swims away from him. He catches up to her in an instant and pulls her to his chest once more. He lifts her in the air and launches her body a few feet away. She cackles as she resurfaces. “That was so fun” 
The couple continue to mess around for the next few hours, time flew by as they joked and laughed. Just the two of them. It felt like they were the only people in the world. The sun had begun to set over the sky, casting a gorgeous pink and purple sunset over them. 
“Float with me” she suggests, allowing her body to float in the water. Simon joins her and connects their hands as both stare up into the sky. He felt free, all of his worries and memories fade away. The blood on his hands washed, and his heart full. He felt as though this was the first day he’d lived where those horrible thoughts and memories didn’t affect him. He wanted more of these days. He wished it was always like this. 
“Have you ever seen something so beautiful?” she asks 
“Every morning when I wake up next to you” 
“Simon that was so sweet” she says standing up and staring at him. He smiles proudly and she launches herself at him. They submerge under the water and he pulls her into him, standing back up. Holding her close. He leans down and kisses her gently, one hand holding her body up and the other on the back of her head, gently gripping her soaking wet chlorine filled hair. She wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him sensually. His hand sneaks down her body, reaching for her swim suit bottoms. She gasps as he rubs her through them slowly. 
“Not here Si” she says gently 
Without a word Simon walks them to the ramp, continuing his agonizingly slow pace on her. She kisses him again as he pushes them into the house, not caring about the wet flooring. 
“I love pool days” he grunts 
In my Simon ghost Riley era and this man is everything I need him. this is another small Drabble that's apart of my book I'm starting!!
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vastunknownsea · 1 month
from the clips in the new trailer I’m guessing the order of events with Yaz is —
Sammy and Ben pull up to Yaz, who goes like, “Oh hey! Welcome to totally the most safe island ever yea!” Then Sammy immediately grabs her hand dramatically and tells her, “We gotta go! We’re gonna die!” Then Yaz is like, “Of fun, surely! Cmon, this is the totally-safe-island!” Then proceed with a long Yap Session from Yaz about the hologram, with Sammy trying to get Yaz to leave and Ben just standing (and screaming) there uselessly.
After getting tired of the Yazp Session, Sammy goes off to watch the sunset on the bridge, questioning her life choices. Ben and Yaz talk for a while, before a dramatic circling shot around the two shows DANGER!! Cue the DINO and RUN RUN RUNNING, Man gets YOINKED out of Van, Van goes by Sammy, Sammy hops in(split second Yasammy), then BOOM— off the bridge swimming for their lives. Cue panic once getting to shore (particularly from Yaz) since she was totally sure it was the totally-safe-island.
It was, in fact, totally not safe.
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ramayah · 2 years
human antidote | nick furcillo
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GENRE. smut
CW. bttm!reader/top!nick, monster fucking, [kinda] food play, werewolf!nick [more like an irl wolf], nick has a crush on reader/reader’s knows, mentions of ‘knot’, NOT A/B/O.
NOTES. literally js smut + nick is is so cute n adorable n i love my boy<3
WC. & TAGS. 4.3k+ ! @asukases u betta be happy we r besties cause i swear. u betta not rush me next time.
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“A pool party?” [name] questioned as the joke he had a hate-hate relationship with came up to him and asked him after gathering fireworks and, possibly expired, alcohol out of the abandoned shed.
“Yeah, bro! We’re gonna go to the lake. Just wanted to ask cause, you know, one of the girls are into you.” Jacob continued to pester the poor boy about coming to the party for a certain brunette named Abigail. One of the five counselors that he knew had a crush on him? And he didn't realize that all summer? He’s not that dense.
At least he doesn’t think he is.
Disregarding the relentless pleads coming from Jacob, he continued to make another rubber band bracelet. “Bro, I swear, I’ll owe you all year if you come! If you come, everyone will!”
[name] snickered at Jacob’s words, his dirty mind read in between the lines, it was hard not to when Jacob said such words.
“Is there gonna be food? Actual good food. Not nasty grilled burgers or anything.”
“.. No.” The look on [name]’s face after he had said that was filled with disgust. “But, but.. Abi’s gonna be there! And Nick. Abi and Nick are gonna be there. You know Abi likes you and Nick’s my bro, your bro, everyone’s bro, bro! So you have to go. Please?”
Nick’s gonna be there?
Nick’s gonna be there.
“Fine, alright. Let me get some clothes and I’ll be on my way.”
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A white t-shirt, and a simple pair of stretchy swim trunks is all that he had in his duffle bag, it was more than enough, really.
He was sat on the old wooden pier, a pineapple flavored popsicle in hand as he watched the others splash around in the lake. The sun was on the horizon, it was sweltering really. Cool breezes did come often, at least when he was sprawled out on the pier.
“You’re not gonna get in?” A certain brown headed Aussie with a ravishing complexion questioned as he planted his hands firm on the wet wood beside you, successfully heaving himself out of the water. Water, with a mixture of sweat, dripped down his body, he seemed like and angel in this sunset, really. He's beautiful, majestic, even.
Dear god, if only [name] could kiss him right about now. Nick’s lips seem so full and pretty and kissable. How would they feel? Good, great even, right? What if [name] kissed him right now? Would it—
“[name]!” Nick shouted, nudging the boy playfully. “Oh, uh, no. No, not right now, anyways. It’s pretty cold, too. And, as a plus, I don't wanna get my popsicle wet.” [name] said, sliding his tongue up from the base of the popsicle to the top before swallowing the fruitful flavor that filled his mouth.
Nick’s face turned a rosy shade of red, cherry red would be a more accurate shade to match his face.
“Would you like some? It's pretty good.” The counselor commented, motioning the popsicle to his favorite counselor. Nick bent over a little and gave the popsicle a lick, even though it was a little bit of flavor that lingered on his tongue, it tasted of pineapple. “Yeah, it’s..” Nick looked up, he looked as if he was just begging for [name] to kiss him, right here and right now. “good.”
Before they could drift the discussion to another topic, such as what the other would do after leaving the camp, a huge wave of water came their way. The result ended up with [name]’s white shirt sticking to his chest and lower torso and his trunks clinging to his thighs. “My god! Jacob!” he screamed as he stood up, hearing the loud cackling of the other male mad his want to wipe the smug smile off his face. After rubbing the water from his eyes, he pulled the shirt off of his body.
“Strip tease!” Jacob shouted as he hooted and hollered, Emma and Dylan doing the same.
“That’s more like it!” Emma exclaimed.
Scoffing with a smile on his face, he mentioned to the Aussie that he was going to get a towel. “I’ll, I’ll come with!” he said, “I’ll be back!”
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In one of the cabins, Nick handed the towel to [name] and stayed silent as the counselor dried off. “Why did Jacob have to get me all wet?! Now, I’m all sticky!” [name] whined as he looked in the mirror before turning on the sink and wetting the towel.
“Do you, uhm, need help? I can get some more towels, if you’d like!” Coming out of the bathroom, [name] had the cream colored towel resting in his shoulders as he pointed to his duffle.
“Can you get me a shirt outta there? I can’t wear my other one, obviously.”
Nick obliged and pulled out a black tank top from the bag. When he turned around, his eyes were automatically trained on the ass that belonged to his favorite counselor. It’s not that he had ever seen it before, it’s just that he had yet to see it up close. The velvet colored boxers he wore shaped his ass perfectly.
“Did you get me the shirt?” [name] questioned, his face still faced towards the open dressing jars as he looked through them.
[name]’s words were faint in Nick’s fuzzy mind.
“Nick!” [name] loudly spoke, turning around to see Nick’s face looking downwards to the floor, his brown hair covering his eyes. “Are you.. alright?” The boy asked, walking towards the other one.
Before [name] could grab the face that belonged to the Aussie, he backed away, hitting the bed and falling into it. Nick laid back on his elbows, his face finally facing the half-naked counselor.
Red. Bright, bright red. Embarrassment is what it was. Nick was embarrassed because his raging dick was poking through his trunks. He wasn’t wearing a thing underneath his clothes.
“Oh, Nick..” he whispered, dropping the towel to the wooden floor. [name]’s eyes lingered on the brunette’s erection, his tongue begged to feel it. He wanted to gag, be forced to swallow his cum down his throat.
Nick covered his erection with his hands, apologies spewing from his two-toned lips. “I’m sorry! I–I didn’t mean to! It’s a, a natural reaction!” He cried, feeling too embarrassed to look into the boy’s eyes.
Before more and more words came flowing from his lips, [name] crawled on the bed, grabbed Nick’s face and smashed his lips on his own. “Wait, [name], wait–!” He whimpered, hands starting to have a hard grip on the sheets. Nick’s back hit the bed, [name]’s lower half sat on his legs, one of his hands lingering around the hem of his trunks and the other palming his erection. “Oh god, Nick, you’re so hard.” [name] gasped with a smile on his face, looking into the eyes of the other. A lust filled gaze looked back at him.
A muffled howl came from the far hills, signaling that the moon was high on the rise.
“[name], [name], I have to..–”
“Nick, please stay. You’re not gonna leave me needy for you, right?” Pleads and mindless whimpers flew from his lips. They’d gone to far already, entirely too far. [name] had already start to grind his clothed cock on Nick’s, sweat covering Nick’s forehead, Nick’s hands were already gripped into his thighs, making markings with his nails.
A hairy, curled, and long light and dark brown colored tail were in between his legs.
Ears. Sharp to the tip, more so like a dog’s than a wolf’s.
“What, Nick.. Did you get bit?” [name] worriedly questioned, eying his dog-like ears. “That’s.. why I wanted to leave.. I–I’m sorry.”
“Nick..” he whispered, his eyes trained on his dog-like ears. “Oh goodness, don’t tell me you feel ashamed? Nick, you’re prettier than a magnolia in May.” he cooed, cradling the cheeks of his tanned face. Short, shallow pecs turned into passionate kisses which turned into a rough, lustful make out. Hasty, frantic movements of taking off Nick’s trousers was nothing short of greedy and desperate. Greedy to have more and more of the Aussie until he couldn’t have anything of the boy. Desperate for more and more from the Aussie, kisses, bites, markings. Anything he could get.
“[name], oh god, [name]..!” Nick whispered, feeling the counselor’s warm mouth engulf his rock hard cock, making his hands grip the boy’s hair, grabbing fistfuls of it, and shoving him down to the base of his cock. “Oh fffuckk, [name]!” Nick cried, his cock twitching from the insufferable feeling of the boy’s mouth. He felt so good that he couldn’t even begin to fathom how good he felt. How amazing it felt to finally have his fellow co-counselor choking on his dick.
After holding him there for a good minute or two, he released the poor boy. Saliva dripped down his chin, producing from his cum coated tongue. Even though Nick had already came once, he wanted more. At least two more would do. At least two. Even if Nick ended up getting overstimulated from such a sinful process, he would still want more. It doesn’t care if he had to beg, plead or order the Aussie to fulfill his greedy desires, he will get it one way or another.
“Nick..” he mumbled, grabbing the base of the Aussie’s eight inch dick and smothering his cock in wet, sloppy kisses. “you taste so good.” he whimpered, kitten licking the tip.
Nick wasn’t quiet during all this, don’t think such as unfathomable thing. He was loudly moaning for more, pleading and begging for more.
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Nick had the counselor in a mating press, holding the underside of his thighs as he pushed in and out of him at a rapid pace. “Nick, oh, Nick! Faster! Fuck, oh ffuck—” Tars streamed down the sides of [name]’s face as he cried out Nick’s name, clawing at the bed sheets as he begged Nick to move his monstrous sized cock deeper inside of him. With a roll of Nick’s hips, pressing against his prostate with the tip of his cock. Nick’s hips stuttered as he looked into the counselor’s eyes, seeing how pretty and slutty he had made the boy. Saliva dripped down his chin, onto the bed’s sheets, tears stained the bed as well, and cum painted his stomach, almost reaching his chest.
Nick’s tail wagged as the sight, almost howling like a pure animal before starting to rut inside of him. Like the animal deep inside of him, he didn’t stop to hear [name]’s pleads to stop or begs to calm down and give him a break. No, he chased after his release. Wanting more, begging for more. Pleading for more. “I’m—oh, oh god!–I’m close, oh, I’m so, so close!” he hissed, feeling his cock twitch and pulsate inside of him.
“Nick, Nick—Fuck, Nick!” [name]’s voice reached an all time high as he squealed like a girl.
Nick’s knot filled his ass, spilling out after Nick pulled his–now soft–cock out of the boy’s ass, his chest and [name]’s heaving up and down at two different raid paces.
Dear god, sex is wild these days.
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intrepidacious · 1 year
Hello bb! For 7ss: steve harrington + lake
drifting away | s.h.
a/n: i don't know if this is anything but it was fun to write!!
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Swimming used to be fun.
Before Vecna and the gate and the demobats, you’d spend long hours at the lake every summer, staying in the water until your skin got all pruney; you’d press your wrinkled hand against Steve’s with a grin, both of you breathlessly treading water, and you’d say, "This is what we’re gonna look like in fifty years."
And he’d give you a blinding smile in return that bumped against yours, and he’d say, "I can’t wait."
When your limbs finally grew tired, you’d swim back ashore, sprawl across your towels and wait for the dwindling summer heat to dry you off; he’d put his head in your lap and you’d read your book to him, or he’d tell you about the people at family video and whatever strange requests they’d come up with this time. These kinds of afternoons were your favorite, languid and carefree, laughing until you ached all over and the sunset made the color of his eyes even more beautiful.
Swimming used to be fun.
You remember it all with a pang in your chest as the small heart-shaped sign pointing out the exit gets smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror until it disappears completely.
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polizwrites · 1 year
Sink or Swim
This is a fill for today’s  @flashfictionfridayofficial prompt [#FFF206 Sink or Swim] as well as my   @stuckyversebingo  E3 - Semi-Public Sex  square.  
Fandom: MCU/Marvel Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating:  Mature Tags:  Modern No Powers AU,  established relationship, kayaking, semi-public sex, fade to black sex Word Count: 296
“Stevie, tell me you’re joking.”  Bucky looked dubiously at the fringe of cattails that were just barely screening them from the waterway.  Steve’s suggestion for an outing had sounded like fun, heading over to Marine Park, renting a double kayak  and paddling around until just before sunset.  Little did he know his boyfriend had an ulterior motive.
“Since when do I joke about sex, Buck?”  The devilish smirk on Steve’s face sent a hot spark down Bucky’s spine.  “You know fooling around kinda-sorta in public is on my bucket list.”  
“Yeah, but this is more than kinda-sorta!” Bucky shot back.  “besides, how in the hell are we gonna do it in this?”  They’d nearly tipped themselves over a good half-dozen times already just getting here.
“For starters, let’s get ourselves closer to the shore so we can ground part of it on the mud or something.  From then on,” Steve winked, “we move real careful.”  
They spent the next few minutes using their paddles to propel the boat through the increasingly dense stand of reeds, startling frogs and fish and even a blue heron.  Bucky felt like he should be apologizing to the local wildlife for disturbing them, but Steve was clearly a man on a mission.  
They finally wedged the  bow of their vessel between a dead tree stump and a mound of sticks and mud that was quite possibly a muskrat’s burrow. Bucky opened his mouth to try to talk Steve out of this crazy idea, only for his boyfriend to passionately kiss the argument right off his lips.  “You know,”  he grumbled, “we’re both gonna have mosquito bites all over because of this.”
“I promise, sweetheart,” Steve replied, carefully shimmying his swim shorts down over his hips,  “it’ll be a small price to pay.”
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storiesofstratos · 8 months
Chapter 8: Daniel Left to His Own Devices
Separated from his friends, Daniel meets someone new...
Leah Nguyen is an OC created by my good friend Shima, who was gracious enough to allow me to include her in the story! Please go give Shima some love <3 Leah is from @elganac and Shima is on twitter @/ShimaVT
So I found myself alone for the first time since the trip started. Everyone else had gone to do their own thing, and Jack and Nico were off helping to collect firewood. Didn’t really appeal to me, so I stayed behind. So it was just wandering, until I saw the lake. That was ridiculous.. Who would go swimming in this weather?
Then I heard the splash of someone getting out of the water. No way. Who the hell would even think to–
Oh. OH. I was immediately fixated on her eyes. A beautiful shade of dark brown, shining in the early evening sun. Her black hair falling just to her shoulders, a little messed up and wet from the water she’d just pulled herself out of. Not even mentioning that cute little polka-dotted swimsuit that just–
I’m getting ahead of myself.
I stood there for what felt like an absolute eternity. Did I know her from somewhere? Obviously she went to my school, she must have been in my grade too.. Did I have a class with her? Hmm, no, I would’ve recognized her. Shit, was I staring? C’mon Rowe, just TALK to her. She’s cute! Go get her number, or, something! That was a thing normal people did, right?
“Uh..hello??” Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Shit. I totally WAS staring wasn’t I?
“Uh.. h-hey.” Nailed it. “You.. like swimming..?” Nailed it less.
I watched as a small smile crept up on her face. Hopefully that was a good sign and she wasn’t just… laughing at me. In her head, or something.
“I mean… yeah. I’m the only one swimming in this weather, aren’t I?”
“Oh, uh.. Yeah, true, true…” Come on Rowe, think of something, anything else to say! “Do… you mind if I sit with you?”
“Uh, yeah! Sure, go for it. I mean, not like anyone else is gonna be over here with us, y’know?” I watched as she patted the space next to her, which is where I took a seat. “I’m Leah, by the way.”
“Daniel. It’s nice to meet you. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
She shrugged, “It is a pretty big school. I don’t even know the names of all the people in our grade.”
“Yeah. Fair enough… I don’t really need to know many names aside from my friends, and… well, I guess yours now, too.”
“Wow, you’re gonna remember my name? I’m so touched.” She laughed to herself… wow. That was a sound I could listen to for the rest of my life and be happy.
“...You’re really pretty–”
There was a silence between us, “Uh, the, the sunset! It’s… really pretty, don’t you think?” I just hoped she didn’t think much of it. It was autumn, so the sun was already starting to set… yeah, that was it.
“Oh… Right. I mean… yeah, like, it is pretty. I guess.”
“Hey, you two!” A voice called out to us, one of the other students, “Mr. Walker wanted to gather everyone up for dinner, c’mon.”
I stood up at that, holding out my hand to Leah. “Wanna go grab some food?”
She looked at my hand for a second, before nodding and finally taking it, allowing me to help her up off the ground. “Yeah. Food sounds good.” She smiled at me, and it didn’t go unnoticed that her hand lingered in mine for a little longer than necessary.
…Was this what it was like? Had I made it? No wait, focus.
Dinner was sort of a blur. Leah had been called away to go over and hang out with her other friends, and I ate with Jack and Nico. “Soo… You two know that girl over there?” I nodded toward Leah.
Nico took a look over her shoulder. “Oh, her? Uh, yeah I know her. Leah Nguyen. We’ve got history class together, and we’re sharin’ a tent on the trip, actually.”
“Wow,” Jack piped up, “I’m surprised. Didn’t think you knew anyone’s name in your history class. Though you hated them all.”
“I do, mostly. But we got put in a group project about Aztec history and hot damn, that girl was a godsend.”
“By that you mean she actually pulled her weight?”
“Oh yeah. Got her number, told her next time there’s a group project, I want first dibs on her. She thought I was funny. Why, what about her?”
“Well, I just,” I was at a loss for words, “I mean, we talked earlier, and I just…” Uh oh. She saw me looking over at her, didn’t she? I watched as she gave me a polite little wave, which I returned. “I mean, y’know, we just talked for a bit and…”
“Uh oh,” Jack’s immediate response, “Daniel’s got a crush.”
“What? Pff, no I don’t.”
“You totally do. Dude you’re looking at her the same way you looked at Stacy Sherman back in middle school.”
I groaned, “Can we PLEASE not talk about Stacy Sherman? I’d like to block that dance from my memory forever, thank you.”
Nico just looked between us, confused, “Wait, what happened with Stacy Sherman?”
“Daniel asked her to a dance back in middle school. She said yes, but the night of the dance, she just left him. The whole time, wouldn’t even look at him, it was so fucked up.”
“Wow,” Nico tossed her paper plate in a nearby trash can. “I think I hate Stacy Sherman.”
“You and me both, she was a huge bitch with a capital.. BITCH.”
“Okay, yeah, she was not… the greatest, but I mean, that was the past! That was like… three years ago, I’ve grown as a person. I make better choices now.”
“You do?” Nico spouted out, “Since when? Or has that not started yet?”
I just looked at her. “You are so annoying.” Was all I could say in response to her little gremlin laugh.
I didn’t see Leah again the rest of the night. She had her own group of friends to hang out with, I didn’t wanna bother her. But Jack crawled into our tent that night brimming with interest. “So, you gonna ask her out or what?”
“Dude, I dunno. I really don’t want a repeat of what happened with Stacy, I mean… I don’t know if Leah would do that, but…”
“It’s hard to think about after something like that, huh?”
“Yes! That sucked, like, a lot, and I really don’t want it to happen again.”
Jack settled into his sleeping bag. “Yeah… okay, I’ve made up my mind. I’m gonna help you.”
“You? Help me?” I sat up and looked at him. “Dude, aren’t you like… the king of not confessing to your crush? I mean when are you gonna tell Nico that you–”
“When the time is right,” He cut me off, “But, that is not important right now. You’re my best friend dude. So, here’s the plan. Nico wants to walk the trails tomorrow, so when we’re out, we’ll talk about it, see what we can do.”
I just sighed and looked up at the ceiling of the tent. “Yeah… okay, that sounds good…”
“I knew you’d come around to the idea.” Jack smirked as he laid back down. “G’night, Daniel.”
“Night Jack.”
And it wasn’t long before I was out like a light.
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Drabble Request Prompts
So this is a list I have been compiling, I will be editing this list as I find more but I just found a bunch of these!
But I would love to see what kind of little drabbles I can make out of these! You can just request a number or if you have more ideas to go with it please feel free to tell me! Like if you pick a prompt but what it to go a certain way or have a certain genre, let me know! Thank you!
“It’s okay, I couldn’t sleep anyway.”
”Sorry to wake you up, i just need someone to talk to right now.”
”You're so beautiful”
“C’mon, we’d look cute together.”
"Wow... you look... you look amazing."
Flirting while sick
“get one thing through your thick skull; I would go to the ends of the world to make you happy”
Shopping for each other
Watching the sunset/sunrise together
Play board games while it thunders outside
Swimming in a lake together while it’s midnight
Ice skating
Baking together but end up ruining it
Checking out abandoned places together
"Are those... bite marks?"
" see? it's a blanket fort fit for royalty! hence my pillow throne. bow down before me, peasant! "
“i never thought i’d feel this kind of happiness.”
“i still dream about you even though you’re mine.”
“no, don’t stop. i like the sound of your voice.”
"Why, look at that! Our hands fit just perfectly, don't you think?"
“Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
“Will you go on a date with me?” “We’re already dating. Lay down you’re drunk.”
sender pulls receiver into a slow dance in the living room / kitchen / bedroom
washing the other’s body
“I want you. Always.”
‘What are you doing up?’
“when you look at me like that I can’t breathe”
“You can’t yell at me! I’m hurt!”
“Well, since you asked nicely...Sure."
“I don’t want anyone else.”
“you cancelled plans for me?”
“how mad would you be if i kissed you?”
"I think I deserve a kiss for this."
“Stop looking at me like that or I'm gonna kiss you.”
“By the way...” “Hm?” “I'm gonna kiss you now. If you don't want to, just punch me.”
A leaning in to kiss B, then pulling away but B tugs them back in and kisses them hard
“What are you doing?” “I was trying to make pancakes but it didn’t exactly work”
“Not to be drastic, but I would jump off of a cliff for you”
“You’re my new pillow”
"I have never met someone so intelligent, yet so incredibly stupid at the same time. Then I met you."
"How come you always seem to end up in my bed?"
"It's been exactly 10 minutes since you woke up, so why have I not had my good morning kiss yet?"
"I've had a bad day today, but seeing you? It makes it so much better."
"Look at me, sweetheart."
"Wait there just a second, did you just kiss me?"
B shyly asking A if it's okay to hold their hand as they walk
"can we wait a second? i wanna take a picture of you right now."
“I know you had a bad day, so I made you cookies”
“i love you.” “i love you more.” “no i love you more-“ “will both of you shut up?”
the couple dance together in the kitchen to the soft music of a radio on the first night they stay together.
"I thought you left" "Nope, just making pancakes"
"I can't believe you remembered that" "I remember everything about you"
“It’s cold outside and you’ll get sick.”
“If you keep talking like that I’m going to kiss you so hard right here, right now, in front of all these people.”
“You taste sweet. I can’t control myself sometimes.”
“aww, did you just confess you fantasize about me?”
"you know i'm just one call away, right? always?"
“I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re beautiful.”
“Just smile. I really need you to smile right now.”
"I saw that. You just checked out my ass."
“Have you ever kissed anyone before?”
❝ here, let me hold you. you look cold. ❞
“I want to ruin our friendship”
“I really want to kiss you right now.” “Then do it.”
“You smile like an idiot when you are talking to them”
"If I asked if I could kiss you, would you say yes?"
“Dying is easy. I’d live for you. I’d go through anything for you,”
“You’re the best decision I’ve ever made,”
“don’t listen to that voice inside your head, listen to mine.”
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"i like being with you. you're my home."
"you know you're my favorite person, right?"
"i could kiss you right now!" "what's stopping you?"
“It’s you, it always been you.”
“How mad would you be if I kissed you right now?”
“Oh hey! It’s the love of my life!”
“If you don’t want to keep standing may I suggest sitting in my lap? Much recommended. Great comfort quality”
“Like I expected you're much comfier than my pillow”
“my lipgloss is all over your lips.” “Good.”
"You're so cute when you're sleepy."
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Gotta a prompt of sorts for you... Something happens to Bobby ( accident or something).. How do the boys respond. Or maybe something bad happens to Carrie and the guys see Bobby falling to pieces. Saying stuff like everyone he loves leaves him..maybe he says he must be cursed to lose everyone he cares about. He should have insisted that Carrie's mom keep her so she would be safe from him. Stuff like that. Anyway just figured I would throw that out there. Good luck on getting to 100 stories. 🙂
Thanks for the prompt, I hope I did it justice!
This doesn't take place in a specific series of mine, it's just a vague post-canon. Angst warning.
Send me girl prompts! (I only need 6 more for the month)
Carrie doesn’t call 9-1-1, because it was ingrained into her at a young age that Wilsons don’t trust anyone they haven’t personally vetted in times of crisis, but the accident still requires her to make some phone calls.
First, to the family pilot, because Trevor does have to get to the hospital somehow, and the helicopter’s the fastest way to get him there. Then, to Trevor’s PR manager, to make sure the media doesn’t have a field day with this rare show of celebrity vulnerability. Then, to his lawyer, because the PR manager has about a 50/50 shot of succeeding at her job. 
A few years ago, Carrie could’ve taken care of all of that with one well-timed call to her dad’s expert assistant, but Katie’s been retired and living very comfortably in Australia ever since Trevor Wilson stopped making music. Carrie calls her anyway, leaves a voicemail. Katie deserves to hear it from her and not the gossip mags.
She calls Dr. Crystal, because as soon as her dad gets out of the hospital, she’s sure he’s going to want an appointment. 
And then, once she’s curled up in an armchair much more comfortable than any hospital room furniture should be, her dad sedated in the bed next to her, Carrie calls Julie.
“Hey, Care!” she picks up after only a few rings. “What’s up?”
Carrie takes a deep breath. She hasn’t cried— she’s not sure she’s going to— but there’s still a weird lump in her throat that makes it hard to say, “Julie, are your ghosts there?”
“Uh.” Julie pauses. She must be doing that soul-searching thing she does to locate her bandmates. “Luke’s here, but Alex and Reggie are at the beach. Why? Is something wrong?”
“My dad…” Another steadying breath. “He had an accident, or something, his heart… Anyway, we’re at Cedars-Sinai, he’s got a private room. He’ll be okay, I just—”
She cuts herself off with a strangled scream as Julie’s three ghost boys pop into the room. Two of them are in swim trunks. The bassist is covered in sand.
At least Luke has the decency to look embarrassed. “Hi, Carrie. Sorry, I— went to get the boys as soon as you said ‘accident.’ Is he—?”
“Shit, Bobby,” Alex murmurs, leaning over the hospital bed. “Carrie, what happened?”
“I don’t really know,” she admits. “He said his chest was hurting and then he just… collapsed. They’re doing tests.”
Reggie’s voice is choked and wet: “Is he gonna die?”
“He can’t,” Luke insists, and he sounds angrier than Carrie’s ever heard him, his eyes shiny with tears. His fists are clenched at his sides. “We’re not gonna let him.”
It’s weird. Carrie knew these boys of Julie’s were her dad’s friends back in the day, but it didn’t really hit her until now how much they still care about him.
“I’m glad you’re here,” she says, and then feels stupid for saying it.
But the boys just nod. Alex says, “Of course. There’s nowhere we’d rather be.” And they come over to sit next to her, hold her hand, and wait for her dad to wake up.
Taglist: @whenweremarried @sunsethimb0s @pink-flame @penguin0613 @fighttoshine @sunsetcurvecuddles @teenagedirtbag-dot-jpeg @brightattheorpheum @queenmolina @jandthephantoms @lexilucacia @sapphossidechick @acnhaddict @shrimp-colours @sunset-bobby @lenacarstairspotterstewart @conversationaltreestump @burntchromas @julieandthequeers @joyandthephantoms @it-tastes-like-lizard @jatpfs 
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buddyhead · 1 year
Return Of The Axl Rose Rating System
The Fantastical Return Of The W. Axl Rose Rating System For Record Reviews!
Due to an overwhelming popular demand Buddyhead is back reviewing records! And due to the fact that we’re a one-trick pony over here plus the number of new amazing Axl photos available on the internet, the infamous Axl Rose rating system is back as well! Buddyhead certainly couldn’t be any happier to have ol’ Billy Bruce Rose back on staff nuking all the posers out there as well as handing out congratulations when needed! This new rating system will be how Buddyhead will “grade” all of the future record reviews from now on so study the images and their descriptions below so that you know what the score is when you see an Axl icons on the reviews. So, without further ado, here are the new and improved “Axl Ratings” and how they break down…
Let’s fucking gooo!
If you’d like your record reviewed send a vinyl copy to Buddyhead 106 1/2 judge john aiso st. #413 • los angeles, ca 90012
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This album is legendary! It’s pretty much perfect and prefect records remind Axl of that time when he was just vibing with a dolphin at the end of the “Estranged” music video, which was right after the dolphins swam down Sunset Blvd past The Rainbow and then he just jumped off an oil tanker to swim with em’. Good times! This record transports him back to when his music video budgets were like $4 million bucks and Converse was making him custom AXL shoes. In fact Axl likes this album so much he’s actually gonna put this one right up there next to his own masterpiece, “Appetite For Destruction”. Do you know where the fuck you are?!?!?!? You’re in jungle the chilling with dolphins baby! You’re gonna diiiiiiiieeeeeeee!!!! Haha oh hell yeah!
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2. (Killer)
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In Axl’s opinion this album is pretty fucking killer! Kinda like how it’s pretty fucking killer that his boys Duff and Slash are finally back in the band again. Sure this could of and should of happened decades ago and now everyone’s gotta pretend to care about playing “Chinese Democracy” songs but it better than never at all. Listening to this record makes Axl forget all that tho and feel as if he’s back in his glory days between "Appetite" and "Lies", when all of his hair was actually his, Metallica fucking opened up for him and he could still pull off those killer loose mesh shirts, tight as fuck spandex bike shorts and catchers gear. Back when the worst thing people would ask was “Where’s Izzy?” Better times indeed my dudes.
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3. (Pretty dope)
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Axl is totally amped on this album cuz it’s giving off a vibe that reminds him of time he wore a purple sports coat to some dinner party didn’t really wanna attend and he ended up having a great time bombed out of his mind in the basement, holding a massive lobster and telling tour stories to bunch of eager normies. Sure Slash wasn’t there and neither was Duff, Izzy or Popcorn but he did have those squares on the edges of their seats. They were nestled firmly in the palm of his hand and just hanging on his every word. It was a really good party brother… Haha oh hell yeah!
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4. (Good)
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Axl thinks this record is pretty good and he enjoyed it kind of like how he enjoys riding his bicycle with cowboy boots. In Axl’s opinion this record definitely ain’t no Use Your Illusion II, but he would probably consider taking this band on tour and might even let them stay on the whole thing unless these dudes do something stupid… like try to make eye contact with him, try to talk to his psychic or try to prevent Axl from doing multiple wardrobe changes during his set. Axl’s party can not be stopped so don’t even try!
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5. (Decent)
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Axl said he was pleasantly surprised with this record and got caught off guard by how much he liked some of the tunes. They’re almost as good he looks holding this Mike McGill skateboard. And that's saying a lot! There are def some flaws on the album, so he's not sure how many repeat listens he'll give it, but he's optimistic that this band could put out good records in the future. Maybe one day they'll get to open for Guns N' Fuckin’ Roses and see Axl helicopter in.
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6. (Mediocre)
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This isn’t the worst album Axl’s ever heard but he knows the artist could do better and that makes him kinda mad. Honestly he’d rather be back bullying Tommy Hilfiger in the VIP area of a nightclub instead of having to listen to this slop. However, you’ll notice that hint of sadness on his face which indicates that deep down he knows this record is still better than “Chinese Democracy” not to mention his wack cover of The Rolling Stones “Sympathy For The Devil”. Reminds him of that time his actions made “yellow-jacketing” become a viral term and that shit bums him the fuck out.
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7. (Bad)
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Axl thought this record was BAD. He liked this crap about as much as he liked getting arrested by the pigs while they scuffed up his dripped out Versace Guns N’ Roses shirt. Axl’s not really looking to get in the ring with this band…. yet, but he’s definitely going to have his security remove them from the area if he ever sees them hanging around him. Axl liked shit about as much as he likes St. Louis or being called William Bruce Rose Jr.
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8 . (Terrible)
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This record is terrible, like when Axl was rocking cornrows, no eyebrows and baggy jerseys in the early 2000’s. Just an embarrassing experience for everyone involved. After checking this record out Axl threw a tantrum, smashed the hotel TV, called for his fuckin limo and took off, totally bummed that he wasted time on this bullshit. He's hoping whatever the limo's bar is stocked with will help him forget what he just heard cuz he ain't got nothing better to do, and he's bored. Axl doesn't ever wants to think about this record again! Kinda like he doesn't wanna think about how DJ Ashba was in the band for a minute or how while Buckethead was in the band he was allowed a "nunchuck-solo” or that reality show Gilby Clarke was on with Tommy Lee and Jason Newsted called Supernova.
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9. (Unlistenable)
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Axl thinks this record is a total piece of shit! This records makes him angry like when people think he looks like Rip Taylor or when they don’t know that Don’t Cry, November Rain and Estranged are a mother-fucking trilogy. This album is so unlistenable and it’s pissed off him so bad that he lowered his shoulder and he’s about to bull charge anyone responsible… this includes band members, producers, engineers, mixers, A&R dudes, PR, etc… GET IN THE RING MOTHERFUCKERS OR RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!
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sunshine-overload · 2 years
[BSTS] Sinju Summer Off Day 4* Card Story
the contrast with his other summer card catching fish hahah
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chapter 1 -shopping area-
saki: (Oh, Shinju-san is here.)
shinju: Hmm… which one would be best.
saki: Shinju-san.
shinju: Uwah!? Oh it’s just you Saki-chan, that startled me~
saki: Sorry, I didn’t mean to. What were you looking at?
shinju: Rental fishing gear. Here you can rent out a complete set and fish in the river nearby.
saki: Sounds like fun.
shinju: Oh, if you’d like, do you wanna fish with me?
saki: Are you sure?
shinju: Of course! It’ll be way more fun with the two of us! Alright, we need to choose a rod and lure first. All of the lures look like real little fish, aren’t they cool? I was stuck on which one to choose.
saki: Yeah, there’s so many it’s hard to choose right away.
shinju: Right? The blue one’s nice, but so is the yellow…
-time pass, river-
saki: I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of fish we catch.
shinju: Yeah, I hope we catch lots!
(shinju casts his line)
shinju: Ok so, you’re meant to move your rod around a bit like this so the lure swims around like an actual fish, and that’s how you get a bite, or so I’ve heard.
saki: I see, so something like this?
-time pass, screen shakes-
saki: Wah! S-Shinju-san, I think I’ve got a bite!
shinju: For real!? C-calm down, Saki-chan, I’ll help you pull it out using the net!
chapter 2 -river-
shinju: You’re amazing Saki-chan, what a big catch!
saki: I’m still shocked I actually caught it. It’s thanks to your support with the net.
shinju: No problem. Alright~! I’m not gonna lose to you, I’ll catch a whole bunch of fish!
-time pass-
shinju: Hmm… nothing’s biting…
saki: I’m not getting any either.
shinju: You really are amazing though, you already managed to catch something!
saki: It was just by chance. And if you weren’t here I’m not sure how things would’ve turned out…
shinju: Hm?
saki: Getting the fish to bite is fun but I hadn’t thought at all about what you have to do after it actually happens. I’m really glad you were here to remove the lure from the fish for me.
shinju: Eheheh, it was no big deal. But I’m glad to be of service.
-time pass, sunset-
shinju: Looks like we’re running out of daylight, we should start heading back.
saki: Yeah.
shinju: In the end we really didn’t catch anything else other than that first fish huh. I’m happy we got to talk a bunch though.
saki: It makes me want to try it again.
shinju: Yeah, let’s hang out and do this again sometime!
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asexual-spongebob · 5 months
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The waves that lap the shore - chapter 16 - kisses of ash
Chapter 16 - kisses of ash 
Peso and Shellington were moon proofing the Octopod, Professor Inkling was confused, Shellington could tell what ink was thinking “we’re moon proofing so that we don’t get moonstruck” Shellington  clarified “oh okay!” 
Inkling said, then going to go get 
Kwazii walked around Queensland. They were going on a stroll and just looking around. 
Everything was going fine, Until it saw the rising moon’s reflection on the water that is. Kwazii froze, staring at the moon rise, the sunset diminishing, making way for the full moon. 
Spice up your life aah blared from Kwazii’s Nokia. Kwazii noticed it was Peso. “Hi Kwazii, it’s getting dark and it’s a full moon tonight… and you know how those are-“ Peso said “yeah don’t worry matey. I’ll be back!” Kwazii assured.
Kwazii got back to the Gup-A. Feeling unusually sweaty despite the air conditioning being on in the gup. 
Kwazii got back to the Octopod and walked into Shellington’s lab. 
“It’s so hot!” Kwazii remarked “no it’s not?” Shellington said, raising his eyebrow, “it might have a fever” Peso speculated “yeah maybe…” Kwazii acknowledged, Shellington got close and felt Kwazii’s forehead 
“Ouch!” Shellington yelped “you brunt me!” Shellington exclaimed “I think the moon might have something to do with this…” Shellington sighed. 
“Well… I’m gonna try to cool off… see ya mateys.” Kwazii meowed, going down the Octo-Chute. 
Kwazii was getting hotter and hotter by the minute. He felt like he was inside an oven.
“I need to cool down. I’m getting in the water.” Kwazii mrrped, then swimming out the Octo-Hatch. 
Shellington was in the Launch Bay looking for Kwazii  Maybe I can find him by using the Octo-Watch tracker? Shellington figured 
He saw Kwazii on Mako Island. 
“Where’s Kwazii?” Peso asked, “I’ve looked everywhere.” Peso added “oh… hon.. he’s at Mako. We gotta go find him! I know it’s risky but we gotta help him!” Shellington insisted “Flappity Flippers!” Peso exclaimed “come on let’s go!” It panicked. 
Shellington and Peso dove into the Launch Bay tank, Tweak had just came down the latter  “Tweak! Open the Octo-Hatch!” Shellington urged “but what if you get moonstruck!” Tweak fretted  “It’s an emergency! Kwazii is moonstruck and at Mako Island” “alrighty! Stay safe out there!” Tweak called as she opened the Octo-Hatch.
Peso and Shellington disappeared into a trail of bubbles, there was no time for racing for fun right now. This was urgent. 
“Where’s Kwazii?” Dashi asked “I looked everywhere but I couldn’t find them” Dashi added, glancing at Tweak “oh… um… Shellington said that he’s at Mako Island and that he’s moonstruck…” Tweak answered “I think we should go too.. just to make sure everything goes smoothly..” Dashi mumbled “yeah good idea!” Tweak agreed, getting the Gup-A.
“All right Dashi! Hop in!” Tweak said, Dashi hopped in along with Tunip. 
Kwazii resurfaced from the water, leaving paw prints in the sand, they walked around a bit more, touching a few plants, only for them to catch on fire, Kwazii flinched, he was hoping this was a nightmare he’d soon wake up from. 
However, to its dismay, this was very real. 
Paani took their paddle board around Mako, only to see orange flames flickering in the distance “oh no!” Paani gasped “I gotta to go over there!” Paani decided, paddling to the shore.
Paani wandered around for a moment, then noticing a figure in the distance. An orange cat. 
“What have I done!!” Kwazii bawled 
Paani then realized that it was Kwazii. 
What was Kwazii doing on Mako island? Paani asked herself, deciding to go investigate. 
“Kwazii?” He  questioned, seeing the cat in the middle of the burning forest  “Paani. Go away. I don’t want to hurt you.” Kwazii croaked, on verge of tears. Paani stood confused. What did Kwazii mean by “I don’t want to hurt you”?
“But I want to help you!” They insisted, getting closer to Kwazii, only to see that a ring of fire had formed around them.
Paani and Kwazii were trapped in a ring of fire, no escape in sight. Kwazii was trembling, terrified at what he had just done, his ears flattened, tail lowered on the ground, and he wanted to do something he almost never did, cry. 
Paani didn’t know what was going on, all that they knew was that Kwazii was distressed, 
he pulled Kwazii close “hey it’s okay!” Paani said softly, stroking Kwazii’s back, noticing how they were hot to the touch. 
“But Paani! I lit all this shit on fire!” Kwazii cried into Paani’s jacket “wait? What? You mean you lit everything on fire?” Paani pressed “yeah… by accident!” Kwazii clarified “because of me… powers.” Kwazii admitted, Paani rose their eyebrow at Kwazii.  
Kwazii nodded his head. 
“Paani. There’s something you should know. You were not seeing things, a mermaid did rescue you.” Kwazii began, Paani gave Kwazii a confused stare eyebrows still raised, not knowing what he meant by that.
“Because that mermaid was me” Kwazii admitted, not meeting Paani’s eyes Paani let out a gasp “what?” Paani blurted “can you say that again?” Paani requested “The mermaid that saved you was me.” Kwazii repeated, Paani sat there speechless.
“You mean, you saved me from drowning all the those months ago?” Paani finally said, Kwazii nodded “thank you..” Paani breathed 
Kwazii couldn’t keep it contained anymore. He was going to tell Paani how he felt. 
They’d felt that way for a few months, now was the time. 
“I love you… Paani…” Kwazii confessed, feeling like they were going to faint. 
Did it actually just say that? For real? This wasn’t some weird ass dream? 
Everything was starting to spin like a cyclone, 
Kwazii heard Paani say “I love you too… Kwazii..” before everything went as black as squid ink. 
Kwazii went limp in Paani’s arms. 
“Kwazii!!!” Paani shouted, Shellington and Peso had just gotten to Mako, Shellington put out the flames with buckets of water, Peso grabbed his medical bag, Dashi, Tweak and Tunip also arrived to.
“What happened?” Peso asked Paani who was in shock. “Kwazii fainted” Paani explained, looking down at Kwazii nervously, Tweak and Dashi took Kwazii to the gup, Paani got up and dusted off their pants “can I come? I want to make sure he’s safe” Paani stumbled 
“of course Paani.” Peso replied.
“What happened?” Captain Barnacles gasped at the sight of Kwazii on the stretcher “it’s a long story..” Peso said simply “yeah. We’ll tell you everything-“ Shellington added.
Captain Barnacles sat in a chair in the Med-Bay 
Kwazii woke up in a hospital bed “huh?” Kwazii rasped “Kwazii!” Shellington and Peso cheered. 
“Kwazii!!! I’m so glad you’re okay!” Paani sniffled, wiping tears off their face, pulling Kwazii into a hug “huh??” Kwazii mumbled “you got moonstruck last night… and bad…” Peso began “you burnt some of Mako… oh and you confessed to Paani..” Peso continued Kwazii’s jaw dropped it didn’t imagine that? It actually happened?  “Oh and um- Dashi and Tweak came and helped us out.” Shellington finished. 
“All I really remember was being scared… and Paani saying they loved me..” Kwazii recalled, glancing over at Paani with love in his eyes. 
Paani was blushing “come here… you.” Kwazii giggled cheekily, kissing Paani and pulling them close, Paani stood in shock, then licked Kwazii’s cheek. 
“Well I didn’t expect that to happen.” Shellington remarked “anyway we’re gonna go take a nap.” Shellington declared “Sí. Estamos cansados de cojones.” Peso agreed, waddling away with Shellington, somehow holding him in his flippers. 
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feeling-pushy · 7 months
Wishy-Witchy Waters
Part 2
Part 1
🐟Author's note: I hope these aren't too long. These two parts plus the next part were originally from the same word doc and I was gonna pot it full and unbroken. But then I saw how long it was and decided to split it into three parts. let me know if they could be shortened more and I'll be sure to do that for future parts.🐟
Sabastion fussed with his appearance all afternoon, but now that he approached the village, he felt over dressed as he tugged on his dark green cape, it was nicer than the usual tattered brown cloak he wore, but still covered his scarred arms. He also added a small wrapping around his tail in a similar color to match the cloak and tied his long hair in a simple half updo.
Now he was getting close to the entrance of the festival and he felt like he stood out, he could see some of the other merfolk staring at him and he gave them a mean glare in return, which scared them off.
As he approached the entrance, he could already see Morven waiting for him, looking at his short auburn hair it looked like there was an attempt to tame the messy wavy locks, attempt being the key word here. He also wore a seashell pendant on his chest, some coral bracelets, and his big signature smile.
Sabastion definitely felt overdressed now, but it was too late to retreat and change his attire now as the two lock eyes and Morven swims up too him looking excited.
“Hey friend! You made it!”
“Of course, I am a man of my word…”
“I like the cape; green is a nice color on you. Goes great with the wrapping too.” Sabastion tugged at his cape again, his eyes darting to the side, “Thank you.”
They floated there for a moment in a bit of an awkward silence, Sabastion did not know why he was feeling so nervous, it was just the merchant inviting him on an outing. It wasn’t anything serious, was it? Before he had too long to wonder this Morven broke the silence.
“By the way, uh, since we’re going to spend the evening together… What’s your name?”
“My name?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I ever learned your name, which is kind of silly since you’ve been a customer of mine for so long.” Morven says looking embarrassed.
“…It’s Sabastion.”
“Sabastion… We’re going to have a fun time together, I promise!”
Morven then gestures Sabastion to fallow as the two enter the festival together, inside was lively as merfolk played games, went to different activity booths, and rode rides. Everything was bright, colorful and lively; this was the opposite of Sabastian’s comfort zone.
But Morven seemed to be taking the whole thing in stride as he led Sabastion threw the booths. “Look they got seashell crafting! Let’s go try that!” Morven said pointing out a booth where small children were painting shells.
“Isn’t that for children?” Sabastion points out. “Nonsense! No sign that says we cannot join in.”
“Don’t you already craft shells for a career? Surely you do not find this child’s booth that interesting compared to what you do daily.”
“Sure, I do! Come on it’ll be fun.” Morven cheers taking them up to the booth.
The two spent the next thirty minutes painting simple clam shells, they only offered the three primary colors, as well as black and white. Sabastion wasn’t entirely sure what to make, so he opted to paint the whole thing black, then he added a dotting of white and yellow on it, trying to paint a night sky.
Morven meanwhile was going creative with it, he used the little pallet they provided to mix some colors, making purple, pink and orange and then dabbed that onto his clam shell, making very purposeful strokes as he even added dabs of white and even runs his thumb through his paint brush, speckling the clam with bits of white.
Sabastion wasn’t entirely sure what he was making until it was done and Morven showed it too him with a look of pride. It was the surface sky when it was sunset, the oranges, pinks and purple melding together to make up the sky, then for an added touch he added clouds and the speckling of white suggested stars peeking out in the near night sky.
It was captivating and Sabastion couldn't help but stare at it, he then looked at Morven, “We both received the same art supplies, yes?”
Morven laughed, “Yeah! Though maybe I have an unfair advantage cause I paint all the time in my free time.”
“I did not know you were a painter.”
“Painting, crafting, it all kind of goes hand in hand, plus it’s relaxing.”
“I see.”
“Let me see your clam.”
Sabastion avoided eye contact as he slipped the clam shell in his cape, “I rather not…”
“Aw come now I’m sure it looks nice! May I take a gander?”
Sabastion hesitated but ultimately brought his clam back out, showing him his comparatively sloppy work. Morven looked it over and smiled though, “I love the use of yellow and white stars, also you added big and little stars which I like, really adds variance to the piece.”
“Thank you…”
“Of course, now, let’s go see what else there is to do!” Morven says as he pays and leads Sabastion to the next activity. They wondered for a bit before they both stopped at a booth called ‘Fisherman’s Luck’ where there was a little area set up to the side of a booth with a large ring.
Morven looked at Sabastion, “Wanna give that a try? Bet I could catch more fish than you.”
He raised a brow at Morven, was this merchant challenging him? A powerful sea witch? Sabastion could not help but feel a little smirk cross his face, “You think so? I highly doubt that.”
Morven gives a little shrug “Well then how about we put that too the test then… Unless you’re a little blenny fish.” He says with a playful smile.
Sabastion gives a half-amused laugh, “Cheeky. All right, lets.”
The two pay for one round each and Morven allows Sabastion to go first, standing in the circle he waits for the merman at the booth to start the game.
The merman pulls a string and a bunch of colorful toy fish dart up high above his head. They then begin to sink back down at varying speeds, blue fish sinking fairly slowly, yellow fish going a bit faster and the reds sinking the fastest.
Sabastion seeing this started trying to grab for the closest fish, he tries to go for the red fish first and he manages to catch most of them, but a few still hit the floor before he can.
Of course, him being focused on the red fish also meant he let a fair amount of yellow fish sink to the floor unnoticed until too late and he barely grabbed more than three before the merman at the booth called time.
Sabastion caught only thirteen fish in total and he didn’t even catch a single blue one, Sabastion, frustrated, turned and gave the merman at the booth an icy cold glare. The merman at the booth paled, yelped, and ducked behind his booth.
Morven seeing this quickly stepped in, “Hey, thirteen isn’t too bad, I’d say it’s pretty good for a first try.” Sabastion huffed, “It’s abysmal.”
“Well, hey, you might still do better than me, I haven’t tried it yet.”
Sabastion hummed annoyed but he did calm down and stepped off to the side which allowed the merman at the booth to come out of hiding and set the fish back up for Morven’s turn.
When Morven’s turn came the merman pulled the string and Morven proceeded to try to grab as many as he could, but he seemed to fall into the same trap Sabastion did as he went for the fastest sinking fish first and missing most of the rest. When the time was up Morven only caught twelve in total.
“Darn and I was so close too!” he said with a small smile and a chuckle.
Sabastion hummed giving him a look, did the merchant throw the game to make him feel better? He would not know whether to find that insulting or touching.
The suspicion must’ve been written all over his face because Morven playfully held his hands up defensively, “I gave it my best effort I promise. I bet if we went another round, we’d do better?”
He gave it some thought but quickly shook his head, “Let find something else, I don’t like this game.”
“Alright, no problem my friend!”
The two made their way away from that game and went looking for a few more. They did find a few more that Sabastion found a lot more enjoyable, a harpoon toss which he did decently at, an image matching game that Morven absolutely nailed, he had a surprisingly sharp eye for a detail that Sabastion found impressive, as well as a few others.
Sabastion found that he was a lot more competitive than he realized, but as it turned out Morven was just as competitive, so the two of them had a lot of fun butting heads and trying to outdo each other.
He preferred it this way though, since it meant that Morven was not holding himself back in some sort of effort to appease him like a lot of other merfolk did out of fear.
By the time the two of them reached the latest game booth they were tied in the number of games and both carried a few prizes and trinkets form other booths. They needed a tie breaker and this next game what just the thing for it.
‘The Deep Dive’ is a game that used a cave system that opens just on the outskirts of the festival. In this game the cave was littered with strategically placed pearls, starting off small and getting bigger the deeper you went into the cave. Merfolk would swim down into the caves and try to go as deep down as they could to collect the biggest pearl.
You got to keep any pearls you found, and the one who could reach the very end of the deep and winding cave could get their hands on the biggest pearl of them all, it’s so hard to get that not everyone can reach it every year and sometimes the prize will sit down there for two or more years without being claimed; this year’s pearl has apparently been sitting there for five whole years unclaimed and whoever can manage to reach that pearl could win some major bragging points.
Hearing all that Sabastion wanted those bragging rights, not just over Morven, but everyone in the village, “I’m going to get that pearl.” Sabastion states.
“Oh, will yah? Not if I get it first.” Morven says which earned a scoff from Sabastion, “How about we race for it then? You think you can keep pace with me?”
"Keep pace with you? Do you not realize to whom you are challenging?"
“You may be long and sleek but don’t underestimate a dugong.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
With that last remark the two lined up against the mouth of the cave and got themselves ready, the two of them gave each other before diving down and racing threw the cave system.
As Sabastion darted threw the cave, he was indeed surprised to see Morven was keeping a decent pace with him, he was quite fast for a dugong type merman who he had assumed would be as slow as his wild counterpart.
But that still wasn’t enough as Sabastion smirked back at him and then kicked it up a notch, slowly creating a gap between the two, his powerful dolphin tail allowing him to race ahead with ease.
This lasted about a hundred feet or so, making his way down deeper into the cave, when suddenly a bout of extreme nausea hit him like a tidal wave and his abdominal muscles clenched in painful cramps causing Sabastion to freeze up.
He froze up for so long that Morven was able to catch up, though he also comes to a sudden stop when he saw the distress on the witch’s face, “Sabastion?? Are you alright?” he asks alarmed, placing a hand on his back as the witch pales.
“I-I’m going to be-” Sabastion’s starts, but quickly covers his mouth as he feels the urge to vomit start to rise with alarming speed, mouth and eyes watering. He pushes Morven to the side and starts making his way back up to the mouth of the cave.
He barely makes it back out of the cave before he violently retches, body heaving as his hands hit the floor. He continues to heave for an uncomfortable amount of time as his body aches from the sensation.
Finally, he’s able to get himself under control and takes a few deep breaths, his mind foggy and confused, what had happened? Then he placed a hand on his still cramping stomach and suddenly remembered his condition.
He mentally cussed, diving down that deep and racing like that had obviously not been good for the unborn child within him, and his body had decided to punish him thusly.
Still taking deep breaths he let out a frustrated sound, he had been able to successfully forget about his troubles all evening, but now because of his carelessness he’s been made aware of it once more.
He hated the sudden surge of feelings, mostly angry at the fact he’d managed to make himself so ill, but also at the surprising concern he had about the fetus and whether or not his actions had harmed it in some way which confused and frustrated him.
A moment later Morven appeared at the mouth of the cave as well, and seeing the mess Sabastion had made came over and placed a hand on his back, “You alright??”
“I’m… fine.” He forced out between breaths.
“Do you need me to get you anything? I can swim over and get-”
“I said I’m fine.” Sabastion snaps as he gets up.
“Hey, it’s alright friend, that sort of stuff happens to the best of us. Diving deep can make anybody feel sick.” he reassures.
Sabastion opened his mouth to speak but suddenly felt himself become overwhelmed, this was all too much; he quickly turned, not wanting the merchant to see him as he started to cry. Though the trembling of his shoulders made it apparent that he was.
He couldn’t stop himself and much like moments before he found himself unable to control the upheaval of words escaping his mouth.
“I just wanted to feel normal. I wanted to have fun and not think about my troubles for a moment! I-I wanted to get that pearl so bad. I just wanted that stupid fucking pearl. Then maybe for once people could recognize me as something other than a freak! I hate this! I hate it! No one cares! No one cares about me! I hate it here!” Sabastion cried out, spewing forth a rambling of feelings as his body shook and his heart ached, he couldn’t stop himself even as he realized in the back of his mind this had nothing to do with the pearl.
The atmosphere was heavy as the only sounds between the two mermen were Sabastion’s sobs.
“… Wait here.” Was all Morven said, and when Sabastion turned to look at him, he saw the dugong as he disappeared back threw the mouth of the cave.
Sabastion floated there confused as he watched him disappear, but remained where he was. His sobs eventually stopped and Sabastion remained in place, trying not to sniffle so pathetically as he waited for the merchant to return.
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